Jess Camacho's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation, Multiversity Comics, IGN, We The Nerdy Reviews: 678
8.3Avg. Review Rating

4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #5

Sep 6, 2017

“4 Kids Walk Into A Bank” took time to finally get in our hands as a completed work but it was worth the wait. This is a story that won't be easily forgotten because of how unique it truly was.

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4001 A.D.: Warmother #1

Aug 3, 2016

“War Mother” #1 is an excellent one shot with a ton of potential going forward. The story is great, the art is fantastic and it doesn't bog itself down with the rest of the event too much. It would be a shame to let this character go away after this event is over.

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A Voice In The Dark #4

Feb 20, 2014

A Voice in the Dark #4 is a great next chapter in this series. It blends humor, murder and makes you really get in touch with your dark side. If you're not reading it, do yourself a favor and get the first three issues. Don't trade wait, do it now.

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A Voice In The Dark #5

Mar 21, 2014

A Voice in the Dark is one of the most unique and exciting reads on the shelves now. I can't recommend it enough. Issue #5 really ups the ante and I truly cannot wait for issue #6. Zoey's falling into the darkest parts of her mind and psyche and while many of us can't connect to the desire to kill, we can connect with the struggle she's going through. Seriously, get this comic,. Read it and you'll get why this series' fans are so passionate about it.

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A Voice In The Dark #6

Apr 15, 2014

A Voice in the Dark #6 inches us closer to when Zoey commits her next murder. It's been a thrilling ride and even though we know that she's going to do it, there's still so much suspense. The moment you finish reading this you'll be looking for issue #7 immediately but alas fans, we have to be patient. Making comics takes time but it'll no doubt pay off.

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A Voice In The Dark #7

May 19, 2014

'A Voice in the Dark' #7 is a perfect example of how to end an arc. It not only wrapped up the first arc but set the stage for the second arc with a tantalizing cliffhanger that will have all fans itching for the next arc. It's been a ton of sick fun reading about Zoey Aarons and her murderous ways and it'll be a tough wait. Luckily we'll have the first trade (out June 11th) to tie us over until the fall.

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A Voice in the Dark: Get Your Gun #1

Sep 25, 2014

"A Voice in the Dark: Get Your Gun" is off to a smooth and solid start, and there's really no reason to continue passing up on this series. It's one of the darkest and most unique books being put out by any publisher. Zoey Aarons continues to be a compelling protagonist and Larime Taylor's scripting is spot on.

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A Voice in the Dark: Get Your Gun #2

Jan 15, 2015

"A Voice in the Dark: Get Your Gun #2" is a real success and despite the delay, the story doesn't lose a beat. As I mentioned, Larime Taylor and his wife Sylv ran into some health issues which delayed the book. Larime took in him mom and brother and his wife had to have surgery after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. So, support this excellent book and if you can, donate to the ongoing fund here.

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A-Force (2016) #1

Jan 8, 2016

“A-Force” #1 is a fine debut with lots of elements to enjoy and for fans of these characters and those looking for an alternative to the main Avengers title, this is definitely one to stick with. Like many current superhero titles, this will grow and evolve but needs time to do so.

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A-Force (2016) #2

Feb 8, 2016

I want to love "A-Force" and while I'm not ready to give up on it, I do want a little something more.

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A.D.: After Death #3

May 11, 2017

A provocative finale that will stay with you for a long time after closing the book.

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Adventures of Supergirl #1

May 11, 2016

“Adventures of Supergirl” #1 is a great entry way to the character for new fans. As someone coming into this very behind on the TV series, I felt like I wasn't missing crucial parts of the story that kept me from enjoying it. Gates and Bengal really understand this character inside and out and create a story that caters to a wide audience. This is a charming and unabashedly sweet comic book.

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Afterlife With Archie #7

Dec 12, 2014

"Afterlife With Archie" returns from a lengthy break and doesn't lose a step. Consistent and one of the year's biggest surprises.

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Afterlife With Archie #10

Sep 2, 2016

“Afterlife With Archie” continues to be the best book that Archie is putting out and this issue is a great example of why. Each page is used to maximum potential and despite being away from the action, it adds something very important to the mythos of this world.

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Alex + Ada #9

Oct 3, 2014

"Alex + Ada" #9 continues to prove why this series is so special.

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Alex + Ada #14

Apr 29, 2015

“Alex + Ada” is innovative, emotional and absolutely beautiful. This issue is heartbreaking but also moving and beautiful in every way. We have one more issue to but it's safe to say that this is a series we'll all be talking about for years to come.

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Alex + Ada #15

Jun 17, 2015

“Alex + Ada” #15 is the ending we all deserved as fans of the series but more importantly, it's the perfect ending the story deserved. Vaughn and Luna cement this as one of the greatest romance stories told in comics thank to this finale that leaves you feeling full closure. I desperately hope we get a hardcover collection of the entire series so that this can be enjoyed by more people for years to come.

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Alice Cooper #1

Sep 5, 2014

"Alice Cooper" #1 is all set up and has some issues with characterization, but it also has the potential to be a really cool supernatural story. Joe Harris and Eman Csallos seem up to the task and from what we got here, there's little reason to pass on the second issue.

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Alien Legion: Uncivil War #1

Jun 25, 2014

Overall, Alien Legion: Uncivil War #1 is not an easy read to get into because it doesn't appear to be geared towards new readers. Fans of previous volumes of Alien Legion should have no issue getting into this. If anything, it's a worthwhile purchase because of Stroman's art.

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All-New Captain America #1

Nov 16, 2014

It's more of a character study than anything else. Interspersed in the character study are awesome action scenes done by the great Stuart Immonen. He is a master at his craft and it's on full display here. This is a great introduction to the character and what kind of hero he wants to be.

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All-New Wolverine #1

Nov 15, 2015

“All-New Wolverine” #1 is the start of something new and maybe has the potential to be better than much of the recent Logan starring series. As someone who's never been a big fan of the Wolverine character, I consider myself converted and fully on board with what this team is giving us.

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All-New X-Factor #1

Jan 10, 2014

All New X-Factor is mostly set up but definitely worth the read. As someone who never really got into the previous volumes of X-Factor, I was not lost. It's very accessible and does feel like a totally new series. With some issues involving the artwork and costume designs, the story is still very good. There was a perfect balance of humor, action and drama.

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All-New X-Factor #8

May 22, 2014

Overall, All New X-Factor #8 is the best issue of the series so far and sets up a lot of potential strife between X-Factor and Harrison Snow.

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All-New X-Factor #11

Jul 17, 2014

All-New X-Factor is easily the most underrated X-title going right now and deserves a lot more attention.

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All-New X-Men #17

Oct 3, 2013

The art is still really beautiful and these different versions of the X-Men are done very well. You don't get confused who you're looking at because each character is done in a distinct way. I am counting down the days until the next issue and since it will be released right before the beginning of NYCC, I'm hoping for something big.

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All-New X-Men #18

Nov 13, 2013

Overall this was a really good comic post Battle of the Atom and a perfect place for new readers to jump on.

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All-New X-Men #21

Jan 15, 2014

Overall, All New X-Men #21 is not a bad book but it isn't that great. The story falls a bit flat but the X-23 stuff really works. The art work from Peterson works very well for this story and I'm starting to like the costumes just a little bit more. Bendis is doing a very nice job on Uncanny but I feel Bendis needs to step up a little bit more here. Hopefully the Trial of Jean Grey arc gets me more invested in this series.

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All-New X-Men #22.NOW

Jan 24, 2014

This is a great issue of All New X-Men and has me excited to pick up not only the next issue of All New X-Men but also Guardians of the Galaxy. The reaction of Star Lord was priceless. Tons of humor and and action is what every comic should have.People have a very love hate relationship with the writing of Brian Michael Bendis but I have enjoyed his tenure on the X books so far despite some hiccups along the way. Also the .NOW initiative that gives us not only the digital copy of this comic but of the first trade at no extra cost makes this something any new reader would enjoy very much.

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All-New X-Men #23

Feb 13, 2014

I've been enjoying Uncanny X-Men more than this series but this crossover, which I was not exactly excited about before hand, has made me start to rethink that a little. A fun comic with witty dialogue and great art is something no one should miss. This is also a great place for the newer X readers to jump on and that's never a bad thing. This crossover is not to be missed.

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All-New X-Men #25

Apr 10, 2014

All New X-Men #25 is not a whole lot story wise but it does act as a bookend to what has happened in the series so far. Things are different post ‘Trial of Jean Grey' so this pause was not unneeded. Story wise there wasn't a ton here to get excited about but it did help to build up to the big Original Sin event. The art was really the selling point here and it didn't disappoint. I'm excited for what comes next in the journey of these kids.

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All-New X-Men #26

May 1, 2014

Brian Bendis knows how to write humor, especially in a team dynamic, and as with the whole series thus far he does a wonderful job this month. Stuart Immonen is truly a master artist and when he's on, we get a gorgeous book like this. From front to back this is a beautiful X-Men book.

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All-New X-Men #27

May 16, 2014

All New X-Men #27 is a great read. It does leave a lot more things up in the air than resolved. However, that's what makes this so exciting. The Brotherhood is back and they are going to be a real pain for the original X-Men.

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All-New X-Men #28

Jun 13, 2014

Overall All New X-Men #28 is a good issue outside of some possible continuity errors. The story is high quality and boasts some very good characterizations. A lot of plots are starting to pay off and by 28 issues in, it's a lot of fun to see happen.

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All-New X-Men #30

Aug 13, 2014

Overall “All New X-Men” #30 is a strong issue. One of the strongest from this series in the last few months. It's got quintessential Bendis quips and adds more to the mythology of this series. It's also damn beautiful.

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All-New X-Men: Special #1

Oct 4, 2013

The only reason this did not get a perfect 10 is that it is the first issue so it can end up being a total bust and I'm also not sold on the idea of this taking place is more than just the X books. It seems like you'll have to buy Indestructable Hulk and Superior Spider-Man specials #1-#3 as well. Not crazy about that.

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All-Star Batman #5

Dec 28, 2016

“All-Star Batman” #5 is a great, energetic finale for this first arc. The writing is top notch and the art team clicks. I'm excited to see what we get in the next Mr. Freeze centric story.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1

May 2, 2014

Overall, Amazing Spider-Man #1 is a very good read. The back ups are better overall than the main story but that is because it sets up so much more going forward. The main story acts as more of an epilogue to Otto's story. Luckily for Peter Parker fans, his return was not a whimper thus saving Dan Slott a headache and many members of the comic fanbase a lot of needless whining. The art is a bit all over the place in the main story. This is a great introduction to the Spider-Man character and is perfect to give to a new reader. Peter Parker is back and all is right in the world.

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America #1

Mar 1, 2017

“America” is off to a strong start that captures all aspects of this character in a way that will please longtime fans and new fans alike. I can only hope that this series is allowed to run its course and be all that it aspires to be.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #1

Mar 19, 2014

American Vampire Second Cycle #1 is a great introduction to this series for new readers. Snyder and Albuquerque have not lost a step and this feels like the first part of this series in every way. This is all setup but never once comes off boring or unnecessary. If you've ever had any desire to get into American Vampire, this is the place to do it. It's the best thing Scott Snyder writes as it's layered and completely original.

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Angel City #4

Jan 11, 2017

“Angel City” #4 is not so much a turning point for the story but it does mark a point where we can see how things are falling into place. This series continues to be a great example of how to craft a greatcrime saga.

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Angel City #6

Mar 16, 2017

A little fast but I couldn't imagine a better ending than this.

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Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1

Dec 5, 2014

"Angela Asgard's Assasin" #1 is a solid debut that doesn't totally blow me out of the water but is a visual treat. There's a lot of potential within this story and with a character like Angela the sky is really the limit.

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Angela: Queen Of Hel #1

Oct 30, 2015

"Angela: Queen of Hel" #1 is a very good debut but some art problems hurt it. It's accessible but continues the established storyline from "Asgard's Assassin" so for fans of this character, it's not something you'll want to skip.

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Angela: Queen Of Hel #5

Feb 26, 2016

“Angela: Queen of Hel” #5 is a very strong issue to end an arc on and I can only hope the trade sales are good enough to keep this book going a bit longer. It's an important part of the Marvel lineup due to the relationship between Angela and Sera. It's action packed, fun, romantic but a bit more grown up and something Marvel definitely needs more of.

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Angry Birds Comics #1

Jun 12, 2014

Aquaman writer Jeff Parker's opener stuck out the most. His tale is funny in all the right ways. He gives all the birds distinct voices and makes the green piggies bad enough to be the antagonists.

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Aquaman (2011) #42

Jul 27, 2015

I typically enjoy Bunn's writing but "Aquaman" #42 is a mess.

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Archer & Armstrong: The One Percent #1

Nov 16, 2014

Ultimately, we see how rebellion has been co-opted by the ruling elites and how the old guard is replaced by a new generation that's just as corrupt as their predecessors. It's a gleefully nihilistic and cynical story that forms an interesting post-script to this most recent run of Archer & Armstrong and sets up a compelling villain for our heroes to face in the future. In the meantime, Austin and his cohort are going to watch the world burn.

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Archie #666

Jun 4, 2015

As "Archie" next month moves on into a new direction it says goodbye to the past in proper fashion. "Archie" #666 is a bittersweet ending that does it's best to touch base with everything it can in just one regular sized issue. This would have been even better if it were extended and featured even more creators. As nice as it and as nice as the flashbacks are, it doesn't do quite enough. It's not cynicism but more a longing for something more. This should have been bigger, more special and more important. Now we turn the page and see what the company offers next and if it has the longevity this series had.

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Archie (2015) #1

Jul 9, 2015

"Archie" #1 is a fantastic start to a new era for these characters. It's a worthy re-imagining that should hopefully entice a lot more younger readers to comics.

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Arclight #1

Jul 1, 2015

“8house: Arclight” #1 is the start of a shared fantasy universe that very easily can be the next big fantasy comic. It has a compelling cast, phenomenal world building and art that will knock you on your butt. Everyone calls everything “can't miss” but this honestly feels like the start of something very special.

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Arclight #2

Aug 5, 2015

“8house” is building something huge and there's no reason not to be on board for it. From a writing standpoint, Graham has huge plans and that's very exciting as a reader. The world of “8house” is massive and the long game is being played. “8house”ispushing the limits of what monthly comics are and it's a series that can't be ignored.

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Arkham Manor #1

Oct 23, 2014

“Arkham Manor” is probably not a needed Bat-book but it does offer something new and fresh. Fans of horror or mystery should take notice. It's also one of the few $2.99 books at the Big Two so it's worth checking out for yourself.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2

Oct 16, 2014

“Axis” is a mess. With a big shipping schedule like this, it can't afford to be. I wish I liked this more but I can't bring myself to pick up issue three. “Axis” would maybe have worked better if it were just an “Uncanny Avengers” storyline. Spilling out everywhere like this feels a little insane and unmanageable.

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Babyteeth #1

Jun 9, 2017

“Babyteeth” #1 is a strong debut that does a great job at being a true first issue that gives us lots to want to come back to without feeling hollow. The art and coloring is great and I'm excited for more.

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Backstagers #2

Oct 3, 2016

"The Backstagers" is a winner and could easily be the next big thing for BOOM!

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Balkans Arena #1

Sep 9, 2015

"Balkans Arena" is a solid dramatic tale that focuses on the right themes and doesn't bombard us with gratuitous violence. Thirault and Miguel tell a human tale, flaws and all.

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Barb Wire (2015) #1

Jun 10, 2015

“Barb Wire” #1 is not perfect but there's so much potential here and it's a ton of fun.“Barb Wire” #1 reintroduces the character to a new audience perfectly and not a series you should sleep on.

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Barbarella and The Wrath Of The Minute Eater #1

Apr 13, 2015

“Barbarella” is a very good read that should appeal to any science fiction fan, especially those looking to get into classic works. This is fun and full of huge sci fi concepts. It's a book very much worth your time and money.

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Batgirl (2011) #36

Nov 12, 2014

I was critical of “Batgirl” #35 but “Batgirl” #36 has changed my initial reaction. I'm into where this is going if this issue is any indication of what we're going to get going forward. It's fun, light hearted but still kicks ass. I don't know if I'm totally won over but I can guarantee that I'll be back for “Batgirl” #37.

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Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

I'm extremely sad to see Gail Simone leave this book but this is a perfect issue for her to go out on. Everything really comes full circle despite being set in the future. Garron's art is gorgeous. This truly is the end of an era as next month begins radical changes that we will all have to adjust to whether we're ready or not.

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Batgirl (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

“Batgirl” #1 does not reinvent the character but instead strikes a balance between the old and the new that every Batgirl fan should enjoy. This debut does move at a fast pace and only scratches the surface but it does set up some interesting developments for Barbara.Larson shows an understanding of Barbara Gordon's personality and the art team of Albuquerque and McCaig do a fantastic job bringing this script to life.

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Batman '66: The Lost Episode #1

Nov 21, 2014

"Batman '66: The Lost Episode" #1 is a nice story that brings a lost script to life. For the most part it stays true to what the comic series has been since it began. If the cover price weren't so high I would suggest this to everyone but unfortunately I think the only people who will be willing to shell out $9.99 for this are the "Batman '66" die hards and even then it's a stretch.

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Batman (2011) #24

Oct 15, 2013

A rare perfect 10 and worth the extra money.

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Batman (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

Another great issue and I'm really looking forward to the next one. This is still, to me, the best series in DC right now.

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Batman (2011) #26

Dec 11, 2013

My biggest problem is that I'm starting to worry that there's too much going on. I like a layered story but I feel a little ripped off. I was really excited to see The Riddler and while adding such a classic villain like Doctor Death is a great idea I feel the main Riddler storyline is starting to disappear a little bit. I have no doubt that it will all work out in the end but it is a concern of mine.

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Batman (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

Next issue will be a break from Zero Year. Once again this issue was light on The Riddler but the cliffhanger promises more of him. Actions fans may be a little disappointed here but Batman #27 is a fantastic issue and ties up some loose ends that needed tying.

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Batman (2011) #28

Feb 12, 2014

Overall Batman #28 is not a bad issue but it really is just all setup to Batman Eternal. Complete setup. I would have preferred to get more of Zero Year and not pay $3.99 for an almost full on advertisement. However the strong writing of Snyder and Tynion with the great art by Nguyen make it worth the read. It's also a great place for the new Batman readers to hop aboard the series.

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Batman (2011) #29

Mar 12, 2014

While Zero Year was something I have been skeptical over, I can no longer deny its greatness. This is a class “first” Batman adventure and when collected will be re-read by millions for years to come. From page one to nearly the end there is all story making the $4.99 price not an exaggeration. Issue #29 of Batman is where Bruce really becomes Batman as it always been more about what he does and not about the suit.

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Batman (2011) #30

Apr 16, 2014

Batman #30 is a lot of exposition but all of it is needed. While not as action packed as issue #29, there is a lot of fantastic set up and Riddler drama. The end of Zero Year is beginning but Snyder and company are not slowing down. I think it's safe to say at this point that Zero Year is yet another Snyder and Capullo classic Batman arc.

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Batman (2011) #31

May 31, 2014

Overall Batman #31 is another exciting piece to the buildup of the final showdown between The Riddler and Batman. Despite some fatigue from how long Zero Year has been, but that hasn't taken away from the quality of the story. The Riddler has become one of the best re-do's of the new 52 and while an origin story wasn't exactly necessary to read again, at least it's been good.

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Batman (2011) #33

Jul 23, 2014

Overall Batman #33 was a very poignant and wrapped things up in Zero Year very nicely. As always Team Batman kills it on art. It was a long arc that had a pretty nice payoff. It only falters in the sense that it was a bit too predictable. That didn't take away from the enjoyment as a whole though. Zero Year is a good example of long form comic storytelling and it'll be exciting to read it in a collected version all at once.

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Batman (2011) #34

Aug 13, 2014

“Batman” #34 is a solid bridge issue that builds anticipation for “Arkham Manor” and catches up the series with the status quo of the Batman universe. It's not forgettable but it's also not the greatest “Batman” issue ever. It is a solid detective story that builds up anticipation for the next, and hopefully big, Batman series “Arkham Manor”. I recommend this to any fan of the series or anyone wanting to jump in, as this is a perfect entry point.

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Batman (2011) #36

Nov 14, 2014

‘Endgame' is off to an amazing start. Thanks to it starting in a post “Batman Eternal” world it's also a great place to jump into the series. This is shaping up to be a classic Batman vs. Joker showdown that cannot be missed.

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Batman (2011) #37

Dec 17, 2014

“Batman” #37 has made ‘Endgame' become a must read Batman story. It's fast paced, intelligent and scary. The Joker is back in a way that's made him more dangerous than ever. He's a mix of the more recent versions comics has seen before but there's a nice hint of Heath Ledger in the characterization. All in all, this is an absolute must read for Batman fans and comic fans alike.

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Batman (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 13, 2014

Despite that wonderful scene, there is still a lot of problems within this issue. It is sadly one of the weaker Future's End tie ins. Batman fans will find plenty of interesting points but a casual fan may have a hard time wrapping their head around a lot of what happens.

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Batman (2016) #1

Jun 15, 2016

“Batman” #1 is a fine start to what will hopefully be King's next great DC saga. With “The Omega Men” he shocked us all by delivering what might just be the best Kyle Rayner story ever. Can he, along with Finch, Bellaire and more, do the same for Batman? It's still undecided, but there are some interesting questions asked by this issue and I'm eager to see this storyline develop.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #11

May 22, 2014

Batman Superman #11 doesn't really feel like an issue within this series but it does act as a great chapter to the Doomed crossover event.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #28

Jan 17, 2016

"Batman Superman" #28 is not something I've never read before but this is what I needed. This is a classic feeling team-up in which no one asks whether or not the other one bleeds.

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Batman / TMNT Adventures #2

Dec 14, 2016

"Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" #2 is an enjoyable read that fans of both franchises will absolutely flip over.Younger readers especially will love this adventure and the lively art.

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Batman: Black and White (2013) #1

Oct 8, 2013

I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of this series. The statues that are out on sale now are artistic gems but the comic version is pretty damn good too. The main Batman series is written so well. One of the best series on shelves now but this was just pure fun.ay he draws Bruce Wayne here. He's a big guy. Large arms, chiseled jaw. That's how I like my Bruce Wayne to look. He doesn't have super powers so he has to compensate for it with his size. He gets to shine here as well because it is a fast story with a lot of action. He does action scenes very well.

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Batman: Black and White (2013) #2

Oct 9, 2013

Overall this was a solid issue but not nearly as wonderful and fun as the first one. Next issue features one of my personal favorites, Paul Dini, along with Lee Bermejo, Damion Scott, Marv Wolfman, Riccardo Burchielli, Rian hughes, and Stephane Roux.

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Batman: Black and White (2013) #4

Dec 13, 2013

Overall this comic was nothing more than good art. None of the stories were particularly excellent and as a whole the miniseries has started to diminish in quality. The Amanda Conner cover comes close to being the best thing of the issue. I didn't hate it but with five stories I would have liked to enjoy at least three of them. I was only into the Dustin Nguyen story and Tea " Minus Party. I can only hope that the next batch of creators does a better job.

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Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 9, 2014

While I am completely on board with this series, I'm not sure just yet if this is a must read on a weekly basis. With that said though, there's definitely enough here to get people to come back for issue #2 next week. For the impatient reader like myself, Batman Eternal being weekly is a dream come true. This story has some serious potential going forward after issue #1 and my expectations are a bit higher now.

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Batman: Eternal #2

Apr 18, 2014

There are some major questions about this comic left. Mostly about a possible major Batman story that may be in New 52 continuity. The reveal at the end is fantastic and even though a week isn't long to wait, I'm already anxious. Batman Eternal #2 has some pacing problems it's still a great read.

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Batwoman (2010) #31

May 22, 2014

Batwoman #31 has its share of Wolf Spider " Batwoman fights that are entertaining but the problem lies in Wolf Spider himself. It's become painfully obvious who he is and it takes away from the fun of solving it ourselves.

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Beautiful Canvas #1

Jun 28, 2017

“Beautiful Canvas” #1 is the start of something that will be very special. This is unlike anything else in the genre and this creative team is so in sync with each other that it's hard to pass on this. I'm eager to see this story unfold.

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Bee and PuppyCat #2

Jun 12, 2014

Bee and Puppycat #2 is great for your younger sister, daughter or niece, but might be too kiddie for the older crowd.

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Betty & Veronica (2016) #1

Jul 21, 2016

Aside from a couple of really great panels, this is a mess.

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Birthright #3

Dec 5, 2014

Williamson and Bressan have really got something here with "Birthright" and it's just going to get better with time.

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Bitch Planet #1

Nov 19, 2014

"Bitch Planet" #1 does not give a ton of insight to where the entire series are going but this one shot like story focusing on one inmate does a fabulous job of setting up the tone and world. It definitely does the job of guaranteeing you'll pick up issue two. "Bitch Planet" is going to be big. You'll want to get on this hype train before it's too late.

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Bitch Planet #2

Jan 30, 2015

"Bitch Planet" keeps up the momentum and delivers with an even better second issue.

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Bitch Planet #3

Feb 19, 2015

"Bitch Planet" #3 is not a perfect comic book, but it is powerful and does boast strong artwork. It's also a pretty decent place to jump in. This series has become polarizing but is worth your attention.

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Black Canary (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

“Black Canary” has a lot of room, narratively, to grow. This issue presents Black Canary in a brand new way and it'll be easy for longtime fans to dismiss the entire thing. Don't do that. This is new but it's not truly bad and deserves the chance to grow and become a memorable chapter in the history of Black Canary.

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Black Canary (2015) #9

Mar 21, 2016

It may not be a part of the "main" story but it's a fun fill in that proves these things don't have to feel like "throwaways".

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Black Hammer #3

Sep 22, 2016

"Black Hammer" is a book that deserves all the hype it can possibly get. This is great work.

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Black Hammer #6

Dec 21, 2016

“Black Hammer” continues to be working on a level higher than every other series in this genre. Lemire, Ormston and Stewart are doing something so special here and every comic book reader should be taking notice.

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Black Science #6

May 1, 2014

What makes independent comics so special is that anything can happen, and with Black Science #6, Rick Remender does that in spades.

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Black Widow (2014) #1

Jan 8, 2014

Black Widow #1 is not perfect though. The action is there and the tone is right but it feels a little like I've heard this story before. I don't think this will become a problem because there's a lot of good here but I do worry about predictability. There is clear influence here of Ed Brubaker's crime work. However, despite the feeling of familiarity, this was an excellent read and has a very bright future.

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Black Widow (2014) #3

Feb 8, 2014

While Black Widow #3 is a great comic with the best art in any Marvel comic, I am still waiting for more. We know that Black Widow can kick some serious butt but I want to see more. I have total faith that Edmondson and Noto won't let me down.

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Bloodshot U.S.A. #1

Oct 27, 2016

This is really amping up the crazy violence the Bloodshot books are known for and I'm so here for it.

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Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Aug 26, 2016

This has a lot of potential going forward if Giffen and Kolins can figure out how to write teenagers.

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Bob's Burgers #1

Aug 30, 2014

Overall Bob's Burgers #1 is a book that fans of the TV series will want to pick up. It won't draw in new viewers but it'll amuse the current fans. This book has some pretty good art and some genuinely funny moments but comes a little short of matching the show.

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Bob's Burgers #2

Sep 26, 2014

There's still a lot of potential for greatness here but as of now it's just not doing enough to grab this Bob's Burgers fan.

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Bodies #1

Jul 30, 2014

Bodies #1 is a very strong debut. There's a great mystery here and characters that readers can get behind. Even better, time is being taken to set the stage. There are hints dropped throughout the first issue but Spencer creates a script that makes you desire issue two almost immediately after reading this issue. Bodies is a book with a ton of promise and I will certainly return for issue two and beyond.

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Bodies #2

Aug 28, 2014

“Bodies” is proving to be a complex, riveting mystery that should continue to draw in readers. Spencer and this art team are giving us a Vertigo book that is living up to the rich history of the line. This one cannot be missed.

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Bodies #4

Oct 26, 2014

The most striking thing about this particular issue is how everything is beginning to sync up. I can't predict what's going to happen and that's a great change of pace in mainstream comics. The art team continues to hit a home run and so "Bodies" is a Vertigo series that shows there's still lots of talent at this classic imprint.

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Booster Gold (2007): Futures End #1

Sep 24, 2014

Overall "Booster Gold: Future's End" #1 is a great issue. We may not have a ton of Booster Gold in the New 52 but when it shows up it's big and well worth the wait. This not only amps me up for what the future holds in the New 52 but I'm much more into "Future's End" as a whole and can't wait to get my hands on Earth 2 World's End.

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Broken World #4

Sep 3, 2015

"Broken World" started off strong and while pieces of it worked, it just never quite came together. It wasn't a total disaster but it does leave you feeling a bit too empty.

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Bullseye (2017) #1

Feb 2, 2017

A very good introduction (or reintroduction) to the character that makes no apologies for who he is but finds a way to deliver a compelling story.

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Burning Fields #1

Jan 21, 2015

“Burning Fields” #1 is an excellent debut from a team that's already done great work together. This may top “Curse”, which is saying quite a lot. The story is relevant, finely crafted and an absolute must read for all comic fans. Don't wait till this is sold out to buy it. Get it now and get behind what's going to be a dark and gripping story.

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C.O.W.L. #1

May 28, 2014

C.O.W.L. is undoubtedly going to be an exciting series. With so many directions to go, there's no way any superhero fan can pass up this title. The premise is unique, the characters are gripping and the art is fantastic. Kyle Higgins and Rod Reis have a series here that is on the bubble of a massive success and it'll be fun seeing where this goes.

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C.O.W.L. #6

Nov 28, 2014

"C.O.W.L." #6 is not the most "new reader friendly" issue of the series and it does take a break from the action but it is still very good. "C.O.W.L." seems to fly under a lot of people's radar and it's a shame. This has become something special and for my money it's easily one of the best ongoings at Image right now.

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Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #1

Nov 14, 2014

"Captain America and the Mighty Avengers" #1 is a solid comic book but does have some major drawbacks. Starting off as a tie in doesn't do it any favors. Things will no doubt settle down when "Axis" ends, but if you read the previous volume then you should have no problem getting right back into things with this issue.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #5

Jul 10, 2014

Captain Marvel #5 is a perfect example of how great a writer Kelly Sue DeConnick is. She knows when to use humor and when to get down to business. This issue is all business.

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Captain Ultimate #4

Oct 31, 2013

I think this a great comic. It isn't something you compare to Saga or Batman but it is really a fun read. Who, as a little kid, didn't want to be a superhero? I know I did. Milo not only gets to save the neighborhood but also gets to hang out with a superhero all the time, but he's exactly like all the old school WWF wrestlers you used to watch (wink wink). If you're looking for a fun comic that will de stress you and give you a good laugh then this is something I suggest you download.

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Capture Creatures #1

Nov 28, 2014

Cute but doesn't do quite enough in its debut

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Catwoman (2011) #35

Oct 24, 2014

Selina Kyle is very much back. She's not an object or assistant to anyone anymore. She's living a much darker life now that will test her morality and place in the Bat-Family, but the future is bright thanks to this creative team.

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Catwoman (2011) #36

Nov 28, 2014

"Catwoman" continues to be one of the biggest surprises of the year.

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Catwoman (2011) #37

Dec 19, 2014

"Catwoman" #37 is a winner and this story so far is almost perfect.

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Catwoman (2011) #39

Feb 28, 2015

“Catwoman” is a fantastic series with so much going for it. It might not be for fans of the more fun and playful Catwoman but it's more than worth a try. This is new territory for the character and I'm excited to see what this team has up their sleeve next.

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Catwoman (2011) #43

Aug 13, 2015

“Catwoman” continues to be one of the very best DC books. This issue builds up a lot more tension to an already tense book and the art is great. Valentine and Messina are creating a classic Catwoman story that will be remembered for a very long time.

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Catwoman (2011) Annual #2

Dec 27, 2014

The "Catwoman Annual" #2 is a real success. I've said a million times now but this new direction is the most important one that's happened in the Gotham books. It's been a near 3 year struggle for Selina Kyle but Genevieve Valentine is on to something. It's much darker than what has come before but she's made this series jump to the top of my to read pile.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #1

Oct 19, 2016

“Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye” #1 feels special. It. It's got a very Wes Anderson vibe about it but isn't afraid to get weird. Oeming and Filardi bring their A game to the artand because of this, the Young Animal line has yet another successful launch.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #5

Feb 16, 2017

Definitely a bridge to the big final fight but undoubtedly full of great character moments.

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Chrononauts #1

Mar 19, 2015

“Chrononauts” is off to a great start with a solid story, likable characters and an art team that you'd be hard pressed to beat. This is a beautiful book artistically in every sense and if you're on the fence, buy it for that alone.

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Clockwork Angels #1

Mar 19, 2014

Clockwork Angels #1 is a great comic that any fantasy fan will enjoy. With steampunk influences and with the base of the story coming from the lyrics of the legendary Neal Peart, this comic is a must read. Anderson does so much here and not once does the comic feel overstuffed or rushed. I am really excited for issue #2.

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Clockwork Angels #2

May 1, 2014

The star of this series though is artist Nick Robles. His art is deliciously steampunk and fans of the genre should take note of this series.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #1

Sep 4, 2015

"Colder: Toss The Bones" #1 is the beginning of the end and while there's reason to be sad, it's going to be exciting watching these three characters' stories come to a close. Tobin's writing it top notch and Ferreyra continues to blow us away with his killer artwork.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #5

Feb 1, 2016

Not the ending I predicted but a concrete and logical finale.

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Conan / Red Sonja #1

Jan 14, 2015

"Conan Red Sonja" #1 is off to an excellent start. It's action packed, dramatic but a ton of fun thanks to the humor Simone and Zub inject in the script. It's the perfect entry way into these two characters so if you're a fan of either writer (and really, how could you not?) then this is something you'll absolutely need to pick up. If you're an "old school" Conan and Red Sonja fan, you'll find a lot to enjoy as well.

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Conan: The Slayer #1

Jul 14, 2016

This is a really solid place to start reading the adventures of Conan

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #3

Aug 12, 2015

“Constantine: The Hellblazer” #3 is a very good issue with a mystery that feels like something out of the classic “Hellblazer” series. It addresses a lot of the less savory aspects of John's personality. The artwork is different from what Rossmo does but is really top notch work from two of the best artists working in comics right now. Each issue of this series has gotten better and “Constantine: The Hellblazer”, in time, could be one of the very best series DC puts out on a monthly basis.

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Copperhead #7

May 15, 2015

"Copperhead" #7 is definitely a bridge to something bigger but it does a very fine job exploring gender roles and Clara's personality. As much as I loved this issue, I do think it's time to get some more backstory on Boo. I want to know his story and I want to know what makes him tick. I want him to be as fleshed out as Clara is. This is a series that doesn't get the kind of publicity it deserves. If you're a fan of westerns or Firefly, this is something worth checking out.

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Copperhead #12

Apr 13, 2017

“Copperhead” #12 is another wonderful issue in a series that more people should be reading. It's dramatic, tense but also subtly funny. This arc is proving to be a game changer in many ways and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Crosswind #1

Jun 22, 2017

All set up to the chaos that's soon to follow these two characters, but does more than enough to get you on board with where it wants to go.

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Curb Stomp #1

Feb 25, 2015

“Curb Stomp” #1 is not something to pass at your local comic shop this week. I can't remember a single BOOM! Studios book that even remotely resembled this book. If there's going to be a book that makes this creative team “famous” then this is the one. “Curb Stomp” is exciting and ass kicking in every sense.

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Curse Words #1

Jan 18, 2017

“Curse Words” #1 is a blastand will appeal to an audience who might not be into your more serious high fantasy epic. Soule's writing is top notch but it is Browne and Boyd who steal the show with their fantastic artistic collaboration. This is the start of something special.

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Cyclops (2014) #1

May 7, 2014

Overall this is a fun space pirate adventure that is made even more vibrant by the art team of Russell Dauterman and Chris Sotomayor. Their character designs are unique and fresh while still being light in the vast darkness of space. Cyclops #1 is a great debut issue. It will not only bring back fans who gave up on him after Avengers vs. X-Men but is also a perfect entry point for new readers.

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D4VE #5

Jun 4, 2014

D4VE has been a great ride. Issue #5 was a great wrap up to the arc and on the whole, the series was a gem. Many readers are still on the fence about buying digital only series. Without a doubt, D4VE is the kind of series that can change the mind of anyone that feels that. Monkeybrain consistently puts out some of the best independent books of any publisher and D4VE is a perfect example of the talent their creators have.

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DC / Hanna-Barbera: Booster Gold/The Flinstones #1

Mar 29, 2017

"Booster Gold/Flintstones" #1 is a blast and fits in with "The Flintstones" very well. It's a one shot not work passing up if you're reading the series and if you miss Booster Gold (like me) you'll feel that void filled.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #1

Jul 27, 2015

“DC Comics Bombshells” #1 is the first of three chapters that will make up the first print issue so it's obviously very short. However, Sauvage and Bennett have something very exciting here and I'm really looking forward to more.

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DC Super Hero Girls: Finals Crisis #1

Jul 1, 2016

"DC Super Hero Girls: Finals Crisis" is downright fun. There's almost no way you can pick this up and not fall in love with these new characterizations. It'll bring a smile to even the most jaded comic book fans and is a must buy for young girls looking to get into comic books. It's a beautifully drawn book with happiness radiating from it.

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DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 25, 2016

Cynics will call “DC Universe: Rebirth” an overstuffed mess but it makes promises that the New 52 era never did. It teases the return of things that long time readers loved and it makes it clear that the old and new can coexist. In this regard it might be a bit safe but after a few years of not living up to expectations, being safe isn't exactly the worst thing to be. I'm excited for what's to come but with most things, I still have my fears. However it does feel like DC, from a storytelling perspective, is trying to right the ship and I'm willing to give these new books a chance.

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Dead Body Road #1

Dec 11, 2013

This is a very solid opening issue. Anyone that's into good revenge stories with lots of action should check this out. The book has great pacing with fantastic art.

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Dead Body Road #2

Jan 22, 2014

Dead Body Road should really get going in issue three as the setup has been done. The ending is a nice little cliffhanger that definitely left me wanting more. This is not a plain revenge tale that we've seen time and time again. There's real emotion here and some of the best artwork in any comic right now.

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Dead Boy Detectives (2014) #1

Jan 3, 2014

Overall Dead Boy Detectives is a great start to a new series. It has a lot of charm and does a pretty good job at introducing the story. But that's all it does. Not much else happens as this is all setup. Fans of these characters from back when Sandman first printed will enjoy this but I think more needs to be done to bring in the uninitiated to Sandman lore.

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Dead Inside #2

Jan 26, 2017

A strong follow up to a very good first issue. This is what crime comics should strive towards.

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Deadly Class #4

May 1, 2014

Issue #4 is a great blend of 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' mixed with late '80s teenage angst set in a violent world of potential assassins.

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Deadly Class #7

Sep 18, 2014

"Deadly Class" #7 is a phenomenal book and damn near perfect. The groundwork is set for an explosive second arc that's going to test Marcus in many different ways. Rick Remender is writing three series for Image Comics and while "Black Science" and "Low" are excellent, this remains his best one.

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Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1

Oct 6, 2016

A strong debut that feels like what it's paying homage to, but also takes steps to be more.

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Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 3, 2014

Death of Wolverine #1 is a solid read. It's all introduction to the plot and what leads to Wolverine's death so it is exposition heavy. It is also easy to get into for any one who hasn't been reading the Wolverine series (like myself). The price point is a bit of a downer though as the bonus material is cool but not necessary. Wolverine's death, as funny as this may sound, is off to a good start. Time will tell if this ends up being a compelling “last” story for Wolverine or not.

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Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1

Oct 31, 2014

While this issue as a whole is not a "classic", it is quite enjoyable.

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Death Vigil #3

Sep 11, 2014

"Death Vigil" should be on many best of lists at the end of the year. Comics are starting to become more and more full of fantasy books like "Rat Queens" and the upcoming "Dungeons & Dragons" series from IDW, but "Death Vigil" is really something all on its own. It's the perfect book to get introduced to the genre with.

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Death Vigil #6

Jan 30, 2015

"Death Vigil" is very quietly the best fantasy book going.

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Death Vigil #7

Jun 8, 2015

"Death Vigil" is ending very soon but you really cannot miss this. It's the best fantasy story in comics right now.

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Deathstroke (2016) #6

Nov 10, 2016

“Deathstroke” continues to shock me. I would have laughed at you a year ago if you told me that I'd enjoy this series this much but here we are. It's a testament to what a great creative team can do.

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Deep State #1

Nov 12, 2014

“Deep State” #1 is a very strong debut that signifies the start of something very special. I am immediately excited for the next issue. With authenticcharacters, a very strong premise and great art, “Deep State” is not a comic to be missed.

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Defenders (2017) #1

Jun 15, 2017

Really great art, but the story falls flat as Bendis falls into his own worst habits.

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Dejah Thoris #1

Feb 4, 2016

All in all, “Dejah Thoris” #1 is a very solid start to a new chapter in this character's history. There's a lot here for fans of pulp and science fiction to enjoy and I'm eager to read more.

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Dejah Thoris #2

Mar 7, 2016

"Dejah Thoris" is building up to something great and I'm fully on board with it.

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Demonic (2016) #1

Aug 22, 2016

"Demonic" is perfect for "Spawn" fans and fans of Image's other recent horror titles.

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Detective Comics (2011) #32

Jun 12, 2014

Thanks to the incredibly talented team of Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul we now have another fantastic Batman book.

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Detective Comics (2011) #41

Jun 11, 2015

"Detective Comics" #41 is a really solid read that is new reader accessible and sets up a potentially great story arc. If you want a Gotham City title that puts more focus on the street level activities then this is your book.

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Detective Comics (2011) #43

Aug 8, 2015

“Detective Comics” #43 is a solid issue of this series that's been on a streak the last year or so. It's going to be exciting to see how this storyline concludes and if there are any changes in the power balance. Jim Gordon's new job as Batman is overshadowed by Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya and that's okay, because we desperately need a series that focuses solely on the GCPD.

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Detective Comics (2016) #934

Jun 8, 2016

“Detective Comics” #934 is a solid introduction of this story and especially this team. There are enough emotional beats to engage any reader and because of Stephanie, Tim and Cassandra, there's a nostalgia factor here that should thrill veteran readers.

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Detective Comics (2016) #943

Oct 28, 2016

“Detective Comics” #943 is another solid issue for what's easily the best Batman book going. The artwork is strong and Tynion shows an understanding of this world and it's inhabitants. I hope the book can keep up this momentum.

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Dexter's Laboratory #2

May 22, 2014

Overall Dexter's Laboratory #2 is the continuation of a story that's cute for the kids yet still interesting enough for the older crowd.

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Divinity #4

May 27, 2015

“Divinity” #4 is a great ending that does just enough to open the door for more while still completing this story. This has been the perfect entry point to the Valiant universe and thanks to Kindt's layered writing, it's one of the very best superhero stories this year.

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Django / Zorro #2

Dec 19, 2014

"Django/Zorro" still has a lot of potential but this issue, which is nothing but backstory, ultimately falls flat.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

"Doctor Fate" #1 is one of the best new series to be launched under the DCYou initiative. Khalid is a likable and relatable protagonist and the art is stellar. Fans of "Ms. Marvel" will find a lot to like here and new DC fans will find themselves at the beginning of something totally new, which is really the target of all these new series.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #2

Jul 20, 2015

A fine issue but I'd like to see things pick up just a bit more.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #382

Dec 6, 2017

“Doctor Strange” #382 is an issue that perfectly illustrates just how desperate Strange has become. He's lost and he knows it. He has no power left and takes drastic action that's going to really impact the Marvel Universe going forward. Walta and Bellaire continue to work together wonderfully and honestly, this is not a series you'll want to ignore for much longer.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1

Jul 24, 2014

Overall, while this may not be the most accessible thing for a non Whovian to get into, it sets up a nice adventure for any Whovian to enjoy. This is what's so great about Doctor Who. There's always room to tell more stories.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Sep 14, 2016

“Doom Patrol” #1 is a fun time that allows itself to be weird and take risks. This is what the history of the series has been and it's great to see this team follow suit while still providing an easy jumping on point. Bonvillain and Derington create the kind of visuals that the series needs and they make this one of the more memorable debuts of 2016. Young Animal is a really important imprint for DC Comics and this is the strong start they needed.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #2

Oct 12, 2016

“Doom Patrol” #2 is an even stronger issue than the first and it continues to be a series with a lot to unpack (in a fun sense). The writing is charming and the art is gorgeous. For longtime fans and new fans, “Doom Patrol” completely delivers.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #7

Jul 26, 2017

“Doom Patrol” #7 is the most fun I've had reading a single issue of a comic series in a long time. It's everything I want from this series. From start to finish this is wacky and each page is more fun than the one that came before. It doesn't sacrifice character development to do this and the Allreds are the perfect cherry on top with their gorgeous art.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #9

Nov 22, 2017

“Doom Patrol” #9 is another strong issue of a series that should be talked about more. It's everything I want from comic books.

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Dream Thief: Escape #1

Jun 26, 2014

Time will tell if this will be better than the first mini-series but this is so far going in the right direction.

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E Is For Extinction #1

Jun 24, 2015

“E Is For Extinction” #1 is the kind of X-Men book the world is ready for again. It features underused characters and it doesn't rely heavily on the “Secret Wars” storyline. It's very much it's own thing. The $4.99 price tag is a little hefty but this is a high quality comic book that features a team working in sync with each other.

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Earth 2 #17

Nov 9, 2013

Overall this is a great issue. The art is beautiful and Tom Taylor does a wonderful job taking over the series seamlessly. This is what I love comics that don't take place in the main universe for. Brand new stories in a brand new world where the writer and artist can recreate everything in their own image. The issue loses points for the concerns I listed above.

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Earth 2 #18

Dec 4, 2013

While Earth 2 #18 is not as great as #17, it is still very much worth the read if you're a fan of good superhero fare. Earth 2 is one of the better examples of superheroes done right. A comic that you wish was longer is always worth the read.

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Earth 2 #19

Jan 9, 2014

Earth 2 continues to be one of the best DC books going right now. With Injustice and Earth 2 currently going at the same time it's a good time to be a DC superhero fan AND a Tom Taylor fan. Earth 2 continues to have the perfect blend of superhero fare and the unpredictability you won't see in Action or Detective because of the lack of history in this world.

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Earth 2 #20

Feb 5, 2014

Overall Earth 2 #20 is a very good comic. The conversation between Lois Lane and Val felt authentic. Dr. Fate is still completely off his rocker and it makes for good humor. I can't wait for the next part of this arc as we inch closer to a final big battle that will no doubt raise more questions than answers. Tom Taylor is crafting a fantastic story that cannot be missed.

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Earth 2 #22

Apr 2, 2014

Earth 2 is really one of the best superhero comics on stands now. It's extremely character driven but with enough “classic” superhero fighting to keep even the most basic superhero fan engaged. The ending has me extremely excited for what comes next because one of my own theories looks to be coming to fruition. Earth 2 is an exciting place to be right now as a reader. It's one of the few series that you would be wise to fully catch-up on.

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Earth 2 #25

Jul 3, 2014

Earth 2 #25 is a fantastic issue. It's almost everything that has been built up over the last year or so come together. Everything from the writing to the art is damn near perfect. Earth 2 #25 solidifies Earth 2′s status at the best superhero comic going right now. Action takes place on an epic scale and there is real character development. Right now may not be the best time to jump in but this issue is the best evidence to get readers to pick up the back trades.

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Earth 2 #26

Aug 7, 2014

“Earth 2″ #26 is a book worthy of a perfect score. It ends a major phase of the series while setting up an enticing future and makes the weekly series feel like a must own. Nicola Scott also gives the best art of the series yet. The future of Earth 2 itself might not be so bright but the series is at an all time high.

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Earth 2 #28

Nov 5, 2014

“Earth 2″ #28 might not be as edge of your seat as the last arc was but it does matter in the bigger sense of the series. I liked finding out about how the Furies came to be. The ending reveal about Death matters tremendously and I am anticipating that birth.

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Earth 2 Annual #2

Jan 29, 2014

The Earth 2 Annual was a very good issue. It gave a wonderful origin story that will no doubt effect where this series goes from now on. Despite the actual reveal being a bit predictable, the way the story was told was brilliant and is what really matters. The art wasn't half bad either. Lucky for the Earth 2 loyalists we won't have to wait long for another issue as the next chapter of Earth 2 hits next week.

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Earth 2: World's End #5

Nov 9, 2014

The story of Earth 2 has been one of DC's most compelling and it will more than likely be a big part of "Convergence". The time to stop ignoring this world has come. Get on board.

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Edward Scissorhands #1

Oct 24, 2014

It's hard to translate Tim Burton to comics but this team nails it.

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Effigy #1

Jan 29, 2015

“Effigy” #1 is a very solid debut that will be playing the long game. I couldn't be more excited for that. With solid artwork and very good characterization within the protagonist, the future of “Effigy” is very bright.

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Elektra (2014) #1

Apr 23, 2014

Elektra #1 is an absolute must read for any one. Those like me, who has been a fan of Elektra for years can rest easy. With Blackman and Del Mundo on this book she's in great hands. I'm already counting down the days until issue #2.

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Elektra (2014) #2

May 22, 2014

Elektra #2 is short on the story but still one of the most artistically beautiful book on stands now.

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Enormous (2014) #1

Jul 2, 2014

Enormous #1 is a fantastic read. It sets up a series that has so much potential. With a webseries to boot, it's a property with lots of story to explore. Fans of Godzilla, The Thing, and The Walking Dead should take note and buy up this book because this will be big…enormous even (I'm not even close to ashamed of that pun).

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Enormous (2014) #2

Aug 8, 2014

“Enormous” #2 is a worthy follow up to issue #1. The art is stellar and the story progresses very nicely. The only places it doesn't scream perfection is within the seemingly random plot with the government official and the lack of Ellen. However, it is only the second issue and there's not reason to doubt that this whole thing won't come together to create for an extremely memorable comic.

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Eternal #1

Dec 11, 2014

I wanted to really like "Eternal" #1. It's not a horrible book but there's a lot missing that took this from being a must read to something a little less than average. The concept is very good but with such a short window to tell the story, I'm worried, and predict, that this won't end up being what I wanted it to be.

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Exodus: The Life After #4

Mar 3, 2016

“Exodus: The Life After” #4 is another solid entry for this series and I really wish more people were reading it. There's a lot of world building taking place with some very solid character work and it has a killer sense of humor.

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Fables #134

Oct 17, 2013

Once again the art here was absolutely beautiful but this issue was all about the writing. I will give this a perfect 10 but I would have liked a final answer on Bigby's fate, especially since it is likely we will not hear much now because Camelot will start back up next month. I am a HUGE fan of Bigby and I need him to come back. I feel like a major part of this series is the relationship between Snow and Bigby and I'm not ready to say goodbye to that.

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Fables #135

Nov 23, 2013

All in all this was a good setup issue but not much action.

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Fables #136

Dec 31, 2013

I also want to make note of the cover art by Daniel Dos Santos. Fables is known for its beautiful covers but this one is one of the nicest I've seen in a long time. That shot of Rose Red is regal but screams warrior at the same time. Almost like a fairy tale version of Red Sonja.

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Fables #137

Jan 30, 2014

Overall Fables #137 is not a bad comic. It does however raise more questions than it does provide answers. With the end of an arc I would have liked a little more finality. However, the ending is being most definitely set up a little bit here and while that makes me incredibly sad, it does add to my anticipation for the next 13 issues. Fables continues to be one of the best series of all time and if you aren't reading it now, then get out there and get the trades and catch up before the ending.

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Fables #141

Jun 19, 2014

Fables #141 is a great beginning to the last arc of Fables. It's setup used effectively. The only downside being that not much happens until the very end. Lots of developments building into more and that can never be considered filler.

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Fables #143

Aug 22, 2014

Despite a few worries and hiccups, "Fables" #143 is a solid read. It's what I've come to expect on a monthly basis from the book. I have some concerns about too much happening, but with two lead characters like Snow White and Rose Red in the middle of a deeply personal conflict I have faith that all will turn out well as we get closer to #150.

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Fables #144

Sep 19, 2014

Mark Buckingham as always does a really great job on art. This issue is very heavy on the action. Ozma in particular looks very Wonder Woman like. She flies majestically and exudes confidence. The reveal at the end is one part fan service and one part logical story progression. It's going to be a tense ride leading up to the grand finale but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Fables #147

Dec 19, 2014

"Fables" #147 is worrisome to say the least. At this point it's not fulfilling my own desires but I am completely ready to place all my trust in this team and enjoy the ride. I can only hope that this will turn out for the best and be a satisfying conclusion.

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Fables #148

Jan 23, 2015

"Fables" is one of my all time favorite series but this issue does little to get me excited for the ending. Instead, it makes me scared to get to that point.

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Fables #150

Jul 23, 2015

"Fables" ended up being a piece of the history of these characters but what we learned from them will stay with fans forever. "Fables" in many ways taught us about the passage of time, loss and being able to live with all of it in a healthy way. People come and go, life moves on but we will always have the memories of the moments that mattered most. Prince Charming's heroic sacrifice in the Homeland, Flycatcher's journey to becoming a King, Boy Blue's death, Snow White's leadership in tough times, Cinderella's constant sacrifices for Fabletown and even Dare's death that ultimately saved his sister all mean something to the readers in ways that can't be forgotten. These things shaped so many of us as comic readers over the last 13 years and this final volume is for us. I've never experienced a time where "Fables" wasn't on my monthly pull list and it'll be a tough adjustment but I couldn't think of a better way for the series to go out.

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Fairest #21

Dec 7, 2013

Overall this was a great setup issue for the “Of Mice and Men” storyline and while not perfect or terribly exciting, it was a great read for Fables fan. This story arc has a lot to live up to and it started off well.

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Fairest #26

May 8, 2014

Fairest #26, though, reads more as a Fables tie-in than the ending of a Cinderella mission. The latter half of this issue is full of material that could have been covered in the main title.

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Fairest #27

Jul 3, 2014

With some very funny moments from Renard, Fairest #27 is a great, but bittersweet farewell tour around The Farm.

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Fairest #31

Nov 7, 2014

Reynard's last story has been dragged on too far and there are far too many characters I have no attachment to.

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Fairest #33

Jan 9, 2015

"Fairest" didn't go out as strongly as it could have but longtime readers will find no reason not to enjoy what we get. Willingham writing Goldilocks is a ton of fun and Hetrick's art style fits this world perfectly. I wanted a little more finality from this issue but I'm pretty sure we'll get enough of that when "Fables" #150 hits.

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Faith #1

Jul 20, 2016

While the book does tread some familiar ground, it's a strong start for a hero that will mean so much to so many. With the inclusion of a full origin story, "Faith" #1 is another Valiant title that aims to be inclusive for the elusive "new reader". It's a fun debut with great art that begins a new chapter for Valiant's leading lady.

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Faith #2

Aug 26, 2016

“Faith” continues to be the superhero book I've always wanted and this issue is even stronger than the first.

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Faith #4

Oct 24, 2016

A fine issue but Faith has seen more compelling arcs.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #1

Jan 27, 2016

“Faith” #1 is a step towards representation in comic books that I needed. This is a really packed debutthat isn't perfect but it's made me believe in the power of superheroes again.

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Fantomex MAX #1

Oct 2, 2013

I have low hopes for this series to be perfectly honest. I don't think this will end up being something I'll remember fondly. I wish we could have more of the master of misdirection ladies man who pretends to be French that I'm used to. Let me also say that a huge opportunity has been missed with this book. We could have had a great 4 part story about Fantomex pulling off a huge heist. Instead what we have is some weird sexual relationship with E.V.A. (now knows as Eva) and some flirtation with an agent from a shady organization that wants to kill Fantomex. I'm going to keep reading this and hope for the best but I'm not getting my hopes up. Where is Rick Remender when you need him?

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Fatale #20

Feb 12, 2014

Fatale is getting ever closer to the ending. This month's issue is the clear beginning to whatever endgame Brubaker and Phillips have in mind. The action is back to taking place in the here and now and the story becomes all the more exciting because of it. I'm already wishing I had issue #21 in my hands.

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Fatale #22

May 8, 2014

Since the announcement that the series was ending, each issue has been bittersweet -- we can't wait to see how it ends, but with such golden storytelling, under no means do we want to actually reach the conclusion.

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Father's Day #1

Oct 22, 2014

"Father's Day" could very well be a big hit for Dark Horse. This is a solid concept with very good characters and strong art from Gabriel Guzman. At only four issues long, this is something every reader can get into without spending a ton of money.

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Feathers #1

Jan 8, 2015

“Feathers” #1 is an edgy but fun fantasy, all ages comic that will appeal to a very big audience. I'm already attached to Poe and Bianca. Corona does a strong job establishing the premise and introducing the characters and the art is wonderful. This is highly recommended for fantasy fans and any readers looking for something to enjoy with their kids.

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Fissure #1

Feb 8, 2017

“Fissure” #1 is a great debut that focuses on humans and the ways we interact with each other. Daniel and Delpeche put together a beautiful first issue with an excellent cliffhanger that has me anxious for the next issue.

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Five Ghosts #15

Feb 14, 2015

“Five Ghosts” is consistently great and and absolute can't miss book. The cliffhanger ending to this issue is, for my money, the best ending this series has had. It's emotional and given the nature of this book, unpredictable. I'm already counting the days till the next issue.

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Flash (2011) #32

Jun 26, 2014

Flash #32 is full of more questions than answers, but you get the sense that once all of the setup starts paying off, this series will start picking up.

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Forever Evil #4

Dec 24, 2013

Overall this is a great story so far and I'm hoping this doesn't fall apart near the end the way most event series do.

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Forever Evil #7

May 24, 2014

On it's own, Forever Evil #7 is a great finale. It does what all events books do. It closes out this story while teasing a lot of other possible stories. If Geoff Johns handles the DC universe as a whole, as he has been with Justice League, then everything will be okay. Forever Evil as a whole was a great event. Delays hurt the impact of the events at the end as well as solicitation spoilers but this was still one of the better event books in recent years.

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Galaxy Quest: The Journey Continues #1

Jan 22, 2015

"Galaxy Quest: The Journey Continues" #1 is a really solid start to what feels like the total opposite of what so many licensed comics. This is respectable to the original film so fans of it will find a ton to like here. I'm excited for this and I'm hoping that this proves to be a great successor to Burnham's work on "Ghostbusters".

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Ghost Rider (2016) #1

Dec 2, 2016

Far from a disaster but not exactly the fiery debut I was hoping for.

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Giant Days #2

Apr 16, 2015

“Giant Days” #2 is a ton of fun and anyone who likes “Lumberjanes” should be picking this up. Allison, Treiman and Cogar are a great team that's creating a very fun female fronted comic book. “Comics Forward” indeed.

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Giant Days #6

Aug 24, 2015

Not the best the series can deliver but far from a disaster.

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Giant Days #7

Oct 26, 2015

"Giant Days" #7 is another great issue in this series and I'm so glad it's sticking around for the long haul.

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Giant Days: 2016 Holiday Special #1

Oct 31, 2016

“Giant Days” gives an early dose of the holiday spirit with their holiday special and there's no doubt that Esther, Daisy and Susan have one of the most wonderful friendships in comic books. With lots of heroes fighting each other for the worst reasons, this is the kind of thing we need to see more.

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God Country #1

Nov 22, 2016

"God Country" has the potential to be truly great. This story will be special.

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God Country #3

Mar 15, 2017

“God Country” #3 continues the hot streak that this series has been on. If it isn't something you're reading, fix that immediately.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #6

Mar 27, 2015

“Gotham Academy” #6 is fun, action packed and does a great job at setting the stage for the next arc post “Convergence”. I've been turned into a believer thanks to the gradual development of the main characters. I'm very much ready for Damien Wayne to be super moody with the rest of the students.

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Gotham By Midnight #1

Nov 26, 2014

“Gotham By Midnight” #1 is off to a strong start and it'd be tough to see anyone not get hooked right away. This series gives new life to a city that's been in comics for 75 years. Fawkes and Templesmith have hit gold here and this is not a series to be missed.

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Gotham By Midnight #8

Aug 26, 2015

“Gotham By Midnight” is an underrated series. Fans of science fiction, the paranormal and police dramas will have a lot to entertain them and this issue ups the ante as far as the internal affairs investigation. Ferreyra's art continues to be stellar and worth the cover price all on its own.

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Grass Kings #3

May 11, 2017

“Grass Kings” #3 is another excellent issue of this very special ongoing series still in its early stages. Kindt and Jenkins have something heartfelt and unique on their hands and I cannot wait for the next issue.

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Grayson #1

Jul 9, 2014

Overall, Grayson #1 is a very good start. It's a very self contained mission that may not come back to be important but it does what it needs to do. It sets up the story very well, including the world Spyral inhabits. Dick Grayson still retains who he is despite this new direction. Janin and Cox also put together one of the moreartistically beautiful books from DC all year.

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Grayson: Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

While this isn't the best of the Future's End tie ins, it's certainly not the worst. There's some very good Dick Grayson character study within this issue and a lot of foreshadowing about his solo series. The way the story is told is certainly interesting in itself. The art does leave more to be desired and in terms of building up the Future's End saga it doesn't really do that.

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Green Arrow (2016) #2

Jul 11, 2016

Schmidt's art continues to make me swoon and the story still has a ton of potential.

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Green Lanterns #1

Jun 15, 2016

“Green Lanterns” #1 is a fine start that while not perfect, is still more than enough to keep readers engaged through this first story arc.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

“Green Lanterns: Rebirth” #1 does exactly what it needs to do. It sets up a compelling story featuring two characters who are still new enough to offer a lot for a creative team to explore.I've never been completely grabbed by a Green Lantern book before but this is the one that just might do it for me.

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Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex: Alpha #1

Feb 6, 2015

"Black Vortex: Alpha" #1 could have used less explaining and more action. It does have a nice ending and the concept is worthy of cosmic Marvel but more is going to have to happen in "Guardians of the Galaxy" #24 to hook readers. Trust readership more when it comes to following what's happening because spending a $4.99 book to explain a lot of things that could have been done in a couple of paragraphs is not the best way to kick off a big crossover event. However, this is the first issue and this is a solid concept, I believe there's enough of a reason to come back for part two of this event.

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Gutter Magic #1

Jan 14, 2016

With all that said, there are some places to improve. This is a four issue miniseries so there's understandably a need to streamline things but I didn't really feel like I left knowing Cinder. I know what he wants and I know how he plans to get it but I don't know what makes him tick. I don't know what he likes and what he doesn't like. I would like to see the second issue flesh out his character a bit more but not lose the momentum that this issue sets up.

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Hacktivist #1

Jan 22, 2014

Hacktivist does however run the risk of feeling a bit rushed. I think this story could easily carry a 10-12 issue run. Despite this, Hacktivist #1 is a comic that cannot be missed by anyone.This serieswants to be relevant in today's world and it is rare that a comic does this. The greatest comics do this and if Hactivist continues to this it will be a contender for best mini series of 2014. Do yourself a favor and buy this comic today. If you aren't following the news closely it will most definitely open your eyes to what's happening in the world.

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Hacktivist #2

Feb 26, 2014

Hacktivist is an important story. Unlike most mainstream comics, it is attempting to do something relevant. At times it may come off a little heavy handed, it's still an important tale. Comics reach so many different people and every once in a while we need to be reminded that there are serious things going on in this world. While Hacktivist is entertaining, it is one of the more important narratives told by any comic series going right now.

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Hacktivist Vol. 2 #1

Jul 31, 2015

"Hacktivist Volume 2" #1 is a nice start to what will hopefully be a very memorable sequel. There's a lot here to deconstruct and analyze and I hope this series can pull it off properly.

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Hacktivist Vol. 2 #3

Sep 28, 2015

I keep expecting more, but I don't know if "Hacktivist Volume 2" is going to truly deliver in the long run.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 20, 2013

For Harley Quinn fans, this is definitely up your alley and you are going to want to pick this up. The bitter taste from what has been done to her thus far in the New 52 was washed away. She doesn't look like old Harley Quinn but she definitely SOUNDS like the old Harley.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #1

Dec 18, 2013

As a life long Harley Quinn fan I'm excited to see where this goes. It was a bit all over the place but for a first issue it has hooked me with its story and not just with a character I like.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #2

Jan 23, 2014

Harley Quinn #2 is another very solid chapter in this series. Next month will be a Valentine's Day issue and that should be a lot of fun. This is one of the most fun books of any publisher now and is doing a fantastic job of reinventing Harley Quinn for a modern audience.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #3

Feb 19, 2014

Harley Quinn #3 is a great, zany comedy featuring a fun character. Connor and Palmiotti are writing Harley Quinn for a new generation. Old and new fans can get behind this woman. She's becoming more three dimensional and the comedy is spot on. I'm on the crazy train and I'm not hopping off.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #4

Mar 21, 2014

Harley Quinn #4 has no problems in the fun and silly department but it is starting to wear me out. Without more emphasis on a over arching story, it's become formulaic. I need more than that. However the art is great and the cover is the best so far. I'm still really into the series as a Harley Quinn fan and have no issue with continuing to purchase it. More casual fans might have problems but with real effort visible in attempting to make Harley new, yet the same, it's impossible to call this a bad comic. Also, I'm still pulling for her and Tony to get together.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #5

Apr 17, 2014

Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner are on a crazy train and have brought all of us aboard. While the scenes with her out on the town were fun they did feel a little out of place. It was funny and helped develop her relationships with her tenants more but I would have preferred more with her and Sy's mission. I'm excited to see where this story leads and who is behind wanting Harley dead. Even more excited to see more of this crazy old man Sy Borgman. Harley Quinn is a fun book that can't be missed by fans of this character.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #6

May 22, 2014

Chad Hardin's art is much more settled this issue. One of the biggest problems thus far has been the facial expressions of the characters. They are a lot more clean and polished making this an overall aesthetically pleasing book. Harley Quinn #6 has a fair share of problems but is as always a ton of fun.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #7

Jun 20, 2014

Harley Quinn #7 is the best issue of the series so far. It wraps up the current storyline with tons of humor and little shocking violence and great artwork. It's going to be exciting to see where this team takes Harley next. No matter where it is though, fans have plenty of reason to stay on board the crazy train.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #18

Jul 16, 2015

“Harley Quinn” #18 is a really nice looking comic but it fails in many ways as far as the writing goes. This is still one of DC's most fun series going so I'm not ready to give up on it just yet.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #20

Sep 21, 2015

"Harley Quinn", while not the most ground breaking ongoing series, is a blast and this issue is no different.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #25

Feb 17, 2016

“Harley Quinn” #25 is a big issue for the character, not because of the issue number but because of the way that it finally liberates Harley from the Joker. It's a fantastic issue that proves that this series is able to do bigger things than make us laugh.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #30

Aug 1, 2016

A great ending to this chapter in the character's history. I can't wait for more.

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Harley Quinn (2013) Annual #1

Oct 31, 2014

“Harley Quinn Annual #1″ is overall a great story that fans of the series will have no trouble enjoying. It's a great issue artistically. Despite the rub ‘n' sniff gimmick maybe deterring readers who don't like gimmicks, it proves to be effective and doesn't bring down the issue in anyway. “Harley Quinn” is a book that you need in your life.

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Harley Quinn (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 27, 2014

Overall, Harley Quinn Future's End #1 was a very enjoyable read that brought the laughs. It's nothing short of what we've come to expect from this series. Tie ins should do something to feel a part of the bigger story but really be just another issue. At least it needs to feel that way. This put the Joker where he ends up and was a fun installment of this excellent series.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #1

Aug 3, 2016

“Harley Quinn” #1 is a nice start that allows new readers to get involved in the fun. The ridiculousness is at an all time high but that's the fun of reading this series. Sometimes, that's exactly what comic books needs.

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Harley Quinn Invades Comic Con International: San Diego #1

Jul 19, 2014

Overall Harley Quinn Invades Comic Con International San Diego #1 is a very fun one shot. It does not tie into the main story very much so it's accessible. It's very over the top and does require an open mind when it comes to things like breaking the fourth wall. Palmiotti and Conner put together a fun book that pokes fun at and honors all the things that happen at Comic Con. It's definitely worth picking up if you're a fan of self referential comedy.

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Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special #1

Feb 11, 2015

"Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special" #1 is a real treat that goes above and beyond when it comes to comedy. By being light on continuity there's a true standalone quality to the issue and to the series as a whole so every time a new issue is out, I will recommend it to everyone who likes fun. A lot of new DC books are coming out very soon and if you want a taste of what you can expect from some of them in regards to tone, this is the one to check out now. This is a great issue that continues to prove why "Harley Quinn" is one of the can't miss ongoings in comics today.

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Haunted Mansion #1

Mar 9, 2016

“The Haunted Mansion” #1 is a delightful, all ages scary story that will appeal to the core Disney base. It's a fun book with plenty of emotional beats to keep you invested and the art and coloring is very strong. There's no knowledge of the theme part attraction needed to enjoy this story but a desire to enjoy the fantastical is.

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Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #2

Nov 16, 2014

Overall, this issue is recommended if you want something fun and exciting that doesn't take itself too seriously.

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Heartthrob: Season 2 #1

Jun 23, 2017

"Heartthrob Season Two" #1 is fantastic. It's charming, easy to jump into and sets up a really interesting situation for these characters. It's a story that I was dying to see continue and this team is at top form.

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Helena Crash #1

Mar 23, 2017

"Helena Crash" #1 is tough and full of attitude. A definite must read.

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High Crimes #9

Jan 31, 2015

“High Crimes” is a fantastic series that is nothing like anything else happening in comics right now. It's thrilling, exciting, features gorgeous art and features top notch character development. This issue sets up so much of what will be the big finale. “High Crimes” #9 has a big cliffhanger that'll keep me nervous for the next few weeks. At only $1 an issue, you can't miss this.

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Hot Damn #1

Apr 14, 2016

"Hot Damn" #1 is easily one of my favorite debut issues of the year so far and one of the most fun you'll have reading about characters trapped in Hell for all eternity.

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Hot Damn #3

Jul 4, 2016

Another excellent issue from a series that deserves much more attention.

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House Of M (2015) #1

Aug 18, 2015

"House of M" #1 is not great but it's not the worst thing that "Secret Wars" has offered so far. The cliffhanger ending offers up something intriguing and worth sticking around for despite the flaws that exist in this issue. What is worth noting is that this, like many of the other "Secret Wars" tie-ins, is not new reader friendly but it doesn't do anything to tie-into the main series, leaving it as something a true fan of "House of M" could enjoy. Failla and Wilson combine for a good art team and that alone might just be worth coming back to.

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Howard The Duck (2015) #3

May 18, 2015

"Howard the Duck" is quickly becoming the funniest funny book in the business.

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Hulk (2016) #1

Dec 29, 2016

“Hulk” #1 is a fine beginning for what could prove to be a defining story for the character. Tamaki and Leon are great storytellers and prove that they have a true direction for their vision. It's not the same kind of story this character has been featured in over the years but it deserves a chance.

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I Was The Cat #1

Aug 6, 2014

“I Was the Cat” is a very fun and original book. It's more than worth the cover price and is something fans can really get into. There's a complicated main character who acts as both the protagonist and antagonist. That's just flat out stellar storytelling. You can't pass on that. The art is full of expression and variation, making this a perfectly well rounded book.

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Indestructible Hulk: Special #1

Oct 18, 2013

And the biggest reason this gets a 7.0 from me is that there are blatant spelling mistakes. Did anyone actually edit this comic? It isn't Superiior Spider-man, its Superior Spider-Man. Otto Octavius not Otto Octavious. I have standards for comics. You have editors. Use them.

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Infinity #5

Oct 30, 2013

The only thing that saves this comic from getting a complete 0 is that the covers and the interiors have been wonderful to look at. I think I continue to read this because I enjoy a good train wreck. Want to read something cosmic that's good then please do yourself a favor and read Guardians of the Galaxy. I'll jump back on board with the Avengers when they start having adventures that actually make sense for them to have.

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Infinity Man And The Forever People #1

Jun 11, 2014

The best aspect about Infinity Man and the Forever People #1 is that this is a perfect entry point for people who know little to nothing about the New Gods. It's simple to jump into. With the New Gods making a true debut on the New 52's Earth, the teases at the end of Forever Evil and all that's going on with the Parademons on Earth 2, it's possible that this book will have a huge part in the future of the DC Universe and that alone may make this book a must read.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us Annual #1

Nov 15, 2013

I often times do not do this, because I think drawing a comic book is tough, but I hated the art in this so much. It was really inconsistent. Lobo was the only consistently draw character. Faces looked a bit weird in some panels and even the mannequin that Harley's old costume was on was strange looking. I also didn't like Superman's suit. The big S on the front looked like a massive plate that he's wearing. It was clearly three dimensional and so it felt wrong. I'm upset over it because this was almost perfect except for the huge issues with the art.

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Interceptor #1

Jan 6, 2016

“Interceptor” wants you to have a good time and with a fully formed set of characters and amazing, bombastic art, it's easy to do that. Heavy Metal is poised to have a big 2016 and if “Interceptor” is any indication of what's to come, we're in for a real treat.

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Interceptor #2

Feb 15, 2016

"Interceptor" is bonkers in all the best ways.

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Invader Zim #1

Jul 10, 2015

“Invader Zim” #1 is a really fun reading experience and that's something we could all do with a little more of. This might be a tough sell for those who never watched the animated series but it's easy to understand because it is a great entry point. Fans of the show will be delighted and almost feellike the show never went away.

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Invisible Republic #1

Mar 18, 2015

“Invisible Republic” #1 is a great addition to the science fiction genre in comics and I whole-heartedly expect this series to be a breakout hit in 2015. It's got so much going for it that you would be crazy to pass on it.

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Invisible Republic #2

Apr 23, 2015

“Invisible Republic” is a series you absolutely must be reading. At only two issues there's already so much to take in because this team has built such a vast world. There are a lot of comics demanding your attention right now but “Invisible Republic” is one you should give it to enthusiastically.

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Invisible Republic #3

May 28, 2015

"Invisible Republic" #3 is full of action but doesn't move the plot along too much. It's like a chess game and all the pieces are in places. As the arc begins to wind down, I expect a lot to go down. This is quietly becoming one of the best series Image is putting out monthly.

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Invisible Republic #5

Jul 31, 2015

“Invisible Republic” #5 has a dynamite ending bombshell and I can't wait to see what the second arc has in store for us.This series has been a great politically charged story with lots of world building, fabulous artwork and great character development. “Must read” gets thrown around so much these days but this is one of the best new series of the year and deserves a lot more attention.

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James Bond #1

Nov 4, 2015

"James Bond: VARGR" #1 is a very solid start. This is thankfully much more faithful to the books than anything else we've seen before and that's because of Ellis' respect for the material. This is definitely a delight for longtime Bond fans.

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James Bond: Felix Leiter #1

Jan 16, 2017

A really solid first issue that any Bond fan will enjoy.

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James Bond: Hammerhead #1

Oct 14, 2016

“James Bond: Hammerhead” #1 is perfect for all James Bond fans. It's got a ton of great action, slick dialogue and all the bold charm that people want from this character.

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Jem and the Holograms #5

Aug 3, 2015

"Jem and The Holograms" #5 is a well crafted and extremely fun comic book.

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Jem and the Holograms #13

Apr 4, 2016

"Jem" is still a super enjoyable series thirteen issues in.

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Jem and the Holograms Annual: 2015

Oct 1, 2015

"Jem and The Holograms: Outrageous Annual" #1 is a really cute and delightful read for all ages. There are some great jokes in here, but also some important lessons for younger readers.

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Jessica Jones #3

Dec 19, 2016

The art really clicks for me but the story doesn't show much than an attempt to recapture old magic.

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Josie and the Pussycats #1

Sep 29, 2016

Fun and perfect for anyone enjoying what Archie Comics is doing right now.

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Joyride #1

Apr 21, 2016

"Joyride" #1 is a fine debut that makes promises of something great.

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Jughead (2015) #1

Oct 7, 2015

Overall, "Jughead" #1 is a great debut and a perfect example of how a first issue should be handled. There's so much ground covered by Henderson and Zdarsky. Jughead Jones is the hero that we deserve.

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Jupiter's Circle #1

Apr 9, 2015

"Jupiter's Circle" #1 is a very good read and a great start to a prequel I didn't even know I wanted. You can appreciate this story for what it is without reading "Jupiter's Legacy" but there's quite a lot you won't pick up on that I'm sure will be important later on. The first trade is also out this week so I suggest buying it for the full picture.

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Justice League (2011) #35

Oct 15, 2014

“Justice League” #35 is a good start to what will hopefully be a very memorable arc. The addition of Lex Luthor, despite some of my own misgivings on how he's handled, has been great and a much needed boost for the series.

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Justice League (2011) #36

Nov 19, 2014

The Amazo Virus story arc in “Justice League” is off to a really good start. It's a nice blend of old school super heroics and horror ideas. Fabok is a great addition to the title and I'm excited to see where this all goes.

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Justice League (2011) #39

Feb 19, 2015

“Justice League” #39 is classic superhero action and mayhem that makes this a consistently great read. Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok make for a great team and this is easily one of DC's best ongoings.

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Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 4, 2015

“Justice League” #41 is one of the most exciting single issues that DC has put out in quite some time and absolutely cannot be missed. This is the beginning of a huge storyline and is a great place to jump into the series.

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Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 22, 2015

“The Darkseid War” could have easily been DC's big yearly event but keeping it contained here allows readers and easier way to stay engaged with the story and be excited about what's coming next without feeling the burden of buying 15 tie-ins. “Justice League” #43 is a total winner and if you love classic superhero action, this is a story you can't miss.

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Justice League / Power Rangers #1

Jan 11, 2017

"Justice League/Power Rangers" #1 is a solid debut that lays the groundwork of what's to come. Taylor and Byrne have a vision for this and it'll be exciting to see it play out.

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Kim & Kim #1

Jul 6, 2016

“Kim & Kim” #1 is the definition of a must read comic book. It's beautiful to look at and will make you laugh in all the good ways. Kim Q and Kim D are two of the unique new characters in recent memory and this is poised to be one of Black Mask's banner titles in the sense that “We Can Never Go Home” is.

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Kim & Kim #2

Sep 12, 2016

"Kim & Kim" continues to be one of the very best and most kick ass comic books going.

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Kim Reaper #1

Apr 6, 2017

“Kim Reaper” #1 is the comic any gothy teen will fall in love with. It's the kind of comic book folks my age, who used to live in Hot Topic, will eat up. It's funny, cute and beautifully brought to life through expressive art.

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Kingsway West #1

Jul 29, 2016

"Kingsway West" #1 is a new kind of western that the genre needs in order to go through a resurgence and metamorphosis. This is a great start that aims to do just that.

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Kingsway West #3

Nov 28, 2016

A really great idea and some great things are happening, but I wish we were getting more than what's been solicited.

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Lady Killer #1

Jan 7, 2015

“Lady Killer” is off to a strong start. Dark Horse may just have the first big comic book hit of the year here. This is not one to be missed.

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Lady Killer #2

Feb 7, 2015

“Lady Killer” is a hit for a lot of reasons. This is a can't miss series with a great story and inviting art. Jones and Rich have gold in their hands and as fans we can only hope that this gets bumped up to ongoing status.

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Lady Killer 2 #2

Sep 16, 2016

“Lady Killer 2” is existing kind of quietly this time around and it's a shame. The series continues to be very good and one of the best looking books on shelves right now.

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Lady Zorro #1

Jul 17, 2014

This short miniseries is definitely something you'll want to pick up if you're a fan of seeing different takes on the western genre.

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Life With Archie #36

Jul 15, 2014

Life With Archie #36 is a perfect comic book about life and death. The next issue will act as a coda to all of this and that will deal more heavily with how everyone in Riverdale handles this death. What Life With Archie #36 does is paint the picture of a man on his last day of life doing what a normal man would do on any given day. It might even bring a tear to your eye and once for all shows that comics can be extremely emotional. Comics are more than super powers. At the end of the day, any one can be hero and that will be Archie's legacy.

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Locke & Key Alpha #2

Dec 21, 2013

Locke & Key is a great series that will be missed so much. If you've never read this series you absolutely must. It is a classic that will be re read for years by fans of all generations. Alpha #1 and #2 are available in "floppy" form and all the arcs before this are available in trade form as well as comixology.

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Locke & Key: Small World #1

Dec 23, 2016

A solid standalone tale that longtime fans will really enjoy.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #1

Feb 5, 2014

Despite all my reservations about the changes of Loki, the comic is not bad. It's geared totally towards new readers and grabbing new readers is never a bad thing. There's some genuine humor and enough to get me to come back for another issue. What feels like fan service does feel a little like forced marketing but good writing can always turn a non believer into a believer.

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Lone Ranger / Green Hornet #1

Jul 8, 2016

A fine comic book that will definitely resonate with Lone Ranger and Green Hornet fans.

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Long Walk To Valhalla #1

Jul 15, 2015

"Long Walk To Valhalla" is an emotional and gripping story that looks at family ties and bonds. It defines that physical violence is not necessarily what makes someone a warrior. Adam Smith and Matthew Fox have a really long career ahead of them and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Lucas Stand #1

Jun 22, 2016

“Lucas Stand” is off to a fine start thanks to it's really intriguing premise and incredibly talented writing team. This is a story that might not appeal to every reader but for those willing to take a jump into this dark world, there's a compelling story ready to unfold for you.

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Luke Cage (2017) #3

Jul 19, 2017

“Luke Cage” #3 is another strong step in the right direction for a series that deserves far more attention. This has been a very personal story for Luke that has examined his origin and the impact of Burstein's work in a really intriguing and wide ranging way.

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Lumberjanes #3

Jun 12, 2014

In a world of comics full of physically perfect women with a little more spandex than brains, a book like Lumberjanes is a deep breath of fresh air.

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Lumberjanes #4

Jul 10, 2014

Lumberjanes is hip, socially relevant and just an all-around good time. Passing this series up is like saying you hate having fun.

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Lumberjanes #7

Oct 17, 2014

Light laughs but lots of character development missing from most all ages comics.

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Lumberjanes #29

Aug 18, 2016

A fun issue that builds on the past without burdening itself.

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Mad Max: Fury Road - Nux & Immortan Joe #1

May 21, 2015

Overall "Mad Max: Fury Road: Nux and Immortan Joe" #1 is a mixed bag. Immortan Joe's story is a very good read but I can't say that it was worth the $5 price tag. It's definitely only something those who have seen the movie could enjoy and the art is a bit hit and miss. We still have three more issues to go, including a Furiosa story and I can only hope that the quality picks up. It can be easy to categorize this as a cash grab if it doesn't improve.

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Madame Frankenstein #3

Jul 5, 2014

Madame Frankenstein #3 is an important step in telling the bigger story of Courtney and Vincent. Backstory is important and we get it in a big dose here. With gorgeous, atmospheric art, this is not a mini series to be missed.

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Madame Frankenstein #4

Aug 7, 2014

"Madame Frankenstein" is a real hidden gem among all the other excellent Image Comics series. It adapts a classic story in a wholly unique way without losing the essence of it. Gail's journey is coming to and end soon but it's a great ride getting to this point.

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Madame Frankenstein #7

Nov 9, 2014

"Madame Frankenstein" is heartbreaking but is easily the best miniseries of the year.

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Magdalena (2017) #1

Mar 22, 2017

“The Magdalena” #1 is a great reboot and an example of how to reinvent a character properly. It's fun, dark, action packed and very easy to jump into without any background. I'm very excited to see how the saga of this new Magdalena unfolds.

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Magneto (2014) #1

Mar 5, 2014

I'm excited to see where this series goes. It's the Magneto book all the X fans needed and deserved. The moment I finished this, I wanted issue two right away. I've been very picky with the large amount of All New Marvel Now books (because there are so many) but Magneto is one that I will most definitely be coming back to.

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Magneto (2014) #3

May 8, 2014

This issue, like those before it, is an absolute must reads for any X-Men fan.

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Mantle #1

May 13, 2015

“The Mantle” #1 is a solid start to what could end up being one of the very best superhero titles around. With great art and a clever plot twist, this is not a comic to miss.

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Midnighter (2015) #1

Jun 3, 2015

“Midnighter” #1 is a great debut for a series that hasthe potential to be a huge hit. Steve Orlando and ACO work together very well and they're giving this character the solo series he's deserved for a long time.

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Midnighter (2015) #3

Aug 5, 2015

“Midnighter” #3 is another excellent issue for this still young series. The writing is strong and meaningful and the artwork breaks the mold of generic superhero action. Believe the hype and pick up “Midnighter”.

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Midnighter And Apollo #2

Nov 4, 2016

“Midnighter and Apollo” continues to be a fantastic follow up the previous “Midnighter” series in every sense. With great writing and engaging art, this is a series that every DC fan should have on their pull list.

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Midnighter And Apollo #4

Jan 6, 2017

“Midnighter & Apollo” remains one of the brightest stars in DC's current line up. It's everything I want superhero comic books to be and I can't wait to see what the second half of this miniseries has in store.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #0

Jan 13, 2016

“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” #0 is a very solid prelude to the series that gets it's #1 issue released in March. This will tie people over until then. For fans of the original series, this is going to be a joy to read. It really captures the essence of the series while updating things to 2016. It continues the standard of good licensed comics that series like “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” and “The X-Files” have set.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #1

Sep 16, 2016

A very solid and enjoyable book for fans who long for more stories with this Power Rangers squad.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Pink #1

Jun 1, 2016

"Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Pink" #1 is a great start fora Kimberly Hart story that needed to be told. Fans of the original television series and those reading the current comic book series will find so much to love here. This is a vibrant book with lots of action, witty dialogue and a true sense of adventure.

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Mind MGMT #20

Mar 26, 2014

Mind MGMT #20 is my gem of the week. It's consistently a mind trip and makes me think. Matt Kindt is writing a modern masterpiece and it will be remembered for years to come. Issue 20 sets up a potential game changer in issue #21. If you've been wanting to get into this series, there is no better time than the present.

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Mind MGMT #21

Apr 23, 2014

Mind MGMT #21 is a perfect example of how comics can go above what people perceive them to be. Mind MGMT is smart, deeply detailed and captivating on so many levels. Issue #21 continues that tradition and is one of the few series that I can never find a bad thing to say about. Get the hardcovers. You'll thank me for it later.

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Mind MGMT #23

Jun 26, 2014

Month after month, Matt Kindt breaks all pre-conceived notions of what comic books are with Mind MGMT. This month is no different as Kindt outdoes himself on so many levels.

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Monsieur Jean: From Bachelor to Father #1

Dec 15, 2014

“Monsieur Jean: From Bachelor to Father” is a big book but that's the joy of it. You're getting your money's worth with a story that takes it's time and delivers excellent character development and comedy. Jean is a character you'll immediately like despite his flaws and his journey will take you back to certain moments in your life no matter how old you are. This is an excellent book that would also make a nice holiday gift.

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Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 5, 2014

Moon Knight is an extremely unique comic and probably won't hit with everyone. I prefer darker stories, particularly when it involves a “street level hero”. Like the other big Marvel release today, Magneto #1, I can't wait for issue #2 and wish I had it in my hands right now. This is the Moon Knight comic I've wanted for a long time. With Warren Ellis at the helm, I see no reason why this series can't run for a long time.

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Moon Knight (2014) #3

May 8, 2014

Moon Knight #3 is great for establishing who Ellis' version of Moon Knight is, but not much happens to progress the overall story.

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Morning Glories #32

Oct 6, 2013

The cover is once again gorgeous and the interiors are just so great to look at. You really can't go wrong with Joe Eisma doing your interiors. If you are a big fan who loves to really dive into deconstructing every theory in this series check out The website has a long version of the Notes from MGA Study Hall in the back of every issue. I read it after every issue. If you've never checked it out before then I suggest you do because it is so much to break this series down so much.

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Morning Glories #33

Oct 16, 2013

As always the artwork is amazing and great to look at. The cover is another gem. My only downside, which is always the problem with this series, is it always feels too short. That is a good and bad thing. Good thing because that's how well written this series is that I complain I don't have more to read and bad because I don't have more to read.

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Morning Glories #34

Nov 6, 2013

Once again the interior art is freaking amazing. Joe Eisma does a wonderful job every month. I'd also like to say congratulations to this team for hitting the 1,000 page mark. That is a huge accomplishment and I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the good work guys!

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Morning Glories #39

Jul 3, 2014

If Morning Glories #39 is any indication of where this arc is going, then it will be truly unforgettable.

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Mosaic #1

Oct 17, 2016

It's not bad but it's not nearly different enough to stay with.

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Motor Girl #1

Nov 3, 2016

A very strong start to a series very different than anything Moore has done before.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #4

May 30, 2014

Overall Ms. Marvel #4 is a delightful addition to this young series. G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona make for a perfect team. They are creating a character that will live on for years to come because she'll be an inspiration for any young girl.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #5

Jun 26, 2014

Marvel #5 is another stellar entry in this young series.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #6

Jul 17, 2014

This is a superhero comic that sets itself apart from the rest of the books on the stand, but it does so without trying too hard. It's that kind of grace that makes this an enjoyable read again and again.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #7

Aug 22, 2014

“Ms. Marvel” #7 doesn't have much of The Inventor and has none of the supporting cast but it's the most superhero of the series so far. It also tackles some very important issues facing a young women like Kamala. Most importantly (no spoilers) but it ties Kamala into the bigger Marvel Universe, teasing an interesting interaction for the future.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #8

Sep 10, 2014

“Ms. Marvel” #8 ends on a big cliffhanger and despite the fact that we can predict where it will go, it still feels right. This is a deeply personal story with a lot of heart and big laughs to keep it light. There's also frequently a lot mentioned about religion (not in an overbearing way) and the youth of today making this one of the best comics out there today. If you're not reading “Ms. Marvel” then do yourself a favor and catch up. This is a classic in the making.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #13

Mar 12, 2015

The coloring team Ian Herring and Irma Knivila do an amazing job. Herring is the regular colorist on this book and he never disappoints. He uses a great mix of bright colors with neutrals but it never feels off. The one off villain in this issue has a power set that could prove to be a challenge to color but it's dynamic and almost pops off the page. They do a great job and while the focus tends to always be on the very fun script, the art team deserves a lot more credit.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #3

Jan 25, 2016

Another great issue for a series every comic fan should be reading.

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Nailbiter #2

Jun 5, 2014

Nailbiter #2 is a perfect follow up to the debut. It builds more on this world and deepens the mystery further. This is not just another Dexter like serial killer story. It blends horror with a little Silence of the Lambs and a pinch of Twin Peaks. Image has been on fire lately with putting out creator owned series. Nailbiter however stands above many of them and is a must on any pull list.

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Nailbiter #4

Aug 6, 2014

“Nailbiter” #4 is terrific. The amount of layers in this series is what will keep people coming back. This mixes horror, crime and dark comedy into one fantastic comic. With perfect art this issue proves that “Nailbiter” cannot be ignored.

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Nailbiter #7

Nov 5, 2014

This may not have been the most horrifying issue of "Nailbiter" or even the most action packed but there's a ton to like here. "Nailbiter" is one of the best series of the year and should have a permanent spot on your pull list.

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Nailbiter #10

Feb 4, 2015

“Nailbiter” is not a series you can afford to keep ignoring. Comics are being picked up left and right for television shows and it shocks me that this isn't one of them. “Nailbiter” #10 is a nice addition to the bigger mythology of the series and that cliffhanger ending has me already counting the days till the next issue.

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Nailbiter #14

Jul 6, 2015

"Nailbiter" continues to be one of the best horror comics going.

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Nailbiter #21

May 6, 2016

A strong issue that serves as a new era for the book but not the best jumping on point for someone brand new to the series.

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Nailbiter #28

Jan 6, 2017

"Nailbiter" #28 is the windup to what will hopefully be a perfect strike.

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Nailbiter #30

Mar 2, 2017

An ending that suits the kind of story that was told from the start. I'll miss "Nailbiter" dearly.

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Nameless #1

Feb 4, 2015

“Nameless”is a series you need to add to your pull list immediately. This debut features classic Morrison mind trips with an art team that just can't be beat. It's a complex and exciting issue that people will be talking about quite a lot this month.

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Neverboy #1

Mar 6, 2015

“Neverboy” is an artistic achievement with a very compelling story at it's core. This has a lot of potential and does so much in the first issue that you'd being doing yourself a disservice by not giving this a shot. You don't want to miss this one.

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New Romancer #1

Dec 10, 2015

“New Romancer” #1 does have a few problems though. It tries to pack a lot into it's pages which is normally something I enjoy but it was just a little too much. We get a sort of origin story, a lot of new characters and the only one we really get to know is Lexy. It's important to be attached to her right away but there's no true connection for us and the people she works with. There are a lot of fast transitions that don't all add up but this is something that can easily be worked out. Vertigo has something here that they haven't ever really had. This is a cute book with a light sense of humor and an art style that will pull in those who may have never read a Vertigo book.

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New Suicide Squad #1

Jul 10, 2014

Overall, New Suicide Squad #1 is not great but not exactly bad. There's potential in this team, and despite a shaky debut, this will be worth coming back to, even if it's just for the art.

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Nighthawk #1

May 26, 2016

A great debut by a team that understands the subject matter and doesn't shy away from being brutally honest.

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Nighthawk #4

Aug 29, 2016

Even though it's leaving us soon, I'm excited to see how this comes to an end.

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No Angel #1

Nov 30, 2016

“No Angel” #1 is a very intriguing debut with an engaging lead character. The art team does tremendous work and the pacing is just what I like in a debut. Black Mask continues to be a publisher to watch with this debut.

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October Faction #1

Oct 8, 2014

Overall “The October Faction” #1 is a great read. It has a perfect horror tone and vibe while, in it's own way, being almost funny. This issue has a well developed human core despite how bleak the world it takes place in is. Damien Worm absolutely kills it on art. This is a great book to also ease new fans into the great work of Steve Niles.

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October Faction #2

Nov 14, 2014

Niles is on fire and Worm is doing some of the best horror art all year.

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October Faction #4

Jan 23, 2015

"The October Faction" is becoming a must read for any horror comic fan.

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ODY-C #1

Nov 30, 2014

Despite this being a retelling of a famous work of literature, "Ody " C" is the most unique single issue of the year

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One Week In The Library #1

Dec 9, 2016

"One Week In the Library" is $9.99 and a very good use of $9.99. I want more of this from Image.

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Onyx #1

Jul 1, 2015

“Onyx” #1 presents an intriguing and memorable new hero. “Onyx” has the potential to be a hit with fans thanks to it's diverse cast and action packed plot that touches on some big themes. Fans of classic science fiction adventures or superheroes should put this on their pull list and get acquainted with a hero for modern times.

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Onyx #2

Sep 14, 2015

A tonal shift from the first issue but sci fi fans should still find a lot to enjoy here.

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Original Sin #0

Apr 26, 2014

While Original Sin #0 does nothing to get me on Uatu's side, it is a well done set up to this big event. Events usually need time to be completed and thus end up being about 6-10 issues so doing a zero issue as a prologue should help ease the need to pack too much together.

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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #1

Jul 10, 2014

Overall, while not much happens in Original Sin #5.1 it does set the stage for what will happen with Angela and her Asgardian ties. For anyone on the fence about this happening, it doesn't do much to alleviate those worries but it also doesn't exacerbate them. It's not a bad issue but because of the lack of new events, it's not easy to call this a success.

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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #2

Jul 26, 2014

Overall this was an okay issue. The twist of Angela being an Asgardian should have been kept secret because it honestly kills a lot of the excitement from the ongoing plot. It's almost skippable if it weren't for the great artwork.

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Paknadel & Trakhanov's Turncoat #4

Jun 17, 2016

“Turncoat” #4 marks the end of a very strong miniseries that deserved more attention. It wasn't a run of the mill post apocalyptic, science fiction story. It's influences are clear but it never felt like a shallow copy. What's great is that this story ends but due to how much world building there was, it would be easy to revisit this Earth and hopefully we one day will.

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Pariah #3

May 1, 2014

Issue three is a solid step towards that inevitability and creates genuine excitement for the next issue.

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Peter Panzerfaust #19

Jun 26, 2014

This issue is a solid read that sets the stage for the big finale of Tiger Lily's quest for revenge and will leave readers counting the days to see how this all comes to a head.

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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #1

Jun 21, 2017

“Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man” #1 is a winner. It is familiar but in this case, familiar is good. This is the Peter Parker I've known and been a fan of for many years. I can't wait for more.

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Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1

Dec 29, 2017

There's still a lot still unknown and I can't say for sure if this will all end up being a signature Jean Grey story but this issue gave me hope and I loved the mysteries put forward.

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Postal #9

Jan 21, 2016

“Postal” continues to be a must read series in every way. It's very different from a lot of what comics is doing (in a completely positive sense) and features consistently great art. “Postal” #9 builds upon some important storylines and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Postal #14

Sep 5, 2016

An uneventful but still very important piece of the "Postal" puzzle

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #1

Feb 18, 2016

I've been very excited for this to launch due to being a long time fan of these characters so yes, there is a little bias here but frankly, there's very little to pick at. It's very easily one of the strongest new Marvel series in this new line up (“The Vision” still reigns supreme…for now) but there's still room to grow. “Power Man and Iron Fist” #1 provides a great introduction to these two characters and more importantly gives them something to do instead of simplysupplying an explanation of who they are. I am very excited to see this series develop.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #4

May 18, 2016

“Power Man and Iron Fist” #4 is a winner. This is an action packed finale to the first arc that does a lot of important character work and focuses on the bonds of friendship between more than just Luke and Danny. I've been a fan of these characters for years and this creative team is doing right by them in every sense. This is a fantastic series that has started off strong and sets up the next phase of the story in an organic way.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #5

Jun 24, 2016

"Power Man and Iron Fist" #5 is fantastic but it sadly is going to get bogged down in "Civil War II" nonsense next month. My biggest hope is that it doesn't lose momentum from this. I love this book. It's everything I wanted it to be when it was announced. I just hope that this forced tie-in doesn't create lingering story beats that will mess up what has been built here.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #15

Apr 13, 2017

All journeys come to an end. This is a fitting ending if a little bit rushed.

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Power Up #1

Jul 22, 2015

“Power Up” #1 is not going to be for everyone. It's looking at a very specific audience but since comics are for everyone, that's fine. Fans of Kate Leth are going to find a lot to enjoy here and younger, tween and teen readers should be guided to this book by local comic shops and parents. There's a nice amount of representation within the cast of characters and the tone is light with just enough action to keep even the most impatient reader engaged. “Power Up” #1 is a blast and I can't wait to read more.

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Powers (2015) #1

Jan 24, 2015

“Powers” is back and off to a nice start. I do believe you'll gain more by reading past volumes of “Powers”. You're going to ease into this new storyline just fine but there will be some questions. It's also a damn fine series so there's that added bonus.

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Predator: Hunters #1

May 4, 2017

Lacking in big action but a unique take on the franchise.

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Propeller #1

Nov 26, 2014

“Propeller” #1 is a strong comic book that deserves your attention. Mo and Muriel are doing something special here that with an only $0.99 price tag cannot be missed.

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Propeller #2

Apr 5, 2015

“Propeller” is halfway over at this point but there's still a lot of story to be told. I'm excited to see what comes next and how this all ends for Rex. You can buy both issue on Comixology for just ONE DOLLAR each issue. That's a great deal for a very cool series that brings something new to the table when it comes to super powers.

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Propeller #4

Jun 19, 2015

“Propeller” #4 is a perfect finale and the series is something worth examining when not sure how to pace something short like this. We get a fitting conclusion that holds real consequence for Rex. It's again not something we typically see in stories with superpowered characters and if we do, it's done in a dark way that leaves out any fun. This isn't a light and fluffy story but there are moments of levity throughout this issue that help break up the darkness to great effect. This series played with a lot of different themes such as good vs. evil and turned the sidekick concept into it's own, unique idea. “Propeller” is a fantastic series that won't break the bank. You get download it through Comixology right here.

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Punks: The Comic #2

Nov 7, 2014

"Punks" evokes the spirit of punk rock. This is the definition of must read.

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Rachel Rising #29

Oct 31, 2014

A quick read but it gets the job done. Still one of the best ongoings out now.

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Rachel Rising #33

May 11, 2015

A quiet but very enjoyable issue.

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Rasputin #2

Nov 30, 2014

This is a strong next step in the story as we begin to meet people who will have an impact on Rasputin's later life and again, Rossmo's art is phenomenal and worth the cover price in every sense.

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Rat Queens #1

Oct 26, 2013

I really recommend that anyone that enjoys Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons or World of Warcraft to pick this up. You will enjoy this series very much. Both issues average out to an 8.8. I adored the second issue and very much liked the first one.

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Rat Queens #4

Jan 15, 2014

Rat Queens #4 is a perfect comic. It has everything a fan could want. It takes a lot for a book to get a 10 this comic deserves it. This issue was a perfect blend of humor and cray action. It resolves a plot line, builds up a character more, has superb artwork, and gives more of the Four Daves. If you aren't reading Rat Queens then please do yourself a favor and pick up the first four issues. You won't regret the purchase.

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Rat Queens #5

Feb 26, 2014

Rat Queens is officially a hit. It's a big party and we're all invited. I have no idea how any of us will get through two months of no Rat Queens but I'm sure there's enough liquor to help us. If you aren't reading Rat Queens then you need to get your head checked ASAP. This is the best series Image is putting out and one of the best on shelves now.

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Rat Queens #6

May 8, 2014

Rat Queens #6 is a great start to the second arc. Gary as always is awful and Dee finally gets the spotlight. The dialogue is sharp, snarky, witty and totally hilarious. If you're not aboard the Rat Queens train then it's time to hop on.

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Rat Queens #7

Jul 17, 2014

“Rat Queens” #7 is the strongest issue in the series so far and sets a new path for the Queens to take. Kurtis Wiebe and Roc Upchurch are putting together a modern masterpiece, and if you're not reading this then I think your taste might just have to be questioned a little bit. While there are many great books from Image currently on stands, “Rat Queens” is by far one of the best, and it absolutely deserves all the attention it has been given.

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Rat Queens #8

Oct 1, 2014

Overall “Rat Queens” #8 is another success by this creative team. Violet is a character that will come to be appreciated even more thanks to this issue.

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Rat Queens #9

Mar 4, 2015

“Rat Queens” has a new artist in Stjepan Sejic and that might take some time to adjust to. However he more than proves why he's the right fit. Wiebe is comfortable with these characters and this world and jumps right back into the storyline seamlessly with all the fight, attitude and sass that we all fell in love with. “Rat Queen” #9 is a sign of great things to come and because of this it's a great time to be a fan.

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Rat Queens #10

Apr 8, 2015

“Rat Queens” #10 is a fantastic issue that does a lot of important things while wrapping up the arc in a satisfying manner. The ending cliffhanger sets up the next arc perfectly and I'm going to be anxiously awaiting the next issue. This series is back on track and comics is better for it.

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Rat Queens #11

Aug 21, 2015

"Rat Queens" #11 is the start of what could be a special arc for this series and with the addition of Fowler and Bonvillain, it feels like things are finally back on track for this series.

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Rat Queens #13

Nov 18, 2015

“Rat Queens” #13 isn't the most action packed issue of the series but the substance here is great. There are some very fun character moments and art team of Tess Fowler and Tamra Bonvillain continue to absolutely kill it. “Rat Queens' continues to be one of the very best that comics has to offer.

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Rat Queens #15

Mar 16, 2016

“Rat Queens” #15 is absolutely a game changer for this series but it also shows what this team is capable of. Thisissue also boldly states that it will not fit into any boxes people may have put it in early on in it's run. It's a genuinely fun book but Wiebe, Fowler and Bonvillain are not going to shy away from shaking things up and delivering a compelling character drama.

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Real Heroes #1

Mar 26, 2014

Real Heroes #1 is not a great comic. It's very much in the middle of the road. While someone like me may feel that I've seen this story before, there are many who have never seen or heard of Galaxy Quest so the familiarity will not be a problem for them. It's not going to be a problem if Hitch figures out how to make this his own so that I can shake that feeling off. It's intriguing and there's enough here to make me come back, even if it's just for the artwork.

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Rebels (2015) #1

Mar 12, 2015

"Rebels" #1 is all introduction but wow is it ever an introduction. This is an action packed and dynamic first issue that sucks you in and doesn't let go. If this issue is any indicator then "Rebels" is going to be a very special and memorable series. I'm fully on board for more.

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Reborn #1

Oct 13, 2016

A great concept but the first issue doesn't offer more than that. The art, however, is fantastic.

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Red Sonja (2013) #13

Nov 14, 2014

Simone and Geovani continue their winning streak with "Red Sonja" #13

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Renato Jones: The One % #1

Jan 13, 2017

Aside from a few nitpicks in characterization, this is a bold, explosive comic book that holds a mirror up to the current times.

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Revival #20

May 8, 2014

It's an almost perfect issue that you'll re-read over and over.

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Revival #24

Oct 24, 2014

Lots of words but the payoff is coming. Longtime fans will find lots to like here.

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Ringside #2

Dec 31, 2015

“Ringside” #2 is still very young but I'm rooting for it. Maybe in time I'll even mark out for it.

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Ringside #5

Mar 28, 2016

Still really on board with this series and I'm looking forward to the next arc.

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Ringside #6

Aug 12, 2016

One of Image's best returns with a bang.

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Robocop (2014) #1

Jul 3, 2014

Robocop has not had that great of luck when it comes to an ongoing series, but with this debut, the future is definitely bright.

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Roche Limit #1

Sep 24, 2014

“Roche Limit” #1 is a great debut and this series has a ton of potential. It's beautiful and puts the focus on the characters like all good stories should. Get this now before it becomes a huge hit and you kick yourself for not getting with the program.

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Roche Limit #2

Oct 29, 2014

“Roche Limit” #2 is a near perfect book. If you're not reading this then I might just question your taste in good comics.

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Roche Limit #3

Nov 30, 2014

If you're not reading "Roche Limit" you're doing no favors to yourself. This is a great series and is just getting better every month.

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Roche Limit #4

Jan 7, 2015

“Roche Limit” continues to be one of the very best comics being put out by Image Comics. It's certainly the best science fiction outside of “Saga”.

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Roche Limit #5

Feb 26, 2015

“Roche Limit” pushed the boundaries of science fiction in many different ways and while this isn't the issue you want to jump in with, it does perfectly illustrate why this is going to be a must buy when the trade paperback is released. You want this and you won't regret buying it.

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Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1

Apr 7, 2015

"Roche Limit: Clandestiny" #1 does a great job kicking off this new arc. You get all the great character building that made the first miniseries so great and lots of action, suspense and sci fi thrills. "Clandestiny" is going to be big and you absolutely cannot miss it.

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Rockstars #1

Dec 15, 2016

"Rockstars" #1 packs a lot in for a first issue and I'm excited to see how this story unfolds.

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Romulus #2

Dec 5, 2016

"Romulus" is going to be one of my absolute favorites if it keeps going this strongly.

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Rowans Ruin #1

Oct 8, 2015

"Rowans Ruin" #1 is a great choice for scary October comics so if you're looking for something on the scary side to read this month, you could do far worse than this. The story is solid and the art is great. It's a title that will resonate with a lot of fans and is already off to a nice start thanks to it's lead character and pacing.

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Royal City #3

May 17, 2017

“Royal City” reads like a one hour television drama and I mean that in the best possible way. I am fascinated by this town, the inhabitants and this family. I get anxious waiting for the next issue because I need to know what happens next. “Royal City” #3 is another excellent issue of this still very young ongoing series with huge potential.

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Saga #14

Sep 26, 2013

If you aren't reading this book, I'm really lost. You have to HATE sci-fi to continue to ignore this book. First two trades are in stores and this issue went on sale today. Pick it up. It is worth the money.

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Saga #15

Nov 1, 2013

Once again I will make my two regular praises for this series. I absolutely adore Hazel's narration. I think it allows a lot more insight into how this whole thing will end. Also Fiona Staples once again does an amazing job with the interior and covers. I look forward to seeing solicitations for this series because of the cover art. She has designed some beautiful characters here and there is genuine movement in her panels. I can't get enough of it.

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Saga #17

Dec 19, 2013

The only downside of Saga #17 is that it almost feels cut off. The ending is obviously a cliffhanger but it didn't feel natural. I feel like huge changes are about to come to this story with who's in alliance with each other. It makes me want to read Saga #18 even more. Saga is definitely in the top 3 comic series going on right now. If you haven't read it yet, get yourself the two trades that are out. It's more than worth the money.

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Saga #18

Jan 29, 2014

Saga #18 is a fine read. Not spectacular but definitely does its job. It finishes this arc while setting up the future of this series very well. Lots of questions are still unanswered. With how the issue ended, you as the reader, are left wondering a lot of things. There are major problems with how Gwendolyn was written and with a large female fan base this has to be remedied ASAP. I have my problems with this particular issue but I will most assuredly be coming back for more.

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Saga #19

May 20, 2014

Saga #19 is an excellent beginning to the fourth arc. Big changes are coming and while we may not be emotionally ready, the excitement level will be high. This issue does exactly what it needs to do to introduce this new arc. With perfectly written dialogue and gorgeous artwork, Saga #19 is an absolute must read. Anyone trade waiting might want to reconsider that.

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Saga #20

Jun 26, 2014

Overall, Saga #20 is just as memorable as Saga #19. It features a twist that no one will see coming. Staples' art is gorgeous and memorable. The fourth arc of this should be entitled “all the feels” because that's what Vaughn and Staples are doing. It's heartbreaking to read but you can't turn away.

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Saga #22

Aug 28, 2014

Saga #22 might not be the funniest or the most uplifting issue of the series but it's a damn good story. It's almost too emotional because it will hit close to home for many readers. Whether you've been in Alana, Marko, Prince Robot IV or Hazel's place you will find yourself feeling pain after this. As the kids say, it will hit you right in the feels. Accented with some of Staples' best art this is an issue that cannot be missed or ignored. This is why they won another Eisner.

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Saga #24

Oct 30, 2014

"Saga" #24 is yet another perfect issue of this fantastic series. I know everyone hypes this book but it is totally justified in every sense. This is the best ongoing series coming out of any publisher.

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Saga #30

Jul 13, 2015

"Saga" #30 is a really strong finale for this arc. Staples and Vaughan don't leave us with a ton of questions this time around as we're taken to each of our major characters and get some kind of closure for this part of their story.

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Saga #34

Feb 29, 2016

Not the most mind blowing issue but it moves things along very nicely.

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Samurai Jack #1

Oct 24, 2013

While there is a ton of good here my only worry is that since this a 5 issue arc that the story may be rushed. I haven't heard if this will the series finale we never got or if this is going to act as another season. If it is to act as a series finale then it might end up getting squeezed together too much by the 5 issue limit. My only other complaint is that I'm not entirely sure if this is marketed right to someone who has never seen the show. I think there is a nice amount of catchup in the first couple of pages. You really just need to know what's there. Fans of the show will adore this but I think there needs to be a little something extra in the marketing or somewhere that will grab those who have never seen the show. I'm really, really, really, REALLY looking forward to the next issue.

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Samurai Jack #3

Dec 21, 2013

Fans of the show, like me, need to start reading this. And if you aren't a fan of the show or never had the chance to watch it, you can still pick this up because each issue introduces the basic plot of the series. It's all you really need to know as the comic has been designed to be VERY accessible and that is never a bad thing.

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Samurai Jack #6

Mar 19, 2014

Samurai Jack #6 is a great start for the new story arc. It is all setup for the story going forward and is very new reader friendly. With a welcomed return of a fan favorite character, it is not one to be missed.

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Satellite Falling #1

May 12, 2016

A very enjoyable first issue of what looks to be a memorable miniseries.

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Scooby-Doo Team-up #5

Jul 2, 2014

Brizuela's art is phenomenal. It's crisp and colorful. He retains having a unique art style while capturing the essence of every Scooby-Doo animated series. His rendering of Wonder Woman is spot on. The cover is the real attention grabber though as it has Wonder Woman, Daphne, Velma and Scooby-Doo in Amazonian gear ready for battle. Overall, Scooby-Doo Team Up #5 is a lively and upbeat read for Scooby fans young and old.

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Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 3, 2014

“Secret Six” #1 is a triumphant return for Simone to what's arguably her most famous work. The band is different but the attitude and sass of it is still here. It'll take some time for this story to build but that's the fun part. There's a big mystery at play and at this point it's completely unpredictable. This time around I think it'll be impossible for comic readers to ignore this title. Welcome back “Secret Six”. We missed you.

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Secret Six (2014) #3

Jun 22, 2015

"Secret Six" #3 is an okay issue that is heavy on humor and features a great cliffhanger.

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Secret Six (2014) #5

Aug 19, 2015

The big return/reveal will be the story of “Secret Six” #5 but Simone is bringing her A game with the team dynamicsand the art team is pulling off all the zaniness and violence “Secret Six” is known for. This is a big turning point for the series and the wait till issue six will be a tough one.

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Secret Wars (2015) #2

May 16, 2015

“Secret Wars” #2 is a great achievement for an event comic. It's accessible and reads like an epic. God Emperor Doom is a true villain and Hickman is clearly having fun writing the dialogue for him as well as the rest of the characters. This is going to be an event comic that separates itself from the lackluster series we've seen in recent years.

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Sex Criminals #1

Sep 28, 2013

I don't think Fraction did a good job at introducing Jon. Hopefully issue two gives us a little more about him. I like first issues to give us a proper introduction to the main characters. I don't feel I know him well enough. I know more about Suzi's mom than him and he obviously has a large part in this story. I gave it an 8.5 as well because I wasn't crazy about the art. I don't think it was anything that great. Pretty typical stuff to me.

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Sex Criminals #2

Oct 23, 2013

Once again the art here by Chip Zdarsky is wonderful. I love what he does in the scenes where time is stopped. You really see that time is stopped but there is still action going on and it looks good. The use of colors is brilliant in my opinion. I also love that in all this color the antagonists are wearing all white. It feels right against all those colors.

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Sex Criminals #3

Nov 20, 2013

I recommend this to anyone looking for something new to read that's different from everything else on the shelves.

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Sex Criminals #4

Jan 8, 2014

Sex Criminals #4 is the best of the series. Right from the first page you're laughing. As the comic goes on you feel all kinds of emotions. Suzie is a classic female character in the making. Sex Criminals is the best new series of last year and looks to be a strong contender for best series of 2014. It's the perfect blend of comedy, drama, sci fi and mature scenarios. Nothing comes off vulgar. Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarksky continue to mesh together fabulously. If you're not reading Sex Criminals you are doing yourself a major disservice. Even the letters column is a hoot.

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Sex Criminals #5

Mar 20, 2014

Sex Criminals #5 is not the best or the most fun issue of the series so far but it doesn't diminish the excitement I have over this series. The first arc is over and while there was a resolution while leaving us wanting more. This is still one of the freshest and funniest comics I've read in a really long time from the introductory page to the letters column. If you've wanted to jump on to Sex Criminals, don't do it here, buy the trade in a couple of weeks. You won't be disappointed.

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Sex Criminals #6

Jun 18, 2014

Sex Criminals #6 is the restarting of my obsession with this book. From the opening page to the mature readers warning on the back, it's a book that will make you laugh out loud but then make you cry when it's over. This book delivers on the comedy and on the story and thus cannot be missed. If Sex Criminals isn't on your pull list then it's time to rectify that now.

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Sex Criminals #7

Aug 14, 2014

"Sex Criminals" #7 is still bringing the funny but it does struggle a little bit when it comes to the story. It's moving forward but relying too much on Jon, who's beginning to suffer as a character. The issue is not bad but I do tend to a have higher standards for this series.

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Sex Criminals #9

Dec 10, 2014

Fraction and Zdarsky cement why “Sex Criminals” is so praised with this month's issue. The story is gaining steam quickly and they are able to balance that with the humor and sex. It's an almost perfect issue that should be used to explain why fans go crazy for it.

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Sex Criminals #10

Jan 29, 2015

"Sex Criminals" #10 is a strong issue from what is definitely one of my five favorite series going right now. The second arc feels so much important now thanks to this issue.

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Shade, the Changing Girl #1

Oct 5, 2016

“Shade, The Changing Girl” #1makes the Young Animal imprint 2 for 2 so far. This is a beautiful book from beginning to end and the story delivers an interesting mystery while keeping the alien nature of the Madness Vest at the forefront. I'm eager to read more.

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Shade, the Changing Girl #4

Jan 9, 2017

This continues to be my favorite of the Young Animal books.

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Shade, the Changing Girl #9

Jun 7, 2017

“Shade, the Changing Girl” #9 is another excellent issue in this series and I'm really eager to see where else Megan/Loma goes in her journey across the world. She's got so much to learn and so much to see and because this is this series, it will be imaginative with a very unique perspective.

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Shaft #1

Dec 3, 2014

“Shaft” #1 is a great start to this revival of an American icon. It's action packed and a great introduction to the character for those who have never seen the films or read the novel. Dynamite Entertainment has something on their hands here.

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She-Hulk (2014) #2

Mar 7, 2014

She – Hulk #2 continues to be a series with a huge amount of potential. It's fun, charming, and a lot more than what it looks on its surface. Charles Soule can comfortably add this series to his long list of hit comics because this reader will be coming back for more each month.

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She-Hulk (2014) #3

Apr 5, 2014

She – Hulk is firmly on my pull list. I think it's charming, funny and wonderful to look at. This series truly is Ally McBeal with a superhero twist. It's not for everyone but it will add some much needed lightness to any one's pull list as well as making She – Hulk a character that people can actually connect with.

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She-Hulk (2014) #6

Jul 17, 2014

She-Hulk #6 has seen a bit of a tonal shift in the last couple of issues. The series began a bit more lighthearted and hit a peak with the Dr. Doom issue, but has since become more serious thanks to the mysterious blue file.

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She-Hulk (2014) #9

Oct 24, 2014

What could have been boring is exciting making me already start to miss this series.

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Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #1

Oct 18, 2017

“Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil” #1 is a fantastic start to an unexplored part of Lucy Weber's journey. While we don't get a lot of the titular character, there's so much exciting potential here. This is a spin off that doesn't stray far from the core story and an absolute must read for fans of “Black Hammer”. If none of this sells you, then David Rubin's gorgeous artwork should do that.

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Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #4

Jan 25, 2018

“Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil” #4 is a very strong ending for a miniseries that adds a lot of world building to “Black Hammer.” Lemire and Rubin cement Lucy as the center of this very big story (at least at this point) and I'm excited to see what else this superhero universe has in store for us this year.

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Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini #1

Oct 3, 2014

The problem here is that we don't get a firm idea of who the threat is or why they're doing what they're doing. What we do get of them causes them to run the risk of being Scooby-Doo like villains.

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Silk #1

Feb 19, 2015

“Silk” #1 is a little all over the place but is a very strong debut for a creative team that might just have the next big thing on their hand. Cindy Moon is likable and relatable and in this issue we get just enough to make her stand out from the rest of the “Spider-Man” family. All the attention has been on Spider-Gwen but Silk deserves a lot more attention than she's getting.

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Silk #3

May 4, 2015

Fun, cute and features awesome superhero action. Don't skip out on "Silk" any longer.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Mar 26, 2014

Silver Surfer #1 may upset some purists but if you've never been into the character or are coming to this with almost no knowledge of this character then you will find a lot to like. Allred's art is so wacky and cartoon like that the mood of the comic stays light and fun. This book feels like something you would have read back in the 1960′s and that makes it unique from pretty much everything else on the shelves now. There's a lot here to keep me coming back for issue two and beyond.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #2

May 1, 2014

I am completely over the moon with Mike Allred's art. I love the retro, cartoon vibe that his art gives off. It fits the tone of this series perfectly because this isn't an overly serious comic book. Silver Surfer's design is sleek and Dawn is such a perfectly designed regular young woman. The highlight art wise, is the cover. It's one of the best covers of the month and definitely poster worthy.

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Slam! #1

Nov 16, 2016

“Slam” is off to a great start with a creative team that works very well together. This roller derby drama has the tenacity to go the distance and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Slam! #4

Feb 23, 2017

"Slam" is not perfect but it is an enjoyable read, especially for anyone who's enjoyed BOOM!'s recent output.

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Sons of Anarchy #5

Jan 8, 2014

Sons of Anarchy #5 is a great continuation of the story being told. However it is a series that needs to be read from the beginning. As a fan of the series I had no problem picking this up. It tells a great side tale about Tig and SAMCRO with enough of the whole crew including Gemma and Tara. I can only hope that we'll get to see more tales like this set in the Sons of Anarchy world without damaging the mythology set up by the great Kurt Sutter.

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Sons of Anarchy #7

Mar 12, 2014

Coming to this comic as a fan of the television series, it is wonderful to see that Boom! Studios has put talented creators on this series in order to justice to the property. I want to get more of Toric. I think this was a character we didn't get to see enough of. Fans of Sons of Anarchy NEED to rush out and pick up a copy of this comic.

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Sons of Anarchy #9

May 14, 2014

Overall, Sons of Anarchy #9 is a very good start for the new story arc. It takes place during a time in the show's history that has untapped potential. Any fan of the television series should pick this up this week. There's some great action and Gemma is a total bad ass. Brisson writes this with respect for the source material while still being wholly original.

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Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original #1

Aug 11, 2016

“Redwood Original” #1 is a really solid start to what should be an enjoyable prequel to the television series. The character voices sound right and the art has a great sense of style to it. “Redwood Original” has the potential to fill the void the television has left behind for fans.

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Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original #2

Sep 19, 2016

This is really a story only for people who've seen the show but if you have, it's a solid prequel.

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Southern Bastards #4

Sep 5, 2014

“Southern Bastards” #4 is a perfect comic book. It's got an insane twist that turns everything on its head. This is quickly becoming the next big thing in comics. After this arc is collected it will shock no one if it takes off the way Saga did.

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Southern Bastards #5

Oct 30, 2014

The biggest problem with "Southern Bastards" #5 is that is indeed part one of something bigger. The ending does feel a little (just a little) abrupt. One nitpick aside this is a stellar book that deserves all the hype it gets month in and month out.

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Southern Bastards #8

Apr 2, 2015

“Southern Bastards” #8 is a fantastic single issue that caps off a great arc. The last few pages of this issue make it so that the wait for the next issue will be agonizing. June can't get here fast enough.

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Southern Cross #1

Mar 11, 2015

“Southern Cross” #1 is by no means bad but it does leave something to be desired. Alex Braith is a well introduced character and the bigger mystery of what happened to her sister is touched on but I wanted a little bit more from this as a way of introducing the story. There's clearly a sci fi element at play but this issuewould have been so much better if it were looked at just a tad more. Belanger and Loughridge do such an amazing job that this is absolutely a must buy for their art alone.

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Southern Cross #4

Jun 29, 2015

This series took a little while to get going but there's something really special happening here in "Southern Cross"

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Space Battle Lunchtime #4

Aug 15, 2016

Riess moves her story along very nicely and lets her art do the storytelling.

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Spell On Wheels #1

Oct 19, 2016

“Spell on Wheels” #1 is the kind of book I'd like to see more of. It's playful but carefully manages a meaningful plot with consequences and obstacles for all the characters involved. The core characters are instantly likable and the art is fantastic.

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Spell On Wheels #2

Nov 21, 2016

The art is great but the writing left a little to be desired.

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Spell On Wheels #4

Jan 30, 2017

Still a cute and fun miniseries that'll find a bigger audience when collected.

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Spider-Gwen #3

Apr 3, 2015

"Spider-Gwen" #3 is an issue that retreads old ground but in a new way. It's the best issue so far and it's indicative of this creative team really hitting its stride. Let's hope "Secret Wars" doesn't undo this.

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #1

Oct 19, 2015

A very strong issue for those caught up and a still understandable one for new fans.

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Spider-Man & The X-Men #1

Dec 13, 2014

“Spider-Man & the X-Men” #1 proved my own reservations about this title wrong. This is a fun X-Men title that focuses on different characters and doesn't seem to tie in so much to the rest of the mutant world. This is a coming of age story that's also great for a younger crowd. It's a charming debut that does more than enough to compel you to come back for the next issue.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #5

Mar 6, 2015

Spider-Woman is not a character as old as Spider-Man but she was in need of an upgrade nonetheless. She's more modern, more approachable for a new reader and visually, looks like she belongs in 2015. “Spider-Woman” #5 is a true winner that has won over at least one new fan.

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Spread #1

Jun 25, 2014

Spread #1 is one of the more memorable debuts of this year. It's only going to get better with time. It's a blend of The Walking Dead, The Thing, and Sweet Tooth with artwork that will haunt your dreams. This is not one to be missed.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #2

Aug 17, 2015

Really fun with lots of stuff that works but needs more a concrete plot.

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Star Trek: Boldly Go #1

Oct 21, 2016

A really enjoyable first issue with high quality work from everyone involved.

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Star Trek: Boldly Go #4

Jan 4, 2017

“Star Trek: Boldly Go” #4 is a strong ending to this first story arc and has me all in for what comes next.

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Star Trek: Khan #1

Oct 20, 2013

The other huge part of why this got a lower grade was because it is a story that quite honestly does not need to be told. I think it is a cool idea to want to tell Khan's origin but they are trying to tell why he looks different. They are linking the two different timelines together which is unnecessary. The thing I loved most about the new movies was that they created their own timeline and can now do what they want with the characters. Why does this series feel the need to explain why he's a white male now??? Why is the original Khan even known to these people in this timeline? The whole thing feels like it may get very convoluted and while twists and turns are great, confusion is not something I want to feel from this kind of series that has potential to be very good.

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Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #1

Aug 5, 2016

A super enjoyable Star Trek story with bubbly art.

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Star Trek: Waypoint #1

Sep 29, 2016

“Star Trek: Waypoint” #1 is a strong start to a concept that will prove to be a ton of fun. It's weird that this hasn't always been a book IDW has invested in and I hope that we'll see some stories featuring lesser known characters and those from series outside of TNG and the original series.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 14, 2015

“Star Wars” is off to a very strong start at Marvel. The Force is strong with Jason Aaron and John Cassaday and the rebel alliance in good hands.

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Star Wars (2014) #15

Jan 22, 2016

"Star Wars" #15 is a filler issue and could be skipped. I'm still on board with the series though because it has proven to be very enjoyable. If anything, the problems in this issue make me even more wanting of a flat out solo series for Obi-Wan where these things can be explored in full.

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Star Wars (2014) #16

Feb 22, 2016

A fine start, but I do miss the art of earlier issues.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 12, 2015

As a whole, "Darth Vader" #1 was great, but it did feel a little less epic after Vader left Jabba's palace. The transition wasn't as smooth and that makes me cautious going forward. The timeline feels a little too close to what's happening in "Star Wars". If that gets delayed, how does this story get effected and vice versa? I also worry about there being too many guest stars. Palpatine is vital, I think, in a Darth Vader story but the surprise at the end and Jabba the Hutt are not characters I'd like to see as often going forward. Gillen and Larroca really have something here and if they keep it up this could become a very special chapter in the story of Darth Vader.

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Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1

Apr 7, 2016

"Poe Dameron" #1 is far from a bad comic but it doesn't quite reach levels of greatness. Poe isn't expanded on much more than what the film provides but in time, I hope Soule and Noto can take us somewhere new.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #1

Mar 4, 2015

“Princess Leia” #1 is a fine debut that leaves you wanting more immediately. There's a lot of room to grow but the central plot is strong and the art team is stellar. Any little girl who grew up idolizing Princess Leia won't be disappoint andStar Warsfans are in for a real treat.

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #3

Jun 26, 2014

Chewie's reliability as a great addition to any Star Wars story, plus an ending that ties the entire mini-series together, make this a solid read overall.

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Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1

Sep 10, 2015

"Shattered Empire" is going to probably end up being the most important of all the Marvel "Star Wars" series thanks to it's foreshadowing to later events and characters. The first issue is an exciting read that anyone looking forward to the movie, cannot miss.

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Starfire #1

Jun 10, 2015

“Starfire” #1 is a debut that will put a smile on your face. It's candy for the eyes and a fun reintroduction to the character. It's perfect for new readers and longtime readers alike.

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Strange Fruit #1

Jul 8, 2015

“Strange Fruit” #1 was not something created with bad intentions.I don't believe for a second that Mark Waid and J.G. Jones did this with the intent to anger anyone. This is just an unfortunate misstep by two very talented creators and that does happens. It doesn't change my opinion on the good that Waid has done as a creator. “Strange Fruit” #1 is just one of those things didn't work. What could have been a bold story about race ends up falling over on it's own over observations and fails to give us characters to attach to.

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Suicide Risk #9

Jan 8, 2014

Suicide Risk is a title that any superhero fan should be reading. It has everything you could want from a superhero title mixed with the unpredictability that comes without being bogged down by 50 years of history and continuity. Boom! Studios has certainly hit the jackpot with this series and each month I look forward to it more and more. The issues end far too soon for me.

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Sunstone (2014) #1

Dec 24, 2014

"Sunstone" is completely unexpected and surprising. It's a book I'm glad I gave a chance to. "Sunstone" is heartfelt, honest, sexy and beautiful. It's almost perfect. Don't let the subject matter decide if you read this or not. You'll be pulled into this world immediately and you'll never look back.

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Sunstone (2014) #2

Apr 30, 2015

Beautiful, romantic and artistically stunning. "Sunstone" is controversial but worth every penny.

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Sunstone (2014) #4

Feb 25, 2016

"Sunstone" Volume 4 is not a completely happy read but it is an excellent next chapter of this ongoing saga. "Sunstone" always was and will continue to be one of the most special stories ever told because of his ability to balance complex, human drama with sexuality. There is no shame to be had in this story and I love it all the more for that.

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Super Sons (2017) #3

Apr 19, 2017

“Super Sons” continues to be exactly what I and (I assume) a lot of fans wanted. It's got a great sense of humor, features a ton of action and really is just kid superheroes being kid superheroes.

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Supergirl (2016) #1

Sep 8, 2016

"Supergirl" is a really enjoyable return to basics for a character that desperately needed this.

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Supergirl (2016) #3

Nov 14, 2016

One of the most enjoyable reads I've had since Rebirth got underway.

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Supergirl: Rebirth #1

Aug 17, 2016

“Supergirl: Rebirth” #1 does struggle to be a straight up introduction as the rest of the one shots have been but this talented team finds a spark and it's more than enough to make this a worthwhile purchase.

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Superior Iron Man #1

Nov 12, 2014

“Superior Iron Man” needs to not be taken so seriously. This is a fun comic book with a character who's intentionally terrible to other people. This is not a superhero comic in the basic sense. If you can get past the fact that Iron Man is not a typical “good guy” anymore then there's no reason to not enjoy this. More importantly, this is not the first time he's been a less than heroic figure. The history of the character shows us this. It's going to be the journey he takes back to being a hero that will pull readers in and keep them there. “Superior Iron Man” proves that the old cliche is quite true. A leopard can't change its spots.

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Superior Iron Man #2

Nov 29, 2014

“Superior Iron Man” is really shaping up to be a classic Tony Stark story. It will hopefully get the time it needs to run its course. Like “Superior Spider-Man”, I find myself really interested in this jerk. It's a testament to the talent of the creative team if they can do that.

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Superman (2011) #32

Jun 27, 2014

Superman #32 isn't as good as it was hyped up to be but it is solid and leaves a lot to make any reader come back for more.

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Superman (2011) #36

Nov 30, 2014

This was slow in the beginning but "Superman" really becomes a strong series with this issue

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 10, 2013

The art in here is everything I personally could want. Superman and Wonder Woman together has the potential for some brilliant art and Tony S. Daniel does not disappoint. The cover is amazing. It is actually a wrap around/ poster cover that shows characters from their whole world, showing us that this couple will affect a lot of things and people. The interiors are amazing as well. The first page of the two of them flying in the storm took my breath away. I will be picking up this book as long as it continues. I was pleased with this first issue. Here's a shot of that opening page. Stunning.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #2

Nov 16, 2013

This is a great comic and is proving all the naysayers wrong. Charles Soule and Tony S. Daniel are building a power couple to be remembered for a very long time. I can't wait for issue #3.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #3

Dec 12, 2013

Superman Wonder Woman is in my opinion one of the better DC books going right now. It balances romance with superhero drama very well. Charles Soule and Tony Daniel are doing fantastic work.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #4

Jan 16, 2014

Superman Wonder Woman continues to be a great series. It has gone far and above the expectations of most who felt this would be nothing but fighting and cheap characterization. It's a deep story and just getting better each month. The artwork continues to outshine most other books. If you are a fan of DC and especially a fan of these characters, then this is a book you must read.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #6

Mar 13, 2014

Naysayers can make their commentary but this series has become one of my absolute must buys. Everything from story, to art, to characterization is spot on and damn near perfect. I read all of Soule's books and by far this is my favorite. Any fan of Superman and Wonder Woman would be doing themselves a disservice by not reading this. I can't wait to see how this arc ends.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #7

Apr 9, 2014

Superman Wonder Woman #7 is a lot less action packed than previous issues in this still very young series but it never comes across as boring. The voice that Soule has given Superman is one of the best I've read in a long time. While this issue acts as more of a prologue to the Superman Doomed story line, there is still a lot of good here in terms of the relationship development between Clark and Diana. It was swoon worthy. The hopeless romantic in me loves this series and the Superman Doomed event has me worried.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #8

May 15, 2014

Superman Wonder Woman #8 is the strongest chapter of the Doomed crossover thus far and most of that is thanks Soule's choice to focus on Wonder Woman. While Brian Azzarello is making Diana the God of War, Charles Soule has ensured she still retains her humanity. This comic is romantic without being overly sappy. Anyone who wanted to skip this because they chose to not read the crossover would be doing themselves a great disservice.

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Superman: American Alien #1

Nov 11, 2015

“Superman: American Alien” #1 captures all the things people love about Superman. It's a charming story that will make you feel a little bit of everything and features great art by Dragotta and Guimaraes. If you're a new Superman fan or a longtime fan, this is not a comic book you'll want to skip.

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Switch #1

Oct 16, 2015

"Switch" #1 is a very good first issue and as someone new to this universe, I am excited to see more. Sejic needs to introduce some new elements to keep readers guessing but his art is strong. If his previous work in the fantasy genre is any indicator of what's to come, we are in for a treat.

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Swords of Sorrow #1

May 8, 2015

“Swords of Sorrow” is going to be the definition of a can't miss event. With a great lineup of classic characters and a stellar creative team, there's no reason to skip this. Forget “Secret Wars” and “Convergence” and pick this up instead.

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Swords of Sorrow: Masquerade & Kato #1

May 27, 2015

The "Swords of Sorrow: Masquerade & Kato"one shot has me the most excited I've been for this event. It's not a perfect issue but it does what it needs to do and is an enjoyable read. This is where I've decided to stick with this event and the next chapter of this crossover can't get here soon enough.

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Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella & Jennifer Blood #1

May 20, 2015

“Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella and Jennifer Blood” #1 is a decent start that's enjoyable with some flaws. There's quite a bit of potential here with Collins writing the series and once the story really gets rolling, I think this will shape up into something very memorable.

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Teen Dog #6

Feb 13, 2015

"Teen Dog" is an all ages book that has reached "Lumberjanes" greatness at times and deserves to be more than a miniseries. This is an issue that shows that off and I for one am very excited to see what Lawrence does next.

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Ten Grand #9

May 1, 2014

Ten Grand has been very Shakespearean, and when the eventual full series hardcover comes out, it'll make for one heck of a read.

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Tet #4

Dec 7, 2015

A wonderful finale for a fantastic war romance.

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The Beauty #1

Mar 18, 2016

There is however, some great graphic moments with the victims that really hit home the horror vibe the book wants to evoke. The brittle skin, the loss of all “humanity” in the victims visibly shows the cost of this disease and it is a complete contrast of what the disease does to people while they're still living. There are some really great shootouts that capture the frantic energy of a situation like that. John Rauch's colors have this dark hue all the way through the book and it works to set an almost totally crime noir tone. The dichotomy between the infected people and the not infected people is very well illustrated by the colors and it's why my previous comment about the actual designs is a nitpick and not something that brings the book down all that much. Rauch gives those characters a little extra spark and it has a very good effect.

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The Beauty #2

Sep 18, 2015

"The Beauty" #2 is a much stronger issue than "The Beauty" #1 and the story has taken off quicky. This is a creative premise with a creative team with the chops to make it work.

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The Black Hood #1

Feb 2, 2015

"The Black Hood" is not for everyone. This is a dark, bleak vision of vigilante justice that never once tries to make you laugh. It's a bold new turn for Archie Comics as a publisher that invites a brand new group of fans to the company.

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The Bunker #1

Feb 12, 2014

The Bunker #1 is a must read for not only fans of Fialkov but for fans of good comics. This comic has plenty of action, drama, suspense but also adds in a nice touch of science fiction. Most importantly it makes the reader think a little more about themselves and what they would do in this situation. I'm excited for issue #2 and you would honestly be doing yourself a disservice by not picking this up.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1

Oct 8, 2014

“The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” #1 is an absolute can't miss comic book. It's beautifully drawn and superbly written. With series like this, Archie Comics is becoming a real force in the comic market.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #4

Jul 29, 2015

“The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” is something far more complex and emotional than other titles in this genre while still being scary enough to be considered horror. This issue is a successful chapter of this new take on Sabrina. I do think that it's still a tough sell given the time between issues but the payoff has been great and there's hasn't been a bad issue yet.

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The Dark and Bloody #1

Feb 12, 2016

“The Dark and Bloody” is off to a very nice start and I'm excited to see things get creepier and scarier as time passes. This has a ton of potential and I can't wait to see it all unfold.

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The Dark and Bloody #2

Mar 11, 2016

“The Dark and Bloody” #2 is a fantastic follow up to the debut that continues to toy with us emotionally as things start to get worse for Iris and his family. Aldridge and Godlewski are telling a truly compelling and nuanced horror story that doesn't want to be like anything else you've read before – and they're succeeding.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #1

Dec 23, 2015

“The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives” #1 is a great return back to the romance between Shan and Hwen. What was one of Valiant's best last year looks to be one of their best in 2016.

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The Dregs #1

Jan 25, 2017

“The Dregs” is off to a very strong start and I'm eager to see this entire saga play out. Black Mask has yet another timely and bold series on their hands.

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The Dying and the Dead #1

Jan 28, 2015

“The Dying and the Dead” is simply outstanding and if you willingly choose to skip this you'd be doing yourself a great disservice. This will be, without a doubt, the next big thing in comics.

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The Expanse Origins #2

Apr 20, 2017

“The Expanse: Origins” #2 is only on Comixology but it's a definite must read for fans of the show. It expands upon one of the very best characters on the show in a very sweet way and does provide backstory that enhances what you'll see on TV each week.

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 20, 2014

“The Fade Out” is off to an excellent start. In just one issue the world is built up, the mystery set and we get a nice introduction to each one of these characters. And special mention to the magazine format. If you can get your hands on that, please do. It's even more beautiful to look at in that format. Image Comics struck gold when they got Brubaker and Phillips exclusively for 5 years. And so did readers. Because this is the kind of comic we'll get month in and month out.

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The Fade Out #2

Oct 2, 2014

"The Fade Out" #2 is an equal issue in quality to the first. Brubaker, Phillips and Breitweiser are already settled into a groove and are giving us nothing short of greatness. This is a series that cannot be missed.

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The Fade Out #3

Nov 16, 2014

"The Fade Out" #3 is doing what a good murder mystery should do. We're learning who the cast of characters are when the killer is revealed it'll have more impact. This series continues to make the cast as the best Brubaker/Phillips team up yet and cannot be missed.

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The Flintstones #3

Sep 7, 2016

“The Flinstones” continues to be the boldest Hanna – Barbera series that DC is putting out. With sharp commentary and witty visuals, there's a lot to like here even if it isn't as sweet as you remember it.

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The Flintstones #8

Feb 1, 2017

"The Flinstones" continues to be the most surprising and poignant ongoing series DC has and I can't wait to see what else in store for it.

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The Fuse #5

Jun 27, 2014

The Fuse is a totally underrated book.It's not your typical cop drama. There's a lot here for a reader looking for something outside of the superhero titles. There's some sci fi, some political intrigue and good old fashioned whodunit.Pick this one up. You are sorely missing out.

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The Humans #1

Nov 5, 2014

“The Humans” might not be for everyone but this is one of the most crazy and psychedelic trips you'll take in comics all year. Consider me signed up for the long haul.

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The Humans #2

Dec 5, 2014

An offbeat and often times insane comic that still knows how to be a good story.

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The Kitchen #1

Nov 14, 2014

Masters and Doyle have set up something incredibly special here and I'm excited to get deeper into “The Kitchen”. This is the making of something great.

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The Kitchen #5

Mar 20, 2015

"The Kitchen" #5 isn't the most exciting issue, but it does do a lot in regards to character development and setting up something bigger as the series gets closer to the finale. If you haven't read the series by this point, you're better off waiting for the eventual collection. At this point, it would be worth every penny but I must admit to some impatience. I want something big to happen and I want to feel the way I did in the first issue when these women made their mark on Hell's Kitchen.

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The Last Broadcast #1

May 22, 2014

Andre Sirangelo crafts a narrative that spans a few different places in time and it never once gets confusing. Moreover, each part of the story is adequately introduced so that there's enough of a reason to come back for issue #2.

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The Legend of Wonder Woman #2

Feb 10, 2016

“The Legend of Wonder Woman” is a near perfect Wonder Woman story that proves how rich the character is. She is one of the greatest superheroes of all time and deserves a high quality series like this always. Not only is this a compelling retelling of Wonder Woman's origin but it's also one of the finest superhero comics being published right now. This is an absolute must read for all superhero fans and I while I prefer print comics, I've been motivated to buy the rest of the digital chapters now.

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The Life After #1

Jul 11, 2014

Overall, The Life After #1 is a fantastic read. It will grip you from the first page with how real it is. This is one of the books that I would suggest to anyone looking for something a little deeper intellectually. It's a beautiful book with a huge emotional core that will undoubtedly find huge success this year.

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The Life After #3

Sep 17, 2014

“The Life After” #3 is one of those special concepts that doesn't come around very often. At only three issues in there is still plenty of time to catch up and get on board before this series becomes a massive hit.

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The Life After #4

Oct 17, 2014

The pieces are here but we're not getting places quick enough.

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The Life After #5

Nov 14, 2014

This is a series still under the radar but always worth picking up.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #0

Dec 21, 2016

“The Mighty Captain Marvel” #0 is a return to form but has a lot of room to grow. I'm eager to see these plot points expanded upon and particularly interested in how Carol handles all that she's dealing with. This has potential to be something very special.

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The Multiversity #1

Aug 20, 2014

Overall, “The Multiversity” #1 does a fine job of setting up the story. Those extra pages were entirely necessary and thus it's worth the cover price. It's a big, strange, science fiction story that will take us on a trip across the Multiverse in typical Grant Morrison fashion. Is it his best work? Impossible to say. It's just starting. But it does have a ton of potential.

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The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1

Nov 20, 2014

“The Multiversity: Pax Americana” #1 is an absolute gem that will be talked about for year. Hands down this is the best single issue of any comic series all year. Even if you're not reading the entire mini series, you would be doing yourself a disservice by skipping this issue entirely. It's gorgeous, deep and you will find something else to analyze after every re-read.

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The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1

Sep 19, 2014

"The Multiversity: The Society Of Super-Heroes Conquerors Of The Counter-World" #1 is a very strong effort by this creative team. From the script to the fantastic art, this is a better issue than the first chapter in this saga. While the team that appeared in the first issue is not seen here, there's things dropped in this story that will eventually all tie together.

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The Multiversity: The Just #1

Oct 22, 2014

“The Multiversity: The Just” #1 is a strong comic and possibly the strongest book of the mini series so far. It doesn't disappoint and at this point the story is starting to come together better. Ben Oliver and Dan Brown do a stellar job on art creating a book that cannot be missed. Comics have been criticized lately for becoming too costly but this is one of those instances in which the $5 cover price is justified by the quality.

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The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1

Dec 17, 2014

"The Multiversity: Thunderworld" #1 is a late contender for issue of the year because of how generally fun and adventurous it is. Give this to a child and they'll be hooked to comics. With all the cancellations DC announced and after reading this, I'm hoping that we'll get a Captain Marvel book like this. The New 52 version isn't one I dislike but if they could give us this version or a combination of this version and the current Shazam, I'd be very happy. Yet again, this is almost totally a standalone issue so it's worth picking up even if you aren't reading the rest of this miniseries.

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The Names #1

Sep 6, 2014

"The Names" #1 is a solid debut. It doesn't give a lot of answers but with seven more issues this team can take its time telling us this story.

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The Names #3

Nov 7, 2014

"The Names" #3 is a solid chapter of this saga and in regards to the story does a lot to push me over to the side of loving it. Vertigo hasn't been the powerhouse they once were but "The Names" is a positive step forward.

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The New 52: Futures End #1

May 9, 2014

Overall, Future's End #1 is a very good start to a potentially DCU shattering event. It stands that some of the major character deaths may not stick but that doesn't make this any less enjoyable. There's enough to make any reader come back for more. This is a bit more on the dark side but that doesn't keep Future's End from being a good read. Accented by fantastic artwork, this is a book that any DC fan should pick up.

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The New 52: Futures End #10

Jul 10, 2014

The world building is done very well but layering mystery upon mystery without any resolution, even small ones, is going to be something that may cause more impatient readers to drop off.

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The New 52: Futures End #25

Oct 26, 2014

This is overall a really solid issue that boasts some really great artwork by Patrick Zircher and Jesus Merino. Fifty Sue has become a fun character to watch and she's even more off her rocker in this issue. This series has gotten a lot of unfair negativity and is really a solid science fiction heavy alternate timeline story that has proven to be a bit fun.

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The Revisionist #1

Jun 2, 2016

A very enjoyable debut that has a lot to offer science fiction fans.

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The Sandman Overture #1

Oct 30, 2013

J.H Williams does something in this comic that I have never seen before. I wish I could show it to you but even a screenshot would not do it justice. Towards the end of the comic there is a fold out page. There are two pages that open up to reveal a very large splash page. What was so interesting about this was that the two pages that open up are connected. It is Dream being pulled into this void and when you open it you see where he ends up. It is a very impressive feat.

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The Sandman Overture #2

Mar 27, 2014

Sandman Overture #2 is a fantastic read. It's grand and detailed and complicated (compared to many other comics on the shelves). It feels like we're back in another time in comics history and that's fine in this case. The inclusion of a character I have wanted to see more of make this one of my favorite reads of the week. It's almost a religious experience reading this series and I can't get enough. The $3.99 price point is completely fair when you look at the gorgeous artwork from J.H Williams & Dave Stewart. All I can hope is that we don't have to wait another 4-5 months for the next issue.

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The Sandman Overture #3

Aug 2, 2014

Sandman Overture is making us wait but when we do get a new issue, it's stunning. Sandman Overture #4 won't be released until October but at least Gaiman isn't leaving us with too major of cliffhangers. This book will always be worth a buy because of Williams' phenomenal artwork and I'm willing to wait. It's always a treat to get new Sandman.

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The Shadow Glass #1

Mar 25, 2016

The clothing designs for each character are exceptional. Capes, swords, gowns, high collars – this book has all of that. Fell has clearly done some research and so, these outfits are fully realized. If you've ever seen some of his pin ups, you won't be shocked in any way about this. These costumes are detailed down to the finest point like buttons and texture. The character designs fall in line with a lot of what you see with paintings from this period, so again, you really feel like you're taken somewhere else. The facial expressions do at times feel a little over done but I would rather see something exaggerated than something static and flat.

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The Sheriff Of Babylon #1

Dec 2, 2015

"The Sheriff Of Babylon" #1 is a very solid start and I'm eager to see where things go from here. King and Gerads make for a dynamicteam and there's a lot here to like. My biggest concerns is painting this conflict in broad strokes but I have faith in King's ability to deliver a layered script.

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The Shield (2015) #1

Oct 21, 2015

“The Shield” #1 is a nice start but there's still a lot of room to grow. However it does give you plenty of reasons to stick around for more.

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The Sixth Gun (2010) #37

Jan 18, 2014

As always Brian Hurtt is doing a fantastic job with the artwork. Every panel is great. The cover especially is one of my favorite of the series. The early part of the comic with Missy turning into nothing but snakes was disgusting but beautiful. He keeps the horror tone mixed with the wild west perfectly. It is not easy to mix genres and be successful.

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The Sixth Gun (2010) #40

May 8, 2014

The Sixth Gun #40 is another exciting chapter of an enormously underrated series.

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The Tipping Point #1

Jan 19, 2016

“The Tipping Point” is a wonderful and eclectic anthology that any and all serious comic book fans should buy. There's a certain amount of excitement that comes when something like this is announced and it doesn't entirely disappoint. This is a beautiful book with tons of different styles and poignant stories.

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The Tomorrows #1

Jun 15, 2015

“The Tomorrows” #1 is the beginning of a miniseries that is going to be undoubtedly be one of the very best of the year. It's thought provoking, action packed and beautiful to look at. Do not miss out on this.

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The Tomorrows #2

Aug 31, 2015

Another solid issue but I'd like to see more of the team.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4

Apr 22, 2015

"The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl" is nuts (YUP), great to look at and perfectly blends comedy with an actual storyline that matters. North, Henderson and Renzi are unbeatable (YUP AGAIN) and doing some great things with a character far too many people write off as too silly.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #6

Apr 1, 2016

I'm really burned out on crossovers and event comics but this team up between Squirrel Girl and Howard The Duck is off to a great start and I can't wait to read more.

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The Wake #5

Nov 21, 2013

The Wake is and intelligent action adventure and that ladies and gentleman is why Scott Snyder is so praised. It is unreal what he does with some material that could be very one dimensional. He turns it into something layered and meaningful. This is a team up I'd like to see again in the future on more creator owned work.

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The Wake #6

Feb 27, 2014

The Wake #6 is all set up but still good. Fans of the series so far will not be disappointed. However, the best part of all this is the art. We don't really have a great feel for what the story will be but if the art is any indication, then it will be pretty different. That doesn't mean it won't be connected fully to the first part, it just means that it will have a different feel to it. With a great cliffhanger ending, The Wake is something regular readers will stick with and new readers can jump on to easily.

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The Walking Dead #129

Jul 10, 2014

Robert Kirkman is already moving the series into its next huge storyline. It may not end up being as bloody as All Out War but it might just be more important because of what's already happened. It's refreshing because we aren't going through a ton of buildup.

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The Wicked + The Divine #9

Mar 26, 2015

I did miss Laura this issue and there's definitely something going on with her that we're going to be filled in on next month but "The Wicked + The Divine" #9 is something you can't put down and won't want to put down. I'm always looking forward to the next issue but after this one, I'm impatient about it.

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The Wicked + The Divine #13

Aug 6, 2015

“The Wicked + The Divine” #13 leaves us with a very simple request: “Try to be kinder. You have no idea what people are going through”. Tara is gone and it's because of people not so different from what we see in real life. Words hurt and they can cause more harm than we can often imagine. It's not about political correctness or being overly sensitive – it's about being a decent human being. No one should ever be put in a place where they want to end their life and Tara teaches us that no one is excused from pain. “The Wicked + The Divine” #13 is poignant, important and extremely painful to get through but it's a perfect demonstration of how high comics can reach.

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The Wicked + The Divine #14

Sep 11, 2015

"The Wicked + The Divine" #14 is a triumph for comics and does things artistically that no one else has even attempted. It's an issue that not only breaks down established notions about comic book art but also provides some huge developments for the story. This is a perfect example of why you should not be missing out on "The Wicked + The Divine".

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The Wicked + The Divine #18

Apr 6, 2016

“The Wicked + The Divine” #18 is a splendid return for what is one of the most consistently great monthlies going right now. Gillen, McKelvie, Wilson and Cowles are in top form and I can't wait to see where this arc goes.

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The Wicked + The Divine #19

May 9, 2016

Another strong issue for one of my personal favorites.

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The Wicked + The Divine #23

Nov 2, 2016

“The Wicked + The Divine” #23 is an experiment but it isn't one that fails. If anything, a couple more full page ads would have made it feel even more authentic. It's the kind of things that really, only this series could do. The inclusion of actual journalists and an artist who excels at this kind of thing like Kevin Wada elevates this into something more serious than justa gimmick to gain attention. This is artful and very much in line with all themes this series has examined.

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The Woods #1

May 8, 2014

The Woods #1 is a series with a lot of potential and just about hits a home run with this debut issue.

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The X-Files (2016) #1

Apr 28, 2016

The only downside to “The X-Files” #1 is while it's a good book, it's pricey. I don't think this needed to be priced so high because it really only sets up the current storyline and doesn't offer much in terms of extra content. If you're an X-Files fan andyou've never read an X-Files comic book, this is a very good place to start as it doesn't relyon the comic books that have come before. The writing is trong and the art has really come into it's own.

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The X-Files (2016) #17

Aug 31, 2017

As a huge fan of The X-Files, this series from start to finish was something special. It proved that comic book adaptations and continuations of existing properties didn't have to be watered down.

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The X-Files: Deviations (One-Shot) #1

Mar 10, 2016

All in all, I wanted to like this more but it may have just been my own imagination going wild with what I wanted to see. It's far from a disaster but it doesn't entirely work as a single one shot kind of story. However, this is a concept I'd love to see explored more.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #21

Mar 20, 2015

“The X-Files: Season 10″ #21 is a great read that I'd even suggest as a jumping on point for anyone who's watched the television series in full. This calls back to a lot of that and it's very easy to follow. Like Dark Horse's “Buffy” ongoing, this series is in great hands and is handled by a team that clearly loves the source material. This is an adaptation worthy of more praise and attention.

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The X-Files: Season 11 #1

Aug 13, 2015

"The X-Files: Season 11" #1 is off to a slow start but there's a lot here that can and most likely will payoff to something big. It happened in season 10 and I have little doubt that it won't happen here.

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The X-Files: Season 11 #6

Jan 28, 2016

What's a little sad is that it feels like everything is going to have to be tied up quickly because of the new season. This series was considered canon and I'm a bit unsure if it still is. This arc has been very major for Mulder and Scully but if you watched the first two episodes of the new series, it's established that they haven't been working for the F.B.I for many years so I now question if this "counts" anymore. I hope it does but regardless, it's been a great couple of years and I'm glad that we're getting a fresh starting point in the spring. That should absolutely help more "X-Philes" get into the comics.

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They're Not Like Us #7

Aug 27, 2015

"They're Not Like Us" #7 is a slow issue but does progress the story nicely, however Gane and Bellaire's artistic collaboration is the highlight of the issue. While this isn't the strongest issue the series has seen, there's a lot of potential for where things go and I expect, like the first arc, that once things get going, it'll be unforgettable.

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Thor (2014) #1

Oct 1, 2014

“Thor” #1 is a solid read that doesn't give everything way immediately. While that may irritate people who jumped in just thanks to the mainstream media, it will please comic readers. Aaron and Dauterman are planning something here and in the long run, the pacing is going to pay off. There are appearances of characters that will cater to strictly movie fans and still please the die hard comic fans. The future of the new God of Thunder is bright is this issue is any indication.

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Thor (2014) #5

Feb 13, 2015

If you're not reading "Thor" then you're missing out on Marvel's most consistent and arguably best ongoing series.

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Thor (2014) Annual #1

Feb 27, 2015

Despite being an overall enjoyable experience, it's not an absolute must read and it does pretty much nothing to move the current storyline forward. It also comes with a $5 price tag which is pretty steep when you aren't getting a ton of extra pages. This is perfect for the die hard Thor fan, but not for the more casual reader.

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Tomb Raider #1

Feb 26, 2014

Tomb Raider #1 is a great example of video game comics done right. It's tough to do but after the success of Injustice, it's clear that putting a talented writer at the helm can make it a memorable series. Well written female characters have been tough to come by but in the last year or so we've been getting more and more. Add Lara Croft to that list. I'm excited to keep reading more and I might just go play the video games.

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Tomb Raider #2

Mar 26, 2014

Tomb Raider #2 is not exactly the best place to start, you'd be best reading the first issue for the full picture, but it is a good comic. Lara Croft is a modern day adventurer that appeals to both men and women. For those who don't play the video games, you can jump into this with no problems and enjoy what you're reading. Tomb Raider is yet another great Gail Simone series that fans should check out.

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Tomb Raider #5

Jun 26, 2014

It's far from perfect though, as the villains are a little too cliche and take away from the otherwise enjoyable narrative.

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Transference #1

Jul 3, 2015

“Transference” #1 offers a new time travel tale for fans who may be weary by the use of it. It's a fresh concept with an intriguing spy thriller plot. Moreci, Salas and Bonvillain knock it out of the park with this debut issue.

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Trees #1

May 29, 2014

Trees #1 is light on the character development but it sets the stage for a potentially legendary series. This series is clearly about the bigger picture as seen by the broad scope of the first issue. Fans of science fiction or end of the world stories will undoubtedly find plenty to enjoy here.

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Trillium #3

Oct 6, 2013

I am one of the biggest fans of Sweet Tooth. I thought that was one of the best complete series I've ever read. I liked Lemire's artwork in that. I felt that it worked for that story because it was so offbeat and different. I don't think it works for this kind of story. I don't think it looks bad. I just think that it looks strange in this kind of story. I don't feel this story is all that offbeat compared to Sweet Tooth. Yes, they are totally different things but when I think of any kind of time travel or space story, I imagine something a little more polished. To be perfectly honest I may have just been spoiled by Saga. Huge annoyance with this book and this is why it gets a 7. The need to flip the book over so many times is completely aggravating. I understand that their story is supposed to meet up but unlike issue #1 this isn't meeting in the middle. I needed to constantly flip the book over and it seems like a small thing but it a silly gimmick that only made sense to do once.

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Trillium #4

Nov 8, 2013

If you are on the fence about this series, I suggest you trade wait. I have a feeling this will read better when totally complete. I think this not as good as some of Lemire's other work but it is not bad. Very middle of the road to me.

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Trillium #5

Dec 6, 2013

I give this a 9 because the twist in the story has made me a believer. I can only hope that the rest of the series leaves me on the right side of the fence.

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Trinity (2016) #1

Sep 21, 2016

“Trinity” #1 is a beautiful book with a compelling story and unique approach. This could easily become the must read book featuring these characters if Manapul can keep examining this dynamic this well.

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Twilight Zone #1

Jan 1, 2014

Overall this was a great start to this series. I'm not a disappointed fan. I will be picking up the next issue because I need to see where Trevor's story ends.

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Twilight Zone #2

Feb 5, 2014

The Twilight Zone #2 is not bad but it does not capture the magic of the first issue. The recap is helpful so a new reader could jump on easily. Trevor's story raises some interesting questions about identity but the added action pages felt unnecessary. With okay art the book is not something spectacular. Fans of the original television series will find reasons to keep but for others they may need a bit more.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #13

Oct 17, 2013

The comic overall was very good. I loved the death and destruction of it all and I love how awesome Cyclops comes off. Yeah some people hate him now, but I firmly believe that Cyclops was right (also the name of a great Facebook page that you should go like). I am very excited to see how this all ends even though Marvel spoiled a decent amount of it at NYCC.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #26

Sep 19, 2014

However, with the strong writing by Bendis, it's Kris Anka who really shines. Chris Bachalo is a fantastic artist but Anka brings in something else entirely. Their styles are very different. Anka has very firm lines and it's far less sexy. He also adds just the right amount of creep factor to a few scenes involving Matthew Malloy. Things are getting bad very quickly for the characters in this book but with AXIS on the horizon, this is a series you'll want to get involved with.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) Annual #1

Dec 12, 2014

Some of the strongest stuff Bendis has done so far with this title

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Unfollow #1

Nov 5, 2015

Michael Dowling's art is very, very good. I appreciate the amount of detail in each panel. There's a great level of detail on buildings, backgrounds, features like hair and wrinkles on skin. Larry, on his death bed, has a tinge of horror in his design which is a nice touch when dealing with death. The different settings all have a great deal of differentiation in them and much of that is thanks to the colorist Quinton Winter. He very nicely changes the mood in each setting and captures a true sense of light in each outdoor sequence. Dowling's character designs are nothing too fancy, but that's exactly why they work. "Unfollow" doesn't try to exist in a world different from the real one, and even the smartphones come off pretty authentic. "Unfollow" #1 does a lot to pique your interest and it does more than enough, at least for me, to ensure that I'll be here for the second issue.

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Unfollow #4

Feb 5, 2016

“Unfollow” #4 is an excellent next chapter for what is quickly becoming one of Vertigo's stars. The series is really settling in and finding it's groove. I'm anxious for more.

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V-Wars #1

May 1, 2014

Despite a rough start though, V-Wars has the potential to be something special. It will be tough to avoid comparisons to other vampire series, but with that twist ending and more character development, V-Wars could very well be the next Walking Dead.

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Valiant High #1

Feb 23, 2017

“Valiant High” #1 is a perfect read for any Valiant comics fan who wants to have a good time. We don't usually see these characters in a more lighthearted setting so this is such a fun change of pace.

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Vampirella (2014) #1

Jun 4, 2014

Vampirella #1 is highly recommended to horror fans and readers looking for a new, great female character to get into. Vampirella has been around a long time but that doesn't stop this from being an easy to follow relaunch. It's an exciting new era for Vampirella with a great team leading the way.

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Vamplets #1

Apr 22, 2015

“Vamplets” #1 is a great introduction to what will be a very memorable story. I'm excited to see Destiny interact more with the inhabitants of Gloomvania but especially with the vamplets. This is a perfect comic book for tweens and teens who are starting to explore the world of young adult literature and offers them something a bit more edgy than what already exists.It's easy to get down on vampires because they've been so overexposed the last few years but “Vamplets” is something very new but most importantly, it's fun. This is a can't miss this week.

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Velvet #6

Jul 25, 2014

Overall “Velvet” #6 is a strong start for the second arc. It does almost everything right and the time is still right to jump on. The strong and stunning artwork adds an atmospheric and “old school” feel to the book. I've never been more intrigued by Velvet's mission.

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Velvet #8

Nov 9, 2014

There's been so much buzz around "The Fade Out" but I prefer "Velvet" for its character development and general bad assery.

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Violent Love #2

Dec 7, 2016

“Violent Love” #2 is a great follow up to a stellar debut and I can't wait to read more.

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Violent Love #6

Jul 14, 2017

“Violent Love” is one of Image's best series of the year and it deserves a lot more attention than it is getting. It has turned into a really special crime romance thriller that constantly challenges everything you assume.

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Vision (2015) #8

Jun 13, 2016

Arguably my favorite issue of the series so far but heading into the last few issues, I expect things to get even greater.

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Wacky Raceland #1

Jun 9, 2016

This is a bad comic book and you should avoid it at all costs.

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Wayward #4

Nov 30, 2014

"Wayward" #4 is a great next chapter that sets up what will be a gamechanging issue five.

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Wayward #8

Jun 1, 2015

"Wayward" #8 is a great issue that gives us even more answers and leaves you wanting the next issue immediately.

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Wayward #12

Dec 18, 2015

“Wayward” #12 has some problems but if things slow down just a little bit, it can all be fixed easily. This is still one of the best and most unique ongoings happening right now and each month, it's worth your time. With a war looming, now is the time to catch up.

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We Can Never Go Home #1

Mar 25, 2015

“We Can Never Go Home” is something that, if momentum isn't lost, will be something people talk about for a long time. This is the beginning of something very special and you need to get in while it's early. Duncan and Madison's story is a combination of a lot of different elements that come together to create something very new and original. I'm already counting down the days till the next issue.

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We Stand On Guard #1

Jul 2, 2015

"We Stand On Guard" #1 has problems but these are things that can easily be fixed in future issues. Brian K. Vaughan is one of the greatest writers in comics and I have no doubt that this won't shape up to be something very entertaining. If this were a less capable writer, I probably wouldn't be as convinced. This is a 40 page issue for only $2.99 so this is a great value compared to pretty much everything else. It's not a complete disaster and for that price, it is worth checking out even for Skroce's art alone.

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We Stand On Guard #2

Aug 10, 2015

Only a tiny bit better than the first issue but it still leaves a lot to be desired.

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Weird Detective #1

Jun 16, 2016

Weird? Sure. But that's it's charm. "Weird Detective" #1 is funny and has a great core mystery.

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Wild Storm #1

Feb 15, 2017

“The Wild Storm” #1 is a very strong reboot that actually feels inviting to new fans. There is still a lot of mystery surrounding these characters and this new Wildstorm universe but I'm here for the ride.

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Winnebago Graveyard #4

Sep 15, 2017

“Winnebago Graveyard” #4 is a very strong ending for a series that could have used maybe one more issue. While the scares were here, and the art was stellar, I felt like this whole team needed just a little more space to get deeper into the mythology they set up. However, any horror fan and any one who likes great comics should buy this when the entire collected edition comes out. It's worth every penny.

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Wolf #1

Jul 22, 2015

“Wolf” #1 is a big comic and it throws a lot at you at once but it's got some potential. Kot is touching on a lot of interesting themes and many of the plot points could develop into something truly compelling. Taylor and Loughridge are a very strong art team and if this series can find it's footing, and focus a little bit better, “Wolf” could be one of the better ongoing series in comics.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #36

Sep 25, 2013

This event should be the focus of Marvel's marketing. This is so much better and much more interesting than Infinity. It is also far more accessible to new readers. To help out anyone that hasn't started this event yet here's the checklist of all the books you have to read. Unlike Infinity this isn't out of budget.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #4

May 22, 2014

Jason Latour writes perfect dialogue for Quentin Quire but there's too much going on and little has been accomplished.

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Wonder Woman '77 Meets the Bionic Woman #1

Dec 12, 2016

A solid but not stellar debut that fans of both television shows will enjoy.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #2

Jul 13, 2016

“Wonder Woman” #2 is another origin story but Rucka, Scott and Fajardo Jr. begin something that has a lot of potential to be incredibly memorable. The emotions are genuine, the art is gorgeous and it's absolutely a great place to start reading “Wonder Woman” if you haven't jumped in yet.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #9

Oct 31, 2016

"Wonder Woman" continues to be a true stand out in the Rebirth line.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #11

Nov 24, 2016

A very bold move by a bold creative team but it's still unclear if this will pay off.

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WWE #1

Jan 19, 2017

"WWE" #1 is a strong start for the kind of wrestling comic book I've wanted the WWE to commit to for years.

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WWE #2

Feb 17, 2017

“WWE” continues to live up toexpectations. This second issue continues to move us through Seth Rollins' story at a very nice pace and offers us an examination of these characters we don't get on TV. As a fan, I'm so glad that BOOM! is not wasting any opportunities here.

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WWE #4

Apr 26, 2017

“WWE” has been a real surprise given how bad previous WWE comics have been. “WWE” #4 ends the first storyline of this series and it was a blast from start to finish. I'm excited to see what this series has to offer going forward.

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WWE #5

Jun 1, 2017

A very enjoyable start to the story arc. I continue to be pleasantly surprised by how quickly I've fallen for this series.

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WWE #8

Aug 23, 2017

“WWE” #8 is a great arc finale that ties up this story line very well. It finally lets some of the WWE's biggest female superstars in on the action by bringing them fully into Dean's arc via Sasha. Lattie, Acuna and Garbark create great action oriented art that will leave your heart racing.

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WWE #9

Sep 27, 2017

“WWE” #9 puts Roman Reigns front and center in really different and significant way. Whether you like him or hate him, you can't deny that this story is off to a very strong start. I'm excited to get deeper into this point of view into wrestling's most polarizing figure.

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WWE #18

Jun 22, 2018

While it does feel very broad, this is a team that understands this friendship and that's enough for this Kevin Owens super fan.

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WWE: Summer Slam 2017 #1

Aug 9, 2017

Jim Campbell does the lettering for the entire issue and he's able to do a lot of different things for lots of different wrestlers and really puts the finishing touches on how these characters sound. The thing I've noticed with this and the Wrestlemania special earlier in the year is that this is the opportunity for BOOM! to let creators explore the past more. It's the good kind of nostalgia and I look forward to more of these specials in years to come.

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WWE: Wrestlemania 2017 #1

Apr 1, 2017

Overall, the "WWE Wrestlemania Special" captures all that's great about the WWE and it's many different sides. The price tag is again, hefty but it'll get you in the spirit of Wrestlemania week.

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WWE: Then. Now. Forever #1

Nov 8, 2016

It's weird as hell and pretty goofy in places, but it's probably the best possible translation of WWE to comics we could ask for.

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Wytches #2

Nov 16, 2014

"Wytches" is solid horror that just borders on being overhyped.

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X-Men (2013) #6

Oct 15, 2013

Comment away and tell me what you've thought of this series. If you heard the spoilers from NYCC please do not post them here. I'd really like to keep them as quiet as possible so people can enjoy the ending of the event. Do you think the past X-Men will stay? Where is the real future Kitty Pryde? When the hell did Mystique and Logan have a kid? Is that even their kid?

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X-Men (2013) #14

May 22, 2014

X-Men #14 is not a bad book but it is not doing anything new.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2

Nov 3, 2013

Sigh".this did not turn out as well I wanted it to. I don't think it was bad but it did feel rushed and things I felt needed to be expounded on more were not.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2

Nov 3, 2013

I want to mention one scene in particular though because it shows a really nice side of the X-Men as a whole. The scene between adult Shogo and Jubilee was very touching. The X-Men have always been a really big, extended family so it is nice to see this theme played up a little more. I'm also looking forward to seeing Kymera's role in the X-books going forward.

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Zodiac Starforce #1

May 23, 2016

"Zodiac Starforce" is a cute and fun read but does feel a little overstuffed.

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Zodiac Starforce #1

Aug 26, 2015

“Zodiac Starforce” #1 is, overall, a solid debut issue. Fans of the Magical Girl genre are going to be over the moon with this but more importantly,younger readers definitely have the potential here to find their new favorite comic book.

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Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince #1

Jul 6, 2017

"Zodiac Starforce: Cries of The Fire Prince" #1 is good and pure and everything comics needs right now.

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