• CHAOS AT THE JEAN GREY SCHOOL as the X-Men and Future X-Men are attacked!
• Rachel Grey is the only X-Man qualified to defeat the mystery opponents!
I'm torn on this event now. With some of the spoilers of upcoming plots from solicitations and the New York Comic-Con we know how part of it pans out. What anyone whose read the spoilers know might make you question why this is happening in the first place. I'm honestly interested to see how this ends up. Read Full Review
The comic overall was very good. I loved the death and destruction of it all and I love how awesome Cyclops comes off. Yeah some people hate him now, but I firmly believe that Cyclops was right (also the name of a great Facebook page that you should go like). I am very excited to see how this all ends even though Marvel spoiled a decent amount of it at NYCC. Read Full Review
I have really enjoyed Battle of the Atom from the beginning. Each issue has been an enjoyable read and has left me anxious to get to the next installment. Chapter 8 is no different. Bendis has crafted a great story and Chris Bachalo turns in some of the best artwork I've seen from him in a while on this issue. If you haven't been reading this series, I urge you to track down the issues and catch up before the final two installments come out. If you can't do that, you'll definitely want to pick this book up when it comes out in trade format. Read Full Review
Things are getting real serious in the world of the X-Men. With two issues left to go, Battle of the Atom has already surpassed last year's AvX debacle with a more resolute storyline, better pacing, solid development, and exciting action. What happens next is up in the air. There could be more casualties, and it looks like the classic X-Men may be stuck where they are. That could mean more issues of All-New X-Men, which is a good thing as long as the team doesn't over-extend their stay. Read Full Review
By the end of this we come out with an understanding of how the future story comes to be. Maybe this is just a consequence of time still being broken? Either way they are here to stay and now the fake X-Men have to answer for what they've done. Though we know how this will end in terms of what happens with the Original X-Men, we still have to hope that Bendis gives us the desired ending to make this crossover event memorable. Read Full Review
Great issue with a lot of action and a few good twist finally being revealed. I have been enjoying this story and Bendis definitely know how to keep someone wanting more. Make sure to go pick this one up. Read Full Review
Part 8 is a fairly solid issue of Battle of the Atom, and hopefully they can continue to hold onto this momentum as we get to the final two issues. Read Full Review
The Battle of the Atom crossover continues to deliver on all the crazy drama and action that I expect from X-Men story. It is done so well that by the time I finished reading Uncanny X-Men #13 all I wanted to do was read more. Brian Bendis delivers on all the moments comic book fans want, with great action and character moments, while also raising more questions about what is going on in the story itself. There are still many unanswered question about the past, present and future X-Men teams involved in this story. This adds to the unpredictability of the story, which in turn makes it even more engrossing because I do want to find out what happens next. If youre an X-Men fan you owe it to yourself to read Battle of the Atom right now or when it comes out in trade. It is exactly what you are looking for from an X-Men story. Read Full Review
With two full issues left to go in Battle of the Atom, I'm still not sure whether or not the Original Five X-Men are here to stay. Hopefully it's answered soon. Read Full Review
The crossover nears its end, and Bendis and Bachalo have delivered the finest issue to date. If the last two chapters can match this past one, Battle of the Atom can be considered another classic tale involving the X-Men. Read Full Review
We are fast approaching the conclusion of this event. Brian Michael Bendis continues the big action with the help of Chris Bachalo and Marte Gracia. We are getting more on the revelations from the X-Men from the future. There are still some facts to be discovered and the action picks up with some brutal encounters. It's possible this arc didn't need to be told in ten chapters. Some parts feel like they're dragging on while other areas are being completely turned around. It's a really fun issue but we're ready for the end. Bendis is setting things up nicely. With the different twists we've seen so far, we'll be waiting to see if he can throw even more at us. Read Full Review
All kidding aside though, even though the art is occasionally sloppy and the plot nonsensical,Battle of the Atomis still a very fun crossover and this issue of "Uncanny X-Men" is no exception, and if you're a die-hard X-Men fan, one definitely worth your time. If you're tired of crossover bloating though, you might want to just wait until this all blows over and you can return to your regular scheduled programming. Read Full Review
The actions sequences are great and I especially love how Deadpool exits the comic. It's a bloodbath with many deaths on our villains's side. There're even some interesting complications where the past X-Men cannot return to their time anymore. However, none of these really paints a picture of why the villains are doing these. The event is about to end in two more issues, and I really don't think there are time to waste here. If the writer is willing to spend more time developing our villains, then it can easily be a much better issue. Read Full Review
Another drawback to this issue is that Chris Bachalo's art isn't always up to the task of conveying the carnage of battle. Too often he zooms in close to the characters and obscures the flow of the action. While Marte Gracia's colors do lend a newfound touch of clarity to Bachalo's pencils, the various inkers on board this issue detract from that clarity at times. Read Full Review
Horrible, nonsensical rule aside, this was still an entertaining issue. The characters remain entertaining and the action was fun, if hard to decipher at some points. But overall, there just wasn't much to this comic. The bad guys stand revealed, so the good guys go after them. That's all Battle of the Atom has become. No longer are there deeply important discussions about the morals and ethics of time travel. No longer is anyone forced to deal with people they might not like but have to respect nonetheless. It's just the various good guys going up against the various bad guys, then Bendis making the entire thing moot. Not a strong issue. I hope the finale has a few surprises in store. Or at the very least, some badass Cyclops scenes. Read Full Review
Though not one of the better issues in the story so far, it was still exciting at times, and did a good job of developing the story as a whole. It did however have too much going on, and would have probably been better if some of the sub-plots were cut. There would also however be some very exciting moments, and the issue as a whole would have been much better if not for the amount going on. Due to all this I'd barely recommend it, and especially if you've been following the story so far, but otherwise wait for the trade. Read Full Review
There may still be certain consequences to the original X-men staying in the present, but it isn't made clear yet. It only makes clear that the efforts of the phony X-men were almost entirely for nothing. It doesn't cheapen the overall story told in Uncanny X-men #13, but it does make the conflicts surrounding it seem more complicated and less meaningful. With only two issues left, there is still time to make this paradox less contrived. It would be an unfitting celebration of 50 years of history with the X-men to treat it only as an obstacle. Read Full Review
While there is a great concept in this issue, it's a complete mess. The plot gets lost in the fight, and the fight is too frenetic to really hold much merit. Hopefully the second to last issue will clear thing up a bit, but with this insanely fast plot and so-so artwork, this is definitely not a strong addition to the “Battle of the Atom” crossover. Read Full Review
So what's the saving grace of this comic? Well, without giving too much away, Bendis throws a curveball near the end of this comic that shows he is looking at the long game, and that Battle of the Atom might actually have a long game in mind. Is there more to the original X-Men than meets the eye? It's that twist that gives Uncanny X-Men #13 a much-needed jolt, and keeps this issue from being completely skippable. Read Full Review
Ultimately, there's just very little substance to "Uncanny X-Men" #13, and it feels like this crossover could have stood to shed a part or two. Bendis and Bachalo do their best to put a nice spit-shine on this segment of "Battle of the Atom," but in the end, I feel like they were dealt a dud hand. Overall I've enjoyed the crossover, but this one just fell a little flat. Read Full Review
And while I understand that this is a book almost completely rooted in fiction I have to comment on the realism of this comic. Some characters seem to have an unlimited amount of power while characters who we know are tough-as-nails seem weak and soft. And that's not all. The killing and violence is just immoral and as any Marvel reader knows, the X-Men are a group with great moral values. 3.0Bendis is not afraid to kill his babiesArt is a chaotic messThe story is hard to follow and not that interestingDoes not leave the X-Men in a good place Read Full Review