Stuart Conover's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Reviews: 384
7.9Avg. Review Rating

1872 #1

Jul 12, 2015

Another Secret Wars with no overall tie in to the greater story gives us another fun romp with a new take on familiar characters. This is one of the few Westerns that take place in a comic which I've felt like I've been able to get into and I'm unsure if it is from the familiar faces or just overall great writing. I would highly suggest this for anyone with a love of Marvel characters that want something different, well if you like westerns that is.

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A+X #5

Mar 10, 2013

Both of these were a fun read but for two short stories that both would have felt better longer I think Marvel needs to reconsider how they are doing this format.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #1

Apr 6, 2013

My main question though is the subtitle. What does 'Dark and Terrible' mean for Abe Sapien? Is that a description of this time in his life, a description of his past, a description of what he'll be fighting, or a description of what he is going to become?

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Abe Sapien (2013) #2

May 5, 2013

I have faith we'll get some answers but what questions will they lead us too?

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Abe Sapien (2013) #3

Jun 8, 2013

I'm still loving the writing and art in these books though after 3 issues I'm starting to get a little impatient. The action and dialogue are great but I'm hoping in issue 4 we'll finally get at least one answer to any of the ongoing questions on Abe and the world that he lives in.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #4

Jul 7, 2013

Next issue should prove to show us more on the egg, the wolves, and Barry. As always anything by Mike Mignola and Scott Allie would be considered good. However for this two parter we apparently mainly have John Acurdi to thank as most of the credit should be going to him. He penned the majority of this tale and if this is how he's going to write and the second part is just as good? I want him contributing even more to the series!

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Abe Sapien (2013) #9

Jan 11, 2014

As always, Mignola's and Allie's stories are bleak and on the way to terrifying with amazing art by Max Fiumara. My one complaint is why would anyone in the world see creepy alien looking eggs growing and killing livestock think it's a good idea to let them do their thing and not try to destroy them? Why hasn't the news been broadcasting that if you see strange egg like things to burn them all? This shouldn't be surprising at this point. This is actually kind of a sticking point for me because we've already seen Abe (and the B.P.R.D. in general) dealing with a bunch of idiots in the world. It's going to happen but does it have to be in every issue?

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Age of Apocalypse (2012) #13

Mar 10, 2013

Overall I felt it was too rushed and confined in it's space. For a title I've been loving so far I felt the ending of it's current run before the story arc that will probably end it just did not do it the justice it deserves.

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Age of Apocalypse (2012) #14

Apr 6, 2013

If there wasn't more of the story going on through the rest of the crossover I'd probably be even more annoyed with how they treated the end of this book. From bad art to no real finalization to only touching on the characters with how many are in play it was a let down. As a crossover issue it was fine (aside from the art) as the last issue of a series, even a short one, it was a letdown.

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Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #1

Jun 26, 2015

Overall I was quite pleasantly surprised with how the first issue came together. It was a great introduction to the world outside of the Shield as well as whom our heroes might be. I'm still a little hesitant on saying this will be a hit for its short run but it at the very least will have my attention for one more issue.

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All-New Doop #1

Apr 13, 2014

It is an interesting take though it does rob Doop of one of his more interesting traits. I'm not sure how he'll hold up with everyone being able to understand him but I do hope that the entire run of this series won't take place just during the ‘Battle of the Atom'.

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All-New X-Factor #1

Jan 10, 2014

It's a strong first issue with some great character interaction and a good setup. Now, let's see if they can keep up the level of quality. I do find it interesting that the superhero team that is being put together is made up of all mutants or those who hang out with mutants. Polaris' call or is there something else at work here?

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All-New X-Factor #2

Jan 26, 2014

With the corporate take I'm really curious as to where this is going to be going and they are doing everything they can to keep me drawn in with great art and great writing!

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All-New X-Factor #5

Mar 29, 2014

I'm still not sold on the concept behind the ‘All-New X-Factor' and didn't trust Serval Industries motives even before this issue's reveal, but I can't help but wanting to know more. I love the return of Warlock though am wondering how it'll all tie together. I'll be happy to see these old characters pop back in and possibly even join the team, depending how the next issue plays out.

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All-New X-Factor #6

Apr 12, 2014

Still, it'll have to do as by the issue's end they are both on the team. Warlock appears to have a crush on Danger and Doug may still be a little suicidal. It should add for some interesting plots down the line, though I do hope that the next issue is back to the high points of the first five. The art? I can't go without commenting that Di is still knocking it out of the park and her style is fitting for the corporate tales we're being told here.

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All-New X-Factor #7

May 10, 2014

The issue closes and we find out something very interesting about the daughter. There is a good chance you'll have seen it coming but it still plays out well, even if it is a largely recycled idea at this point. To top it off, one of the team members might now be dead! We'll have to wait for the next issue of 'All-New X-Factor' to see what is really going on.

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All-New X-Factor #11

Jul 19, 2014

I think Peter David has put together a really solid group of characters and with Carmine on illustrations, this has the potential to really shine as a series. My problem is that we're eleven issues in and as we've got a team dynamic down I'd like to see a little more of an idea on where this is going.

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All-New X-Factor #16

Nov 8, 2014

That being the case, even though this issue is an ‘AXIS' tie in, I can't help but feel it was still able to be a positive forward push for the team that Peter David has made for the ‘All-New X-Factor.' He gets to show off their powers and show them working fluidly together,. It really is just an all around win and I don't want this ride to end. The events being shown are still prior to the Inversion going on in the main story line and it is unclear if those effects will hit every hero on the planet or only those close enough to the central blast. I kind of hope the latter as I don't believe there is enough time for David to truly finish what he's started if he has to go into that as well.

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All-New X-Men #7

Feb 9, 2013

It's another issue laying groundwork for where the series will be going. As a long time fan of the X-Men in my mind though it's a great way to both look to the past and leap forward to where they are going to take this series.

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All-New X-Men #8

Mar 9, 2013

The novelty of the past X-Men coming to the future may have ended but the story has just grown even better each issue and this one is no change. The X-Men haven't had so much writing talent putting together such beautiful stories in quite awhile.

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All-New X-Men #9

Mar 24, 2013

There's been a lot of build up in this book so far and I'm glad to see the next two issues of All New and Uncanny are going to finally see at least part of the plot line coming to a head.

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All-New X-Men #10

Apr 7, 2013

Now one thing I'd like to point out is visually for the most part this issue was pretty top notch. Almost all of the characters (save one) are drawn beautifully, the scenes are well done, the colors are vibrant. Even the look of the newer X-Men and the original X-Men fit so perfectly together. My question though is what the hell is with Wolverine? Did he become part rat, dog or actual Wolverine? His face is a squished in mess.

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All-New X-Men #11

May 5, 2013

Last issue we had a cliffhanger and this one is no different. Wolverine is taking the All-New X-Men (minus Angel) out in a Blackbird when Captain America has the Uncanny Avengers knock it out of the sky. It should be interesting to see how Havoc responds to his now much younger brother in this situation. I wonder if this is going to lead into an Uncanny Avengers mini-crossover similar to the one we had just seen with Uncanny X-Men? While *I* love how they are currently tying the universe together I feel this could be slightly annoying to anyone not currently buying the majority of the Avengers and X-Titles that are being sold.

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All-New X-Men #12

Jun 7, 2013

On the one hand we see Mystique's crew figuring out she isn't planning on just stealing money to retire in style, but has an ulterior motive. We may not yet know what it is though that is clearly going tocomeup soon. The second piece put into motion is Wolverine taking the All-New X-Men to track down Mystique with the goal of teaching her the lesson that crime doesn't pay.

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All-New X-Men #13

Jun 28, 2013

Damn you time travel for opening Pandora's box once again! Personally I'm thinking next issue we're just going to find out it was Lady Mastermind using her powers. Will I be wrong? I can't wait to find out.

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All-New X-Men #14

Jul 20, 2013

Things appear to have worked out well until the last part of the issue hits. Mystique finds a way to get herself out of prison (it looks like she really was just trying to make a lot of money after all) and the last page we focus on Jean. Jean remembering the projection she had cast into everyone's mind of the Phoenix with a look on her face I couldn't quite decide on. Fear? Worry? Or is there a bit of the Phoenix already embedded with her that traveled to the futurethat is just waiting to be unleashed upon our world?

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All-New X-Men #15

Aug 10, 2013

Speaking of ‘Battle of the Atom', I'm actually wondering if Beast's constant mutation changes are going to end up actually being the result of something that is upcoming during this crossover. Maybe in a way this has all happened before? I'm just speculating here but it could be an interest time traveling twist that ended up clearing up confusion on Beast's every changing mutation.

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All-New X-Men #16

Sep 7, 2013

I'm still just as excited as I was after the first issue of this crossover and now my only complaint is that I need to wait a week for the third installment.

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All-New X-Men #18

Nov 15, 2013

After the let down of ‘Battle of the Atom' this issue was refreshingly enjoyable. It wasn't perfect and I still have issues with some of the decisions that were made without any clear explanations quite yet, but it was a fun read. We're clearly not done with the ‘All-New X-Men' quite yet and won't be for awhile, but if the stories can remain this enjoyable, that's fine!

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All-New X-Men #19

Nov 29, 2013

What this has become is a book I've really enjoyed before, butafter ‘Battle of the Atom, ithas really let me down with a lackluster and not amazing looking experience. Hopefully this is just the transitional stage before we enter into whatever happens next – which I hope has nothingto do with The Pacifiers.Why they're even still around as a villainous group astounds me.

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All-New X-Men #20

Dec 20, 2013

What this boils down to is my second favorite X-Men title has fallen to at least third place if not further. I'm not sure what it is about this story line that isn't doing it for me. Maybe it's just The Purifiers that aren't working for me but as this story line is only another issue or two I'm not too worried. I still like the concept and Bendis you've been doing so well keeping me interested in this concept, don't fail me now!

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All-New X-Men #21

Jan 17, 2014

With Bendis reintroducing everyone from the X-Men's past (The Brotherhood, The Purifiers) I am curious to see what exactly is going to happen while they are in space with the Guardians of the Galaxy crossover. I've been doing my best to avoid spoilers but could it be time for them to meet the Shi'ar Empire?

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All-New X-Men #22.NOW

Jan 24, 2014

While the introduction was pure classic Bendis and really worked, I felt that the entire fight sequence left too little build up for where we are going with the story arc. Yes, it was beautifully illustrated but we don't know the real reason of what is going on or the consequences that Jean might be facing. I know we'll be getting most if not all of these details in the next issue, but I felt the lack of proper plot movement in the second half and almost completely ignoring X-23 whose now around really took away from what could have been a great issue.

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All-New X-Men #23

Feb 14, 2014

Now we come to the close of the book which happens to be my favorite aspect of it. Here we are with the Guardians in danger and in need of help when out of the blue another ship comes to their rescue. Long term fans of the X-Men are going to instantly recognize who just showed up and this is a surprise that really topped the issue off for me. Their saviors are the Starjammers, once again being lead by Corsair who should by all accounts be dead. For those of you unfamiliar with Corsair, he is an ex-pilot turned space pirate that also happens to be both Cyclops' and Havock's father. I'm not sure how they are going to explain away his return to the land of the living but I'm looking forward to it and hope it's something that really works. It'd be nice if it somehow ties in with what the Shi'ar are up to as well.

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All-New X-Men #24

Mar 15, 2014

The issues ends with Jean breaking in on the fight and uttering some very important words and we'll see how this all plays out next issue. For as big of an event this is, it feels to have come to a close far too quickly. Still, if Bendis can end it on this high of a note and not the cluster that ‘Battle of the Atom' had become, I can forgive it for feeling short. I'd take short but sweet over long and annoying any day of the week.

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All-New X-Men #25

Apr 12, 2014

I know this is setting up the tie-in for that story but even on its own this was a solid issue. I was a bit iffy on it while reading through it but once it had time to settle in, I really have to say that overall this was a quite enjoyable set of short ‘What If' stories. Bendis really nailed the story telling in retrospect and for the most part I felt that the different use of artists through the tales fit what was being told. I'd say while this could be taken as a filler issue it was quite an enjoyable one and worth checking out!

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All-New X-Men #26

May 3, 2014

A shape shifter! Is it Mystique? No, she doesn't care at all about where either the young X-Men or Cyclops team are as she has her own gameplan. This is another very Mystique-esque character though and the next issue we're going to see the return of the enemies from the ‘Battle of the Atom'. This could be really interesting to see how it plays out.

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All-New X-Men #27

May 16, 2014

Two things I'm curious about are how in the same issue we apparently have seen a couple members of the future Brotherhood alive that should be dead and that the current healer of the Uncanny X-Men was able to bring himself back to life after suffering what should have been a mortal wound. Is there another member of the Brotherhood that we haven't seen yet? Could an older version of our young healer have switched sides?

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All-New X-Men #28

Jun 13, 2014

Damn you Bendis for making such an addictive plot out of such a good one and damn you Immonen for really drawing us in with your beautiful illustrations! Now I have to impatiently await for the next issue!

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All-New X-Men #29

Jul 12, 2014

The ‘All-New X-Men' has long been a series I felt would fall into a gimmick yet continues to astound me with amazing writing paired with spectacular art. While I was almost a little annoyed how easily the Future Brotherhood are getting out of this, it wasn't enough for me to not absolutely love this issue and look forward to where the series will go from here.

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All-New X-Men #30

Aug 16, 2014

This latest issue of the ‘All-New X-Men' really is mainly filler that takes place between two sets of events. That being said, it is a Bendis filler issue which means it's one that has some great character development. I'm looking forward to seeing how the ‘All-New X-Men' are going to end up being involved in the ‘Original Sin' tie-in. For a filler issue, it was highly enjoyable and completely worth picking up.

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All-New X-Men #31

Aug 30, 2014

While not a perfect issue, I'm looking forward to seeing the All-New X-Men interact with the Ultimate Universe. It'll be interesting if they get to see the Ultimate versions of themselves, well those that are alive which aren't going to be that many when you think about it. Still, it is a tradition for the X-Men to universe hop so you could almost take this as an unofficial coming of age story and I can't wait to see it play out on page.

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All-New X-Men #32

Sep 20, 2014

I personally follow this 616 and Ultimate Universe though if I wasn't, I'm not sure how happy I'd be with this crossover. The worlds fit together so loosely that readers who don't follow both might not appreciate the crossover, especially so close after the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' event that happened.

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All-New X-Men #33

Nov 1, 2014

Bendis is really doing a great job at delivering the ‘All-New X-Men' into the Ultimate Universe and is allowing fans of both series to have a few shining moments. We get both a decent amount of action mixed with a plot that lets multiple characters shine. While we're no closer to seeing how the ‘All-New X-Men' will be returned to their own universe, I suspect we'll be starting to see that plan come together next week.

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All-New X-Men #34

Dec 20, 2014

We don't push too much forward in either plot or character development this issue but it was still a fun read. There is a cliffhanger at the end that makes me wonder what was just saw but until the bomb drops next issue there wasn't much leading up to us being ready for a surprise, so it was a bit anti-climactic. While Bendis can on occasion get wordy with his characters, this wasn't a time where the huge amount of time dedicated towards conversation or setup felt hallow and this was an amazingly enjoyable issue.

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All-New X-Men #35

Jan 24, 2015

Bendis and Asrar are the perfect pairing for the ‘All-New X-Men' and I'm fearful of what may be happening to the series when ‘Secret Wars' soon comes into play. For the time being though we've had a humorous, action packed ride in this issue that I don't want to end though I'm dying to see how this universe hopping adventure is resolved. Personally I'm just happy that we're getting a crossover, even a limited one, that isn't putting me to sleep by the second issue.

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All-New X-Men Annual #1

Dec 27, 2014

For the very first time, I have become interested in one of the new students that Cyclops has picked up in the ‘Uncanny X-Men.' None of the others have really been fleshed out and in these two annuals we finally have an idea of who Eva Bell is and what she can do. Bendis is working his magic on her and I only hope it is to give us a solid character and not to make us like her before she ends up biting the big one.

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Alpha: Big Time #1

Feb 24, 2013

It's the second new issue this week with a teenage character set to be the main hero. I'm not fully sold yet as I strongly disliked Alpha in his premiere in the pages of Spider-Man. I won't lie that I want to see what the consequences of what happen on the last 2 panels in this book are and also what Doc Ock (Grr I mean Spider-Man) has up his sleeves for the boy. I'm going to give this a tentative 4 stars with how much my interest has peaked but it's going to have to pull some amazing punches to keep me this interested for it as an ongoing series.

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Alpha: Big Time #2

Mar 17, 2013

Now the concept at the end was well done but the dialogue had me in pain reading it. For the tone of the comic it almost felt too juvenile for it. I'm still interested in where the book is going if only to see if they can continue to keep a character I hated so much after two issues now be someone I felt sorry for after another two.

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Alpha: Big Time #3

Apr 14, 2013

I'm not quite sure who the ‘villains' at the end of the book are though I feel I should recognize them. I suppose we'll find out next issue!

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Alpha: Big Time #4

May 12, 2013

Is he too late? While I doubt that due to the nature of the book so far it would put an end to his one weakness and make him quite a different character in the span of a single issue. I don't think they are going to do that to Alpha and I don't think they'd make such a potential personality altering experience so soon after making him a likable character. Also how is this all part of a plan from The Superior Spider-Man as hinted at in the first issue? We'll hopefully find out next issue!

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #2

Dec 6, 2013

I love the teasing of characters that may or may not return. I love the team divided and working together in their own ways against adversity. What do I not love about it? That I have to wait until the third issue comes out to read more.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #4

Feb 21, 2014

So one has to ask, are we seeing the return of Nightcrawler? Or is this just the final farewell to the character who could long have been described as the optimistic heart of the X-Men?

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #5

Mar 30, 2014

It shouldn't be much of a spoiler to tell you that Nightcrawler ends up back among the living here with Azazel and his forces having been defeated by the X-Men. The arc was named ‘The Quest For Nightcrawler' and it has been billed as his return from day 1. What would be a spoiler is to tell you what it truly cost our dear friend to return to the living. I'll let you find that one out on your own if you haven't had a chance to read the issue yet. It is hard to say what will become of him in the long run but for now our favorite swashbuckler is back and an X-Men once more! My singular complaint about the issue is that we all knew what the outcome would be and it would have been more enjoyable as a complete surprise. Even so, I'm so happy to have the blue elf back that I'll suck it up and just say good job Jason. Good job indeed!

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #6

Apr 19, 2014

That's right, Nightcrawler gets knocked out and when he comes to the mutants are still partying and he gives in to the celebration. We see the book coming to a close on Aaron's run on it with both Logan and Kurt stumbling out of the bar to go home, far too drunk for their own good. While there are plenty of open story lines here I'm wondering which ones will be picked up and what the tone of the comic will be moving forward with Yost on as the lead writer.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #7

May 23, 2014

After the serious tones of the X-Men as of late and finally having their soul returned to them (in the resurrection of Nightcrawler who now apparently has lost his), it feels good to have some lightheartedness going on. Honestly, I'm curious going forward if this is a sign of things to come. While the series did deal with Heaven, Hell, and the soul, it did give everyone their favorite swashbuckler back. Could his humor and carefree spirit be a focus on what we'll be reading or is it right back into the fray of everything else going on in the mutant universe. I suppose we'll see next issue!

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #9

Jul 13, 2014

What is a strong concept in the title alone, “World War Wendigo' falls flat when it reaches the page. A lack of actual character interaction, barely touching on the army of Wendigo, and placing a character we know can't be seriously hurt here as one of the leads, causes the story to suffer. Good art and great dialogue on only a couple of pages can't make up for the bad pacing that I'm shocked to see Yost give to us, as usually his arcs are much better put together.

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Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 10, 2015

‘Ant-Man' #1 gives us a solid introduction on what direction we're going to see Scott Lang start heading in as well as enough back story to catch anyone up with the character who isn't overly familiar with him. A ton of puns, some adventure, and a bit of showing off his powers mixed in with some of his old tricks of the trade from the days when he was a thief gives us a solid first issue.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #59

Mar 2, 2013

While I didn't need a reason to keep reading the two of them I can guarantee I will be picking up each issue – at least until this crossover comes to an end.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #60

Mar 31, 2013

The X-teams split up at this point with some staying in this dimension to either fight or study the enemy while the rest return to the Earth that we follow with the ominous warning that there is no guarantee that they'll ever return home. Interestingly enough though is that so many of the various X-men from the regular continuity stay behind to try to make things right on this side.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #61

Apr 21, 2013

It would be too much of an easy out to kill off everyone not from 616 and I feel that they really need at least one other character to come back with them. I'm just wondering who they will choose. I've been iffy on how I've felt about this issue but seeing Jean in full on Apocalypse power and knowing the event is nearing it's end I'm finally starting to really enjoy where they are going with it.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #63

Jun 14, 2013

As usual with Marvel lately, I'm dying to see how this one turns out and am happy with the choice in expanding upon Bobby's inner character. He's such a long standing X-Men that it's so strange we've never had a huge focus on him until now. At least not in quite awhile.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #64

Jul 12, 2013

Up until the last couple of panels, I was really hoping they would wrap things up this issue or make sure it's wrapped up in thenext. While I'm ready for this story arc to come to an end, I'm very curious as to how we'll see the upcoming events unfold.I am also still curious how this Mystique is supposed to fit with what she's doing in the other ongoing X titles.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #65

Aug 18, 2013

I felt there were some really powerful moments here. I also felt that Bobby got let off extremely easy at the end of this. He's still on the team and for the most part nothing is really happening to him. It's almost a let down with Cyclops being America's most wanted after recent events.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #66

Aug 30, 2013

How much do you want to bet we see a new X-Men title pop up set in the current story line that breaks off of Battle of the Atom to make up for it? I'm not sure I want to see Marjorie on it, though. I really would love to see her take on a completely different set of characters. I think she'd be a good fit for Dr. Strange or, if it wasn't in the middle of such a big arc, a Spider-Man title.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #67

Sep 13, 2013

Oh well. Theclock's ticking. Hopefully this series can end on a high note. It'llbe difficult to give it a good emotional end capwith all of the other currently running X-Titles out there. If Marjorie Liucan't pull it off, I hope Marvelgives hera non-X title in the future. (A Peter Parker as Spider-Man would be great.)

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #68

Oct 11, 2013

The point of the story, though, really isn't that one team is ending – it's that family is forever. It's a story how Warbird has come to accept the X-Men as her family and even though they won't always be together, they will always be there for each other. For a series that had it's highs and lows the sendoff was spectacularly written and illustrated.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1

Oct 11, 2014

So my final verdict? I can't give it a perfect score only because I know that anyone just jumping into the event or that hasn't been following all of Marvel for years will not get the full picture here. That being said, for those of us who have been faithful true believers in when absurd crossover events have muddied the waters, this could be the payoff that we have been waiting for. Only one issue in and I feel fully rewarded for being a Marvel fanboy for so many years and only hope that the next few issues will continue to deliver such a strong narative with amazing visuals.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2

Oct 18, 2014

Honestly the best part of this issue is the splash page at the very end that is going to keep me coming back for more. Who am I kidding? I'm a glutton for punishment and would have been back anyway but with who shows up to save the day, I won't lie. I am completely curious as to how this will play out. That being said, we should be up for something pretty fun next issue. I hope, because otherwise this event is really becoming a waste of paper. What went from the potential ultimate payoff for fans from the past two years is starting to look like a rather disjointed mess where the tie-in issues are much better than the main event.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #3

Oct 25, 2014

‘Avengers & X-Men: Axis' #3 delivers an action packed issue that could quite well be the stepping stone to many of the upcoming changes in the Marvel Universe. What started off as a series that I wasn't enjoying is turning into a potentially great read depending how the next couple of issues play out on page.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #4

Nov 8, 2014

So in conclusion this felt like more of a filler issue. We had a huge spotlight on the heroes of the story who are all turning into villains but not much of a look at the villains turning to heroes. At least, not the interesting ones. While I truly dug the X-Men portion of this as it was showing a new rising of Apocalypse, the Avengers story arc was dull and the big reveal at the end didn't do much for me. I highly suspect it will be related to characters we didn't see on page this month. Speaking of not on page this month there weren't that many tie-ins being released and as this entire arc has felt fleshed out properly with the tie-ins, I really felt that it lacked on substance. A major event shouldn't have to rely so heavily on tie-ins to work for Marvel and if it weren't for the inclusion of Evan as Apocalypse this would have had a much lower score.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #5

Nov 15, 2014

I think we're still in the event in a way that has too many inconsistencies and the combination plot problems and changes in artist each issue just aren't helping things along. Every issue I keep hoping for a focus on the villains who should now be heroes and each issue I am again disappointed. Maybe, Marvel needs to just step back and take a break from these massive events for a year.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #6

Nov 22, 2014

A lot of the bigger plots do get pushed forward this issue but much of it happens off panel as is shown by the very first page of the book. We're finally getting into the moments of this crossover event that I was hoping would turn things around, but with only a few issues left, this felt like a filler issue that needed tie-in issues to make sense and wasn't able to stand on it's own. I keep telling myself to wait for the next issue but with where we're left at the end of this one,it feels that the next issue has to finally get to the story telling. Of course I think I've been telling that to myself for the past three issues.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #7

Dec 13, 2014

While still the best issue in the series to date I feel that we're having to pay far too much to get the overall story and I'm not happy with where it looks like the end result is heading. At this point even a completely unexpected twist ending that actually changes something in the status quo might not be able to pull this past just being an event of mediocrity. I can't see the actual events that are happening have long term consequences as I don't feel we'll see anyone asking a few months down the line, “Remember that time the X-Men took over New York and almost wiped out humanity?”

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #8

Dec 20, 2014

Overall the issue reads as another disappointment in a full line of them on this ‘Axis' run. There was a lot of potential here to reshape some core characters and it increasingly looks as if the majority shall return to status quo as the event comes to a close. While the forward moving plot elements in this book were sound, they were too few and far between with poor writing to allow me to put a higher level review on the book. I'd love to see this event close with a bang but don't expect more more than a whimper as things go back to normal and everyone conveniently forgets the majority of actions that the X-Men and Avengers have committed.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #9

Dec 27, 2014

When the dust settled and all was said and done, Remender gave us a story that actually made a couple of changes to Marvel characters though clearly none that will have any lasting effect in the long run. Pointless fighting, bad dialogue and pacing make this the least fun Marvel Event of the year. I would go so far as to say it was worse than last year's ‘Battle of the Atom' and ‘Age of Ultron' events. Way to not make mine Marvel guys.

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Avengers (2012) #24.NOW

Dec 28, 2013

I guess if I had to have a complaint aside from the uniforms " seriously guys, couldn't they have had somewhat of a downtime issue? Our heroes are more than battle weary at this point and really need some kind of a break. Not everyone is Thor or Hyperion and can just keep going like the Energizer Bunny. A bit of fatigue needs to be built into one of the upcoming story arcs because no one can keep going at the pace of the massive events that they've all been going through for quite some time now. It's almost never really addressed and the more I think about it, the more it bothers me. That complaint is minor, though, if you are a fan of Hickman's work.In the end, you should really pick this one up!

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Avengers (2012) #40

Jan 18, 2015

Hickman is a master of build up and long term planning which has clearly shown in this issue. While I still feel that the inclusion of Thanos has been completely out of place and hope that he ends up making sense here down the line, ‘Avengers' #40 has taken a ton of details and long term planning and blended it all together to make sense. A stand out issue in the ongoing saga.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #103

Jan 12, 2013

Overall, it's a fun first part of a two part side story set within the BPRD universe. It doesn't seem to be directly tied into the ongoing story though it is very common for BPRD tales to be stand-alone. While I did enjoy the first half that we were just told, I think after reading the return of Hellboy to print I was hoping for a little more from this tale. A good read but nothing groundbreaking in this one.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #106

Apr 21, 2013

The art in this novel is not the typical art you'd find in a Mike Mignola book. While the story itself was top notch it almost felt like it was taking place in a different world without the usual style found present in the books he writes. It has more detail and color then what we would usually see and while it looked good it just didn't feel right. Still a fun read as always from the mind of Mignola.

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Bad Blood #1

Jan 2, 2014

As I mentioned above, the manga-esque reaction of the vampire threw me and as most of the rest of the issue didn't follow the feel of that one set of panels. I'm hoping it was a fluke because overall I am eagerly awaiting to see how Trick plans to use his blood to defeat the undead in his personal vendetta against them before his own time runs out.

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Bad Blood #2

Feb 8, 2014

This issue is clearly not as action packed as the previous. However, that's not to say that this issue is all character development and setting the scene. Maberry knows how to leave a book on a cliffhanger moment.

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Baltimore: Chapel Of Bones #1

Jan 3, 2014

Even without much of Baltimore in it the setup, this issue was great and was easy to follow. This one would be a great jumping in point if you don't want to track down all of the previous issues. (Though, if you are a fan of Mignola you owe it to yourself to pick them up as well!)

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Cable and X-Force #5

Mar 10, 2013

This really felt like a filler comic between missions and I'm glad to see they did that. Too often in Marvel it's one world ending event after another. Having some time to see what this cast does between the various ends of the world they have to resolve was amazingly refreshing.

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Cable and X-Force #6

Mar 24, 2013

While Cable is sitting in his transport ready to leave he suddenly comes under attack. I won't spoil who causes the attack if you haven't read the issue yet but just be prepared for some potentially major events to go down next issue!

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Cable and X-Force #7

Apr 21, 2013

The entire issue was an action packed fun read which is what you want when Cable is involved. If I had any real complaints it was that Cyclops was plastered over the cover implying a huge Cyclops/Cable moment and their conversation may have spanned 5 pages at most. At least it hinted they'd be talking again soon.

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Cable and X-Force #10

Jun 23, 2013

That won't be the only focus as X-Force has their own agendas where we will see them trying to save the world. Most importantly, though, is thatin the last panel we see the members of The Uncanny Avengers standing over the unconscious Cableas they prepare to take him into custody.

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Cable and X-Force #11

Jul 19, 2013

My favorite issue of the series to date. A lot of hints on what Hope is going to be up to, an introduction to another version of Stryfe, and finally a great pair up of characters!

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Cable and X-Force #12

Aug 10, 2013

How was the future worse without this interference? Why is Hope wearing armor that matches her father's hateful clone? When is the team going to get back together? We'll hopefully get the answers to all of that and more in the next issue of ‘Cable and X-Force'!

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Cable and X-Force #13

Aug 25, 2013

I am so happy to see Cable and his team finally get back together as that's the one thing that annoys the hell out of me in the other X-Force title out right now. If I wanted a solo comic, I wouldn't continuously picking up a team one!

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Cable and X-Force #14

Sep 20, 2013

Usually I don't comment on the art in issues. I know it's something I need to do more but unless it stands out as amazing or bad I let it blend in with how the story is told. This is one of those issues it falls into the bad category. The detail felt lacking as if it was rushed ,which is the first time that's happened this much for the series and hope it's not a trend that continues.

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Cable and X-Force #16

Nov 22, 2013

As much as I've been loving this series I think my interest might be waning. My major guess is that I know that 'X-Force' is being relaunched next year and written by my favorite comic author at the moment. That announcement right now may have distracted me from putting too much interest in what Cable is up to when I want to know what he'll be doing soon.

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Cable and X-Force #17

Dec 14, 2013

Next issue should be better. Right off the bat they hint that Bishop is on it and we all know how Cable feels about him, especiallynow after he spent years trying to hunt down and kill Hope. With all of the grudge match that will be built into this,I have no doubt the book is about to bounce back.I just felt that this side of the arc was phoned in compared to how much I loved the introduction to the series.

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Cable and X-Force #19

Jan 25, 2014

Oddly enough there's been a lot of previews of a dead Stryfe here and I'm wondering if by somehow we're going to find out all of what is happening is through an AI that he's left behind to carry out his deads and get his revenge. It seems a bit far-fetched but so does a return of Cable's greatest enemy. As much as I'm looking forward to the next X-Force run, as I love the writer's take on mutants, Dennis Hopeless is ending this in an amazing show of new and old tales blended perfectly!

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Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #0.1

Nov 2, 2013

Is this the lead in to the end of the Ultimate Universe? I'm pretty sure it's coming to a close aside from characters moving into the 616. Was this a needed issue? I would argue against that.

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Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #1

Nov 9, 2013

The art and writing, short as it was, is great. I'm eager to see if this is going to be the actual end of the Ultimate Universe or if its the first good secret Marvel has been able to keep for us in quite some time. I'm also curious to see how Reed Richards will get dragged out of prison and into the fight since I'm sure that'll end up happening.

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Civil War (2015) #1

Jul 10, 2015

Going into ‘Civil War' I wasn't expecting much and even if I had been Soule and Yu would have surprised me and put a smile on my face. These two have taken a concept I didn't think would fit well here and created a story and world which might just be the main ‘Secret Wars' story I want to be following until the 616 Universe returns to something a little more familiar to us. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that there seemed to be no true tie-in to the larger ‘Secret Wars' plot. A great comic and one that I'll be quickly picking up the next issue for.

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Cyclops (2014) #1

May 10, 2014

I was both surprised and impressed with how great this first book turned out and look forward ot the next one.

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Cyclops (2014) #2

Jun 7, 2014

While Scott may be hesitant to follow the path that Xavier has laid out for him, I wonder how long he will be able to follow in his actual father's? It is a moral dilemma I'm sure we'll see build up to a boiling point, but for now, this is just a classic X-Men in space kind of issue. It's a road trip between father and son who are both getting to know one another. Also it is a chance, at least for Scott, to know that there is more to life than he has seen. I'm digging seeing Cyclops with a personality once again and while recent issues of the ‘Uncanny X-Men' have been giving him a bit less of the militant Scott who is a team player, he is still far from the man he had been growing into for years.

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Cyclops (2014) #3

Aug 2, 2014

With how much praise I've been heaping on this issue, you may wonder why there isn't a perfect score here. Well aside from the lack of action that we were given, that you would expect from a road space trip between a father and son (where one is a pirate and the other is a mutant), the book just went by too quickly. I didn't do a page count so I'm not sure if it was just short but to be honest, it was too quick of a read. That being said, the art was spectacular, we were given answers to a few key questions, and a solid point to move forward from.

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Cyclops (2014) #4

Aug 30, 2014

I know it is only a matter of time before this mini-series comes to a close and Cyclops rejoins the ‘All-New X-Men,' but I truly feel it could go on for years in the right set of circumstances. The plot and concept are so solid and well written that I just wish we had more time to stay with it. Being stuck on this planet for awhile could have served for just such an environment to pull it off. Still, if my only complaint is that it isn't long enough or that I want more, itisn't really a complaint at all.

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Cyclops (2014) #5

Sep 27, 2014

I'm not sure how much longer the journeys of Cyclops and his father will go on though. It is only going to be a matter of time before this little journey to the stars has to come to an end and Scott has to rejoin his X-Men from the past. Only, they probably have to come back to the Ultimate Universe first. I love the ride but it has a shelf life and we're going to be hitting it soon.

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Daredevil (2014) #1

Mar 21, 2014

Overall? This is probably the best ‘#1′ issue I've read out of Marvel since ‘X-Men: Legacy' restarted giving us the amazing story of David Haller that I clearly am taken with. Those are big shoes to fill so I can't say that this will be able to keep up the enjoyment of the first issue but for a jumping in point, a solidly constructed story and with some amazing visuals. I can say that this is almost a must buy for anyone out there. Oh, and they give us a pretty great cliffhanger to boot.

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Dark Avengers #188

Mar 24, 2013

I'm dying to see how they will handle things when returned to normal continuity though have the sneaky suspicion we won't find out until issue 190 or beyond.

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Deadpool vs. X-Force #1

Jul 5, 2014

Bottom line the comic is a fun read, though if you aren't fans of the characters or era it's set in, you'll probably want to pass on it.

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Deadpool vs. X-Force #2

Jul 27, 2014

I'm not sure if that is a good thing but I know I'll be enjoying this ride for the duration of the run!

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Deadpool vs. X-Force #3

Aug 24, 2014

Long time fans of Deadpool should be huge fans of this book by now. The violence, the breaking of the fourth wall, the insanity, the in-jokes, its all here! The entire ride has been a blast and with one issue left, it'll be interesting to see how Cable saves the day. My only real question here is will they erase the event from having ever happened while correcting the timeline, create a parallel universe with this one, or will we somehow have a way for this to all come up once again down the line. For fans of Wade Wilson you all probably have the book already. If you don't and love the classic take on the character you should be ashamed of yourselves for not picking it up yet!

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Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 6, 2014

I went into ‘Death of Wolverine' not sure of what to expect and closed the last page with a smile on my face. We're going to get the brawler for one last go as he carves through some of his enemies for a final confrontation that he won't be walking away from. I'm a little annoyed with the longer angle they are playing but even with that, I want to read more. Is it a perfect issue? No. But after the last year of ‘Wolverine' it is refreshing to see the Logan we know and I think he's going to go out in style.

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Death Of Wolverine #2

Sep 13, 2014

Once again I'm loving this ‘Death of Wolverine' series! My complaint would be that this series seems to be ignoring parts of the recent ‘Wolverine' ones. When things fall out of continuity so short after it has been released, it is a little jarring. But with how much I disliked it, and from what I can tell many of you agreed, this is an oversight we can all enjoy. Hopefully the next installments continue to give Logan a send off in style. Also the surprise character introduced at the end? It seemed a little too forced in there. Hopefully it is better explained why she shows up next issue.

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Death Of Wolverine #3

Oct 4, 2014

Once again Soule and McNiven deliver in style. How will Wolverine die? Who will deliver the finishing blow? I want to find out more than I thought that I would. I have a feeling I may have a gripe with who ends up delivering the final nail in Logan's coffin in the next issue. I really hope he does it justice.

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Death Of Wolverine #4

Oct 18, 2014

All in all, I felt that the closure to Wolverine's life fell a little flat. I understand that they had him die in such a way that didn't have us up against the wall in annoyance about which villain did it. His death was heroic and in a sense tragic, though it didn't feel to be in the emotional context that the first three issues seemed to be promising. At the very least, at least Logan got some vengence when he was going out. We'll miss you, bub.

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Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1

Nov 1, 2014

For as fun as the issue was, we see it come to a close on a more serious note. Wade has a decision to make and it is going to be an important one. So important that he actually takes the time to step back from just going forward headstrong and in a rare moment is introspective about the decision he has ahead of him. Will he make Wolverine proud with his actions or will he end up showing what many believe to be his true colors?

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Fantastic Four (2012) #5

Mar 17, 2013

As we flash back to modern day times we see that the time traveler who took over Julius Caesar is now going to pay back his debt to the Fantastic Four while they are away. It's unclear what that means but this is clearly going to cross into the FF story line in the upcoming issues and a great way to tie the books together once more.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #5AU

Mar 30, 2013

We close the issue with Franklin and Valeria (Reed and Sue's children) realizing they are alone on a spaceship in the middle of nowhere with no plan on what they should be doing next. Will this be a further Age of Ultron crossover involving them? Will they continue on in an advneture while they wait for the return of their parents? Or will they be pretty much ignored until Age of Ultron ends? We'll find out next issue!

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Fantastic Four (2012) #6

Apr 14, 2013

For them most part this was a great issue. I was a little annoyed about the blatant ignoring of what occurred last issue but I also understand they can't ruin ‘Age of Ultron' by explaining it away. I'm curious what's happening to Thing and if the rest of the family had noticed or not. I'm also curious to when and where Franklin ended up taking them to see where we'll be next issue!

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Fantastic Four (2012) #7

Apr 28, 2013

Now is Ben going to get his wish? Are we going to see what the FF have been up to while the Fantastic Four have been gone with crazy future Johnny there as well? Or will things go horribly wrong and will Marvel's first family end up somewhere (or again some-when) else entirely?

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FF (2012) #4

Mar 3, 2013

While I won't be able to help myself from continuing to read the series through whatever mischief the supposedly returned Human Torch is up to they are going to have to really work my interest to keep me reading the series full time.

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FF (2012) #5

Mar 31, 2013

The fun and almost easy going nature of this book is quite refreshing with the death and destruction occurring in the Age of Ultron universe. FF pulls off light hearted in a way that has never been quite so successfully done in the current age of Marvel. It fits in a way that you wouldn't think possible and does it perfectly.

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Frankenstein (2015): Underground #1

Mar 21, 2015

A strong first issue and Mignola once more proves his talent in creating dark and twisted worlds for us to enjoy. I'm eager to find out exactly where Frankenstein's Monster will end up as the second issue opens. Not only that but I'm curious as to how the men now hunting him down will be able to find him. I'm also curious as to if we'll be seeing the inclusion of any other known characters that Mignola has introduced in the past in the next few issues.

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Furious #1

Feb 1, 2014

While the art and story have both caught my interest, I'm not completely sold quite yet. It was a great introduction but I'm not sure how much I'll care about the character as we learn more of her past and fear that might take away from my enjoyment of the book. We'll see as time goes on!

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Ghost (2013) #1

Dec 21, 2013

I truly felt that the mix of mystery and action worked well here, giving it almost a noir feel. While I mentioned in the beginning of this review that the comic felt like a mixture of Hellboy and Batman, it wasdone in a good way! Having missed the mini-series, I was worried this was going to make me feel that I was truly behind on the book from the first issue, but that didn't end up being the case. My hometown may have sold me on picking up the title, but the top quality story telling and art has me ready to continue reading to see what happens next!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #1

Mar 31, 2013

It wasn't the strongest of first issues as it tried to blend a mixture of information for new readers as well as those who followed Guardians of the Galaxy in the past, but when it got to the actual story line that's going to be happening I was sold. I was a bit curious as to how Tony Stark was going to go from the Guardians of the Galaxy to the current Ultron story arc that is going on but with the team ending up on Earth at the end of the first issue I'm sure they'll have an easy lead in to explain it.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #2

Apr 27, 2013

With the Earth being off limits to the cosmos it looks as if Star-Lord's Guardians of the Galaxy are all under arrest. (No mention on the Badoon from these intergalactic police who are arresting them.) I'm curious how Groot who was out of commission during this factors in and how Iron Man (who isn't technically a Guardian and lives on Earth) factors in. I suppose we'll start seeing more of the plan play out next issue.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #5

Aug 4, 2013

PLEASE let issue #6 finally partially address this. I suppose it may hold off to be explained in ‘Infinity', but I want answers dammit! At the very least give us more Thanos. It's great seeing the Mad Titan finally start popping up in the pre-'Infinity' story arc that's coming right around the corner. While the annoying questions are not answered yet, this book had me flying through each page and was a pure delight to read.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #6

Sep 29, 2013

I really hope the next issuepicks up a forward momentum again as it's hard to keep Angela's introduction to the Marvel Universe seem like a big deal when so many crossover big deals are also going on at the same time. At the very least I hope it starts to catch up to the “Infinity' timeline if they plan on using her in any sort of major way (which would make sense to do.) I've been loving Bendis' run on the X-titles (and the ‘Battle of the Atom‘) event though this issue shows off one of his weak points. An all out action fest with no plot just doesn't work on a series that's behind everyone else's timeline.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #7

Oct 20, 2013

While light on the action, we finally received a proper introduction to Angela into the Marvel Universe and I have a feeling with the action that should be popping up in the ‘Infinity' crossover next issue that'll most likely make up for the slowness of this one. Still, an enjoyable read.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #8

Nov 1, 2013

Overall, I enjoyed the issue. There was some great dialogue between Star-Lord and Gomera and later with Brand. The action sequences were done well and for the most part the art was decent. However, I do have to say they need to explain how Thanos and Star-Lord got out of the Cancerverse and soon.Also they need to explain what happened to Richard Rider. Unless this is a major point to how Infinity comes to a close (which I doubt), there is no reason to keep dragging it out and not telling us what happened. I'm conflicted because while on the whole I enjoyed the issue, this doesn't even feel like a build up and at this point it's just not letting the readers know what happened for no apparent reason.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #9

Dec 8, 2013

We have Angela and whatever gets thrown at us in the next issue to keep us busy, but I hope we're not going to be getting more filler as we transition into the next story arc. I just hope it goes back to the interest levels of the first few issues. I'd hate for one of the few universe spanning comics to go stale so soon into the series. There's a whole galaxy that needs to be explored in preparation for the upcoming ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' film as well as to prepare for the true arrival of Thanos.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #10

Jan 4, 2014

As much as I'm loving parts of this series, the drag out in finding details is more annoying than teasing. Still, a great read and one I can't hold against while I'm still flying through each issue.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #11.NOW

Feb 2, 2014

While I truly enjoyed the issue I am hoping this will be the only pairing where we only get one half of what's going on. I get why it was done for the start of the crossover and while I appreciate it, I don't think that it'll need to continue in the same viewpoint. I'd love to see both comics pushing the story forward from this point on since the two teams have now met up and not, say, 'All-New X-Men' just following Jean next issue while at the same time the Guardians and the rest of the X-Men are looking for where she's being held prisoner. I get wanting to give everyone screen time but now that they've met up. I think we can safely just push forward full speed ahead. I hope so at least.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #12

Mar 1, 2014

The setup has happened and we've just pushed through the half way point. Will we fall flat as the ‘Battle of the Atom' did or are we going somewhere astonishing? I'm hoping for the latter but only time (and a few more issues) will tell!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #13

Mar 29, 2014

So it came to a decent end and has a few major shake ups coming from it. In the final pages we see a member leaving the X-Men to go out on their own adventures for a bit with a closing shot of everyone walking back into the older Cyclops' base once again. More interesting though is that in the final shot of Jean Grey we see something that it was hard to tell of it was the Phoenix Force or her new powers. The look on her face though reminded me of a certain expression that the Dark Phoenix wore on a few moments. I'm really curious as to where they are headed with the upcoming story lines. All of that being said I've been enjoying the idea of the X-Men in space again and am curious as to where the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' are going to go from here.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #15

May 31, 2014

Overall, this isue really kind of felt like it was dragging. I still dig the series but this was not its finest moment by a long shot. Thankfully the art made up for the writing on this one. Bendis has used this before to varying levels of success. Thankfully the setup they put in motion, at least in our escapees story, should push the next issue forward in a positive direction.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #16

Jun 28, 2014

I'm going to be honest here. As much as I want to see this play out I'm really more excited to see what secrets are revealed in the ‘Original Sin' crossover. I've been dying to know what happened to the three of them ever since they returned! Well, since the two returned.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #17

Aug 2, 2014

I'm sure, because this is by Bendis, every page will be a build up to the last panel which is when Star-Lord will only at that point start to tell us what really happened and we'll be stuck waiting until the 19th issue to really find out more.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #18

Aug 30, 2014

I absolutly loved this issue! While we're still left with questions, the journey to answers are well under way. Not only that, but we get a great issue on its own merits that make us once again appreciate and miss Richard Ryder. Fans of the characters have been clamoring for a resolutions since the first issue of this book and we are finally almost there! Will this wait have paid off? I suspect we'll find out in the next issue and really wonder why this has been such a huge secret so far from both of these cosmic characters. Why have Peter Quill and Thanos remained silent about returning to the regular continuity? What happened to Richard Rider? These are questions we'll finally soon have answered!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #19

Sep 28, 2014

As expected, Bendis does not give us the full story. Just as the first issue we're left off with a painful cliffhanger and this one is dead set on showing us that things are going to get even worse for our heroes, and Thanos, before they get better. What will happen to Nova? How do Drax, Star-Lord, and Thanos return to the living 616 universe? Why have only Star-Lord and Thanos been acting as if they know what has happened? I'm dying to find out and I have a feeling we're going to finally get some answers in the next issue. I only hope that some of the continuity issues stop popping up

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #20

Nov 1, 2014

So the story has come to an end. We know how Star-Lord, Drax, and Thanos made it back to the 616 continuity and the door has been left open for a future where Nova could once again somehow be found. We also found out why they have been keeping the thing a huge mystery this entire time. Was it satisfying? Not in the slightest. Did it explain how they got out alive? In a way that didn't match with continuity it did. Is Bendis starting to show that after his amazing run on ‘The Avengers' that trying to tackle both the X-Men franchises with his flop of an ending on ‘Battle of the Atom' and how he tied up this story line might just be too much for him? I think so. I love his work on the solo ‘X-Men' series as well as ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' aside from this larger arc. Bendis. You're great man, just take a break from the large story arcs for awhile. Please. You're killing us here.

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Harrow County #1

Apr 17, 2015

With a strong setup it was quite easy for Bunn and Crook to guarantee that I'll be snagging at least the first few issues of ‘Harrow County.' While not a perfect issue art wise, when it came to some of the more casual scenes it really fit the tone and mood for where the action and suspense were found. A mystery spread over time that sounds like it will have some terrifying consequences for a past sin really sets well with me and I can't wait to see how this plays out.

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Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #1

Oct 11, 2014

Overall, ‘Hawkeye vs. Deadpool' #1 delivers what you expect from Hawkeye's stand alone series as well as what you would expect from Deadpool. Wilson appears to be a little toned down from his over the top narrative in this one and to be fully honest you almost wouldn't even notice with how well he fits in here. Of all of his recent Vs titles this is probably one of the better written ones from the past few years, at least so far.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #1

Dec 6, 2014

The first issue that delves into the past of Hellboy on his first real mission with the B.P.R.D. was a strong one. We have hints of what is to come and a certain man who is going to be on bad terms with Hellboy before long. Sadly, the case that they are on has been vague and few details have been truly given as to what they will be up against so far. I have to say that I love the return of Professor Bruttenholm on page and can't wait to see how Mignola explores the father/son relationship as the series progresses.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #2

Jan 10, 2015

Once again the Mignola Universe is expanding and while the story we're getting here is firmly set in the past, it is done in a style that will put a smile on your face and be as eager as I am for the next issue to be released. For fans of old, this will be a great trip down memory lane for you and not from a rehashed storyline but from the feel that existed in Hellboy's earlier adventures being featured so prominently here.

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Hellboy in Hell #2

Jan 12, 2013

We close on this as the pieces have been put into motion. The play is set and the stakes are high with all of the power of Hell being teased before Hellboy who has no want for it. Yet knowing his path is preordained what will change in the upcoming issues? What will cause him to take up a fight he believes that he should be done with? I for one can't wait to see!

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Hellboy in Hell #3

Feb 10, 2013

He comes to Hellboy with blame. Blame for Pandemonium being a tomb. Blame for there no longer being a kingdom of Hell. Blame for killing Satan. With a few seconds of memory here it looks as if Hellboy may actually have killed Satan even though he denied he would ever do that in the previous issue. Has someone been using Hellboy for their own plans? We'll find out next issue! (Actually we'll probably just come up with even more questions.)

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Hellboy in Hell #4

Mar 9, 2013

He talks with Edward and we find out that Hellboy has at least three large tasks left in his destiny. Edward claims he is taking one of them on as his own but the tale of Hellboy is far from over though perhaps for at least a little time he may have peace. Hellboy walks the city he finds himself in with a smile on his face and a cigar in his hand. He may have found peace but how long shall it last?

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Hunger #1

Jul 26, 2013

Who am I kidding? I want to see an all out war between alien races in the Ultimate Universe vs. the big purple man. I'd love to say that I have complaints with Galactus only being on 5 pages or this only being such a short mini-series, but it was such a great read that this one is getting a perfect score in my book!

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Hunger #2

Aug 11, 2013

The very need for Reed to possess the Gauntlet, according to ‘Kang”, mightbe to drive Galactus back to the standard universe? We just don't know and with 2 issues left I have a feeling it'll be a bit before we find out!

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Hunger #3

Oct 4, 2013

I have a feeling in the next issue we're going to get a great transition and not an actual conclusion. I, for one, can't wait to see how this plays out.

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Hunger #4

Oct 20, 2013

What did you think about the countdown on the Ultimate Universe beginning? Any guesses on which characters will cross over into continuity? Sad that we'll probably be losing some of The Ultimates and Ultimate X-Men forever? Sound off below!

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Invincible #99

Jan 12, 2013

It's been a great lead up on the storyline to issue #100. With an epic fight between two titans and a world ending scenario this issue has delivered an action packed read. The last panel is even able to tease that the worst of it is still to come. Kirkman has no problem ruining the lives of his characters so it will be interesting to see what will happen next month.

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Invincible #100

Feb 2, 2013

I wanted to give this one a full 5 stars but I really felt that the art didn't properly match the feel of the comic until half way through the issue.

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Invincible #101

Mar 24, 2013

While we saw some setup in this issue I felt that it fell a little flat after the last couple of stories. I know that something can't be happening in every single issue (the world isn't always about ot end) but I felt that the payoff was lacking a little this issue.

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Invincible #102

Apr 28, 2013

There really is a lot going on in the world of Invincible right now. He's still hated by many of the world's heroes. He's engaged to get married. His dad just became the leader of the race that once threatened Earth's extinction and is now trying to protect it in secret. The next issue though? It promises the return of Angstrom Levy whose entire goal in life is to destroy Invincible. I'm sure that will spell a few problems to Mark and Eve's happy news.

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Iron Man (2012) #7

Mar 17, 2013

Regardless of everything I just said the cover says it all. Once this is over couldn't you just see Stark relishing having the title of Godkiller?

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Iron Man (2012) #8

Apr 20, 2013

Sadly we also have no idea how Death's Head got away or when he'll pop up again. He's been making a lot of appearances lately and it's a trend I fully support so I'm wondering if they are ramping up his return or just felt like using him since he was easy to fit into a few story lines. With not enjoying the art and my biggest concern about the issue not being for the main character or where it's going but from a side character that was almost thrown in as an afterthought? This one's not ranking too well.

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Iron Man (2012) #9

May 5, 2013

While I'm enjoying it 'so far' this is either going to be an absolutely fantastic storyline or turn me off the Iron Man franchise until they retcon or forget that it ever happened.

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Iron Man (2012) #10

May 19, 2013

While I still don't think that a super origin for Tony Stark is needed (or will even help the character) in any way, shape, or form – I've been loving this story line. I felt it had started off a little weak after NOW! but they've really managed to put together an amazing story. I just hope the end result does justice to the build up that we've been given so far.

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Iron Man (2012) #12

Jul 6, 2013

Yes being able to pilot a giant suit of mechanical armor against Celestial appears to be Tony Stark's purpose as far as 451 is concerned and considering this is an end game he had planned for – it's going to be interesting to see what he's lied about that Tony has to overcome and how he gets himself out of this mess! I won't lie though, I'd love to see Tony Stark take on a Celestial. My only issue is though that he's already been able to make an impact on The Phoenix. I don't care how awesome Iron Man is, I think one interstellar Godlike being should be enough for one man to have to deal with.

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Iron Man (2012) #14

Aug 11, 2013

Of course, both of these may get fully covered in ‘Guardians' so I suppose we're going to have to wait and read to find out!

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Iron Man (2012) #17

Oct 25, 2013

I'm not happy. I don't know how you are going to redeem the story line after this one. These were changes to the character that I can't say were at all needed for character development. Also with everything else going on in the Marvel Universe I can't see this being helpful for true plot development. All of the build up on this story arc for this? I guess we'll wait and see but if something huge doesn't happen in the series that gets me drawn back into it on the Iron Man side of things I don't know how much longer I'll be able to follow this one.

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Iron Man (2012) #18

Nov 9, 2013

What I see here is Tony wanting to step back from his role as Iron Man and soon being forced to fall back into it full time to stop the new Mandarin threat. It's an interesting new direction for the character though I'm not sure how it'll fair when stacking up against Tony in whatever Avengers title that he's currently in. This is a great issue that is leading into the next story arc and as just the right tone for a proper introduction.

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Iron Man (2012) #19

Dec 7, 2013

Overall, a great setup issue. As much as I dislike the idea behind Arno and where part of this is going it's caught my interest and I want to see where this ends up gonig with the new group of Mandarin and how the AI will eventually turn against them.

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Iron Man (2012) #20

Jan 10, 2014

It's a great setup for what's to come. With the rings having used and been used by the original Mandarin for so long, I'm curious as to how long until we see Ezekiel Stane make an appearance. Will they want him dead? Will they use him as one of the ring holders? Will he be completely ignored (which I believe to be unlikely) in this story line? I can't wait to find out! Thanks Kieron for giving us such a great issue!

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Legendary Star-Lord #1

Jul 5, 2014

I'm not quite sure where this is supposed to fall in line with the time line established in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' as recent issues have Star-Lord confronting his father who just had him kidnapped. It would be the perfect part for this to be the kidnapping but it wasn't referenced in the issue at all and seems to be a point that would have been brought up.

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Legendary Star-Lord #2

Aug 10, 2014

Overall, the second issue of ‘Legendary Star-Lord' was a fun read and has potential to push the series over for a few more issues. That being said I much prefer Peter Quill in a group dynamic and with the next issue of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' being the big reveal of what happened with Thanos, Richard Rider, and Star-Lord in the Cancerverse it is hard for me to get too excited about a stand alone title. I can't let that ruin this issue though so I'll end this on the following; if you can't get enough of the Legendary Star-Lord and want more of the humor and action found in the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' this is a series you should be making sure to grab!

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Lobster Johnson: A Scent of Lotus #1

Jul 27, 2013

Well, we're going to have to just pickup issue #2 when it comes out to find out those answers.

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Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat #1

May 26, 2013

His owner appears to be the old man shown in the first panel as well as his Doctor friend. Lobster has been tracking whoever has been killing people and dumping them in the sewers for some time and the people behind it are these men. The Doctor tries to claim that he's a scientist and attempting to save the world though is unable to even save himself before the wrath of Johnson whose sole purpose is to take down evil.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #1

Feb 7, 2014

The inevitable escape leaves him returning to the All Mothers and giving them the plague that was within Thor. Once Loki leaves they open it and discover that the plague itself IS Loki. Not the carefree young spirit that he has become, but the malevolent God of old. Clearly he'll be looking for a comeback, but is there enough room for 2 Loki's in Midgard? Time will tell and while this is a plot I'm a bit iffy on (we've been teased with the elder Loki's potential return since Ikol first took to the skies), I'd love to see a showdown between the two but I'd hope for it to be a final one as I'm really loving the feel of the new Loki and am sick of the stale joke of a villain he has finally become.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #2

Mar 8, 2014

I've had a lot of complaints lately on issues that were bad setups for upcoming story arcs. In fact, this week's 'Uncanny X-Men' falls into that category. However, as annoying as the moving forward issues can be when done wrong to the point where they feel like filler issues " when they are done right they shine! Ewing has done right here and we get a fun story that is a great tale for a stand alone issue and is able to build into whatever greater story he wants to tell us. This is no filler issue here my friends!

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #3

Apr 5, 2014

While I quite enjoyed the issue I could see some of the Asgardian references being difficult if you don't know much of the lore. However, I'd also say that overall to enjoy the story, you didn't need to know the history to understand what is going on and that Old Loki appears to be setting up Young Loki for something. What that something is remain to be seen and I am eager to see the two Trickster Gods go at one another in a game of cunning by the time this story plays out.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #4

May 11, 2014

I have to tell you, the way this one ended has me eagerly looking forward to how the next will play out! Assuming we don't get more time travelling Old Loki and more of what Young Loki has up his sleeve. Or is it actually Old Loki that has a trick up his sleeve? Both seem to have long term plans in place but one has to wonder which of these two is the one actually orchestrating the events that we are reading? I suspect that the help from Loki's friends might all be a part of the elder Loki's plan to find a way to once again have true freedom instead of the limited freedom that he used to change his past for a better future. Mysteries and riddles that I feel we are probably nowhere near solving.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #6

Sep 27, 2014

Once again we are given a great take on the God of Mischief with bonus inclusion of Doctor Doom that was surprisingly one of his better appearances as of late. Will he end up being another pawn of the Red Skull and give into his future evil nature or be on the side of heroes and help save the day?

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Magneto (2014) #7

Jul 19, 2014

This was another great issue of Magneto and Bunn has really taken on Magneto's voice as his own. I just hope the build up from single stories to a clearly larger developing background plot happens sooner than later.

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Magneto (2014) #8

Aug 24, 2014

In this issue, Magneto ends up committing an act that could be seen as stepping over the line in doing exactly what it is that he is fighting against. I am just curious as to if the deal with the devil he makes here will cure him, addict him, be a stopgap measure, or something else entirely. I love the way it played out on page as you could feel the resignation in his actions and can tell how hard the decision he is making is on him. He'd better hope his gambit pays off as the next issue is the ‘March to AXIS' as he will play a key role in the upcoming Avengers and X-Men themed AXIS event that is soon to kick off!

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Magneto (2014) #9

Sep 14, 2014

Overall, this is a great lead in to the upcoming AXIS event and more than anything it makes me want to see Magneto be the one that takes down the Red Skull. If the Skull somehow dies at the end of this event, which is unlikely, I highly suspect it won't be at Magneto's hand. I do hope he plays an important factor into the madman's downfall though. This would be for both a matter of redemption and revenge in a way that might give him a small piece of closure. The aspect of the issue set in present day felt like a great Magneto comic aside from how he interacted with the prisoners. I must say though that not being able to follow up on the events from last issue due to being dragged into a multi-comic crossover event left a bad taste in my mouth. Still worth picking up but this was probably the weakest issue in the series to date.

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Magneto (2014) #10

Sep 27, 2014

Overall I had a HUGE complaint last issue and the cliffhanger on this one not only addressed it but promised that we are in store for something good. Not just good, but potentially great! I know that this coming AXIS event will be going on for quite some time and isn't about to resolved with the events of the next installment of the book but damned if I'm not excited to see what happens. I'm itching for more!

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Magneto (2014) #11

Oct 18, 2014

Overall I liked the concept for the issue I just have some major complaints in timing of when things are happening and how long they happening for. Mix in the fact that two of Magneto's recruits don't seem to be people he would care to recruit, let alone care about, and what could have been one of the best installments in this series fell pretty flat for me. I don't blame the writer or the artist for the issues here but the event itself.

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Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 8, 2014

I'll be first in line to pickup the second issue on its release! A total surprise, but ‘Moon Knight' came out of the blue to absolutely take the spot of my favorite comic this week.

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Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 5, 2014

Well it isn't here but I suspect this is going to be one of the larger takes on his multiple personalities to date. As his usually have one dominant at a time, I'm wondering if we're seeing a different take where we are going to be following different personalities in charge. The Detective, The Super Hero, and possibly another? That would be a refreshing take on a character to having his problems show up so prominantly for a change. I have to knock it down half a point from perfection for the abrupt change in the character only because we don't yet know how this Moon Knight is going to play out. If it is abundantly clear that this will be the norm, I have no problems with that and happily run with it in the future. Only time will tell!

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Moon Knight (2014) #3

May 10, 2014

Once again, this is a must buy issue!

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Moon Knight (2014) #4

Jun 7, 2014

Another amazing issue and I cannot wait for the next one! If you are still on the fence on the series but are willing to give something non-Marvel and a little… Wait who am I kidding? Not a little but a lot darker a try – pickup Moon Knight today!

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Moon Knight (2014) #5

Jul 5, 2014

Once again I have to say if you haven't been following this series and like the sound of the concept pick it up! Pick up each and every issue as you can't go wrong.

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Moon Knight (2014) #6

Aug 9, 2014

At the beginning of the review I said this was a sad day. Why is that you may ask? Well, from the beginning it was announced that Ellis and Shalvey were only planned to be on the ‘Moon Knight' title for six issues and that means this closes out their run. They've really come up with a fitting perspective on the protector of night travelers and I'm going to hate to see them go. I really hope that Brian Wood and Greg Smallwood can carry the torch when they take over in the next issue as they have big shoes to fill. Ellis and Shalvey I'm not sure if you read reviews of your work but if you do, I'd like to personally thank you for coming up with a take on a character that is long overdue and I hope your vision continues going forward.

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Moon Knight (2014) #8

Oct 4, 2014

Wood and Smallwood have given us a highly entertaining and well put together book. With a unique way to frame and tell their story combined with well written dialogue and a good plot to boot, this is a strong continuation of the new world of ‘Moon Knight'. For anyone who was worried that the book would falter without Ellis at the helm, so far your concern is just as unfounded as mine was. This is still a series worth picking up and is quite easy to enjoy!

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Morbius: The Living Vampire (2013) #2

Feb 24, 2013

I'm not sure how they are going to go with a continuing story line on this comic. My only guess is that it will take a Punisher or Dare Devil vibe to continue as being out of the main stream events going on. Will it work? We'll see. I like the longer angle when they are able to pull it off. Dare Devil was able to successfully for years with occasional crossovers but The Punisher has had a stale concept for awhile. There hasn't been enough character build up or evolution yet to get me really hooked but I'm willing to give this one at least a third issue. Hopefully they can find a draw to keep this interesting past just a local gang problem.

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Nailbiter #1

May 11, 2014

The first issue has a strong introduction that draws you in by giving more questions than answers. Why did the Agent lose his cool and beat someone until he is at the point of being fired? Why was he suicidal and are the two connected? What happened to the FBI profiler who caught The Nailbiter? How was The Nailbiter not convicted when in the first scene we saw him he was surrounded by corpses and gnawing on the fingers of one? Why has city of Buckaroo, Oregon given birth to sixteen of the worst serial killers in the world and what has tied them all together? There is a dark tale being woven here and the way it is being told, I really want to know more!

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New Warriors (2014) #3

Apr 6, 2014

The plot has been a good build up and I believe the next issue might finally give some payoff to what they have been building. At least, I hope it will because this is a series I want to like. I'm really hoping it is just a case that they haven't grounded the characters yet which we'll see be taken care of in the next issue.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #1

Apr 12, 2014

This is truly a great jumping in issue for people who are curious about the blue elf as well as a great issue for past fans. Nightcrawler's essence is captured purely on the pages by an author who has had years of experience with the character. While there are subtle hints at his past, most of the throwbacks are really in how he acts with the rest of the cast. This is truly a new story set to move the character forward. I highly recommend this one for someone who has often been described as the soul of the X-Men.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #3

Jun 14, 2014

While I did enjoy the first issue, I've felt the quality has slipped in each of the following ones and while I am overly thrilled to see Claremont working with the X-Men again, the standout moments of this title were when they were on the page. When the focus was just on the villains, the writing seemed sluggish and dull. The build up just hasn't been here for this one and if there is any saving grace i'ts that when the X-Men are talking it just feels right and Todd Nauck's art is able to keep the pages and fight scenes moving quickly. I'm hoping there a better story arc planned after this one comes to a close and I hate to say it but I hope that happens sooner than later.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #7

Oct 11, 2014

‘Nightcrawler' #7 isn't moving forward his own comic at all but is purely a ‘Death of Wolverine' tie-in that you don't have to be following the main event for. Yes, it is out a week prior to Logan's death due to scheduling issues but if you are going to pick up any of the comics celebrating the life of Marvel's most used mutant, this is the comic! This will give every old school X-Men fan a taste of days gone by. The nostalgia is strong in this work and works perfectly, Claremont, I have to thank you for putting together such a perfect send off to Wolverine. I can't imagine anyone else doing it better.

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Nova (2013) #1

Feb 23, 2013

The issue ends on a cliffhanger without having given us too much of where the story is going yet. We don't know how he is going to become one of the Nova Corps as he hasn't yet by the issue's end. We don't know if he is going to be an Earth or Galaxy based hero. Hell we don't know if he's going to be both! What I can tell yout hough is they've added just enough interest and intrigue in the first issue to make me want to pickup the second.

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Nova (2013) #2

Mar 23, 2013

I think the main problem I have with this series so far is that it's an origin story being told before the events of AVX that we're reading months after. It's going to be hard to fit him into the current time slot until he's caught up to that and even after it's hard to see how they can develop him enough in that time to make him interesting. They are going to have to rush to the events in AVX if they want him to have any real active role in the current Marvel timeline.

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Nova (2013) #3

Apr 21, 2013

Don't get me wrong you really need a good origin story for how they are going to use him but long term it's hard to see where his place is going to be at this time. Annoying nagging thoughts aside the fun writing and solid pace of the book will have me happily snagging at least a few more issues.

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Nova (2013) #4

May 19, 2013

While one has to wonder where the two Guardians went off to the build up is still solid and there has been some great scenes and shots that lead me to ask how the hell he's going to get out of this mess next issue.

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Nova (2013) #8

Sep 29, 2013

Here's hoping that issue #10 will finally cause this series to truly start living up to it's potential because I don't know if I'll be able to keep reading it much past that if my attention isn't finally hooked.

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Nova (2013) #13.NOW

Feb 22, 2014

Up in space,Nova can't detect the ship but Bill has a plan and they are off onto adventure to find the bandits and save the captured civilians. It's really a feel good story with a ton of humor being thrown in where not much happens. Is it a bad issue? Not at all! As I mentioned above, it's a great stepping in point and they clearly lay out where the current story line is going to be heading. Thankfully they are clearly heading back into space as Sam is also joining the 'New Warriors'. While that worked well for the original Nova, I think right now is the perfect time to have him helping mainstream the galactic view of Marvel.

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Nova (2013) #18

Jun 22, 2014

Overall, as an issue for an ongoing story arc, we see young Sam being pushed forward into learning more about his father and not much else new. Past that, almost everything else that we get from this issue feels far too repetitive if you have been following the ‘Original Sin' story line. If you haven't been following it, are just jumping in, or don't mind, then this is a great issue to move things forward. Honestly having been keeping up with the latest crossover all of the revisiting of events really felt like a yawn fest, except for the art by David Baldeonwhich was spectacular.

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Nova (2013) #19

Jul 20, 2014

Since its inception I've wanted to love the new ‘Nova' series and I feel it keeps falling a little short. I think the problem stems from trying to keep Sam grounded in Earth and young while still have his responsibilities as a super hero on a cosmic level. The two haven't meshed well together and I think they either need to leave behind the cosmic level activities, which is what I want this comic for, or they need to give Sam a reason to stop being on Earth all of the time.

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Nova (2013) #22

Nov 1, 2014

Overall the issue was a fun and festive one for the holidays. While this was a stand-alone issue, for those of you who have been following Nova's adventures there are hints at the bigger storyline of what is going on with his dad as well as an AXIS tie-in for the next issue. This appears to be set after the events of AXIS that Nova was already a part of by what was shown on television, but thankfully he doesn't seem to be affected by them which is fitting for the character being who he is. A fun issue that was just an all around enjoyable read.

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Origin II #1

Dec 29, 2013

I'm still not sold that this was a needed entree into the mysterious history of Wolverine. That being said, it was a fun read and if the other four issues deliver on the promise of the first one, the series will probably be worth picking up.

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Past Aways #1

Mar 28, 2015

What we get here is a sign of humanity's future. Only, our future has evolved the five humans stuck in our time period into having super hero level abilities. There is a lot of potential for an extremely fun series that can be both serious and campy at the same time. I'm eager to see where Kindt and Kolins take things going forward.

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Rocket Raccoon (2014) #1

Jul 5, 2014

With a conspiracy in place and now in confinement, things seem to be looking bad for Rocket. However, with this all being part of the plan I suspect he is setting a trap of his own. While not as fun as this week's ‘Legendary Star-Lord,' this was still an enjoyable issue!

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Sheltered #1

Jul 13, 2013

Depending how they handle things, this could easily turn into the epic that ‘The Walking Dead'has in a post-apocalyptic setting. With their remote location it could also prove nearly as intense in a world where they are living by post-apocalyptic rules yet still havingto answer to an unbroken society. It could take quite a few interesting twists andI am eager for more!

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Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #1

Jul 13, 2014

There is humor in this issue but it is sharpened with an edge and a a want for romance but knowing that it can never happen. I just don't know how long they can run with the idea that he's just trying to get home and keep it fresh and interesting. Still,

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Spread #1

Jul 12, 2014

This first issue of ‘Spread' has an extremely strong narrative and if the story can continue to draw us into the world that Jordan has created, I believe we're going to be in for a real treat for quite some time to come. If you are a fan of ‘The Walking Dead', ‘The Thing', or ‘Dead Space' you should absolutely be making sure to check this one out as you'll be in for a real treat!

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Spread #2

Aug 9, 2014

In this second installment into ‘Spread,' Jordan continues telling a compelling introduction while Strahm delivers on art that compliments perfectly what you're reading. We're still only scratching the surface when it comes to the secrets of this world that they've created and if there is a downside, it's that we have to wait a full month to find out more. If you are looking for a fun new take on an apocalyptic world that doesn't directly involve aliens or the undeadm I highly suggest picking this series up as we're only two issues in!

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Spread #3

Sep 13, 2014

I'm loving ‘Spread' and really want to know where the series is going. While we know that someone out there knows about Hope and they were in an area still advanced enough to have a plane, a pilot, and access to fuel you have to wonder who else knows about the girl. I think that is going to be a tale for much later down the road though as I suspect that Hope, Molly, and No will all be in the fringes of civilization for quite some time to come.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 17, 2015

The highest rating I can give a comic on the site is a perfect score and I would actually raise this one if possible. This took me back to the first run of the original trilogy and if this level of quality can continue, we are all in for a treat. The force is strong with this issue and this IS the series that you're looking for.

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Star Wars: Lando #1

Jul 11, 2015

The first issue of ‘Lando' was a quick read but only because it was one that I couldn't put down. This was the rogue we knew from ‘Star Wars' and you truly get to see multiple aspects of the character. He's a con artist to his very core and that aspect of him shines through on each and every page. The issue is more of a setup than a complete story but oh the trouble Lando gets himself into can't help but make me wish that the next issue was coming out quicker! Seriously Marvel has been doing an amazing job at making these comics feel like they are coming right ouf of the original trilogy and if they can keep this level of quality up we're really going to be in for something amazing.

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Superior Carnage #1

Feb 9, 2014

Overall? I felt that it didn't do Cletus enough justice at the beginning or Carnage enough justice at the end. Sure he was able to leave with an apparently huge body count but it just didn't feel right and almost too rushed to give us a reason why Carnage is back. The bulk of what mattered in this story could have been done in 4-5 pages at the beginning of the next crossover and not require a full comic to tell. It probably would have been more enjoyable that way as well. Even for fans of Carnage (like myself) this was not a must buy.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17

Nov 29, 2014

The final verdict of the final issue? If you haven't been picking up the ‘The Superior Foes of Spider-Man' you've been missing out and you should order the first two collections right now to get you caught up. It's a funny book that tells a good tale at the same time and was much more entertaining than it probably had any right to be.

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Superior Iron Man #1

Nov 15, 2014

I was initially thinking that a complete 180 on Tony Stark was going to come off as badly written and a bad idea. The way the first issue has presented it though really does work. The only reason I'm not super happy is that it takes place after the events of AXIS so it would appear that we may have a couple spoiler hints coming up. Still, a fun read and an interesting direction to take the character in which makes us wonder how they'll end up redeeming him and how long that will take.

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Superior Iron Man #2

Nov 29, 2014

Overall the first issue had an amazing twist that really started to show us the evil that is growing in Tony's personality and this one had a completely different twist. Tony gives an amazing gift that will most likely not be appreciated and the look on his face before it is delivered looks very contemplative. For as much bad as everything he is doing is leading into this is one of those moments that could almost be thought of as good, if his gift wasn't forced on the recipient. I don't think this is by any means perfect but I am so curious as to where it's going I'm easily able to overlook some of the misses.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1

Jul 28, 2013

I just hope they make a clear cut reason on why the title had to be renamed and my only guess so far is that it'll be to form his own group. We'll see though.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #3

Sep 27, 2013

Ideally there will only be one more ‘Infinity' tie-in issue for the ‘Superior Spider-Man Team-Up' line. While I'll probably pick it up, my interest is pretty low while I impatiently await for the book to get back to what I feel is it's true course – a Superior Sinister Six.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #5

Oct 26, 2013

Things have been building up to this for awhile and I can't wait to see what Yost throws at us next!

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #6

Nov 23, 2013

I'm really curious though to a few things. How much longer is he going to actually be able to keep up saying he really is superior? How much longer until more people start to realize that Spider-Man is really acting like one of his most notorious villains? How much longer until we see Parker's return? (How exactly are we going to see his return at this point?) So much left to find out and unfortunately most of it won't be told by Yost.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #7

Dec 7, 2013

It's been an interesting run, but the build-up felt far too big for just three issues. Ihonestly felta bit let down with how quickly this was resolved. Hopefully it'll all be coming back to bite Doc Ock down the line even worse. Though, with everything about to go a little green with Goblin problems, I don't suppose it'll be in the near future. It wasn't a bad book but it was by no means superior to the last few issues and, if I might say,it ended on an inferior note. It'sa shame as I've been loving Yost's work on run and have been mostly preferring this to the mainstream title.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8

Dec 22, 2013

The book ends with Otto once again feeling that he should be the Superior Spider-Man and no longer preparing to turn himself in.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #10

Feb 21, 2014

If you love these three characters paired together you will probably be disappointed with how Ock is acting through the entire issue. It's really a let down after how much I've been enjoying the team-up line.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #11

Mar 29, 2014

I loved the style and story we were given here and while I'm usually not a fan of flashbacks Kevin and Ron have perfectly captured the feel of the era. It doesn't directly expand the ‘Goblin Nation' story arc that is going on right now but it is related to it and gives us a great view of two of Parker's greatest villains interacting with one another. This isn't a game changer but it is a fun story to read and if the second part is just as entertaining you are going to want to read both of them!

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Supreme: Blue Rose #1

Jul 27, 2014

While I enjoyed the first book of the new run, I'm wondering when we'll actually see Supreme tie into the story line short of a giant golden arch. I'm also curious as to if we'll be given any mentions of previous Supremes or if this will be a completely fresh new take. Personally, I'm kind of hoping for full on originality and no real referencing of what has happened before.

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Thanos Annual #1

May 31, 2014

So while it was an interesting take on the past of Thanos with a brief glimpse of his future, this wasn't truly a full new story with how Thanos is today. This is more of how Thanos was when he was younger and a splinter of his conscious from when he had his only true grasp of real power. We did get a nice little tease of the future but if you were looking for a brand new Thanos story you'll have to wait for the graphic novel to be released. I know I am. While a fun read this is really a book that is probably for Thanos fans and not much past that.

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Thanos Rising #1

Apr 7, 2013

I'm a bit perplexed on what to give this. While I felt the issue had a few strong points at the end and was beautiful to read I'm not sold on the young version of Thanos. Yes everyone is young once and they don't always show their nature at a young age, but I felt that the initial introduction was a bit of a clash from the Titan we all know is to come.

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Thanos Rising #2

May 4, 2013

If they continue this route and don't give us something more substantial soon I'm going to be extremely let down by this title.

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Thanos Rising #3

Jun 8, 2013

I'm intrigued by how the larger role Death is finally playing in the comic. With only 5 issues in total, I'm of course going to finish it though I'm just not sure if it will keep my attention for the entire run. At the very least, the next issue looks like he's wearing The Infinity Gauntlet on the cover so if there's any reference alluding to that (even if this is all supposed to take place far before that time period) I'll be quite the happy reader.

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Thanos Rising #4

Jul 19, 2013

Things are finally coming together for this Thanos mini-series to give us a look to the inside of how Thanos' mind works. While this has probably been my favorite issue of the lot so far, I'm still not sold that the run was necessary. Some of what has been revealed makes him just look like a serial killer, some has been alluded to in other comics, none of it has that wow factor that makes me feel the run needed to be made. I love Thanos. Once he was revealed in ‘The Avengers' film I knew he'd be coming back and coming back big. The upcoming ‘Infinity' run should appease that and I sure as hell hope so because while I did enjoy this issue, this run has had very little in the appeasement factor for me.

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Thanos Rising #5

Aug 31, 2013

So there you have it. ‘Thanos Rising' is over. The only thing we may have gotten out of it is that either Death doesn't really exist in comparison to every other story we've read or that whatever Thanos is doing right now is by his own hand and not for her. Or this won't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Now let's just hope they don't screw up Thanos in the upcoming ‘Infinity' story line.

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Thanos vs. Hulk (2015) #1

Dec 6, 2014

I can't give this one a perfect score for a combination of the art and not actually seeing Hulk and Thanos physically confront one another quite yet. I understand it's a 4-issue mini-series and they have to build to the great brawl between these iconic characters but I was hoping for a little more than just a couple words being said between the two at the issue's end. Still, it's a great introduction and I can't wait to see where Starlin takes us. Overall, a great issue for fans of Starlin's writing style.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #4

Mar 3, 2013

There wasn't a single bad thing in the entire issue and just like last week's issue of The Superior Spider-Man we get an awesome cliffhanger. I won't announce what it is but we're going to be seeing the return of another of Spider's villains in the near future and his return could mark something rather… sinister.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #16

Jan 19, 2013

Without giving to much away, I have a feeling we're going to never get an answer to what exactly happens to this girl we quickly find out where she's from. She's a clone. A clone brought forth by a certain Spider-Man villain who has expanded his laboratory from finding a certain X-Men's villain's stash. While we will probably not hear again what happens when the woman this is clearly going to be an upcoming plotline in the Superior Spider-Man's near future.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #18

Mar 17, 2013

At least that's what you think until the last scene. Doc returns to his underwater base once more and this time puts a captured Electro next to his captured Sandman. It would almost appear that he is once again creating his very own Sinister Six. To what end? Only time and another ‘few' issues will tell.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #19

Apr 13, 2013

What a way to thank a guy. Still the stage of the eventual Spidey vs Doc Ock rematch is slowly being set and even though I'm loving the ride can't wait to see how it plays out and Peter to finally return.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #20

May 12, 2013

I really feel that if we had cut out some of the Secret Avengers dialogue that there was no reason to stretch this out into a 2 part issue. With only 2 issues remaining in The Avenging Spider-Man I feel there is a bit too much to wrap up unless this spreads over into the pages of The Superior Spider-Man to conclude this entire Sinister Six reunion story arc.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #21

Jun 3, 2013

Now that the gang is all back together (even if imprisoned) one still has to wonder – what the hell is Otto really doing collecting all of his old teammates? How is this going to backfire? More importantly,with the pages of ‘Avenging Spider-Man' coming to a close in the near future, where will we see this play out? I'm more curious on the questions we are getting from the series over what few answers we've been teased with from the last few issues. Still it's about to end and I've had so much fun with the read on this one (even over ‘Superior') that I can't wait to see how it goes out with a bang. Speaking of a bang… next issue? The Punisher. 'nuff said true believers.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #22

Jun 15, 2013

It's truly a shame this run is coming to an end as I've loved each and every page of it! I can only hope they keep the Superior Spider-Man this interesting until Peter eventually gets brought back into his own body.

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The Saviors #1

Dec 28, 2013

I really want to like this book as the idea of a person with no goals or ambition who is usually stoned suddenly thrust into the role of having to try to stop an alien invasion is interesting. As it's not really going to be a humorous book, this gives an added layer in stacking the odds against the unlikely hero. It could have been a cheap and easy cop out to turn this into a stoner comedy and that's not the route it appears to be going so I'd love to see how Thomas evolves as the tale continues.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

Jan 10, 2015

The first outing of ‘The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl' is a successful adventure steeped in comedy that will have you coming back for more. Her next big task that is shown in the cliffhanger only draws you in more on how exactly she will end up having to tackle such an antagonist of galactic proportions. Of course, this is the same Squirrel Girl who was able to take down Thanos, so anything is possible. I can't wait to see what kind of ridiculous adventures we'll be seeing her tackle in the next outing!

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Thor (2014) #1

Oct 4, 2014

Aaron and Dauterman are off to a great start on the new ‘Thor' book. My only concern is that the vast majority of the issue was devoted to Odinson himself and the new Thor almost felt tacked on as an afterthought. She'll have plenty of time to shine coming up, though. I just hope that they can keep the interest up once the perspective switches from the ex-Thor we know to the new one. I have to say I'm glad that I didn't let the gender change of the major character cloud my judgement as this is shaping up to be a title that could enter my regular rotation as long as the quality keeps up over the next few issues.

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Thor: God of Thunder #8

May 12, 2013

It's been fun seeing Thor out on his own. It's been interesting to see the three current ‘key' Avengers all having solo titles and how they've been played out working on their own.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #12

Jul 7, 2013

If you ARE a fan of The Punisher this one is going to help fill the void in his lack of appearance in print as of late and you are going to eagerly read and re-read this one. I'm not sure if this was just a bookend to the last story arc before they launch into something new or if we are about to see a few issues that each focus on just 1-2 characters, either way I loved this read! Now to find out how this will affect the dynamic for both Frank and Elektra and what it will mean for this already unstable team on the whole.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #16

Oct 6, 2013

So not much happened though they are setting up for the next issue to hopefully bring a close to this arc. Now the main problem I have in this book is the art. Jefte Palo is not doing this book justice. It's a style that would fit with the ‘FF' title but does not work at all with what should be a darker one. It just turnedout too cartoony. The issue was well written but the art just takes away too much from this book to make it a great read.

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Trees #1

Jun 1, 2014

The book ends by telling us one thing. “All this is normal”. That is what the story has told us and if humanity has proven anything, itis that we normalize anything that is around long enough. If, like me, you hadn't heard of the book or if you were on the fence, this was probably my favorite comic released this week and I highly suggest picking up a copy!

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Trees #2

Jun 28, 2014

While the second installment of ‘Trees' was just as interesting as the first, I'm hoping we find out a bit more about what is going on in the strange and twisted future that humanity finds itself in. I'm still loving it, but I just want more.

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Trees #3

Jul 26, 2014

Offhand, I'd just like to point out that my complaint is my impatience showing for having to wait for the next issue over any real critique about the comic.

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Trees #4

Aug 23, 2014

The series itself is still moving slow but the character development and world we are being presented is rich with ideas and ideals. I'm beginning to think I should have waited a year for this to be collected as a trade as I truly am hating how long I have to wait in between issues to see where the stories within are going.

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Trees #5

Sep 20, 2014

My one concern here is that at this time Image has not sent out any solicits of ‘Trees' past #6 and while Ellis has said that more is on the way, I fear we are about to be in for a bit of a break in the story. I'm not sure if they can give us a full enough detail on what is going on with just one more issue. Warren Ellis carried on his character development but there wasn't much movement forward in plot and a bit of slow pacing had me down. I'd still recommend continuing the series for anyone who has invested their time in it so far, but this is probably my least favorite issue to date. Not that it makes this a bad issue, just the one that I've liked the least.

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Trees #8

Jan 11, 2015

‘Trees' may have started a little slow but Ellis and Howard are clearly building an epic tale that you can't help but be drawn in by. I almost want to say to wait for graphic novel installments because the wait on issues is killing me to know what happens next. They've crafted a tale that will draw you in with some subtle science fiction that appears to be building to something larger, a changing political/social atmosphere, and in this issue a Scorched Earth approach that would leave Stephen King, Joss Whedon, and George R.R. Martin proud.

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Ultron #1AU

Apr 14, 2013

From the poor art, the lack of direction in the tie-in, and the lack of successfully using Ultron, I have to give this issue (with a character I love) one of my lowest scores to date.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #1

Jan 26, 2013

I'm not sold on this new X-Force yet but the first issue was action packed and has me intrigued. The art itself through the issue did the characters justice. It also is making my mind think like crazy on how we're going to see Psylocke let both Spiral AND Fantomex both somehow join the team. Honestly Marvel haven't you put Betsy Braddock through enough over the years?

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #2

Mar 2, 2013

It didn't hurt that the pages were beautifully illustrated and each character was rendered perfectly onto the page. I'm looking forward to some quality fight scenes in this one and hope the trend keeps up because visually this has had some great action so far and looks as if it will continue in that direction.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #3

Apr 7, 2013

It's not your standard X-Title but the X-Force titles have long now not been standard X-Men tales. Yes, mutants are the focus but these are always of a more violent nature and so far this one looks to be trying to fill those shoes with some interesting new twists.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #4

May 12, 2013

We've been given a ton of questions and not enough answers quite yet. Hopefully with Bishop captured we'll finally start to see the bigger picture (and see a reason for them to actually all start working together.) Either that or we're just going to continue wondering why we're still picking up a book about a team that's not even a team yet.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #7

Jun 27, 2013

We're going to have at least one more issue about the Fantomex love triangle.. erm.. square… rectangle… whatever!I was seriously getting interested in whoever it was that had infected Bishop and skipping over to this side plot seems to be something that should be a filler issuebut is more annoying than suspenseful.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #10

Aug 16, 2013

I still have a huge reservation that there is no team feeling to this team book. I'm also still convinced that somehow we should know who this Queen is, though I've started to doubt all of my theories to date. Still, it's at least starting to pick up the interesting threads of a plot again so I'll keep up with it for at least a little longer.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #11

Sep 13, 2013

I love that the action is finally picking up and I'm glad we're finally getting some details. As always,I'm annoyed that we're now eleven issues in and still don't have an actual team. It's clearly edging closer to them working together and with a reason why, but it's not there yet. I get having to have a reason to become a team but this has been dragged along far too long at this point. Honestly this would finally have a higher rating if it weren't for the team issue. I'm really starting to enjoy the series and hope it continues on this upswing.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #16

Jan 18, 2014

While I know these events are set to close both books and launch a new X-Force title (With Spurrier at the helm so I'm all for it!), I feel that with a new setup with Stryfe, the line is ripe to be continued. He's the anti-Cable and while he can make a horrible villain, he's also such a classic from the 90′s story lines that it'd be easy to bring him back for a good run and not just a few issues. Who knows? Maybe that will end up being part of the point of the next relaunch though I doubt we'll be seeing Stryfe for quite some time after this one comes to a close.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #17

Feb 2, 2014

While there's been no sign of Colossus and Domino joining (even after Colossus has so adamantly been saying Cable is now his leader) I'm really curious as to where the rest of the mutants who won't be accompying him will be ending up. It was an interesting fight and could be a setup to see Stryfe returning once again to cause chaos in Cable's world. If you had been following both X-Force series it worked ok but didn't feel that it flowed that well together. Still, the new X-Force is going to be amazing if 'X-Men Legacy's recent run is any indication and I cannot wait!

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1

Feb 16, 2013

While the action sequences looked great the art looked a little dull on this one for the still scenes (specially with how much I've been loving the style in All New X-Men) I don't see what they are going to do with this comic and aside from the ‘traitor' angle it's not winning me over yet. We'll see what the next few issues brings.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #2

Mar 3, 2013

We're left off here on a cliffhanger moment which is quite fitting. While the next issue is clearly going to be action packed the focus on this one was the characters. I've had almost no interest in wanting to know what was going to happen around Cyclops since he and Wolverine had it out pre-AVX and this is the first time I'm wondering what really is about to happen?

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #3

Mar 17, 2013

As much as many of the current students and teachers may have followed him before he did (unintentionally or not) kill Charles Xavier.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #4

Apr 14, 2013

As much as I love this series, I don't understand why every issue to be a cliffhanger. The last couple were great as they meshed with ‘All-New X-Men' but now that we'll have to truly wait to see what is going on with Magik you are just killing us here! (Good job!)

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #5

Apr 28, 2013

We seem to be going through some focus issues right now in the current story line of Uncanny X-Men. Last issue the focus was primarily on Emma and how she's lost the majority of her control over her powers. It's still truly fascinating to see how they've made her such a more dynamic character compared to her original roll as the White Queen. Moving forward we're going to see the problems of another Phoenix touched mutants have, specifically in this issue we're going to be taking a look at Magik.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #6

May 26, 2013

While the X-Men are always the focus in their own title we're getting a new little mixture here. S.H.I.E.L.D. has almost never had too much to do with the X-Men. Sure Nick Fury has stepped in now and again or there's been something minor. However things are changing here. S.H.I.E.L.D. now has the X-Men firmly on their radar and Maria Hill wants the agency to be able to keep tabs on them. To do this they've hired a new agent – Dazzler. Fresh off the mess of X-Treme X-Men we do see Dazzler returning to a regular X-Men comic though not quite the way I had expected. The last thing I was seeing would be Dazzler working for S.H.I.E.L.D. to track mutant kind. While I can see her easily falling into wanting to help mutants after the ordeal she had just gone through this almost feels like too unlike her. Also the only downside I could really feel about the entire issue is that she seemed far too bubbly and upbeat compared to what she had just gone through.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #7

Jun 29, 2013

There's been a limited focus on all of the classic x-Men characters on Cyclops' roster now so I'm hoping next issue we get either a better focus on the students or some forward moving plot. Don't get me wrong, I love the series I'm just ready for it to truly get going.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #8

Jul 13, 2013

While this was slow compared to the last story arc I think it was a needed lead in for the next one. Also the character interactions were as always top notch and a fun read!

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #9

Aug 4, 2013

At least so far. This was my least favorite issue of the series to date and only because it felt more like a filler issue that we didn't really need.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #10

Aug 17, 2013

So yes we had a lot going on and a lot being setup for the next set of issues. I wonder how much of this we'll really be able to dig into before ‘Battle of the Atom', or how Eva Bell's powers may be involved in the next big X-Men crossover event.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #11

Aug 30, 2013

I guess only time and a few more issues will tell. By a few more I meanI don't expect to see this addressed again until the Battle of the Atom is over with. The annoying part about that? I'm really curious as to what Mystique's true end game isas I doubt it'll be told in the Battle of the Atom. It's a mystery that is going to continue sitting unanswered on the backburner.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #12

Sep 22, 2013

That is how invested in this story I am and that's how much I want to see the next chapter give more ideas on where this is going.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #13

Oct 20, 2013

I'm torn on this event now. With some of the spoilers of upcoming plots from solicitations and the New York Comic-Con we know how part of it pans out. What anyone whose read the spoilers know might make you question why this is happening in the first place. I'm honestly interested to see how this ends up.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #14

Nov 22, 2013

This isn't your typical between events issue but it's one I felt was extremely successful. There are still a lot of questions up in the air and we clearly haven't scratched the surface regardingthe fallout from the ‘Battle of the Atom' quite yet, butas a way to move the plot forward and highlight a couple of characters? This one was pretty perfect.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #15.INH

Dec 15, 2013

These are really valid and as Marvel slowly pushes the Inhumans onto us all (in order to eventually turn them into movies since they can't use the X-Men.) While I didn't like the tie-in, I liked everything leading up to it and the questions it brought up. I really enjoyed the interaction between the women here which felt natural and the downtime really was needed. The girls night out was great. The bonding and bickering felt like something that was long overdue,though, it kind of makes you wonder what the guys were up during thisissue. I can see them all just sitting around eating sandwiches and one of them asking Cyclops, possibly his younger self, something along the lines of "So you and Emma used to date right?

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #16

Jan 17, 2014

What I can tell you is that it looks as if Magneto has ended his stint on the X-Men and will be doing his own thing in his own title in the near future. I'm really curious to see how that's going to play out and hope it lives up to the man we've seen in this issue.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #17

Feb 23, 2014

The plot felt forced in parts but there was some great banter and character development that will clearly have Eva and Hijack to have some shining moments in upcoming issues. It had some solid moments but coming down from a Magneto-centric issue, it just wasn't able to pull me in.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #18

Mar 7, 2014

Next issue should be interesting as it will pit the Uncanny X-Men against S.H.I.E.L.D. so that Cyclops can get a spaceship to get his team to the Shi'ar Empire. I'm sure it helps that Scott Summers is still a whee bit angry at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s recent use of Sentinels. Hopefully the all out punch fest I'm sure we're about to see will get them into space before the issue comes to a close so as not to stretch things out that much longer.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #19.NOW

Mar 22, 2014

Overall, from art to writing, this was an extremely welcome issue after the previous one.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #20

Apr 19, 2014

While the book was almost as enjoyable as the last one, I really think a couple of the ongoing story arcs need to be put to rest. I understand we're most likely a couple issues away from that happening but with a monthly release it feels like Bendis has too many (gold)balls in the air and isn't doing any of them justice because of it. Bendis, please, let the next one not be another filler issue.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #21

May 24, 2014

My only concern going forward is that the mystery man behind the sentinel attacks on our mutants won't be quite as impressive of a reveal as the build up we've been given. I suppose we'll find out in another issue or two!

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #22

Jun 21, 2014

Next up, we'll be seeing the ‘The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier' which is set to partially shake up the mutant teams and some of the core leadership of each school. It is a shame that ‘X-Men: Legacy' took out Legion from the standard continuity as he would be great to have in the mix here. On the flip side, as this will was written prior to him killing himself at birth and now living on another plane of existence, maybe Legion will somehow pop back up? I'm sure he will at some point but I don't think it'll be here.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #23

Jul 19, 2014

‘The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier' is a strong first chapter towards the future of the X-Men. It has the perfect combination of mixing history, current events in the mutant universe, and hinting at what is to come.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #24

Aug 2, 2014

There was a lot of build up and also of secrets starting to hatch. Also, if you remember at the start of this series you may remember that at one point Mystique cared quite greatly about what Xavier's legacy was shaping up to be. That is partially explained here though it leads one to question why she went super evil once again. Or, is the reasoning something that we have yet to learn and will soon? The real question though is why they are billing this as an ‘Original Sin' tie-in event?

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #25

Sep 6, 2014

In closing this was just an okay continuation to the story. The recording of Xavier had the stand out scene of the issue as we got to feel how he had been at one point but past that they seem to be ruining what was left of his good legacy. A lot of aspects felt forced and sticking in events into the past didn't feel as if it lined up with how the timeline played out so far. Bendis may still surprise us but I feel that this chapter of the ‘Uncanny X-Men' has slipped in quality from everything else we've seen since he's taken over.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #26

Sep 20, 2014

The focus on the students in this issue is short but some of the absolute best writing in it. The more I think about it, the more I feel that this will become a major plot point in the near future and one that shouldn't be swept under the rug. I don't think Bendis would ignore it with how he slipped it in and I can't wait to see how it is addressed when the students bring it up to the teachers down the line. It shows that Cyclops is preparing for exactly the kind of fight we could imagine him thinking would end up coming and also the fact that these students are having problems feeling that in order to participate in that fight they might actually be the bad guys. Pro-mutant cause or not, are they hero or villain while fighting at Cyclops' side?

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #27

Oct 19, 2014

Overall this isn't one of the best ‘Uncanny X-Men' books to date and while I can clearly see that Bendis is leading us somewhere with the plot, I don't feel that he has delivered it this issue. If it wasn't for Bachalo's amazing art on each page, this may have been the first issue of ‘Uncanny X-Men' since it's launch to earn a score under 2.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #29

Dec 27, 2014

We're still closing on the story that sprung forth from “The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier” and while all good things must come to an end, Bendis has made this a little longer than it should have been. Even so, the end plan gives us a potentially perfect setup to bring us to the last chapter. I just hope they pull it off without using a deus ex machina solution.

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Uncanny X-Men Special #1

Jun 14, 2014

With a mixture of sub par and uninspired art as well as a crossover that doesn't seem feasible in the Marvel Universe right now, this is an event I'm pretty sure everyone can skip picking up.

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V-Wars #1

May 3, 2014

A strong start with the one weak point being the thought that full cohabitation can exist with the extreme violence by some of the vampires out there. I want to see where this one ends up going!

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Venom (2011) #32

Mar 9, 2013

As I said it's a good transitional issue between story arc and a great jumping in point for new readers. Past that though it felt like a quick read that probably won't be picked up again.

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Venom (2011) #33

Apr 7, 2013

We'll find out if it worked next issue when we're finally going to see a showdown between these two. Honestly what I'm most excited about their fight is going to bet the artwork. I absolutely love how Declan Shalvey draws symbiotes on page and this issue is another perfect example of how amazing they can really look!

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Venom (2011) #34

Apr 21, 2013

The Slayers look pretty damn awesome (and creepy) and seeing through their eyes is some kind of an alien digital read out. Fortunately it's an English so it's either man-made or being translated for our benefit. Basically it's analysed the symbiotes and classified them as the Apex predator and they are now what are going to be targeted to kill. (Hello Toxin/Venom team up a whole issue after they nearly kill one another.)

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Venom (2011) #37

Jul 5, 2013

While I'm not sold on Lord Ogre being any real kind of a criminal mastermind quite yet, with the inclusion of Jack O'Lantern, he really is starting to look like a Kingpin ripoff. Still with good old Jack in tow, it'll be fun to see the reunion between him and his best pal Venom!

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Venom (2011) #39

Aug 24, 2013

Either way the art as always looks beautiful and has me wanting more. It's never been a better time to be drawn with a symbiote on in Marvel.

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Venom (2011) #41

Sep 21, 2013

I'm a bit bummed that this series is going to come to an end. I've been enjoying seeing Venom out on his own. I'm not a huge fan of what they've been doing with him in the ‘Thunderbolts' so far so I hope they find a way to bring him back as a main stream Avenger or find another role for him in the near future.

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Wolverine (2013) #1

Mar 16, 2013

Do we need another Wolverine title? Not really. Do we need more Wolverine past the multiple X and Avengers titles he's currently in? I really don't think so. At the very least we are getting a brilliantly illustrated comic.

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Wolverine (2013) #2

Apr 14, 2013

Annoying plot and dialogue aside the art and the appearance of The Watcher may have just saved this issue from being a waste to having become the lead in to something interesting. We'll see next issue! (Damn how they were able to sucker me into another one!)

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Wolverine (2013) #3

May 11, 2013

I'm still not sold on there being another Wolverine series but I'm feeling a lot better about this one compared to say Savage Wolverine.

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Wolverine (2013) #6

Jul 13, 2013

I am not happy with where the rumor mill is suggesting this series is going. Honestly, if it wasn't due to the fact that I know how importantthe ending will be,Idon't think this would have even broken the 2 atom territory.

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Wolverine (2013) #9

Sep 14, 2013

It's going to be kind of fun seeing Logan go through the gambit ofvillains who want his head. The problem is it's nothing new and if they are going to kill him I would expect it to be during a major event and oddly enough not just in his own title. Also, it's nice to return to this title and I enjoyedmore than I expected after the last 4-5 issues.

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Wolverine (2013) #11

Nov 16, 2013

I'm hoping the fight that will kick off the next issue will re-catch my interest. Knowing and being unhappy about where the series will be going after this story arc I really just want to get to the climax at this point and see Logan go head to head against his arch nemesis as I suspect I'll be losing interest for awhile after that fight plays out on page.

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Wolverine (2013) #12

Dec 14, 2013

Back from 'Wolverine' #11 we are still in the shopping mall where Sabertooth's Hand ninjas, the Silver Samurai, and Mystique are all tormenting a battered and non-healing Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, and a few innocent humans. You know, I'm going to be honest, if the events in this book weren't having a direct consequence on Wolverine in the X-books I probably would be dropping this title. Yet with it being this close to its ending before the next NOW! relaunch and having it be relavent to the other 'X-Men' titles, I just can't force myself to drop it.

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Wolverine (2013) #13

Jan 10, 2014

I think my favorite thing about this issue is that it brings the current story line to a close and maybe, just maybe, how Marvel will stop having Wolverine in every other comic that they put out these days.

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Wolverine (2014) #1

Feb 9, 2014

The action, art, and the fact the Superior Spider-Man is in the second issue will have me coming back for more but not happily.

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Wolverine (2014) #2

Mar 1, 2014

Unlike the last issue, there isn't much action going on so expect a lot of dialogue and most of it not as entertaining as it should be. As painful as this is to get to the meat of the story (which I hope is coming in one of the next issues), we at least get Stegman illustrating an absolutely beautiful comic. He's one of those artists I wish they'd clone so he could work on multiple titles for the company. I must say that it's also fitting that he had a chance to draw a Spider-Man crossover issue. Still the issue overall isn't strong enough to carry over the fact that Wolverine is now ‘killable' and hopefully we'll be seeing the action kick up a notch soon.

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Wolverine (2014) #3

Mar 15, 2014

The writing still isn't great. I feel with Jubilee they ignored how she's already been in the sun and on top of that it feels too predictable. Still, with Wolverine interacting with the rest of his friends we get an OK issue. Are we seeing an upswing to the series or was this a fluke OK issue?

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Wolverine (2014) #5

May 4, 2014

With only 7 issues left, I'm not sure I want to pick them all up to see the demise of Logan.. well until they find a way to bring him back of course.

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Wolverine (2014) #7

May 31, 2014

So the reason I decided to review this title is because it was my absolute least favorite to date. Wolverine does what he feels is right because he always knows best. He actions put his new and old friends at risk and Sabertooth is once again 3 steps ahead of him. While he is killable now, he is poisoned and almost dies to be saved at the last moment. While there have been piles of stories about the best at what he does, Cornell really isn't anything new here. Combined with the art by Sandoval that really fell flat this month, this was just a painful read. Thankfully it looks as if next month the story arc is going to finally be coming closer to a conclusion and we can continue on to the last few of Logan's life.

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Wolverine (2014) #8

Jun 14, 2014

There are a few pieces being setup in this issue and knowing the series is a few months away from finally flat-lining Wolverine, I'm really hoping this storyline comes to a conclusion soon and doesn't drag out until Logan's bitter end. So we had some great dialogue, some OK setup, and not enough payoff. While not perfect, it is still a remarkable improvement over how the title has been running and has peaked my interest. I'm really hoping that lasts more than a single issue.

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Wolverine (2014) #9

Jun 29, 2014

While still not at the level of Wolverine in say the last run of ‘Wolverine and the X-Men,' the series has noticeably gotten better starting with the last issue. I really hope they are able to keep up the quality from here on out. With Wolverine so close to dying I can't exactly let myself skip picking up an issue now, no matter how much I wanted to over the first 7 issues in this series.

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Wolverine (2014) #10

Jul 13, 2014

With all of this lead in to Logan's death, I've been rather curious as to where he might end up. Will he end up in Hell as Mephisto seemed to drag him? Will Death herself claim our hero? Could he end up with Xavier in Heaven? Could he somehow end up in whatever represents Valhalla these days? Not many have really put much thought into the fact that just because Wolverine does doesn't mean his ongoing story is over. Just like ‘Hellboy in Hell,' we may have adventures of Wolverine in the afterlife ahead of us and those could prove to be some of his most interesting adventures of all. While I haven't seen an announcement on one, I wonder if this will be a secretive new series being sprung on us though I think that may just be wishful thinking more than anything else.

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Wolverine (2014) #11

Aug 17, 2014

The run for ‘Wolverine' is about to come to a tragic end on one of Marvel's most beloved heroes. I hope they are able to end it on a stronger note than this series has been but if this issue is any indication they are at the very least on the right path.

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Wolverine (2014) #12

Aug 30, 2014

So Marvel, way to bring us one of the most boring and inconsistent Wolverine tales in quite some time right before you kill him off. I can't just blame Cornell for this as there are editors and others in the mix as well. I'm not exactly sure what you guys were thinking but you're better than this. All of you are. The one thing that we can be glad about though is that the ‘Death of Wolverine' story line isn't going to be by Cornell so we can still have hope that he dies memorably.

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Wolverine (2014) Annual #1

Aug 23, 2014

Honestly, if it wasn't for the art and coloring not being to my taste for a ‘Wolverine' title, this would have a near perfect score. This is my favorite Wolverine piece that I've read since the previous run of the stand alone series and I suspect is a better send off than we'll see next month. Even with the lower rating from my viewpoint on the art, this is a great buy for the writing for long term fans of our soon to be departed Wolverine.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #24

Jan 27, 2013

This is a great issue for people who care about what the X-men themselves are actually going through. It's often overlooked with how busy they are saving the world and each other but the X-Men are people too and you really get a great view of their relationships in this one. It felt a little cramped in areas as there was a lot going on at the same time though not in a way that took away from catching up with the central characters personal lives of this book.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #25

Feb 17, 2013

Not a good week for Wolverine and the X-Men my friends. Not at all.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #26

Mar 17, 2013

With the tale not being directly set in The Savage Land, it still maintained an interesting twist on Dog's origin and I was really getting into this issue. Sadly I think we're going to go back to my unhappiness of where this plot line is taking place next time around but for the meantime, this one was a fun read that I was drawn into in spite of myself.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #27

Mar 31, 2013

The build up of this story line so far I think will finally come to a few great moments next issue. Honestly the work they've done with Quinten in this issue alone is making him a character I'm enjoying following for one of the first times. This is a complete flip on how I thought I'd feel about this title with where it's currently at.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #27AU

Apr 21, 2013

While I don't mind more crossover for a major event I prefer for them to at least make sense. In Fantastic Four #5AU we at least found how the Fantastic Four took a break from their trip and got wrapped up in this event. In Avengers Assemble we found out what happened to Natasha. In this book? It had some great premes with The Brood mention but in my opinion it fell flat for how it truly fit into the Age of Ultron. This is probably my least favorite Age of Ultron tie in to date.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #28

Apr 28, 2013

It's a grand return to some great classic concepts in the X-Men Universe and they are clearly doing things right by feeding us our nostalgia in such a great format!

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Wolverine and the X-Men #29

May 19, 2013

All in all a series about Wolverine's X-Men has been handled absolutely fantastically and I've been enjoying every page of it.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #30

Jun 3, 2013

We still don't know what the Hellfire Club's goal is or why they are recruiting mutants to their school. Without the Phoenix being one of their driving factors (so far at least) it seems a bit too petty to just be about money. We're still being withheld some critical piece of information and I want to know what exactly that is. Thankfully the subtitle of this issue was ‘The Hellfire Club Prologue'. We're finally going to be getting some answers on what exactly is going on here soon.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #31

Jun 15, 2013

I love the fact that we've had a reason to have a return of The Hellfire Club. I love that they were reintroduced in a way to make them fun and fresh. I really hope, though, that there is a greater meaning behind what they are up to and that wewere going to have 4 more issues to figure out what that might be. If it's just to sell Sentinels, it's a huge waste of astoryline, though, I have a feeling we're going to have another twist or two up coming our way. Also what exactly is Mystique doing here when she should really be super busy with everything going on in the All New X-men?

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Wolverine and the X-Men #32

Jun 30, 2013

The issue closes with the Bamfs dropping Wolverine off right by where one of the Hellfire Club's associates is being dropped off, though I doubt anyone won't imagine that this is going to be the lead in Logan has needed to finally track down where The Hellfire Club is actually hiding out at. They'd better as we're already 2/5th of the way through the event and don't have much time until things have to start coming to a closure.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #33

Jul 27, 2013

There's only 2 issues left in this story arc that's been building since the beginning of the run and so far I've been happy with the direction it's been going. Will it hold up throughout the entire run? I'm not sure but so far so good!

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Wolverine and the X-Men #34

Aug 17, 2013

I think it would be a classic moment if the next book ends with Kade actually getting away with a plan we're unaware of instead of them just escaping (possibly through the Siege Perilous) to torment the X-Men another day. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd love to see this annoying group of kids finally get what is coming to them. However, they were introduced with such promise (killing their parents for power) and even though their plans have come to fruition since then, none of them have matched that level of menace to make them worthwhile.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #35

Aug 31, 2013

You know aside from the annoying tie-in with Nightcrawler(who they've been letting us know for awhile is going to make a return since he's not really dead), I will fully admit that this was a good end to the story arc. Some villains were caught, some got away, and most of the story lines were wrapped up enough to be put into limbo as the series temporarily transitions into the Battle of the Atom crossover event.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #36

Sep 27, 2013

So after an issue that was kind of slow, this oneended on a huge twist that has fully drawn my interest back in! If it had all been about the ending, ‘Wolverine and the X-Men' #36would be getting a perfect score. Unfortunately the psychic battle just didn't play out well on page for me.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #37

Oct 27, 2013

The very best part of the issue? When Quentin Quire present and future have a moment to talk to himself. His older Phoenix powered self says he will answer a single question and when asked when he leaves the school just laughs and walks away. It's such a non-answer and also such a fitting answer from the character.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #38

Dec 1, 2013

Totally worth picking up if you've been following the series so far.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #39

Dec 15, 2013

Side note, I want artist Pepe Larraz kept on ‘X-Men' titles in the future, or at leastwhichever ones Aaron are on as they clearly are in sync with a great mixture of story telling and artwork that really expresses what should be on the page.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #40

Jan 24, 2014

This is quite possibly my favorite book of the series to date and would have been a perfect closing chapter, which really makes me hope that the actual closing chapter can stay just as strong!

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Wolverine and the X-Men #41

Feb 15, 2014

There was comedy sprinkled in throughout the issue and while some of it worked great, it almost didn't seem to fit in with the direction they are clearly taking one of mutant kind's least favorite members. A fun read, a good introduction to a future story arc, but I'm glad they didn't end the series on this one.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #42

Mar 2, 2014

Everything good must come to an end but that time isn't for the Jean Grey School quite yet. It is for the series as next month launches the reboot of this title. Hopefully it's able to live up to the high writing that has caused this to be one of the best ongoing X-Men series in years.

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Wolverine and the X-Men Annual #1

Nov 30, 2013

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the action and how and why he comes back to Earth, there's just no real focus on the rest of the class.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #1

Mar 8, 2014

Speaking of The Phoenix, that is our cliffhanger as it almost seems like we're being thrown right into that story even though it feels too soon. A ruse? We'll have to find out starting next issue!

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #2

Mar 22, 2014

Gee, I feel like we're getting a repeat of Cable for some reason. Bonus points for him having some huge grudge against something Wolverine did. Could it possibly be saving Evan who will eventually grow up to destroy the world? Still possible predictability aside, I'm interested enough to see what happens with both Evan and Quiere featuring so prominently and the fact they have already teased a grown up Evan as Apocalypse going toe to toe with a Phoenix powered Quire.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #3

Apr 20, 2014

I'm curious with all of these new time travelers having shown up if any of them are related to the other time travelers that came back during the ‘Battle of the Atom' event. Perhaps this is a plan hatched by the young Xavier wannabe?

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #4

May 24, 2014

I really hope this series starts to pay off in the next issue.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #5

Jun 21, 2014

The art and major plot points are all here to make this a great title. Yet, it constantly falls short with sub par side plots and pacing that just feels off.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #6

Jul 26, 2014

Now that it has concluded, I have to say that I'm glad to see it go. Quinten as The Phoenix and Evan becoming Apocalypse in the future, duking it out, mass chaos for mutants. It all sounded good in theory but in practice, it felt like another convoluted time traveling mess. The Phoenix corporation is still around in the present with how they ended it? I'm not a fan. This is not only my least favorite issue on the run so far, but I believe it is my least favorite X-title in the past 3 years. I can only hope it goes somewhere more interesting from this point on. Of course, with the book losing Wolverine soon I'm not sure if the students will be able to carry my interest without Quire if it continues in the trend of this first story arc.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #7

Aug 16, 2014

Latour gave us a different shift of characters and a separate location for this to take place in and I felt it was a much stronger book for it. I think we're in the home stretch of Wolverine being in this series to match his death and they handled the lead in quite beautifully. I think it'll actually be quite painful to see how the students and Storm react to his death. This issue is the first since the reboot that I can fully say felt like a full on ‘X-Men' issue that felt right. Surprisingly, not a whole lot of fighting aside from ninjas and they don't count as people anyway!

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Wolverines (2015) #1

Jan 10, 2015

‘Wolverines' #1 was a good introduction to what we're going to see as the central plotofthe series which is recovering Logan's body. Honestly, the cover should have made that quite clear on what we could be expecting. The completely out of the blue villain they are now up against was a brilliant move and this was a great way to introduce the cast for those who haven't been following the books that got us to where we are today. An interesting first issue with a couple of twists that should keep readers coming back for more!

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X-Factor (2005) #255

May 5, 2013

While I've enjoyed it for the most part and the art has been fantastic. X-Factor is coming to an end this September and I'm very eager to see what plot line is going to lead them to bringing this series to a close. Hopefully we'll see the team members, assuming they live, show up in the other titles out there. Even if they only pop up as cameos in other titles I'd love to see the team from X-Factor not just fade into obscurity.

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X-Factor (2005) #258

Jun 21, 2013

I'm sure at the very least we'll see Polaris return as her on-the-rocks main squeeze is in charge of the Uncanny Avengers at the moment. Chances are she'll pop up there eventually. I also hope this whole deal with Guido sticks and whoever writes Mephisto into a story line next doesn't forget whose running things down below at the moment.

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X-Force (2014) #1

Feb 14, 2014

Will Spurrier be able to work his magic twice? I'm hesitant to say but he's already gotten my curiosity with a few dangling story lines that he's laid out before us and I'll be eagerly following the series as it progresses.

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X-Force (2014) #2

Mar 16, 2014

There is a lot of details going on and with. I think we're going to take some building to truly have this series catch its stride but it's enjoyable to see it all come together.

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X-Force (2014) #3

Apr 18, 2014

I'm still not a huge fan of the art style in this comic though was so engrossed in this issue I didn't really notice it until reading back through it.

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X-Force (2014) #4

May 4, 2014

We're slowly moving towards the man that Cable wants to track down but this may end up causing us a few complications. Hopefully it isn't more than an issue of delay though because I'm really itching to find out where this is going!

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X-Force (2014) #5

May 17, 2014

Of course, I suspect that means next issue we're going to be getting another member's secret. Spurrier has once again given us a great range of character in his writing as well as used his amazing form of trickery. Loving the writing and now that Molina is on board I think visually we have ourselves a well rounded comic. (Can someone send him back in time Terminator style so he's on the book from day 1? Please?)

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X-Force (2014) #6

Jun 29, 2014

We've come a long in this book! We've had some huge reveals in the last two isues and yet we still have so far to go. Spurrier once again proves he knows how to write mutants in a cohesive and addictive story. This issue is further proof that Marvel has to keep Spurrier in the realm of mutants for as long as they possibly can.

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X-Force (2014) #7

Jul 12, 2014

Oh, and Fantomex is totally certifiable so I wonder how long until his little nightly activities come to light.

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X-Force (2014) #8

Aug 16, 2014

One of Spurrier's methods on ‘X-Men Legacy' was to throw us in one direction for an issue that made no sense and the next issue completely redeemed itself by showing us what we missed. This issue has been making sense but has that same kind of a build up. I'm wondering what kind of a test he will deliver for us next issue. Overall, the issue did not add to the greater character developments that we've seen so far. It felt like a stand alone that is going to be a setup issue and I loved every page of it.

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X-Force (2014) #9

Sep 14, 2014

Not at all the strongest issue in the series but once again it points us to a new target. Now we've got Volga and this new target on Cable's radar and still we're no closer to getting a cure. Clearly by the series end they need to find one, I just don't know if it'll end on that note or if we'll see the two restored and continue on fighting as X-Force prior to the series closing.

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X-Force (2014) #10

Oct 11, 2014

Overall ‘X-Force' #10 was a great stepping stone issue. It brought back one of Spurrier's characters and was able to move the plot and character development forward without a lot of actual action happening. I didn't feel this was Spurrier's best work. More of a filler issue and not quite a newcomer issue it served its purpose for moving the plot forward but didn't strike the chords that Spurrier usually is able to hit. At the very least we should be moving onto another big picture issue soon, or at the least see the return of a captured X-Force member which will finally show us whose side she is now on.

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X-Men (2010) #41

Feb 17, 2013

So that was it. That was how the X-Men series closed on issue 41. The only true tribute I can say worked for this was the great image that was used on the cover. Past that it felt like what it was. The end of a two issue story that had no major events go on. No explanation why the team would be reforming in this issue. No pop.

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X-Men (2013) #5

Sep 14, 2013

Great issue for the crossover but not for those only following this book.

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X-Men (2013) #6

Oct 12, 2013

After the battle we get an awesome reveal. The All-New X-Men and the good future X-Men have shown up. While Cyclops advises they wait to check things out the man in the Iron Man armor rushes in. With Jubilee coming out from a pile of rubble we quickly get to him taking off his mask and us finding out that he is actually the baby that Jubilee has been carrying around since this series began. That's right Shogo is all grown up! What's questionable though is that right after these two meet one another in the current time period, Psylocke pops up and is moving towards him quite threateningly. What exactly did she just find out or who is controlling her? We're going to have to wait to find out.

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X-Men (2013) #12

Mar 22, 2014

So that left us with the formation and introduction of a great set of characters that really didn't do a whole lot. The fights were beautiful and the character interactions were well written but the ending felt a little too unsatisfying and while there is a good chance we're going to see good things come of this. Could we see a reformation of a Hellfire Club that is actually worth dealing with and not a bunch of spoiled teenagers who are pretty worthless? Will the return of Madelyne Pryor completely throw Scott Summers off his game and will this spill over to the ‘Uncanny X-Men'? While the issue itself was unfulfilling, I believe that these resurrections will pave the way to some very interesting story lines down the road. I'm sure the main focus will be a Sisterhood of villains vs the female X-Men but its nice to speculate.

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X-Men (2013) #17

Aug 2, 2014

I'm really torn on this series. I really like the team that they have for Storm's take on the ‘X-Men,' though feel that none of them have gotten enough screen time to make it worthwhile. The current plot finished up seemingly far too easily here and a villain that could have shown up again was taken off the table. With Storm's daughter from the future leaving the team, there doesn't seem to be an immediate lead in to where they will be going from here on out. With Wood off the series after this issue I'm hoping it'll take a turn for the better.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Sep 7, 2013

On a side note, oftentimes in these crossover events there will be one shot issues you can miss. This is not one of those events and you are going to want to pickup and read each issue in order. If you are on the fence and thinking about picking up the trade – I highly recommend this crossover and that's something I haven't felt strongly in saying in a long time.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2

Nov 1, 2013

X-Men switching camps, knowing the Phoenix will be back, another time traveler from the future stuck in the present, the old X-Men still stuck in the present, and a new Brotherhood also consisting of future X-Men. We ended up with a lot more than we started out with but I didn't like this being the way to lay out future plot lines without closing any of the past ones. Most importantly without shutting the door of the young X-Men still being in the present. I guess we'll see how things play out but I for one was not overly thrilled with the conclusion of what could have been one of the greatest crossovers by Marvel in years.

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X-Men: Gold #1

Nov 17, 2013

All in all, if you are a long term 'X-Men' reader (or have picked up all of the trades known to mankind), this is an issue you want to pickup. If you've only been following the X-Men since the late 90"s this probably won't have quite the nostalgia feeling for you. It was a fun read and brought back memories of quite a few key moments and feelings from the X-Men's history.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #6

Mar 3, 2013

Honestly I don't know yet if this is another personality trying to trick David into believing it's Charles to control him or if this relates to another ongoing story line. Currently in Uncanny Avengers, the Red Skull is using Professor X's brain as a way to turn humans against mutants. Could this lead to a showdown between the two? It's a theory. A loose theory but I'm sure we'll have a better idea after next issue which I'm now firmly committed too for the first time since the changing of plot lines.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #7

Mar 17, 2013

For a character I don't usually enjoy this version of Legion is truly growing on me.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #8

Mar 31, 2013

I've been constantly enjoying this book on an issue by issue basis though am starting to wonder where exactly they are going to go with an overall story arc.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #10

May 5, 2013

From going to a group comic to a focus on one primary character who I've never previously enjoyed I give full hats off to Simon Spurrier for creating a book I can't help but fly through. Once it's done I then regret reading it so quick as I'm dying to read the next issue!

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #11

May 26, 2013

Spurrier has been knocking it out of the park with the dialogue, development, and build up in this book. I was turned into feeling Legion was a character I didn't really give a damn about to impatiently awaiting each and every issue of X-Men Legacy to see what happens next!

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #12

Jun 22, 2013

Once again this is one of my favorite books on the shelves. Amazing writing and art can turn a previously dull character into something I constantly want to know more about. With this story arc coming to a close, I'm eagerly awaiting to see what is going to be coming up next!

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #13

Jul 6, 2013

I hate giving this comic anything less than a 5 at this time because I know once I read the next issue or two I'm going to want to go back and change it to a 5. I have full faith that the lack of information and the semi-slow setup is necessary. So while it would probably get a 4 I'm going to give this one a 4.5 knowing I'll want to go back and up it even more. That's called faith in an author right there and Spurrier has completely earned that from me at this point!

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #15

Aug 25, 2013

A great story. A moving story. A fantastic setup. This is why Spurrier is becoming one of my favorite comic authors out there right now.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #17

Sep 21, 2013

Will this be the end of mutant-kind? Will this lead to Legion's death? Or has this all been another one of Legion's long term plans to set things right with the world possibly leading to the restoration of a more powerful, or at least confident, Blindfold? Damn you Simon Spurrier for giving us such a great book that always leaves us wanting more!

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #18

Oct 19, 2013

While I'm feeling that the on and off again control of his powers is getting a little old at this point, I still have to say that Spurrier is writing one of my favorite current titles.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #19

Nov 9, 2013

Legion knows what's coming and tries to explain to Aarusthat they can find another way. I'm dying to see how he fights off this weapon which can kill nearly anything. The big reveal on what the weapon actually is was just about the last thing I would have expected. It's fitting have itintroduced in the realm of the X-Men and I wonder if it will continue to be used down the line.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #20

Nov 24, 2013

I think I can guess what we will be expecting next issue. A showdown we've been waiting for since the bald man first showed up! I think my main concern is going to be what happens next. I'm sure Simon has something in mind for us but I don't think we've been given too many hints of what to expect once the fake Xavier is dealt with.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #21

Dec 7, 2013

The climax of this fight is clearly coming which will probably lead into the inevitable showdown that will occur between David and Ruth. I'm not really expecting a happy ending at the closure of this book, but at the same time Spurrier continues to surprise me.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #22

Jan 18, 2014

It's sad to see this book so close to its finale. I've loved that Spurrier has taken a character I couldn't stand and make him one of the most interesting parts of Marvel right now. This is a testament to good story telling and while I'll mourn this book's close, I can't wait to see how it wraps up.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #23

Feb 2, 2014

I still have hope that Spurrier has tricked us once again as he has constantly done throughout the series. Even if Legion himself doesn't know that there's a way out,I have high hopes that Spurrier has written one for him in a way that will keep the character around, relevant, and give him and Blindfold a shot at an actual future. The problem with Omega level mutants (and in David's case for sure) is that they can be so powerful that it's hard to justify them for being the go to person for resolving issues. Wouldn't it be nice if Spurrier finds a way to deal with that issue into the conclusion as well? Wishful thinking aside, I'm looking forward to seeing how this run comes to a close. My guess is that it'll have something to do with time travel.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #24

Feb 14, 2014

It's both self contained and reaches out to much of the mutant titles of recent years. It's a work of art and clearly a trade you should consider picking up if you haven't been collecting the issues on their release.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #300

Mar 16, 2014

Is this a must buy issue? That is a tough one. It is a stand alone piece. It is an endcap. It is a fond farewell. I would say it is what the Legacy of the series was in a nutshell. If you have been enjoying the various stories here over the years I would say this is one to pick up.

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X-Termination #1

Mar 24, 2013

I'll admit that I loved that most of this issue was framed through the perspective of Kurt. They did it in a way that truly made you feel for the character. Even with his betrayal against fan favorite Wolverine they paint his motives that anyone can sympathize with. While I can't say I know for sure what they are doing with this Kurt if they could find a good reason for him to survive in 616 or have him sacrifice himself to save everyone I believe that will be the 2 ideal choices of how to use him through the end of the crossover.

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X-Termination #2

Apr 28, 2013

From such a collection of great books I feel that this ending was a bit of a let down, lacked the quality art that each series had, and felt far too rushed.

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X-Treme X-Men (2012) #11

Mar 3, 2013

I love the alternate timelines they've been showing of the Marvel Universe. If you can't get enough of seeing a variety of views of how our heroes could have ended up this is a series I highly suggest picking up the collected trade of when it's available.

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X-Treme X-Men (2012) #12

Mar 17, 2013

On the flip side he might be either what has summoned them or the one that ends up loosening them upon the world(s). The pieces are all finally on the board and the crossover is coming. I have a feeling this is leading up to a very bittersweet crossover that'll end with the death or two of some of the characters covered by this series and Age of Apocalypse.

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X-Treme X-Men (2012) #13

Apr 13, 2013

Who will live? (All of Astonishing X-Men.) Who will die? (I'm not sure but at least a couple more from either the Age of Apocalypse and X-Treme X-Men.) Who will return to Earth 616 that didn't come from there originally? We'll all find out soon and I can't wait to see how these events, spawned from the pages of X-Force, play out.

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