Trees #2

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Jason Howard Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 25, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 26 User Reviews: 15
7.5Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

An Arctic research station. An Italian coastal town with an occult legacy. A new city in China. The future is being written in these places, in the shadow of a strange alien invasion that has become a historical mystery.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Jun 26, 2014

    The high concept of this book is enchanting, and its execution is proving to be a great match so far. It's as if Ellis and Howard have dared us to guess whether the trees are going to do anything, and that ongoing tension (for readers, and for the characters) is absolutely a reason to pick up this book. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of the cast a bit more in future issues, and seeing how far this tension game plays out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 28, 2014

    There is a LOT going on in the shadows of The Trees, and it's clear that this creative team is thinking about a lot more than just the alleys of Gotham City or the rundown prisons of Georgia. Certainly there's nothing wrong with a contained story, but this book seems ready to show us every aspect of a world that has been changed by first contact, and it all follows perfectly from what we're shown. This issue ends with a very ominous final panel, one that is clearly going to have long-lasting ramifications on the world, and while I have NO idea what it all means, I'm keen to come back next issue and find out more. The Trees #2 is the kind of story that can pretty much only be told in a creator-owned book, with a hugely entertaining premise, great character work and excellent art, earning a very impressive 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. I am of the opinion that you need to check this one out, post-haste… Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Stuart Conover Jun 28, 2014

    While the second installment of ‘Trees' was just as interesting as the first, I'm hoping we find out a bit more about what is going on in the strange and twisted future that humanity finds itself in. I'm still loving it, but I just want more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jul 2, 2014

    The mystery in Trees is no closer to being solved with the second issue, but I'm not sure that it ever needs to be.  I want to learn more about the world now that humanity has been knocked down a peg.  Sure, I'd like to find out where the trees came from and what they actually do, but for the time being I'm content just roaming through Ellis' creations. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Justin Giampaoli Jun 30, 2014

    I enjoyed the investigative slant to the arctic poppies bits (and that whole set, that whole cast, by extension), but it's important to note that's just one of several continuing vignettes the series is offering. Taken holistically, all of the sequences are essentially representative of the effects the trees are having on global life, impacting social and political structures as much as they're altering weather patterns and flora and fauna. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Coming Up Comics - Timothy Merritt Jun 25, 2014

    I really can't wait for what's coming next in this series, but I have a feeling there will be a lot of build up to any big answers. Ellis and Howard are laying the groundwork for a large story here, but one nonetheless that feels captivating on every page. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 28, 2014

    Trees once again runs around the world a bit, though it only has one connective story to the first issue with events in Norway. And it's not a bad one to do it with since it's about the actual science of the event and trying to figure things out with the impact of the Trees. There's a lot of meaty material in there to be explored and it's just scratching the surface and giving us a few of the players. The rest of the book pushes us into other areas, moving to Cefalu and Mogadishu to show the various impacts of the Trees there as well, while also providing different kinds of teases. It's hard to be sure who to latch onto in terms of characters yet, but the overall narrative continues to feel more like a novel in exploring a wide range of people and places that will hopefully tie together to a real event. There's plenty of reason to give this series time to set in its roots and grow the story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Jun 27, 2014

    "Trees" isn't a simple invasion or horror story in that Ellis is laying ground for commentary about psychology and sociology. The Other is a classic theme of horror and science fiction, and Ellis and Howard already have a distinctive take on it. It remains to be seen whether the story can live up to its ambition, but "Trees" #2 is excellent if slow-paced groundwork. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jun 26, 2014

    Visually, Jason Howard continues to excel, his scratchy, aggressive stylings adding a welcome edge to the proceedings. Though there are a few puzzling sequences, most notably between Eligia and the knife wielding ghost doodler guy, overall Trees proves to be some of Howard's best work to date. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Steven Michael Scott Jun 25, 2014

    Watch your back Groot, you're not the only Tree from space in comics anymore. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Epic Switzer Jun 25, 2014

    Don't let me scare you away from the book. It is confusing, no doubt. There is a lot to take in, but that just means there is a lot to appreciate. This is a complex story that, I think, is going to slowly come together and really reward those willing to figure it all out. If you are looking for something totally new, check out "Trees" #2, it's an exotic cuisine. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Jun 26, 2014

    While “Trees” #2 isn't as provocative as issue #1, it enriches the overall narrative — a narrative that looks to be the start of something really worth digging into over time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - King Nov 16, 2014

    Howard’s art work continues to lend strong support to Ellis’s gripping narrative and character development, as we gradually begin to gain more insight into the impact that the Trees have had upon the world at large. Here’s to hoping that we gain SOME sort of insight in coming issues, because while I’m enjoying the tone of this series, I am admittedly not known for patience. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Jun 25, 2014

    The last sentence in Trees #2 is "It doesn't care," in reference to the titular Tree. Issue #2 shows us implicitly how true this sentence is. Trees isn't about the Trees. Why would it be? Good science fiction isn't about the invaders, it's about the invaded. Trees is about an occupied Earth. Trees #2 is Warren Ellis and Jason Howard giving us a deeper look at that occupation and how humans around the planet are responding. The Trees may not care, but life still goes on around them. That is until, they do something about it. Aliens are real, and they didn't come in peace - they came in indifference. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Outright Geekery - Julestrue Jul 1, 2014

    This issue did not disappoint at all. Tree #2 was a perfect follow up to the first issue. I really did for all my griping dig on the cementing of the foundation of this title. This issue did a great job of furthering how the Trees have played a big role into the developing life around them. Jason Howard really delivers a fantastical world around you with each page. You can't help be feel slowly apart of this strange world which doesn't seem so farcical compared to our world. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Jun 27, 2014

    Writer Warren Ellis has a unique plot on his hands here, and issue #1 was nothing short of a stellar debut. Issue #2 totally puts the brakes on the suspense in favor of developing the book's plot, which Ellis does a bit confusingly. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Jun 24, 2014

    Overall, I think many readers will leave Trees #2 hoping to have learned a little more about the Trees themselves. There is a tension Ellis creates between the limited serialized format and his desire to introduce readers to over half a dozen locales in just two standard-sized issues that may leave readers feeling less invested in the characters " with the exception of Marsh " than they might otherwise be. Still, fans of dystopian fiction and/or Ellis' past work will certainly want to continue following along to see where he takes this narrative. He is clearly and deliberately taking his time to establish this world, and I'm still curious to see what direction he's going to take this story. And certainly, fans of Howard will no doubt enjoy seeing him branch out and expand his artistic repertoire. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis Jun 26, 2014

    If you have already invested in Trees #1 then this is of course going to be on your list of books to pick up. If on the other hand you have been on the fence or weren't impressed by the last issue, Trees #2 isn't going to do anything to change your view. For those that havent picked up the series I suggest finding a copy of Trees #1 and giving that a read to see what your feelings are. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Jun 24, 2014

    Trees is a must have for Warren Ellis fans as though there's room for improvement the mystery and suspense is truly captivating. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Jun 24, 2014

    You know I opened this saying it was better than Trees #1 but here at the close I'm not sure if it's actually worse. The biggest problem in trying to assess Trees now is that I'm not sure how the series will proceed; more random world plots thrown in around the central arctic story or have we finally collected all the plots we're going to be using like their pokemon cards. Either way I'm still not sold on this series as so far the only story I've really found that impressive or engaging is the Somalia stuff, especially with how annoying the arctic adventures were this issue. Maybe things will get better with issue 3 or maybe they'll get exponentially worse as for now Trees hangs in the limbo of just kind of lame and certainly not recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Jun 23, 2014

    Trees is still developing, but it looks to be a very comprehensive and in-depth story. Ellis knows how to maneuver and map out such a complicated plot structure and Howard brings a distinctive look and tone to the material. This creative team could very well have a groundbreaking comic on their hands. Im hooked and you should be too! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Jun 25, 2014

    I think some basic plot points needs to be faced soon. And I also think this comic would benefit from some sort of character chart or recap from last issue at the beginning. It sucks that I couldn't stay longer on with this comic, but I don't think I have the stamina or patience. Although the story has great potential, it needs some ironing. I don't see myself jumping onto the series until I head otherwise. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBuzz - Ellen Jun 26, 2014

    To Sum Up: While this is definitely a come down from the promise of the first issue, Ellis does pose some interesting theories that may become the crux of the drama as the series progresses. However, the series is also in danger of becoming overstuffed with unrealised characters and needs to gain a better flow between transitioning from one set of characters to another. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Jun 24, 2014

    Finally, the book comes to an end, although you probably wouldn't know it. It just sort of stops, making the ending feel extremely lazy. It really makes me wonder if this was actually written as a collection, and then cut down into individual issues, because the book just stops. In a trade, this may feel more natural, since the dialogue would just continue on the next page, but this ending makes very little sense. If it weren't for the art, this book would have no interesting or dynamic elements to it. Fortunately, the art, courtesy of Jason Howard, looks amazing. His landscapes are breathtakingly gorgeous, from the arctic plain to the mountains of Cefalu, all of it looks exceptional. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Gregory Paul Silber Jun 25, 2014

    With its utterly brilliant concept, Trees has the potential to be a great series, but with inappropriate art and lack of character focus, the second issue is a disappointment. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    Capeless Crusader - Dave Buesing Jun 24, 2014

    If this book wasnt a Warren Ellis production, wed be reaching the point in the analysis where I basically gave up. This is an immensely slow, slogging second issue, and if it werent for the assumption of some sort of fantastic pay-off (or the deliberate and carefully structured avoidance of a pay-off) theres no way Trees #2 gets a positive rating. Nonetheless, because of the pedigree, Trees as a comic has the same elements of mystery and intrigue that the Trees of the book offer humanity. The Trees havent done much of anything yet, to the point that we have no idea why theyre here, or what theyre even capable of. Heres to hoping we find out. Read Full Review

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