Erik Gonzalez's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: All-Comic Reviews: 297
7.1Avg. Review Rating

Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #1

Oct 7, 2014

Despite Dark Horses confusing release for this title, it seems to a decent start. All the exposition is out of the way, so hopefully the next book will allow Sebela and Olivetti to cut loose with some Alien and Predator action.

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Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #3

Dec 2, 2014

Sadly, this latest installment in the mini-series fails to invoke the drama and horror one would expect from aliens and predators locked in their primal clash. Considering this is the next-to-last issue, most readers are already pot-committed. Lets hope this creative team can end on a high note with the finale.

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Analog #1

Apr 8, 2018

Inconsistency and dissonance plague this issue and affect the reading experience.

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Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jul 16, 2015

I went in with the lowest expectations possible and was pleasantly surprised. There really isnt anything inherently bad in Ant-Man, sure there are some clich moments, but the ride is so enjoyable it doesnt matter. This is by no means the best Marvel Studios film, but it definitely is not the worst. This installments is the last of Phase Two and one will find out why throughout. Definitely check this film out! As usual, the 3-D is not great, so seeing it in 2-D works just fine. If an IMAX screening is available – go to that theater. Oh and make sure to stay for everything, there are two post-credits sequences that are just awesome!

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Batman (2016) #21

Apr 21, 2017

What a way to kick-off a crossover! Especially, one deeply relevant to the DCU. This comic can't be recommended enough. Another pro of this book is that its relatively self-contained; one would really only need to have read or be familiar with the plot of DC Universe: Rebirth. Dont miss as the doomsday clock continues to tick with consummate creatives leading the way to a bright rebirth for DC.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #4

Oct 16, 2013

The ending is well constructed and executed, but it was the weakest book in this storyline. Greg Pak's work has been strong, so I'll definitely check out what journey he has in store next.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #5

Nov 7, 2013

Batman/Supermanhas had its ups and downs in its first five issues, but there is still enough strong material and ingenuity to keep it relevant. If you like either of these titular characters, definitely try this series.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #6

Dec 4, 2013

The new creative team is finally showing the fruits of its labor in this issue. I can't wait to see where the story and images take us next!

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Dec 12, 2015

Overall, this comic feels uneven and a bit of a letdown, but perhaps this is due to my own high expectations. Batman and Gotham were shortchanged and this was very much a highlight for the Ninja Turtles, so fans of those characters will be happy. Enthusiasts of either franchise should give this first issue a shot, but just have expectations managed. Hopefully the next book will step-up to the plate.

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2

Jan 13, 2016

Again, this comic is uneven from start to finish. Readers who really enjoyed the first issue will probably continue to appreciate the material, but those on the fence should probably hop off. It doesnt look like this mini-series is going to improve much. Its really depressing because this event deserved better representation and story.

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3

Feb 11, 2016

Since this is a major crossover, it merits close scrutiny and appreciation. This series has been an uphill battle, but it is finally bearing fruit. The comic still has a long way to go to reach its maximum potential, hopefully it will be able to do so in the final two issues. With the cliffhanger Tynion left readers with, the story is definitely on the upswing and has great possibility. Those invested so far or are still intriguing by the concept/content, should continue giving it a shot. Readers should continue crossing their fingers; there is light at the end of the sewer tunnel.

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Batman / The Shadow #1

May 1, 2017

Batman/The Shadow is absolutely worth the time and money to pick up and read. There is a clear passion for this project from all involved that will no doubt rub off on readers. Its a cheerful thought that this comic could be someones first introduction to an age-old character like The Shadow because its being handled so well. The creative team behind this wantTthe Shadow to have his time in the limelight again and this series is on track to accomplish just that.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #1

Jun 4, 2015

This isnt a perfect comic, but its a good start. Batman Beyond fans should give this title a chance and who knows, maybe Terry will appear; This is comics after all. Those who followed Futures End should pick this up as well since this is a direct follow-up. This creative has some work to do, but this title definitely has potential.

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Batman Beyond Universe #2

Sep 19, 2013

Being a huge DCAU fan, Batman Beyond Universe is a breath of fresh air with inventive tales. I cant wait to see where these creative minds take us next!

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Batman Beyond Universe #3

Oct 16, 2013

Batman Beyond Universe continues to be a strong book and if you are not reading it either in print or digitally, there may be something wrong with you.

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Batman Beyond Universe #4

Nov 21, 2013

These comics can be purchased digitally first, they alternate weeks. If you've become a fan or just enjoy stories in the Beyond universe, buy them as soon as they are available. If not, wait until they are compiled, in print, in this book each month. With two options to be reading these great books, there's no reason why you shouldn't be picking them up!

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Batman Beyond Universe #5

Dec 19, 2013

Batman Beyond continues to be a fantastic read! Just for that comic alone, Universe is worth buying. Lets hope Justice League Beyond gets back to par soon!

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Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 9, 2014

There is so much more I would like to discuss, but it would detract from the excitement and surprise this first issue delivers. Just go buy this bookand probably every week from here on out!

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Batman: Eternal #2

Apr 17, 2014

Batman Eternal is still on a roll and seems to be the fast track to prominence. Catch up, pick up the first issue and this oneyou won't be sorry.

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Batman: Eternal #3

Apr 24, 2014

Stick with this title, with so much information and plot occurring it's a good thing this is a weekly book. There is something for everyone!

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Batman: Eternal #4

Apr 30, 2014

Batman Eternal continues to deliver strong story and imagery. Comic fans in general should be picking this bad boy up!!

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Batman: Eternal #5

May 8, 2014

This comic continues to add new layers and delve further into the Gotham underbelly It's addicting!

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Batman: Eternal #6

May 14, 2014

All around this was a refreshing book forBatman Eternal.Honestly, it makes me want to see The Spectre more in the New 52!

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Batman: Europa #1

Nov 20, 2015

This is definitely a solid book. The writing and artwork mesh well together and are well done. Whether the rest of the series will follow suit or not is left to be seen, but lets hope it does. It will be difficult to follow in Lees footsteps, but maybe the other three artists will bring their own talents that will complement the story. In the meantime, check out this premiere issue of Batman: Europa.

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Batman: The Drowned #1

Oct 23, 2017

For those invested in this DC Comics event, then, by all means, pick it up, but just know that doesn't hit all the right chords.

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Batman: The Red Death #1

Sep 24, 2017

this book can basically be read cold and still be a fantastic read. Check out The Red Death!

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Beyond Belief #1

Apr 22, 2015

This book was just an absolute surprise and definitely one that should be picked up this week. Also, they have a backup story that is basically a second issue, so readers get more bang for their buck. Beyond Belief is a creepily fun comic and worth the price…absolute no brainer!

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Birthright #4

Jan 8, 2015

Only four issues in and Birthright is another home run for Williamson. Fans of fantasy, drama, or mystery will be pleased with this title; a bit of something for everyone. World building is a complicated feat and these creators are developing two in one book masterfully. Pick this comic up!

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Boy-1 #1

Aug 11, 2015

Unfortunately, just because the second half of the book is decent, doesnt make it a good comic overall. Some leeway should be given since this is the debut issue, but Boy-1 has a long way to go to be able to match some of the excellent sci-fi stories being published today. 2It Was Okay

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Burning Fields #1

Jan 20, 2015

This book looks to not pull any punches. People who like bleak, chilling stories or liked Curse should definitely pick this up. The audience will be left with some haunting images and thoughts, which will no doubt influence the desire for issue two.

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C.O.W.L. #1

May 28, 2014

Don't forget about our C.O.W.L. giveaway either. Higgins and Seigel signed copies of #1. Head over to our giveaway page for more details.

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C.O.W.L. #2

Jun 24, 2014

C.O.W.L. continues to be on track to be a stellar title. The story and artwork improve with each months release and becomes more engrossing as a result. There are only two issues out at the moment, so its easy for anyone to pick up. Also, the purchase of Higgins short film is highly recommended!

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Captain America: Living Legend #1

Oct 2, 2013

Ive waited three years for this series and the first issue did not disappoint. Andy Diggle was right when he said in an interview this would be worth the wait. Definitely go pick up a copy!

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Captain America: White #1

Sep 21, 2015

This is a great start for White. It definitely is tough having to wait for the next issue; reading the trades of the other books can spoil people. Jeph Loeb and Tim Sales spin on this iconic character looks to be an emotional, but powerful one.

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Captain America: White #2

Oct 2, 2015

It goes without saying, but this issue strongly continues Loeb and Sales red, white, and blue tale. Fans of their work will be pleased and newcomers should hop on board. This is only the second comic in the series, so there is no issue with trying to catch up. This looks on track to be another Captain America that will stand the test of time.

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Captain America: White #5

Jan 3, 2016

Some may havekept hoping after each issue that the material would get better, but, after concluding this final issue, things did not change. The previous mini-series were so poetic and beautiful; sadly, Captain America: White seems too little, too late. Its just a shadow or glimpse at some the amazing work these two have done. Completionists should pick this up though.This is a recommended series to someone new to Captain America or the work of Loeb and Sale because they can only go up after this series.

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Chrononauts #2

Apr 15, 2015

Despite having a somewhat clich debut, Chrononautshas kicked off into high-gear. I highly recommend picking this book up and issue one as well. This series is only two issues in, so theres no reason not to hop on board. Also, the cover of the second printing of issue one is pretty sweet (especially for Back to the Future fans).

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Chrononauts #3

May 12, 2015

This is just an absolutely gorgeous issueand itcant stress that enough. Theres not much left in this story arc, so those already invested should stick with it. This is a just fun ride, plain and simple.Oh, and Morrissey is in it!

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Chrononauts #4

Jun 13, 2015

Even if the story took a backseat, this comic is well worth its price. This is the final issue after all, so readers should pick it up. Its a wonderful example of sequential art. Millar has already started plotting the sequel and the film adaptation is now in development; there is a lot to look forward to from this property!

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Cold War (2018) #1

Jan 10, 2018

Despite the problems with the comic, it is worth checking and following the story for a couple more issues

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Cover (2018) #1

Sep 19, 2018

Cover is a comic that, if left to the devices of its creators, has the potential to be a key highlight in the medium. It's a showcase for both writer and artist to present not only their mastery of their respective craft, but the inner workings and, perhaps most importantly, the struggles of being a comic creator. Even with the themes and subtext, it serves its most basic function: being an engaging comic.

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Curse #1

Jan 14, 2014

Considering I knew nothing about this book before picking it up, it was a surprisingly good read. If you are a fan of the horror or paranormal genre, then this comic book is right up your alley!

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Curse #2

Feb 18, 2014

Curse #2 maintains this riveting story with superb imagery. This is a must buy!

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Curse #3

Mar 19, 2014

If you have already read the first two issues, then you are pot committed to this! If you are new toCursepick up the previous installments. Either way, people need to stay with this book until the end because I'm sure it will have a worthy conclusion.

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Danger Girl: The Chase #1

Sep 2, 2013

If you like espionage stories then perhaps this title is for you, but dont expect this to break any of the genre conventions or be inventive. Based on the first issue, the content will more than likely be spoon-fed to the reader. Sad to say, but this looks to be another generic title.

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Dark Ark #1

Sep 25, 2017

Overall, Dark Ark has a decent premise and a modest start. It's not without its faults, but there's enough goodwill, effort, and interesting content for readers to continue with the series.

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Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 16, 2017

Will some readers love this book? Yes, less discerning readers will and that's fine, but for those of us who know and remember what truly memorable and iconic DC comics are, prepare to lower expectations.

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Dark Fang #1

Nov 21, 2017

It's rare to find a new comic where nothing seems to click on any level.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #9

Jun 11, 2017

Pick it up and finish the story; just know that it may not live up to expectations one would hope for a tale/property of this magnitude and notoriety.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1

Jun 28, 2017

The old adage "never judge a book by its cover" rings absolutely true in this case. Hopefully, this creative team will work again soon because they clearly have creative chemistry that pays off in spades. This is a comic that has no right to be as good as it is.

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Dead Kings #1

Oct 28, 2018

Dead Kings is a comic that feels familiar, toeing the line of generic. The story is set in the Empire of Rus, now in a state of perpetual decay after the Great Steel War. A man is in search of someone important to him, who has been imprisoned, and begins to enact a plan to infiltrate the compound, but it looks like, as one would expect, things won't go quite according to plan...

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Deadly Class #13

May 26, 2015

This is a brilliant series from Image. It may seem like a common premise, but the creative team elevates to something much more. Each issue is a must read and this is no exception. Pick this book up and prepare for an emotional roller coaster.

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Deadly Class #15

Aug 4, 2015

Once again, Deadly Class delivers brilliant material. Remender truly knows how voice teenagers and their problems and the art team delivers an impressively stylized 1988, but never loses sight of the reality of the characters and their conflicts. As dense a comic as this is, it makes clear what is necessary to be conveyed to readers. The ancillary elements are what makes the comic worth reading multiple times. This is another must-buy from Image Comics this month!

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Deadly Class #16

Sep 10, 2015

The only downside to this issue is the sole fact that the next issue wont be out until December (the back matter shows what the cover will be its a doozy!). This powerful series appears to have plenty of material to maintain its strong narrative, so readers should catch up and prepare.

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Deadly Class #27

Apr 3, 2017

This Image title continues to be in a thrilling, macabre class all its own. The creative teams keeps readers on their toes not with cheap thrills and scares, but with real character development and stakes of self. It continues to be a powerful coming of age tale; a real vicious slice of life. Pick up the trades if you arent current, because you definitely dont want to jump in on this issue. This series is a must foreveryones pull list.

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Deadly Class #36

Jan 17, 2019

This particular issue, just like the series itself, can't be praised enough. This creative team has, since issue one, continually delivered powerful content that embraces and challenges the comics medium in form and content.

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Death of Love #1

Jan 23, 2018

This is a comic worth being on a comic enthusiast's radar. Yes, it may have some minor flaws, but it's quite a fun, and genuine ride. This is a story that seems to want to shine a lens on the complexities and dynamics of relationships and gender roles, while framing it through an over the top situation. This only furthers to drive the point home of how important the key personal character moments in the book, which show how much these creatives want to tell this tale of love.

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Detective Comics (2011) #27

Jan 9, 2014

This may be a long review, but this is an iconic issue and each narrative merits some attention. With so many Batman homage, references and Easter eggs, one can tell this book was crafted by people who truly care about the character and his mythos. Also worth mentioning is the great pinup art within the comic from various artists such as Kelly Jones, Graham Nolan and, my personal favorite, Jock. Detective Comics #27 is a must-buy! You know what,buy two copies, one to read and another to keep protected because this is one you will want to hold on to and re-read. Heres to adding another 75 years to the Dark Knight legend!

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Doctor Strange (2015) #3

Dec 4, 2015

This issue of Doctor Strange maintains the lively tone that number one introduced. With his feature film debut on the horizon, nows a good time to jump on the mystical Marvel bandwagon. The two interpretations of the titular character will more than likely differ, but its always nice to have a primer or context. Aaron and Bachalo make the comic very accessible for newcomers and dont bog the plot down with continuity constraints. If wild and crazy is what you want, wild and crazy is what youll get!

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Doctor Strange (2015) #4

Jan 10, 2016

Marvel is publishing some fresh and innovative comic books with this title among them. Its only four issues in, so its easy to jump on the bandwagon. Nows the time to start reading into the character, especially since the live-action film comes out later this year. Prior knowledge of the character isnt totally necessary, just bring a sense of wonder and excitement because thats what one will get with Doctor Strange!

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Doctor Strange (2015) #5

Feb 4, 2016

Doctor Strange continues to be an engaging mystical adventure. The bizarre and sometimes disturbing are never shied away from in this comic and thats what this character and his story is all about. Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo seem to have captured some the Eye of Agamottos light in a bottle and it looks like theyre on track to continue treading this mysterious path like a force of nature!

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Doctor Strange (2015) #6

Mar 10, 2016

Doctor Strange continues to break boundaries and deliver twists most becoming of the Sorcerer Supreme. This creative team perfectly suits the character and is adept at bringing fresh nuances to his established persona and mythology. This may be the start of the last days of magic, but its clear this is only the beginning of the return of Doctor Strange.

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Doomsday Clock #1

Nov 25, 2017

This is no doubt a daunting project, something the creative team is very aware of and have said as much in interviews, but they seemed to have handled it deftly. This is well worth a DC Comics fan's time and an extremely welcome change of pace from some of the other event content being published concurrently.

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Doomsday Clock #2

Jan 1, 2018

This issue is a step above the previous, which was already a high bar

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Doomsday Clock #5

Jun 4, 2018

The creative team continues to exceed expectations each and every issue. It's so rare these days to find a comic that dares to challenge the status quo, even to the point of literally commenting on the medium, rather than be a comfort food book, that it's utterly refreshing.

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Doomsday Clock #6

Jul 29, 2018

ix issues in and Doomsday Clock continues to arguably be the best comic published by DC Comics. Each installment leaves readers wanting more and the wait between issues (every two months) is almost excruciating. When it finally arrives, though, it's almost always worth the wait. There is so much effort, detail, thought and heart being put into this comic by basically industry all-stars that it shouldn't come as a surprise how good this issue and the rest of the mini-series is, but it still finds a way to do just that.. and that makes all difference.

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Effigy #1

Jan 29, 2015

Effigy is a fresh, colorful neo-noir. Vertigo looks to have to another solid title in its stable. I highly recommend picking up this book and adding it to the pull-list.

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Effigy #2

Feb 26, 2015

Issue one hit it out the park and this follow-up is no slouch either. There are only two issues out and the comics are reasonably priced ($2.99) – no-brainer folks! This title definitely lives up to the strong reputation of Vertigo Comics.

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Effigy #3

Mar 27, 2015

This series continues to be a great read and title in Vertigo. Its only three issues in and has a price point of $2.99. I highly recommend this for fans or noir, drama, or just a good post-modern comic.

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Effigy #4

Apr 23, 2015

Effigy continues to be a strong title for Vertigo. Fans of noir or thrillers will absolutely appreciate this book. New readers may want to wait for the trade or feel free to pick up the previous three issues. Considering that the comic is only $2.99, the investment is totally worth it!

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Eleanor and the Egret #1

Apr 12, 2017

This comic won't exactly be of everyone's cup of tea, but it's hard not to appreciate it. The goal of the creative team was to do something that stretched different parts of their creative brains and talents and they accomplished that. Aftershock has a novel title on their hands with bold creators at the helm. Fans of of John Layman and Sam Kieth may be in for a bit of a culture shock at first, but, after a few pages in, theyll slip into Eleanor & The Egrets groove. Its worth checking out, if youre looking for a light, entertaining read!

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Eleanor and the Egret #2

May 22, 2017

Overall, this was a step backward in the series. Its really disheartening to see a novel concept and approach become lost somewhere in the creative process. Hopefully, the creative team will receive a wake-up call and soar to new, crazy heights with the forthcoming issues.

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Empress #1

Apr 11, 2016

This may have been a fairly bare-bones premiere issue, but Millar allows for many avenues to traverse in this world, set ages in the past. Its worth picking up for the marvelous artwork alone. For readers who love this genre, this is a no-brainer. Basically, dont go in with the expectations of an in-depth, thought-provoking comic, but expect a solid thrill ride.

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Farmhand #1

Jun 18, 2018

Fans of Rob Guillory will and should check this comic out. It's a fascinating study of how this creator flexes all his skills in the medium, for better or worse. It's far from perfect, but the personal essence flowing, along with the art, keeps the book afloat. Despite a rocky start, there feels like there is still a lot of real estate that can be farmed from this concept.

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Flash (2016) #18

Mar 11, 2017

This is another sound issue in Flashs rebirth. Even though this issue and the next could be considered filler issues, the creative team makes sure to deliver a worthwhile read and continue to develop the characters in meaningful ways. It is possible to read this issue cold turkey, but, of course, having read previous ones is recommended. Making the book easily accessible to all readers is another welcome highlight. Perhaps most importantly, though, the comic continues to be entertaining. If youre already reading, keep moving forward with this series. New readers, do yourselves a favor and hop on for the ride because some major developments in the mysteries of DCs Rebirth are about to unfold!

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Flash (2016) #36

Dec 18, 2017

This issue a fine example of why this is consistently one of the best titles DC is publishing currently

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Flash (2016) #50

Jul 16, 2018

If readers don't come away at least a little choked up, they may need to be checked out by a physician. There's not a single page within this issue that doesn't scream of passion and appreciation for the legacy of the Flash. The fact that the audience can feel it immediately off the pages is a testament to the work of these creators. This is issue 50, so folks considering picking this up may want to do a little homework and pickup the past trades. Several past storylines do culminate in or hint at events that unfold within these pages. It may seem daunting, but it's well worth the trip through this Speed Force because what has defined this run, so far, is that it has never lost sight of being entertaining and maintained true heart.

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Flash (2016) Annual #1

Feb 6, 2018

This is was a strong, surprising annual and continues to exemplify how Joshua Williamson is becoming one of the best writers to take on the duties of the Flash.

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Forever Evil #1

Sep 5, 2013

This is an issue that can be appreciated after the first reading, but to gain the full effect and understanding it will need to be revisited. Be warned…it is a bleak issue, but thats the point. Its time to indulge your dark side and embrace Forever Evil!

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Forever Evil #2

Oct 2, 2013

Another strong installment in Forever Evil. This title is in very capable, caring hands and it shows through the bleak events.

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Forever Evil #3

Nov 6, 2013

Johns and Finch are just brilliant onForever Evil. As one reads the issues, it just feels like they were made to work on this and it is such a rush. If you aren't reading this mini-series, then you are doing yourself a great disservice.

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Forever Evil #5

Feb 5, 2014

The title may be winding down to the final two issues, but the content isn't! Pick this up!

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Forever Evil #6

Mar 5, 2014

This has been one of my favorite major story events in DC in a while. Do yourself a favor and indulge in this devilishly good story.

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Forever Evil #7

May 22, 2014

If you haven't been keeping up with this event, go pick up the seven issues or wait for the trade. This run is an excellent example of the literary and artistic merit comic books have to offer. This is a must buy!

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George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act Three #1

Apr 3, 2015

Considering this the third act of a storyline, I would not recommend just picking this up on a whim. Pick up the trades of the first two arcs and become familiar with the plot. Fans of the horror genre should be reading this, especially fans of the zombie subgenre. I mean come onThis is a work from George A. Romero.

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George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act Two #5

Jan 18, 2015

People who are reading this series are already plot committed at this point, so its worth it to see the title through to its conclusion. Those who are just now hearing about this work, pick up the trade of Act One, as starting with this issue would be detrimental to the experience, since it is the second act of a three act story. George A. Romero is an adept storyteller and this issue is another great example of that fact.

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George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act Three #5

Sep 23, 2015

Sad to say, but this was a major disappointment. The cover suggests an intense conclusion, instead the audience is given a fairly weak final battle. Readers who have already invested their time and money into this series, might as well pick it up, just dont expect anything significant from it. Its dead on arrival…

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Ghost (2013) #1

Dec 17, 2013

This book will hook you instantly if you like supernatural stories. There's drama, action, mystery and, surprisingly, it's all well-written and illustrated! Don't worry if you aren't familiar with Ghost; just go along with this fun comic.

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Ghostbusters: Get Real #1

Jun 16, 2015

Ihighly recommend finding the classic episode and comparing it with the comic. It will provide so much context and appreciation for what these men are doing. Perhaps though, the real charm is that the creative team makes the story their own. They see the potential strength of the villain and how he was poorly used in the cartoon, so many possibilities are there and it looks like a lot will be explored in this event. This is an absolute must buy for fans Also, the variants look amazing too.

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Ghostbusters: Get Real #2

Jul 28, 2015

These men just get it. It's becoming increasingly difficult tosee any other group of creators tackling this franchise. If IDW is smart, which they have proven that they are, they will keep going back to this ecto-well of talent. This is no doubt their best work to date and arguably the best Ghostbusters comic done as well. Pick this and issue one, if you havent already, up. Fans absolutely wont be disappointed.

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Ghosted (2013) #20

May 18, 2015

This is one of the few times where I felt a comic ended too soon, but its better to go out in a blaze of glory than to fade away. Wanting more stories in this universe isnt selfish, but more a sign that the creative team did a fantastic job crafting a ghastly and compelling supernatural thriller. Seriously, this is the final issue, pick the darn thing up or new readers should pick up all the trades. This is was great time investment, definitely worth the pay-off. Thanks to everyone involved.

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God Complex (2017) #1

Oct 15, 2017

There is promise in this new series. Complicated, elaborate world-building from the creative team is evident and merits, at the very least, a few issues to really allow the material to take root. Check it out.

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Godzilla in Hell #1

Jul 14, 2015

This is no doubt an amazing idea, but unfortunately this debut issue doesnt deliver. Godzilla has three obstacles in this book, but there is no real sense of danger or stakes. Yes, this is Godzilla, but he usually doesnt come out of his fights unscathed. Perhaps, Stokoe is saving that for later issues, but one needs something to maintain readers for the follow-up. It's recommended that fans give this one a chance and issue two as well. Fingers crossed that when he actually enters the first circle that things start to heat up!

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Godzilla: Cataclysm #2

Sep 18, 2014

With the creative team very focused on the human characters and their struggles, the book becomes three-dimensional and elevates it from just another Godzilla comic where he will fight the monster of the month. Devotees of Biollante and Godzilla will find this issue an absolute fan delight, just as I did. Those who love just a good science fiction or post-apocalyptic tale should definitely check out Godzilla: Cataclysm.

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Godzilla: Oblivion #1

Mar 29, 2016

Oblivion has a very poor start. Thats not say that it cant get better because it still does have the potential to be an interesting diversion in the Godzilla mythology. These iconic characters, like so many key intellectual/licensed properties, have a long and storied history and with good reason: care and passion. If this creative team buckles down and delivers a logical, inventive scripts with detailed, evocative pages, this comic could be very strong. Hopefully, next month will be a different experience.

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Gotham By Midnight #1

Nov 28, 2014

Personally, I was not a huge fan of this comic, but the interesting concept was executed well enough to merit the purchase of the next few issues, at the very least. There will be other readers who love this genre, Batman/Gotham City, or Corrigan that will absolutely love this debut. This is a bold direction for DC and worth checking out.

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Injection #1

May 11, 2015

Injection lived up to expectations, but also confused the heck out of me at some points. If a comic has ones mind racing for hours after reading it, thats definitely a good sign. People who loved this groups work on Moon Knight, liked the shows Fringe or The X-Files, or love science-fiction/thriller comics something tells me this title is for you.

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International Iron Man #1

Mar 18, 2016

This dbut issue was a disappointment; it fails to captivate and to have the readership coming back for next months release. Yes, its to be expected that exposition will be a big component early on in a series, but its still possible to make those beats enthralling. Having Tony Stark try to court a young woman could be interesting, but this issue comes off as just one note. Considering the minds behind this title, it does deserve a second chance with a couple more issues. The cover may be beautiful and alluring, but beware that all is not as it seems. Remember the old adage: Never judge a book by its cover.

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Jupiter's Circle #1

Mar 16, 2015

Jupiters Circle looks to be another strong tale in Millarworld. It is tonally matching Legacy, which is key to making this book work since what takes place influences the events in the previous series. Fans of the Silver Age will also appreciate the content. Out on April 8, this title should be added to the pull-list of any self-respecting comic reader right now. Newcomers should also pick-up the trade of Jupiters Legacy.

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Jupiter's Circle #2

May 5, 2015

Mark has been very wise in selecting his collaborators for the various Millarworld titles and Jupiters Circleis no exception. The symbiosis makes for a compelling post-modern comic that shines some light on the rumors and shady nature of American history. Count me in for issue three!

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Jupiter's Legacy #3

Sep 24, 2013

Mark Millar and his team are still on track with this spectacular book and, mark my words, could make it a seminal work in the genre. It goes without saying, but people need to be reading this!

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Jupiter's Legacy #4

Mar 3, 2014

Jupiter's Legacy is a powerful post-modern look at the superhero genre. Every comic fan should be reading this title! Heck, if you just love a good story, pick it up!

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Jupiter's Legacy #5

Jan 15, 2015

I could stand on a soapbox and sing praises of the finale of Jupiters Legacys fist arc, but its always best to experience it for ones self. The price point of $4.99 may seem a little steep, but it is absolutely worth it. This title is well on its way to being one of the cornerstones in Mark Millars legacy.

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Justice League (2011) #23

Sep 1, 2013

This was a potent issue to say the least and this reviewer can't wait to see what the aftermath will be resulting from this arc. It will no doubt be compelling and great fodder for character development.

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Justice League (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

This was a very satisfying issue! More insight is given on the Crime Syndicate and another New 52 origin is unveiled. Geoff and Ivan continue to make a great creative team!

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Justice League (2011) #25

Dec 11, 2013

Justice League #25just crushes it! It is extremely rare for me to read a comic book twice in one sitting. Just go pick this one upyou're welcome!

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Justice League (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

This is another strong issue in the series, no surprise, right?! If you're following the Forver Evilarc, like the Cyborg character or enjoy this run, do yourself a favor and pick it up!

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Justice League (2011) #28

Feb 19, 2014

The nice thing aboutJustice League #28is that no prior knowledge of the story arc is needed; it would definitely help, but this can almost be considered a one-shot. It's a wonderful story that everyone can connect to. Definitely deserves a buy!

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Justice League (2011) #29

Apr 18, 2014

If you're already in this deep in theForever Evilstoryline, then there is no reason not to continue reading. The plot continues to develop new and old characters alike, even as the end approachesGotta love the Geoff Johns approach!

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Justice League (2011) #30

May 22, 2014

This issue is another great installment in this flagship title. Absolutely worth the read!!

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Justice League (2011) #32

Jul 30, 2014

Justice League continues to earn its place as one of DC's major titles. Mahnke and Johns have worked together for some time now and their work shows the seamless understanding of what they want to show their readers. There are very few books out that I will sit down and read immediately after buying and with a Justice League film on the horizon, now's as good a time as any to start reading some of the source material.

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Justice League (2011) #33

Sep 5, 2014

This is another fantastic issue in the current Justice League run. Theres action, heart, and depth something for every type of reader! Also, if you are a Doom Patrol fan, this is a no brainer. I highly recommend this book.

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Justice League (2011) #34

Oct 2, 2014

This series continues to live up to and earn its place as the flagship title for DC. The collaboration between writing and art never ceases to deliver a fantastic piece of art and literature.

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Justice League (2011) #36

Nov 20, 2014

All around this story arc was started off on the right foot. I cant freakin wait to see what this superb creative team has in store! This is a must-read this week.

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Justice League (2011) #37

Dec 19, 2014

Justice League kills it once again (no surprise there!). Geoff and the rest of the team on this arc know this is a different direction than most Justice League stories and they are traversing it with caution, passion, and attention. One cant ask for more. Justice League is a must read this week!

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Justice League (2011) #38

Jan 21, 2015

Some may argue that not a lot goes on in this issue, but I beg to differ. Fabok gives readers so much imagery to feed off and Johns is ramping up for what looks to be a big event. This is a new creative team that no one should be missing-keep up to date and pick this issue up.

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Justice League (2011) #40

Apr 30, 2015

DC has some heavy-hitting issues this week, but Justice League may well be the top pick (yes, even with the conclusion to Endgame in Batman). It is rare for this reviewerto be so blown away and immersed in a comic such as he was with this book, even rarer is to re-read it three times in two days. Please, do yourself a favor and pick up Justice League #40 and prepare for the Darkseid War!

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Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 4, 2015

Yes, this book is priced at $4.99, but it is a 40-page book from this stellar creative team…its worth every penny. This is shaping up to be a far better event than Convergence. Death to Darkseid!!

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Justice League (2011) #42

Jul 16, 2015

This title continues to be a must-read and in the more than capable hands of this team, the book shines brighter than ever. Even if this isnt a major crossover or crisis event, Darkseid War easily ranks up there and its only two issues in. The end of this issue will leave fans begging for issue 43…Theres a new god in town! Pick up this book as soon as possible in any format available!

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Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 21, 2015

This is another stellar chapter in "The Darkseid War"! It's hard to imagine anyone not reading this phenomenal issue, especially if they've been following the story. This series continues to be a must-buy!

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Justice League (2011) #44

Sep 30, 2015

Despite being only four issues into this storyline, The Darkseid War absolutely deserves an Absolute Edition! Readers who have fallen behind in this title – catch up! Seriously! No buts about it, Justice League is on a whole other level!

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Justice League (2011) #45

Oct 22, 2015

Theres definitely no reason why readers shouldn't pick this up! The arc is in its fifth issue, so everyone should be fully invested, especially after last months massive cliffhanger. Also, people should be on the lookout for the six tie-ins that will delve deeper into the changes/battles members of the team are going through. The Darkseid War continues to be an impressive milestone for this brilliant series.

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Justice League (2011) #46

Dec 18, 2015

Readers already invested in this title and/or this story arc have no reason to stop. It still continues to be a flawlessly written and well illustrated comic. This may have been a quieter issue in comparison to recent previous ones, but it doesnt lose out because major plot points are laden throughout. Pick this up and stay in the war!

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Justice League (2011) #47

Jan 1, 2016

If it were my decision, this creative team would never leave Justice League. This Crisis-level event continues to be sequential art at its best. Enough gushing over this comic, everyone should enjoy this work for themselves. Since this is the third act, definitely dont just jump in blindly. The trades are readily available and even Comixology runs great deals on them on occasion. Whatever the format may be, read this series!

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Justice League (2011) #48

Feb 26, 2016

This is the endgame for this run of Justice League, so readers and honestly DC fans in general need to be experiencing this as the final moments unfold. Im as critical and cynical a reader as they come, but even after reading this issue three times, theres really nothing that can be faulted. Its so very rare to find a comic like this. This is sequential art at its finest and thats what the Justice League deserves!

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Justice League of America (2015) #4

Oct 14, 2015

JLA is still an interesting book and a fresh take that the title needed. Its only four issues in, so its easy to catch-up. Luckily, readers dont need to be aware of any previous storylines. Those who like Justice League tales with the classic lineup should check it out.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: The Flash #1

Nov 4, 2015

Fans of the Flash (due to the amazing TV show, who isnt at this point in his experience) should give this comic a read. Of course, those who are following Darkseid War would be wise to pick this up as well to gain some more insight and context. It is a self-contained story for the most part, so it isnt required reading for the storyline though. This one-shot is another good egg DC has put out, lets hope the track record continues!

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Special #1

Apr 10, 2016

Having three sets of artists on this comic was a genius move because they each suited their content extremely well. Also, their work was different, but similar enough where it doesnt break the flow of the book. All this makes the comic work on multiple levels and deliver another passionately made comic. This is an essential part of this powerful story arc and also fulfills that desire of not wanting this series to end. There are only two more issues left, so any more Geoff Johns Justice League stories are absolutely welcomed and wanted!

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1

Oct 29, 2015

Tie-in comics are usually lackluster, but this creative team is an exception to the rule. They showed that a single, self-contained issue can be potent and passionate. Hopefully, this group will work again because the end result is impressive. Its possible to read this without being up to speed in Justice League, but it is highly recommended to start there. This is a comic Batman fans will enjoy and deeply appreciate.

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Katana #8

Oct 10, 2013

This was another sound issue in this run. With the introduction of a couple new characters and plots, it seems the book will continue that way.

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Katana #9

Nov 18, 2013

This was definitely not the best the book in this run, but the creative teams are doing what they can to complete the story before the title heads to the graveyard. Considering there is only one issue left, theres no reason not to pick this and the finale up!

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Katana #10

Dec 12, 2013

DC should have given Ann Nocenti more time to properly wrap up her run onKatana.This series heartbreakingly ends on a low point on all accounts.

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Kick-Ass 3 #3

Sep 12, 2013

Mark Millar has proven with the three prior story arcs that his collaboration with John Romita Jr. is dynamite! As the proverbial seeds are being sown, we must prepare for what will no doubt be an intense and satisfying conclusion to the Kick-Ass story.

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Kick-Ass 3 #4

Oct 30, 2013

This issue has introduced new plot elements that will reinforce the reader's love for this series. Pick it up and brace yourself for what is to come!

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Kick-Ass 3 #5

Nov 27, 2013

This series continues to elevate and examine the medium. Very few comics have done that, but the ones that do tend to leave an indelible mark.

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Kick-Ass 3 #6

Feb 12, 2014

Considering the fact this pop culture impacting comic is coming to its conclusion, there is no reason why everyone should not be picking this issue up! Especially when there are three beautiful covers from John Romita Jr., Leinil Yu and Jerome Opea to choose from.

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Kick-Ass 3 #7

Apr 11, 2014

This is the precursor to the end; there is absolutely no reason for every comic book fan to pick up this issue and the next. It's history…

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Kick-Ass 3 #8

Aug 7, 2014

Kick-Assmay not end as impactful as many would hope, but it is appropriate and serves the characters well. I highly recommend reading the comic twice to be able to fully appreciate the content. Being the finale, fan or not, this issue needs to be bought! As one door closes, another opensLet's see where Mark Millar and company take us next in Millarworld!

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Kingsman: The Red Diamond #1

Sep 7, 2017

It's worth a read, but just be prepared that it may not be as exciting or engrossing as one would hope it to be.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #1

Aug 13, 2017

This title is without a doubt the odd duck of DC Comics right now, deservedly so. It should stand out and garner attention because the creatives are clearly challenging themselves in the medium with an odd character.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #2

Sep 18, 2017

Mister Miracle continues to be the much-needed breath of fresh air in DC's line, and mainstream comics in general.

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Monstress #1

Nov 5, 2015

The less one knows about this comic the better because its best experienced first-hand. This was the best, and most surprising comic book read this week. Image Comics has added what has the potential to be a groundbreaking series to its line. Theres something for everyone, those who like inventive stories and those who value art will find value in this comic. This title should be added to any serious comic readers pull-list!

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Monstress #2

Dec 8, 2015

Page for page, this title delivers on every level. These two creators have done and will more than likely continue to do something visionary. There are only two issues out, so there is no excuse to pass on this gem of sequential art.

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Monstress #3

Jan 31, 2016

This series continues to elevate the genre and medium. There are a select amount of books being published today that merit time to be set aside to be read and appreciated. If the word of mouth or critical acclaim isnt enough to spark interest in this comic, then those comic readers are probably a lost cause sadly.This title can't be recommended enough. Big things are on the horizon for Monstress.

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MPH #1

May 19, 2014

Fans of the Millarworld series will no doubt pick this up since it will tie in with other books. This seems to be another strong title from Millar. Strong character development and immersive artOne cant ask for more!

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MPH #2

Jun 18, 2014

MPHis trucking along, the exposition is basically done, so some major conflict is about to come into the picture. This is a strong comic and it's about to bring the pain, so I recommend sticking with this series. At the very least, pick this one up for some great eye candy!

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MPH #3

Sep 12, 2014

One may feel this issue just drags on, but hold out because the creative team delivers a complete left turn. Mark Millar and his collaborators rarely dont deliver, so keep the course and stick with MPH.

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MPH #4

Nov 12, 2014

It shouldn't be a surprise that there is so much to absorb in this comic, considering it is the penultimate issue. It could have been hampered by all the details, but with such professionals at the helm, the book came out top-notch! The real problem is waiting until the release of #5

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Nailbiter #7

Nov 3, 2014

This is arguably the best issue to date; what could have been a total sales stunt, turned out to be a heartfelt, potent nod to comics and those who craft these wonderful tales. I highly recommend this bad boy!

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Nailbiter #9

Jan 8, 2015

This series continues to shine a light on the dark side of humanity and examine the various pathologies it entails. Its a bold comic that consistently merits attention. The first trade paperback is available for a reasonable price, so there is no reason not to jump into this book. Also on the horizon is the Hack/Slash crossover!

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Nailbiter #11

Mar 30, 2015

Nailbiter continues to be a gem amongst Images titles. New readers should pick up the first two trades and this issue. Readers may get nightmares, but this comic is worth it!

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Nailbiter #12

May 6, 2015

Nailbiter is still nailing it. This is issue is more about developing plotlines, but the creative team still makes it a necessary. Pick it up!

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Nailbiter #18

Dec 1, 2015

18 issues in and Nailbiter is still macabre and strong. Fans should absolutely continue reading, especially since the story is expanding and not only in terms of plot. Newcomers should not try to jump into this series blindly, pick up the three trade paperbacks that are available and catch up. The story is so engrossing that they will be quick reads. Everyone should be digging their teeth into this Image title.

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Nailbiter #19

Jan 7, 2016

This series continues to be captivating. Its a testament to the creative teams work so far to make the story and characters interesting enough to entertain readers without having an explosion or death taking place every other page. The interactions and dialogue work so well. Fans need to keep holding onto Nailbiterand not let go.

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Nailbiter #20

Feb 3, 2016

This is the first issue where one might feela little disappointed with Nailbiter, especially since it closes an arc. The necessary beats were there, but failed to resonate as intended. Considering how strong this series is, it has earned itself a little wiggle room. Even with the flaws, the comic is still enthralling and fellow readers will no doubt want to see where the story goes next. Of course, pick up this issue to keep up with the series, but just know its not up to par with past material.

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Nailbiter #30

Mar 5, 2017

This has been a fresh, innovative series because it had elements that ranged from tackling dark, taboo themes, to having Brian Michael Bendis be a character, to the depiction of violence and death. Everyone involved should be very proud of their work on Nailbiter. Issue #30, in particular, nicely encapsulates all that makes this Image title work like a well-bloodied machine. Obviously, dont jump delve into this comic on its last issue; pick up the trades and become enthralled with the macabre world that is Nailbiter.

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Nailbiter: Nailbiter / Hack/Slash #1

Mar 5, 2015

Nailbiter readers will be pleasantly surprised and theyre getting double the material. Hack/Slash fans will probably enjoy this as well since the stories still seem to follow that series sensibilities. This is a notable crossover that doesnt seem like a gimmick and actually blends both universes very well. Check it out!

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Nailbiter Returns #1

Jun 10, 2020

As the characters get pulled back, as if by fates dark hand, to Buckaroo, Oregon, fans of Nailbiter will instantly be sucked in without warning and will end the comic with a twisted grin. There are some great twists and callbacks, so it is worth revisiting the great first series, before or after reading Returns. Hopefully, like all great horror icons, these creators will keep coming back for more.

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Nameless #1

Feb 3, 2015

This title will definitely be an acquired taste; Morrison fans will feel right at home. My recommendation is waiting until a few issues are out and binge on them. Hopefully, that will help readers become more enthralled withthe storyline.

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Nameless #2

Mar 6, 2015

The first issue felt a lot of material thrown at the reader and now it seems to be finding its groove, but knowing Morrison he will probably shake up the narrative soon. Fans of science fiction should give the book a shot. There are only two issues out at the moment, so its not a huge investment of money or time.

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Nightwing: The New Order #1

Aug 28, 2017

The creative team does their best to frame these elements in a new light that serves the purpose of telling a different kind of hero's journey. Nightwing fans should absolutely pick this up, as well as readers wanting something a little different, heavier than what they typically read.

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Dec 6, 2013

Being completely unfamiliar with the characters and series, I had the predisposition that this was to be some generic noir/pulp story. The creative team have proven in two issues that they want to show their respect to the genres by creating a powerful story and so far they have done just that.

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Nosferatu Wars #1

Mar 13, 2014

Dark Horse has a long history of greathorror comics and this is one is no exception. Sadly, this is only a one-shot. Keep this fingers crossed that it could become a monthly title…

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 11, 2014

Even with some issues, the story is intriguing. Also, knowing that it is only one part of a huge storyline helps its case. The tone of the Alien franchise is evident, but I hope the creative team doesnt lose sight that Prometheus is vastly different from those films.

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Rasputin #6

Jun 24, 2015

Issue six is what fans have been waiting some time for and this creative team, no surprise, delivers. Who would have thought having a comic about Grigori Rasputin as an anit-hero would work so well? I applaud Image for publishing such a risky concept and for the creators for following through with amazing execution. It'shighly recommended that newcomers pick up the first trade and this issue. Its so engrossing that it will be a quick read and for current fans, this is a no-brainer. Get to a local comic shop or online and pick this up. Its well on its way to being another revolutionary Image title!

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Real Heroes #1

Mar 28, 2014

This is was a disappointing debut issue, but there is promise within it. Let's hope Bryan Hitch can find his voice and make this book memorable.

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Rough Riders: Ride or Die #1

Mar 4, 2018

Rough Riders is a breath of fresh comic air.

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RunLoveKill #1

Apr 17, 2015

Sad to say this debut is poor, maybe the creative team can redeem the story, but I have no interest in picking up issue two. Surely, other readers will give this title more of chance. Also, despite this reviewer's disinterest in the pencils, there will be some readers who will appreciate Canetes work. It's recommend that readers give this mini-series a shot, if they like sci-fi; it is the premiere issue after all. Otherwise, this is one that can be passed up.

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Sacred Creatures #1

Jul 9, 2017

If supernatural comics is up your alley and you aren't very discerning, then, sure, check this comic out. Otherwise, it's one to pass by on the sales rack.

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Sideways #1

Feb 20, 2018

Sideways is a startlingly solid debut issue and introduction of a character. It's well worth picking up and seeing where the first arc goes, as long as Kenneth Rocafort and Daniel Brown stay on the title!

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Skyman #1

Jan 15, 2014

This is a nice re-launch for a golden age hero. By placing him in modern conflicts and making the character relevant was no easy task. This creative team managed to pull it off! I'm left wondering: What will they come up with next?

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Southern Bastards #4

Sep 1, 2014

Writers such as Mark Twain wrote of a romanticized South suffused with hyperbole, while others emphasized the grotesqueness of the South. Aaron and Latour capture both schools of literature masterfully in Southern Bastards. This issue is a bombshell, so it is absolutely worth the purchase and if you havent picked up the previous threeDO IT!!

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Southern Bastards #5

Oct 30, 2014

There is no doubt that I was not alone in the excitement for the return of Southern Bastards. This book creeps on the reader and grounds its southern roots into the eyes and minds of its audience. This is another great installment in the powerful series.

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Southern Bastards #6

Dec 8, 2014

Southern Bastards continues to be a powerhouse of a title; it is one I have to immediately read and others should follow suit. The second arc is only two issues in, so, if new to the series, pick up the first trade paperback and issues five and six.

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Southern Bastards #7

Feb 9, 2015

Its almost torture waiting a month for each new issue. What Aaron and Latour are doing with this title is amazing. Its still surprising how a comic about Southern culture and generalizations is being published, but it works. Actually its better than that, it exceeds expectations. Newcomers should pick up the first trade and catch up!

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Southern Bastards #9

Jun 18, 2015

This is a series that I hope will be talked about for years to come, andthis issue has such resonance that it warrants particular attention. Newcomers should immediately pick up the first two trades and catch-up. Current fans…just get to your shop – You wont regret it!

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Southern Bastards #11

Oct 10, 2015

This is the third issue in the third arc, so readers shouldnt just jump in. Pick up the first two trades and the previous two issues to catch up because this is a must-read. Period. This is a brilliant comic series on every level. This series has been optioned as a TV series, which is exciting, but hopefully the details and heart wont be lost in translation. Hats off to Jason Aaron and Jason Latour.keep it up!

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Southern Bastards #13

Jan 27, 2016

This comic continues to be a gritty gem in Images lineup. It would have been very easy to tap into Southern stereotypes, but instead the creative team embraces and confronts these notions, thereby enriching them. Fans should absolutely pick this months release because the tease for the next issue shows someone whose appearance in Craw County is something readers have been itching to read.

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Southern Cross #1

Mar 10, 2015

Image launches what looks to be another solid sci-fi title. Check this out for at least the next few issues to give it a fair shot, if it doesnt immediately captivate, which it should.

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Sovereigns #1

May 15, 2017

Overall, this is a solid comic with a creative team that seems to have a clear grasp of inner workings of a strong crossover series: each character has their moment to shine, a strong villain is introduced, and the inclusion of several different genre conventions. All these elements could bog down a book and make it utterly lifeless, but it works here. Newcomers shouldnt feel intimated and, in truth, may find that they want to read more about these Gold Key characters. Dynamite has revived the old properties and they feel right at home in contemporary times. Pick up issue zero and catch up!

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Spread #1

Jul 10, 2014

There's nothing really groundbreaking in The Spread,but it's still an interesting, enjoyable read. If you too are a fan of the influences on this comic, then it will be a real treat. A basic story with some potent imagery is not a bad start, so let's see where it goes.

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Spread #2

Aug 5, 2014

Unfortunately, there really isn't anything too noteworthy in this second issue, but it's still a solid comic. Fans of the post-apocalyptic thriller genre should pick it up and the causal reader may dig it. I suggest picking up the previous book and see if it is appealing.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #1

Jul 7, 2015

This was a promising concept, but the exposition was lacking. Hopefully, the next couple of issues will redeem this series; it definitely has the raw material and history to do so. The art team delivers a boost to the book, but it cant save it. There is enough to have readers pickup issue two, but only time will tell if it delivers!

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #4

Oct 14, 2015

This mini-series has definitely improved and things look to be heading to a strong conclusion. Mike Johnson hasnt tampered with the Lantern storylines and is able to make everything work out. To come up with a story like this is an impressive feat. This series is worth checking out. There are only two issues left, so perhaps it may be beneficial to wait for the trade to come out.

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Starlight #4

Jun 10, 2014

This issue had a few minor bumps, but it still packs a punch! Stick with Starlight, Mark Millar and co. because they won't steer readers wrong.

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Starlight #5

Aug 12, 2014

Even if this isnt the most original sci-fi story, its Millars take on the genre, so he will no doubt put a fun spin on it. This continues to be a pleasurable read with some real visual treats. If science fiction is your cup of tea or you are a Millar fan, continue to pick up this title.

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Starve #1

Jun 12, 2015

Starve is a simple premise, but a complex narrative. This is definitely on track to be another strong Image title. One may try to note direct influences or pigeon-hole the comic, but its difficult. This creative team was able to deliver something that feels familiar, but still refreshing. Its dark, dramatic and definitely is all about elevating the mundane! This is a comic absolutely worth picking up and trying.

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Starve #2

Jul 8, 2015

This new Image title maintains the strength carried over from the premiere issue. The characters and world are becoming more developed, only revealing the dark potential this series seems to have. It continues to be a fresh read and worth comic fans time!

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Starve #3

Aug 11, 2015

STARVE is still killing it on every level. Despite the quiet moments, there is still a kinetic energy and noir tone to it that wont let one put the comic down.4Loved it!Your RatingUser Rating: 0 (0 votes)

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Starve #4

Sep 11, 2015

Well, this is part one, so readers better expect a heavy cliffhanger. Starve is definitely an oddity amongst Images titles, but its a fascinatingly well-done one. Its only four issues in, so it will be very easy to fall down this rabbit hole. The time is totally worth digesting this delicacy.

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Starve #6

Feb 18, 2016

This latest installment of Starve reminds its readers why the comic is so strong, despite being wrapped in a premise that is a bit esoteric to the core audience that the medium caters to. Now, this is not the first series to do this, but it is one that executes and elevates the material. Those just now learning about this Image title are in luck because they can just pick up the first trade and this issue. Current readers/fans will be pleased with the fresh direction that the creative team is taking with the plot. Issue six is a necessary ingredient toStarve.

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Street Fighter X G.I. JOE #1

Feb 24, 2016

All-in-all this is a fairly entertaining, leisurely comic. Readers should not go in expecting anything truly transcendent, but if you like a fight-centric comic or are a fan of either franchise this title is worth checking out. This initial issue is better than most of IDWs crossover debuts. What Street Fighter x G.I. Joe #1ultimately boils down to is that it is not terrible, but not great either.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #15

Apr 13, 2017

Aside from some issues on the primary artwork, this was another strong installment in Williams run. Its well worth the time to catch up or just read this storyline. The squad is still a hot property since the film, but the creative team doesnt glamorize these character; theyre the alternative to or subversion of the superhero (although that does blur at times). The creative team may not have bomb implants in their brains, but lets hope they stay on this great collision course that is Suicide Squad.

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Superior Carnage #3

Sep 18, 2013

With such a strong issue and great cliffhanger, one cant help but be excited for the last two issues of Superior Carnage. If you havent read this book yet, do yourself a favor and catch-up!!

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Superior Carnage #4

Oct 23, 2013

This series continues to stay strong and by incorporating Superior Spider-man the book it solidifies it. If you like symbiote storylines or just Spider-man in general, do yourself a favor and giveSuperior Carnagea shot.

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Superior Carnage #5

Nov 28, 2013

This series does a solid job of exploring how and why Carnage is “superior”. It may not be the best story arc for the character, but it holds up. We can only wait in anticipation for the return of the malevolent symbiote!

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Superior Carnage Annual #1

Feb 5, 2014

There are some nuggets of good in this annual, but to be a strong comic it needs to be consistent throughout. Die-hard Carnage fans should buy this if they want to continue following the storyline, but it's not necessary. Let's hopeDeadpool Vs. Carnage delivers in April!

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Superman (2011) #33

Jul 23, 2014

This is only issue two of this arc and already the writing and artwork packs a wallop. This creative team is in sync and the end product absolutely reflects that. I highly recommend picking this book up along with #32 to start from the beginning.

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Superman (2011) #34

Aug 29, 2014

The Men of Tomorrow continues to be a brilliant story arc for Superman and delivers on the premise of an iconic creative collaboration. Geoff and Johns talents and sensibilities mesh very well together and allow readers to truly immerse themselves in the narrative and relate to Superman, which has always been a problem. These guys make it look easy.

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Superman (2011) #35

Oct 23, 2014

This isnt necessarily the strongest issue in the arc, but it still packs a punch. Its four issues in, so theres no reason to stop reading, nor should one do so. As gimmicky as this may sound, this is a creative powerhouse many thought would never happen, so its best to have a front row seat to this great ride.

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Superman (2011) #36

Nov 27, 2014

Men of Tomorrow continues to deliver on every level. This is without a doubt one of the few books that deserves to be read immediately. Drama, heart, action and suspense are all represented in this issue…one cant ask for much more!

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Superman (2011) #38

Feb 5, 2015

It is a travesty that this creative team is only doing one story arc, whoever takes over will have deep shoes to fill! With only one issue left, those who have been reading should pick this up without a moments hesitation. Now, those who are just hearing about this, should try to pick up the back issues or wait for the trade. Honestly, though, dont wait for the tradethis a fantastic Superman narrative that should be absorbed ASAP.

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Superman (2011) #39

Mar 18, 2015

This is the end of the storyline, so those who have been reading it have no reason not to. This was a well-crafted narrative with excellent imagery that captures the essence of the Kryptonian. Id recommend picking up the single issues to jump on this, but waiting for the trade isnt a bad option either.

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Superman: American Alien #1

Nov 16, 2015

Landis definitely had a specific vision in mind for this story, but that doesnt always mean that the material is good. In this case, American Alien shows promise; Max has the talent and is worth giving a few issues to find his voice. Since there will be a new artist on every installment, there is opportunity for this series to find its sweet spot. Some readers will like this comic more than others, but Superman fans should take the time and give this title a shot.

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Superman: American Alien #2

Dec 20, 2015

Unfortunately, this was an extremely disappointing follow-up. Again, the idea makes sense on paper, but the execution just didnt carry it out properly. There is no doubt room for some great young Superman stories, but this comic should make people weary of Landis future work on this mini-series. One doesnt need to break the mold too much to tell a compelling, realistic story. Hopefully, issue three will take two steps forward from this.

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Superman: American Alien #3

Jan 17, 2016

Landis has taken a step in the right direction with this issue of American Alien. Readers should still be wary because it is by no means perfect due to some lines and story beats that seem out of character and/or forced. All the easter eggs were a bit unnecessary as well; he doesnt have to try to establish his geek cred by name-dropping characters like Bobby Milestone because the plot and story should be enough to establish that. The cliffhanger of the issue is extremely promising and definitely clinches whether one should pick up issue four or not. Heres to keeping fingers crossed, hoping the book delivers on the promise! In the meantime, give this one a shot. Its nothing exemplary, but its a nice little Superman story.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #30

Jan 29, 2014

This continues to be a story of reflection and introspection. Seeing the turtle team cope with their internal conflicts is just as stimulating as their physical fights. Be prepared for big things to come pick this book up!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #31

Feb 25, 2014

This series continues to be one of IDW's gem properties. If you aren't reading it already, get on it!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #32

Mar 12, 2014

This is the conclusion folks! Don't think about it, just pick this book upthat is all.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #33

Apr 22, 2014

The series continually impresses, TMNT fans should not miss an issue. New readers should pick up the past trades and catch up!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #34

Jun 4, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues to be a strong, fun title for IDW. The imaginative interpretations for fan-favorite characters and how they fit into the current run is always a treat! Next month Slash and Hob returnCan't wait!! In the meantime, pick up #34!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #36

Jul 16, 2014

This feels like a landmark issue in the TMNT run. It's well written; a new character is introduced; a new alliance is forged; with tone-perfect artwork – one can't ask for much more in a single comic! Pick up issue #36, it affirms why people dig what IDW is doing.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #37

Aug 12, 2014

If the decision is to spend money on a matinee for Jonathan Liebesmans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or this comic you best be laying that cash on the counter of your local comic shop! Its an enthralling read that is worth every penny.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #38

Sep 30, 2014

This is another solid entry in the mainTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles run. The book plays catch-up for several subplots and furthers the current story arc to what will no doubt be an extraordinary conclusion. Absolutely worth the purchase.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #41

Dec 9, 2014

TMNT fans will be tickled pink with the direction the comic is heading. IDW has yet to disappoint and it looks like that wont happen anytime soon. This is part one, so its best to be in on the ground floor, pick this book up, because it can only go up from here!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #44

Mar 17, 2015

This is the conclusion to the storyline, so readers just jumping on board may want to wait for the trade, but, considering how good it has been, picking up the single issues may be better. TMNT fans will be satisfied and shocked with this issue, I cant stress how important this particular issue is pick it up!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #46

May 26, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is still one of IDWs flagship titles and absolutely earns its place there. The entire creative team is running on all cylinders, heading towards a powerful conclusion. These folks know these characters inside and out and have a deep passion for them, which pops right off the page. One cant ask for more.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #47

Jul 3, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues to be brilliant comic. With action, heart and wit, this comic stands up against the best. Fans, please continue supporting this title and the mini-series associated with the main title because everything is interconnected and ultimately serves a purpose in the overall story of the heroes in a half-shell.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #48

Jul 28, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hasnt skipped a beat yet, this continues to be one of IDWs best titles. Pick this up and be sure to pick up the miniseries Casey and April that is being released concurrently. It, as with every side series, ties in with the overall excellent storyline.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #49

Aug 18, 2015

Continue(s) to show their readers how well they know these characters and what a true Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story is5Perfect!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #50

Oct 6, 2015

This is an all-around dynamite issue. Long-time fans will be extremely happy and probably a bit sad at the same time due to the heavy nature of the material. It's amazing how serious this franchise is being treated by IDW; it shows how passionate these creatives are about the characters and the world. The first 50 issues and the mini-series have been wonderful"So here's to another amazing 50!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #51

Oct 28, 2015

Despite this being a new arc, it is not recommended that the casual reader try to jump on. Now, some may want to andit's certainly hard to be against newcomers trying to enjoy this brilliant series, but going back and reading the past trades will definitely provide the necessary context. This issue establishes the new status quo in strikingly good fashion. Its exciting to see where the next 50 issues will go now.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual: 2014

Aug 19, 2014

This comic was not for me, I powered through it since Im a fan. Other readers will love this annual just for Kevin Eastmans work alone. It all just depends on ones tastes and sensibilities. The story is almost self-contained, so it isnt exactly crucial to the overall storyline, at least not yet. If you are a completionist, though, and want to know everything going on in IDWs TMNT-verse, then pick it up.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #4

Jan 27, 2015

This book concludes the storyline, so those already up to date will pick this up. Those just hearing about it, should try to find the other three back issues or just wait for the trade. Fans of either property will be pleased! Im sad to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters come to an end.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #4

Sep 22, 2015

Unfortunately, this has been the weakest of the side stories. Fans should only buy this if they want to keep up with the storyline. Now, some may find the focus on April and Casey cute or interesting, if so, by all means, pick this series up. Considering this is the last issue, it may be a good idea to wait for the trade though.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #1

Feb 25, 2015

Turtles readers know by now that the mini-series do tie in heavily with the overall storyline, so picking this up is a no-brainer. Just know going in, that its not perfect. Fans of the new mutanimals will enjoy this immensely, hopefully Slash will get a little more love as the story unfolds. Sticklers for chronology should to read TMNT #43 first, but this first issue is fairly self-contained.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1

Jun 17, 2014

Fans need to pick up this title! This is a vibrant, fun book and there are only three more issues left. Short and sweet, it's a win-win folks.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #2

Jul 22, 2014

This was a powerful follow-up to the lighthearted premiere issue. This is the type of TMNT story that people remember. The art team also adds some unorthodox elements that give the comic a little more spice. For fans, this is must read and for those who are just getting into the IDW TMNT-verse, this is a solid stand-alone story.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #3

Aug 27, 2014

This issue is by far the best of the three to date; brilliant artwork with a solid story that meshes perfectly with the established mythos. This is a must-have for any Ninja Turtles fans…you wont be disappointed!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #1

Jan 22, 2014

If you are fan of IDW'sTMNT titles then definitely pick this up! The side stories that have been released in the past have not disappointed and this one seems to be right on point.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #3

Mar 19, 2014

This mini-series was only three issues; there is no reason why any TMNT fan should not pick this up. It not only gives great insight into some of the villains, but also sets up what is to happen next in TMNT comic-verse.

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Tekken #1

May 3, 2017

Overall, this inaugural issue of Tekken is mediocre. Again, this comic may resonate more with young readers and/or fans of the franchise, but, as it stands, there just doesn't seem to be a whole lot of substance for the regular comic fan.

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Terminator: Sector War #1

Aug 26, 2018

Overall, this series is off to a fairly strong start, just like the main character. This creative team is doing its best to honor the source material, but not be beholden to it. Science fiction is a genre meant to allow for the creative freedom to comment on our present world and its issues and, so far, Sector War is accomplishing just that.

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The Armory Wars, The: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #1

Apr 6, 2017

This is the first issue, so it's expected to have quite a bit of exposition. Luckily, the creative team is able to deliver a truly immersive comic. It may be difficult to grasp the mythos surrounding the plot, but it's easy to fall down the rabbit hole. Fans will be pleased, just be aware there really isn't any action in this particular book. Newcomers, check out the past three series (it may be hard to find the first two) and catch up. Amory Wars is back and ready to ignite its readers.

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The Dead Hand #1

Apr 10, 2018

There is passion, talent and skill embedded within every page and, nothing feels inconsequential.

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The Empty #1

Feb 12, 2015

This is the premiere issue, so it shouldnt be judged too harshly. There are clear negatives with this title, but it does show promise. It warrants at least a couple issues to develop and allow Robinson to round out the rough edges.

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The Empty Man #1

Jun 10, 2014

The story content in this issue mainly gave an overall view of the impact the disease has made on the populace and what it's capable of. Even if this was a little monotonous at times, the concept and visuals kept the material riveting. The two investigators that are introduced are not specified as being either with the CDC or FBI, so some little details fall to the wayside, but hopefully as the plot progresses these elements will come to the forefront. The last page just leaves one in total confusion and begging to see what happens next. The Empty Mandelivers, even with some confusing artwork, and horror and/or mystery comic fans will undoubtedly be intrigued and hooked by this book.

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The Empty Man #2

Jul 9, 2014

This is a book to stick with! It has a fairly gripping plot, from what little has been given. Rarely do we a see a dark investigative procedural comic that isn't some homage, so for that fact alone, giveThe Empty Mana shot.

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The Empty Man #5

Nov 5, 2014

Readers who are invested in the story so far have absolutely no reason to stop. Not only are there only two comics left, but this issue delivers in tone and content. I cant wait to see how all this ends or maybe it will be so grim Ill regret my enthusiasmonly time will tell.

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The Goddamned #1

Nov 15, 2015

Without a doubt, The Goddamned is a fascinating comic book with a lot of potential. Image continues to take chances and diversify the type of stories they publish. This is definitely not a comic for a young readers, so please be aware of that. With that caveat in mind, this is definitely one of the highlights for this week. Go pick it up!

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The Last Fall #1

Jul 18, 2014

This was such a missed opportunity Waltz and the art team seem to have hit their stride in the closing panels, perhaps the next issue will be a step-up. It's worth a shot to see if issue two continues the upward trend.

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The Last Siege #1

May 23, 2018

The Last Siege appears to be one of those Image titles that isn't quite up to par with the majority of the books published under this banner. Again, the concept works on paper, but the final product on paper is totally different story. Readers who want to read a comic in this genre and aren't picky, then, by all means, pick this comic up. For those who want a book with a little substance, be wary of this title, appearances can be deceiving.

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The Legacy Of Luther Strode #4

Jan 21, 2016

This latest issue continues the utterly entertaining and fascinating tapestry that is Luther Strodes story. The entire creative team is working on all cylinders. As the series draws to a close one may become a little misty eyed, but fear not because the creators will not let this wonderful comic go out without a bang! Fans should absolutely continue picking the series and those who are new to the book or are behind need to pick up the two past trades. This is a legacy worth keeping alive.

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The Legacy Of Luther Strode #5

Mar 18, 2016

As one would expect from the closing moments in a series, everything that occurs is a game-changer. Thats the short and sweet of it. This issue is a gorgeous penultimate chapter that braces the reader for the long-awaited face-off with the progenitor of this turmoil. Thanks must be paid to this creative team for making their readership salivate with anticipation (myself included) for the conclusion in May. Consequently, they should be shunned for making them go through that anguish. One way to pass the time is re-read the past two series and all the singles in this one. They are a quick, fantastic read; this issue included!

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The Multiversity #1

Aug 22, 2014

I could sit here on my soapbox and preach the gospel of The Multiversity, but its better to live it. Pick up this post-modern comic and fall down the rabbit hole.

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The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1

Nov 22, 2014

Again, some will consider this a rip-off, but I strongly challenge readers to leave that bias at the door. This is by no means a perfect book nor does it reinvent the medium or genre, but it does explore ideologies and themes that are relevant to today, just as Watchmen did in the 80s. This is arguably the best installment in Multiversity to date. Absolutely worth the price point!

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The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1

Sep 19, 2014

This was a surprising treat! It is an excellent nostalgic work that will please many fans and may bring new ones to pulp comics. In style and substance this comic works on all cylinders. Cant wait to see where Morrison and his collaborators jump to next in the Multiverse.

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The Multiversity: The Just #1

Oct 27, 2014

This comic is a bit of a letdown considering it's from Grant Morrison. There are some great golden nuggets laden within the material, but they are just glossed over. This story would make for an excellent graphic novel or mini-series. Since this is the third issue in the Multiversity run, it's worth picking up, just don't expect to be blown away.

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The New Ghostbusters #7

Sep 17, 2013

I love the Ghostbusters franchise and this run in particular, but #7 was disappointing. Hopefully, the next couple issues will improve. Im keeping my fingers crossed and not the streams.

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The New Ghostbusters #8

Oct 9, 2013

The previous issue was a bit disappointing, but this follow-up put things back on track! Perfect timing because the Halloween storyline starts next month. Can't wait!

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The New Ghostbusters #9

Nov 5, 2013

The creative team make this issue worthy of being a Ghostbusters Halloween story. Its a strong start to this arc and builds the anticipation for the follow-up!

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The New Ghostbusters #10

Nov 27, 2013

If youre considering reading the current Ghostbusters run, now is the time! This is looking to be a great story arc and its only two issues in. Also, it looks like the Krampus will be in the next issue Cant wait!!

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The New Ghostbusters #11

Dec 17, 2013

There is so much fan service and plot in this book that there is something for everyone. This creative team knows what they are doing and this series is in very capable hands!

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The New Ghostbusters #12

Jan 29, 2014

The Ghostbusters are heading into another “disaster of biblical proportions”, “real ‘Wrath of God' type stuff, dogs and cats living togetherMass Hysteria!” Can't freakin' wait!!

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The New Ghostbusters #13

Feb 25, 2014

I have to hand it to Erik Burnham, he totally knows how to blindside the reader. This seemed like a soft open to what is looking to be a potent storyline, but then he brings the rain. He knew exactly how to manipulate the audience, in a good way"brilliant pacing and writing!

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The New Ghostbusters #14

Mar 26, 2014

It is evident that this creative team is very passionate about this property, and that makes all the difference. That passion comes through in every panel drawn and word written. This issue may have felt slow, but stick with this series!

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The New Ghostbusters #15

Apr 29, 2014

Ghostbuster fans need to pick this up. New reader's may want to pick up the previous two issues to catch-up. Stick with this story, it's bound to be good.

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The New Ghostbusters #18

Jul 29, 2014

Despite this being an off issue, this creative team has earned enough trust that readers should stick with this series. There are plenty of Easter eggs in the background of panels, so keep an eye out for those! The cover for next month's comic seems to indicate that the story will be kicking things back into high gear. Count me in!

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The New Ghostbusters #20

Sep 23, 2014

This review may have come off as a little harsh, but I expect quality from the creative team on Ghostbusters. They incorporated numerous Easter eggs, blended elements from the all the animated series and films and finally gave readers a look at a sloars appearance! The passion and appreciation for the property is evident in every issue they put out, including this oneI just expected a little more. This is still a solid book and a decent end to an awesome run. Definitely look for these guys to come back in the four-part Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters crossover event!

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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #1

Oct 9, 2013

The fantastic artwork kept this book riveting, but it has to supplement the story, which sadly was lacking. Yet, I'm curious to see where the story goes. Count me in for the next issue!

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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #3

Dec 11, 2013

Shaolin Cowboy has shown improvement in issue three, but it still has long way to go to reach its potential.

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The Surface #1

Mar 11, 2015

What hinders The Surface is its inaccessibility to a general audience. Perhaps thats intentional? Also, considering how much material this creative team is trying to present, waiting for a new issue every month will hurt the overall impact. This book is worth checking out, but Id recommend waiting for the trade paperback release.

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The Wake #4

Sep 25, 2013

I was already a fan of Scott Snyders work and The Wake has made me become one of Murphy and Hollingsworth. This mini-series reminds me of Ridley Scotts film Alien (1979). The rig seems reminiscent of the ship, The Nostromo, and the story appears to have a heroine akin to Ellen Ripley. If Ridleys film is an inspiration, thats totally fine considering its one the greatest horror films ever made and this book is on the way to making its own mark.

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The Wake #5

Nov 20, 2013

The creative team is able to blend the horror, science fiction and action/adventure genres together and use the conventions of each properly and effectively. A perfect balance. Experiencing Snyder and Murphy's work each month is truly a literary treat!

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The Wake #6

Feb 27, 2014

If you havent read Part One yet, buy it and catch up. The first five issues have already been collected in a special edition. This is such a brilliant issue that reinvigorates the series. The Wakeisdefinitely one of Vertigos strongest titles.

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The Wake #7

Mar 26, 2014

Issue #7 continues this tour-de-force series and with a such a compelling cliffhanger, there is no reason for readers to pick this issue and the next up!

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The Wake #8

May 8, 2014

This is issue eight folks, there is absolutely no reason why anyone should stop reading this book. It's a wonderful genre comic.

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The Wake #9

Jun 6, 2014

The Wake continues to deliver stellar work and the thought of this ride ending next month is just depressing. Come on Vertigo, let's see some spin-off stories!

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Think Tank: Fun with PTSD #1

May 16, 2014

This comic was such a surprise! I highly recommend it and a percentage of each issue purchased goes to the Wounded Warrior Project. You will get a good read and contribute to a worthy cause. This is a no brainer folks!

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TMNT Villain Microseries #6

Sep 12, 2013

This was an insightful side-story that progresses the ongoing City Fall story arc. With fantastic visuals to accompany this intriguing narrative, it is without a doubt a worthwhile, fun read!

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TMNT Villain Microseries #7

Oct 30, 2013

Weaver and Bates have presented TMNT readers with a fantastic new approach to old favorites. This issue provides some foreshadowing to how formidable Bebop and Rocksteady will be against the Turtles. I definitely recommend picking this up!

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Tokyo Ghost #1

Sep 15, 2015

Even if this particular issue has a familiar premise, the amount of detail and attention paid to developing this story is incredible. A couple of pages from next months installment are previewed in the back matter and they look absolutely gorgeous. It shouldn't have to be said, but just in casepick up this book! This looks to be another amazing title in Images pantheon.

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Tokyo Ghost #2

Oct 25, 2015

Tokyo Ghost is on track to be another strong title from Remender. The ethos of the main characters is continuing to be a key element of the plot, as it should. Their pains and adversities really come off the page. In conjunction with the such artistic talents, this book is elevated even more. This is definitely a title worth the time and money. There are only two issues out now, so its very easy to catch up.

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Trees #1

May 28, 2014

This is comic is just a taste to massive world Ellisand Howard are attempting to create. 32 pages just arent enough or it's just enough to leave the audience drooling for more. Get on board folks this is gonna be an intense ride!

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Trees #2

Jun 23, 2014

Trees is still developing, but it looks to be a very comprehensive and in-depth story. Ellis knows how to maneuver and map out such a complicated plot structure and Howard brings a distinctive look and tone to the material. This creative team could very well have a groundbreaking comic on their hands. Im hooked and you should be too!

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Trinity (2016) #7

Mar 17, 2017

At first glance, this is a perfectly fine comic, but delve deeper and one will probably find issue with one or two things. Really that could be said for almost anything that is viewed critically, but when the reader has to go through a comic and needs to pause during the initial read and be taken out of the story, there is something definitely not right. There are good elements and moments in this issue, but as a whole, the book doesnt hold together.

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Underwinter #1

Mar 25, 2017

At first glance, this debut issue may be light and somewhat inconsistent, but Ray Fawkes is laying groundwork for what could be an excellent, dark journey into the unknown. The prologue and last page are, hopefully, the real taste of what's to come in forthcoming issues.Underwinter is worth checking out and allowing it a few issues to find its groove and delve deeper into what Fawkes is truly wanting to share with fans.

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V-Wars #1

Apr 29, 2014

V-Warswas a letdown on all fronts. There were some glimmers of hope, but the creative team better step-up their game if they want to stand out!

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Vampironica #1

Mar 12, 2018

Archie fans and some newcomers will find it agreeable, but expectations should be adjusted prior to reading the book.

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Venom (2018) #7

Oct 16, 2018

Overall, this was an interesting installment in Cates' run. As fantastic as his ideas are and his deftness with dialog and imagery, there seems to be some needed work in execution. This is a complete change of pace and, for that, is worth reading and thinking on. What was the team wanting to accomplish? Was it purely expositional narrative needing to be knocked out of the way to get to the meat of the arc? These answers may come with time, but even if they don't, this series is worth sticking with.

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Victor LaValle's Destroyer #1

May 30, 2017

Destroyer clearly has potential, it's a creation still trying to find its footing, so it's worth sticking with for at least a few issues. This comics wants to reach its readership; it has a voice yearning to be heard. It's evident the creative team isn't just trying to use a well-known intellectual property to make a name or buck for themselves and one has to respect that.

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VS #1

Feb 12, 2018

The entire team behind the book are able to tap into and deliver on that unspoken feeling with a comic that feels familiar, yet fresh at the same time. It walks that fine line of not being derivative, but influences are clear and readers will pick up on that and appreciate it. Image has presented another comic that has the potential to be a pillar of its medium and a representation of the times.

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Wayward #2

Sep 25, 2014

This is such a refreshing comic! I cant recommend it enough. Since there are only two issues out, there is no excuse not to give this story a shot.

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Wayward #3

Oct 30, 2014

Why cant this be a weekly comic!? Image is tapping into a corner of geek culture that oddly enough hasnt been explored enough. As of the current three issues released at the moment, Wayward seems to nicely fill that void. Count me in for issue four and onward!

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Wayward #6

Mar 24, 2015

Not only is this an enjoyable, beautiful comic, but educational as well. The cultural essays from Zac Davisson provide fascinating, informative insight into Japanese culture and society.This is one title I was dying to see return and this creative team did not disappoint. New readers should absolutely pick up the trade paperback of the first story arc and then follow-up with this issue.

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Wayward #9

Jun 25, 2015

This comic continues to be a breath of fresh air in Images line-up. It can honestly be said that there isnt an American comic like it. Its educational, entertaining, emotional and gorgeous. This creative team has earned enough credit in only nine issues that they have created a massive fan base alreadyand with good reason. Pick up this issue or catch-up, either way readers wont be disappointed.

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Wayward #11

Nov 17, 2015

Theres a reason that this series has made it to 11 issues. The team has tapped into a story that pleases so many different audiences and can go down so many plot avenues. Also, the comic not only serves to entertain, but educate via subtext. All around,Wayward continues to be one of Images best and most refreshing titles.

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Wayward #15

Apr 3, 2016

The ending of this third arc opens the world ofWaywardto some fascinating possibilities! JimZuband the rest of the creative team have been able to build this story well and develop intricate, identifiable characters. Readers who havent tried or picked up this book are doing themselves a serious disservice. One doesnt have to know a lot, if anything, about Japanese culture. One the stand-out aspects of the comic is not only that its easily digestible, but cultural context continues to be provided via the essays in the back matter of every issue. Written by the clearly knowledgeable Zack Davisson, the articles provide detailed information about Japans culture and society that pertinent informationto the specificissues content. It almost goes without saying, but just to be safe, there really is no reason to notcheck outthe stellar comic that isWayward.

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We Stand On Guard #1

Jul 1, 2015

Even if this was a scathing review for We Stand on Guard, Brian K. Vaughn has such a loyal fan base that it wouldnt matter. The book will no doubt sell well. The real test is how will the next two to three issues fare? Despite a familiar premise, this comic does have promise. Readers should give this series at least four to five issues to really get its feet wet. Also, this book is 40 pages for $2.99 you cant beat that!

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Web Of Venom: Ve'Nam #1

Sep 5, 2018

Despite the several criticisms presented in this review, Ve'nam is a solid comic book, but it doesn't quite live up to the expectations Cates has created for his Marvel work as of late. The artwork more than lives up to material, but it's in service to the story, so ultimately the work still suffers. This content deserved to have a mini-series devoted to it. There was so much to explore and readers are only given a taste, but perhaps fans will be rewarded one day with the missions of the sym-soldiers...

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Web Of Venom: Carnage Born #1

Dec 3, 2018

The second tie-in one-shot to Donny Cates' current wild run on Venom focuses on one biggest villains in the Marvel Universe and, obviously, Eddie Brock's...Carnage. Yes, Cletus Kasady has, once again, miraculously escaped death (a theme explored in this very issue) because it's comics.

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Wolf Moon #1

Dec 4, 2014

I am pleased to say that Wolf Moon is on track to be another fascinating addition to the mythology. Readers who love supernatural comics, thrillers or just some gore will dig this title.

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Wytches #1

Oct 9, 2014

This title is, no doubt, on its way to becoming a piece of iconic horror literature. Wytches will not only please fans of this genre, but any comic book reader eager to find a story that keeps them in suspense. This purchase is a no brainer! Make sure to pick up the preview on Comixology if possible as well.

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Wytches #2

Nov 12, 2014

Wytches #2 continues to deliver gold by striking fear. This creative team knows how to the use the ingredients of the genre to their potential and the end result absolutely shows. This series is only two issues in, so there is no reason not to pick this up!

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Wytches #3

Dec 15, 2014

Some may see this issue as being a little slow or off its game, but I challenge readers to try to look at the bigger picture. Viewing this issue as a part of a whole, provides it with perspective. The time the creative team is spending developing the atmosphere and characters will ultimately serve what its viewership is cravingpure horror.

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Wytches #6

May 21, 2015

Wytches continues to be a solid read and this is only the conclusion of the first act. Those already invested have no reason not to pick this issue up. This creative team continues its powerful collaboration to great effect, even if one can see how this story will end. Readers will find solace in knowing that the plot can go in so many directions after this!

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X-Men: Grand Design #1

Dec 25, 2017

X-Men Grand Design truly is the whole package and so is the man behind the work, Ed Piskor. ...Ed Piskor clearly loves the X-Men and he is paying it forward 100 fold.

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