The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? #1
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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? #1

Writer: Geof Darrow Artist: Geof Darrow Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: October 9, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 1
7.6Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

The Shaolin Cowboy returns, but nowhere in sight is there a dead Robin, any infinity gauntlets, or a single conquering Ultron-just flat-out action, intrigue, and plenty of roadkill. Geof Darrow's slow-talkin', kung-fu-gripping hero proves once again, in this brand-new new series, that the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a chainsaw!

  • 10
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar Oct 14, 2013

    I cannot wait for issue #2 and ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE who likes kung-fu, cheeky humour, over-the-top action and beautifully detailed artwork " you need to stop reading and go read this book. Immediately. Or sewer gators will bite your arse next time you go… (well no, but if it helps motivate you, I'm cool saying it!) Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Culture Mass - Joshua Eubanks Oct 9, 2013

    Shaolin Cowboy brings its unique brand of humor and action to a wider audience at last. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Oct 10, 2013

    To sum things up: If love great art, irreverent humor, or fun in general, buy this comic. If you don't like any of those things, then I hear there's a new issue of Catwoman coming out soon. Just wait for that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Sean Tonelli Oct 9, 2013

    Action packed, expertly plotted and jammed with detail, The Shaolin Cowboy #1 is bound to create some new die-hard fans, this reviewer included. Now where do I get those back issues?! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Oct 8, 2013

    None of it matters because The Shaolin Cowboy is incredibly odd, incredibly dense, incredibly thrilling in a way that gives me a small little high every time I read an issue of this series. Yeah, this comic's back after way too long and for those of us who remember it, yay! an amazing comic is back. But for those of you who never read Shaolin Cowboy " well, goddamn, you're a lucky motherfucker, you know that? Because you'll feel this rush completely fresh. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Oct 10, 2013

    New readers can pick this up, but it might not be to every reader's taste. It's over the top and wonderfully strange, not quite like most comics around. It's the first issue in almost a decade, so it's nice to see things picked up again. If nothing else, the art is worth the price of the book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lindsey Morris Oct 9, 2013

    It's the little things that make this book great, so if you're a sucker for the finer things (get it?), then this is the book for you. Who needs dialogue with so much to look at? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Crux - Chris Lear Oct 10, 2013

    Written and drawn by Geof Darrow (Hard Boiled) with colours by Dave Stewart (just about everything), The Shaolin Cowboy #1 begins with two of the most glorious pages of prose covering more story than most comics could hope to in their entire runs. Jokes about Obamacare, twerking, and breakfast cereal abound. I bet you never thought you'd see Obamacare, twerking, and breakfast cereal used in the same sentence. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Adam Kelly Oct 9, 2013

    There's a lot to like about The Shaolin Cowboy. It's whacky, over-the-top, and at points laugh-out-loud funny (for example, the one satellite's name is CHENEY666). If you don't enjoy this book, you're already dead. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Oct 9, 2013

    When it comes down to it, the reason you bought this comic is right there on the cover: the gory, dirty detail of Geof Darrow. The man can draw, to say the least. Most of this issue takes place in a barren desert and he still fills it with an unparalleled amount of detail. There's some chainsaw on zombie action, with a promise of more to come. There's a car full of dudes whose jerkiness jumps right off the page. My favorite image though, the one that really sells this comic, is the one of a giant satellite. It's beautiful in its ugliness, which kind of sums up this entire comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 9, 2013

    The only downside to "Shaolin Cowboy" #1 was that things are just finally kicking into high gear when the issue comes to a close, but with more issues around the bend, readers should be in for a fun time. Hopefully sooner or later, we'll also see some collections of the original material -- and if so, I'd like to place my request now for an oversized hardcover edition, please. If there's an artist whose creation deserves to be seen that large, it's Darrow. Until then, though, I'll just keep staring at what we've got. It really is something else. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Charles Joy Oct 8, 2013

    The return of theShaolin Cowboyin this new series brings a different kind of hero. No tights, no flight, no nonsense. Just kung fu and chainsaws – oh, and zombies. If any of this twerks your interest, this just may be the book for you! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Forrest Hollingsworth Apr 19, 2017

    Darrow’s art speaks for itself in the visually stunning return to Shaolin Cowboy. Unfortunately, the writing and over-the-top social commentary don’t keep up the pace – instead offering more than their fair share of eye-rolling and that’s a shame. Stay for the art, leave the words to the side, thinking of them merely as a means to an end and you’ll find a lot to enjoy here. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Oct 9, 2013

    The fantastic artwork kept this book riveting, but it has to supplement the story, which sadly was lacking. Yet, I'm curious to see where the story goes. Count me in for the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Zackery Cote Oct 9, 2013

    The large body of text that makes up the actual storytelling aspect of the comic, and which is also filled with inanities that are seemingly wholly irrelevant to the rest of the plot, writes a check that the comic is simply unable to cash. There is a great deal of satirical, sardonic treatment of modern pop culture and society, but with the exception of the Dead Rising reference, there isn't much that is actually accomplished. No statement on society is made, and no progress is experienced. It would be the equivalent of Stephen Colbert showing a clip from previous news stories that makes said story seem ridiculous, but then not making any statements of his own afterwards. Perhaps when this comic series actually starts going places, it will make amazing, progressive strides, but from what I'm seeing in the first issue, it's simply a mess of muddled social and political jabs. Read Full Review

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