As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!
Batman: The Red Death #1 proves a thrilling Elseworlds adventure. Fans who enjoy the monthly The Flash comic will want to pick this one up to see their favorite creators spinning a darker sort of story with the same characters. And it goes without saying that this is essential reading for everyone following the Dark Knights: Metal saga. Read Full Review
The issue is a great start for the Dark Multiverse spin-offs and we're excited to see what else is in store for the Red Death! Read Full Review
Coming out the other side of the issue, I want more of this nightmarish Dark Multiverse. No matter what happens at the end of Metal, this issue alone has me wanting to see DC explore these worlds more and give us the dark twisted versions of our heroes I never knew I wanted. Read Full Review
Okay, it's not 100% essential, but Batman: The Red Death is an exceptional one-shot and a title you shouldn't be ignoring. Go buy it. Now. Read Full Review
Batman: The Red Death #1 is horrifically beautiful. I love Red Death's origin-- it's so dark and brutal that it plays out like a horror story. It's the epitome of being metal and I can't wait for more of these special one-shots. Read Full Review
So far, Metal has delivered big time and this makes for another exciting Metal tie-in. This has been some of the best DC reads since Rebirth started. Dont miss out on this one. Read Full Review
Batman: Red Death starts off the string of one-shots strong and sets a high bar for the rest of the artists and writers to follow, which is the best thing a reader can hope for. This book comes highly recommended. Read Full Review
On point writing by Josh Williamson and a beautifully drawn battlefield by Carmine Di Giandomenico has me eager to check out the other 6 tie-in issues for this Metal series. That ending?! This issue finally gave us some concrete answers to Barbatos' grand plans for the multiverse, so I'm deservedly going high on this score. Read Full Review
This story features a twisted origin story and some great art. Batman The Red Death succeeds in feeling more like a elseworld graphic novel than a ordinary and unnecessary tie-in, which is what most feel like unfortunately. You can keep up with the main series without it, but it's good enough that you'll regret not reading it. Read Full Review
If youve been reading the Metal event so far, Id definitely check out this tie-in. It probably wouldnt make much sense if you havent read whats been going on in the main story line as of Metal #1 or #2, but Id say that if youve been liking the event, youd like this brief backstory into one of the many batmen in Metal. Read Full Review
Everything related to Metal has been absolutely stellar, and this book is the very best next thing to the main event itself. Read Full Review
Despite its status as a tie-in, it's hard not to recommend Batman: The Red Death #1 to anybody already following Metal. Its character work may be mostly inferred, but the large ideas that it touches on are grand enough that it's hard to leave the issue without thinking critically about the personalities of the DC heroes, or even of your own personality and how experiences are perhaps the only true contributing factor to a self. Read Full Review
If you are reading the Dark Nights: Metal books at all, get this now. The story and the art make this book worth owning by itself. Read Full Review
this book can basically be read cold and still be a fantastic read. Check out The Red Death! Read Full Review
Action packed and great to look at, this is the perfect superhero title for Halloween. Read Full Review
This Metal series tie in gives a glimpse how the Earth -52 Batman was seduced by Barbatos using Batman's promise to save Gotham City and the ones he loves. As for Bruce Wayne it show how really smart and intelligent this man in the DC Universe. Love the scenes of Batman new look as Red Death and his trail of hellish bats. Read Full Review
Snyder described Metal as not another crisis event but a sort of anti crisis Crisis. In the early stages it is living up to that description. It is a major event sure to rock, but not reboot the DC universe, and this chapter by Williamson is very worthy. Read Full Review
The fluidity and flourish of Carmine Di Giandomenico's art elevates Williamson's words to new heights. Together, the two can create a lively world from the darkest of pieces. The Dark Universe concocted by the mad science of Snyder gets defined further by the current keepers of The Flash. Together, they craft an engaging story that sends both Barry and Bat through hell…and back again. Read Full Review
This is a great one-shot that fits nicely into Dark Nights: Metal while setting the standard for the other upcoming one-shots. If you have not been reading Dark Nights: Metal, don't let that shy you away from this issue. I feel there is enough here that the reader would really enjoy the story and not feel lost. The fast pace of the story is driven by the energetic art style. If this is what we can expect from the tie-ins, then I look forward to the rest of them" especially Batman: The Dawnbreaker. Read Full Review
Joshua Williamson hooked me from the first panel, and the story and action kept me breathlessthrough right to the end of the book. The artwork from Carmine Di Giandomenico, on the other hand, was an uneven mess. In some panels it was fantastic, in others it was purely sketchy, and in yet others it was completely derivative of other books (you can even detect the stylistic changes carried across in the swipes). That's whatkeeps me from rating this book a full 5 out of 5.And yet, with all that, I loved reading this book, which owes almost entirely to Williamson's storytelling process and the overarching idea of the series. I'm definitely going to be checking out the rest of METAL from here on in. Read Full Review
Those looking for new insights into Metal will only really get anything from the lead-in explanation I recited above. Beyond that, this is just a fun little diversion about Bat-Flash from Metal #2. I can still recommend it though. Its a cruel yet fun read, and you should give it a look if that sounds appealing to you. Read Full Review
Aside from a few pacing issues, this origin tale impressed me and has me even more excited for the upcoming one-shots. Based on the strength of this issue, I hope DC markets these one-shots more aggressively. The story was fresh and creepy, and the art was stellar. Read Full Review
This one-shot does a good job of establishing the Red Death as a pretty credible villain, and that's an accomplishment in of itself. Read Full Review
Batman: The Red Death #1 is an excellent companion to the Dark Nights: Metal event. Joshua Williams and Carmine Di Giandomenico set the tone for all the rest of these Dark Nights: Metal one shots. They did a great job developing The Red Death's origin through the battle between Batman and Flash from another Earth. That battle made The Red Death version of Batman a character I look forward to following in Dark Nights: Metal. Read Full Review
While this book doesn't really add much to the narrative of Metal, it was still a welcoming distraction to the fact that Scott Snyder's next issue won't be out till October 11th. Read Full Review
DC are definitely ramping up the stakes across their books, with various heroes dealing with Rebirth repercussions, a darkness encroaching that may not be just about the Dark Night falling and of course there is a certain Doomsday Clock on the horizon. With so many big ideas there comes the risk of a drop in quality, over saturation of the market (have you seen how many tie-ins books accompany the main book?). Still, this is the course we are on and we are have to put out trust and faith in those that have entertained us, fortnight in fortnight out since the start of Rebirth. Read Full Review
"Batman: The Red Death" #1 is a fun Elseworld's style story presenting an interesting solution when everything in Batman's world goes horribly wrong. Read Full Review
This issue suffers from pacing issues"which is no fault to anybody on the creative team. I needed to see Batman's motivation for wanting to go on a murder spree explained more. I was expecting him to go back in time to prevent something terrible from happening based on his motivation. Pacing issues aside, this felt like a Metal story from beginning to end, especially with the art. I would love to see this story revisited with a second issue, or perhaps as a longer graphic novel. Giving Williamson more pages to work with would have fixed most of the problems with this issue. I'm calling it now though, The Red Death Batman will be a factor in saving the day"Barry Allen is part of him and that means something. Read Full Review
Batman: The Red Death is an interesting concept that introduces us a new idea of Batman that fights crime with Speed Force. The idea might be grant, but the character here seems too one-noted for me to care about. Hopefully the next Metal tie-ins will be better. Read Full Review
After looking forward to the start of the Dark Knights one-shots, this issue has me down a bit. The Red Death looked cool and the dialogue throughout the issue was good, but the motivations and the confusing nature of the Dark Multiverse worked against what should have been a better start. Read Full Review
The tone is dark. The plot takes a little while to get where it is going. Still, a pretty fun read. Read Full Review
An interesting world, and one I wanted more time to develop. Without that time, it leaves you a bit more shocked, which makes things difficult for you to process. Read Full Review
Williamson struggles with landing any of his plot points here, and unfortunately focuses most of his time and attention on the most uninteresting aspect of the entire issue. The narrative takes way too long to introduce Red Death, and when we do see him, we barely get any time to understand how terrifying he actually is. If the point of these one-shots is meant to establish these characters and instill fear, then this issue fails to do so. If anything, I walked away from this chapter extremely cautious of what's left for us. Read Full Review