Edgar Rubio's Profile

Joined: Sep 06, 2017

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman: Universe #6 Dec 4, 2019

DC should give Bendis a chance with more Batman stories. I know we're living in an era of dark books, especially for the Bat, but this light-hearted story was great and Derrington's art was on point.

Batman: Universe #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Nick Derington
Released: Dec 4, 2019

Available to comics shops for the first time! In the conclusion to Brian Michael Bendis and Nick Derington's DCU-spanning saga, Batman's mind is trapped in the unlikeliest of places- inside a White Lantern ring! That would be bad enough, but his physical body is stuck on Earth, completely vulnerable to attack from his enemies. Good ...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman #51 Jul 18, 2018

This is a good issue, very interesting to say the least. I really hope they're going for the story behind Freeze's motivation. The art is really good too.
Now, I don't understand the recent hate for King's work. Yes, he kinda messed it up with the wedding, but his ideas remain solid and the flow of his panels remain untouched. His Batman will not be different from now on until #100, (if he re more

Batman #51

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Jul 18, 2018

The honeymoon's over for Bruce Wayne as Gotham City's most prominent citizen gets selected for jury duty in a chilling court case involving Mr. Freeze! Freeze claims the charges should be dismissed because Batman used excessive force; cue the outrage and media circus. While doing his civic duty, Wayne's forced to take a hard look at the Dark Knight...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Doomsday Clock #3 Jan 26, 2018

Johns is not trying to be Moore and that is a very good think. This is not Watchmen nor Justice League, but he's not disrespecting the lore. I live in México and not in a very big city within the country, which means it's rather hard and expensive to get printed first editions of my favorite books, but this story, along with White Knight is worth every damn cent.
It's a huge disappointment t more

Doomsday Clock #3

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Jan 24, 2018

The story takes a turn in the third chapter of this 12-issue series you never thought you'd see, from writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank.

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Edgar Rubio added Batman: White Knight to their pull list Nov 1, 2017

Batman: White Knight

In a world where Batman has gone too far, The Joker must save Gotham City.
He's been called a maniac, a killer and the "Clown Prince of Crime" but "white knight"? Never. Until now...
Set in a world where the Joker is cured of his insanity and homicidal tendencies, The Joker, now known as "Jack," sets about trying to right his wrongs. First ...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman: White Knight #2 Nov 1, 2017

As I was reading this issue, I thought: Is this what people felt while reading Watchmen or Killing Joke for the first time? Did they notice the classic instantly? Did we notice it with this book? Yes, to me, this is THAT good.

Batman: White Knight #2

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Nov 1, 2017

Public support for Batman dwindles and Gotham City's 99 percent rally around ex-Joker Jack Napier's crusade to expose decades of corruption within the GCPD. A proposition inspires new revelations about Harley and The Joker's past; and as Jack transforms into a hero of the middle class and takes extreme measures to mobilize a revolutionary army of s...

Edgar Rubio reviewed Teen Titans #13 Oct 26, 2017

I liked it. This continues to put this Robin as one of my favorite current characters, he's such a likeable asshole. By the way, Andolfo is not drawing this one, although she should; I've never been a big fan of Pham's art...

Teen Titans #13

By: Ben Percy, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Oct 25, 2017

"HARD TARGET"! Still recovering from the events of DARK DAYS: METAL, the Teen Titans decide they need a day off...but their plans are soon interrupted when the one and only Green Arrow demands that his younger sister Emiko join the team! Are the Teen Titans about to get a new member? Or will Emiko Queen be Damian's undoing?

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Edgar Rubio added Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) to their pull list Oct 26, 2017

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016)

"Dark Trinity" part one! When a turf war puts Black Mask in Red Hood's crosshairs, Jason discovers that the False Face Society is not what it seems, and that the organization is about to auction off a powerful weapon. As criminals from all over the globe descend on Gotham City, Jason must prove that he belongs amongst the city's worst in order to g...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman #33 Oct 25, 2017

Watching Bats kicking some villains in the face is nice, watching the Family coming together and saving the day is cool, too. But those little intimate moments like the one in this issue when Alfred is talking to the Robins is what I really love in the Batman comics.

Batman #33

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Oct 18, 2017

"A DREAM OF ME" part 1! Following his marriage proposal to Catwoman, Batman leaves Gotham City on a quest of renewal and redemption. As he travels and fights, he encounters members of his family-each disturbed by Batman's journey, each ready to stand in his way, each ready to push back against Batman's stubborn determination to evolve into somethin...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman: The Merciless #1 Oct 25, 2017

Francis Manapul should be doing a lot more, not only on DC but everywhere, his art is freaking fantastic!

The Merciless is nice, I enjoyed it a lot. This event is getting better and better, I can't wait for The Batman Who Laughs...

Batman: The Merciless #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Francis Manapul
Released: Oct 25, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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TheImageIsStrong - Oct 25, 2017

I couldn't agree more with this statement!

Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman: The Drowned #1 Oct 19, 2017

I liked this, a lot. I'd be interested to know the background of Bryce's life and the way she handled her villains before going crazy. By the way, Bryce Wayne is a hell of a name!

Batman: The Drowned #1

By: Dan Abnett, Philip Tan
Released: Oct 18, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Mister Miracle #3 Oct 14, 2017

Just as with King's other masterpiece 'Vision', I don't know where this is going, or what's the final goal. But the trail is so god damn interesting...

Mister Miracle #3

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Oct 11, 2017

The groundbreaking new series from the creators of The Sherriff of Babylon and BATMAN #14-15 continues. The insanity of war is the insanity of Mister Miracle. Darkseid and Orion's forces clash violently on the battlefields of New Genesis. Stained with blood and glory, the New Gods fight on. As they move closer to victory, Scott and Barda begin to s...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #3 Oct 11, 2017

I gave a 10 to Metal #1 and #2, so I guess this deserves an 11...

Dark Nights: Metal #3

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Oct 11, 2017

Superman is pulled into the mystery of the Dark Multiverse while the Justice League follows the trail to a weapon that could keep the forces of the Dark Multiverse at bay!


This might be my least favorite issue in the whole series. Still an enjoyable read, though.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #15

By: Scott Lobdell, Dexter Soy
Released: Oct 11, 2017

"Bizarro Reborn" part two! As Batwoman and her team close in on the infamous Outlaws, Red Hood and Artemis must figure out what to do about Bizarro, whose new war on crime has taken a dark turn-is this the end of the Outlaws as we know them?

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I'd describe this one as by the numbers. Worst Metal tie-in so far.

Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1

By: Sam Humphries, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Oct 4, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman: White Knight #1 Oct 4, 2017

I must admit I was one of those guys believing this would be mediocre, maybe just good, at best. I was wrong, so wrong. This is fantastic, words and pencils alike. I can't wait for #2

Batman: White Knight #1

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Oct 4, 2017

In a world where Batman has gone too far, The Joker must save Gotham City.
He's been called a maniac, a killer and the "Clown Prince of Crime" but "white knight"? Never. Until now...
Set in a world where the Joker is cured of his insanity and homicidal tendencies, The Joker, now known as "Jack," sets about trying to right his wrongs. First ...

Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman #32 Oct 4, 2017

King's most inconsistent arc within his Batman run ended with a bang. I loved this issue. Although I didn't like this Riddler, I sure loved this Joker. I'm not that confident on the future due to Selina's decision, but I trust Tom King can pull it off.

Batman #32

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Oct 4, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" finale! This is the finale everyone will be talking about for years to come! In BATMAN #24, we gave you the question; in BATMAN #32, you get the answer. As the Riddler and The Joker desperately fight for supremacy in Gotham City, Batman reveals how far he had to go to end the war. Now, knowing Batman's greatest sin, C...


It kept growing and growing with every page passing. This is amazing, I didn't think they could top The Red Death and they proved me wrong. The bar is so high now for The Dawnbreaker.

Batman: The Murder Machine #1

By: Frank Tieri, Ricardo Federici
Released: Sep 27, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Suicide Squad #26 Sep 27, 2017

Worst Tie-in in Metal so far. Thankfully is not really bad, just not as good as the previous.

Suicide Squad #26

By: Rob Williams, Stjepan Sejic
Released: Sep 27, 2017

A DARK NIGHTS: METAL tie-in! "GOTHAM RESISTANCE" part three! With realms dominated by twisted visions of Firefly, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, Scarecrow and Bane stretched out as far as the eye can see, the chances of saving Gotham City from the incursion of the Dark Multiverse are next to impossible. Which sounds like a job for the SUICIDE SQUAD! Harley ...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Super Sons #8 Sep 27, 2017

I didn't like it as much as the previous issues, but I understand this worked as a setup for what is coming... What I still love and was the reason I got hooked from the start with this story is the dynamic between Damian and Jon. They're both fantastic!
This is a just good number within a fantastic series, maybe my favorite in Rebirth so far.

Super Sons #8

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 20, 2017

"Planet of the Capes" part three! The Super Sons find themselves blasted across the cosmos to a weird world called Yggardis. As Superboy and Robin endeavor to stop this strange place's super-powered factions from killing each other, can a horde of ultra-powerful aliens, some sentient multiversal clay and a showdown with the villain Kraklow stop the...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman: The Red Death #1 Sep 26, 2017

Batman getting some Speed Force, becoming more evil as he stops bad guys. That's a cool idea, for sure...
Batman getting THE Speed Force THIS WAY, becoming a badass as he RIPS bad guys?. That's better, for sure.
Amazing issue!

Batman: The Red Death #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Sep 20, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Nightwing #29 Sep 20, 2017

Action packed is nice. Character packed, not so much. The Teen Titans Tie-in from last week was way better...

Nightwing #29

By: Tim Seeley, Paul Pelletier
Released: Sep 20, 2017

A DARK NIGHTS: METAL tie-in! "GOTHAM RESISTANCE" part two! One vanquished foe gives way to another, even worse threat as this crucial tie-in to DC's METAL continues! Hopelessly lost in a kingdom of snow and ice, our heroes are set upon by Mr. Freeze and his fearsome frost giants from the Dark Multiverse! But help arrives in the form of an at once f...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman #31 Sep 20, 2017

Very cool number. Not really smart, not really surprising, but very cool though. The art style keeps growing on me.
I must say that I never liked this "sad" Joker, but he fits here. The closure is near now, I hope King ends this arc with a bang...

Batman #31

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Sep 20, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part five! It's tough to beat the two biggest puzzlemakers in the world at their own game, and Batman's gambits have only pulled him deeper into the moral quagmire where the Riddler and The Joker do their dirty work. All of Gotham City hangs in the balance as Batman faces the ultimate conundrum: are brainteasers bette...

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Edgar Rubio added Teen Titans (2016) to their pull list Sep 13, 2017

Teen Titans (2016)

"Damian Knows Best" part one! Now that Damian has "summoned" the Teen Titans, the tyrannical teen reveals his master plan! But a great evil from Damian's past is lurking around the corner, ready to strike at the team's newest leader and destroy the new Teen Titans before they even begin!

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Teen Titans #12 Sep 13, 2017

Very nice tie-in, I read it just after I read Metal #2. To be honest, I like this Andolfo's art a lot more than the usual Teen Titans artist.

Teen Titans #12

By: Ben Percy, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

A DARK NIGHTS: METAL tie-in! "GOTHAM RESISTANCE" part one! The fight for Gotham City's soul starts here! When Robin receives a distress call from Nightwing urging him to return home, he discovers that Gotham City has been transformed into a mosaic of monsters, magic and doom! Trapped inside the Riddler's deadly maze with nowhere to turn, Robin soon...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #2 Sep 13, 2017

Very cool number, I think I liked it a bit more than #1 as this one was a bit simpler. I can't wait to see what those evil Batmen do.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

As Superman and Wonder Woman hunt for a missing ally, Batman investigates a mystery spanning centuries. When the World's Greatest Detective discovers a foe even greater than the Justice League could possibly imagine, will Earth's heroes be ready?

Edgar Rubio reviewed All-Star Batman #6 Sep 9, 2017

Mr. Freeze is one of the greatest comic book villains (when written properly). This is a perfect example of what to do with him. Amazing!

All-Star Batman #6

By: Scott Snyder, Jock
Released: Jan 11, 2017

"Cold to the Core"! Batman travels to Alaska to confront Mr. Freeze as he attempts to extract the world's oldest ice core and bring humanity to a new Ice Age! Powerhouse artist Jock joins Scott Snyder to bring you another of the Dark Knight's rogues like you've never seen him before.

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Edgar Rubio added All-Star Batman to their pull list Sep 9, 2017

All-Star Batman

"My Own Worst Enemy" part one! Superstar writer Scott Snyder explodes into an all-new Batman series alongside legendary artist John Romita Jr., reimagining some of the Dark Knight's greatest villains. First up: Two-Face! Batman must take Two-Face to a destination out of Gotham City, but the duplicitous villain has a two of spades up his sleeve. Eve...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Batman / The Shadow #1 Sep 8, 2017

Very good way to start a story; I always love when they show some unrelated villains just hanging out in Arkham having a "normal" day. I'm not familiar with The Shadow, but he looks really interesting. I don't know how it works when two writers work together, but this is a very coherent and simple story, I like it.
I'm not really interested in Orlando's work, but I'm a big fan of Scott Snyder more

Batman / The Shadow #1

By: Scott Snyder, Riley Rossmo
Released: Apr 26, 2017

Two of history's greatest vigilantes are reunited at last! Murder has come to Gotham City, and Lamont Cranston appears to be the culprit...but he's been dead for over fifty years! Batman will go to the ends of the Earth to unravel the mystery of Cranston's life, but the mysterious Shadow will do everything in his power to stop him from learning too...

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Edgar Rubio added Batman / The Shadow to their pull list Sep 8, 2017

Batman / The Shadow

Two of history's greatest vigilantes are reunited at last! Murder has come to Gotham City, and Lamont Cranston appears to be the culprit...but he's been dead for over fifty years! Batman will go to the ends of the Earth to unravel the mystery of Cranston's life, but the mysterious Shadow will do everything in his power to stop him from learning too...

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Edgar Rubio reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #1 Sep 6, 2017

I felt the very same thing while reading this that I felt while reading The Casting and The Forge: Scott Snyder is having fun with this!
He's been giving DC some quality comics over the last few years, it was natural that they give him back some freedom eventually, and damn he's delivering.
I feel that this is not Capullo's best work though, it's not at the same level as the writing. Is more

Dark Nights: Metal #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Aug 16, 2017

The superstar BATMAN team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo reunite for a massive, universe-spanning event!
DARK DAYS: THE FORGE and THE CASTING hinted at dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! Now, as DARK NIGHTS: METAL begins, the Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it co...

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