hello jess it's frank ?hihosilver I think I am in the right place re fom Albuquerque
A welcome entry into a character deserving of a spotlight, and Jamal Campbell seems ready for the task well done.
SUPERSTAR JAMAL CAMPBELL KICKS OFF AN ALL-NEW ZATANNA LIMITED SERIES! Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic, is back on tour! She's got her stage crew back together and is looking forward to a new, less chaotic chapter of life. However, her plans are disrupted before they even begin when her stage crew is abducted by a ghostly new adversary, The La...
Ignore what gabe says and enjot the book (=
Deep in the cosmos, an intergalactic inquisition descends upon Apokolips and New Genesis, carrying with it a sinister message: convert or be destroyed. Meanwhile on Earth, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, with their baby in tow, seek out the mysterious child spoken of in Metron's prophecy, desperate to find him before Orion does. Could this child--thi...
The table is set and Ram V, and Evan Cagle move this cosmic drama along with guest Federici making an appearance. It goes without out saying this new New Gods comic is a real looker, that embraces the idea that if you're going to tell stories about next level space gods, you should try your hardest to make them look different than the other books in distribution. This is an easy recommendation to more
Deep in the cosmos, an intergalactic inquisition descends upon Apokolips and New Genesis, carrying with it a sinister message: convert or be destroyed. Meanwhile on Earth, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, with their baby in tow, seek out the mysterious child spoken of in Metron's prophecy, desperate to find him before Orion does. Could this child--thi...
Absolute Wonder Woman is another sensational installment in what is already a treasured foray in the Absolute universe. Prophecy, Mythic clashes, and new enemies await as this tale unfurls. Thompson and Hayden build upon the legend of Wonder Woman in fantastic and unique ways. A great story deserving of it’s praise.
DIANA MAKES THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE! The Tetracide is "The Four Killer"...and Diana has done the unthinkable to escape its fatal grasp. The move may have saved her to fight another day, but the price Diana paid is more than she can stand to lose for the fight that's coming. She will need the help of her allies both old and new to recover what she ha...
This title works as a continuation of Kirby’s fourth world The New Gods Art is breath taking and Jesse lonergans art serves as a jarring reminder of the impending threat to the New Gods. Things slow down a bit with this issue but the imagery is still immaculate and Ram V captures the voices of all the moving cast beautifully.
A GREAT POWER HAS AWAKENED, AND THE UNIVERSE MAY NEVER BE THE SAME! Mr. Miracle has found himself at a crossroads. Presented with a terrible choice by his brother Orion, he must decide between venturing out to save a child he has never met--a new god made manifest--or stay home to raise a child of his own. Meanwhile, an evil awakens, driven mad by ...
This is as perfect a Wonder Woman rendition as I have seen since Kelly Sue’s Historia in that it captures the essence of what a Wonder Woman is. Thompson and Hayden show us just how effortlessly Diana befits the title of Wonder Woman. Art is phenomenal and the work speaks for it self. Just an absolute breath of fresh air.
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
The story continues in a brisk pace as Batman makes his presence known to his enemies and supporters. Snyder continues to color this new Gotham with various variations of iconic characters as new narrative possibilities begin to take root. Dragotta delivers a visual tour de force for one of the most unrelenting renditions of the dark knight I have ever seen. Mileage may vary but this is a bold andmore
SNYDER AND DRAGOTTA'S BRAND-NEW TAKE ON THE DARK KNIGHT RAMPAGES ON! Batman was born out of violence - a horrible tragedy that shaped the trajectory of his future. But when a vigilant MI6 agent starts tracking the lonely life of Bruce Wayne, he discovers the interconnectivity between a hero's shell life and the many layers of the Black Mask Gang. I...
Hey it's Lorin. My username is clitlicker69
hello jess it's frank ?hihosilver I think I am in the right place re fom Albuquerque
This book is worth its price on Art alone but, Going in this was known. Francis Manapul ups his game and goes cosmic and Hifi dazzles us with beautiful colors in an an awe inspiring tour de force of artistic splendor. So yeah I could go on, but my point has been made this is a pretty book. The story is always contingent on ones tastes so mileage may vary, however I loved the story I enjoyed the twmore
DARK NIGHTS: METAL left the DCU transformed in ways both terrifying and wondrous-and only the Justice League is strong enough to face the threats to come...or are they? Four giant beings comprised of the universe's major energies-Mystery, Wonder, Wisdom and Entropy-who sustain their life force by devouring planets are on their way to destroy the pl...
Really enjoyed this Second installment of Sideways it’s just fun and I find that Justin Jordan really makes the dialogue work he captures the youthful voice one looks for in these kind of books. and pairing him with Didio was a wise choice Since I don’t believe didio on his own could have managed to make this books as enjoyable. Kenneth Rocaforte is amazing and really makes this books 2.99 primore
Wrestling with the perils of a lost phone and a death threat from an extraterrestrial keeper of time and space known as Tempus Fuginaut, Derek James discovers that the life of a hero can land you in the hospital, especially when things go sideways.
As per usual one either loves Tom Kings take on Batman or hates it. That being said my review should indicate were I stand on the aforementioned topic. In this issue Ivy couples her abilities of botanical manipulation with the far reaching tendrils of the green to devastating affect. In essence Ivy in Ozymandian flare has won and so we venuture into this eerie premise wihich the world is at the bmore
"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?
Some parts were kind of funny. The art is great. But I nearly shat myself when about midway thru the story, there was that panel with the plot twist, it was that double splash page with Superman and "Bendis is coming"... I curled up into a fetal position and started crying. The true villain shows himself...
"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?
There's one thing that makes Tom King so, so different from other comic book writers - he knows how to write about normal, ordinary daily life. He doesn't try to create unnecessary soap opera drama, he doesn't give too much attention and relevance to otherwise irrelevant situations, and finally, he doesn't try to add faux depth where's none. I was often praising his portrayal of Selina, and her remore
"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?
Look, I get it, you hated the issue, you've commented about it under couple of reviews already. Let it go, it's just a comic, and that's just my subjective opinion about it, I'm not going to apologize for liking it, and furthermore, I don't believe day in the life scenes shown in it were meaningless, and contained no story. Quite contrary - they, in my opinion, show great chemistry between Bruce and Selina, which is one of the strongest things Bats' Rebirth run has to offer.
Hard to say, Ivy's plan may be somewhat similar to what happened in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad mini run, where she wants to fix the world by taking control over it, but it backfires. Absolute power corrupts absolutely after all. For now, I'd say she wants to heal the planet, but I really have no guess where it'll lead.
Answers. Many complain because King won't give us answers. Well, we know how Ivy's doing it. She controls the green in which is put in all things people eat. On burgers, in salad, you name it!
But Bruce references someone who appears to be basically allergic to greens named Johnny Suntres. And Ivy has hidden him somewhere. I did a quick google search to find NOTHING on this name other t more
"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?
This is an easier to read and quirky version of Morrison "meta." If you can't handle comics about comics, you won't like this.
"MILK WARS" part one! Welcome to the un-event of the year! Kicking off a line-wide adventure, DC's Young Animal collides with the DC Universe to bring you a different kind of crossover. The Doom Patrol has discovered that an interdimensional corporation called RetCo has been stealing stories, reconfiguring them and repackaging them for new markets....
Orlando and Aco really click on action scenes; this reminds me of my favorite parts of their Midnighter run. Way provides all the weirdness that has made the current Doom Patrol so great, too. I'm really, really happy with what this issue brought.
"MILK WARS" part one! Welcome to the un-event of the year! Kicking off a line-wide adventure, DC's Young Animal collides with the DC Universe to bring you a different kind of crossover. The Doom Patrol has discovered that an interdimensional corporation called RetCo has been stealing stories, reconfiguring them and repackaging them for new markets....
Doom Patrol 11 isn't publish than Milky War part 1 is. At least there is a sentiment of continuity between issue 10 & JLA/Doom Patrol.
Like always the story is completely lunatic but fun to read. Their is some part I have trouble with, but I hope issue 10 will explain that.
Love the Milkyman Man idea & his true legacy. Love the lobo of neighborhood watch ^^ ... A nice parallel between Ca more
"MILK WARS" part one! Welcome to the un-event of the year! Kicking off a line-wide adventure, DC's Young Animal collides with the DC Universe to bring you a different kind of crossover. The Doom Patrol has discovered that an interdimensional corporation called RetCo has been stealing stories, reconfiguring them and repackaging them for new markets....
I enjoyed MILK WARS Part 1 quite a bit. Steve Orlando has a certain chemistry with Aco that I haven't, yet, seen in any of his other work (unfortunately) . I can't help but think that I would have enjoyed this issue MUCH more if the core DOOM PATROL series was up to date. MILK WARS, obviously, continues from the current (late and unfinished) storyline going on in DOOM PATROL. I can't help butmore
"MILK WARS" part one! Welcome to the un-event of the year! Kicking off a line-wide adventure, DC's Young Animal collides with the DC Universe to bring you a different kind of crossover. The Doom Patrol has discovered that an interdimensional corporation called RetCo has been stealing stories, reconfiguring them and repackaging them for new markets....
Gerard Way is the best writer for this title
"MILK WARS" part one! Welcome to the un-event of the year! Kicking off a line-wide adventure, DC's Young Animal collides with the DC Universe to bring you a different kind of crossover. The Doom Patrol has discovered that an interdimensional corporation called RetCo has been stealing stories, reconfiguring them and repackaging them for new markets....
Milk Wars has one detraction against it in my eyes and that’s the fact that it spoils some of the central narrative of the Doom Patrol comic currently being published under the Young Animal line by Gerard Way and Nick Derington. This isssue is a nice middle ground for what one would come to expect form Way and Orlando. I must mention though that Aco’s herculean effort in illustrating The meetimore
"MILK WARS" part one! Welcome to the un-event of the year! Kicking off a line-wide adventure, DC's Young Animal collides with the DC Universe to bring you a different kind of crossover. The Doom Patrol has discovered that an interdimensional corporation called RetCo has been stealing stories, reconfiguring them and repackaging them for new markets....
Dan Abnett knows how to play the long game and Ricardo Federici delivers some fine work in his issue of Aquaman. As the conflicts that have been bubbling come to a head cards are they played and choices made. Come February Aquaman will be in an interesting place. Aquaman has been a good book better than expected and it continues to deliver for me. Great world building and dialogue.
"the crown comes down" part two! As Aquaman's resistance against King Rath gains momentum, a new kingpin of crime emerges from the Atlantean underworld-King Shark! But whose side is he on? He could be a powerful ally to the Undercurrent...or a dangerous new agent of evil!
Tom King and Mitch Gerard’s Mister Miracle is weird, and layered, it’s heartfelt, and insane. It’s as complex as the protagonist of this odyssey Scott free and big Barda. There is a lot going on. This issue in particular managed to both fill me with joy and dread in an instant. I am invested in this book despite its refusal to let a reader get comfortable with it’s narrative. All I have tmore
The hit miniseries reaches the emotional conclusion of its first arc! Scott Free returns to New Genesis to face his punishment, but instead finds the whole world has been flipped upside down. Mister Miracle and Big Barda battle their way through monsters and New Gods to get to the Highfather, but once they reach Orion's throne room, they learn that...
I will be totally honest. I didn't plan to take it. In fact I wanted to avoid it at all cost.
But I had to take another unexpected comics I didn't sollicited, so I tell myself Why not.
Why did I didn't want it you will ask me. Well in "Were are Robins" Duke was my least favorite character and frankly I didn't like the "Signal" codename. And one more batpeople, please ...
Ironically more
Batman may own the night, but with new villains emerging during the day he needs an ally to defend the city when he can't. Only one teen is up to the challenge, Duke Thomas. After months of training, he's ready to step out of the shadow of the bat to become his own kind of hero. Meet Gotham City's newest protector: The Signal! Spinning out of adven...
First things first I like this issue a lot, because it builds on everything that has transpired in Dukes Thoma's life in one fell swoop. This could have been accomplished through a recap sure but Snyder and Tony Patrick take it upon themselves to introduce the reader to Duke through an inner monologue and organic conversation spread through out this comic. It is an ambitious narrative approach witmore
Batman may own the night, but with new villains emerging during the day he needs an ally to defend the city when he can't. Only one teen is up to the challenge, Duke Thomas. After months of training, he's ready to step out of the shadow of the bat to become his own kind of hero. Meet Gotham City's newest protector: The Signal! Spinning out of adven...
I am a sucker for good art which Clay Mann delivers in spades. Tom King has been spoiled as of late with the veritable treasure trove of sensational artist he has gotten to work with. Now this issue delves into subject matter that many fan concoct in fanfiction a double date of titanic proportions. It's not for everyone but now a days I find that iit is better to spark conversations than go by themore
"SUPERFRIENDS" part two! Torn apart by betrayal, Batman and Superman try to find a way back to friendship, to trust. Both understand that the future of the DCU depends on this relationship; both understand that without the help of the other, their lives will fall apart. And yet, one is still the spoiled rich boy, and the other is still the naive fa...
The fun and crazy ride continues in issue #4. This one feels a bit like the weakest one though, even if not by much. The amount of material, cameos, story elements and characters the reader has to ingest is just insane at this point! It is an hard-to-follow event, but that's not the point. It's just mindless fun and overall crazyness, but it does feel heavy and meaningful at certain points. That'smore
The Justice League has been broken and scattered to the far corners of the DCU, each member forced to face their worst fears alone...and the fears are winning. When an unlikely ally reveals a glimmer of hope, they must seize their chance, or risk their window of opportunity closing for good!
I have no idea what the phuck is going on...but I like it. I'm gonna read it again after smoking a bowl.
The Justice League has been broken and scattered to the far corners of the DCU, each member forced to face their worst fears alone...and the fears are winning. When an unlikely ally reveals a glimmer of hope, they must seize their chance, or risk their window of opportunity closing for good!
The Justice League has been broken and scattered to the far corners of the DCU, each member forced to face their worst fears alone...and the fears are winning. When an unlikely ally reveals a glimmer of hope, they must seize their chance, or risk their window of opportunity closing for good!
The Justice League has been broken and scattered to the far corners of the DCU, each member forced to face their worst fears alone...and the fears are winning. When an unlikely ally reveals a glimmer of hope, they must seize their chance, or risk their window of opportunity closing for good!