Wrestling with the perils of a lost phone and a death threat from an extraterrestrial keeper of time and space known as Tempus Fuginaut, Derek James discovers that the life of a hero can land you in the hospital, especially when things go sideways.
Everything with Sideways feels very intentional, and it's clear that the creative team is giving their all to this kid. You should too. It's time to jump on the Sideways hype train. Read Full Review
Sideways is a light-hearted and beautiful work of art, never taking itself too seriously and even being slightly self-referential at times, making for a wholesome read. DC's New Age of Superheroes imprint is perpetually getting better as the weeks carry on with titles still yet to be released. Regardless of imprint, Sideways stands head and shoulders above the average comic book on sale. As this title pushes forward, readers can only expect more depth and development towards the larger aspects of the title in the months to come. Read Full Review
Writers Dan DiDio and Justin Jordan give Kenneth Rocafort a great story to illustrate. A funny and action-packed introduction for an intriguing new hero in DC's already-packed line-up. WhileSidewaysmight night become DC'sSpider-Man,he just might become a great superhero. Read Full Review
SIDEWAYS #2 by Kenneth Rocafort, Dan Didio, Justin Jordan, and Daniel Brown is a visual treat. New threats show up as we get to know the supporting cast better. Read Full Review
Sideways is a really good comic so far and this issue is strong, but needs a little more focus on the broader story. Read Full Review
The second issue of Sideways is showing the book is still going strong, and it looks like it could be a mainstay for DC, especially if the character work and its hero remain strong points. Justin Jordan, Didio, and Rocafort have managed to tap into something special here, delivering levels of fun on par with Super Sons. Check this book out and you wont be disappointed! Read Full Review
The events of Sideways #2 placed this new hero right where he needed to be on the crossroads of actions and consequences. They are going to catch up with him, and the only way Derek will win any sympathy from us is if there is more strength behind his intentions and motivations. Read Full Review
This book is finding its groove, and it just may have some legs to its story. Read Full Review
It certainly needs to pick up the pace a bit to really get going, but the characters are still likeable and the art is still good. Read Full Review
Sideways#2 feels like more of an origin issue (or key piece of an origin arc) thanSideways#1. The monologue from Derek's mom fills in details the readers didn't have. Villains get introduced. Rules and consequences to Derek's powers are hinted at. All that said,Sideways#2 still leads with fun and is a page-turner on that basis alone. Read Full Review
"Sideways" #2 adds a greater sense of ambition to the series' overall formula from an artistic and scripting standpoint. Read Full Review
Sideways squares up against Tempus Fuginaut! The fight leaves our hero in the hospital, where he is forced to face off against a new villain, Killspeed. Does Sideways have what it takes to be a great hero? Read Full Review
This issue lookspretty but there's not much to it. The story is unfocused and slightly tiresomealready and that shouldn't be the case with a book featuring such a promisinglead character. His list of supporting characters needs to be improved as well.The ending got me interested in the next issue so if you're following Eric'sthree issue rule, you've got one more before bailing. Read Full Review
The comic is still a little dry, but I don't have a problem with them taking their time to set things up.Sideways #2 showed us some good emotion, and I am excited to see the rest of the characters develop. The artwork improved for me in this issue and I look forward to the future of this comic. Read Full Review
Really enjoyed this Second installment of Sideways it’s just fun and I find that Justin Jordan really makes the dialogue work he captures the youthful voice one looks for in these kind of books. and pairing him with Didio was a wise choice Since I don’t believe didio on his own could have managed to make this books as enjoyable. Kenneth Rocaforte is amazing and really makes this books 2.99 price point worth it all on his own. I like how this books is slowly building up its story and cast I cannot wait to see what Grant Morrison does when he jumps on the book, but for now Sideways is an interesting chracter full of potential, and frankly I adore it.
This book has really improved over the first issue. The writing is very strong, story is compelling and fun, and Rocafort's art is worth every word of praise it gets.
Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.
When I read this, I can’t help but get a little bit of a Spider-man beginning “vibe”. Maybe it’s because of the outfit? Maybe it’s because he’s a kid? Maybe it’s the subtly humor here and there? But it’s great to see a new hero find it’s way but in a modern way; in current society, social living, as well as mannerisms of current teenagers, etc. It really is spot on in that sense.
We see Sideways escape the “monitor like entity” by falling to his doom... only to be saved by going through his portals on the way down and bruisin more
Strong follow up to a good start in issue #1.
Good dialogue and art. Story moves forward with really good pacing making this issue fun and easy read.
A good start for Didio/Jordan. All the new villains seem to be large. Unfortunately the initial premise in this comic goes nowhere by 5th issue and is abandoned by the 8th.
This is where the series starts becoming mediocre