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Joined: Aug 04, 2014

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Absolute Batman (2024) #2

Nov 15, 2024

The story continues in a brisk pace as Batman makes his presence known to his enemies and supporters. Snyder continues to color this new Gotham with various variations of iconic characters as new narrative possibilities begin to take root. Dragotta delivers a visual tour de force for one of the most unrelenting renditions of the dark knight I have ever seen. Mileage may vary but this is a bold and unapologetic take on a storied character and I am personally enjoying it.

Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) #3

Dec 26, 2024

This is as perfect a Wonder Woman rendition as I have seen since Kelly Sue’s Historia in that it captures the essence of what a Wonder Woman is. Thompson and Hayden show us just how effortlessly Diana befits the title of Wonder Woman. Art is phenomenal and the work speaks for it self. Just an absolute breath of fresh air.

Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) #4

Jan 23, 2025

Absolute Wonder Woman is another sensational installment in what is already a treasured foray in the Absolute universe. Prophecy, Mythic clashes, and new enemies await as this tale unfurls. Thompson and Hayden build upon the legend of Wonder Woman in fantastic and unique ways. A great story deserving of it’s praise.

Aquaman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

I am a fan Stjepan Sejic's Art so I am biased in that the art alone would justify the purchase of Aquaman #25. But when, coupled with Dab Abnett's prowess in telling compelling political dramas within the world of Aquaman we have a truly unmissable tale in my humble opinion. I have never quite gravitated towards Aquaman till Geoff johns and Dan Abnett sought to raise the profile of the character . I have enjoyed and sometimes loved this run. So far, this issue brings us to new depths and is a great jumping on point for those in interested in taking the plunge into Aquaman's world if nothing else the art will delight and Astonish. For fan like myself this issue is a perfect way to kick off this arc.

Aquaman (2016) #31

Dec 20, 2017

I haven't written a review in a while and I have been reading Aquaman due to the art mostly. I find that I am conflicted with my thoughts on this run. I will say, I began reading this book as a monthly, because Stephan Sejic elevated this titles story and made it a must; if not just to ogle at the visual marvel put forth. Stephan's Aquaman is unequivocally gorgeous and should be lauded in my opinion. However, Abnett provides a good if not slow movement of events. I supsect that the best way to enjoy this run is through an omnibus. Trade being the next best option I say this because Dan Abnett is not concerned with pushing the narrative. The story moves at a snails pace when experienced issue by issue, but damn it the art makes that wait unbearable. Ricardo Federici is a Fantastic addition as an artist, and again I find he makes Aquaman a must have visual feast. If only to experience the visual master class in display. If you have been on Aquaman from the beginning then you know my frustration of the deliberately slow Development of this tale. If you are new to Aquaman then this should be a treat for you as this is a fantastic point to get engrossed in the story. Come for the immaculate art and the slowly but well told story.

Aquaman (2016) #32

Jan 17, 2018

Dan Abnett knows how to play the long game and Ricardo Federici delivers some fine work in his issue of Aquaman. As the conflicts that have been bubbling come to a head cards are they played and choices made. Come February Aquaman will be in an interesting place. Aquaman has been a good book better than expected and it continues to deliver for me. Great world building and dialogue.

Batman (2011) #33

Aug 4, 2014

Beautiful art, sensational story this origin gets at the core of Batman. The finale is evocative and heartfelt this Book hits all the right notes and finishes this year long narrative in superb fashion. In my opinion this issue is worthy of a perfect score. I could not contemplate giving it any less.

Batman (2011) #47

Dec 14, 2015

Batman (2011) #51

Apr 27, 2016

A quiet issue that takes Batman full circle through the journey of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's sensational run the art is breath taking as always and the writing is quintessential Batman though it does seem the Batman that emerged from the Super heavy ordeal is bit more optimistic and slightly brighter he once was.

Batman (2016) #9

Oct 20, 2016

This is the best work Tom King has put forth in his stint writing the caped crusader. There were tons of references to older properties and characters. This issue opens with Bane revealing his necessity for Psycho pirate and continues forward with Mikel Janin illustrating a litany of old foes and heroes the creative team behind this work reintroduce former members of the infamous task force x whilst dropping a heck of a cling hanger that will require context. End of the day this was a very well done and I look forward to seeing how this plays out.

Batman (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

Tom King continues to rise to the occasion as Batman and Bane finally come to blows. This issue displays a great handle of Bane and the parallels he shares with the protagonist. Now as much as I like what King did in this issue the star of this book is Finch the art in this issue is fantastic it really elevates the work. I felt this great chapter in the I am Bane Arc.

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

Batman 20 is a perfect jumping on point in that it encapsulates everything that has lead to this final confrontation between Bane and Batman it shows everything Tom King has put into his first foray with Batman. It is emotional issue that captures Bruce's motivation the why of going out every night in the cowl. I would have preferred some more interesting choreography but overall David finch and King deliver a fine end to this year long saga to Save Gotham girl.

Batman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

The narrative plays out as a retrospective conversation between Claire and Bruce as they discuss why they choose to be heroic. In light of all that has transpired in Kings run taking a breath to process what the path forward should be is a nice reprieve. This issue is mostly exposition so it's not as action packed as what has preceded, nonetheless the actions taken by the caped crusader will be interesting to see. The aftermath of this story moving forward will be fun to watch.

Batman (2016) #37

Dec 22, 2017

I am a sucker for good art which Clay Mann delivers in spades. Tom King has been spoiled as of late with the veritable treasure trove of sensational artist he has gotten to work with. Now this issue delves into subject matter that many fan concoct in fanfiction a double date of titanic proportions. It's not for everyone but now a days I find that iit is better to spark conversations than go by the numbers. The moments are nice and interspersed with good humor we see how the the worlds finest and their significant others cope with the changing dynamic that Bruce's engagement presents. We see how Selena and Lois bond over their spouses and their quirks. I find that this issue stuck with me because moments such as the one presented in Batman 37 are few and far between. It shows to the promise of rebirth that even a cynic such as Bruce can find someone who loves him and gets him to enjoy the simpler things in life like a super hero themed carnival. This isssue is made all the more refreshing to me because of the ordeals Snyder and King have put Batman through it feels like Batman is changing and I am excited to see where this quest for happiness will lead the caped crusader.

Batman (2016) #42

Mar 8, 2018

As per usual one either loves Tom Kings take on Batman or hates it. That being said my review should indicate were I stand on the aforementioned topic. In this issue Ivy couples her abilities of botanical manipulation with the far reaching tendrils of the green to devastating affect. In essence Ivy in Ozymandian flare has won and so we venuture into this eerie premise wihich the world is at the beck and call of Pamela Isley. I can honestly say Tom King goes places I don’t expect and I am always surprised with what I get it’s not always good mind you. The dialogue is robotic at times yet there is always a rhythm to it. This has some moments that shocked me and I can honestly say this has been one of the more disorienting tales tales By King. Mikel Janin can do no wrong his artistic prowess alone is reason enough to get the book. Anyway looking forward to reading what comes next.

Batman and the Signal #1

Jan 3, 2018

First things first I like this issue a lot, because it builds on everything that has transpired in Dukes Thoma's life in one fell swoop. This could have been accomplished through a recap sure but Snyder and Tony Patrick take it upon themselves to introduce the reader to Duke through an inner monologue and organic conversation spread through out this comic. It is an ambitious narrative approach with mixed results. What we get is a very dense first issue that summarizes Duke's 5 year long journey into the chracter we see before us. This issue quite honestly is extremely new reader friendly if you didn't know who Duke was you will know him a quite bit by the end of the first issue. Cully hammer does a great job of grounding the story with his art. This issue also brings back some of the supporting cast previously seen with Thomas in other titles. Honestly I enjoyed this quite a bit; felt fresh and I personally look forward to seeing what this three issue mini has in store.

Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jun 14, 2017

I loved this book it took me by surprise a mystery at the heart of the DC universe. I had been craving a good mystery story and Dark days the forge delivers a narrative spectacle. The art is interspersed between different plot lines giving the encounters in the book a distinct look to better relay that the story points occur in different time periods or at parallel points. The artistic decisions made enhanced this story excited for what comes next.

Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 12, 2017

This is a deep continuity dive that takes stories that came before and repurposes them in an interesting way what Dark Days the Casting, and Forge have accomplished is set up an event that manages to intrigue and places Batman smack dab in the middle of a conspiracy that spans ages. I don't know where this leads but I am eager to find out.

Dark Nights: Metal #1

Aug 17, 2017

Personally really liked the concept and where it's going still this is a continuity heavy opening that introduces several elements at a break neck pace. Snyder also goes out of his way to essentially rearrange and re write continuity for some of the cast and I take no issue with it but it is a lot to take in. For an artist of Greg Capulllo's caliber the work is a bit rushed still it's very well done. These are my main criticisms of the work. All that being said, considering the Herculean effort of merging the cast presented in this story and presenting an interesting open to this epic I was is not easy to present characters that have yet to appear in the DCU let alone tell a compelling story wand th said characters. This is an undoubtedly ambitious start to what promises to be a really fun event.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

Sep 13, 2017

Let me preface this by saying I absolutely loved this story. I can't believe the insanity that Snyder injeceted into this issue. Moreover I am stunned that Snyder managed to weave his entire Batman run including Allstar and Geoff Johns Green lantern and Justice league runs as well as Morrison's work on the Batman and crisis events. This epic spans a lot of continuity and really shows off a ton of the DC Pantheon and multiverse. The dialogue is witty, Greg Capullo's art is fantastic and the threat is formidable if not out right far beyond the capacity of our heroes. I truly do not know what will happen next and that is refreshing. This is a very continuity heavy expository read that hammers home that the Dark Knights are not to be trifled with.

Dark Nights: Metal #4

Dec 20, 2017

The art of Capullo makes this issue pop and honestly makes the comic a must in and of itself. What can I say the heroes are in dire straights all hope seems lost but despite it all The DC pantheon continues to fight no matter the odds. I honestly don't know if the heroes will manage to find a way to turn things around in a satisfying way. Snyder and team will likely have to cover a lot of ground in these next 2 issues. So much like the heroes themselves Snyder and Capullo really have the odds stacked against them but hell if I am not excited to see them try and pull this ambitious work off. This book pulls on a ton of DC mythology and weaves it together in new and ways rather than fixing continuity this books forges new and epic possibilities. I think what is being done in this event will open doors to some interesting multiverse spanning adventures moving forward and I am just all for this kind of world building.

DC / Looney Tunes: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1

Jun 29, 2017

This is the best one shot of The Looney Tunes Dc crossovers and it's not even close. What Tom King and Lee Weeks managed to concoct in this single issue is a chemistry that rivals that of Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli'a Year one the art the story are fantastic this is a great comic and as close to perfect as one gets fro a one shot.

Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Sep 15, 2016

This issue opens with gorgeous and enchanting visuals that set the the foundations for this strange take on a bizarre team. Gerard way purposely begins with disjointed narrative that will begin to coalesce as the team begins to form. A perfect start for me personally it echoes Morrison's prior incarnation as well as provides a new character to ease into the weirdest corner of the DC universe. Loved it

Doom Patrol (2016) #2

Oct 14, 2016

The narrative in the second issue to Doom patrol begins to focus a bit more still this is a far cry from the typical cape book. Gerard Way and Nick Derington again mirror Morrison's seminal run as the book marches on with the imminent insanity looming on every page. This Doom patrol run is proving to be every bit as strange and subversive as it's predecessors. Casey Brink continues to baffle as she approaches the peculiar events in this tale with a sense of normalcy that is in itself weird. There is something about Casey and I am excited to find out how she ties in to the characters that have presented the selves.

Doom Patrol (2016) #3

Nov 11, 2016

This issue struck a nerve with me it was an uplifting read in a time where clarity was needed and glimmer of hope could lead the way. Gerard Way makes it blatantly clear whom this iteration of the Doom Patrol takes after. Morrison would be proud. In this issue pieces begin to fall in place; Casey Brinke learns whom she is and becomes more interesting as well as integral. Brick by Brick the foundation is being built for this team of misfits and I am enjoying the heck out of this abstract joyride through the cosmically psychedelic universe that houses the Doom Patrol.

Doom Patrol (2016) #5

Mar 28, 2017

This book follows in the vain of Morrison's now infamous run on the Patrol. I dare say one would benefit from Morrison's take for the supplemental assistance it affords Ways take on the Doom Patrol. Five issues in and we are dealing with abstract ideas, concepts and comic book things such as time travel and Godhood are being thrown in willy bully. It would seem Way is primarily focused on telling a character driven epic that wades through the a whirlwind of weirdness and imagination that the protagonists inhabit. Now as much as I like Ways take Nick Derington And Tamra Bonvillain are the stars of this trek through insanity. Derington grounds the work with his incomparable pencils and Bonvillain sends it soaring with beautiful colors it's a masterful job being done. I love this book it's weird and heartfelt in all the right ways.

Gotham Academy (2014) #1

Oct 2, 2014

Phenomenal way to start of the book loved the slow methodical pace. The writers have shown a remarkable grasp of dialogue and the world. I can honestly say I have never seen a book like this the art is distinct up lifting detail oriented and gorgeos.Honestly it is refreshing to see a brighter more grounded Gotham displayed. A 10 for me

Gotham Academy (2014) #2

Nov 10, 2014

I am just charmed by this book. I am enamored by the gutsy approach and commitment to building something new in Gotham of all places. Cloonan,Fletcher, and Kerschl are delivering an enthralling and mysterious tale that is also visually stunning. The characters are multifaceted and unique the attention to detail is frankly refreshing. I reccomend this all ages book to anyone looking to engross themselves on a new take of Gotham.

Harley's Little Black Book #6

Mar 29, 2017

The best way I can describe this comic is "it is what it is". It's Lobo a parody of the hyper violent 90's meeting Harley Quinn the unapologetically violent and free spirited spawn of Paul Dini and Bruce Timm. We get exactly what one would expect from the meeting of these two tons of violence and sexual innuendo. Simon Bisley returns to the main man and the pairing fits perfectly for the subject matter. Amanda Conner and Palmiotti nail the characters and this is a new nice one and done.

Justice League: No Justice #1

May 10, 2018

This book is worth its price on Art alone but, Going in this was known. Francis Manapul ups his game and goes cosmic and Hifi dazzles us with beautiful colors in an an awe inspiring tour de force of artistic splendor. So yeah I could go on, but my point has been made this is a pretty book. The story is always contingent on ones tastes so mileage may vary, however I loved the story I enjoyed the twists and the jokes landed for me. I had a great time with the book and plot’s villains despite obvious similarities with Avengers No. 1 by Jason Aaron also a very good book. James Tynion, Scott Snyder, and Joshua Williamson always had my curiosity, but now they have my attention.

Milk Wars: JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1

Feb 3, 2018

Milk Wars has one detraction against it in my eyes and that’s the fact that it spoils some of the central narrative of the Doom Patrol comic currently being published under the Young Animal line by Gerard Way and Nick Derington. This isssue is a nice middle ground for what one would come to expect form Way and Orlando. I must mention though that Aco’s herculean effort in illustrating The meeting of the JLA and The Doom Patrol really makes the book sing. This is an impressive homage to the Morrison era of Doom Patrol from Milkman to Retconn Orlando and Way work fantastically as they navigate the outright insanity Retconn and their machinations. Fun and unique this is a wild ride and I look forward to the next installment.

Mister Miracle (2017) #1

Aug 9, 2017

This story isn't for the faint of heart it tackles som heavy subject matter moreover if you're not versed in the mythology of this Kirby concoction this issue will do little to explain the situation. Mr. Miracle begins with our protagonist in dire straights and things don't improve as the story progresses. Tom King gives us the main players as the story creeps toward the ominous. The Art compliments the story and vice versa Tom King and Mtich Gerard's operate as one would expect a seasoned team to. It is a fantastic start to what promises be an epic foray into one of Kirby's most unique creations. The New Gods are back and Scott free is in for arduous escape. I look forward to what comes next.

Mister Miracle (2017) #6

Jan 10, 2018

Tom King and Mitch Gerard’s Mister Miracle is weird, and layered, it’s heartfelt, and insane. It’s as complex as the protagonist of this odyssey Scott free and big Barda. There is a lot going on. This issue in particular managed to both fill me with joy and dread in an instant. I am invested in this book despite its refusal to let a reader get comfortable with it’s narrative. All I have to go on is that I am as confused as Scott and possibly Barda. King and Gerard’s are putting out their best work, and as this series keeps going farther down the rabbit hole that is the conflict of the fourth world. I am anxious and ready to see what traps lay before Big Barda and Mister Miracle.

Omega Men #11

Apr 28, 2016

In this issue of Omega Men Tom King elects to focus on character and in doing so makes the world the Omega Men inhabit all the more compelling. This is a book that any Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern, or fan of DC comics should have in their shelf. The end is slowly encroaching upon us in this penultimate chapter The Omega Men have begun executing their plan and however this ends it will be one hell of a conclusion.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #9

Apr 13, 2017

This is a really good book it's not great but I would be beside myself if Scott Lobdell was capable of producing a truly great book. What we get here is fantastic Art by Dexter Soy and Lobdell falling on old habits and recapping the events that transpired in the previous arc albeit only the first few pages. So if you have not picked up this book it is a non issue since a recap would make this a fantastic jumping on point. This particular Arc features Artemis and really builds on what is already a great foundation set by Lobdell and Soy this team have been doing a good job of slowly building up this particular teams dynamic, and I am honestly astounded at how much I enjoyed this issue. Definitely recommended if you are a fan of the characters or Soy's awesome art. Either way this is quality stuff.

Shade, the Changing Girl #1

Oct 5, 2016

I found this book utterly captivating We are introduced to two leading ladies in Loma shade and Megan Boyer in this spiritual successor to shade the changing man. The colors by Kelly Fitzpatrick are amazing and perfectly blend with artist Marley Zarcone's illustrations that are frankly fantastic. Lastly Cecil Castellucci nails the feel of shade we get a glimpse of the narrative to come and the madness that comes new with it I am very much looking forward to what comes next.

Shade, the Changing Girl #7

Apr 6, 2017

I will be honest I thought this was going to be filler, but instead what I got was an origin and some interesting plot progression that pushes the series in a new direction. Cecil Castelucci and Marguerite Sauvage work in tandem to deliver an interesting tale with a unique cast.

Sideways #2

Mar 14, 2018

Really enjoyed this Second installment of Sideways it’s just fun and I find that Justin Jordan really makes the dialogue work he captures the youthful voice one looks for in these kind of books. and pairing him with Didio was a wise choice Since I don’t believe didio on his own could have managed to make this books as enjoyable. Kenneth Rocaforte is amazing and really makes this books 2.99 price point worth it all on his own. I like how this books is slowly building up its story and cast I cannot wait to see what Grant Morrison does when he jumps on the book, but for now Sideways is an interesting chracter full of potential, and frankly I adore it.

The New Gods (2024) #2

Jan 18, 2025

This title works as a continuation of Kirby’s fourth world The New Gods Art is breath taking and Jesse lonergans art serves as a jarring reminder of the impending threat to the New Gods. Things slow down a bit with this issue but the imagery is still immaculate and Ram V captures the voices of all the moving cast beautifully.

The New Gods (2024) #3

Feb 20, 2025

The table is set and Ram V, and Evan Cagle move this cosmic drama along with guest Federici making an appearance. It goes without out saying this new New Gods comic is a real looker, that embraces the idea that if you're going to tell stories about next level space gods, you should try your hardest to make them look different than the other books in distribution. This is an easy recommendation to me.

Trinity (2016) #1

Sep 21, 2016

I must say that Trinity #1 written and illustrated by Francis Manapul was not in my radar I will readily admit I was not wholly taken by Francis Manapul's prior work in other titles so I came into this with mild expectations. That being said I enjoyed the heck out of this first issue the art is beautiful that goes without saying but the story telling approach is bold because Manapul chooses to start small and get into the heart of these heroes rather than go for bluster and throw an antgonist at the Trinity that would require their attention. I loved this issue it was unexpectedly well done from narrative to dialogue well done.

Trinity (2016) #2

Oct 21, 2016

I will preface this review with noting that I read Francis Manapul's statement on this issue and on how it was a very personal story to write. It shows this story is very well written and has a moving message and purpose that I am grateful Manapul chose to share. The art in this book is immaculate and the Trinity is depicted beautifully each characters voice shines through in the scenarios portrayed by Francis. This book is a runaway hit and a fantastic addition to anyone's library whom enjoys these characters.

Wild Storm #5

Jun 22, 2017

The Wildstorm is one of the best books out right now period. A story with multiple players is unfolding and Ellis is taking his time to let this story naturally unfold and it's a delight. I will say though this story will be fantastic in trade but it' reads great as a floppy too.

Wild Storm #6

Jul 20, 2017

This issue displays some of the most brilliant writing comics have to offer. Warren Ellis does a fantastic job distilling information through conversations and action John Davis Hunt never ceases too rise to the occasion. This has quickly become my favorite monthly title this world of conspiracy and futuristic espionage is unrivaled in it's execution.

Zatanna (2025) #1

Feb 25, 2025

A welcome entry into a character deserving of a spotlight, and Jamal Campbell seems ready for the task well done.

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