Batman and the Signal #1

Event\Storyline: Dark Knights: Metal Writer: Scott Snyder, Tony Patrick Artist: Cully Hamner Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 3, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 33 User Reviews: 26
7.4Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Batman may own the night, but with new villains emerging during the day he needs an ally to defend the city when he can't. Only one teen is up to the challenge, Duke Thomas. After months of training, he's ready to step out of the shadow of the bat to become his own kind of hero. Meet Gotham City's newest protector: The Signal! Spinning out of adventures in ALL-STAR BATMAN and WE ARE ROBIN, comics superstar Scott Snyder and newcomer Tony Patrick take our young hero to new heights in this exciting miniseries with artwork by Cully Hamner.

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jan 3, 2018

    Im already not satisfied at the prospect of just two more issues for this initial run. It forces Patrick to set up an easily resolved quickie conflict instead of establishing an elaborate foundation. Hopefully, theres enough interest to light the way for an ongoing title very soon. This book and character deserve it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Terrence Sage Jan 3, 2018

    Batman and The Signal is a literal beacon for the type of change and diversity people are calling for and it's a revitalized start for one of the most promising members of the Bat Family. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Batmanaruto Jan 3, 2018

    In conclusion, this was a really good issue with good art and is also a promising start. If the series doesn’t lose focus on what is set up in this issue then it could really be a cornerstone in Duke’s history and could actually cause the character to be more interesting but feel like his own character. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comicsverse - AJ Zender Jan 3, 2018

    Despite a confusing tie-in to DARK NIGHTS: METAL and some minor artistic hitches, BATMAN AND THE SIGNAL #1 delivers some stellar characterization of the newest Bat-Family member and a plot that manages to test Duke Thomas' new superpowers. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Pop Break - Rachel Freeman Jan 3, 2018

    It was a great first issue, but I still need to see more of this story. There's also a lot that relies on readers having read We Are Robin and Batman: Zero Year / Endgame. If you haven't read them both, its not that you'll be missing the plot points, but you definitely won't have a full understanding of certain things they mean and even who certain characters are. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Deron Generally Dec 27, 2017

    There is a lot of promise in this issue and story. It brings forth a new look at Gotham and a new set of issues for its newest hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Jan 8, 2018

    Although the restraints of the mini-series on the story are quickly felt, Batman and The Signal #1 establishes the newest member of the Batfamily as Gothams daytime protector exceptionally well. As the creative team treads into unknown territory exploring Batmans attempt at trying something new, readers are treated with beautiful art and an intriguing story that already has me asking if DC has more planned for the Signal in the future! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Lorenzo Simpson Dec 27, 2017

    The Signal doesn't always get it right, but he's still trying. With a little practice, he's bound to be the daytime hero Gotham needs. Grab a copy of Batman and The Signal #1 and get you a piece of this shine. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jan 3, 2018

    It's a packed comic, maybe a bit too packed, but Duke is an appealing lead, and this issue gives us a good look into his world. A worthy addition to the Bat-line. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jan 3, 2018

    Batman & the Signal #1 is a great start to this new miniseries that challenges what it means to be a hero in Gotham. Duke's perspective on the world is refreshing. His engagement with the citizens, the challenge he faces with the rise of metahumans, and just always having that room for growth. Everyone else seems so set on how the world works to them, and here you have Duke with much to learn and offer being driven by motivations that don't simply stem from tragedy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jonathan Baldessari Jan 6, 2018

    Batman and the Signal #1 is a unique breath of fresh air to Gotham and the Bat-Family, starring a character that easily deserves more time in the spotlight. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Jan 4, 2018

    An interesting start. The team work well with a character who I could see going either way right now " someone special to find their footing as part of the Bat family or someone a little forgettable. This isn't the fault of the team behind this comic, they did a very good job with it, but I simply did forget about Duke before I saw this issue! I think this could bring him into his own though. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 3, 2018

    A good first issue that sets up a lot, but it may be trying to do too much in its first chapter! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Jan 3, 2018

    Cully Hamners art is fantastic as usual and gives a great deal of visual distinction to Duke and his version of Gotham. While the redesign is still a surprise, Hamners take on the Signal design and Laura Martins bright colors prove to be very attention-grabbing. All told, if the other two issues are as exciting as this one, hopefully Duke can continue to have his own spotlight. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Corps - Jason Saba Jan 3, 2018

    I see a lot of potential in this character if it is done right, and who better than the guy that gave us the Court of Owls and Dark Nights Metal to draw the broad strokes for Tony Patrick to fill in. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Jan 3, 2018

    Batman and the Signal #1 is a well-written mystery debut, and one even worth having to do a little googling for if you're not a devoted follower of the Bat-Family books. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    We The Nerdy - Aron Pohara Jan 3, 2018

    Batman and the Signal is a worthy addition to the Batman mythos, managing to expand on Dukes character in a way that I never believed ever would get done. After "Robin War" it almost seemed like Duke Thomas was put in to just be a bit character. I am certainly glad they were able to provide more story for him. This book manages to tell a somewhat-compelling story about someone that both wants to and does not want to be in Batmans world. It is definitely worth reading on that aspect alone. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 3, 2018

    Three issues already seems like too little to contain this ambitious look at Duke Thomas' new superhero status quo. But better too much ambition than not enough. Batman and the Signal looks great, and it successfully pushes the character forward and cements his new place within the Batman family. We can only hope DC has more planned after this brief miniseries wraps. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Manny Gomez Jan 2, 2018

    BATMAN AND THE SIGNAL is off to a strong start with this debut issue. A great mix of action, humor, and mystery this is a comic well worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Jan 3, 2018

    Reading this book, it may well be a Bat too far. It is also worth to note, that DC may feel the same, as on this occasion The Signal is a mini series. This is a move that has paid dividends in the past, thinking of the how the Tim Drake Robin was promoted. So a mixed bag to be sure, which may well frustrate as much as it pleases. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    On Comics Ground - Luis Cruz Jan 5, 2018

    A 3 issue mini-series is a slap in the face for Gotham's new day time protector: The Signal. This should be a full on series and could of filled that empty gap that Static Shock cartoon left so long ago. As The Bat-families newest member and with meta-human powers, we could have seen a range of new villains and a new take of the city of Gotham. I feel DC may have dropped the ball on this but hopefully they have some future plans for Duke Thomas. Man could you imagen The Signal and Static Shock teaming up? Make it happen DC" make it happen. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Gustavo S Lodi Jan 5, 2018

    "Batman and The Signal" #1 introduces a lot of interesting concepts that should keep readers invested for the duration of this limited series. However, while the art is a high point worth commending, the script's pacing suffers from multiple exposition fronts. Here's hoping that with this out of the way, the next two issues of the series will become stronger. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    We Have A Hulk - Nicola Austin Jan 6, 2018

    This is a solid start to the limited run exploring the latest addition to the Bat-family. Duke Thomson, first seen in Zero Year and We are Robin, is a very intriguing character and I really hope we discover more about his powers, which were first teased in the Metal event. The pacing in this issue was a little slow as all the pieces needed to be put in place, but I'm sure this will pick up in the second part.  Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Gustavo Lodi Jan 5, 2018

    "Batman and The Signal" #1 introduces a lot of interesting concepts that should keep readers invested for the duration of this limited series. However, while the art is a high point worth commending, the script's pacing suffers from multiple exposition fronts. Here's hoping that with this out of the way, the next two issues of the series will become stronger. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    DC Comics News - Jay Jan 6, 2018

    Its not bad, but not perfect either. At best were either going to see the foundation of a soon-to-be sellout hero, or a flash in the pan. That depends on the quality of the writing. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 3, 2018

    This first issue doesn't really do itself a whole lot of favors because it throws us into a big development in Gotham, while trying its damnedest to make sure that everyone knows everything about Duke Thomas, not to mention set up new and old characters and because of this, the book feels bloated as hell and a little rough to read.  The art was decent here, but I hope that the next issue comes off a little less jam packed so that the story can be conveyed easier.   Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Adil Syed Jan 4, 2018

    This is a steady start to a mini-series dedicated to exploring the mystery of Duke's powers as well as the presence of other metahumans in Gotham. If you are like me and want to see Duke's character developed further, as well as explore what Gotham would be like during the day, this book is definitely for you. I hope we get more stories that build this character's history and present after this mini-series is over. Just as Nightwing has Bludhaven and Batgirl has Burnside, it would be great if Duke gets his own area of Gotham, but still interacted with the rest of the Bat-Family. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Cat Wyatt Jan 4, 2018

    The artwork was pretty incredible. I love Signal's design " the change from the more dark and brooding colors to black and bright yellow has always stood out for me. Plus it's so sleek looking. Additionally I really enjoyed the design of the few other metahumans we've been shown, especially the cyborg girl who hasn't been formally introduced (heck, she might not even be a meta and I'm just assuming). Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geekery Magazine - Lucas Fashina Jan 3, 2018

    If you were a fan of the We are Robin story line I would recommend picking up a copy of issue of Batman and the Signal # 1 for the read, it still has that tactical street war vibe. There are some first appearances, otherwise isnt much speculation in this issue to go on; however, there is a B variant issue for #1 that may have a lower print run. Out of 5 stars I give it a 3. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Jan 4, 2018

    The artwork for this issue is good, if nothing else. I loved Cully Hammer's work on The Shadeand his artwork here is of comparable quality and composition. Laura Martin delivers a stellar job on the colors and Deron Bennett is a master of the printed word. I just wish this fantastic art team had been given a story that was more easily accessible to the new readers it was meant to attract to illustrate. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Daniel Cheeseman Jan 4, 2018

    Issue #1 is no disaster but its off to a rocky start. I'm pleased that DC aren't just focusing on the same old characters and that they're giving new voices, ideas and talents a chance as this benefits everyone; the industry and the readership. Maybe a character as unjustified and redundant as Duke isn't the right choice to spearhead this approach. Time will tell. I have my fingers crossed that Tony Patrick will nail the Batman characterisation in the two remaining issues of the series and turn things around. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Paul Mason Dec 30, 2017

    This is written in the Signal's narrative voice which is so postmodern and self aware it may be detrimental as his narration points out how many people are in the bat family. While patrolling the city Duke stumbles upon another metahuman. Concerned citizens interrupt the Signal as hes putting the boot to the bad guys face. And bring up a good point in that the fight is occurring in daylight. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Big Comic Page - Indiana “Indy” Marlow Jan 3, 2018

    One for die-hard Bat fans if you feel that you need to know every detail about these characters, but other than that this is little more than your standard, forgettable page turner. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    jess212 Jan 3, 2018

    First things first I like this issue a lot, because it builds on everything that has transpired in Dukes Thoma's life in one fell swoop. This could have been accomplished through a recap sure but Snyder and Tony Patrick take it upon themselves to introduce the reader to Duke through an inner monologue and organic conversation spread through out this comic. It is an ambitious narrative approach with mixed results. What we get is a very dense first issue that summarizes Duke's 5 year long journey into the chracter we see before us. This issue quite honestly is extremely new reader friendly if you didn't know who Duke was you will know him a quite bit by the end of the first issue. Cully hammer does a great job of grounding the story with his more

  • 8.5
    RaisingBlack Jan 5, 2018

    Solid book from DC. My hope is that the Signal finds some arc after this mini has wrapped up, because a day shift Gotham hero is a really great idea. Snyder and Patrick do a great job of not glossing over Duke's race while still maintaining a very interesting Superhero comic. This is not a perfect book at all. There are some pacing issues and the set up is a little rushed, but there is a lot of potential in this book and a lot of potential for Duke/Signal's rogue gallery. The book assumes that you have read We are Robin or Allstar Batman but this book does a solid job of introducing a different kind of Batman character.

    Pick this book up and support because I would like an Ongoing Signal comic.

  • 8.5
    bucswin611 Jan 3, 2018

    A fresh new voice noticeable in this first issue. We Are Robin is connected to this 3-issue series, and there are enough interesting characters to set up for more content than that. The exposition was handled in a decent manner but - does DC need recap pages?

  • 8.0
    SloboSOY Jan 5, 2018

    I will be totally honest. I didn't plan to take it. In fact I wanted to avoid it at all cost.
    But I had to take another unexpected comics I didn't sollicited, so I tell myself Why not.
    Why did I didn't want it you will ask me. Well in "Were are Robins" Duke was my least favorite character and frankly I didn't like the "Signal" codename. And one more batpeople, please ...
    Ironically the writers choose to begin this story with the codename & the to many bat-people.
    And even if it's a dream, it make us take side for duke. At least give him a chance.
    The mystery about the dead kid is brig by Gordon to a new officer that I liked instantly.
    I less liked the fight with the null. The cliffanger is interesting.
    Tha more

  • 7.5
    The bad who Jan 8, 2018

    I thought it was a good first issue and I like the narrator's approach as an monologue to himself. The day shift thing is great too as it makes a different type of relation with Batman. He just can't come in and save the day like he does way too much in Detective Comics. The most annoying thing though is the fact that Duke does not control his metahuman powers and I feel like Batman would not send someone to save Gotham on his own without him being in complete control. The visual was good and colorful and the intrigue is just good enough for me to be curious about what's next. While it's not as good as I thought it would be, it's still a cool issue and the 3-parts format makes it easy to just go ahead and try it whether you're a skeptic or more

  • 7.0
    Superheroes for Hire Jan 15, 2018

    Straightforward superhero faire. I haven't fully caught up with everything thing on in Metal, but apparently Duke Thomas and Gotham are dealing with consequences of the event in this miniseries. With Respectable art, lively action, and some new characters I can't quite fully buy into, I'm cautiously anticipating the next issue. So far nothing says "must buy" unless you're hooked by the idea of Duke, a.k.a. The Signal, learning how to be his own person in an unfamiliar world.

  • 6.5
    Supes' soups Jan 6, 2018

    Not to be overly critical but can't they make already cool and more established black characters better? Cyborg just ended with issue #20 and Luke Fox is to me, more interesting as Batwing than Duke as the signal. I actually liked Duke Thomas in the short run of I am Robin that led into Robin Wars. But this Signal character just seems so bland. I get this is Scott Snyder's brainchild but honestly the Bat family already has enough sidekick-y characters. My friends who's black says he'd really rather they put a creative team who know what they're doing on Cyborg especially since he's green-lit for his own movie... He also finds Wally West (The current Kid Flash) more spunky than Duke, especially since West doesn't especially like Damian Wayne more

  • 6.5
    Simon DelMonte Jan 3, 2018

    Not sure what to make of it. Points to DC for its efforts to diversify its talents and its heroes, but the story is a bit flat.

  • 4.5
    KFuqua Jan 3, 2018

    Not a fan of this one. The art is horrible and I'm not a fan of Duke (the Signal).

  • 10
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