The problem is that right now this is a 'dark sheep' trinity. Creeper might not fit that.
"Who is Artemis?" part one! When Artemis discovers that the Bow of Ra has been used to destroy an entire city, Red Hood and the Outlaws race to Qurac to discover the identity of this barbaric bowman-and who they find is too shocking to believe!
This book keeps getting better. I need more stars than 5. I love where this is headed and I never want it to end. Read Full Review
Who Is Artemis? Part One is damn good, relieving me of my fear that this book would have the 2nd arc fall off and instead expanding on what we know while giving us something new. Read Full Review
The artwork was great and Lobdell's writing and story telling helps to give that artwork the real impact it deserves. This issue truly felt like a cohesive team book. Lobdell has had a lot of the story, thus far, to focus on Jason which has helped to build other characters around. Now, we see the story start to shine a light on each character. We see him even play at this with Jason saying that “this isn't my story, not entirely”. The humor and witty banter between the group really has Lobdell's Dark Trinity finding traction. He continues to build a strong title and deliver on both action and emotional character arcs. Read Full Review
Scott Lobdell has been defying expectations and proving his detractors wrong. Dexter Soy's art was incredible and this issue remarkably balanced its action and character development. Read Full Review
Setting the stage for new conflicts for all three characters, Red Hood and the Outlaws #9 is a great chapter in this new team's storyline. The character work is on point too, as well as the promise of new details on Jason Todd's untimely death. Read Full Review
I am entranced by this series, I was originally heart-broken when the New 52 Red Hood and the Outlaws ended, because the chemistry was just so solid. However, reading this, I still appreciate the old, but the story tellers and the artists are doing a wonderful job of healing my heart. I will reiterate what I said in my last review, I love Scott Lobdell. Read Full Review
Dark and jaded, yet full of hope, Red Hood and the Outlaws #9 is confident in tone and artwork. Read Full Review
Beyond all comprehension, Red Hood and the Outlaws remains one of my favorite books on the stands. Even as the balance shifts heavier toward gravity than humor, Lobdell's character investments pay off, Artemis proving as capable of sustaining dramatic interest as she is of evoking belly laughs. And with Dexter Soy returning on pencils,RHATO reasserts itself as the most unique, surprising title in DC's stable. If you're not reading it, you're missing out. Read Full Review
The Outlaws are finally hitting the road together and while their time together is limited, it's so good. I'm fully back on board with this book and as long as Scott Lobdell and Dexter Soy keep hitting the right notes, I will never doubt them again. I can easily recommend this to everyone as it's also a nice little jumping on point for those who haven't heard that this is one of the best books Rebirth has to offer. Read Full Review
This wasn't the most riveting installment, but it sets the stage for the three Outlaws to confront some major internal obstacles. Apart they may not succeed, but the fun in the Outlaws is seeing how long it takes them to learn how to fully come together. Read Full Review