Edgar Rubio's Profile

Joined: Sep 06, 2017

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All-Star Batman #6

Sep 9, 2017

Mr. Freeze is one of the greatest comic book villains (when written properly). This is a perfect example of what to do with him. Amazing!

Batman (2016) #30

Sep 6, 2017

I love this issue, it is so different even to the other numbers within the arc. I agree that the whole story is not being perfect, I don't like that "Batman choosing a side" stuff or the fact that they changed the Riddler so much that he can look just like a perfect rival to Joker, but this number works perfectly, even as a standalone comic book; it's precise and beautiful. I also liked the change in the art, pencils by Clay Mann makes it look like something completely different (I guess it is, as it focus on Kite Man rather than the war between Mr. J and Nygma) I hope they can close the story with a bang in the next couple of numbers. But as a unique comic book, I loved Batman #30. I think it reaches the same heights of quality that King reached with that awesome Bane vs Bats fight, but with a completely different feeling.

Batman (2016) #31

Sep 20, 2017

Very cool number. Not really smart, not really surprising, but very cool though. The art style keeps growing on me. I must say that I never liked this "sad" Joker, but he fits here. The closure is near now, I hope King ends this arc with a bang...

Batman (2016) #32

Oct 4, 2017

King's most inconsistent arc within his Batman run ended with a bang. I loved this issue. Although I didn't like this Riddler, I sure loved this Joker. I'm not that confident on the future due to Selina's decision, but I trust Tom King can pull it off.

Batman (2016) #33

Oct 25, 2017

Watching Bats kicking some villains in the face is nice, watching the Family coming together and saving the day is cool, too. But those little intimate moments like the one in this issue when Alfred is talking to the Robins is what I really love in the Batman comics.

Batman (2016) #51

Jul 18, 2018

This is a good issue, very interesting to say the least. I really hope they're going for the story behind Freeze's motivation. The art is really good too. Now, I don't understand the recent hate for King's work. Yes, he kinda messed it up with the wedding, but his ideas remain solid and the flow of his panels remain untouched. His Batman will not be different from now on until #100, (if he reaches the goal, which is a sad thing to say). But I've been enjoying this run.

Batman / The Shadow #1

Sep 8, 2017

Very good way to start a story; I always love when they show some unrelated villains just hanging out in Arkham having a "normal" day. I'm not familiar with The Shadow, but he looks really interesting. I don't know how it works when two writers work together, but this is a very coherent and simple story, I like it. I'm not really interested in Orlando's work, but I'm a big fan of Scott Snyder; what he's doing with METAL, All Star and now this series deserves a lot of recognition, Batman is in very good hands when he's at command.

Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1

Oct 4, 2017

I'd describe this one as by the numbers. Worst Metal tie-in so far.

Batman: The Drowned #1

Oct 19, 2017

I liked this, a lot. I'd be interested to know the background of Bryce's life and the way she handled her villains before going crazy. By the way, Bryce Wayne is a hell of a name!

Batman: The Merciless #1

Oct 25, 2017

Francis Manapul should be doing a lot more, not only on DC but everywhere, his art is freaking fantastic! The Merciless is nice, I enjoyed it a lot. This event is getting better and better, I can't wait for The Batman Who Laughs...

Batman: The Murder Machine #1

Sep 28, 2017

It kept growing and growing with every page passing. This is amazing, I didn't think they could top The Red Death and they proved me wrong. The bar is so high now for The Dawnbreaker.

Batman: The Red Death #1

Sep 26, 2017

Batman getting some Speed Force, becoming more evil as he stops bad guys. That's a cool idea, for sure... Batman getting THE Speed Force THIS WAY, becoming a badass as he RIPS bad guys?. That's better, for sure. Amazing issue!

Batman: Universe #6

Dec 4, 2019

DC should give Bendis a chance with more Batman stories. I know we're living in an era of dark books, especially for the Bat, but this light-hearted story was great and Derrington's art was on point.

Batman: White Knight #1

Oct 4, 2017

I must admit I was one of those guys believing this would be mediocre, maybe just good, at best. I was wrong, so wrong. This is fantastic, words and pencils alike. I can't wait for #2

Batman: White Knight #2

Nov 1, 2017

As I was reading this issue, I thought: Is this what people felt while reading Watchmen or Killing Joke for the first time? Did they notice the classic instantly? Did we notice it with this book? Yes, to me, this is THAT good.

Dark Nights: Metal #1

Sep 6, 2017

I felt the very same thing while reading this that I felt while reading The Casting and The Forge: Scott Snyder is having fun with this! He's been giving DC some quality comics over the last few years, it was natural that they give him back some freedom eventually, and damn he's delivering. I feel that this is not Capullo's best work though, it's not at the same level as the writing. Is it because he has A LOT to draw? Anyway, this was fun and exciting. I can't wait to know where they're going next and I'm actually excited for the tie-ins.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

Sep 13, 2017

Very cool number, I think I liked it a bit more than #1 as this one was a bit simpler. I can't wait to see what those evil Batmen do.

Dark Nights: Metal #3

Oct 11, 2017

I gave a 10 to Metal #1 and #2, so I guess this deserves an 11...

Doomsday Clock #3

Jan 26, 2018

Johns is not trying to be Moore and that is a very good think. This is not Watchmen nor Justice League, but he's not disrespecting the lore. I live in México and not in a very big city within the country, which means it's rather hard and expensive to get printed first editions of my favorite books, but this story, along with White Knight is worth every damn cent. It's a huge disappointment to know they're going bimonthly now, but if the quality remains, so be it. I'll wait.

Mister Miracle (2017) #3

Oct 14, 2017

Just as with King's other masterpiece 'Vision', I don't know where this is going, or what's the final goal. But the trail is so god damn interesting...

Nightwing (2016) #29

Sep 20, 2017

Action packed is nice. Character packed, not so much. The Teen Titans Tie-in from last week was way better...

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #15

Oct 11, 2017

This might be my least favorite issue in the whole series. Still an enjoyable read, though.

Suicide Squad (2016) #26

Sep 27, 2017

Worst Tie-in in Metal so far. Thankfully is not really bad, just not as good as the previous.

Super Sons (2017) #8

Sep 27, 2017

I didn't like it as much as the previous issues, but I understand this worked as a setup for what is coming... What I still love and was the reason I got hooked from the start with this story is the dynamic between Damian and Jon. They're both fantastic! This is a just good number within a fantastic series, maybe my favorite in Rebirth so far.

Teen Titans (2016) #12

Sep 13, 2017

Very nice tie-in, I read it just after I read Metal #2. To be honest, I like this Andolfo's art a lot more than the usual Teen Titans artist.

Teen Titans (2016) #13

Oct 26, 2017

I liked it. This continues to put this Robin as one of my favorite current characters, he's such a likeable asshole. By the way, Andolfo is not drawing this one, although she should; I've never been a big fan of Pham's art...

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