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Joined: Feb 03, 2017

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Kalaoui reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #16 Jul 21, 2021

I'm not buying into this story. It just feels like yet another thing I read before. I must be getting too old for these crossovers. Still early so we'll see if Ewing turns it around.

Guardians of the Galaxy #16

By: Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri
Released: Jul 21, 2021

The entire galaxy is under attack, the likes of which haven't been seen since Annihilus first waged war. Now, five different planets are simultaneously under threat from a mysterious foe. This is what the new Guardians were built to do. But will it be too much? This summer... the war to end all wars begins. An...


Guardians of the Galaxy #15

By: Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri
Released: Jun 23, 2021

•  In the wake of the Snarkwar and reeling from revelations of their own, the Guardians come face-to-face with the S.W.O.R.D. station crew...
•  ...including their Quiet Council liaison-Magneto! And he's not known for friendly chats...
•  It's the Human Rocket versus...

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Guardians of the Galaxy #14

By: Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri
Released: May 12, 2021

•  As half the team defends the Kree/Skrull Throneworld against a deadlier threat than they've ever faced before...
• ...the other half investigates a terrifying sacrificial cult on a mysterious planet...with the power to plunge the universe into war.
•  Plus: A new space he...

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interesting idea of Dr. doom joining the Guardians, but honestly i have no idea what the hype is about. Plenty of other marvel stories that are better like Chip Zdarsky's Starlord run, or the classic Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy #14

By: Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri
Released: May 12, 2021

•  As half the team defends the Kree/Skrull Throneworld against a deadlier threat than they've ever faced before...
• ...the other half investigates a terrifying sacrificial cult on a mysterious planet...with the power to plunge the universe into war.
•  Plus: A new space he...

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willborei reviewed Fantastic Four #34 Jul 28, 2021

Writing is incredibly inconsistent, as it has been for this run. Characters don't make any sense. Art is quite good.

Fantastic Four #34

By: Dan Slott, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 28, 2021

THE BRIDE OF DOOM Conclusion: "The Sacred Vow of Victor Von Doom!"
This issue, DOCTOR DOOM's actions will change the life of one of the members of Marvel's First Family in a profound way. Do not miss this final, fateful chapter! Guest-starring: Namor and the Black Panther!
Rated T

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Jon Comics reviewed Fantastic Four #34 Aug 23, 2021

Just when it seemed Dan Slott’s run was improving, he comes up with a storyline so mind bogglingly stupid that it makes you doubt there is an editor or an editor in chief at work.
Slott’s knack for gimmicks has always been a problem, but with a fun character like Spider Man, gimmicks work, but it’s entirely another thing where you have characters like Dr. Doom and Reed Richards act like more

Fantastic Four #34

By: Dan Slott, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 28, 2021

THE BRIDE OF DOOM Conclusion: "The Sacred Vow of Victor Von Doom!"
This issue, DOCTOR DOOM's actions will change the life of one of the members of Marvel's First Family in a profound way. Do not miss this final, fateful chapter! Guest-starring: Namor and the Black Panther!
Rated T

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Jon Comics rated Spider-Woman #13 Aug 22, 2021

Spider-Woman #13

By: Karla Pacheco, Pere Perez
Released: Jul 14, 2021

•  A who's who of Marvel Mercenaries want something that Jess has (and NEEDS), so Jess has to fight Lady Bullseye and more to secure this treasured possession.
•  This fight will take Jess across NYC in the most intense, issue-long action sequence you've ever read!...

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Tempra16v2.0Turbo reviewed Avengers #47 Aug 4, 2021

Já deu né Marvel. O tempo do Jason Aaron continuar a nos torturar já passou, essa revista precisa urgentemente de um novo roteirista.

Avengers #47

By: Jason Aaron, Javi Garron
Released: Aug 4, 2021

The Red Room is the secret furnace where some of the world's greatest assassins and super-killers have been forged. And now She-Hulk is its newest recruit. As the Avengers race to rescue Jen Walters from the Russian Winter Guard, is it too late to save She-Hulk...from going red?
Rated T+

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Bragadavi5 - Aug 4, 2021

falou e disse

Jon Comics reviewed Avengers #47 Aug 22, 2021

The Savage She Hulk continues through its inevitably ludicrous end.
I mean, who wants to go to all this trouble to use She Hulk as the ultimate WMD? Who cares.
Aaron’s run has totally collapsed. The Avengers hasn’t had a good writer since Bendis left.

Avengers #47

By: Jason Aaron, Javi Garron
Released: Aug 4, 2021

The Red Room is the secret furnace where some of the world's greatest assassins and super-killers have been forged. And now She-Hulk is its newest recruit. As the Avengers race to rescue Jen Walters from the Russian Winter Guard, is it too late to save She-Hulk...from going red?
Rated T+

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Jon Comics reviewed Heroes Reborn #7 Aug 22, 2021

Mind boggling mediocrity and irrelevance. There was some interesting stuff along the way, but very little.
But there was no narrative momentum and no sense of urgency or reason why this story had to be told.
And do we really need a council of Mephistos? The art by Ed McGuinness was great. Issues and issues on, Blade and Ghost Rider still don’t seem like Avengers.

Heroes Reborn #7

By: Jason Aaron, Aaron Kuder
Released: Jun 16, 2021

Together they ended the Kree/Skrull war, defeated Dr. Doom in his Secret War and even endured their own civil war between Hyperion and Nighthawk, but now the Squadron Supreme of America faces their greatest challenge yet: a mysterious new group of troublemakers called the Avengers.
40 PGS./Rated T+

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daspidaboy reviewed Heroes Reborn #5 Jun 2, 2021

We don't even get an origin story on how nighthawk got his powers. Nighthawk personality is bland, the fight scenes are lame, the art is mediocre, and we don't even know how captain America is finding these heroes. Terrible issue.

Heroes Reborn #5

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 2, 2021

When there's a riot at the Ravencroft Asylum, Nighthawk must descend alone into a realm of madness, surrounded by the most deranged members of his notorious rogues' gallery, including his archenemy, the maniacal Goblin.  
40 PGS./Rated T+

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KFuqua reviewed Heroes Reborn #3 May 20, 2021

I thought this series was off to a good start and I was enjoying it, but this issue was awful. Uneventful story and horrible, horrible art just don't do it for me.

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

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daspidaboy reviewed Heroes Reborn #3 May 19, 2021

This issue is basically filler. The art is bland and not consistent. The dialogue feels clunky, and I dont care for Blur and Silver Witch. Literally, this could be a tie-in, why is this in the main title? I understand its to build up characters, but at least make them likeable.

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

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fearUhavemeisenough reviewed Heroes Reborn #3 May 19, 2021

this number was terrible

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

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JBL Reviews reviewed Heroes Reborn #3 May 22, 2021

Strange that there want really a connection to the first two issues.

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

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Branden Murray reviewed Heroes Reborn #3 May 19, 2021

This is why people now pirate comic books . Your charged $4.99 for a lazy rip off of a DC character with three actual pages of story which is an after thought at the end of the issue.

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Heroes Reborn #3 May 19, 2021

There are few interesting points in this issue, like the appearance of Captain America, but it feels somewhat empty.

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

Jon Comics reviewed Heroes Reborn #3 Aug 21, 2021

Really bad. What happened to Jason Aaron’s plotting skills?
His Avengers run pretty much collapsed around issues 15 to 20.
The Squadron Supreme story was seeded pretty early and this is it? There is no plot but one shot issues featuring members of the Squadron.

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

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Merlyn reviewed X-Factor #10 Jun 30, 2021

Well, we can be thankful this awful run is finally over and hopefully Marvel will do something more interesting next with X-Factor without Leah Williams on board. Tons and tons of cringy meaningless dialogue don't make up for a good book, sorry. And that convoluted Prodigy mystery murder... yeah, totally unnecessary. I do find it weird though that they chose to add those last two pages in such a b more

X-Factor #10

By: Leah Williams, David Baldeon
Released: Jun 30, 2021

•  At the Hellfire Gala, SECRETS WILL BE REVEALED!
•  And someone's number is up. You'll never guess whose.
32 PGS./Rated T+

Jon Comics rated X-Factor #9 Jul 3, 2021

X-Factor #9

By: Leah Williams, David Baldeon
Released: May 12, 2021

•  The Morrigan needs to be destroyed!
•  The answer lies in the Mojoverse.
Rated T+

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Jon Comics added X-Factor (2020) to their pull list Jul 3, 2021

X-Factor (2020)

MUTANTS HAVE CONQUERED DEATH! By the grace of The Five, the resurrection protocols can bring back any fallen mutant. But such a huge enterprise isn’t without its problems and complications… When a mutant dies, X–Factor is there to investigate how and why to keep the rules of reincarnation. Writer Leah Williams (AMAZING MARY JANE, X–TREMISTS...

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belinda_sanchez reviewed X-Factor #9 May 13, 2021

Series is ending at #10. Instead of writing a story that makes sense, everything is thrown against the wall and the results smear down as expected. Unnecessary data page between Northstar and Mirage. They barely know each other, now they're long lost besties? Mirage being thanked especially for doing...what exactly? Shatterstar simply going in and killing the baddie. No conflict, just a sloppy more

X-Factor #9

By: Leah Williams, David Baldeon
Released: May 12, 2021

•  The Morrigan needs to be destroyed!
•  The answer lies in the Mojoverse.
Rated T+

Jon Comics added Planet-Size X-Men (2021) to their pull list Jul 3, 2021

Planet-Size X-Men (2021)

The HELLFIRE GALA rages on, but bigger things are afoot a world away. Make no mistake - this is an X-Men book drawn by superstar artist Pepe Larraz. It is absolutely the most important issue of the month.
48 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+

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Jon Comics rated X-Force #19 Jul 3, 2021

X-Force #19

By: Ben Percy, Garry Brown
Released: Apr 21, 2021

The only way to battle the nightmare is on its own turf. Sweet dreams, QUENTIN QUIRE.

Parental Advisory

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Jon Comics rated X-Men #19 Jul 3, 2021

X-Men #19

By: Jonathan Hickman, Mahmud Asrar
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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Jon Comics added X-Men (2019) to their pull list Jul 3, 2021

X-Men (2019)

The X-Men find themselves in a whole new world of possibility... and things have never been better! Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X, SECRET WARS) and superstar artist Leinil Yu (NEW AVENGERS, CAPTAIN AMERICA) reveal the saga of Cyclops and his hand-picked squad of mutant powerhouses!
Rated T+  

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Jon Comics rated X-Men #20 Jul 3, 2021

X-Men #20

By: Jonathan Hickman, Francesco Mobili
Released: May 26, 2021

Rated T+

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Fantastic Four
Volume: 6, Issue: 29
“Soul Boond”

Publisher: Marvel @marvel
Writer: Dan Slott @dan.slott
Artist: Zé Carlos @ze_carlos_art
Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov
Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna
Cover: Mark Brooks @markbrooksart

With their conflict with the Griever now concluded, the Fantastic Four rebuild while Johnny and Sky more

Fantastic Four #29

By: Dan Slott, Ze Carlos
Released: Feb 10, 2021

In the middle of the chaos that is KING IN BLACK... a symbiote bonds with a member of Marvel's First Family!
Also in this issue, the Unseen is putting together a squadron for a secret mission in deep space.

Rated T

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jbong reviewed Fantastic Four #29 Feb 25, 2021

so uhhhh...if you know Dan Slott, he occasionally throws characters under the bus for the sake of his story.

RIP Sue Storm

Fantastic Four #29

By: Dan Slott, Ze Carlos
Released: Feb 10, 2021

In the middle of the chaos that is KING IN BLACK... a symbiote bonds with a member of Marvel's First Family!
Also in this issue, the Unseen is putting together a squadron for a secret mission in deep space.

Rated T

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DDJamesB reviewed Fantastic Four #29 Feb 14, 2021

It was pretty good. Nothing to complain about but nothing too great either. I kind of like the sky character so I hope she sticks around and this was a pretty good tie in overall.

Fantastic Four #29

By: Dan Slott, Ze Carlos
Released: Feb 10, 2021

In the middle of the chaos that is KING IN BLACK... a symbiote bonds with a member of Marvel's First Family!
Also in this issue, the Unseen is putting together a squadron for a secret mission in deep space.

Rated T

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