Wasnt Moria seen in part 2 of X of Swords?
Rated T+
X-Men #20 ties up another loose end from Hickmans run on the book as it comes to a close. Hickman does a remarkable job in this chapter. Between this and the last two, its hard to say which ones are the best. Mystique has failed again, yes, but Magneto and Xavier are still stringing her along. Itll be great to see how this plotline develops. Mobilis art is excellent, almost perfect for this issue except for Nimrods size, which is a minor quibble. Its a shame that after spinning his wheels for so much of his run, issues like the last three come and show just what readers could have had if it wasnt for the all-tie-ins and crossover events. However, they were a fantastic read, and this issue keeps up the quality from whats come before. Read Full Review
This book is a beautiful, terrible gut-punch. It'll leave you grieving in the best possible way. Read Full Review
The penultimate issue of Jonathan Hickman's "X-Men" series is a tour-de-force about family, grief, and killer robots. Read Full Review
Sure, Hickmans biggest criticism is focusing on the big ideas and forgetting about specific character beats. Well, this installment of X-MEN brilliantly finds a way to do both. Sure, this issue concentrates mainly on Charles, Erik, Mystique, and the Orchis Forge. Yet, the insight into the characters, the love and devotion they have, the parallel ideals which mimic one another, and the big narrative concepts are truly astounding. X-MEN fans, this is a MUST-READ! Go out over lunch and pick this one up immediately. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review
Overall this issue is not only packed with action, it really delivers some serious emotionally charged drama. It was great to finally return to a previous story that had previously been left open-ended. This series is ending with the next issue and it is really going to go out with a bang! Read Full Review
X-Men #20 gives readers what they want to see, more turmoil on Krakoa. Jonathan Hickman absolutely slays every issue he writes, and this one is a true killer. The pencils and colors fit effortlessly with the story and just go together well. X-Men is the benchmark for how all superhero books should be written. Read Full Review
Mobili delivers some impressive art throughout and does a masterful job of setting a scene. I especially loved how much of the perspective for scenes centered Mystique as the focus. Read Full Review
Jonathan Hickman and Francesco Mobili knock it out of the park with X-Men #20. The story is layered with a ton of character work for not only Mystique, Charles Xavier, and Magneto but also the antagonist side of franchise. By the end of X-Men #20 you are fully invested in multiple storylines and how they will be developed in the future. Read Full Review
Magneto and Charles Xavier send Mystique on a dangerous mission into the heart of OROCHIS, the human think tank organization making death machines to destroy Krakoa. Everyone's least favorite shape shifter can't afford to mess this up not just because there are anti-mutant robots in the works but because of a personal promise on the line. The future Hickman teased us with during the beginning of his run is becoming clearer bit by bit starting in X-Men #20. Read Full Review
Some pieces get moved around for the bigger picture story that Hickman has been telling, and he also delivers a fun little Mystique adventure. Read Full Review
It's a well-crafted issue that simultaneously gives a sense of closure to this X-Men series, revisiting important but understated narrative seeds and bringing to the fore of readers' minds ahead of the grand Hellfire Gala. X-Men fans should be plenty excited for what comes next. Read Full Review
Some very interesting writing and plot points are overshadowed by issues on a deeper level. There's still a lot to like but the line needs to be better. Read Full Review
Vintage Hickman. This was awesome.
It's nice getting back to this story. I find myself really rooting for Mystique here. Even though I also really like Krakoa, so I guess I have mixed feelings. Which is why this is such a well-written comic! Dr. Gregor and Mystique are both doing what they do out of love. Each of them just want their spouses back. They are so singularly focused that they will tear anyone and anything apart to get their love back. With this is mind, I even felt bad for Dr. Gregor despite not rooting for Orchis in any way shape or form. I'm even more excited for the future of Hickman's X-Men run and even more intrigued by the teaser of his upcoming series.
"I am Nimrod... the hunter. You were here at my beginning. I swear... I'll see you to your end."
Can't give this anything other than a 10.
Exciting story, agile, the art is amazing. This part of Mistic did not know him.
Good story, great art.
Yeah, this is Hickman at his best. But that's just my problem with the whole X-Men series up until now, I could tell Hickman wasn't even trying. Now, when he's paving the way for his Inferno series he really tried and the quality leveled up immediately. So while I loved this, I find myself disappointed by Hickman's attitude towards this series overall, he really winged it big time, I don't think he had more than 5 issues at best when he actually wrote at his full potential.
Another great issue as we approach the last issue of the series. Mystique has been an incredibly compelling character since House of X & Powers of X, and this only strengthened that. The coldness from Charles and Erik was done so damn well. Mobili also drew everything very nicely throughout.
More of what you love. What a great issue. Gotta love how ruthless Hickman has written these characters.
This series almost never fails to deliver, but when it picks up on subplots seeded back in House of X, it really succeeds. This issue is one of those.
p good
Raven failed, Nimord is online and we finally see Moira since HOX. Plus Hickman is now moving to another book, INFERNO, within the X-Line.
This was omnious
The return of an old enemy not only begins yet another war between mutants and haters, but a division in mutant preservation.
X-Men has been on a roll. Another issue we should have gotten a year ago but, its definitely a great read.
I’m sorry but that terrorism was just so shoddily performed. Really embarrassing work on Mystique’s part, I’m deeply ashamed of her.
Nimrod's online, Raven's getting frustrated, and Moira's still hidden deep under Krakoa. This is basically Jonathan Hickman sharpening up all the biggest plot hooks he's left dangling. I look forward to seeing where they lead, but the storytelling here was too stiff and cold for these first developments to wow me. I do think it's a good read, just not a powerful or engaging one.
One of the best issues but just a teaser