Jeremy Matcho's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: All-Comic, Read Comic Books Reviews: 577
7.1Avg. Review Rating

2020 Rescue #2

Jun 28, 2020

Rescue 2020 #2 is a pretty solid read. Dana Schwartz humanizes characters we many have no interest in and fleshes Pepper out in wonderful ways. The pencils and colors work and are light and fun. Rescue 2020 #2 is fun and entertaining. Tony Stark may be dead, but have no fear, Pepper Potts is coming to the Rescue!

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A-Force #3

Aug 17, 2015

A-Force #3 is a can't miss issue. This series has been extremely fun and this was the best issue to date.

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A-Force (2016) #1

Jan 8, 2016

A-Force #1 is an all around great book. The script and perspective by G. Willow Wilson makes this a fun read for any fan that may pick this issue up. The art by Jorge Molina and Laura Martin is excellent and should be used as a blueprint for any other book on the shelf. There is a certain level of cohesion with this title that is hardly matched by other books.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #2

Aug 30, 2019

Absolute Carnage is an absolute gem.

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Action Comics (2011) #44

Sep 13, 2015

Without a doubt, this current run on Action Comics is the best its been in a while. Greg Pak understands Superman and writes him as well as anybody has in years. The art from Aaron Kuder and Tomeu Morey is some of the best out in a book this week. These guys love what they do and it shows in every panel. Any die-hard Superman fan should be reading this book.

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Action Comics (2016) #964

Oct 3, 2016

Action Comics has been one of the best books put out by DC during its Rebirth iniative. Dan Jurgens has been writing a very interesting story, and even though this was a slower issue, it was still very intriguing. The pencils and colors for this issue just flat-out rock. This is not only a book for people who love Superman, its a book for people who love good stories.

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Action Comics (2016) #969

Dec 18, 2016

Action Comics #969 continues the trend of making the Superman books must-read since Rebirth. Dan Jurgens just has this rapport with Superman that allows him to write some of his best stories. The art this issue was great on both ends. Action Comics is a book any and all Superman fans should be reading right now.

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Action Comics (2016) #978

May 1, 2017

Action Comics has been a wonderful surprise for Superman fans who were tired of mediocrity. Strong writing and good art help to make this series a must read. No Superman lover should be skipping this book. Period.

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Action Comics (2016) #987

Sep 17, 2017

Action Comics #987 had a lot of hype around it, and it's definitely been met.

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Action Comics (2016) #992

Nov 25, 2017

Action Comics is right up there with Batman in terms of quality.

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #1

Jul 8, 2015

So far this has been one of the most enjoyable tie-ins to Secret Wars. Even though this is only the first issue it feels like weve been here before thanks to the continuity in writing by Fabian Nicieza. The art looks spectacular so far and will hopefully continue to grow with the series. This is a very good start to one of the most iconic X-Men stories.

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #2

Aug 10, 2015

This has been an extremely fun series so far. Fabian Nicieza hasn't missed a beat with any of these characters and can honestly do no wrong. The art had a few problems, mostly with over exaggerated body parts, but overall it's good. The story is really starting to get moving this issue and we are getting glimpses of things to come. Age of Apocalypse is the best it's been since the 90's!

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #3

Sep 2, 2015

Age of Apocalypse is still a fun ride because of Fabian Niciezas writing. It would help if the characters werent exaggerated, but were 3 issues in now and that wont change. If you can get past that, its worth a read because many of your favorite characters are well represented.

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #4

Sep 17, 2015

You could honestly make the argument that this Age of Apocalypse mini-series has been one of the better written X-Men books in a while. Fabian Nicieza really has done a great job with this cast and title. The voice many of these characters have has been spot on. The art has improved a lot this issue and Iban Coello has shown he can ball. The conclusion should be another wonderful trip down memory lane.

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #5

Oct 22, 2015

Some of these Secret War tie-ins have had disappointing ends, but Age of Apocalypse is very satisfying. You wont find many complaints from X-Men fans when Fabian Nicieza is on a book, and there arent really any in this issue. The art is better than itsever been and the book looks great. This was a fun book that will leave you feeling satisfied after you read it.

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Age of X-Man: Omega #1

Jul 21, 2019

We're all excited to see where the X-Men go next, but don't skip out on Age of X-Men: Omega.

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Age of X-Man: Alpha #1

Feb 2, 2019

You'd be hard pressed to find a better comic on the rack this week.

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Age Of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #3

May 11, 2019

Apocalypse and the Xtracts is one of the better books to come out of the Age of X-Man

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Age Of X-Man: NextGen #3

Apr 20, 2019

Age of X-Man Next Gen is a fun book!

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Age Of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #5

Jun 17, 2019

It's disappointing to see Marvelous X-Men go when it's starting to get really good.

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Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #1

Mar 3, 2019

X-Tremists is a decent start, but the weakest of the Age of X-Man stories so far.

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Alien (2021) #1

Mar 28, 2021

Alien #1 is a really good first issue into Marvel's Alien-verse. The script by Phillip Kennedy Johnson is not just interesting, it's also a little terrifying. You honestly won't find better art in a comic book this week than the duo of Salvador Larroca and GURU-eFX. it's absolutely stunning. Alien #1 is a book that will quench all your horror and sci-fi thirsts.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #0

Oct 7, 2015

As far as preview books go, this was all right. There are some hits in here, but there also appears to be some misses. Avengers #0 is honestly a book that you don't really need to buy, and with a $5.99 price tag, it would be difficult to blame anyone for passing. This is a book for people who haven't paid attention to the Marvel Universe last year.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #1

Nov 12, 2015

All-New All-Different Avengers is another re-launch from Marvel. The good news is that its pretty decent and worth a read. Mark Waid doesnt generally disappoint and the art is well done by all involved.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #4

Feb 1, 2016

All-New, All-Different Avengers hasnt been all that impressive. This issue was filler and wasnt that exciting. Mark Waid is an excellent writer and has shown the capacity to right theship time and again; perhaps hes just finding his footing. The art this issue was decent, but there were definitely some miscues. As one of Marvels big books, this series needs to step it up or it will be easily forgotten.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #15

Oct 30, 2016

As All-New, Al-Different Avengers winds down, you should walk away from this issue satisfied. If you didnt love the series as a whole, this is at least a very good way to wrap it up. Everyone involved should feel proud, as this was honestly one of the best issues of the entire run.

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All-New Hawkeye #2

Apr 9, 2015

All-New Hawkeye delivers a good second issue story wise, but the art may turn people off. Jeff Lemire is a man who knows how to appeal to fans and get them excited for a book. The art is hit or miss and it could turn some people off, but the story should be good enough to keep fans of the character around.

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All-New Invaders #2

Feb 5, 2014

The second issue shines a little more light on the mystery that was forgotten by the Invaders and Robinson shows us a little more character development. Steve Pugh is drawing at a high level and is not afraid to show off. This could be a hit book if the quality stays at this level.

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All-New Invaders #8

Jul 23, 2014

This was a really good issue that could potentially have some crazy repercussions throughout the rest of the Marvel Universe soon. Robinson has gotten better on this title each month and this is the best issue so far. There shouldnt be any doubt that Steve Pugh is a stud with a pencil. His work is very strong on this series and he will hopefully only get better. This series continues to get better every month thanks to the love that Robinson and Pugh put into their work.

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All-New Invaders #10

Sep 27, 2014

There shouldnt be any surprises here, another good issue in the books. James Robinson is crafting an intriguing tale that will tie into the main Marvel universe. Steve Pugh continues his awesome streak of good work and most likely wont slow down any time soon. All-New Invaders is a hit!

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All-New Invaders #14

Jan 30, 2015

Even though this series is getting cancelled, James Robinson and crew are still putting their best effort to send it out on a high note. Many things are great about this series, but the work and dedication by everyone involved show how much they love what they are doing. A big kudos to the team at All-New Invaders on a job well done.

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All-New Wolverine #1

Nov 11, 2015

This was an underwhelming first issue. X-23 was portrayed fine, but the story wasnt exciting enough. As stated above, Tom Taylor should have a grace period to get things together, but this wasnt the best introductory issue. The art was all right but seemed off for such a dark title. Overall, if youre a fan of the character youre going to pick this up, but if youre on the fence, it may not be a great investment.

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All-New Wolverine #7

May 1, 2016

All-New Wolverine has been a fun read of late. Tom Taylor must be finding his stride with these characters, because things are starting to click. The pencils and colors are about as good as weve seen them on this title. If this kind of consistency keeps up, this will be one of Marvels better titles.

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All-New Wolverine #17

Feb 9, 2017

All-New Wolverine continues to be one of the best X-books on the shelves. This issue had some problems, but its still a good read. There is something to be said for the way Tom Taylor has developed Laura Kinney as a character. Its easy to let someone be a wild berserk killing machine, but Taylor has given her a heart.

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All-New Wolverine #22

Jul 9, 2017

All-New Wolverine is arguably one of the best X-books on the shelf. Consistent writing and solid art help this book remain a good read month in and month out.

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All-New X-Men #16

Sep 4, 2013

Battle of the Atom hit readers with the first two issues this week, and they were both great. Readers will be wanting two issues every week if Bendis and Immonen keep the punches and cliffhangers rolling like they have so far, This is a series that every X-Men fan should be reading.

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All-New X-Men #17

Oct 2, 2013

Battle of the Atom has been a good arc with six issues down. The writing has been sharp and on point and, for the most part, the artists have stepped up their game. This is a cross-over that has great potential, and with a strong finish, can become a fan favorite.

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All-New X-Men #18

Nov 13, 2013

The first issue after the major cross over was a huge success, and it will be interesting to see where Bendis and Immonen take this. There is a lot of tension built up this issue, and it should lead to good story telling. Bendis and Immonen score again.

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All-New X-Men #19

Nov 27, 2013

This continues to be one of the best Marvel titles on the shelf these days, and with Brandon Peterson filling in this month, its a cant miss. Bendis continues to show what a great story teller he is through his work on this title, and the art is consistently top shelf. An all around excellent title.

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All-New X-Men #20

Dec 18, 2013

Despite some minor flaws with the art, this is an excellent issue and if X-23 stays with the team, thats even better. Bendis continues to make this a must read every month and still keeps it fresh and surprising. While this isnt the flagship X-title, there is a very strong possibility that it could be sometime in the not too distant future.

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All-New X-Men #21

Jan 15, 2014

This book is set for its second crossover as they face off against the Guardians of the Galaxy. Bendis is really cooking with this series and the future only seems to get brighter every month.

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All-New X-Men #22.NOW

Jan 23, 2014

While this was the set up issue, it was still successful in getting readers excited for the things to come. While Brandon Peterson filled in admirably while Immonen was off the title, it is good to have him back. Bendis and Immonen understand what needs to be done to make this book great, and continue to deliver twice a month.

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All-New X-Men #24

Mar 12, 2014

This series has been one of the best to come out of the Marvel Now launch and Bendis is absolutely the reason why. When Immonen is on pencils, his consistency makes the book that much better. As the crossover wraps up, Bendis and Immonen deserve a pat on the back for their work here. Even though this is not a blockbuster summer crossover, it has been more entertaining than some recent ones.

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All-New X-Men #25

Apr 11, 2014

There really isnt much meat to this issue; its used to mostly showcase the art, which is good for the most part. Bendis did a decent job of creating several alternate futures, but this issue was a bit of a letdown. Next month this series will get back to its roots and continue the great tale that Bendis is weaving.

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All-New X-Men #26

Apr 30, 2014

This was a wonderful read as Bendis and Immonen both gave everything they had. The book didnt lose a beat without young Scott and was extremely enjoyable on every level. The writing and art were spot on as this has been one of the best issues in the series. Bendis and Immonen continue to strike gold with this title as they perfect their talents month after month.

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All-New X-Men #28

Jun 11, 2014

This issue of All-New X-Men was pretty good, but it will lose some readers with all the time jumping. If you can get past the all of that, it should be an enjoyable read. Bendis continues to flesh out characters that need attention and he makes them interesting. The art is as good as its ever been and Gracias colors do wonders for this title. A solid issue for one of the best books on the rack.

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All-New X-Men #29

Jul 9, 2014

This issue wraps up an entertaining brotherhood arc. Brian Michael Bendis has injected some life into the X-Men books and has kept the quality of this title very high. Immonen has had better issues, but its hard to say he ever has a bad issue. This duo has proven to be great at everything they try and that doesnt look to change any time soon.

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All-New X-Men #31

Aug 27, 2014

While the writing was very good and very funny, the art takes a dip from where it usually is. Bendis continues to impress on this title with his witty banter and character development. Mahmud Asrars work needs to improve to up the overall quality of the book. He has a lot of great artists to live up to on this book, but seems capable of it. All-New X-Men continues to be a must read for fans of the band of merry mutants.

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All-New X-Men #32

Sep 18, 2014

This is a good start to what should be a very impressive story arc from Bendis and Asrar. The script is good and the art is on the upswing, which is never a bad thing. Who knows, maybe by the end of all this, Miles could be a member of the All-New X-Men.

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All-New X-Men #33

Oct 29, 2014

While many might see this as a filler issue, there were several things that happened with the characters. Brian Bendis has been taking his time with his stories, which is fine as long as there is a satisfying end. The art continues to improve each time we get a new issue as Asrar gets more comfortable drawing the characters. All-New X-Men has been the best selling X-book since it came out, it's not hard to see why.

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All-New X-Men #34

Dec 17, 2014

This was a decent issue, but nothing that will knock your socks off. The cliffhanger at the end is a bit weak, but if youre reading this book youre going to be back next month anyway. There is still a lot to uncover in this arc as Bendis and Asrar literally show us what happens when worlds collide.

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All-New X-Men #35

Jan 22, 2015

Delays are something that can kill a book and this story arc is hurting because of it. If when you pick up a book you dont remember what happened last issue, you have a problem. Bendis has to start getting the ball rolling on this; slow burns are fine, but when a book has a delay like this one has, they tend to get lost. Mahmud Asrar also needs to continue to improve on his art. This month saw a lapse in his progress, but he can easily get back in readers good graces. Hopefully All-New X-Men will get back on schedule and finish this arc before it causes any more problems.

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All-New X-Men #36

Feb 12, 2015

All-New X-Men is still behind schedule, but Bendis has put together a pretty good story arc here. There was a ton of expectation for this arc and they may not have been met by some, but if you take it for the fun journey it was, youll have a good time. Mahmud Asrar continues to grow on this title and can honestly become a very good artist in the future, but he still has some work to do. All in all, this wasnt an earth shattering story, but it was an enjoyable one.

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All-New X-Men #37

Mar 11, 2015

For a stand alone issue, this was pretty good. Brian Michael Bendis didnt phone anything in and actually gave us a book that has some substance. The colors and pencils by Mike Del Mundo work well with the story and are a welcome addition. This issue was a little late, but had enough good character moments and art to let it slide.

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All-New X-Men #38

Feb 27, 2015

Black Vortex has been a surprising cross over. Brian Michael Bendis injects his style and humor into this issue and moves the plot along nicely. The pencils and colors are (lame pun) out of this world and enhance the book exponentially. This is honestly one of the better events from Marvel in quite some time.

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All-New X-Men #39

Mar 18, 2015

As we get further along in the Black Vortex crossover, it seems to keep getting better. Brian Michael Bendis is the latest writer to put out a really good issue, but its not shocking since the whole event has been a thrill to read so far. The art has been pretty stunning as well, none better than Sorrentino and Maiolo. This event has been a joy to read and look at.

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All-New X-Men #40

Apr 22, 2015

This could have been a disaster of an issue, but Bendis wrote the controversial scene well. Many of the people who have a problem with this havent actually read the book and only read the headlines. The art has continued to get better, but could still use a tiny bit more work. This was a solid and fun issue from a book that has consistently been great.

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All-New X-Men: Special #1

Oct 2, 2013

This was an interesting set up issue. Readers are left with questions as the next chapter approaches, and teaming up with the Hulk usually ends in destruction. Mike Costa is telling a fun story that puts the original five outside of their book and it is worth a read. If you have a light week on your pull list, or are a big X-Men fan, this should be a story to check out.

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All-New X-Men (2015) #2

Dec 16, 2015

All-New X-Men #2 is a fun book that should be a nice easy read. Dennis Hopeless has some skill with these younger characters and its showing in his writing. The art by Bagley and Woodard is light and allows this to be the book where you dont have to think about death and extinction. If youre not in the mood for dark and mysterious, this is a book for you.

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All-New X-Men (2015) #3

Jan 17, 2016

All-New X-Men is the lightest of the re-launched titles. Its a fun story that focuses on the younger students as they try to survive in a time that isnt theirs. Dennis Hopeless has made this an enjoyable book so far, but should try harder to get everyone involved more. The art is good and adds to the playful tone of the series. This is the X-Men book that anyone can pick up and enjoy.

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All-New X-Men (2015) #4

Feb 12, 2016

All-New X-Men has some characterization problems, but it is still a very fun read and should keep you entertained. Dennis Hopeless has built an interesting premise as the young X-Men hop from place to place, stopping crime before it happens. The art is one of the strongest things about this particular book, and it continues to improve each issue. If youre not enjoying All-New X-Men, there's something wrong.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #15

Feb 25, 2015

Amazing Spider-Man has been decent under Slott's pen, but as a whole this was a fun event. Slott showed that he can do some wonderful things with many characters and has the chops to write them well. The art team knocked it out of the park this issue and really captured the mood of the various endings. Happy and sad collided here, and Camuncoli and Ponsor captured it perfectly.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #10

Apr 15, 2016

This wasnt a bad issue; it just wasnt anything too exciting. Dan Slott writes everyone well enough, but this storyline just isnt all that interesting. The art on the other hand has been very good and helps boost the enjoyment of the issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #30

Jul 16, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man has been consistently good for a long time now. Dan Slott has worked his magic to make this title a must-read. To top it off, it's hard to ask for a better job in the art department than what's given this issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #799

Apr 22, 2018

Clever writing and vicious art highlight an already strong arc.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #801

Jun 25, 2018

Dan Slott's run on Spider-Man may be ending, but many of his stories and ideas will live on. Amazing Spider-Man #801 is a wonderful feel good issue that allows Slott to go out on top. You honestly couldn't ask for a better art team for this issue. The light colors and pencils help convey the message that Slott wants to tell. Amazing Spider-Man #801 is a must read for all Spidey fans.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #13

Jan 19, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man 13 is a satisfying end to this story arc. Fans of J. Jonah Jameson will love how much he's grown as a person on this run. Nick Spencer has done a great job of making every character matter. The art should give off some wonderful eye candy and visuals for those who love the medium. Amazing Spider-Man is the spider book we need

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18

Mar 31, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man is back in the business of kicking butt.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #30

Sep 26, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man is a tie-in that is worth reading.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #51

Oct 31, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man #51 is a great addition to the series. Nick Spencer has written great a creepy script that will no doubt have a lasting impact on Peters life. The pencils and colors couldnt have been better for a story like this. Amazing Spider-Man is picking up steam and getting creepy just in time for Halloween.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #63

Apr 11, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man has been one of the most consistent books from Marvel. Nick Spencer has written Peter Parker like he's one of his good friends. As a reader we know that Peter is in good hands because Spencer treats him like family. The pencils and colors this issue match the tone of the book and pay off. Amazing Spider-Man is fun and full of life.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 11, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man #75 is off to a great start. Zeb Wells has lined up an interesting and engaging story that respects both Peter and Ben Reilly. The pencils and colors look good on the page and truly help sell this book. The work the artists put in make this an easy and enjoyable read. Amazing Spider-Man is in good hands and off to a great start.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4

Aug 19, 2015

The Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows has been very good so far. This issue has set up the conclusion nicely and we'll get to see who makes it out alive. Dan Slott has done a good job with this series and should earn a little more respect from those who dislike his work. The art has been consistent and it's paired with an awesome colorist. Hopefully the conclusion will be as exciting as the events that led us there.

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Aquaman And The Others #1

Apr 2, 2014

For a first issue, this was well done by everyone involved. Jurgens and Medina seem to be on the same page and pull off a book that raises questions that the reader will want to see resolved. Jurgens gave everyone a little panel time to introduce them and Medina showed off his talent with a pencil. Hopefully this title can keep up the mystery and intrigue, because this was a solid start to a series.

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Aquaman And The Others #10

Feb 5, 2015

As the series winds down, this was a bit of a fast issue. Aquaman and the Others has been fun and the work of Dan Jurgens has been the main reason why. Even though this wasnt the best issue, it was still better than other junky books on the shelves today. Hopefully this crew will send it out with a nice farewell.

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Aquaman And The Others #11

Mar 4, 2015

Even though this is the end of the series, its by no means the end of these characters. There is a lot of potential with many of these guys and they will surely be back. Dan Jurgens did a wonderful job and put together a fun series for 11 issues. Aquaman and the Others may be over, but Jurgens has left an imprint on the characters and readers alike.

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Aquaman And The Others: Futures End #1

Sep 24, 2014

While the Futures End one-shots have been a grab bag, this was one of the more enjoyable issues. Dan Jurgens uses all the characters well and constructs a good enough story. Sean Chen does a nice job on the artwork and leaves everything on the page.Futures End Aquaman and the Othersis one of the better issues to come out of September.

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Archer & Armstrong #18

Mar 4, 2014

Jeremy Matcho is an employee of Amcom/ Xerox. He was born on the hard streets in Guam, and once met George Wendt at a local Jamesway department store. He was first exposed to comics at the tender age of 9, picking up X-Men #1. His favorite character then, and to this day is Cyclops. While he has been a Marvel fan for 20 years, DC is steadily becoming heavy competition. He also is the proud owner of a 2002 ford escort.

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Asgardians of the Galaxy #9

May 26, 2019

You'd be hard pressed to find a better tie-in series than Asgardians of the Galaxy.

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Astonishing X-Men (2017) #3

Sep 11, 2017

There really shouldn't be a doubt anymore that Astonishing X-Men is the premier X-book.

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Astonishing X-Men (2017) #6

Dec 10, 2017

Astonishing X-Men continues to be the book that X-fans should be flocking to.

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Astonishing X-Men (2017) #7

Jan 6, 2018

This was a little bit of a slower issue for Astonishing X-Men, but it was still a good read. Charles Soule has been putting out the best X-book every month since this title debuted. The rotating artists hasn't affected the book in any way and Noto fills in nicely. Astonishing X-Men should still be the first X-book you read this week.

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Astonishing X-Men (2017) #14

Aug 4, 2018

Astonishing X-Men #14 continues to be a promising start for this new team. Matthew Rosenberg has let his inner fan boy out onto the pages of the book and it's a really wild read. The art has been exciting and glamorous thanks to the hard work put in by all involved. Astonishing X-Men is the most fun you'll have with mutants this week.

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Astounding Villain House One-Shot #1

Oct 29, 2013

Its not hard to see why Wheeler is an Eisner award winner. This is a really fun and funny book, and its great to take a break from a serious super hero book and pick this up and read it for fun, because lets be honest, thats what were all here to do. Have fun!

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1

Oct 9, 2014

This was a pretty good issue to kick off the event. Alliances were formed, enemies became allies and someone died, so overall it was pretty successful. Rick Remender is one of the best wide scope storytellers in the business and he put a pretty good first foot forward. The art was a little dicey at first, but Adam Kubert righted the ship at the end of the issue. This has all the making to be an epic event and Remender has a great track record.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2

Oct 15, 2014

As the second chapter ends, some more pieces are falling into place. Remender is an outstanding story teller that has huge plans. As a fan, Its exciting to see each new issue come out and the new developments that come with it. The art could be better, but Adam Kubert is a good enough artist and we should trust that hell get into his groove soon. Avengers & X-Men: Axis has been a fun ride so far, lets hope it continues!

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #3

Oct 23, 2014

This has been the best issue to date and Remender is only getting started. There is excitement when reading this to see what happens. The art gets a boost this week from Leinil Francis Yu, and the story gets more interesting as well. If this is a sign of things to come, were all in for a wonderful ride.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #4

Nov 5, 2014

Avengers & X-Men: Axis has been an enjoyable read so far. This issue was a bit slower than the others, but its setting up the major events to come later in the series. Rick Remender is a writer you should have faith in, because he always seems to deliver when he needs to. The pencils by Yu have done wonders for his two issue stint and have added great depth to an already good story. This is an event that continues to get better with each issue.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #5

Nov 12, 2014

This was a decent issue, but nothing that will change anybodys mind on the event. Remender is really displaying that he can write any character he wants in Marvels dossier. The art takes a step back this issue, but Dodson is good enough that he can rebound with the next one. Avengers & X-Men: Axis continues to be an enjoyable read as we wait to see what happens next week.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #7

Dec 10, 2014

As the series winds down we are seeing everything come to shape. This issue will definitely have some consequences that will linger in the Marvel Universe moving forward. Rick Remender is continuing his fine job on this mini, but the art holds this issue back. With only two more issues to go I cant wait to see what Remender has up his sleeve.

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Avengers (2016) #682

Mar 7, 2018

Anyone who likes great and epic stories should be reading "No Surrender"...a book filled with big characters and big moments.

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Avengers (2016) #690

May 1, 2018

As a whole, No Surrender was a great success and a joy to read. Top shelf art and a great story make this another classic Avengers story.

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Avengers: No Road Home #1

Feb 16, 2019

If you didn't enjoy this, you're not a comic fan

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Bad Ass #4

Apr 14, 2014

Bad Ass was a good under the radar little story. The ending left things open for another mini-series or even possibly an ongoing. Herik Hanna and Bruno Bessadi have a good dynamic that will hopefully be seen again in the future. If you havent read this title, give it a shot, it was fun and overall very enjoyable.

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Batman (2016) #31

Sep 24, 2017

Batman #31 continues to set the high bar for DC.

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Batman: Europa #2

Dec 20, 2015

Batman Europa #2 is a decent read, but it is not without its flaws. The writing by Azzarello and Casali is fun and the chemistry between Batman and Joker is great. The pencils and colors are where there could be some consistency and improvements. Its not bad by any means, just different. $4.99 is a high price for a book that is just alright.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

The bat titles have been some of the more popular issues from the villains month rolodex, but Mr. Freeze is the issue to beat so far. A good story combined with excellent art is what the bat books are all about. This is an issue that deserves reading.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

Clayface comes off very likable and conniving in this issue, which make for a pretty interesting read. He's generally a character that is forgotten, but this issue makes him relevant and dangerous. Layman and Richards do a decent job of making this one shot issue worth the cover price.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

There was so much attention surrounding this issue that its hard not to be let down. The story is alright, and the art is extremely strong, but it wasnt as good as some of the other titles that were released this month. This book is worth a read, but not the hype.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

This was a really good read. Clayface may not have a huge fan base like the Joker, but he can be an interesting villain when written right and Hurwitz and Maleev are doing a fine job so far.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #25

Nov 27, 2013

Batman the Dark Knight is a title that showcases the many foes that Batman has to face, and Hurwitz is giving them life on a monthly basis. Alex Maleev continues to draw art that fits the story being told, and he gives it a depressing and dreary tone. A quality book for any Batman fan.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #26

Dec 31, 2013

Silent issues can be a fun break every now and then and Hurwitz and Ponticelli have done a very good one. That being said, some dialogue would be welcome next issue, as a confrontation between Batman and the Penguin is going to happen, and a fight isnt as much fun without the banter.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #27

Jan 29, 2014

This was a decent issue, but the fact that there were two consecutive issues without dialogue could be hard to get over. While Hurwitz and Ponticelli did a good job telling the story through the pictures, not being able to read will frustrate some fans. The series is winding down, heres hoping Hurwitz takes it out with a bang.

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Black Cat (2020) #1

Dec 18, 2020

My expectations for Black Cat #1 were middle of the road. Having said that, this was a really good book. Jed MacKay has proven that he can write Felicia Hardy in an extremely likable and relatable way. The pencils and colors were lights out too. Black Cat #1 is a great book and an excellent tie-in to King in Black.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #0.2014

Feb 25, 2014

This was a very interesting and informative zero issue. We got all the dirt on H.A.R.D. Corps as well as a little bit more history between Bloodshot and Major Palmer. While having several different artists can be something that hampers a book, that is not the case this issue. Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps continues its streak of quality issues and creative story telling.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #14

Sep 18, 2013

Despite a slow start to this arc, this series has been excellent since it was released. Valiant is a company that puts fans first, and generally makes quality material month in and month out. Dont let a slow first issue stop you from picking up this otherwise great title.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #15

Oct 16, 2013

This issue is solid for the second chapter in a story arc. The artwork and character development are very strong in this issue, and there are some surprises to keep the reader guessing about who will actually survive. Valiant strikes again.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #16

Nov 18, 2013

Valiant is doing a great job of introducing new characters into already established books and giving them their own title. This book is no exception; while I love Bloodshot working with H.A.R.D. Corps, its only a matter of time before this goes back to being a solo title. With Dysart leading the charge, and the beautiful scenes drawn by Lupacchino, this is a cant miss book.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #17

Dec 19, 2013

Where this book goes next is what is interesting. Teaming Bloodshot up with H.A.R.D. Corps opens up a lot of possibilities for great storylines in the future. As long as Dysart has his hand in this, it will always be a good read.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #18

Jan 8, 2014

The start of the new arc has raised some interesting questions and split the team apart. Dyasart and Gage are professionals who always deliver action and entertainment. The art could be better and hopefully it will get there next month. Overall an enjoyable read.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #19

Feb 19, 2014

Bloodshot and H.A.R.D.Corps is an action packed title that delivers with every issue. Gage and Dysart have a knack for planting seeds and building on them in future issues and this month continues the trend. While the art was sketchy (pun intended) in some places, it wont affect the overall enjoyment of this solid issue.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #20

Mar 10, 2014

After a pretty exciting first issue to this crossover, this book was a bit of a let down. That shouldnt be held against Gage and Dysart though, as they have been dynamite on this book. Tom Raney came on board and was able to make the issue more enjoyable and fun where he could. Every writer is allowed a miss here or there, and Gage and Dysart are no exception. Im sure theyll be back next month to continue to knock it out of the park as usual.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #21

Apr 11, 2014

This has been the second crossover involving Bloodshot and it was an entertaining chapter in his mythos. Dysart and Gage have a great hold of many of the characters in the Valiant Universe and this mini-events proves that. Tom Raney has been a treat for the few issues that he worked on, hopefully he can consistently draw for Valiant because his art transfers over well. Another job well done for the duo of Dysart and Gage as they continue to mold the new Valiant universe.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #22

May 12, 2014

Even though this is an anticipated arc, it was still better than expected. The set up was very well done and natural and there is a twist that will leave you wanting more. The writing is top shelf and Barrionuevo stuns on art duty. This was an all around great start to a promising arc.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #23

Jun 10, 2014

This is a little open ended and ambiguous conclusion, but it is a satisfying one. Valiant has been excellent in their story telling and continuity and this should have some effects on the universe moving forward. Boudreau and Gage end on a good note and leave many possibilities for team ups from the surviving members.

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Cable (2017) #150

Oct 23, 2017

Cable #150 has put this title back on the map. This was a fun issue that meshed some of our favorite moments from the past together.

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Cable (2020) #5

Oct 18, 2020

Cable #5 has everything you would want from an X-Men comic. Popular and likable characters, good story, great art, and overall, a tie in to the crossover. Gerry Duggan doesnt miss when he takes over a title. Phil Noto is showing off some of the best work of his career too. Cable #5 is setting the bar for the crossover.

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Cable (2020) #6

Nov 21, 2020

Cable #6 was a very good issue and it gave fans what they wanted; fights, deaths and violence. Gerry Duggan again comes through and delivers the best issue of the crossover. Phil Notos stylistic art continues to impress every time he works on a book. Cable #6 should not be missed.

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Cable (2020) #7

Jan 21, 2021

Cable #7 is another good entry in what has been a surprisingly good series. Gerry Duggan is tapping into our innermost desires and giving us a family book that weve always wanted. Phil Noto continues to be an art master on the page; his work just keeps getting better. Cable has become one of the best books in this X-Men line.

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Cable (2020) #10

May 1, 2021

Cable has been a surprisingly good title for Marvel. My personal feelings on young Cable were mixed, but Gerry Duggan has brought me around and made me a fan. Noto's art continues to be impressive here as well. Cable #10 is one of the best issues of the series so far. This book seems to be going out on a high note.

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Cable (2020) #11

Jul 1, 2021

Cable #11 offers us some closure and some joy as we brace ourselves for the final next issue. Gerry Duggan has been consistently good on this series, and it has been one of the more underrated books from the X-line. Phil Noto is always a joy to see on a title, and his art and colors are only getting better with time. Cable #11 is a sweet book that has big consequences ahead of it.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #4

Aug 28, 2016

Captain America: Steve Rogers has been a heck of a ride. For a book that is surrounded in controversy, Nick Spencer is turning out an amazing story that will have lasting consequences for Steve Rogers in the future. The pencils and colors absolutely rock this issue and youd be hard pressed to find better art in any other book this week. If youre not reading this series, youre missing out on all kinds of awesome.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #1

Jun 11, 2015

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps is a title that may take you by surprise. The writing team of Kelly Sue DeConnick and Kelly Thompson do a nice job of setting the tone for the rest of the series. We also get a glimpse of characters who start to doubt Lord Doom. The art by David Lopez is fine and a compliment to the tone of the story. There were a few rough spots but overall he did well with the issue.

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Champions (2016) #2

Nov 7, 2016

Champions #2 is by no means a bad book, it just isnt anything different or new from what youve seen before. Mark Waid is an uber-talented writer and needs to distance this teen book from every other one somehow. The art was the best part of the book. They turned in a very good performance with little missteps. This may end up being a series that needs time to get going.

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Champions (2016) #5

Feb 4, 2017

Champions honestly hasnt gotten a ton of press since its debuted. This is a pretty decent little series though, but it is getting a bit political, which is a turn off. Mark Waid is an excellent writer and hes teamed with Humberto Ramos, who is turning in some of his best work of his career right now. This is a series worth reading.

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Chastity #1

Jul 8, 2014

Chastity is a book that will take people by surprise, although it really shouldnt. Marc Andreyko did a very good job Manhunter, which was underrated as well. Dave Acosta and Tiago Ribeiro make the story better with their contributions in art and color. This could be an explosive new series for Dynamite, and it has great ingredients to succeed.

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Children of the Atom (2021) #1

Mar 13, 2021

Children of the Atomis surprisingly fun and entertaining. If you think this is something you've seen before, there is a little more going on than we think. Vita Ayala proved the naysayers wrong with this strong debut on Children of the Atom. The pencils and colors help build up the likability of this issue. Children of the Atom is a book that should be read by anyone who enjoys a good story.

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Civil War II #3

Jul 14, 2016

The hype was met in Civil War II #3. Even if you know what is coming, the way Bendis and company handle it will still surprise you. Were now past the point of calling this series a gimmick and actually waiting to see what happens next.

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Civil War II: X-Men #3

Aug 18, 2016

Civil War II X-Men #3 is a decent issue. Its nothing ground breaking or anything we havent really seen already, but its a decent enough issue. Cullen Bunns characterization of nearly everyone in the book is a testament to his wonderful writing style. There doesnt seem to be anyone he cant get a grasp on. The art probably wont wow you, but it is sufficient and wont take you out of the series.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #1

Oct 20, 2014

Colder: The Bad Seed is off to a great start so far. Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra craft a very entertaining introductory issue that should keep you interested for the next installment. Tobin usually delivers on his books, so this should be another good mini-series from Dark Horse.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #2

Nov 25, 2014

As the series progresses it becomes better and better. Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra are a dynamic team that turn out high quality work. The superb characterization and the eerie visuals make this a must read for horror fans.

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Convergence #0

Apr 5, 2015

Convergence #0 doesnt seem like it really needed to be made. It essentially set up the series in two pages, which probably could have been done in Futures End or Earth 2. Dan Jurgens and Jeff King didnt do a terrible job, but this is honestly an unnecessary book. The one redeeming quality comes from the art and colors by Ethan Van Sciver and Marcel Maiolo. If you find the price tag a little too steep, feel free to pass on this.

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Convergence #4

Apr 30, 2015

This has been a pretty disappointing event so far and it most likely wont get any better. The audience keeps waiting around for something important to happen and we havent had any payoff four issues in. If youre not that invested in this series, you can probably skip it and pick up the DC titles after the event ends.

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Convergence #5

May 7, 2015

This event is almost over and it honestly cant come soon enough. This story continues to drag along with drab dialogue and terrible pacing. I cant recall a time since 1991 when Ive been this turned off from a series. Maybe this is DC telling Jeff King what to do, but there has got to be a better way to tell this story. At this point, no one should be reading this event.

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Cutter #1

Oct 6, 2014

This was a good little find on the rack this month. With a solid start to a promising story Napton and Fahey have our attention. There were a few hiccups in the art department, but it shouldnt ruin the story for you. Next issue will have to be just as good as this one to keep up interest.

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Cyclops (2014) #1

May 8, 2014

This could easily have been a book that fell flat, but Greg Rucka and Russell Dauterman have done an excellent job of making it fun and exciting. Cyclops has been a character who is popular, but not popular enough to sustain his own title. The combination of Rucka and Dauterman have the book off to an exciting start that will hopefully continue every month!

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Cyclops (2014) #3

Jul 30, 2014

For an issue that had barely an action, it kicked butt in every aspect. Ruckas story and emotion was drawn beautifully by Dauterman. Everything clicked this issue and this is by far the best of the series so far. Next month will be hard to top, but if there is a team that can do it, its Rucka and Dauterman.

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Cyclops (2014) #4

Aug 27, 2014

This series has definitely been a dark horse in terms of quality. Its been a fun read every month, but also slaps a little meaning into it as well. Greg Rucka has the chops to take on any character and work wonders. Carmen Carnero is an up and coming talent that has impressed on this issue. Cyclops is absolutely one of the best books Marvel is putting out right now!

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Cyclops (2014) #5

Sep 24, 2014

Greg RuckasCyclopswas an extremely enjoyable book for the short time it lasted. Even switching artist mid run didnt slow down the quality of the title. Its sad to see Rucka go, but John Layman could step in and do just as good of a job. As long as there are good stories and good art, it should still be a must read.

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Cyclops (2014) #6

Oct 23, 2014

This was not a great issue of Cyclops in any way. The heartfelt writing that Greg Rucka built the series on is gone and we are left with an unrecognizable book. There is still some hope though because John Layman is a good writer, he just needs to find his footing. The art also needs to improve as well because it has the ability to set the tone as well. This wasnt a great issue, but it can absolutely get better in the coming months if the story and art pick up.

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Cyclops (2014) #7

Nov 29, 2014

Cyclops has certainly picked it up since last month and has edged its way into must-read status. John Layman bounced back this month and delivered a fun and witty script. The art and colors by Javier Garron and Chris Sotomayor were also well represented, making this an excellent issue. Next month should be just as good as it seems like Layman and company could be finding their footing in this series.

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Cyclops (2014) #9

Jan 15, 2015

Cyclops continues to be an impressive book each month. I keep waiting for it to dip in quality, but it never does. Everything about this series, from the words to the pencils has been wonderful. Layman and Garron are putting in great work and really fleshing Scott out. Kudos to a job well done for everyone involved.

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Cyclops (2014) #12

Apr 2, 2015

As a series finale, John Layman turned in a pretty fun book. His work on this series has really shaped Teen Scott and will help him continue to grow moving forward. The pencils and colors were fine as well and they brought Laymans script to life. Cyclops was a fun ride while it lasted and the entire team deserves a pat on the back for making it an enjoyable book.

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D4VE (IDW) #1

Feb 26, 2015

As far as introductory issues go, this was outstanding. The writing and pencils were extremely good and this should be a story anyone can pick up and enjoy. It almost seems like the Secret Life of Walter Mitty, but with a robot in place of Ben Stillers character. D4VEis by far one of the best reads of the week.

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Damage (2018) #2

Feb 26, 2018

The best thing to do here is to just take Damage for what he is and enjoy that. This issue was well written and drawn excellently. DC is trying to make Damage a different hero, and in time he will get there, but until then, this is a fun book that should entertain anyone with a sense of adventure.

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Daredevil (2014) #7

Aug 20, 2014

These two tie-in issue have actually been very good, which shouldnt be too surprising with Waid and Lopez behind it. Daredevil is a legitimately fantastic series that has flown under the radar for too long. Take note of this series now before you get too far behind.

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Daredevil (2014) #12

Jan 14, 2015

Another great issue from one of the best tandems to ever take over Daredevil. Its getting to the point that if youre not reading this book, youre really only hurting yourself. Waid and Samnee have secured their place in the Daredevil mythos with this masterful run on the title.

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Darkhawk (2021) #1

Aug 28, 2021

Darkhawk #1 was a surprisingly deep read. The issues Kyle Higgins brings to light are relatable and very real. The pencils and colors fit the story so well that they just seem like they were made for a title like this. Darkhawk is back!

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Day Men #4

Jul 30, 2014

Day Men #4 is a very good read, the only problem is that the delay will force you to either re-read the previous issues. Gagnon and Nelson are crafting a compelling tale, but it would be nicer if they could do it in a more timely manner. Brian Stelfreeze is always amazing, but the delays are really hurting this title. Hopefully we can get to a point where it comes out at least semi-regularly.

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Day Men #5

Nov 8, 2014

Day Men #5 was the best in the series so far, however the delay is hard to overcome. Having a book come out every few months really hurts the readers. Having said that, the writing team and the art team are at the top of their games for this issue. Hopefully we wont have to wait another few months for the next issue.

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Day Men #8

Oct 14, 2015

This honestly is an awesome and explosive book, but the delay kills any momentum it may ever have. The delay is inexcusable and will alienate casual and hardcore fans. The writing and art really shine on this series, but if it comes out once a year its meaningless. Hopefully this series will get back on track soon, because Day Men is definitely a title worth reading.

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Deadpool vs. Thanos #1

Sep 5, 2015

Deadpool Vs. Thanos may seem like a joke of a book, but its the funniest joke you'll read in a while. Tim Seeley really delivers a good script and hell have you laughing from cover to cover. The art is very good and complementary to the writing. Bondoc and Redmond work well together and the book is all the better for it. If you need a pick me up this week, make itDeadpool Vs. Thanos.

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Death Of The Inhumans #1

Jul 7, 2018

Death of the Inhumans is the book to read this week.

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Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 3, 2014

The Death of Wolverine is off to a fantastic start. Charles Soule turns in a great script that has great characterization. The art and colors by Steve McNiven and Justin Ponsor are such an amazing compliment to the story that should leave everyone engaged and impressed. This is killing off an iconic character the right way, with a talented team of superstars.

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Death Of Wolverine #2

Sep 10, 2014

The Death of Wolverine has been a home run so far and the excitement is building for the next two issues. Charles Soule has really nailed every character hes written so far, and they have all served a purpose. Hes not just throwing in guest stars because its the end for an icon. McNiven and Ponsor continue to make this book the best drawn issue on the rack each week and deserve every bit of praise they get.

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Death of X #1

Oct 9, 2016

Death of X has been a series and story fans have been waiting to hear since Secret Wars ended. The first issue did not disappoint and should please fans of both the X-Men and Inhumans. The pencils and colors were very good in this introductory issue. This mini series has the potential to put the X-Men back on top of the sales chart, where they belong. If the writing is consistent and Aaron Kuder continues to crush the art duties, this will be an epic mini.

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Death of X #2

Oct 22, 2016

Death of X #2 takes a dip in quality from the first issue. Its not terrible, but some characterization feels forced and unreasonable. Lemire and Soule are both good writers, but if youre an X-Men fan, this isnt going to be an enjoyable read. The pencils, inks, and colors were all handled very well for the second issue in a row. If youre not interested in seeing one of your favorite mutants get ruined, at least the art is top-notch.

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Death of X #4

Nov 23, 2016

“Disappointed” isnt a big enough word to use after reading this issue. The writing seems very uneven and ridiculous at times. Characters were stomped on for dramatic effect and it comes off terrible. If ever there was a book to skip on the shelves, Death of X #4 is it.

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Dejah of Mars #1

May 27, 2014

Dejah of Mars is clearly a book for fans of the John Carter series, because if youre unfamiliar with those books, youll almost certainly be lost. The art is nice and the bright spot of the issue, but it would have been nice if Rahner would have given a little more build up for this one.

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Detective Comics (2016) #938

Aug 12, 2016

Its odd to say that of all the characters in Detective Comics, Batman is the one that gets the least amount of focus. James Tynion IV has done an awesome job on this title so far and his superb character work is what makes it a different Bat-Title. The art has been incendiary and should only get better as Martinez gets more comfortable. This has been a great run so far and it doesnt look to be slowing down anytime soon.

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Detective Comics (2016) #940

Sep 18, 2016

Detective Comics #940is a wonderful issue that sends a fan favorite character out of our lives. James Tynion IV has a love for the characters that he writes and it shows with the way he handled this death. This series has honestly been one of the biggest surprises of Rebirth. It has twists and turns and, above all that, great writing and exceptional art.

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Detective Comics (2016) #963

Aug 26, 2017

Another issue that is on par with where the series has been since the New 52 ended...the pencils and colors weren't anything spectacular, but certainly served their purpose and were fine enough.

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Detective Comics (2016) #966

Oct 15, 2017

Detective Comics has sort of been in the shadow of other bat related books, but this arc has been fantastic. James Tynion IV has put together two good and interesting issues to kick this arc off. You couldn't have asked for a better job on art duties than the team that was on display here. Detective comics is a breath of fresh air.

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Doctor Doom (2019) #1

Oct 12, 2019

Doctor Doom may be the hit of the week

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Drifter #1

Nov 13, 2014

Drifter was a surprisingly excellent read this week. Sci-fi books can be confusing at times, but this one is easy to follow and well written to boot. Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein really blow the doors off with an exciting first issue. Having set the bar high, they will have to be on the top of their game to maintain this level of quality long term.

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E Is For Extinction #1

Jun 25, 2015

Marvel has really been putting out some great books for the battle worlds. E for Extinction was a book with no expectations and it turned out to be incredibly enjoyable. Chris Burnham appears to have talent in the writing and drawing department because this was a great introductory issue. The art is gross and dark, but it keeps with the tone of the book and really compliments the story. This is a series that may take you by surprise, so pick it up if you can.

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E Is For Extinction #4

Oct 1, 2015

This is a disappointing end to a promising series. The first three issues were interesting, but unfortunately pacing problems and a bad ending ruin this issue. The art was serviceable, but could use a bit of improvement in some areas. Overall this is a series that will fly under the radar and probably be forgotten.

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Edge of Venomverse (2017) #1

Jul 2, 2017

As far as introductory issues go, this is a pretty good effort. The story is interesting enough and it's a cool concept.

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Empyre: X-Men #4

Aug 23, 2020

X-Men Empyre #4 was an ok issue, but easily skippable. Tie-ins rarely pay off, and this one at least had some interesting things going for it. Hickman is a master storyteller, and this has been the best issue of the series. The colors and pencils add some life to this story and really make it easy to read.

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Excalibur (2019) #1

Oct 30, 2019

If you're following all the new X-books for the relaunch, Excalibur is book that needs to be picked up.

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Excalibur (2019) #2

Nov 23, 2019

If you're a Psylocke fan, this is a series you should read

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Exiles (2018) #6

Aug 14, 2018

Exiles #6 is a pretty decent read this week; Saladin Ahmed is crafting an interesting narrative that takes the cast out of their comfort zone. There isn't too much to complain about when Rod Reis is on pencils and colors, because he's so good at what he does. If you're looking for a fun book to escape with this week, Exiles is a good selection.

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Extermination (2018) #1

Aug 26, 2018

It wouldn't be an X-event if the stakes weren't high, but the first issue of Extermination proves that our favorite mutants are in for a world of hurt. Ed Brisson continues to impress with his grasp of another set of characters in the Marvel Universe. You honestly couldn't ask for a better art team to compliment the writing. Extermination is a must read book!

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Extermination (2018) #3

Sep 30, 2018

Extermination #3 is a must read for any X-Men fan.

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Extermination (2018) #4

Nov 4, 2018

Extermination is the best the X-Men have been since "Second Coming."

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Extermination (2018) #5

Dec 22, 2018

Extermination set the path for where the X-books will go in the foreseeable future.

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Extraordinary X-Men #1

Nov 5, 2015

Extraordinary X-Men #1 wasnt anything particularly epic. It was a decent intro that will more than likely take time to build up. Jeff Lemire was fine in his debut as an X-writer, but he didnt wow us like Joss Whedon on Astonishing X-Men. The art team carried the book for this first issue and should look to build on a strong performance.

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Extraordinary X-Men #2

Nov 18, 2015

Extraordinary X-Men #2 is an improvement over the first issue. The hard thing about this series is that we want answers and we want them now. Jeff Lemire will eventually give them to us, we just have to be patient. The art has been very good so far and can hopefully continue to be consistent. Extraordinary X-Men wont blow you away, but you shouldnt be disappointed either.

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Extraordinary X-Men #3

Dec 3, 2015

This series still hasnt quite found its legs, and, truth be told, it has not been that exciting either. Jeff Lemire better turn out a great issue soon or else fans may flock to Uncanny X-Men. The art has been fine so far, but it would benefit from a little more consistency in some areas. Extraordinary X-Men, so far,has not been that extraordinary.

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Extraordinary X-Men #4

Dec 23, 2015

This has been Lemires best issue of Extraordinary X-Men, unfortunately the art didnt match that. The story is finally starting to get interesting and Lemire is getting a grip on some of the characters. Humberto Ramos and Edgar Delgado need to step back and take their time. There were many panels that could have used a little more work. Despite the sub par effort from the art, this is the best issue of the series so far.

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Extraordinary X-Men #5

Jan 13, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men had an opportunity to be something different and exciting, but instead just rehashed a tired old storyline. Jeff Lemire has one arc out of the way and will need to amaze people with his next arc if he wants fans to stick around. The art department is decent but nothing to write home about. This book needs to get it together soon, because fans wont hang around for mediocrity.

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Extraordinary X-Men #6

Jan 28, 2016

This is the best issue of Extraordinary X-Men yet. Lemire has given us a more interesting premise for the story and he writes it well. The art team has come out and put together the best art this series has seen so far. If this keeps up Extraordinary X-Men could be back to getting on track and being the first book read off of the pull list.

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Extraordinary X-Men #7

Feb 20, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men #7 is another decent issue, but nothing that will amaze you. Jeff Lemire is leaning too much on what Cyclops did and it is hurting this series. The strong showing in the art department makes this issue more enjoyable, but the story needs a few tweaks for this series to be considered a flagship book.

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Extraordinary X-Men #8

Mar 18, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men still has a long way to go before it can dig out from mediocrity. This series has been slow and for the most part uninteresting. We keep waiting for Jeff Lemire to deliver a great issue and weve already waited too long. The pencils are serviceable at times, but nothing spectacular. This is still the least impressive X-book on the shelves.

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Extraordinary X-Men #9

Apr 25, 2016

This was a pretty solid issue, but it wasnt without its problems. The story was engaging and for the most part the art was better. Hopefully this can be a turning point for a series that definitely needs it.

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Extraordinary X-Men #11

Jul 2, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men has been a book that has struggled with its identity and that continues here. Its hard not to feel like this isnt a series or storyline that weve read before. Jeff Lemire is a talented writer, but this hasnt been a good platform for his talents. The art is hit or miss and is more likely more miss. If youre a casual reader, this may be an okay series for you, but if youre a die-hard X-fan, its far fromanything special.

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Extraordinary X-Men #18

Jan 27, 2017

Extraordinary X-Men has been very good lately. There could be any number of reasons why, but it seems like Lemire is thriving with these smaller, self-contained stories. The art has also gotten better as Ibanez has gotten more comfortable with the characters. Its a shame the title will be ending as it starts to heat up.

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Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1

Sep 26, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men annual #1 was pretty fun breather from the serious tone of the regular issues. There issome excellent art and some art different from the norm art, but whatever your cup of tea, if you like the characters, you should like this annual.

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Fallen Angels (2019) #3

Dec 14, 2019

Fallen Angels is a Psylocke fans dream.

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Fantomex MAX #2

Nov 6, 2013

Issue two shows us what Fantomex is very capable of. This MAX title will more than likely make a few more fans of the character based on the his charm, quality writing and solid art. There arent many characters more deserving of a MAX title, so scoop this up.

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Fantomex MAX #4

Jan 8, 2014

Fantomex MAX ends with a bang just as it was picking up steam. Perhaps there will be another opportunity for another solo in the future, but until then, he will be appearing in the pages of the new X-Force book. Fantomex MAX was a good read and a nice jumping on point for readers not familiar with the character.

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FCBD 2014: Skyward/Midnight Tiger #1

May 3, 2014

Ray-Anthony Height is on pencils for this little preview story and he does a great job. His pencils are very clean and clear and make the story more enjoyable. Fans will like how he ever so slightly tweaked Wolverines and Black Panthers costumes during an internet search in the issue. Heights style is similar to others that you have probably seen before, but it feels new in this book. As a duo and a free comic, this is worth reading. Action Lab comics dont really have a name recognized hero or anything like that, but they do put out some decent material that is worth a read when you can find it. So give this book and Action Lab a chance on Free Comic Book Day.

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Feathers #1

Jan 7, 2015

Feathers is a fun read if youre in the mood for something different. Its a book you could read to your kids, but also might enjoy yourself. While there were some odd things going on during the writing portion, the art is a breath of fresh air. Jorge Corona did a good job in this first issue and wrote an interesting story that could be enjoyed by all.

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Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 9, 2016

The Flash: Rebirth #1 was a fun read that had decent art in it. Joshua Williamson gave readers an interesting first issue that should get fans coming back. While the art wasnt perfect, it was good enough and shouldnt ruin the issue for you. This is an issue that ties directly into the rebirth one-shot. Any fan who wants to know what is going with DC should pick up this book.

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Generations (2017): Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Aug 4, 2017

The art being spectacular is a huge boost to the issue, but overall, the disappointment from nothing changing in the status quo may affect how you feel about this event moving forward.

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Ghost (2013) #10

Dec 2, 2014

Ghost is a strong character in a book that doesnt get as much love as it should. Chris Sebela is putting some realistic real world issues into his stories that are worth a read. The art is top notch as Tolibao and Jackson turn out good work this month. Ghost is a book that deserves a chance and an audience.

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Ghosted (2013) #3

Sep 11, 2013

Ghosted #3 is a book that should leave the audience on the edge of their seats for the next 30 days. The cliff hanger could be a huge game changer for the series if it sticks, and could completely alter the tone of the book. Ghosted is a wonderfully under the radar series, and if the story continues to surprise the audience every month, it could be one of the better horror books in recent memory.

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Ghosted (2013) #4

Oct 9, 2013

Ghosted is no longer a little known secret, every issue of the book has gone to a second printing, but it is one of the best horror books on the shelves. Williamson continues to craft an intriguing series that is not afraid to take chances and Sudzukas art is so perfectly fitting to the book. Hopefully the quality will keep up and the shocks keep coming.

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Ghosted (2013) #5

Nov 5, 2013

Ghosted has been one of the biggest surprises of the year. With excellent and inventive writing from Joshua Williamson, and gorgeously dark art by Goran Sudzuka, this is a must read book. Dont let another story arc pass you by.

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Ghosted (2013) #7

Feb 20, 2014

This book has honestly been one of the best series to come out in a good while. Joshua Williamson continues to kill this series with great character work and thoughtful story telling. Not that you need another reason to buy this series, but the letters page has been turned into a share your ghost story section, which is downright creepy. An all around great job by everyone involved.

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Ghosted (2013) #8

Mar 18, 2014

Ghosted is one of those rare series like The Walking Dead or Saga that can captivate its readers month in and month out. Joshua Williamson has crafted a good story with an interesting premise that has the potential to be a long lasting hit like several other Image books. If he can continue to keep up the quality and have good art to support his writing, Ghosted will continue to thrive and thrill.

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Ghosted (2013) #10

May 19, 2014

As the second arc comes to a close, we have to wonder where Williamson will go next. One of the great things about this series is that it can go almost anywhere. Williamson is a very good storyteller with a killer imagination. The art lacked a little this past arc, but it didnt hurt the overall enjoyment of the story. Ghosted is two arcs in and off to a fast start that has been entertaining and fun. Lets hope Williamson keeps the good times rolling as the third arc continues in July.

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Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Fantomex #1

Aug 10, 2020

Giant Size Fantomex #1 is a fun and interesting look at a character that we dont normally get that much information on. Jonathan Hickman continues his winning streak with Giant Size Fantomex #1. The art by Rod Reis looks amazing and completes the story that Hickman wants to tell. Dont sleep on Fantomex folks.

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Grayson: Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

Futures End: Grayson was a pretty solid standalone issue. Tom King uses his smarts to deliver a cool script that will warrant multiple readings. Stephen Mooney had a few misses in the issue, but if you can get past those panels youll love this book. If Tom King isn't on your radar after this issue, you're doing something wrong.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #24

Oct 16, 2013

It would be nice to see this creative team do something other than a crossover. Jordan and Walker is a nice team up with a ton of talent. Lets hope they get the chance to get the New Guardians back together, since it is the title of the book and all.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #25

Nov 20, 2013

Green Lantern New Guardians seems like it is back on track for some good old-fashioned sci-fi fun. Jordan excels when he is able to take his time and put together well thought out stories and Brad Walker improves with every issue. This is a smarter book than people give it credit for and is absolutely worth a read.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #26

Dec 18, 2013

This was a decent issue that raised some new and interesting plot points. Jordan is really doing a great job of fleshing Kyle out, and Brad walker continues to turn in great pencils every month. This series is definitely a great addition to the Green Lantern mythos.

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Green Lanterns #23

May 21, 2017

Anyone who has been on the fence about this series should be brought around by the first two issues of this arc. Sam Humphries and co. have found a way to break down both of his lanterns and show them that they dont know as much as they think they do. You cant say enough about the art in this issue. Everyone involved brought their A-game and it shows on the page. Were getting spoiled with the quality of the Green Lanterns books during Rebirth.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 2, 2016

Green Lanterns Rebirth #1 was a pretty good read. It probably wont blow you away or floor you, but it should absolutely get you interested in what is going to happen next. The script by Geoff Johns and Sam Humphries is intriguing enough and its good to see some underused characters get a chance to shine. The pencils and colors are done well in every sense of the word. If you dont like the story, the art alone is worth $2.99.

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Guardians of Knowhere #1

Jul 15, 2015

Guardians of Knowhere is a thrilling story so far. Brian Michael Bendis continues to write good stories with characters we care about. The art team really did a wonderful job this issue and stole the spotlight, but that will happen when you have a great team like Deodato and Martin. This series is off to a fast start that should get better as it moves forward.

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Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex: Alpha #1

Feb 4, 2015

The introduction to Black Vortex was a bit underwhelming. The story shouldnt really wow anyone and if you are buying this book its because you read one of the characters involved regularly. The art had some solid panels but would be better if it were handled by one penciler if possible. Overall it feels like a gimmick to boost sales rather than tell a decent story.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #13

Mar 26, 2014

As this event concludes, it has been a pretty good story featuring characters that don't get the chance to share panel time too often. Bendis did a very good job with his storytelling and made everything feel natural, with the exception of Gladiator's odd behavior. The art was taken to another level this issue and the fans were treated to some great panels by some talented artists. Even though this was a mini-event, hopefully other writers will follow this blueprint for the next big crossover involving the X-Men!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #25

Mar 25, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy #25 was a pretty good issue that was worth the extra money. Brian Michael Bendis is a wizard with so many of these characters that you would have to try pretty hard not to like this book. The pencils by Valerio Schiti and colors by Jason Keith just push this issue over the top. An excellent effort from everyone who was involved.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #3

Dec 9, 2015

You really cant complain about Guardians of the Galaxy. Many of the things that haunt Bendis, like slow-moving plots, and over-lapping dialogue are non-existent in this series so far. The art has been superb and has looked electric. This issue was action packed and should be a good read for anyone who buys it.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #12

Dec 22, 2019

The finale of Donny Cates run is a fun ride for anyone who loves emotional space adventures.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1

Jan 26, 2020

It seems like Guardians of the Galaxy is in great hands. Al Ewing has delivered an exciting debut issue that leaves you wanting more. The pencils and colors bring a lot of life to this book, and the space panels rock. Guardians of the Galaxy is a book worth your time.

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Harbinger (2012) #0.2014

Mar 18, 2014

This issue seemed unnecessary to say the least. While The Bleeding Monk did appear in some issues of Harbinger, he really didnt need his own origin tale because ultimately, hes not that important of a character. Joshua Dysart has a knack for great story telling, but this issue falls flat and is at times tough to get through. The art was amazing and carried an otherwise slow story, which doesnt happen very often under Dysarts pen.

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Harbinger (2012) #16

Sep 18, 2013

Harbinger is a series that continues to take chances and throw curve balls. This truly is the premier book in the Valiant arsenal, and should be recommended to anybody who is a fan of great characters and great story telling.

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Harbinger (2012) #17

Oct 23, 2013

If you thought last issue was crazy, wait until you read this one. Dysart continues to put the work and effort into this book, and it shows. Teamed up with Clayton Henry, this can only be a comic book fans dream of. This series just hit must read status.

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Harbinger (2012) #18

Nov 13, 2013

As this arc begins to unravel, some interesting plot points are placed for future storylines, which is what Dysart has done for his entire run. He really has a good vision for this book, and that is why it continues to be a must read.

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Harbinger (2012) #19

Dec 11, 2013

This is another solid issue from team Harbinger. This continues to be the flagship title in the new Valiant Universe, and it delivers on a monthly basis. Dont miss out on this exciting title.

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Harbinger (2012) #20

Jan 13, 2014

The renegades barely appear in this issue and it is still an enthralling read. Dysart and Henry are a powerful team that have great chemistry and appear to be on the same page. The quality of this book keeps going up and so does its fan base. A sure fire hit of a series.

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Harbinger (2012) #22

Apr 22, 2014

This was a very good introductory issue to the final arc. Dysart is definitely keeping readers guessing as to which Renegade is going to get it and it could be a fan favorite. The tandem of Clayton Henry and Brian Reber come through again as well with a knock out issue. If the rest of this arc is comparable to this issue, the series will go out with a nice bang.

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Harbinger (2012) #23

May 27, 2014

This issue should meet the hype for most fans, as Dysart delivers a good script that is bound to get a reaction out of the reader. The duo of Henry and Evans drew the issue wonderfully and with great passion. For any Harbinger fan this is a must read, and remember that the most interesting stories should be the ones that deal with the aftermath.

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Harbinger (2012) #24

Jun 17, 2014

This series could be in for a shake up and Dysart is a great writer to start over with. The art could be a little better, but is overall good and complimentary to the story. The next arc will be a pivotal one for this series if it heads in a different direction, but Dysart always keeps things interesting and well written.

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Harbinger (2012) #25

Jul 16, 2014

Harbinger #25 does not disappoint. If you are not a fan of Toyo Harada, you will definitely dig the story about Joe or the fan fiction story written by Justin Jordan. There is something for everybody in this issue, so everybody should be able to walk away happy. The creative talent on this issue is essentially everyone on Valiants payroll, so you know its got to be good. If youre a Valiant fan, this is a must read. If youre not a Valiant fan, but a fan of good stories, this is a must read too.

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Harbinger: Omegas #1

Aug 8, 2014

Harbinger: Omegas #1 was a very good read that should definitely please fans of the series. Joshua Dysart is almost getting to be a cant miss writer on this title. The addition of Rafa Sandoval is a welcome one as he brings high quality work and amazing imagery to the book as well. Dont miss out on a chance to get into this book, its been great since the beginning and the next step looks just as good.

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Hawken: Melee #1

Dec 4, 2013

Comics based off of video games tend to be pretty decent, and this is no exception. The story by Abnett and the great visuals by Dallocchio really help bring this book to life. For anyone who interested in the game, this is a must read, but if you are just interested in a good one-shot, this is worth a pick up too.

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Hawkeye: Freefall #1

Jan 4, 2020

This feels like another incredible chapter in the life of Clint Barton.

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Hellions (2020) #2

Jul 25, 2020

Hellions has been a book that has taken me by surprise. Zeb Wells has done a great job of reeling in readers and keeping them guessing. The pencils and colors couldnt have been better this issue. Hellions is a book that shouldnt be missed!

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Hellions (2020) #7

Dec 4, 2020

Hellions #7 is a very good read and has some amazing art. Zeb Wells continues his hot streak on this title as it follows up X of Swords admirably. You can't say much more about the art for this book. It continues to get better each week and is consistently some of the nicest looking images in all of comics. Hellions #7 brings the heat and intrigue to the X-books.

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Hellions (2020) #8

Jan 9, 2021

Hellions #8 is another good issue in the series that hasnt disappointed so far. Zeb Wells has really delved into what makes these characters tick, and he shows us every issue. The pencils and colors continue to showcase the top tier talent that Marvel has in their roster. Hellions is a series that is under the radar, but shouldnt be.

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Hellions (2020) #9

Feb 6, 2021

Hellions continues it's hot streak of entertaining issues and fan service. Hellions #9 starts a new arc that seems very promising and includes old adversaries that haven't been seen in a while. Zeb Wells knows these characters and he writes them like they are his friends. The pencils and colors are top notch, but that's nothing new for this book. Hellions is a must read for X-Men fans.

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Hellions (2020) #10

Mar 6, 2021

Hellions #10 is a fine issue that plays on all of the main character's emotions. Zeb Wells continues to roll out quality work month after month. The art by Segovia and Curiel is probably some of the top work you'll find on any comic this week. Hellions continues it's hot streak in the X-line.

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House of X #1

Jul 25, 2019

House of X is the X-Men story fans have been salivating for.

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House of X #2

Aug 8, 2019

House of X #2 is another amazing installment in the Hickman X-Men era.

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House of X #4

Sep 7, 2019

House of X continues to be the best thing to happen to the X-Men.

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House of X #5

Sep 21, 2019

House of X is the benchmark for what an X-Men book should be.

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House of X #6

Oct 6, 2019

House of X #6 is a great bookend to a great series.

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Howard The Duck (2015) #1

Mar 13, 2015

Howard the Duck will probably surprise you with how good it is. Chip Zdarsky turned in a really funny script that will make you cackle and smile at least a few times. The art by Joe Quinones and Rico Renzi fits the story telling well and really makes you nostalgic. Overall this was a good read and more importantly, it was fun.

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Hulkverines #1

Feb 23, 2019

Hulkverines is a fun ride

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Immortal Iron Fist #5

Aug 6, 2014

With each passing issue things get more complicated in this series. Kaare Andrews is a good writer and artist, but this issue jumped around too much and fell flat. He can finish the first arc up strong by tying everything together nicely, though. If anybody can do it, its Kaare Andrews.

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Inferno #1

May 27, 2015

Inferno #1 is a pretty good read that will make you want to pick up the next issue. Dennis Hopeless writes a strong first issue that should satisfy fans of the original story. The art is fine for the most part, but at times feels too optimistic. Javier Garron has a good resume with demons and other beings, so hopefully he can get a better grasp on the X-Men.

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Inferno (2021) #1

Oct 2, 2021

Inferno #1 checks all the boxes for a solid first issue. Jonathan Hickman gives us mystery, deception and betrayal all in the first issue. Where this goes will be an exciting ride that any self respecting X-Men fan shouldn't miss. The pencils and colors are amazing and highlight how epic this series can be with the right people working on it. Inferno is setting the standard for modern day X-Men stories.

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Infinity Countdown #1

Mar 10, 2018

This is a must read for anyone who is a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy.

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Infinity Wars (2018): Prime #1

Jul 25, 2018

Infinity Wars Prime is not some silly cash grab, this is a serious title that already has consequences. Gerry Duggan is playing with some top tier characters and that's not a good thing for any of them. The art team was spectacular and pretty much flawless. This is a book you need to buy.

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Invisible Woman (2019) #1

Jul 13, 2019

Invisible Woman #1 is a must read book.

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Iron Fist (2017) #1

Mar 24, 2017

This was an excellent first issue and everyone involved deserves a huge pat on the back. Iron Fist has had some mediocre series in his tenure as a hero, but this one is off to a great start. Ed Brissons script and the art by Mike Perkins and Andy Troy will leave you wanting more as you finish this strong introduction.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

Apr 11, 2014

Iron Fist the Living Weapon is off to a pretty solid start so far and Kaare Andrews is solely responsible. The art could use some stability, but Andrews writes and draws with a lot of passion so he will no doubt rectify this once he gets into a groove. Iron Fist is a character that is in need of some publicity and with this comic and his Netflix series in the work, thats exactly what hell get.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #2

May 7, 2014

Iron Fist the Living Weapon had a good first issue, but takes a step back in the second issue. Andrews is talented enough to make up for it with his style and skill. Iron Fist is a character that could use a good boost in the popularity department and Kaare Andrews has done wonders with lesser known characters before. Andrews has great ability, hopefully he can work out the kinks and make Iron Fist a heavy hitter.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #5

Aug 6, 2014

With each passing issue things get more complicated in this series. Kaare Andrews is a good writer and artist, but this issue jumped around too much and fell flat. He can finish the first arc up strong by tying everything together nicely, though. If anybody can do it, its Kaare Andrews.

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IvX #0

Dec 5, 2016

Inhumans vs. X-Men #0 was a very good read. Charles Soules script filled in many of the gaps fans had after Death of X, but still left some plot points dangling for the rest of the series. The art was amazing, but one ouldnt expect anything less with Rocafort and Brown on this book. If Death of X left a bad taste in your mouth, Inhumans vs. X-Men #0 is a good way to rinse out the awful after-taste.

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IvX #2

Jan 14, 2017

Inhumans Vs. X-Men #2 didnt develop much in the way of characters, but the battle progressed and this was essentially an all out battle issue. Its hard to have both sides well represented here and that has been a flaw of the series so far, but it has been more entertaining than expected and heres hoping the rest of the series will be as fun as the first three.

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Justice League (2011) #52

Jun 25, 2016

Justice League #52wont blow your mind or make you re-think how you read a superhero comic, but it is a nice end to a title run. Things get wrapped up and the possibilities of new adventures ahead seems promising. Dan Jurgens and company send this book out on a good note that should satisfy everyone whos been reading it consistently.

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Justice League (2016) #13

Jan 21, 2017

In a complete shocker, Justice League #13 is one of the best comics of the week. Tim Seeley made this a fun and creepy book that had great art to match it. If youre not a fan of the series thats fine, but this is definitely an issue worth picking up.

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Justice League of America (2015) #2

Jul 9, 2015

For a comic like JLA, having a good first arc is a huge deal because it could easily be a book readers will drop. Brian Hitch is doing his best to make sure that doesnt happen. Hes doing double duty and doing them both well. The story or the art hasnt suffered so far and its been a very engaging read. As long as this book can come out on time, this will be a good series for a long while.

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Justice League of America (2015) #3

Aug 26, 2015

If you're looking for a DC book to read, JLA is recommended. It's only three issues in and has been a blast so far. The art of Bryan Hitch may be a huge selling point, but the writing and story has been good so far too. The colors by Alex Sinclair rock and add so much to the pencils by Hitch. This is a book for people who like epic stories.

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Justice League of America (2015) #6

Dec 24, 2015

Bryan Hitch is back and all is well with the JLA. The writing is good for the most part, and the art is amazing. Alex Sinclair gets a lot of credit here as well. The rapport that he has with Hitch is really what makes this a different kind of DC book.

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Justice League of America (2015) #8

Apr 3, 2016

JLA is wrapping up, but when you read this series as a whole it will impress you. Bryan Hitch did a fine job on writing duties and an even better job on the pencils. He gets some good help from Alex Sinclair and Daniel Henriques along the way as well. JLA may not be a series that stands out to many readers, but it is a series worth reading.

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Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 12, 2016

Justice League Rebirth feels like a continuation of a title that was never fully told. You shouldnt hold that against it though, and just accept Justice League Rebirth for what it is. The script is decent and the art is excellent, and that should be enough for readers to at least give it a chance.

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King In Black: Thunderbolts #1

Jan 14, 2021

Thunderbolts #1 is a very good tie-in to the bigger King in Black event. Matthew Rosenberg takes us into the event without being bogged down by everything going on. Were able to focus on the characters, which is what Rosenberg is best at. The pencils and colors by Juan Ferretra are unique and fitting to this story. Thunderbolts #1 is one of the better event tie-ins so far.

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Legendary Star-Lord #9

Feb 18, 2015

As the Black Vortex moves along, it continues to get better. Sam Humphries has turned in the best of the event so far and has set the bar. The art by Medina and Curiel will also be tough to top as they really turned in a well drawn and colored book. Here's hoping the next issue will be as good as the Legendary Star-Lord.

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Lobo (2014) #1

Oct 1, 2014

Lobo #1 is surprisingly fun and well done. Cullen Bunn has made the character interesting and has given him a cool mission. The pencils and colors were very good and complimented the story and writing. This has potential to be a very good book, but the quality needs to remain because there arent enough fans of this new Lobo yet. Any misstep could be disastrous, but Bunn and Brown seem focused and ready.

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Major X #1

Apr 7, 2019

Major X is a fun book that should be enjoyed by most

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Man-Thing (2017) #1

Mar 11, 2017

This was an amazing debut into comics for R.L. Stine. Its hard to make people care about a character like Man-Thing, but Stinemanages to do it. With the help some wonderful art, Man-Thing #1 is an excellent book and should be read by anyone who just loves a good story.

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Marauders (2019) #1

Oct 26, 2019

Marauders is a different X-Men title than we're used to, and that's a good thing.

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Marauders (2019) #9

Mar 8, 2020

Marauders is a fun book that is developing lesser known characters into stars.

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Marauders (2019) #10

May 30, 2020

Marauders #10 pushes the Hickman era of X-comics forward. It touches on some things that have been getting built up in other titles and fleshes them out a little. Gerry Duggan has been consistently good on this title, and hes really made it one of the fun books in the line. The art is clean and crisp with vibrant colors. Marauders #10 is a nice book to get you prepared for the rest of the line.

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Marauders (2019) #21

Jun 3, 2021

Marauders #21 is everything you hoped it would be. Gerry Duggan kicks off the Hellfire Gala with a lot of questions and some great firepower. Where things go from here is anyone's guess. The pencils and colors work very well for the story being told. Marauders #21 is a must read issue that sets everything up for the gala.

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Marvel Legacy #1

Oct 1, 2017

Marvel Legacy #1 doesn't fix everything that's wrong with the Marvel Universe, but it is a step in the right direction.

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Midnighter (2015) #1

Jun 4, 2015

Midnighter #1 was surprisingly very good. Sometimes these first solo issues can be a bit rough, but Steve Orlando wrote a very good script. The art had a couple of confusing panels, but overall the pencils and colors added to the enjoyment of the book. If issue 2 is this good, this could a hit with critics and fanboys alike.

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Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 2, 2014

While only two issues in, this has been on of the best Marvel NOW! titles to hit shelves. Ellis is a writer who will take chances with his storytelling and Declan Shalvey is doing great work with the art. This has all the making to be an excellent series for a long time to come.

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Moon Knight (2014) #6

Aug 6, 2014

Its sad to see this team end their run on the title because every issue has been great. Ellis, Shalvey and Bellaire were quite the team and can hopefully team up again sometime in the future. There are just certain characters that seem to fit with writers and Moon Knight is certainly a fit for Ellis. He may be walking away for now, but that doesnt mean hell never be back. Thanks for the great arc guys. It was truly a pleasure.

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Moon Knight (2014) #9

Nov 19, 2014

Its odd to say, but Moon Knight has not dropped off in quality in any department since the new creative team has taken over. Everyone involved is doing great work and continues to make this an excellent book. Brian Wood is really impressive with his writing and the art and colors feel very natural with the story. Another great issue in what has to be considered one of Marvels most underrated books.

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Moon Knight (2021) #1

Jul 24, 2021

Moon Knight #1 kicks serious ass. Jed Mackay brings everything to the table and delivers a powerful and enjoyable read. The colors and pencils rock and put this issue over the top. Moon Knight should be the best book of the week for everyone who bought it.

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Moon Knight (2021) #2

Aug 20, 2021

Moon Knight #2 is just as good and amazing as the first issue. Jed Mackay seems like he's building something something great with this run, and it's only been 2 issues. The pencils and colors couldn't be better. Moon Knight is a series that should be read by everyone!

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #3

Apr 16, 2014

Three issues into this new series and its been very solid in almost every aspect. Wilson and Alphona are shaping a new character that could end up being very important to the Marvel Universe. If the writing continues to be this intriguing and the art improves as it goes along, Kamala Khan can become one of the premier female super heroes of the future.

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Nailbiter #1

May 6, 2014

Nailbiter is an interesting story that is wonderfully written by Joshua Williamson. This seems to be a pretty original premise and Williamson thrives with odd stories while Mike Henderson supplies an artistic style that compliments the writing and adds to the layer of the book. Nailbiter is off to a good start and Williamson and Henderson's efforts are the reason.

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Nailbiter #3

Jul 2, 2014

This is the most intriguing issue yet, and Williamson is just getting started. It seems that everything is improving with each issue, which will hopefully continue for the long haul. Williamson's impressive storytelling continues and Henderson is really coming into his own. This has all the making of a classic mystery comic and we're only 3 issues in!

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New Avengers (2015) #2

Oct 28, 2015

There definitely is something “all-new and all-different” about New Avengers:its that the book is bad. Al Ewing is capable of a lot better than what we saw in these first two issues. The art leaves a ton to be desired and looks too much like a manga book. I have no idea how Marvel can fix this, but they need to figure it out fast.

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New Mutants (2019) #7

Feb 22, 2020

New Mutants continues to be a fun read that explores underused characters and makes them relevant.

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New Mutants (2019) #10

Jun 14, 2020

New Mutants #10 is another solid issue in this series. Ed Brisson continues to write these likable characters with genuine care and concern. The pencils and colors go from a normal color palette to trippy in this issue. New Mutants #10 continues to allow these characters to grow and become superstars in waiting.

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New Mutants (2019) #12

Sep 5, 2020

This is perhaps one of the more important issue of New Mutants since the relaunch. Dealing with bullies, on line or in real life is something that everyone has to deal with at one point or another. How you handle that situation is very important. Ed Brisson knows and loves these character and it shows in his writing. The pencils and colors worked and looked very good on the page. New Mutants is a sensational book.

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New Suicide Squad #3

Oct 9, 2014

The New Suicide Squad has been a very good read for the first few issues. Hopefully the quality will keep up as Sean Ryan grows even more comfortable with the characters. The art worked pretty well for having two people on it as the styles were similar enough. This is a book that should be picked up each month, youll rarely have more fun than with the New Suicide Squad.

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New Suicide Squad #9

Jun 10, 2015

The next arc of New Suicide Squad has started and it continues to be one of the more entertaining books on the shelf. Whether you liked the initial run or not, Sean Ryan is really making this a good series for fans new and old. The art has picked up from the last arc, but there are a few areas where it could use a touch up. Overall this should be the start of another solid arc for an underrated DC title.

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New Suicide Squad: Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

This is one of the better Futures End issues so far. Sean Ryan wrote a good issue with some well thought out plot points. The art was impressive and effective for the grim tone of the story. This issue continues the trend of fun issues from the members of the New Suicide Squad.

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Nova (2016) #1

Dec 12, 2016

Nova #1 was a bit of a let down. This feels like the second issue of a story arc and not an introductory issue. New fans to the series will likely have no idea what is going on and question if they missed something. The art is decent and captures the feel of a fun and carefree series. There is some work to be done for this to be a title that sticks on the shelves.

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Occupy Avengers #5

Mar 31, 2017

Occupy Avengers is a title that flies under the radar, but its an excellent small scale series. David Walker is making the most of this hero road trip by fleshing out lesser known characters and allowing them to shine. The art fits the story and will be appreciated by readers who have a fine eye for different styles and creative expression. This is probably one of the least talked about Avengers books, but it shouldnt be.

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October Faction #1

Oct 14, 2014

The October Faction is a very good first issue. While there were some issues with the art, Steve Niles story is absolutely worth the cost of the book. Damien Worm has a unique style that may work for some and turn other off, but this book is worth a read based on story alone.

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Old Man Logan #1

May 28, 2015

As far as tie-in books go, Old Man Logan pretty much rocked. Its not often you get to see someone get their foot cut off in a Marvel book, but you do in this one. Brian Michael Bendis wrote a very good first issue that should make everyone an even bigger fan of this alt-world Logan. The art and colors propel the book from very good to great. This is the tie-in to beat so far.

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Old Man Logan #2

Jun 18, 2015

Old Man Logan really has been one of the best tie-in books for the Secret Wars event. Brian Michael Bendis is turning in some of his best work with this series. His run on Uncanny X-Man may get scrutinized, but you really cant trash him for Old Man Logan. The art has been nothing short of outstanding. Sorrentino and Maiolo have been great and make this mini even better. This is the bar for what tie-ins must live up to.

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Old Man Logan #3

Jul 23, 2015

This is the weakest issue in the series so far, but Brian Michael Bendis is a good enough writer that you shouldnt worry. Even if you didnt like the story, the art was still pretty killer. We will all just have to wait and see if the series can rebound from its first mediocre issue.

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Old Man Logan #5

Oct 8, 2015

As we say goodbye to another mini-series, this is one that should have fans excited. Old Man Logan in the regular Marvel Universe should make for a ton of great interactions. Brian Michael Bendis did some good things with this series and definitely paved the way for this character to be a favorite again. The art has been consistently good throughout the entire run and the credit absolutely goes to Sorrentino and Maiolo. This was a pretty good book that may bring around people who arent Bendis fans.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #2

Feb 15, 2016

Old Man Logan has been an impressive series so far. Jeff Lemire has come up with a good concept and has written everyone extremely well. There really isnt much more you can say about the art. It elevates the story to a level rarely seen in comics.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #6

May 19, 2016

Old Man Logan continues to be a must read book. Everything about it just flows naturally and gracefully off the page. Jeff Lemires characterization is spot on for Logan and the most interesting Wolverine he'sbeen in years. There isnt much more to say about Sorrentino and Maiolo other than they are simply rock stars. This is a series that should be read, or at least given a fair shot, by everyone.

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Original Sin #2

May 21, 2014

Although this is a set up issue, its still a very fun and entertaining read. Aaron writes with an ease that draws readers in and Deodato wows them with his fantastic art. This series has been good so far and will hopefully only get better in the coming months.

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Original Sin #3

Jun 4, 2014

This was by far the best issue in the series and has the potential to cause a huge uproar amongst the folks on the message boards. Jason Aaron is a talented writer and this issue shows why he continually gets picked to write these big events. The tandem of Deodato and Miller are also putting forth a great effort for anyone who is reading the series. It truly has been a joy to read so far and hopefully the best is yet to come.

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Original Sin #5

Jul 3, 2014

Original Sin has been a surprisingly good mini series so far and Jason Aaron should get a ton of credit for his creative story. Mike Deodato and Frank Martin are consistently putting out some of their best work that adds a great deal to the story as well. This issue was good, but should have been a tie-in issue as opposed to taking away from the main story. Aaron isnt known for letting his fans down often, so expect him to knock it out of the park with the remaining issues.

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Outlawed (2020) #1

Mar 20, 2020

If this storyline wants to succeed, it needs to distance itself from Civil War.

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Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1

Dec 31, 2017

This one is off to an excellent start

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Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Jun 19, 2021

Planet Size X-Men is a very good book that will have a huge impact on the X-Men and how things are done in the very distant future. Gerry Duggan wrote an issue that feels right in line with how Jonathan Hickman has been doing things. The art paves the way for your eyes and makes every page a joy to look at. Planet Size X-Men won't disappoint.

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Plunder #1

Feb 17, 2015

Plunder #1 was a surprisingly good read. It had a few flaws and some glitches in the art, but overall it was enjoyable. If youre a fan of horror comics this is definitely worth a look and even if you're not and it's a slow week for you, give it a shot.

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Postal #1

Feb 3, 2015

Postal is a book that took me by surprise and really wowed me. The writing is incredibly interesting and well done. The art and colors are very fitting for the book and make it much more enjoyable. This is a book that needs to be read by anyone who likes good stories!

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Postal #2

Mar 8, 2015

Postal #2 did not disappoint by any means and probably added to the wonderfulness of the first issue. Hawkins and Hill are writing one of the most underrated books on the shelf. Isaac Goodhart is crushing it in the art department and is laying down pencils that are rivaled by very few people in the industry. Postal is definitely worth a read!

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Postal #3

Apr 21, 2015

This issue was very good and it moved us along plot wise. Bryan Hill and Matt Hawkins are really doing a wonderful job on this series so far. The art by Goodhart and Gonia has been outstanding since the first issue and will hopefully continue as the series progresses. Postal may not be a book youre familiar with, but it should be.

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Postal #4

May 26, 2015

Issue #4 of Postal is another good one, as usual. The writing team of Bryan Hill and Matt Hawkins continue to craft a well thought out and interesting story that continues to engage readers. You honestly couldnt ask for better pencils on this book then what Isaac Goodhart provides. His work, along with Betsy Gonia give this series the exclamation point that puts it over the edge. Another great issue from a standout team.

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Postal #5

Jul 15, 2015

Its gotten to the point where reviews arent even necessary for this book because its so consistently good. Matt Hawkins and Bryan Hill continue to craft an intriguing tale that captivates readers every month. The art team is outstanding and depicts so much beauty in such a dark and twisted tale. Postal is one of the best books on the shelf.

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Powers of X #1

Aug 1, 2019

If you're not excited for where Jonathan Hickman is taking the X-Men, you were never a fan to begin with.

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Powers of X #3

Aug 24, 2019

Powers of X hits you where it hurts

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Punisher (2016) #220

Jan 14, 2018

This seems to be a rare instance where everyone working on the title is the perfect fit for it.

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Punisher (2016) #225

Jun 4, 2018

This is the most exciting the Punisher has been in a long while. Seeing Frank going overseas and taking out terrible world leaders is great. Frank is showing that he can be the hero that people need. That is until the actual heroes, Carol Danvers and her crew get a hold of him. Vigilante justice doesn't seem to have much of a place in the Marvel universe these days, but don't tell that to Frank Castle.

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Puppet Master #1

Sep 17, 2015

As far as comics go, this is a very good read. As far as comics based on movies go, this is excellent. Shawn Gabborin turns in a great script that captures many of the things that made the movies fun in the first place. The art by Michela Da Sacco is a wonderful addition to the good writing. Puppet Master #1 should make people go back and watch these movies again. Action Lab has a hit on its hands.

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Rai #1

Apr 28, 2014

Rai #1 was a little complicated, but if you take your time with it, it turns out to be a pretty enjoyable read. The pencils and colors are worth the cover price and Matt Kindt seems to be putting together a story that is refreshing and new. This book has the ability to take the Valiant universe by storm with its unique style. Lets hope Kindt and Crain can keep up the good work and keep delivering an interesting story.

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Rai #2

Jun 3, 2014

While the story picked up some this issue, it didnt get going until half way through. Matt Kindt has gained a little steam and hopefully he can build off of that momentum. The art continues to be fantastic thanks to Crains style and effort. Next month has a good buildup for Kindt and Crain to turn in their best issue yet!

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Revenge #2

Mar 24, 2014

The second issue of Revenge is just as impressive as the first. We get more plot development and the lingering scent of several double crosses in the future. Jonathan Ross has presented us with two very well written issues that are accompanied by wonderful artwork from Ian Churchill. If the quality can hold up on both ends, this can be an outstanding series moving forward.

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Rot & Ruin #1

Sep 13, 2014

As far as first issues go, Rot & Ruin was a bit rough. There really wasnt much that would make a reader want to come back and read more about these characters. Maybe Jonathan Maberry just needs to find his groove first, which is very possible. The art needs to distinguish itself from the many other books that look exactly the same as well. Hopefully things pick up next issue or this will be another book that goes unnoticed on the shelf.

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Ruins Of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1

Jan 18, 2020

Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabertooth was an enjoyable book.

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Runaways (2017) #12

Sep 5, 2018

Runaways is a series that appeals to everyone. It has teen heroes, but they're written so well that people of any age can get behind them. Rainbow Rowell continues her great character work on this series as the teen heroes grow each month. The art is perfect for this book and you'd be hard pressed to find a better team to compliment the writing.

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Saga #20

Jun 25, 2014

Saga continues to impress by doing things the right way and developing interesting characters. While this was a slower issue that wasn't action packed, it was still very entertaining because the people behind it care about what they are doing. At this point, Staples and Vaughan seem as if they can do no wrong, and until proven otherwise, it's probably true.

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Saga #22

Sep 1, 2014

While this was a bit of a tamer issue, Vaughan and Staples always make the issue worth the read. Vaughan continually gives us an issue that throw us curve balls and exceeds expectations, while Fiona Staples just wows on the art. Saga will continue to be great as long as these two are attached to it.

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Saga #26

Mar 5, 2015

Saga continues to be one of the best titles on store shelves. Between the superb writing of Brian K. Vaughan and the wonderful art by Fiona Staples, fans are treated to one of the most original and imaginative stories in the past ten years. This is a team that truly loves what they are doing and it shows every issue.

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Saga #28

May 14, 2015

This was a slower issue with hardly any fight scenes, but it was still entertaining. That is absolutely a testament to how good the creative team is on this book. Staples and Vaughan continue to weave their intergalactic story at a high level.

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Saga #31

Nov 26, 2015

It cant be stated enough that Saga is without a doubt one of the best books on the shelf. Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona staples are really making magic with this series. Regardless of which characters the issue focuses on, youll always be entertained. Saga is a comics juggernaut.

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Saga #34

Feb 26, 2016

If youre honestly not reading Saga at this point, you are really missing out. This is consistently one of the best written, drawn, and colored books on the shelves. Its hard not to get invested in every character due to the work Vaughan and Staples do on a monthly basis.

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Saga #50

Mar 31, 2018

You can't say enough about what Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples have done on this series to keep it fresh. Their consistency is the key to why this series has been as great as it is. Here's hoping to 50 more.

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Savage Avengers (2019) #1

May 4, 2019

If you're looking for a change of pace Avengers book, Savage Avengers is the cure.

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Savage Avengers (2019) #3

Jul 7, 2019

There isn't much more that you can say about this series except that Savage Avengers is the most entertaining Avengers book on the shelf.

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Savage Avengers (2019) #14

Nov 14, 2020

Savage Avengers #14 was an exciting step for the series. Gerry Duggan made the series fresh again by switching up the cast and diverting from the main story for a couple of issues. The pencils by Zircher and colors by Tartaglia are amazing. This is the best Savage Avengers has been in a while.

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Secret Empire #0

Apr 23, 2017

Usually zero issues are very uneventful, but thats not the case with Secret Empire. Nick Spencer builds off of his Captain America run with ease and the story progression feels legitimate and not forced. The art couldnt have been better by Acua and Reis. Secret Empire will wipe away your event fatigue with its intriguing story and excellent art!

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Secret Empire #8

Aug 11, 2017

There may only be a couple of issue left of this series, but Secret Empire #8 is the issue that takes off the gloves and heads towards the finish line.

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Secret Empire #10

Sep 4, 2017

This issue was a bit of a let down because it was predictable. As a series, it was entertaining, but there wasn't a chance this series ended with a Hydra Marvel U.

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Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 3, 2014

In comics these days its hard to get second chances. Secret Six didnt come off as anything new or special, but Gail Simone alone is a good enough reason to give it a second chance. Shes very talented and turns everything she writes into an entertaining tale. The art struggled this issue but Ken Lashley is a very capable artist. He may be trying out a different style, but he has all the skills to get the art on par with Simones writing. Secret Six may not wow you with the first issue, but it is worth a read.

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Secret Wars (2015) #1

May 6, 2015

This is how an event should start. Hickman blew the gates off of this issue and laid down the bar for every event issue in the future. Great writing mixed with great art and even better build up makes Secret Wars a cant miss read!

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Secret Wars (2015) #2

May 14, 2015

Secret Wars #1 was a great issue that was a lot to live up to. Its not fair to judge the second issue the same way because its essentially a different book that deals with different characters. If you take the second book for what it is, then you will like it. Jonathan Hickman writes a very good set up issue that should please most fans. If you didnt like the story this issue the art should absolutely win you over. Secret Wars #2 is a success as an issue that sets us up for the big payoff down the road.

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Shadowman (2012) #0

May 1, 2013

This really is an excellent read. Justin Jordan has been putting out solid issues since this title started, and is making sure that Jack Boniface has a good, fleshed out nemesis. Jordan is doing exactly what the zero issues were intended to do, giving more depth and understanding to complicated characters. Once this title gets consistent art again, it will be a slam dunk.

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Shadowman (2012) #6

Apr 3, 2013

If comic horror and zombies are your thing, you absolutely have to read Shadowman. If not, you should probably give it a try anyway. Valiant is doing another fine job of reinventing a fan favorite character so dont deprive yourself the pleasure of getting acquainted.

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Shadowman (2012) #7

Jun 5, 2013

Justin Jordan continues to craft a solid second arc, with an excellent villain. The love that he has for the characters is what really sells this book. Neil Edwards is progressing during his stint on the book, and if he can get a bit more consistent with his art, Shadowman has the potential to be a sleeper hit.

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Shadowman (2012) #8

Jul 3, 2013

Shadowman has been a well written book for the entirety of its run. This book would benefit from some consistency in the art department, but that is not needed to make it a good read each month. The showdown between Shadowman and Master Darque is coming, dont be the one who missed the boat on this epic clash.

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Shadowman (2012) #9

Aug 7, 2013

For ten issues, (including issue 0) Shadowman has been an enjoyable read, but it needs consistency in the art department or it will start to lose readers. That being said, Valiant has got some underrated writing talent on their payroll, and this book is proof. Jump on the bandwagon now!

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Shadowman (2012) #10

Sep 4, 2013

Art work aside, this is an excellent series to get into. The characters are extremely well fleshed out, and all very likable. Justin Jordan continues to be an under the radar talent in the industry, but if he keeps putting out issues like Shadowman 10, hell be a big name soon.

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Shadowman (2012) #13

Dec 6, 2013

This first issue is off to a wonderful start. Milligan and De La Torre seem to have the chemistry to make this a top notch book, and they are not afraid to take it in a new direction. This issue will raise questions, as well as the status quo for the title moving forward.

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Shadowman (2012) #15

Feb 3, 2014

This is the Milligan and De La Torres best issue yet. They seem to be finding a groove together and this is just their first arc. Milligan is doing a great job of humanizing Jack and also giving us good scares along the way. A great issue and a must read.

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Shadowman: End Times #1

Apr 30, 2014

This was a decent first issue from Milligan and De Landro. The setup seems to be leading to an interesting chapter for Jack Boniface, and Milligan has shown he has a good grasp on the character. Valentine De Landro is a talented artist who can spice up a book with his style, but he will need to add a little more detail for this title to compete with the previous issues in the Shadowman series.

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Shatterstar #1

Oct 7, 2018

Who would have thought Shatterstar #1 would be such a fun book? You can never count out Tim Seeley on writing duties, he is just a great writer, no matter who he touches. The artists, inker and colorist all shine in this issue as well. There isn't a bad thing to say about this first issue of Shatterstar except that we have to wait another month for the next installment.

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Shatterstar #4

Jan 7, 2019

You don't need to be a fan of Shatterstar to enjoy this book

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Shazam! (2018) #12

Jun 7, 2020

Shazam #12 is not a throw away stand alone issue. This is a book that sheds some insight and adds some character to Billy. Jeff Loveness reels us in with his words and Peterson and Atiyeh amaze us with the art. This is an issue that shouldn't be missed.

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Sinister War (2021) #1

Jul 16, 2021

Sinister War #1 is a fun filled issue that is not as light as it seems. Nick Spencer likes to have you let your guard down and then hit you with something unexpected. The art work on this book is phenomenal. Bagley, Reber and company knock it out of the park and make this issue a breeze to look at. Sinister War is shaping up to be a classic Spider-Man story!

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Sinister War (2021) #4

Sep 4, 2021

Sinister War had a lot of hype around it, and the conclusion paid off. Nick Spencer and Ed Brisson put together a worthy finale that sets up the end of Spencer's run on Amazing Spider-Man.The pencils and colors rock and couldn't have been much better given the large task at hand. Sinister War was a fun ride that saw Spider-Man in possibly his most dangerous battle to date!

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Spider-Ham (2019) #1

Dec 28, 2019

Peter Porker is back and funnier than ever before!

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

May 16, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow should set the bar for what if stories. Chip Zdarsky writes something new and interesting for the wall crawler that should be engaging to all fans. The pencils and colors work very well together and should only add to the reading experience. Spider-Man: Spider's shadow #2 is a can't miss book.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5

Aug 15, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5 was a good read that had a few surprising twists. Chip Zdarsky is one of the most underrated writers in comics. Everything he touches is met with a level of quality and care that you don't see in other writers. The pencils and colors are both done well and compliment the story. This series has been a nice surprise and a well added addition to the What If? mythos.

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Squadron Sinister #1

Jun 17, 2015

As an introductory issue, this could absolutely alienate some fans due to the treatment of the Supreme Power team. Marc Guggenheim has never been afraid of taking chances and he takes a big one in this book. The art by Pacheco and Martin is very good and helps make this book a decent read. There are some interesting elements in place here, and Guggenheim is a good enough writer to give us a nice payoff.

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Squadron Supreme (2015) #2

Jan 1, 2016

Squadron Supreme is off to a very good start. James Robinson has put together another good series that is engaging and fun to read. The pencils by Leonard Kirk help paint the picture for this world that Robinson envisioned, and with the help of Frank Martin, it looks wonderful so far.

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Star (2020) #1

Jan 11, 2020

Star #1 is a standout book this week!

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Star (2020) #4

May 23, 2020

Kelly Thompson continued her amazing story about one of the more popular female characters to come out in the past couple of years. The art team couldn't have done a better job here either. Star is a breakout character ready to take the next step!

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Star (2020) #5

Jul 5, 2020

Star #5 was a fitting end to the first mini series for a new character. Kelly Thompson knows this character well, and will make us love her sooner or later. The pencils and colors are the cherry on top of the issue that makes it stand out further. Star is a hero we need to see more of!

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Suicide Squad (2016) #6

Nov 21, 2016

Suicide Squad #6 was alright, but splitting the main story with a back-up story really hinders the enjoyment of the issue. You honestly get 12 pages of main storyline and a redone Killer Croc origin that is pretty lame. This issue suffers because of this split and the main plot doesnt get the chance to progress enough. That aside, the art in both sections of the book is excellent. Once this series gets rid of the back-up stories and focuses on the main plot, it will be a better book.

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Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Aug 4, 2016

Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 was a pretty good introduction to the main characters. Its no coincidence that the lineup just so happens to match up with the current film's, but what are you going to do? Rob Williams turned in a decent script that didnt offer many surprises, but was fine enough, andthe art is what really sells this issue. Philip Tan and Alex Sinclair really put in a good effort this issue and make it very enjoyable to read.

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Sundowners #3

Oct 28, 2014

Sundowners has really been a surprise series so far. Tim Seeley usually does well on these indie books and this one is no exception. The art and colors by Jim Terry and Sean Dove compliment the writing style immensely. This has all the makings of a great story, as long as Seeley, Terry and Dove continue to give a great effort, this book will go far.

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Superman (2011) #19

Apr 24, 2013

This issue will hopefully be the start of a trend for Lobdell. It was honestly just a fun issue of Superman with excellent artwork by Rocafort. This issue also ends with a decent cliffhanger. Lobdell has the opportunity to have a nice streak going here if he can deliver on the rest of the arc. Heres hoping he can.

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Superman (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

Scott Lobdell has put together a few good issues in a row, and he doesnt seem to be slowing down. Superman started off a bit rocky, but has picked up tremendously in recent months due to the writing and consistent art. Dont judge it based on the writers who held the pen before Lobdell, this is a book worth checking out.

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Superman (2011) #22

Jul 24, 2013

Superman has been the most consistent of the books in the Superman family. Action and Superman Unchained have bigger names writing them, but this is the most fun out of all three of them, with art that is just as exciting.

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Superman (2011) #23

Sep 1, 2013

Psi-War gets off to a bit of a slow start, which is fine, because tons of stories have set up issues. We do get a surprise cameo at the end of the book which should lead into an interesting second part. Heres to hoping expectations will be met.

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Superman (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

The Superman kick-off for villains month was all right, not bad, but not great. Readers at least get an introduction to the new 52 Bizarro, and Lex Luthor, again shows why he is a great character. This is mostly a book for devout Superman fans.

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Superman (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

As week two of villains month winds down it seems like the stories are getting better. This issue was good at tying up loose ends in the current storyline for the series, and was reader friendly too. If DC keeps them coming like this, this September event will be a memorable one.

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Superman (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

HEL is a extremely well written and drawn issue. Scott Lobdell and Dan Jurgens put together an excellent story with superb art. This book will catch readers of guard with how good it is. Pick it up while you can.

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Superman (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

This was an unexpectedly funny read. Kuder has been labeled as an up and coming star for his artwork, but his writing talent seems to be just as special. If he can consistently write and draw at this level, his future in comics will be brighter than a yellow sun.

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Superman (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

This was kind of a dull conclusion to a decent storyline. You would think that Clark would come up with a way to protect himself from an attack on his mind, but it hasnt happened yet. Hopefully the next arc will be a bit more creative.

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Superman (2011) #25

Nov 28, 2013

As this mini cross over concludes, we are left with some interesting ideas that Lobdell planted. He and Rocafort seem to work well as a team, and they complement one another. This is a bigger issue than advertised, and will be important in the Superman titles moving forward.

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Superman (2011) #26

Jan 1, 2014

The beginning of this arc has been enjoyable. Lobdell is playing with a lot of fun elements that can hopefully work out and turn into a really good story. Lashleys art is a good compliment to the story and should improve as he gets more comfortable drawing the characters. This has a chance to be one of the better Superman stories in the New 52.

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Superman (2011) #27

Jan 29, 2014

Parasite is one of Supermans better and more threatening villains and Lobdell used him pretty well. The cameo at the end of the issue could lead into the next story line, which is pretty exciting. This was a decent issue, heres hoping the next arc can be as good or better.

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Superman (2011) #28

Feb 26, 2014

While this was a little bit of a slower and light-hearted issue, the plot developed and some pieces were revealed. Lobdell and Booth have a good working rapport, and it clearly shows. Lobdells run has been entertaining in a group of New 52 Superman books that has failed to meet expectations. Hes been building toward something good for a while now and hopefully the reader will enjoy the payoff.

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Superman (2011) #29

Mar 26, 2014

Scott Lobdell gets a bit of a bum rap on this title, but he really has done a solid job here. This issue is fun and he is continually building off of things hes done or plot lines left by other writers. Lobdell is usually paired with a good artist like Kenneth Rockafort, but he hit the jackpot with Benes. Hopefully these two can work together for the rest of the run, as it will make the story that much better.

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Superman (2011) #30

Apr 23, 2014

This issue of Superman does a pretty solid job of setting up the events for the next crossover. It would have been nice to have less narration, but Lobdell still managed to keep it an interesting read. Ed Benes continues to amaze with every issue he does and this will probably not stop any time soon. This is a good tandem on this book that will hopefully deliver an excellent story for readers.

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Superman (2011) #32

Jun 25, 2014

For as much hype and promotion DC gave this book, it fell a little flat. This is just one issue, so nobody should panic, and Geoff Johns definitely deserves to get a few issues grace period before you need to worry. John Romita Jr. has done a really nice job on pencils this issue and will hopefully be consistent and not rush. This arc is off to a slow start, but Johns and Romita Jr. are too good to let it stay that way.

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Superman (2011) #40

Apr 29, 2015

Superman #40 wasnt a groundbreaking issue, but it was definitely a fun read. It was nice to see the Justice League get the chance to pal around as ordinary people. John Romita Jr. did a nice job on both parts of this book and should be proud of himself. Hopefully this level of consistency can continue in the book and give readers the Superman they deserve.

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Superman (2011) #45

Oct 29, 2015

Story wise, this is a bit of a let down. The plot for this issue is a bit cheesy, but its enjoyable enough. The main topic of conversation should be about the artwork. Porter and Hi-Fi really do make this book look a lot nicer and deserve a ton of credit. If you can get over the goofiness of the story, you should be able to enjoy yourself.

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Superman (2011) #52

May 26, 2016

Superman #52 is a wonderful send off for a series that had a rocky existence. Peter Tomasi writes an emotional issue that will make even the toughest readers depressed. The art is downright killer and everyone involved put in an A+ effort. This is an issue worth reading.

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Superman (2011) Annual #2

Jul 31, 2013

This is not a bad annual. While the focus is not really on Superman, it is nice to see Lois get the spotlight and add some depth to her character. Lobdell turns in another decent issue that is leading to a grander scheme within the Superman line, and Dan Jurgens' art is at the top of its game. This is definitely an issue worth a read if you love the Superman universe.

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Superman (2011) Annual #3

Dec 31, 2015

Superman Annual #3 is a very good read for anyone who loves Superman. A depressed Clark is an interesting Clark, and these writers know that. The art has its pros and cons, which happens when a book splits artists. That is not a deal breaker though and this is one of the better annuals to come out in a while. DC got it right this year.

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Superman (2016) #18

Mar 5, 2017

Superman #18 is a good read, but is almost entirely set-up even as it continues to be one of the true winners to come out of DCs Rebirth line. These are the kind of stories that got lost in the crowd when Superman was being written as an object of mass destruction. The care that Tomasi and Gleason are putting into this title shows with every new issue, and theyve really made Clark a likable and relatable guy. Whether youre a Superman fan or not, this is definitely a book that should be read consistently.

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Superman (2016) #35

Nov 20, 2017

Superman continues to be a must read book.

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Superman (2018) #22

Jun 20, 2020

Superman #22 is a successful finale to the United planets story arc. Brian Michael Bendis delivers a good script that fleshes out Clark and Lois is a favorable way. The pencils and colors enhance the issue a great deal and really help convey the emotion in Bendis script. If youre looking a fun comic this week, Superman #22 is an excellent choice.

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Superman Unchained #7

Jul 2, 2014

This was a pretty good read and Superman Unchained has proven to be one of the best Superman titles on the shelf, when it's available. The delays have definitely hurt this book and that is a big drawback. Snyder and Lee work very well together and should team up some more in the future if possible. While this run won't go down like Snyder's Batman run, it is still an entertaining self contained story.

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Supreme: Blue Rose #1

Jul 28, 2014

Supreme Blue Rose is an interesting read this week. It can be confusing in some spots and may need a second read, but its a fresh book. Warren Ellis doesnt disappoint very often and this title is off to a good start. The art of Tula Lotay is very stylistic and compliments the odd story. This is a pretty decent start to a book that will hopefully reveal more secrets and mysteries in the coming months.

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Swamp Thing (2016) #2

Feb 8, 2016

Swamp Thing is back and has been great so far. If there is anyone who knows how to get the character back to his horror roots, its Len Wein. The art is creepy and effective, but does have some spots where things are too big. Overall, this is a book that should satisfy anyone who reads it.

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Symbiote Spider-Man #1

Apr 14, 2019

Symbiote Spider-Man #1 was a fun trip down memory lane. Peter David continues to put out great work and flesh out under utilized characters. The art is a great compliment to the story being told. Everyone involved with this issue should feel proud for putting out such a quality book.

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Symbiote Spider-Man #5

Aug 18, 2019

Symbiote Spider-Man is a nice little break from the current stories.

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Teen Titans (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 21, 2014

Futures End Teen Titans had some potential, but a rough script crushed any potential for greatness. Andy Smith and Matt Yackey did a decent job on the art and colors, but it wasnt enough for the price tag. Save your money for the regular series, this is just another book that didnt live up to expectations.

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Teen Titans (2014) #3

Oct 19, 2014

Teen Titans has absolutely picked up some steam since coming back onto the scene. Helped out by a well written first arc that is more realistic and some wonderful pencils by Kenneth Rocafort. This may not be a huge book, but its definitely a fun one.

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Teen Titans (2014) #4

Nov 20, 2014

This has been the most exciting version of the Teen Titans in quite a while and all praise should go to the writer and artist. Pfeifer and Rocafort really are turning in excellent work in this series and its only four issues in (five if you count the Futures End issue). If youre looking to read a good teen book, Teen Titans is worth a try.

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Teen Titans (2014) #5

Dec 18, 2014

Teen Titans has definitely become a better book since Will Pfeifer took over. He brings realism and anidentifiablefeelto many of the characters he writes. The art by Scott Hepburn is fine, but he could use a bit more style in his work. Teen Titans has certainly done a 180 and its the best its been since Geoff Johns was on the book.

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Teen Titans (2014) #8

Mar 20, 2015

Teen Titans has really turned around and become an interesting book. Each month we question what is going to happen and what Manchester Black is going to do. Will Pfeifer and Kenneth Rocafort are doing great work on a title that wasnt too well received a year ago. If the writing and art can keep up, this will be a one of the best volumes in recent memory.

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Terrible Lizard #1

Nov 3, 2014

Terrible Lizard isnt a terrible book, but its nothing special either. Bunn is a very good writer and definitely worth giving another shot to if you didnt like this introductory issue. The pencils are fine, but the coloring by Ryan Hill is what shines brightest this issue. Terrible Lizard is worth a shot on a slow week, but can wait otherwise.

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Thanos (2019) #1

Apr 29, 2019

If you're riding the high of Avengers: Endgame, Thanos #1 is a book that will satisfy appetite.

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The Clone Conspiracy #1

Oct 16, 2016

Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy is off to a nice start. Dan Slott has been criticized for his work on Amazing Spider-Man, but this event reads really wellso far. The art is very good in every sense of the word. Cheung and Ponsor are working magic on the pages of this book.

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The Death of Doctor Strange #2

Oct 23, 2021

The Death of Dr. Strange #2 is every bit as good as the first issue. By this point you have to be invested. Jed Mackay has crafted a well written story with characters we know and love. The pencils and colors add to the depth of the tale and help readers enjoy the story.

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The Devilers #1

Jul 17, 2014

The Devilers is a nice little surprise book this week and should be picked up. Fialkov has a fresh take on a horror story that is entertaining and very well thought-out. With the art of Mike Triano giving the book an eerie feel and Mark Robert's impressive colors, this title is off to a very good start.

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The Tithe #1

Apr 18, 2015

Introductory issues have to hook a reader or they may pass on the book, and The Tithe should be able to snag readers. Matt Hawkins is putting together a nice streak of good book lately and this should be added to the list. Rahsan Ekedal did great work on this issue and certainly looks to have a bright future in the business. The Tithe is a book that deserves a read, the good writing and excellent art will keep you coming back.

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The Tithe #3

Jun 23, 2015

The third issue of The Tithe is excellent and had an extremely strong ending. People are starting to die and essentially all bets are off at this point. Matt Hawkins has been killing it with some superb writing. The art continues to be well done with colors that are fitting to the style. The conclusion of this arc should be pretty epic.

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The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Dec 6, 2015

There is really no other way to say this, but Totally Awesome Hulk was totally awesome. Greg Pak made Amadeus Cho a likable character. Hes funny and quick-witted and all around fun. There really cant be enough said about the pencils and colors. This is some of the best art on a Hulk book in years. This is a series for anyone and everyone.

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The Walking Dead #127

May 15, 2014

As the beginning of a new arc and a good jumping on point for new readers, this is a wonderful issue. Kirkman leaves us with enough questions and intrigue to excite us for the next issue. The art is great as always and the tones and inks make it even better. This is a great time to start reading for anyone who loves great story telling!

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The Walking Dead #130

Aug 15, 2014

While The Walking Dead #130 didnt have a ton of action, a lot happened. Kirkman is still keeping things fresh and compelling, while Charlie Adlard turns in another very good art performance. This series is still a force to be reckoned with.

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The Walking Dead #140

Apr 8, 2015

As The Walking Dead goes on, it continues to impress. This wasnt the best issue in the series, but it was still engaging in large part to the writing and art. Robert Kirkman is a man who knows how to write good and likable characters. Charlie Adlards work is always amazing and one of the reasons this book is so great. The Walking Dead remains a must read every week.

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The Walking Dead #146

Sep 9, 2015

The Walking Dead continues to be one of the best books to come out each month. Robert Kirkman is a wizard with his pen and keeps finding ways to keep us hooked. The art for this book continues to be close to perfect. There is a reason why this comic continues to be a top seller month after month and it has everything to do with the creative team.

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The Wicked + The Divine #1

Jun 19, 2014

The Wicked + The Divine was an excellent debut issue that can hopefully become another hit for Image. Gillen and McKelvie were really impressive with this title and worked extremely well together. This seems to be common for Image to get some of the best work out of some very talented people; Image strikes again!

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The Wicked + The Divine #2

Jul 16, 2014

The Wicked+The Divine takes a step back in this second issue, but only because it had a pretty stunning debut. Kieron Gillen is a writer who plans things out long term and he definitely has a plan in place for this book. McKelvie and Wilson have been great in the first two issues and will no doubt keep the trend going as long as they are on the title. This series has a ton of potential and there is no way Gillen and McKelvie disappoint!

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The Wicked + The Divine #3

Aug 20, 2014

This issue could be very hit or miss for many readers, but hopefully it wont be a turn off. While this particular book was confusing, Gillen deserves another chance at your attention. Jamie McKelvie is awesome in every way imaginable. His outstanding work on this issue was hampered by a weird and confusing story. Hopefully next month will be a better issue on the writing side.

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Thor (2014) #1

Oct 1, 2014

Whether you were for the new Thor or against it, Jason Aaron should have earned your trust if you read the series on a regular basis. The dialogue is solid and the art is great, so dont pass up on this issue and give it a fair chance!

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Thor (2020) #14

Apr 18, 2021

Thor #14 wraps up nicely, and serves as a fitting end to a wonderful arc. Donny Cates continues to give fans what they want with Thor. The pencils and colors by Klein and Wilson are what you want to see in a mystical book like this. Thor is a series that never fails to exceed expectations.

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Titans (2016) #1

Aug 1, 2016

Titans #1 is a step in the right direction for a series that has had a very rough stretch lately. Dan Abnett is very capable of writing a good team book and this is a series that needs an architect. The art is very good and is handled by professionals in every aspect. If youre craving a Titans book that will satisfy your thirst for the classic story telling style, this should be able to at least get you excited.

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Titans (2016) #6

Dec 30, 2016

Titans #6 has its flaws, but if you like the characters enough, youll like this issue. The writing needs a little work, but Dan Abnett does a good enough job to keep fans interested. The art is a highlight that should wow you as you flip through the pages. Titans is the book for people who love Wally West and want to celebrate his return.

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Titans (2016) #11

May 14, 2017

Titans #11 kicks off the mini-crossover, and it does a fine job of keeping you interested and wondering where things will be heading next week. Percy and Abnett are professionals and know how to craft a good crossover. The art steals the show here, though. Brett Booths pencils mixed with the wonderful color scheme really sell this issue. If youre hungry for an old school Teen Titans event, The Lazarus contract will be right up your alley.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #2

Mar 3, 2014

With the second issue in the books, Turok Dinosaur Hunter has gained some steam heading into its third issue. Greg Pak is a good writer with a knack for fan favorite stories, so he's most likely got big plans for this title. Colak has all the talent in the world and is a good artist, but this book is missing the money shot. As the series progresses and everyone gets comfortable, this title has all the ingredients to be one of Dynamite's better books.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #3

Mar 31, 2014

This has been the best issue of the series so far with the new line up of Pak and Colak. Greg Pak's writing is getting better as his story starts to take form and develops a little. Mirko Colak can hopefully use this issue as a stepping stone and build off of the momentum he has going for him in the second half of this book. Hopefully this will be a turn around issue for a solid writer and artist team and their re-imagining of a classic Valiant character.

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U.S.Avengers #1

Jan 7, 2017

U.S.Avengers was a bit of a surprise. This may seem like a book that you could easily pass over due to the lack of star power on the team, but it is a very good start to the series. Well written characters and a creative way to introduce them to the audience is what sets this book apart from other generic titles on the shelf.

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Ultimate End #1

May 20, 2015

The bar for Secret War tie-ins is pretty high because the event is extremely good. Ultimate End isnt the greatest start to a series, but there is a ton of room to grow. Brian Michael Bendis is a writer that has done it all with these characters and can no doubt make this an interesting story. Mark Bagley looks like he never quit drawing these characters and continues to shine with his work at Marvel. While this wasnt the best opener, it should get another chance because Bendis and Bagley do excellent work together.

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Ultimate End #4

Aug 5, 2015

As we near the Ultimate End of this series, we have to hope something fun will happen. This issue really didnt help any, which shouldnt surprise people who read the first three. Brian Michael Bendis is better than this. This issue is just not good enough. The art is a nice little boost but it can't pull Ultimate End #4 out of the gutter.

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Uncanny Avengers #6

Apr 10, 2013

Uncanny Avengers is a book that shouldn't be passed up. It picks up steam with every issue, and is laying the groundwork for some big things to come in the marvel universe. With villains like Onslaught, Apocalypse, and Red Skull in this book already, the dossier of future threats facing the Uncanny Avengers seems too exciting to skip.

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Uncanny Avengers #7

Apr 24, 2013

Uncanny Avengers is a book that is setting up big events in the Marvel Universe. Rick Remender is a writer that can weave an epic tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats (See Dark Angel Saga). With more consistent artwork from Daniel Acua, this book can really be the next big thing.

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Uncanny Avengers #8

May 8, 2013

This issue is still setting things up for a big battle between the Uncanny Avengers and the Apocalypse twins, but it has done a good job of putting key players in compelling situations. This series keeps getting better with each issue, if Remender can do with this book what he did with Uncanny X-Force; we're all in for an epic treat.

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Uncanny Avengers #8AU

May 22, 2013

While this issue is not part of the story that Remender has been plotting, and is a tie in to a bigger event, it is still very good. This is a chance to see Adam Kubert on Uncanny Avengers too, so whats not to love. Even if you dont like Age of Ultron, this issue should leave you satisfied.

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Uncanny Avengers #9

Jun 19, 2013

This series has been building for a war since issue 1, and it looks like it is finally going to get one. Remender and Acua are putting together a dark arc, similar to Remenders X-Force run, which is pretty odd for an Avengers title. Pick this up while it is still on the shelf.

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Uncanny Avengers #10

Jul 24, 2013

Uncanny Avengers is a book that has been getting consistently better every month, and with the Apocalypse twins story arc and the arrival of the new horsemen, the book is being taken to a new level of excitement. Acua is also progressing in the art department as well, which is helping the story flow even better. This continues to be one of Marvels better titles on a monthly basis.

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Uncanny Avengers #11

Sep 1, 2013

Uncanny Avengers is one of Marvels best books on the shelf. The writing of Rick Remender makes this book worth checking out. The beautiful covers by John Cassaday are also a great selling point, and Daniel Acuas art is beginning to pick up steam. This is a book that will not disappoint.

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Uncanny Avengers #19

Apr 23, 2014

As this story line keeps moving forward, this series gets more and more intriguing. Rick Remender has taken a book that could have been a complete flop and turned it into a must read with his expert story telling. The art could be better and Acua is capable of it, but it wont take you out of the issue. Another great issue in a series that continues to surprise and entertain.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #1

Oct 18, 2015

As far as opening issues go, Uncanny Avengers was decent. It won't blow you away, but it probably won't be the worst thing you read this week. Gerry Duggan did a fine job with many of the new team members and should look to build on that. The art could be better, but this is a first issue and Stegman needs to get comfortable drawing many of these characters. This issue is worth a read, but still needs some work to really take off.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #3

Dec 12, 2015

Uncanny Avengers is off to a pretty mediocre start so far. Everything is just okay. The story or the art doesnt really stand out and there is nothing that makes this a must read book. The cast is cool, but they need a better story to go along with them.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #7

Mar 12, 2016

Uncanny Avengers could have been a book that is easily forgotten, but the past couple of issues have really made a case for it being one of the better books in Marvel's stable, if not the best. Gerry Duggan is getting comfortable with the characters and its showing on the page. The art has consistently improved as the series moves forward. This series isnt a fluff book that can be blown off, but a series on the rise.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #13

Sep 6, 2016

No Avengers title has come further than Uncanny Avengers. This series started out slow, but has really picked up steam and is the best of the Avengers bunch. Gerry Duggan has found his groove and is telling a very interesting tale. The pencils and colors have also picked up to launch this book into must-read territory.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #30

Dec 22, 2017

The Uncanny Avengers unity squad is no more, but we can take solace in the fact that Jim Zub sent them off on a high note. This was a fitting ending that should give readers and fans hope for the future of these characters.

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Uncanny Inhumans #0

Apr 1, 2015

Uncanny Inhumans #0 is a solid introductory issue to some of the major players, but it probably wont make you forget about the X-Men. Charles Soule writes a script that is easy for readers to follow and pretty friendly to newbies. The art is the real MVP of the issue, as McNiven and Ponsor straight up kick butt. This is worth a read even if you have no interest in the Inhumans.

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Uncanny Inhumans #1

Oct 24, 2015

This is by no means a bad book, its actually pretty enjoyable, but this is just a rehash of everything the mutants have already gone through. You could honestly switch Black Bolt and Cyclops and it wouldnt matter. Marvel is trying to push these characters on us, but they dont have an original story yet. The art was very good and gave this book a good vibe. In order to be successful, Uncanny Inhumans need to distance themselves from the mutants.

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Uncanny Inhumans #2

Nov 23, 2015

Uncanny Inhumans #2 is a better book then the first issue. Charles Soule is giving us an interesting story so far and we should be warming up to some of these characters. The art on this book is simply stunning. McNiven and Gho rock the pages and make this book look great. You have to hand it to Marvel, they are making the Inhumans interesting.

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Uncanny Inhumans #4

Jan 24, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans has been interesting enough; Charles Soule is a good writer that should keep your interest piqued, especially for at least another arc. The art on this book is just superb. You wont find better art on a series this week.

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Uncanny Inhumans #8

May 16, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans has been a surprisingly decent book from Marvel, regardless of what the sales say. Charles Soule has done a good job in making this title accessible and easy to get into. His writing has been fun and on point. The art took a step back this issue, but Kev Walker may just need to find his groove with these characters. If you havent already, give Uncanny Inhumans a shot, its worth a read.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #12

Sep 18, 2013

Chapter 4 of Battle of the Atom leaves the reader with questions about whos playing who and what players will be switching sides. Marvel has been putting out good X-events lately, and this looks to be another solid one. Chapter 5 cant come fast enough.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #13

Oct 16, 2013

The crossover nears its end, and Bendis and Bachalo have delivered the finest issue to date. If the last two chapters can match this past one, Battle of the Atom can be considered another classic tale involving the X-Men.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #14

Nov 21, 2013

Uncanny X-Men continues to be a great title for character development. Bendis and Bachalo are pulling out all stops and honestly making this a fun read. There doesnt always have to be life or death battles for this book to be enjoyable, and Bendis and Bachalo are proving that with this issue.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #15.INH

Dec 11, 2013

Inhumanity tie-in aside, this was a fun issue. Bendis does a good job of not making every issue too serious and he never forgets that comics are supposed to be fun. Uncanny X-Men is still a top shelf book and we all have Bendis to thank.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #16

Jan 15, 2014

Uncanny X-Men has been focusing on single characters for several issues, which is fine, but there should be more team interaction in this book. The loss of Magneto could hurt, but if Bendis and Bachalo get back to using all the other characters, it will be fine. This was a good stand alone issue, but would like to see more of the team dynamic in the future.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #17

Feb 19, 2014

This issue let some of the underused mutants strut their stuff, which is great to see. Bendis continues to intrigue and impress with his care of the characters and stories that he writes. Chris Bachalo has kept this book interesting solely by adding his one of a kind style to a top-selling book. This series is fun and a must read every month. So dont miss out on the next new batch of X-Men!

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #18

Mar 5, 2014

Jeremy Matcho is an employee of Amcom/ Xerox. He was born on the hard streets in Guam, and once met George Wendt at a local Jamesway department store. He was first exposed to comics at the tender age of 9, picking up X-Men #1. His favorite character then, and to this day is Cyclops. While he has been a Marvel fan for 20 years, DC is steadily becoming heavy competition. He also is the proud owner of a 2002 ford escort.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #19.NOW

Mar 19, 2014

Uncanny X-Men is finally feeling like a team book. After Bendis fleshed out some of the new students we are getting our chance to see them act as a complete unit. Chris Bachalo can be hit or miss, but he does an all right job on this issue and if he can keep it up it will make the reading experience that much better. This will hopefully be a stepping stone issue for the story of Cyclops revolution the fans have been waiting for, and with Bendis at the helm it should be epic!

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #20

Apr 16, 2014

Things are starting to get crazy for the revolution team. Bendis is giving the fans some payoff this month and the plot is beginning to thicken for Scott and his crew. Uncanny X-Men is starting to reclaim the throne as the flagship X-Men book and Brian Michael Bendis is pulling the strings. With a little bit better art from Bachalo, this book will trump all others in the X-Line.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #21

May 21, 2014

Bendis has been building up to the mysterious identity of who is behind the bubble mask and we may get the answer soon. Brian is riding a nice hot streak of quality issues for quite some time, which will hopefully continue. Chris Bachalo didnt have his best issue, but there is nowhere to go but up. Hes very capable of turning in excellent work and hopefully well see it next issue.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #22

Jun 18, 2014

Bendis did a very nice job tidying up this story and getting many things back to normal. For the most part the characters were well written and came off great. Chris Bachalos art continues to take you out of the story as it is just mediocre this issue. That being said, overall this was a good read and Bendis continues to give us X-Men stories that matter and do the characters justice.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #24

Jul 31, 2014

This was a solid read but it was more build up than anything. The best may be yet to come on this arc, but it seems like its being dragged out a bit to long. Bendis and Anka are a good match and have the ability to tell a classic tale, but we need to sift through the filler and get down to it already.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #26

Sep 18, 2014

Uncanny X-Men continues to be a good read every month. While there were some problems in the issue, it was overall better than most other books on the rack. Bendis is very good a crafting stories, and while the pacing is a bit slow now, Brian will weave it all together in the end and most likely blow your mind

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #27

Oct 15, 2014

Uncanny X-Men has been a strong title since it was re-launched and Brian Michael Bendis storytelling is a huge reason why. Hes taking the time to set things up and fleshing out characters along the way. The art this issue was better but still not great. Bachalo needs to be more detailed sometimes because if hes not, it ends up looking very cartoony. Overall though, it was a good issue and Bendis and Bachalo continue to make Uncanny X-Men the best X-Book on the shelf.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #28

Nov 19, 2014

Uncanny X-Men #28 is a pretty good issue with some decent art. We get to see Cyclops really extend himself to another mutant and continue his crusade to help those in need. Brian Michael Bendis continues his run with consistent character moments and quality story telling. Kris Anka has turned in better performances than this, but it was by no means a terrible issue art wise. Uncanny X-Men is by all means the premier X-Men book and will continue to be that way as long as Bendis pens the title.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #29

Dec 26, 2014

With the end of the arc fast approaching, we wait patiently for the post-Axis stories to start. Brian Michael Bendis definitely has big plans in store for the Uncanny X-Men but we have to get through this first. Chris Bachalo has picked up his game this issue and turned in his best work of the arc. The anticipation is starting to mount for readers as we patiently wait for Bendis to take us into the next phase of the series.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #30

Jan 28, 2015

Were ready to move on from this story arc, and we still havent finished Xaviers will. Bendis has done some good things with this series, but this issue could have been better. Chris Bachalo had some nice pencils this issue and hopefully he will continue to draw like the pro that he is. The X-Men may not be united at the moment, but nothing brings people together like a resurrection.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #31

Feb 21, 2015

This has been the best issue of the story arc and possibly one of Bendis best on Uncanny X-Men. His writing was very good here and things fell into place nicely. Chris Bachalo also turned in a great performance with his artwork. This was a great issue all the way around from the team. Next month cant come soon enough!

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #32

Mar 26, 2015

As this series winds down, things are starting to take shape for many of the mutants. Its a shame we dont get more time though, Bendis was starting to do some interesting things with the characters. The art wont knock your socks off, but its serviceable. This particular issue was a little on the depressing side, but being a mutant isnt always sunshine and margaritas.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #33

Apr 15, 2015

As far as filler issues go, this one was all right. It probably wont be the best book you read, but it definitely wont be the worst. Its clear that Bendis is getting his pieces in order for the big issue coming up. The art is a little better the normal, but this could have been a stronger issue from Anka.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #34

May 21, 2015

Just because this was a one and done story doesnt mean it was filler. Things actually happened this issue and they were important. Bendis is pulling out some of his best work on the series in these last few issues, which will hopefully make #600 epic. Kris Anka did a fine job with this book, but it wouldnt hurt if he showed a little more detail from time to time. Uncanny X-Men #34 is a nice surprise read this week, so dont miss out.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #35

Jul 22, 2015

Uncanny X-Men has been slowly chugging along with several delays along the way. This seems like a book that just isnt going to end any time soon. Blame shouldnt be placed on Bendis because hes had to change-up a few things due to editorial. His writing this issue was fairly good and it was nice to see some of the younger members use their powers and take the spotlight. The art was the strongest its been in a while and the colors by Richard Isanov are flat-out great. Hope you got your X-Men fill though, because there is no telling when the next issue will be out.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600

Nov 4, 2015

For all the wait us fanboys and girls had, this really didnt live up to expectations. Things are left open-ended and we still have no idea what happened to Cyclops or Emma Frost. These big anniversary issues are usually filler anyway. Bendis Uncanny X-Men run does come to a close, and that could be a good or bad thing for some. He didnt have the impact he did on other titles, but it wasnt terrible either. If nothing else, hopefully youll have been entertained during some of it.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) Annual #1

Dec 10, 2014

Brian Michael Bendis writing both Uncanny X-Men and All-New X-Men allows him to stretch this annual out to two different titles. After reading the first part readers should have been entertained and curious for what happens next. The art and colors were top-notch as this issue was very well done. Part two cant come soon enough.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #1

Jan 7, 2016

Out of the two major X-titles right now, Uncanny X-Men has a leg up. Cullen Bunn turns in a good script that should keep fans excited for who and what comes next. The art a nice complement to the story and at times jumps off the page at you. A good introductory issue for Uncanny X-Men.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #2

Jan 21, 2016

Uncanny X-Men is definitely the X-book to beat. Cullen Bunn has the most original storyline out of the bunch and he writes these characters very well. Greg Land has improved on the art from last issue and will hopefully build on that. This isnt just one of the best X-books, its one of Marvels best books after the re-launch.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #3

Feb 3, 2016

Without a doubt Uncanny X-Men is the X-book to read. No other book in the lineup comes close to matching the quality so far. Cullen Bunn is writing so many of these characters so well that they all become your favorites. The art team has been the best in the X-line so far and it doesnt look like any other group will be beating them anytime soon.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #4

Mar 4, 2016

Uncanny X-Men has been great so far, and Bunn, Land, Woodard and co. have fans believing Marvel isnt mistreating the X-Men. This series has exceeded expectations and it seems like Bunn has a solid, well-thought outplan laid out for some of our favorite mutants. Greg Land is doing some of the best work of his career and being teamed with Nolan Woodard and inker Jay Leisten has really helped round out his art. If you arent satisfied after reading this book, there is no pleasing you.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #5

Mar 24, 2016

Uncanny X-Men continues to be impressive. There wasnt a bad issue in this first arc and everyone involved should get a ton of credit. Cullen Bunn told a very dark tale that sets the bar for the rest of the series moving forward and the art has been spectacular, making reading and experiencing the series extremely easy. This is a book that should absolutely be in you pull list.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #6

Apr 10, 2016

Were six issues in now and if youre not reading Uncanny X-Men you are missing out. This is consistently a great read and there hasnt been a disappointing issue yet. Bunn succeeds in making every character a likable one. The art, even after switching out pencilers, doesnt miss a beat thanks to Lashley's skill and Woodards' continued mastery. This is a top-3 Marvel title.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #7

May 8, 2016

Uncanny X-Men is consistently one of Marvels best books available. The Angel plot wasnt that interesting this issue but it may heat up next month. If nothing else, have faith in Cullen Bunn. The pencils and colors were very good and this book has benefited from having some great art in it. If youre an X-Men fan and youre not picking up Uncanny X-Men, youre missing out on a potentially classic run from a writer that loves the characters.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #10

Jul 24, 2016

Uncanny X-Men has undoubtedly been the best X-Men book on the market since the re-launch. What Cullen Bunn is crafting story wise could be end up going down as a great run for this great franchise. Ken Lashley really stepped up his art game with each new issue; he clearly got more comfortable and it shows. This arc as a whole may not be as good as their first arc, but Uncanny X-Men is the X-book to read.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #15

Nov 14, 2016

Uncanny X-Men 15 is another wonderful issue to add to Cullen Bunns run on the series. The art, despite having several hands on it, is consistent and good. You really cant say enough about the quality of this series.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #16

Dec 27, 2016

Uncanny X-Men #16 was a pretty good issue, but it had some confusing parts that might force you to re-read it. The story was good enough and the art department stepped up as usual. Its a shame this book will be going away because it was a breath of fresh air in the line.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #18

Feb 19, 2017

Uncanny X-Men continues to impress month after month. Cullen Bunn certainly has a grasp on the characters he writes. The art is clean and well colored. This is a solid creative team that brings to life the characters' innerthoughts. One of the biggest draws of this series has been the consistency. Were not let down this month as Bunn shows us once again that a well crafted story with characters that you love make a huge difference in story telling.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #2

Dec 3, 2018

This is the most exciting the X-Men have been in a good while

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #9

Jan 12, 2019

Uncanny X-Men is the relaunch fans have been waiting for

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #11

Feb 10, 2019

This issue is a triumph for everyone involved

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #13

Mar 9, 2019

Uncanny X-Men is the X-book we've always wanted

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #14

Mar 23, 2019

All in all, this will be the best book you read this week

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #18

May 18, 2019

The pencils, inks and colors bring this book to life and make it an overall enjoyable read.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #19

Jun 8, 2019

This is the best X-Men book on the shelf

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #20

Jun 22, 2019

Uncanny X-Men is a book that will floor you.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) Annual #1

Jan 26, 2019

Cyclops is back and Ed Brisson is setting him up to be better than ever!

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Uncanny X-Men Special #1

Jun 11, 2014

This was a bit of a disappointing start to the crossover, but it did offer some decent moments. That being said, it is not worth the $4.99 price tag. If you are a huge X-Men fan then give this a try, but for a casual reader it is pretty skippable. The addition of Nova and Iron Man could boost up the rest of the crossover and make it more interesting. Sean Ryan did a decent job, but a lack of good character moments led to this issue not meeting expectations. The art also needs to improve as it slipped as the book got into the latter pages. A disappointing start that can be rectified by two good issues to help boost this crossover.

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Unity #2

Dec 10, 2013

This issue of Unity was pretty good, although I think it was hampered by an outstanding first issue. While Kindt and Braithwaite deliver another good performance, it doesnt measure up to the first issue. This title has endless possibilities and Kindt and Braithwaite are the team that can make it soar.

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Venom (2016) #5

Mar 19, 2017

It shouldnt be a secret that this series is not a fan favorite. The cameo at the end of the issue says a lot about the direction editorial decided to take. Matt Costa isnt a bad writer, but this isnt the vehicle for him. The art has steadily improved each issue, but is ultimately not enough to make this a series to invest in.

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Venom (2016) #150

May 28, 2017

Venom #150 is a step in the right direction, but it's not perfect. Mike Costa needs to build up the relationship between Eddie and the symbiote more. It almost seems like we're thrown in and things are already in place. The art needs to be a little darker for a title like this. It was light in certain spots and didn't fit. We're on our way to getting the Venom series we want, but we're not there yet.

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Venom (2018) #18

Sep 13, 2019

Venom #18 is a meaningful tie-in that should have some lasting effects on the series.

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Venom (2018) #26

Jul 19, 2020

Venom #26 is off to an intriguing start. Donny Cates has set up the story well and Eddie and Dylan are already in a tough situation. The pencils and colors really enhance the reading experience for this issue. Venom is quickly becoming a must read book!

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Way of X (2021) #1

Apr 25, 2021

Way of X offers X-Men fans a different story than what they are getting in other places. Si Spurrier doesn't give us answers to anything, but that's perfectly fine. The pencils and colors looked good this issue and make looking at the pages easy on your eyes. Way of X is a book for anyone who wants a different feel from the current X-line.

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Weapon H #1

Mar 25, 2018

Weapon H will exceed your expectations!

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Weapon X (2017) #1

Apr 15, 2017

Weapon X didnt get as much promotion as X-Men Gold or X-Men Blue, but this is a good start to the series. Greg Pak pulls us in with a few planted seeds that will grow as the series progresses. The art doesnt disappoint as Land, Leisten and DArmata all turn in solid work. Weapon X is a series that doesnt show all of its cards in the first issue, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Weapon X (2017) #6

Jul 29, 2017

"Weapons of Mutant Destruction" has been an entertaining crossover, despite the lame name. Greg Pak has done a good job with all of the characters in the cast and has made this a very fun read. Every aspect of the art is great.

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Weapon X (2017) #10

Oct 29, 2017

Weapon X is decent this week, but it wasn't as great as it normally is.

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Weapon X (2017) #12

Dec 17, 2017

This is a series that has consistency on it's side and if you're a fan of darker Marvel titles, Weapon X is worth a read.

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Weapon X (2017) #25

Nov 12, 2018

Weapon X may not be one of the most talked about books in the Marvel rolodex, but it is consistently one of the most fun

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Web Of Venom: Empyre's End #1

Nov 6, 2020

Web of Venom Empyres End may be one of the scariest stories youve ever read. The script and imagery work so well together. Clay Mcleod Chapman is on my radar now. He has an eye and ear for good scary stories. If youre not ready for Halloween to be over, check out Web of Venom Empyres End.

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Winnebago Graveyard #3

Aug 20, 2017

There shouldn't be any doubt that Steve Niles could scare you, but you can't say enough about the art. This series is an overall success so far thanks in large part to the dedication put in by everyone involved.

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Winter Soldier (2018) #1

Dec 11, 2018

If you're looking for a book that will knock your socks off this week, Winter Soldier is the winner.

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Wolverine (2014) #6

May 14, 2014

As this saga continues to unfold, Cornell has managed to keep up some of the mystery and suspense in the title. The art is decent but could use a little more flare to help the story out. Cornell is writing an all new kind of Wolverine that has really paid off so far, hopefully the next six issues are just as good.

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Wolverine (2014) #7

May 28, 2014

As this series goes on things start to get crazier and crazier. This isnt your typical Wolverine that fan boys love, which makes it hard to judge the series for some. Paul Cornell is a good enough writer to get this all to make sense at the end of the run. Gerardo Sandoval improves with every issue and that is a great thing for this series. He seems to have found his own way instead of trying to mimic Ryan Stegman. This was a mediocre issue in a fairly strong run, but it shouldnt take away from the fun of the series as a whole.

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Wolverine (2014) #9

Jun 27, 2014

This series has only three more issues left, and it could use some steam because it hasn't been great. Cornell is a good enough writer to mend the ship and give us a good farewell to an iconic character. Kris Anka is a talented artist that can do good things, but he needs to slow down a little. Hopefully the remaining issues will do some justice to the character. Cornell and Anka are capable of a great send off, and hopefully that will start to show in the next issue.

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Wolverine (2014) Annual #1

Aug 22, 2014

The Wolverine Annual has been the best Wolverine comic to come out in quite some time. Elliot Kalan and Jonathan Marks offer up a good story and art that fits the mood. While it may not have much impact toward the main story of the series, this issue is worth a read.

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Wolverine (2020) #12

May 21, 2021

Wolverine #12 continues it's streak of must read issues. Percy has been building up to something good since issue 1 and we're starting to see more of that with each passing book. The pencils and colors rule and enhance the reading experience. Wolverine continues to be one of the most fun books Marvel puts out.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #6

Jul 23, 2014

The end of the story arc wasnt the strongest in any category, but it was a decent read. Latour's first arc was pretty good, but not great, which leaves him some room to get his voice on the book perfect. The art was a major flaw this issue as it lacked consistency and at times felt rushed, but all the artists are talented and just need a little more time to nail down the characters. Overall this was a bit of a let down to an otherwise good opening story.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #38

Jan 21, 2015

While there were a few slower moments this issue, a good cliffhanger and fantastic art make this a good read. The Finchs work great together and it shows on the page. Meredith and David need to keep up the good work and continue to make Wonder Woman one of the best characters in the New 52.

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X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1

Sep 27, 2020

Without a doubt, this is one of the finest event kickoffs in recent memory. Howard and Hickman have set this up as an epic battle between good and evil, and I have no idea which side will win. The pencils and colors should wow you as you flip through the pages of this amazing issue. X of Swords Creation will exceed your expectations.

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X-23 (2018) #1

Jul 18, 2018

X-23 is a book for anyone and everyone. Mariko Tamaki turned in a great and funny script that really captures the youth of Laura and Gabby. The pencils and colors made the issue an even better read because they leap out of the book and grab your attention. This is a very promising start to a new series for a great character.

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X-23 (2018) #12

Jun 1, 2019

This series should leave an impression on the characters and fans as well.

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X-Factor (2020) #4

Oct 4, 2020

X-Factor #4 is the second part of a large crossover, but it is a book that is a good read on its own. Leah Williams doesnt back down from the challenge of following up the massive first part of the story arc, and writes a very good second act. The pencils and colors are top notch too. X-Factor #4 is a good sign for things to come.

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X-Force (2014) #2

Mar 12, 2014

This is a series that is very capable of being a must read, but it needs to get an identity first. Simon Spurrier is a very capable writer that can make readers really care for his characters, but he needs to get comfortable with them first. The art has been a big standout so far and Rock-He Kim has the talent to make a book great. These two are poised for good things if they can work out some of the early kinks.

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X-Force (2018) #1

Dec 28, 2018

X-Force was a surprise hit this week. Ed Brisson has made this team of old friends feel fresh, and they have a new path and mission. The pencils and colors were fine enough, but I look forward to seeing how they grow as the series progresses. X-Force was my favorite book this week.

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X-Force (2018) #4

Mar 17, 2019

X-Force is a book for fans who love these characters and want to take a trip back down memory lane.

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X-Force (2019) #1

Nov 9, 2019

X-Force is a force to be reckoned with.

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X-Force (2019) #2

Nov 30, 2019

X-Force #2 is another amazing thrill ride for this series. Benjamin Percy has written another exciting issue, and the pencils and colors help boost the enjoyment. X-Force is emerging as the front runner for best series coming out of Dawn of X.

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X-Force (2019) #10

Jul 11, 2020

X-Force #10 will be remembered for a few things, but none more than the last two pages. Benjamin Percy is definitely stirring the pot and turning the X-Men world upside down. The pencils and art are simply amazing. X-Force #10 will get you through this week and keep you talking into next week.

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X-Force (2019) #11

Aug 16, 2020

X-Force #11 gets the series on the right track. Benjamin Percy is doing a fine job writing this series and making it interesting. The colors and pencils rock this issue. X-Force is back on track and taking no prisoners this issue.

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X-Force (2019) #12

Sep 12, 2020

X-Force #12 is a good book that is building for the next big X-event. Benjamin Percy has been consistently good on X-Force and this issue is business as usual. The pencils and colors really steal the show in this issue. The work done by the artist and colorist shine and the issue is all the better for it. X-Force lives up to the hype.

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X-Force (2019) #13

Oct 11, 2020

The more the X of Swords storyline moves on, the more interesting it gets. Line wide cross overs can be tricky because there are multiple writers involved, but so far everything has been great. Benjamin Percy delivers another entertaining script that should build a following for Solem. The pencils and colors were dark and moody, which is exactly what you would expect from a story in hell. X-Force #13 is a must own for Wolverine fans.

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X-Force (2019) #17

Feb 13, 2021

X-Force #17 is an enjoyable issue that focused on a character that many fans don't particularly like. Credit to Benjamin Percy for fleshing out some of the details of Kid Omega. The pencils and colors are great. There isn't much more you can say about it than that. It's some of the best artwork in a comic book this week. X-Force continues to surprise readers by offering a heartfelt issue this week.

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X-Force (2019) #18

Mar 20, 2021

X-Force #18is a fine book, but it's nothing game changing for the series. Benjamin Percy has been pretty solid as a writer on this title, so there is no reason to think his good work won't continue. The pencils and colors rock the issue. In a slow comics week, X-Force #18 is one of the better titles that came out.

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X-Force (2019) #23

Sep 11, 2021

X-Force #23 is another good issue in the series that has been slowly building to the downfall of Beast. Benjamin Percy has a knack for writing good stories that have long term effects on characters we love. The art was superb and both colorist and penciler knocked it out of the park. X-Force is a force to be reckoned with.

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X-Men '92 #1

Jun 24, 2015

If you are craving a return to the 90s books, X-Men 92 is absolutely for you. Sims and Bowers absolutely capture the personalities and times of these X-Men and really kick up the nostalgia. The art is pretty good and it does the job for the story. This was an awesome issue that will bring you right back to being a kid. Feel free to listen to X-Men the animated series theme song before you open the issue; it will make this read even better.

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X-Men '92 #2

Jul 29, 2015

This was a well written issue, but the art hinders it from being better. Chris Sims and Chad Bowers have proven they can handle these characters and handle them well. Scott Koblish seemed like he may have been rushed this issue, but there is some room for improvement with the pencils. Overall this continues to be a fun ride down nostalgia lane.

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X-Men '92 #3

Aug 31, 2015

As far as capturing a time period goes, X-Men 92 nails it. Sims and Bowers get so many things right about this age of the X-Men that should have any fanboy smiling. The art is a bit (lame pun) sketchy, but Matt Milla kills it with his colors. This is a book for people who loved 90s X-Men and its a great opportunity to go back with a fresh story.

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X-Men '92 #4

Sep 30, 2015

X-Men 92 is a book that took me by surprise. The writing was very good and its clear the Sims and Bowers will take good care of your favorite mutants. The art was decent but spotty at times, but Matt Millas colors were on point. This is a series that can rejuvenate your faith in the X-Men.

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X-Men (2013) #6

Oct 9, 2013

As Battle of the Atom begins to unfold, the pieces begin to fall into place. The fate of the original 5 X-Men hangs in the balance, and fans may soon have the chance to heckle the Wolverine faithful by saying Cyclops was right!

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X-Men (2019) #1

Oct 18, 2019

X-Men #1 is the first step in a historic run for the mutants.

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X-Men (2019) #2

Nov 16, 2019

X-Men #2 is the Summers family book we've always wanted.

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X-Men (2019) #3

Dec 7, 2019

X-Men is a book for readers who are willing to let the big picture fill in

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X-Men (2019) #5

Feb 2, 2020

X-Men is a must read series

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X-Men (2019) #6

Feb 15, 2020

Hickman is redefining the X-Men.

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X-Men (2019) #7

Feb 29, 2020

X-Men is a series that cannot be missed!

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X-Men (2019) #8

Mar 14, 2020

X-Men is one of Marvel's premier books!

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X-Men (2019) #9

Mar 29, 2020

X-Men continues to set the bar for the X-line with each issue.

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X-Men (2019) #10

Aug 1, 2020

X-Men #10 didnt disappoint on its return. A Vulcan centric story is always welcome with me. Hickman is a master storyteller. If hes planting a seed, it will become relevant at some point. The art is gorgeous and will floor you as you flip through the pages. X-Men is a triumph in the comics community!

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X-Men (2019) #11

Aug 30, 2020

As we wrap up another issue of this classic X-Men run, the wait between issues seems to get longer and longer. Hickman is one of the best writers in comics. Period. Each issue brings us closer to the end, and the build up has been great so far. You probably couldnt have asked for a better team on art duties. Yu and Gho crush it this issue and I hope we see more of them on this series. X-Men is the best book from Marvel right now.

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X-Men (2019) #12

Sep 20, 2020

X-Men #12 is a book that will have ramifications for the rest of the series. The information in this issue will be important moving forward. Jonathan Hickman hasnt put out a bad issue yet, on fact, each issue just gets more exciting. The pencils and colors are the perfect compliment to this issue and series. X-Men continues to be the best book on the shelf

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X-Men (2019) #15

Nov 26, 2020

X-Men #15 is everything you would want out of a comic book. There is political drama, a battle, and heroes doing the right thing. Jonathan Hickman turns in a flawless issue that will surely get you excited for the next part of the event. The pencils and colors are great here as well. Asrar and Gho knock it out of the park and come through when they are needed. X-Men #15 is the best issue of the event so far.

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X-Men (2019) #16

Jan 1, 2021

X-Men #16 is an awesome book for many reasons, but thats pretty much what weve come to expect from Jonathan Hickman. His writing has set up this series for months, if not years, to come. Phil Notos work looks like some of the best of his career to date. X-Men is hands down the X-book to read.

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X-Men (2019) #17

Jan 31, 2021

X-Men #17 is another fine chapter in the book of Hickman. His writing is addicting and you just want to see what is going to happen next. Brett Booth and the art team did a wonderful job. There may not be a more complete comic that came out this week than X-Men #17.

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X-Men (2019) #18

Feb 28, 2021

X-Men #18 sets up what should be an exciting conclusion to the children of the vault story. Jonathan Hickman continues to build up characters and stories that are going to pay off later down the road. You won't find a better long term comic writer that Jonathan Hickman. The pencils and colors really shine this issue as we get many pages that highlight the character. X-Men #18 is a quick but effective read.

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X-Men (2019) #19

Apr 3, 2021

X-Men #19 is a must read book. Jonathan Hickman gives us a tragic tale about 3 characters that will actually stay with you long after you put the issue down. The pencils and colors are flawless and work well with the dark story. X-Men #19 is one of the best issue of the series.

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X-Men (2019) #20

May 29, 2021

X-Men #20 gives readers what they want to see, more turmoil on Krakoa. Jonathan Hickman absolutely slays every issue he writes, and this one is a true killer. The pencils and colors fit effortlessly with the story and just go together well. X-Men is the benchmark for how all superhero books should be written.

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X-Men (2019) #21

Jun 10, 2021

X-Men #21 gives us a little preview of things to come in the new X-Men series coming out. Jonathan Hickman gives us another good issue that raises questions and piques our interest. Where things go from here are anyone's guess. The pencils and colors illuminate the page and bring all kinds of different perspectives to the issue. X-Men #21 is a book that will leave you wanting more.

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X-Men (2021) #1

Jul 9, 2021

I'm not sure what more you would want out of an X-book. There was action, story set up, good character moments and new villains. Duggan was impressive taking over the reins from Jonathan Hickman and I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do on a flagship book. The pencils and colors are simply stunning. Larraz and Gracia absolutely crush this issue and dazzle in tis debut issue. X-Men #1 looks like it's setting up for great things.

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X-Men (2021) #2

Aug 5, 2021

X-Men #2 is another great issue from Gerry Duggan and company. Duggan continues to build the ultimate team book by allowing characters to get exposure and good character moments. The pencils and colors are a total knock out. X-Men is a book that gives the reader exactly what they want.

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X-Men (2021) #3

Sep 25, 2021

X-Men #3 continues to focus on character moments and team work. Gerry Duggan is doing a good job of throwing everything he can at our newly formed team as they try to save the world. The pencils and colors by Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia may be their best collaboration yet. X-Men is the best X-book on the shelf!

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X-Men (2021) #4

Oct 16, 2021

X-Men #4 is a good entry into the creepy side of the X-Men mythos. Gerry Duggan is picking up and using the ground work that Jonathan Hickman laid out. The art is a thing of beauty this issue. If you're in the mood for a creepy superhero book this week, X-Men #4 should whet your whistle.

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X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #1

Feb 8, 2020

X-Men and Fantastic Four is a series worth your time.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Sep 4, 2013

For an opening to a crossover, X-Men: Battle of the Atom was surprisingly action packed and well done. Bendis has plenty on his plate right now, but still seems to be hitting his stride in the X-books. Frank Cho is very consistent and looks as good as he ever has. This is an important book for lovers of the X-Men.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2

Oct 30, 2013

Battle of the Atom has been one of the better X-Men crossovers in recent memory, and one that wasnt hard to keep interested in. All the books were written well, and for the most part, the art was good too. If Marvel can keep putting out crossovers that actually matter, ones that actually have an impact moving forward, Ill keep reading.

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X-Men: Black (2018): Mojo #1

Oct 16, 2018

X-Men Black Mojo #1 was great fun.

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X-Men: Blue (2017) #27

May 15, 2018

X-Men Blue seems to have gotten better since it ditched the younger versions of the original X-Men. This has become an exciting book that has many twist and turns. Cullen Bunn continues to give fans what the want story wise, and using characters that are often overlooked is a huge bonus for fans.

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X-Men: Gold (2017) #1

Apr 6, 2017

X-Men Gold is a book that might have given some fans a bit of hesitation initially, but those fears should be put to rest after this first issue. Guggenheim has brought the X-Men back to their classic storytelling roots and done away with all the dreary circumstance. The art couldnt have been better and the entire crew knocked it out of the park. X-Men Gold has the potential to be a juggernaut.

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X-Men: Gold (2017) #8

Jul 23, 2017

X-Men Gold is a book for throwback fans and new fans alike.

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X-Men: Gold (2017) #13

Oct 8, 2017

X-Men Gold is one of the most entertaining books on the rack this week.

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X-Men: Gold (2017) #15

Nov 13, 2017

If you're unsatisfied with your weekly pull, add X-Men: Gold to put a smile on your face.

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X-Men: Gold (2017) #27

May 6, 2018

This may just be a filler arc until the wedding issue arrives, but it would be nice if there was a good lead-up that didn't feel forced.

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X-Men: Legends (2021) #1

Feb 21, 2021

X-Men Legends #1 is a great trip down memory lane. Fabian Nicieza has still got it, and hes still making great books. The pencils, inks and colors are all top notch and make this title so much better. X-Men Legends is a book for anyone who loves classic 90s storytelling.

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X-Men: Legends (2021) #8

Nov 5, 2021

X-Men Legends #8 is a dream come true for Wolverine fans. Larry Hama gives us two classic Logan villains in this issue that deal a lot of damage and put our hero in a tough spot. The pencils and colors this issue look great and give us amazing visuals on every page. X-Men Legends feels like the 90's never ended, and that's a good thing.

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X-Men: Red (2018) #1

Feb 10, 2018

X-Men Red is off to a decent start and feels like a back to the basics book for the X-Men.

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X-Men: Red (2018) #9

Oct 30, 2018

If you're an X-fan and you're not reading this title, you're missing out on a great story.

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X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #2

Sep 18, 2021

The Trial of Magneto #2 is just as good as the first issue. Leah Williams has given us two well thought out issues that honestly leave us with more questions on who is really behind the death of the Scarlet Witch. The pencils and colors were great throughout the issue and highlight the talent that Marvel has at it's disposal. The Trial of Magneto has been a roller coaster rides so far, and it doesn't look like it will be slowing down any time soon.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #12

Apr 17, 2013

X-O Manowar has the potential to be one of the better science fiction stories out on the market today. Robert Venditti continues to pump good dialogue with realistic character moments, and an action packed story. Cary Nord has the ability to be a break out talent. If we mix all these things together we get one of the best kept secrets in comics today.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #13

May 15, 2013

This book continues to intrigue and impress every month. Admittedly, I was not a big fan of X-O Manowar in the old Valiant days, but the rebooted Aric is one of the best characters in the re-launch. This book is revitalizing science fiction in comics, dont miss out on it.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #14

Jun 26, 2013

Overall this was a pretty thrilling conclusion to a great arc. As far as buildup and execution for a sci-fi book are concerned, you would be hard pressed to find one that packs as much action into an arc as X-O Manowar. This is definitely a book worth getting, dont miss out.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #15

Jul 10, 2013

This is a solid start to what appears to be a decent arc. Venditti has not disappointed so far on this title, and this was no exception. Teaming with Lee Garbett seems to be a perfect fit. His pencils are a welcome addition to a well written book.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #18

Oct 16, 2013

Seeing real world reactions to super heroes is always fun and exciting, and as usual, Vendetti and Garbett do a wonderful job. This was probably one of the more realistic approaches to the subject matter since Supreme Power, and it also leads into Unity as well. An integral read for any Valiant fan.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #20

Dec 16, 2013

This issue does an excellent job of fleshing out some of the events and characters of Unity. Valiant treats us to a tie-in that actually matters and builds off of the main story, something readers have been burned by with other publishers. This is why the re-launch has been so successful and fans new and old are loving Valiant!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #21

Jan 20, 2014

This is kind of a dull issue, but Robert Venditti has brought up some things that will be built on in future issues. The art is the strongest it has been yet, and will hopefully continue to stay that way. Not a great or action packed issue, but a relevant one.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #22

Feb 24, 2014

Even though this issue wasnt as action packed as previous books in the series, its still extremely entertaining and wonderful to look at. Venditti is mastering the art of developing this character and it will be hard not to love the growth were seeing on the page. Cary Nord is showing everyone why he is one of the top talents in the industry with his consistent work on this series. X-O Manowar is a home run with this talented team.

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X-Tinction Agenda #1

Jun 3, 2015

X-Tinction Agenda #1 was a pretty good read that feels like a continuation of the original cross over. Marc Guggenheim set up a cool introductory issue that has the potential to be very thrilling. The pencils could use a bit of work, but they shouldnt take you out of the book. Overall this was another great tie-in to Secret War.

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X-Tinction Agenda #2

Jul 3, 2015

X-Tinction Agenda #2 was a better issue than the first one. Marc Guggenheim seems to be finding his footing and is setting up a pretty good story. The pencils have improved from the last issue and will probably get better as each book comes out. This may not be one of the huge tie-ins, but it has been a very entertaining one.

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X-Tinction Agenda #3

Aug 21, 2015

X-Tinction Agenda has been getting better with each passing issue. Marc Guggenheim has been writing good material and making little used characters cool. The art department had a decent showing, but there is definitely some room for improvement. As we wind down on this series, fans of the original and people who haven't read it, should be able to enjoy what Guggenheim and company have accomplished.

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X-Tinction Agenda #4

Sep 23, 2015

X-Tinction Agenda was a pretty interesting series. Marc Guggenheim did a solid job on the scriptand he also gave some forgotten mutants a chance to shine. While the pencils had their share of problems, the colors helped make the art work for the story. If you were a fan of the original crossover, you wont be disappointed by this.

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Years of Future Past #2

Jul 3, 2015

Years of Future Past #2

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Years of Future Past #4

Aug 12, 2015

Years of Future Past has been one of the most consistent mini's to come out of this event. Marguerite Bennett brings consistent writing to the table along with steady character work. The art has been very good and quite underrated as well. This is one of the books flying under the radar, and it really shouldn't be.

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Years of Future Past #5

Sep 25, 2015

As we wrap up yet another tie-in, we continue to wait for the main series to make any progress. Marguerite Bennett has had her hands in several books for this event and has been very successful. Years of Future Past may not wow you, but you will walk away feeling fulfilled.

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Youngblood (2017) #1

May 6, 2017

As far as relaunches go, this was a pretty decent set up issue. Old characters are represented and some new ones are also introduced. Chad Bowers remains faithful to fans of the original series while also trying to bring in new readers. The art is fine, but could be a little edgier. Overall, if youre a fan of the book from the 90s youll like this issue.

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Reviews for the Week of...


