Uncanny Avengers #10

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: John Cassaday Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 24, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 12
7.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Ragnarok Now continues! THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF DEATH are unleashed!

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 29, 2013

    The popcorn blockbuster of the Marvel Universe isn't losing any steam this week, as Remender and Acuna introduce the Four Horseman without missing a beat. Lots of history and bad blood keeps Uncanny Avengers unpredictable and interesting, and the scale can only get bigger from here. Even with the team split down the middle, Remender finds interesting ways to divide and conquer - if you're not reading Uncanny Avengers, you're missing out on one of the best superhero books on the stands. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 24, 2013

    Daniel Acuna has maintained an impressive and atypical level of consistency when it comes to the detail of his art with this arc. This issue does see the detail drop off at times, with less refined facial work and sometimes sparse backgrounds. But the general scope of the storytelling never fails. Acuna really shines during the brief clash between Thor and Sentry, a fight that takes the combatants from one world to the next. The colors also greatly enhance the grim, foreboding mood of the story. It's enough to wonder just how much worse life can get for these heroes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 11, 2013

    Well the great run was never going to last forever, and finally this series has slipped in quality, as although this was still a great issue, it was a little slow, and nowhere near the same level of quality as the rest of this story. It does however have some interesting possibilities, and the proper introduction of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse was another amazing thing, and I look froward to seeing that. I'd still however recommend this issue, as although it is a drop in quality it's still worth getting. I'd however also recommend getting the other issues in this story, and even the rest in the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 26, 2013

    This book is taking some time to reach an epic level but it is making its way there. One thing is for certain and that is that we are at a madness level in terms of tearing the team apart. That's what I've been waiting to see and we are getting it. This is a highly entertaining read and I hope this level of storytelling persists. I have no reason to doubt it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Jul 24, 2013

    Even a lot of meandering can't eclipse what is a great read and some amazing characterizations. Remender expertly juggles each and every character, ensuring that most, if not all, have at least a few moments in the spotlight, which makes this an easy book to recommend as there's almost certainly someone in here you'll wind up liking. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jul 27, 2013

    While the overuse of melodrama in the dialogue and in some of the interaction between characters comes as a distraction, the solid plotting, action and character work, combined with the rich art and color work from Acua makes this a god addition to the ongoing saga Remender is building at Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Jeremy Matcho Jul 24, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers is a book that has been getting consistently better every month, and with the Apocalypse twins story arc and the arrival of the new horsemen, the book is being taken to a new level of excitement. Acua is also progressing in the art department as well, which is helping the story flow even better. This continues to be one of Marvels better titles on a monthly basis. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Nick Furious Jul 27, 2013

    Although the review is finished I wanted to discuss a letter that a gentlemen named Chase Bowman wrote to Marvel about how crass the dialog has become. In case you haven't read it he talks about how Marvel books used to be something he could read with his kids but the swearing has become too much and he will no longer be buying Marvel books. I can admit I do not read Marvel to my kids, but these comics are also rated T which means Teenager. I don't want to insult you Chase but maybe you shouldn't be reading your kids Teenager material. Even though I agree with you completely that the writing has become crass and the swearing almost doesn't even fit in half the time, you should not be reading your kids anything the likes of Uncanny Avengers, easily the most mature book that isn't a MAX title. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jul 29, 2013

    This issue mostly sets up the fact that the team is now split apart and they have to deal head on with four individual huge threats. It's a very intriguing setup, but it's just that. There's not a lot that actually happens in this issue to move the plot forward, but there's enough here to move a lot of the character development forward that makes this issue a worthwhile, but slow, read, even if there isn't a ton of action like you may have expected. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Jul 26, 2013

    The issue still suffers from the usual soft spots in Remenders dialogue and narration, which alternates between serviceable to truly atrocious. His grasp on individual character voices seems to be slipping a bit after a solid few issues, and in looking back the death of Grim Reaper just to turn around and make him a Horseman still feels rushed. These irritations, however, are made up for by Acunas stellar pencils. The artwork sells the story and picks up the slack where the writing falls short, and makes this a fun and visually appealing read. Its not a perfect title, but many of the story elements are beginning to come together in interesting ways, and helping to broaden the scope of Remenders overarching plot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Jul 27, 2013

    Finally, with this issue being the calm before the storm, I'm super stoked to see everything erupt in the next issue. With all the other Avengers titles preparing for 'Infinity' (which isn't a bad thing), this book is where we get some old fashioned bad guy beating as opposed to some prequel to what's coming soon. Of course, I'm enjoying the prequel stuff, but 'Uncanny' just brought back three very interesting people (and Grim Reaper), so I'm anxious to see where this all goes next. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jul 25, 2013

    Overall, "Uncanny Avengers" is a pretty good book with some problems. The plot itself is epic in scale but marred by the occasional hiccup in storytelling, the characters either have cool moments or are giving Ayn Rand sized speeches, and Daniel Acuna occasioanlly forgets how a face works. It's definitely a book that's worth picking up if you're a fan of the original "Uncanny X-Force" run, but if you're looking for pure Avengers or X-Men stories you may want to look elsewhere. It's not a bad book by any stretch of the imagination, but it definitely has a lot of awkward points it needs to iron out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Jul 29, 2013

    There's a lot of history coming out of the Avengers/X-Men Schism, and more naturally a lot of characters with differing philosophies and beliefs driving the core of Remender's "Uncanny Avengers" and it makes for a dense smart read, and perhaps a masterful arc -- eventually. However, as a standalone comic book, it might not be that exceptional, even with Acua's gorgeous painted artwork. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 27, 2013

    I want to like Uncanny Avengers, but as I've said many times before, there are so many other and better Avengers and X-Men books on the stands. I even like Jonathan Hickman's Avengers more than Uncanny Avengers. Rick Remender has lost control of his story. Apocalypse Twins, Akkaba temples, shrunken universes, magic axes, I just don't know what's happening or why it's happening or where it's going That may be more on me than anything else, but this is my review. Uncanny Avengers is losing itself to both its own overbloated storyline and to the other, better comics in the market. There is nothing to distinguish this title apart from anything else. It's a big mess of random characters following Rick Remender's bread trail, and I don't really care where it's leading anymore. Read Full Review

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