Ben Silverio's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Reviews: 255
7.5Avg. Review Rating

A+X #1

Nov 5, 2012

Overall, just like 'AvX: Versus', these are nice little stories that are easy to digest amidst the sea of continuity that can sometimes get overwhelming.

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A+X #2

Dec 3, 2012

Overall, the book was very entertaining. In some books like this, sometimes you only get one worthwhile story, but this one delivered both times. Definitely a fun read and sort of a nice break from the grim continuity of some of the other Marvel NOW books.

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A+X #14

Nov 23, 2013

As a whole, this issue is worth picking up for the Max Bemis story alone. It's a nice little read that really makes you think. Plus, we don't get enough MODOK in our lives at the moment, so it's almost mandatory that all True Believers pick this one up.

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Age of Ultron #1

Mar 10, 2013

Other than that slight snafu, I found that 'Age of Ultron' #1 served it's purpose. The stage is now adequately set, so I'm hoping that we get more of a plot in the next issue coming out on Wednesday.

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Age of Ultron #2

Mar 17, 2013

So far, things are definitely on a slow burn, but the next issue should at least start to take us from Act I into Act II so that we get to the meat of this story. That's what I hope for anyway. It helps that issue two expanded our scope a little bit and that a call to arms is coming after the last page of this issue, but I'd really like to get an idea of the bigger picture sooner rather than later. You've still got me, Bendis. Let's see if you can keep me with the next issue.

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Age of Ultron #3

Mar 31, 2013

Act I of 'Age of Ultron' is over. The stage is set. The players are in place. Now we can really get to the good stuff, which is something that I'm actually looking forward to immensely after that last page.

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Age of Ultron #4

Apr 6, 2013

Now that all the remaining Avengers are back together again and they have a plan, it will be very excited to see how this plan plays out. What they've got is a tall order on their plate, but they're the Earth's last hope, so they must succeed.

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Age of Ultron #5

Apr 13, 2013

I love a good time travel story. 'Back to the Future' and 'Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure' are some of my favorite movies. So far, the groundwork has been laid here in 'Age of Ultron' for us to get a pretty good time travel story by the time everything is said and done. I just hope that's the way things work out because we're already halfway through the event and we haven't gotten to the meat of the story yet. What I'm really hoping is that we've been given enough time to really get a satisfying taste. I believe in Brian Michael Bendis and I know that he can give us that, so we just have to wait and see if he does it with this series.

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Age of Ultron #6

Apr 21, 2013

After the semi-lull in action in the last issue, things totally picked up in this new one. Huge developments took place with consequences that will reverberate throughout the Marvel Universe, both in the past, present, and future. Big changes are coming and I'm looking forward to seeing how they come into play in the next issue.

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Age of Ultron #8

May 19, 2013

But aside from the massive ramifications of the events taking place in 'Age of Ultron' that are running around in my head, this story has become immensely more fascinating to me, especially since they've introduced the idea of magic vs. technology in this issue and how much weaker the science camp is without Hank Pym. I love it when these stories take me beyond what's on the page and really make me think about what is and what is about to happen. Bendis has always done a good job of doing that for me and I'm anxiously awaiting the next thing he has to throw at me.

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Age of Ultron #9

Jun 8, 2013

There is a chance that my mind could be changed and Bendis pulls out something completely awesome and surprising when the next issue rolls out, but as of right now, I'm not totally on board with 'Age of Ultron' anymore. I'm more so looking forward to 'Infinity' more than anything right now because I really feel like that will be the most important Marvel crossover of the year and maybe even of the last few years.

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Age of Ultron #10

Jun 23, 2013

All that being said, Hank Pym severely needed a win and he finally got one. Good for him. On the flipside, things might be getting a little tougher for Wolverine. Guess we'll just have to keep reading to find out.

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Age of Ultron #10AI

Jun 30, 2013

Overall, like the rest of 'Age of Ultron', this issue was not what I was expecting, but in the end, unlike 'Age of Ultron', I found myself enjoying this book. In fact, I might even check out 'Avengers AI', the upcoming team book featuring Pym, whenever that comes out.

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All-New Invaders #1

Jan 26, 2014

Overall, this was an exciting start to a new title. Old school and new school fans alike have plenty to be pleased about in this series. I look forward to seeing where it all goes from here.

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All-New Invaders #2

Feb 8, 2014

Now that the threat in Illinois has been dealt with and the team has an idea of what they're up against, the Invaders are determined to rescue their teammate from the clutches of the enemy. I look forward to catching up with Namor and seeing how he's getting through this whole ordeal while he's being held captive. This impending reunion is something that I feel this series does really well because it's using just the right amount of nostalgia to fuel something new and exciting that has payoffs for old and new fans alike. Hopefully, they keep it up and make me want to keep coming back for more.

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All-New Invaders #6

Jun 15, 2014

Overall, this is the start of an awesome 'Original Sin' tie-in. 'All-New Invaders' was a fun book already, but things have been taken to whole other level. It's too early to tell, but it might be my favorite title connected to the crossover. If you're not checking it out, do yourself a favor and add it to your pull list.

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All-New Marvel NOW Point One #1

Jan 11, 2014

Overall, this book did it's job for me. It was supposed to get the reader hyped to check out the new All-New Marvel NOW titles and I'd say that it was a success in my case. It might put some people off because of the $5.99 price tag, but I'd say that it's worth checking out.

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All-New X-Men #1

Nov 18, 2012

Overall, this is an excellent start to what I feel like will be a story to remember. It may be bias because I was a fan of Bendis' work on the Avengers, but I honestly feel like he's got a few things up his sleeve for the X-Men that will be legendary.

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All-New X-Men #2

Dec 3, 2012

Finally, the last thing that I'll talk about is Jean Grey and Wolverine. There's a long storied history with many volumes pertaining to that relationship, and just when you thought it was gone, here comes Bendis to open Pandora's Box once again. And on top of that, we haven't even seen Cyclops' reaction to her presence in the present yet. It's going to be quite an interesting show, and I'm really looking forward to it. Basically, this series is hitting on a lot of great things for me, so I'm enjoying it immensely.

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All-New X-Men #3

Dec 11, 2012

Business is about to pick up in this series and I'm very much looking forward to the next issue to see it unfold. Cyclops vs. Cyclops? I'm game.

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All-New X-Men #4

Dec 25, 2012

There's certainly a good amount of drama being built up in ‘All-New X-Men' and I can't get enough of it. Bendis is certainly in good form.

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All-New X-Men #5

Jan 5, 2013

Overall, this series has managed to keep it's quality consistent and I'm looking forward to the next one.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700.2

Dec 14, 2013

Overall, these two issues reminded me of college when I had a certain number of pages to write for my scripts so I'd be extra descriptive in my stage directions so that I'd meet the page count and appease my professor. This didn't happen a whole lot, but it totally happened from time to time. But the worst part about this is that we're not getting five all-new stories with Peter Parker in the Marvel Universe again. We're probably only getting 2 or 3 and that is a huge bummer. I love 'Superior Spider-Man', but sometimes I miss the original and in the book that was supposed to give him to me, I'm being deprived of him.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700.4

Dec 21, 2013

As far as this little trip down memory lane with Peter Parker goes, the series is currently at 50/50 in terms of being good. While the first two issues are essentially birdcage lining, these next two books were very awesome. The final chapter of this brief reemergence of the ‘Amazing Spider-Man' also came out this week, but I'll tackle that one in a separate review. Until then, Joe Casey and his team did a great job with this one.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700.5

Dec 22, 2013

In comics, no one stays dead (except for Uncle Ben, Thomas & Martha Wayne, and Gwen Stacy). Because of this fact, I know that the real Peter Parker will be back under the mask once again. It may not be right away, so this brief reminder of him was a refreshing change of pace from the epicness that Dan Slott has going on in the main Spidey book. If they decide to keep Pete away from us even longer, maybe Marvel would consider doing more of these in the future.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1

May 3, 2014

'Amazing Reality' aside, I enjoyed this first issue of 'Amazing Spider-Man' very much. It felt like a big event like it was supposed to and it covered a lot of things that I was left wondering about after 'Superior Spider-Man' ended. I can't wait to see what happens next in this series and I might even add 'Spider-Man 2099' to my pull list come July.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.1

May 11, 2014

Aside from the modern day angle of the story, I liked 'Amazing Spider-Man' #1.1. Dan Slott truly has a grasp on the character like no other writer today and I'm excited to see where else he takes us in this uncharted territory. I also wonder how this will tie in with the flagship Spidey book, which Slott also writes, especially when things like 'Original Sin' and 'Spider-Verse' come into play.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #2

May 25, 2014

Basically, Spider-Man is back to his old tricks and he might be better than ever. However, this isn't exactly a rehash of the same old stuff. The creative team is taking the web-slinger to new and interesting places. So far, like Johnny Storm says in the issue, it's like 'Amazing Spider-Man': Take Two. Hopefully things continue moving along like this and we keep on being excited to pick up the ongoing adventures of Peter Parker.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #4

Jul 27, 2014

As if you couldn't tell already, I really enjoyed this issue. I'm glad that comic creators are becoming more diverse with some of the biggest names in the superhero genre and I look forward to seeing more of it from here on out. Furthermore, I'm also excited to see how things progress with Spider-Man and Silk as things move from 'Original Sin' to 'Spider-Verse'. This has steadily been one of my favorite books whenever it's released and I can't wait to swing into the next issue.

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Avengers (2010) #29

Aug 21, 2012

After seeing Xavier pop in and out of these pages, I feel like something big is going to happen involving this man some time soon. I mean, it's got to, right? Considering his feelings on Scott Summers actions and seeing his former students at each other's throats, he's probably going to take some sort of action soon. There's a great panel featuring Beast and Iceman that's split in half. One side is them now fighting each other and the other is them playing around together as members of Xavier's first class. Upon seeing this, you can really see how torn up Charles is about all of this and how much he wants to do something about it. A powerful man with a broken dream can be dangerous, and I have a feeling that we'll see the outcome of this very soon.

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Avengers (2010) #30

Sep 23, 2012

While the Avengers & the X-Men fighting the Phoenix Force is the main event, this undercard fight was one of the more interesting ones. This title's whole run during AvX has been one of the more interesting tie-ins, and for the most part each stand alone story contained in this issue has acted as a good supplement to the main storyline. But now that we're presented with the ending in this book, we may be entering one last arc before the end of AvX and the beginning of Marvel NOW, and I think it'll be a good one.

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Avengers (2010) #31

Oct 16, 2012

Overall, it was a good way to begin the end.

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Avengers (2010) #32

Oct 30, 2012

Lastly, I think this whole Wonder Man thing is really funny. Him asking for forgiveness is such a minor thing at the moment, but maybe it'll have a bigger payoff later. He's like that friend who pissed you off but then wants to come back and play the next day. When you're still mad at them, they're just like, "Oh, okay. I'll just sit here in the corner and watch today I guess." I know he tried to kill the team and everything, but I do feel bad for Simon and I hope he either A) Gets forgiven in some small way soon or B) Turns on them in a major way. Both scenarios would work for me, as long as it's done right.

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Avengers (2010) #33

Nov 14, 2012

That being said, I am interested in how this story is unfolding. This particular issue is just a bit weaker than the other two in the story because there wasn't much plot progression. Hopefully things start to pick up in the next issue.

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Avengers (2010) #34

Nov 28, 2012

Overall, this was a fitting send off for the longest consecutive writer of The Avengers in history. It may not go down in history as one of the best Avengers stories ever, it might be one of the most heartfelt ones because of the behind the scenes elements of the whole thing. While I'll miss the things he's done with this team, I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter of team, which is said to be one of the biggest ones yet. Also, I'm already enjoying Bendis' work over on 'All-New X-Men', which people should check out as well. Finally, this won't be the last Avengers tale for the acclaimed writer because there's still the matter of Age of Ultron, a story that has been talked about for years and years at this point. So, for those of you that aren't ready for Brian Michael Bendis to give up his keys to the Avengers Mansion just yet, be patient because there's an encore up his sleeve that will affect the whole Marvel Universe.

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Avengers (2012) #1

Dec 10, 2012

To put it simply, reading 'Avengers' #1 almost feel s like becoming a fan for the first time all over again. There's so much newness that will excite the reader to want to find out more and Jonathan Hickman has big plans for the Avengers which is evident in this first issue. This is definitely one of the best Marvel NOW has to offer. A whole new world has been awoken and it deserves a good look.

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Avengers (2012) #2

Dec 25, 2012

Overall, 'Avengers' is turning out to be a well-crafted story. We're getting information as we need to know it. We have so many interesting characters to keep tabs on. And one of the best things of all, we have a villain who doesn't see his mission as villainous. He wants to help the human race "evolve" because he saw them as "worthy". Ex Nihilo doesn't see what he's doing as evil, and that's a quality in bad guys that immediately makes them more interesting. Though the complexity and sheer magnitude of this title may be a little daunting for brand new fans that are just jumping on to Marvel Comics, it's still a great book to pick up.

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Avengers (2012) #3

Jan 27, 2013

Though it started out fairly complex, Hickman certainly delivered an excellent and enjoyable read for his first outing with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. There's so many places to go from here, so I'm looking forward to finding out which path he takes us down next.

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Avengers (2012) #4

Feb 2, 2013

This is a good start to the next chapter in Hickman's 'Avengers'. With veteran artist Adam Kubert and colorist Frank D'Armata joining the creative team, it's really hard not to get into all aspects of this book.

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Avengers (2012) #5

Feb 10, 2013

Whether we're getting this book weekly, bi-monthly, or tri-monthly, I'll still anticipate the following chapters with the same excitement as long as they follow this trend of excellence.

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Avengers (2012) #6

Feb 24, 2013

It's really fascinating to see how many storylines Jonathan Hickman can juggle. I admire very much the scale of the story and all the planning that went into this before pen could even touch paper, and that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to good things about this book. Under his guidance, Earth's Mightiest Heroes are grander than ever before, and things haven't even gotten fully started yet. I feel like a transition from zero to sixty is coming really soon, and I'll be welcoming it with open arms.

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Avengers (2012) #7

Mar 10, 2013

Finally, as the this current situation progresses, I'm curious to see if it'll intersect with what's going in 'New Avengers' right now. It seems like both teams are dealing with similar problems, so I wonder if their paths will cross in all of this. Additionally, with all these universes ending left and right in this book, I wonder if this will all lead up to this rumored "New 52-style reboot" that has been speculated on recently. While I hope it doesn't come to that, I do hope that Hickman and his team continue the fabulous job they've been doing on this book.

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Avengers (2012) #8

Mar 24, 2013

Bottom line is that this comic is taking me on quite a ride and I'm enjoying every thought-provoking, cerebral, and entertaining moment of it.

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Avengers (2012) #9

Apr 14, 2013

I mean, it's not really a huge issue in terms of this story. This story has been more than pretty great, but this one thing might affect continuity slightly and keeping in line with continuity is a very important part of storytelling. Considering what's happened in past stories that came before this one and how much characters have evolved, I just question that particular decision by Hickman. I still consider his work to be extremely well done and I'll definitely still be sticking around, but the ending is going to bother me for a little bit. I really hope this matter gets addressed somewhere down the line, and after seeing what has unfolded in these nine issues already, I think that it will.

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Avengers (2012) #10

Apr 27, 2013

I've said it before, but I really love how complex Hickman's story is in 'Avengers'. I'm really enjoying this mystery and watching it unwind each issue. It's probably one of the most intricate comic series that I've ever followed and I'm looking forward to reading more.

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Avengers (2012) #11

May 12, 2013

Even if you have no idea what's going on in this series so far, this book acts like a completely isolated story. It definitely contributes to the overarching story, but if you didn't know any better, this could have been just a fun one shot featuring Shang-Chi and his teammates being badasses. This is definitely an issue that I'll be recommending to all my friends whether they're keeping up with Hickman's 'Avengers' or not, however, I'll be sure to remind them that they really should be.

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Avengers (2012) #13

Jun 8, 2013

With 'Age of Ultron' coming to an end, I know that a prelude to this summer's 'Infinity' will be coming soon in the pages of 'Avengers,' and I will be here waiting with open arms for that to begin. But as excited as I am for the next big event in the Marvel Universe, I feel like I'm this excited for every issue of 'Avengers' because it's just such a quality book. I probably say this in every one of my reviews for it, but Jonathan Hickman is just a master of his craft and he has yet to disappoint me during his run with Earth's Mightiest Heroes.I have high hopes for the crossover story that's spinning out from his books. Hopefully it doesn't end up disappointing me like 'Age of Ultron' has with their most recent issue.

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Avengers (2012) #14

Jun 23, 2013

Finally, the sheer magnitude of what's going on is extraordinary. I've said it before, but not a single issue of this series to date has been a wasted motion. There are things from issue one that are still playing an important role in issue fourteen. I am in love with all the details that are being scattered throughout this run. Whereas in 'Age of Ultron' where I wanted to know more, I'm given everything that I need to and want to know in 'Avengers' and it all ties together perfectly. Seriously, at this point, if Jonathan Hickman were to be in my presence right now, I'd pull a 'Wayne's World' and declare that I am not worthy. Everything that the man has written so far since the start of Marvel NOW has had me hooked and now this prelude to 'Infinity' has me even more excited for that event to start, despite the opening shots barely being fired.

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Avengers (2012) #15

Jul 6, 2013

The stakes are constantly being raised in this series right now and if you're planning on checking out 'Infinity' later this summer, then you probably should be reading this book.

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Avengers (2012) #17

Aug 10, 2013

Anyway, things are about to get out of hand with the start of 'Infinity', so if these past few issues didn't do much for you, then at least we have the big event coming up.

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Avengers (2012) #18

Aug 25, 2013

Overall, this was a pretty awesome issue. Hickman is showing that this won't be a walk in the park for the Galactic Council. The Builders are a force to be reckoned with and things are bound to get much harder as the conflict progresses. I look forward to seeing how the Avengers get themselves out of this one.

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Avengers (2012) #19

Sep 15, 2013

With every issue that comes out, 'Infinity' just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Things with the Builders aren't getting any easier for the Avengers, so I'm starting to get really curious about how they'll get out of this nearly unwinnable situation, especially when their backup on Earth is tied up with the Black Order and Thanos descending upon the planet. Despite always coming out on top in the end, this time might actually be the toughest fight in the team's history. Because of that, I am firmly on board and awaiting the next issue of this event.

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Avengers (2012) #21

Oct 19, 2013

At the end of the day, while we don't have that many issues left, we still have a way to go on this journey. Hickman is definitely keeping things interesting though. So far, I haven't found the event to drag at all and I'm constantly on the edge of my seat as each new chapter in the story is released. And while I like what's going on back on Earth and in 'New Avengers', I find myself being more interested in this fight against the Builders in the pages of 'Avengers'. Hopefully our heroes are able to get close to getting the upper hand once again in the next issue.

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Avengers (2012) #22

Nov 2, 2013

The finale of 'Infinity' is just over the horizon and the next chapter takes place in issue 23 of this series, so I can't wait to get my hands on what's coming next.

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Avengers (2012) #25

Jan 26, 2014

With all this grand sci-fi epicness going on all around every book with Hickman's name on it, the writer manages to balance it all pretty well and deliver a story that one can't help but follow. Everything is so intricate and it spans over multiple decades and universes. It's all too big to be ignored, so everyone should be picking it up. If not for the fact that this is all really interesting to follow, we know that the OG Avengers are gearing up for a meeting with the current Avengers some time soon. And just like Hickman swerved us with the premise of this issue, he's probably going to continue to avoid predictable tropes and keep surprising us issue after issue. If 'Avengers' hasn't cemented itself onto your pull list yet, then you should really get your act together and throw it up on there right away.

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Avengers (2012) #26

Feb 16, 2014

Finally, I've heard of some people just getting confused by what's going on in 'Avengers' right now. I prefer to think of it as "complex" rather than "confusing". Just like with 'Infinity', Hickman has a lot to set up before we really start getting into the main course of the story. After 26 issues and a huge crossover event, I've come to accept this as his way of storytelling, so I find myself being more patient when it comes to a payoff in his Avengers books. So far, there has always been a satisfying payoff, so there's no reason to doubt Hickman when things get a little complex at times. Just go along for the ride and read the comic over again before the next one comes out. It should all be worth it in the end, even if that end is months and months away. Talk about the long game, Hickman has that locked down and he does it very, very well.

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Avengers (2012) #29

May 18, 2014

While it may sound like I was extremely critical of this issue of 'Avengers', I really did like it. I say this all the time but 'Civil War' is my favorite modern Marvel story arc, so to see Steve and Tony at it again in a rematch for Tony pulling some shady maneuvers was pretty great for me. But with that unexpected ending, I'm very curious to see where things go from here.

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Avengers (2012) #30

Jun 1, 2014

After another crazy issue, things are about to get even crazier as we're headed hundreds of years into the future with the Avengers. No matter what crazy mysteries dwell there, I'm looking forward to finding them out.

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Avengers A.I. #1

Jul 7, 2013

Finally, just like the page designs in the other new Avengers titles released during Marvel NOW, 'Avengers A.I.' has some great designs as well. Not only does the layout of the recap page tie into the theme of the book very well with all the circuitry, but the yellows give off almost an 80s, 'Tron'-esque feel that's super cool to look at. Those pages are a great compliment to bookend the excellent art by Andre Lima Araujo throughout the comic.

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Avengers A.I. #2

Aug 11, 2013

Finally, I'm finding that it's hard to completely form an opinion on this series at the moment. So far in two issues, we've had the team being heroic, Dimitrios being evil, and Alexis being totally mysterious. Sam Humphries has me caring about the characters, but I'm still waiting to really get into the story. After that happens, I feel like I'll have a better idea of what I think of 'Avengers A.I.'. But until then, I'm down to keep reading to see what happens.

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Avengers Arena #1

Dec 17, 2012

Though the book has the internet up in arms because of the premise and the so-called "spring cleaning" of characters, I find it intriguing and can't wait for the next issue. Fans of 'The Hunger Games', 'Lord of the Flies', 'Battle Royale', and the like should really think about giving 'Avengers Arena' a chance.

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Avengers Arena #3

Jan 20, 2013

Despite being flashback heavy at times, I still stick with what I said back in my review of the inaugural issue by saying that this whole title is intriguing and I can't wait for the next issue. After all, my favorite characters like X-23, Chase, and Nico have yet to have much page time, which is probably a good thing so they don't end up with a huge red X on their picture on the recap page. Also, we haven't heard from Arcade in a while, so I'm curious to see what he's up to while the festivities are going on.

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Avengers Arena #4

Feb 17, 2013

Overall, this book is still a lot of fun. It's definitely not just a kill-fest like a lot of people expected when it was first announced. There's some really good character development going on in 'Avengers Arena' and I hope it continues.

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Avengers Arena #6

Mar 17, 2013

'Avengers Arena' never got to the point where I was bored enough to stop reading, but after issue four, I didn't really mind too much that I missed an issue one Wednesday. But after catching up and seeing where things are going from issue six, I'm all in once again and am anxious to see the fallout of that final page. If I miss the next issue on the day it comes out, I think I'd be disappointed in myself.

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Avengers Arena #7

Apr 14, 2013

Now that we're fully caught up on the life of Arcade, we're ready to get back to the action. I really want to see how the other Avengers Arena contestants react to Anachronism's actions. Chances are that people aren't too happy about it, and I'm looking forward to seeing that.

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Avengers Arena #10

Jun 9, 2013

Though, I wouldn't go as far as to say that this is one of my favorite books that I'm picking up right now, I'd say that it falls somewhere in the middle as a book that I'm enjoying when I can afford to pick up, but if I miss an issue by a day or so, I'm not too torn up about it. However, because I need to see how Chase takes this atrocity, I don't think I'll be missing the next one even an hour after the store opens.

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Avengers Arena #12

Jul 14, 2013

Finally, we get to see a bit more of Arcade than we've seen in the past issues. I can't really say what he was doing in this issue without giving anything away, but he's certainly right when he says on the last page, "Gotta expect the unexpected." When I reached the end of the book, I had to look it over a few times to really get what was going on with this page. There's something strange afoot on Murder World and I'm looking forward to the next arc to find out more.

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Avengers Arena #13

Aug 17, 2013

Honestly, I had to read this a few times before I wrote this review because I couldn't believe the direction that it took. And now knowing that the next issue marks the beginning of an arc called 'Boss Level', one could assume that the climax is rapidly approaching, which I'm very much looking forward to. 'Avengers Arena' has turned into a book that I really look forward to reading because it's really unexpected and it managed to surprise me at every turn.

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Avengers Arena #15

Sep 15, 2013

And on top of everything, I'm not even sure how this series will end! Hopeless has me racking my brain for potential endings, but I have no predictions. I feel like more than one person is going to get out of this alive, but I couldn't even tell you who or how. That right there is why I keep reading because somehow I've managed to find a comic that consistently makes me feel feelings about their characters and constantly keeps me guessing about the plot. On those rare occasions where I find those books, I try my hardest to keep up with those the most. That's why you can bet that I'll be sticking with 'Avengers Arena' until the bitter end.

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Avengers Arena #17

Nov 16, 2013

While the world was skeptical of 'Avengers Arena' when it was first announced, I've found it to be one of the most enjoyable entries on my pull list. As announced at New York Comic Con, we know that some of the cast will live on in 'Avengers Undercover', but it'll be a little bittersweet to see Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker's breakout title of 2013 go after the next and final issue.

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Avengers Arena #18

Dec 1, 2013

Overall, 'Avengers Arena' was a fun series to follow. I didn't think that we'd get as much drama out of it as we did, even with all the teen heroes involved, and a few of the twists and the turns in the story certainly surprised me. It's no wonder why Dennis Hopeless was nominated for various breakout awards for this book. And though the finale didn't hit me like I anticipated, it still managed to evoke some emotions from me resulting in the mindset that there will be a void in my pull list from now until March with this no longer being a thing.

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Avengers Assemble #7

Sep 17, 2012

While I've been enjoying this series for the most part, this issue was pretty much filler to get the Guardians and the Avengers to the point where they would finally face the Mad Titan and his man-made Cosmic Cube. Hopefully some good things come out of that battle and the issues to come.

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Avengers Assemble #8

Oct 30, 2012

The next issue will feature a line up change and I'm a little bummed about that too. This book was meant to feature the team from the cinematic universe so that fans of the movie that want to get into the comics will have an easy way in. Unless they're planning on introducing the new team members in Phase Two, the premise of this book is void and it's just another book in the already large sea of Avengers titles. I love the Avengers and all, but I might have to start picking and choosing which ones are the best and only get those because I might not have it in my budget to get every book with ‘Avengers' in the title anymore.

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Avengers Assemble #18

Aug 25, 2013

Of course, you don't absolutely need to be reading 'Avengers Assemble' to understand what's going on in 'Infinity'. However, by picking it up along with the main books, you have a more complete picture of what's going on in the Marvel Universe right now. I for one will definitely be adding this series back to my pull list to check out what else it offers to enhance Hickman's already awesome tale.

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Avengers Assemble #23.INH

Feb 1, 2014

Anyway, I'm really bummed that we're two issues away from this title ending because I love the way DeConnick writes the Spider Ladies. Maybe one day when she has time, she could work on a Spider Fam book featuring Jess, Anya, Natasha, and maybe even Mayday or Ben Reilly. But until it's gone, I'll definitely be enjoying 'Avengers Assemble'.

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Avengers Assemble #24

Mar 2, 2014

It's a shame that this series has come to an end. Though I did drop off for a short period of time, 'Avengers Assemble' has consistently been one of the most entertaining and exciting Avengers titles on my pull list. Hopefully the stars of this series, especially Jessica Drew, don't slip through the cracks in the Marvel offices and appear more prominently in other books down the line.

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Avengers Assemble #25

Mar 30, 2014

It most certainly has been a fun ride to read 'Avengers Assemble' and the final two pages were the perfect way to leave things. With so many Avengers books out right now, we're going to see most of these folks again real soon, but like I said in my previous reviews of this series, I hope that the stars of this series (especially Jessica Drew and Spider-Girl) don't slip through the cracks in the Marvel offices and appear more prominently in other books down the line.

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Avengers Undercover #3

Apr 27, 2014

Overall, I'm glad that I waited to share my thoughts on this series. I waited just the right amount of time to really form an opinion on this book and the consensus in my mind is that this is just an awesome commentary on modern pop culture as the first book was. After all, it seems like the mainstream audiences are taking to villains more so than ever these days, so it's interesting to see the heroes straddle those lines as well in the pages of Marvel Comics.

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Avengers Undercover #4

May 18, 2014

Overall, 'Avengers Undercover' is starting a lot of debates. It's touching on a number of hot topics, but it's hard to argue that it isn't doing it in an interesting and engaging way. Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker are really onto something here and I'm really enjoying this series so far. I'm really looking forward to getting into these kids' heads to see who really feels that Zemo is right.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #10

Aug 21, 2012

It may have not been the best issue thus far, it was good. This issue really feels like things are coming to an end. There's a lot that's going to have to be wrapped up in the next two issues, so I'm hoping that Marvel doesn't disappoint, especially since their biggest guns both on the page and creating the page are involved in this thing. There are some good cards that have yet to be played, so hopefully when they are, they don't fall short. It's unfortunate that we now have to wait four weeks till the next move can be made.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #11

Sep 16, 2012

Although another battle has been ended, the war is not over yet. With one more issue of 'Avengers Vs. X-Men' left, we shall see what the best and brightest Marvel has to offer as things jump from AvX to Marvel NOW as the comic event of the summer comes to a close.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #12

Oct 8, 2012

Other than that, I'm very pleased with how this event ended and I'm even more psyched for what's to come in Marvel NOW, especially when it's revealed what Cap and S.H.I.E.L.D. decides to do with Cyclops. He did murder one of the greatest men the world has ever known, so I want to see how he's punished. Or how quickly they let him get back to being a hero. Either way, Scott Summers is still a smug bastard who should get smacked around a bit for his behavior in all of this, in my opinion, so I hope that happens when Marvel NOW rolls around.

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Avengers World #1

Jan 11, 2014

Finally, there are a number of places that this series could go. I imagine that as the issues go on, we'll explore each individual incident and then see how they all connect together eventually, similar to how the first few issues of 'Avengers' went down. But even though a pattern does seem to be emerging in these books, I think that I'll be keeping 'Avengers World' around my pull list for a while to see how it develops. After all, I think I'm already enjoying it more than other Avengers titles like 'Avengers A.I.' or post-'Infinity' 'New Avengers'.

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Avengers World #2

Jan 26, 2014

Like I mentioned before, I'm becoming a fan of Smasher, so I hope to see her come out of this mission unscathed. You can bet your ass that I'll be picking up the next issue to see if she does.

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Avengers World #3

Feb 23, 2014

While Shang-Chi isn't exactly in the best of situations following the battle with the Gorgon, his journey to get to the final page was action-packed and a lot of fun. It's almost a bummer that we have to check in with another team in the next issue because I'm anxious to find out what happens to him. I can't wait to follow up with Shang's fate, but I'm also excited to see what the writers have for us next. This title has definitely earned it's place on my pull list.

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Avengers World #4

Mar 23, 2014

Even though there was that small discrepancy with continuity, I really like where this part of the story is going. Now that the puppet master has revealed herself, it'll be interesting to see how this affects Starbrand during our next encounter with this team.

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AVX: Consequences #1

Oct 18, 2012

Overall, it was a good read. For fans that want to better connect the Marvel Universe of AvX to the one in Marvel NOW, this is the book for you.

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AVX: Consequences #3

Oct 31, 2012

I find what Kieron Gillen is doing with Cylops' character to be so interesting. A lot of people viewed Scott as a boy scout, but Gillen is throwing that perception out the window. Obviously, Scott and Emma Frost have been corrupted by the Phoenix Force, so that has a lot to do with the changes, but after years of somewhat staying the same, the change was necessary.

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AVX: Consequences #5

Nov 13, 2012

Overall, this was a good limited series. After AvX, I had questions about Cyclops and they were all answered here before the Marvel Universe jumps into the next big thing. Additionally, I got the added bonus of Hope's story where she tries to be normal for a while but it just doesn't work out. It was a cute little story, however, I haven't decided if I'm going to continue to follow that story in 'Cable & X-Force' just yet since X-books aren't normally my thing. But if Kieron Gillen is writing another one, I might have to check it out.

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AVX: VS #5

Sep 2, 2012

Just for the Ororo vs. T'Challa fight alone, this issue is well worth picking up.

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AVX: VS #6

Oct 8, 2012

This issue was a nice way to wrap up this series. I hope 'A+X', where we see Avengers and X-Men teaming up for battles, matches up to 'AvX: Versus'.

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Batman (2011) #14

Nov 17, 2012

We're only two issues in and I know that this story will go down in history as one of the greatest Joker stories ever told. I can't wait for the next issue of 'Batman' to hit shelves.

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Batman (2011) #15

Dec 15, 2012

I can't even begin to imagine where things are going from here. I'm so thrilled to pick this book up every month because it's full of surprises thanks to Snyder and Capullo. Like I said before, I sense that this whole story will be one of the greatest Joker stories ever told.

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 20, 2013

As a storyteller myself, as well as someone who's ingested more than his fair share of stories in his life, I like to think that I can predict endings pretty well, or at least rationalize potential endings, but Scott Snyder truly has me stumped. He's brought the villain so far past petty crimes and clever quips or puns about laughter that this new extremely cerebral and overly sadistic Joker has created a scenario where no one knows what could possibly know what's next except for him. I'm absolutely enthralled by this story because just when you think you know what's coming, something else completely different comes at you instead. This is like 'The Cabin In The Woods' of comics. I could keep talking about how much I love this story and the evolution of The Joker, but I'll just end it right now by saying that I can't wait for the final piece of the puzzle to be put into place and for the whole elaborate plan to be revealed next month in 'Batman #17'.

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Batman (2011) #17

Feb 17, 2013

The aftermath of 'Death of the Family' isn't something that's going to be resolved in a single issue. These effects could be long lasting, and that is something very rare in comics these days. The only thing left to say about it is bravo. Compliments of the chef. Scott Snyder's name should be among the modern era greats like Grant Morrison, Ed Brubaker, Neil Gaiman, Brian Michael Bendis, and the rest who have elevated the medium of comic books to more than cheesy puns and colorful 'Superfriends'-esque adventures. He deserves to be looked at as a creator who can take things to the next level because this story will be talked about for years to come right next to Joker stories like 'The Killing Joke', 'A Death in the Family', and the character's origin.

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Batman (2011) #23.1

Sep 8, 2013

If I were to judge a book by it's cover in this case, I'd say that this comic was stellar and out of this world. However, the story behind it just didn't live up to the caliber of villain that they were looking to showcase here. I hope that the rest of the 'Villains Month' titles stepping in for 'Batman' aren't as upsetting as this one.

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Before Watchmen: Comedian #3

Sep 17, 2012

I'm hoping that this series finds itself and gets interesting again very soon.

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Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #3

Sep 25, 2012

Overall, this is a great read. Though it may have taken a bit to really find it's stride, things have certainly picked up and have gotten more interesting. It's almost a shame that there's only one more issue left.

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Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #4

Dec 30, 2012

Looking back, I would recommend that Watchmen fans wait until the trades for 'Before Watchmen' to come out to read this story. As much as I enjoyed it, I wouldn't call it a must-read title.

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Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1

Aug 21, 2012

Overall, 'Rorschach' #1 is one of the best 'Before Watchmen' books that I've read, but looking at it as just another comic, it was okay. This stuff with The Bard is interesting enough to keep me reading, but otherwise it's like reading The Question or The Punisher.

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Before Watchmen: Rorschach #2

Oct 9, 2012

With only two more issues left in this series, I hope business starts to pick up in the next issue because this one was just good but not great.

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Before Watchmen: Rorschach #3

Dec 16, 2012

The biggest reason why I think Azzarello is more successful with Rorschach than he is with the Comedian is because he's able to be more concise with this title. He only has four issues to tell Rorschach's story. There's no room for filler, so there's really no wasted moments, especially in this issue. However, in the Comedian where he has six issues to spread his wings, the pacing is really off and I'm very bored as a result. But in this series, I get the exact opposite. The story is well paced and I would never classify myself as bored while reading it. Despite having a slow start, it was still interesting and made me want to continue reading.

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Before Watchmen: Rorschach #4

Mar 10, 2013

I was pretty disappointed in the ending of this series. Rorschach is one of my favorite Watchmen and I didn't feel like the series as a whole did him justice. I think one of the major problems is that there was too much going on.

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Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1

Oct 5, 2014

As I said, 'Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier' has a great amount of potential. We're going to see this character taken to places and put into situations that we've never seen him in before, but it remains to be seen if that's a good or bad thing. The Winter Soldier is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe, so that's enough to keep me on board for issue two, but it's an added bonus that the writing and the artwork is so interesting. Let's just hope that it doesn't move from good weird to bad weird as the series progresses.

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Captain America (2012) #1

Dec 2, 2012

There's some potential for some interesting stories in this title if some things are pursued properly, so I hope things get better from here, especially since Captain America is my favorite and I don't want to see him get the short end of the stick, especially since he has such talented people behind him.

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Captain America (2012) #2

Dec 25, 2012

If things continue this way, I might have to drop this series from my pull list.

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Captain America (2012) #3

Jan 20, 2013

Finally, the thing that reignited my interest in this book was the final page. Talk about a shocking ending! It was all the more shocking because of how underwhelming the rest of the series has been so far. Now that something as big as that last page happened, hopefully the pace of the story picks up and we start getting issues worthy of such an iconic and important character. I still haven't fully bought into the story yet, but I'm interested enough to find out what happens next.

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Captain America (2012) #9

Jul 28, 2013

With only one issue left in this arc, I'll stick around until the end. I've been reading this long, so why not? I assume that Sharon, Steve, and Jet's escape will be included in the next issue, but what happens beyond that will determine whether or not it's worth keeping the title on my pull list. Since Captain America is my favorite hero, I have high hopes, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something interesting is coming.

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Captain America (2012) #10

Sep 2, 2013

As I've constantly said since the start of this run, Captain America is my favorite superhero. Though I wasn't exactly in his corner during the Dimension Z debacle, I'm hopeful for what's to come next.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #1

Mar 15, 2014

I'm not going to lie to you, readers. Prior to reading this issue of 'Captain Marvel', I had only read #17 of the last volume and have only had interactions with Carol in various Avengers titles. I had always meant to pick up the trades and catch up, but I just couldn't swing the funds at the time. However, I am extremely happy that I was able to pick up the newest issue featuring Kelly Sue DeConnick's Captain Marvel because it was definitely one of my favorite books this week. Now if the issue of money comes up again soon when it comes to my comics, I'll have to find something else to cut because Carol is sticking around.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #2

Apr 13, 2014

Every time I review one of Kelly Sue DeConnick's books, I find myself saying the same things over and over again. Her characters are sassy and fun. Her stories are compelling and interesting to follow. And I usually can't wait to see what happens next. But that's a good thing, right? She is consistently delivering some of my favorite issues in my weekly pull and 'Captain Marvel' #2 is no different. Basically, if you're not at least giving this title a chance, you're doing it wrong. This book is too awesome not to at least give it a chance.

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Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1

May 17, 2014

Overall, 'Deadly Hands of Kung Fu' #1 was an enjoyable first issue. It hit all the targets necessary for an introductory issue and it left me wanting more. And most importantly, it took a very engaging and badass character and put him front and center. I look forward to following Shang Chi on this adventure and I hope more people from his past like Danny Rand or Misty Knight make appearances in this series before it wraps up.

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Deadpool (2012) #1

Nov 8, 2012

I can already tell that this series is going to be a lot of fun. It's definitely one of the best issue ones that I've read in a long time. Deadpool fans will not be disappointed and non-Deadpool fans should definitely give it a try. And if you have the Marvel AR app on your phone, there's some great content on there for this book, especially for the splash page towards the end.

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Deadpool (2012) #2

Nov 28, 2012

Overall, I'm pleased with where this title is going. I'm greatly entertained by the whole production, especially now that Deadpool is teaming up with a ghost version of Ben Franklin.

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Deadpool (2012) #3

Dec 9, 2012

Similar to the Matt Fraction/David Aja collaboration on the Earth's Mightiest Archer book, I have nothing but praises to sing for Deadpool. Hopefully the quality of the series will continue to stay at this level. Additionally, I hope that they continue reference Franklin's crazy sexcapades more often because those lines are certainly very welcome.

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Deadpool (2012) #4

Jan 27, 2013

Bottom line is that Deadpool is still the most fun comic that I'm reading right now. It's out there, but it's pretty hilarious, and this issue is no different. Keep the laughs coming, Marvel. I'm enjoying them.

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Deadpool (2012) #5

Feb 24, 2013

Basically, this series has been a lot of fun and one of the best in the line, but it didn't really have heart. Lots of blood and guts, but no heart. Sure, you're not looking for that in a Deadpool book, but when you care about what's happening and there's a purpose for things happening, it makes the story stronger and more interesting. I look forward to see how the team finishes up their first Deadpool story.

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Deadpool (2012) #6

Mar 24, 2013

After a really outrageous first arc, I think there's a lot of fun to be had in this Deadpool series in the future. I'm pretty interested in seeing what's coming next because it might be pretty hard topping re-killing the Presidents of the United States of America. For all we know, Deadpool could go after The Presidents of the United States of America, that band from the 90s that sang about lumps and peaches. I don't see Deadpool liking them too much, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were somewhere on his hit list.

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Deadpool (2012) #13

Jul 20, 2013

Overall, 'Deadpool' is still as wild and crazy as ever. Though he's not re-killing dead presidents anymore, he is teaming up with some great heroes and the gags haven't gotten old yet. After all the seriousness of books like 'Avengers', 'Thanos Rising', and 'Indestructible Hulk', it's nice to have a book on your pull list with the purpose to consistently make you laugh.

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Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird #1

Jan 19, 2014

But overall, while I've found this to be exciting and very curious, it almost feels too familiar. Depending on where it goes from here, it could be just another average Disney story. But I'm willing to give it this new book the benefit of the doubt and see where it's going. If not for the story, I'm a huge Disney parks nerd, so I'd want to keep reading to find out more about the Museum of the Weird. Since the attraction was never built, it can come to life in the pages of this Marvel comic. And that in itself has the right amount of Disney magic to keep me interested in 'Seekers of the Weird'.

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Doctor Who Vol. 3 #1

Oct 9, 2012

Anyway, as of right now, I'm not fully sold on this book. We'll see how it turns out in the next issue.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1

Jul 27, 2014

Overall, 'Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor' #1 was a solid book. I preferred 'Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor' #1 over this one, but this was still very good. I'm more likely to favor David Tennant's Doctor any day of the week, but I still appreciated the one-off tale that did a good job of focusing on the new companion. I'll probably keep reading because I'm curious to find out more about the Time Lord lurking in the shadows, but I could see fans of Matt Smith's Doctor enjoying this more than I did.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1

Jul 26, 2014

Basically, I'd say that 'Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor' #1 succeeds as a first issue with flying colors. Not only was it an enjoyable comic, but it's also a welcome addition to the Tenth Doctor's story and the overall 'Doctor Who' mythology. I greatly look forward to the next issue.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #5

Oct 19, 2014

Basically, ‘Edge of Spider-Verse' has done an excellent job in building up excitement for ‘Spider-Verse' and this issue is no different. Gerard Way has created a Spider-Man that was certainly memorable because it's unlike any version of the wall-crawler we've seen before. Judging by the ending of the book, we haven't seen the last of SP//dr either, so I'm looking forward to seeing where Peni pops up next.

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FF (2012) #1

Dec 5, 2012

Overall, I'd say that the first issue of 'FF' was a good introductory issue, but it spent too much time on introductions and not enough on progressing the plot. I enjoyed Scott Lang stepping into the spotlight more, and I'm willing to keep reading as the premise is as interesting as the characters involved. Plus, the creative team is top notch, so I'd like to see what they have up their sleeves next.

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Gambit (2012) #2

Sep 2, 2012

I want to like this series a lot because of how much I like Gambit, but it's just not really grabbing my interest as much as some other books on my pull list right now. Maybe it'll get better in the next issue once it (hopefully) starts to get into more Act II stuff.

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Gambit (2012) #3

Sep 30, 2012

At least the covers look cool.

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Hawkeye (2012) #2

Sep 7, 2012

Due to Fraction's writing and Aja's museum-worthy artwork, I've noticed that this series is starting to resemble a TV show. It could be my own experience as a graduate of film school, but throughout this book, I was constantly seeing shots and hearing dialogue in scenes that were just so reminiscent of some really good television programs. You know what? Screw 'Arrow' on the CW! Someone needs to get working on a Hawkeye TV show starring these two for ABC Family.

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Hawkeye (2012) #3

Oct 30, 2012

Seriously, I can't say enough good things about this series. You NEED to be picking this book up if you're not.

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Hawkeye (2012) #4

Dec 1, 2012

As I've said before and as I'll probably continue to say, I can't say enough good things about this series. You NEED to be picking this book up if you're not already doing so. Now I'll just wait here patiently to read the conclusion of this story called 'The Tape'.

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Hawkeye (2012) #5

Dec 11, 2012

Nationalism aside, the quality of this book has remained consistent since issue one. Aside from some serious ass-kicking action, there's plenty of character development, clever quips, and vintage heroic comedy contained within these panels. There's something for everybody in 'Hawkeye', so no one should have any excuse to not be buying it. I'm anxiously awaiting the next one, and you should be to.

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Hawkeye (2012) #6

Dec 25, 2012

Overall, despite the slightly jarring nature in the way that the story is laid out, 'Hawkeye' successfully maintains the honor of being one of the best series available today. It's still action-packed, funny, and interesting, and I hope it continues to stay that way because it's a pleasure to spend money on something so good.

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Hawkeye (2012) #7

Feb 3, 2013

Every month, I adamantly insist that you purchase 'Hawkeye', but this time it's also for a good cause. Make sure you get out there and contribute to the cause. You don't even have to do anything! Fraction is the one doing all the work. All you have to do is buy a comic. Simple. Easy to remember. Now go for it!

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Hawkeye (2012) #8

Mar 3, 2013

This issue set up a lot of things that are sure to have interesting payoffs in the next issue. I'm looking forward to seeing Clint get Shawn Huntered and get confronted by his former ladies. I'm also wondering if there will be fallout from his arrest and what exactly these Russian tracksuit guys have up their sleeves for both Hawkeye and Penny. Long story short, I'm very much anticipating the next issue of 'Hawkeye', as I am after I read every issue of this series. - See more at:

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Hawkeye (2012) #9

Apr 14, 2013

Retribution is on it's way. Business is about to pick up. And we have to wait a few weeks to find out what happens next. Though it'll be excruciating, I'll be anxiously awaiting the next chapter in one of the best comics available on the shelves today.

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Hawkeye (2012) #11

Jun 30, 2013

Basically, this particular issue of this book was a huge gamble, but seeing how great the creative team behind it has been for eleven issues, it's no surprise that they pulled it off. If they don't win all the awards this year for their work on 'Hawkeye', then that would certainly be a surprise.

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Hawkeye (2012) #12

Jul 13, 2013

Like I said before, I appreciate seeing the Barton boys getting along, but I wonder if their checkered past will factor into their relationship moving forward. I'm definitely on board to keep reading to find out.

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Hawkeye (2012) #13

Oct 19, 2013

Above everything else, I'm so excited to be regularly getting this book again. Those tracksuits and their assassin need to be held accountable for what they did to Grills, so I'll be looking forward to the issue where the impending clash finally happens.

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Hawkeye (2012) #19

Aug 3, 2014

Overall, this series continues its streak of amazing issues. As always, the art is solid, the colors are fantastic, and the writing is like nothing I've read before. It's too bad that this series is coming to an end some time sooner rather than later, but at least it has been one hell of a ride.

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Hawkeye (2012) Annual #1

Jul 26, 2013

From what I understand, this series will now alternate between Clint and Kate stories, each with their own artist. I'm completely for this idea, especially now that it's been established that Kate can function well as a solo hero. Up until this point, we've only seen her with Hawkeye or with the Young Avengers (unless I missed something), so this annual really proved that she can hold her own with nothing but the clothes on her back and Lucky by her side. This was a very important issue in the growth of Kate Bishop and it was immensely entertaining.

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Hulk (2014) #1

Apr 20, 2014

But I guess that wasn't in the cards for the Hulk. I am intrigued about where this new status quo takes Banner and I hope that some key players in his life like his wife or his cousin come back in to help him on this difficult journey back to his former glory. Some really cool things could come from all of this, but I can't help but lament the loss of 'Indestructible Hulk'. In just twenty issues, Waid delivered some excellent character development that should have lasted much longer than it did. Now it's all been wiped from the slate and we have to start over. The bottom line is that this relaunch was unnecessary to me. From a structural standpoint though, this issue is solid because it's well formed and manages to set up everything very nicely, but it's not one of the best things to come out of All-New Marvel NOW so far. For now, I trust that Waid will take us to interesting places, but for now I'm proceeding with optimistic caution.

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Indestructible Hulk #1

Dec 2, 2012

Overall, 'Indestructible Hulk' is one of the standout books of Marvel NOW!. It has made me check out a character that I wouldn't normally check out and I'm thinking of sticking around for a while. Cheers, Marvel. You got me right where you want me. Mostly because I want to find out about these mechanical pants Hulk is wearing on the cover.

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Indestructible Hulk #2

Dec 25, 2012

In general, this was a filler story, but Waid really made it count. Character development is very valuable in storytelling and for him to use what would normally be used as something to have between big storylines in this way shows his mastery of the medium. Great book and great series so far.

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Indestructible Hulk #3

Jan 20, 2013

Essentially, 'Indestructible Hulk' has been fairly simple so far, yet there's been so much character development in so little time. We're getting used to this new Bruce Banner and we're getting to see the heroic side of the Hulk that was suppressed for so long by receiving these one off stories sprinkled with long-term tidbits that will result in the new status quo down the line. It's like an old reliable sitcom that you can flip on whenever you're looking for something to entertain you for a while at any time. The quality continues to be solid and the art is a great compliment to the excellent story that's unfolding. I'd definitely call this book a superhero comic at it's finest.

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Indestructible Hulk #9

Jun 22, 2013

Knowing Matt's feelings about S.H.I.E.L.D., I know that this team-up won't last forever, but I'm certainly going to enjoy reading it while it lasts, especially after that huge reveal on the last page. I don't want to give it away, but it really came out of nowhere and I'm super excited to see where things go with this particular character. Judging by Mark Waid's track record so far with this series, I doubt that it'll do anything less than blow us away.

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Infinity #1

Aug 18, 2013

Overall, 'Infinity' #1 was a great comic. It might help if you've been reading 'Avengers', but you basically get everything you need to know in these pages. I'm curious to see if Hickman will continue separating the story into the chapters that appear here, but either way, I feel like I'm ready and anxiously waiting for the next installment to be released. I know my hopes are high, and there's a chance that I could get let down like the past few crossovers, but something about this first issue just reassures me that Hickman has it covered.

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Infinity #2

Sep 8, 2013

Basically, what I'm really trying to say is that 'Infinity' beats any huge summer blockbuster that appeared in theaters over the past few months. I am still in awe at just how many things are falling into place and connecting to each other from the start of Hickman's run with the Avengers. There hasn't been a wasted issue under his watch and the pure scope of things is nothing short of epic. Plus, with an ending like the one in this issue, how could you not want to keep reading? The next chapter simply cannot come fast enough.

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Infinity #5

Nov 2, 2013

A battle for the ages looms in the final four issues of 'Infinity'. Well, technically there's one issue left, but 'Avengers' #22-23 and 'New Avengers' #12 count as well. You know what I mean. Look at the checklist in the back of your book. Either way, the shocking conclusion of Marvel's best event of the year is coming soon and I'm beyond excited to see how this all ends.

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Infinity #6

Nov 30, 2013

Basically, I cannot say enough good things about 'Infinity'. The final issue was a great way to end one of the best comic book events in decades, especially since Jim Cheung returned to provide the artwork. There was a ton to squeeze into this issue, but I think Hickman managed to do it adequately. He covered all his bases and left this world in a much more interesting state than when he found it. Whereas picking up books after 'Avengers Vs. X-Men' and 'Age of Ultron' felt like going through the motions, 'Infinity' has me excited for whatever is coming next. It's certainly a tough act to follow, but by the looks of the teaser on the very last page of the book, All-New Marvel NOW is looking to step things up again.

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Infinity: The Hunt #1

Sep 14, 2013

Anyway, this was a strong start for a new series. While there are so many unknown characters, the book is anchored by fan favorites such as Quentin Quire, the Evolved Moloids, Striker, and Finesse, not to mention teachers like She-Hulk, Hank Pym, and Black Panther. And even if the audience doesn't really know who a lot of these kids are, I like that they sort of address it when they introduce the Braddock Academy competitors, Loch and Box. I definitely side with Quentin when he says that they sound like an 80s detective show from the bottom of the barrel. Hopefully the story will be good enough to have us caring about all these people within the next few issues though because there's definitely some potential here.

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Inhuman #1

Apr 6, 2014

The one thing working against 'Inhuman' #1 was all the hype and delays. It even says on the cover that Marvel's latest epic begins here, but the first installment didn't feel too epic. Although, just because issue one was a bit underwhelming doesn't mean that things can improve later on. Hopefully it picks up as the series continues because the reinvention and expansion of the Inhumans is an interesting premise that deserves to be presented in something awesome.

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Inhumanity: The Superior Spider-Man #1

Jan 19, 2014

Overall, this was a pretty great one-shot. Most will probably overlook this book, but I was glad that I decided to pick it up this week.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

Apr 13, 2014

Basically, I'm glad that the trend of martial arts comics is making a comeback. I love Shang-Chi's expanded role in the Marvel Universe, but to go and give Iron Fist a solo series is definitely a step in the right direction. And as much as the themes may be a throwback, 'Iron Fist: The Living Weapon' has a very modern feel to it. In addition to the great art, our main character isn't shown in the best light, but that's what makes him interesting. You'll definitely want to check this out to follow Danny's journey to see if he brings himself to be unbroken once again. (Also, ninjas. Because who doesn't love ninjas?)

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Iron Man (2012) #1

Nov 12, 2012

Overall, this was a pretty good issue one with an even better closing line. It's not my favorite Marvel NOW title thus far, but I can see fans of Iron Man enjoying this title a great deal thanks to the wonderful artwork and the clever writing.

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Iron Man (2012) #2

Nov 29, 2012

Out of all the Marvel NOW titles I'm currently reading, 'Iron Man' falls somewhere in the middle. So far, the story is okay, but with a great creative team on it, hopefully it gets better.

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Iron Man (2012) #3

Dec 10, 2012

Overall, this was an okay issue. It was better than afiller, but it wasn't the best thing to come out this week or even the best issue of this series so far.

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Iron Man (2012) #4

Dec 16, 2012

To be more blunt, issue #4 was the weakest issue of Iron Man since Marvel NOW started. The story wasn't as solid as the others, though it did set up an interesting potential storyline in the future. This issue is dangerously close to being filler, but it had some redeemable qualities, above all that it explores a piece of Tony Stark that we rarely get to see. I'm all for exploring various aspects of character, but this issue just didn't do anything for me.

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Iron Man (2012) #5

Jan 5, 2013

Iron Man has been really weird in this title. It started off okay, but in these last two issues things have just been off. This last issue before heading into a new story had the potential to be good, but it ended up falling flat. It's a shame that one of Marvel's top heroes had such a meh start in Marvel NOW!. Maybe things will get better once he joins up with the Guardians, but we shall see.

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Magneto (2014) #2

Apr 6, 2014

As someone who doesn't dabble in X-Men books very often, I'm definitely into Cullen Bunn's 'Magneto'. I'm looking forward to seeing what else Magneto pulls out of his bag of tricks as he continues to track down the source of the Omega Sentinels.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #1

Sep 14, 2013

Overall, this was a great first issue. I like the direction that it's going in so far and from what we've already seen of the team interacting together, I can tell that I'm going to like the lineup. I look forward to issue two and seeing how the team manages without the big guns for back up.

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New Avengers (2010) #30

Sep 17, 2012

Marvel NOW is still a month away, but we're already starting to see how the Marvel Universe will be changing after the end of ‘Avengers Vs. X-Men'. I'm interested to see what other changes could occur before the final shots are fired.

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New Avengers (2013) #2

Jan 20, 2013

In general, this title is enjoyable so far. It's definitely really dark, in both content and art style, but in a good way. I'm enjoying unraveling the layers of 'New Avengers' and hope that Hickman keeps delivering such excellent stories for all the Avengers teams that he's writing.

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New Avengers (2013) #3

Feb 10, 2013

Now that the team has gone and done what happened at the end of this issue, I'm curious to see what else they are capable of. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue because of that.

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New Avengers (2013) #4

Mar 24, 2013

Since there's so little time left and the team has a battle on their hands with one of the strongest foes they've ever faced in the history of the Avengers, it'll be interesting to see where this goes next and just how much time this takes up before they realize that the fates of two worlds hang in the balance.

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New Avengers (2013) #5

Apr 28, 2013

Now that the team seemingly has a new ally in keeping their world alive, they might stand a chance at actually saving the Earth. Not saying that they couldn't do it on their own, but with this time crunch implemented upon them, they could use all the help they can get. Which they might have to do if the solicits for the next issue are any indication of what's to come.

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New Avengers (2013) #9

Sep 1, 2013

From the very beginning, Hickman's run on 'New Avengers' has dealt with some pretty dark stuff. Something tells me that things are bound to get even darker before they get any lighter and that thought just has me anxiously waiting for the next one.

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New Avengers (2013) #12

Dec 1, 2013

This was something that had occurred to me while reading 'Infinity' #6 since the Illuminati had done so much to try to prevent their world from ending, but none of it really worked in the end. It all came down to luck. And this isn't the first time this has happened either. But I believe that it is the first time that someone in the comics calls these heroes out on their sh*t. Not saying that I don't appreciate the team's efforts, but it's quite different to hear one of their allies call them out like that. The best part? The look in the trio's eyes in their final panel definitely knows that she's right. While the world may have not ended, worlds have for people like Black Bolt, Namor, T'Challa, and Thanos. These things are too big for them to not get addressed again, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where Jonathan Hickman takes the story after this because up until this point, he's given us some pretty heavy sh*t that I can't really put down.

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New Avengers (2013) #13.INH

Jan 5, 2014

Overall, besides creeping me out, I think the purpose of this issue was to introduce the next threat that these Avengers will be facing. I think that it managed to do that rather adequately, but my mind is still spinning from everything that's going on. Hickman's 'New Avengers' might be the most complex comic on my entire pull list right now, but I can't help but come back for each and every issue because I can't think of a comic that's made me think this much in a very long time.

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New Avengers (2013) #14

Feb 9, 2014

Just like another famous Doctor that we here at enjoy, this good man is about to go to war. Whether his brothers in arms join him will be some intriguing events to follow. Considering what they've done to comrades who have thought differently than them in the past such as Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers, I'm so curious to see what they think when Strange returns with his plan. I'm predicting that business is really about to pick up in 'New Avengers' and I'll be right there for the ride!

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New Avengers (2013) #21

Aug 3, 2014

Basically, this entire issue was filled with some intense will they/won't they moments. As I read on, I recall being in suspense practically every step of the way. I may have escaped that feeling temporarily when I was examining the gnarly fates of the Great Society, but for the most part, I found myself hanging on each character-changing moment. Not to say that this story arc hasn't been interesting, but I feel like issue twenty-one did a really good job at reminding me the things that are so awesome about Hickman's much darker Avengers title.

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Original Sin #0

Apr 27, 2014

Overall, this is a pretty small story. It's not as ambitious as what's to come when the main series gets started, but it shares some very important information that should come in handy down the line on top of being a very well-crafted tale with wonderful artwork. Now that we have gotten the ball rolling with one "original sin", I'm definitely ready for more.

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Original Sin #1

May 11, 2014

The bottom line is that this is a very solid first issue for a very promising summer blockbuster from top to bottom. The stage has been set for an exciting ride over the course of the next few months. Now that the ball is in motion, I'll be waiting in suspense for the next set of clues about the villains of the story. After all, with the epic collection of heroes introduced in this issue, the villains have to be just as good to pull this off and stand against these warriors seeking retribution for the death of the Watcher.

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Original Sin #2

May 25, 2014

If you look at the structure of a story, 'Original Sin' is still in the early stages. We're a bit past the exposition, though we haven't exactly reached the hearty Act II yet. But the story has managed to pull some impressive twists and turns out of nowhere and has most definitely kept it's audience interested. There is a ton of potential with this latest Marvel Comics event to go either way at this point, although I get a positive feeling from this one, especially after this issue. We'll see how right I am about it in two weeks, but I have faith that this could be an event that will have True Believers talking in comic shops around the world.

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Original Sin #4

Jun 22, 2014

Overall, even though the whole "Trust No One" thing is a little played out, 'Original Sin' managed to give us a payoff worthy of recycling of that overused tagline. Just when we think that Nick Fury couldn't possibly pull over another one on us, this happens and we're left in shock, awe, and excitement for the next issue. At least, that's how I feel about it. Hopefully the series keeps up with this level of interesting developments as the story moves into it's second half.

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Original Sins #1

Jun 15, 2014

Overall, I'm a fan of this series. As an anthology, it gives us some cool insights into characters that we don't see too often, but as a Young Avengers fan, I'm very excited to see where this story is going. This trio was not one that we saw very much of in the past, so there are plenty of underlying dynamics at play here, especially since David previously showed feelings for the happily taken Teddy. I'm excited to see where this showdown with the Hood leads and even more curious to know what the big sin of the Young Avengers will be.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 8, 2014

Despite my grievances here and there, I'm certainly not disappointed by 'The Punisher' #1. It's a good jumping on point for new readers, but it leaves a lot of unanswered questions for long time fans. Hopefully, as the storyline continues, we get more answers because apparently there are "mind-blowing" developments on their way in this book. We'll see if the creative team can keep me around long enough to find out what they are.

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Secret Avengers #30

Aug 26, 2012

Overall, 'Secret Avengers' #30 had a lot of the things that I really enjoy about comic books: witty banter with some puns, a larger than life threat, interesting art, and an enjoyable story. Definitely an enjoyable read.

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Secret Avengers #31

Sep 29, 2012

I'm looking forward to the next issue because of the impending battle between Valkyrie and Venom, especially since they've been showing some romantic feelings between one another during this arc.

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Secret Avengers #32

Oct 17, 2012

Finally, it looks like things with Ant-Man are about to kick into gear. I must've missed the part when Father possessed him since I only started reading Secret Avengers again when AvX started, but it looks like the payoff for that is coming soon. Despite missing when it actually happened, because it was definitely before I jumped back onto the title, a mole in the team should make for an interesting arc. Plus, for those of you out there who don't see Eric O'Grady as a threat, I guess the next part of the story will prove or disprove your theories. History has shown us just how dangerous Hank Pym could be on certain, but what about the Ant-Man who's mostly known for being a goofball? I guess we'll all find out in the coming issues.

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Secret Avengers (2013) #1

Feb 17, 2013

Overall, it's an intriguing premise and an interesting first issue. Though it's not exactly my favorite Avengers title right now, I'm very down to see the rest of the team come together on this team that technically doesn't even exist.

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Secret Avengers (2013) #2

Mar 17, 2013

Although, whatever is going on right now before that explosion happens isn't too bad. Right now it's mostly team building and exposition, so I think that things will pick up more in an issue or two. I had this same problem with 'Thunderbolts'. I like the characters that are being brought together, but I'm just not latching onto the events that are playing out. However, Danny Way's book is much more along than 'Secret Avengers', so there's still a chance that Spencer can throw in some more things to hook me. I mean, it's already got a bit of an edge because of this new memory implant protocol, but I'm not 100% on board yet. The stage is still in the process of being set, so once the curtain fully opens in an issue or so, I think I'll have a better idea of how I like this series. But for now, I'll just say that it's interesting enough to check out so far.

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Secret Avengers (2013) #3

Apr 14, 2013

Other than setting up for more Iron Patriot stuff in later issues and a few great gags involving Hawkeye and Mockingbird, this issue didn't do too much for me. Overall, I haven't really latched onto this series yet, but when Bucky and Banner pop up, I think that I'll be more invested. I love me some Hawkeye and Coulson, but they're not really doing much just yet. We'll see what happens as the story develops more, but right now, this title is just meh for me.

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Secret Avengers (2013) #7

Aug 17, 2013

I'm not too huge on war and politics in my every day life, but those issues in the Marvel Universe are starting to interest me. Like I said in my last review of 'Secret Avengers', I haven't really latched onto this series yet, but I think I'm starting to come around to it. Just not all the way yet.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #1

Feb 1, 2014

There's no way that I'll be missing the next issue. This one just gave me so many feelings. We may never get to see all the actors reprise their roles on any sort of screen again, but this most certainly is the next best thing.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #2

Mar 2, 2014

Finally, it's really cool to see how far River has come along in the mythology of 'Firefly'. After the events of Miranda, she has really come to embrace her past, even the less than favorable bits, and now uses her past troubles to her advantage. But with the arrival of Jubal Early on the ship, this new character development may be short lived, but that's one of the most exciting parts of this series. I can't wait for the next issue to see the bounty hunter get back to his old tricks and to see how Bea assimilates into the crew.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #3

Mar 23, 2014

Basically, Zack Whedon and Georges Jeanty put together another awesome issue of 'Serenity: Leaves on the Wind'. Everything that happens here stays true to the spirit of the show that spawned this series and I look forward to the next time this delightful comic appears in my file at my local comic book store. Every fan of 'Firefly' needs to be reading this book right now because it's just so good. I might even go so far as to say that it's one of my most favorite books on my pull list right now. If you're not up to date, catch up and keep an eye out for the next issue. It will be well worth your time.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #4

May 4, 2014

Once again, we have gotten another A+ issue of 'Serenity: Leaves on the Wind'. It's just like Mal and the gang to find themselves in a trap and now it'll be very exciting to see how they get themselves out of it. As if one River Tam wasn't enough, now we'll get to see how they fair against a whole group of her. I can't wait!

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #5

Jun 1, 2014

There's so much that needs to be wrapped up next month in 'Serenity: Leaves on the Wind'. It'll be sad to say goodbye to the crew of Serenity once again, but here's hoping that we go out on a high note.

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Sex Criminals #2

Oct 26, 2013

'Sex Criminals' is definitely a departure from the usual comics that inhabit my pull list, but I'm glad that I took the chance and checked it out. I mean, it couldn't have been a huge risk considering how good Fraction is, but still. I'm glad that this issue turned out as good as it is. This book just further proves that the writer is one of the best in the business right now. I might even go so far as to say that Matt Fraction is one of the best writers working in entertainment today. With that said, it's a no brainer that I'll be picking up issue three.

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Sex Criminals #6

Jun 21, 2014

Finally, after creating an accurate and much-desired picture of modern couples, we did get back to the fantastical element of this story and the thing that drew us all in at the start. I'm excited to see where things go with Jon, Suzie, the Fancy Man, and Kegelface because by the tone in the closing word bubbles, our hero is about to open a can of whoop-ass. I don't know about you, but that's something that I want to see.

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She-Hulk (2014) #3

Apr 5, 2014

When it comes to 'She-Hulk', the bottom line is that it's just a really fun comic book. If I had to describe what this series is comparable to, I would say that it's a great amalgam of 'Archie', 'Hawkeye', and 'Hulk'. It's probably one of my favorites on my pull list at the moment and you should be picking it up if you're not already.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Mar 29, 2014

Overall, the book is just a lot of fun. Since it's just the first issue, we haven't really gotten into the meat of the premise involving the Surfer traveling with his new companion yet, but I thought that it was a great introduction that ended with an awesome gag on the last page. Just based on what I've seen in 'Silver Surfer' #1, Slott and the Allreds seem to be having a great time putting this tale together and I'm having a great time reading it. It definitely feels like one of the lightest books (in both color and tone) on my pull list, but that's totally not a bad thing. This comic was a blast to read and I can't wait to read the next one.

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Star Wars (2013) #1

Jan 16, 2013

And by the way, as a side note: I capitalized "Trilogy" throughout my review out of respect. Only one trilogy in films can be referred to as THE Trilogy. (Also, to quote 'Clerks II', "There is only one return and it is not of the king!") Long story short, in my eyes, 'Star Wars' is the number one trilogy in the history of cinema and it deserves respect.

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Star Wars (2013) #2

Feb 16, 2013

Finally, I'm very excited to see business pick up with Han and Chewie now that they've reached their destination and Boba Fett has caught up with them once already. I sense a bit of Han Solo being a badass coming up very soon. And let's be honest, everyone wants to see that.

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Star Wars (2013) #3

Mar 24, 2013

So many factors contribute to 'Star Wars' being a great thing to pick up. The story is great. The art is great. The covers are great. And, as we've known for decades at this point, the characters are great. In general, this book has just been a real joy to read. I would be very surprised to find a 'Star Wars' fan that would disagree.

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Superior Carnage #1

Jul 20, 2013

Overall, this issue set up for some pretty interesting things to come. I'm definitely going to keep reading 'Superior Carnage' and not just because of how badass the main character was in the 90s. The game has changed for this symbiote and I want to learn all about the new rules.

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Superior Carnage #2

Aug 11, 2013

Though I was extremely excited to see Carnage back in the Marvel Universe, I severely underestimated the characters involved in this series. The Wizard and the Frightful Four are hardly Galactus level threats, but Shinick impresses me by digging deeper into these glorified jobbers to make them interesting. Characters are the thing that make any good story successful, so while I may have came for Carnage, I'm being treated with way more intriguing characters that I'm coming to appreciate more with each passing panel. I look forward to what comes next in 'Superior Carnage'.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1

Jul 7, 2013

Just as I anticipated from the first look at this book, I loved it. The whole thing has an intriguing premise and greatly exceeded my expectations. It reminds me a lot of Matt Fraction's 'Hawkeye', except it takes a look at this group of bumbling bad guys. There are even some similarities in the art style. For instance, while Boomerang is laying out the dynamic of the group, instead of dialogue, artist Steve Lieber uses symbols to show what each character is thinking. From this particular scene, I love that Beetle is tweeting while Shocker is lovingly admiring her from across the table.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2

Aug 11, 2013

From the looks of things, Fred is about to enter a world of hurt if he screws up. And judging by the way things have been going so far, that is bound to happen, so I'll most definitely keep reading to see what sort of hilarity ensues as a result.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7

Jan 5, 2014

This issue of 'Superior Foes' was definitely a satisfying read. I can say with confidence that this was the most entertaining comic that I picked up this week. While this book may slip to the wayside in favor of reviewing other books most weeks, I would still recommend it to those looking for superhero books off the beaten path. And yes, I use the term "hero" loosely, but every main character is the hero in their own story, even the bumbling villains.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 14, 2013

In all seriousness (even though I am serious when I say that I'd work for Marvel), I liked this first issue of 'Superior Spider-Man'. I like where things are going and I'm enjoying Otto's interactions with the characters of Peter Parker's life. I'm curious to see how things will go with Aunt May and J. Jonah Jameson, but especially the former colleagues of Doc Ock, like the original Sinister Six. So far, I'm on board with what Slott and the Spidey office is doing with this book and I'm looking forward to the next one.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #2

Feb 3, 2013

Overall, I'm enjoying this series a lot. Those fans that were outraged after the events of 'Amazing Spider-Man' #700 totally overreacted when they said that they'd boycott this book. It's a great character piece so far and I'm stoked to see where it goes from here. We could all learn a thing or two about bettering yourself from the Superior Spider-Man.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #3

Feb 10, 2013

When it comes down to it, 'Superior Spider-Man' has everything that I loved about 'Amazing Spider-Man'. It has the amusing battle banter, the tales of young love, the dashing heroics, and the colorful villains. The difference is that it's a lot rougher. It has an edge. That's not to say that it's better, but it's different, while still keeping the essential elements of the Spider-Man we all know and love. I truly think that the people that opted to boycott this book are really missing out on a great comic. Dan Slott and his whole team are knocking it out of the park. I know that this won't last forever because there's a finite ending to Otto being in Peter's body. There has to be. But while this is going on, I'm definitely enjoying the hell out of it. This is how you make a 50-year-old character fresh again.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #4

Feb 23, 2013

Though this issue had a pretty rocky, just okay start, I have a feeling that things are going to get much better from here on. And I can't wait to see if I'll get to geek out over the battle that I hope is coming featuring two of the most iconic Spider-Man characters since the web-slinger's creation.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #5

Mar 10, 2013

Initially, I got the sense that these past two issues were a throwaway tale, but I can see now that they are a turning point for the character of the Superior Spider-Man. Based on that alone, I can appreciate issue #5, despite the fact that I wasn't terribly invested in the plot. Like I said in the introduction, character development is what really matters because if you don't care about the characters, then you really won't care what happened to them. Kudos to Dan Slott and the Spidey office yet again on a job well done.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #6AU

Mar 31, 2013

Overall, there was a great balance of character development, action, and story in this issue, which resulted in a nicely crafted piece of work. 'Superior Spider-Man' #6AU is probably one of the better event tie-ins I've read over the past few years, so you should definitely pick it up if you're following 'Age of Ultron'.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #7

Apr 6, 2013

I really enjoy Spider-Man as an Avenger, but this upcoming brawl has all the makings of a Wrestlemania main event. With a great team handling the words and pictures, I'm very excited to see how it all plays out.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #8

Apr 21, 2013

Seriously people, if you're still on the fence about this series because of what happened in 'Amazing Spider-Man' #700, you need to get over it quick because 'Superior Spider-Man' is a pretty great read so far. I'll even say that it's one of my favorite books on my pull list right now.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #11

Jun 9, 2013

There's a hard battle ahead for Spider-Man as this arc continues, so I look forward to seeing how he handles a villain who's arguably just as smart and tech savvy as he is in the next issue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #13

Jul 14, 2013

Finally, a big theme of this arc was legacy. Otto thought a whole lot about what he would leave behind as the Superior Spider-Man. After doing his duty, the next step in ensuring that he becomes the best hero he can be was pretty curious. Sure, I'm all for pulling one over on old J. Jonah Jameson, but I really wonder what Dan Slott has in store for whatever comes next in this book. Based on the final page of the book, there's obviously some big things coming and I'm very much looking forward to seeing them.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #14

Jul 27, 2013

Overall, this issue was a good way to showcase the new status quo for Spider-Man. His whole operation has expanded and he's like a one-man Avengers unit. I wonder if the actual Avengers will have something to say about that in the future. Oh well! Until then, I enjoy seeing everything that Spider-Man can get away with now that he has Jameson in his back pocket.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #15

Aug 10, 2013

This issue set up a lot of upcoming events and characters, so it's a safe bet to assume that Spider-Man's life is about to get much more hectic very soon. With Ty Stone, Phil Urich, the Green Goblin, Wraith, Aunt May, and Mary Jane Watson all on the heels of the various aliases of Peter Parker, things are sure to come to a head shortly, and I for one don't want to miss it. You shouldn't either, so go out and catch up already if you haven't been reading.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #16

Aug 24, 2013

Finally, I like how Slott has been bringing all these Goblins together. Throughout the history of Spider-Man, there have seemingly been tons of Goblin wannabes. With the original Green Goblin assembling a crew for quite some time now, it almost looks like he has the power to take on Spidey and his new army. I've been waiting for this clash to take place, but it's been a bit of a slow burn. This is something that I really want to see, so hopefully it doesn't disappoint when it does happen. Then again, no matter what anyone out there says, Dan Slott hasn't made any disappointing decisions when it comes to 'Superior Spider-Man' thus far. I believe in him and look forward to what he has in store for our friendly neighborhood web-slinger.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #17

Sep 8, 2013

However, with the exposition out of the way, I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes from here, especially when good ol' Otto (presumably) gets his claws on this wall-crawler from the future to prove just who truly is the superior one.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #20

Nov 2, 2013

Overall, I liked this issue a lot. Even though we have Otto Octavius in Peter Parker's body, some of the old Parker luck has stuck around. It's a fresh take on Pete's girl and school problems. Plus, the obscure villains and throwbacks should please long-time Spidey fans who are familiar with the years and years of mythology. At the very least, they should be a little interested in what's going on here since I'm sensing that Spider-Man's true secret identity is in danger again.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #25

Jan 19, 2014

Overall, this issue was the culmination of a lot of things that we have all been questioning about this series and it all happened in such a great way. Slott brought together a number of things that we've come to know and love about Spider-Man and reinvigorate them to be something almost completely new. Venom, Spider-Man's relationship with Mary Jane and the Avengers, and the Green Goblin are just a few of the things that the writer has made his mark on and it's been great to follow along as it all unfolded. As much as I'm glad to get Amazing back, I feel like a big part of me is going to miss Superior.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #26

Feb 1, 2014

Overall, as I've been saying about this series for some time, 'Superior Spider-Man' is one of the best books that I have on my pull list. More often than not, I'm very pleased by what I'm reading because it's shaken up Spider-Man in a way that he's needed to be shaken up for quite a while. It'll be a bit of a bummer to see Superior go, but I hope that he goes out with a bang. Let's see what you've got, Dan Slott! Now that the stag has been set for 'Goblin Nation', I'm ready for it. (Maybe not emotionally, but mentally, I'm ready.)

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW

Feb 16, 2014

Now that there are goblins on Spider-Man's front porch, it doesn't look like the action is slowing down any time soon. Our hero will most definitely not be getting any rest before the end of his current series, and the first chapter of this final arc has me hooked to ride the wave all the way to the end.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #28

Mar 2, 2014

Finally, the last few pages had me so engulfed that I'm pretty sure that I said, "Whoa!" a few times out loud. The twists thrown in at the end were pretty huge and they've certainly served their purpose because there's not a chance that I'm missing the next issue. Love or hate what Slott did with Spider-Man this past year, it's hard to argue that he didn't deliver an exciting and enthralling story featuring one of the most beloved superheroes of all time.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #29

Mar 15, 2014

Oh man, this is starting to get to be too much, but in the best possible way. The build up to this finale has been getting better and better, and while I may have said this at one point over the course of this year, I'm saying it again: 'Superior Spider-Man' is one of the best things to happen to the Spider-Man mythology in years. I hope that the creative team continues to fire on all cylinders so as to send this series out with a bang.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Mar 30, 2014

I have said this from the beginning and I'll say it again before I no longer have the opportunity: 'Superior Spider-Man' is one of the best things to happen to Spider-Man in the past few decades. It just brought a whole new approach to the classic character and while many, many people may not have been on board at first, I hope they had a change of heart and allowed themselves to enjoy this excellent series. While I'm a fan of Peter Parker and I look forward to 'Amazing Spider-Man' next month, I just don't want 'Superior Spider-Man' to end. But since it has to, I can't think of a better way to send it off. Hopefully the final issue is as legendary as it has been built up over the past year.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #31

Apr 20, 2014

At the end of the day, I am sad to see 'Superior Spider-Man' go. There were definitely places it could have gone to before ending with Goblin Nation, but with the timing of 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' and All-New Marvel NOW, I can understand why Marvel would decide to pull the plug on it at this point in time. And though this isn't the ending that I was expecting in terms of quality, it can all be forgiven because Slott delivered some very excellent moments in this issue, as he has in this entire series. While Otto Octavius may be gone, his heroic legacy will live on through this great run. Now, we all look forward to seeing just how Peter Parker will pick up the pieces and get his life back in order. Well, as in order as he can get it.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) Annual #2

Mar 23, 2014

While I've been greatly enjoying 'Superior Spider-Man' for some time now, I appreciated the break to focus on some of the ancillary characters. Plus, I'm sure that Slott appreciated the break as well since he has a lot going on with his new 'Silver Surfer' book coming out soon in addition to his work in the Spidey office. Next week, we get another issue of 'Superior Spider-Man' and after that there's only one more issue of one of the most controversial comics in recent history. It's an exciting time to be a Marvel fan, True Believers!

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The Avenging Spider-Man #15.1

Dec 29, 2012

So far, I've heard a generally negative response to the fall of the Amazing Spider-Man, but I appreciate the balls that the Spidey office at Marvel has. What they did is a big deal that will have huge ramifications, but for everyone who's hating on it hardcore, remember that nothing in comics these is ever really permanent except the deaths of Uncle Ben and Thomas and Martha Wayne. Pretty much everything else is up for change. I'm curious to see where this all goes, so I'll be sure to check out 'Superior Spider-Man' #1 when it comes out in January 2013.

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #1

Sep 8, 2013

But after getting past those small details, 'The Star Wars' is a pretty fun sci-fi comic. If I had no prior knowledge about how the story actually turned out, I think I'd just as interested and invested in how this story ends as I am now. But seeing as I am a big fan of the 'Star Wars' movies, I'm definitely into riding this thing out because it's essentially the highest profile 'What If?' story ever and I want to see how it might have ended if Lucas stuck with this version of the story.

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The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys #1

Jun 15, 2013

Right now, there's still a whole lot of mystery surrounding this book. There are a whole lot of questions without answers, but I am definitely interested in this world that Way has created and I'm on board to find out more. Overall it was a pretty awesome first issue since it left me wanting more while giving me an adequate amount of satisfaction. Also, it's totally inspired me to throw 'Danger Days' on my iPod to listen to during my second reading.

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The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys #6

Jan 5, 2014

In conclusion, 'The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys' was an exciting combination of 'American Graffiti', 'The Road Warrior', and a My Chemical Romance record. It really speaks to a generation while providing an excellent bit of sci-fi without getting preachy. I certainly look forward to the next projects from this creative team as they are all superstars that are definitely going places.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #1

Dec 10, 2012

I'm very confident that once we get these characters together on a mission, we're going to get some things that are worth talking about. Daniel Way is a talented writer, so once this series really gets into it, we should get some awesome stories with these troubled and complex characters, but this first one was just meh. I know that it's supposed to establish the universe of the book and introduce the key players in it, but it would have been nice to get a little bit more in the first issue than just that. It's very possible that reading ‘Thunderbolts' #1 after reading ‘Avengers' #1 hurt Rulk's new team book, but I still have hope for it. I'm not dropping it just yet because I love the cast, but we'll see how things progress when the next issue comes out.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #3

Jan 14, 2013

Overall, I'm enjoying the story and the anti-heroes working together (kinda), but I'm finding some of the jumping around in time to be distracting. Hopefully there will be less of that as the story goes into Act II.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #14

Aug 25, 2013

Overall, my distaste for 'Thunderbolts' before could have been writer Daniel Way's vision of the team. But under the leadership of Soule, I'm more interested in what's going on. I'm definitely curious to see just how involved this team will be when Thanos and the Builders come into play, so I think I'll have to temporarily add this title back to my list to see how things play out.

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Oct 12, 2012

What an insane way to start Marvel NOW. It's most definitely worth picking up 'Uncanny Avengers' this week. Go get it right now. While you're sitting in a state of shock after reading it, you'll find picking it up from your local comic book store was the right thing to do.

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Uncanny Avengers #2

Dec 3, 2012

Despite a couple of hang-ups here and there, Remender and artist John Cassaday still deliver some dark and disturbing images, as well as some heart-wrenching ones at the end of the book just as they did in the first issue. They don't pull the punches on what the Skull has done and they show you the full extent. The one panel in particular that I won't spoil by including it here (you gotta buy the book for that) is almost reminiscent of the death of Captain America back in 'Civil War' when you see Iron Man sitting next to Steve Rogers' body on a table. It's super unsettling, yet it's a sign of how many lines are going to be crossed in the story that's unfolding. I'm willing to come back to see what other lines Remender and Cassaday cross in the next issue.

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Uncanny Avengers #3

Jan 27, 2013

What I've come to appreciate about this book the most is that the writer isn't making it too easy for the heroes to win. I'm hoping that when the inevitable victory is delivered to us, that notion of it being a hard-fought victory carries through. If so, this will easily sit up there with the best titles Marvel is putting out today.

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Uncanny Avengers #4

Mar 3, 2013

When I started reading 'Uncanny Avengers' #4, I got a sense that this series was slipping into the middle of my list of favorite books on my pull list. By the time I got to the end, it pretty much cemented itself in the upper half. There are some exciting things ahead. Not only are we seeking answers from the final page of the issue, but there's still a sense of dysfunction among some members of the team and the public that they're meant to protect, so I'm looking forward to seeing that play out. Good things (but more likely more bad things) are on their way and you shouldn't miss out on them by not picking up this series.

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Uncanny Avengers #5

Mar 31, 2013

Needless to say, I'm enjoying this book immensely. It hasn't really let me down yet and it's a joy to read whenever I take it home from the shop. I'm very curious to see what happens next, especially after that nightmare of a press conference.

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Uncanny Avengers #6

Apr 14, 2013

Considering who's causing trouble right now for the Uncanny Avengers, I know that the time travel angle isn't close to over yet, and since we have sort of an idea where it's going, I'm definitely staying on board, especially since the things happening in this book look as if they could have huge implications for all the inhabitants of the Marvel Universe. But looking at this issue by itself, things were just okay. I mean, taking on Apocalypse is no small feat and Thor proved to be a formidable opponent, but after some of the other things that were happening in this series, this issue didn't quite match up completely. Still good, but just not all the way there.

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Uncanny Avengers #7

Apr 28, 2013

When it came to rating the last issue, I said that it didn't match up completely with the rest of the run up to that point. I'd say that they brought it back up with this new issue. I'm looking forward to seeing what Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, and Rogue especially get into after the events in this issue.

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Uncanny Avengers #8

May 12, 2013

On a whole, there are a lot of interesting pieces at play in 'Uncanny Avengers' right now. With the next issue tying into 'Age of Ultron', I'm curious to see how involved Kang, the Twins, and the whole dysfunctional team play into the whole event. Currently, I'm wondering if it'll be a separate thing all together or if what we've been seeing in this arc will play a part in Ultron's master plan. After all, both Kang and Ultron are utilizing time stream manipulation to get what they want right now. Either way, we'll find out in the next issue.

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Uncanny Avengers #10

Jul 27, 2013

Finally, with this issue being the calm before the storm, I'm super stoked to see everything erupt in the next issue. With all the other Avengers titles preparing for 'Infinity' (which isn't a bad thing), this book is where we get some old fashioned bad guy beating as opposed to some prequel to what's coming soon. Of course, I'm enjoying the prequel stuff, but 'Uncanny' just brought back three very interesting people (and Grim Reaper), so I'm anxious to see where this all goes next.

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What If? Age of Ultron #1

Apr 6, 2014

Overall, 'What If? Age of Ultron' #1 had it's problems, but not nearly as many problems as the original 'Age of Ultron'. Even though it was a super downer, it was an interesting take on the event had things happened a bit differently.

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What If? Age of Ultron #2

Apr 13, 2014

Finally, the last thing that I have to say about this book is that it was just flat out boring. Nothing really excited me about it. I was cool with the vintage Peter Parker heroics and the idea of him leaving suburbia to be a hero one last time, but other than that, I wasn't impressed by this issue. Seriously, Ultron wasn't even in it. How are they going to label this as 'What If? Age of Ultron' without the titular villain? Hopefully the next issue brings it's A game or else this series might be worse than the original storyline. At least some good things came out of Bendis' work. This issue might as well go straight to the birdcage. Well, maybe not the cover since at least that was cool, but not worth the $3.99 price tag.

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What If? Age of Ultron #3

Apr 20, 2014

Overall, this was a pretty good story. But the fact of the matter is that this series is supposed to be 'What If? Age of Ultron', not 'What If? Dead Avengers'. Again, Ultron wasn't even in the story. The further away we get from the first issue, the less this book is relating to the premise. At this point, I've kinda let go of the idea that I'll be satisfied with this title. However, unlike last week, at least we got something worth the cover price beyond a cool cover.

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What If? Age of Ultron #4

Apr 27, 2014

Basically, I've given up on the whole 'What If? Age of Ultron' premise. I don't know what the next issue is about, but it probably won't be what I'm expecting. Although, if the story is as fun as the last two issues, then I think I'll be okay with it.

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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1

Feb 16, 2014

Finally, with the stage being set throughout the book, the payoff of Shen discovering who he was dealing with was a great introduction to the Winter Soldier in this part of his life. It might have helped too that the Winter Soldier is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe and I'm always down to read more stories featuring him, but he didn't even really show up until closer to the end. It was all build with a satisfying end that left the lead character looking strong. Now that we got a taste of what he's capable of, it's exciting to think about what cool spy movie stuff is going to pop up next. Hopefully the rest of 'The Bitter March' continues with this caliber of storytelling because if it does, it has the potential to become a defining book for the character of the Winter Soldier.

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Young Avengers (2013) #1

Jan 26, 2013

I was definitely not disappointed when I came to the end of the issue. If there's anything that I'm disappointed about it's that I have to wait a whole month until the next one. I love a good teen hero book, and I get the vibe from the first issue that this will be a good one.

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Young Avengers (2013) #2

Mar 3, 2013

Basically, Gillen and McKelvie have captured the essence of the teenage superhero and have bottled it up in this series to share with the masses. I look forward to picking up this book each month because it's easily one of my favorite titles to read right now, let alone one of my favorite 'Avengers' titles on the shelves currently. Anyone who had their doubts about reviving the team in a new series has absolutely nothing to worry about.

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Young Avengers (2013) #3

Mar 31, 2013

Every month, I rant and rave about how good Matt Fraction's 'Hawkeye' is. Well, it looks as if I have a new book to rant and rave about because I am totally in love with Kieron Gillen's 'Young Avengers'. It's definitely one of the top five books that I read right now. And this isn't even the completed team yet! Hawkeye and Marvel Boy were awesome in the first issue, so I can only imagine how much better this book will be once they join their teammates in battle.

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Young Avengers (2013) #5

May 26, 2013

Finally, although I do enjoy reading the team's adventures thoroughly, I felt as though the inciting incident that keeps them together as a team was a bit forced and sprung last minute. It didn't feel as organic as it could have, so I tripped up a little bit while I was reading. However, now that they're together and on this road trip of sorts, I'm looking forward to seeing what sorts of adventures they get into. Bringing a team together is one of the hardest things to do in a team book, and 'Young Avengers' did it almost better than most, so now that the difficult part is out of the way, I'm sure Gillen has some craziness up his sleeve for the next arc and beyond.

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Young Avengers (2013) #6

Jun 29, 2013

With Speed in trouble by the end of this issue and his brother's new gang on the road, it's only a matter of time until their paths cross again, so I'm very much looking forward to that happening soon.

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Young Avengers (2013) #7

Jul 13, 2013

With a new member of the team and a lead in their investigation to find an old member, the Young Avengers are thrust into another adventure that I can't wait to follow along on.

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Young Avengers (2013) #8

Jul 28, 2013

Overall, the creative team continues to kill it with another awesome issue of 'Young Avengers'. Things are starting to heat up, and not just because of the impending battles approaching. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

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Young Avengers (2013) #9

Aug 31, 2013

Basically, this book left us with a lot of questions. Moving forward, there are some big changes coming for the Young Avengers and I'm enjoying following along every step of the way. There's no chance that I'm missing the next chapter of this exciting, pop culture reference-filled story.

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Young Avengers (2013) #12

Nov 23, 2013

As things heat up in this all out brawl, the end is certainly in sight. While it means that it's one step closer to ending, I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue of 'Young Avengers'.

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Young Avengers (2013) #14

Dec 21, 2013

I gotta say, I am not ready for this book to be over. It's been a great year that was just topped off by getting an excellent ongoing series featuring my favorite team. I hope that the last issue does them justice. But if this issue (or the whole run for that matter) is any indication, I should be able to close the book and feel something resembling satisfaction.

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Young Avengers (2013) #15

Jan 12, 2014

Just like Noh-Varr, I'm sad to see 'Young Avengers' go, but I look forward to the future with optimism and I hope to see more from this team in the Marvel Universe. But until then, I'll just reread the run until 'Loki: Agents of Asgard', 'Ms. Marvel', ‘Avengers Undercover', and 'New Warriors' come out to get my teen hero fix.

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