Superior Spider-Man #11

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 5, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 23
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

“No Escape” Part 1 of 3
The Spider-Slayer is scheduled for execution and Mayor J. Jonah Jameson is leaving nothing to chance. To ensure that everything goes according to plan, Jameson’s called in the one man he can trust to oversee everything—the Superior Spider-Man.Since the startling events of Superior Spider-Man #9, will anyone realize that things have changed...?

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Jun 6, 2013

    Superior Spider-Man #11 is exciting, tense and, given Jameson's deeply personal stake, somewhat emotional – and this is just the beginning of the arc. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Jun 5, 2013

    Longtime readers of superhero comics may recall DC Comics' Batman: Knightquest and Knights End story arcs, which saw Bruce Wayne's replacement, Jean Paul Valley, devolve into a more violent and extreme form of Batman. Jean Paul's war was waged in the name of cleansing Gotham completely of its criminal elements as opposed to Bruce's desire to save and redeem the city he loved. The result was fan outcry over such an unlikeable replacement. By the time Bruce returned to reclaim the mantle of the Bat, the "smoke and mirrors" of his being broken were quickly forgotten because fandom had been prepared by the creative teams to want him back. Reading Superior Spider-Man, it's not hard to see a similar trajectory at work; however, issues like this one show the team behind this title is taking the time to inject some thoughtful elements into their villain-somewhat-turned-hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 5, 2013

    Giuseppe Camuncoli returns to pencil this arc. His slightly sinister art style is a great fit for Smythe and the other villains on tap in this conflict. Of the current lineup of artists, Camuncoli is best suited to continue the aesthetic Stefano Caselli established with his Spider-Slayer arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Jun 5, 2013

    I feel like I am more of a fan of Gages than I originally thought because while I havent read anything outside of his work on Spider-Man when he takes over briefly its a really fun read. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 13, 2015

    Having Spider-Man and Jameson on the same page isn't unusual as it's happened many times over the years, but it is unusual for them to be almost so chummy like this, especially when it comes to the actual punishment side of crime. There's a lot to like in seeing that dynamic play out, even without Peter wanting to strangle himself inside of Octavius' mind. Going back to The Raft here, working through the events related to that, and then focusing on Smythe himself definitely works well and makes for an expected escape attempt that doesn't go quite as planned by anyones count. There's still an unpredictability to things here that helps keep it fresh since you don't know how far Octavius will go and there's also the appeal of just cleaning house a little bit from time to time with characters, especially villains. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 7, 2013

    What the next issue has in store for Otto is questionable, but if he is able to give Spider Slayer such a hard time without much effort, then who knows if the others who are now restored can handle him. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Ben Silverio Jun 9, 2013

    There's a hard battle ahead for Spider-Man as this arc continues, so I look forward to seeing how he handles a villain who's arguably just as smart and tech savvy as he is in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jun 6, 2013

    Even though a lot of what we see here is setup for the rest of the actions that will unfold through this arc, both Slott and Gage does manage to make it interesting thanks to some good scenes with Otto, while Camuncolli and Delgado renders their vision with talent. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Skott Jimenez Jun 10, 2013

    Bottom line is this book is really coming into its own. All the nay-sayers really have nothing to nay-say about anymore. Now that we've finally gotten rid of Peter Parker we can really start to see what Otto is capable of and if these recent issues are any indication then we're going to have a very interesting ride! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jun 10, 2013

    It feels like a cop-out to say that this issue is pretty much par for the course, and more of the same from Slott, Gage, Camuncoli and friends, but when you consider the fact that these guys are always at the top of their game, it's more of a compliment than it sounds. This is a solid beginning to what will no doubt be an excellent three part arc, and there's definitely No Escape-ing that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Jun 6, 2013

    There's a little less zing in the dialogue here, as Dan Slott plots the issue with Christos Gage completing the script that sees Otto's sins come back to haunt him. Even still, this fresh approach to handling potential crises (such as a prison break) remind us that Otto really is improving on Peter's work. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 5, 2013

    Once again another eight score, mostly because it's a lot of fun, but it's decompressed enogh to be a little annoying. Since issue one I've enjoyed every issue and once again I'll say…anyone reading the collected version is in for a treat. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Jun 6, 2013

    Slott and Gage actually seem to make a great team. Issue 11 is a very enjoyable issue. The saga of Spidey-Ock is becoming more interesting than it has any right to be and with Parker officially gone, we can focus on the more interesting aspects of Otto. Peter will be back eventually, and thats great. For now, though, lets try to enjoy this ride while it lasts. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Barron Network - Robber Barron Jun 5, 2013

    The art here is something I have just grown accustomed to. Not to say that it is bad its just that it fits this book and thats fine. It doesnt wow me like Saga, East of West or Hawkeye but it holds its own. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Jun 13, 2013

    Overall this is another solid issue for the series. Although at times Slott's stories can sometimes get a bit “wordy” while packing in as much story as possible, this issue reads smoothly and the whole issue was confined to this single storyline. We're also left with a nice cliffhanger for next issue. Although this new series has been a bit controversial at times, it's always been fresh, exciting and most importantly fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jun 5, 2013

    SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN is still awesome. I'm loving this book a lot more now that Peter is out of the picture. Sure, that's blasphemous to some people, but why not sit back and enjoy the ride? Otto continues to show that he truly is superior in this series, and while the comedic elements have been dampened here, the book is still an incredibly fun read. On the down side, I miss the back and forth between Spidey and the rogues. Since SSM is a better Spider-Man, he's always a few steps ahead, so we don't get the old "cat and mouse" game. Also, where's Cardiac? I miss him. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 8, 2013

    I am of two minds on this issue. On the one hand, it's a typical, almost standard Spider-Man story under Slott. Spider Slayer is the villain, he causes trouble, and Spidey is there to engage in the usual fisticuffs. That several members of Spidey's supporting cast are on hand is just how this works. That story was pretty ho-hum, even the ending and the sight of a juiced-up Boomerang. The real meat of this issue is Otto's realization that his attempts to stick to Peter Parker's life are holding him back. Otto Octavius has no reason to keep up appearances with MJ, Aunt May or Horizon Labs. They all fully believe he's Peter Parker, and it wouldn't necessarily break his cover if ‘Peter' moved on and started doing new, more ambitious things with his life. I want to see that kind of change. I want to see Doc Ock break out of this Peter Prison and fully embrace a new life – as long as he takes Anna with him. Those two are adorable! Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Jun 6, 2013

    This issue I will say had some of the best art so far in the short time being titled Superior Spider-Man. This issue we are again without Peter, or his conscience for that matter. I was enjoying when Peter would pop up and try to communicate with his body and try to be somewhat the moral compass for this new Spider-Man. That is something I do miss in the last couple of issues. I also will say that this is the best post Peter conscience issue. Overall, Superior Spider-Man had some fantastic art, and good story mainly still seeing the world though Doc Ock's eyes. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Jun 7, 2013

    This current arc is probably going to end up being one of the better, with Otto facing previously defeated foes again for the first time since he pretty much destroyed them. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Ryan Utterback Jun 8, 2013

    This book was a fun read and sets up the next adventure for Spider-Man. It seems as if the Goblin King, who we saw at the close of Issue #10 will be looming in the background for a little while longer at least, indicating that this is an arc that Slott plans to make part of his long game for the series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Michael D. Stewart Jun 10, 2013

    It's the big questions that drive Superior Spider-Man. Issue to issue it's entertaining, but as a whole it's far more interesting than its parts. Issue #11 is a good example, as the themes and the questions about those themes are the most interesting part about it. If it can maintain massaging the big questions, the rest will fall into place. Read Full Review

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