Chris Cobb's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: One Quest Reviews: 356
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #19

Apr 5, 2013

If you've been wanting to read a Superman book, and don't feel like waiting for Unchained this June, Action Comics looks like it'll be the place to go. The downside is even with it being the better of the Superman books, it's still not all that great. Sure it's better than the self titled Superman book was, but it's still just not a good time.

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Age of Ultron #1

Mar 8, 2013

Anyway if you're one of those people who generally avoid the events Marvel does every year, this one might be worth checking out. Bryan Hitch doesn't do nearly enough comics to miss out on this anyway his artwork alone is enough reason to pick this book up.

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Age of Ultron #2

Mar 15, 2013

Bendis and Hitch continue to deliver the most exciting event comic in recently memory, and so far it doesn't feel like an event at all.

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Age of Ultron #3

Mar 29, 2013

The big selling point of this issue has to be the final page, if you've been waiting for some answers you're going to get mad, but oh boy is it worth it! And no matter how frustrating this series may be, it's leaps and bounds better than previous events.

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Age of Ultron #6

Apr 19, 2013

Age of Ultron continues to move along with a very fast release schedule. Frankly if every event comic could get done this way I think I'd be a little more okay with them. Not that it's been without faults, but 10 issues, shipped in just a few months, with limited tie-ins, has been a great way to do this.

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Age of Ultron #9

Jun 7, 2013

Age of Ultron started off so strong, but it's slowly been getting weaker and weaker as the story drags on.

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All-New Invaders #3

Mar 21, 2014

Now to get real about it for a minute, it's not the best book on the stands, but it's fun and that's how comics were supposed to be back when these guys were punching Nazis, and I'm okay with that.

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All-New X-Factor #1

Jan 11, 2014

This first issue as you'd expect is pretty much all setup, we didn't even get introduced to all of the characters yet.

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All-New X-Men #6

Jan 18, 2013

This book just keeps getting better and better. The interactions of our normal characters with these younger version of their friends is interesting. And Angel finally seeing how he was nice, though I'm sure he'll soon see that he's a very different person.

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All-New X-Men #7

Feb 8, 2013

So far every issue has had a different feel to it, this one wasn't nearly as emotional as the last but still managed to make you feel bad for these young mutants torn from there lives and brought to a world that may hate them more than it ever did before.

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All-New X-Men #8

Mar 8, 2013

All-New X-Men is probably the best X-Book on the shelves right now so if you've been skipping it your doing yourself a disservice. Issue 8 is a fine place to pick up if you at least already know the gist of what's happening so get to it!

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All-New X-Men #9

Mar 22, 2013

While this hasn't been a series full of action, it's definitely heating up to something crazy made all the more evident by the final page. I'm super excited to see where issue 10 takes us, and you probably should be too!

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All-New X-Men #10

Apr 5, 2013

It's tough, as fans we're all about picking sides and cheering on who we feel is the hero. But what happens when that's not a clear line. I felt like during AvX it was made pretty clear that Cyclops was in the wrong, but now that's not such an clear line. Oh and what a cliffhanger, next issue can't come soon enough!

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All-New X-Men #13

Jun 28, 2013

If you want an X book with a lot of action, this probably isn't the right one for you, try Uncanny, but if you want some of the best character interaction out there you should already be reading All-New X-Men!

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All-New X-Men #16

Sep 6, 2013

There are some great interactions in this book, and plenty of humor to go with the generally somber tones. Oh and there was one hell of a reveal at the end!

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All-New X-Men #17

Oct 4, 2013

Man time travel gets confusing sometimes, it's just such a ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. . . But it's still really good, I want to know what all these factors are that keep causing future version of heroes to lose their shit and try and change history. I mean come on at this point they've done it so many times they know it's a bad idea, but it just keeps happening.

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All-New X-Men #23

Feb 17, 2014

Even with the lack of story progression, in my opinion, this was still a pretty solid book and well worth reading.

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All-New X-Men: Special #1

Oct 4, 2013

It's pretty cool though, at this point I think Marvel is getting a little nuts with Time Travel, but maybe this isn't time travel stuff, perhaps it's cloning? That hasn't been done in a while right? Oh"never mind.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #1

Nov 8, 2013

If this series keep going in the right direction from here, it's going to be giving Mr. Bendis a run for best X-Title.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #2

Dec 6, 2013

Don't get me wrong it was still good, Jason Aaron really knows how to write a good X-Men book and Ed McGuinness is at the top of his game with this book. The multiple battles and character cameo's in this book are more than worth the read.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #4

Feb 21, 2014

This book is easily my favorite of the X-Men franchise right now. It's 90% characters I love, and it's bringing back one of the best.

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America's Got Powers #5

Feb 14, 2013

The outcome of this issue was kind of predictable after the first few pages, but still had a pretty hard emotional impact which I guess speaks pretty well for the story itself.

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America's Got Powers #6

Jul 12, 2013

I really want to like this book, it's got an interesting premise and some great artwork, but at this point I don't even remember when Issue 5 came out, and I barely remember what's been going on.

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America's Got Powers #7

Oct 11, 2013

Just do yourself a favor, skip the issue and pick up the trade in a couple months, Image is awesome at getting this stuff out quickly in a collected edition. And trust me it's worth reading, but as one whole story.

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Animal Man (2011) #28

Feb 21, 2014

This is a fantastic penultimate issue to a series that has been so good in such an unlikely manner. Jeff Lemire is winding down the book and bringing a lot of emotions with him.

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Aphrodite IX #2

Jun 14, 2013

Aphrodite IX is a completely new franchise to me, so while old fans are going to have their own opinion, I feel for a fantasy sci-fi book, there aren't many better ways to go than this one.

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Aphrodite IX #3

Jul 19, 2013

This book continues to keep me interested, without really explaining anything.

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Aphrodite IX #5

Sep 20, 2013

Aphrodite IX is a book you should really be picking up, and it's only 5 issues in so get on board now.

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Aphrodite IX #7

Jan 11, 2014

The first 6 issues of Aphrodite IX introduced us to this future world and it's inhabitants. Now that we've gotten all of that out of the way things can start getting more complicated.

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Aphrodite IX #9

Mar 21, 2014

The real story is finally starting to pick up with Aphrodite, over the last few issues we've seen scenes of other IX's doing something. And well we kinda know what's happening now. It's an interesting story, and Aphrodite certainly isn't going to be to keen on joining up with her 'brothers and sisters' especially not knowing her own memories.

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Aquaman (2011) #21

Jun 28, 2013

Johns is really giving Aquaman and interesting world to be a part of, and if his track record with Green Lantern is any indication we can expect some truly wild and inventive stories coming out of the oceans.

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Aquaman (2011) #23.1

Sep 13, 2013

A good portion of the book is just different angles and different artwork from Forever Evil #1, we really don't get anything good out of this other than a few panels here and there of what I can only assuming is foreshadowing.

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Aquaman (2011) #25

Nov 29, 2013

It's been a pretty wild ride to get here, and while it's not the most exciting ending, this issue does a great job of wrapping things up and opening up plenty of opportunities for the next writer to do something of their own.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #8

Mar 15, 2013

There's so much back story and character development going on. Valiant really has some great titles on the market right now and Archer and Armstrong is certainly one of them.

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Artifacts #25

Mar 1, 2013

It's got that action movie vibe going on and that's great for readers, it's not like reading it's like watching a movie.

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Artifacts #26

Mar 22, 2013

I've only been following these series (Witchblade, The Darkness, Artifacts) for a few months now, but so much has happened and so much history has been brought up that I feel like it's been years. That's probably one of the best compliments I can give this book, and it's companion titles, they keep you informed you're not left to guess at what happened before.

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Artifacts #29

Jul 19, 2013

Artifacts is such a strange book, but it's great if you want a nice dose of fantasy magical stuff in your comics.

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Artifacts #30

Aug 9, 2013

I've generally been enjoying Artifacts, but this issue just really missed the mark for me. Angelus is cool and all, but the random dude on the church roof and their heart to heart just didn't really seem to fit well.

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Avengers (2012) #3

Jan 25, 2013

Hickman's idea for this series is great but the execution just feels flawed.

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Avengers (2012) #4

Feb 1, 2013

Poor Avengers, you had so much potential. Hickman was coming off a highly praised run on Fantastic Four, but so far it's you've been falling short. Issue 4 feels the dullest so far, with all the Avengers back on earth searching for these plant things that were sent to earth to remake it in the opening issues.

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Avengers (2012) #5

Feb 8, 2013

At this point I'm assuming we've got several more of this pseudo one shots coming detailing the rise of these lesser known heroes. That's really not such a bad thing, but lets hope they're not all left with these slight cliffhangers, or in the case of issue 4 major ones. At least this issue feel like it's worth buying, even if it's a stand alone one in your collection it's a decent read.

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Avengers (2012) #6

Feb 22, 2013

It would be easy to just copy past what I said about issue 5 here and change a few names. This book just doesn't feel like an Avengers book, it's more like one of those old anthology series where every book featured a different hero. We just keep getting "Oh yea this guy you've never heard of before, yea he's cool and here's why he's important to you" and well no, just no. I want to see Hulk smash, and Captain America punch people in the face.

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Avengers (2012) #14

Jun 21, 2013

I have to give Hickman some credit, the guy really knows how to plant seeds for what could potentially be a fantastic story. The problem is, I personally don't want to wait a year just to find out what something meant from issue 2, it's even worse with a twice monthly book.

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Avengers (2012) #19

Sep 13, 2013

This whole thing needs to be scaled back and focused better and not so jumpy and all over the place. It's so uninteresting at this point I don't even want to talk about it. Just do yourself a favor and save your money, go read something else instead.

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Avengers A.I. #1

Jul 5, 2013

I don't know if this series will have the longevity to last long, but even a solid story arc would be enough to get Pym back in the spot light, along with another long time Avenger, The Vision. And while I like Sam Humphries, I do wish that Mark Waid was the one writing this, after the work he did in that first A.I. issue.

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Avengers World #1

Jan 11, 2014

Oh Avengers, how I miss the days when Bendis controlled you. It's been no secret that I haven't been a fan of what Hickman's been doing to the Avengers since taking them over. Avengers World isn't much different, it just doesn't feel like an Avengers book.

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Batgirl (2011) #16

Jan 18, 2013

If you've been following Death of the Family or Batgirl or both this is a must have. It's really a pretty good read no matter what, but you'll bit left out on the punchline if you haven't been keeping up.

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Batgirl (2011) #17

Feb 14, 2013

While a normal issues has the internal conversations coming from Barbara this issue is actually James talking. He's filling us in on just how crazy obsessed he is with ruining his dear sisters life. If you have a general idea of the Gordon family's history this is a great jumping on point. If you didn't realize our favorite Gotham City Police Commissioner had a son, then it's going to get confusing.

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Batgirl (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

This last two issue by Ray Fawkes have really been great. Barbara's brother, James Jr. is one of the creepiest most fulfilling villains she's had to face in the New 52.

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Batgirl (2011) #21

Jun 14, 2013

Her interactions with Nightwing at the very beginning were great and I wish we'd see more of them, or other Batfamily characters together. The real meat of the story came with Batgirl facing off against the ventriloquist from last issue, and boy is she one morbid individual and the puppet is even worse!

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Batgirl (2011) #22

Jul 12, 2013

Overall this was a really solid book and helped expand on all the emotional stuff that's gone down in the last several issues.

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Batgirl (2011) #23

Aug 16, 2013

This issue in particular had a lot of ups and downs for the characters, and an incredibly emotional ending, even if you aren't invested in anyone particular.

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Batgirl (2011) #28

Feb 17, 2014

It looks like all of that has finally wrapped up though and we're off onto a new story about vampires. And believe me it's nothing like you expect. The problem is that not necessarily a good thing, this new villain just feel crazy so far and doesn't really have a motive other than being crazy

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 18, 2013

If you're a Batman fan, or a comic book fan you should be reading this book whether it's the middle of a story or not.

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Batman (2011) #17

Feb 14, 2013

For every amazing bit of story Scott Snyder has written, Greg Capullo has brought it to life. There are a ton of amazing artists out there, I'm not even going to start to name my favorite. But seriously the life and emotion that Capullo pours into this book month after month is incredible. I mentioned it before in a Batgirl issue, but the Joker alone is something that only he pulls off. This deranged, twisted, mutilated version of an already deranged, twisted, mutilated character takes someone who truly invested in his work. I could probably go on about this for a while so lets just cut it here and make things really simple. Go buy this book, if you have to skip something else you'd normal get to buy it do it and then buy a second copy and give it to a friend, a family member, or hell a complete stranger.

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Batman (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

Scott Snyder continues to rock the hell out of Batman, things are a little different this issue though. Much like after the Night of Owls Greg Capullo is taking an issue off so we're treated to a guest appearance by Andy Kubert. Obviously this is not a problem, Kubert is a great artist and he really does justice to the pain and torment Batman deals with through this book. Batman #18 has so far been the second best book to deal with the outcome of Batman Incorporated #8.

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Batman (2011) #21

Jun 14, 2013

Throughout the issue a lot of plot lines were setup and I just hope as this year long story continues things start to get more focused and we see Bruce deal with one problem at a time. It says something for the creators even when a person has a problem with the book, it's still one of the best books on the shelves!

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Batman (2011) #22

Jul 12, 2013

Yes it's changing some of the things that Year One established, but who's to say any of that is even canon in The New 52 anyway. The important thing about it is, we seem to be getting even more of what happened in those early times for Bruce Wayne, before he starting wearing the Cowl. While Year One moved fairly quickly through that first year, and focused a lot of Gordon, we're now seeing the smaller steps Bruce made, and how he really became the man he is now.

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Batman (2011) #23

Aug 16, 2013

Zero Year has been a little slow to start, it's good, but nothing ground breaking. Issue 3 continues that trend, but also gives us some pretty cool scenes for anyone who's been reading Batman long enough.

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Batman (2011) #23.3

Sep 20, 2013

While nothing was especially awesome about this one, it was still interesting. Unfortunately like a lot of these issues, it's just not enough to make me want to know more.

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Batman (2011) #28

Feb 17, 2014

I saw quite a few people not thrilled with this issue, but I thought it was a nice little break from the otherwise year long story. It's also nice to see our first glimpse of what the DCU will be like after Forever Evil wraps up.

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Batman (2011) #31

May 31, 2014

It really says something about the creative team, that even when a story seems to have gone on far too long, it's still entertaining to read.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #1

Jun 28, 2013

Anyway, if you're not overloaded with The Man Of Steal and The Dark Knight already you'll probably already have this book in your pile. If on the other hand you feel there's a few too many books with these guys, give this one a shot anyway, you won't be disappointed.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #5

Nov 8, 2013

I've mentioned before I'm not the biggest fan of the Man of Steel, but this is definitely the kind of book I think I could keep on reading, you probably should too.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #6

Dec 6, 2013

Because of the previous story I'm still not quite sure if this is our normal New 52 world or another alternate universe. Regardless though, it's a bit of a boring story where a bunch of kids think they're playing the newest video game.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #7

Jan 11, 2014

Like many readers out there, I liked the first arc of this new Batman Superman series. Then this second one started and boy has it been a disappointment. My biggest problem is the art, yes it looks pretty, but every page is a double page spread.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #17

Feb 14, 2013

This wasn't quite as good as the annual that just came out it was still a great issue of Batman and Robin considering there was no real villainous threat. The fact that Tomasi is weaving a lot more emotion into the characters is really helping to define the bond that Bruce and Damien do have.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

There were so many powerful scene's in this book describing them couldn't even begin to give them justice. The most powerful part of it all is that even recalling it to write this is making me pretty damn depressed. If only the other Bat-Family books could have had this kind of emotional impact.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #21

Jun 21, 2013

For the most part the book was pretty standard, but those last few pages with the big confrontation were just amazing. Each character was really raw and emotional and I really hope we get to see more of this duo play out after the book has cycled through the rest of the characters.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.3

Sep 20, 2013

I can't say this is a must read, but if you're not super familiar with this guy it's probably worth a read, at least for the $2.99 2D cover.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #29

Mar 21, 2014

Tomasi tells a action packed story, with just enough of that emotional punch that's needed when dealing with the death, and stolen body of Damien. I'm not saying this is the best issue of the series, and there are plenty of things I would rather see coming out of this series, but it's at least moving the plot along with whatever Ra's is up to.

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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #1

Jan 18, 2013

This is probably one of the best Annuals I've read in a long time. It was a great breather from the intensity of Death of the Family.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Mar 1, 2013

It was good up till the end, I felt it was just rushed and came up out of no where, which is really impressive considering I knew it was going to happen. If you read any Batman title, this book was worth reading since it should have a big impact on all of them.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Mar 29, 2013

If you've been following Batman Inc then you'll definitely want to pick this up. Unfortunately for any new comers you'll definitely be out in the dark alone and confused.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #12

Jul 5, 2013

Finally seeing Leviathan's face was. . . interesting, as was the generally reactions of characters. I will say I'm not to keen on Morrison giving us more mystery's with this woman, or what I'm assuming is a woman running a larger international criminal take down group. I guess we'll have to wait and see where this goes, but at this point I don't think it's worth it.

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Batman: Eternal #9

Jun 7, 2014

It would be easy for these weekly issues of Batman Eternal to get stale pretty fast, luckily 9 weeks in and things are still going pretty strong.

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Bedlam #3

Jan 25, 2013

There's not a whole lot I can say here as I really don't want to spoil anything but this was a fun read and definitely worth checking out.

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Bedlam #4

Feb 14, 2013

I can't wait to see what the next issue brings and how/when/if the biggest reveal of all will ever come. And lets not forget the artwork, it's detailed but chaotic at the same time and makes you feel like you're actually in a crazy mans head which is the perfect setting for this book!.

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Bedlam #5

Mar 8, 2013

This book is Nick Spencer at his best, nothing makes a damn bit of sense, but I want to know more immediately! And Riley Rossmo's art just helps to make me feel crazy as I'm reading it. If you want something psychological, and creepy, and confusing, and awesome get Bedlam!

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Bedlam #6

Apr 5, 2013

I'm torn on this issue, so far I've really enjoyed Bedlam, but issue 6 just didn't do it for me the way the rest have. The 'conclusion' just seemed a bit to simple, so you knew there was more, and it ended on a bit of a weird note.

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Best of Zenescope Special Edition One Shot #1

Mar 8, 2013

If your looking forward to Unleashed then this is a must have, regardless it's a fun read for anyone wanting to delve into some of the great series in the Grimm Universe.

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #18

Mar 22, 2013

The book and plot this time around though doesn't really do much to grab you. Maybe it's got to do with not knowing what was going on prior to issue 18, but if that's the case it's still flawed. A new writer should really mean a good place for a new reader to jump on board. Totally not the case here though, and it's a shame too, the characters could definitely be something likable.

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Black Widow (2014) #1

Jan 11, 2014

The first issue did a good job of setting up the idea of what the book is about, Natasha is trying to clear her guilty conscious of all her terrible deeds. The real basic concept is similar to Fraction and Aja's Hawkeye, where this is what the character is doing while they're not out saving the world. The big different here is where Hawkeye is very much Clint just trying to be normal and enjoy his every day life. Black Widow has Natasha hoping around the world taking contracts to help people and setting up trusts and charities with the profits.

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Burn The Orphanage: Born to Lose #1

Aug 9, 2013

Wow, if you grew up in the '90s playing the awesome beat 'em ups you'll get a kick out of this book. I really wasn't expecting to be as into this as I was, my only real complaint is the art was very inconsistent.

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Burn The Orphanage: Born to Lose #2

Dec 6, 2013

This book is just a lot of fun, it's a shame it doesn't release more often honestly.

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C.O.W.L. (2014) #1

May 31, 2014

So if you're a fan of super hero comics, but you want something different than what you're use to getting at Marvel or DC check out C.O.W.L. it may just scratch that itch for you.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #9

Jan 18, 2013

If you've been enjoying the new Captain Marvel so far you'll keep on doing it, and if you're thinking of testing it out this is a great place to start.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #10

Feb 22, 2013

Captain Marvel, along with a few other solo books, is one of the best books Marvel is putting out right now and it just goes to prove we don't need huge earth shattering events in every book to make a good super hero comic.

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Constantine (2013) #1

Mar 22, 2013

Sure it doesn't have what you'd call a happy ending, and there isn't much joking going on but something about the way the story was told was just intriguing and fun. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing more of the character and hopefully some of his origins so I know exactly what's going on. Plus being a number 1, if you wanted a new book to read you can't do much better.

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Cyber Force (2012) #3

Feb 14, 2013

So far each issue has shed a little more light on what the hell is going on and who these characters are. I'm sure old fans will follow along better than new ones, but that doesn't really matter. If you like alternate timeline X-Men stories this is a great alternative. It's a weird kind of future setting with weird technological upgrades being done to people and dogs that are also telepathic. But on top of that there's some fun banter and dialogue plus a number off pop culture references to things like The Walking Dead.

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Cyclops (2014) #2

Jun 7, 2014

This father and son intergalactic road trip can only last for so long, but it seems like it should be fun while it does.

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Deadpool (2012) #4

Jan 25, 2013

Deadpool isn't the best book out, it's really not even in the top 10 books you could be buying. There are books with way better writing, plot, art, etc. But I can't think of many that are nearly as fun as this book.

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Deathmatch #3

Mar 1, 2013

Paul Jenkins is writing and if you've read his stuff before you know the guy is pretty good with heroes. I wasn't familiar with Carlos Magno before this issue, but I think it worked really well for the book. Now I just want to see what's really going on!

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Deathstroke (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

Deathstroke seems like an interesting enough character, a genetically enhanced assassin? Sure why not. Unfortunately the book just wasn't all that interesting. The fight would have been awesome in a movie or on TV but it just didn't translate well to the page

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Detective Comics (2011) #18

Mar 8, 2013

I can't say this was really worth reading, it's not nearly as good as some of the other Bat-Books out there that you should probably wait for.

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Doctor Who Vol. 3 #6

Mar 1, 2013

You could do a lot worse getting a Doctor Who fix, but frankly I'm not won over by this.

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Doctor Who Vol. 3 #7

Mar 29, 2013

This is a great way to satiate your Doctor Who appetite while waiting for new episodes to come back on Saturday. The characterization is great and I feel like I'm watching an episode with Matt Smiths, Doctor.

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Epic Kill #8

Feb 8, 2013

It's revenge, and martial arts, and a girl killing lots of people. Not a lot wrong with that, definitely worth tracking down the first 7 issues before jumping into 8 though, just so you know what's going on.

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Epic Kill #9

Mar 8, 2013

With only one issue left if you're just coming on board it's a little late, I'd say wait for a trade. Otherwise it's a good issue, and hopefully next month has a fitting ending.

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Fairy Quest: Outlaws #1

Feb 8, 2013

Paul Jenkins and Humberto Ramos are two top names in comics, and they definitely deliver. Sure the market for fairy tale related series is a bit over saturated at the moment, but when one is done right it still stands out. The general theme and the plot of the book feel right, and the twist of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf being friends is actually kind of reminiscent of The Fox and the Hound. . . or that might just be me. Basically it's a fun book and definitely worth checking out, especially if that means volume 2 will come out sooner!

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Fairy Quest: Outlaws #2

Mar 8, 2013

If you missed out on the first issue, do yourself a favor and go find it, and while you're there get issue 2 as well. Just be prepared, it ends with a To Be Continued. . . and we don't have any idea when that'll happen, the sooner the better though!

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #11

Feb 22, 2013

It's not ground breaking, and you're certainly going to see certain things coming, but it is a lot of fun. If you want a lighter book, but don't want to forgo the action from the superhero worlds this may be just the right book for you. I'll be going back and reading the first 10 issues soon, just to see where this book started, but even starting at issue 11 I was able to get mostly caught up by the end of the issue and it's shocking final page!

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #12

Mar 22, 2013

If you're getting sick and tired of all the grim and gritty zombie crap going on right now and want something more lighthearted and fun Fanboys Vs. Zombies is exactly what you need to read.

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #15

Jun 21, 2013

Fanboys Vs. Zombies is just such a fun book, each issue has humor, geeky references, and plenty of zombie killing action! And now it's in SPAAAAAAAAAACE!

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Fantastic Four (2012) #4

Feb 14, 2013

It's funny to think that this issue is really worth reading, but the plot is kind of lame it's completely contradictory to itself.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #5

Mar 15, 2013

Fantastic Four continues to be a fun read, completely outside of the usual super hero drama.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #5AU

Mar 29, 2013

I really hope the other AU tie-in's don't play out like this one. I've enjoyed Fraction run on Fantastic Four so far, but this issue just felt forced.

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Five Ghosts #1

Mar 22, 2013

This isn't the best book to come out recently, but it's got enough mystery to keep me interesting at least until issue 2 which is better than a lot of books out there today.

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Five Weapons #1

Mar 1, 2013

While the series basic premise isn't super original the way it's being handled is pretty interesting. The main character Tyler has this great self confidence and ability to get through the problems the arise. And the twist at the end was unexpected and makes you want to read more, as any ending should.

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Five Weapons #2

Mar 29, 2013

This is looking to be a great series so far, and with 3 issue left to go I can't wait to see how things turn out.

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Five Weapons #5

Jul 5, 2013

I was nervous for this book, each month I've looked forward to Five Weapons, but this story could have so easily been rushed and ruined in it's final chapter. Thankfully that wasn't the case, it was handled nicely with everything being revealed and settled up by the end.

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Forever Evil #1

Sep 6, 2013

It's not surprise though Geoff Johns is amazing when it comes to writing villains. Don't get me wrong he does great with the heroes too, but that guy just knows how to make you want to read about the bad guys. This first issue of Forever Evil wasn't any different, it really set the stage for what's going on and had some pretty shocking developments.

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Forever Evil #2

Oct 4, 2013

We haven't seen much happen, but there are still 5 issues to get things really going. Issue 2 just continues to setup the pieces, like Lex Luthor and his test tube baby you may all recognize.

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Freelancers #4

Mar 1, 2013

I don't know if this has the long standing appeal that some other books have, but it's enough to keep me reading. I would even say going back and reading the first 3 issues wouldn't be a bad idea, if this issue is any indication those first 3 were probably really good too.

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G.I. Joe (2013) #1

Feb 22, 2013

So basically if like me, you thought Rise of Cobra was actually a pretty entertaining movie, and you're looking forward to Retaliation, you'll probably enjoy this book. It's as new reader friendly as you'll get with a sequel, and I'm sure there's going to be plenty of nostalgia in coming issues.

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G.I. Joe (2013) #2

Mar 22, 2013

Frankly when all is said and done, G.I. Joe is doing a great job of capturing something from so many of our childhoods and making it modern and interesting again, and it's not a giant toy commercial like the old '80s cartoon!

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Gambit (2012) #8

Jan 25, 2013

I feel like I keep repeating myself every time I review Gambit, I want to like it, there's just something about it that doesn't feel right.

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Gambit (2012) #9

Mar 1, 2013

The downfall of this issue was they tried to do to much, while nothing really happened. Sure Gambit had some nice interactions with people, sure there was a bit of action, but it all just felt like separate things rather than pieces of the same puzzle.

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Gambit (2012) #10

Mar 29, 2013

This was one of the best issues of Gambit yet, which isn't necessarily saying a lot about it. I finally feel like I'm reading a Gambit book and not just some random adventure book.

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Green Arrow (2011) #18

Mar 8, 2013

Oliver is in a bad place and he's got to find his own way out, well with a little help. He's no Hawkguy bro, but if this book is going to stay like this, I'm down for the ride.

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Green Arrow (2011) #19

Apr 5, 2013

If you want a book about an archer, read Hawkguy, if you want a second book about an archer than give this current run of Green Arrow a shot, Jeff Lemire seems to know what he's doing!

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Green Arrow (2011) #22

Jul 5, 2013

It's taken a few issues to really understand what's happening, but luckily Jeff Lemire doesn't build impossible stories to follow like a certain Avengers writers has been doing, instead his stories are just plan entertaining

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Green Arrow (2011) #23

Aug 9, 2013

I hope Green Arrow keeps this kind of story telling going, and it doesn't jump back to the normal vigilante stuff any time soon.

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Green Arrow (2011) #26

Dec 6, 2013

This issue does a lot of back story and setup as Ollie and Shado return to the dreaded island, but it's well needed set up as the issues to come look like they're going to be action packed!

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Green Arrow (2011) #27

Jan 11, 2014

If you're reading Green Arrow hoping for a fun superhero book with a street level vigilante you're not going to find it here. If you're hoping for a book like Marvel's Hawkeye, you're definitely looking in the wrong place. But if you happen to be looking for a globe spanning action adventure featuring all kinds of fun elements you've hit the jackpot.

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Green Arrow (2011) #32

Jun 7, 2014

There was a lot of story here, and some interest action, but the big game changer comes in the final pages as we see things are definitely changing for Oliver and his friends.

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Green Lantern (2011) #16

Jan 25, 2013

This has probably been one of the better issues since Simon got his ring, he learned a bit about the ring and all, and showed us that him having it really does make some sense. It just wasn't enough to really pull me in and make me care.

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Green Lantern (2011) #17

Feb 22, 2013

The issues picks up after the events of Green Lantern Corps Annual (I think), and drops a reader right into it not knowing how the characters got there. This would probably be a decent issue if I knew what was going on, but having to make assumptions and guesses just isn't worth it.

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Green Lantern (2011) #18

Mar 8, 2013

This has been the first issue of Green Lantern in months that I've enjoyed from start to finish. I liked that Simon was in the dead zone with Hal and Sinestro, and there interactions were exactly what you expect.

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Green Lantern (2011) #19

Apr 5, 2013

Oh Green Lantern, how you continue to baffle me and make me wonder if I'm enjoying you or not. I really want this whole Wrath of the First Lantern story to finish up already, it seems like it's been going on forever. BUT at the same time that will be the end of an era and I want to see Johns leave the book just yet. It's a real pain in the ass.

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Green Lantern (2011) #21

Jun 7, 2013

Venditti gives us a view of what's happening right in the beginning of the issue as we're thrust into the near future and see that not all has gone well for the Lanterns in the aftermath of the Third Army and First Lantern. That's probably what made this issue that much more interesting, we know the Corps are in a terrible place right now, and they don't even get a little down time to regroup it's right back to getting their asses kicked.

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Green Lantern (2011) #22

Jul 5, 2013

Venditti and Tan are doing a great job following up on the Johns' legendary run. It's succeeding because they aren't trying to mimic it.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23

Aug 9, 2013

Green Lantern just keeps moving along, nothing amazing really happened this issue, but it did show a lot of what's going on with the Corps current situation and where Hal's head actually is.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #2

Nov 1, 2013

This final issue of Lights Out is a pretty hefty book and has a bit higher of a price, but a lot really goes on it, and there's some nice conclusions and cliffhangers left at the end. One thing I noticed was missing, and I'm a huge sucker for is that big hero moment. It was almost there, but just fell a little short and that was a bit of a disappointment. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, that's a minor problem.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

Green Lantern Crops 18 isn't the most exciting or thrilling comic, but it's got some great character stuff going on with John Stewart.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #24

Oct 11, 2013

This issue of Green Lantern Corps has a lot of John Stewart being pretty badass getting a plan together ready to sacrifice everything to save as many other Green Lanterns as he can. This could probably be a pretty good entry point if you want to start reading Corps too, but haven't really done it yet. Well that's if you've at least been reading Green Lantern already.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #81

Jan 18, 2013

Issue 81 just felt to easy and predictable, it wasn't bad it just wasn't as good as everything else.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #84

Apr 19, 2013

One of the things I do really like about the Grimm Fairy Tales series is the twists they throw on the actual stories that are told.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Godstorm #4

Feb 14, 2013

On the bright side Zenescope is great at quick turn around on trades so it won't be long till a collected edition is available. To be honest that's probably the best way to read this story. Getting everything at once is way better than month by month with this kind of tale, it's like a movie you just don't want to wait for the next part.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Madness of Wonderland #1

Mar 1, 2013

The Wonderland books are generally a lot of fun, even if they get a little confusing and it's better to get in on the ground floor and go for the full ride to the top.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Madness of Wonderland #2

Mar 22, 2013

There's so much mystery going on, and I don't even have a guess as to how this stuff is going to turn out which is what really keeps the book fresh. It's hard to have things really big original and surprising today, but so far Madness of Wonderland is pulling it off perfectly.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Oz #1

Jul 5, 2013

Like they did with Jungle Book, Zenescope is taking a classic story and really making it something unique without losing those elements that make the story so endearing. Just updating them to a more 21st century feel.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Quest #1

Nov 29, 2013

Now Quest #1 doesn't set up much, but it's still a really fun read. The dialogue between the characters feel real for a group who aren't really all friends, but are still stuck traveling together. And even when here's some terrible stuff going down, we get a nice dose of humor to lighten the mood.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Sleepy Hollow #4

Feb 1, 2013

As far as the story in issue 4 goes, it's got a pretty surprising twist that if you haven't been reading to closely you won't see coming. I can't recommend getting this issue by itself, but this series is worth picking up when it's released as a trade.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Wonderland #7

Jan 25, 2013

Wonderland is a strange book, it jumps around a lot and can be a little hard to follow if you aren't familiar with the characters. But it's compelling even the rather dull stuff with Violet where it's really just teenage girls being teenage girls is interesting because you know at some point it's going to come crashing down around them.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Wonderland #8

Feb 22, 2013

I wouldn't say this was a great issue, and certainly not a good place to jump on. If you've been following for a while though it's looking to be a great setup for the next issue just judging by the last few pages.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Wonderland #9

Mar 29, 2013

If you've been missing Wonderland, you should really stop doing that to yourself. Issue 9 isn't the best jumping on place, but it ending definitely sets next issue up as a great start for anyone new to the series. And don't worry everyone gets a little confused with what's going on, that's why it's so much fun.

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Grimm Fairy Tales St. Patrick's Day Special 2013 #1

Mar 15, 2013

If you grew up watching stuff like Tales from the Crypt, or Are You Afraid of the Dark this book is probably perfect for you. Even if you didn't it's a fun read and what else do you have to do?

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Grimm Fairy Tales Unleashed #0

Apr 5, 2013

This 0 issue sets us up with a little history lesson before throwing us head first into the full event with issue #1. I know big crossover events usually aren't that good, and they end up costing a lot to see the whole story. I've gotta say though everything I've read up till now about Unleashed and it's tie-in's has got me thinking it'll be well worth the cover price to see how this adventure plays out.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: Halloween Special #2013

Oct 11, 2013

One of the nice things about this holiday special is it gives us a nice little teaser at the end for some stuff that I'm sure will be big in the coming months.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: Holiday Special: 2013 #1

Dec 6, 2013

If you're looking for a fun book with a holiday twist on it this is definitely the book you want to be checking out.

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Grimm Universe #3

Feb 14, 2013

If you're not a big Zenescope fan there's not a lot of reason to read this. Like I said before it tends to tie into stories that will happen later. But obviously if you're a fan it's well worth reading as it's a good read and sheds light on one of the more prominent villains in the Grimm universe.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #0.1

Mar 1, 2013

This was one of the highlights of this week. Going in I knew very little about Guardians of the Galaxy, in fact I only knew what was explained in the episode they appeared in of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. I figured Nova was pretty good though, and Bendis is writing this so why the hell not give it a shot. It's one of those issues that's just a great origin story for a character that isn't all over the place.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #1

Mar 29, 2013

Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 was a great way to start a new series. It gave new and old readers a history lesson on our here Peter Quill aka Star Lord. Unfortunately the official first issue of Guardians of the Galaxy fell a little short. It was a pretty standard "Hey look here's the cast of the book".

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #3

Jun 14, 2013

There's so much political stuff going on to keep people intrigued along with the action and sci-fi it's a really good mash up of genres.

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Harbinger (2012) #10

Mar 22, 2013

Valiant has really been impressing me with the stuff it's putting out, and Harbinger is no exception. It has a kind of x-men vibe to it, but without the whole super hero vs super villain thing.

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Hawkeye (2012) #7

Feb 1, 2013

So a book like this so soon after the storm is a great way to show how people really came together and what the mentality was. Plus being awesome Matt Fraction has said he's donating a portion of his commissions on the book to the Red Cross. So not only do you get a good book, but you'll kinda be helping people out too!

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Hawkeye (2012) #8

Mar 1, 2013

I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it if you're not reading Hawkguy then get to it you're missing out on easily one of the best books to hit the shelves in years!

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Hawkeye (2012) #11

Jun 28, 2013

Pizza Dog is amazing, and Pizza Dog #1 is probably one of the best comic books I've ever read. Fraction and Aja really outdid themselves with this book.

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Hawkeye (2012) #18

Mar 28, 2014

Issue 18 feels like it's really bringing things together, that have been happening since Kate headed out to LA, and that it's starting to wrap up her time there as well. I'm not going to lie, I'll miss the adventures on the west coast, perhaps Kate will move back and for the West Coast Young Avengers? Probably not, but really the characters that have been introduced to support her have just been fun.

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Hellraiser: The Dark Watch #1

Feb 22, 2013

The mystery of who these people are and how they're connected definitely keeps the reader invested, it may not be the best book on the stands, but I'm at least interested to see what happens next.

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Hit List #1

Sep 13, 2013

If you only know Zenescope for their Horror and Fantasy themed books, this one should show you that the company has a lot more to offer comic fans.

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Hoax Hunters #6

Jan 18, 2013

This was a fairly interesting book and I'm probably going to be picking up the volume 1 trade to see how it started out. It's probably not for everyone, but if you want something supernatural that isn't superhero this may be a great spot to start, and like I said issue 6 was the start of a new story so it was fairly easy to follow without any prior knowledge.

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Hoax Hunters #7

Feb 14, 2013

I can't say for sure if this is something worth reading from the beginning, or if it'll even be worth reading in a few more issues but for now I'm looking forward to seeing what came before and what's coming next.

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Hoax Hunters #8

Mar 15, 2013

This issue wraps up the Hauncheyville Gnome arch from the last few months. I've gotta say though it wasn't nearly as good as the last 2 books. It may have just been because it starts after everything is said and done.

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Hoax Hunters #9

Apr 19, 2013

I really just can't say enough good things about this book, if you haven't read it yet, issue 9 is actually a great place to start! So get to it already!

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Hunger #2

Aug 9, 2013

The Gah Lak Tus swarm was a really interesting way to change up Galactus back in the early days of the Ultimate Universe, and now to have the original world eater coming into this other universe too it's really cool. Add to that the return of Ultimate Nova and Silver Surfer and I'm completely on board.

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Indestructible Hulk #3

Jan 18, 2013

If you've been reading Indestructible Hulk so far this is a great way to continue, if it's going to be your first issue it's probably worth holding off till next month.

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Indestructible Hulk #4

Feb 22, 2013

This book is still early enough that's it's pretty easy to jump on and not be confused, if you wait any longer it's definitely going to get tougher. The man cast seems to be decided, and the first real multi-issue story is just getting started.

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Indestructible Hulk #6

Apr 5, 2013

If you've been missing out on Indestructible Hulk now's the time to knock that off and get on board, you won't be sorry.

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Infinity #3

Sep 20, 2013

Seriously please if you haven't started buying this yet don't start, and if you have I'm so sorry.

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Infinity #4

Oct 11, 2013

I would honestly say this book is worth buying just for the Thor stuff, he's a badass and everyone in the universe should know it. Other than that though, you can probably just skip the book, maybe just flip through at the store or something.

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Infinity #5

Nov 1, 2013

Infinity is just another chapter in a story that really didn't need to be told. This whole thing would have played out just as well as a minor crossover in just Avengers and New Avengers.

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Infinity #6

Nov 29, 2013

For a couple issues there I had real hopes for you turning a corner and getting better. Alas, your official ending was no better than anything else in this convoluted story. The ending just felt so anti-climatic, and knowing Hickman we won't see any sort of outcome from this for years.

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Inhuman #2

May 31, 2014

I'm recommending this book because Joe Madueira doesn't do nearly enough comics and you should pick them up while you can.

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Inhumanity #1

Dec 6, 2013

Overall it was a pretty interesting issue and I'm looking forward to seeing where the Inhuman's are going now. My biggest question though, other than the fact they're Kree science projects what is the actual difference between an Inhuman and a Mutant?

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Iron Man (2012) #6

Feb 8, 2013

This was a huge improvement over the first 5 issues of Iron Man, and while it's still not perfect it's still better. Not much action happens in this issue, but we see where Tony is and what he's doing. It's also the setup for this whole Godkiller story arc, and while I'm a bit tired of the Phoenix at this point I'm going to stick around and see how this plays out.

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Iron Man (2012) #7

Mar 8, 2013

Finally Iron Man doesn't suck anymore, those first 5 issue were painful. Issue 6 started to improve, but now that we see what's going on, I'm fully on board for Tony Starks current adventures.

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Iron Man (2012) #12

Jul 5, 2013

If you haven't been following Iron Man recently you're missing out on something different, this book has been anything but your standard Iron Man stories and that's part about what making it so much fun to read.

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Judge Dredd: Year One #1

Mar 22, 2013

I was expecting awesome action and people getting blown up with really big guns. Instead I got people getting torn to pieces psychically. If you're into that stuff, which usually I am you might be down for this book. I just wasn't feeling it though, it was actually a struggle to finish reading it and I'm not sure I want to go through that again for the next issue.

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Justice League (2011) #19

Apr 19, 2013

This actually has me interested to see where they're going with it, enough to keep reading even! I guess with Geoff Johns leaving Green Lantern, I have somewhere else to turn.

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Justice League (2011) #20

May 24, 2013

I suppose as a lead up to a big event this was about as good as you could hope for in today's market. And at least there was some nice character stuff going on

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Justice League (2011) #22

Jul 12, 2013

The basic feeling I'm getting from this is like the last year of Green Lantern stuff, if you don't plan on reading all of it, don't read any of it. That goes for all three books, just wait till the story line is over and jump back on afterwards.

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Justice League (2011) #23.1

Sep 6, 2013

To talk specifically about this issue, there just wasn't anything particularly special about it. Nothing that made me want to keep reading to see what there was about this villain.

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Justice League of America (2013) #6

Jul 19, 2013

Overall though, I think this was a better issue than last weeks Justice League 22, and gives me hope for Trinity War as a whole. Now I just hope next issue lets us know what the real force behind everything is and why we should care. Until then I'm going to stand by what I said last week, if you don't plan on going the distance with Trinity War it's probably worth skipping this issue. Really being only 6 issue into the series, it almost feels like this series was started strictly for this event which is kind of lame.

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Justice League of America (2013) #7

Aug 16, 2013

So far Trinity War has been pretty boring, there have been a few things here and there that keep you interested, but for the most part it's just feel forced.

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Katana #2

Mar 15, 2013

If you were hoping for an awesome book full of kung-fu fighting go look somewhere else, Katana just doesn't deliver.

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Lazarus #1

Jun 28, 2013

I don't want to give to much away, but if you like weird futuristic sci-fi stuff this is definitely a book worth checking out, and what better place to jump on than issue #1.

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Mara #2

Feb 1, 2013

It's definitely not your generic super hero book, but there's something special going on with Mara and it's more than enough to keep someone interested.

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Mara #3

Mar 8, 2013

This isn't the book to read if you want a run book with witty banter and all that, but if you want something different and interesting definitely give it a shot.

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Mara #5

Jun 21, 2013

If you're into like sci-fi mystery stuff this is a book you should have been picking up for the past 5 issues, it's different, and intriguing and well worth checking out.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #1

Sep 13, 2013

Overall this issue was pretty good, and I can see some hope for the series after it fully breaks away from Infinity, but I think the coming issues may suffer from the plague that Hickman has unleashed on the Marvel books.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #3

Nov 8, 2013

The best part of the Mighty Avengers is it actually feels like an Avengers book, with a group of heroes coming together to save the day from something no single one could take down alone.

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Morbius: The Living Vampire (2013) #2

Feb 22, 2013

I just don't expect Morbius to be a good read, but it is!

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Morbius: The Living Vampire (2013) #3

Mar 29, 2013

My god, 3 issues and I'm still into Morbius The Living Vampire. Who would have thought that possible. I honestly think I like Michael Morbius as the 'hero', a term I use very lightly, than I like Otto-Spidey.

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Morning Glories #24

Feb 14, 2013

The suspense and cliffhangers this series delivers on a regular basis is amazing. Like I mentioned earlier Spencer is really great with long form stories and small pay offs. Usually that kind of thing would drive someone crazy, but his stuff it usually just works and Morning Glories is no exception. Between the crazy story, with no answers and 1,001 questions and the compelling art of Joe Eisma this book just doesn't do anything wrong. If you're looking for a different kind of comic that's not all super heroes or spaceships, but still has that supernatural twist Morning Glories is your new drug of choice.

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Morning Glories #25

Mar 29, 2013

I think we just got some answers, maybe. . . Well kinda not at all I think. Oh god I'm even more confused now than before! You know what though, it doesn't matter I still want to see more.

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Morning Glories #28

Jun 28, 2013

After this issue, I have a feeling things are going to be very different for the students and teachers at Morning Glories Academy, and while it's not a good place to jump on, this is still a fantastic supernatural mystery series that should be read by everyone! Well so long as you don't mind a lot of questions with no answers.

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Morning Glories #31

Sep 20, 2013

Now we're back to a bit more familiar formula with things being weird and confusing while also showing us more about particular characters.

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Morning Glories #34

Nov 8, 2013

This was just a really nice issue, and it was great to have everything kind of taken back a step and be a more character focused issue without tons of time travel and such.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #2

Mar 21, 2014

In just two issues though Kamala has really found an interest voice thanks to creators G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona. Things like family, religion, and culture, all place a huge part in the story.

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New Avengers (2013) #2

Jan 18, 2013

I don't really have much else to say about this book, it was A LOT of text though so if you are going to pick it up be ready for a very explanatory book with lots of text.

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New Avengers (2013) #3

Feb 8, 2013

It's still just not fun, and the Avengers should be fun to read.

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New Avengers (2013) #10

Sep 20, 2013

I wouldn't call this a great issue, and if you're not following all the Infinity stuff or the previous 9 issues this probably isn't a good place to start.

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New Warriors (2014) #1

Feb 21, 2014

This first issue is very much a "Hey guys we got all these characters in different places lets start fixing that". So unfortunately we don't have the full team on display yet, infact we haven't even met everyone. On the brightside they've certainly got their mission by the end of the book, and hopefully next month we'll start to see them all coming together.

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Nightwing (2011) #16

Jan 25, 2013

Joker really doesn't pull any punches going up against Dick, I felt like he went easier on Damien and Barbara but with Dick he made it known that it was far more personal. That and Nightwing's art team has been one of the few to give Greg Capullo's Joker the right amount of crazy and scary.

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Nightwing (2011) #17

Feb 22, 2013

I don't know why this issue was reviewed poorly on a few other sites, it was a solid outing for Nightwing and this post Death of the Family world that the Bat-Family now lives in.

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Nightwing (2011) #18

Mar 22, 2013

Nightwing 18 is probably the second best of the books dealing with the death of Damian Wayne, the first being last weeks Batman and Robin 18.

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Nightwing (2011) #19

Apr 19, 2013

Well the big plus in this issue for me is that we've got another new artist on the book, who doesn't draw faces all weird and old looking.

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Nightwing (2011) #21

Jun 14, 2013

I really enjoyed this issue of Nightwing, Dick got to be clever and funny while going up against Prankster and even have some alright fights. 90% of this issue is funny, there's a lot of humor going on, then in the last few pages everything gets very real, very quickly.

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Nightwing (2011) #28

Feb 17, 2014

I thought I knew where the book was going at the beginning, and then it quickly veered away from that, and then just when I thought I knew how it was going to wrap up it changed everything up on me again. It was just really solid storytelling, and well worth picking up.

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Nightwing (2011) #30

May 31, 2014

I just can't recommend this issue, unless you really want to see the setup for Grayson.

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Nova (2013) #1

Feb 22, 2013

With Nova #1 we're giving an origin for this new recruit. It's nothing we haven't seen before, but the framing is interesting for Nova fans. And there inclusion of Rocket Raccoon makes everything okay.

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Nova (2013) #2

Mar 22, 2013

This second issue lost something along the way though, it started out pretty cool with Gamora and Rocket Racoon, but that's about where it ended. The rest just didn't feel like a Marvel book, and it wasn't all that interesting.

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Nova (2013) #6

Jul 19, 2013

Well the opening arc of Nova is over, and with that a big team switch, which is more than okay in my book. Taking over for Loeb and McGuinness are the killer team of Zeb Wells and Paco Medina. And on top of that, the story has jumped ahead in time to be a little more current.

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Original Sin #3

Jun 7, 2014

There's so many secrets and mystery going on in the series, I have a feeling by the time we get to the reveals it's going to be intense. Oh and holy crap, those last pages were insane. I really want to know what the hell that was about!

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #4

Feb 1, 2013

Overall this was a much better issue, and actually pretty enjoyable, the problem is the rest of the series has been pretty disappointing so it's hard to get behind it.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #5

Mar 1, 2013

Punisher War Zone comes to a close, after 5 issues Frank Castle has a full on confrontation with the Avengers. And well it was alright. This was easily the best of the 5 issue series, but still pretty low when compared to other books. The Greg Ruka run of Punisher got a ton of praise, and it's a shame that this finale to that story didn't live up to that.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #19

Apr 19, 2013

If you can get past the art though this sets up for what should be an interesting story arc that could cause some really major changes to this "Not-A-Team".

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #21

Jun 21, 2013

Give it a couple of issue and I may be changing my tune about it, but for now this book just isn't what it should be, and definitely not 'new reader friendly'.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #28

Feb 21, 2014

Issue 28 of Red Hood was very much a 'Back to Basics' story. After so many months of build up to Jason's showdown, with the Demon's Head himself, Ra's al Ghul. It was nice to bring the team back to their roots and bring back a love interest for Jason.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #29

Mar 21, 2014

If you're new to Red Hood and the Outlaws, than this would be a good place to jump on, and from here we can only hope that things continue to be fast, fun, and action packed.

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Repossessed #2

Feb 8, 2013

This could still end up being a really good series, but I just didn't feel this second installment the way I did with the first.

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Repossessed #3

Mar 8, 2013

I don't think this series is quite right for individual issues, definitely wait and pick it up as a trade.

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Rise of the Magi #1

Jun 7, 2014

Issue one had a lot of action and suspense as you were left wondering where things were going. And seriously those horsemen with the rino horns were badass. Personally I'm looking forward to see what kind of crazy stuff starts happening now that the story is fully in motion.

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Robyn Hood (2012) #5

Feb 8, 2013

There's action, and some comedy, and a whole lot of revenge! Obviously it would be silly to pick up this issue if you haven't read it yet, so go pick them all up and read the whole series it's worth it.

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Robyn Hood (2012): Robyn Hood vs. Red Riding Hood #1

Apr 5, 2013

It was like watching a movie when two 'good guys' are fighting each other because of a misunderstanding. Well it's not like that, it is that. Even without that bit though it was a solid issue and any fan of Red Riding Hood or Robyn Hood from the Grimm Universe shouldn't miss out on this.

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Robyn Hood: Wanted #2

Jun 14, 2013

Overall issue 2 was pretty solid, it's still kind of setting up the main conflict, but that's alright by the end of the issue you see where everything is headed and it should be epic.

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Saga #9

Jan 18, 2013

If you're not already reading it you're doing something wrong that's all.

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Saga #10

Feb 22, 2013

With issue 10, the family is back together and some of their not-fans are hot on their tails. We even get some more history between Alana and Marko, and just how they ended up on the run from two different armies. Oh and there's a giant planet baby monster thing lets not forget that part.

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Saga #11

Mar 22, 2013

The way this series keeps redefining itself from issue to issue is what really drives it, you never known what kind of book your getting with each new issue of Saga, you just know it's going to be great.

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Saga #13

Aug 16, 2013

This issue is pretty light on plot, but it's still a good book and well worth your time and money.

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Saga #16

Nov 29, 2013

I just can't say enough nice things about this book, and you can pretty much go read any other review and see the same thing. So do yourself a favor and jump on the bandwagon already!

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Savage Skullkickers #1

Mar 29, 2013

I really can't say enough just how much fun Skullkickers is, and I'm pretty disappointed with myself for waiting so long to get started with it. Even the covers are great, making fun of some of other popular series.

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Savage Wolverine #1

Jan 18, 2013

It's a very pulp kinda book with Wolverine finding himself in the Savage Land. So obviously there's dinosaurs and cavemen and half naked women to go along with it. If one or more of those things sounds good to you, give the book a shot.

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Savage Wolverine #2

Feb 22, 2013

I actually stopped reading this issue, read something else, then went back to it. That's how uninteresting it was, Wolverine is a fun character, but I think he's got himself in enough titles right now.

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Savage Wolverine #7

Jul 19, 2013

This arc is going a lot better though and I hope Wells and Madureira stick around for at least a bit longer than one story.

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Scarlet Spider #14

Feb 14, 2013

This is by far the lowest rated issue in the series which I guess is a pretty good track record, and I have a lot of faith that it'll be back on track in no time. Hopefully that will lead us right into the return of Kraven!

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Scarlet Spider #17

May 24, 2013

I really like Scarlet Spider, with a few exceptions it's been a stellar book. And from what I've been seeing it's just going to keep getting better with issue 17 as a kind of spring board for all kinds of problems

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Scarlet Spider #20

Aug 16, 2013

If you've been enjoying Scarlet Spider this book is worth reading and it looks like we'll have plenty of awesome stories to come, if you're only thinking about getting it to finish the Superior Team-Up, this book may make you want to stick around.

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Scarlet Spider #24

Nov 29, 2013

The issue pretty much deals directly with the outcome of Kraven on Kains friends, as we saw at the end of last issue, not everyone is to happy with him. So much so that they found out just who exactly Kain used to be. That's not all that this is about though, plenty of other very strange things start happening, it's nice to know Chris didn't just sit back and let the last couple issue go by, he's looking to take Scarlet Spider out with a bang and as sad as it's going to be, I can't wait to see how it all ends in Scarlet Spider #25.

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Screwed #1

Jun 5, 2013

Basically if you're heading out to the comic shop today and not quite sure what to pick up, give Screwed a chance. it's something different, even in a world where a lot of companies are doing their own twist on classic stories, none of them have been quite this different. It's a breath of fresh air from the overcrowded superhero market too, really there's only so many times I can read about Superman punching something, we get it he's super-strong, lets forget that stuff and get more books like this on the shelves.

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Screwed #2

Jul 5, 2013

The story is still getting all of it's pieces in order, but I'm really excited to see what bloody twists and turns are still to come. If you didn't check out issue one, jump on board before it's to late!

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Screwed #3

Aug 9, 2013

Screwed is a weird book, it's good and you should be reading it, but it's also pretty weird. After finishing up the first issue I thought it was going to be more of a monster vs. monster books, boy was I wrong. It's got that, don't worry, and boy is it gruesome at times. But the main story is a lot more character driven, and isn't entirely focused on our cover girl Anne, there's so many other characters bouncing around that it's really something you need to read to understand.

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Screwed #5

Oct 11, 2013

I like that we've slowly learned more and more about the characters and what's going on. We haven't had huge gaps with nothing really happening, or finding out to much. We're given just enough info each story to keep us going and caring what happens.

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Screwed #6

Nov 8, 2013

If you've missed the rest of Screwed, definitely grab a copy of the trade when it comes out. Zenescope is usually pretty quick with getting collection out, so you shouldn't have to wait long. Otherwise if you've already been following it, there is no reason not to miss this one!

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Secret Avengers #37

Feb 8, 2013

This issue jumped around a bit more than I would have liked too, and the while a lot of things got wrapped up, I would have liked a bit more closure on some of the plot points. Or at least a better explanation, it just sorta ends, and it's terrible when that happens. . .

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Secret Avengers (2013) #1

Feb 14, 2013

The book has a very secret agent feel to it which helps with this being undercover ops and all and a lot of the dialogue was fun with a lot of comparisons and such. Not to mention a great twist at the end. This is exactly the kind of Avengers book I want to read and I hope as time goes on other heroes are brought in, but not the big guys like Cap or Thor.

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Secret Avengers (2013) #2

Mar 15, 2013

Spencer continues to write the only Avengers title worth reading at the moment. Where Avengers and New Avengers fail, Secret Avengers seems to be shining.

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Sex Criminals #4

Jan 11, 2014

Now while the book itself is more than worth reading, this is probably one of the only comics where the letters page is just as interesting. Fraction and Zdarksy both add their opinions to fan letters, and the fans share some pretty intimate stories

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Sex Criminals #5

Mar 21, 2014

You might see a book titled Sex Criminals and think it's something that should be wrapped in a black poly bag and labeled Adult Only. And while it is definitely an adult book, it's far more raunchy comedy than anything else, and boy is it a good one.

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Shadowman (2012) #5

Mar 8, 2013

It's got super powers that are kind of dark and twisted, and diners, and weird bad guys with guns, and a chick who can talk to ghost through things they owned while alive. If that doesn't sound interesting to you then why the hell are you reading comic books?

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Shahrazad #1

Nov 8, 2013

It's a pretty easy decision if you're a fan of fantasy stuff, in the vein of Once Upon A Time or the Grimm Fairy Tale stuff I'd say you'll feel right at home with Shahrazad

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Son of Merlin #1

Feb 8, 2013

The first issue does what any first issue does, it sets up the main character and gives us an idea of what's going on. It's nothing groundbreaking but still enough to keep a reader interested and wanting more. It's hard to tell if this series is going to pay off in the end, but the first issue was good enough to stick around for a few more and find out.

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Son of Merlin #2

Mar 8, 2013

Biggest complaint I have so far is it's only a 5 issue series, hopefully it does well enough to get a sequel, or they just kill everything so nothing can continue. That's good too.

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Son of Merlin #3

Apr 5, 2013

If you're one of those people who's only ever read books about people running around in capes and tights than this is a perfect place to start to cross over into some other genre's without being totally out of your comfort zone.

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Son of Merlin #5

Jun 7, 2013

There's just something about the dialogue and artwork that make this book really stand out. If you've missed this series, I highly recommend going back and picking up the issues, or grabbing it as soon as the trade is released.

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Sons of Anarchy #1

Sep 13, 2013

The art itself really fits the book, and the characters are easily identified, but something about the colors just doesn't work. That's a minor drawback to a comic that in it's first issue, captures a lot of what makes the show so much fun to watch, lets hope they can keep it up.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #2

Feb 1, 2013

Like I said before, I have faith in Dan Slott, I just hope this whole ghost thing fades a bit, I don't mind having Pete around like that just not on every damn page. Aside from that, this was a good book, and the relationship between MJ and Pete/Ock is definitely never going to be the same.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #3

Feb 8, 2013

Superior Spider-Man 3 was the first issue since Otto became Spidey that I feel like he's coming into his own. Issue 2 ended on kind of a downer, but with a big revelation about his character too. Issue 3 continues to develop Otto has this unlikely hero. Yes he's different then Pete, and he may not truly be a superior Spider-Man, but he's been far more heroic, and human than the character ever was in the past

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #4

Feb 22, 2013

So Superior Spider-Man keeps walking this weird line between being awesome and being the worst thing ever. The story is cool, and I love it, but I hate everything about it at the same time. I think that's how it should be though, no matter how much he's trying Otto is still a bad guy, he's been a bad guy for as long as Spidey has been a hero.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #5

Mar 8, 2013

We've now 5 issue into the run of Otto Octavius as the Superior Spider-Man, at this point I'm a break record for saying how good it is, but seriously it is! All you naysayers who were up in arms and raging out after issue 700 should really give this a shot if you haven't already. Some may not love it, but you'll have to admit it's not that bad, and it really works.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #6AU

Mar 29, 2013

While I didn't much enjoy the Fantastic Four AU, Superior Spider-Man actually added something to the event and feels more more realistic, well as far as Superhero comics go anyway.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #7

Apr 5, 2013

I feel like this may be the beginning of the end for our Superior Spider-Man.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #8

Apr 19, 2013

Boy oh boy, Dan Slott just keeps piling it on with this book. One page I absolutely hate Doctor Spidey, and in the next I'm thinking he's not such a bad dude after all.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #10

May 24, 2013

Oh Superior Spider-Man, you have so much going for you, but it's just not the same. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the story, but right now we're living in a world where neither of the main Marvel Universes (616 and Ultimate) have a Peter Parker.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #11

Jun 7, 2013

This current arc is probably going to end up being one of the better, with Otto facing previously defeated foes again for the first time since he pretty much destroyed them.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #13

Jul 12, 2013

I really enjoyed this issue, up to about the last 3 pages. At that point our new 'hero' went a did something stupid again.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #15

Aug 9, 2013

I'm still not sure that this character can carry the book for a long haul, but for the time being it's really a great character dynamic.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #17

Sep 6, 2013

Anyway it was great to read something set in the 2099 timeline again, Dan Slott did a great job, I actually remember him asking on Twitter months ago about 2099 slang, and he used a lot of it! This book isn't just about nostalgia though, it plays in perfectly with the ongoing story that's been happening in Superior plus the entire Marvel Universe after Age of Ultron.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #26

Jan 31, 2014

Superior Spider-Man is really getting good, with the official kickoff of Goblin Nation we get some great Hob Vs. Green action. And a little bit of a certain ghostly wall crawler that was revealed last issue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW

Feb 17, 2014

Goblin Nation is really looking to be one hell of a Spider-Man event, even if all the moving parts don't always make sense. And it's going to be a great final chapter for the Superior Spider-Man.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Mar 28, 2014

There are a lot of ways this issue could have gone, and this series as a whole, but personally I think this was the perfect way to do it. And on top of everything, I am 100% excited for what's to come both in the finale of Superior and the relaunch of Amazing.

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Superman (2011) #18

Mar 29, 2013

There's not much of a reason to read this story, so you probably shouldn't.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 11, 2013

They just don't seem to have enough chemistry going on, the whole relationship they have feels forced. The couple pages of it in Justice League felt a lot more substantial than an entire book about it. Maybe after another issue or two it will open up some more, but right now I just can't find any reason to keep reading the book.

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Superman Unchained #1

Jun 14, 2013

I think Snyder really gets a nice flow going with his narrative, even while Superman is doing amazing things like catching a space station falling to earth he's still Clark Kent.

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Superman Unchained #4

Nov 8, 2013

So if you're a fan of Superman this is a must read, if you're not but want to give him a shot Superman Unchained probably isn't a bad place to start.

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Talon #4

Feb 1, 2013

I don't think this was the best issue so far though, it felt to predictable, right up to the last reveal. It doesn't make this a bad issue, but it's also not as good as this series has been in it's short history.

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Talon #5

Mar 1, 2013

I like that we're actually getting a supporting cast for Calvin outside of Sebastian, and likewise it's fun seeing Sebastian and Calvin enjoying this 'family' like environment they've got going on at the moment. Even the pages with the Butcher were better than last issue, he's just a brutal killer which is really different from what the court has shown us so far.

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Talon #6

Mar 29, 2013

I don't want to spoil anything, but if you're a fan of Talon you'll be shocked by the end of this book, and things definitely aren't ever going to be the same!

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Teen Titans (2011) #18

Mar 29, 2013

If you're new to Teen Titans, this is definitely not a good time to pick it up. Frankly at this point I'm not sure if there is a good time to pick it up.

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Teen Titans (2011) #20

May 24, 2013

I've enjoyed Teen Titans for the most part, but lately it's been getting a bit odd. I'm cool with the whole demon thing going on, but whatever is going on with Red Robin is getting old, especially since we know nothing!

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Teen Titans (2011) #25

Nov 29, 2013

I like the Teen Titans, but I don't like it nearly as much as I want to, if that makes any sense. The story just jumps around to much, and at this point it's hard to remember what happens from issue to issue.

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Teen Titans (2011) #27

Jan 31, 2014

For the most part I've enjoyed Teen Titans, ever since Forever Evil started though the book has just felt off. It's one of the only books dealing directly with the problem right now, aside from the Justice League titles. Only they're not dealing with the problem, they're dealing with a different problem caused by Forever Evil.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #18

Feb 8, 2013

We're getting an original take on these classic heroes (is it okay to call them classic or am I jumping the gun?), but there's still plenty of crowd pleasers thrown in. And now that the book is finally getting all of it's major players introduced to each other. It's only a matter of time before Shredder and the Foot meets up with Krang, whether it's an alliance or a three way battle between The Foot, Krang's men, and the Turtles is yet to be seen but it's definitely going to be fun.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #19

Feb 22, 2013

With turtles in Dimension X and all the crazy going on it's as compelling a read as anything else. You want to turn the page and see what happens next, even when there's no real action going on. Everything just feels like it's building to a huge showdown with Turtles, the Foot, and Krangs army and if the pace and caliber keeps up it's going to be one hell of a ride.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #20

Mar 22, 2013

While issue 20 may not be the best jumping on point for new readers it's still a great read, and well worth picking up if you have even a small interest in this series.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #28

Nov 29, 2013

It was great last issue the big reveal of Bebop and Rocksteady, but seeing them in full action and actually winning was even better. It brings back all those fond memories of the '80s cartoon that this book is so good at invoking.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #30

Jan 31, 2014

God this is such a good book, if you're like me and grew up with the Turtles watching the cartoon and movies, then there is no reason not to be reading this book

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #34

Jun 7, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles just seems to get better and better each month. And this month we get METALHEAD! This book really takes the best parts of the classic comics and cartoons and wraps them into a new modern setting and origin.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret History of the Foot Clan #3

Mar 1, 2013

We're treated to a current adventure with our heroes outside of the current one involving Dimension X, and cut throughout the book are flashes to Shredders past life. It's a great look at the character for fans who haven't really had much information of the notorious villain in the series so far. To add to it, I thought the art was actually a lot better than the normal ongoing. And that's great since the ongoing is one pretty book already.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #16

Jan 18, 2013

I still don't know how I feel about the switch, but if this book keeps going the way this issue did I may start picking it up again.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #22

Jun 14, 2013

t's funny, I didn't even consider this team up until it happened, but considering the circumstances of the Spider-Man books it makes perfect sense

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The Darkness (2007) #110

Feb 1, 2013

There's a lot of story going on in this book, if you're easily intimated by continuity it's probably not for you. If you're not worried definitely give it a shot, this whole universe is one of the more interesting in comics right now.

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The Darkness (2007) #111

Mar 15, 2013

If you've been following the Progeny story then you'll definitely want to continue on with this issue of the Darkness, it sets up the next part which will happen in Artifacts 26 and you don't want to be confused anymore than you already are.

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The New Ghostbusters #2

Mar 15, 2013

If you're looking for a fun comic, and have soft spot for the '80s this book is perfect for you.

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The New Ghostbusters #5

Jun 28, 2013

If you like Ghostbusters, give this book a shot, it's a nice jumping on point and shows you at least who all the major players are and were.

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The New Ghostbusters #8

Oct 11, 2013

I don't talk about Ghostbusters nearly enough, but it's a really fun read especially if you grew up loving the movies. It just feels very true to those.

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The New Ghostbusters #9

Nov 8, 2013

Something about this issue of Ghostbusters just didn't click with me. Most of the series has been a great time, but issue 9 just fell a little short for me.

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The Woods #2

Jun 7, 2014

The Woods is this wonderful Sci-Fi/Mystery/Drama mixture that just works. It reminds me a little of the Image series Morning Glories, but faster paced.

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Ultimate Comics Iron Man #4

Jan 18, 2013

This book has really been kind of a struggle to get through, it's a great concept and I was excited to see Mandarin get brought into the Ultimate universe but it fell short.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #20

Feb 8, 2013

Venom is such an iconic Spider-Man villain and it's been a long time since we properly saw him in the Ultimate Universe that this is a good way to push Miles fully into this world.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #24

Jun 21, 2013

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man is finally the book I want it to be! Even in a book where there was absolutely no Spider-Man it was good.

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Ultimate Comics Wolverine #1

Mar 15, 2013

Not a lot of explained in this issue, but it's got a kind of feeling and scope to it that promises to give both old fans and new fans of the Ultimate comics something to get excited for, and just wait for the final reveal at the end!

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Ultimate Comics Wolverine #3

Apr 19, 2013

This book is bad, like super bad. The story isn't good, characterization is bad, and we're seeing characters that haven't been used since Nick Spencer launched Ultimate Comics X-Men back in 2011. And on top of that the art is just terrible, I still can't get over how bad it looks like Jimmy or Wolverine pop their claws it's just bad.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #20

Jan 25, 2013

It's not that this was a bad book, it just doesn't have the "I need to read this" thing going for it. Everything just feels out of focus and random. On top of that it's really not new reader friendly at all, the Ultimate Universe was suppose to not be as complicated as the 50-70+ year history of the main Marvel U, but now I feel like it's even harder to follow.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #21

Feb 22, 2013

If you've been bored with the recent Ultimates stuff, or haven't read it in a while you're in for a treat with this issue. Now lets see how they carry it out, and whether it can really deliver what this universe really needs.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #22

Mar 8, 2013

I think at this point I'm reading the Ultimates out of habit, I have almost no hope left for it. It's not even like my problems with the continuity are it, the issue just wasn't very good. The only highlight were the scenes with Tony and Anthony which still boggle my mind, but at least they're good unlike the rest of the book.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #25

Jun 7, 2013

I used to really love The Ultimates, back before Ultimatium. Ever since it's been hard to wrap my head around. Ultimate Avengers was . . . Interesting I suppose until they went and did the whole vampire thing that was just silly. Now we're into this first true On-Going Ultimates series, and frankly it's been a mess from day one. Sure there have been some good stories, and great issues, but honestly it's so convoluted with it's own back story now, no body knows what's happening.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #26

Jun 21, 2013

This is one of the best issues The Ultimates I've read in months, I guess Fialkov needed a month to get all his stuff together from the situation the book was left in

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #27

Jul 12, 2013

The big problem with these issue, like some previous issues, is there was just too much going on it was a little hard to follow.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #22

Feb 14, 2013

It looks like the X-Men are finally going to have to put their abilities to use, not just to start a home but to protect it too. Hopefully we even get some real X-Villains soon! Either way this was a good issue with quite a few twists, even if not all of them were surprising.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #23

Mar 1, 2013

If you've been following Ultimate Comics X-Men since it relaunched than you're going to be pleased with this issue, it sheds light on some early plots and brings us through Storms journey almost all the way to present.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #24

Mar 15, 2013

For a superhero comic without any superhero-ing going on this book is amazing. Really for any book at all this is pretty great. There's so much character drama along with the growth and development that you rarely really miss the big battles and super villain attacks.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #27

Jun 14, 2013

Ultimate Comics X-Men feels like it's finally going to start getting X-Men-y if that make sense. So much goes down in this issue it's not even funny, characters aren't who we think they are, others are who we think they are.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #30

Aug 16, 2013

It sucks. No not the book, well the book wasn't great but that's beside the point. It sucks that Ultimate Comics X-Men started out as my favorite book in the Ultimate U when it was reboot, and now it's by far my least. It seems that all the books have done a 180, and that's not really a good thing.

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Uncanny Avengers #3

Jan 25, 2013

This series still has a lot of promise though and one bad issue isn't going to break it. Still I can't say this one was worth reading, so if you're new to the series just skip it, hell skip it if you read the first two just to save yourself the disappointment.

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Uncanny Avengers #4

Mar 1, 2013

The first issue setup for what could have been an amazing opening arc, but it slowly went downhill from there. And unfortunatley issue 4 the downward slide didn't give up. Scarlet Witch Vs. Thor was kind of interesting, but felt a little to easy also. And the Red Skull was just annoying by the end of everything, just when you thought this would be done and over it's not.

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Uncanny Avengers #16

Jan 31, 2014

This is a really great book. So much has been happening, and so many characters have died. It's one of those stories that you know when it's all over they're going to end up rewriting time or something to fix it all, but it's still just fun to read and see where things are going.

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Uncanny Avengers #20

May 31, 2014

This arc of Uncanny Avengers is close to wrapping up (I think anyway), so the next couple issues are probably going to be intense and full of action. Issue 20 though was definitely the transition issue that starts it all, and it's well worth checking out, especially if you've been interested in Uncanny Avengers already.

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Uncanny Skullkickers #1

Mar 1, 2013

Uncanny Skullkickers #1 is a great place to pick up this story, and gives you all the back story you need, not that you need much it's such a fun ride you won't care what you missed. Well actually you might care a little bit, but only because you want more.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1

Feb 14, 2013

So we've got a great story, killer art, and a great sister title in All-New X-Men. If you're a fan of X-Men books, and you don't mind the very '90s like team split with the twist that they're now on opposing sides this is a great addition to your monthly pile. And lets not overlook the shocking reveal at the end, I'm not going to spoil it but god damn I did not see that coming and it solidified this book as a must read for me.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #2

Mar 1, 2013

Two issue in and I'm still hesitant to fully embrace Uncanny X-Men. I like it, I like it a lot and that scares me a little. Cyclops is not a mutant I'm a fan of, and a book that's primarily about him is not what I'd usually want to read. Bendis has been doing such a great job with the X-Books though that I can't help but want to pick up each issue and see what's going on.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #3

Mar 15, 2013

This book just keeps changing things up and messing with character dynamics, but in a good way that makes it more compelling with each issue. This is one of those few books that I wish would ship more frequently just because it's so good.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #6

May 24, 2013

I kinda wish we could just get on with you know mutants trying to survive and saving the world again, or whatever it is these two drastically different teams are going to be doing. I feel like we get enough of the political stuff over in Ultimate X-Men I'd like just good old fashion super hero stuff in these books.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #8

Jul 12, 2013

Probably the highlight of the issue though is the conversation between Magneto and Cyclops, they're both so different but still fighting for the same cause. They have a strange respect/rivalry thing going on and it makes for good story telling.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #12

Sep 20, 2013

I've said this before and I'm going to say it again, Battle of the Atom is at this point the best event running in comics, if you don't want to get dragged down by Infinity or slightly confused with Forever Evil and all the villain issues this is definitely the book to go with.

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Undertow #1

Feb 21, 2014

Undertow has a pretty unique view on such a fabled and kind of overused world like Atlantis. In fact none of the book even happens there, it happens up on earth. But these characters are Atlanteans like in Marvel or DC, they're totally different and that's what makes it worth reading.

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Venom (2011) #30

Jan 18, 2013

This is the first time in a number of issues that I'm geuninly excited to see what comes next for Flash.

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Venom (2011) #31

Feb 8, 2013

If you haven't been reading Venom this issue is as good as any to start. It's a fresh start for the main character so why not jump aboard now before the shit hits the fan as it's bound to do.

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Venom (2011) #32

Mar 8, 2013

Not a lot of action here, but a lot of great setup for what can only be an epic Symbiote Vs. Symbiote battle!

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Venom (2011) #37

Jul 5, 2013

It's been a while that Flash has been setup in Philly, but I feel like he's really just getting started, he doesn't have much of a supporting cast yet, and that's one of the biggest things holding him back. Hopefully Bunn starts expanding on characters like the students in school, Katy, and even Eddie Brock, and make them part of Flashes life more than just background noise while while he's dealing with bad guys.

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Venom (2011) #41

Sep 20, 2013

With the addition of Mania and the creepy but revealing conversation Flash gets to have with the Symbiote I see this story going on to be one of those must reads for Venom fans whether you're an old school fan or not.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #14

Jan 25, 2013

So issue 14, while being Brubaker's last issue also wraps up the story arc trying to find Black Widow. It's been going on for a while, and it's had it's ups and downs but in the end I think it was pretty good. Definitely finishes on a huge downer though, but that's going to add to the next issue, well hopefully we'll have to see how the next creative team goes.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #15

Feb 8, 2013

I'm ok if we have a few transition issues while Latour gets his feet wet, but he needs to find his own groove for this character or the book is going to start suffering. I know this all sounds negative, and that's unfortunate because it was actually a decent issue.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #16

Mar 8, 2013

There's a lot of intrigue and stuff going on here and it's definitely not new reader friendly but if you want a different kind of superhero book this is a great choice without going to far into left field. You get the familiar feel of the Marvel Universe but less of the Hulks, Gods, and multi-colored onesies.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #19

Jun 7, 2013

If you're a Winter Soldier fan, definitely pick this story up, it's a nice ending to this chapte

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Witchblade (1995) #163

Jan 25, 2013

In the meantime if you didn't read issue 162 this may be a hard spot to jump on, but next issue looks to be starting a new arc so that's probably as good a place as any. Otherwise give it a shot you just might be pleasantly surprised.

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Witchblade (1995) #164

Mar 8, 2013

I'm usually not a big fan of cross overs that require you to read various books, especially if I don't already read them. Progeny has been worth it so far and it's making me a bigger fan of the Top Cow universe with each issue.

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Witchblade (1995) #167

Jun 21, 2013

I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes, and if you're not familiar with witchblade #167 wouldn't be the worst starting point, nothing major happened last issue so you can definitely feel your way through this one.

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Witchblade (1995) #170

Nov 1, 2013

Witchblade is looking to be going in an interesting direction, with plenty of questions that need answering. Oh and lets not forget there's a couple big surprises in the book too! If you're a Witchblade fan you'll enjoy this, and if you're not, but you like Supernatural stories, give it a shot!

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Witchblade (1995) #172

Jan 31, 2014

I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about Witchblade's time jump, but now that we've seen a handful of what Ron Marz has planned I'm on board.

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Witchblade (1995) #175

Jun 7, 2014

For some reason, this is just not what I expected this issue to be. After battle the Angelus and all that fun stuff for the fate of who controls the Witchblade I thought Sara would be back to her old habits, or something. Instead we get this crazy internal issue where Sara and the Witchblade have some choice words for each other.

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Wolverine (2013) #1

Mar 15, 2013

It didn't blow me away, but I was at least intrigued by what was going on. I can't say this will be a buy every month, and I don't think anyone should add it do their pull list just yet, but if next issue doesn't do something exciting it'll definitely be a leaver.

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Wolverine (2013) #10

Oct 11, 2013

The current volume of Wolverine didn't really start out awesome, but it's certainly grown on me. I'm really enjoying the Killable story. I mean we all know Wolverine isn't going to die, he's going to get his healing factor and all back, but the way his character he being handled just feel real.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #24

Jan 25, 2013

If you haven't read any of this series yet issue 24 is a great place to start and it's definitely worth checking out. It renewed my interest in the series after the last several issues had been fairly boring.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #25

Feb 14, 2013

The weird treatment of characters and the poor art makes me hesitant to recommend this issue, but here's hoping next time is better!

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Wolverine and the X-Men #27AU

Apr 19, 2013

If you've been avoiding the tie-in's to Age of Ultron I'd say give this one a shot, it's probably the best so far.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #34

Aug 16, 2013

If nothing else this issue is great for action, half the X-Men roll up riding Krakoa and Bobby is piloting what I can only call a giant ice Gundam

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Wolverine and the X-Men #41

Feb 17, 2014

This issue has a huge focus on Toad, as he tries to put his life on a path he can live with, and there are a few points where you really think things will work out. Maybe he'll get hired back because everything goes to hell without him, maybe he'll prove he's a real hero, unfortunately the issue doesn't lead to any of that and you'll just have to read it to see how Toad's life goes from here.

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World's Finest (2012) #10

Mar 8, 2013

Another disappointment in the light of the death last week, and I just can't see this being a strong enough series to warrant buying every week. So for now I'd say leave it alone and pick up something better.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Sep 6, 2013

So lets get right to this, the issue was a lot of fun. It started out just like any issue of the current Uncanny or All-New X-Men would. This is thanks to the writer being the same across all these books. Bendis is great at really tying his books together. While the major catalyst of this event doesn't happen till the very end of the book, everything that leads up to it feel right.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #11

Mar 22, 2013

There's a lot going on here, and I just don't know enough to care. I don't know if I'm suppose to like this dude in a spacesuit or hate him.

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X-Termination #1

Mar 22, 2013

I guess this could have been a lot worse, but like most crossovers this story isn't as good as any of it's single parts. A normal issue of one of the associated books would probably be a lot better.

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Young Avengers (2013) #1

Jan 25, 2013

Anyway while not the greatest first issue I've ever read, Young Avengers 1 does a good job of setting the stage and letting you know who the characters are. That said, I thought some of it felt a little forced, but over all it was enjoyable and it should be an interesting series.

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Young Avengers (2013) #2

Mar 1, 2013

Loki was probably the highlight of this issue, and the dinner scene, much like last month was great. I'm looking forward to more of the Asgardian. I'll say this though, while not as good as the first issue, this was still a fun read and it's only the middle piece of a bigger story so it works.

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