Constantine #1
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Constantine #1

Writer: Ray Fawkes, Jeff Lemire Artist: Renato Guedes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 20, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 9
6.6Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

John Constantine isn't a conventional hero--he lies, cheats, and manipulates others to get the job done. But for all his faults, he's the only one capable of saving the day after learning of information that could shake the DC Universe to its core.

  • 9.0
    Hero Nuggets - Steve Aug 31, 2013

    Constantine is an extremely fun character to read. His inner monologues are interesting and his questionable morals make him a fantastic antihero. If you like modern day magic and a badass, no fucks given main character, you'll enjoy Constantine 1. Now, excuse me while I catch up with this awesome series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Mar 20, 2013

    The final pages of Constantine #1 prove that, in a very real way, Jeff Lemire and Ray Fawkes have a firm grasp on John Constantine. There's a lot to love, not only regarding the story and the characters, but also about the story structure and openness to future potentials. I love the ideas presented in this issue, I just struggle with the presentation itself and how the writing feels like it's vibrating at a frequency only slightly off from our own. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Mar 22, 2013

    Sure it doesn't have what you'd call a happy ending, and there isn't much joking going on but something about the way the story was told was just intriguing and fun. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing more of the character and hopefully some of his origins so I know exactly what's going on. Plus being a number 1, if you wanted a new book to read you can't do much better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Mar 20, 2013

    As a stand-alone book, CONSTANTINE is awesome. Sure, some HELLBLAZER fans may not be happy because it's a "PG-13 or Water-Downed Constantine," but this isn't the Constantine from Vertigo. This is a different character for all intensive purposes. So before you read this book (or complain about it without reading), take a minute to separate the DC Constantine from the Vertigo Constantine in your mind. This is a character based off its Vertigo counterpart. It's not the same character. Also, go in with an open mind, like you should with every comic you read.I was surprised with how much I liked this first issue. I was a tad hesitant, but it won me over right away. Fawkes and Lemire do a great job with setting this new series up, and it's a great place to start for new readers. Also, it doesn't hurt that the art is beautiful.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Mar 23, 2013

    This book looks good, but didn't do anything for me story-wise. I'm not going to buy any further issues and will just keep myself content by reading my old Hellblazers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Connor Russell Apr 4, 2013

    Now I've been speaking on this as a new reader to the character. I haven't had the opportunity to read Hellblazer (don't hate me) so I can't compare. But as a new reader I did enjoy this issue. I am more interested in the character now and want to see how he works. I found this to be a pretty strong issue and you know what, I couldn't find something wrong with it, though that's probably just me. But I think it works well as an introduction and with that I cannot fault it, although it doesn't have that “x-factor” to be perfect. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Mar 20, 2013

    This is one helluva way to start “Constantine” #1 and I only hope it gets better. By the end of the issue, readers will learn that you cannot completely trust Constantine. The rest of the New 52 will have trouble getting along with him, which pleases me the most. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Aug 7, 2013

    A very good start to the series, and Fawkes, and Lemire did an excellent job. Although it wasn't as exciting as some opening issues, it was still very interesting, and showed ton's of potential, and although it may not be as close to the Hellblazer series, I for one am looking forward to seeing what this series has to show. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Mar 20, 2013

    As this first issue proves in a crucial plot moment Constantine is ruthless and does not care about collateral damage. Constantine also has a massive ego which allows him to go out and steal ancient artifacts from others who he believes to be wrong. While this issue makes Constantine very likeable it retains the idea that he is not a great person and very well aware of that fact. Scriptors Ray Fawkes and Jeff Lemire have a great handle on the character's personality that proves to be crucial within the pages of the issue. A scene that takes place on an airplane shows the constant sense of awareness that Constantine has to have in order to simply survive. The dark sect of the DC Universe is showing that Vertigo has no real place to publish material next to the New 52. With great art and sharp writing Constantine takes advantage of a very special place within the modern DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Gavin Craig Mar 20, 2013

    Maybe it's not that John's less dark, maybe it's that we all look at the world through Constantine-colored glasses. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Mar 20, 2013

    The first issue doesn't know it out of the park, but it's definitely interesting enough to have me come back for the second issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Joey Esposito Mar 20, 2013

    Constantine #1 isn't a blast out of the gate, but it's a solid foundation to what could become a thought-provoking exploration of magic in the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Mar 24, 2013

    Constantine #1 kicks off with a maguffin hunt, something that is a little predictable and beneath the usual complexities of John Constantine. Instead of personal attacks and insular horrors that have become so familiar to readers of Hellblazer, Sargon hurls cars at the title character. I'm pretty sure no cars were tossed in the almost three hundred issue run of Hellblazer, but as Fawkes and Lemire establish, this is a whole new world of action horror, one that could be a great ride if readers let it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 20, 2013

    "Constantine" #1 is a book that I think a lot of people were fearing, and understandably so. Now that it's here, though, I feel that those who actually read the book might be surprised. It's not "Hellblazer," but it is off to a good start in its own right. Consider me optimistic for the future of "Constantine." Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Mar 25, 2013

    The result is decidedly a watered-down Hellblazer, but one that still works pretty effectively because Ray Fawkes and Jeff Lemire have experience writing the guy in Justice League Dark and John Constantine is generally fun to read. Not only that, but Fawkes and Lemire write the first installment of a story arc that feels like a complete episode with a beginning, middle and end. On the art side, Renato Guedes draws the thing pretty damn well, which helps the book's case -- that is, until somebody else fills in. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Mar 20, 2013

    Constantine is off to a good start, even with a few bumps in the road. Lemire, Fawkes, and Guedes have crafted a fun book though, and I'll be along for the ride (for now). Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole Mar 21, 2013

    So, Constantine is a great looking book with a solid protagonist. However the issue suffers from a simplistic narrative that has nothing new to offer. Granted this is an issue one concerned with setting up the title character, but it needs more substance to be truly satisfying. But even though Constantine is given an uninteresting plot, the character himself comes across well. As the beginning of a new series the creative team has successfully managed to present the titles core concepts. It is a shame that it isn't more engaging. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Mar 23, 2013

    Although this is undoubtedly not the Constantine of old, Lemire and Fawkes fundamentally get the character and infuse him with enough of his roguish charms to make him a sufficient bastard for this debut series. Instantly giving off a cinematic supernatural detective vibe, this first action-packed issues rips along at a great pace, throwing in just enough intrigue to make us want to see more in the second issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 21, 2013

    If you went into this series with a pessimistic outlook, I think this issue will best your low expectations, but it's not clear if it does so in a good way or in a differently bad way. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Mar 21, 2013

    Constantine #1 is a disappointing and underwhelming debut from Lemire and company. Though Lemire is killing it on Animal Man and Green Arrow, seems like Constantine is going to be the odd man out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Mar 26, 2013

    Constantine's first issue is a solid effort, but not quite what I was hoping it would be. The story feels very bog-standard at the moment, and whilst some aspects of Constantine's character are well developed, others like his dialogue don't ring true just yet. The artwork from Guedes is a highlight, and the foundations have been set for a successful story, we just need to hope that Lemire and Fawkes can build something sturdy on top of them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Mar 24, 2013

    Obviously, the fans that hated the idea of a DCU Constantine aren't going to like this anyway, much like the Before Watchmen (creator rights issue aside) debacle. However, unlike Before Watchmen, this comic is looked to set a direction into the future of the character and not connect the dots to something that already exists that people love. If you are new to Constantine or indifferent to the idea of a DCU version of the character then you probably will find just enough to come back for more, especially if you like jagged lead characters or elements of magic. This was an average comic book with some glimpses of future promise. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Following The Nerd - Michael Leonard Apr 9, 2013

    This book could have potential. John is still his conman self and he isn't totally out of place in the new DC universe. But this book is not a Hellblazer replacement. I knew it never could be simply because it loses the 'anything could happen' feel that the Vertigo title had. This feels sanitized, not seeing John curse takes getting used to. Having said that the horror seen in recent DC books shows that a book without the 'mature readers' stamp can still shock, I just wish this one would. Lemire himself has shown in his other titles that he can do horror but we see none of that here so far and it seems like that might be what's missing. Fingers crossed for the next few issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Super Hero Hype - Edward Douglas Mar 20, 2013

    More than anything, Constantine feels like it wants to have its cake and eat it, too, trying hard to pull over readers from Vertigo's Hellblazer comic while also trying to bring in a new audience of DC Universe fans. It's never quite as fun or clever as what was done at Vertigo with the character and the first issue at least doesn't do enough to pull you in with something that makes you want to continue following the character. There is potential though, and maybe they'll just need a few more issues to get to that point. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Mar 22, 2013

    Constantine will be fine. As always, it's everyone in his vicinity who has to watch out. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Blue Raven Comics - Kassim Mirza Mar 21, 2013

    When it comes down to it, fans of Hellblazer will most likely not enjoy Constantine #1 unless they're open to new things. If you've enjoyed Constantine from Justice League Dark, this might be up your alley. But don't expect more than a mildly entertaining story and almost non-existent conflict. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Mar 20, 2013

    For me Constantine #1 is a big fat swing and a miss. Maybe this series will rebound, but first issues like this mean that I won't be around to find out first hand. This series is going to have to do something spectacular to get me interested in further issues. And it's going to have to show us something new (at least something new that is worthwhile, not that Constantine lives in New York). Fortunately, Constantine manages to feel awkwardly at home in Justice League Dark and shows that an old character can grow in interesting ways. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Addicts - Aru Singh Mar 28, 2013

    The marketability would have paid in dividends and a future movie sequel would have worked much better. Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - Jason Motes Mar 24, 2013

    Don't get me wrong. It's not bad at all. It looks great, but it just failed to grab me. It was okay, but not epic. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Booked - Andrew Taylor Mar 22, 2013

    Guedes' overall competence does underscore how poorly-thought the writing is, though. Two scenes in particular are exposed: an early scene where a man "sneaks up" on Constantine by simply standing in front of his home (with nothing around to hide behind, Guedes just puts a convenient shadow over his face), and another where Constantine notices someone has poisoned his drink. The latter is Lemire/Fawkes trying to show his eye for detail, except Guedes has the assassin offering the drink while poisoning it"right next to Constantine's face (instead of, I don't know, before giving it to him?). For a comic so haphazard in design, the art suits it. Read Full Review

  • 0.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Mar 20, 2013

    Constantine #1 is not just bad, it is a puppy killing moment of absolute failure. Read Full Review

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