John McCubbin's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Unleash The Fanboy,, Imagination Centre Reviews: 1825
8.1Avg. Review Rating

13 Coins #1

Oct 21, 2014

13 Coins gets off to a promising start, as though it felt pretty average on the whole, the opening sequence left me curious as to where this series will go. It's for this reason that I recommend this issue, as it's well worth trying if only for one issue.

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4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1

Apr 26, 2016

4 Kids Walk into a Bank #1 was a sensational read, getting this new mini-series off to a terrific start. Not only does it give us an engaging premise, but it does so in a fun, light hearted manner, with the creative team introducing us to four intriguing young characters in the process.

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4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2

Jun 28, 2016

4 Kids Walk into a Bank #2 isn't quite as impressive as the first issue, but that doesn't stop it from being better than most comics on the stands. Moving our narrative forward in a fun, engaging manner, the creative team continue to spin a unique yarn, with there being plenty to leave readers eager for more.

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4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #5

Sep 5, 2017

4 Kids Walk into a Bank #5 bring this mini-series to a satisfying conclusion, with our youngsters finally making their big bank robbery. During this the creative team give us more than enough surprising twists and turns, with the comic timing and quirky nature of these kids resulting in an entertaining conclusion.

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4001 A.D. #1

May 6, 2016

4001 AD #1 is a strong start for the latest Valiant event, with the creative team moving Rai's story forward in an intriguing manner. Whether it's Earth or New Japan, writer Matt Kindt gave us some marvelous developments and along with some powerful visuals it is hard not to praise this issue.

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4001 A.D. #3

Jul 28, 2016

4001 AD #3 is an amazing continuation to Valiant‘s latest event, with the creative team delivering a narrative that was both exciting and full of symbolism. Throughout this, we got some powerful moments, and despite not quite living up to the previous instalment, it more than leaves me eager for the final chapter of this epic tale.

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A Game of Thrones #19

Mar 25, 2014

A Game of Thrones may be a hit book and series but it fails to be anything other than mediocre in the world of comics and I can only recommend this to avid fans of the series who have cash to spare.

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A Game of Thrones #20

Apr 22, 2014

A Game of Thrones may have spawned an awesome franchise but this adaptation doesn't do much to elevate the story's status. Due to this I'd only recommend this to diehard fans of the story and even at that warn caution.

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A Game of Thrones #21

Aug 6, 2014

Dynamite's adaptation of A Game of Thrones has been doomed since it began way back in September of 2011, as though it's had the odd flurry of excitement, it's generally missed the energy that made both the novel and the TV series such a hit. Not recommended.

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A Game of Thrones #24

Feb 4, 2015

I'm sure that it'll be a relief to most fans that this series is finally at an end, and though I'd love another Game of Thrones comic (assuming it was done right), I think it's best to leave the world of Westeros and the North to HBO and Martin's own series of novels. As for A Game of Thrones #24 itself, I say keep your money, as unless you've been following this series, it's not worth giving it a try now.

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Action Comics (2011) #23.2

Sep 14, 2013

This was a truly amazing story, and one of the best that Villains Month has produced so far. Pak did a fantastic job of showing the characteristics of Zod, whilst also showing a slightly different side to him. The story itself was also filled with some brilliant drama, and amazing action, and I'd highly recommend this, and hope that Pak does just as good a job when he takes over Action Comics.

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Action Comics (2011) #23.3

Sep 22, 2013

A brilliant issue that shows that Soule is very capable of creating brilliant Superman stories. The issue itself was also a great prequel to Forever Evil, being very exciting, and suspenseful, also having plenty of drama. The tone was also brilliant with new artist Bermudez doing a brilliant job. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this, especially if you're reading Forever Evil, though don't expect it to be the best Luthor story you've ever read.

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Action Comics (2011) #25

Nov 11, 2013

This was an outstanding start for Greg Pak who has once again proven just how well he knows the Superman character, producing an amazing story in the process. The issue would be exciting and suspenseful, also having a lot of depth. It would also be very dramatic and overall is the kind of Superman story that Action Comics deserves. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue as it's a great opportunity for new fans and old to get into Superman.

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Action Comics (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

Action Comics #41 is bound to turn some heads, and I completely understand why. That doesn't however stop the ingenious and bold direction from being utterly captivating, as though there's a lot to still explore, this fan for one looks forward to taking this journey.

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Action Comics (2011) #42

Jul 3, 2015

Action Comics continues to be the standout of Truth, as though it's far from perfect, it's got a strong narrative. It also manages to give some exciting developments, with one in particular near the end leaving some poignant question regarding Superman's image moving forward.

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Action Comics (2011) #43

Aug 14, 2015

Action Comics #43 sees the series reach an all time high, with the mysterious nature of the Shadow creatures and intense development leaving this fan captivated. The creative team also give us some amazing twists, with the end result bound to leave readers eager for more.

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Action Comics (2011) #44

Sep 10, 2015

Action Comics #44 sees the beginning of the end for Truth, and despite the enthralling high points, I can't help but feel overjoyed by this. Between epic battles and emotional turmoil, this final issue manages to give us an intriguing look into the series' future, even if this comes at the cost of a rushed ending.

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Action Comics (2011) #51

Apr 22, 2016

Action Comics #51 may not have been as invigorating as I'd hoped, but nonetheless it moved the “Super League” crossover forward in a gripping manner. Giving us some touching moments and thrilling mystery, the creative team would add much more depth to the final days of Superman, even if the development as a whole is still moving slowly.

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Action Comics (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

Action Comics: Futures End is a nice one-shot, as though the lack of Superman's appearance may seem off putting, the symbolic tale proves otherwise. Recommended.

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Age of Ultron #1

Aug 6, 2013

This was a disappointing issue, and I expected better things from this issue. I do however still have a lot of hope in this series, and think that the series as a whole will be brilliant, and that this issue will be nothing more than a blip (although I thought that about Avengers vs. X-Men also). I would barely recommend this issue, but would advise patient people to wait and see if it gets better.

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Age of Ultron #2

Aug 7, 2013

This is a very disappointing series so far, and I desperately want it to get better, and become the series I hoped it would be. To be honest I wouldn't recommend this issue to anyone, unless like me you've been very excited about this series, but even then I'd still recommend you to wait for the trade, as if it's not better it should be cheaper.

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Age of Ultron #3

Aug 20, 2013

Although this issue was better than the rest in the series so far, it was sill far from what I hoped for in this series, but I do hope that this is a turning point. I would recommend this issue alone, but as the series hasn't been brilliant overall, I'd still recommend caution, as it could easily slip back into being poor again, and if so it'd be better leaving it and considering getting the hardback when it's out.

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Age of Ultron #4

Sep 3, 2013

This series has went back to being disappointing, and to be honest I don't have a lot of hope left for it. This issue started very dramatically but most of it was slow, and dull, and overall disappointing. I wouldn't recommend this issue, and would recommend that you wait to find out if the series is good as a whole and get it in trade if so, as so far it's been very disappointing, and frankly a waste of money.

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Age of Ultron #5

Sep 4, 2013

Although better than the last issue, this issue still wasn't to the level of quality I hoped the series would be at. The series finally appears to be getting better, but it's done that before, and I won't hold my breath, only believing it when it happens. I would consider recommending this issue, just for the fact that it features the return of Nick Fury, but besides that I'd still recommend waiting until the end of the series, and if it's overall good getting it in trade.

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Age of Ultron #6

Sep 4, 2013

This series continues to disappoint, and it's a huge shame, as I had so much hope for it. Although this issue itself has some interesting points, the development of the overall story is still very slow. I wouldn't recommend this issue, or the series, and unless it gets dramatically better throughout the remaining of the series I wouldn't even recommend getting the trade when it's out, as the series is over half way through and hasn't progressed much.

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Age of Ultron #7

Sep 5, 2013

Like usual this wasn't anything special, and the series as a whole has bee disappointing. There was however some interesting things in this issue, and it will appeal to some people, just didn't appeal to me. Now I don't know if it's due to me losing faith in this series, but it just continues to not amaze me, and although it's not as disappointing as it used to be, it's still nothing special. I would only recommend this to people who have the series so far, but otherwise would recommend leaving this issue, and the series, as it's generally poor, and when everything's said and done I'm sure it won't have much off an affect on the future of Marvel.

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Age of Ultron #8

Sep 6, 2013

This issue is once again very slow, and dull, and the series continues to be disappointing. Although there were some interesting, and clever things added by Bendis in this issue, I just couldn't get over the fact that this story has been developing at way too slow a rate, with the odd exciting moments being overshadowed by disappointment. I would only recommend this issue to anyone who's already getting the series, as you might as well for three more issues (four if you count Age of Ultron #10AI), but anyone considering getting this at a later date, or getting the trade when it's released, I'd recommend against it.

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Age of Ultron #9

Sep 6, 2013

This issue wasn't bad, but it was yet again far from brilliant, which was a real shame, as there were parts that were brilliant, but unfortunately they were ruined by terribly parts. There were interesting things in this issue, as well as some imactful things, but the pacing was still very slow, and overall the issue was a disappointment. I would only recommend this issue to anyone who's been getting the series so far, as otherwise it's a waste of money, as the series as a whole has been one big disappointment.

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Age of Ultron #10

Sep 10, 2013

This was a good way to finish the series, but at the same time it didn't make up for the previous down points during the series, and overall was itself not spectacular. It did however have some action, and excitement, as well as suspense, and drama, something that the series hasn't always had. It also showed that there will be some changes coming, which has me hooked, but still doesn't make up for the fact that this was a seriously poor series. I would only recommend this issue to people who have already been getting the series, as well as others who want to get a teaser for the upcoming changes, as although you should be able to find these changes on the internet, I found it more interesting finding them out through this issue.

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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #3

Mar 11, 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #3 was on the whole a good comic, but one that felt hindered by the Standoff crossover. Despite giving us some decent development to the event, the overall tone ultimately felt mixed, with their bound to be some confusion for both casual readers not interested in Marvel‘s latest event, and those just picking this up for it's tie-in purpose.

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Alex + Ada #8

Aug 6, 2014

Alex + Ada continues to be an emotionally gripping tale, proving that you don't need excitement to make a gripping tale. Highly recommended.

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Alex + Ada #9

Sep 30, 2014

Alex + Ada has been one of the most emotionally dramatic tales I've ever seen from a comic. Though Alex's depressive attitude makes some of this issue hard to read, the realistic tone and emotional flair makes it overall a must read. Highly recommended.

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Alex + Ada #10

Nov 12, 2014

Alex + Ada continues to prove that you don't need excitement to make a great comic, with the emotional developments being utterly gripping. The tension, and drama of other events also makes it a series that fans will be begging to read more of, with the shocking climax being the cherry on the cake. Highly recommended.

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Alex + Ada #11

Dec 18, 2014

Alex + Ada continues to get even more intense, as though this issue doesn't quite live up to the amazing premise of the last, it certainly excited. Highly recommended.

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Alex + Ada #13

Mar 17, 2015

Alex + Ada continues to be a dramatically enticing tale, as though the emotionally charged dialogue between the two characters is starting to become a little overbearing, the intense developments make it a series worth following. The climactic twists also leave some speculation leading into the next chapter, with our characters still having a long way to go before living happily ever after.

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Alex + Ada #15

Jun 17, 2015

Alex + Ada #15 may not be the ending this fan was hoping for, but it was befitting our two main characters. Displaying wonderful emotion, and powerful symbolism, this will leave long term readers more than happy, even if there's a huge chunk of slow narrative to get there.

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Alien Bounty Hunter #1

Jul 27, 2017

Alien Bounty Hunter #1 is an exciting new series from Vault, with this first issue setting up what is sure to be an entertaining story. Giving us a fresh take on the sci-fi genre, the creative team do a stellar job of introducing us to Ben Madsen and the unusual target he is assigned.

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Alien Legion: Uncivil War #4

Sep 23, 2014

Alien Legion: Uncivil War as a whole may have felt a little too refined and generally underwhelming. Though bar the anticlimactic ending, this conclusion proved extremely entertaining, and comes recommended.

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Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #2

Nov 5, 2014

Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #2 turns the fortune of this series around, creating a thoroughly enjoyable second part. Delivering some clever developments, with some dramatic dialogue, the creators manage to remind us why these creatures are so deadly. Recommended.

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Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #3

Dec 3, 2014

Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone may still be the weaker link in this epic crossover, but nevertheless it's still an amazing series. Despite this, the lack of atmosphere was off putting, and I only recommend this to people who have already been following either the series, or crossover.

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Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #4

Jan 14, 2015

Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone may not have been the best entry in the crossover, being the exact opposite, but one thing it was, was a worthy addition. This proves true till the end, as despite still having flaws, the dramatic climax proved entertaining.

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Aliens: Dead Orbit #3

Jul 20, 2017

Alien: Dead Orbit #3 is an excellent penultimate issue, setting up next month's finale perfectly. Building off the suspense and tension of the last two issues, the creator gives us plenty of reasons to stay invested in this mini-series, with it giving Dark Horse's next Aliens project a lot to live up to.

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All-New Hawkeye #2

Apr 9, 2015

All-New Hawkeye is a comic that all Marvel fans should try, as whether you're a fan of the Earth's Mightiest Archers, or not, the magnificent script that Lemire produces is bound to convert you into one. That being said, this second issue isn't quite as enthralling as the first, and having set such a high bar in #1, it's not a shock to find this one not quite matching that.

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All-New Hawkeye #3

May 28, 2015

All-New Hawkeye continues to be a fun alternative from Marvel's regular superhero program, with the grounded nature, and realism within this tale giving great depth. The emotion on display also adds that extra sense of drama, and though I have a suspicion that Kate has made the wrong decision, it shows how pure her character is.

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All-New Hawkeye #4

Jul 22, 2015

All-New Hawkeye #4 is yet another amazing issue, in what is easily one of the best superhero comics from Marvel or DC this year. It is however a shame that this tale will be coming to an end so soon, as though Lemire's is bound to do an outstanding job on the series that will precede this, I would have loved to have explored more of his take on this version of the archer.

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All-New Hawkeye #5

Sep 16, 2015

All-New Hawkeye #5 may come to a rather sudden conclusion, but the intense way in which it does so makes the events prior to this all the more worthwhile. The creative team also manage to work this into a launching point into the revamped series, leaving us some curious developments to ponder over.

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All-New Hawkeye (2015) #1

Nov 12, 2015

All-New Hawkeye #1 feels like a fitting continuation to the previous story, whilst also feeling like something unique and off itself. Giving us some thrilling developments in both the present and future, the creative team do the exact opposite of what they did last time around, with the result being something that is dripping with potential.

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All-New Hawkeye (2015) #2

Dec 10, 2015

All-New Hawkeye #2 moves the story along in a brisk, exciting manner, with the creative team keeping me hooked at every moment. They also bring great emotion, whilst building upon what ultimately pushed Clint and Kate apart.

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All-New Hawkeye (2015) #3

Jan 15, 2016

All-New Hawkeye #3 brings the series' first arc to an end, and despite there being plenty of action and a couple of intriguing twists, I couldn't help but feel let down. The creative team did however give us some dramatic moments between the two characters, with a cliffhanger that is sure to leave readers returning for more.

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All-New Invaders #1

Jan 30, 2014

All-New Invaders gets off to a great start, and despite needing a few more issues to see just how good the series will be, I for one look forward to what comes next. Highly recommended.

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All-New Wolverine #1

Nov 12, 2015

All-New Wolverine #1 is just the start I hoped for from this series, as despite there being some areas that need to be improved upon, this is most definitely the start of something promising. It also balances the rich history of X-23 with that of her mentor, Wolverine, proving that this may have actually been a clever move for Marvel.

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All-New Wolverine #3

Jan 1, 2016

All-New Wolverine #3 continues to be the stand out series from the X-Men universe, with the creative team giving us a fun and intriguing take on Laura Kinney. They also give us some gripping twists as although there were a couple of moments that disappointed, the issue as a whole was a joy to read.

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All-New Wolverine #4

Jan 15, 2016

All-New Wolverine #4 was yet another fabulous addition to this young series, with the creative team continuing to prove just why Laura Kinney deserves the mantle of the Wolverine. They also gave us some unique twists and along with the exciting twist near the end, there was plenty to leave this reader returning for more.

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All-New X-Men #3

Dec 24, 2012

A great issue and although not as good as the previous still an amazing issue. I would highly recommend both this issue as well as the series so far, but will warn anyone who's only interested in the confrontation between the younger X-Men and Cyclops' X-Men that this doesn't happen until next issue, which I'm looking forward to.

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All-New X-Men #4

Jul 15, 2013

This was a very good issue, but slightly disappoint to what I'd hoped for. I would however still recommend it as it is a good issue, and the series has been very interesting. I would also recommend the rest of the series, and am looking forward to the next issue,

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All-New X-Men #5

Jul 17, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, but not quite as good as I'd hoped. I would however highly recommend it, as well as the previous issues in the series, and am looking forward to the next issue.

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All-New X-Men #6

Aug 1, 2013

This was a brilliant issue and the joint best in the series so far, and I hope the series continues to be this good. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the entire series so far, as it's been very exciting, entertaining, and fun.

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All-New X-Men #7

Aug 5, 2013

Although not quite as good as the last issue, this is still a very good issue, and is very interesting. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the series, and hope that it keeps this high level of quality, as it is one of the best Marvel series out the now.

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All-New X-Men #8

Aug 7, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and although it's not the best in the series so far, it is not far behind. The series as a whole has been amazing, and I can't get enough of it. I'd recommend both this issue, and the series, and am looking forward to the next issue.

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All-New X-Men #9

Aug 7, 2013

This was one of the better issues in the series so far, and it was beyond brilliant. It was fun, interesting, entertaining, and full of action, all at the same time, as well as leaving some interesting openings for future issues. Basically this showed exactly why I love this series so much, and I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the series as a whole.

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All-New X-Men #10

Sep 3, 2013

Although not the best issue in the series this was still an interesting issue, and although it was slow, it set up the future events in the series perfectly, and has kept my interest. I would still recommend this, as although technically skipable quality wise, it does set things up nicely for the next few issues, so it's worth getting if you either already follow the series or are considering getting the series in the next few issues.

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All-New X-Men #11

Sep 5, 2013

This was another slow issue, and although slightly better than the previous issue, the overall story seems do be going at a crawl. The revelation of the younger X-Man to join Cyclops' team was interesting, but people who read Uncanny X-Men will already know. There were also some interesting things in this issue, and the progress of Mystique's plot is shaping up nicely, and the shocking ending has me excited for the next issue. I'd still recommend this, especially if you've been getting the series so far, as it was still interesting, and the series as a whole has been fantastic, but if you're a new reader I'd recommend waiting till next issue now.

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All-New X-Men #12

Sep 6, 2013

Although not the best issue in the series so far, this issue was still brilliant, and the series is definitely back on the right track. This issue was emotional, as well as interesting, and exciting, and the interaction between younger X-Men, and the Avengers Unity Squad was outstandingly phenomenal. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the entire series so far, as although the previous two issues prior to this were a bit poor, the series in general has been amazing, and I can't wait for the next issue.

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All-New X-Men #13

Sep 10, 2013

Although this wasn't the best issue in this series it wasn't far behind, and was one of the better issues to have been told during this story. It had excitement, and suspense, whilst also having drama, and action, which were all brilliant. It was however the emotions, and passion of a certain character that made this issue brilliant for me, and overall the issue was amazing, and I hope it continues to be like this in the next issues. Due to this I'd easily recommend this issue, and the series so far, as although it's had it's moments, it's overall been outstanding, and very fun.

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All-New X-Men #14

Sep 11, 2013

This was a tremendous issue, and although it wasn't as good as last issue, with some disappointing points, it was still very entertaining, and fun. It also had some amazing action, and brilliant dialogue, with real depth, and emotion. I'd still highly recommend this issue, as despite the disappointments it was still a very interesting, and exciting issue.

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All-New X-Men #15

Sep 11, 2013

Not one of the best issues, but far from one of the worst. This was a fun stand alone issue showing the young X-Men having fun, as well as Jean learning Beast's feelings, making for a really fun, entertaining read. I'd probably recommend this issue, as it was very fun, and well worth reading, as well as a great jumping on point. I would however recommend waiting till the start of Battle of the Atom if you're short on cash though.

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All-New X-Men #16

Sep 13, 2013

This was a great continuation to the Battle of the Atom story, as although not quite as good, it was still very exciting, and interesting, having some shocking developments, as well as a brilliant ending. It also had some outstanding dialogue, as well as some amazing humour, making me want the next part to come out even sooner. Due to all this it's extremely easy to recommend this issue, but naturally you'll need to read X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 first.

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All-New X-Men #17

Oct 6, 2013

This was a fantastic issue that has gotten the crossover back to the level of quality that the first couple of issues showed. It also had some very exciting moments, as well as having plenty of mystery drama, suspense and emotion. There were also some brilliant interactions, and the future of the story looks very promising. Due to all this it's easy to recommend this issue and I can't wait for the next part.

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All-New X-Men #32

Sep 18, 2014

All-New X-Men is finally heading in the right direction, with this trip to the Ultimate Universe being just what the series needed. Recommended.

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All-New X-Men #33

Oct 30, 2014

All-New X-Men #33 may not be quite as good as the last couple of issues, but it's still proving an improvement over the event prior to the X-Men's trip to the Ultimate Universe. Recommended.

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All-New X-Men (2015) #3

Jan 15, 2016

All-New X-Men #3 brings the first arc to a fitting conclusion, and although it may have been nothing out of the ordinary it continued to prove the consistency of this narrative. It also acted as a wonderful bridging point for our young mutants, and if the creative team expand upon this the right way I can easily see this becoming the must have X-Men title of this All-New All-Different Marvel.

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All-Star Batman #1

Aug 10, 2016

All-Star Batman #1 is an amazing start to this new ongoing series, with the gritty narrative and brutal artwork making it worth every penny of it's $4.99 cover price. The narrative itself also gives us something to think about as we await the next issue, with the concept being intriguing to say the least.

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All-Star Batman #11

Jun 22, 2017

All-Star Batman #11 moves “The First Ally” story arc forward in exhilarating fashion, as in addition to adding more mystery to this tale, the creative team also give us some wonderful twists and revelations. This is all once again accompanied by a thrilling back-up story, with the events of both sure to leave readers eager for the next issue.

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All-Star Batman #12

Jul 28, 2017

All-Star Batman #12 is another strong entry for “The First Ally” as the creative team move closer to revealing this mysterious foe. Add to this more background on Alfred's connection to this new villain, as well as a thrilling continuation to the back-up story and I see no reason why you shouldn't pick up this comic next time you're at your local comic book store.

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All-Star Superman #1

Sep 10, 2013

This is considered as one of the all time greatest Superman story ever, with a lot of people classing it as the best story ever, me included. Morrison gives a very emotional, and symbolic story, that shows Superman in his final days. It also had some fun, and interesting mini-stories, which fit perfectly into the main story. The action was also perfect, being exciting, and explosive, with great art from Quitely Due to all this I'd highly recommend this story to anyone, whether you're a Superman fan or not, and if you are a Superman fan and haven't read this, then you certainly need to, as it is definitely amongst the best Superman stories ever.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #698

Dec 23, 2012

This was a good issue but if you like action and adventure in Spider-Man stories, so far this one probably won't be for you. I would recommend this issue as with issue 700 getting closer by the issue you wouldn't want to miss the last few issues and although this issue was more of a setup for things to come, the things revealed in this issue are worth reading, whether you like them or not.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #699

Feb 26, 2013

A truly phenomenal issue and I'm really looking forward to the 700th issue now. Although this issue wasn't perfect, and more serious than most Spider-Man stories, it was still very good, and very gripping which is needed in a build up to a big story. I would highly recommend this issue to anyone, as it gives a lot of insight to what might happen in the 700th issue, and with something big about to happen to Peter you don't want to miss it.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #699.1

Feb 26, 2013

This was a good issue, but it maybe would have been better to have shown Morbius escape the Raft at the end of 699, or the start of 700, and have a point one issue for the Morbius ongoing series to tell his origin. Other than that this was a very good issue, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of Morbius, but will warn that it doesn't really connect much with the upcoming 700th issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700

Jul 8, 2013

A great end to a tremendous series. I would highly recommend this issue to anyone, whether they're a Spider-Man fan or not, and the only reason this isn't rated higher is due to the backup stories, and the fact I didn't like the ending.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #31

Aug 11, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man #31 brings an end to our wall-crawlers Secret Empire tie-in, but at a tremendous cost. Reflecting everything that our character stands for, the creative team pit Spidey up against Doc Ock in one of their most personal battles to date, with the outcome sure to leave readers speculating as we move into a brand new era for the web-slinger.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #790

Oct 27, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man #790 is a fabulous example of simple storytelling, being a brilliant introductory point for new readers. It's not likely to go down as a must read, but nonetheless it's still an entertaining yarn, giving us an explosive encounter between Spidey and Human Torch. It also continues to reflect upon the emotional aftermath of Parker Industry's collapse, leaving us with a surprising twist near the end.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #1

Nov 10, 2013

A brilliant start to this new series with Aaron showing some of his best X-Men work for a long time. The issue would do an amazing job of re-introducing Nightcrawler, with some very fun and exciting moments throughout, all of which were made even more fun and exciting due to McGuinness' fabulous artwork. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue to both new and old X-Men readers and can't wait for the next issue to come out.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #7

May 21, 2014

Amazing X-Men #7 may not be essential for people who are following the series but it is a fun and exciting filler. Highly recommended.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #8

Jun 4, 2014

Amazing X-Men continues to astound with the new writing team of Yost and Kyle producing an exciting and intriguing opening to their first arc. Highly recommended.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #9

Jul 9, 2014

Amazing X-Men continues to amaze with World War Wendigo being a terrific story so far. Highly recommended.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #10

Aug 15, 2014

Amazing X-Men continues to be a fun and entertaining read, with this latest issue having me hooked for the next. Highly recommended.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #11

Sep 25, 2014

Amazing X-Men continues to be a fun and entertaining series, with World War Wendigo setting up it's final chapter perfectly. Recommended.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #12

Oct 23, 2014

Amazing X-Men‘s second arc comes to an end, with World War Wendigo delivering an exciting, all be it sudden climax. The artwork also as ever excites, and I know I for one can't wait to see Yost return to this series. Highly recommended.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) Annual #1

Jun 5, 2014

Overall Amazing X-Men Annual #1 is a great read but the $4.99 price tag makes it hard to strongly recommend this issue and unless you're an avid fan of either the X-Men or Storm you should leave it on the shelf.

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American Monster #1

Jan 22, 2016

American Monster #1 did more than enough to have me returning for more, as despite not quite living up to my high expectations, it gave us a premise that showed great promise. The creative team also did a wonderful job of setting up three intriguing plots, with there being a fabulous sense of drama and symbolism throughout this opening issue.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #4

Jul 9, 2014

American Vampire: Second Cycle remains a must have for fans of vampires and dramatic stories with the developments in this issue being truly astonishing. Highly recommended.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #1

Apr 1, 2014

Angel & Faith Season 10 has really grabbed my attention as though I misses Season 9 I am intrigued as to learn more about Angel and Faith's current problems. Highly recommended.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #2

May 6, 2014

Angel & Faith Season 10 drops ever so slightly in quality but nonetheless it remains a series that has my attention. Highly recommended.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #3

Jun 3, 2014

Angel & Faith Season 10 continues to twist a entertaining take but the difference between plot developments gives an unbalanced tone to the story. Nevertheless it continues to be very enjoyable so I highly recommend it.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #4

Jul 1, 2014

Faith may have taken a back seat for this issue but the action and excitement make it the best issue of Angel & Faith Season 10 yet. Highly recommended.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #6

Sep 2, 2014

Angel & Faith Season 10 roles into a new story arc, giving us yet more tantalising developments. Highly recommended.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #7

Sep 30, 2014

Angel & Faith Season 10 may be turning into the Faith show, but the series as a whole remains a worthy addition to the Whedonverse. It's engaging dialogue and exciting action makes it a series that is easy to jump into, allowing Buffy and Angel fans a chance to see these characters in action once more. Recommended.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #11

Feb 4, 2015

Angel & Faith Season 10 #11 is the issue that fans have been longing for, with the reunion of the series titular characters being nothing short of mesmerizing. This, along with the dramatic developments involving Fred, make this a must read comic for fans of the Buffyverse.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #12

Mar 3, 2015

Angel & Faith Season 10 #12 may not be one of the best issues the series has produced, proving to be rather the opposite. It does however do enough to intrigue, and given the fact this is one of the poorer issue, that's only testament to the series strength on the whole.

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Angelic #1

Sep 22, 2017

Angelica #1 is an extraordinary piece of storytelling, that deserves to find an audience. Despite initially coming across as a little too strange, the creative team quickly flesh out a narrative that is both compelling and gripping. In doing this they don't just introduce us to a brand new world, but explore the desire to become something different.

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Animal Man (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was a very good issue, and starts the Rotworld finale off brilliantly. I would recommend this issue to any reader, new or old, and would defiantly recommend it to anyone that's been following Rotworld, even if like me you just follow Swamp Thing.

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Animosity #1

Aug 2, 2016

Animosity #1 is quite possibly one of the most compelling stories from AfterShock so far, with the way it balances fun and dark tones being a marvel to say the least. Not only do the creative team introduce us to a bold and invigorating concept during all this, but they deliver a thrilling plot that is both clever and at times heartwarming.

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Aphrodite IX #6

Nov 25, 2013

You can read my exclusive interview with Aphrodite IX writer and Top Cow President Matt Hawkins as well as view the preview for this issue here.

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Aphrodite IX #7

Jan 7, 2014

Aphrodite IX never fails to astound, and whilst Hawkins and eji remain on this series I doubt it will ever be disappointing. I'd highly recommend this issue.

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Aphrodite IX #8

Feb 1, 2014

Aphrodite IX continues to be a very entertaining series, with both a gripping plot and breathtaking artwork. I for one can't recommend this series enough and would be a fool not to highly recommend this issue.

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Aphrodite IX #9

Mar 21, 2014

Hawkins and ejic continue to give us amazing issue after amazing issue and with this series crawling to it's finale you'd be a fool to miss a single issue. Highly recommended.

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Aphrodite IX #10

May 6, 2014

Aphrodite IX may only have one issue left before it becomes a newly titled series but it's certainly ending with intriguing events all of which make me upset about it ending though excited for it's replacement. Highly recommended.

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Aphrodite IX #11

Jun 15, 2014

Aphrodite IX may be at it's conclusion but the story's far from over. Hawkins and Sejic bring the series to a fitting close having me itching for the Aphrodite IX/Cyber Force crossover. Highly recommended.

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Aphrodite IX / Cyber Force #1

Jul 13, 2014

Aphrodite IX/Cyber Force is a crossover that both Aphrodite IX and Cyber Force fans will enjoy as though not essential for the latter group it gives a fantastic teaser regarding the future of the former. Highly recommended.

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Apollo IX (One-Shot) #1

Aug 11, 2015

Apollo IX may not be quite as intriguing as the previous two one-shot extensions to IXth Generation, but that doesn't stop it from being intriguing for long term fans. Giving great insight into this godlike being, the creators deliver a captivating narrative that's a worth addition to anyone's collection.

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Aquaman (2011) #15

Jul 8, 2013

This was a tremendous issue and a great continuation to what is looking to be an brilliant story. The only reason this loses a couple of points in the ratings is because the story hasn't progressed quite, as much as I hoped it to be, and the art isn't fantastic. I would however still recommend this issue, as well as Justice League #15 which was also out this week, and am looking forward to the continuation of this story in Justice League #16.

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Aquaman (2011) #16

Aug 5, 2013

This was a tremendous issue, and this has been a fabulous storyline. I'd highly recommend this issue, and the story, as they have both been phenomenal, and I'd also recommend the other issue in both this series, and Justice League, as both series have been brilliant before this storyline.

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Aquaman (2016) #1

Jun 23, 2016

Aquaman #1 is a solid start to this new series, being an improvement over the Rebirth one-shot. Introducing an Atlantean embassy, with some explosive twists, the creative team do a marvellous job of setting up the premise behind this opening arc.

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Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jun 10, 2016

Aquaman: Rebirth #1 isn't likely to win over new readers, but it still gives fans of the character something to hope for. It also sets the stage for the main series, leaving us witha great cliffhanger.Despite this, there wasn't much intrigue or excitement, with my recommendation being skipping this and waiting for the main #1.

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Archer & Armstrong #24

Sep 9, 2014

Archer & Armstrong #24 may be different than most issues, but this emotional look into Mary-Maria's life does provide worthy reading, and gets a recommendation from me.

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Archer & Armstrong #25

Oct 30, 2014

Archer & Armstrong #25 sees an end of an era, giving a varied selection of fun stories. It does however fall into the same trap that most anniversary issues do, with the varying stories leaving a mixture of feelings. Despite this the large majority of this final issue is to a very high standard and comes highly recommended.

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Archie vs. Predator #1

Mar 20, 2015

Archie vs. Predator isn't going to be for everyone, and if you're not a fan of Archie, then it's definitely not a comic for you. That however doesn't stop it from appealing to this fanboy, as though I'm far from captivated, it proves to be a weirdly entertaining crossover, that I look forward to reading more of.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #1

Dec 3, 2014

The latest series of Army of Darkness may still have some ground to cover before we can judge it next to its predecessors, but it certainly gets off to a fabulous start. Giving a new playground for Ash and the deadites, and a exciting flow, it certainly leaves this fanboy eager for more. Recommended.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #3

Feb 12, 2015

Army of Darkness #3 does a fantastic job of livening things up, with it's electric tempo being thoroughly exciting. The addition of Evil Ash also shakes things up, with the interaction between him and Ash being truly captivating.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #4

Mar 4, 2015

Army of Darkness continues to be a great continuation to this fantastic franchise, as though the concept is one that still divides me, the character depth and comic timing proves extremely entertaining. The battle between Ash and his evil counterpart, and the dialogue shared also adds to the humorous tone, as though there is little progression plot wise, the issue is certainly fun.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #5

Mar 31, 2015

Army of Darkness‘ latest series comes to an end, and an impressive one at that. Yes, the entire concept was one that this fanboy was never going to be fully aboard, but the creative team has manages to do great work with it. This finale reflects the work that they've put in, and though I'm eager to learn the future of the franchise at Dynamite, this is a comic I'll gladly return to in the meantime.

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #1

Jul 15, 2014

Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched gets off to an awesome start having some intense developments as well as a lot of speculation. Highly recommended.

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #2

Aug 26, 2014

Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched has really been on a roll, with the exciting events making it one of the best Evil Dead comics yet. Highly recommended.

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #3

Oct 14, 2014

Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitches is certainly raising the stakes as it enters it's penultimate issue. It does however try a little too hard to cover all the bases, and despite overall being good, it lacks in atmosphere. Recommended.

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #4

Nov 18, 2014

Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched ends in a thoroughly gripping way, as though there are a couple of minor points that annoyed me, the finale as a whole was both definitive, whilst setting up the future. Highly recommended.

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Artemis IX (One-Shot) #1

Aug 7, 2015

Artemis IX #1 is yet another fabulous extension to the IXth Generation series that Matt Hawkins and Stjepan eji created. Giving a great look into the rule of this powerful IX, the creators are bound to lure in new fans, whilst giving current readers enough to entice.

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Artifacts #33

Jan 9, 2014

You can read my exclusive interview with Kenny Porter as well as view the preview for this issue here, as well as my exclusive interview with -Rom- here.

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Artifacts #34

Feb 13, 2014

Artifacts continues to be a great proving ground for the Talent Hunt Winners, but the one-short shortness continues to be their undoing. Still an exciting issue which I easily recommend.

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Artifacts #36

Apr 1, 2014

Artifacts moves onto a new story and though it may be quirky it is also very interesting and captivating having wonderful art to accompany it. Highly recommended.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #1

Nov 5, 2013

A brilliant addition to the Evil Dead universe and a nice continuation from the Army of Darkness film, as although there is a planned sequel to the film in the works, it is nice to see this continuation story. The issue itself would have all the humour that made the films so great, having the same tone, with Ash feeling just like he did when Bruce Campbell played him. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue and can't wait for the next one.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #3

Jan 10, 2014

Ash and the Army of Darknessis starting to become the series that Evil Dead fans deserve, and I for one recommend.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #4

Feb 18, 2014

Ash and the Army of Darkness has let itself down big time with this issue, and I can only hope that the next issue is better. Keep your $3.99 and skip this issue.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #5

Apr 1, 2014

Ash and the Army of Darkness‘ first story ends on a high with this issue being a vast improvement over the last. Recommended.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #6

Apr 22, 2014

Ash and the Army of Darkness has had new life injected into it as though there's still room for improvement it's once again getting me excited for future issues. Recommended.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #7

May 13, 2014

Ash and the Army of Darkness keeps getting better and with it nearing the end of the current series I couldn't be happier with it's current quality. Highly recommended.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #8

Jun 10, 2014

Ash and the Army of Darkness comes to a terrific conclusion as though the latest story is rushed to it's ending the set-up for Ash Gets Hitched and the overall excitement leading up to this made it a terrific read. Recommended.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness Annual: 2014

Mar 25, 2014

Ash and the Army of Darkness‘ 2014 Annual is as Ash would say" Groovy! Hard to resist that quote. Anyway pick this up as if like me you were disappointed with the last issue of the main series as this will restore your faith in the Ash and the Army of Darkness comic franchise. Recommended.

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Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #0

Jun 8, 2017

Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #0 is everything that I expect from a zero issue and more. Not only does it give us a stylish recount of previous events, but it touches on the coming events in a way that entices, without giving too much away. The fact that this is only 99 makes it easy to recommend, with it sure to leave readers picking up the main series.

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Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #1

Jul 4, 2017

Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #1 builds upon the zero issue perfectly, acting as a brilliant introduction in it's own right. Giving us an awkward lesson from Ash, a mysterious subplot, and a odd twist near the end, the creative team do a marvellous job of getting this series off the ground, with there being plenty to look forward to as we await the next issue.

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Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #2

Aug 3, 2017

Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #2 is yet another entertaining entry in this latest Evil Dead comic, with the creative team delivering a strange narrative. This leads to some truly exciting twists for Ash and the students of Alan Shepherd High School, with the climax sure to leave readers curious as to what lies ahead for our "chosen one."

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Assassin's Creed #1

Oct 15, 2015

Assassin's Creed #1 was a fantastic start to the popular franchise, as despite there still being some room for improvement, it lays the groundwork for a potentially great series. The creative team also manage to build an intriguing subplot with the balance between past and present being expertly handled.

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Assassin's Creed #2

Nov 11, 2015

Assassin's Creed #2 is yet another great installment in this comic book adaptation of the much loved video game, taking all that was good about the opening issue, whilst trimming away some of the more disappointing elements. It also brought to life a brand new time period for the franchise to explore, with the creative team leaving me hooked for the next installment.

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Assassin's Creed #3

Dec 10, 2015

Assassin's Creed #3 is yet another solid entry in this comic book expansion, with the suspense built within its narrative leaving me hooked for the next instalment. The creative team also delve deeper into their two main characters, with Tom Stoddard in particular having a lot to take in.

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Assassin's Creed #4

Jan 14, 2016

Assassin's Creed #4 is easily the best issue in the series to date, with the exciting action and gripping twists leaving me hooked to every page. We also get more mystery and along with the connections that Charlotte makes between the events of the past and the assassins current goal, there is plenty to look forward to in the finale of this first arc.

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Assassin's Creed #5

Feb 10, 2016

Assassin's Creed #5 wasn't quite the epic conclusion I was hoping for from the first arc, but it was nonetheless an outstanding issue. The creative team would also give some interesting developments for the long run, with Charlotte as a character becoming much more intriguing than ever before.

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Assassin's Creed: Origins #1

Mar 6, 2018

Assassin's Creed Origins #1 is a fabulous expansion to the recent Ubisoft video game, showing us Aya's future in Rome. It doesn't exactly deviate too far from the game's objectives, but it still gives us more than enough substance to excite, as well as some intriguing twists on historical events.

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Athena IX (One-Shot) #1

Jun 30, 2015

Athena IX #1 is a fabulous look into the IXth Generation character, with the one-shot being a refreshing alternative to what we're usually used to. It's also full of some of the most intense action you could dream for, having a poetic twist to proceedings.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1

Oct 9, 2014

Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1 gets off to a relatively good start, as though nowhere near as awesome as it should have been, not quite feeling worth the extra dollar, it shows signs of a brilliant event. It also leaves with some mysterious questions, having me hooked for the next issue. Due to this the issue comes recommended.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2

Oct 16, 2014

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #2 doesn't do much for the latest in Marvel's long line of events, reinforcing the notion that these events need to be spread further apart. It does however give some exciting moments, with the narration at times being engaging. All and all I find it hard to strongly recommend this, and only recommend it to people who've already tried the first issue.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #3

Oct 23, 2014

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #3 doesn't do much for the event, but if nothing more it does leave us something to think about, with the final developments being very intriguing. This doesn't however overlook the fact that this issue is overcrowded, and that the fight against Red Onslaught ended in a disappointing fashion. It does however do enough to come recommended.

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Avengers (2012) #2

Jul 16, 2013

A decent issue, but not as good as the previous. I would still recommend this issue, but mainly to Avengers or Hickman fans. Otherwise I would recommend waiting to see reviews for the remainder of the story before buying, and either getting back copies, or the collected trade paperback, if you think it's for you.

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Avengers (2012) #18

Sep 12, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and one of the best tie-in issues that I've read tie-in wise. It is however not a great issue for anyone who isn't following Infinity, as although it is exciting, and entertaining, it may be a bit confusing. Due to this I'll be lowering the rating slightly, having wanted to give it the full five stars. I would however highly recommend it to anyone who has been following Infinity, but unless you are considering getting Infinity it's probably best to leave this issue alone.

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Avengers (2012) #19

Sep 15, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and although not the best that Infinity has shown so far, not far behind, being extremely exciting, and dramatic, having interesting development points. The story also had a lot of tension, and passion in it, with plenty of depth, showing the differences in characteristics perfectly. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and can't wait for the next part of Infinity.

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Avengers (2012) #20

Sep 30, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and although the Avengers series is still not standing out as much as the other two series, it is still very consistent, not being that far behind the other two. The issue itself also had plenty of developments, making me extremely interested in what happens next. Due to all this I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the rest of the Avengers tie-ins, the New Avengers tie-ins, and of course Infinity itself.

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Avengers (2012) #21

Oct 19, 2013

This was yet another amazing addition to the Infinity event, and although much like the other Avengers tie-ins it didn't come close the the outstanding developments that the main Infinity series has been producing, it has still been very interesting, working of the main series perfectly. The issue would also have a lot of drama and excitement, having some rather intriguing developments of itself. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as both the Infinity series itself, and the New Avengers tie-ins, as they three series give the best reading experience for this event.

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Avengers (2012) #22

Nov 1, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, doing a terrific job of continuing the Avengers journey to Earth. It would also do an amazing job of continuing from some of the teaser developments from the last issue, with the attack on Titan adding some mystery to the issue. On top of that there would be some brilliant character interaction, and I for one can't wait for the next issue to come out. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the main part of the Infinity event so far.

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Avengers (2012) #23

Dec 6, 2013

An explosive end to the Avengers tie-ins for Infinity with this issue setting up the final part of the main event brilliantly. The excitement and intensity throughout this issue was simply outstanding and although there were a few minor details that lowered the quality of this issue, overall it was one of the best Avengers tie-ins in this event and I'd highly recommend this issue to anyone.

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Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega #1

Apr 29, 2016

Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega #1 was a fabulous ending to this crossover, giving us some gripping twists along the way. It also does a wonderful job of setting up future series, even if the main conflict ended in a whimper.

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Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1

Feb 17, 2016

Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1 was an invigorating start to the latest Marvel event, as despite the creative team leaving a lot to explore within the main event itself, this prelude would give us a taste of what's to come. It would also give us some intriguing twists, deserving a place on anyone's pull list.

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Avengers World #1

Jan 16, 2014

Avengers Word may take a few issues to get off the ground, but this is a decent start. It does however feel a little unnecessary so far as they could have easily saved this story for the main Avengers series. I do however still recommend giving this a try, and especially if you're a fan of the main series.

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B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know #1

Jul 25, 2017

B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know #1 is everything you would expect from a Mike Mignola comic, being both gritty and exciting. Seeing the return of some familiar faces, as well as a good dose of mystery, the creative team deliver an opening issue that is sure to leave readers new and old returning for more.

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Babyteeth #1

Jun 9, 2017

Baybyteeth #1 may be full of mystery, but it's intrigue and engaging narrative make it one worth picking up. The clever storytelling and use of narration also makes this an appealing tale, with the gritty art and ominous overtones being alluring to say the least.

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Back to the Future #1

Oct 21, 2015

Back to the Future #1 wasn't the perfect start to celebrate the franchise's 30th Anniversary, but that doesn't stop it from being a must have for fans of the beloved property. Giving us two fun stories that are thoroughly entertaining, the creative team certainly capture the tone of these characters, even if the pacing is off at times.

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Back to the Future #2

Nov 11, 2015

Back to the Future #2 is yet another solid entry into this comic book expansion, as despite not necessarily being a must have, it is a fun addition for any fan of the trilogy. It also does a fabulous job of exploring the alternative possibilities within this franchise, whilst respecting what has came before it.

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Back to the Future #3

Dec 10, 2015

Back to the Future #3 is probably the weakest entry in the series to date, but in saying that it still gives us two fun stories. It also gives us some quirky we additions to the franchise, though nothing on a grand scale.

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Bad Blood #1

Jan 1, 2014

A brilliant start for this vampire series, with it being one of the most unique additions to the vampire genre. I for one loved this issue and can't wait for the next and would highly recommend giving it a try.

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Bad Blood #2

Feb 4, 2014

Bad Blood continues to build on it's fantastic opening. It had some fabulous interactions and despite there not being a lot of progression till the end I'd still highly recommend this issue.

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Bad Blood #3

Mar 4, 2014

Bad Blood has reached it's midpoint, and what a way to do so. The introduction of a new character as well as the mindset of the vampires has added a lot of intensity to this unique series, and I for one look forward to seeing what Maberry produces next.

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Bad Blood #4

Apr 1, 2014

Bad Blood is almost over but it still manages to give impressive content and development and I will be sad when it finally comes to an end in the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Bad Blood #5

May 6, 2014

Bad Blood may have come to an end but it does so with style, being intriguing till the end. Highly recommended.

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Bad Dog #6

Jan 24, 2014

Bad Dog #6 was a great tale as although slightly slow at times it was for the most part exciting and gritty. I highly recommend giving the issue a read.

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Barb Wire (2015) #1

Jun 8, 2015

Barb Wire #1 is a refreshing return for the '90s bombshell, as though this first issue isn't quite as impressive as I'd hoped, it's more than worth the purchase. It's explosive and eccentric plot twists also leaves great speculation moving forward, with this fan for one being excited for #2. So come July 1st, go to your local comic book shop and pick up the beauty.

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Barb Wire (2015) #3

Sep 3, 2015

Barb Wire has quickly become one of the more entertaining products to come out of Dark Horse as of late, with the energetic tempo allowing for an immersive yarn. This is all aided by some quick witted dialogue that helps bring this tale to life.

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Barb Wire (2015) #7

Jan 5, 2016

Barb Wire #7 is a solid continuation to the current story arc, giving promise for the next installment. It is however still nowhere near as engaging as the previous narrative, with the concept wearing thin at times.

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Barb Wire (2015) #8

Feb 3, 2016

Barb Wire #8 proved to be a fitting conclusion to the series, as although the arc as a whole didn't quite captivate, this final issue made up a little allowing the series to become a worthy addition to anyone's collection. The creative team also allow for some gripping last minute character development and despite there being some questionable dialogue we were given a softer side to our titular character.

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Batgirl (2011) #15

Feb 26, 2013

This was brilliant issue, and although not as good as the previous still an exceptionally good issue. I would highly recommend this issue, and the previous issue also. I am also looking forward to how this part of the story finishes in the next issue, and will be upset to see Simone leave the series after issue 17.

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Batgirl (2011) #16

Aug 1, 2013

This was a terrific issue,and although not as good as the other issues in the Batgirl part of Death of the Family, it was still very good. Although it was really good I'd only recommend it to people who already have the rest of the Batgirl part of Death of the Family, as it's not a brilliant jumping on point. I would however recommend it to anyone considering getting the other issues, as it has been a brilliant story.

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Batgirl (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was a decent issue, and although I personally prefer Simone's writing on this series Fawkes gives something different, and unique. I don't know whether to recommend this issue or not. I'd probably say yes, especially if you've already been following the series. I'd also recommend it to newer readers, and people who don't like Simone's run (although I'm not one of them I know there are some, all series have lovers, and haters) as this is a very different type of writing.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

Jul 22, 2016

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 is a fun and engaging start to this new series, being a real surprise. Not only does it introduce us to a fascinating concept, but it also brings the three main characters together in a bold fashion.

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Batman (2011) #15

Feb 26, 2013

Another brilliant issue, in what's shaping up to be DC's best story in the New 52 so far. I would highly recommend this issue, and am looking forward to seeing what Joker has in store for Batman and the Bat-Family next issue.

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Batman (2011) #16

Aug 1, 2013

Another fantastically brilliant issue, in what has easily been my favourite story in the New 52 so far. I would highly recommend it to anyone, as well as both the rest of the story, and series, and hope that it finishes epically.

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Batman (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was a brilliant end to a extraordinary story. It will be hard work to top this story but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Snyder manages to do it. I would highly recommend both this issue and the entire storyline which hasn't disappointed (at least not in this series).

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Batman (2011) #18

Aug 7, 2013

This may not be the best issue in this series, but it's still very good, and shows the right kind of emotion following Batman Inc. #8. Although I'm not too fond of the character it was also nice to see more development of the Harper Row character. I would recommend this issue, as besides Batman and Robin #18, this has been the best issue in the Requiem month so far (although to be fair there has only been four so far).

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Batman (2011) #19

Sep 4, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and although not quite to the level of Death of the Family, it was very enjoyable, and I'm sure the conclusion will be amazing. It was however very interesting, and quite mysterious, and although it borrowed elements from previous stories it still felt unique, which was a bonus. I would highly recommend this as it was fun, and interesting, but if you are seriously strapped for cash it's easily missable, as although it references Year Zero I doubt that it will affect it (especially considering Year Zero's meant to have happened prior to the start of this series).

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Batman (2011) #20

Sep 6, 2013

This was an excellent issue, and a great conclusion, to what was a terrific two part story. This issue was full of action, and excitement, as Snyder once again makes Clayface a force to be reckoned with. As well as being exciting, this issue also had another brilliant reference, and the dialogue throughout the issue was outstanding. Cause of all this I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the previous issue, and as much of the series as you can get, as it truly is one of the best DC series out the now, and with Zero Year just round the corner, it's the best time to jump aboard.

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Batman (2011) #21

Sep 10, 2013

This was the perfect start to Zero Year, and Snyder really seems to be on a role, with a decent start to the Wake, and a phenomenal start to Superman Unchained. This issue had a little action, but besides that it was very dramatic, with brilliant dialogue, and great hints. The shocking end, along with the speculation as to how Snyder will develop this story has me hooked, and I can't wait for the next issue. I would highly recommend this issue, and as much of this series as you can get, as although it's had the odd blip, overall it's been amazing, and one of the best series DC produces.

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Batman (2011) #22

Sep 10, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and a great continuation to Zero Year. This issue had plenty of action, that was exciting, and explosive, as well as some intense, dramatic sequences. The addition of Edward Nigma, and the fact that he, and Bruce's uncle, Philip Kane are conspiring against Bruce is also interesting, and overall this has been a very enjoyable issue. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as last issue, and the zero issue, which also ties into the story.

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Batman (2011) #23

Sep 12, 2013

This was a tremendous issue, and although it's the worst in the story so far, it was still amazing, and shows just how good this story has been. The suspense, and drama throughout the story was outstanding, with exciting dialogue. The back-up story was however nothing special, and along with the fact that the everything happened so fast in the main story let the issue down a bit. I would however still highly recommend this issue, as well as the story so far, as it's been very unique, and interesting.

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Batman (2011) #23.1

Sep 13, 2013

This may appeal to some people, but it certainly didn't to me, being too ridiculous. It also felt very rushed, and didn't have a lot of character interaction. It was however fun to a certain point, and showed that Andy Kubert understood the character, but at the same time also showed that he couldn't execute it into a decent story. Due to all this I wouldn't recommend this, as it's not worth the gamble to see if it's for you.

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Batman (2011) #23.2

Sep 14, 2013

With Villains Month being very inconsistent so far it was nice to finally read an outstanding issue, as although there have been a few great ones, there haven't been any at this level so far. The issue itself got the Riddler character perfectly, having some fun, and interesting riddles, as well as brilliant interaction, and some exciting sequences. Due to all this I'd highly recommend it, and especially if you're reading Zero Year, as although not a direct tie-in, it goes very nicely with the story.

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Batman (2011) #23.3

Sep 22, 2013

This was a better issue than I originally thought it would be, as although nothing special it was very gritty, and dramatic. It also had plenty of suspense, and showed Penguin's characteristics perfectly, reminding us to, "never underestimate the Penguin." Due to all this I'd certainly recommend it, especially if you're a Penguin fan, but at the same time don't expect it to blow your mind.

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Batman (2011) #23.4

Sep 28, 2013

This was an enjoyable issue but nothing special, having a little too much set-up work for the upcoming Arkham War series. It did however have some excitement as well as a lot of depth, but it didn't really do Bane justice, quickly summarising his origin, and not showing him in much action. Due to this I'd only recommend this to anyone who's either that big of a Bane fan that they can't miss it, anyone who's considering getting Arkham War, or anyone who has spare cash and is looking for something half decent to read.

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Batman (2011) #24

Oct 12, 2013

Snyder ends the first half of Zero Year on a high, with this issue quite possibly being the best in the storyline yet. It had a lot of excitement, as well as tons of drama and suspense, and was overall a fantastic read. It also did a lot for the Batman mythos, and giving him a fresh new origin that pays homage to previous stories. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the story so far, and can't wait to read the next issue

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Batman (2011) #25

Nov 30, 2013

This was a fantastic issue and although the price increase didn't quite feel worth it, the issue was still amazing, setting up the future of the story perfectly. On top of that it would also have a lot of mystery and suspense as although Batman himself doesn't have a huge role in the issue, it would still be very dark and exciting. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the story so far, and if you're short of cash and can't get the story so far, this is a great jumping on point.

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Batman (2011) #26

Dec 22, 2013

Zero Year appears to be slowing down a touch to set-up the big clash between Batman and the Riddler, and although this will probably pay off eventually it is slightly hurting the story the now. It is however still one of the better series out the now and it's easy to recommend this issue.

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Batman (2011) #27

Jan 29, 2014

Zero Year continues to have a mixed affect on me, as despite my overall opinion being very positive, I question the necessity of the length. I do however still highly recommend this and can't wait to read more.

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Batman (2011) #28

Feb 19, 2014

This glimpse into Batman: Eternal is nothing but a big tease, and if nothing else will make you want to give this issue a try the shocking ending certainly will.

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Batman (2011) #34

Aug 15, 2014

Blessed are the meek,for they shall inherit the earth.

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Batman (2011) #35

Oct 9, 2014

Batman #35 is the perfect jumping on point for new readers, as though there are some confusing elements, the issue leaves us with so many intriguing questions, as well as one awesome revelation. The issue itself is also extremely exciting, with the post Eternal setting working extremely well. Highly recommended.

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 10, 2015

Batman #41 was so much better than I hoped it would be. Though the notion of a new Batman is still taking some adjusting, the plot and narrative that Scott Snyder has delivered here is pure suspense. Joined with marvelous visuals from Greg Capullo, it does a fantastic job of showing us how Commissioner Gordon became Batman, and how he'll be different than the one before him.

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Batman (2011) #42

Jul 8, 2015

Batman #42 continues to show why this is an intriguing new direction for the Bat, as though there's a huge part of me that would love to see Bruce take back the cowl, it's refreshing to see a new look. The events of this issue also give a somewhat golden age feel, with the new Batmobile bound to turn heads.

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Batman (2011) #43

Aug 13, 2015

Batman #43 may not be the most exciting issues in the series, being the worst to come following Convergence, but that doesn't stop it from being intriguing. Having great character developments, with wonderful background, this issue gives us a lot of information" a little too much.

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Batman (2011) #44

Sep 10, 2015

We may not have needed a break from the current storyline, but nevertheless Batman #44 proves to be an enthralling one-shot tale. Featuring a simple, yet enthralling narrative, as well as some extraordinary artwork, this issue only goes to build on an already iconic legend.

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Batman (2011) #45

Oct 15, 2015

Batman #45 continues to build upon an already intriguing premise, as although I'm still missing the classic Batman, it is definitely intriguing to see Jim Gordon in the role. Add in the gripping climax and clever twists in this issue and you can be sure that we're eager to dive into the next.

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Batman (2011) #47

Dec 11, 2015

Batman #47 is yet another example of why this new take on the Caped Crusader is needed, as although there is no doubt that Bruce needs to eventually retake the cowl, this has been one of the better stints without him. The creative team also give us a few shocking twists, leaving plenty to be excited about as we wait for the next issue.

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Batman (2011) #48

Jan 22, 2016

Batman #48 moves “Superheavy” forward in a truly extraordinary manner, with the simple, yet powerful developments being truly captivating. This is all complimented by some sensational artwork, and when you throw in some thrilling twists it's hard to not recommend this.

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Batman (2011) #49

Feb 10, 2016

Batman #49 is easily one of the best issues that Scott Snyder has written, with Bruce's transformation into the Batman being simply extraordinary. The creative team also give us some memorable moments in between this, with a narrative that was captivating from start to finish.

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Batman (2011) #50

Mar 25, 2016

Batman #50 may not have been the grand spectacle I hoped it would be, failing in certain areas, but what it did do was give us a fitting conclusion to “Superheavy.” It would also see Bruce return to the cape and cowl in a thrilling manner, as despite the design not being to my taste, the symbolism in these events definitely appealed to my fanboy nature.

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Batman (2011) #51

Apr 28, 2016

Batman #51 is a decent end to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo‘s run on the comic, but at the same time it wasn't as spectacular as I hoped. What it did do, was give us a bold, symbolic take on Gotham and why Batman is such a crucial part to it's environment.

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Batman (2011) Annual #4

Oct 1, 2015

Batman Annual #4 is a shining example of how to use Bruce Wayne following his memory loss, and that despite no longer being the Caped Crusader, you can have a good Batman tale focusing mainly on him. It also sees the return of three classic villains, and despite there being a clear leader, they all prove to be a worthy addition.

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Batman (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 11, 2014

Batman: Futures End #1 is what a one-shot should be, being an isolated tale, that doesn't feel overly rushed, and is packed with intensity. Highly recommended.

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Batman (2016) #1

Jun 17, 2016

Batman #1 was an improvement over the Rebirth one-shot, but still has room from improvement. Giving us a creative narrative that sees a damaged plane nosediving into Gotham, Tom King and David Finch gave us a first issue that is bound to entice, with the twist near the end being tantalising to say the least.

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Batman (2016) #2

Jul 7, 2016

Batman #2 moves the current narrative forward in a bold and engaging manner, with the Dark Knight's relationship with Gotham and Gotham Girl being interesting to say the least. Add to this a fun encounter with Solomon Grundy and the return of one of yet another classic villain, and this is bound to captivate fans of the Caped Crusader.

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Batman (2016) #3

Jul 22, 2016

Batman #3 gives us a fascinating origin for Gotham and Gotham Girl, with there being some symbolic moments and smart use of bait and switch along the way. It also moves the main narrative forward in a gripping manner, even if we don't get a huge lot of development until the latter portion of the book.

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Batman (2016) #4

Aug 4, 2016

Batman #4 is easily the best issue of the series so far, with the creative team giving us some bold and captivating twists. Not only do they give some big changes to Gotham's attitude, but they also hint at the upcoming “Night of the Monster Men” crossover, whilst setting up the finale of “I am Gotham” in an exhilarating fashion.

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Batman (2016) #5

Aug 17, 2016

Batman #5 is a masterpiece, building off everything that has happened over the first four issues and working it into an epic finale. In doing this, the creative team also tease future possibilities for this narrative, with the ending being both shocking and enthralling.

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Batman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

Batman #21 gets "The Button" off to a tremendous start, as despite there being minimal development to the main narrative, it gives us a spectacular encounter between the Caped Crusader and the Reverse Flash. It also ends in surprising fashion, leaving us guessing what will happen next and how the button fits into things.

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Batman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

Batman #25 gets “The War of Jokes and Riddles” off to a solid start, as despite not quite matching the lofty standards of recent issues, there's still plenty to enjoy throughout. The symbolic way the two villains are introduced is also sure to captivate fans new and old, with the creative team giving us plenty of reasons to return for more.

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Batman (2016) #26

Jul 5, 2017

Batman #26 moves “The War of Jokes and Riddles” forward in an interesting fashion, as despite still being in the early days, there's still enough to entice. The story also continue to keep the two key villains firmly in the spotlight, as in spite of Batman making the odd appearance, he is clearly a side-note to this personal battle.

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Batman (2016) #27

Jul 21, 2017

Batman #27 is an thoroughly enjoyable read, being an intriguing interlude to “The War of Jokes and Riddles.” Giving us a surprisingly compelling origin story for Kite-Man, the creative team fashion a narrative that shows the effect of this war, with the emotional depth and character driven nature of the story making it easy to recommend this comic.

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Batman (2016) #28

Aug 3, 2017

Batman #28 may very well be the worst issue of Tom King‘s run so far. Despite giving some interesting developments for “The War of Jokes and Riddles” storyline, the lack of progression and sloppy narration makes it hard to enjoy this latest instalment. The visual side of the book is, on the other hand, as sensational as ever, with this hopefully being nothing more than a minor blip in what will be remembered as an enjoyable story arc.

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Batman (2016) #29

Aug 16, 2017

Batman #29 is exactly the kind of injection shot that story needs, with the creative team bouncing back beautifully from the disappointment of last issue. In doing so, we conveniently get the best chapter of “The War of Jokes and Riddles” to date, with the dinner Bruce sets out for these two foes resulting in some sensational development.

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Batman (2016) #30

Sep 6, 2017

Batman #30 isn't the best entry in “The War of Jokes and Riddles,” but it's not the worst either. Giving us an engaging continuation to Kite-Man's origin, the creative team deliver yet another emotional interlude, that despite its flaws, adds depth to the story arc as a whole.

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Batman (2016) #31

Sep 22, 2017

Batman #31 is a solid continuation to “The War of Jokes and Riddles.” Despite the overall development feeling rather sparse, the creative team still manage to build plenty of excitement leading into the finale. The way that these events play off the recent interlude also helps to bring a sense of relevance, with Kite-Man's involvement surprisingly appealing.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #1

Sep 10, 2013

This was a great opening issue, and probably one of the best I've seen for a while. Pak really understood both character's, whilst adding his own uniqueness to them, which I loved. The action, and mystery also added for another level of drama, and suspense, and I can't wait to read more. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as it's a phenomenal read, and I seriously hope the series continues in this fashion.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #2

Sep 11, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and although not quite as good as the opening issue was it was still very interesting with some very exciting moments. The issue also had a lot of emotion throughout, and the development though at a much slower pace in this issue has still been very interesting. I personally still however am not a huge fan of the artwork, as although I prefer Lee's art on this than anything else I've seen there are still things that I dislike about it. I would however highly recommend this issue as although slightly slow it was still amazing.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #3

Sep 13, 2013

Although the series hasn't matched the brilliance of the first issue in these last two issues it has however had some very interesting development points that have me very intrigued as to how this story will conclude. It also had some emotional and exciting points throughout, as well as some lightheartedness. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue and can't wait for the conclusion, though am more excited about the Doomsday Villains Month issue the now.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #3.1

Sep 28, 2013

This was a fantastic issue and although not quite the Doomsday issue I was expecting it was still very enjoyable. The issue also had a lot of drama and excitement, with some of the best artwork that I have ever seen from Brett Booth. There was also plenty of emotion and even a bit of lightheartedness, and if there was more of Doomsday this could have easily have been a perfect issue. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this, especially if you're fans of Pak's work, but if you are Doomsday fans I'd recommend caution as you may be disappointed.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #4

Oct 19, 2013

This was a brilliant conclusion to the series opening story, and although it wasn't quite as impactful as I hoped it would be, it was still very exciting and entertaining, with some very interesting moments. The character interaction was also yet again wonderful, and I really hope that Pak gets round to building on this story later in the series. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the entire first story, though if you're short on cash and haven't been getting the series so far I'd recommend leaving it till next issue.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #9

Apr 25, 2014

Batman/Superman #9 has finally arrived though sadly despite being a decent read it didn't feel quite worth the long wait. It'll now take the reading of First Contact in a oner to determine whether it's a story I want to remember or forget. It still however gets a recommendation.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #10

May 8, 2014

Batman/Superman #10 is a fun alternative to the series usual tone also teasing a possible future event for the series. Highly recommended.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #11

May 21, 2014

Batman/Superman fits nicely into the Superman: Doomed crossover as though there's no Superman in this issue with the content feeling slightly hectic it was still an enjoyable read. Recommended.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #12

Jul 2, 2014

Batman/Superman takes a intriguing turn of events with the duos trip to Earth-2 being very exciting. Recommended.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #13

Aug 29, 2014

Batman/Superman finally start to show the gripping elements that I loved about the opening of the series, giving a unique new direction for it to go in. Highly recommended.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #22

Jul 8, 2015

Batman/Superman #22 is easily one of the best entries in the series to date, taking Truth to a whole new level. Giving a tense confrontation between the two titular characters, the creative team highlight the change in the status quo perfectly. They also leave some intriguing points open, having this fan excited for the next issue.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #23

Aug 14, 2015

Batman/Superman #23 may not be perfect, being a bit of a let down from last issue, but that doesn't mean that it's terrible. Having some intriguing twists and character interaction, the creative team leave us wanting more. Even if the present content is a little dull at times.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #24

Sep 10, 2015

Batman/Superman #24 was quite honestly rather disappointing. Despite having some exciting moments, it felt rather out of place, with the rushed ending not helping matters. It does however tease an intriguing future for the series, and I can only hope that it doesn't disappoint.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #31

Apr 15, 2016

Batman/Superman #31 may not move the “Super League” crossover forward much, but nevertheless it was a fun, exciting issue. Giving us a warm, yet emotional exchange of words between Clark and Bruce, as well as some explosive action, the creative team did more than enough to please me, with the twist near the end leaving me eager for next week's installment of this crossover.

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Batman / Superman (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 17, 2014

Batman/Superman: Futures End #1 proves to be a deep look into the breakdown in partnership between the Word's Finest, with Greg Pak delivering a powerful script that comes highly recommended.

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Dec 11, 2015

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 is a brilliant start to DC and IDW‘s latest crossover, as despite the creative team leaving a lot of our narrative in the shadows, they set-up a wonderful premise. They also leave us a lot to look forward to, with a thrilling climax that is bound to leave readers returning for more.

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2

Jan 14, 2016

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 moves the established narrative forward in an exciting fashion, with the creative team giving us a thrilling confrontation between the Dark Knight and the Heroes in a Halfshell. This is all given much needed depth, with the expansion on the Ninja Turtles mission giving us some interesting twists along the way.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #15

Feb 26, 2013

This was a good issue and decent addition to Death of the Family. The series is still not as strong as it was in the earlier issue, and need improvement, but is on the right track. I would recommend this issue, especially if you're collecting the Death of the Family tie-ins, or a fan of the Damian character.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #16

Aug 1, 2013

This was a very good issue, and although it wasn't one of the best additions to Death of the Family it's by far not the worst, and worth getting. I would highly recommend this issue to anyone who has last issue, or considering getting it, but wouldn't recommend it as a jumping on point.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was a very different issue, and won't necessarily be to everyone's tastes. I personally loved it and would recommend it to anyone, as due to it's uniqueness it will at least keep you interested, and has a 50% chance of having you also liking it. I hope that the series continues to be as good as this issue, as I know it can be.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Aug 7, 2013

Probably one of the most touching issues I've ever read this is the perfect follow-on from Batman Inc. #8, and in my opinion a better issue. Although the whole Requiem concept has interested me, with some very unique takes, this has been the one that's showed the loss of Damian the most, and I don't see the remaining series' beating it. I would easily recommend this to anyone, whether you follow this series or not, as it's brilliant, and very emotional, and even if you just wanted to read this issue you wouldn't need to get the rest of the series.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.1

Sep 13, 2013

This was a terrific story, and it got the Two-Face character spot on. It has also been one of the better Villains Month issues from this week, being very exciting, and dramatic, whilst managing to balance in both dark, and fun elements. It also had a very interesting story that ties in nicely with Forever Evil without it being necessary to read both to enjoy one or the other. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as although it wasn't quite perfect it was extremely enjoyable.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.2

Sep 14, 2013

This wasn't one of the best Villains Month issue so far, and in my opinion felt a bit unnecessary. I have however not been a follower of the Court of Owls, so Talon readers may find it to be very enjoyable. The issue itself was also very gritty and suspenseful, being brilliantly structured, having amazing artwork that suited the tone of the story. Due to all this I'd recommend the issue to anyone who'd either been following the Court of Owls in Talon, or a fan of the group in general, but for new readers I'd probably recommend caution as it may not be the best issue to introduce them to you.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.3

Sep 23, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and I was very happy to see Ra's al Ghul as a main character in a story again, and hope that this will lead to him making a return in a continuing storyline. The issue itself however was very dramatic, and suspenseful, showing Ra's characteristics perfectly. It was also one of the most unique Villains Month issues that I've read so far, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.4

Sep 29, 2013

This was an outstanding issue, and one of the best Villains Month issues that I've read this week. It showed Killer Croc perfectly, also showing a different side to him. The story itself was also very diverse, having different tones throughout, and although I wasn't overly familiar with either Seeley or Portela prior to this issue, I'd gladly read more of their work. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue to anyone, as although it wasn't phenomenal it was brilliant.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #32

Jun 18, 2014

Batman and Ra's al Ghul brings The Hunt for Robin to a shocking climax with the set-up work making me eager for Robin Rises: Omega's release. Highly recommended.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #33

Jul 24, 2014

Robin Rises is fastly becoming a story that Bat fans need to read with the highly anticipated arc not failing to disappoint so far. Highly recommended.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #34

Aug 20, 2014

Batman and Robin continues to heat up, with the events of Robin Rises continuing to amaze. Highly recommended.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #35

Oct 16, 2014

Batman and Robin #35 is a solid entry in the series, keeping me firmly hooked to the Robin Rises arc. It does however fail in captivating me with Batman's journey into Apokolips, with the Bat-Family really saving this issue.

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Batman and Robin (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 17, 2014

Batman and Robin: Futures End #1 gives a brilliant look into the Dynamic Duo's future, introducing a new Robin, and re-introducing a deadly foe. Highly recommended.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #1

Oct 8, 2015

Batman and Robin Eternal #1 was simply outstanding, with the way that the creative team put the spotlight on our former Robins being the perfect way to celebrate the character's 75th Anniversary. We also get a thrilling mystery that merges both the past and present, leaving us eager to dive into next week's installment.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #2

Oct 15, 2015

Batman and Robin Eternal continues to be an entertaining tale, and as we enter the second week of this celebratory series, the mystery surrounding “Mother” continues to grow. The creators also manage to bring our various heroes together in a fun and engaging manner, with there being plenty within this issue to make you want to return for more.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #3

Oct 23, 2015

Batman and Robin Eternal #3 is yet another entertaining entry in this weekly series, and as the mystery surrounding “Mother” grows stronger, there is a lot to keep us excited. This is all matched by an enthralling flashback sequence, with the creative team giving us a thrilling series of events.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #5

Nov 5, 2015

Batman and Robin Eternal #5 was yet another disappointing entry in this weekly series, and I can only hope that things get better from here. As having such a good start, it would be a shame to see it go down hill from here.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #10

Dec 11, 2015

Batman and Robin Eternal #10 was yet another poor entry in the weekly series, leaving me questioning just where the creative team plan on taking this story. That said it did give some enjoyable twists, but for the better part felt like yet another wasted filler issue.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #14

Jan 8, 2016

Batman and Robin Eternal #14 continues to bring this weekly series back to the quality we know it can deliver, with the creative team giving us a truly gripping issue. We are also given plenty to speculate as we await next week's installment, with Batman's involvement still having a giant question mark above it.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #16

Jan 22, 2016

Batman and Robin Eternal #16 brings Tim and Jason's trip to a rather satisfying conclusion, as despite there being some shaky dialogue, with the storyline as a whole failing to impress, it was nevertheless an entertaining read. The creative team also gave us more mysteries to solve, with a tantalising final panel that is sure to leave readers guessing.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #18

Feb 5, 2016

Batman and Robin Eternal #18 may have given us some major developments, but as a whole it felt little more than an info dump. That said current readers of this weekly should still find this somewhat insightful, with the action and tension around this allowing for a touch of engaging storytelling.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #6

Jul 17, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and one of the best in the series so far. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the entire series (but if you've read the previous series skip issue #0, as it's a retelling of Batman Inc.'s formation, and quality wise, far from the normal standard). I am extremely looking forward to the next issue, and hope that Morrison can keep up this standard for the remaining portion of his run on this series.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #7

Aug 5, 2013

This may not be the best issue in the series, but it;s still a very good issue, and sets up the next issue nicely. I would still highly recommend both this issue, and the series, and am looking forward to reading the next issue.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Aug 5, 2013

Although not the best issue in this series, or the best death in comic book history, this was still a very good book, and I for one am looking forward to seeing how this affects Batman. I would highly recommend this, and the rest of the series as it's a truly wonderful series.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Aug 20, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and probably the most emotional Requiem issue bar Batman and Robin #18, and is also probably the best Requiem issue bar Batman and Robin #18. Morrison's run is almost near it's end, and he isn't half going out in a big way, and I hope he can keep as much excitement as this issue had throughout the remaining issues. I would easily recommend this issue to anyone, whether you want to get one of the better Requiem issues, or a fan of the series already, as it's a very emotional issue.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #10

Sep 5, 2013

This was a terrific issue, and although the pace has been slowed down a bit, the endgame to Morrison's Batman run looks to be heating up, and the shock, and interest of this issue has me real excited for the final few issues. I would highly recommend this as well as the entire series, as although not Morrison's best Batman story, it has been a brilliant one to end his run.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #11

Sep 6, 2013

Although I'm not necessarily happy about the series taking a detour, this was a very fun, and entertaining issue, and a nice change from the normal dark mood that this series has had as of late. I also loved seeing the Batman of Japan again, and how he worked with his partner Canary, and although the issue did have it's flaws, it was overall very fun, and thoroughly enjoyable. I would recommend this to anyone that's been getting this series so far, but would recommend caution towards other readers, as although I enjoyed it, you may not, as it's the type of issue that you either like, or hate.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #12

Sep 10, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and one of the best in the series so far. It had brilliant action, amazing dialogue, and some emotional sequences. It also had a hint of mystery, and sets up next issues finale perfectly. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the series, which has been brilliant, and one of the best Batman stories in a while.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #13

Sep 11, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and the perfect way to end the series, as although it may not have been as shocking as I expected, it had the right tone, and atmosphere that this issue needed. It also had some great action, and dialogue, as well as some brilliant symbolism, and I will sadly miss seeing Morrison work on Batman, though great things must end. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as whether you've been following this series, or enjoyed a few stories from Morrison's run, it's worth seeing how it ended.

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Batman: Earth One #1

Sep 10, 2013

This was a phenomenal story, and although some long time Batman fans may be upset by this, I'm sure most people will like it. I'd also say that if you enjoyed Superman: Earth One, then you should at least try this, as it's just as good, and just as exciting. The changes were also very interesting, and the overall story was very dynamic, and dramatic. Johns also showed a great level of understanding for the character's, as although he made the changes I talked about, deep down every character was the exact same on the inside, with the same fundamentals. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this book (and Superman: Earth One if you have already read that), and can't wait for the sequel, especially after the fabulous teaser at the end of this book.

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Batman: Earth One #2

May 9, 2015

Having thoroughly enjoyed the first volume, I wanted nothing more than to fall in love with this one. Unfortunately it proves to be very much a mixed bag, as though the plot is good, it's brought to a sudden climax, with some poor character development. It does on the other hand do enough to make me return for a third volume, but makes me less hopeful in Earth One's future.

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Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 10, 2014

Batman: Eternal gets off to a great start as though it's got room for improvement with it needing a lot of development it has definitely drawn this fanboy's attention. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #2

Apr 17, 2014

Batman: Eternal is really cementing itself as a must have Batman title with it's edgy and mysterious story continuing to intrigue this fanboy. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #3

Apr 25, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to astound and with the introduction of Stephanie Brown as well as the drastic change to the GCPD it looks to get even better. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #4

May 1, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to rock as though it needs something to take it to the next level it remains a must have for Batman fans. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #5

May 8, 2014

Batman: Eternal takes a side step in this issue with the focus diverting to other characters. It's still however a terrific series and worthy of a recommendation.

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Batman: Eternal #6

May 14, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to be a terrific read but the weekly aspect is certainly starting to take it's toll. I still however enjoyed it enough to recommend it.

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Batman: Eternal #7

May 21, 2014

Batman: Eternal starts to give us the kind of developments it promised with Falcone's plans giving an intriguing road for Batman to follow. Recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #8

May 30, 2014

Batman: Eternal takes a step in the right direction with this issue giving wonderful development points. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #9

Jun 4, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to thrive with the latest developments giving more intrigue and suspense to the story. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #10

Jun 12, 2014

Batman: Eternal takes a brilliant twist of events with Falcone being in a sticky situation. Added to the mysterious revelation and additional development the issue did a wonderful job of moving the series forward. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #11

Jun 18, 2014

Batman: Eternal produces interesting development points with the father them being a fitting addition following fathers day. The conflicting tones on the other hand meant that this wasn't one of Eternal's best issue to date. Still however I recommend it.

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Batman: Eternal #12

Jun 25, 2014

Batman: Eternal produces some interesting and shocking developments as though there's a lot going on for one issue it still manages to flow smoothly. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #13

Jul 2, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to be a must read for Bat fans as though it may be creeping along development wise the overall tempo and content of the series remains at a high level. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #14

Jul 9, 2014

Batman: Eternal takes a major step forward bringing one of the series biggest plot developments to a close in a sensational way. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #15

Jul 16, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to be a thrilling read as though sometimes I feel it's trying to do too much at once, the intense and dramatic moments kind of make it worth it. Recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #16

Jul 24, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to be an entertaining read but there's times that I feel it's focusing too much on the future than the present. Still comes recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #17

Jul 31, 2014

Batman: Eternal‘s latest arc has been somewhat average, though the side development and art help make it better. As an individual issue however I can't recommend it.

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Batman: Eternal #18

Aug 7, 2014

Batman: Eternal turns things around, once again being the exciting series that we all love. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #19

Aug 15, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to give us an exciting and fun tale, with the Red Hood/Batgirl fight being more than impressive. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #20

Aug 20, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to amaze with the developments of this latest arc coming to a sensational climax. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #21

Aug 29, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to amaze, as though some developments feel too soon, the sheer intensity more than makes up for this. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #23

Sep 11, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to be a winner, with this issue having me more intrigued about Catwoman's involvement. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #24

Sep 17, 2014

Batman: Eternal #24 is one of the best issues the series has produced so far, with Spoiler making a brilliant superhero New 52 debut. Even if events were escalated. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #25

Sep 25, 2014

Batman: Eternal continues to prove worth the weekly purchase, with the final page of this issue having me excited for the next. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #26

Oct 3, 2014

Batman: Eternal #25 does a terrible job of changing Hush's backstory, taking his jealousy and twisting it into something obsessive and creepy. Despite this there were some interesting developments that have me intrigued for the next issue. Nevertheless I can't recommend this issue on its own.

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Batman: Eternal #27

Oct 10, 2014

Batman: Eternal #27 may not be the greatest entry in this weekly series, but following the horrific performance of last weeks issue it's hard not to enjoy this outing, with the developments being very enthralling. The teamwork, or lack of between Batman and Catwoman also proves an added bonus, with a few extra bonuses allowing for some enjoyable moments. Recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #28

Oct 16, 2014

Batman: Eternal #28 is one of the better issues of late, with the developments leaving me half tempted to follow Catwoman's story into her ongoing series. The events also prove to be exciting from start to finish, making this one of the most easiest recommends ever.

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Batman: Eternal #29

Oct 23, 2014

Batman: Eternal is continuing to be an amazing series, with Ray Fawkes producing his best script on this series to date. Between the drama, suspense, and character depth there's a lot to draw readers, with the art also appealing. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #30

Oct 30, 2014

Batman: Eternal #30 gives some thoroughly explosive developments to the series, also allowing acting as a nice prelude to Arkham Manor. It does however feel a little too chaotic at times, but nothing that overshadows the positives. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Eternal #33

Nov 21, 2014

Batman: Eternal #33 certainly raises the stakes, as though the issue mainly felt like a set-up issue, the character development was enticingly immersive. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Europa #1

Nov 18, 2015

Batman: Europa #1 may have taken a long time to reach our shelves, but it has definitely been a wait well worth it. Having an intriguing narrative that brings the Dark Knight and the Joker together in a fantastic fashion, the creators lay the foundations for something truly monumental, with the concept behind this series being handled in a marvellous manner.

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Batman: Joker's Daughter #1

Feb 15, 2014

Joker's Daughter is a refreshing alternative to the usual Batman stories, giving a nice introduction for people who're trying the character for the first time. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Rebirth #1

Jun 2, 2016

Batman: Rebirth #1 is a solid start for this new era of the character, showing plenty of promise moving forward. It also gave some intriguing and clever development, even if the re-imagined Calendar Man wasn't to my liking.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #15

Jul 17, 2013

This was a brilliant end to a mediocre story. Although I've enjoyed the new origin for Scarecrow, it was stretched over too many issue, and I hope that Hurwitz doesn't do this with the next story. Although this was a good issue, due to it being the end of a story I'd only recommend it to people who have the rest, or parts of the story, or are considering getting the rest of the story. I'd also probably recommend the entire story, as it had a brilliant start, and ending, but unfortunately dragged in the middle. I'd probably overall rate this story a 4/5.

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Battlestar Galactica (2013) #11

May 20, 2014

Battlestar Galactica The Adama Gambit comes to a exciting conclusion and if the series continues in this tone I for one will be one very happy reader. Highly recommended.

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Battlestar Galactica (2013) #12

Jun 3, 2014

Battlestar Galactica #12 gives us a emotional one-shot tale that shows how innocents and fun can still be found during a war. Highly recommended.

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Battlestar Galactica: Six #2

Apr 7, 2015

The long wait is finally over, and I can firmly say that Battlestar Galactica: Six #2 didn't suck. Having an exciting narrative, that takes us further into the background of Number Six, this five part mini-series continues to intrigue, with the dramatic developments more than enticing. Just lets hope that it's not another year before the next issue's out.

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Beautiful Canvas #1

Jun 28, 2017

Beautiful Canvas #1 introduces us to a strange, yet enthralling narrative involving a hitwoman and the strange boy she was meant to kill. Giving us plenty of tension and mystery throughout this opening chapter, the creative team leave us a lot to mull over as we await the next instalment, with it being a must have for fans of the publisher.

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Beautiful Canvas #2

Jul 28, 2017

Beautiful Canvas #2 is just as insane as the first issue, with there being some exciting developments for our hitwoman and the boy she's protecting. Adding more mystery to what is already an enticing concept, the creative team deliver a product that is easy to praise, being a worthy addition to anyone's comic book collection.

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Beautiful Canvas #3

Sep 5, 2017

Beautiful Canvas #3 may move a little too quickly at times, but nonetheless it is yet another sensational entry in this mini-series. Delivering an exciting set of events that sees Lon go to the rescue of Alex, the creative team give us a product that is enticing from start to finish. During this we get more than a few surprising moments, with the climax sure to leave readers in a state of shock.

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Big Man Plans #1

Mar 3, 2015

Big Man Plans may have some work to do before it can be classed as a great tale, but it's certainly heading in the right direction. Yes, the creative team jam a little too much into this opening issue, but the engaging narration, and wonderful characteristics of Big Man make it a series that I look forward to returning to.

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Big Man Plans #2

Apr 8, 2015

Big Man Plans may still have some work to be done, before it becomes a must have, but it's gripping character development, and intense action is definitely sending it there. This is also complemented by beautiful art, with Powell and Wiesch's vision captivating throughout.

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Big Trouble In Little China #1

Jun 4, 2014

Big Trouble in Little China returns and if you're a fan of the film you'll be extremely happy as Carpenter, Powell and Churilla bring Jack Burton and the Pork Chop Express back in a fun and exciting way. Highly recommended.

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Big Trouble In Little China #2

Jul 2, 2014

Big Trouble in Little China takes a questionable turn of events as despite the humour and comedy being as strong as the opening issue the story development left a lot to be desired. It does however do enough to merit a recommendation from me.

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Bill & Ted Save the Universe #1

Jun 22, 2017

Bill & Ted Save the Universe #1 is a most excellent debut for this latest mini-series, with the creative team producing an intriguing tale. The character likeness and weird developments also feel refreshingly familiar, with the closing moments sure to pique fans interest.

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Birthright #1

Oct 7, 2014

Birthright has blown my expectations right out of the water, with the mixture of fantasy and mystery being a real winner. Being extremely gripping, and utterly enthralling the creators manage to give an opening issue that showcases the vastness of this world, whilst also getting across the depth of the story itself. Highly recommended.

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Birthright #2

Nov 4, 2014

Birthright is a thrilling adventure that every fanboy needs to read. Yes this second outing isn't perfect, and yes there's still some room for improvement, but so far the series has given a lot to be excited about. Highly recommended.

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Birthright #3

Dec 3, 2014

Birthright continues to be a must read comic, with Williamson as a writer growing stronger and stronger with each creator owned series. The visuals are also as stunning as ever, with the narrative being utterly gripping. It's this that makes this issue easily recommended.

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Birthright #5

Feb 3, 2015

Birthright #5 certainly adds plenty of energy to this already astounding story, with the dramatic developments captivating throughout. The character depth, and backstory also adds more depth to this amazing world, with the final page being as tantalising as ever.

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Birthright #6

Apr 8, 2015

Birthright‘s second arc gets off to an amazing start, as though it was slightly disappointing to see so little of Terrenos, the character depth and development more than made up. The intense notion of symbolism also allows for some powerful moments, that result in this comic coming highly recommended. So if you're not currently getting this series, then do so now!

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Birthright #7

May 12, 2015

Birthright may not always captivate, but one thing that it has done since #1 is excite. That has never been more true than it has over these last couple of issues, with Mikey's adventure taking him and his brother Brennan into new and intriguing territory. That alongside the tantalising teasers make Birthright #7 a fantastic comic, and one everyone should pick up this week.

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Birthright #16

Jun 10, 2016

Birthright #16 gets the fourth arc off to a stellar start, giving us plenty of excitement and development. It also reveals yet more interesting facts about the Rhodes family, with the final moments being gripping to say the least.

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Birthright #17

Jul 14, 2016

Birthright #17 is yet another outstanding addition to this wonderful tale of swords and sorcery, with the character depth being enthralling to say the least. Add to this some explosive moments and interesting twists and it's hard not to be impressed by the work the creative team are producing.

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Birthright #18

Aug 11, 2016

Birthright #18 is easily the best issue of the current arc to date, with the epic action and powerful emotion being captivating at every opportunity. The way the creative team utilise this in a manner that drives the main narrative forward also entices, with the climactic moments leaving me for one desperate for the next issue.

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Birthright #25

Jun 13, 2017

Birthright #25 was certainly a game changer, with the return of Kallista resulting in some shocking twists. Add to this the emotional tone and epic action and this is a comic that is easy to praise.

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Black Hammer #1

Jul 19, 2016

Black Hammer #1 is a must have comic, with the creative team delivering something unlike anything we've seen before. Not only do they introduce us to this narrative in a bold and gripping manner, but they also add tons of heart and emotion as well.

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Black Hammer #2

Aug 18, 2016

Black Hammer #2 is an amazing continuation to this series, with the look into Gail's past being enthralling to say the least. Whilst doing this, the creative team also manage to expand on a couple of other characters, whilst teasing possible directions this series can go in.

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Black Hammer #11

Jul 26, 2017

Black Hammer #11 is an outstanding entry in this superhero saga, with the emotional depth of Barbie and Gail's developments leading to some compelling moments. Add to this the mysterious nature of Lucy's investigation into the town and the enquiries into the sheriff's disappearance, and this issue gives us plenty of reasons to tune in next month.

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Black Magick #6

Jun 27, 2017

Black Magick #6 is a fitting return for this supernatural crime thriller, with the creative team giving us a narrative that should appeal to readers new and old. In doing this, we are given a gripping look at Rowan Black's childhood, and how her awakening has shaped her life.

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Black Market #1

Jul 12, 2014

Black Market is a unique take on the superhero genre with it's edgy plot and deep characters making it a must have for comic fans. Highly recommended.

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Black Market #2

Aug 16, 2014

Black Market is quickly proving to be one of BOOM! Studio's best mini's, having a very morish tale. Highly recommended.

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Black Market #3

Sep 9, 2014

Black Market continues to impress me more and more, with the intense events of this issue having me practically speechless. Highly recommended.

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Black Market #4

Oct 7, 2014

Black Market as a whole has been a phenomenal series, but it has certainly ended on a high, with this quite possibly being Frank Barbiere's best individual issue. Having both great action, and gripping revelations the issue manages to tie up every loose end, with the emotion throughout being utterly enthralling. Due to all these reasons I highly recommend this issue, and the series as a whole.

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Black Science #7

Jul 30, 2014

Black Science is back with a bang as our group of explorers find it ever hard to return home. With stunning art and compelling writing this is a must have for comic fans. Highly recommended.

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Black Science #8

Aug 26, 2014

Black Science continues to be one of Image's must haves, as though the pace has dropped in this issue, the intrigue is still there. Highly recommended.

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Black Science #9

Oct 7, 2014

Black Science #9 is another solid entry into this amazing creator owned series, with the new developments being utterly mesmerizing. The issue isn't however without it's faults, trying to do too much in such a short space. Nevertheless the positives well outweigh the negatives and this issue comes highly recommended.

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Black Science #10

Oct 28, 2014

Black Science #10 has a lot going on in it, and in attempt to cover all the bases this ultimately leaves us with a rather average plot. The issue is however saved by it's gripping climax, and wonderful art, and due to this it still comes recommended.

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Black Science #13

Apr 2, 2015

Black Science continues to be a worthy addition to anyone's pull, as though there are a lot of better comics on the stands, there's also a lot worse.

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Black Widow (2014) #1

Jan 15, 2014

This was a terrific opening issue to Black Widow's new solo series and probably one of the best that she's ever had. I for one look forward to reading more from this series and hope that Edmondson does just as good a job in the upcoming Punisher series. Highly recommended.

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Black Widow (2014) #2

Feb 6, 2014

Black Widow continues to be an amazing espionage series, showing that some of Marvels best work come from their secondary characters. Highly recommended.

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Black Widow (2014) #3

Feb 13, 2014

Black Widow continues to be a exciting and explosive series, and although the art wasn't quite as good in this issue it was sill amazing. Highly recommended.

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Black Widow (2014) #8

Jul 3, 2014

Black Widow teams up with the Winter Soldier in what was an exciting and enthralling tale. Highly recommended.

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Black Widow (2014) #9

Aug 6, 2014

Black Widow continues to be an entertaining read, as though I look forward to delving into the future of her own story, this Friend from Foe crossover was very captivating. Recommended.

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Black Widow (2014) #10

Sep 5, 2014

Black Widow continues to entice, with sins of the past affecting the present. Highly recommended.

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Black Widow (2014) #18

May 29, 2015

Black Widow #18 brings the character to a crossroads, that leave her questioning her future. The way in which the creative team handle this, along with the intense developments themselves, makes this issue one of the best in the series to date, and though I have doubts heading into the Secret Wars tie-in (tie-ins from ongoing series generally aren't that great), this is certainly a must have read for fans of the character.

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Black Widow (2014) #19

Jun 25, 2015

Black Widow #19 is yet another fantastic issue, as though I would have preferred something in the present, it was a brilliant way to avoid being a Secret Wars tie-in. It also shows us great insight into Natasha's early life as a spy, proving that she had a moral compass even in her more questionable years.

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Black Widow (2014) #20

Jul 30, 2015

Black Widow #20 marks the end of yet another great series, and all we can hope is that when our female spy returns, she's handled with the same level of respect and imagination. As for the finale itself, it was both exciting and clever, though left you wanting that little bit more.

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Black Widow (2016) #3

May 6, 2016

Black Widow #3 may have had some sketchy moments, but overall it moves the story forward in a bold and engaging manner. It also mixed past and present well, even if sometimes it feels a little muddled.

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Blood Bowl: More Guts, More Glory! #1

May 30, 2017

Blood Bowl: More Guts, More Glory! #1 may not be quite as glorious as some fans would have liked, but it certainly does show great promising moving forward. Featuring an intriguing narrative, some solid Blood Bowl action, as well as a mysterious sub-plot, this first issue certainly delivers more than enough to leave readers returning for more.

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Bloodshot (2012) #13

May 26, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #13 brings “The Analog Man” to itsconclusion, and despite having a mixed opinion on the twist near the end, it was nevertheless smart storytelling. Add to this the ramifications this will have on the series moving forward, and I for one can't wait to see what's in store next for Ray Garrison.

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Bloodshot (2012) #24

Sep 30, 2014

Bloodshot is about to reach it's 25th issue, so naturally to fill the gap we get a one-shot tale. Though things are exciting, and engaging, it's over developed plot allows for confusion and an overall disjointed flow. Due to this I can only recommend this to long term fans of Bloodshot, feeling that it's not the best example for new fans.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #1

Apr 16, 2015

Bloodshot: Reborn #1 may not be the usual type of comic that Valiant make, but it goes to show that their Valiant Next initiative is one to watch. Having a realistic, and emotionally driven take on the classic character, this new series is a brilliant jumping on point for new fans, as though it may not be to everyone's liking, it's sure to convert some that are on the fence.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #2

May 19, 2015

Bloodshot: Reborn #2 is a prime example of why now is the time to jump in the Valiant bandwagon. Being fun, exciting, and having a fascinating plot, this is a fresh take the character has so desperately needed, coming highly recommended from this fan.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #3

Jun 16, 2015

Bloodshot: Reborn #3 is yet another amazing continuation to Valiant's latest hit, as though not quite as good as the issues that precede it, it's still a gripping read that will leave fans eager for more.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #4

Jul 7, 2015

Bloodshot: Reborn continues to be the best book that Valiant is producing at the moment, and with some stiff competition, this is no easy feat. Giving us some exciting developments, as well as an intriguing new character addition, this issue leaves us a lot to ponder over, with Ray's psychological state still being at the center.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #5

Aug 4, 2015

Bloodshot: Reborn #5 was a fun break from the intense events of late, with the guest artwork from Ral Alln and Patricia Martin helping create a surreal tone. It is however the character depth that makes this a must have, with Jeff Lemire reminding us why he's one of the best creators in the business today.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #7

Oct 6, 2015

Bloodshot Reborn #7 was an amazing addition to a phenomenal series, as the tale of Ray Garrison and the nanites continues to intrigue. Giving some gripping twists and a thrilling climax, the creative team certain leave us wanting more, with it easily coming highly recommended.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #8

Nov 18, 2015

Bloodshot Reborn #8 was yet another amazing issue to what is easily my favourite series from Valiant at the moment. Between the gripping developments and thrilling climax, the creative team certainly set-up what should be a thrilling conclusion to this second arc.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #9

Dec 22, 2015

Bloodshot Reborn #9 brings to a close yet another arc, with Ray accepting his destiny in a touching manner. Giving us a well thought out set of events, with some gripping dialogue, the creative team certainly are on top form, with this comic coming highly recommended.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #10

Jan 29, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #10 is quite possibly the best issue in the series, being my favourite individual issue of the year so far. Giving us a visually stunning look at this dystopian future, with a story full of depth and intrigue, the creative team do more than enough to grab my attention, with there bound to be some new fans following this.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #11

Feb 26, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #11 may not have been quite as epic as the last installment, but it was nevertheless amazing, moving the story forward in an engaging manner. It would also give us some shocking twists, with there being more than enough to look forward to in the next issue.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #12

Apr 20, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #12 is yet another example of why “The Analog Man” is one of the best story arcs out the now, with the gripping action and emotional baggage allowing for a sensational narrative. Add to this some mysterious developments near the end, and there is literally no reason why you shouldn't be reading this story.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #14

Jun 29, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #14 is an amazing start to “Bloodshot Island” being a must buy. Not only does it give us amazing action and suspenseful interactions, but the added mystery just begs to be explored further. Add to this the “failed” Rising Sun projects and what we're left with is probably the most unique Bloodshot tale to date.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #15

Jul 13, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #15 may slow the pace of this story down, but it gave us more than enough to retain our interest. Giving us some captivating dialogue and shocking twists, the creative team turn this story in a rather unexpected direction, leaving me excited for the next instalment.

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Bloodshot: Salvation #1

Jul 29, 2017

Bloodshot Salvation #1 is a sensational start for this new series, being the perfect entry point for new readers. Giving us a bold turning point for the nanite infested warrior, as well as some intriguing teasers, the creative team fashion a narrative that's worthy of a place in anyone's collection. So be sure to pick this up at your local comic book store come September 20th.

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Bloodshot: Salvation #2

Oct 27, 2017

Bloodshot Salvation #2 is an excellent continuation to this latest ongoing, giving us some tense developments. Delivering an engaging narrative that continues to highlight Ray Garrison's struggle to maintain a peaceful life, the creative team leave us with a product that begs further exploration. In doing so not only to they tease the imminent future of Bloodshot, but they also invite an old villain to the party.

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Bloodshot: Salvation #7

Mar 6, 2018

Bloodshot Salvation #7 is a bold attempt at doing something different, and for the better part it works. Despite lacking the visual presence that makes the medium such a beloved one, the storytelling of Jeff Lemire and unique panel layouts make this a surprisingly pleasant experience. Let's hope that it doesn't become a regular occurrence though.

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Book Of Death #1

Jul 10, 2015

Book of Death #1 is a comic that Valiant fans don't want to miss, also being the perfect taster for comic fans that are considering jumping on the bandwagon. Having a great premise, and a slick, inviting narrative, this first issue sets events up wonderfully, leaving a lot of speculation heading into the next. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book shop this Wednesday.

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Book Of Death #2

Aug 18, 2015

Book of Death #2 may not give a great deal of progression to our story, but that doesn't stop it from being an excellent read. Delivering great tension and explosive action, the creative team left this reader hooked to each and every page, leaving a suspenseful lead into the next issue.

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Book Of Death #3

Sep 22, 2015

Book of Death #3 does a sensational job of placing all the pieces on the board, as having taken a slower approach to building upon its narrative, the series has managed to give us a suspenseful set-up. This is all aided by some gripping developments, as the creative team make the wait for the finale all the more tantalising.

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Book Of Death #4

Oct 29, 2015

Book of Death #4 is just the conclusion that I was hoping for, as between the explosive action and symbolism it made for great reading. The shocking twist near the end also left some questions open with there being a lot to look forward to within Wrath of the Eternal Warrior.

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Book Of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1

Sep 29, 2015

Book of Death: Fall of the Harbinger is yet another amazing one-shot look at the final days of a Valiant character, as although these tales haven't focused heavily on the event they tie into, they're nevertheless an inviting read. This issue in particular also gives us some poetic twists, with a finale that is pure genius.

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Book Of Death: The Fall Of Bloodshot #1

Jul 21, 2015

Book of Death: Fall of Bloodshot is an interesting one-shot that will leave both fans of the character and the Book of Death event excited. It is however not necessary for readers of the latter, and probably better suited for those that already have a prior knowledge of the Bloodshot character. Though it is new reader friendly all the same.

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Book Of Death: Legends Of The Geomancer #1

Jul 14, 2015

Though the choice to make Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer a 1:25 incentive may lead to less people picking it up, it's well worth it if you've been looking forward to the event. Giving an intriguing look into the history of the Geomancer, whilst having a gripping narrative, this is the perfect companion to Valiant's latest event, giving extra depth to the main series.

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Book Of Death: Legends Of The Geomancer #2

Aug 19, 2015

Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer continues to be a worthy tie-in to Valiant's latest event, as despite the 1:10 printing (in which retailers have to buy 10 copies of the main series for 1 of this) possibly being off putting, the story itself is a worthy addition for any collector not afraid to spend that little bit extra.

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Book Of Death: Legends Of The Geomancer #3

Sep 22, 2015

Book of Death: Legend of the Geomancer may still be annoying us with its 1:10 print run(in which retailers have to buy 10 copies of the main series for 1 of this), but as for a story it has been nothing short of extraordinary. So for those that are loving every minute of this event, be sure to pick this up, as you'll regret it down the line if you fail to do so.

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Book Of Death: Legends Of The Geomancer #4

Oct 29, 2015

Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer #4 was a fantastic conclusion to this companion book, reiterating the need for it's spot in any Valiant fans collection. As despite it's 1:10 print run making it hard to get, as a whole it compliments the main series beautifully.

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Booster Gold (2007): Futures End #1

Sep 25, 2014

Booster Gold: Futures End #1 is a fun one-shot that any Booster Gold fan will enjoy, as though it may be a bit confusing, it's this confusion that gives the story it's charm. Recommended.

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Broken World #1

May 9, 2015

Broken World was much better than I thought it'd be, as though Barbiere has a history of delivering sensational creator owned tales, I feared this ventures may have been a little generic. That couldn't be further from the truth, with the character depth and twist mesmerizing. So come June 3rd go down to your local comic store and buy this. Though if you want to guarantee a copy, your shop must order before Monday's final cut off date.

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Broken World #2

Jul 2, 2015

Broken World #2 may not be quite as captivating as the tense first issue, but it's certainly an amazing continuation. Giving great depth to our characters, whilst also teasing the direction this series is heading in, there is a lot to get immersed in.

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Broken World #4

Sep 2, 2015

Broken World may not have ended quite the way I expected, but nevertheless the story has been a treat. Having great character depth and clever twists this final issue proves to be a fitting conclusion, and I can't wait to read the whole lot again in one sitting.

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Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1

Oct 2, 2014

Bucky Barnes: Winter Soldier may be a little confusing, having a very strange setting, but it manages to intrigue. Having a brilliant premise, and wonderful art this tale has the potential to be amazing, even if the sci-fi and espionage elements aren't working well at the moment. Due to all this the issue scrapes by with a recommendation.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #1

Mar 18, 2014

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 gets of to a cracking start as despite it being slow at times the developments were both shocking and intriguing. Highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #2

Apr 22, 2014

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 continues to be a fantastic continuation to the Buffyverse as although there's still things to be worked on it's proving to be a thoroughly enjoyable series. Highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #3

May 20, 2014

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #3 is easily the best issue of the series so far and though there's still room for improvement it's starting to show strong promise. Highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #4

Jun 17, 2014

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 is really starting to shift into a higher gear as though there may still be some room for improvement it's starting to become much more entertaining and exciting. Highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #7

Sep 16, 2014

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #7 may not give much progression to the series as a whole, but the fun escapade that Spike and Xander find themselves in proves to be thoroughly entertaining. Highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #8

Oct 21, 2014

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 is something that fans of the show must read, with this issue also being perfect for fans that are in the Halloween spirit. The series also continues to build upon the world that Joss Whedon build all those years ago, with Season 10 possible being the best in the comic book continuation so far. Highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #9

Nov 18, 2014

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 continues to be an exciting continuation of the TV series, as though I'm rather happy to see the back of the slayer hating monster, the action, excitement and emotion made the events of this issue very enticing. Highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #12

Feb 17, 2015

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 takes some dramatic twists, with the pairing of Buffy and Spike romantically leaving the door open for many different scenarios. The comical tone in the remaining sequences, also manages to add great atmosphere, as though there are some questionable moments, the series is still as awesome as ever.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #13

Mar 17, 2015

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #13 is easily the best the series has produced so far, with the arc being one of the best Dark Horse has created. Playing with deep, dark emotions, the creative team generate a thrilling sense of suspense, with the dramatic flow keeping this reader hooked to every page.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #17

Jul 21, 2015

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 continues to be one of the best comics Dark Horse is producing at the moment, with the injection of Angel into the script allowing for some intriguing tension. There's also some thrilling action, with the developments leading up to the gripping climax, bound to leave readers entertained.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #9

Jul 19, 2017

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #9 is an intriguing turning point for the series, with Buffy and Willow's fight to regain their powers leading to some exciting twists. Add to this the way the creative team build towards future events, and it's hard not to be excited for the future of this latest series.

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Burning Fields #7

Aug 18, 2015

Burning Fields #7 does more than enough to leave us returning for the series finale, with the gripping series of events being intense to say the least. It also gives us a thrilling sense of mystery as we speculate what will happen to our main characters before this story's over.

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Burning Fields #8

Sep 22, 2015

Burning Fields has been one hell of a ride, and although it may be over, that doesn't mean that we can't enjoy these final moments. Having thrilling action and emotional interactions, the creative team give us a climax that is more than befitting the narrative that came before it, with the conclusion itself being rather somber.

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C.O.W.L. #1

May 27, 2014

C.O.W.L. gets off to a good all be it questionable start as bar the confusing opening sequence the series itself seems very interesting, showing a lot of promise. Recommended.

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C.O.W.L. #2

Jun 24, 2014

C.O.W.L. has certainly stepped up a gear as though there's still room for improvement the concept along with the developments have me hooked. Highly recommended.

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C.O.W.L. #3

Jul 30, 2014

C.O.W.L. continues to get more interesting with each passing issue, as though it's not one of Image's most exciting series' it's quickly becoming one of it's more intriguing ones. Highly recommended.

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C.O.W.L. #4

Aug 26, 2014

C.O.W.L. has been gradually turning into a must have, with the gripping developments of this issue sending it one step closer to that goal. Highly recommended.

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C.O.W.L. #5

Sep 24, 2014

C.O.W.L.‘s first arc, Principles of Power comes to a gripping conclusion, with it acting as a bitter sweet round-up to recent events, whilst setting up future ones perfectly. Highly recommended.

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Cable and X-Force #1

Feb 26, 2013

A very good start, and this series shows a lot of promise. I would highly recommend this issue as fans of all the characters, bar maybe Colossus (as he doesn't appear much in this issue) will enjoy this issue, and new readers will also grow to love the characters after reading this issue. There is still room for improvement but I have high hopes that this series will improve in the next few issues, and hope I'm not disappointed.

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Calexit #1

Jul 13, 2017

Calexit #1 is an outstanding opening chapter for this new series, with the creative team delivering a gritty narrative that feels refreshingly realistic. Throughout this we get some wonderful character building, as well as some exciting twists, giving us plenty of reasons to return for more. Lets just hope we don't have to wait as long between issues as we have with Young Terrorists.

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Captain America (2012) #2

Jul 15, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and I'm really looking forward to how it progresses. I would highly recommend this issue to anyone, and if you're not a fan of JRJR's art Id' still recommend as the story itself is defferent, as well as being very good, and very interesting.

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Captain America (2012) #23

Aug 15, 2014

Captain America has really upped its game, with these most recent developments having me hooked for the remaining two issues in the series. Highly recommended.

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Captain America (2012) #24

Sep 4, 2014

Captain America makes it's final preparations before the big change, with the explosive events proving very enticing. Highly recommended.

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Captain America (2012) #25

Oct 2, 2014

Captain America #25 may not be the best ending to a series ever, but it does do a good job of setting up the replacement series. Though the concluding events feel a little rushed, the energetic tone, and premise of things to come really have me enticed for things to come. Due to this the issue comes recommended, but if you're looking for a jump on point then I'd recommend waiting till All-New Captain America starts.

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Captain America (2017) #695

Nov 3, 2017

Captain America #695 is a brilliant start for the new creative team, being one of my favourite Legacy premier so far. Giving us a simple, yet symbolic narrative that puts Secret Empire firmly behind us, the creative team quickly remind us how a Captain America comic should be. They also introduce us to a new team of villains for our iconic hero to fight, with there being plenty of potential for the series. moving forward.

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Captain America: Living Legend #1

Oct 6, 2013

This was a good start to this mini-series, but so far it feels like the long wait hasn't been worth it. The story so far is slightly dull, being confusing at times, and overall tries to develop too much at once. The issue did however have plenty of drama and suspense and overall shows promise for the remaining three issues, even if Granov isn't going to do art. I would recommend this to any fan of Granov's art, but otherwise I'd recommend waiting to see if the series gets any better, as although this was a decent start it would be a slight waste of money if the series is like this for all four issues.

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Captain America: Living Legend #2

Nov 5, 2013

Although this series hasn't improved much in this issue it would be more exciting and show a lot of promise for the second half of the series. It would also have some interesting interactions, as well as keep a mysterious tone throughout. There would also be some extravagant art throughout this issue and although the series hasn't been as good as I hoped it would be, it is starting to grow on me more. Due to this I'd recommend the issue, especially if you enjoy amazing art, but for the patient reader it's probably best to see how well the rest of the series is rated.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #6

Feb 4, 2016

Captain America: Sam Wilson #6 is an exciting conclusion to the battle between Cap and Serpent Solutions, with there being plenty of action throughout. The creative team also deliver some engaging dialogue and dramatic twists, as despite a couple of questionable developments the issue as a whole did more than enough to captivate.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #7

Mar 31, 2016

Captain America: Sam Wilson #8 may have been short on its titular character, but what it did do was give us an amazing anniversary story for Steve Rogers. Not only did it give us a thrilling set of developments to the Standoff crossover, but it also gave us some shocking twists for Captain America as a whole, with Steve getting an expected change himself.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #8

Apr 22, 2016

Captain America: Sam Wilson #8 did exactly what it needed to, touching on Steve's regained youth in an engaging manner, whilst at the same time setting up the finale of “Standoff.” During this we were given some gripping dialogue, and despite the misuse of one particular character, the issue as a whole was worth the purchase.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

May 26, 2016

Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 is bound to cause some divide, but despite this the creative team give us an intriguing tale. The way they handle Steve's past and present also help this to stand out from previous series, leaving a lot of questions that need answered. Despite all this, there is more than enough to warrant picking up the second issue, as I'm sure there's more to this tale than meets the eye.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

Jun 29, 2016

Captain America: Steve Rogers #2 isn't necessarily going to win back fans who hated the first, but it does give us some solid background on the shocking twist. It also brought everything that Nick Spencer has been working on since the launch of Captain America: Sam Wilson, with there most definitely being a bigger picture on the horizon.

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Captain America: White #1

Sep 16, 2015

Captain America: White #1 is just the kind of comic that new fans of the character should pick up, giving us a gripping retelling of this hero's origin. It's also enjoyable for long term fans, with the creators delivering something familiar, yet rather alluring. Whether it's worth $4.99 on the other hand is up for debate, as with over half of this being a sheer reprint of #0, some may find it a little overpriced.

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Captain America: White #2

Oct 2, 2015

Captain America: White #2 is a magnificent continuation of an intriguing tale, as despite not quite reaching its full potential yet, the series is giving us an inviting look into Captain America's time during the war. It also gives us a marvelous building relationship between Cap and Bucky, showing us how their partnership has changed them for the better.

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Carver: A Paris Story #2

Jan 22, 2016

Carver: A Paris Story #2 was a thrilling read, with Chris Hunt moving his noir story forward in a dramatic fashion. Despite giving us little in the way of development, with some aspects feeling slow, the creator ultimately produced a narrative that builds upon the established mystery, leaving this reader eager for more.

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Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #0.1

Nov 3, 2013

Although this wasn't a necessary prequel, it would still be a fantastic issue, having some brilliant emotion, and overall it sets up the main event perfectly. It would also have some amazing interactions, and would see the return of Ultimate Comics favourite Vision. Due to all this I'd highly recommend giving this issue a shot, but if your strapped for cash and want to get the main event it's not essential to get this.

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Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #1

Nov 11, 2013

This was a very good start for the event, as although it felt like a little too much too quickly it would still have a lot of exciting moments, showing that this event will be far from dull. It will however need to slow down a touch if it wants to become a great story though, as the high pace is a little too much. I would however still highly recommend this issue and can't wait for the next.

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Catwoman (2011) #14

Dec 23, 2012

This was a bad issue and unless you are wanting to read everything related to Death of the Family or don't want to miss a Catwoman adventure I would recommend not buying this comic. It is ridiculous and is just degrading the character, as well as this storyline.

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Catwoman (2011) #35

Oct 23, 2014

Catwoman #35 is exactly the kind of fresh take that both the series and character has needed for a long time. Though the story may need some work, the general premise sends things in the right direction, leaving me hooked for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Charmed: Season 10 #1

Oct 3, 2014

Charmed Season 10 #1 sees the return of the Halliwell sisters, and though it may not be their greatest outing, the script that Shand produces will certainly keep fans happy. It also gives a wonderful sense of things to come, with the narration allowing for a sense of mystery as well as suspense. Highly recommended.

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Charmed: Season 10 #5

Feb 17, 2015

Charmed Season 10 #5 is certainly a turning point for the series, as between Cole's heroic demise, and Gaxageal's desire to kill the Power of Three allowing for some exciting events. The emotional character depth also adds an extra layer, and along with the fantastic art only gives another reason why you should buy this title.

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Charmed: Season 10 #6

Mar 14, 2015

Charmed Season 10 continues to be an impressive continuation to the beloved TV show, as though initially this one-shot tale feels throwaway, it quickly proves to be far from that, with dramatic twist capturing this readers interest. The charming way that Phoebe's daughter, P.J., is used in this tale also amazed, with the chilling, yet emotional developments being truly captivating.

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Charmed: Season 10 #9

Jun 9, 2015

Charmed Season 10 continues to be a fantastic way of experiencing new Charmed tales, as though the idea of the show ever being revived is rather hopeful (and in all honesty something that just shouldn't happen), Zenescope has proven that the comic book medium is the best alternative. Delivering intense and exciting developments, this latest issue more than entices, as though there's some slow patched, the final product leaves this fan excited for the next issue.

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Charmed: Season 10 #10

Jul 21, 2015

Charmed Season 10 continues to be an outstanding continuation to the popular TV show, as though there isn't a great deal of development, it packs a lot of punch, leaving us a lot to ponder. It also allows for a dramatic exchange between our various characters, with Coop and Prue in particular giving us memorable moments.

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Charmed: Season 10 #11

Sep 2, 2015

Charmed Season 10 continues to be an excellent continuation from the former TV series, as despite the narrative within this issue being a little strange, the comic as a whole is more than inviting. It also gives us a few things to think about as we head into the next issue, with there being a couple of subtle twists to watch out for.

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Chew #39

Jan 24, 2014

Chew continues to be a fantastic title, baring a very fun and entertaining tone. It also is easy to get into whether you're a long time fan, or just picking it up for the first time. Highly recommended.

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Chew #40

Feb 25, 2014

Family Recipes finishes in style, as despite not being your usual kind of ending, it was very fun and exciting. Highly recommended.

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Chew #42

Jun 24, 2014

Chew is one of Images best ongoing series' with even it's poorer issues being fun and entertaining. Recommended.

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Chew #43

Sep 23, 2014

Chew continues to be a must have for fans of fun and quirky tales, as though the humour is lacking slightly, the excitement certainly isn't. Highly recommended.

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Chew #44

Nov 4, 2014

Chew #44 has to be one of the most intense issues in the series to date, with the brutal action being something that we've not seen in a long time. Despite being a little sudden, this brutality helps make this one of the best chapters in recent months, leaving me hooked for the next. Highly recommended.

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Chrononauts #1

Mar 17, 2015

Chrononauts #1 lives up to the high expectations that this fanboy set, as though there's still a lot to be explored throughout the remaining three parts of this initial four-part mini-series, the entertaining premise certainly has me excited. The fun, dramatic flow also makes it an easy tale to get into, with the science behind this plot never feeling overcomplicated, or overbearing.

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Chrononauts #2

Apr 15, 2015

Chrononauts #2 may not have captivated this reader, but that doesn't stop it from being an entertaining read. Yes, it isn't what I expected, and yes it's a little clich, but if you strip all that back you get a fun read that will leave you returning for more.

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Chrononauts #3

May 12, 2015

Chrononauts may not be the series that I had hoped, sometimes feeling like nothing more than a convenient movie plot, but that doesn't mean that it's completely terrible. That being said, it is hard to overlook the lack of depth in this tale, as though the actions of Dr. Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly are fun, it's not till the end that there's anything that captivates (bar the art that is).

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Chrononauts #4

Jun 9, 2015

Chrononauts #4 is an amazing conclusion to a rather average story. Giving intense and exciting developments, the creative team make the journey to this point well worth following, with the dramatic actions of Corbin and Danny culminating in an awesome conclusion.

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Civil War #1

Sep 5, 2013

A brilliant story, and probably the best Marvel event of all time, this saw a dramatic change in the way the Marvel Universe would operate, as well as how it's character's would live. The action, and excitement in the story was outstanding, and the dramatic film like atmosphere that it gave was just phenomenal, making this a must read story. I would highly recommend this story as like I've said in my review, it was truly amazing, and well worth the read.

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Civil War II #1

Jun 3, 2016

Civil War II #1 is ultimately a disappointing start to Marvel‘s latest event. Despite there being some interesting points, the execution, lackluster development and poor dialogue prevents this from reaching it's potential. The way it skips over certain key areas that were previously shown in the FCBD issue also don't help improve things, with there being a lot to work on heading into the second issue.

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Civil War II #2

Jun 16, 2016

Civil War II #2 was plain disappointing. Moving the story forward at a stagnant pace, the creative team deliver very little for the $4.99 cover price, with some poor development choices not helping matters. That said, the artwork is simply astonishing, easily being the highlight of this event so far.

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Civil War II #3

Jul 15, 2016

Civil War II #3 doesn't do much to improve the overall quality of this event, with the creative team needing to do something huge next time out to turn things around. That said the emotional toil and beautiful artwork did make this worth picking up, even if the event as a whole is rather frustrating to those that loved the original.

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Civil War II #4

Jul 29, 2016

Civil War II #4 doesn't do much for the event moving forward, as despite giving us some powerful emotions and a gripping cliffhanger, we're still missing the huge conflict we were expecting. That said, the final moments do show a lot of promise, and though that may be too little, too late, I am hopeful it will be the turning point this crossover has been so badly needing.

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Civil War II (FCBD 2016) #1

May 7, 2016

Civil War II FCBD is ultimately a disappointing showing for the House of Ideas, being something that anyone excited for Civil War II should avoid. That said the back-up story featuring the all-new Wasp was interesting, though not enough to make up for a disappointing main story.

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Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1

Sep 11, 2013

This was an outstanding tie-in story, being one of the best tie-in stories that I've ever read. It had plenty of drama, and suspense, as well as superb action, and tremendous dialogue. It also had great character interaction, and wonderful development, being a tremendously fun, and entertaining read. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this to anyone, but would obviously also recommend the actual Civil War story itself to go with it, as although it's not essential, it is an amazing story, and would give better understanding to the background of this one.

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Clandestino #1

Oct 15, 2015

Clandestino #1 was an excellent start to a series that I look forward to reading more of. Delivering a rustic setting as well as a premise that was full of excitement, the creator certainly gave us a few reasons to add this to our pull, even if it's quick pace was a little off putting.

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Clone #14

Jan 29, 2014

This chapter of Clone was exciting and entertaining having a lot of intriguing moments. It also had some very interesting development points and I for one look forward to reading more. Highly recommended.

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Clone #15

Mar 4, 2014

Clone‘s third arc comes to an explosive end, with the only downside being that we need to wait two months before learning what's happened to the clones. Highly recommended.

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Clone #17

Jun 3, 2014

Clone continues to give intense and interesting dialogue as though the story doesn't progress too much the dramatic dialogue and suspense makes it as intriguing as ever. Highly recommended.

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Clone #19

Aug 6, 2014

Clone continues to be a gripping read, as though the intensity has wavered slightly, the drama and suspense hasn't. Recommended.

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Clone #20

Sep 16, 2014

Clone has unfortunately came to a premature end. But has it? This gripping finale leaves the series on the biggest cliffhanger since the original Italian Job, with the revelation leaving this fanboy begging for more. Highly recommended.

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Clue #2

Jul 18, 2017

Clue #2 takes everything that was good about the first issue and expands on it tenfold. Being a fun, comical and downright mysterious read the creative team give us a product that embraces everything we love about “the classic mystery game.”

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Cognetic #1

Oct 23, 2015

Cognetic #1 is a solid start for this three-part mini-series, with the creative team delivering an enthralling premise. They also manage to deliver ordinary, yet intriguing characters, and although there are a lot of questions left unanswered, they leave us with great tension.

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Cognetic #2

Nov 18, 2015

Cognetic #2 is yet another solid entry in this latest mini-series from the creators behind Memetic, as despite being a little slow near the start, it definitely made up near the end. It also gave wonderful background, and along with the tense interaction, it left me eager to dive into the final chapter.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #1

Oct 21, 2014

Colder: The Bad Seed gets off to a rather average start, as though the series shows a lot of promise, it has yet to reach the potential that the first series set. It does however introduce a creepy new character, and along with the intrigue it means this comic comes recommended.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #5

Feb 24, 2015

Colder: The Bad Seed has only went from strength to strength, as though I'm not sure whether it's surpassed it's predecessor, it has most certainly matched it in the realm of suspense and horror. The mesmerizing artwork from Juan Ferreyra, and thrilling script of Paul Tobin also go to make this a conclusion that readers won't want to miss, with this issue coming highly recommended.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #1

Sep 5, 2015

Colder: Toss the Bones is looking to be yet another amazing entry in this unique horror series, with the introduction of a strange new character allowing it to stay fresh. It also has an intriguing narrative, as our main characters try to get on with their lives. So make sure to pick this up from your local comic book store come September 30.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #3

Nov 26, 2015

Colder: Toss the Bones continues to be a fabulous mini-series with the franchise as a whole becoming one of my favourite properties from Dark Horse. This recent issue only builds on this, with the strange narrative and intriguing twists leaving me excited for the next instalment.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #4

Dec 30, 2015

Colder: Toss the Bones #4 sets up what is sure to be an amazing finale, as after some griping development the creative team leave us with some thrilling twists. They also give some bold moments for our main characters as despite Nimble Jack chasing them down, Duncan still finds time to do some good.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #5

Jan 29, 2016

Colder: Toss the Bones #5 brings the third series to a magnificent conclusion as Declan tries to finally rid himself of Nimble Jack. Delivering an exhilarating set of events the creative team would handle this final issue marvelously, with the awe inspiring artwork and captivating twist only helping to further establish this as a must have comic.

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Conan / Red Sonja #3

Mar 23, 2015

Conan Red Sonja continues to be an amazing crossover, as though the jump in time frame takes away slightly from the plot, the final product is something the creative team should be proud off.

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Conan: The Slayer #1

Jul 3, 2016

Conan the Slayer #1 is a refreshing new direction for the Cimmerian, but one that fans will no doubt be familiar with. Being bold and bloody, the creative team more than grabbed my attention, and despite the tempo dropping dramatically later on in the issue, it should ultimately benefit the series in the long run. So make sure you pick this book up from your local comic book store come July 13th.

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Constantine (2013) #1

Aug 7, 2013

A very good start to the series, and Fawkes, and Lemire did an excellent job. Although it wasn't as exciting as some opening issues, it was still very interesting, and showed ton's of potential, and although it may not be as close to the Hellblazer series, I for one am looking forward to seeing what this series has to show.

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Constantine (2013) #2

Sep 4, 2013

A brilliant continuation to this series, and I for one am really enjoying it. This issue in particular was very interesting, and I really enjoyed the characters that appeared, as well as the mysteriousness of the story, and it's only a matter of time before this series becomes outstandingly amazing. I would highly recommend this, as it was a brilliant, exciting issue, and if you are a fan of JLD you're bound to love this.

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Convergence #0

Apr 2, 2015

Convergence #0 is a fabulous insight into what's possibly DC‘s biggest event yet, as though conservative readers may want to wait another week and save $4.99, diehard DC fans will surely love this.

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Convergence #5

May 8, 2015

Despite us now being over the halfway mark, I still want to love Convergence, as having invested money in something I had high hopes for, it's sad to see it underperform on such a grand scale. That being said, there are some captivating moments in this issue, with Kubert's art in particular being an eye catcher.

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Convergence #6

May 13, 2015

I'd love nothing more than to say go out and buy Convergence #6, but I'd be mad and a downright liar if I did. Despite having some intriguing concepts, and wonderful art, this issue just feels too sloppy for comprehension, with the promising twist being handled in a poor manner. So unless you've been following this event, avoid it, as you're bound to be disappointed.

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Convergence #7

May 20, 2015

Convergence #7 may not do enough to rectify the poor showing of prior issues, but it does have this fan excited going into next week's finale. Having a fast tempo, and exciting action, it's easy to forget how bad this event is (even if only for a second), with the climax being breathtaking. Just a shame that it's too little, too late.

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Copperhead #7

May 12, 2015

Copperhead #7 may be yet another quick read in this sci-fi western, but that doesn't stop it from being an exciting one. Packing a lot of punch, this comic takes the series to a new level of intensity, as Sheriff Bronson learns that even whilst entertaining a date, she's not off the clock.

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Copperhead #14

Jun 15, 2017

Copperhead #14 brings this third arc to an exciting conclusion, as despite certain elements feeling a bit expedited, the final product in nonetheless exhilarating. The creative team also give us some interesting developments elsewhere, with the final page sure to leave readers eager for the start of volume four.

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Criminal Macabre: The Third Child #1

Sep 16, 2014

Criminal Macabre: The Third Child may have some way to go plot wise, but the mystery nature behind this tale, along with Cal facing his inner demons and the sudden return of Jason Hemlock definitely have me excited for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Criminal Macabre: The Third Child #2

Oct 14, 2014

Criminal Macabre: The Third Child #2 definitely takes things to new heights. Between Cal's search for inner acceptance, and Hemlock's twisted schemes this issue takes a very intense and emotional direction, with every moment being enthralling. Highly recommended.

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Criminal Macabre: The Third Child #3

Nov 18, 2014

Criminal Macabre: The Third Child #3 may not be the most eventful entry in the Criminal Macabre saga, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't entice. Giving deep character development, and intense overtones, the issue proves a brilliant set-up for the finale, coming highly recommended.

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Crosswind #1

Jun 22, 2017

Crosswind #1 is everything I hope for from an opening issue, with the creative team giving us solid build-up and a tantalising twist. They also introduce us to two interesting characters, with their polarising lifestyles making the eventual twist all the more intriguing.

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Crosswind #2

Jul 25, 2017

Crosswind #2 is a spectacular continuation of this strange tale, with the way our two protagonists handle the situation being enticing from start to finish. The creative team also capture the quirky and at times comical nature of this tale, with there being plenty to look forward to as we await the next issue.

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Cutter #3

Oct 15, 2014

Cutter is continuing to be a wonderful series to company Halloween season, with the mixture of mystery and horror allowing for a lot of intensity. I do however feel that the series doesn't give enough focused to the suspected killer, with the psychological aspect taking over. Still this issue does enough to get a recommendation from me, leaving me eager to read next weeks concluding issue.

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Cutter #4

Oct 28, 2014

Cutter may have had it's imperfections, but overall it has been a brilliant mystery, being perfect reading material for Halloween. This conclusion only goes to reinforce this statement, as despite the ending itself being a little disappointing, the issue as a whole was amazing. Highly recommended.

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Cyber Force (2012) #7

Nov 6, 2013

Silvestri does a brilliant job of retelling Killjoy's origin in a fresh and interesting fashion, adding a lot of excitement and mystery to this issue. The issue would also be very new reader friendly, as although it would probably be better for people who read the first part, it is easy enough to pick the series up from this issue without getting confused. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue and can't wait to read the next, and will try and get the back issues to read in the meantime.

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Cyber Force (2012) #8

Jan 23, 2014

Cyber Force continues to be a must read comic, being a terrific revival for the much loved series, as well as a great addition to the Top Cow Universe as a whole. Highly recommended.

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Cyber Force (2012) #9

May 6, 2014

Cyber Force continues to be a enjoyable read and with them finally taking on Killjoy I for one feel the next issue can't come soon enough. Highly recommended.

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Cyber Force (2012) #10

Aug 3, 2014

Cyber Force somehow continues to thrill, as despite the painful wait between issues the product that Silvestri and co. deliver is well worth the wait. Highly recommended.

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Cyber Force (2012) #11

Feb 25, 2015

Cyber Force has come to an end (at least for the moment), and though a huge part of me is relieved to finally get this lingering series off my pull, I can't help but feel the urge to want more. That being said, this concluding chapter is one that readers need to buy, as though it's far from being amongst the best this series has to offer, it certainly has some fascinating moments.

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Cyborg #1

Jul 22, 2015

Cyborg #1 may not have lived up to the high expectations I held for the series, but that didn't stop it from being an entertaining read. Giving us an insightful look into Vic's life, whilst teasing an intriguing sub-plot, this opening issue is sure to leave readers returning for more. I just hope that things get better from here.

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Cyborg #2

Aug 27, 2015

Cyborg may yet have lived up to it's true potential, but that doesn't mean that it's not making a good attempt at reaching it. Delivering a smart, immersive narrative and sleek visuals, our creative team give us some amazing developments, setting the scene for something that has the capability of truly astounding.

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Damian: Son of Batman #1

Nov 4, 2013

This was a decent start to this four part mini-series as although it wasn't as amazing as I hoped it would be, it was still very interesting having a lot of mystery to it. I do however have faith that this will be a good series, and if Kubert improves the dialogue it could become even better. Due to all this I'd recommend this to anyone who's a die hard Damian Wayne fan, but otherwise I'd wait it out for another issue or two to see how good the story is overall.

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Daredevil (2014) #8

Sep 18, 2014

Daredevil is always a safe bet when it comes to picking you comics for the week, with Waid, Samnee and new colourist Wilson giving a grippingly chilling tale. Highly recommended.

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Daredevil (2014) #15

Apr 29, 2015

Daredevil #15 is a continuation to the work that Waid and Samnee have been producing. Though if you're like me, you aren't a fan of recent developments this may not feel impressive. Despite that, there are some dramatic events, and though I personally am still a little miffed, it was still a somewhat enjoyable read.

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Daredevil (2015) #1

Dec 4, 2015

Daredevil #1 is a great jumping on point for fans of the recent Netflix series, with the more darker tone reflecting what Marvel have been trying to do within these television shows. It also leaves us with a lot of mysteries to solve, with the character being more interesting than he has been for a long time.

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Daredevil (2015) #6

Apr 29, 2016

Daredevil #6 gets “Elektric Connections” off to a flying start, with the deadly battle between The Man Without Fear and Elektra being sensational. This would all be accompanied by some intriguing twists, though there was still a lot of questions left unanswered.

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Daredevil (2015) #25

Aug 24, 2017

Daredevil #25brings “Supreme” to a gripping conclusion, being one of the most impressive Matt Murdock centred issues to date. Taking his case against petty criminal, Slug, to the Supreme Court, our crime fighting lawyer enters a rather unique fight, with the end product giving us a refreshing take on the character in the process.

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Daredevil (2015) #26

Sep 6, 2017

Daredevil #26 is yet another engaging issue, getting “Land of the Blind” off to a fabulous start. Moving swiftly on from the events of the previous story arc, the creative team do an excellent job of laying the foundation for this latest narrative, giving us an exciting and unpredictable climax.

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Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 13, 2017

Dark Days: The Casting #1 is yet another intriguing prelude to the upcoming Dark Nights: Metal event, with there being some fascinating twists throughout. During all this, we are also made to question whether Batman's actions are for the greater good, with there being some strong evidence to suggest that it's not. Either way, the creative team give us more than enough reasons to get excited about Metal, with it not coming soon enough.

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Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jun 14, 2017

Dark Days: The Forge #1 may take a few pages to get into, but once the ball starts rolling the creative team deliver an intriguing prelude. In doing so, not only do they tease at the possible directions the Dark Nights: Metal event could go in, but they also give us a gripping set of events that are sure to leave readers eager for more.

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Dark Horse Presents (2011) #31

Dec 18, 2013

Overall this was a great collection of tales, but I feel it would be better to have less tales with them lasting a bit longer, as they all feel rather cramped with most needing a few more pages.

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Dark Horse Sampler (FCBD 2015) #1

May 2, 2015

Overall Dark Horse's entry into this years FCBD was rather impressive, as though it was far from perfect, with some parts of two stories frustrating, it was a brilliant teaser. And after all, it was free, so what do you expect?

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1

Nov 26, 2015

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 is a solid opening issue, building upon Frank Miller's legendary series brilliantly. It also sets up a fabulous premise, as despite not quite feeling worth the $5.99 cover price, it does leave alot to be excited about.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3

Feb 25, 2016

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3 isn't likely to win over fans who've been on the fence, but it definitely moves the story forward in an engaging manner. It's just a shame that it took a little too long at times to do this.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #4

Apr 28, 2016

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #4 was an issue that I wanted to love, but ultimately found myself barely enjoying. It gave us some great storytelling, with some brutal twists, but at the same time was hindered by a lack of focus and unnecessary additions. And at it's steep $5.99 cover price, it really needed to be a bit better.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #5

Jun 29, 2016

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #5 is probably the best issue in the mini-series to date. Despite the poor pacing, the creative team build off Quar's threat in an engaging manner, with the final moments bound to put a smile on readers faces.

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Dark Nights: Metal #1

Aug 16, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal #1 is just the kind of start I was hoping for from this latest DC events. It may be a bit heavy on information, but despite this the creative team still fashion an engaging product, that shows a lot of potential moving forward. Add to this a surprise return, that is sure to appeal to Vertigo fans, and I see no reason why you shouldn't pick this up from your local comic book store next time you're in.

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DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 26, 2016

DC Universe: Rebirth #1 is a brilliant start for the new era in DC Comics, giving some clarification on how The New 52 came into existence, and how characters from the previous universe can enter this world. It also gave us some interesting twists, as despite some being a little questionable, the issue as a whole leaves me optimistic for the upcoming new titles.

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Dead Drop #3

Jul 14, 2015

Dead Drop #3 is a great continuation to a fun story that has plenty of grit and determination. Giving some solid development, this penultimate issue leads nicely into the finale, with some shocking twists allowing things to reach boiling point.

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Deadly Class #1

Jan 25, 2014

Deadly Class has opened with a bang and I for one can't wait to see what happens next, and how Marcus will handle the change from homelessness to student of deadly arts. Highly recommended.

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Deadpool (2012) #3

Jan 24, 2013

This was another fabulous issue and this is looking to be one of the best Deadpool series ever. It's a very fun series with ton's of jokes, some good, some bad, and full of brilliant action packed fights. I would highly recommend this issue as well as the entire series so far, and am looking forward to the next issue.

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Deadpool (2012) #4

Aug 2, 2013

A truly brilliant issue, and in my opinion the best in the series so far. It's a really funny issue, with some amazing action, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone, whether they're a Deadpool fan or not, as if you're not, this series will most likely turn you into one.

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Deadpool (2012) #5

Aug 5, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and continues this fabulous series nicely. I highly recommend this to anyone, and especially Deadpool fans, as it's always a good read whenever Deadpool's in space, but this issue is probably the best Deadpool in space issue I've read.

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Deadpool (2012) #6

Aug 7, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and I can't honestly think of a better way to end such a fantastic story. It was still fun, an humorous, but it still had a very serious tone to it, due to the stakes being high. I would easily recommend this issue to anyone, as well as the entire series as if your not a Deadpool fan this will probably make you one, and current Deadpool fans that haven't tried it should also love it.

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Deadpool (2012) #36

Oct 23, 2014

Deadpool #36 is yet another amazing entry to what has been one of Marvel's best series of the last two years, with Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan tying events into AXIS in a very clever way. Highly recommended.

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Deadpool (2015) #1

Nov 5, 2015

Deadpool #1 was definitely a strange new direction for the character, but one that I am eager to see more of. Being full of energy, as well as having some intriguing twists, the creative team definitely left us with a curious state of affairs, giving us something that we've never seen before.

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Deadpool (2015) #3

Dec 10, 2015

Deadpool #3 is yet another strange, yet engrossing addition to the latest series to feature the Merc with a Mouth, as despite there still being some aspects that feel off, it certainly is intriguing. This latest issue also builds great tension for the next instalment, leaving me excited for it's release.

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Deadpool (2015) #5

Jan 7, 2016

Deadpool #5 brings the first story arc to a marvellous conclusion, with the battle between Wade and Madcap being sensational to say the least. The creative team also give some much needed depth, with Wade's journey as a character continuing to take some bold new twists.

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Deadpool (2015) #6

Jan 19, 2016

Deadpool #6 may not have been the exciting journey into the future that I hoped for, but it does manage to build upon some of the work that Gerry Duggan has delivered over the last few of years. It also gives us a mysterious premise, leading nicely into the 25th Anniversary issue.

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Deadpool (2015) #7

Feb 10, 2016

Deadpool #7 was definitely an issue that relied heavily on its featured tale, with the back-up storied not quite feeling worth the extra $6. That said the creative team did an amazing job on the main story, setting up the next story arc perfectly. I wouldn't however recommend this to people who aren't already fans of the Merc with a Mouth.

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Deadpool (2015) #13

Jun 3, 2016

Deadpool #13 is an outstanding issue, being well worth the $9.99 cover price. Not only does it give us an unique way of storytelling, but it does so in a bold and engaging manner, with each part being fun and downright crazy. Add to this the entertaining dialogue and team-up itself and this is a must have for fans of Deadpool, Daredevil, Iron Fist or Power Man.

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Deadpool (2015) #14

Jun 17, 2016

Deadpool #14 proved just how badly events can affect ongoing series, with the narrative feeling dull and uninspired. That said there were a couple of interesting twists, and though I won't hold my breath for the rest of this tie-in, there is some potential moving forward.

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Deadpool v Gambit #1

Jun 24, 2016

Deadpool vs. Gambit #1 is a rather strange and muddled start for this mini-series, being far from the epic conflict I hoped for. The lack of focus on out two titular characters didn't help improve upon this, being rather cheap at times. That said, there was some promise shown in this opening issue, even if it came during the last page.

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Death Head #1

Jun 19, 2015

Death Head #1 is a smart, chilling and gripping read, with the suspenseful developments of the Burton family bringing an emotional twist. It also has at the centre of it a mysterious figure that is hell bent on causing death and destruction, with the creepy tempo of this Plague Doctor and the engrossing narrative itself leaving me excited for a second issue.So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book store on July 15th, and to be guaranteed a copy get your order in before the FOC, which isJune 22nd.

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Death Head #2

Aug 19, 2015

Death Head #2 may have went slightly lighter on the whole horror concept, but that doesn't mean that it's not an enticing read. Delivering a subtle, yet intensely chilling series of events, the creative team show that the Burton's aren't quite in the clear, whilst also giving more depth to them as a family.

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Death Head #3

Sep 15, 2015

Death Head #3 continues to expand upon this sophisticated tale, as despite the horror element being subtly placed into this issue, the character development more than intrigued. This is brought together by some wonderful mystery, as the Burton family delve deeper into the world of the supernatural.

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Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 4, 2014

Death of Wolverine has so far proven to be the kind of story Logan needs prior to his death, and if it continues in this fashion it could easily become a classic. The issue itself is also worth the extra money, as bar the fancy cover, you also get sketches from McNiven, an interview from Wolverine creator Len Wein, and a directors cut featuring Soule's original script. Highly recommended.

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Death Of Wolverine #2

Sep 11, 2014

Death of Wolverine continues to be a worthy final outing for Logan, as though we all know he'll eventually return, the event itself is worth the buy. Highly recommended.

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Death Of Wolverine #3

Oct 2, 2014

Death of Wolverine continues to be a fitting final outing for our clawed friend, as though the final issue can spoil all this good work (which I hope it doesn't), the ride so far has been very entertaining. The revelations and action in this issue just go to enhance that, having me hooked for the conclusion. Highly recommended.

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Death Of Wolverine #4

Oct 16, 2014

Death of Wolverine has been one hell of a ride, as though there's bound to be moments that'll upset some fans (with the ending inevitably going to do this), this was always going to be the case. As for the death of a character, this one may not be the most epic of deaths, but the symbolism definitely makes it emotional. Recommended.

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Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1

Oct 30, 2014

Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1 has to be the most entertaining aftermath to the Death of Wolverine that I've read yet, with the quirky antics of Deadpool allowing a lighthearted look into Logan's demise. It also has some thrilling action, and some humorous references, coming highly recommended.

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Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy #1

Oct 16, 2014

Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1 shows some interesting concepts for how Wolverine will affect the Marvel Universe going forward. Despite this the execution is slightly underwhelming, with the issue feeling more like an extended preview. Due to this I can't wholeheartedly recommend this issue.

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Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy #2

Oct 23, 2014

Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy may have started on the wrong foot, but this second outing certainly starts to turn things around. It doesn't do enough to change my mind on the upcoming Wolverines weekly series, but it has given me hope that this series will pay fitting tribute to the fallen hero. Recommended.

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Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy #3

Oct 30, 2014

Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #3 is easily the best in the series to date, with the look into how Sabretooth is handling the death of his longest foe. Having great depth, and wonderful symbolism this is a tale that I can read time and time again. Highly recommended.

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Death Vigil #1

Jul 4, 2014

Death Vigil gets off to the perfect start with this fun and exciting tale of good, evil and death being very enthralling. Highly recommended.

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Death Vigil #2

Aug 8, 2014

Death Vigil continues to be a magnificent series, with Sejic's writing and art being a wonder to behold. Highly recommended.

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Death Vigil #3

Sep 9, 2014

Death Vigil continues to be a must read for this fanboy, and if you love fun, quirky tales full of action then it'll be so for you too. Highly recommended.

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Death Vigil #4

Oct 7, 2014

Death Vigil continues to be the must have of 2014, with Stjepan eji's storytelling being as enthralling as ever. Giving some wonderful developments, this issue will bring a smile to current fans, with the humour and overall tone surely making new readers hunt for the rest of the series. Highly recommended.

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Death Vigil #5

Nov 12, 2014

Death Vigil is easily amongst the best that 2014 has to offer, with the series only getting better and better. It also continues to build a fabulous world of fantasy, with the humorous tones, and serious developments allowing for a compelling tale. Highly recommended.

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Death Vigil #6

Jan 27, 2015

The drastic developments, and energetic tones of this issue once again prove why this is a must have series, with the game changing events blowing this fanboy away. Highly recommended.

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Death Vigil #7

Jun 1, 2015

Death Vigil continues to be a mindblowing tale, with the mixture of fun and dark tones being more than inviting. #7 also manages to build on the prior events of this series perfectly, leaving this fan excited for next issue's finale. So I urge anyone who's not already tried this series, to give it a try.

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Death Vigil #8

Aug 22, 2015

Death Vigil #8 is the kind of conclusion that we deserve, bringing the current arc to a fitting conclusion, whilst leaving the door open for a potential future. So make sure to collect this from your local comic store come September 16, as you don't want to miss out on this finale.

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Deathstroke (2014) #1

Oct 23, 2014

Deathstroke #1 may not be the greatest start to the characters second go in The New 52, but it's most certainly better than his most recent solo outing. It also leaves us with some curious developments, having me hooked for at least one more issue. Due to this I recommend this issue, but don't expect to be amazed.

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Dejah Thoris #1

Feb 2, 2016

Dejah Thoris #1 is a fantastic new series to feature the Princess of Mars, with the creative team doing a brilliant job of capturing the tone of Edgar Rice Burroughs‘ classic world. That said it would be the more bolder developments that would entice most, and despite these changes being questionable, they leave a lot to look forward to heading into the next chapter.

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Dept. H #1

Apr 21, 2016

Dept. H #1 gets Matt Kindt‘s latest creator owned series off to a good start, with the man responsible for Mind MGMT introducing us to a captivating new premise. Add to this the enthralling mystery elements and fabulous setting and you're left with a product that begs to be explored some more.

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Descender #1

Mar 3, 2015

Descender #1 delivers the king of plot that all opening issues should aspire to, as though it gives great depth to this new world, it does so in a way that neither feels dull or overbearing. It also has a mixture of fun, and imposing elements, with the mysterious overtones leaving this fanboy eager for more.

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Descender #2

Apr 7, 2015

Descender #2 may not be quite as enthralling as it's opening issue, but that doesn't stop it from being a must have. This emotional tale is a testament to the creative team, with the innocent, yet intuitive mindset of Tim-21 being magnificent. The dramatic tempo, and exciting action also allows for an intense flair, with the gripping climax being nothing more than an added bonus.

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Descender #4

Jun 10, 2015

Descender continues to be a must have comic in this reviewer's opinion, as though the overall tempo has dropped slightly in this fourth issue, it remains an awesome story, with plenty of emotion. The dramatic conclusion also allows for an exciting new line of development, having me hooked for #5.

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Descender #5

Jul 7, 2015

Descender #5 is yet another amazing entry in this fabulous series, with Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen continuing to astound at every corner. It also proves relatively new reader friendly, as though a lot has happened prior to this, there's an inviting feel, with subtle refrences.

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Descender #12

Jun 16, 2016

Descender #12 is an amazing issue, showing that there is a lot more to Tim-22's tale than we originally thought. Not only does this give us some emotional moments, but when coupled with yet another gripping climax, it makes the wait for the next issue all the harder.

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Descender #13

Jul 14, 2016

Descender #13 does an amazing job of giving us some much needed background for Captain Telsa, but ultimately retracts too much from the main narrative. This leads to me questioning whether the creative team are in fact stalling for time, as despite this being a captivating tale, it would have been better suited between arcs.

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Descender #14

Aug 18, 2016

Descender #14 falls into a lot of the same traps that the previous issue did, with the focus on backstory being a little too frustrating at times. That said, the creative team did an amazing job of giving us a stylish and emotionally driven look at the events prior to this series, with some stunning visuals to compliment this.

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Descender #20

Mar 23, 2017

Descender #20 is a magnificent continuation to the latest arc, with yet more intense twists that will leave readers desperate for more. Not only that, but the creative team also give us some powerful character developments, whilst hinting at where this story is heading in the near future.

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Descender #22

Jul 21, 2017

Descender #22 gets “Rise of the Robots” off to a stellar start, with there being more than a few shocking twists along the way. This along with the bold character development leaves us with a product that's easy to praise, with the concluding moments sure to leave readers itching for more.

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Detective Comics (2011) #14

Dec 5, 2012

A brilliant issue and it's nice to see the series finally going in the right direction. I would highly recommend this issue and hope that the series will continue to be as good as the last two issues were.

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Detective Comics (2011) #15

Feb 26, 2013

Another brilliant issue from Layman and Fabok. I would recommend this to anyone who's been following the series, and would also recommend this and the previous two issues to anyone who's a Batman fan or looking to become one. I would however warn again that this isn't a proper crossover issue and that if anyone is looking at buying this to learn more about the Death of the Family crossover they'd be better of giving this a miss.

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Detective Comics (2011) #16

Aug 1, 2013

A fantastic issue, and a brilliant addition to the Death of the Family crossover. I would highly recommend this issue, as it start's the new chapter of Layman's run on the series perfectly, making it a brilliant starting point for new readers, and for anyone who feels that the Death of the Family crossover's used Joker too much will like this, as it's quite different from any other series'.

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Detective Comics (2011) #19

Sep 4, 2013

Overall this was a brilliant issue, and although the stories weren't perfect they were all fitting, and went perfectly with the main story (besides War Council). They were however all very different styles of stories, as some were more fun than others, and some were more interesting, but overall they were all good, and although I'm not sure if this was a fitting issue to have for the 900th issue landmark (especially considering the price), it was however a good issue, and I'd highly recommend it, whether you're a Batman fan or not.

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Detective Comics (2011) #23.2

Sep 14, 2013

Overall this wasn't a terrible story, but the characteristics of Harley Quinn were a bit off, as although it appears to be going along with the current status of Harley it doesn't quite feel like her. The story did however shed some interesting points about her life leading up to now. The story is also quite dark, but doesn't have much of the fun tone that usually comes along with Harley. It's hard to recommend this as part of me wants to, and part of me doesn't. I would however advice caution, especially if your a Harley Quinn fan.

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Detective Comics (2011) #23.3

Sep 22, 2013

A brilliant set-up for the upcoming Forever Evil: Arkham War series, but not the best Scarecrow issue character wise. The issue did however have plenty of brilliant cameos, also being suspenseful, and dramatic. It was however simply too much set-up, which although interesting meant that it wasn't anything special, and due to this I'd only recommend the issue to anyone who's getting Arkham War when it's out, and wouldn't recommend it to someone wanting an amazing Scarecrow story, or a story that shows the best of Scarecrow's characteristics.

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Detective Comics (2011) #23.4

Sep 29, 2013

This was a very enjoyable issue, but the pace was way too quick making it questionable whether it's value for money. It also didn't really show us much new, as although it was a nice development for Man-Bat it isn't a great deal off development. It was however still very exciting and dramatic and I'd highly recommend it to any Man-Bat fan, but otherwise I'd probably only recommend it if you want something that's a quick read, or if you have the spare cash to get it.

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Detective Comics (2011) #25

Nov 11, 2013

This was an amazing Zero Year tie-in as well as an outstanding James Gordon story. It would have a lot of drama and suspense, also being very exciting as well. It would also have a lot of depth as well, with some very intense sequences. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as although there haven't been many Zero Year tie-ins so far, this is one of the best so far.

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Detective Comics (2011) #27

Jan 15, 2014

Overall this was a very fitting tribute issue and well worth the money. The stories were all interesting and exciting with the main story “Gothtopia” being the perfect start to Layman and Fabok's final arc. Highly recommended.

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Detective Comics (2011) #34

Aug 7, 2014

Manapul and Buccellato's first Detective Comics arc comes to a fantastic conclusion, with the Icarus case getting put to rest. Highly recommended.

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Detective Comics (2011) #41

Jun 10, 2015

Detective Comics #41 is a solid continuation to a fabulous series, with the creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato continuing to excite. Despite not being as exciting as the recent Anarchy arc, taking it's time to get into the real depth of these developments, the issue still managed to give a fabulous introduction to the new Batman, being the perfect companion to this weeks Batman #41.

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Detective Comics (2011) #44

Sep 4, 2015

Detective Comics #44 sees the end of the series' first arc since Convergence ended, and although I will miss the creative mind of Brian Buccellato, a part of me feels that we need a new writer. That being said we got a fairly solid conclusion to our tale, that's well worth picking up, despite its flaws.

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Detective Comics (2011) #47

Dec 11, 2015

Detective Comics #47 moves the crossover forward in a stern, formal fashion, but ultimately gives little of real significance until the end. That said the creators did give us a long overdue altercation between Grayson and Gordon, with it being handled perfectly.

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Detective Comics (2011) #48

Jan 8, 2016

Detective Comics #48 marks the start of a brand new story for the current Dark Knight, with there being plenty of mystery to explore. The creative team also give us a juicy murder for Gordon to investigate, as his skills as Batman are put to the test.

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Detective Comics (2011) #49

Feb 5, 2016

Detective Comics #49 is a solid continuation to “The Bronze Age” story arc, as despite not being quite as exhilarating as the previous installment, it moved things forward in an engaging manner. The creative team would also end things on a high, as despite the villain not interesting me too much, his plan most certainly does.

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Detective Comics (2011) #50

Mar 9, 2016

Detective Comics #50 may not be the most elaborate of celebratory issues, but it does do a fabulous job of bringing “The Bronze Age” story arc to a fitting conclusion. It also gave us a quirky back-story that allowed several artists to pay tribute to some of the more classic Detective Comics covers.

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Detective Comics (2011) Annual #3

Jul 31, 2014

Detective Comics Annual #3 proves to be the best in the series yet, not only being a terrific tie-in to the current Icarus story, but also an emotionally deep self contained tale. Highly recommended.

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Detective Comics (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

Detective Comics: Futures End is a fun one-shot tale, as though the sudden ending and mismatch art is off putting, the Batman/Riddler team-up is awesome. Highly recommended.

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Detective Comics (2016) #934

Jun 10, 2016

Detective Comics #934 gets the renumbered series off to a tremendous start, being one of my favourite issue from the franchise in the last year or so. Not only did it set-up the new story in an invigorating manner, but it also brought this “boot camp” together in a smooth and engaging way, leaving plenty to look forward to in the coming issues.

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Detective Comics (2016) #935

Jun 23, 2016

Detective Comics #953 moves "Rise of the Batmen" forward in a bold and engaging manner, giving some wonderful character development. It also gave us some wonderful suspense and tension, even though the climax felt a little sudden.

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Detective Comics (2016) #936

Jul 15, 2016

Detective Comics #936 was an amazing continuation to “Rise of the Batmen,” with there being some surprising twists along the way. The creative team also gave us some powerful character interactions, reminding us why the Bat-Family is much better united than against one another.

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Detective Comics (2016) #937

Jul 29, 2016

Detective Comics #937 is yet another stellar addition to “Rise of the Batmen,” with the creative team continuing to make this one of the best titles to come out of Rebirth. Add to this the tension and character development that is present throughout this issue, and I honestly see no reason why you shouldn't pick it up.

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Devolution #1

Jan 19, 2016

Devolution #1 marks the beginning of a wonderful new series from Dynamite, with the creative team producing an opening issue to be proud of. Giving us a fast paced narrative that's full of depth, we are introduced to a unique premise that is sure to spawn into an epic tale.

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Divinity #0

Aug 18, 2017

Divinity #0 truly is “an epic jumping-on point!” Giving us a brief, yet immersive look into the history of the Valiant Universe and it's most powerful hero, the creative team do an excellent job of making this comic accessible. Not only will it appeal to new readers, but it also has more than enough to keep current fans entertained, with it sure to convert some new followers.

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Divinity II #1

Apr 21, 2016

Divinity II #1 gets this latest series off to a brilliant start, with Valentina Volkov proving to be just as intriguing as Abram Adams. In addition to this, the creative team would do a marvelous job of creating a fresh, yet familiar premise, with the narration and pacing of the issue being perfect.

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Django / Zorro #1

Nov 12, 2014

Django/Zorro is as awesome as I expected, bringing these two wonderful characters together in an enticing fashion. It is however the character interaction where this issue excels, with the chemistry between Diego and Django being very engaging. Highly recommended.

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Django / Zorro #3

Feb 4, 2015

Django/Zorro #3 does a wonderful job of getting the series back on track, with the sophisticated dialogue from Don Diego, and suspenseful developments impressing from start to finish. There is also a little bit of action here and there, and along with a few surprises, this comic proves why the series is a must have.

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Django / Zorro #4

Feb 24, 2015

Django/Zorro #4 does a wonderful job of moving the story along, as though the mundane developments near the start are a little dull, the tense action near the end, as well as yet another appearance from Zorro, certainly excites.

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Django / Zorro #7

May 19, 2015

Django/Zorro may not have excelled on the whole next to the characters respective tales, but this finale more than impressed. Being exciting, clever, and down right bloody, the final battle of Django and Zorro against Langdon is more than befitting these two warriors, making the event well worth it. There was on the other hand some questionable moments, with the art feeling strained by the extra pages. This isn't enough to overshadow the positives though.

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Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #1

May 27, 2014

Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult gets off to a stunning start, being Dynamite's best Golden Key series dbut yet. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #2

Jul 1, 2014

Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult continues to be a must read comic as though it doesn't quite live up to the spectacular first issue it remains mysterious and intriguing, having a wonderful concept. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #3

Aug 19, 2014

Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult reaches its penultimate issue and things just keep getting better. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #1

Oct 8, 2015

Doctor Strange #1 is an interesting read, being just the kind of series for people looking to get a feel for the character prior to his cinematic debut next year. Having a simple, yet mysterious narrative, the creative team give us a lot to look forward to, with it more than earning a recommendation from us.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #4

Jan 8, 2016

Doctor Strange #4 continues to give us a mixed bag story wise, as we get yet more insight into the Sorcerer Supreme's past, whilst also getting more mysterious twists to go alongside this. The creative team do however handle these differences better this time around, and if they continue to build upon this I can easily see this series becoming a worthy addition to anyone's pull.

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Doctor Who: Four Doctors #1

Aug 12, 2015

Doctor Who: Four Doctors gets off to a phenomenal start, as between it's smart premise and the sheer presence of these characters, we are given something magical. The creators also manage to add flair, with the fluid dialogue and captivating artwork leaving this fan eager for the second installment, next week.

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Doctor Who: Four Doctors #2

Aug 19, 2015

Doctor Who: Four Doctors continues to be an amazing event, as despite having already had faith in the creative team, I never expected anything as awesome as this. Having wonderful character interaction and intense developments, this latest issue is most definitely a must have for Whovians.

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Doctor Who: Four Doctors #3

Aug 26, 2015

Doctor Who: Four Doctors continues to be an event worth talking about, as although Secret Wars may still be garnering more attention, it pales next to this. This remains true as we reach the halfway point, as despite the pacing being a little off, the concept remains both refreshing and fitting to the world around it.

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Doctor Who: Four Doctors #4

Sep 2, 2015

Doctor Who: Four Doctors has certainly proven itself to be a worthy event, with the dramatic narrative and clever dialogue allowing for an immersive atmosphere. This issue also gives us some intriguing twists as our Doctors are faced with a rather unique threat.

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Doctor Who: Four Doctors #5

Sep 22, 2015

Doctor Who: Four Doctors #5 brings Titan's first crossover event to a fitting conclusion, with our three Doctors managing to solve their solution in a timey wimey manner. The creative team also gave us a few nice additives, and along with the inviting dialogue, it really helped make this an impressive finale.

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Doctor Who: Ghost Stories #3

Jun 9, 2017

Doctor Who: Ghost Stories #3 sets the stage for what I hope is a sensational conclusion. In doing so, not only do the creative team give us an ingenious twist to the climax of the last issue, but they also throw our heroes into yet another life threatening situation.

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Doctor Who: Ghost Stories #4

Jul 4, 2017

Doctor Who: Ghost Stories #4 brings this mini-series to a satisfying conclusion. Despite once again bringing the previous events to a frantic climax, the creative team give us a fantastic set of developments to close this story, with the emotional depth being truly captivating.

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Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1

Jul 3, 2016

Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1 gets this latest crossover off to a good start, leaving plenty of reasons to return for the second instalment. Working the four Doctors into the narrative in a fun and engaging manner, the creative team built upon this concept fantastically. As for those looking for another stellar team-up, you'll unfortunately have to wait at least another two weeks for that.

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Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #2

Aug 17, 2016

Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #2 does an amazing job of highlighting the response our Doctors have to the Cybermens bold new direction, with there being some engaging interactions along the way. The creative team also do a wonderful job of building tension and further mystery, even if we don't get a huge lot of development to the main narrative.

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Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1

Nov 3, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1 showed us just how good the Eighth Doctor can be, as despite the unsuccessful television movie remaining present in our minds, we are reminded that this was a worthwhile iteration of the Time Lord. So if you're looking for a way to get into Paul McGann's Doctor, then make sure to pick this up.

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Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #2

Dec 8, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #2 is another solid addition to this mini-series, with the one-shot tales being the best way to bring this iteration of the Time Lord back. The events within this issue itself also proved to be thrilling, as despite there being some pacing it really was the Doctor at his best.

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Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #3

Jan 12, 2016

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #3 is easily the best the creative team has delivered so far, with the fun tale of magic being alluring to say the least. The issue also gives us a thrilling mystery with its one-shot nature making it feel in line with the TV show.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1

Jul 22, 2014

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor is back with a fun, quirky and emotional adventure. Between this and the Tenth Doctor Titan really have hit something amazing and I look forward to seeing how they follow-up on this.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2

Sep 9, 2014

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor is proving that an episodic style can work, as though the story took a while to grab my attention, the Eleventh Doctor's personality makes up for the wait big time. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #3

Sep 30, 2014

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor continues to be a fun read, and a must have for Whovians. As despite it not being the Doctor's best outing, failing to maintain the criteria for an awesome one-shot, the presence of SERVEYOUinc certainly proves intriguing. Recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #4

Oct 25, 2014

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor edges ahead as the best Doctor Who series from Titan, but being one issue ahead of the Tenth, and three ahead of the recently launched Twelfth this could easily change. Nevertheless it's an exciting trip that all Whovian's will love. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #5

Dec 3, 2014

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor may have dropped slightly in quality, but it remains a solid entry in Titan's line of series. It also continues to show the Doctor at his best, with SERVEYOUinc becoming more intriguing by the minute. Recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #8

Feb 10, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #8 is a great continuation of a fabulous series, as though the main plot is a little dull at times, the character depth, dramatic overarching, and suspenseful flow makes it a gripping read. It's this that makes it once again easy to recommend this series, with SERVEYOUinc remaining an intriguing entity.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #9

Mar 4, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #9 may have it's issues, but that hasn't stopped certain developments within from astounding. These events alone make this a story worth picking up, as though when balanced things are a little average, the issue will leave Whovians curiously begging for more.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #10

Mar 25, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #10 was a hard comic to judge, as though it's always nice to see a happy ending, this one came just a little too soon. Nevertheless, it's still an enjoyable tale, and one that will intrigue any and all Whovians.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Three #6

Jun 13, 2017

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Three #6 gets “The Memory Feast” off to a stellar start, as despite spending more time setting up the next issue, it was still a gripping read. The creative team also do a wonderful job of introducing us to The Thrake, with the concept of memory remaining a focal point in this latest series.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Three #7

Jul 27, 2017

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Three #7 brings "The Memory Feast" to a gripping conclusion, with the creative team giving us some clever developments. The back-up feature from Vince Pavey and Pasquale Qualano also proves a fun addition, providing yet another reason to buy this comic.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Three #8

Aug 18, 2017

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Three #8 is a fun one-shot tale, allowing The Doctor and his companions to relax. During this we also get a thoroughly intriguing investigation for the Time Lord to explore, with memories once again being the focal point.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two #1

Oct 7, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two #1 was just the kind of opening that I was hoping from this series after learning the War Doctor would be involved, with the subtle use of the character creating a rather powerful narrative. This would all be aided by some rather shocking twists that leave this Whovian for one excited for the second issue.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two #2

Nov 3, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two #2 continued to build of the new narrative brilliantly, with the insertion of Abslom Daak really helping to add excitement. It also teases the tone of this comic moving forward, with the Doctor's actions during the Time War looking to come back to bit him in a big way.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two #3

Dec 8, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two #3 was a rather hard comic to judge, as on the one hand it gave us some clever twists, with the layouts being sensational. It was unfortunately accompanied by some repetitive sequences, with the final product feeling a bit off pace wise.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two #4

Dec 24, 2015

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #4 is a much needed boost for the series, with the fun, energetic events livening things up. The creative team also give us some thrilling twists to the current storyline, with things getting quite interesting as we head into the next issue.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two #5

Jan 29, 2016

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #5 moves the Time Lord's latest adventure forward in a rather intriguing manner, as despite the slow start, the creative team would deliver a fascinating narrative. That said the issue did have some pacing issues, with the dialogue being awkward at times.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two #8

Apr 19, 2016

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two #8 was yet another disappointing issue, in a rather mixed series. Despite giving us some strong emotions, the creative team would fail to capture my interest, with the events of “Downtime,” feeling more like unnecessary filler than a structured continuation of the overarching narrative.

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Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #2

Apr 19, 2016

Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #2 built upon the mysterious premise in a bold and invigorating manner. Not only did it give us engaging backstories, and thrilling dialogue, but it once again married Victorian London and the Fourth Doctor perfectly, with the mythological elements also continuing to entice.

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Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension #1

Sep 1, 2017

Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension " Alpha #1 is a solid starting point for this latest crossover. Seeing the return of The Doctor's daughter, Jenny, the creative team give us a narrative that stumbles through several generations of the famous Time Lord. It does unfortunately leave us with a few too many questions, with it being hard to gauge where the story is heading.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1

Mar 20, 2015

To steal a phrase from the Ninth Doctor, this comic was, “Fantastic!” Reuniting us with fan favourite characters, as well as delivering a wonderful tale, Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 is a fabulous read, and one that all Whovians should pick up.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #2

Jun 16, 2015

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #2 may have taken a little longer than expected to be released, but that wait was well and truly worth it. Being both fun and exciting, this second outing captures the tone of the Ninth Doctor perfectly, with there being some fascinating moments from this eccentric generation that will leave any Whovian with a silly grin on their face.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #3

Jul 30, 2015

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor continues to be an exciting mini-series, and if the upcoming Eighth Doctor mini that's set to replace it proves half as good, then fans have something to be excited about. Having a fun, eccentric tone, this latest issue shows the spirit of Christopher Eccleston's Doctor perfectly.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #4

Oct 21, 2015

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #4 sets up the final part of this mini-series beautifully, as despite being the weakest entry in the story to date, it does build upon the various developments nicely. It also manages to give a shocking twist for our characters, leaving us with a scenario that's itching to be explored.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor (2016) #1

Apr 12, 2016

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 is a fantastic starting point for this new ongoing series. Giving us a fun, yet surreal narrative that pays off in a huge way near the end, the creative team have most definitely created something that any Whovian should enjoy.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor (2016) #13

May 30, 2017

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #13 is a wonderful piece of storytelling, with this unique look into Captain Jack's past as a Time Agent being fun to say the least. Factor in the way this fits into recent events of the series, as well as the shocking twists throughout and it's easy to recommend this comic to Doctor Who fans new and old.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor (2016) #14

Jul 26, 2017

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #14 is exactly what you hope for from a penultimate issue, setting up next issue's series finale perfectly. The creative team also do a marvellous job of playing with character's memories, with there being some surreal moments during this latest chapter.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor (2016) #15

Aug 11, 2017

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #15 brings this ongoing series to an explosive conclusion. Giving us some dramatic developments, the creative team handle these frantic events perfectly, with the fight to save The Doctor's memories resulting in some captivating twists.

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Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Year Two #1

Sep 5, 2017

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Special may not move The Lost Dimension crossover forward much, but it is nonetheless a fun read. Delivering a brief, yet entertaining adventure involving Madame Vastra and the Silurians, the creative team certainly give us plenty of reasons to pick-up this comic. They also do a tremendous job of teasing the supernatural threat pursuing The Doctor, with it sure to leave readers eager to dive into the next instalment.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1

Jul 22, 2014

Titan have got off to a cracking start bringing a fresh and intriguing tone to this loveable character. And with enough time to build up the excitement prior to the new TV series. Recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2

Aug 26, 2014

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor moves on swiftly, and though the overuse of jargon was unsettling, the issue as a whole was very exciting. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #3

Oct 7, 2014

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor brings it's first tale to an exciting conclusion, as though the issue wasn't as enthralling as the last, it certainly ended on a high. It also gave a nice nod to the Tenth Doctor's history, with it leaving me wondering if this series will explore more of that. Recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #4

Nov 1, 2014

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #5 sees the start of a brand new tale, with the quirky tones, and unique storytelling allowing for an immersive vibe. There are also some spooky tones in the mix, and along with the mystery it makes this tale somewhat befitting of the post-Halloween season. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #6

Jan 13, 2015

Despite there still being an excellent follow-up issue before we can decide whether this new creative team outranks the last, the events of this issue certainly steers the series in the right direction. The World War I setting also allows the Weeping Angels to be creepier than ever, with the mixture of comedy and emotion being perfect. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #7

Feb 18, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #7 is quite possibly the best issue of the series to date, with the menacing Weeping Angels, and gripping narrative being mesmerizing from start to finish. The World War I setting also continues to prove a great addition to this tale, and along with the more subtle time travelling elements, this is a must have for Whovians.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #8

Mar 4, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor has certainly upped it's game over the last few issues, as though the previous tales all had something intriguing, they failed to deliver the dramatic depth that this one has. The expansion of this in this issue only takes these feeling further, with the emotional insights being fascinating to say the least.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #10

May 19, 2015

Echo may not be the best entry in Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, but it's not the worst either. Having a fun, energetic tempo that reflects Doctor Who perfectly, this one-shot has some intriguing aspects. Just a shame that the villainous Shreekers weren't that imaginative.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #11

Jun 9, 2015

Titan will have some serious work to do if they want their upcoming Four Doctor's event to be the best work they've produced to date, as Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #11 was phenomenal. Having an elaborate plot, that's refreshingly simple, the creative team have quite possibly created the best Doctor Who comic ever, with the final page being jaw droppingly awesome.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #12

Jun 25, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor has been on one hell of a role, with The Fountains of Youth being one of the best Doctor Who stories to be told via the comic book medium. Despite being hindered slightly by a mixed narrative, and multiple artists, it still manages to be thoroughly enjoyable, leaving this Whovian excited for the next installment.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #13

Jul 30, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor continues to be fun, exciting and inviting to fans both old and new. Having a gritty narrative, and gripping series of developments, this latest issue shows that even the Doctor doesn't have all the answers, in an unique tale full of mystery.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #14

Aug 13, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor may have entered its penultimate issue, but it seems that this latest arc has both overstayed it's welcome, whilst speeding to a conclusion. Despite this, there were still some fun moments from the creative team, with a cliffhanger that will leave you returning for more.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #15

Sep 3, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #15 is a brilliant conclusion to the first year of Titan's take on this popular incarnation of the Doctor, with the unique twists allowing for an immersive narrative. This is accompanied by dramatic dialogue with the events being truly captivating.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Three #6

Jun 21, 2017

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Three #6 gets “Vortex Butterflies” off to a stellar start, with a surprise appearance and the tension between Gabby and The Doctor resulting in exhilarating reading. The unexpected twist near the end should also leave readers eager for more, with this issue being easy to recommend.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Three #7

Jul 27, 2017

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Three #7 is a solid continuation of the latest story arc, with our cast of characters remaining split for the moment. Though this division results in some pacing issues, it ultimately allows for some self evaluation between our characters, with the return of a familiar face only adding to this.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Three #8

Aug 17, 2017

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Three #8 is a brilliant continuation to this latest story arc, setting up the finale beautifully. In doing this the creative team deliver a dramatic narrative that's dripping in mystery, leaving us more than enough to mull over in the meantime. So if you're looking for a Doctor Who fix as you await the show's return then I recommend giving this comic a try. Though it may be worth picking up some back issues first.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Two #1

Sep 29, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Two #1 is just the kind of story we needed to open proceedings, as despite not being anything special, it gives us a familiar form of Doctor Who storytelling. The narrative itself is also dripping with mystery, as this Whovian is most definitely looking forward to travelling a little longer with the Tenth Doctor.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Two #2

Oct 21, 2015

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Two continues to be a fascinating continuation to these new adventures, as despite there being a few obvious twists, there was a lively atmosphere within this first arc conclusion. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book store, as we for one are looking forward to more of this series.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Two #4

Jan 5, 2016

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Two #4 introduces us to a brand new story arc, and despite the less than stellar start, the issue quickly becomes engaging, having an intriguing premise. The creative team build off this beautifully as we progress through the issue, with the gripping cliffhanger leaving us eager for more.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1

Oct 11, 2014

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1 is a great starting off point for the Twelfth Doctor's Titan adventures, as though it has a lot of work before becoming amazing, it sets a wonderful premise. It also leaves on an explosive cliffhanger definitely has me hooked for the next issue. Recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2

Nov 15, 2014

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor starts to give us the kind of storytelling that we deserve, improving immensely on it's average start. Highly recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #4

Apr 6, 2016

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #4 brings the first story arc to a thrilling conclusion. Giving us explosive action and smart dialogue, the creative team would take the prior events and build it into an engaging final act.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #5

Feb 24, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #5 is easily the best issue in the series to date, as though The Swords of the Kali will never go down as one of the Doctor's greatest tales, this concluding chapter saves it from being one of it's worse, coming highly recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #6

Mar 17, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #6 is a wonderful jumping on point for new readers, as whether you're an avid fan of the show, that's considering following it into these Titan comics, or know nothing about the show, but have an interest, then this is the place for you.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #8

Jun 3, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #8 is the perfect conclusion to it's The Fractures arc, as though the issue itself is far from perfect, it was fitting considering the build-up. It also gave us some exciting moments, with the tense moments near the end having me completely hooked.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #10

Jul 30, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #10 is yet another amazing entry in this fun TV expansion, with these recent events being both gripping and unique. There is also great drama and suspense, and although I don't agree with some parts of this tale, the final product more than impressed.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #11

Sep 9, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #11 is a fabulous one-shot tale, reminding us just why the Doctor excels in short format adventures. Having a creative plot with engaging dialogue, our creative team really captured my attention, coming recommended.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #12

Sep 29, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #12 may have gotten of to a rather slow start, but it more than does its job in setting up an enthralling premise for this final arc. Having a rather epic set of developments that lead into a rather mysterious narrative, the creative team certainly gain my attention, as I eagerly await the next issue's arrival.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #13

Oct 21, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor just keeps getting better, as despite the last issue feeling a bit of a slow burner, this latest installment has given us the exciting premise that we deserved. The creators also manage to give us plenty to be excited about, with the developments within this issue setting up what easily could become one of the best Doctor Who stories to feature in a comic book.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #15

Dec 23, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #15 marks the end of the character's first year with Titan, and overall the publisher and creative team has done a marvellous job. This finale brings the most recent arc to a fitting conclusion as well, as despite not being perfect, it gives an exciting narrative that any Doctor Who fan will love.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #16

Dec 8, 2015

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #16 is a wonderful festive story, leaving a lot for the BBC to live up to once their televised special comes out on Christmas Day. Having a fun, energetic narrative that brings an old villain to the present, the creative team have went above and beyond, creating something that I look forward to revisiting time and time again.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Three #4

Jun 20, 2017

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Three #4 brings “Beneath the Waves” to a fitting conclusion, as despite not quite matching the first two entries, it's still thoroughly enjoyable. It also gives us some closure to the seaweed creatures, leaving the door nicely open for Bill's comic book arrival next time out.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Three #5

Jul 4, 2017

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Three #5 does a solid job of getting “The Wolves of Winter” off the ground. Despite the development being limited, featuring a foe that's a little too familiar, there is plenty of potential in this narrative, with the introduction of Bill to this comic book expansion being a welcoming addition.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #1

Jan 5, 2016

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #1 may not have gotten this new series off to the outstanding start that it deserved, it most definitely gave us enough to return for a second outing. Introducing us to an intriguing premise, the creative team get things off to an excellent start, with the slow middle area being the only main area in which the issue failed to deliver.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #2

Feb 10, 2016

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #2 is a brilliant continuation to this latest series, as despite the Doctor acting more like a side character, the narrative was just as enticing. The creative team would also give us a fascinating set of developments, as though there were some pacing issues, the mystery and development would be handled perfectly.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #3

Mar 9, 2016

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #3 was easily the best issue in the series so far, taking the already alluring tale and moving it to the next level. The creative team would do this in a bold, engaging manner, with the storytelling and attention to the characters personalities helping make this issue all the more impressive.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #8

Aug 10, 2016

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #8 brings “The Twist” to a dramatic climax, as despite feeling a little stiff at times, the overall narrative is very compelling. Add to this some shocking twists and more development for our new companion, Hattie, and there's no reason why any Doctor Who fan shouldn't pick this up.

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Doomsday Clock #1

Nov 24, 2017

Doomsday Clock #1 isn't quite the explanation we all want, but it is still an astonishing comic. Giving us an engaging narrative set after the events of Watchmen, the creative team present us with a product that begs further exploration. Not only does it touch upon the future of the classic Alan Moore series, but it also further teases the connection to Rebirth. So if this has been an event you're on the fence about, we recommend giving it a try.

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Dragon Age: Magekiller #1

Dec 18, 2015

Dragon Age: Magekiller #1 gives us a solid expansion to the much loved video game franchise, as despite being far from perfect it introduces us to a rather intriguing story. It also leaves us with enough unanswered questions that it would be hard not to feel the need to pick up its second installment.

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Dragon Age: Magekiller #2

Jan 19, 2016

Dragon Age: Magekiller #2 moves our story forward at a rather rushed pace, as despite there being some solid developments, there's a lot of plot that gets skipped over. It does however give something that fans of the franchise should enjoy, even if it doesn't live up to its potential.

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Dredd: Uprise #1

Oct 28, 2014

Dredd: Uprise is yet another fabulous continuation from the film, as though like most fans I'd rather Dredd got some funding to actually make a sequel, this is a great substitute. The issue also sets up some great events, with the final panel leaving me hooked. Recommended.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Legends Of Baldur's Gate #1

Oct 21, 2014

Dungeons & Dragons: Legends of Baldur's Gate #1 is the kind of fun, exciting comic that any fanboy will love, as though D&D and Baldur's Gate fans will most likely enjoy this comic more, it has something for nearly everyone. It's due to this that this issue comes highly recommended.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Legends Of Baldur's Gate #2

Nov 18, 2014

Dungeons & Dragons: Legends of Baldur's Gate #2 may not have thrilled me as much as the opening issue, but the fantasy elements, and world building certainly made it well worth the read. Recommended.

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Edward Scissorhands #1

Oct 21, 2014

Edward Scissorhands #1 isn't the best start for this film continuation, as though it shows some interesting elements, it fails to produce anything solid. Due to this I can only recommend this to fans of the film that are looking for a bit of nostalgia. As otherwise fan or not, this should be left on the shelf.

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Ei8ht #1

Jan 30, 2015

Ei8ht might be an epic sci-fi tale, but it's the emotional development of the characters within that makes it stand out. Along with a captivating premise, and mysterious setting, this is a series that I definitely will be following, and you should too.

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Ei8ht #2

Mar 17, 2015

Ei8ht is quickly becoming one of the best sci-fi series in recent history, as though the industry is filled with many great tales from the genre, this one manages to stand out in a way that is utterly breathtaking. The introduction of new characters, as well as development of the established, also helps to expand the quality of this concept, with the exploration of other timelines only going to further intrigue.

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Ei8ht #3

Apr 15, 2015

I always expected Ei8ht to be an impressive series, but the work that the creative team has delivered over these first three issues has been nothing short of phenomenal. Being fresh, creative and mysterious, this tale certainly knows how to keep fans hooked, with the culminate developments of this issue only taking these sentiments to a whole new level.

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Ei8ht #4

May 19, 2015

Ei8ht has delivered a master class in how to make a successful mini-series, as though last issue saw a slight dip in quality, the series has come as close to perfection as you can get. Being dramatic and intense, this penultimate issue sets the foundations for what's bound to be an explosive finale, having me pumped for it's release.

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Ei8ht #5

Jun 16, 2015

Ei8ht has been one of the best mini-series' I've read in a long time, with this finale issue being the perfect way to conclude proceedings. Giving us a smart, intriguing narrative, the creators leave us a lot to think about as we close this final chapter, with there being both the potential for a further volume as well as a nice conclusion should they decide otherwise.

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Elfquest: Final Quest #1

Jan 24, 2014

This bit of Elfquest didn't appeal, being rather dull and slow. It is however early days for this particular saga and the issue itself did have some worthwhile points. For the time being however I couldn't recommend this, and would only suggest trying it if you're already a fan of the franchise.

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Elsewhere #1

Aug 3, 2017

Elsewhere #1 gets this latest Image series off to a tremendous start, introducing us to a brand new fantasy world. Giving us an interesting take on what might have become of first female aviator, Amelia Earhart, the creative team fashion a thrilling premise, with the various twists and turns sure to leave readers eager for more.

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Elsewhere #2

Sep 5, 2017

Elsewhere #2 is a fantastic continuation to this new series, delving deeper into this fantasy world. During this the creative team also reveal how Amelia Earhart and D. B. Cooper came to this world, and why the former's presence worries the tyrant Lord Kragen.

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Elsewhere #4

Nov 3, 2017

Elsewhere #4 brings the series' first arc to a gripping conclusion. Delivering yet another fast paced narrative, the creative team explore more of Korvath's history. In doing so they provide us with more than a few surprising twists, with the tension and drama being simply enthralling. They also continue to expand on Amelia as a character, with there still being an enticingly awkward nature to her quest.

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Elsewhere #5

Mar 6, 2018

Elsewhere #5 gets the second arc off to a solid start. Despite lacking the same spark and intrigue as the previous issues, this latest instalment still manages to entice. This is in large part due to a couple of well timed twists, and a vastly superior second half, with the visuals being sensational from start to finish.

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Empress #1

Apr 8, 2016

Empress #1 was just the kind of start I expected from this series, introducing us to its main characters in an engaging manner. Add to this the unique setting for the tale, and I'm sure fans will be eagerly awaiting the arrival of the second issue.

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Empress #2

May 6, 2016

Empress #2 may have slowed things down a little, but for the better, with the issue still managing to end in an exhilarating manner. Not only did the creative team achieve this, but they also gave us some fun character interaction, with some tense moments along the way.

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Empress #3

Jun 7, 2016

Empress #3 is yet another strong entry in the series, giving us plenty of excitement as well as some shocking moments. It also once again left us on a gripping cliffhanger and along with the tense atmosphere during the final moments, it did plenty to leave readers eager for more.

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Empress #4

Jul 6, 2016

Empress #4 is yet another action packed entry, being the best issue in the series to date. Whether it was the raw character emotion, the fantastic tension or the dramatic flair, the creative team more than grabbed my attention, with the cliffhanger sure to leave readers begging for more.

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Empress #5

Aug 10, 2016

Empress #5 is a fascinating continuation of this thrilling sci-fi romp, as with only two issues to go after this, the creative team turn up the heat. Splitting the narrative between our various characters, we are left with a bold and dynamic narrative that is sure to only get better from here.

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Enormous (2014) #10

Jan 12, 2016

Enormous #10 continues to build upon the thrilling narrative that Daniel and Cheggour created a year and a half ago, with the intense teaming of James and Alison resulting in a rather dramatic issue. The creative team also continues to give us some epic monster action, putting a few unique concepts into play throughout this narrative.

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Eternal Empire #2

Jun 8, 2017

Eternal Empire #2 is a much welcomed improvement over the opening issue, with the creative team delivering a much more engaging narrative. They also continue to keep more than enough mystery within the background of this tale, whilst introducing a tantalising new revelation concerning our two main characters.

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Eternal Empire #3

Jul 11, 2017

Eternal Empire #3 is a welcoming boost to this young series, with the narrative finally starting to show its full potential. Between our protagonists' battle with the Crimson Swords and the insight into their powers, there is more than enough within this latest issue to entice readers, with the series finally starting to become a worthy addition to anyone's pull list.

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Eternal Empire #4

Aug 25, 2017

Eternal Empire #4 is little more than filler, in what is quickly becoming a stop/start series. Despite giving us some compelling twists near the end, the creative team spend too much time focusing on the passage of time. Which at the end of the day doesn't make for edge of our seats reading.

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Ex-Con #1

Sep 2, 2014

Ex-Con is the kind of crime story that comic fans need, with the unique concept making it all the more intriguing. Highly recommended.

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Ex-Con #2

Oct 7, 2014

Ex-Con #2 isn't the best of follow-ups, feeling more like a slow burning filler. It does however give some entertaining moments, with the narration allowing for deep character development. Due to this the issue scrapes through with a recommendation, but if you didn't read the first issue, then maybe this is worth missing.

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Extraordinary X-Men #1

Nov 5, 2015

Extraordinary X-Men #1 was a good start for this new book, as following the disappointing final year and a half of Bendis' run, we needed something to get us excited about the team once again. This book definitely does that, as despite being in early stages, it sets up what will hopefully be an amazing arc.

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Extraordinary X-Men #5

Jan 15, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men #5 finally gave us a story befitting of it's title, with the battle between the Children of the Atom and Mister Sinister coming to a thrilling conclusion. The creative team also gave this band of X-Men a gripping set of character developments near the end, with Storm's leadership helping bring some harmony to the fragile human/mutant relationship.

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Eye Of Newt #1

Jun 17, 2014

Eye of Newt is a comic of two fronts having a lacklustre all be it intriguing script and phenomenal art. Due to this I fully recommend it to anyone who loves visuals but urge fans of deep, captivating stories to steer clear.

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Eye Of Newt #2

Jul 15, 2014

Eye of Newt takes a step in the right direction with the subtle yet impactful switch to an Arthurian story being what this series needed. Recommended.

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Eye Of Newt #4

Sep 16, 2014

Eye of Newt ends slightly anticlimactically, as though there's a few enticing moments, the overall quality was lacking. Due to this I can only recommend the issue to people who're either big Arthurian fans, or people who've been following the series. Otherwise give this issue a miss.

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Fables #142

Jul 16, 2014

Fables continues to be as awesome as ever and it will leave a massive whole come it's finale. Highly recommended.

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Fables #143

Aug 20, 2014

Fables continues to draw even nearer to its conclusion, and despite it feeling like it's biding time it still manages to amaze. Recommended.

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Fables #144

Sep 18, 2014

Fables #144 reminds us what it can do when the moment presents itself, with the Bigsby/Beast fight being shockingly graphic. Highly recommended.

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Fables #145

Oct 17, 2014

Fables is certainly starting to shift things into a higher gear as we crawl ever closer to it's end, with Happily Ever After becoming a very exciting tale. This Has Been the Last Cinderella Story also adds some mystery to open, with the continuation from the cover being rather clever. Highly recommended.

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Fairest #27

Jul 3, 2014

Mark Buckingham makes a successful transition into writing as the latest Fairest story gets off to a fabulous start. Highly recommended.

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Fairest #28

Aug 7, 2014

Fairest continues to be a great companion book for Fables, as though not quite as good it's still entertaining. Highly recommended.

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Fairest #29

Sep 5, 2014

Fairest continues to be a fabulous companion to Fables, with The Clamor for Glamor storyline being very entertaining. Recommended.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #2

Feb 26, 2013

This was a good issue but I would have preferred to have seen the Fantastic Four on their adventures. I would still recommend this issue, as it was good, and once it kicks into a higher gear I expect this series to be brilliant.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #3

Aug 1, 2013

This was a great issue, and a really fun, showing ton's of promise for the future of this series. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the other two issues in this series, and am really looking forward to the next issue.

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Fight Club 2 #1

May 26, 2015

Fight Club 2 is shaping up to be the perfect sequel, as though there's still some ground to cover before it equals that of it's predecessor, it's certainly on the right track. Having a fun, yet serious tempo, it takes us into the narrator's attempt to clean his life up, showing that Tyler Durden is not quite as dead as he thought.

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Fight Club 2 #2

Jun 24, 2015

Fight Club 2 continues to be an amazing continuation to the original story, as though the slower pace of this second issue leads to some dull moments, the overall character depth is phenomenal. It also manages to deliver some fantastic revelations that set-up the third issue nicely.

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Fight Club 2 #3

Jul 21, 2015

Fight Club 2 #3 gives us the encounter that we've been waiting for since the series started, as Sebastian and Tyler come face to face in a gripping exchange of words. This however does move a little quick for me, with this feeling like a bite sized entry in something much larger.

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Five Ghosts #13

Oct 21, 2014

Five Ghosts is back, and with yet another enticing tale. Moving on nicely from #12′s cliffhanger, this issue takes Fabian on yet another dangerous mission, with the use of the Five Ghosts as ever adding excitement. Highly recommended.

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Five Ghosts #14

Dec 3, 2014

Five Ghost #14 is yet another astounding entry in this fantastic series, with the horror twist being even more gripping. The new elements also captivates, with the final twist leaving me excited for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Five Ghosts #15

Feb 10, 2015

Five Ghosts continues to be a must have comic, as after fifteen issues, the series only continues to get better. Having an intense script, and an even more explosive art, the latest entry is bound to amaze, setting the bar for fast paced thrill rides.

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Five Ghosts #16

Apr 6, 2015

Five Ghosts is a comic that every fan should have on their pull, as though some may initially find it's fast paced series of events unworthy of their hard earned cash, those who stick with it for a few issues will see why it's a must read. This issue goes to emphasise these statements, with Fabian's struggle against Doctor Moreau being fantastic.

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Five Weapons #6

Jan 29, 2014

The second arc of Five Weapons opens with a intriguing script that has me craving for more. Added to that the amazing tension and atmosphere throughout and how couldn't I recommend this issue.

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Five Weapons #7

Feb 25, 2014

Five Weapons is a series that I personally can't get enough off. It's both exciting as well as sophisticated, and there should be something that'll appeal to any fanboy. Highly recommended.

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Five Weapons #8

Apr 15, 2014

The second arc of Five Weapons has been a blast so far and with the intense and enthralling developments in this issue I can't wait to see what happens next. Highly recommended.

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Five Weapons #9

Jun 3, 2014

Five Weapons Back to Class is nearing it's conclusion with this issue giving us amazing development as well as more intriguing questions. Highly recommended.

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Five Weapons #10

Jul 30, 2014

Five Weapons comes to a premature end but does so in an exciting way. I for one am upset that Robinson couldn't reach his expected finish, and it will be a series I will miss. Just goes to show the importance of independent backing. Highly recommended.

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Flash (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 25, 2014

The Flash: Futures End #1 may not appeal to readers of the Futures End weekly series, but fans of Venditti and Jensen's opening arc will love this addition which comes highly recommended.

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Flash (2016) #1

Jun 23, 2016

The Flash #1 gets the new series off to a tremendous start, with the smart dialogue and character focus being a real winner. The way it continues to work into the events of DC Universe: Rebirth #1 also impress, with the sudden twist near the end leaving me more than intrigued.

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Flash (2016) #2

Jul 15, 2016

The Flash #2 was just a joy to read, with the way Barry embraced our new speedster being truly magnificent. The creative team also start to build a much grander story, with the final moments of the issue bound to leave readers itching for more.

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Flash (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

The Flash #21 continues to flesh out the new mysteries that have arisen within “The Button” crossover, as despite the main narrative still being put to one side, the story we get is nonetheless enthralling. That said the confined time frame and lack of overall development does prevent this from matching the sheer quality of the first issue, but still gives us more than enough reasons to continue reading one.

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Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 10, 2016

The Flash: Rebirth #1 was probably my favourite Rebirth one-shot this week, with the way it tied into the DC Universe: Rebirth #1 being simply astonishing. It also managed to set-up some fascinating developments in it's own rights, with there being some wonderful mystery as well. It also gave us a captivating interaction between Barry and Wally, with the exchange of ideas with Batman also shaking things up.

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Forever Evil #1

Sep 13, 2013

This was an amazing start to what I hope will be a wonderful event. It had the perfect tone, setting everything up perfectly, allowing people who've missed Trinity War the perfect chance to see what changes it would cause. It also has some interesting sequences, and brilliant dialogue, and I for one can't wait for more, and would highly recommend it to anyone, even if you missed Trinity War.

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Forever Evil #2

Oct 6, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and a great continuation of the story. It also does a brilliant job of setting up the crossover storylines in this event, also having some brilliant developments for the main series itself. There was also brilliant dialogue, with some exciting sequences as well as a bit of mystery as well. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the first and can't wait for the next.

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Forever Evil #3

Nov 10, 2013

Although the series is progressing slowly it still manages to be very entertaining and exciting, with this being no different. This issue would also have some interesting character interactions, and the way the story would develop would be extremely interesting. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue and the event so far, and can't wait for the next issue.

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Forever Evil #4

Dec 31, 2013

Forever Evil is slowly starting to get closer to the quality of Trinity War and whether it tops Trinity War or not, it is looking to be yet another terrific event from DC.

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Forever Evil #5

Feb 13, 2014

Forever Evil continues to be a success and with the dramatic dialogue and explosive action this is a series that everyone will enjoy. Highly recommended.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #1

Oct 13, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and much better than I originally thought it would be. It was however still not perfect, but did set the series up brilliantly, and I'm expecting a lot from the future of the series now. This issue itself was also very dramatic and exciting, being perfectly paced, with the slower parts even having brilliant tone to counter that. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as it is well worth giving a try.

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Frankenstein (2015): Underground #1

Feb 20, 2015

Frankenstein: Underground #1 is both a great homage to the character, as well as a unique twist. Giving an emotionally driven look into the Monster's past, as well as setting up an intriguing plot, the series certainly is one that you should give a try, as I'm sure it'll only get better from here.

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #226

Mar 8, 2016

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #226 gets “Cobra Nation” off to a solid start, but unfortunately fails to be as captivating as I hoped. That said it did end on a high, and despite not being an issue I'd recommend jumping on from, I do see great potential within the arc as a whole.

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Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings #1

Jun 9, 2017

George R. R. Martin's A Clash of King #1 gets this new series off to a solid start, with the creative team giving us a much more engaging adaptation. Not only does this tailored approach allow for a much more accessible story visually, but it also allows the illustrations to shine through, with the two working together harmoniously.

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Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings #2

Jul 11, 2017

George R. R. Martin's A Clash of Kings #2 is yet another enjoyable entry in this adaptation, with the creative team continuing to deliver an engaging product. Despite some of the developments feeling much briefer than they were in the book, the choice to trim the narrative down means that we get a much more visually dynamic comic.

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Ghostbusters: Get Real #2

Jul 28, 2015

Ghostbusters: Get Real #2 is definitely an improvement over the opening issue, but I'm still not completely won over by it's concept. It is however a fun, energetic story, that captures the attitude of our main characters perfectly.

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Ghostbusters: Get Real #4

Sep 29, 2015

Ghostbusters: Get Real #4 is the conclusion this mini-series need, as despite getting off to a not too stellar start, these final two issues have blown me away. Balancing a dramatic plot with some exciting action, the creative team give us a gripping series of events, and I can only hope that IDW follow with something equally as impressive in their next Ghostbusters tale.

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Ghosted (2013) #16

Jan 14, 2015

Ghosted is certainly teasing some big things, with this bridging issue allowing for a key insight into Markus' plans. The guest art from Juan Jose Ryp is also another fabulous feature of this issue, making it all the easier to recommend.

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Ghosted (2013) #17

Feb 10, 2015

Ghosted #17 delivers some fantastic developments, as though the initial sequences are a little mundane, the shift in pace proves thrilling, with the confrontation between Jackson and Markus being utterly gripping.

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Ghosted (2013) #18

Mar 10, 2015

Ghosted #18 takes things up a gear, with Markus' wicked schemes, and the shocking cliffhanger mesmerizing. The wonderful character interaction, and gritty art also proved more than impressive, and should leave readers vying for more.

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Ghosted (2013) #20

May 19, 2015

This may be the end of Ghosted, but that doesn't mean we can't rejoice in the magic that the creative team have produced over these twenty issues, as alongside the various artists, Joshua Williamson has mixed horror and crime brilliantly. This is reflected perfectly in this finale, as though some aspects were questionable, the narrative as a whole felt befitting to the story that Williamson was telling.

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Gideon Falls #1

Mar 6, 2018

Gideon Falls #1 is a wonderful example of how to debut a new series. Giving us a tantalising narrative that mixes faith, mental health and the supernatural, the creative team leave us with plenty of reasons to return for more. The character driven nature of this unique mystery also allows for a much more engaging product, with there being plenty still to explore from both Norton and Father Wilfred.

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Go Go Power Rangers #1

Jul 25, 2017

Go Go Power Rangers #1 may not give us anything unique or new, but nevertheless it's still a fun look into the early days of these young heroes. The simplistic narrative also allows for a more intricate look a the Rangers personalities and how they're adapting to becoming heroes.

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Godzilla in Hell #2

Aug 25, 2015

Godzilla in Hell may not have gotten of to a flying start, but this second entry certainly starts showing the promise that such a concept has. Having sensational art and an engaging plot, the creator definitely does this monster justice, and all I can hope is that the next creator does the same.

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Godzilla in Hell #3

Sep 29, 2015

Godzilla in Hell #3 gives us a rather epic battle between Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla, but ultimately the lack of dialogue or narration means that this all happens a little too quick. It does however take our kaiju on a rather intriguing path, and I can only hope future creative teams find the same balance as Bob Eggleton did on the last issue.

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Graveyard Shift #1

Dec 24, 2014

Graveyard Shift may still have a bit of development before it can be considered a must have, but it's premise certainly goes to show some potential, having this fanboy hooked for the next installment.

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Graveyard Shift #3

Feb 24, 2015

Graveyard Shift continues to impress as it enters it's penultimate issue, as though it's not likely to be in contention for best mini-series of the year, there are some intriguing elements. The use of vampires, and the emotional struggle of Hope also adds great depth to this tale, and along with the stunning art, it's easy to recommend this series.

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Graveyard Shift #4

Mar 31, 2015

Graveyard Shift ends in pristine fashion, as though fans may be indifferent as to what they've thought of the mini-series so far, they can't deny the quality of this conclusion. Having exciting action, gripping drama, and a fitting climax, this issue on it's own makes this a series worth getting.

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Grayson #2

Aug 7, 2014

Grayson continues to be an intriguing series, as though the flow was a bit awkward, there were some gripping moments. Recommended.

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Grayson #9

Jun 25, 2015

Grayson #9 is yet another fantastic entry in this fun spy comic, showing that DC definitely made the right decision in revealing Nightwing's identity. Delivering some fun, exciting developments, the creative team set the foundations for something spectacular, leaving this fan eager to read more.

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Grayson #10

Jul 23, 2015

Grayson #10 once again proves why this is a must have addition to any fans pull, with Dick's latest adventures being captivating to say the least. It is however the speculation and question of trust that interests this fan most, with there being a lot to ponder whilst waiting for the next installment.

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Grayson #11

Aug 27, 2015

Grayson continues to be one of DC's most exciting series', with this climactic conclusion to recent events being fascinating to say the least. Add to this the possible direction in which the series could go moving forward, and you can bet that this reader will be returning for more.

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Grayson #12

Sep 24, 2015

Grayson #12 is a wonderful jumping on point for new readers, with the characters return trip to Gotham setting the stage for what's to come. Delivering a gripping narrative that focuses on our titular character's betrayal of trust, the creative team really allow for an emotional look into a ever changing world.

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Grayson #15

Dec 11, 2015

Grayson #15 is a terrific continuation to the Robin War crossover, as given the slightly disappointing nature of the opening chapter, we needed something to elevate the quality of this event. Amongst this the creative team also gave some strong developments for Grayson, with the character feeling like the natural leader figure during this tale.

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Grayson #17

Feb 25, 2016

Grayson #17 marks the end of the current writing team, with Seeley and King producing a solid final issue. Not only did they set up the next arc beautifully for the new creative team, but they also gave us some gripping interactions and intense action, that isn't to be missed.

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Grayson Annual #2

Oct 1, 2015

Grayson Annual #2 gives us exactly what we want from an annual escapade, as we get a team-up that is simply sensational. Bringing our favourite super-spy and the former Man of Steel together in an ingenious manner, the creative team delivers an enjoyable narrative that comes highly recommended.

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Grayson: Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

Grayson: Futures End has some interesting concepts, but the overall flow of this story in reverse fails to impress, and thud I can't recommend it.

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Green Arrow (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was an outstanding issue, and one of the best Green Arrow issues I've ever read. I really hope that the series stays at this level, as the character deserves it as well as the fans, and I have every faith that Lemire won't disappoint. I would easily recommend this issue to anyone as apart from being brilliant it's also the perfect starting of point for any new readers, or Green Arrow fans that left the series due to the poor quality.

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Green Arrow (2011) #18

Aug 7, 2013

Lemire continues to turn this series into a respectable series again, and this issue was fabulous. It was very interesting, and fun, and although it wasn't quite as good as the last issue it was still brilliant. I'd recommend both this issue, and the last issue, as Lemire has really changed this series for the better.

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Green Arrow (2011) #19

Sep 4, 2013

This was yet another amazing issue from Lemire, and the development of the story has been handled brilliantly. This issue is also very action packed, having lots of suspense, and having a very dramatic tone. I'd highly recommend this issue, as it was truly fantastic, and I'd also recommend the other two issues in this series by Lemire, as the story's been amazing, and I for one really look forward to reading more.

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Green Arrow (2011) #24

Oct 7, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and the story continues to be mysterious as well as dramatic. The character interaction was also brilliant, and the action was very exciting. Along with this there were some brilliant developments, with one in particular being a big surprise. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as Lemire's run so far, and can't wait for the next issue, especially due to it being a Zero Year tie-in.

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Green Arrow (2011) #33

Jul 3, 2014

Green Arrow remains one of DC's best series with Broken looking to be yet another massive feather in Lemire and Sorrentino's cap. Highly recommended.

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Green Arrow (2011) #34

Aug 7, 2014

Lemire and Sorrentino's main Green Arrow run comes to a fantastic end, as though the duo still have Futures End to come, they bring the main story to a fitting conclusion. Highly recommended.

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Green Arrow (2011) #35

Oct 3, 2014

Green Arrow takes an interesting change in direction, and though it won't be to everyone's liking it's not anywhere near as bad as the series was prior to Lemire and Sorrentino's run. Due to this I recommend this to both new readers, as well as fans of Arrow, but existing fans that are on the fence may want to hold back to see how the story fairs in the long run.

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Green Arrow (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

Green Arrow: Futures End proves to be an interesting finale to Lemire and Sorrentino's run on the character, but the over immersion into the Futures End event means that Green Arrow fans that don't follow the event may be left unsatisfied, and thus I can't wholeheartedly recommend it.

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Green Lantern (2011) #15

Jul 16, 2013

This was a very good issue, and a brilliant continuation to the Rise of the Third Army storyline. Although it's not quite as good as the last few issues, this is still a fabulous issue, and I would highly recommend it, along with all the Rise of the Third Army issue, in this series.

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Green Lanterns #1

Jun 17, 2016

Green Lanterns #1 is a solid start to this new series, with the creative team leaving me excited to read more of Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz'tale. Add to this the scheming of Atrocitus as well as the character chemistry and there's no reason why you shouldn't pick this up.

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Green Lanterns #2

Jul 8, 2016

Green Lanterns #2 is yet another fantastic entry to the new series, with Jessica and Simon growing in their roles. Not only did the creative team move the chaotic plan of the Red Lanterns forward effectively, but they also gave us some emotional twists, with the duo growing into the team they were meant to be.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 2, 2016

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 is a fantastic new direction for the Green Lantern universe, with the rookie Lanterns getting some well deserved spotlight. The way the creative team introduce us to this also impressed, with the hints towards the future and shameless plug for Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps having me hopeful for this rebirth.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #0.1

Aug 5, 2013

This was a very good opening issue to the series and I look forward to reading more of it. I would highly recommend this issue as it's good, but at the same time if you have a tight budget it's missable as you'd be able to pick up issue 1 without needing prior knowledge of this issue (I'd assume), although it wouldn't hurt to get the issue if you could afford it.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #1

Aug 20, 2013

This was a very good first issue of the series, and although it's not quite as good as the point one issue it's still very good, and a nice way to ease newer readers into the series. The issue did how have fun and exciting moment, and I really look forward to reading more of the series. I would easily recommend this issue as well as the point one issue, as it's something that's very unique and fun, and overall interesting.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #2

Sep 5, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and although not quite as good as the point one issue it's still better than the last, and shows so much promise for the future of the series. This issue was both entertaining, and exciting, as well as interesting, and although it was slow in certain parts it was needed to help the development of the story, as otherwise it'd be an even more exciting story with no structure. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the series so far, and am really looking forward to the next issue, and the future of this series.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #3

Sep 10, 2013

This was an outstanding issue, and my personal favourite in the series so far, being just slightly better than the point one issue. It had fun, as well as explosive action, and even some emotion. It also saw the return of Groot in a big way, and a hilarious conversation between Iron Man, and Rocket Raccoon. Due to all this I'd easily recommend this issue to anyone, as well as the rest of the series so far, and can't wait for the next issue.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #4

Sep 10, 2013

Although this was probably the worst issue of the series so far, it was still very good, and exciting. It also had a lot of fun moments, and left some interesting questions, and although it may have no affect on the immediate future of this series, I do hope that there'll eventually be some development from it. Due to this I'd recommend this issue, and the series so far, but for anyone who isn't following this series already, and is looking to save money I'd recommend waiting till next issue which is the proper start to the next story.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #5

Sep 11, 2013

Not one of the better issues from this series, but still better than last issue, with some interesting development points. It also sets up the future of this series perfectly, as well as introduce Angela to the series. At the same time it wasn't anything more than set-up, with little excitement. There was however still some suspense, and drama, as well as interesting dialogue, and it does have me interested in the next issue. Due to this I'd probably recommend this issue, especially for anyone looking for a good starting point, but I would also recommend caution, as if you are short on cash, it may be worth waiting until the next issue.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #6

Nov 3, 2013

This was a fantastic issue and a brilliant continuation from the explosive events of the last issue. It would also have a lot of excitement in it's own right, with some intense sequences and amazing encounters. The dialogue would also be outstanding adding a lot of drama and humour to the issue, keeping the fun tone that I love most about this series perfectly. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as it was truly amazing.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #7

Nov 3, 2013

This was a fantastic issue as although it wouldn't be quite as good as the last couple of issue it would still be a very good issue. It would also tell some of Angela's back story brilliantly, having some very interesting moments throughout the issue. The dialogue would also once again be amazing, though the lack of plot development didn't help the issue. I would however still recommend this issue, as it wasn't the worst the series has produced so far, being a very interesting read.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #8

Nov 3, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and although the start wasn't very new reader friendly the issue would soon become extremely entertaining and exciting. The art from Francavilla didn't however suit the series, as although there was some amazing moments, it was mostly rather jarring and awkward, having the wrong tone for the series. The issue would however also have some brilliant interactions and explosive action and overall I'd highly recommend this, though it's not necessary for anyone looking for Infinity tie-ins that are closer linked to the main event.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #27

May 20, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy #27 may not be the best issue in this overall magnificent series, but it's certainly not the worst, being a fabulous turn around for it's finale. Having an exciting display of action, that practically flies off the page, it's hard not to fall in love with these characters all over again. And though there may be a suddenness that frustrated me, it is a silver lining in a series that has been lacking as of late.

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Hack / Slash: Resurrection #1

Oct 27, 2017

Hack/Slash: Resurrection #1 is the kind of opening issue that will appeal to current fans, whilst being fresh and inviting to new readers. Quietly re-introducing us to Cassie Hack and who she is, the creative team do an excellent job of showing us what the former slasher hunter gets up to nowadays. During this they lay the groundwork for what's to come, with there being some intriguing possibilities for the not too distant future.

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Hack/Slash vs Vampirella #1

Oct 3, 2017

Hack/Slash vs. Vampirella #1 is a fun and enjoyable comic that is easy to recommend. The creative team introduces us to an engaging narrative that incorporates elements from both series, whilst remaining fresh. The mysterious elements within this story also leaves reason to return for more, with the interaction between Cassie and Vampirella being simply astonishing.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

Jul 15, 2016

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1 is a solid start for this new series, catching up on Hal's history, whilst setting the premise of this book. It also gives us some wonderful mystery and once you factor in Sinestro's role in all of this, we're left with a series that should be interesting to follow.

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Harbinger: Omegas #2

Sep 23, 2014

Harbinger: Omegas #2 may be a lot slower than the opening issue, but the wonderful narration and thrilling set-up makes it a must have for Valiant fans. Recommended.

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Harbinger: Renegade #7

Sep 5, 2017

Harbinger Renegade #7 is quite possibly the most emotional entry in the series to date. Moving on from the catastrophic events of the fifth issue, the creative team deliver a character driven narrative. This allows for some dramatic interactions, even if we don't see any new threat for our young psiots.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Dec 2, 2013

One of the most unique zero issues that I've ever read this was a brilliant introduction for new fans of Harley Quinn as well as a brilliant story for old fans. It would have an array of wonderful artists all vying for the job of drawing Harley on a regular basis with the tone being simply perfect for her character. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue and if the series continues with this tone it's bound to become a hit.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #1

Dec 24, 2013

Although this isn't quite as good as the zero issue, it is still fun and crazy, showing Harley at her best and I'd highly recommend picking it up.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #2

Jan 29, 2014

Harley Quinn continues to be a fantastic series, with it keeping the fun and energetic style that has made Harley such a well loved character. Highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #3

Mar 5, 2014

A fun Valentine's story that'll appeal to any Harley Quinn fan with it also having it's usual lively tone. Highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 25, 2014

Harley Quinn: Futures End #1 is a fun tale that fans of Harley and the Joker will love, being as crazy and quirky as the two characters involved. Highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #1

Aug 4, 2016

Harley Quinn #1 isn't likely to win over new fans, but one thing it does do is set-up an intriguing set of events. It also gives us some dynamic Harley fun, and despite there being moments that feel convoluting, there was signs of a good story.

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Hawkeye (2012) #5

Feb 26, 2013

A great issue to what has been a tremendous series. Although the start to this two parter was better than the finish there isn't much between them, and if it wasn't for the minor imperfections in story and art they'd be equal. I would still highly recommend this issue and the series as it's one of the best Marvel is producing so far.

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Hawkeye (2012) #6

Jul 16, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and one of the best the series has produced so far. It's a fun Hawkeye issue, as well as being a good Christmas story. I would highly recommend this issue as well as the entire series, as it's been mind-blowingly brilliant, and a really fun series.

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Hawkeye (2012) #22

Jul 14, 2015

So there you have it, our last outing with Hawkguy as Matt Fraction and David Aja brings their Hawkeye run to a close. Having plenty of excitement, and some awesome twists, this is a comic that any fan of the archer will want, being the perfect way to end this awesome series.

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Heart in a Box OGN #1

Sep 13, 2015

If like me you missed Heart in a Box when it was originally out, or just didn't like the idea of buying a digital comic, then now is your chance to experience this wonderful tale. Having a intriguing premise as well as a heartfelt narrative, it really captured this reader's attention, as despite its flaws it was a truly marvellous tale of love and loss.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953: Beyond The Fences #1

Feb 25, 2016

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953 – Beyond the Fences #1 introduces us to a brand new story for the Bureau, with the creative team giving us an engaging premise. It would however be the character development that made this comic so captivating, with the team showing fabulous chemistry throughout this issue.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1955: Secret Nature #1

Aug 8, 2017

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1955 " Secret Nature is an excellent one-shot tale giving Woody and Red a simple, yet exciting case to investigate. During this the creative team give us some wonderful character development, using the limited page count to its full potential. So if you're looking to try Hellboy for the first time, or simply give the Right Hand of Doom another go, then this is the perfect time to do so, with there being no need to further invest if it turns out not to be for you.

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Hellboy in Hell #7

Aug 10, 2015

Hellboy in Hell #7 marks a triumphant return for the series, as although it's likely to be shortly lived, with yet another long wait between arcs, there's never a bad time to get more Hellboy action. It also leaves great speculation, with our hero's journey through hell being full of surprises. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book store come August 26.

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Hellboy in Hell #8

Sep 22, 2015

Hellboy in Hell #8 marks the end of yet another arc for the Seed of Destruction, and although we'll have yet another wait until the series returns, it was nice to get yet another amazing tale whilst we can. It also gives us yet more history to this iconic character, making it even easier to recommend.

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Hellboy: The Midnight Circus OGN

Feb 1, 2014

Hellboy: The Midnight Circus is a fun and enjoyable read, but it is at the same time very quick paced, not taking very long to read. I do however still recommend this OGN and especially to Hellboy fans, but to non-fans you may want to try one of the other Hellboy stories first.

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Hillbilly #1

Jun 28, 2016

Hillbilly #1 is a sensational start to this new series, and if this is a sign of things to come, Albatross Funnybooks is a publisher to look out for. Not only did the creator introduce us to an intriguing new character, but he also gave us an engaging backstory that was exciting to say the least. In other words: buy this book!

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Hit-Girl (2018) #1

Mar 3, 2018

Hit-Girl #1 may be a fun, hard hitting opening issue, but it ultimately doesn't do quite enough to excite. Placing Mindy on a new path, the creative team do a brilliant job of reminding us how brutal this small hero can be. Despite this it unfortunately lacks the weight or intrigue of the previous series, even if there is still plenty of potential for the series moving forward.

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House of Penance #1

Apr 12, 2016

House of Penance #1 is simply, a must have comic for fans of horror and American history. It may not give us a huge lot of development, feeling a little over the place, but the overall character depth and unique tone more than makes up for this.

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Howard The Duck (2015) #1

Mar 11, 2015

Howard the Duck is back! And he's better than ever. Having warmed the hearts of fans new and old in the Guardians of the Galaxy post credit scene, this talking duck proves why he's an entertaining character, with the events of this tale being sensational. The wonderful cameos, and hilarious plot will also leave fans returning for more, with this series being a must have.

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Howard The Duck (2015) #2

Apr 9, 2015

Howard the Duck continues to be a hilarious read, with the fun antics of this talking duck being extremely entertaining. The interaction, and different characteristics also allow him to be an interesting character, and though the Guardians of the Galaxy are misused, the overall issue is still awesome.

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Howard The Duck (2015) #3

May 13, 2015

Having dipped slightly in quality last time around, I'm glad to inform you that Howard the Duck is back on form. Being fun, outrageous, and darn right clever to boot, the creative team more than outdo themselves, leaving me excited for the next installment.

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Huck #1

Nov 18, 2015

Huck #1 is a pure joy to read, being the superhero comic that we all need and deserve. Capturing the truly selflessness that Superman used to be known for, whilst being something unique in it's own right. It also scratches the surface of an even more intriguing narrative, with Huck's good deeds not always being rewarded.

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Huck #2

Dec 16, 2015

Huck #2 is yet another amazing comic, as despite the story dipping slightly compared to the opening issue, it still did more than enough to keep us returning for more. It also brought some new elements, but ultimately needs a more fleshed out narrative.

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Huck #3

Jan 14, 2016

Huck #3 as a whole was a fantastic continuation to this latest Millarworld series, giving us a dramatic set of events that explore just how the world view Huck's abilities. This is all accompanied by some thrilling developments with the creative team leaving us with a shocking twist at the end.

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Huck #4

Feb 19, 2016

Huck #4 was easily one of the best comics I've read from Mark Millar in the last couple of years, with the writer showing the type of storytelling that made Kick-Ass such a hit. This would all be complemented by stunning visuals and along with some gripping developments there was more than enough to leave any reader returning for more.

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Huck #6

Apr 20, 2016

Huck #6 brings this sensational tale to a close, with the series as a whole being one of the best Millarworld has produced so far. Between the charming epilogue, the explosive action, and the tense dialogue, the creative team gave us a memorable final issue, leaving me hopeful that a second volume will follow sooner rather than later.

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Hulk (2014) #5

Aug 15, 2014

Hulk takes an intriguing new direction, and though people who missed Original Sin #3.1-3.4 may find it a bit strange, the premise is enticing. Highly recommended.

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Hulk (2014) #6

Sep 18, 2014

Hulk is definitely on the right track, with this Hulk hunting Doc Green proving to be a unique direction to send our green monster in. Highly recommended.

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Hulk (2014) #7

Oct 17, 2014

Hulk #7 is easily Gerry Duggan's worst outing in the three issues he's produced, with the battle between Doc Green and Skaar being very disappointing. Despite this the issue did have some entertaining moments, with the mysterious developments near the end catching my interest. Despite this I can't recommend this as an individual issue and can only hope the series returns to how it was prior.

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Hulk (2014) Annual #1

Sep 18, 2014

Hulk Annual #1 proves a worthy read for any Hulk fan, with this alternative look into Doc Green's M.O. being very enticing. Recommended.

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I Hate Fairyland #6

Jun 16, 2016

I Hate Fairyland #6 is an amazing start to the second arc, with there being plenty of humorous moments. It also shows Gertrude's rein in a energetic manner, with the final moments of the issue bound to leave readers eager for more.

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Incredible Hulk (2017) #709

Oct 18, 2017

Incredible Hulk #709 gets “Return to Planet Hulk” of to an amazing start, reflecting the tone and atmosphere of the original, whilst being unique and of itself. Delivering an engaging narrative that transports Amadeus Cho to Sakaar, the creative team waste no time in grabbing our attention. In doing so not only do they lay the foundation for what's to come, but highlight the control Cho has over the big green monster.

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Indestructible Hulk #2

Jul 15, 2013

A brilliant continuation to the Marvel NOW! series I'm most excited to read. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the previous issue, and hope that it keeps at this brilliant level for some time.

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Indestructible Hulk #3

Aug 1, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and although it wasn't quite as good as the previous couple of issues it was still brilliant. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the series so far, and am extremely looking forward to the next issue.

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Indestructible Hulk #4

Aug 5, 2013

Although this isn't the best issue in the series it's still very good, and the series overall his been brilliant. I'd still highly recommend this issue, and I'd defiantly recommend the series on a whole, as it's fantastic, and looks to be getting better and better.

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Indestructible Hulk #5

Aug 7, 2013

Although not the best issue in the series, this was still a very good issue, and much better than anything from the previous series. It was a brilliant end to the Attuma story, and although I feel the story could have been handled better as a whole, it was still very interesting, and at times also very entertaining. I also liked that Waid has had this issue focus more on Banner, and although that took away from the action, it made the issue more interesting. I would easily recommend this issue, and the entire series, as it's the best the Hulk's been since Greg Pak finished his series.

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Indestructible Hulk #6

Sep 4, 2013

Although not the best issue in the series, this was a brilliant start to the three part story that features the God of Thunder. It was also very interesting, and had a slightly shocking surprise, which is making me look forward to the next issue even more. I would really recommend this issue, as if you're a fan of either Thor, or Hulk you'll love it, and although I've personally not read Simonson's work on Thor, I'm sure that people who liked it will love this.

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Indestructible Hulk #7

Sep 5, 2013

This was a phenomenal issue, and probably the best in the series so far. It's the perfect cross between Hulk, and Thor, and exactly they type of story I was hoping from this. The retro feel also really helps the story, making it much more unique, as although I wasn't 100% fond of it to start with, it's really grown on me, and the story wouldn't be the same without it. The action throughout was epic, as expected, and this was overall truly a wonderful issue, and I'd highly recommend both it, and the entire series, as Waid's done a tremendous job.

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Indestructible Hulk #8

Sep 6, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and a fitting ending to what was a phenomenal storyline. This issue had it all, from emotional conversations, to interesting theories, to amazing action, and although it wasn't quite as good as the last issue, it was still a brilliant issue. With all this I'd highly recommend this issue, this story, and this series so far, as everything about Indestructible Hulk has been amazing, and I look forward to seeing what happens when Waid's other character Daredevil makes an appearance next issue.

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Indestructible Hulk #9

Sep 11, 2013

This was a terrific issue, and although it's been one of the weaker Hulk issues in the last few, it was still very good, and a great start to this two part story. It also had some great action sequences, as well as some interesting, and dynamic moments, and really makes me want to read the next issue. Due to all this I'd still recommend this issue, as although it isn't the best issue to judge the series on, it was still a brilliant issue.

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Indestructible Hulk #10

Sep 11, 2013

This was a phenomenal issue, and one of the best in the last few issues, really taking the level up a notch. It had outstanding action, as well as a fantastic villain, also having some moments that were extremely fun. It also had some interesting concepts, and developments throughout, and I seriously hope that this is continued from sometime in the future. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the rest of the series, and especially the last issue as well.

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Indestructible Hulk #11

Sep 11, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and one of the best in a while. It had some amazing action, as well as some suspenseful, and dramatic dialogue, all of which gave great tone, and depth to the issue. It also perfectly set-up this new story, and has me very interested in what will come next. This all makes it extremely easy to recommend this issue, as it's the perfect jumping on point for new readers, as although I'd also recommend the rest of the series, you can easily begin reading from this issue.

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Indestructible Hulk #12

Sep 12, 2013

This was an outstanding issue, and a great continuation to this story. It had plenty of excitement, and drama, having brilliant action, and tremendous narration, and dialogue. It also involved dinosaurs, and cowboys in a awesome way, making things very fun, and entertaining. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue, and am really looking forward to the next issue.

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Indestructible Hulk #13

Sep 15, 2013

A brilliant continuation of this amazing story, and I've loved seeing Hulk jump through time. This issue also showed King Arthur brilliantly, and seeing Hulk fight alongside him, and the Knights of the Round Table was simply amazing. There was also plenty of action in this issue, and on top of everything else it was extremely exciting, and explosive. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the series so far, and can't wait for next issue which is one I've been looking forward to since this story was first announced.

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Indestructible Hulk #14

Oct 29, 2013

This was a fantastic issue with some brilliant development points. It was however let down slightly by the clashing artwork and the overall flow of the story. In saying that the issue was very exciting, having some brilliant references and due to this I'd recommend giving this a try, though you may want to get the previous Agent of T.I.M.E. parts first.

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Indoctrination #1

Jun 29, 2016

Indoctrination #1 is a sensational start to this supernatural thriller, with the creative team introducing us to a captivating premise. Whether it's the gritty nature of the murders our FBI agents investigate or the mysterious background, there is most definitely plenty to draw readers in. In other words: buy this comic!

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Infinity #1

Sep 11, 2013

This was a great opening issue, and although it wasn't quite what I expected, it was a brilliant way to open the event, as although it wasn't spectacular, it builds everything up nicely, giving a nice picture of what's to come. This also makes it relatively new reader friendly, as although reading Avengers, or New Avengers gives a better overall experience, it isn't essential to read them to understand this. The issue itself also had a lot of development points, keeping a aura of mystery, and I for one look forward to seeing where it goes next. I would highly recommend this issue, as although not phenomenal, it was great, and shows a lot of promise.

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Infinity #2

Sep 13, 2013

Although not quite as good as the last issue, this was still a tremendous continuation to the event, and it has certainly kept me excited about the series. The suspense, and drama throughout was simply outstanding, having some brilliant interactions, and leading to some shocking developments. Due to all this, added the brilliant action I would highly recommend this issue, and am looking forward to the next Avengers tie-in, and ultimately the next issue of this series.

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Infinity #3

Sep 21, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and my personal favourite of the event so far. It had so much excitement, and suspense, as well as plenty of drama. The developments were also very dramatic, adding some energy to the event. It also had some brilliant action sequences, and has me hooked for the next part. Due to this it's easy to recommend this issue, and I'd also recommend the rest of the event as well.

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Infinity #4

Oct 12, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and so far this has easily been the best crossover event that Marvel has done in a long time. This issue itself had plenty of suspense and drama, with tons of excitement, and brilliant character depth. It also had a fantastic fight between Thanos and Black Bolt, and has really shaken up the development of the event. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the rest of the series so far.

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Infinity #5

Nov 1, 2013

This was yet another amazing issue in the Infinity crossover, as although it wasn't quite as good as the last couple of issues, being a bit slower, it did do a brilliant job of setting up the conclusion. The would also be some interesting developments, as well as some explosive artwork, and the issue as a whole has me very excited for the conclusion. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue as although not quite as good as the last couple of issues it was still an amazing addition to the event.

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Infinity #6

Dec 7, 2013

This was a terrific ending to a outstanding event and it will be a while before Marvel top this. The issue wasn't quite perfect, feeling slightly too quick a pace, though the action and tension throughout would make it a extraordinarily great issue as well as one of the best from the crossover. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the event as a whole.

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InSEXts #3

Feb 10, 2016

InSEXts #3 is another strong addition for the series, with the creative team continuing to expand on this strange tale of love and monsters in a fascinating manner. They would also give us some sensational developments, with a couple of moments that were truly captivating.

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Intersect #1

Nov 18, 2014

Intersect #1 leaves a lot of unanswered questions, and though that in a way is expected from an opening issue, it does so in a rather frustrating way. It's surreal tone does on the other hand allow for some enthralling moments, that make me want to return for another issue. Due to this the issue scrapes by with a half hearted recommendation.

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Invincible #110

Apr 8, 2014

Invincible continues to amaze as though this issue sees some questionable storytelling it also has a very deep and dramatic development that will have long term fans hanging off every word. Recommended.

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Invincible #111

May 20, 2014

Invincible takes a drastic turn of events with these explosive developments having a huge impact on the future of this series. Highly recommended.

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1

Oct 8, 2015

Invincible Iron Man #1 was a solid start for the new series, as although there are some aspects that it needs to pick up on, it generally gives us a promising premise for the future. It also gives us a deeper version of Tony, who is much more intriguing than he's been in recent years.

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #2

Oct 23, 2015

Invincible Iron Man #2 was a rather intriguing entry in the newly launched series, with the interaction between Tony and Doom being mesmerizing. That said this did leave very little room for anything else, and although that isn't necessarily bad, it did prevent this from becoming something extraordinary.

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #5

Jan 8, 2016

Invincible Iron Man #5 brings the first arc of this new ongoing to a fantastic conclusion with Tony's battle against Madame Masque and him teaming up with Victor Von Doom leading to some intense events. The creative team also justify Mary Jane Watson place within this narrative, with there being a lot to look forward to as we head into “The War Machines.”

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #6

Feb 4, 2016

Invincible Iron Man #6 gets the second arc off to a solid start as “The War Machines” gives us a mysterious tale of espionage. The creative team also allow for some thrilling character development, as despite there being little of real excitement, there was more than enough to leave me eager to dive into the next installment.

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Invincible Universe #12

Apr 1, 2014

Invincible Universe comes to an end but this entertaining companion to the main Invincible series ends on a high, also leaving the series/story open for a potential follow-on. Highly recommended.

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Iron Fist (2017) #1

Mar 23, 2017

Iron Fist #1 does a fantastic job of reintroducing us to the world of Danny Rand, as despite getting off to a bit of a slow start, the comic quickly shows the consequences of K'un Lun's destruction. The creative team also give us a product that is both new reader friendly, whilst also having enough to excite existing fans of the character.

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Iron Man (2012) #3

Feb 26, 2013

This was a good issue, and much better than the last issue. It is still however not a perfect series, and has a lot of room for improvement, but if it keeps at this kind of standard you can be sure to have a decent series.

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Iron Man (2012) #4

Feb 26, 2013

This was a good issue but not the best in the series, but not the worst. Anyone who likes fantasy style comics may like this but be warned that it's not normal fantasy. I would probably recommend this issue, but I hope that this series gets more consistent as I'm considering dropping it.

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Iron Man (2012) #5

Jul 25, 2013

This was a very disappointing issue, and a disappointing way to end a storyline, which wasn't a proper story. I would only recommend this issue to anyone who's got the series so far, as otherwise it's not worth getting. If you are a new reader, and are wanting to try Iron Man, I would also recommend leaving this issue, and either getting the next story arc, or well established storyline's, like Demon In A Bottle. I personally am dropping this series now, but I hope that it gets better, and if the next story arc gets continuously good feedback then I might give the series another shot.

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Iron Man (2012) #9

Sep 5, 2013

Although this series doesn't seem to have changed much since I dropped it, the set-up for the Secret Origin of Tony Stark story was very interesting, and although I'd have liked more of it, it was probably the right thing to give less. Besides this however the issue was very slow, and dull, with some good humour, and some terrible humour, and if it wasn't for the ending I wouldn't be optimistic for this storyline. I'd only recommend this to anyone that's either already getting this series, or likes are like me, and likes to get prologues to stories, as besides that it's better just to wait till the proper start in next issue, which I'm hoping will be amazing.

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Iron Man (2012) #10

Sep 6, 2013

Although this wasn't a brilliant issue, it wasn't terrible, and was a half decent start to the series. The issue started at a weird pace, but following that it became very interesting, setting-up some interesting pieces which I personally look forward to seeing developed. I would recommend this to anyone who's getting the series, or like origin stories, but would air on the side of caution, as although it shows promise, it's not great yet, and could land up being a terrible story. Basically, if you're in no rush to get this I'd probably recommend waiting to see if the story gets any better.

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Iron Man (2012) #11

Sep 6, 2013

Like the previous issues in this storyline, this issue was far from great, and was actually rather slow. The events that happened in the issue were interesting, and different, but the pacing problems really hurt the overall quality of the issue, and if the story continues to develop at this slow pace it won't be good. Like last issue I would recommend this to anyone already getting the series, or people who like origin stories, but otherwise I'd recommend waiting to see if the story picks up, as so far it's been very average.

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Iron Man (2012) #12

Sep 10, 2013

This was the best issue of the story so far, and probably the best in the series, and if not certainly one of them. It was however still not that good of an Iron Man issue, but it had plenty of action, and questions to make up for that, and the question over 451's character was probably the most interesting thing in the issue. I'd probably recommend this issue, especially to people who have been following the series, but to people looking for a great Iron Man story I'd advice caution.

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Iron Man (2012) #13

Sep 11, 2013

This issue was slightly disappointing, with the story returning to a slow pace. It did however have some interesting plot set-ups, as well as some interesting developments. I also had a bit of excitement, but little action, as well as some decent dialogue. I would only recommend this to anyone who's got the story/series so far, as you might as well to see where the story goes, but otherwise I'd recommend leaving this, and if the story gets better getting it in trade.

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Iron Man (2012) #14

Sep 11, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and finally the series is starting to be a bit more entertaining, instead of being poor, and slow. It also had a lot of suspense, and drama, with some shocking moments throughout. Cause of all this I'd recommend this issue, especially to people who have been reading this series, and aren't sure whether to continue or not. I would however probably recommend against it otherwise, as although it was amazing, you really need the rest of the story to understand what's going on, which isn't really worth it unless you get it in trade at a later date.

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Iron Man (2012) #15

Sep 13, 2013

This was an outstanding issue, and easily the best the series has produced so far. It had everything from light humour, to amazing action, being exciting, and dramatic the whole way through. It also had a lot of suspense as well, as well as some interesting dialogue. Individually I'd easily recommend this issue, but as it's part of a story that is already on it's seventh part, with most of the previous parts being poor I'd only really recommend it to anyone that's already been reading it, as otherwise it's better to wait till this story's finished, and hope that the next one starts as this one is now.

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Iron Man (2012) #16

Oct 8, 2013

This was a good continuation of the Secret Origin of Tony Stark story, but it was slightly slow, focusing too much on setting up the finale. It did however have some very intense and suspenseful moments, but unfortunately they were slightly overshadowed by the uneven pace of the issue. I would however recommend this to anyone who's been following the story so far, but otherwise it may be best to wait for the trade to come out.

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Iron Man (2012) #17

Oct 29, 2013

Although the Secret Origin of Tony Stark hasn't been one of the better Iron Man stories, this conclusion was amazing, being very emotional, showing just how good a writer Kieron Gillen can be. It also flowed smoothly, and although there wasn't a single bit of action, the depth and intensity of the story made it very exciting and entertaining. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as although it is probably more enjoyable to people who have read the rest of the story, it is still enjoyable on it's own, being much better than the rest of the story.

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Ivar, Timewalker #2

Feb 18, 2015

Ivar, Time Walker #2 continues the stellar work the creative team produced on the first issue, with the energy being electric throughout. The comical use of time travel also continues to appeal, with the rich character depth only adding yet another reason for giving this series a try.

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Ivar, Timewalker #3

Mar 17, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #3 may not be as exciting as the previous issues, with the serious nature of the events draining the energy that's been built up so far, but that in no way means that it sucks. Having wonderful depth, and intense character actions, the issue shows that despite being humorous and wacky, there's a dramatic focus to this tale.

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Ivar, Timewalker #5

May 26, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #5 may still be a little off the amazing work we got from the opening two issues, but it certainly a step in the right direction. Building upon Neela's recent revelations, and seeing Ivar manipulate his brothers, Armstrong and the Eternal Warrior, the events in this issue more than intrigue, having me excited for #6.

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Ivar, Timewalker #7

Jul 21, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker continues to excite, with the adventures of the Anni-Padda brothers being more than entertaining. This is accompanied by great drama and suspense, with Neela's revelation resulting in a rather drastic turn of events, which is sure to leave fans returning for more.

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Ivar, Timewalker #9

Sep 15, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #9 marks the beginning of a brand new direction, as with Ivar sacrificing himself at the end of the last issue, it is up to Neela to explore time in a new fashion. This is intertwined with some intriguing twists that are bound to lead to something memorable, if not exciting.

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Ivar, Timewalker #11

Nov 26, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #11 was a sensational addition to the series, being a fantastic penultimate issue. Not only did it give us something new, whilst setting up the final chapter, but it also took the key elements of this series and took it to a whole new level, with the creative team being on top form.

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IXth Generation #1

Jan 6, 2015

IXth Generation #1 does a wonderful job of bringing the world of Artifacts and Aphrodite IX together, as despite getting off to a rocky start, the issue quickly bounces back to be a real sensation, having this fanboy hooked for more. Recommended.

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IXth Generation #2

Feb 17, 2015

IXth Generation continues to bridge the gaps between the Top Cow Universe wonderfully, with the concept of Aphrodite IX wielding the Witchblade being truly astonishing. The story also takes some gripping twists, with there being some shocking moments throughout.

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IXth Generation #3

Apr 1, 2015

IXth Generation continues to be a strong expansion of the Top Cow Universe, as though there's still a lot to explore within this intriguing concept, the development so far has been truly magnificent. Between the dramatic scripting, and majestic art, this is a series that everyone must try at least once, with this issue coming highly recommended.

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IXth Generation #4

Jul 21, 2015

IXth Generation #4 may have taken a while to come out, but boy was the wait worth it. Having suspenseful action, as well as some tense developments, this issue was a brilliant conclusion to the first arc, leaving this reader eager for the next. It also gave some wonderful character development, with there being a couple that really stood out.

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IXth Generation #5

Sep 22, 2015

IXth Generation is back with a brand new arc, as well as a new artist. Getting some intriguing developments as well as being left with some fabulous speculation, the creative team certainly have me excited for the continuation of this series, with this issue easily getting a recommendation from me.

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IXth Generation #6

Oct 29, 2015

IXth Generation #6 was yet another thrilling entry in this fabulous series, and given the fact that it will soon be the final comic to feature in the Top Cow Universe, it is a must have for fans of the publisher. It also leaves a lot to look forward to heading into the next issue, with the Darkness finally becoming the brutal Artifact that we know it to be.

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IXth Generation: Hidden Files #1

Apr 7, 2015

This is definitely a comic for the IXth Generation fans, or those looking to get involved in this years Top Cow Talent Hunt. Giving wonderful insight into the various cities, and background on the insertion of the Artifacts to this world, this is a fun addition to the story, but not one for new fans to jump in on.

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Jade Street Protection Services #1

Jun 28, 2016

Jade Street Protection Services #1 is a fantastic starting point for this new series, introducing us to a unique tale to say the least. Add to this a mixture of looks and attitudes for our six protagonists and the character driven nature of this opening issue, and there's no reason why you shouldn't pick it up.

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James Bond #1

Nov 3, 2015

James Bond #1 is more miss than a hit, with it's ill paced narrative and questionable dialogue leading us to question whether we really need a comic for this franchise. That said the concept did show promise, and I can only hope that it starts to gain from that sooner rather than later.

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James Bond #3

Dec 30, 2015

James Bond #3 continues to build the series into an amazing representation of the classic spy that Ian Fleming created all those years ago. It also builds on the mystery and along with some explosive action it most definitely leaves us with enough reasons to return for more.

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James Bond #4

Feb 10, 2016

James Bond #4 is another fabulous entry in the series, with the creative team moving from strength to strength. Giving us an exciting set of events as well as some intense interactions, the creative team most certainly allow for a captivating experience, leaving me for one eager to return.

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James Bond #5

Jul 5, 2017

James Bond #5 is yet another solid addition to this latest ongoing series, as despite feeling stagnant at times, with questionable characterisation, there is plenty to excite. The culminating twists and exhilarating action also prove more than appealing, with there being plenty to keep readers returning for more.

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James Bond #6

Apr 21, 2016

James Bond #6 may not have been as enthralling as the last couple of issues, but nevertheless it brought “Vargr” to a sensational climax. Between the explosive action and suspenseful atmosphere, the creative team created a truly gripping narrative, leaving me both excited and hopeful for the next arc.

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James Bond #7

Jun 22, 2016

James Bond #7 is a great start for the new story arc, with the creative team doing a stellar job of getting the narrative off the ground. The smart plot and mysterious background also leaves a lot of unanswered questions heading into the next issue, with both Ellis and Masters having me excited to say the least.

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James Bond: Kill Chain #1

Jul 19, 2017

James Bond: Kill Chain #1 is an exciting start to this new mini-series, with the creative team behind Hammerhead delivering yet another must have comic. In doing so, not only do they introduce us to a mysterious organisation, but they also give some surprising twists for Bond, with there sure to be some enticing events in the near future.

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John Wick #1

Dec 1, 2017

John Wick #1 isn't likely to blow you away, but it is an interesting start to this origin story. Showing the famous assassin prior to his life as a hired killer, the narrative quickly stands out from the movies. It still manages to retain the same tone and violent nature, and despite the plot being a little mundane there is enough to leave readers itching for more. Lets just hope things pick up soon!

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Joker (2008) OGN

Aug 7, 2013

A very interesting, and entertaining book. Azzarello, and Bermejo have done a brilliant job of giving us something that's not only enjoyable, but unique. The story is dark, but also emotional, and above all else, a very good read. I would highly recommend this book as it's very enjoyable, and well worth the read.

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Joyride #1

Apr 20, 2016

Joyride #1 was a fun start for this new mini-series, with the creative team giving us a bold take on the sci-fi genre. Introducing us to two fascinating young characters, setting up an engaging premise, the talent would certainly leave me eager for more. Even if the issue as a whole wasn't without its flaws.

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Judge Dredd (2015) #1

Dec 15, 2015

Judge Dredd #1 takes us in a bold new direction, as although it may be one that diehard fans may find hard to adapt to, the unique concept certainly breathes new life into the character. It also leaves us with plenty of mysteries to explore, and despite the odd hiccup this first issue deserves a place on your pull.

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Judge Dredd (2015) #2

Jan 19, 2016

Judge Dredd #2 moves the story along nicely, as despite slowing down a little from its opening issue, it gives much needed depth to this narrative. It also gives us some rather thrilling twists and once you add in the introduction of some new characters, it's hard not to recommend this comic.

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Judge Dredd (2015) #3

Feb 26, 2016

Judge Dredd #3 was yet another amazing outing for the latest IDW series to feature the iconic character, with the creative team building on their fresh concept in an engrossing manner. They'd also give us some exhilarating action throughout, with the personality and art on Dredd himself being simply flawless.

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Judge Dredd (2015) #7

Jun 28, 2016

Judge Dredd #7 is yet another solid entry to IDW‘s latest ongoing based on the 2000 AD character. Not only did it give us a fun and clever plot, but along with some striking twists and bloody action, it had everything a Dredd fan could want. Just a shame the pacing was quite a bit off.

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Judge Dredd: Blessed Earth #3

Jul 11, 2017

Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #3 is yet another disappointing instalment in this new series, with it quickly going from poor to worse. Despite the continuing story involving boneless remains being somewhat interesting, with the tease of a familiar face later in the issue, it fails to instil any real form of excitement or hope for this series moving forward.

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Jupiter's Circle: Vol. 2 #1

Nov 26, 2015

Jupiter's Circle vol. 2 #1 did exactly what it needed to do, deliver an engaging tale that is intriguing enough for new readers whilst also feeling like a worthy continuation for dedicated fan. It also sets up an intriguing new narrative that I look forward to exploring more of.

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Jupiter's Circle #1

Apr 7, 2015

Jupiter's Circle #1 like most Millarworld book is bound to split fans. And all I can say to potential readers entering this comic is, don't have high expectations. Yes, it was a letdown for me, and yes, it has a lot to prove. But that doesn't mean that it's a terrible comic, with there being some signs of promise within this tale. Especially in the final page.

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Jupiter's Circle: Vol. 2 #2

Dec 24, 2015

Jupiter's Circle vol. 2 #2 moves our story forward in an interesting way, giving some much needed spotlight on Skyfox and his transition from hero to villain. It doesn't however give us much more, and with some inconsistent artwork it ultimately fails to surpass the stellar opening issue.

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Jupiter's Circle #2

May 7, 2015

Jupiter's Circle's first issue may not have enticed as much as I hoped, but this second outing certainly does. Granted, there's still a lot of ground to cover before it comes close to being on par with Jupiter's Legacy, but as a stand alone tale it's certainly becoming impressive. So I say give this a try, pick up the first two issues of this fine series.

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Jupiter's Circle #3

Jun 3, 2015

Being a huge Millarworld fan, it saddens me to see Jupiter's Circle fare so poorly, as though I can respect that this is the tale the writer chose to tell, it's vastly different from what was established, feeling more like a soap opera than an epic superhero yarn. Thus I sadly can't recommend this issue, though do hope that things pick up heading into the next.

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Jupiter's Circle #4

Jul 3, 2015

Jupiter's Circle #4 is a refreshing uplift following a rather disappointing third issue, as though it's still quite a bit off the standard Jupiter's Legacy set, it's definitely an improvement. Having an intriguing narrative, that's full of poetic justice, this comic feels like something from the golden age, and is bound to bring a smile to the faces of certain fans.

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Jupiter's Circle: Vol. 2 #5

Apr 14, 2016

Jupiter's Circle vol. 2 #5 was just the kind of penultimate issue this series needed before the long awaited return of Jupiter's Legacy. Granted it wasn't without its flaws, having an awkward transition period and inconsistent art. But at the end of the day it did more than enough to raise my expectations heading into the finale.

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Jupiter's Legacy #1

Oct 24, 2013

This was a brilliant start to the series, as although not quite as good as I initially hoped it would be, it introduced the characters and the situation of this world perfectly, having some very dramatic moments throughout. The character interaction was also amazing, with some suspenseful moments as well. Due to all this, as well as the fact that Frank Quitely's on the artwork makes this easy to recommend.

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Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #1

Jun 1, 2016

Jupiter's Legacy 2 #1 is a sensational opening issue, reminding us why the first volume was such a hit. Quickly getting us up to speed, the creative team gave us a narrative that was both thrilling and exciting, leaving us with a cliffhanger that is bound to leave readers wanting more. So make sure you get this gem when it hits comic shops June 29th.

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Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #2

Jul 26, 2016

Jupiter's Legacy 2 #2 is a sensational continuation from the opening issue, wasting no time in diving into the action. Not only do the creative team handle this in a bold and explosive manner, but they also give some wonderful emotional as well as a generally fun atmosphere along the way.

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Jupiter's Legacy #2

Oct 24, 2013

Another fantastic issue, and although this series is still in the set-up stages it is still very exciting and dramatic, having a lot of suspense and emotion. It also had a brilliant tone and atmosphere throughout it, with the character interaction being amazing. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the last issue, as they are both fabulous reads.

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Jupiter's Legacy #3

Oct 24, 2013

Easily the best issue in the series yet, this issue would take the series to another level, having some shocking developments and graphic artwork. There was also a lot of drama and suspense throughout the issue, with some very emotional sequences, with the issue being very intense throughout. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the series so far, as it's shaping up to be some of Millar's best creator owned work since the first Kick-Ass series.

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Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #5

Jul 4, 2017

Jupiter's Legacy 2 #5 may have taken it's time in reaching comic book stands, but it definitely has proven well worth the wait. Giving us an exhilarating finale, the creative team produce a brutal battle between the megalomaniac heroes and former supervillains, leaving an interesting new direction moving forward.

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Justice League (2011) #15

Jul 8, 2013

A good start, and I hope that this will be a great crossover. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as Aquaman #15, which was also out this week, and am looking forward to Justice League #16, and the continuation of the Throne of Atlantis storyline.

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Justice League (2011) #16

Aug 5, 2013

A brilliant issue, and the best part in the Throne of Atlantis storyline yet. I would highly recommend this issue to anyone, as well as the story so far, as it's been a very good story.

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Justice League (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was a fantastic climax to a fabulous story. Between Johns writing, and Reis' artwork it is an phenomenally epic issue, and it leaves so many possibilities for the future of the series. I would highly recommend this issue, the series, and this entire story, as they are all brilliant. I'd also recommend getting the new Justice League of America series, as with this finale is a huge teaser for that series.

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Justice League (2011) #18

Aug 7, 2013

This wasn't the best issue in the series so far, but it was interesting, and it does have a very interesting conclusion. It didn't have much action, or excitement, but I never expected it to, but it was still interesting, and still better than a lot of series out there. I would still recommend this issue, as it was interesting, but I would advise newer readers to tread with caution, as it isn't the best issue to entice you into the series.

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Justice League (2011) #19

Sep 4, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and although the series is still not quite as good as it was during Throne of Atlantis, it's still very exciting, and interesting, and the way the series is going in the build up to Trinity War is fantastic. I also loved the mysteriousness of the issue, and the Shazam! back-up story continues to be an amazing addition, and one of the best things about the series. Although last issue was disappointing I'd highly recommend this one as the series is back to it's average level of quality, and this issue itself was amazing.

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Justice League (2011) #20

Sep 6, 2013

This was an excellent issue, and a brilliant issue in the lead-up to Trinity War. This issue was very fun, and entertaining, whilst also being dramatic, and serious, also having a hint of mystery to it, which really made the issue diverse. It also had some amazing action, and dialogue, and if this is a sign of things to come, Trinity War should be amazing. I'd highly recommend this issue, and the entire series, as although it's had the odd poor issue along the way, in general it's been amazing.

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Justice League (2011) #21

Sep 10, 2013

This was a excellent way to end this origin story, and although it wasn't the best, it was still brilliant. It had action, humour, and emotion, also being very dramatic, and I will seriously miss this back-up story. I would highly recommend it to anyone, but if you haven't been following this series it'd probably be best to get the hardback collection that's coming out with just this story in it.

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Justice League (2011) #22

Sep 10, 2013

This was a amazing issue, and the best that this series has seen since Throne of Atlantis. It was very exciting, with suspense, and drama evened out through the issue, with some mystery added in. It also had some amazing action, and some questionable events, making me want to read the next part of this story even more than I would have before this issue. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as it's amazing, and exciting. It also appears to be a vital story for the future of the DCnU so I'd even recommend it to non JL, JLA, or JLD fans.

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Justice League (2011) #23

Sep 13, 2013

This was a truly amazing issue, and a phenomenal way to end the story. It managed to end this story on a shocking, and entertaining note, whilst setting up the next storyline perfectly. It also had plenty of action, as well as tremendous suspense, drama, and excitement. The revelations within were also outstanding, and due to this I can't wait till Forever Evil. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, but would also recommend the entire story as well, as there's only one reason to get it otherwise. That reason would be for anyone who's missed this but is getting Forever Evil, as this is a great set-up for that.

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Justice League (2011) #23.1

Sep 13, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, but overall it wasn't quite as good as I hoped it would be, being too much for one issue. It did however re-tell Darkseid's origin nicely, and teased the possibility of him returning to the main pages of a DC series soon by tying this in slightly with the events of Pak's Batman/Superman series. Overall however I'd recommend this issue, as although I found it ever so slightly disappointing, you may love it, as it's very exciting, and entertaining.

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Justice League (2011) #23.4

Sep 29, 2013

Although this didn't focus on the Secret Society as much as I hoped it would, it did an amazing job of showing how The Outsider and Owlman lived on Earth-3. The story itself was also very dramatic, being both dark and mysterious. The issue also had brilliant artwork from Kudranski which added the perfect tone and atmosphere that this issue needed. Considering all this I'd highly recommend this issue, especially to anyone who enjoyed Trinity War or is currently reading Forever Evil.

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Justice League (2011) #24

Oct 29, 2013

This was an outstanding issue, as although not necessary for anyone who is only interested in the bare essentials of Forever Evil, it was still an exciting read, retelling Ultraman's origin in a very dark and gritty way that contrasts Superman's origins perfectly. There would also be some brilliant action as well, as although it was mainly setting up Forever Evil #3 it was still very exciting, also being suspenseful. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as it was a very fun and entertaining read.

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Justice League (2011) #31

Jun 25, 2014

Justice League has hit a slightly slump since the conclusion of Forever Evil as despite some captivating developments and a sensational confrontation the overall lack of energy let this issue down. It does however barely squeeze by with a recommendation.

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Justice League (2011) #33

Sep 5, 2014

Justice League looks to be getting back on track, as though overcrowding may have been an issue, the ending and overall tension was truly wonderful. Highly recommended.

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Justice League (2011) #34

Oct 3, 2014

Justice League #34 does a good job of bridging the gap between the latest series of events and the upcoming The Amazo Virus storyline. It is however not the best opportunity for new fans to jump aboard, having a lot going on that may confuse. Nevertheless as a whole I recommend this issue, and especially to current readers of the series.

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Justice League (2011) #35

Oct 16, 2014

Justice League #35 does a spectacular job of leading us into The Amazo Virus. It also gives a brilliant continuation to the whole Justice League out to get Luthor angle, also being a nice send off for artists Ivan Reis and Doug Mahnke. Highly recommended.

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Justice League (2011) #36

Nov 21, 2014

Justice League may have finally found the arc that will change its fortunes, with the suspense and character tension setting wonderful atmosphere. There's also plenty of mystery, and wonderful background, making this issue easy to recommend.

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Justice League (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 17, 2014

Justice League: Futures End #1 proved and awesome conclusion to last weeks Justice League United: Futures End #1, though fans who missed that may feel left out. Despite that it still gets a recommendation from me.

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Justice League (2016) #1

Jul 22, 2016

Justice League #1 may very well be the epic start we wanted from this series, but a lack of focus and spontaneous pace prevents it from reaching its full potential. Despite this, we are left with a final product that is dripping with mystery and potential, with the creative team setting up a narrative that could easily transcend into another category of awesomeness.

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Justice League (2016) #2

Aug 5, 2016

Justice League #2 is an amazing continuation of “The Extinction Machines” as despite there still needing to be more depth and development, the story continues to boast tons of potential. The way the creative team build upon the Kindred and pull our team together also helps reflect the magnitude of these events with there being plenty to look forward to in #3.

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Justice League (2016) #3

Aug 19, 2016

Justice League #3 does an amazing job of moving the story forward in an engaging manner, giving us some interesting revelations about the Kindred. That said as the creative team start to answer some nagging questions, the ask plenty of new ones, with the mystery being both enticing and at times frustrating.

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Justice League / Power Rangers #5

Aug 11, 2017

Justice League/Power Rangers #5 may not be the most impressive instalment of this crossover, but it certainly is a fun one. As the Rangers and Justice League attempt to save the Earth from Brainiac and Lord Zedd, the creative team give us some intriguing developments, even if some don't quite pay off.

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Justice League Dark #0

Aug 8, 2013

Taking time away from the War for the Books of Magic story, this zero issue showed an amazing first meeting between Constantine, and Zatanna, and how they were mentored by Nick Necro. It was a real emotional issue, and it showed how Constantine became what he is. I would recommend it easily, as it was one of the more unique zero issues, and I'd also easily recommend the series as a whole, as it's truly phenomenal.

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Justice League Dark #9

Aug 7, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and I'm very happy that I've started to get this series. It's very fun, exciting, and full of action, and Lemire handles that dark magical elements of the book perfectly, giving us something that both enjoyable, and mysterious. I would easily recommend this issue, and look forward to reading more of the series.

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Justice League Dark #10

Aug 8, 2013

Yet another brilliant issue, and although not as much action, or excitement, it was still a very interesting, and mysterious issue, that dealt with a lot of the background of the story. I also liked that Lemire managed to keep the story fun, whilst also keeping it dark, dynamic, and overall brilliant. I'd recommend both this issue, and the previous, as they're are a brilliant, and very unique read, and I'm glad I tried them.

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Justice League Dark #11

Aug 8, 2013

Although not quite as good as the last two issues, this was still a brilliant issue, and the perfect conclusion to this part of the story. Lemire has also done a brilliant job of leaving the door open for the remained of the story, and that although this is the end of the Black Room story, it's not the end of the Books of Magic story. I would easily recommend this issue, as well as the previous two issues, as Lemire has done a marvellous job on this series, and it's been simply phenomenal so far.

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Justice League Dark #12

Aug 8, 2013

This was yet another brilliant issue in this phenomenal series, and Lemire has really produced something magical in this story. This was also a very interesting, entertaining, and mystical issue, and I'd recommend both this issue, and the entire series from issue 9 to anyone, as it's one of the most unique series I myself have read in a while.

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Justice League Dark #13

Aug 8, 2013

With the conclusion of this story coming ever nearer Lemire's produced an amazing penultimate issue, and although the fights were a bit short, the overall development was brilliant, and the issue left me wanting to read Justice League Dark Annual #1. I would recommend this issue to anyone, and the entire series, as it's been nothing short of phenomenal.

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Justice League Dark #14

Aug 8, 2013

Although not as good as the other issues in this series, this was still a very good issue, and Lemire did a brilliant job of developing the shocking conclusion to the War for the Books of Magic, as well as giving us something fun, and unique. I'd still recommend this issue, as it shows how good a series this is when this is the worst issue I've read.

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Justice League Dark #15

Aug 20, 2013

A new story, and a new co-writer, Lemire, now with Fawkes as his co-writer have put together a brilliant opening chapter to the next part of this mysterious series that's called Justice League Dark, and it continues to be interesting, as well as exciting, and much more mysterious. I would highly recommend this issue as it was a very entertaining read, and I'd also recommend the series as a whole, as it's been very unique, and very dynamic.

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Justice League Dark #16

Aug 20, 2013

Not the best issue in the series, but still a very good issue, and although it spends most time developing the story, essentially slowing it down, it was still very interesting, and also very unique. I would still easily recommend this issue, as despite being a bit slow it had it's moments, and is still better than a lot of other series' out the now.

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Justice League Dark #17

Aug 20, 2013

This was a very good issue, but like the last issue it wasn't as good as the Book of Magic story, and it was a bit slow at times. Besides that it was still a very unique and interesting issue, and Lemire and Fawkes have done a brilliant job. I'd still highly recommend both this issue as well as the series, and hope that next issues conclusion is as good as expect.

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Justice League Dark #18

Aug 20, 2013

This was a phenomenal conclusion to the Death of Magic storyline, and although the story has a whole hasn't been quite as good as Books of Magic, it has still been brilliant, and couldn't have ended any better. I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the series, and can't wait for the next issue, and the appearance of Swamp Thing.

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Justice League Dark #19

Sep 5, 2013

This was the perfect start to a new story, which looks to be a brilliant short filler before Trinity War. With the addition of Swamp Thing I expect big things from this story, and with the extra addition of the Flash even more. This issue didn't have too much action, but it was still exciting, and mysterious, as well as very unique. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the series since issue 9, as it's been one of the best series in the New 52.

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Justice League Dark #20

Sep 6, 2013

This was an excellent issue, and although it's not the best that the series has seen so far, it's far from being the worst. Lemire, and Fawkes continue to give you magic in a clever, and unique way, and this along with the action, and guest appearances really made this a special issue. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, along with the rest of Lemire, and Fawkes run, as it's been truly amazing.

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Justice League Dark #22

Sep 11, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and an fantastic continuation to the crossover. It may not have had as much action as the first part, but it made up in excitement with fabulous confrontations, and entertaining interactions. It also had a lot of drama, and mystery to it, with tons of depth as well, keeping me very interested in the further development of the story. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the rest of the event, and hope that it has converted some off you into JLD fans.

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Justice League Dark #23

Sep 12, 2013

This was a great issue, and although not the best in the story so far, a big improvement over the last part, setting the finale up perfectly. It also had great drama, and action, with explosive action, and entertaining dialogue. Due to all this it's easy to recommend this, and I'd also highly recommend the rest of the story, looking forward to the final part even more now.

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Justice League Dark Annual #1

Aug 8, 2013

The best conclusion to the War for the Books of Magic story that I could ever ask for, this was a brilliant issue that had some amazing appearances, adding new members to the JLD. Lemire has done a phenomenal job throughout this story, and I'm really looking forward to the next story, ans seeing what he can do next. I would easily recommend this issue, as well as the entire series, as it's been a truly epic read.

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Justice League of America (2013) #1

Aug 5, 2013

This was a terrific start to this series, and giving the type of series it is it couldn't be any better. I wish I could give this series a 5 star, but it's not quite their due to it being a bringing together/introduction issue, but it's still very good, and I expect it to have a 5 star issue very soon, if not the next issue. I would highly recommend this issue, and am looking forward to the next one, as I'm very interested in this series now, more so than before.

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Justice League of America (2013) #2

Aug 7, 2013

A brilliant continuation of last issue, this issue brings the team together, and sets them on their first mission, giving some interesting, and exciting sequences. The back-up story featuring Martian Mahunter was also interesting, and with all that I'd easily recommend both this issue, and the previous issue, and look forward to reading more.

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Justice League of America (2013) #3

Sep 6, 2013

Although not quite as good as the other two issue in this series, this issue continued to show how good the series was, and the developments of both the character's, as well as the mysterious nature of the story really intrigued me. The continuation of the action from last issue, as well as some new action of it's own also made the issue exciting, and dynamic, and I honestly can't wait to read the next issue. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the series so far, as it's been a blast, and the future, as well as it's involvement in Trinity War shows a lot of promise for this series to get even better than it already is.

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Justice League of America (2013) #4

Sep 6, 2013

This was probably the best issue in the series so far, being nothing short of phenomenal. The issue itself contained everything I love in a comic, being dramatic, emotional, mysterious, humorous, and exciting, all in the right doses, and Johns really out did himself here. The action was also spectacular, and with appearances from both Dr. Light, and Shaggy Man, Johns definitely seems to be livening things up. I would highly recommend this issue, and the series as a whole, and can't wait for the next issue.

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Justice League of America (2013) #5

Sep 10, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and although not quite as good as last issue, it was still amazing. The action was continued perfectly, and the dialogue was perfect. There were also some great developments, as well as hints towards Trinity War, which was brilliant. There were however a couple of things that bugged me, and that's what ultimately dropped the overall rating of this issue. I would however still recommend this issue, and the series so far, and can't wait for the start of Trinity War.

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Justice League of America (2013) #6

Sep 11, 2013

Although slower than last issue, this was a great continuation of the Trinity War storyline, setting up future developments, as well as exploring ones that have already been started. It had a little action, which was awesome, as well as some emotion sequences, and yet more mystery. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and am really looking forward to Justice League Dark #22.

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Justice League of America (2013) #7

Sep 12, 2013

This was a good issue, but probably the worst in the story so far. It had some interesting points, also having some brilliant drama, and suspense, but overall it didn't too much to develop the story, and felt like a filler issue, with the sole purpose of setting up the final two issues in the story. I would however still recommend it, but only to people considering getting the entire story, or who have been getting the story so far, as it's a good continuation, but would be too confusing on it's own.

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Justice League of America (2013) #7.4

Sep 29, 2013

This was a brilliant issue and although Black Adam didn't have as big a role as I hoped he would, the story as a whole still managed to be very interesting. It also had plenty of depth and drama, as well as some suspense, having some brilliant developments for the future. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue, though I'd warn anyone hoping for an amazing Black Adam story to be wary.

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Justice League of America (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

Justice League of America gets off to a fantastic start, as though it doesn't quite feel worth the $5.99 cover price, it is the start of something that I want to read more of. Capturing the characteristics of the JLA perfectly, whilst generating wonderful mystery, there's plenty to intrigue, with a cliffhanger that's sure to leave readers returning for more.

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Justice League of America (2015) #2

Jul 8, 2015

Justice League of America #2 gives us some great development, as though some fans may find it a little slow, I personally feel it fleshes things out perfectly. It also teases the future of this series wonderfully, with the various reactions to Rao being mesmerizing to say the least.

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Justice League of America (2015) #3

Aug 27, 2015

Justice League of America continues to be a fun new take on the classic team, as despite The Darkseid War being much more captivating, this series could easily one day surpass it's more established counterpart. So be sure to pick this up at your local comic book store, as you'll be sorry if you miss it.

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Justice League of America (2015) #8

Mar 31, 2016

Justice League of America #8 was yet another amazing chapter in “Power and Glory” with Rao remaining a compelling villain. Add to this some explosive action and engaging dialogue, and you're left with a product that is sure to leave fans begging for more.

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Justice League United: Futures End #1

Sep 11, 2014

Justice League United: Futures End #1 may not be the best Futures End issue, but it's far from the worst, with it's set-up having me excited for Justice League: Futures End #1. Recommended.

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Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 7, 2016

Justice League: Rebirth #1 is a marvellous introduction to Bryan Hitch‘s latest series to feature this iconic team, giving us a fun, dynamic tale. Despite some parts feeling like the same old story re-hashed, the final product touched on some key points of this new team, with some mysterious elements that should be a joy to follow into the main series.

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Kennel Block Blues #1

Feb 2, 2016

Kennel Block Blues #1 introduces us to a weird and wonderful new tale, with the creative team giving us something worth looking out for. Taking the conventional prison setting and inserting animals in place of humans, Ferrier and Bayliss deliver a fun and exciting first issue, with it getting a much deserved recommendation.

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Kennel Block Blues #2

Mar 9, 2016

Kennel Block Blues #2 may not have been as impressive as the opening issue, but it continued to move the story forward at an engaging manner. It also left us with a lot to look forward to, as despite losing some of its charm, there would be more than enough to warrant a return next time around.

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Kick-Ass (2018) #1

Mar 3, 2018

Kick-Ass #1 isn't quite the start we were expecting or hoping for from this reboot, but nonetheless it is still a tantalisingly good read. Introducing us to our brand new Kick-Ass and what causes her to go down this path of vigilantism, the creative team form the basis for what could easily become another smash hit. All it needs is some time to grow and a fine balance of smart storytelling and exhilarating action to turn it into a success.

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Kill Or Be Killed #1

Aug 2, 2016

Kill or Be Killed #1 is easily one of the best books you'll pick up this week, being a must have. Not only do the creative team introduce us to a bold and lively concept, but the way they add emotion and depth to this allows it to become something truly special.

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Kill Or Be Killed #9

May 30, 2017

Kill or Be Killed #9 was yet another masterclass of storytelling, with Dylan's brush with the Russian mafia leading to some exciting development. Add to this the more shocking twists and consequences that are sure to materialise from this, and I can honestly say I've never been more excited to continue reading a series.

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Kill Or Be Killed #10

Jul 11, 2017

Kill or Be Killed #10 brings this second arc to a gripping conclusion, with the way Dylan responds to recent events being truly captivating. The way the creative team work this into the more surreal nature of Dylan's predicament also makes for a much more dramatic read, with the various minor developments and overall characterisation leaving us with a product that easy to praise.

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Kill Or Be Killed #11

Aug 8, 2017

Kill or Be Killed #11 is yet another prime example of outstanding storytelling. Getting the third arc off to a stellar start, the creative team give us an unique look at Dylan as a character, with his story becoming all the more intriguing in the process.

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Kill Or Be Killed #12

Sep 15, 2017

Kill or Be Killed #12 is yet another example of why this is one of the best comics on our stands. Delivering a self contained narrative, that sets the stage for the story's future, the creative team do a fantastic job of building yet more tension. During this we see the mental state of Dylan stretched even further, with it becoming harder not to see him as the villain of this story.

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Kill Or Be Killed #13

Oct 17, 2017

Kill or Be Killed #13 is yet another example of strong storytelling. The narrative itself may be rather mundane in comparison to recent issues, but that doesn't stop the creative team from delving further into Dylan's psyche. In doing so they explore areas of his past that we've not seen before, whilst finally coming full circle on the brutal opening to the first issue.

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Kill the Minotaur #1

Jun 13, 2017

Kill the Minotaur #1 gives us an unique spin on the classic myth involving Theseus and the Minotaur, with the creative team's flair for dramatics resulting in a thoroughly enjoyable tale. The unique tone and lively atmosphere also allow for a product that feels fresh, with the climax sure to leave readers returning for the second instalment.

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Kill the Minotaur #2

Jul 18, 2017

Kill the Minotaur #2 is a solid continuation of this epic retelling of the Greek myth, with it taking us into the famous Labyrinth. Despite not giving us a huge lot of development whilst doing this, the creative team certainly do plenty of teasing, with the monster being the focal point of all this.

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Kill the Minotaur #3

Aug 15, 2017

Kill the Minotaur #3 is a fabulous continuation to this bold series, taking us further into the mythological Labyrinth. Delivering some dramatic twists, as well as a few interesting revelations, the creative team give us plenty to sink our teeth into, with there being plenty of reasons to return for more.

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Kill the Minotaur #5

Oct 17, 2017

Kill the Minotaur #5 is yet another exhilarating entry in this mini-series, doing a fabulous job of setting up the finale. Despite some predictable twists, the creative team do a tremendous job of moving our narrative closer to it's climax, with Theseus' trial not being over yet. The concept of trust and deceit also plays a huge role in the development of this, with the character development being second to none. So if you've yet to check out this comic, I highly recommend doing so before next issue's finale.

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Kingsman: The Red Diamond #1

Sep 5, 2017

Kingsman: The Red Diamond #1 is everything I was hoping for and more. Delivering a product that embraces both the original comic book series and movie adaptation, whilst also feeling unique, the creative team give us a fun and exciting opening issue. In doing this they bring us up to date with Eggsy's position as a Kingsman, whilst introducing us to a sinister new villain.

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Klaus #1

Nov 3, 2015

Klaus got off to a good start, as despite not being quite what I imagined from the preview, it definitely proved intriguing, leaving a lot to think about as we head into the next issue. So if you're looking for a comic to get you in the festive spirit, then this very well may be the comic for you.

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Kong of Skull Island #1

Jul 13, 2016

Kong of Skull Island #1 isn't quite what I imagined it would be, but nevertheless it did more than enough to leave me wanting to read more. Despite having little in the way of depth or focus, the creative team did show plenty of promise, with Skull Island being more mysterious than ever before.

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Krampus #2

Jan 24, 2014

This issue had some exciting moments, as well as showing an interesting future for the series. It was however a slight let down due to it's inconsistent pacing. In spite of that I do still recommend this issue as it was an overall enjoyable read.

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Krampus #3

Feb 18, 2014

Krampus continues to be a very enjoyable series, and the development in this issue has me intrigued as to what will happen next. Highly recommended.

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Krampus #4

Mar 25, 2014

Krampus remains an energetic and enjoyable series and I for one can't get enough of it. If you love Christmas related things, or just enjoy a fun escapade then this is for you and anyone who just loves great stories will also not regret giving this a try. Highly recommended.

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Krampus #5

May 13, 2014

Krampus goes out with a bang as though it makes sense not to follow-up straight away due to it's festive theme it's still a shame to see it come to a end (at least temporarily). Highly recommended.

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Lara Croft And The Frozen Omen #1

Sep 13, 2015

Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen #1 did exactly what it needed to, and that was bring an outdated version of an iconic character to life in a way that is both engaging and befitting the franchise as a whole. It also manages to leave us intrigued as we head into the next issue, as we can't wait to get our hands on more of this gripping tale. So be sure to pick this up at your local comic book store come October 7.

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Last Born #3

Nov 18, 2014

Last Born continues to be a surprisingly enjoyable read, with Black Mask Studios quickly becoming a fabulous alternative to the established independent companies. Highly recommended.

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Last Sons of America #1

Nov 11, 2015

Last Sons of America #1 is a solid start for this four-part mini-series, with the creative team delivering an intriguing premise. It also sets up a rather gripping sub plot, with the main concept leading to some amazing developments.

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Last Sons of America #2

Jan 1, 2016

Last Sons of America #2 is a great continuation from the intriguing narrative that was set up last time around. Despite not moving the story a too far forward, the creative team have given us some solid development as we speculate what will happen to Jackie and Julian as we enter the second half of this four-part mini-series.

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Lazaretto #1

Sep 5, 2017

Lazaretto #1 is everything that you want from an opening issue and more. Giving us a premise that is both engaging and familiar, the creative team do a fantastic job of getting this story off the ground. In doing so, they introduce us to all the key characters, with there being more than a few surprising moments along the way. So if you're looking for a new series to pick-up, I recommend choosing this new title from BOOM!

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Lazarus #10

Aug 6, 2014

Lazarus takes us on a one-shot trip, showing what has happened to Jonah recently. Though it doesn't ring the same bells as some previous issues, it does do a great job of building suspense, and setting up the next arc. Highly recommended.

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Lazarus #11

Sep 9, 2014

Lazarus continues to entice me, with the Conclave being the perfect turning point for the series. Highly recommended.

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Lazarus #12

Oct 21, 2014

Lazarus continues to prove why it's one of the best independent comics out, with Conclave having the potential to take the series to a whole ‘nother level. It's also doing a fabulous job of introducing more Lazari, teasing something very exciting. Highly recommended.

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Lazarus #13

Nov 26, 2014

Lazarus #13 is yet another gripping instalment, as though there are times where it feels over dramatised, the thrilling developments, and emotional twists make it a thoroughly enjoyable chapter. Recommended.

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Lazarus #14

Jan 14, 2015

This latest chapter of Conclave is certainly heating up, with the exciting developments proving why Lazarus is a must have addition to anyone's pull list. Highly recommended.

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Lazarus #15

Feb 18, 2015

Lazarus #15 is the finale that Conclave deserved, as though the events aren't quite as gripping as the last issue, the exciting fight between the two Lazari makes it the most explosive issue to date. The emotional turmoil also adds great depth, and along with the shocking climax, it will leave readers returning for more.

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Lazarus #22

Jun 16, 2016

Lazarus #22 was well worth the wait, getting “Cull” off to a thrilling start. Giving us some wonderful character depth, the creative team touched on Forever's condition in a powerful manner, though the slow pace may be offputting to some.

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Lazarus: X+66 #1

Jul 20, 2017

Lazarus X +66 #1 is a strong start for this mini-series, giving us a simple, yet effective narrative that fits into the world Rucka and Lark created perfectly. In doing so not only do we get a familiar product, but we also get something that feels both fresh and standalone.

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Legenderry Red Sonja (2015) #1

Feb 10, 2015

Legenderry: Red Sonja #1 may have taken it's time in finding it's feet, but once it does, writer Marc Andreyko and artist Aneke deliver a truly fascinating tale, with the cross in genre's being fabulously handled.

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Legenderry Vampirella #1

Feb 3, 2015

Legenderry: Vampirella #1 delivers an intriguing premise, with some intense action. It also manages to build on Williamson's Legenderry brand perfectly, as though the plot could have fallen into any genre class, it certainly felt like the same world.

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Legenderry Vampirella #2

Mar 11, 2015

Legenderry: Vampirella #2 is a huge let down, as though structurally there isn't anything shockingly bad about this tale, the lack of plot development, and depth detracts from the interesting tale that the creators introduced last time round. That being said, fans who enjoyed #1 may want to give this issue a try, as though they're likely to be disappointed, the investment may prove worth it in the end.

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Legenderry: Green Hornet #1

Feb 18, 2015

Legenderry: Green Hornet #1 does a great job of kicking off this mini-series, as though there's a lot to be improved upon, there is a lot of promise within this opening issue. The array of villains also intrigues, and along with the exciting art, this series is worth giving a try.

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Li'l Battlestar Galactica #1

Jan 15, 2014

Li'l Battlestar Galactica is a fun comic that can be enjoyed by both fans of the TV series or people just learning of Battlestar Galactica for the first time. It is extremely fun and I would highly recommend it.

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Little Nightmares #1

May 30, 2017

Little Nightmares #1 is one of the strangest video game to comic adaptations that I've read in a long time, with the storytelling being unique to say the least. Giving us a quick pace narrative that reflects the tone of the game perfectly, the creative team certainly give us something to be intrigued with, even if the plot itself feels lacking in certain areas.

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Lone Wolf 2100 #1

Jan 5, 2016

Lone Wolf 2100 #1 introduces us to a bold and vivid landscape, and whether you're acquainted with the source material or not, you're bound to find yourself enthralled by this narrative. Taking a classic concept and layering it with emotion, mystery and tons of passion, the creative team certainly give us many reasons to return for a second issue.

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Low (2014) #1

Jul 30, 2014

Remender has yet again pulled it out the bag proving to be the creator owned writer to watch. Despite it's slow paceLow‘s underwater extravaganza kicks off in a sensational way with the character depth and action being truly captivating. Highly recommended.

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Low (2014) #2

Aug 26, 2014

Low #2 may have had some low moments, but overall the series continues to entice, having some lively moments throughout. Recommended.

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Low (2014) #3

Sep 23, 2014

Low is starting to grab my interest again, as though it technically never lost it, it was scarily close to doing so. Recommended.

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Low (2014) #4

Oct 28, 2014

Low #4 is very much a mixed bag, having a shockingly disappointing start, but a phenomenal second half. The developments in this half leave the door open for some wonderful developments, with the final sequence having a shocking twist. Recommended.

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Magneto (2014) #11

Oct 16, 2014

Magneto #11 may not be the best entry in the series, but it's far from the worst. More to the point, it's much better than the first two issues of Avengers & X-Men: AXIS, with Magento's reality check being very intriguing. Highly recommended.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #0

Jul 8, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter #0 may not be a necessary read for fans of the series but the interesting background work definitely adds more depth. Due to that it gets a recommendation from me.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #1

Mar 12, 2014

This is the perfect chance for new fans to give Magnus a try as whether you're a fan of robots, Fred Van Lente or the sci-fi genre as a whole you're bound to love this new series. Highly recommended.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #2

Apr 8, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter is most certainly a must have series and so far the Golden Key Universe is definitely getting a big thumbs up from me. Highly recommended.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #3

May 20, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter continues to amaze with it's exciting and energetic being very thrilling to read. Highly recommended.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #4

Jun 17, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter‘s first arc may have come to an end but the story is far from over with it feeling more like the beginning. The exciting events of the issue along with the shocking revelations make it a must have with it being easy to recommend.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #5

Jul 8, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter is one of the best series Dynamite is producing the now and with stunning issues like this it's easy to see why. With excitement, emotion and mystery the series continues to be a must have with this fanboy being excited for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #6

Sep 9, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter may not have been as exciting as usual, but the story progression and character interaction made it a worthwhile read. Recommended.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #7

Oct 14, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter once again excels in giving explosive action, as though the additional art from Jarrell felt out of place, the overall atmosphere was electric. The team-up from Magnus and Leeja was also a nice addition, teasing at a possible future. Highly recommended

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #8

Nov 18, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter continues to prove why Dynamite is the right home for the Golden Key Universe, as though Dark Horse and Valiant have done wonders with the characters in the past, it pales in comparison to this. Highly recommended.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #12

Mar 11, 2015

Magnus: Robot Fighter comes to an end, and though that fact alone is upsetting, the way in which the creative team conclude this tale it truly astounding. Yes, it's not without it's problems, but the exciting events, and character depth certainly make it one worth reading, whether you've been following the series or not.

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Manifest Destiny #4

Feb 11, 2014

Manifest Destiny continues to impress, as despite moving down a gear it still manages to intrigue and excite. Highly recommended.

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Manifest Destiny #5

Mar 12, 2014

Manifest Destiny may be taking it's time at giving proper development but nonetheless it remains an exciting and enthralling read that has me itching for more. Recommended.

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Manifest Destiny #6

Apr 8, 2014

The first arc of Manifest Destiny comes to an end and in a very exciting and dramatic way. The overall tension along with the always captivating art make this a joy to read and thus easy to recommend.

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Manifest Destiny #7

Jun 10, 2014

Manifest Destiny‘s second arc gets off to a decent start but it's nowhere near as good as the start of the first. There may be dramatic interaction with a gripping cliffhanger but all in all the pace was a little to slow. It is however good enough to squeeze by with a light recommendation.

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Manifest Destiny #8

Jul 15, 2014

Manifest Destiny continues to be an enthralling read as though last issue's cliffhanger didn't pay off in the way I'd hoped the developments in this issue definitely intrigued me. Recommended.

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Manifest Destiny #9

Aug 19, 2014

Manifest Destiny takes a step in the right direction, returning to the intense, and suspenseful ride I enjoyed. Highly Recommended.

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Manifest Destiny #10

Sep 16, 2014

Manifest Destiny continues to return to it's breathtaking ways, with the gripping events of this issue making it a must have. Highly recommended.

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Manifest Destiny #11

Oct 14, 2014

Manifest Destiny #11 is something that all fans need to read, as whether you're following this series or not, the events of this issue will definitely leave you begging for more. With intense developments, and the odd humorous interaction this is easily the best issue in the series so far, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Highly recommended.

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Masks 2 #1

Apr 7, 2015

Masks 2 #1 was way better than I anticipated, as though the first volume was an overall success, it took a lot longer to capitalise on it's potential. Having wonderful action, and intense character interaction, this opening issue embodies what pulp stands for, with the villainous skull masked group being an intriguing foe for these classic characters.

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Masks 2 #4

Jun 30, 2015

Masks 2 #4 may leave me in two minds over it's climax, but the developments throughout generally entice. Giving great background, and intense events in the present, the creative team certainly grabbed this reviewers attention, leaving me excited for the next installment.

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Masks 2 #5

Aug 11, 2015

Masks 2 is continuing to be an amazing crossover, with the time travel elements allowing for an unique twist to this pulp crossover. The various developments throughout this issue also helps add tension, as although some areas could have done with extra depth, we are given a lot to ponder whilst waiting for the next chapter.

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Masks 2 #6

Sep 2, 2015

Masks 2 continues to be a tantalising tale, as despite some of the developments not sitting too well, the dramatic flair certainly entices. This is helped greatly by the wonderful characters within this tale, as the creative team gives us a dynamic and unique look into the world of pulp.

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Masks 2 #7

Oct 6, 2015

Masks 2 has most definitely been an intriguing tale so far, as despite the time travel elements creating both pros and cons, the former has massively outweighed the latter. This penultimate issue also gives us some amazing twists, as with things becoming even clearer to our characters, it should be interesting to see where this story goes as it enters its grand finale.

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Masks 2 #8

Nov 18, 2015

Masks 2 #8 proved to be rather disappointing, as having been such an exciting crossover so far, I really hoped we'd get something epic here. Unfortunately that isn't the case, as despite there being some positives, the sudden ending made everything feel for irrelevant.

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Mayday #1

Apr 29, 2015

If there was one new comic that I could urge readers to try (from this week), it'd be Mayday, as though it's not going to be for everyone, it's unique balance of drama and suspense will turn some heads. The strong character development also adds to the reasons why you should buy this, as I'm sure the product as a whole will leave you hooked for more.

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Mayday #2

May 26, 2015

Mayday #2 may not be quite as impressive as the opening issue, but that doesn't stop it from being a fabulous outing. Giving us wonderful character interaction, mysterious sub-plots and exciting artwork, the creative team more than entice. Just a shame that everything feels escalated and sudden.

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Mayday #3

Jun 24, 2015

Mayday #3 continues to expand on this strange tale, with the fate of Terrance and Kleio allowing for a suspenseful tone throughout. There's also some unique styling to this tale, with the pacing and use of rewinds allowing for a more dynamic tone.

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Mech Cadet Yu #1

Aug 1, 2017

Mech Cadet Yu #1 is a quick read, but a fun one to say the least. Introducing us to a world where humans and robots fight together as a collective unit, we see how training doesn't surpass heart. So when you next head to your local comic book store, why not consider giving this book a try. It's sure to find a spot on your pull list real soon.

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Mechanism #1

Jul 27, 2016

Mechanism #1 introduces us to a bold new sci-fi series that is sure to be a must have. Between the world building and character development, creator Raffaele Ienco delivers a gripping opening narrative that jumps right into the thick of things, whilst feeling rich and well developed at the same time.

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Men of Wrath #1

Oct 2, 2014

Men of Wrath #1 is a gritty opening issue, setting a wonderful premise and a fabulous backstory. It may still need to deliver on the ultra violent side it promised, but the suspenseful tone does allow the groundwork to be very enticing, with the amazing visuals only matching that. Highly recommended.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #1

Oct 26, 2013

This was a good issue, and although it wasn't outstanding, it was better than I dreaded it would be, being a brilliant starting issue for the series. It also tied in with the Infinity event nicely, and although there were some weird moments it was overall an enjoyable issue. Due to this I'd recommend this issue, but it isn't the best Avengers issue, so only if you have spare cash after getting the main part of Infinity.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #2

Oct 26, 2013

This was a fantastic issue and a great continuation from the first issue. It continues the amazing action brilliantly, adding a new character to the series as well. It was also very dramatic at times, and had some amazing dialogue. Crossover wise however it felt a little unnecessary, as although the story was very fun it didn't add anything new to the event itself. Due to all this I'd recommend this issue, but due to it not being that important crossover wise I'd only recommend to people who have a wider budget, or spare cash.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #0

Jan 12, 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0 did exactly what a zero issue should, introduce us to the product in an engaging manner, whilst leaving a smooth jumping on point come #1. The creative team also give us some exciting events, with the back-up stories also giving plenty that will appeal to fans.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #2

Apr 6, 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2 was yet another amazing entry in the series, with the creative team continuing to do an excellent job of reviving this beloved show. They would also give us some gripping action, and along with the tension between Tommy and his fellow Rangers, there was certainly plenty to keep readers occupied.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #4

Jun 22, 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #4 is yet another marvellous entry into this young series, with Kyle Higgins and Hendry Prasetya continuing to give us an exciting and fresh take on the classic TV series. Add in a gripping cliffhanger and I'm sure fans will be returning for more.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #5

Jul 19, 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5 gives us a break from the main narrative, showing Rita's original plans for a Green Ranger. Despite getting off to a jittery start, the creative team quickly turn this into one of the most powerful character developments to date, with there being some fascinating moments throughout.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #15

May 16, 2017

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #15 does a fantastic job of letting us know where Zordon has went, whilst elaborating slightly on Lord Drakkon's evil origins. Granted, we don't really learn a lot more about the latter, but the way the creators tell this story in conjunction with the former, makes this a filler issue worth picking up.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #16

Jun 20, 2017

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #16 does a brilliant job of bringing a temporary conclusion to the Lord Drakkon problem, whilst leaving the door open for a return to the character. It also touches on other areas of recent developments nicely, leaving a lot to ponder over as we head into the next storyline.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #17

Jul 19, 2017

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #17 is an excellent transition issue, giving our teenage heroes some downtime before their next big adventure. In doing so, the creative team give us an intriguing look into how they fill this freetime, with there being some interesting results due to this.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #18

Aug 24, 2017

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #19 is a fun read, being one of the most entertaining issues in the series to date. Giving our teenage heroes a proper task, this latest arc sees the villainous monster sculptor, Finster, take centre stage. In doing this, not only do the creative team deliver a much darker tale, but they also give us a strange, yet enticing set of events.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1

May 9, 2014

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man gets off to a cracking start as despite leaving room for improvement it's functions as a great jumping on point for new fans as well as a great continuation for older fans. Highly recommended.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #2

Jun 5, 2014

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man continues to tantalise and amaze as despite the overly quick pace dropping the grade slightly the mystery and suspense makes it a must read for Ultimate Spider-Man fans. Recommended.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #3

Jul 3, 2014

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man continues to amaze with Revival certainly living up to the tagline off most shocking Spider-Man story of the year. Highly recommended.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #4

Aug 6, 2014

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man takes a drastic turning point, leaving us with more questions, and more anticipation. Highly recommended.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #5

Sep 18, 2014

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man continues to be the must read Ultimate series, as though I kind of want the “Peter Parker”scenario to conclude, the tense developments allow for an exciting read. Highly recommended.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #6

Oct 17, 2014

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man remains one of the best Marvel comics on my pull, and with the rest of the Ultimate Universe doing so poorly, it's nice to see this series keep it's standards. The events within this issue also give some clarity, whilst also leaving a slither of mystery, and for this I highly recommend it.

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Millarworld Annual #1

Jul 11, 2016

Millarworld Annual 2016 is most definitely a fantastic collection of new talent. As despite the low page count not giving them the greatest of scope to tell their tales, they still managed to use Mark Millar's characters in an unique and impressive manner. Add to this the low cover price of $2.99 and I honestly see no reason why Millarworld fans shouldn't pick up this book.

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Millennium: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo #1

Jun 27, 2017

Millennium: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo #1 is an excellent adaptation of Stieg Larsson‘s best-selling novel, with the tone and atmosphere of the book being ever present throughout. The creative team also do a tremendous job of tailoring the source material to best reflect the medium it's being told through, with it sure to win over fans of both the books and movies.

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Mind the Gap #17

May 20, 2014

Mind the Gap Act II continues to add mystery and suspense to this fine series and though we've had to wait a while to receive it, it's not disappointed. Highly recommended.

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MonoMyth #1

Jul 18, 2014

Monomyth sets a new precedence for religious stories with this tale of good over evil being very dramatic and enthralling. Highly recommended.

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MonoMyth #2

Aug 22, 2014

Monomyth continues to be a must have, and with only one issue left I can only speculate how well it'll end. Highly recommended.

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MonoMyth #3

Oct 19, 2014

Monomyth comes to an exciting conclusion, as though the outcome isn't as enthralling as the build-up, it's certainly a fabulous addition from this young company. It also shows more signs to the reverse Michael/Lucifer concept, with the character development being particularly intriguing. Highly recommended.

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Moon Knight (2016) #1

Apr 14, 2016

Moon Knight #1 was a sensational opening issue, making it an instant addition to my pull. Giving us a unique take on the classic elements of the titular character, the creative team delivered a narrative dripping with mystery. Add to this the question of Marc Spector's sanity, and we're left with a final product that easily comes highly recommended.

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Moon Knight (2016) #2

May 6, 2016

Moon Knight #2 moves our tale forward in a bold and invigorating fashion. Not only does it continue to explore what is real and what is not real, but it yet again gives us a fascinating look into Marc Spector's psyche, with the story and character developments bound to draw in fans, new and old.

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Moon Knight (2016) #3

Jun 3, 2016

Moon Knight #3 may not be quite as impressive as the first two issues, but it is still an amazing read, and one that I encourage you to pick up. Not only does it continue to tackle the mental state of Marc Spector in an intelligent and mysterious manner, but it also gives us some thrilling twists, with the Egyptian symbolism allowing this to stand out from anything else on the comic stands.

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MPH #1

May 20, 2014

MPH gets off to an awesome start introducing us to an interesting world with intriguing characters. Highly recommended.

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MPH #2

Jun 17, 2014

MPH starts to speed up with these fun and energetic developments being marvellous. Add to this the character charm and MPH is quickly becoming one of Mark Millar's best series to date. Highly recommended.

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MPH #3

Sep 11, 2014

MPH continues to speed up, as though the story ironically goes a little too fast in this issue, the character charm and climax definitely make it a must read. Highly recommended.

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MPH #4

Nov 12, 2014

MPH races into it's penultimate issue, and though there may only be one issue left that in no way means that it's running out of gas. With wonderful character interaction, and a fabulous narrative, the developments of MPH #4 certainly leave me excited for the finale, and come highly recommended.

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MPH #5

Feb 18, 2015

MPH comes to a dramatic end, with the excitement and thrilling pace of this finale being mesmerizing from start to finish. We are also treated to some tremendous revelations, as though some fans may have guessed one or another, the reveals were still fabulous.

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Nailbiter #1

Apr 19, 2014

Nailbiter is a must have series for Image fans as it's mysterious and gritty story will have you one the edge of your seats. Highly recommended.

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Nailbiter #2

May 31, 2014

Nailbiter continues to astound and amaze with it's gripping yet mysterious tale captivating this reader. Highly recommended.

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Nailbiter #3

Jun 28, 2014

Nailbiter is quickly becoming my favourite Image series out the now with it's thrilling plot and horror theme being very compelling. Highly recommended.

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Nailbiter #4

Aug 6, 2014

Nailbiter continues to be a must read series, being the Image series to get. Having suspense, action, and intensity, it gives the perfect combination of mystery and horror. Highly recommended.

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Nailbiter #5

Sep 2, 2014

Nailbiter #5 is the kind of ending this first arc needed, giving some revelations, whilst setting up the series future perfectly. Highly recommended.

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Nailbiter #6

Sep 30, 2014

Nailbiter is one of Image's best series out at the moment, and following it's opening arc it shows it can create fabulous one shot tales. Having some shocking moments, and a thrilling tone, this one-shot tale is as gripping as the series has promised, being a must read. Highly recommended.

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Nailbiter #7

Nov 4, 2014

Nailbiter #7 proves to be a rather forgettable issue, as though the appearance of Brian Michael Bendis proves intriguing, with there being some brilliant dialogue from the character, it just felt unnecessary, hindering the overall story. Despite this it still proves better than most of the comics that grace our comic stands, and comes recommended.

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Nailbiter #8

Dec 3, 2014

Nailbiter gets back on track with this issue, as though the addition of Brian Michael Bendis during the last issue was a clever idea, ultimately it hindered the story that Williamson was building. This changes here, with an whole new arc kicking off. Highly recommended.

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Nailbiter #10

Feb 3, 2015

Nailbiter may have had a questionable stint after it's first arc, but the last few issues has quickly seen the series return to form. Delivering a gripping series of events, along with some tantalising clues, this issue is bound to astonish current reader, alluring new ones at the same time.

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Nailbiter #11

Mar 31, 2015

Nailbiter #11 is a wonderful jumping on point for new readers, as well as a fantastic continuation for current. Giving great insight into the background of Buckaroo (all be it in a mysteriously teasing way), this issue will leave fans more invested in this murderous town, with the altercation between Finch and Edward being as intense as expected.

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Nailbiter #13

Jun 3, 2015

Nailbiter is easily a must have, as though the quality within horror comics makes it hard to chose an outright favourite, this comic is definitely within this debate. Giving wonderful insight, and intriguing development, this latest entry only goes to build upon this fabulous tale, as though the horror aspect may be taking a step back momentarily, the mystery and suspense certainly isn't.

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Nailbiter #23

Jul 7, 2016

Nailbiter #23 reminds us why this series is a must have, with the interaction between Warren and Alice being priceless. Add to this the dramatic events elsewhere and the overall tone of the book, and there's no reason why you shouldn't be picking this book up.

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Nailbiter #24

Aug 4, 2016

Nailbiter #24 is an amazing continuation to “Bound by Blood,” setting up next month's finale in a gipping manner. Not only does the issue give us some wonderful background on the history of Buckaroo, but it also features some tense dialogue, with the usual spark of creepy horror that this series is known for.

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Nameless #1

Feb 3, 2015

Nameless is yet another strange entry from writer Grant Morrison, and though it may be hard to follow at times, it's well worth the effort. Being tantalisingly mysterious, and exciting from start to finish, this is most certainly a must have.

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Nameless #2

Mar 3, 2015

Nameless #2 continues to expand on this intriguing concept, as though there's still some confusing elements within this tale, the alluring plot twist certainly entice. The character depth and mysterious developments also intrigue, and along with the gripping climax there's no reason why readers shouldn't give this series a try.

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Nameless #3

Apr 8, 2015

Nameless continues to blow my mind in ways that are hard to put into words, with this psychedelic sci-fi being captivating at every corner. It also manages to mesmerize with it's brutal twists of fate, and though the concept may be too crazy for fans to understand, it's definitely a series that should be given a try. As if you like it, you'll more than likely love it.

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Never Ending #2

Dec 18, 2013

Overall this was a terrific stand alone issue having a brilliant subject matter and a lot of emotion and I'd highly recommend it.

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Neverboy #1

Mar 3, 2015

Neverboy has a lot to make up for, with this opening issue leaving this fanboy a little disheartened. Yes, it delivered a wonderful concept, with the culminating twist allowing for an alluring cliffhanger, but as first impressions go, it needed something a little deeper. Nevertheless, I still have hope in this series, as though I can't recommend this issue, I have faith in the creative team.

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New Avengers (2013) #1

Jul 17, 2013

A decent start, but very disappointing. The only positive this comic is that it shows ton's of potential, and I hope it delivers. I wouldn't recommend getting this issue, straight away, but if the series picks-up in quality I'd recommend getting it to fill the gap, cause if the series turns out to be poor it would be a waste of money.

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New Avengers (2013) #9

Sep 12, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and a terrific tie-in. Being the best issue that this series has produced so far this issue was everything from exciting, to dramatic, also being suspenseful as well. There was also great action as well, which was very explosive. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and can't wait for issue two of Infinity.

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New Avengers (2013) #10

Sep 21, 2013

Although not quite as good as the last issue this was yet another brilliant instalment in the Infinity event, following on from Infinity #2 perfectly. The issue itself was very dramatic and exciting, though it did lack in action, being more of a set-up issue. I would however highly recommend this issue, and the event so far, and will be moving straight onto Infinity #3 which was also out this week.

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New Avengers (2013) #11

Oct 20, 2013

This was yet another fantastic tie-in issue, as although it wasn't quite as good as the previous tie-in issues that New Avengers has produced, it was still a very exciting and enjoyable issue. It also had some brilliant action, as well as having a lot of drama and suspense throughout. On top of that there was some very interesting developments that have me looking forward to Infinity #5 even more than I already was. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the main Infinity event and the Avengers tie-ins as they are all truly amazing.

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New Avengers (2013) #12

Dec 8, 2013

This was a terrific issue and a brilliant epilogue. It would also set-up the future of this series perfectly, utilising the events of Infinity to do this. The issue itself would be very dramatic and exciting, and would have a lot of suspense as well with it's overall tone being simply perfect. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the whole of the Infinity event and can't wait to see what will happen in this series next.

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Nightwing (2011) #15

Jul 16, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and one of the best in the series so far. It has also been one of the best Death of the Family tie-in's so far, and I hope the next and final part of this story is just as good, if not better, I would highly recommend this issue, and the series so far, as despite the few down moments in the series, it has still been very good overall.

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Nightwing (2011) #16

Aug 2, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and one of the best final issues of Death of the Family so far. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as most of this series, and especially the Death of the Family tie-ins (this issue, and the last).

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Nightwing (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was a fabulous issue, and although it's not the best in the series so far it's still a very good issue. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the series, and am looking forward to the next issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #1

Jul 28, 2016

Nightwing #1 is a fantastic start to this new series, with the creative team producing a solid continuation to recent events, whilst also creating something new and engaging. In doing so they introduce us to an engrossing narrative that is sure to leave readers asking questions, with the final moments being gripping to say the least.

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Nightwing (2016) #2

Aug 5, 2016

Nightwing #2 moves this narrative forward in a gripping manner, with the teaming of Dick Grayson and Raptor being one I am enjoying to see unfold. Add to this the way the creative team work in other elements of Nightwing's past and some interesting revelations and I see no reason why you shouldn't go and pick this comic up right now.

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Nightwing (2016) #3

Aug 19, 2016

Nightwing #3 is a fantastic continuation to the “Better than Batman” storyline, with things certainly getting interesting. Not only do the creative team inject Batgirl into the story in a wonderful way, but they give some interesting development to Dick Grayson and Raptor's mission.

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Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 13, 2016

Nightwing: Rebirth #1 is a solid start for this new series, returning Dick to the mantle he once held before becoming a spy. Giving us some captivating encounters and wonderful mystery, the creative team more than grabbed my interest, even if the issue as a whole felt more focused on saying goodbye to Agent 37 than him becoming Nightwing.

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Ninjak (2015) #1

Mar 11, 2015

Ninjak #1 is a fresh new look into the spy genre, as though it's never going to take the concept by storm, the fast paced action, and deep character insight does wonders for it's main character. This mixed with a enthralling plot, makes this a series that fans should try, whether it's your first experience with Valiant or not.

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Ninjak (2015) #5

Jul 28, 2015

Ninjak #5 is a wonderful comic, which finally gives us the conflict we've been waiting for. This doesn't however mean that the series has played it's full hand, with there still being mysterious twists that will keep you invested in the future of this story.

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Ninjak (2015) #6

Aug 26, 2015

Valiant continue to produce some of the best comics out there, with Ninjak continuing to rank amongst these. Having a sleek, engaging atmosphere, this latest arc kicks off in tremendous fashion, with our spy/ninja getting pushed to the limit in ways that will leave you amazed.

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Ninjak (2015) #7

Sep 8, 2015

Ninjak #7 is an exciting look into how a spy comic can be both smart and fun, with the battle between our titular character and Sanguine being epic. So make sure to pick this Valiant comic up when you travel to your local comic book store this week.

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Ninjak (2015) #9

Nov 4, 2015

Ninjak #9 gave us a thrilling conclusion to The Shadow Wars, and I can only hope that the next arc brings us something equally as enticing. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book store this week, as it's a must have for Valiant fans.

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Ninjak (2015) #10

Dec 8, 2015

Ninjak #10 is the perfect jumping on point for new fans, with the new plot being intriguing to say the least. Giving us the start of a unique and mysterious tale, the creative team certainly give us plenty of reasons to return next month, with this comic coming highly recommended.

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Ninjak (2015) #13

Mar 8, 2016

Ninjak #13 brings “Operation Deadside” to a sensational conclusion, with the smart storytelling and exhilarating action surely keeping readers hooked. Add into this an engaging addition to the Shadowman/Magpie development and I'm sure this arc will go down as a must have for Valiant fans.

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Noah #1

Mar 18, 2014

Noah is overall a brilliant adaptation from the classic biblical tale, as although the changes may cause a bit of controversy the story as a whole is very enjoyable with the art being very impressive. Recommended.

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Oblivion Song #1

Mar 6, 2018

Oblivion Song #1 is an intriguing first issue that manages to excite, whilst giving us a touch of mystery along the way. It isn't likely to re-invent the genre, but between some unorthodox storytelling and its character driven nature, I am sure this will quickly become yet another hit for Robert Kirkman and Skybound.

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Old Man Logan #1

May 28, 2015

Though there's a lot I'd change about this tale, Old Man Logan still more than impressed, as though it didn't quite live up to my expectations, it wasn't a million miles off. Having wonderful visuals, and intense action, this comic is bound to draw in old and new fans of the clawed Avenger, with the plot having some intriguing points as well. I can't however shake the nagging feeling that this could have been so much more.

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Old Man Logan #2

Jun 18, 2015

There may be some intriguing twists within Old Man Logan #2, but unfortunately they prove a little muddled, with there being too much going on at one. There is however once again beautiful artwork from Sorrentino, with the final page leaving me cautiously looking forward to the next issue.

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Old Man Logan #3

Jul 23, 2015

Old Man Logan #3 may be a step up from the last installment, but it's still not enough to save this failing tie-in. Despite having great potential, the constant jumping between settings means that we don't get the focus that we deserve, with the entire tone of this story relying on speculation and anticipation.

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Old Man Logan #4

Aug 26, 2015

Old Man Logan is one of those series you know isn't great, but find yourself following anyway. Having a simply, yet intriguing narrative, this latest issue manages to enhance the rather questionable series, leaving hope as we enter its finale next time out.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #1

Jan 29, 2016

Old Man Logan #1 gives us an intriguing look into just how Logan got to this All-New All-Different universe and what his goals are now he's here. It also does a wonderful job of bridging this with the characters life during the Wasteland, and although there is room for improvement, it shows a lot of promise moving forward.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #2

Feb 10, 2016

Old Man Logan #2 was a magnificent continuation to this latest ongoing, with the creative team moving things forward in an exciting manner. Giving us a narrative full of depth, with an epic battle between Logan and the Hulk, there is literally nothing I can complain about with this issue, and if the series continues to deliver issues like this, then we're definitely in for a treat.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #5

Apr 29, 2016

Old Man Logan #5 gets “Bordertown” off to a decent start, as despite not being quite as exciting as recent issues, it gives some bold character development. It also touches on Logan's future in an engaging way, even if the slower pace proved a little dejecting.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #9

Jul 29, 2016

Old Man Logan #9 gets “The Last Ronin” off to a wonderful start, as despite not being quite as exciting as some of the issues we've seen in this run, it is still an enjoyable read. Add to this the mysterious elements behind the narrative and the lighter tone, and I'm sure fans will be surprised by what they get.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #10

Aug 11, 2016

Old Man Logan #10 is an outstanding expansion on this latest arc, with there being some truly captivating moments. What really allows this to become a must have, however, is the way the creative team tie the present events into Logan's past, with the different tones adding real depth and perspective.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #25

Jun 14, 2017

Old Man Logan #25 marks the dawning of a new era for the clawed Avenger, with the new creative team giving us an intriguing new narrative. The choice to revisit the Hulk gang also leaves us plenty to speculate over, as despite not feeling overly original, it is a concept that I'm sure to grow fond of as the story unfolds.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #26

Jul 12, 2017

Old Man Logan #26 is another solid entry for the new creative team, as despite this new arc not blowing me away, it is intriguing. The development for Maestro's Hulks in particular captivates, with the cerebral villain sure to be an interesting foe for Logan.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #27

Aug 11, 2017

Old Man Logan #27 is a solid continuation to the latest storyline, with the battle between Logan and Maestro's Hulk gang certainly heating up. Delivering a bloody set of developments, the creative team give us plenty of reasons to stay tuned for next issue, even if the story still isn't without its faults.

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Origin II #1

Dec 30, 2013

The opening issue of Origin II may not be quite as good as the opening of Origin, but it is still a terrific issue, and if Gillen and Kubert continue to produce this level of work they could easily surpass the quality of the first series.

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Origin II #2

Jan 29, 2014

Origin II has some brilliant development points in this issue, and it's future does look very promising, but as for this issue itself it was slightly lacking in certain parts, and if it wasn't for the intensity added by Sabretooth and Mr. Sinister I doubt it's be as good as it is. I still however recommend giving it a read, especially if you read the first issue.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Jun 25, 2014

Image's latest series Outcast gets of to a phenomenal start with the creative team of Kirkman and Azaceta hitting it out of the park. The dramatic and creepy tone of this story accompanied with the captivating dialogue make it a must read and one that I can see becoming a real sensation. Highly recommended.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #2

Jul 31, 2014

Outcast continues to be a must read series, as though this issue lowers the intensity, it raises the mystery. Highly recommended.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #4

Sep 24, 2014

Outcast continues to be storytelling at it's best, with the team of Kirkman and Azaceta producing a gripping horror thriller that comes highly recommended.

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Packs Of The Lowcountry #1

Nov 23, 2017

Packs of the Lowcountry is unlike anything you've read before, being a fun and exciting post-apocalyptic thriller. Not only does its engaging storytelling and gritty visuals captivate from start to finish, but the engaging dialogue and overall suspense is sure to keep you on the edge of each page. So if this sounds like a story for you, make sure to head over to the book's Kickstarter page and pledge. The campaign is a little under halfway to its goal with a week remaining, so make sure you're fast as this is one you don't want to miss.

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Pirouette #1

Oct 8, 2014

Ever desired a intelligent circus based series? Then Pirouette is for you. Though it's still to show the true potential of the horror genre, it manages to give enthralling character development with some entertaining moments along the way. Due to this I highly recommend this issue, and will definitely be returning for the second.

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Plutona #1

Sep 4, 2015

Plutona may not be the most imaginative of tales, but that doesn't stop it from blowing my mind. Between its gripping coming of age narrative and the mysterious overtones, we get a thrilling tale that is full of interesting characters. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book store this week.

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Poseidon IX (One-Shot) #1

Sep 1, 2015

Poseidon IX may not be the most engaging one-shots amongst these Generation IX expansions, but it still manages to entice. Having a fluid narrative with some clever twists, the creative team allow for a fabulous look into this god like being, giving greater depth to the world as a whole.

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Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1

Jul 3, 2016

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1 is an amazing start for this upcoming crossover, being a must have for fans of any of our three titular characters. The way the creative team introduced us to the narrative also more than impressed, as despite the lack of conflict between the titular characters, there was still plenty of tension and excitement. So basically: go buy this comic July 27th.

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Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #4

Jun 15, 2017

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #4 brings this epic crossover to a sensational conclusion. And despite it having taken a bit longer to come out, the action packed events make it one still worth picking up.

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Predator: Fire And Stone #1

Oct 21, 2014

Predator: Fire and Stone #1 is easily the best in the crossover so far, with the energetic opening issue moving on nicely from Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #1. The only small negativity is the timeline, as with several different points in the same story happening at one, it means certain things happen too quick. Despite this I highly recommend this issue.

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Predator: Fire And Stone #2

Nov 18, 2014

Predator: Fire and Stone #2 is a fun comic, as though it gets off to a rather questionable start, the actions of the Predator and Galog prove to be utterly entertaining. Highly recommended.

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Predator: Hunters #4

Aug 2, 2017

Predator: Hunters #4 does a wonderful job of setting up next month's finale, with the creative team giving us an exciting set of events. The various twists and turns also leave us with a lot to look forward to, with there being some clever revelations throughout this penultimate chapter.

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 9, 2014

Prometheus: Fire and Stone is a great start to this multi series event, as though it took a while to deliver suspense and excitement, the dialogue and Xenomorph teaser have me firmly hooked for the next issue. Recommended.

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone #2

Oct 14, 2014

Prometheus: Fire and Stone continues to capture my interest, as though the outcome has been a little compromised, the story still has a lot to offer. It also has some intense scenes, with the character interaction being amazing throughout. Recommended.

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone #3

Nov 12, 2014

Prometheus: Fire and Stone takes a monumental turn of events, and with only one issue left after this I can honestly say I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. Highly recommended.

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone - Omega #1

Feb 12, 2015

Prometheus: Fire and Stone " Omega may not be the fitting ending that this crossover deserved, but nonetheless it still managed to impress. Having wonderful character depth, this tale proved thoroughly gripping, with the tempo being gripping throughout.Despite this, I can only recommend this title to people who have been following this crossover, as though it's readable for others, they may not get the point that it makes.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 13, 2014

The Punisher gets off to a terrific start and if it continues like this I will be a very happy fan. Highly recommended.

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Punisher (2014) #2

Mar 5, 2014

Punisher continues to amaze me and with the villain who appeared during the cliffhanger I for one will definitely be rushing to get the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Punisher (2014) #4

Apr 3, 2014

Punisher continues to be one of my favourite Marvel series at the present and though it's dropped ever so slightly in quality with this issue, it remains exciting and intriguing. Recommended.

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Punisher (2014) #6

Jun 5, 2014

Punisher takes a drastic twist of fate in this issue with the overwhelming attack being one of Frank's toughest yet. The issue itself is however a little too quickly paced with it possibly having too much development. Despite this it's still a terrific read and one that I strongly recommend.

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Punisher (2014) #7

Jun 18, 2014

Punisher moves onto a new story arc with the addition of Kevin Maurer as co-writer being perfect for this military focused story. Highly recommended.

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Punisher (2014) #8

Jul 3, 2014

Punisher El Diablo comes to a exciting conclusion and though it's sad that this story only ran two issues it's best to have less of a good thing than too much of a bad thing. Highly recommended.

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Punisher (2014) #9

Aug 6, 2014

Friend from Foe has proven to be a great crossover, as though I do question the choice of format, looking forward to returning to both characters personal stories, it was nice to see them working together. Recommended.

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Punisher (2014) #10

Sep 5, 2014

The Punisher takes Frank into prison, giving a gritty and dramatic look into what Frank has in store. Highly recommended.

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Punisher (2014) #16

Mar 18, 2015

The Punisher continues to be a worthy addition to anyone's pull list, as whether you're a long time fan like myself, or just thinking of getting into the comics after watching the films, this series is a perfect place to get introduced to the character. The crime elements also make it a brilliant comic for fans of thrillers, as despite there being some slow patches, the tension more than makes up.

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Punisher (2014) #17

Apr 2, 2015

The Punisher continues to be a must have for this fanboy, as though it's rare for it to be one of the best releases on the stands, it manages to do the character justice month in, month out. It does on the other hand go above and beyond in this issue, with the battle between the Punisher and the All-New Captain America being fabulously intense.

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Punisher (2014) #18

May 6, 2015

Punisher #18 may not be the best entry in this amazing series, especially following the outstanding last issue, but that doesn't stop it from exciting this fan. Between the explosive action, and the return to basics, there's plenty to entice, with the culminating twist having me intrigued as to what will come next.

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Punisher (2014) #19

Jun 25, 2015

The Punisher #19 does an amazing job of setting up the final issue of Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads run on the Punisher. Though it may be a little confusing near the start, it quickly takes us into the action, with the Punisher's war being as intense as ever before.

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Punisher (2014) #20

Jul 22, 2015

Punisher once again come to an end, with yet another creative team saying goodbye to the vigilante. Having a gritty tone, and great symbolism, this final issue is more than fitting to the character, as though his target wasn't quite, the temperament of his predicament is bound to leave fans impressed. So until next time, goodbye Frank Castle.

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Punisher (2016) #1

May 6, 2016

The Punisher #1 is a questionable start for the new series, but one that I can quickly see myself falling in love with. Giving us an unique take on the character, the creative team have definitely given us something worth returning for more, even if it's not quite what I want from a Punisher comic.

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Punisher (2016) #2

Jun 3, 2016

The Punisher #2 once again failed to impress me the way I hoped it would, but was a step up from the first issue. Giving us some exciting moments, and some wonderful suspense, the creative team definitely drew me in, despite the characters struggling to keep me engaged.

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Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #1

Oct 6, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and just what I'd expect to see if Punisher ever went on trial. The issue managed to be suspenseful as well as exciting, also having a couple of mysterious parts as well. On top of this the art was phenomenal, and although it may not appeal to the Punisher fans that only like seeing Punisher killing people, it will appeal to anyone who loves his characteristics, and I'd highly recommend it to them, and anyone else wanting to try Punisher for the first time.

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Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #2

Nov 4, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, as although it didn't quite live up to the opening issue, it would be a very entertaining issue, having some interesting monologue and dialogue, also having an exciting conclusion. I do however feel that the story could have done with an extra issue, as despite the exciting nature of the ending it was rather sudden. I would however highly recommend this issue as well as the first and can't wait for the new ongoing series from Nathan Edmondson to come out.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #2

Jan 24, 2013

This was an amazing issue and this series is looking to be one of the best Punisher mini series I've ever read. This issue would have gotten a perfect 5/5 if it wasn't for the fact that Punisher wasn't in the issue long enough, which was a shame. Otherwise this is a great issue and due to Rucka making them stand alone issues which fit into the whole series it's easy to join the story at this issue if you can't find the previous, although I'd recommend trying to get a copy. I'd also recommend this issue and am looking forward to seeing Punisher square of against Thor next issue.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #3

Aug 1, 2013

This was another brilliant issue, and although I will be sad to see Rucka's run come to an end I can't wait till the next, and penultimate issue comes out. I would highly recommend this issue, the entire mini-series so far, and all of Rucka's run.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #4

Aug 5, 2013

Overall this was a brilliant issue, but more of a set-up towards the final issue. I'd still recommend this issue, as although being slightly slow it is still very good. I would also recommend this issue to newer readers but only if you get the remainder of the series.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #5

Aug 6, 2013

This was a fabulous issue, and a brilliant way to end Rucka's run on Punisher, and will miss it. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as both this series and Rucka's entire run as it's been a truly wonderful ride, and he's created some of the best Punisher stories ever. I am now going to wait to see when Frank will next appear besides in the Thunderbolts.

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Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #1

Oct 14, 2014

Q2: The Return of Quantum and Woody is yet another amazing feather in Valiant's cap, with the return of Priest and Bright to this fun world being something that old fans will love, and new fans should embrace. It also takes things in a new direction, with the fresh take being very intriguing. Highly recommended.

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Quantum and Woody Must Die #1

Jan 29, 2015

Quantum and Woody: Must Die! gets off to a fantastic start, with the ominous fate of the world's worst superhero team leaving plenty of speculation. Highly recommended.

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Rai #4

Aug 26, 2014

Rai‘s first arc comes to a symbolic end, setting up the series' future perfectly. Highly recommended.

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Rai #9

Aug 18, 2015

Rai #9 is a long awaited return for the popular series, with the creative team not disappointing. Delivering a sleek, engaging narrative that is both enticing to old and new fans, we get to see what has changed since the last time we saw our futuristic warrior, with there being plenty of teasing as to where this series will head next.

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Rai #10

Sep 15, 2015

Rai continues to be a worthy addition to anyone's pull list, as between the amazing writing of Matt Kindt and sensational artwork of Clayton Crain, we get a comic that is brimming with awesomeness. It also manages to tease the future of this series wonderfully, coming highly recommended.

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Rai #11

Oct 23, 2015

Rai #11 may be one of the weaker entries in the series to date, but it is nonetheless an amazing entry, showing the sheer quality of the series as a whole. Giving some intriguing developments, as well as inviting dialogue and visuals, the creative team make this a joy to read, leaving us with a tantalising climax.

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Rai #12

Dec 24, 2015

Rai #12 brings yet another arc to a close, and despite the culminating moments not quite feeling like a transitioning point for the story, it gives us a lot to look forward to. The creative team also find a brilliant balance between action and drama, with the end result being an inviting comic that is bound to leave readers eager for more.

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Rat Queens (2017) #3

May 25, 2017

Rat Queens #3 is yet another enjoyable yarn, with the hilarious antics of the Queens being a joy to read. Not only do we get some fun, quirky dialogue, with some interesting interactions, but we also get some wonderful tongue in cheek moments, with the stunning art of Owen Gieni complementing this perfectly.

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Rat Queens (2017) #4

Jul 4, 2017

Rat Queens #4 is pure fun, with the antics of the Queens being entertaining to say the least. Between the interaction with the Cat Kings and the video game designed dungeon, this issue gives us plenty to enjoy, with the final twist being tantalising.

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Real Heroes #1

Mar 25, 2014

Real Heroes is the kind of superhero story that fans need, taking the popular genre and creating something unique with it. If this wasn't enough we also have beautiful art from Bryan Hitch that isn't to be missed. Highly recommended.

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Realm #1

Sep 14, 2017

The Realm #1 is everything that I hope from a new series and more. Despite not giving us a huge lot of excitement, the creative team do a sensational job of introducing us to this dystopian world. The way that they incorporate fantasy and horror elements into this, along with the mystery and tension also helps grab our attention, with the stunning artwork only adding another reason to return for the next instalment.

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Rebels (2015) #1

Mar 12, 2015

Rebels is a wonderful insight into the American Revolution, as though there is a lot still to explore, the character depth more than intrigues. The immersive narration, and gritty artwork also manages to draw this reader in, with the second issue not coming soon enough.

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Rebels (2015) #2

May 12, 2015

Rebels may still have a little work before it becomes a sensation, but that doesn't stop it from being a fascinating read. Being much more than an entertaining historical yarn, this this tale has tons of emotion, with Seth's attempt to balance his Rebel and family life resulting in fabulous tempo.

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Rebels (2015) #6

Sep 8, 2015

Rebels first arc comes to an end in a way that is both gripping as well as touching, with Seth finally getting a sense of closure as he plans his future. This character depth and the narrative around it makes this tale so much more enticing, and if the series continues to be as good as this in the future, I'm sure we'll get many more mesmerizing stories.

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Reborn #5

Mar 21, 2017

Reborn #5 may not be quite as spectacular as the previous instalments of the series, but one thing it does do is set up the finale beautifully. Giving us some interesting twists, as well as some powerful character interaction, the creative team once again produce a product worth picking up, leaving this reader eager for the grand finale.

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Reborn #6

Jun 7, 2017

Reborn #6 was everything I was hoping for from this conclusion, giving us an epic final conflict between Bonnie and Golgotha. The creative team also gave us a poetic sense of closure for our heroine, with the symbolism and narration complementing the action beautifully throughout.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #15

Jul 16, 2013

A very good issue, and a good start to this part of the Death of the Family crossover, which itself crosses over with Teen Titans. I would highly recommend this issue, and the rest of the series, and am looking forward to what happens to Jason, Roy, Starfire, Tim, and the rest of the Teen Titans in Teen Titans #15.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #16

Aug 2, 2013

This was a very disappointing issue, and will defiantly disappoint Red Hood fans. I would only recommend this issue to anyone who's been following this series, or Death of the Family, but it would be pointless to get it otherwise, and isn't a good jumping on point. I would however also recommend it to anyone who's read Teen Titans #15, as although I personally disliked it they may like it, although I still caution them against it.

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Red Sonja (2013) #15

Mar 25, 2015

Red Sonja continues to be one of Dynamite‘s best current series, with this current arc being truly captivating. Delivering an exciting, yet dramatic set of events, this latest issue is a wonderful extension to this fabulous property, coming highly recommended.

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Red Sonja (2013) #16

May 26, 2015

Red Sonja #16 may have had more problems than most issues, but that didn't stop it from being a thoroughly entertaining read. Seeing the She-Devil with a Sword come face to face with Death, this issue proved to be a huge turning point for the character, showing that you should never count her out.

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Red Sonja (2013) #17

Jul 28, 2015

Red Sonja #17 kicks off yet another arc, with the unique events being more than inviting. Having a fun, energetic tempo, whilst giving us a lively Sonja, this issue is bound to entice fans both old and new. It's gripping sub-plots also leave great speculation, with the final moments being gripping to say the least.

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Red Sonja (2013) #18

Sep 23, 2015

Red Sonja #18 marks the end of yet another story, and despite having only started in the issue before this, we still got a fitting ending, full of excitement. They also manage to give us subtle changes to the character, as although her personality is the same, her outlook certainly has changed.

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Red Sonja (2013) #100

Feb 17, 2015

Red Sonja #100 is what all anniversary issues should aspire to be like, as though there's nothing flashy within their tales, being fully detached from the ongoing series, they manage to capture the character's charm and energetic tone perfectly. It also acts as a great taster for fans that are unsure of the character, as though $7.99 may seem a pricey way of doing so, it beats feeling committed to a series that's not for you.

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Red Sonja (2013) #1973

Jul 14, 2015

Red Sonja #1973 is a worthy addition to any fan of the She-Devil with a Sword's comic book collection, as though the $7.99 cover price may be off putting, you get 48 tantalising pages for that price. All of which capture the red haired heroine at her finest.

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Red Sonja (2016) #1

Jan 12, 2016

Red Sonja #1 gives us a bold new take on the iconic character, as the She-Devil with a Sword is put on a rather different path. This is all handled with great care and deliberation, as the creative team give us a deep look into the character behind the warrior, leaving plenty to speculate as we await the next chapter.

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Red Sonja / Conan #1

Aug 4, 2015

Red Sonja/Conan gets off to an intriguing start, as although there is still a lot to be proven within this tale (especially considering how successful Dark Horse's Conan Red Sonja was), it has the potential to be yet another hit. Add to this the engaging interaction between our two warriors, and it more than deserves to be given a chance.

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Red Sonja / Conan #2

Sep 8, 2015

Red Sonja/Conan continues to be an entertaining crossover, as despite the core concept behind this narrative not reaching its full potential, the team-up between the two characters more than excites. Things also heat up as the creative team add a monstrous creature for Sonja and Conan to face, resulting in great tension.

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Redlands #1

Jun 25, 2017

Redlands #1 is probably one of the most intense debut issues that I've read in a long time, with the genuine sense of threat being ever present throughout both Bellaire‘s script and Del Rey‘s art. During this, the creative team also do a tremendous job of setting up the premise, with the mysterious overtone and vivid dialogue building tremendous atmosphere throughout. Given all this, I highly recommend giving this comic a try come August 9th.

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Regression #2

Jun 13, 2017

Regression #2 moves this strange story along in an interesting fashion, as despite some of the supernatural twists being a little too much at times, the final product is nonetheless entertaining. The creative team also do a brilliant job of introducing some new characters into the narrative, with Detective Graymercy sure to become a thorn in Adrian's side.

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Regression #3

Jul 11, 2017

Regression #3 moves this supernatural narrative forward in exhilarating fashion, with the investigation into Sid's death, and Adrian's regressions resulting in an interesting read. The creative team also continue to touch upon the mysterious background between Adrian and Gregory, with the various twists sure to leave readers itching for more.

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Replica #3

Feb 5, 2016

Replica #3 is another exciting issue for the AfterShock series, with the fun, engaging narrative continuing to entice. The creative team also give us some marvelous developments as despite the final twist being predictable, there was more than enough to keep readers hooked on this story.

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Revenge #1

Feb 25, 2014

The Revenge gets off to a terrific start, as although it's graphic nature may put some fanboys off, there are plenty more that will love this grindhouse style tale. Highly recommended.

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Revenge #2

Mar 25, 2014

The Revenge has jumped massively in my opinion, with the creative team taking a questionable adult themed tale and giving some resolve and purpose to it. Highly recommended.

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Revenge #3

May 6, 2014

The Revenge continues to amaze with it's gory and bloody developments adding more and more to the Revenger's character transformation. Highly recommended.

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Revenge #4

Jun 10, 2014

The Revenge comes to a gripping conclusion with this edgy series ending on a massive high. On the flip side I for one will miss reading Griffin's tale and can only pray for a sequel. Highly recommended.

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Rise of the Magi #0

May 3, 2014

Rise of the Magi looks as if it'll be yet another great addition to Top Cowlist of fabulous series so get to your local comic shop and try and get a copy as after all it's free.

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Rise of the Magi #1

Jun 3, 2014

Rise of the Magi follows on from the FCBD issue in a phenomenal way with Silvestri and Kesgin giving us a fabulous opening issue that is as close to perfection as you can get.

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Rise of the Magi #2

Jul 6, 2014

Rise of the Magi continues to impress with it being a must have for fans of magic, excitement and Marc Silvestri. Highly recommended.

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Rise of the Magi #3

Aug 10, 2014

Rise of the Magi continues to be a magical series, with the intense story being one I can't get enough of. Highly recommended.

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Rise of the Magi #4

Sep 16, 2014

Rise of the Magi #4 may be the poorest issue in the series so far. But this just goes to show you how good the series is as a whole, as it still comes recommended.

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Rise of the Magi #5

Jan 20, 2015

Rise of the Magi returns triumphant, as though I'm not eager to have such a long wait again, the result has been well worth it. Highly recommended.

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Robin War #1

Dec 4, 2015

Robin War #1 was a solid start for this celebratory crossover, but ultimately it wasn't as impressive as I hoped it would be. Despite giving us a magnificent premise, the ill paced narrative makes it hard to enjoy this story, as despite all the different developments being interesting, the execution felt rather sporadic and all over the place. Nevertheless the creative team did enough to leave me eager to read more, and if you're a fan of the Boy Wonder then this is something you need to check out.

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Robin: Son of Batman #1

Jun 17, 2015

Robin: Son of the Batman may not have been the comic I hoped it would be, but it definitely sets up an intriguing tale, with Damian's actions feeling true to character. The art also as ever fits this world like a glove, and though the overall narrative within this issue is a little lacking, it does enough for a second purchase.

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Robin: Son of Batman #2

Jul 15, 2015

Following on from an average first issue is never easy, but a task Robin: Son of Batman #2 has embraced wonderfully. Giving us an exciting turn of events, continuing with Damian's search for atonement, Patrick Gleason delivers the energetic tale that I was hoping for last time round, with this now becoming something worthy of adding to your pull list.

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Robin: Son of Batman #3

Aug 20, 2015

Robin: Son of Batman #3 may not be quite as engaging as the last entry, but that doesn't stop it from being an entertaining read. Showing the Boy Wonder at his best, this latest issue is full of great developments, with there also being a few intriguing mysteries left open as we head into the next.

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Robin: Son of Batman #4

Sep 17, 2015

Robin: Son of Batman #4 is an exciting continuation to an already enticing tale. Building upon the events leading up to this, whilst bringing Deathstroke momentarily into the series, Patrick Gleason really takes this series to a new level, leading beautifully into the next chapter.

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Robin: Son of Batman #8

Jan 22, 2016

Robin: Son of Batman #8 proved to be a rather average comic, with Damian's tale lacking the proper depth or excitement that we've seen from the series in the past. There are however some magnificent symbolism within the latter stage and along with the fun art, it gives us just enough to merit a purchase from current readers of the series.

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RoboChuck #2

May 27, 2014

RoboCuck is a fun and entertaining caper with a seriously intriguing background story. Highly recommended.

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RoboChuck #3

Aug 20, 2014

RoboChuck continues to get more and more mysterious, with this fun independent series being a must have. Highly recommended.

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Robocop: To Live and Die in Detroit #1

Feb 19, 2014

RoboCop: To Live and Die in Detroit has some positive features, but it's overall briefness takes away from the lasting effect. This issue does however still squeeze through with a recommendation.

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Roche Limit: Clandestiny #4

Aug 25, 2015

Roche Limit: Clandestiny has been a truly amazing series so far, with it proving why the sci-fi genre is booming within comics. The mixture of mystery, drama and action also helps set-up what should be an astounding conclusion, with this comic being a must have.

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Rose #5

Aug 11, 2017

Rose #5 is yet another entertaining piece of work from the creative team, with this fantasy world becoming more interesting with each passing issue. Seeing our Guardian struggle to stay alive, just as she's found her Khatz, this latest instalment certainly doesn't skimp on the action, with there being some dramatic moments along the way.

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Rowans Ruin #1

Oct 6, 2015

Rowans Ruin #1 was an amazing opening issue, with the creative team giving us a subtle form of horror that begs to be further explored. They also manage to create an intriguing character as well as a chillingly gripping plot, with the teaser opening and deeper development that followed leaving a lot to ponder over heading into the next issue.

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Rowans Ruin #4

Jan 15, 2016

Rowans Ruin #4 brings this sensational mini-series to an astonishing conclusion. Building upon the gripping twist from last issue, whilst delivering a dramatic series of events, the creative team certainly gave us a fitting climax, with there being some shocking moments along the way.

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Rugrats #1

Oct 17, 2017

Rugrats #1 is a fun and enjoyable comic, that is sure to find an audience with fans of the original children's program. Delivering a simple narrative that plays on the show's nostalgic properties, the creative team do a wonderful job of bringing life back to this beloved cartoon. Despite this the series doesn't bring anything new to the franchise, with the conservative nature of the story unlikely to win over more mature readers.

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S.H.O.O.T. First #3

Dec 18, 2013

This was a very fun and exciting issue and although it wasn't initially new reader friendly, it was easy to get into, with the suspense and intensity of the story helping towards that.

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S.H.O.O.T. First #4

Jan 15, 2014

Overall Aclin and Selma have created a terrific conclusion for this series and I for one have been amazed with the entire story. I also can't wait to see what Aclin has in store when S.H.O.O.T. First returns in the pages of Dark Horse Presents #35 but until then I'd highly recommend giving this mini-series and more importantly this issue a read.

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Sacred Creatures #1

Jul 6, 2017

Sacred Creatures #1 is an intriguing start to this new series, with the creative team giving us a product that's dripping in mystery. Despite feeling like too much too soon, the creative team do a fabulous job of introducing us to Josh and the mysterious family that's turned his life upside down, with there being plenty to leave readers returning for more.

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Sacred Creatures #2

Aug 11, 2017

Sacred Creature #2 is far from a must read comic, but despite that there is still a few intriguing developments in this latest chapter. Resolving some of the more mysterious elements of last month's opening issue, whilst leaving a lot still to explore, the creative team do give us plenty of reasons to stay tuned for more. It's just a shame that all the positives come with just as many negatives.

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Sally Of The Wasteland #2

Sep 2, 2014

Sally of the Wastelands starts to show some improvement, with the intense action being gory and beautiful. Recommended.

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Sally Of The Wasteland #3

Sep 30, 2014

Sally of the Wasteland continues to be a thoroughly entertaining read. The plot in this issue may not captivate, but the concept and monstrous peril certainly allows things to become exciting. Recommended.

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Sally Of The Wasteland #4

Oct 28, 2014

Sally of the Wastelands #4 is yet another amazing entry in this quirky series, setting up the final chapter perfectly. Yes it may be a little too crazy at times, and yet some aspects come a little too sudden, but it's this that makes this series all the more fun. Recommended.

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Samaritan: Veritas #1

May 24, 2017

Samaritan #1 is an outstanding start to this latest Top Cow series, expanding the Edenverse in a bold and engaging manner. Giving us a gripping tale that spins out of The Tithe, the creative team set-up a narrative that is sure to leave readers eager to pick-up the next issue. So by all means give this new product a chance.

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Samaritan: Veritas #2

Jul 4, 2017

Samaritan: Veritas #2 moves our story forward in dramatic fashion, with the creative team delivering a thoroughly tantalising issue. Between Samaritan's attempt at abducting a wealthy businessman linked with the presidentand the organisation hunting her down, there is more than enough to hook readers, with the climax sure to leave you returning for more.

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Samaritan: Veritas #3

Aug 2, 2017

Samaritan: Veritas #3 brings this latest Edenverse series to a thrilling conclusion. Despite there being a huge part of me that wishes this could have run longer than it has, the story as a whole feels refreshingly satisfying, with there being a sense of closure to Samantha's mission.

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Samurai: The Isle With No Name #1

Mar 8, 2016

Samurai #1 is an amazing new series for Titan, building upon the work that Jean-Franois Di Giorgio has produced elsewhere in a marvelous fashion. The creative team would also do a sensational job of introducing us to the world and character, and along with the mysterious plot and explosive action there is more than enough to leave readers returning for more.

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Savage Wolverine #1

Aug 7, 2013

Although not a brilliant issue, this was still a very good issue, and I have a lot of faith that this series will be good. It has fun, action, and mystery, and the name Savage is appropriate, even if Wolverine isn't Savage for too long. I would still recommend this issue, as it's much better than the pre-Marvel NOW! Wolverine series, and I'm sure it'll get better.

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Savage Wolverine #2

Aug 7, 2013

This was a better issue than the last, and it is showing that this story is more than just interesting, it's also exciting, and full of action. After a slightly disappointing opener, I'm happy that this series is fulfilling the promise that it showed, as this was a very fun, and entertaining issue, and Cho did a brilliant job of developing the story. I'd recommend this to anyone, and if you were disappointed with the first issue, and decided to drop it, I'd recommend giving it another shot, as it's one of the better Wolverine stories there's been in the last year.

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Savage Wolverine #3

Aug 7, 2013

This series just keeps getting better, and better, and I can't believe how good it is. This issue didn't just develop the story more, it also gave us action, excitement, humour, and suspense at the same time, and I can't wait to see the next issue, and hope that Cho continues this level of quality. I would easily recommend this issue as it was brilliant, and the story is shaping up to be the best Wolverine story for a while. I'd also recommend anyone that dropped this series after issue 1 to give it another try, as it just keeps getting better, and better, and I'd be surprised if you were disappointed.

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Savage Wolverine #4

Sep 4, 2013

This series has really surprised me, and it just keeps getting better and better, with this issue being phenomenal. It's not only interesting, but keeps the mysterious nature of the story flowing smoothly, and the action sequence near the end was epic, and brutal. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the series, and at this rate I'm expecting a phenomenal conclusion.

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Savage Wolverine #5

Sep 6, 2013

After the marvellous issues that we've seen in this series, the opening story finished on a low, being the worst in the series so far. The Hulk was very badly used, and his presence was far from what I'd hoped it would be. It however wasn't the worst thing about this issue, as the ending was terrible, and made the story feel unfinished, which was disappointing. I would only recommend this to anyone who's been following the series so far, but otherwise I'd recommend leaving it alone, as even with the other amazing issues, it will disappoint.

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Scarlett Couture #1

Apr 29, 2015

Scarlett Couture may still have something to prove, but one thing that is for certain this is a comic that I want to follow. Between it's engaging dialogue and action packed events, it certainly sports the elements of a fun espionage tale. All it needs is the consistency to back this up.

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Scarlett Couture #2

May 26, 2015

Scarlett Couture is quickly becoming one of my favourite comics from Titan, as though there's still something to be proven, the series is certainly heating up. Des Taylor's unique storytelling style also allows for an inviting yarn, with Scarlett herself becoming more likeable by the second.

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Scarlett Couture #3

Jun 25, 2015

Scarlett Couture #3 leads us nicely into the series finale, being exciting, fun and energetic. It also has some wonderful espionage elements, with the fashion cover allowing for a sexy finish that enhances this. All this is topped off by some engaging dialogue that will leave readers glued to each page.

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Second Sight #1

Feb 10, 2016

Second Sight #1 is another amazing series from AfterShock with this opening issue being one of the best from the publisher so far. Giving us an intriguing premise full of surreal moments, the creative team introduce us to the characters brilliantly, giving us some much needed backstory along the way.

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Separators #1

Nov 25, 2014

Separators may not have enticed me as much as Xenoglyphs, with certain story developments being a bit sudden, but one thing this issue does well is engage. It's this and the mysterious edge that makes this a series I recommend trying, but at the same time I do hope there's some improvement.

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Separators #2

Jan 7, 2015

Separators may still have some ground to cover if it wants to slingshot OSSM Comics into the big leagues, but the improvements in this issue is certainly a great starting point. The gripping climax also proves enticing, and is bound to leave readers begging for more. Recommended.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #3

Mar 25, 2014

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind continues to be a fitting continuation for the franchise, as whilst any live action follow-on remains on hold this is the most realistic way of getting your Firefly fix. Recommended.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #5

May 27, 2014

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind is unfortunately close to it's finale but fortunately it continues to amaze in this penultimate issue which I highly recommend.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #6

Jun 24, 2014

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind has been a phenomenal series and a must have for any Firefly fan. The way that the creative team has followed on from the film as well as develop new concepts makes it one of the best continuation series I've ever read. Highly recommended.

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Shaper #1

Mar 17, 2015

Shaper is a fresh new take on the sci-fi genre, as though there are some familiar elements, the dramatic way in which writer and artist introduce us to this world makes it something completely original. The character depth, and elaborate plot developments will also entice readers, with the twists near the end having them returning for more.

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Shaper #5

Jul 14, 2015

Shaper #5 brings this exciting mini-series to a fitting conclusion, as though a huge part of me will be sad to see it vanish from my pull list (hoping for a sequel), this feels like a natural ending. It also has great character development, and tense action, with many moments that will leave you smiling.

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She-Hulk (2014) #1

Feb 19, 2014

She-Hulk gets off to a terrific start, being  both fun and entertaining. Highly recommended.

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Sherlock Holmes Moriarty Lives #2

Feb 11, 2014

Moriarty Lives has slowed down dramatically in this issue as despite having some interesting and energetic moments it mostly felt like a set-up issue. Due to this I can't recommend this issue.

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Sherlock Holmes Moriarty Lives #3

Apr 22, 2014

Moriarty Lives is turning into the kind of story that Sherlock Holmes fans deserve with his dastardly rival proving to be as worth a protagonist and he is an antagonist. Recommended.

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Sherlock Holmes Moriarty Lives #4

Jun 10, 2014

Sherlock Holmes: Moriarty Lives reaches it's penultimate issue and though it takes a while to get into the really interesting developments it does do a fantastic job of setting up next issues conclusion. Recommended.

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Sherlock Holmes Moriarty Lives #5

Jul 22, 2014

Sherlock Holmes: Moriarty Lives comes to a sensational conclusion and though I have loved to have said the story as a whole was the same it's only this final part that shines. Highly recommended (especially if you've been following the series).

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Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini #1

Sep 30, 2014

Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini gets off to a terrific start. Showing the deductive skills of Holmes, and the magical acts of Houdini, whilst having some enticing dialogue, this is something that fans of both legends will love. Highly recommended.

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Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini #4

Feb 24, 2015

Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini is certainly getting into it's element, with the suspenseful developments allowing for some enthralling moments. The menacing presence of Rasputin also manages to add more depth to this tale, and along with the ominous vibe he brings, it only goes to add more reasons for picking up this series.

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Sherlock Holmes: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution #1

Aug 25, 2015

The Seven-Per-Cent Solution is proving to be a solid Sherlock Holmes tale. Despite some questionable changes to the canon, the narrative gives us some interesting questions. It also feels a natural fit to this fictional world, with this Sherlock Holmes fan looking forward to more.

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Sherlock Holmes: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution #2

Sep 8, 2015

The Seven-Per-Cent Solution is quickly proving itself as a interesting look at how drugs have affected Sherlock Holmes' life, leading to an alternative take on the character's fictitious history. This is developed brilliantly in this issue, with a climax that is bound to leave you returning for more.

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Sherlock: A Study In Pink #1

Jun 9, 2016

Sherlock: A Study in Pink #1 is a brilliant adaptation of the first fifteen minutes of the television episode, with the manga format working perfectly. It also gave us some fascinating visuals, being very true to the original script. So if you're a Sherlock fan that happens to like manga, this is a must have for you.

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Shotgun Wedding #2

Apr 8, 2014

So far Shotgun Wedding has been one of the best mini's that I've read in a long time showing that shorter limited series can be much better than the ambitious ones that the big two produce. Highly recommended.

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Shotgun Wedding #3

Apr 12, 2014

Shotgun Wedding is almost over but it still manages to produce the goods and I can easily see this becoming one of the best mini-series of the year. Highly recommended.

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Shotgun Wedding #4

Apr 18, 2014

Shotgun Wedding has unfortunately came to an end and I honestly don't know how long it will be till a mini-series the same level as this arises again. What I can say however it was well worth the ride and I for one can't recommend this issue and the entire mini enough.

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Shutter #1

Apr 8, 2014

Shutter is definitely a series that I'll be keeping my eye on as though it's still to prove it's initial claims it has already proven to be a series with a lot of depth and passion. Highly recommended.

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Shutter #2

May 13, 2014

Shutter continues to be a fabulous series as despite the slightly busy opening it was a fantastic read. Highly recommended.

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Shutter #3

Jun 10, 2014

Shutter continues to appeal but this particular issue fails to astound. Nevertheless it's still a terrific read so be kind to Joe Keatinge on his birthday and pick up a copy of this issue. Recommended.

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Shutter #4

Jul 8, 2014

Shutter starts heading in the right direction as though the inconsistent tone's slightly worrying the quality remains their. Highly recommended.

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Shutter #6

Sep 16, 2014

Shutter‘s first arc comes to an awesome finale, with the revelations and exciting events within having me hooked for the second arc, with December not coming soon enough. Highly recommended.

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Sisters of Sorrow #1

Jul 18, 2017

Sisters of Sorrow #1 is a solid start for this latest collaboration between Sutter and BOOM! Studios, with the premise alone dripping with potential. Having some bold, explosive moments, the creative team leave more than enough reasons to return for more, even if this final product feels a little too frantic.

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Skin & Earth #1

Jul 11, 2017

Skin & Earth #1 is a pretty underwhelming opening issue, as despite having an interesting concept, the story as a whole is rather dull. The creator also makes it hard to like the main character, as despite not quite being dislikeable, Enaia Jin does lack any real personality.

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Skybourne #4

Jul 4, 2017

Skybourne #4 is yet another exhilarating entry in this fabulous mini-series, being both fun and exciting throughout. Whether it's the suspense as Merlin moves closer to Pandora's Gate, the hectic release of mystic animals, or a surprise twist, there is sure to be something to leave readers eager for the series finale.

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Snotgirl #1

Jul 19, 2016

Snotgirl #1 is most definitely one of the more interesting comics to come out this week, being a series that I look forward to reading more of. Not only do the creative team introduce us to a quirky and enthralling new character, but the mixture of light and dark tones leave me questioning what kind of person Lottie real is.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #1

Apr 15, 2014

Solar: Man of the Atom gets off to a terrific start and though it's probably the worst opener yet it's still a very entertaining read and shows plenty of promise. Highly recommended.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #2

May 20, 2014

Solar: Man of the Atom drops slightly in quality with it's lagging pace being disappointing. It still however has some excitement and overall gets a recommendation from me.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #3

Jun 24, 2014

Solar: Man of the Atom takes a step in the right direction as though the series has proven to be thoroughly interesting prior to these developments it's now starting to get closer to the overall quality of the other Golden Key series. Highly recommended.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #4

Jul 22, 2014

The first arc of Solar: Man of the Atom comes to a close and though we've yet to see something truly spectacular the energy and character depth makes it a very enticing series. Highly recommended.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #5

Sep 16, 2014

Solar: Man of the Atom goes galactic, with this new direction and new artist taking the series to new heights. Highly recommended.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #6

Nov 4, 2014

Solar: Man of the Atom #6 may not be the most exciting entry in the series, but the dialogue and character interaction remains as enthralling as ever. The use of flashbacks also allow for a more immersive read, making up for the overall lack of events. Recommended.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #7

Nov 18, 2014

Solar: Man of the Atom continues to be an epic space adventure, with the bonding between father and daughter giving an engaging tone. It also delivers some fun, and exciting moments, with Erica's kindness being a beacon of light. Highly recommended.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #9

Feb 18, 2015

Solar: Man of the Atom #9 is the perfect jumping on point for new fans, as though the initial background sequence may seem a little jarring, the action and energy certainly makes up. There is also an amazing Golden Key appearance near the end that will leave fans returning for more.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #10

Mar 17, 2015

Solar: Man of the Atom continues to amaze as it enters it's final few issues, with the Family Reunion, and “surprise” appearance of Spektor allowing for a dramatic tempo that'll leave readers glued to the page. The passionate dialogue and intense developments also excite, with the final page leaving a twist that'll excite long time Solar fans.

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Solar: Man of the Atom #12

May 12, 2015

It's a shame to see Solar: Man of the Atom come to an end, but it does so in great style. Having gripping action and emotional dialogue, it's hard not to marvel at what Barbiere, Lau and Marques have created, and all I hope is that this isn't the end of the Golden Key Universe.

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Sons of the Devil #1

Mar 16, 2015

Sons of the Devil is the kind of dramatic horror that fans need, as though there's plenty of amazing horror stories already on the shelves, there are few that handle the genre in a way that is both dramatic and realistic. The character depth and mysterious plot elements also make this a series worth picking up, as along with the amazing art, it's bound to leave readers eager for more.

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Sons of the Devil #2

Jun 15, 2015

Sons of the Devil #2 is a fabulous continuation to an intriguing series, and though it's not quite as enthralling as #1, it's a welcome addition to anyone's pull. Having a dramatic series of developments, that's capped off by some intense twists, this issue will leave you returning for a third.

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Sons of the Devil #3

Jul 16, 2015

Sons of the Devil #3 is truly phenomenal, being one of the best comics I've read in a long time. Having a realistic tone, that captures the depth of these characters, it's hard not to be enticed by this tale, with the teasing twist near the end being a real showstopper.

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Sons of the Devil #4

Aug 25, 2015

Sons of the Devil continues to be a must have tale, with the more grounded take on the supernatural being both clever and engaging. This is all aided by an enthralling series of events, that both expand on prior events, whilst leaving various possible avenues open for this great tale.

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Sons of the Devil #5

Sep 29, 2015

Sons of the Devil #5 may not have been the exciting conclusion that I was expecting for its first arc, but that doesn't mean that the story isn't anything short of extraordinary, reflecting the high standards of the issues that have proceeded. It also gives us a lot to ponder during our long wait until the next arc, with Travis' story only getting more interesting by the minute.

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Sons of the Devil #8

Jul 1, 2016

Sons of the Devil #8 is another strong issue for the series, with the creative team moving the story forward in a bold and engaging manner. Not only do they continue to touch on the cultist background that drives this narrative, but they also gave us some solid developments during the present, with the tension and mystery adding to the tempo of the book.

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Sons of the Devil #9

Jul 29, 2016

Sons of the Devil #9 does an amazing job of setting up the second arc's conclusion, with there being some interesting revelations along the way. The character depth and dramatic flair also helps this to become an enjoyable read, with the final page sure to leave readers speculating as to how this arc will end.

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Sons of the Devil #13

Jun 15, 2017

Sons of the Devil #13 does a brilliant job of setting the stage for the series finale, with Travis becoming a man possessed. Giving us a fast, exhilarating pace to this penultimate issue, the creative team give us plenty of reasons to look forward to the series finale, with David's past also continuing to hold some intriguing twists.

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Sons of the Devil #14

Jul 25, 2017

Sons of the Devil #14 is the ending that this series deserves, giving us the epic confrontation between Travis and his cultist father, David. The creative team also do a brilliant job of giving us closure, whilst leaving the door open for a potential sequel.

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Southern Bastards #2

May 27, 2014

Southern Bastards follows up nicely from it's tremendous opening and though there is some room for improvement the overall quality is still to a high standard making it a no brainier to recommend.

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Southern Bastards #3

Jul 1, 2014

It looks like Earl has really made life difficult for himself as Southern Bastards takes a exciting twist with shocking consequences. Highly recommended.

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Southern Bastards #4

Aug 31, 2014

Southern Bastard‘s first arc comes to an explosive end, as Earl and Coach Boss embroil in a fight that has devastating consequences. Highly recommended.

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Southern Bastards #5

Oct 28, 2014

Southern Bastards #5 is a brilliant bridge between the first arc and the next, acting as a nice eulogy to Earl Tubbs. It also gives a great look into why Coach Boss is such a hard ass, as well as showing the scope of this small county. Highly recommended.

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Southern Bastards #8

Mar 31, 2015

Southern Bastards‘ second arc comes to an end, and all I can say is, “bring on the next!” Having an intense, yet dramatic tempo, this culminative chapter of Gridiron is bound to astound, with it's teasing towards the future leaving this fanboy pumped.

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Southern Bastards #17

Aug 15, 2017

Southern Bastards #17 is a reminder of just how good this book can be, which is much needed following its lengthy delay. Giving us some fabulous developments, the creative team continue to show just how far Coach Boss is willing to go to keep his team on top, with there being more than a few unexpected twists along the way.

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Southern Cross #1

Mar 10, 2015

Southern Cross #1 may not be the most exciting of opening issues, with the plot working at a rather slow pace. Nevertheless, the intriguing characteristics of protagonist, Alex Braith, and the mysterious overtone certainly make this a series that I'll return to, and one that should be given a try.

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Southern Cross #2

Apr 8, 2015

Southern Cross continues to be a rather average series, as though there's a lot that intrigues about this series, it doesn't quite reach it's full potential. The lack of atmosphere also makes it hard to immerse yourself into this story, and though the mystery is captivating, it's not quite enough to override this. It's this that makes it hard to recommend this comic, as though I'd love to say give this series a try, I can't quite bring myself to recommend this comic to anyone who missed out on #1.

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Space Riders #1

Mar 27, 2015

Space Riders is definitely a mini-series that readers should try, as though it won't be for everyone, it may very well surprise you. Having a strange, yet alluring narrative, this opening issue is a lot of fun, with the characters within allowing for a dramatic flair. The blistering art will also entice, with it feeling like a bad trip.

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Spider-Man (2016) #1

Feb 3, 2016

Spider-Man #1 is a solid start for the new ongoing to feature Miles Morales, with there being plenty to leave readers returning for more. There would also be some thrilling developments as despite this feeling like a familiar narrative, it does more than enough to introduce Miles to the All-New All-Different Marvel.

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Spider-Men II #1

Jul 12, 2017

Spider-Men II #1 is a solid start to this latest crossover series, as despite not being anything special, it leaves us with plenty to ponder over. It also gives us a fun exchange between the two Spider-Men, with their personalities clashing a little more this time around.

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Spider-Men II #2

Aug 16, 2017

Spider-Men II #2 may be light on answers, but that doesn't stop it from being a solid continuation to this latest team-up. Building off the fun dynamic that our wall-crawlers share, the creative team give us more than enough to ponder over as we await the next instalment, with the addition of a familiar face sure to please readers.

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Spider-Men II #3

Sep 22, 2017

Spider-Men II #3 does give us some much needed background on the “other” Miles Morales. Unfortunately the creative team fail to give us any real progression due to this, taking what should have been a brief flashback into an entire issue. Despite this there are some intriguing factors that come from this, with the mini-series as a whole still having time to turn things around.

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Spiritus #1

Jan 17, 2016

Spiritus #1 is an amazing introductory issue, with the premise that Daniel and Kennedy produce being enthralling to say the least. This is all built upon with some impressive development, as although there is room for improvement, we are given an opening issue that will surely leave readers returning for more. So be sure to look for it on your comic book stands this summer.

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Splinter Cell: Echoes #1

Jul 1, 2014

Splinter Cell: Echoes gets off to a decent start and fans of the hit video game franchise are sure to love this. Recommended.

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Splinter Cell: Echoes #2

Aug 6, 2014

Splinter Cell: Echoes takes things up a notch with this intense thriller proving both exciting and mysterious. Highly recommended.

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Splinter Cell: Echoes #3

Sep 9, 2014

Splinter Cell: Echoes continues to entice as it enters it's penultimate issue, leading into the conclusion very nicely. Highly recommended.

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Splinter Cell: Echoes #4

Sep 23, 2014

Splinter Cell: Echoes comes to an astonishing climax, with the four part mini proving to be one of the better video game comics. Highly recommended.

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Spread #1

Jul 8, 2014

Spread gets off to a wonderful start being a fresh and unique take on the post-apocalyptic concept. Highly recommended.

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Spread #2

Aug 6, 2014

Spread continues to". well spread, with the intense story, and wonderful character development making it a series that's easily loveable, gore and all. Highly recommended.

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Spread #3

Sep 9, 2014

Spread is the kind of fun post-apocalyptic series that you need to get, and is easily 2014′s answer to The Walking Dead. Highly recommended.

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Jul 6, 2016

SSB II is easily one of the funniest comics I have ever read, being a must have for fans of Eric Powell‘s work. Not only does it give us bold, outrageous comedy, but it also had a plot that was energetic and hilarious to say the least. Factor in the controversial addition of some familiar faces, and this is bound to leave you in stitches within minutes.

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Star Trek #29

Jan 29, 2014

This was a fantastic opening to the two part story and I for one can't wait to see how it concludes. Recommended.

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Star Trek #30

Feb 25, 2014

Parallel Lives has been a fun mini-story, but overall the lack of time has severely affected this story. It is however still an enjoyable read and I recommend it to any Star Trek fan.

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Star Trek #31

Mar 12, 2014

I Enterprise gets of to a decent start, as despite yet another slow start the narration and exciting finish made this a joy to read. Recommended.

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Star Trek #32

Apr 22, 2014

I Enterprise looked to be a very intriguing story but quickly turned into a very mediocre one that felt a bit short. It still however is good enough to merit a recommendation.

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Star Trek #33

May 27, 2014

Star Trek jumps into a brand new story with the Enterprise getting involved in matters that appear to relate to the 1969 Moon Landing. This intriguing concept along with the brilliant dialogue make this a issue that I have to recommend as bar the lack of pace it was very enjoyable.

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Star Trek #34

Jun 10, 2014

Star Trek‘s latest tale comes to a slightly disappointing conclusion as though we got some excitement as well as in-depth development the abrupt ending took away all the energy that the story had set-up prior. Still however it did enough to merit a recommendation as most of the story was interesting.

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Star Trek #35

Jul 8, 2014

Star Trek really ups it's game with The Q Gambit so far proving to be the Star Trek event of the year. Highly recommended.

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Star Trek #36

Aug 12, 2014

Tony Shasteen also continues to do a stellar job of the artwork, as though his inks make some of the smaller panels a little jarring, the majority of the issue is stunning. The depth of field in his layouts, coupled with the character likeness once again captivates, bringing more charm to the story. Shasteen also at times gives us intense facial expressions, as though the sharp inks I previously mentioned makes some a little unsettling, there are also some that really make the story come to life. Capping things off Shasteen also produces vivid colours, with them giving great tone to the story.

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Star Trek #38

Nov 12, 2014

Star Trek #38 is yet another exciting entry into The Q Gambit, with the addition of new characters, and the slightly surprising developments allowing for a suspenseful tone. It's narrative is also rich with intensity, with the character interaction being very dramatic. Highly recommended.

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Star Trek #40

Jan 13, 2015

The Q Gambit comes to a fabulous end, and though my mind wavers when thinking how the series will follow this great tale, it doesn't take away from the brilliant finale. Recommended.

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Star Trek #41

Feb 11, 2015

Star Trek #41 sees the start of a new tale, and though I feared that a return to two part stories was a step in the wrong direction, the suspenseful narrative has proven otherwise. Having some wonderful character interaction, and intriguing developments, Behemoth shows great promise, and I can only hope it lives up to it.

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Star Trek #43

Mar 10, 2015

Star Trek #43 is the perfect remedy following a poor issue, as though there's still another two parts to prove whether it's a worthy story, this opening chapter certainly does enough to entice this Trekkie. The character of Eurydice also captivates, with her mysterious goals more than alluring.

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Star Trek #45

May 12, 2015

Star Trek #45 may not be perfect, but it is nonetheless entertaining. Showing wonderful drama, and great intensity, this is the kind of Star Trek tale we need. It's just a shame that the series is plagued with somewhat rushed endings.

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Star Trek #49

Sep 15, 2015

Star Trek #49 once again reminds us why we need this comic book expansion, as despite the early flaws within this series, the last year has seen it grow and grow in quality. Bringing Deity to a gripping conclusion, the creative team build our hopes heading into the celebratory 50th issue, with there definitely being a lot to live up to.

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Star Trek #50

Oct 21, 2015

Star Trek #50 was a sensational celebratory issue, setting up what is sure to be an excellent story arc. Giving us the return of a familiar foe, as well as a rather intriguing twist, the creators certainly build excitement. Let's just hope the next fifty issues are as good.

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Star Trek #51

Nov 18, 2015

Star Trek #51 was yet another amazing entry in this ongoing series, with the work the creative team has produced over the last year being simply amazing. The issue also sets up what will hopefully be a thrilling conclusion to the current story, as we are left with a gripping climax.

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Star Trek #53

Jan 12, 2016

Star Trek #53 launches a brand new story for the crew of the Enterprise, with their rendezvous with the U.S.S. Tereshkova resulting in a rather dramatic twist. This is all given wonderful background and if the concluding chapter of this two-part story reflects the quality of this issue, we are sure to be in for a treat.

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Star Trek #54

Feb 26, 2016

Star Trek #54 brought “Reunion”to a fitting conclusions, as though it wasn't quite as impressive as the opening chapter, it would give us some entertaining developments. The creative team would also give more depth to Gaila and Kai as characters, with the story as a whole being one of the best two-part tales the series has produced.

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Star Trek #55

Mar 8, 2016

Star Trek #55 marks the start of a new and important arc for the ongoing series, acting as a fitting tribute to the late Leonard Nimoy, whilst also taking the older Spock character in a bold new direction. Add to this some intriguing development elsewhere, and you're left with a product that is sure to get better as it moves forward, even if this issue lacked that extra level of tension and drama.

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Star Trek / Planet of the Apes #1

Dec 30, 2014

Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive gets off to a great start, as though it fails to show it's crossover potential, plot wise it's heading in the right direction. Recommended.

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Star Trek / Planet of the Apes #3

Mar 4, 2015

Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive continues to be a fun crossover, as though there are some parts of this tale that feel like an afterthought, the tempo, and engaging dialogue certainly entices. The action also evokes excitement, with these classic characters being treated with respect at all times.

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Star Trek / Planet of the Apes #5

Apr 8, 2015

Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive #5 may not have been the ending fans deserved, but his shouldn't deter fans that have followed this series since #1. It isn't however a comic for readers that are considering getting the story as a whole, as for that I'd recommend the trade paperback, or even hunting down a copy of #1.

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Star Trek TNG: Mirror Broken #3

Aug 17, 2017

Star Trek: The Next Generation – Mirror Broken #3 is the best issue in the mini-series to date, with the creative team really stepping up their game. Between the meticulous timing of the various twists and overall dramatic atmosphere, we are given a product that is dripping with potential, giving us plenty of reason to return for more.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #2

Aug 11, 2015

Star Trek/Green Lantern continues to capture the imagination, with the narrative bringing together the two series in an exciting manner. It also teases greater potential, with the final moments leaving this reader more than excited about the next issue.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #3

Sep 8, 2015

Star Trek/Green Lantern #3 gives us some intriguing developments, and with the introduction of the other Lanterns, we are finally starting to get a more rounded crossover. We also get a few mysterious twists with some revelations that are sure to transcend this from good, to sheer awesome.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #6

Dec 8, 2015

Star Trek/Green Lantern #6 is an astonishing conclusion to this magnificent crossover, giving fans of both franchises exactly what they deserved. It also gave us some thrilling action, with a climax that is sure to put a smile on your face.

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Star Trek: Boldly Go #10

Jul 25, 2017

Star Trek: Boldly Go #10 is simply a fun comic, with the series as a whole being an enjoyable continuation of Beyond. Expanding on a lifeform we barely saw in the movie, the creative team deliver a narrative that has tons of depth, whilst not skimping in the entertainment department.

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Star Trek: City On The Edge Of Forever #1

Jun 17, 2014

IDW's adaptation of Harlan Ellison's original teleplay for Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Tomorrow gets off to a fabulous start as though it's too early to tell if this is a superior version than what aired it's certainly for the moment on par. Highly recommended.

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Star Trek: City On The Edge Of Forever #2

Jul 22, 2014

Harlan Ellison's original teleplay for Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Tomorrow is proving much more enthralling than the aired version with Woodward's art giving a visually stunning look. Highly recommended.

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Star Trek: City On The Edge Of Forever #3

Aug 27, 2014

Harlan Ellison's original teleplay for Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Tomorrow continues to impress, as though this installment doesn't outshine the aired section of this tale, it's still topping it in the long run. Recommended.

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Star Trek: City On The Edge Of Forever #4

Sep 24, 2014

This entry may not have surpassed the aired version, but nevertheless it's still awesome seeing Harlan Ellison's original teleplay for Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Tomorrow. Highly recommended.

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Star Trek: City On The Edge Of Forever #5

Nov 12, 2014

Despite ending in a rather underwhelming fashion, this concluding entry into Harlan Ellison's original teleplay for Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Tomorrow proves enticing as ever, with the series as a whole being a huge success. Highly recommended.

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Star Trek: Khan #5

Feb 25, 2014

Star Trek: Khan #5 is a fitting end to Khan's origin, as despite there being some missed opportunities it showed the powerful presence and depth of this enigmatic character perfectly. Recommended.

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Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #1

Apr 22, 2016

Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #1 was exactly the start I hoped for from this mini-series, with the creative team building to this conflict in an engaging manner. Add to this the smart dialogue and gripping cliffhanger, and I see no reason why readers won't be returning for more.

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Star Trek: New Visions #1

May 13, 2014

Star Trek: New Visions is a unique and interesting way of following up on classic episodes. Highly recommended.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 15, 2015

Marvel aren't messing around, getting their first Star Wars series off to an amazing start. Capturing the energy of the films, whilst also delivering dialogue that's befitting the characters, you'll feel like this was meant to be apart of the Star Wars mythos, and if the other series are like this, I say: “bring them on!” Highly recommended.

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Star Wars (2014) #2

Feb 5, 2015

Star Wars continues to be a must read for fans of the franchise, with the exciting action, and wonderful character likeness (both visually and scripted) astounding. The dramatic plot, and gripping exchange of dialogue also proves captivating, making this a comic well worth picking up.

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Star Wars (2014) #3

Mar 11, 2015

Star Wars continues to be a must read, as whether you've been a fan of the franchise for a long time, or just now getting introduced, this series will leave you longing for more. Having a dramatic tone, and exciting events, this third issue is more than entertaining, being a fitting continuation to A New Hope.

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Star Wars (2014) #5

May 20, 2015

Star Wars #5 is an awesome continuation to the best Star Wars comic yet. Having some gripping developments, that set up future events nicely, it's hard not to marvel at this universe.

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Star Wars (2014) #6

Jun 3, 2015

Star Wars continues to be one of the best comics on the stands today, with the magic within these tales only getting me more excited for the new film. Giving great development to the main plots, with an exciting battle between Luke and Boba Fett, this issue is bound to entice, with the final moments being a great teaser leading into the next issue.

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Star Wars (2014) #7

Jul 30, 2015

Star Wars #7 is just what I was hoping for, with the one-shot tale acting as a wonderful pit-stop for this exciting series. Showing Obi-Wan Kenobi at a time of inner conflict, the issue shows how the wise Jedi adjusts to his time in seclusion, with the compelling events within testing his moral in a bold and engrossing manner.

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Star Wars (2014) #8

Aug 19, 2015

Star Wars #8 is a fresh new entry point to the galaxy far, far away, with the creators giving a enthralling continuation to recent events, whilst making it inviting to new readers. It also leaves us with a few questions as we enter the next issue, with it most definitely being a must have for fans of this sci-fi phenomenon.

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Star Wars (2014) #9

Sep 16, 2015

Star Wars #9 may very well be the best issue in the series to date, as between the bold developments and exciting tempo, the creative team have delivered something that has shaken the galaxy far, far away (in a good way). They also leave us a lot to speculate heading into the next chapter, as our main characters aren't out of the woods yet.

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Star Wars (2014) #10

Oct 8, 2015

Star Wars #10 reminds us just why it's the best year to be a Star Wars fan, as despite the upcoming release of The Force Awakens, you have this amazing comic to look forward to. Giving us a gripping series of developments this issue certainly raises the tempo for things to come, with Vader Down having a lot to live up to.

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Star Wars (2014) #11

Nov 4, 2015

Star Wars #11 was yet another amazing entry into this comic book expansion, with it reminding us just why we need such a story. Generating wonderful energy, as well as fabulous emotion, the creative team more than grabbed our attention, and I can only hope that Vader Down matches this, if not betters it.

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Star Wars (2014) #12

Nov 20, 2015

Star Wars #12 is yet another sensational entry in this fantastic expansion series, as despite certain aspects not quite feeling right, the overall tone was truly gripping. It also sets up crossover event, Vader Down, in a marvellous fashion, building further upon the canon.

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Star Wars (2014) #13

Dec 3, 2015

Star Wars #13 was yet another amazing entry in Vader Down, with the crossover being one of the best comic book stories from the galaxy far, far away. Not only does it set-up the next instalment beautifully, but it also gives us some thrilling developments, with there being plenty of action and excitement along the way.

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Star Wars (2014) #14

Jan 7, 2016

Star Wars #14 was yet another tremendous entry in this fabulous ongoing series, setting up the final chapter of the Vader Down crossover beautifully. Delivering enticing action as well as gripping twists the creators more than kept us hooked, and despite feeling a little muddled at times, it still comes recommended.

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Star Wars (2014) #15

Jan 19, 2016

Star Wars #15 gave us yet another amazing tale featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi, and although it may be a while before we see the next part of this saga, it remains a thrilling addition between arcs. The creative team behind this one-shot tale also gave us some thrilling twists, with some elements leaving a lot to speculate over.

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Star Wars (2014) #16

Feb 19, 2016

Star Wars #16 gets the latest arc off to a stellar start, as despite not being the most engaging off issues, it would give us some tense developments. It would also act as a brilliant companion to the events of Darth Vader #16, with Aphra's imprisonment making it potentially easier or harder for Vader to find her.

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Star Wars (2014) #21

Jul 22, 2016

Star Wars #21 gets “The Last Flight of the Harbinger” of to a solid start, as despite not being quite what I expected, it was an interesting read nonetheless. Add to this the mysterious elements and the fact we have a Stormtrooper wielding a lightsaber and I'm sure this story is only going to get better over time.

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Star Wars (2014) #32

Jun 14, 2017

Star Wars #32 does a wonderful job of setting up the final part of this amazing crossover, as despite not being quite as epic as I was hoping for, it was captivating nonetheless. The various developments throughout this penultimate chapter also leave us plenty to look forward to heading into Doctor Aphra #8, with the final page sure to excite.

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Star Wars (2014) #33

Jul 6, 2017

Star Wars #33 is easily one of the more unique entries since the series began back in 2015, as despite the style not appealing to me personally, the content more than makes up. The way the creative team explore the connection and past of both Skywalker twins also helps to make up for the issue's shortfalls, with the final tease giving us plenty to ponder over as we await the next issue.

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Star Wars (2014) #34

Aug 17, 2017

Star Wars #34 isnt likely to go down as a memorable comic, but nevertheless it is a fun standalone issue. Delivering a unique narrative involving Sansa and Lando, the creative team shine the spotlight on a different region of the galaxy far, far away, with its simplicity being rather alluring.

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Star Wars (2014) #35

Sep 1, 2017

Star Wars #35 isn't bad, but it is ultimately rather forgettable. Giving us an intriguing concept involving Han Solo smuggling Grakkus the Hutt, the creative team does deliver some impressive moments. It's just unfortunate that the one-shot nature of this tale prevents it from fleshing out into a gripping narrative.

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Star Wars (2014) Annual #1

Dec 10, 2015

Star Wars Annual #1 may not appeal to everyone's, but one thing it does is expand on the galaxy far, far away in a bold and intriguing manner. That said I wouldn't recommend this to fans looking to get into Marvel‘s Star Wars comics, but would definitely urge long term fans of the franchise to give this a try.

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Star Wars (2014): Vader Down #1

Nov 20, 2015

Vader Down #1 ultimately did what it needed to, setting up what is sure to be an amazing crossover arc. That said I did feel that it could've been merged with Darth Vader #13, acting as a prologue for the main narrative.

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Star Wars Adventures #1

Sep 5, 2017

Star Wars Adventures #1 isn't your typical comic to feature the galaxy far, far away, but it is still a fun all ages series. Delivering two vastly different stories, that are entertaining in their own right, the creative team do a fabulous job of showcasing what this comic is all about, giving us more than enough reason to return for more.

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Star Wars Special: C-3PO #1

Apr 14, 2016

C-3PO #1 was a wonderful look into the protocols time prior to The Force Awakens, answering the question of how he got his red arm in a touching manner. It also gave us some bold character interaction, as despite the main mission being a little dull in itself, the narrative as a whole was simply astonishing.

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Star Wars: Chewbacca #1

Oct 15, 2015

Chewbacca #1 was a decent start for the beloved character, as despite there being some room for improvement, the creative team manage to produce a product that urges us to read more. So make sure to pick this up from your local comic book store, as it comes recommended.

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Star Wars: Chewbacca #2

Oct 30, 2015

Chewbacca #2 was a solid continuation to this latest Star Wars mini-series, with the creative team creating a great balance between excitement and drama. They also continue to capture the tone of this Wookie perfectly, as Chewbacca becomes the hero we all know and love.

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Star Wars: Chewbacca #3

Nov 12, 2015

Chewbacca #3 was yet another strong entry for this mini-series, as despite it not being anything special, it allows our Wookiee friend to stand in the spotlight. This issue in particular also gave us some intriguing twists near the end, with there being the potential for something much bigger as we enter the final two issues.

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Star Wars: Chewbacca #4

Nov 26, 2015

Chewbacca #4 is easily the best entry in the series to date, setting up a potentially thrilling finale whilst giving us explosive action at the same time. It also gives us some clever plot twists with Chewie and his new companions using a rather sly plan to get close to Jaum.

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Star Wars: Chewbacca #5

Dec 31, 2015

Chewbacca #5 may not be perfect, but it definitely brings this warm, exciting story to a fitting conclusion. It also gives some intriguing insight into the character's role in the Rebellion and just why it is so important to him.

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Star Wars: Darth Maul #4

Jun 22, 2017

Darth Maul #4 does an amazing job of setting up this mini-series' finale, with the fast pace and intense dialogue generating tremendous atmosphere throughout. The creative team also continue to tease a revolt from Maul's bounty hunter entourage, with the character development as a whole being a huge positive in this narrative.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 10, 2015

Marvel launch yet another successful Star Wars title, with Darth Vader #1 showing the characters fearsome presence, whilst at the same time showing signs of an intriguing plot. It also showcases some phenomenal artwork, and though there may be the odd factor that frustrates, the issue leaves me more than eager to return for more.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #2

Feb 25, 2015

Darth Vader #2 is a solid second entry into this new ongoing, as though it's the weakest in Marvel‘s Star Wars line so far, there are still a lot of positives to take away. The main being the tension between Vader and Tagge, with Vader's dominance shining even in these darker moments.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #3

Mar 24, 2015

Darth Vader #3 does a wonderful job of developing on it's already intriguing plot, with the introduction of Doctor Aphra and Triple Zero allowing this tale to diverge further from the normal Star Wars pattern. The mixture of personalities also allows for great balance, with certain areas of some being more joyful than the others.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #4

Apr 9, 2015

Darth Vader #4is easily the best the series has produced so far. Despite the overall plot development being rather short, the character insight, and fun dialogue more than excites. The artwork also allows for a smooth, palatable insight into theDark Lord'sworld. So if you're aStar Warsfan and not getting this, all I can ask is: why?

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #5

May 12, 2015

Darth Vader #5 may have been a little too quick of pace at times, with some moments not quite living up to their full potential, but that didn't stop it from astounding. Giving yet more depth to Darth Vader's character, building upon his elaborate characteristics, this issue did a lot to move the story forward, with the closing moments leaving me excited heading into #8.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #6

Jun 3, 2015

Darth Vader #6 may have been a tale of two halves, but it was most definitely the positives that shone through most. Giving an emotionally driven look into Vader's psyche, with great tension between this Sith Lord and his master, the creative team certainly build energy, leaving this fan hungry for more.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #7

Jun 30, 2015

Darth Vader #7 is yet another fabulous entry into the Sith's solo outing, giving yet more depth to his character. It also manages to interconnect the developments with that of the main Star Wars series, giving a more rounded flow to the cannon. This is all garnished with some wonderful teasers that have this fan excited for the next outing.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #8

Aug 7, 2015

Darth Vader continues to be a worthy addition to anyone's pull,with the galaxy far, far away getting handled with great care and attention to detail. This particular issue also gives us great development, with Aphra becoming a more likeable character.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #9

Sep 9, 2015

Darth Vader is a comic that any Star Wars fan should have on their pull, as despite the ups and downs, this series remains a treat, giving us a fantastic insight into this Dark Lord. This issue only expands on that, as despite dropping ever so slightly in quality, it makes up for this in speculation.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #10

Oct 8, 2015

Darth Vader #10 is yet another solid entry into the series, as although things have slowed down a bit on the Vader side of this comic in the build-up to Vader Down, we've certainly had plenty of intriguing developments elsewhere. We also get a rather symbolic twist within this entry, as the creators delve deeper into the Star Wars mythos.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #11

Oct 23, 2015

Darth Vader #11 is one of the best entries in the series to date, surpassing the recent entries by miles. Giving an engaging, yet exciting narrative, the creative team more than grabbed this reader's attention, with the build-up to Vader Down being all the more intense.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #12

Nov 12, 2015

Darth Vader #12 may not have been on the same level as the last issue, but it was still a decentconclusion to the second arc. It also sets Vader Down up beautifully, as we question just what will happen to the Sith Lord next.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #13

Nov 26, 2015

Darth Vader #13 is a brilliant continuation of the Vader Down crossover, giving us a thrilling narrative that builds upon the plotline that was introduced to us in last week's one-shot. The creative team also left us with some gripping twists, leaving us a tantalising cliffhanger as we wait for Star Wars #13.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #14

Dec 24, 2015

Darth Vader #14 is quite possibly the best chapter of Vader Down so far, with the crossover as a whole only moving from strength to strength. Giving us some thrilling action, engaging dialogue and some dramatic twists, the creators definitely set-up the next chapter beautifully, leaving me more than eager to continue with this story.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #15

Jan 7, 2016

Darth Vader #15 brings the explosive Vader Down crossover to a fitting conclusion, with the creative team giving us plenty of enticing developments along the way. This is however hindered slightly by a slow ending, that seems more focused on tying up loose ends than giving us something dramatic.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual #1

Dec 16, 2015

Darth Vader Annual #1 is yet another solid one-shot tale, with Vader's mission to remind the galaxy of the Empire's might. Despite the pacing being rather quick, it also gives some symbolic moments as well as the odd bit of light humour, making it a good place for new readers to jump on.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #1

Jun 8, 2017

Darth Vader #1 gets Marvel‘s latest Star Wars series off to a terrific start. Giving us an intriguing narrative set after the events of Revenge of the Sith, the creative team do an amazing job of grabbing our excitement, even if the developments felt a little sparse in comparison to the $4.99 cover price.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #2

Jun 21, 2017

Darth Vader #2 may not move this story forward too much, but it nevertheless gives us some exciting developments. It also highlights Vader's position in this new Empire perfectly, leaving a clear path for the former Jedi Master moving forward.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #3

Jul 12, 2017

Darth Vader #3 is an excellent turning point for our Sith's first mission, showing that the former Jedi Knight has a lot still to learn. Throughout this not only do we get an interesting introduction to Kirak Infil'a, but we also see that Vader's confidence may be one of his major weaknesses.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #4

Aug 4, 2017

Darth Vader #4 continues to build our Sith apprentice, with his journey to obtain his own lightsaber leading to some interesting, albeit predictable twists. Nevertheless the creative team fashion yet another thrilling turn of events, with the new direction Vader goes in to obtain his goal allowing the story to stay fresh.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #7

May 31, 2017

Doctor Aphra #7 was yet another fantastic entry in Marvel's latest Star Wars crossover, with "The Screaming Citadel" shaping up to be a fantastic tale. Not only does this third chapter give us some surprising, and not so surprising, twists, but it also continues to build upon this unique narrative nicely.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #8

Jun 28, 2017

Doctor Aphra #8 brings "The Screaming Citadel" to a fitting conclusion, with there being plenty of action throughout. Despite some of the developments feeling rather sudden, the dynamic tempo and spiritual nature of the issue more than make up for this, with the creative team concluding proceedings with a massive teaser.

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Star Wars: Han Solo #1

Jun 17, 2016

Han Solo #1 is quite possibly my favourite opening issue from a Star Wars mini-series since the House of Ideas took back the franchise. Not only did it capture the tone of the character and world perfectly, but it gave us an engaging premise that is bound to get better as the issues roll out.

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Star Wars: Han Solo #2

Jul 8, 2016

Han Solo #2 wasn't quite as impressive as the first issue, but still an enjoyable read. Moving the Dragon Void race forward in an engaging fashion, the creative team gave us plenty to get excited about. Unfortunately this was dampened slightly by a semi-predictable ending that lacked the proper focus and depth.

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Star Wars: Kanan #1

Apr 1, 2015

Kanan: The Last Padawan #1 is a decent start to this new Star Wars tale, and though it's bound to garner less attention than it's original trilogy counterparts, it shows real promise in the long run. Unfortunately this opening issue didn't quite astound, and though it's enough to have this fanboy returning, I doubt it will win over the masses quite as easily.

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Star Wars: Kanan #2

May 6, 2015

The events of Kanan: The Last Padawan #2 sets the stage for things to come nicely, as though the tempo and overall quality isn't that different from the average opening issue, there's still a lot to love about this issue. I'd also urge fans that haven't viewed Star Wars: Rebels to check this out, as it's extremely new reader friendly.

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Star Wars: Kanan #3

Jun 11, 2015

Kanan: The Last Padawan #3 is an astonishing issue, and easily the best in the series to date. Giving a fabulous continuation to Caleb's story, we start to see how he became Kanan. Add in the exciting narrative and gripping cliffhanger, and we're left with an end product that's bound to leave you wanting more.

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Star Wars: Kanan #4

Jul 22, 2015

Kanan: The Last Padawan #4 was yet another fabulous entry into this fun series, setting up the conclusion perfectly. Having great depth, plenty of fun and an exciting tempo, this penultimate issue more than impressed, and will surely leave Star Wars fans satisfied.

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Star Wars: Kanan #5

Aug 19, 2015

Kanan: The Last Padawan #5 is just the conclusion I was hoping for with this first arc, and with the series about to drop its subtitle, this may very well be the last time we see the Jedi known as Caleb. That being said, the creative team handle the transition perfectly, leaving us eager to see where Kanan goes from here.

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Star Wars: Kanan #6

Sep 23, 2015

Kanan #6 marks a bold new direction for the series, as having already seen how Kanan went from Caleb to rebel, we are now starting to see how this reflects on the present. This is all mixed in with some intriguing flashbacks, with a climax that leads us into the next arc in a tantalising manner.

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Star Wars: Kanan #7

Oct 30, 2015

Kanan: The Last Padawan #7 was an interesting new direction for the comics, as despite failing to capture my excitement, it does allow for a promising twist to the narrative. So by all means pick this up, but if you've not tried the series before, this may not be the best one to start with.

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Star Wars: Kanan #9

Dec 18, 2015

Kanan #9 is yet another fantastic installment to this fun Star Wars: Rebels prequel, as despite the story getting off to a rather poor start, it has definitely found its feet over the course of these last couple of issues. It also gives us plenty to look forward to as we move into the next chapter, and all I hope is that it at least maintains this pace moving forward.

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Star Wars: Lando #1

Jul 7, 2015

Lando #1 is a great start for Marvel's latest Star Wars series, as though there's a lot of work to be done before the die can be cast on it's overall performance, it's certainly heading in the right direction. Despite it's slow pace, it gives a wonderful premise, being inviting to fans both old and new.

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Star Wars: Lando #2

Aug 12, 2015

Lando #2 takes the premise that was created during the first issue and takes it to new levels. Between the perfect characterisation and energetic narrative, the creators give Star Wars fans something to be proud of, whilst giving great teasers to the mini-series' future.

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Star Wars: Lando #3

Aug 26, 2015

Lando continues to be an astounding mini-series, with the look into this bold character's past being sensational. This is all aided by a tantalising side plot, as the Emperor's bounty hunter draws closer to his prey. So be sure to pick this up at your local store, as whether you're a fan of the galaxy far, far away or not, you're bound to love this.

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Star Wars: Lando #4

Sep 16, 2015

Lando #4 once again proves why this is a mini-series for all Star Wars fans, as between the dramatic twists and exciting developments, it really helps build tension. It also leaves us quite a bit to ponder heading into the finale, with Lando having some tough decisions ahead of him.

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Star Wars: Lando #5

Oct 8, 2015

Lando #5 marks the end of yet another character driven mini-series and if Marvel continue to produce the same level of quality on the series' that follow I'm sure more and more Star Wars fans will find themselves shifting to this expanded part of the galaxy far, far away. So make sure to pick this up from you local comic book store, as it comes highly recommended.

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Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1

Jan 7, 2016

Obi-Wan & Anakin #1 gets the House of Ideas latest Star Wars mini off to a terrific start, as despite the tone feeling a little mixed, we are given a narrative that shows plenty of promise. The creators also give us a fabulous look into a more peaceful time for the galaxy far, far away, giving more depth to Anakin's overarching story.

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Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #2

Feb 5, 2016

Obi-Wan and Anakin #2 moves the story forward in an enticing manner, as despite there remaining a couple of aspects that I'm torn over, the product remains intriguing. This is probably best shown within young padawan, Anakin, with the creative team showing us signs of the Sith Lord he's destined to become.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #1

Mar 3, 2015

Princess Leia #1 continues to prove that Lucasfilms and Disney made the right choice in returning the franchise to Marvel, as though this was a factor that was always going to happen, I'm glad that it's not been so in vain. Despite this, there are some moments about this opening issue that didn't feel right, and I hope this is taken note of going forward.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #2

Mar 18, 2015

Princess Leia continues to be a wonderful addition to the Star Wars canon, as though it's not quite as captivating as the other two series (Star Wars and Darth Vader), it still brings joy to this fanboy. The wonderful character depth and interaction also makes it a series worth following, with the plot also continuing to entice.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #3

Apr 29, 2015

Princess Leia continues to be an interesting read, and a worthy addition to the Star Wars canon. It does however unfortunately suffer some plotting issues, which makes it hard to wholeheartedly recommend this. Thus I'd only do so to fans who are looking to get more froma galaxy far, far away. Otherwise leave it on the shelve.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #4

Jun 3, 2015

Though Princess Leia #4 isn't a terrible issue, I won't be sad to see the series disappear from my pull. Having a rather meager plot, that relies too heavily on the personality of it's main character, this penultimate chapter feels nothing more than a means to an end. It does however do a wonderful job of leading us into the finale, leaving me somewhat excited.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #5

Jun 30, 2015

Princess Leia #5 may not have been perfect, but it was still a fitting ending to this mini-series. Giving a strong representation of this Rebel leader, the creative team manage to end things on a high, with there being great depth and drama.

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Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1

Sep 9, 2015

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens " Shattered Empire #1 is just the comic to get us into the mood as we draw even closer to the next cinematic journey to the galaxy far, far away. Having an inviting narrative and intriguing premise it proves to be an unique take on this wonderful universe, being a must have for any Star Wars fan.

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Star Wars: Shattered Empire #2

Oct 9, 2015

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens " Shattered Empire #2 was a great continuation to an intriguing prequel, as we learn more of what happened following the events of Return of the Jedi, and how this will shape the events of The Force Awakens. This is all brought together by some intense twists, as despite not doing much for the time being, it sets up a rather promising second half.

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Star Wars: Shattered Empire #3

Oct 16, 2015

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens " Shattered Empire #3 gives us some wonderful developments, as despite leaving us little in the way of insight into the finale, it certainly helps build on the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book store, as no true Star Wars fan should be found without it.

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Star Wars: Shattered Empire #4

Oct 23, 2015

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens " Shattered Empire #4 is a fabulous conclusion to a sensational mini-series, with the events within leaving a lot open as we head into the next cinematic installment of this great franchise. We are also treated to an exciting foray with the wait between now and December being all the harder following this.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens #1

Jun 22, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Adaptation #1 is a sheer mess, capturing very little of what made the movie a huge success. Despite having the same premise and following the same plot line, the creative team move things forward at a too fast a pace, with there being no time to savour one particular development.

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Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde #1

Jul 23, 2015

Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde is probably one of the most entertaining entries in Battleworld, with this Secret Wars tie-in being a must have for fans of our adventurous hero. It also proves inviting to new fans, with the warm atmosphere sure to leave you returning for more.

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Starlight #1

Mar 4, 2014

Starlight is a fantastic entry in Millarworld, being a very deep and emotional tale of life and heartache. It also shows a previous life of action for our main character with the cliffhanger having me begging for more. Highly recommended.

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Starlight #2

Apr 1, 2014

Starlight continues to impress as though it drops the pace ever so slightly it does give a lot of background, also having a lot intriguing developments. Highly recommended.

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Starlight #3

May 13, 2014

Starlight continues to impress as though there wasn't a vast amount of development within this issue what the stuff we got was truly amazing. Highly recommended.

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Starlight #4

Jun 10, 2014

Starlight continues to be a must read for any Millarworld fan with the introduction of the Resistance giving a intriguing and promising future for the series. Highly recommended.

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Starlight #5

Aug 12, 2014

Starlight only has one issue left after this, and if this issues anything to go by, it appears it's going out in a bang. Highly recommended.

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Starlight #6

Oct 21, 2014

Starlight has been one of the best series Mark Millar has produced since starting up Millarworld, with it's simply plot and vast scope allowing it to be sensational. This finale only goes to strengthen these feelings, with the price increase being well worth it. Highly recommended.

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Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 #2

Sep 23, 2014

Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 continues to be the blend of steampunk and traditional sci-fi that fans of the two genres need, with it also being perfect for Battlestar fans. Highly recommended.

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Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 #3

Oct 21, 2014

Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 may only be four issue long, but so far the series has been amazing at every turn, with only one issue remaining. This issue also does a fabulous job of setting up the final chapter, and between the drama and action it comes highly recommended.

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Strayer #1

Jan 26, 2016

Strayer #1 is a brilliant new series from AfterShock, with the publisher delivering another outstanding new series. The creative team did a marvellous create a fascinating world, delivering an intriguing premise, and despite the art not appealing, the product as a whole was most definitely engaging.

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Street Fighter X G.I. JOE #1

Feb 26, 2016

Street Fighter x G.I. Goe #1 was a solid start to this latest crossover from IDW, capturing the world of Street Fighter in a fun, engaging manner. It would also give us some exciting battles between the World Warriors and the Real American Heroes, and though the story itself needs work, the premise is one I look forward to returning to.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #1

Aug 18, 2016

Suicide Squad #1 is a solid start for this new ongoing, as despite the briefness of the main narrative being a little frustrating, it more than does enough to leave me excited for the next issue. The back-up story also gives us a familiar look at Deadshot's past, integrating elements from the recent movie in a bold and unique manner.

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Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Aug 4, 2016

Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 isn't quite the start I was looking for, and given the poor critical response the movie is receiving, this comic needs to excel. That said, the creative team do show some promise, as between the visuals and some dramatic encounters, it is clear that there is plenty of potential.

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Sundowners #1

Aug 27, 2014

Sundowners gets of to an intriguing start, showing crazy notions that may not be all that crazy. Highly recommended.

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Sundowners #2

Sep 23, 2014

Sundowners continues to give an unique twist to the superhero genre, as though the issue isn't quite as interesting as the first, the final page will leave you begging for more. Highly recommended.

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Sundowners #3

Oct 28, 2014

Sundowners may not be as enthralling as it was during the opening issue, with the divide and conquer route leaving some questionable gaps. But the series nevertheless continues to be both clever and intriguing, leaving me eager to once again read more. Highly recommended.

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Sunstone (2014) #2

May 6, 2015

Sunstone is an enthralling series to say the least. Not only does it give us great character depth and beautiful emotion, but it also allows for a unique, yet vivid look into the BDSM community. Granted, it won't be for everyone but what I say is give it a try, as I'd be very much surprised if you weren't captivated by this world.

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Sunstone (2014) #3

Aug 23, 2015

Sunstone is a truly amazing series, with its engaging narrative and character depth making it a must have. It also gives a fun and unique take on the world of BDSM, with the creators clever use of the concept allowing this tale to be all the more alluring. So give it a try, as you're bound to find yourself looking for more.

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Sunstone (2014) #4

Feb 26, 2016

Sunstone continues to take the subject of BDSM and fashion it into a sleek, stylish and overall fun story, with the tale of Lisa and Ally being one that I find myself eager to return to. Simply put it is creative storytelling at its best, being a series that I'd gladly recommend to anyone looking for a fun, engaging read.

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Super Dinosaur (2011) #21

Jan 29, 2014

Super Dinosaur once again proved that it's a fun comic that will appeal to almost anyone. The issue also has some interesting developments and overall I fully recommend giving this issue a shot.

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Super Dinosaur (2011) #22

Feb 25, 2014

Super Dinosaur never fails to please, with this action packed issue being both fun and exciting. This along with the brilliant dialogue and gripping cliffhanger make this a must read comic for SD fans both past and present. Highly recommended.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Aug 1, 2013

A decent start to this new Spider-Man series, and although I personally still can't get to terms with Doc Ock as Spider-Man it was still a brilliant issue. I would highly recommend this issue to new fans, and old fans, and would also recommend it to people who have dropped Spider-Man following ASM#700, as the ending of this issue is enough to make this a worth while buy.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #2

Aug 2, 2013

This was a decent issue, but the series isn't winning me over so far. I'd only recommend this issue to die hard Spidey fans who don't want to miss an issue, but would still caution them. I'd also caution newer readers, as although some of them would like this issue, others wouldn't, and it's very much a fifty fifty gamble. I do however hope that this series gets better, and that Spider-Man is once more a brilliant series, even if it is Doc Ock.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #3

Aug 5, 2013

A bad issue followed by a good one. Although this series hasn't been consistent, and is far from perfect, it is finally heading in the right direction, and I hope it gets even better, as I am a huge Spidey fan and hate seeing him used poorly. I would recommend this issue, as it's really fun and a good place for newer readers to jump on.

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Superman (2011) #14

Dec 23, 2012

This was an amazing issue and a perfect way to start the Superman section of H'el on Earth. I would highly recommend this to everyone, and if you read Superboy or Supergirl I'd recommend trying out this issue, as it continues both series brilliantly. It's also a great starting point for new fans, and the perfect place for older fans who lost faith in the series prior to Lobdell joining returning. I for one am looking forward to seeing what H'el has in store for Superman, Supboy, and Supergirl in their respective series, and if this will come back to this series, like it did with this issue.

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Superman (2011) #15

Jul 19, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and although it doesn't progress the H'el on Earth storyline much it was still a fabulous issue. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the other issues of Superman, Lobdell's wrote, and am looking forward to the next part of H'el on Earth. Although you don't need to buy Superboy #15 to understand this issue, I'd still recommend it, as it shows why Superboy's wearing Superman's Kryptonian Armour, and was a decent comic in it's own right.

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Superman (2011) #23.3

Sep 23, 2013

This was a very poor issue that has taken away some of the excitement that I had for the upcoming Krypton Returns crossover. It did however have some amazing artwork by Jurgens, as well as a half decent story, though overall it didn't quite work with the Villains Month concept, focusing too much on Jor-El rather than H'el, also being more to much of a set-up issue. Given all this I'd not recommend getting this issue, and that only people who are going to get Krypton Returns should consider it.

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Superman (2011) #41

Jun 25, 2015

Superman #41 was much better than I initially thought it would be, as though not quite on par with the work Geoff Johns produced pre-Convergence, it's some of the most exciting moments I've seen in the current series. It does however have some questionable moments, but overall is one of the more impressive entries in Truth.

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Superman (2011) #42

Jul 30, 2015

Superman #42 may not be quite as impressive as recent entries in Truth, but that doesn't mean that it's terrible. Having some intriguing concepts, and an intense set of developments, this latest issue leaves us a lot to ponder, even if some aspects of this tale don't quite feel right.

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Superman (2011) #43

Aug 27, 2015

Superman continues to be a property that DC struggles to utilise properly, as despite Truth giving us some mesmerizing twists to the character's mythos, it fails to captivate on the level it needs to. This remains very true in the latest entry of the character's main series, with the revelations feeling a little too sudden, lacking shock or excitement.

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Superman (2011) #44

Oct 1, 2015

Superman #44 may give us an explosive conclusion to this Truth prelude, but at the end of the day it doesn't give us the same level of depth that we truly deserved, with the end result being what we already knew. That said it did have its moments, and is well worth picking up for fans of the character or those that have been following the story arc.

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Superman (2011) #51

Apr 8, 2016

Superman #51 is easily one of the stronger issues the series has delivered over the last couple of years, with the creative team promising a solid climax to the character's time in The New 52 era. Giving us a shocking, yet inviting premise, there is more than enough to leave readers returning for more.

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Superman (2011) #52

May 27, 2016

Superman #52 brings “The Last Days of Superman” to an emotional close, as despite knowing how things would end prior to this tale starting, it was still a touching moment. That said, the crossover as a whole did feel two issues too long with this finale have a sudden change in tempo.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 12, 2013

This was a brilliant start to the series, and although it didn't reach the level of quality I hoped it would, it did a brilliant job for an opening issue, showing tons of promise for the series's future. It also had some brilliant interaction, and some very exciting sequences, with the ending being the most exciting of them all. Due to all this I'd recommend giving this issue a try, as although overall it didn't hit the high mark, the ending is bound to grab your interest.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #19

Jul 15, 2015

Superman/Wonder Woman #19 is a huge step up from the disappointing entry we got last month, with the insertion of the Suicide Squad and focus on this power couple resulting in some exciting moments. It also leaves on a high, with Superman's actions having me more excited for the future of Truth.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #20

Aug 20, 2015

Superman/Wonder Woman #20 is yet another mesmerizing addition to the power couple's narrative, with the creative team giving us a intense series of developments. This is also accompanied by wonderful mystery, with there being a few unanswered questions left to answer as we head into the next installment.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #21

Sep 17, 2015

Superman/Wonder Woman #21 marks the end of yet another part of Truth, and despite having a rather slow pace, it really gives depth to our titular characters' relationship moving forward. It also gives us yet more teasers towards Superman's future, with this being a title to look out for down the line.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #28

Apr 28, 2016

Superman/Wonder Woman #28 moves “Super League” forward in a bold manner, with the creative team giving us a powerful moment between the two characters. They also gave some solid developments with the “other”Superman, though this unfortunately ended rather abruptly.

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Superman Unchained #1

Sep 9, 2013

This was an epic start to what will hopefully be a fantastic series. It had everything from action, to mystery, with even a bit of fun, and humour. All this along with the introduction of a mysterious blue creature made this a very memorable opening issue, and I for one can't wait to see how Snyder, and Lee will continue this. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this to anyone, as although there have been a few good Superman stories in the New 52, we've finally got the Superman series we deserve.

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Superman Unchained #2

Sep 10, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and the series is certainly looking good. It was however slightly slow in places spending too much time developing things, and although that will help the story as a whole, it doesn't help this issue much. The issue did however have some interesting, and exciting action, as well as an appearance from Batman, and the developments have me intrigued as to what will come next. I would highly recommend this issue, as although it's slightly slow it is shaping up to be one of the best Superman stories in the New 52 so far, if not the best.

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Superman Unchained #3

Sep 12, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and better than last issue. It had amazing development, and action, as well as great drama, and outstanding dialogue. It also had a bit of mystery to it, with some suspense, and tons of excitement. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and am really looking forward to the next one.

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Superman: Doomed #1

May 15, 2014

Superman: Doomed is a decent start to the crossover with some explosive events. It does however end rather suddenly and fail to give any speculative hint towards the crossovers future. It still however gets a recommendation from me.

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Superman: Doomed #2

Sep 25, 2014

Superman: Doomed #2 end the event on an emotionally dramatic high, as though I question whether the event as a whole is worth recommending, this issue most certainly is. Recommended

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Superman: Secret Origin #1

Sep 10, 2013

This was a very good story, and a fun re-telling of Superman's origins. It did however have a few problems that affected the overall quality, and rating, but it was still a very interesting read. It also had plenty of humour, and emotion, with brilliant dialogue, and amazing artwork. There was also some decent action, and although it wasn't the best action ever, it was entertaining, and amazing to look at. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this story, as even with it's flaws it's an outstanding story, and well worth the read, whether you're a Superman fan or not.

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Supreme: Blue Rose #1

Jul 23, 2014

Supreme: Blue Rose is exactly what is needed for these characters being a brilliant re-invigoration for the characters that Rob Leifeld created and Alan Moore defined. Highly recommended.

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Supreme: Blue Rose #2

Aug 19, 2014

Supreme: Blue Rose continues to intrigue, as though there may have been a little too much going on, it does have me enticed for more. Highly recommended.

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Supreme: Blue Rose #3

Sep 16, 2014

Supreme: Blue Rose continues to be a must read for this fanboy, as though there are times where it feels a little too crazy, the wacky style of this story has me firmly hooked for future issues. Highly recommended.

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Supreme: Blue Rose #4

Oct 14, 2014

Supreme: Blue Rose continues to be an enticing story, with the developments being very intriguing to say the least. The creative flair of both Ellis and Lotay also makes this a series worth returning to, as though Ellis' other series, Trees, isn't amazing, this most certainly is. Highly recommended.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #15

Dec 24, 2012

Although slightly poorer than the last issue this was still a very good issue and the story has been brilliant. I would recommend this to anyone who's a fan of Swamp Thing or the series so far. I would also recommend this issue to newer readers but not on it's own. You'd need to buy issues 13 and 14 to appreciate the story.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #16

Aug 1, 2013

A tremendously good issue, and the best in the Green Kingdom part of Rotworld so far. I would highly recommend it, as it is full of suspense, and drama, and I am really looking forward to the two part conclusion next month.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #17

Aug 5, 2013

This was a decent end to the Rotworld crossover, but was still disappointing. I wouldn't recommend it to newer readers, as it would give you a bad image of the series, which is brilliant, so I'd recommend them waiting till the next issue, or even the issue after that when there's a new writer meaning a fresh start. I'd still however recommend the series overall to newer readers, and would also recommend this issue to anyone who's been following the series, or Rotworld already.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #18

Aug 7, 2013

A brilliant ending, to a fabulous run. This was probably the most emotional issue in the series so far, and in my opinion the best. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the entire series, and am looking forward to seeing what Soule, and Kano do with the series.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #19

Sep 4, 2013

This was a brilliant start for the new creative team, but it still wasn't quite as good as the work Snyder, and Paquette produced on the series, but it's still early days, and I'm sure Soule, and Kano will become a brilliant team. This issue was very interesting, and although it wasn't as fun as it could have been, it did show some fun elements, which was nice, as mostly Swamp Thing is a dark story, wit ton's of emotion (although this still had emotion). I would easily recommend this to both current Swamp Thing readers that are sceptical over the new creative teams, and new readers wondering if this story's a good jumping on point (which it is).

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Swamp Thing (2011) #23.1

Sep 23, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and one of the best Swamp Thing issues of recent months, as well as one of the best Villains Month issues so far. The story itself was very gory, also being slightly disturbing which suited the characters perfectly. The dram and suspense throughout was also outstanding, and overall the issue had the perfect tone to it. This makes this issue easy to recommend and I'd especially recommend it to any Swamp Thing or Arcane fans.

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Switch #1

Oct 15, 2015

Switch #1 was a fantastic starting point for this parallel version of the Top Cow Universe, introducing us to some new characters as well as some familiar additions. It also gives us a rich background into this new world, as despite being a little too much to take in at times, it is certainly inviting enough for both fans of the Witchblade and those looking to explore it for the first time.

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Switch #2

Nov 26, 2015

Switch #2 is a solid continuation to the series, giving us a better look at our main character and the world she has found herself falling into. It also sets up future events nicely, with the storytelling skills of Stjepan eji being as slick as ever.

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Switch #3

Apr 19, 2016

Switch #3 may have taken it's time reaching comic stands, but it didn't half prove worth the wait. Giving us an explosive continuation to an already thrilling narrative, Stjepan eji produced a script that was simply fun personified. It also gave great depth to the various plot developments, leaving me itching to dive into the next installment.

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Switch #4

Jul 7, 2016

Switch #4 is yet another amazing entry in this alternative take on the Top Cow Universe, as despite initially slowing down, it gives us more than enough in the way of excitement. Add to this some quirky humour and a fantastic cliffhanger and I for one will be eagerly awaiting the next instalment.

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Swords of Sorrow #2

Jun 3, 2015

Swords of Sorrow is quickly starting to become the event that we all hoped for, as following a rather average start, it's nice to see that our hopes weren't in vain. Giving explosive developments that start to bring our female warrioress' together in a big way, the narrative of this issue leads nicely into the future, leaving this fan excited for the next.

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Swords of Sorrow #3

Jul 7, 2015

Swords of Sorrow continues to be the crossover that I hoped it would, as though there are some iffy moments, with some development points lacking focus, the overall narrative is fantastic. It also teases the future of this event perfectly, with the action practically flying off the page.

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Swords of Sorrow #4

Aug 11, 2015

Swords of Sorrow #4 is a wonderful turning point for this event, as although it's been engaging so far, the events in this issue blow all that out of the water. This is aided by some insightful developments, with some great speculation heading into the penultimate issue.

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Swords of Sorrow #5

Sep 8, 2015

Swords of Sorrow continues to astound as it enters its penultimate issue. Between the gripping dialogue and some interesting twists, we are given a narrative that allows for a dramatic atmosphere. This is all accompanied by some mysterious twists that set-up the finale brilliantly.

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Swords of Sorrow #6

Oct 15, 2015

Swords of Sorrow #6 was a fabulous ending to a sensational crossover, as although the ending itself was rather sudden, the build up and character depth was magnificent to say the least. We also once again got brutal action, with the series as a whole coming highly recommended.

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Symmetry #1

Dec 8, 2015

Symmetry #1is a great way to introduce new readers to Top Cow. Giving us a clever twist on an established concept, the creative team produce something really interesting, with this opening issue leaving me eager for the next one.

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Symmetry #2

Jan 19, 2016

Symmetry #2 moves the story along nicely, as following the catastrophic developments from the opening issue, we needed something with a lot of punch. The narrative also gets some much needed tension, and when you add in the dramatic revelations there is certainly enough elements to create a spectacular story.

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Tales Of Honor #1

Mar 4, 2014

Tales of Honor is a brilliant introduction for new fans of the Honorverse, showing brilliant characteristics from the titular character. Highly recommended.

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Tales Of Honor #3

Jun 10, 2014

Tales of Honor continues to be a captivating read as though I do feel there's a little too much going on for one issue the character development and interaction grabs my attention throughout. Recommended.

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Tales Of Honor #4

Aug 6, 2014

Tales of Honor remains a thrilling ride, as despite the vast narration, the overall atmosphere is what classic sci-fi fans have needed in comics. Recommended.

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Tales Of Honor #5

Oct 7, 2014

Tales of Honor brings it's first arc to an exciting conclusion, with the narration based storytelling being at it's best. It also gives more definition to our heroine Honor, with her wise thoughts allowing for some really intriguing revelations. Due to all these reasons, in addition with the fact it leaves the door open for more, this issue comes highly recommended.

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Tales Of Honor: Bred To Kill #1

Jun 16, 2015

Tales of Honor: Bred to Kill #1 is an amazing new entry in the Honorverse mythos, as though there'll be some diehard fans on the fence about this original tale, it's both fun and entertaining, keeping the characteristics of Honor firmly intact. It also has some mysterious aspects to its narrative, with some developments that will surely leave old and new readers returning for a second issue.

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Tales Of Honor: Bred To Kill #2

Sep 1, 2015

Tales of Honor: Bred to Kill continues to be a fresh take on this wonderful universe, with the engaging narrative being captivating to say the least. This is even more evident with the sleek character dialogue, with a mysterious subplot that leaves us plenty to ponder heading into the next issue.

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Tales Of Honor: Bred To Kill #3

Oct 22, 2015

Tales of Honor: Bred to Kill #3 is a terrific continuation to this second volume, with the creators giving us a lively new addition to the Honorverse. They also manages to tease an enthralling future for the series, as despite some sudden revelations, the comic as a whole was fascinating.

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Tech Jacket (2014) #1

Jul 1, 2014

Tech Jacket‘s latest ongoing series gets off to a stellar start as bar a few minor quibbles the energetic developments along with the fun interactions make it well worth the read. Highly recommended.

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Tech Jacket (2014) #2

Aug 6, 2014

The revival of Tech Jacket continues to prosper, as though there were some sequences that were stretched thin, the overall fun feel is what the series needs. Recommended.

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Tech Jacket (2014) #3

Sep 2, 2014

Tech Jacket is really starting to heat up, with the action and developments in this issue making it a must read. Highly recommended.

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Tech Jacket (2014) #4

Sep 30, 2014

Tech Jacket is quickly becoming an extraordinary series, turning from fun reading material to something very gripping. The way that Keatinge and Randolph portray the acts of this issue, along with the exciting climax really makes this an intense thrill ride, with the emerging character having me excited for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Teen Titans (2011) #15

Jul 19, 2013

A very good issue, and I'm happy that Teen Titans is back on track. I would recommend this comic to anyone whether you're getting Teen Titans already, collecting the entire Death of the Family crossover, or just starting to collect comics. I would however warn fans of Red Hood and the Outlaws that this doesn't continue the story from the last RHATO issue, and that of you were getting this issue for that, you may be disappointed.

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Teen Titans (2011) #16

Aug 5, 2013

This issue was phenomenal, and the best in the series so far. The fight between the Red's doesn't disappoint, and it's a fitting conclusion to what's been a sketchy crossover (the Teen Titans and RHATO crossover, not Death of the Family). I would highly recommend this issue, and hope that the series continues to be as good.

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Teen Titans (2011) #17

Aug 6, 2013

Although not a brilliant issue this was still a good issue. It's nice to see the Titans interact with each other in a relaxed environment for a change, but it did slow the issue down a bit. I would however still recommend this issue, and the series, and am looking forward to the next issue, as this new story looks very interesting.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #45

Apr 29, 2015

Boy is it a good time to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan. Not only are we still excited about the recent film (though some may argue against that case), and entertained by the animated adventures from Nickelodeon (albeit it' not as good as the original animated series), but with such bold events happening in the comic world it's just impossible not to shout, "Turtle Power."

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #46

May 29, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #46 may not rank amongst the most impressive entries of this fun, exciting series, but it definitely gives depth. Moving on from the drastic changes that have befallen our Heroes in a Halfshell, the creative team give an emotional series of events that sets up the future beautifully. Just a shame it feels like an extended version of the FCBD issue.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #48

Jul 28, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #48 is yet another amazing entry in this fun series, and as we draw even closer to its landmark 50th issue, we are getting a tale that continues to excite. Giving gripping developments, and intriguing twists, this latest entry sets the next up beautifully, being a must have for TMNT fans.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #49

Aug 19, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #49 sets the stage beautifully for the series' landmark 50th issue, with there being some amazing developments along the way. This is all balanced by great dialogue and invigorating artwork that is sure to leave fans of the Heroes in a Halfshell more than happy with this product.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #50

Oct 6, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #50 was more than the anniversary issue we deserved, as despite it being ever so slightly unbalanced, it gave great action, emotion and tension. It also gave more than a few intriguing twists, with the next fifty issues definitely having a lot to live up to.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #52

Nov 26, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #52 may not have been the best instalment in recent months, but it does continue to build upon recent developments. It also gives an exciting narrative, with the conflict present within our heroes being gripping to say the least.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #53

Dec 22, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #53 finally started to shine some hope into this new direction, with it's potential starting to rise to the surface. It also gives us some interesting new developments for our heroes, leaving me excited for the next issue.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #54

Jan 29, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #54 was a fantastic conclusion to the latest arc, being the best issue the series has delivered since it celebrated it's 50th issue anniversary. Giving us some intense developments and exciting action, the creative team gave Mikey a fantastic story, that showed his characteristics perfectly.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #55

Feb 25, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #55 was a solid one-shot tale, as despite the narrative itself being substandard, we'd be given some marvelous character development. The creative team would also lay some seeds for future developments, with the heartwarming final moments being sensational to say the least. So in other words, buy this comic.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #57

Apr 26, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #57 was an excellent continuation to the current story arc, as despite the big twist being predictable, it was handled perfectly. Add to this the engaging interaction between the Turtles and Utroms, and you're left with an engaging narrative that surely will leave readers eager for more.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #59

Jun 17, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #59 isn't the best issue in recent months, far from it, but it is still an engaging outing. Giving some strong development and touching moments, the creative team did more than enough to leave me eager for more, with the next instalment bound to blow the roof off.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #73

Aug 1, 2017

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #73 celebrates IDW‘s landmark milestone of longest running TMNT series in style, kicking off “The Trial of Krang” in the process. Delivering a simple set-up, as well as some shocking twists, the creative team certainly give us plenty to look forward to as we await the next instalment, conveniently having an enticing tie-in series to accompany this.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters II #1

Nov 3, 2017

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters 2 #1 gets this latest crossover off to a tremendous start. Giving us an enticing narrative that sees the return of a familiar villain, the creative team lay the foundations for what is sure to be a roller coaster of a ride. It is sure to appeal to fans of either franchise, so if you fall into that category by all means pick-up this book.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #11

May 13, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures series is a great addition for fans of the TV series but old school TMNT fans who can only afford one series should stick to the ongoing. This issue does however overall get a recommendation from me.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #12

Jun 24, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures is a fun and entertaining read as though it may not be at the same level as the ongoing series it's always an enjoyable read with this issue being that little bit better than the series average. Highly recommended.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #13

Jul 22, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures continues to be a fun and entertaining read and I urge anyone who has some spare cash to give it a try. Recommended.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #14

Aug 12, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures remains a fun and exciting series and is well worth the read. Recommended.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #15

Sep 9, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures continues to be a fun entertaining read, as though it feels a bit compact to have three different tales, they utilise the space as best as they can. Recommended.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #16

Oct 14, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures is a series that I personally can't get enough of, as though it's not the best series out on the stands, it's certainly one of the more entertaining. This issue however also shows great writing skills, with both tales having a very fluid series of events. Highly recommended.

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Tekken #2

Jun 13, 2017

Tekken #2 continues the action packed fun that fans of this franchise love, moving the story along at an exhilarating pace. In doing so, not only do the creative team give us wonderful action and emotion, but they also delve into the psychological trauma that Jin is having as a result of his devil gene.

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Terminal Hero #1

Aug 6, 2014

Terminal Hero may have an intriguing concept, showing promise, but from this one issue alone I can't say I'm won over. Due to this I can't at the moment recommend this series.

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Terminal Hero #2

Sep 9, 2014

Terminal Hero starts to make improvements, as though it's a long way from being a must read, this issue certainly does enough to merit a recommendation.

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Terminal Hero #3

Oct 7, 2014

Terminal Herohas certainly upped its game over these last couple of issues, with Rory's new life as Chris Walker being very intriguing. The wicked twist to this new life is where the tale really shows it's worth, with the future prospect of this tale showing a lot of promise. Recommended.

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Terminal Hero #4

Nov 18, 2014

Terminal Hero continues to leave some mixed opinions, as though there's once again some amazing developments, the overall execution feels lacking in intensity. Still the issue proves a intriguing read, coming recommended.

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Thaniel #1

Feb 18, 2014

Thaniel #1 proves to be a brilliant opening for this violent story, with the depth behind the character giving some structure. Added to that the fabulous artwork and you'd be a fool not to add this to your pull list. And if you don't believe me just flip through it at your local comic book store come April 9th. Highly recommended.

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Thaniel #3

May 25, 2014

Thaniel continues to amaze as it's penultimate issue set's up some interesting and shocking plot developments leading up to the series finale. Highly recommended.

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Thaniel #4

Jun 23, 2014

Thaniel ends on a high note and if OSSM Comics continues this trend through it's upcoming series I'm sure it will become a successful company. Highly recommended.

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Thanos Rising #1

Sep 3, 2013

Although not a perfect issue, this was a brilliant opening to this new mini series that explores the origins of one of Marvel's biggest villains, Thanos. It also makes for the perfect starting point for new readers of Thanos, as it will give brilliant insight into the character, making you understand him more, which is brilliant considering he'll play a big part in the Infinity story arc. I would highly recommend this issue, and look forward to seeing it progress, and hope it keeps this level of quality, or gets even better.

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Thanos Rising #2

Sep 5, 2013

Although this series isn't perfect, it is however still interesting, and I still have hopes that it will become exciting. Although slow the developments of this younger Thanos are also very interesting, and I for one am loving learning how this evil creature wasn't always evil, and why he's became evil. I'd recommend this issue, as well as the previous issue to anyone, as although some people aren't happy that this origin, which they like to remain a mystery is being told, is being told, I personally think it's perfect for anyone whether Thanos fan or not, as it is moving at times, and shows how easily someone can change.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #15.1

Jul 8, 2013

This was a good issue and a brilliant follow-up to Amazing Spider-Man 700. I would would however only recommend this to people who have read Amazing Spider-Man 700, or are already collecting the series, and would recommend as a jumping on point without reading Amazing Spider-Man 700 first.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #18

Aug 7, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and much more Superior to any of the Superior Spider-Man issues, and I'd be very happy if Yost ever took over writing that series, although I don't see that happening. I'd recommend this issue to anyone, and if you're disappointed in Superior Spider-Man then you defiantly want to give this issue a try, even if you don't continue getting the series.

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The Blacklist #1

Jul 21, 2015

Titan add another popular TV series to their list of comics, with The Blacklist getting off to a fabulous start. Introducing us to a new and inviting plot line, which takes place between the events of season two of the show, this series will create new fans whilst leaving current ones more than happy. It also has some clever twists, with the character depth bound to have you returning for more.

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The Crow: Pestilence #1

Mar 12, 2014

The Crow: Pestilence is proving to be a fitting addition to the Crow franchise with Salvador proving to be a fitting successor to the previous Crow's. Highly recommended.

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The Crow: Pestilence #2

Apr 15, 2014

The Crow: Pestilence drops in overall quality as though the action and violence makes it an entertaining read the lack of overall depth lets this part of the story down. I still however recommend the issue.

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The Crow: Pestilence #3

May 6, 2014

The Crow: Pestilence takes a positive turn in it's penultimate issue and if the conclusion follows suit this will overall have been a brilliant series. Recommended.

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The Crow: Pestilence #4

Jun 10, 2014

The Crow: Pestilence comes to a gripping conclusion as though the series may not be remembered in years to come it is one that should be read at least once and especially by any Crow fans. Highly recommended.

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The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood #1

Sep 30, 2014

The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood is an emotional tale that'll touch the hearts of every fanboy. It also sets up what potentially could be a great crime tale, with the choices that Charlie's contemplating leading him down a dangerous path. Recommended.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #1

Aug 29, 2014

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage gets of to a fabulous start, with the team of Van Meter and De La Torre delivering a thoroughly gripping tale that has this fanboy hooked. Highly recommended.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #2

Oct 7, 2014

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #2 may not have captivated as much as the first issue, being a little confusing at times, but it still proves intriguing enough. It also gives a deeper look into the character of Mirage, and due to this it comes recommended.

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The Delinquents #2

Sep 16, 2014

The Delinquents #2 put the energy that a Archer & Armstrong/Quantum and Woody crossover needs, with the excitement and humour being through the roof. Highly recommended.

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The Delinquents #3

Oct 22, 2014

The Delinquents has only one issue left" I know, terrible new. On the positive side however, this penultimate issue gives us yet another entertaining series of events. Even if some of these events are a little too weird. Highly recommended.

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The Devilers #1

Jul 15, 2014

The Devilers is a fabulous and unique addition to the horror genre with Joshua Hale Fialkov introducing a thrilling tale. Highly recommended.

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The Devilers #2

Aug 12, 2014

The Devliers is a wonderful horror series, and despite the drop in quality remains thrilling. Recommended.

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The Devilers #3

Sep 16, 2014

The Devilers continues to be a thrilling ride into hell, with our team of exorcists getting a enlightened encounter. Highly recommended.

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The Devilers #4

Oct 14, 2014

The Devilers may not be the best series to grace our comic book stands, but it continues to be an enthralling tale of good and evil. Giving great developments and engaging interactions it also proves very dramatic, with there being a very memorable twist. Recommended.

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The Disciples #1

Jun 9, 2015

The Disciples #1 may not have been quite as captivating as I anticipated, but that doesn't mean it wasn't awesome. Giving great set-up, and ending on a chilling high, the creators have done something truly memorable, as though this issue by itself isn't anything special, I can easily see the series becoming something that fans will be talking about for years to come.

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The Disciples #2

Jul 21, 2015

The Disciples may still have something to prove before it becomes the must have that we all anticipated, but it certainly is moving up with this second outing. Having great suspense, and chilling horror, this tale is easy to immerse into, even if it moves a little too quickly at times.

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The Disciples #3

Aug 18, 2015

The Disciples may have dropped a little in this fans estimations, but that doesn't stop it from being an intriguing comic. Having some captivating twists and wonderful character development, this series is bound to entice fans of the horror genre, as despite it's quick fire pace, there's plenty of depth. Just wish we could discover more in the space of one issue.

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The Disciples #4

Sep 29, 2015

The Disciples #4 marks the end of this short lived series, and all I can say is that it is way too soon. Despite not being perfect, the series has constantly intrigued, with the mixture of sci-fi and horror being gripping. This final issue builds upon all this, leaving us with a conclusion that is definitive whilst leaving the door open for a potential sequel.

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The Dying and the Dead #1

Jan 27, 2015

The Dying and the Dead gets off to a terrific start, as though the story naturally still need to prove whether it's worthy of a permanent spot of fans pull lists, it easily does enough to merit picking up the second issue. Highly recommended.

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The Dying and the Dead #2

Mar 31, 2015

The Dying and the Dead #2 is a complete let down compared to the invigorating opening issue, with the slow burning cast introductions taking all the energy that was built in the first. It does on the other hand do enough to keep this fanboy intrigued, but has a lot to make up for. I can't however recommend it to anyone who hasn't already read #1, and advise caution at that.

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The Evil Within #1

Oct 14, 2014

The Evil Within #1 proves to be one of the more successful video game tie-in comics, as though story wise it has a lot to work on, the horror aspect alone makes it a must read for anyone considering buying the game. It also allows more speculative gamers the chance to see what the game might produce. Highly recommended.

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The Evil Within #2

Nov 4, 2014

The Evil Within #2 may not be a great continuation to this video game companion series, with the lack of horror being a real dampener, but it somehow manages to entice. It doesn't however do enough to warrant a recommendation, though if you picked up #1, you might as well pick up this.

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The Evil Within (2017) #1

Sep 5, 2017

The Evil Within #1 is exactly the kind of distraction that fans of the survival horror need, doing a brilliant job of generating hype for the sequel. Delivering a product that is both fresh and familiar, the creative team give us an opening issue that is dripping in curiosity. So if you're still on the fence about picking up the video game come October 13th, why not give this comic a try.

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 17, 2014

The Fade Out gets off to an amazing start, with Brubaker and Phillips latest mystery being very enticing. Highly recommended.

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The Fade Out #2

Sep 30, 2014

The Fade Out continues to be a must read with the creative team of Brubaker and Phillips once again producing a fabulous concept. Between the mysterious tale and character depth this issue proves more gripping than the first, coming highly recommended.

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The Fade Out #3

Nov 12, 2014

The Fade Out is quickly becoming yet another classic, with the team of Brubaker and Phillips once again cementing the fact that they are the best creative team in modern comics. Highly recommended.

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The Fade Out #6

May 19, 2015

The Fade Out's second arc has been delivering big style, with Charlie and Gil's respective developments leading up to something huge. Having wonderful tempo and vivid art, this latest issue trumps all that have came before, with the dramatic flair that the creators have captured resulting in some of the best crime work I've seen in recent comics.

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The Fuse #5

Jun 24, 2014

The Fuse The Russian Shift is almost at an end with the series first story proving to be captivating and a must have for both detective and sci-fi fans. Highly recommended.

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The Fuse #6

Jul 30, 2014

The Fuse brings it's first arc to a close, with this sci-fi detective story showing tons of drama and suspense. Along with this it also finally reveals the story behind the arc title, as well as hints at future twists this is easily recommended.

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The Fuse #7

Nov 4, 2014

The Fuse is most definitely back, as though Gridlock has some way to go before matching the overall quality of The Russian Shift, it has certainly got of to a better start. Highly recommended.

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The Goddamned #2

Dec 16, 2015

The Goddamned #2 is yet another amazing entry in this unique biblical tale, with the creative team continuing to win me over with their ultra violent narrative. They also lay the seeds for future developments, and although the story may not be for everyone, it is one that should at least be given a try, coming highly recommended by us.

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The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #1

Jul 24, 2014

The Goon is back and any Goon or Eric Powell fan needs The Goon: Occasion of Revenge. With an emotional start and a humour/action packed climax it delivers the kind of Goon goodness that we've been missing and easily gets a recommendation.

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The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #2

Aug 26, 2014

The Goon: Occasion of Revenge may have taken some time to set-up future events, but side stories, and Powell's art more than makes up for the lack of energy. Highly recommended.

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The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #3

Oct 28, 2014

The Goon: Occasion of Revenge gives us yet another amazing entry, as though I'm more looking forward for the battle between the Goon and the Witch Gang, this Kid Gargantuan centred chapter really kept me hooked. Highly recommended.

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The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #1

Feb 3, 2015

The Goon has been through many battles over the last fifty issues, but nothing compares to the aftermath featured in this issue. This, along with the action and emotion on display, makes The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time #1 one of the best Goon issue in a long time, and well worth the purchase.

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The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #2

Mar 25, 2015

The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time #2 is bound to divide fans, as though you'll have some long term fans that will nevertheless be enthralled, there'll be many that are unsatisfied with the lack of Goon. That on the other hand doesn't stop this from being a good comic, just one that readers shouldn't go into wit high hopes.

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The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #3

May 19, 2015

Though The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time continues to frustrate with it's unnecessary backstories and tangents, it still does enough to keep my interest. Having wonderful tension and a gripping cliffhanger, the issue sets up the final chapter perfectly. Even if the main plot could be told in a one-shot issue.

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The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #4

Oct 6, 2015

The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time #4 isn't just the end of the mini-series, but possibly the character as whole. As despite there being a Halloween Special out next week, with the Lords of Misery on the horizon, things definitely aren't going to be the same moving forward. Nevertheless it is a must have for fans of the character, and easily one of the best comics out this week.

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The Goon: Theatre Bizarre (One-Shot) #1

Oct 15, 2015

The Goon in Theatre Bizarre was a fantastic one-shot tale, that is just the kind of comic we need to celebrate Halloween. Combining horror and comedy in a beautiful manner the creative team certainly know how to entice, with this thrilling tale coming highly recommended from us.

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The Green Hornet '66 Meets The Spirit #1

Jul 4, 2017

Green Hornet '66 Meets The Spirit #1 is everything that I hoped it'd be and more. Giving us a fun, intelligent, and above all enticing narrative, the creative team bring these two iconic pulp figures together in mesmerising fashion, with the surprising twists sure to leave fans of either character itching for more.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #1

Sep 3, 2013

A brilliant first issue for what I'm sure will be a phenomenal series. For anyone that's either a fan of the TV series, or the original Green Hornet in general, you'll be happy to know that he's back in a very interesting, and dramatic series, which is also very entertaining, and dynamic. Also for any fans of Mark Waid, this is the perfect series for you as it shows the brilliant unique style he brings to anything he works on, and overall is plain fabulous. I would easily recommend this to anyone, as it's the best jumping on point for both new and old fans of the Green Hornet.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #8

Dec 17, 2013

Although this wasn't too new reader friendly, it was still an interesting issue with a dark tone, having a lot of suspense and intensity throughout it and I'd recommend anyone to give this issue a go, even if it's just to see whether you like the series overall style.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #9

Feb 4, 2014

The Green Hornet is starting to look good again, with this emotional tale being simply outstanding. Highly recommended.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #10

Mar 4, 2014

Green Hornet continues to be the dark action series that we all love, as despite being let down slightly by hard to follow dialogue it's still an enjoyable read. Highly recommended.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #11

Apr 1, 2014

If you've been enjoying the series so far then you'll be in for a treat as Waid and Freire produce the best issue of the series yet, giving dramatic and shocking twists as well as a lot of exciting. Highly recommended.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #12

May 20, 2014

Green Hornet has reached it's penultimate issue and though the series is coming to an end the quality remains at an extremely high level with the tone and style of Waid's script and Freire's art being as captivating as ever. Highly recommended.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #13

Jun 24, 2014

Green Hornet ends in a blaze of glory as Waid produces the best script of the series. The exhilarating developments and gripping interactions make this a sensational conclusion and a must have for any Green Hornet fans. Highly recommended.

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The Hunt #1

Jul 19, 2016

The Hunt #1 is a refreshing take on the horror genre, being a must have for anyone who loves tales of the supernatural. Not only does it introduce us to a bold new narrative, but it also incorporates some classic horror elements in a unique and intriguing manner. Add to this the Irish setting and mysterious overtone and I'm sure this will be a series worth following.

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The Hunt #2

Aug 17, 2016

The Hunt #2 is everything I was hoping for and more, giving us some mesmerising development as well as more mystery. It also gives us a much more clearer picture on the creatures that have been plaguing Orla, with the Sluagh continuing to fascinate at every corner.

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The Illegitimates #2

Jan 15, 2014

This was a good issue, but despite the limited action and brilliant character development there wasn't a lot that thrilled me. It was however still a fantastic read and if it builds strongly from the developments in this issue it could easily become a terrific series. Recommended.

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The Illegitimates #3

Feb 4, 2014

The Illegitimates is starting to turn into a intriguing and entertaining series, and if it continues this way then I for one won't want to miss an issue. Highly recommended.

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The Illegitimates #4

Mar 18, 2014

The Illegitimates continues to grow as a series as despite the lack of overall development dropping the quality ever so slightly the character development and overall exciting tone has me itching for more. Recommended.

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The Illegitimates #5

May 6, 2014

The Illegitimates has some shocking developments as in this penultimate issue we learn the identity of the traitor and are teased the fate of the remaining Illegitimates. Recommended.

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The Illegitimates #6

Jun 24, 2014

The Illegitimates ends on a high as the group of siblings make one last stand against Dannikor. In explosive fashion with tremendous tension this is a wonderful end to this series and I for one can't wait to see what comes next. Highly recommended.

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The Jungle Book: Fall of the Wild #1

Dec 24, 2014

Grimm Fairy Tales presents Jungle Book: Fall of the Wild may have some way to go before it has me captivated, but it's premise, and quick catch-up certainly has me hooked for more. Recommended.

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The Last Contract #1

Jan 5, 2016

The Last Contract #1 is a sensational start for the latest mini-series from BOOM! Studios, with the creative team of Brisson and Estherren delivering a thrilling narrative. We also get more than enough action to keep us content, with the deliberate actions of our main character allowing for a gripping read.

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The Last Fall #1

Jul 15, 2014

The Last Fall launches us into a sci-fi war with holy proportions. With an intriguing premise and strong characteristics issue one proves to be very captivating having this fanboy hooked for the remainder of this mini. Recommended.

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The Last Fall #2

Aug 27, 2014

The Last Fall really starts to shape up, with both past and present developments proving very exciting. Highly recommended.

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The Little Mermaid #1

Feb 20, 2015

Grimm Fairy Tales presents The Little Mermaid #1 is something that every fanboy and fangirl should try, as whether you love the character or know very little about her, this series will leave you begging for more. It also has breathtaking art, that's bound to leave you speechless.

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The Little Mermaid #2

Mar 25, 2015

Grimm Fairy Tales presents The Little Mermaid #2 is an impressive continuation to the story that was introduced last time around. Yes, it's titular character may be missing for the majority of the issue, but that doesn't stop King Issoro's part in this tale from astounding.

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The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #1

Nov 12, 2014

The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #1 may be a little cheesy at times, but this only goes to instill a bit of nostalgia. The plot also has some wonderful narration, and along with the dramatic tone it leaves only one thing left to say, cue William Tell Overture. Recommended.

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The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #3

Jan 14, 2015

The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #3 delivers just what's expected from a penultimate issue, with the mixture of drama and excitement being extraordinarily gripping. Highly recommended.

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The Massive #28

Oct 28, 2014

The Massive continues to be a thrilling read, with the character depth, and mysterious adventure being as gripping as ever. The deteriorating health of Cal also gives some cause for thought, with the way his best friend Mag, and lover Mary view the situation being very dramatic. Highly recommended.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #3

Jan 15, 2014

Overall this is a great tale and I am happy to have finally read a tale featuring the Maxx. I imagine it will bring some brilliant memories to long time fans as well as create a few more. It's done the latter to this Fanboy who highly recommends it.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #4

Feb 11, 2014

The Maxx just keeps growing on me, with this deep, emotional tale being simply astonishing. Highly recommended.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #5

Mar 18, 2014

The Maxx: Maxximized continues to bring fun and enjoyment back to comics as despite this story being a little too weird for me it was still enjoyable having some interesting motives and fabulous artwork. Recommended

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The Maxx: Maxximized #7

May 6, 2014

The Maxx: Maxximized continues to be a fun and entertaining read with plenty of humour and action. Highly recommended.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #8

Jun 3, 2014

The Maxx‘s latest tale comes to a slightly disappointing end but the wackiness and energetic tone along with the entertaining dialogue make it an enjoyable read. Recommended.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #9

Jul 8, 2014

The Maxx: Maxximized is a series that you should be picking up as whether you've read the original or not these fun and wacky one-shot tales prove entertaining with the re-mastered colours enhancing the quality. Highly recommended.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #10

Aug 12, 2014

Something that we're nearly always guaranteed is great art (with fans of the original series being able to reiterate that). In this issue Kieth gives us a mixture of tones, with his usual quirky style in the present, with a slightly rougher tone during Mr. Gone's tale. The dynamic layouts of both give the energetic flow that has made The Maxx stand out visually, with the strange creatures being a joy to witness. The stand out thing in this remastered version of The Maxx has to be the colours, with Ronda Pattison pastel like tone being perfect for this series.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #11

Sep 16, 2014

The Maxx: Maxximized is always at it's best when it's fun and quirky. That isn't however the case here, with the emotional developments being taking away energy, but adding depth. Due to this it still gets a recommendation from me, but I desperately want the craziness back.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #1

Nov 20, 2015

The Mighty Thor #1 is a fabulous continuation to Jason Aaron's work on the character, as despite feeling like something unique in comparison to his previous work, the writer managed to connect it in a sleek, engaging manner. Add to this the vibrant art of Russell Dauterman and some suspenseful twists and this looks to be the start of yet another amazing storyline.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #3

Jan 15, 2016

The Mighty Thor #3 continues the tale of Jane Foster's time as the God of Thunder, with the creative team wasting no time in reminding me just why this is one of my favourite projects from the House of Ideas. The interaction between Thor and Loki, with the plotting of Malekith and Laufey also made things all the more dramatic, with there being some fun moments along the way.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #4

Feb 19, 2016

The Mighty Thor #4 was yet another sensational installment for the All-New All-Different Marvel series, with the creative team building upon Jane Foster's story fabulously. They'd also give some gripping development elsewhere, showing that despite its titular character, this comic is very much about community.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #5

Mar 9, 2016

The Mighty Thor #5 was simply storytelling genius, as between the epic battles and surprising twists, there would be plenty to be in awe at. Add to this a brilliant teaser near the end and some unanswered questions and I'd be surprised if anyone who read this didn't return for the next issue.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #6

Apr 22, 2016

The Mighty Thor #6 may not have been quite what I expected, taking a while to show its true worth, but when it did, it gave us a truly inspiring tale. Not only this, but the creative team would also give us a few bold twists, with the dialogue on the final page leaving me with one huge question about Bodolf the Black.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #700

Oct 18, 2017

The Mighty Thor #700 is a sensational celebration of the last fifty-five years, showcasing the past, present and future. Delivering an enticing strong of narratives that merge together, the creative team do a fabulous job of grabbing our attention. The smooth transition between artists also proves a highlight of the book, allowing for several different elements to shine.

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The Multiversity: The Just #1

Oct 23, 2014

The Multiversity: The Just is an amazing look at what the future generation of heroes may be like, with this Earth-Me Universe being the best that Morrison has displayed so far. Highly recommended.

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The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1

Sep 17, 2014

It may take you a while to finish reciting the title of The Multiversity: The Society of Super-Heroes: Conquerors of the Counter-World #1 to your local comic book shop, but it's well worth it, with The Multiversity as a whole looking to be the event of 2014. Highly recommended.

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The Occultist #4

Jan 1, 2014

This was a terrific penultimate issue, and despite being slightly non-new reader friendly it would still be amazing, having some wacky and exciting moments throughout.

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The Occultist #5

Feb 4, 2014

The Occultist ends on a moderate high, with the teaser near the end having me excited for the future of The Occultist. Highly recommended.

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The Paybacks #1

Sep 15, 2015

The Paybacks #1 more than won me over, with it's unique twist on the superhero genre being both inspired as well as pure genius. Between its intriguing narrative and intense action, it more than captured my attention, and if you could only add one new comic this week, I'd recommend it being this one.

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The Paybacks (2016) #1

Jul 15, 2016

The Paybacks #1 brings back this invigorating superhero series, finding a new home at Heavy Metal. Not only do the creative team move on from the previous series in a bold and engaging manner, but the way they tailored this for new readers showed just how talented they really are, with nothing feeling forced.

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The Power of the Dark Crystal #3

May 24, 2017

Jim Henson's The Power of the Dark Crystal #3 is yet another amazing entry in this comic book sequel, and with the Skeksis back the series really starts to find its stride. Giving us a fun, albeit hectic series of events, the creative team certainly capture the nostalgic value of this series, with the more serious points complementing all this beautifully.

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The Power of the Dark Crystal #4

Jun 27, 2017

Jim Henson's The Power of the Dark Crystal #4 is yet another entertaining entry in this comic book sequel, with there being some thrilling developments throughout. Giving us a dramatic set of events, the creative team continue to touch upon the consequences of the crystal being broken, with Thurma and Kensho's journey having plenty of roadblocks ahead.

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The Power of the Dark Crystal #5

Jul 28, 2017

Jim Henson's The Power of the Dark Crystal #5 may not hit on the same cylinders as the previous four issues, but it still proves to be a fun comic. Giving us some emotional development for both Thurma and Kensho, with a ton of pressure on each, the creative team manage to spin an intriguing entry, even if it feels a bit filler-ish.

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The Precinct #1

Dec 10, 2015

The Precinct #1 introduces us to a wonderful premise, with the steampunk setting working beautifully alongside the narrative, whilst never overshadowing the main plot. It may have some hurdles to cross, but nevertheless the creative team bring us a story that is well worth following.

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The Precinct #2

Jan 12, 2016

The Precinct #2 moves our story forward in a bold engaging fashion, giving us some exciting moments along the way. The creative team also use the steampunk element of this tale to perfection, and although there are some pacing issues throughout, the issue as a whole does more than enough to come recommended.

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The Revisionist #1

Jun 2, 2016

The Revisionist #1 is a stellar opening chapter for this new series, being my favourite from AfterShock to date. Not only does it leave you questioning certain aspects of it's concept, but it also gives us some shocking twists and wonderful character development, all of which is sure to leave readers itching for more.

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The Shadow #100

Jun 24, 2015

The Shadow #100 may not win any awards for best celebratory issue, and like most may very well be remembered for its poorer moments rather than it's stronger, but that doesn't stop it from being a decent read. Featuring some great art, and some intriguing stories that dip into the character's mythos, there's plenty to apatise long term fans, though at $7.99 it may not be quite as appealing to new readers.

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The Shadow (2015) #1

Aug 4, 2015

The Shadow #1 is definitely a comic that you should be picking up this week, and at $1 what is there to lose? Having an unique and alluring concept, with great mystery and suspense, this tale is sure to be a hit, as although there are some predictable elements, the story is just sensational.

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The Shadow (2015) #2

Sep 1, 2015

The Shadow continues to be an exciting pulp tale, as despite this second issue failing to entice on the same level as the first, it continues to give great depth to its story. It also gives us a wonderful insight into the Shadow's psyche, as we learn more about both our main character and his magician foes.

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The Shadow (2017) #1

Aug 9, 2017

The Shadow #1 may not be the best introductory issue the iconic pulp anti-hero has seen in his illustrious career, but it certainly is one of the more unique ones. Delivering a suspenseful tale, told from the perspective of a woman The Shadow once saved, the creative team produce a fresh concept that has the potential to become one of the character's greatest stories to date.

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The Shadow/Batman #1

Oct 3, 2017

The Shadow/Batman #1 get this latest crossover off to a solid start. It may not be the epic introduction that fans were expecting, but it does certainly give us plenty of mystery. Add in familiar Dark Knight villain, Professor Pyg, and some questionable traits from The Shadow and there's definitely plenty of reasons to return for the second issue.

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The Tomorrows #1

Jul 7, 2015

The Tomorrows #1 is a clever look into a possible future, as though it's pace is at times a little too fast, there's plenty to excite. It also has some great character development, introducing us to a world that is very morish.

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The Tomorrows #2

Aug 26, 2015

The Tomorrows continues to be a unique and zany tale, with this second entry being enthralling to say the least. It also gives great insight into our rebels tale, and how they handle the death of a fellow member. Despite this, there is still some added potential it's failing to reach, with there being some confusing moments within.

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The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Dec 4, 2015

Totally Awesome Hulk #1 was everything that I hoped for, as although it has yet to give us anything truly extraordinary, it sets up a bold new premise, that is bound to take the character in an exciting new direction. It also brings Amadeus Cho into the spotlight, with Banner not being forgotten at the same time.

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The Unworthy Thor #5

Mar 23, 2017

The Unworthy Thor #5 may not be the perfect conclusion for this mini-series, but it is definitely a must have for anyone who has been enjoying Jason Aaron‘s run on the character. Not only does it finally give us the long awaited answer to what Nick Fury whispered in Thor's ear, but it also sets up the future of the character in an interesting way, making us as new questions.

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The Walking Dead #115

Oct 12, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, as although it wasn't a phenomenal celebration for the series, it was still very fitting, setting this epic arc of to a fantastic start. It had some really intense and dramatic sequences throughout, with some wonderful interactions. It also shows a lot of promise for the future quality of this story, and on a whole has me extremely excited about the next issue. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and it's also a great jumping on point for new readers.

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The Walking Dead #116

Nov 30, 2013

All Out War is starting to get even more exciting as although the issue is still very much setting things up, it would still have some very intense and suspenseful moments throughout. It would also have some brilliant dialogue and as usual a interesting ending and I for one can't wait for the next issue. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the opening issue of All Out War and any Walking Dead comics or trade paperbacks that you can find.

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The Walking Dead #117

Dec 9, 2013

Although the story is still not quite at the high level that I'm hoping for, it is certainly starting to get nearer and it is only a matter of time before this story explodes into a phenomenal and exciting event. This issue itself however had plenty of drama and suspense, showing the characters nature and reaction to current events perfectly. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the story so far.

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The Walking Dead #118

Dec 23, 2013

All Out War continues to progress slowly, but the overall tension and suspense that is building up makes this a must read story and I highly recommend it.

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The Walking Dead #119

Jan 16, 2014

All Out War continues to progress slowly, but the suspense and excitement that Kirkman creates keeps it very interesting. This issue would also show some outstanding developments and I for one can't wait for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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The Walking Dead #120

Jan 29, 2014

All Out War finally kicks it up a notch, having some intense and explosive developments, as well as some very interesting ones as well. Highly recommended.

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The Walking Dead #121

Feb 20, 2014

All Out War is dragging on a bit for me, with it's only saving grace being the wonderful character depth. Despite that this is still a great issue which I fully recommend.

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The Walking Dead #131

Sep 11, 2014

The Walking Dead continues to be a worthy read, as though it's still falling closer to the realm of average, it is making improvements, feeling much fresher. Recommended.

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The Walking Dead #132

Oct 2, 2014

The Walking Dead has definitely been on the rise quality wise as of late, as though this is the first issue to reflect it's true potential, it's still a welcomed site. The answer to “talking zombies” and what this means for our group prove really intense, and I'm sure it'll have a huge impact on things to come. Highly recommended.

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The Walking Dead #133

Oct 22, 2014

The Walking Dead #133 may be a more placid look into the group, but it still proves as engaging as ever. It also gives some great character developments, and despite lacking excitement it still sports some form of intensity and mystery. Recommended.

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The Walking Dead #149

Dec 10, 2015

The Walking Dead #149 does a wonderful job of setting up next month's 150th Anniversary issue, whilst at the same time keeping a lot of things hidden. It also gives us a gripping altercation between Rick and Negan with the villain as ever bringing a dramatic flair to proceedings.

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The Walking Dead #150

Jan 14, 2016

The Walking Dead #150 may not have given us the same level of shock and awe as the 100th issue, but it still managed to captivate. Giving us some thrilling twists, the creative team reflect on what Rick's goals are, setting up a brand new era for the series moving forward.

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The Walking Dead #151

Feb 4, 2016

The Walking Dead #151 may not be the most exciting issue in the long running ongoing series, but it does its job in setting up the next big event. The creative team also use this time to introduce a few new developments, with the final product leaving us with more than enough to be enticed about the next issue.

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The Walking Dead #155

Jun 3, 2016

The Walking Dead #155 moves the story forward in an intriguing manner, as despite not captivating at the same level as recent issues, it builds towards the upcoming conflict. It also gives us some fun character development for Negan, with the growing relationship between him and Apha being interesting to say the least.

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The Walking Dead #157

Aug 3, 2016

The Walking Dead #157 gets “The Whisperer War” off to an enticing start, as despite there not being a huge lot of development, what we were given was a much denser story. The creative team also take this time to set-up all the fundamental aspects of this arc, with the tension felt in both Rick's camp and the Whisperer's being thrilling to say the least.

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The Walking Dead #167

May 3, 2017

The Walking Dead #167 is certainly one of the more emotional issues in recent memory, with the latest death having a massive toll on our characters. Not only do the creative team handle this in a fitting and gripping manner, but they also leave us with a few hints as to what recent events may have in store for our group moving forward.

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The Walking Dead #168

Jun 8, 2017

The Walking Dead #168 ties up some loose ends from recent events, being the perfect way to follow-on from last issue's emotional send off. The creative team also gave us a rather intriguing look into the mindset of Negan, with the former antagonists role in these events being interesting to say the least.

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The Walking Dead #169

Jul 5, 2017

The Walking Dead #169 is yet another stellar entry in this long running series, with Andrea's death still having an affect on our characters. The issue also starts to make some major leaps with the community Eugene has been speaking to, with there being some tense developments elsewhere also.

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The Walking Dead #170

Aug 3, 2017

The Walking Dead #170 is yet another strong entry in this long running series, with there being more than a few interesting twists along the way. Getting things firmly back on track, the creative team start to look past the emotional events of recent issues, as despite these tragic moments still weighing on our characters, it is clear that the show must go on.

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The Walking Dead #171

Sep 6, 2017

The Walking Dead #171 is a refreshing reminder of just how good this comic can be. Introducing us to an eccentric new character, the creative team deliver one of the most outlandish entries in the series to date. During this we get plenty of drama, with the characterisation and comic timing sure to leave readers eager for more from “Princess.”

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The White Suits #1

Feb 18, 2014

The White Suits gets off to a brilliant start, and despite there being a lot of questions that need answering, the suspense makes this a thrilling read. Highly recommended.

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The White Suits #2

Mar 18, 2014

The White Suits really starts to heat up with the team of ex Suit Prizrak and FBI agent Sarah being very intriguing. Highly recommended.

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The White Suits #3

Apr 15, 2014

White Suits penultimate issue gives exciting and intriguing developments that have me hooked for the conclusion. Highly recommended.

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The White Suits #4

Jul 1, 2014

The White Suits comes to a sensational ending with it's dramatic revelations and exciting action being captivating at all times. Highly recommended.

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The Wicked + The Divine #1

Jun 17, 2014

The Wicked + The Divine gets off to a great start as though it opened strangely, being a little too mysterious at times the general concept was really impressive showing promise. Recommended.

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The Wicked + The Divine #2

Jul 15, 2014

The Wicked + The Divine is proving to be a very clever and edgy series with these gods and their desires being very intriguing to say the least. Highly recommended.

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The Wicked + The Divine #3

Aug 19, 2014

The Wicked + The Divine is becoming more enticing with each passing issue, with the mystery having me hooked for more. Highly recommended.

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The Wicked + The Divine #4

Sep 16, 2014

The Wicked + The Divine continues to thrill, with the events of this issue being both intense and exciting. Highly recommended.

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The Wicked + The Divine #5

Oct 21, 2014

The Wicked + The Divine may not have started as well as some of the great independent series that Image produce, but boy did it's first arc end well? Having a mixture of drama, suspense and excitement this climactic issue allows fans a chance to see just how far the creators will push the boat out, and comes highly recommended.

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The Woods #19

Jan 6, 2016

The Woods #19 reminds us just why this is a must read comic, with the shocking twists and brutal action being captivating to say the least. The creative team also give us a lot of depth, with the emotional twists within the narrative setting up the next issue nicely.

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The Woods #20

Feb 3, 2016

The Woods #20 may not be the most exhilarating entry in the series, with its brutal action lacking the proper depth, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth picking up. Giving us some gripping twists and intriguing developments the creative team certainly lay the foundations for what's to come, even if this comes at the price of the fifth volumes climax.

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The X-Files: Season 11 #1

Aug 11, 2015

X-Files Season 11 is a great introduction point for either readers looking to enter this franchise, or long term fans eyeing up some reading material prior to the new mini-series. It does however still have something to prove, being a little too slow at times.

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The X-Files: Season 11 #2

Sep 8, 2015

X-Files Season 11 is a fitting continuation to the former (and soon to be semi-revived) TV series, as despite there being pacing problems with the art not quite gelling, it still manages to entice. It also leaves us questioning the fates of our characters, with Mulder in particular being in a tight spot.

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Think Tank #12

Feb 8, 2014

Think Tank season one ends with a bang. We do however have to wait a few months for the second season (this time in colour) but that'll just build-up the anticipation even more. Highly recommended.

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Think Tank (2017) #3

May 30, 2017

Think Tank: Animal #3 continues to bring the world closer to war, with the creative team handling the global opinion of recent events perfectly. Not only do they do this in a dramatic and thought provoking manner, but they also give us plenty of thrilling development elsewhere, with an entertaining attempt at internet dating for Dr. David Loren.

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Think Tank (2017) #4

Aug 9, 2017

Think Tank: Animal #4 brings the fifth volume to a dramatic close. Giving us an exciting set of events that are both enticing and thought provoking, the creative team manage to bring a sense of closure to the book, with the fact that this might be the last issue in the series making this all the more satisfying.

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Thor (2014) #1

Oct 2, 2014

Thor #1 is a brand new era for the God of Thunder, or should we now say Goddess of Thunder. The premise of new events, and exciting events of this issue prove very enticing, as though the absence of this new Thor was a little disappointing, her introduction certainly left me excited for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Thor (2014) #8

May 13, 2015

Thor #8 was as awesome as I hoped it would be, as though there are some small quibbles I have with the narrative, the main meat of the story more than excited. The reveal itself was also handled in a mysterious fashion, as though the reveal itself left me in two minds, the way it was delivered more than mesmerized. So what are you waiting for? Go to your shop and get this issue.

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Thor: God of Thunder #3

Jul 16, 2013

Another brilliant issue, and I've really been enjoying this series. It's been one of the best Marvel NOW! series so far, and also one of the most consistent. I would highly recommend both this issue, as well as the entire series so far, and am looking forward to the next part of this story.

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Thor: God of Thunder #4

Aug 1, 2013

This was a phenomenal issue, and this series is easily one of the best in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. I would highlt recommend both this issue, and the entire series, and am really looking forward to the conclusion of this story.

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Thor: God of Thunder #5

Aug 5, 2013

This was a good issue, but it was a little too slow, and when it started to get exciting the issue ended, but with a fully open ending. I would still recommend this issue as it was good, just not quite good enough. Hopefully however this leads into a new, better story, as I'd be disappointed if this type of ending was for nothing.

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Thor: God of Thunder #25

Sep 18, 2014

Thor: God of Thunder ends in a fitting way, with the teasers of things to come having me hooked for this all-new Thor. Highly recommended.

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Titans (2016) #1

Jul 29, 2016

Titans #1 may not be quite as impressive as the Rebirth one-shot, but that doesn't stop it from being an enjoyable read. Allowing the Titans to get better reacquainted with Wally, whilst also introducing their current threat, the creative team certainly leave us with more than enough to get excited about the next issue, with the series as a whole showing tons of potential.

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Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 17, 2016

Titans: Rebirth #1 may not be the best Rebirth one-shot, but it is definitely one of my favourites. Bringing Wally back into the group in an engaging manner, the creative team did an amazing job of building off his return to the DC Universe, showing great potential.

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TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #1

Jun 2, 2016

TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #1 was a disappointing start to this mini-series, and I hope things pick up massively from here. Having an interesting concept, the creative team do show signs of promise, but alongside a lackluster plot and poor development choices, I unfortunately have very little hope they will achieve this.

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TMNT: Dimension X #1

Aug 1, 2017

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Dimension X #1 is what every one-shot tale should aspire to, with the creative team delivering a simple narrative that is fun from start to finish. In the process we are also introduced to a new alien race that has been grievously affected by Krang's tyranny, with the challenge of recruiting this witness proving a thoroughly entertaining challenge for our Heroes in a Halfshell.

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TMNT: Dimension X #2

Aug 9, 2017

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Dimension X #2 is yet another fun one-shot tale, even if it is rather forgettable. Introducing us to another world in Dimension X, the creative team show a different side of Krang's tyranny, with the Heroes in a Halfshell getting a whole new obstacle to overcome.

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Toe Tag Riot #4

Apr 15, 2015

Toe Tag Riot #4 is definitely going to impress readers that have been enjoying the series. Being as exciting as ever, with some extravagant action, this is certainly not for those that love serious stories. It is however something that I'd strongly recommend for anyone who are open to strange and weird concepts.

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Torchwood #1

Aug 3, 2016

Torchwood #1 is far from the start I was hoping for, reflecting everything that I've come to dislike about the Doctor Who spin-off over the last few years. Not only does it give us a story that is overcrowded and at times awkward to follow, but the inconsistent art also makes it hard to enjoy, with the next issue having a lot to make up for.

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Transference #1

Jun 28, 2015

Black Mask have yet another winner in Transference, with the sleek spy thriller, and unique time travel twist allowing for an inviting concept. Like most spy stories, it has wonderful tension and great suspense, with a mysterious element that will leave readers returning for more. So make sure to pick this up from your local comic store come July 8th.

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Transference #2

Aug 18, 2015

Transference #2 may not be quite as captivating as the series' opening issue, but that doesn't stop it from remaining a must have. Between the intriguing developments and engaging character interaction, this second issue gives great depth to the series, with yet more mysteries waiting to be solved.

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Trees #1

May 27, 2014

Trees gets off to a fantastic start as though there are many unanswered questions the premise itself is captivating enough to have me hooked. Highly recommended.

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Trees #2

Jun 24, 2014

Trees is a must have for Warren Ellis fans as though there's room for improvement the mystery and suspense is truly captivating. Recommended.

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Trees #3

Jul 23, 2014

Trees continues to intrigued but the lack of exploration into the Trees themselves disheartens me. Despite this it remains a relatively enjoyable read and deserves a recommendation.

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Trees #4

Aug 19, 2014

Trees latest instalment proves very underwhelming, as though the concept still intrigues me, I can't recommend this issue.

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Trees #5

Sep 16, 2014

Trees#5 does show some improvement over last issue, but unfortunately it's not enough to warrant a recommendation.

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Trees #6

Oct 14, 2014

Trees #6 proves to be an overall enjoyable entry in a rather underwhelming series. The deep character development, and bold choice in subject matter makes this a rather compelling read, though not enough to raise my spirits about the series as a whole. Nevertheless as an individual issue this scrapes by with a recommendation, but the series is still far from deserving one.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

Sep 10, 2013

Although not the best start to a series, this was a interesting issue, showing how Pandora came to walk the Earth as an immortal. It also featured the Seven Deadly Sins, as well as the Circle of Eternity, even briefly featuring the other two members of the Trinity of Sin, the Question, and Phantom Stranger. The issue was also the perfect set-up for the Trinity War crossover, and although it'll probably not be necessary to read this in order to enjoy the main part of Trinity War, I'd personally recommend this, as although it wasn't brilliant, it was nice to see Pandora's origin, and how Trinity War came about.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #1

Feb 4, 2014

Turok opens the Golden Key Universe nicely and if the remaining three series are like this I will be a very happy fanboy. Highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #2

Mar 4, 2014

Turok continues to impress, as despite this issue having a slightly slower pace it still manages to be captivating. Highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #3

Apr 1, 2014

Turok continues to be an amazing series with both the script and the art being of a high standard. The cliffhanger also leaves you wanting more and thus making this an easy recommendation.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #4

May 6, 2014

The first arc of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter comes to an end and though a part of me feels that this arc needed an extra issue it does end on a high having me hooked for more. Highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #5

Jun 17, 2014

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter's second arc gets off to a stellar start with the introduction of new characters and nemesis' making it the perfect jumping on point. Highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #6

Jul 8, 2014

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter once again proves to be a fabulous read with it proving that the Golden Key revival was a good move by Dynamite. Highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #7

Sep 2, 2014

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter reaches the penultimate issue of it's second arc, showing more depth to the Turok character, and setting up a war. Highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #8

Oct 14, 2014

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #8 is the exciting end that this second arc deserved, with the creative utilising prior events to the best of their ability. It also has some great character development, with Turok once again showing us why he's not your normal hunter. Highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #9

Nov 4, 2014

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter takes a new direction, with the new arc seeing him head to England. Despite being a little slow than usual, the issue set-up a wonderful premise for this arc, coming highly recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #11

Jan 29, 2015

The latest (and final) arc of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter may feel a little throwaway at times, but it still manages to produce enough intriguing moments to keep us occupied. Recommended.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #12

Feb 24, 2015

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter comes to an end, and though this isn't quite the ending I was hoping for, it was far from dull. In saying that, this is really a comic for long term fans, as if you've not been following the series before now, there's not much point in trying it now.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #200

Apr 3, 2014

Ultimate Spider-Man #200 is a fitting tribute to the fallen Ultimate Peter Parker, also managing to cap off this era of Ultimate Spider-Man nicely. Highly recommended.

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Umbral #3

Jan 24, 2014

Umbral is a terrific mystery fantasy, having an extremely gripping story line. It is however not the easiest of series to jump into, but nonetheless it ‘s still terrific. And I'd highly recommend this to anyone.

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Umbral #4

Feb 25, 2014

Umbral continues to be a fantastic series with a wonderful setting, as despite it's lagging plot it has plenty of suspense and promise. Recommended.

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Umbral #5

Mar 25, 2014

Umbral bounces back from passable fourth issue, being the energetic fantasy series that it promised to be. Highly recommended.

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Umbral #7

Jul 15, 2014

Umbral‘s second arc gets off to a terrific start as though it's still some work to match the first it's teasing some enticing developments. Recommended.

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Umbral #8

Aug 19, 2014

Umbral gets even more exciting, with the explosive action, and mysterious developments making it a must read for fantasy fans. Highly recommended.

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Umbral #10

Oct 28, 2014

Umbral has certainly upped its game, as though it's always been an amazing series, this second arc has certainly been something worth following. This is no different here, with both the events, and final development bound to leave you wanting more. Highly recommended.

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Nov 28, 2012

A nice start to this new series and I hope it continues, as it's has so much potential, and there isn't an Avengers title that's both consistent, and good. I would highly recommend this issue to anyone as it's truly wonderful, and I'd also recommend anyone that's bought AVX: Consequences #1 to read this issue first as the events take place before AVX: Consequences #1.

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Uncanny Avengers #2

Dec 23, 2012

This was a brilliant issue but the series hasn't quite hit the peek that some of the other Marvel NOW! series have, but it is still a very good series and I expect it to become one of the best Marvel NOW! series within the next few issues. I would highly recommend this issue and am looking forward to the next issue.

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Uncanny Avengers #3

Sep 4, 2013

This series is finally starting to pick-up, and although the shipping schedule has hurt the overall flow of the series on release, if you re-read the issue along with the others it feels so much more exciting. This issue was full of amazing emotional conflicts, as well as having some surprising, and very interesting moment, which were simply outstanding. I would highly recommend this issue, but would also recommend reading it as a whole, along with issue 1, 2, and 4, as it's a much smoother read.

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Uncanny Avengers #4

Sep 4, 2013

This was an amazing finish to the story, and although it wasn't perfect, it was still very good. This story overall wasn't anything extraordinary, but after re-reading all the issues together I've enjoyed it much more this time round, and it was a brilliant opening story for this new team, and I look froward to what the future holds for the Avengers Unity Squad. I would highly recommend this issue, and the entire story, but I would also recommend that you read the story as a whole, as it flows much smoother, and the shipping schedule really hurt the impact that this had on me the first time round, even though I still enjoyed it then.

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Uncanny Avengers #5

Sep 4, 2013

This was a very interesting issue, and with new additions this series looks like it's going to become amazing. This issue however the best one at the time was still not perfect, as it lacked the amount of excitement that great stories have, but it was still very interesting, with dramatic moments. Coipel's guest artwork was also amazing, and it alone is reason enough to get this issue, but besides that the issue was brilliant anyway. I would highly recommend this issue, as although it was a quieter issue that isn't a bad thing, and the future of the series looks to be very promising.

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Uncanny Avengers #6

Sep 4, 2013

This was a brilliant prologue issue, and the best in the series so far. If this is a sign of things to come The Apocalypse Twins story arc should be amazing, and considering it's following from Remender's Dark Angel Saga story, which was amazing, I have every faith that this story will also be brilliant. This issue itself was also very interesting, and exciting, as well as being dramatic and mysterious, and it's made me real excited for the main story. I'd highly recommend it as despite the fact that it's the best issue in the series so far, it's also one of the best prologue issues I've ever read.

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Uncanny Avengers #7

Sep 5, 2013

Although not quite as good as the last issue this was still the next best in the series so far, and shows ton's of promise. It also had some action, although not a lot, and suspenseful actions, and the Apocalypse Twins appear to have danger on their minds, and with Uriel wielding Jarnbjorn things should be interesting. I would highly recommend this, and even if you dropped this series due to the poor start I'd recommend giving it another try, as it's gotten much better, and looks to become even better again.

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Uncanny Avengers #8

Sep 5, 2013

Although this has probably been the worst issue in the storyline so far, this was still an outstanding issue, and it really goes to show how good the story is, when such a good issue like this is the worst so far. This issue showed excitement, and mystery, as well as drama, and speculation, and although there were times I questioned whether it was structured right, overall I felt it was awesome, and truly worth reading. This means that I'd highly recommend this issue, and the storyline so far, and look forward to seeing how Remender progresses this story.

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Uncanny Avengers #8AU

Sep 6, 2013

This was yet another amazing issue, and although it's not quite as good as the main storyline that's featured in this series, it has to be the best crossover to Age of Ultron that I've read so far, and also the best issue in the crossover so far (including Age of Ultron itself). The issue showed the developments of the Apocalypse Twins prior to the main storyline perfectly, whilst also showing what's become of the Avengers Unity Squad in this changed universe, and it was simply outstanding, and I'd highly recommend this issue, even if you're not getting Age of Ultron.

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Uncanny Avengers #9

Sep 10, 2013

This was a phenomenal issue, and although there wasn't a great deal of action, it was still very exciting, and dramatic. By taking the pace down a notch, Remender was able to focus more on the character development during this story, as well as adding small hints for things to come. It also had great dialogue, and fabulous art from Daniel Acua, and due to all this I'd highly recommend it, along with the story so far.

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Uncanny Avengers #10

Sep 11, 2013

Well the great run was never going to last forever, and finally this series has slipped in quality, as although this was still a great issue, it was a little slow, and nowhere near the same level of quality as the rest of this story. It does however have some interesting possibilities, and the proper introduction of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse was another amazing thing, and I look froward to seeing that. I'd still however recommend this issue, as although it is a drop in quality it's still worth getting. I'd however also recommend getting the other issues in this story, and even the rest in the series.

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Uncanny Avengers #11

Sep 12, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and although not one of the best in the series, not far off. It had amazing dialogue, as well as phenomenal action sequences, and despite the slight imperfections in the artwork, and the odd patch of slowness, this was an outstanding issue, and has me excited for the next. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the story so far, as on a whole it's been fantastic.

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Uncanny Avengers #12

Oct 7, 2013

This was a brilliant continuation to Remender's Apocalypse saga, having a lot of depth and drama throughout. It also had some very emotional sequences, showing some of the Apocalypse Twins past, and also had a lot of mystery throughout. It was however once again slightly slow, with not a great lot of development that pays of in this issue, overall feeling once again like set-up work. I would however still highly recommend this issue and the story so far.

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Uncanny Avengers #13

Oct 28, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, as although it's still mainly set-up work it did it in a very dramatic way that has me hooked for the next issue. It also had some shocking and intense moments, with some fun action sequences as well. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the series so far, as although it hasn't been quite as good in recent months, it's starting to gradually get back to that high level of quality that the first five issues of this story had.

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Uncanny Avengers #23

Aug 29, 2014

Uncanny Avengers brings the series up to speed with the Marvel Universe, setting up the stage for Axis brilliantly, and thus comes recommend

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Uncanny Avengers #24

Sep 18, 2014

Uncanny Avengers #24 does a wonderful job of setting up Axis, with the addition of Magneto also giving us a taste of how vast this event will be. Highly recommended.

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Uncanny Avengers #25

Oct 2, 2014

Uncanny Avengers has been doing a great job of setting up Axis, with this issue having me even more excited for next week. The Magneto focused tale also allows for a very emotional, and symbolic look into what's to come, with it having an intense climax. Highly recommended.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #7

Mar 11, 2016

Uncanny Avengers #7 proved to be a solid tie-in for Marvel's latest event, as despite being a little disjointed at times, it would be exciting nonetheless. What remained at the core of this series however was the chemistry between this unique band of heroes, with the creative team handling this perfectly.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #35

Jul 15, 2013

This was a tremendous issue, and the series couldn't have ended any better. I am sad that the series is ending but I am happy that it ended the way it did, and that Remender will be on decent series. I would highly recommend this to anyone whether you've read X-Force before or not, as it's terrific, and that if you're a new reader to this series I'd advice getting the other issues, whether in comic form, or the collected trade paperbacks, as it's a brilliant series, and you'd be glad you got it.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1

Sep 10, 2013

A decent start to the series, this issue shows Cyclops continuing to help the new mutants during his revolution. The issue had drama, excitement, fun, and action, and was truly a decent start to the series. It was however slightly slow at times, with the pacing being inconsistent, and the issue as a whole was lacking in overall quality. I would however recommend it, as it was a good read, and I'm sure the series will get better.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #2

Sep 10, 2013

This was a good issue, and a decent continuation to the series. It has however still to wow me, as although the dialogue is good, with some decent emotion to it, the overall pace, and quality feels a bit inconsistent, and the series doesn't feel like it's planted itself firmly in one place. I would however still recommend this issue, as it was interesting, and had a super conclusion which has me for one wanting to read more.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #3

Sep 10, 2013

This was a very good issue, and although there were parts that were disappointing, it was still very dramatic, and gripping, with brilliant dialogue, and emotion. It was also nice to see some of the issue centre around one of the students, Tempest, as with all these big name's it's easy to not spend enough time developing new character's. I would recommend this issue, as despite the series not quite finding it's direction heading into the future, it has been interesting, and still shows ton's of promise.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #4

Sep 10, 2013

This was possibly the weakest issue so far in the series, but if so it wasn't by much, and was still overall amazing. The issue was all over the place, and once again slightly disappointed on the continuation of the previous cliffhanger. It did however make up in other areas, with brilliant dialogue, as well as some fun, and mysterious sequences. Overall the series is still not at it's full potential, but it's still interesting, and I'm sure it will reach it's full potential soon. I would highly recommend this issue, as although like all the issues so far it's lacking in certain areas, it was interesting, and I for one want to read more of it.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #5

Sep 10, 2013

This was an outstanding issue, and easily the best of the series so far. Everything that was wrong in this series has been fixed, whilst also keeping all the amazing qualities the series already had. It's pacing is much more consistent, and it has a lot more excitement, as well as ton's of suspense, and mystery. It also had phenomenal art from Frazer Irving, which more than suited the style of story, and I for one want to read more. Due to all this it's easy to recommend this issue, and I'd do that all day long, as it's truly something amazing.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #6

Sep 10, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and although not quite as good as last issue it was still amazing, and much better than the first four issues of the series. It had drama, and suspense, as well as a bit of mystery. It also was very exciting, and entertaining, with some brilliant action, and dialogue. It also had another couple of plot developments that were interesting, and overall the issue left me wanting more, but in a good way. After all this I would highly recommend this issue, as well as both the previous issue, and series so far, but would especially recommend this, and the previous issue, as they're both outstandingly good.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #7

Sep 10, 2013

This was a fantastic issue, and although the anticlimactic ending of this story was ever so slightly disappointing, the issue as a whole was relatively good. It had cool action, that was exciting, and impactful, as well as emotional sequences. It also had some mystery to it, and the appearance of Doctor Strange, which was also brilliant. Due to this I'd recommend this issue, especially if you've been getting the series so far, but I'd also recommend the rest of the series to others who haven't. On the other hand if you're short for cash, and considering jumping on this series I'd recommend waiting till next issue, which is the start of a new story.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #8

Sep 11, 2013

This was a very interesting issue with some amazing dialogue. It also had ton's of drama, and suspense, and despite the lack of action it was a very good, and impactful issue. The cover is however misleading, so don't buy this expecting a big fight between Cyclops, and Magneto as you'll be disappointed. I would however still recommend this issue, as it was a nice break from action, but for people who are tight on cash, or sceptical about jumping on I'd recommend skipping this issue.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #9

Sep 11, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and the best out of the last couple, as well as being one of the best since the start of the series. It did however have a few minor faults, but overall it had plenty of drama, and suspense, as well as being exciting, and entertaining. It was also very fun, with some brilliant dialogue, and developments, and I look forward to seeing what's in store next for these X-Men. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the series so far, as it's been very good.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #10

Sep 12, 2013

This was an amazing issue, being one of the better issues that this series has produced. It had some fun, and exciting moments, with brilliant drama, and suspense, as well as great dialogue. It was however very fast paced, not taking long to finish, which questions whether it's worth $3.99. I would however still recommend this issue, as besides that it was very fun, and should appeal to both new readers, and old.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #11

Sep 13, 2013

This wasn't a terrible issue, but it is probably the worst in the series so far. It had some interesting monologue, with plenty of emotion, action, and some mystery. It was however overall a bit mediocre, being more of a filler/set-up issue, also having too quick a pace. I would however probably still recommend the issue, as it was a good read, and has a lot of interesting mysteries to it.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #12

Sep 22, 2013

Although this is the worst issue of the crossover so far, it was still very interesting, setting up things brilliantly. At the same time it was just a little too much set-up, and although this will probably help the story as a whole in the long run, it hurt this one quite a bit. I would however still recommend it, as it shows that the story still has a lot to give, and I'm sure the next instalment will be outstanding.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #13

Oct 19, 2013

Though not one of the better issues in the story so far, it was still exciting at times, and did a good job of developing the story as a whole. It did however have too much going on, and would have probably been better if some of the sub-plots were cut. There would also however be some very exciting moments, and the issue as a whole would have been much better if not for the amount going on. Due to all this I'd barely recommend it, and especially if you've been following the story so far, but otherwise wait for the trade.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600

Nov 4, 2015

Uncanny X-Men #600 was a decent way to say goodbye to Brian Michael Bendis' time on the team, as despite it not quite living up to our expectations, it did bring things full circle. At the end of the day however I'm not sure it's quite worth the $5.99 cover price, as although we get more than enough pages for our money, the quality isn't to the standard you'd expect for such a price.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #1

Jan 7, 2016

Uncanny X-Men #1 launches the latest series to feature the Children of the Atom in a solid manner, with the creative team setting a premise that is sure to leave readers tuning in for more. They also leave us with plenty to speculate as we wait for the next issue, and although there are times where this seems to override the excitement, the issue as a whole was very much enjoyable.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #2

Jan 22, 2016

Uncanny X-Men #2 moves the story forward in a fun, engaging manner, with the creative team using the various characters to their advantage. That said there is still a lot of room for improvement, with there yet to be something that truly captivated.

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Uncanny: Season Two #1

Mar 31, 2015

Uncanny Season 2 gets off to an impressive start, as though there's still a lot to explore, and learn about lead character Bobby Lowe, the events within this opening issue should do enough to have readers returning for more. It also proves a brilliant jumping on point for new readers, with it being easy to dive into.

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Undertow #2

Mar 19, 2014

Undertow is a series that has a tremendously clever script whilst also having stunning artwork. The characters are also intriguing with the main character Anshargal having a intense presence. Highly recommended.

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Undertow #3

Apr 22, 2014

Overtow continues to be a captivating and thrilling read with it's exciting and intriguing developments making it a must have for anyone who are fans of tales from the deep city of Atlantis. Highly recommended.

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Undertow #4

May 20, 2014

Undertow continues to be astounding as despite coming down a notch quality wise for developments sake it remains suspenseful and gritty. Highly recommended.

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Undertow #5

Jun 24, 2014

Undertow continues to amaze as though it's ultra fast pace let the issue down slightly the tone and set-up more than made up, having this fanboy hooked for next issues finale. Highly recommended.

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Undertow #6

Jul 23, 2014

Undertow has been the kind of exciting aquatic story that comics has needed being a fresh take on the Atlantic setting. This issue brings that saga to an exciting conclusion being action packed throughout. Highly recommended.

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Unity #0

Oct 14, 2014

Unity #0 may not be the usual sort of tale to expect from this series, but given the fact Eternal Warrior will return to his own solo series come next month, it's fitting to see yet another era in his immortal life. The issue also gives a different take on teamwork, with Unit Y being nothing like Unity. Recommended.

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Unity #11

Sep 16, 2014

Unity #11 does a brilliant job of setting up Armor Hunters #4, proving why this is a must read event. Highly recommended.

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Vampirella / Army of Darkness #1

Jul 7, 2015

Vampirella/Army of Darkness #1 was just downright disappointing, as though it showed promise near the end, having inviting artwork, it failed to capture Ash's characteristics perfectly. It also had a rather slow start, and though it quickly heated things up near the end, this didn't help neutralize the poor representation.

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Vampirella / Army of Darkness #3

Sep 8, 2015

Vampirella/Army of Darkness is slowly starting to turn into a decent tale, as despite there being little reason for this crossover to happen in the first place, the narrative is starting to heat up. This is probably best reflected in the character interaction, as although the interpretation is a bit questionable, it allows for great drama.

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Veil #1

Mar 4, 2014

Veil proves to be a unique and enthralling story introducing a mysterious character who I want to learn more about. Due to this I highly recommend this comic and can't wait to see what happens next.

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Veil #2

Apr 1, 2014

Veil is quickly becoming one of my favourite Dark Horse series out the now with it's mysterious and dynamic story being a joy to read. Highly recommended.

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Veil #3

May 6, 2014

Veil continues to intrigue though the lack of interaction from Veil herself let this particular issue down. It still however merit's a recommendation.

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Veil #5

Oct 14, 2014

Veil may have had it's flaws as of late, but the five part mini-series has proven to be an all round success, with this issue bringing events to a thrilling conclusion. Between character development and stunning visuals this proves a must have for fans of Rucka's work, making the less than stellar issues worth it. Highly recommended.

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Velvet #1

Oct 28, 2013

This was a truly amazing issue, and I couldn't think of a better start for the series. Brubaker give a unique twist to the spy genre that helps make this issue even more dramatic and suspenseful, and the tone and atmosphere of the story was just perfect, with the mystery making it even better. It also introduced and gave a lot of depth to the characters involved, with a very intense story development and I could easily see this becoming my favourite series out the now. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue and I for one can't wait for the next issue.

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Velvet #6

Jul 23, 2014

Velvet‘s second arc kicks off in an epic fashion with Velvet Templeton getting closer to finding the person who framed her. Highly recommended.

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Velvet #7

Sep 9, 2014

Velvet continues to be a thrilling spy tale, as though the lack of follow-up disappointed me, Brubaker's brilliant storytelling more than made up. Highly recommended.

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Velvet #8

Nov 4, 2014

Velvet #8 is yet another amazing entry in what has to be one of the best series on the shelf. Continuing to prove just how good a female lead story can be, the issue gives us some amazing developments, sporting some of the best narration in the comic book industry. Highly recommended.

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Velvet #9

Feb 3, 2015

Velvet #9 may not be the most exciting entry in this extraordinary series, but it still proves a worthy read. Between the narrative and mystery, the issue compliments the spy genre nicely, leaving some intriguing developments to ponder over. It's this, along with the wonderful art that once again makes Velvet a worthwhile addition to anyone's pull.

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Vikings #1

Apr 26, 2016

Vikings #1 was a solid, yet disappointing start for this comic book tie-in, with the choice to give us a narrative so closely tied to pre-exceeding events leaving us with a final product that was less than captivating. This wouldn't be helped much by inconsistencies during the art, though the issue was much stronger visually than narratively.

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Voracious #1

Feb 5, 2016

Voracious #1 is a solid start for this unique mix of dinosaurs and culinary storytelling, with the creators giving us a product that I for one will be eager to return to. That said it is a little long winded at times, with the oversized nature of this opening issue hindering it just as much as it helps give value for money.

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War for the Planet of the Apes #1

Jul 11, 2017

War for the Planet of the Apes #1 gets this comic book prequel off to a tremendous start, as despite jumping from one place to another a little too frequently, it sets up this narrative perfectly. It also starts to set the stage for the upcoming movie, teasing how certain developments in the movie came to be.

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We Can Never Go Home #1

Mar 25, 2015

We Can Never Go Home #1 is one of the biggest surprises to come out of 2015 so far, as though I had high hopes going in, I never expected Black Mask Studios to deliver such a character driven epic. The dramatic, yet semi-realistic events also allow for a refreshing change to the usual tone we get from comics, with the culminating events doing enough to have this fanboy returning.

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We Can Never Go Home #2

May 6, 2015

If I could only recommend one independent comic to try this month, then it'd have to be We Can Never Go Home. Having been enthralled by it's opening issue, I was overjoyed to see the same level of quality in this second issue, with the energetic and thrilling developments captivating at every moment. It is however the great character depth that makes this a must have, as though the dramatic twists are needed to generate the dynamic tempo, it'd be nothing without the personality of Duncan and Maddie.

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We Can Never Go Home #3

Jun 9, 2015

We Can Never Go Home #3 is an amazing continuation to a sensational series. Despite dropping slightly in overall quality, it is still one of the best comics on the shelves today, with Maddie and Duncan's relationship becoming much more intense.

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We Can Never Go Home #4

Aug 25, 2015

We Can Never Go Home continues to be a sensational tale, and if I could only recommend one comic to add to your pull, this would be it. Having a refreshingly unique tale, which explodes off the page, the creative team have delivered something truly engaging, with these characters being more than intriguing.

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We Can Never Go Home #5

Dec 2, 2015

We Can Never Go Home #5 was an excellent conclusion to what is easily the best comic book story of 2015. Having given us an exciting, yet emotional tale, the creative team bring things to a gripping conclusion, showing the true nature of our two main characters.

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We Stand On Guard #1

Jun 30, 2015

We Stand On Guard #1 is easily one of the most intense opening issues that I've read in recent months, as though it may not be as captivating as I hoped it would, it does enough to have me returning for more. Having great tension, deep character development and exciting action, this comic is bound to leave readers in awe, even if not for all of it's thirty-four pages.

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Wildfire #1

Jun 8, 2014

Wildfire gets off to a great start as though the pace is slightly lagging at times the subject matter and intense character interaction grab my attention with the series' future looking very promising. Recommended.

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Wildfire #2

Jul 15, 2014

Wildfire is spreading like well wildfire. This unique tale of GMO's gone wrong has really proved intriguing over these first two issue with Hawkins and Sejic producing a captivating tale. Highly recommended.

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Wildfire #3

Aug 26, 2014

Wildfire continues to entice, as despite slowing down slightly, the character depth and seriousness of the situation makes it a thrilling read. Highly recommended.

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Wildfire #4

Oct 21, 2014

Wildfire has been a marvellous series so far, with this first volume coming to a relatively exciting end (if you discount the way it actually ended). It also sets up the future of the series nicely, though with such a big gap fans will need to be a little patient. Highly recommended.

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Will Eisner's The Spirit #1

Jun 30, 2015

Will Eisner's The Spirit is back, with Dynamite breathing new life into the pulp icon. Even if it's at the expense of his death. Delivering a unique tale that's full of mystery and wonder (as well as the of bit of fun), the creative team have a firm grasp on this character, leaving this fan excited for a second outing.

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Will Eisner's The Spirit #3

Sep 15, 2015

Will Eisner's The Spirit #3 may have its flaws, with one aspect in particular frustrating me, but that doesn't stop it from being an enjoyable comic. It also manages to give us some intriguing developments, with the creative team certainly laying the seeds for a game changing twist.

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Will Eisner's The Spirit #7

Jan 19, 2016

Will Eisner's The Spirit #7moves the story forward in a bold, engaging manner with the titular character's return to the spotlight raising the tempo. The mystery surrounding his disappearance and the person behind it also continues to factor in nicely and alongside the energetic action it gives me plenty of reasons to recommend this issue to current and potential readers.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #13

Feb 26, 2013

This was a brilliant issue, and although it's not the best in the series it is still very good, and I will be sad when Brubaker leaves this series. I would highly recommend this issue, and am looking forward to the conclusion of this story in the next issue.

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Witchblade (1995) #1

May 14, 2015

Witchblade #1 may not be the most impressive entry in this phenomenal series, but if not for it's awesomeness we'd never have this beloved character today. Add to this an enticing narrative and stunning artwork, and it's virtually impossible not to fall in love with this character. So I urge potential fans to go try this (it's only 99 on Comixology), and if you're a current/former fan, why not re-read for nostalgia, as what better way is there to celebrate her 20th Anniversary?

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Witchblade (1995) #170

Oct 26, 2013

This was an amazing issue and a brilliant jumping on point for new readers, as well as a brilliant time for old readers to rejoin the series. It has some amazing mystery, with plenty of suspense and drama, having brilliant tone throughout. Ron Marz also shows why his original run on Witchblade was so popular, and with new artist Laura Braga with him the series is bound to remain outstanding. Due to all this it's extremely easy to recommend this issue, and I for one can't wait for the next issue.

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Witchblade (1995) #171

Dec 13, 2013

This was a brilliant continuation to the Borne Again story as although the pace has slowed down slightly, it is still very dramatic and suspenseful having me gripped for the future of this story and I‘d highly recommend this issue to anyone.

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Witchblade (1995) #172

Jan 24, 2014

Witchblade continues to astound me, with the return of Marz proving to be a terrific decision. Added to that Braga's wonderful art and the terrific development in this issue and it's impossible not to recommend this issue.

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Witchblade (1995) #173

Mar 9, 2014

Witchblade continues to astound as despite the fast pace it managed to show great characteristics as well as tease the future of the series perfectly. Highly recommended.

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Witchblade (1995) #174

Apr 15, 2014

Witchblade's first arc under the creative team of Marz and Braga ends on a high with the explosive and intense events being mesmerising. Highly recommended.

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Wolverine (2013) #1

Sep 11, 2013

This may not be the most exciting Wolverine story to be told, but it's certainly one of the best. It showed Wolverine perfectly, showing that allow he may seem, and act like an animal that deep down he's still a man, and a goodhearted one at that. It also showed the emotional strain that Wolverine has went through, as well as his relationship problems perfectly, also having some amazing action. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this book, as it's truly a must read for and Wolverine, or X-Men fan, and even if you're not it's still worth trying, as I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

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Wolverine (2013) #2

Sep 4, 2013

This series is seriously becoming really good, and it won't be long before it becomes amazing. This issue itself was very fun, and dramatic, and the storyline itself is very mysterious, having my full curiosity. Also with the addition of Nick Fury Jr. to this story it shows signs of also become a brilliant team-up story. I would highly recommend it, and the previous issue, and am seriously looking forward to the next issue.

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Wolverine (2013) #3

Sep 5, 2013

This is probably the worst issue in the series so far, but it did have it's moments, and was fun at times. It was however the attempt at humour that damaged the quality of this issue, and I seriously hope that this doesn't affect the story as a whole, and that it pays of. It did however continue the mystery perfectly, and still shows potential, although Cornell will seriously have to deliver in the next issue to make up for his mistakes in this one. I would recommend this issue to anyone who has already been getting the series, but to new readers I'd recommend waiting, and seeing if the conclusion in the next issue is good before getting this one.

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Wolverine (2013) #4

Sep 10, 2013

Although a step above last issue, this issue was still slightly poor, and the lack of an ending, along with slight confusion was the key reason for that. There was however some brilliant action, and some amazing dialogue, with even a more lightheated sequence to open the issue, which was nice. The series does however still show potential, as although this issue, as well as last issue were far from the level expected, the series still has some life to it. I would only recommend this issue to anyone that's been following so far, as otherwise I'd recommend waiting till next issue, and seeing if the next story's any better.

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Wolverine (2013) #5

Sep 11, 2013

This was a step up from the last couple of issues, but still far from the level that the series should be at by now. I did however still enjoy the issue, and there was some very interesting parts about it, leaving with a fabulous cliffhanger. It also had some interesting action, all be it not much, as well as adding more mystery, whilst continuing to be dramatic. It also continues the story that has been building from issue 1, whilst also being a great start to a new story, and I look forward to seeing how it's developed. I would recommend caution when thinking about buying this, as unless you're already collecting the series I'd be wary, as although it'll appeal to some, it may not appeal to you.

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Wolverine (2013) #6

Sep 11, 2013

This was a much better issue than the last few, and the series certainly seems to be getting back on track, as although it's still not quite at the level of the first two issues, it's not far away. This issue also had some interesting parts about it, with exciting action, also having much more mystery added to it. It also was a good set-up for the next issue, keeping me very intrigued, and interested. Due to this I'd probably recommend this issue, though if you don't have the last issue it's probably worth just getting the series from the next issue.

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Wolverine (2013) #7

Sep 11, 2013

This issue is bound to get mixed responses, but I for one really enjoyed it, and loved to see how Wolverine's copping living as a mortal. I also liked the emotion that was added, as although it may have been a little too much, it was nice to see, and showed that Wolverine does know what fear is. It also had a few nice cameo appearances, as well as some interesting development points, and I look forward to seeing how the story progresses in the next issue. I personally would highly recommend this issue, but due to the type of issue would also recommend caution as although I loved it, you may not.

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Wolverine (2013) #8

Sep 12, 2013

This was a very good issue, being one of the best the series has seen in a while. It is however not quite at the level I'd hoped for, as although there was explosive fight sequences, and interesting dialogue, the pace is still a little slow. It is however a step in the right direction, showing promise for the future of the story, and series. Due to all this I'd recommend this to anyone, as it's a great jumping on point for new readers, and had a brilliant fight sequence between Wolverine, and Black Panther.

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Wolverine (2013) #9

Sep 15, 2013

Killable certainly seems to be heating up, and although the confrontation that I was hoping for didn't happen in this issue, the developments leave an even more interesting future for this story. The issue itself did however have a slightly mixed pace, but the brilliant action at the end made up. The issue also had plenty of drama, and suspense, with great appearances, and interactions. Due to all this I'd recommend this issue as it's an enjoyable read, but anyone who hasn't been enjoying the series should be sceptical.

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Wolverine (2013) #10

Oct 13, 2013

This series has yet again dropped in quality, as although it was only gradually climbing it has taken a backward step in this issue, which was very disappointing. The issue was also very slow, as although the tone and mood helped to make the issue a bit more enjoyable, the only real consolation was the fantastic artwork from Alan Davis. Due to all this I'd only recommend for anyone who has been getting the story so far, as otherwise it's a terrible issue to jump on at.

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Wolverine (2014) #1

Feb 13, 2014

This new series of Wolverine gets of to a decent start, and although I'm not sure just how good this series will becoming, I'm sure it won't be as bad as the last.

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Wolverine (2014) #4

Apr 17, 2014

The first arc of the latest Wolverine series ends on a high giving a lot of promise for the future of this series. Highly recommended.

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Wolverine (2014) #5

May 1, 2014

Wolverine #5 is a great jumping on point being a interesting one-shot story for Wolvie. Recommended.

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Wolverine (2014) #6

May 14, 2014

Wolverine‘s latest arc doesn't get off to a fantastic start as despite having some interesting and exciting moments it was a little too hectic and confusing. Nonetheless it still scrapes through with a recommendation from me.

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Wolverine (2014) #7

May 30, 2014

Wolverine‘s latest two part story ends as disappointingly as it opened and I doubt I'll remember in years to come. Nonetheless it was still decent and the set-up that it does has me intrigued for the advertised Three Months to Die storyline so it squeezes through with a recommendation.

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Wolverine (2014) #8

Jun 12, 2014

With Paul Cornell's run on Wolverine nearing it's end the writer gives us a brilliant set-up for things to come. Highly recommended.

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Wolverine (2014) #9

Jun 25, 2014

Wolverine edges closer to his demise with his encounter with Death proving very dramatic. With a shocking appearance and exciting action Three Months to Die leads the series in the right direction. Recommended.

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Wolverine (2014) #10

Jul 9, 2014

Wolverine is getting closer to his demise with Three Months to Die becoming Two. Despite the tension that's being built the overall issue was hurt by the appearance of too many characters with the atmosphere getting diluted. It does however squeeze through with a recommendation.

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Wolverine (2014) #11

Aug 15, 2014

Wolverine is getting even closer to the end, with this penultimate issue setting up what I hope will be an explosive finale. Recommended.

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Wolverine (2014) #12

Aug 29, 2014

Paul Cornell's Wolverine run ends in an very disappointing manor, feeling rushed, and overlooked to accommodate the upcoming Death of Wolverine series. Cause of this I can't recommend this, though if you've been following the series this far it'd be pointless to miss the end.

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Wolverine (2014) Annual #1

Aug 20, 2014

Wolverine may only have One Month to Die, but that doesn't mean that he can't have some fun with his good friend Jubilee, in this thrilling Annual which I thoroughly recommend.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #36

Sep 28, 2013

This was a very good issue and the second half of this story has been set-up perfectly. The issue itself was however slightly laggy, as until the end it felt like there wasn't going to be much progression in this issue. It was however still exciting at times, also having some mystery to it. Due to this I'd recommend this issue as although it wasn't the best in the story so far it has set-up the next part perfectly.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #37

Oct 28, 2013

This was yet another issue that didn't quite live up to it's potential, as although it went out with a bang, setting up the story's conclusion perfectly, it was slow at the start, having some unnecessary interactions, overall feeling like a set-up issue. It did however have some very exciting moments, and has me very excited for the finale next week, but I can't help but wonder how brilliant this story would have been had it been a bit shorter. Due to this I'd highly recommend it for people who've been following the story so far, but otherwise it'd be best to wait for the trade to come out.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 23, 2016

Wonder Woman #1 was a strong start to this new series, with the creative team giving us a smart, symbolic tale. They also set the future of this particular narrative up perfectly, leaving me intrigued as to where the alternative story, that starts next issue, will fit into all this.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #2

Jul 15, 2016

Wonder Woman #2 gets “Year One” off to a satisfying start, as despite feeling like the same old story, there was more than enough for this to stand out on it's own. The way the creative team balanced the tone and atmosphere of Themyscira with the character depth also made this an appealing book to pick up, showing tons of potential moving forward.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Jul 29, 2016

Wonder Woman #3 is a fantastic entry in this split narrative, moving “The Lies” forward in an intriguing manner. Not only does it build off the established narrative, but it also gives us a gripping confrontation between Diana and Cheetah, with the end result showing a different side of this arch nemesis.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #4

Aug 11, 2016

Wonder Woman #4 is quite possibly the best issue of the new series to date, with Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott doing an amazing job of moving this story forward. Not only do we get some wonderful character development and depth, but we also get some fascinating dialogue, as well as some touching moments.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #5

Aug 26, 2016

Wonder Woman #5 isn't quite the thrilling continuation I was hoping for “The Lies,” but it still gives us enough reasons to remain invested in this story. It also once again showcases the quality of the art team, also giving us some wonderful character interaction along the way.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #25

Jun 28, 2017

Wonder Woman #25 is everything I was expecting, bringing a fitting ending to Greg Ruka‘s run on the character. Giving us a fun adventure involving the Justice League, as well as some deep reflection on the heartache Diana has went through as of late, the creative team give us a thrilling final outing.

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Wonder Woman: Earth One #1

Apr 8, 2016

Wonder Woman: Earth One vol. 1 may not have been the story I hoped for, but that doesn't mean that it was less than impressive. Giving us a bold, yet familiar take on the character, the creative team would give us a more safer entry to the polarizing Earth One universe. That said the lack of villain prevented it from captivating on an extraordinary level, with it feeling more like the first chapter in a much longer story.

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Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jun 10, 2016

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 is a great start for the new creative team, leaving a lot of questions heading forward. The creative team also did a wonderful job of making Wonder Woman question her past, making the choice to run two story arcs at the same time all the more alluring.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #1

Nov 18, 2015

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #1 gave us a thrilling look into what's in store for Gilad, with his inner conflict over what to do with his eternal life being gripping. We also get some great emotion, as well as a symbolic look into what's at the heart of the Eternal Warrior.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #3

Jan 19, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior continues to be an exciting read, with this third issue only building upon the emotionally driven script. We also get great symbolism, and wonderful art designs with the final product easily gaining a recommendation.

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WWE #3

Mar 21, 2017

WWE #3 may not be the most exciting issue of the new series to date, but it continues to prove that there is potential in wrestling comics. Not only does it give us some dramatic moments that mirror real life events, but the creative team couple this with a comical tone that allows it to stand out on its own.

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WWE #5

May 30, 2017

WWE #5 is quite possibly the best the series has produced so far. Kicking off a new story that sees The Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose, take centre stage, the creative team give us a narrative that is both fun and full of heart. The sub-plot involving Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair also helps this stand out from the previous issues, with this latest arc looking a lot more extravagant.

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WWE #6

Jun 27, 2017

WWE #6 may not be quite as entertaining as the last couple of issues, but that doesn't stop it from being an enjoying read. Giving us a wacky insight into wrestler's downtime, the creative team build upon Dean Ambrose and Sasha Banks' story in bold fashion. Unfortunately this does very little to the narrative as a whole, feeling littler more than filler material.

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WWE #7

Jul 26, 2017

WWE #7 is quite simply a fun and entertaining comic. Giving us a strange, yet enjoyable yarn involving The Wyatt Family, the creative team deliver one of the best entries in the series to date. The back-up tale featuring Jake the Snake Roberts (and his python Damien) also proves a fun addition, giving a new meaning to the DDT.

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Wytches #1

Oct 7, 2014

Wytches #1 does a fabulous job of setting the scene for things to come, with the prelude giving the mysterious horror aspect, and the main story showing how this works around the normal world. The issue also shows some great character development, giving some brilliant introductions, and wonderful dialogue. All these are great reasons to buy this tale, with the fact it's a double sized issue at $2.99 only being a bonus. Highly recommended.

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Wytches #2

Nov 12, 2014

Wytches is quickly becoming one of the best series on the stands, as though it's still early days, there's enough within these first two issues to leave this fanboy excited for more. Highly recommended.

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Wytches #3

Dec 18, 2014

Wytches #3 may not be quite as compelling as the first two issues, but the series remains as gripping as ever. Delivering creepy developments, and fabulous horror, the storytelling of Snyder and Jock makes this a series that you'll want to return to again and again. Highly recommended.

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Wytches #4

Feb 4, 2015

Wytches continues to be a must read comic, with it's chilling overtones, and dramatic developments being sensational. The rich character developments also prove captivating, and along with the ambiguous background development, it'll leave you returning for more.

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Wytches #5

Mar 25, 2015

Wytches is a series that everyone needs to try at least once, as whether you're a fan of Scott Snyder and Jock‘s work or not, you're bound to love this. Moving the story forward in a gripping fashion, this issue will also keep current readers hooked, with the finale not coming soon enough.

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Wytches #6

May 19, 2015

Wytches #6 may see the end of the first arc, with there being no clear sign when the second will start, but that doesn't mean we can't rejoice. Being gritty, chilling, and above all suspenseful, this conclusion is everything that us fans deserved, with the revelation as to how Sailor got pledged, and the resulting aftermath being gripping to say the least. So I pledge you to make the trip to your local comic book story and buy this series, as with such awesomeness in every issue, I'd be surprised if you left feeling disappointed. Pledged is pledged.

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X'ed #1

Dec 2, 2015

X'ed #1 is a great point for new readers to taste what Black Mask has to offer, being yet another amazing story from the publisher. Having a wonderful concept as well as showing signs of great promise, the creative team certainly left me eager for more, and all that I can hope is that they deliver on this.

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X-Men (2013) #1

Sep 6, 2013

A brilliant opening issue to this all female X-Men series, and Wood, and Coipel have done a phenomenal job. It was a really fun issue, whilst also having a innocent feel to it, which was nice. There was also a brilliant, and chaotic action sequence, and a mysterious nature to the overall story. I would highly recommend this to anyone, and am really looking forward to the next issue.

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X-Men (2013) #2

Sep 10, 2013

This was another brilliant issue, and on par with the outstanding opener. It had amazing, and exciting action, with a mysterious, and interesting new villain who's sure to have more to say before this story's through. The drama, and suspense caused by this villain was also brilliant, and although I was disappointed that Jubilee didn't have too big an appearance, it didn't take away from the story. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the previous, and if this series continues like this it will quickly become one of my favourite's, which I would never have thought of prior to it's release.

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X-Men (2013) #3

Sep 11, 2013

This was a great issue, and although so far it's technically the worst in the series, that just shows how good the series has been. It had some interesting, and exciting sequences, as well as some amazing dialogue, all of which gave tons of drama to the issue. It also had plenty of mystery, and suspense, as well as fun, and overall there wasn't a great deal wrong with this issue. The only real problem was that it was a bit rushed, as the story should really have had at least one more issue. Besides all this I'd easily recommend this issue, and the previous two, as the series has been truly amazing.

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X-Men (2013) #4

Sep 12, 2013

This was a terrific issue, as although not as exciting as the previous story, it was very entertaining, having plenty of emotion, suspense, and drama. It also had great character development, and was overall a brilliant stand alone issue. Due to all this I'd highly recommend it, as it's a perfect starting point for new readers, especially with Battle of the Atom about to start.

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X-Men (2013) #5

Sep 15, 2013

This was an amazing issue, and although technically the worst in the crossover so far, still very entertaining, showing just how good the story's been so far. It has some fun, and excitement, as well as interesting encounters, setting up the next part of the story perfectly. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the story so far, and can't wait to read the next part.

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X-Men (2013) #6

Oct 13, 2013

Yet another fantastic instalment to the story, Wood's managed to keep the tone of this series perfect, whilst also working it into the crossover story. The issue itself also had a lot of action and excitement, which was a very good thing, as overall it lacked story development. It did however also have a lot of suspenseful moments, and was very fun and entertaining. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the story so far, but if you haven't been following the story you may want to wait for it too come out in trade now.

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X-Men Origins (2008): Wolverine #1

Jul 27, 2013

This was a good film, with some problems. It had plenty of action, as well as emotion, and was brilliantly cast. It also perfectly adapted some of the key parts of Wolverine's history, as well as add on top of that. This was still however nothing amazing, as it lacked in overall structure, and ruined Deadpool. I would however still recommend at least seeing this film once, as it's definitely worth a try, as you're bound to like it to a certain extent (just don;t expect to necessarily love it).

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Sep 13, 2013

A terrific start to what I hope will be a brilliant event. As is expected from a X-Men event, this issue had plenty of excitement, and drama, as well as being very fun, and entertaining. There was also some mystery as well, having a great atmosphere, and brilliant action. Due to all this I'd easily recommend this issue, and am going straight onto All-New X-Men #16 next.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2

Nov 2, 2013

This was an exciting issue, but due to a poor ending and very rushed artwork it was probably overall the poorest issue in the story, with it making the story feel irrelevant and unnecessary. There would however be some explosive moments, and some shocking developments with the epilogues doing a fantastic job of setting up the future of the X-Men titles, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to overcome the sudden and poor ending. Due to this I'd only recommend this issue to anyone who's been following the story so far, or anyone that loves explosive action, as otherwise it's only essential for the epilogues.

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Xena: Warrior Princess #1

Apr 12, 2016

Xena: Warrior Princess #1 may not have been the exciting opening issue I was hoping for, but it did give us a fun tale for our heroine. It also brought back the iconic character in a bold manner, with the cliffhanger at the end leaving me eager for more.

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Young Avengers (2013) #1

Aug 2, 2013

This was a very good issue, and I still have high hopes for this series. The issue itself was far from perfect, but it was a great start, and makes it easy for brand new readers to like this series. I would highly recommend this issue, and am extremely looking forward to the next issue.

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Young Avengers (2013) #2

Aug 6, 2013

Although not as good as the previous issue, and slightly disappointing this was still a decent issue. I'm in two minds whether to recommend this issue or not. In hindsight I would recommend this series, as I expect it to be good in the next few issues, and it'd be a shame to miss one issue in the story. Also I felt that the story needed this slow period to help progress the story. On the other hand it'd probably be better to wait till another couple of issues are out, and see what kind of reception they get, but for anyone that bought issue 1 I'd recommend getting this.

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Young Avengers (2013) #3

Sep 3, 2013

This series has been very poor, and I desperately hope that it get's better soon. I would recommend this at your own peril, as to be honest this issue, along with the series has been poor, and I wouldn't recommend it so far, but I hope the series picks up, as it has ton's of potential. Basically I'd recommend leaving this story and seeing what the feedback is on the next one.

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Young Avengers (2013) #4

Sep 5, 2013

This was a surprisingly brilliant issue, and probably equal to best along with the first issue. It showed that the series could still be fun, and although it's still far from perfect, with the base of this story still being terrible, it shows hope for the future of this series, and that the next story might actually be good. I would recommend this issue, but not the series as a whole so far, as with only two good issues, as well as two poor it's probably better to either get this issue for the fun it holds, or wait for the next story to start (issue 5).

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Young Avengers (2013) #5

Sep 6, 2013

This series is still far from being at the level I hoped it'd be, but it deviantly's showing improvement, and this was a very exciting, and entertaining issue. It was also very emotional at times, and had brilliant action, and although there were a couple of disappointing factors involved in this issue, in general it was very good, and I hope this is a sign of things to come. I would highly recommend this issue as although not perfect it was still very good, but if you've not been following the series it may be better to wait until the next issue, as this was the end of a story, and may be confusing without the other issues.

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Young Terrorists #1

Aug 18, 2015

Young Terrorists #1 may very well be the must have comic for this week, as although some may be put off by it's price, it's 80 page length and elaborate plot more than prove worth it. Giving us a dramatic introduction, full of suspense, the creative team introduce us to a mindblowing world, that is bound to leave you pleading for more.

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Zero #9

Jul 23, 2014

Zero continues to be a captivating series as though it is a quick read it manages to deliver so much depth and emotion. Highly recommended.

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Zero #10

Aug 12, 2014

Zero continues to intrigue, as though this issue had a fair few problems, it remained enticing enough to merit a recommendation.

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Zero #11

Oct 21, 2014

Zero is quickly starting to become a series that I want to avoid, as though it continues to deliver something that keeps me enticed, as a whole it feels like a waste of money. It's due to this that I can't recommend this.

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Zero #12

Nov 18, 2014

Zero continues to disappoint, as though there are signs that the tides are once again changing, the final product remains lackluster. The narrative also continues to dampen proceedings, with the only saving grace of this issue being the teaser within. Due to this I can't wholeheartedly recommend this issue.

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Zero #15

Mar 17, 2015

Zero is a series that I personally don't see changing very soon, as though it's shown faint signs in the past, the constant jumping from one place to another proves a little unproductive for the plot. The concept of this issue on the other hand will divide readers, as though I'm very much on the fence, leaning more to the negative side, there's bound to be some that'll love it, and others that'll hate it.

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Zojaqan #1

Jul 27, 2017

Zojaqan #1 is a surreal tale that is unlike anything you've read before. Having some strong emotions and plenty of mystery, the creative team fashion a story that is both engaging and thought provoking, being a worthy addition to anyone's comic book collection.

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