Young Terrorists #1
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Young Terrorists #1

Writer: Matt Pizzolo Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: August 19, 2015 Cover Price: $6.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 9
9.1Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

What if "The Smoking Man" from The X-Files were a real person, and his daughter found out what he did for a living? The daughter of an assassinated globalist kingpin breaks out of an internment camp and leads her fellow escaped prisoners in a battle against an elitist conspiracy of shadow governments, megabanks, and military juntas in this edgy and subversive sci-fi thriller. Incendiary writer Matt Pizzolo and striking newcomer Amancay Nahuelpan unleash this tour-de-force that fearlessly assaults politics-as-usual. Young Terrorists continues the legacy of DMZ and The Invisibles as it manically rips the scab off life under the new world order more

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Aug 18, 2015

    Looking through the book, I couldn't help consider, that if Pizzolo is attempting to challenge people, is the book just not catering to them, through the use of the violence, sex and lesbians? Re-reading the bookI have come to the conclusion that in order to challenge the reader, Pizzolo has used the ingredients he has to hand, making a helluva strong glass of lemonade. Read Full Review

  • 10 - John McCubbin Aug 18, 2015

    Young Terrorists #1 may very well be the must have comic for this week, as although some may be put off by it's price, it's 80 page length and elaborate plot more than prove worth it. Giving us a dramatic introduction, full of suspense, the creative team introduce us to a mindblowing world, that is bound to leave you pleading for more. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Bloody Disgusting - Taylor Hoffman Jun 17, 2015

    Its a richly beautiful and complicated comic made even more impressive by Nahuelpans art that captures a gritty anger and ugliness of the world with such sharp lines within outstanding panel composition. At just seven bucks, this first issue is basically a steal for more than 80 pages of serious entertainment. The biggest threat to the insidious chokehold of the objectifying oppressor is self-awareness on the part of the oppressed, so do your part: open your eyes and read this book. If theres some list youre put on for buying this, then itll probably just prove the governments afraid of education and comics. Totally worth it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Aug 17, 2015

    Any one of the 3 parts of this mega-issue could have stood on it's own as a$3.99 comic and I'd have gladly read them on 3 consecutive months as issues 1, 2, and 3. That Pizzolo put them all together into a big issue to get us up to speed in one massive dose makes this all the better. Is it perfect? Alas, no. Even at 80 pages there are things that slip through the cracks that I'd have loved to see expanded on. But that's a good thing, it leaves some room for flashbacks and additional storytelling in future issues. This was easily in the top 10% of comics I've read so it gets a 5/5 rating with no reservations. Young Terrorists #1 is something special. Equal parts social commentary and entertainment, this has cemented a slot on my “must read” list. I can't wait for issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Nikki Sherman Aug 20, 2015

    While this book can be confusing at times, as a whole, it's a fantastic debut issue. People willing to take a chance on an off-beat story will dive into this headfirst, climb out of its beautiful pool of characters and art, and dive back in again to experience it once or twice more.Young Terrorists is thrilling from start to finish. It's breathtaking, epic, and masterfully crafted by one of the most exciting creative teams out there. Find a way to read this book, and then spend the next month figuring out what to do while you wait for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Aug 12, 2015

    Sera and her band of misfits are dedicated to fighting billionaire corporations while assisting the disenfranchised, through their own unorthodox ways. This is 80+ pages of complete and utter AWESOMENESS, not to mention some ideas that will leave you thinking about them for hours after you're done reading. For anyone (over 18) out there, this is definitely worth a read. I haven't enjoyed a comic book this much in a while, so open your mind, and give this gem a thorough reading! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Nerd Rock From The Sun - Neil Bason Aug 21, 2015

    Young Terrorists is a complete triumph. It hits you hard on the bridge of the nose and just keeps coming. You'll feel dizzy, delirious, and completely alive. It's violence, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll wrapped up in a blanket of conspiracy and plunged into a world where nothing is as it seems and no-one can be trusted.Young Terrorists is The Sex Pistols of comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Aug 19, 2015

    Young Terrorists #1 was phenomenal from start to finish. The first issue proved us with a good grasp of our main cast, set up the status quo for the book, gave us an idea of how stylized it is and made a lot of interesting statements about people, beliefs and our country in general. There were so many things said in this book, but Pizzolo made sure to keep these things woven into the story, allowing readers not to get caught up in those statements. The art was really captivating and innovative. Young Terrorists #1 made no apologizes on its feelings, views while developing one of the most gripping, satisfying issues of the year. This book will stay in your brain long after you finish. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Aug 20, 2015

    Young Terroristsis off to a good start. It is risky in its subversiveness, but for all its shady overtones its an interesting and fun read with great art. This first issue is a little more expensive than most, but the value for money is excellent. The first printing can still be picked up in stores now (my LCS had a decent stack of copies), but they are selling out fast and a second printing is already on its way. Make sure you check this out at your local comic shop or digitally! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Brett Aug 20, 2015

    While I'll admit I didn't catch everything going on in the first issue (nor do I need to), the debut is a hell of a package that will get you to think about it well after you've read it. Young Terrorists is a debut that is as thought provoking as much as it is raw and brutal. Can't wait to see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 23, 2015

    It makes for a compelling story - one with plenty of mysteries to uncover. It's definitely not for the faint of heart - but it is a wild ride. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Aug 20, 2015

    In the end, “Young Terrorists” #1 may be a larger investment than many are willing to make thanks to the $6.99 pricetag, but there's definitely a lot of artistry on display within and the makings of a fantastic new series. Pizzolo continues to prove himself as a writer, stretching himself with a varied cast of characters and a world in which every dark corner leads to newer, darker corners. Along with Amancay Nahuelpan's fantastic artwork that brings the brutality of the book to life, “Young Terrorists” joins Black Mask's line of counterculture comics proudly. It's challenging and unflinching and has the potentinal to go some very interesting and very dark places. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Aug 19, 2015

    I applaud the creative team for wanting this issue to move and develop at its own pace. That's why the issue is so big and that's why it's very comic booky. Does it work? Not fully, but at least there's a publisher willing to take a chance on trying something new. Maybe they're work the kinks out and this will become a successful formula for other creators. Read Full Review

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