Grayson #11

Writer: Tim Seeley, Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 26, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 27
8.7Critic Rating
9.7User Rating

Its Grayson versus...Grayson? To save Agent 1, Dick must face his most dangerous enemy yet: himself.

  • 10
    The Rainbow Hub - Emma Houxbois Aug 28, 2015

    The execution of the story that we're seeing this issue is brilliantly plotted out because there was a clear cut six issue arc that offered closure on the original plot line of the Paragon body parts, but it also contained a lot of threads that continue to move forward towards a longer burn that satisfies both the need to write for clean trade paperback collection, but doesn't stop short at what I call writing on a sine wave: a continuous, predictable cycle. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Infinite Comix - Jacob Torres Aug 28, 2015

    Tom King and Tim Seeley continue to surpass expectations with what's easily the best issue of Grayson yet. The mystery of who framed Dick Grayson comes to a close and it's leading to big changes for the title and character. There are new questions to be asked as players new and old re-enter the picture. War is brewing as spy agencies are being set against each other and Dick Grayson is in the middle of it no longer, or so he'd like to believe, as the prodigal son prepares to return home. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Aug 26, 2015

    Up to this point Grayson has been a great book, but this may be the best issue so far. This issue brings so many concepts together and promises so much ahead for the series it easily functions as jumping on point for a new reader. You will not be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 26, 2015

    If you are a Grayson fan, this is a must read.  Saying that seems silly because of course you are going to read it, but a reviewer has to say things like that.  This is more for the Grayson haters that are still out there...get off your soapboxes and get to the comic book store and buy this book.  Your silly protest has lasted long enough and you are missing out on one of the best books period.  When you finally catch up to this issue, remember how great I said it was because by then you will agree with me and will thank me. You're Welcome. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Aug 27, 2015

    Overall: A masterclass of everything that makes a comic great, King, Seeley, Jann, and Cox could probably phone it in and still have a semi-quality product. Thankfully, the story of Dick Grayson continues in a book that is fun, exciting, tense, and even heartbreaking. Things manage to stay fresh while still true to the character, and tie in to the larger universe without getting bogged down in continuity. Read this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Aug 27, 2015

    So Agent 8 AND 1 are double agents?! Is there now going to be a war against Spyral and Checkmate? Dr. Nets and Agent Zero are sisters, I wonder if Zero is still Kathy Kane, like I thought issues back? An upcoming issue teases Dr. Netz father… The founder of Spyral, how's that going to play out? And Dick goes back to Gotham. It mentions Bruce, Alfred, and Barbara in particular… How's that going to work, and is he not going to come across Gordon Robo-Bats?… So many questions! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Mr. H Aug 31, 2015

    I've said it before, this title presents Dick Grayson at his very best. The spy shtick suits him nicely and his humor is a breath of fresh air. The mystery keeps compounding which I am enjoying and can't wait until Dick finally gets the chance to reunite with some more familiar characters very soon. I in no way want this title to come to an end and just force Dick back to his Nightwing role. This is like a hit tv show that just keeps getting better and is about to hit it's stride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - John McCubbin Aug 27, 2015

    Grayson continues to be one of DC's most exciting series', with this climactic conclusion to recent events being fascinating to say the least. Add to this the possible direction in which the series could go moving forward, and you can bet that this reader will be returning for more. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Black Nerd Problems - Tajaye Williams Aug 27, 2015

    Mikel Janin quality art has become a fixture here. He consistently does a good job and his splash pages can rival some of the best. It will be interesting to see how this book progresses with the title character heading home to tie up loose ends (Read: for the second volume of Batman Eternal) but whatever happens this team should most feel proud of the creative headway they made so far in the Dick Grayson mythology. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Aug 31, 2015

    Perhaps a few too many swerves, but overall, this issue rights the ship from last month's #10, which was the weakest thus far. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 27, 2015

    With a killer assuming Dick's identity, Tom King shows he's one of DC's smartest writers, with a real vibrance and humor to Dick's dialogue as he guesses who his doppelganger might be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 1, 2015

    Grayson #11 accomplished its job of setting the stage for Dick Grayson's return to the DC Universe proper. This is something that we've been waiting to see since Forever Evil and now we are about to get. At the same time, there was plenty done in the process that gives this series many more stories to tell beyond Dick's return to Gotham City. Hopefully all of this leads to Dick's life in Gotham and Spyral merging at some point in the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 29, 2015

    The creative team has such a solid grasp of their main character that every little scene is a new delight. We dig a little into Dick Grayson's psyche, while the rest of the cast set up some potentially great stories to come. And, as always, Janin just kills it on art. I imagine good things for him going forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Aug 26, 2015

    As the issue closes, a major plot point is revealed, which -- like any good spy story -- creates a myriad of other questions. There is still so much left to be done and, though the story teases a return to Gotham for next issue, it's certainly not the end of Dick's involvement with Spyral. As Huntress tries to hold things together at the top, she continues to find herself the prey and not the predator. Tiger is spun into a web without his knowledge and used as bait. Dick is being manipulated from all sides and feels out to sea. The upheaval makes for fantastic comics and, as Seeley, King and Jann continue their innovative work with "Grayson," readers find themselves pulled further into the Spyral. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 27, 2015

    Writer King shows a great mind for pacing here, the book's tone subtly shifting from light hearted romp to mind bending thriller in a way that leaves you just as disoriented as the book's eponymous lead. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dawn of Comics Aug 31, 2015

    It's drawn very well, the fighting panels are laid out well. Having just joined the overall story is lost on me. The fight did make me laugh with Dicks smart mouth going to far as almost kissing his doppelgnger and then the doppelgnger almost kissing him. I would rather have seen Grayson as Nightwing. But it's not a bad book. Read Full Review

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