Mr. H's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 53
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2016) #999

Mar 14, 2018

It wasn't filler by any means and was a good little story but it did nothing to amp my excitement for next issue. I guess they can't all be super.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #5

Dec 24, 2015

Dan Slott and Giuseppe Camuncoli have done a terrific job of infusing all the elements that make Spider-Man comics great: power, responsibility, angst, guilt and humor. They have found a way to keep that classic feel while putting a nice coat of brand new over it.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #20

Oct 16, 2016

Look we all know that some dances are meant to be eternal and this is one of them. Spider-Man vs his first and most worthy foe Dr. Octopus. The bonus is we get the rivalry renewed with both at the height of their physical and mental prowess. Nevertheless, things are about to be very crowded for our Friendly World Wall Crawler. Part of the fun of being a Peter Parker fan is seeing the torment he will have to overcome to succeed. Well, now he has a foe back that remembers everything.That certainly can't be good for Parker Industries' business but it's more profitable for me.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #797

Mar 7, 2018

Bottom line, the issue was a delectable appetizer for what will no doubt be a delicious main course. To bring back the echoes of comic editors of yesteryear, “If you only read one Spidey – Story this year, this is it!” It has everything you can want in a big time Spider-Man tale.(Dan Slott also wrote Big Time Spider-Man just fyi) This comic has already been flying off the shelves and pre-orders and it is very easy to see why.I loved it and it will only get better. The only bad thing is the wait till the next issue arrives. My final thought, screw getting a Marty McFly hover board some day, I want my damn Goblin Glider!

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #5

Sep 10, 2015

Comic books come and go and creative changes are a plenty, but great moments are eternal. I'm happy to say Mr. Slott, you've given us another one. Thank you.

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 14, 2015

This comic had so many geek out moments for me it's hard to choose. From the rooftop conversation with his partner Harvey Bullock (we found out Jim is only 46) To seeing Alfred's daughter Julia on Jim's tactical team, to the Bat Hellicarrier and the writers addressing all our ridiculous concerns. Also the new Bat-suit when he steps out of the armor, my god the Bat-suit! it was just utter fanboy delight. I went from thinkinghow are we going to have a Batman without Bruce Wayne, to I hope they don't bring him back. Too many moments here to mention for me. I don't want to spoil them all but there is something for every bat-fan in it.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #3

Oct 22, 2015

As I pointed out this is a weekly story and takes time to build. However a weekly saga needn't be a "weak" saga. I like the flashback scenes so far and that issue one cliffhanger was killer. I'm just not properly feeling it yet. At least the writers have another 23 weeks to turn me around. On the plus side, the art by Paul Pelletier and Scot Eaton was very polished and dynamic. I feel they have a terrific handle on the look of these characters without making them look juvenile. I particularly love the revamped design of Dick Grayson's Robin costume for this era. It invokes a lot of the original Tim Drake costume design from the early 1990's (One of my personal favorites)and there is nothing wrong with that. While I'm not floored yet at this juncture, like a loyal fan I will see how this plays out. So for the foreseeable future you can catch my weekly review here. Press the tights and check the utility belts, till next week same Bat .. err bird time, same bird chann

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Batman And Robin Eternal #4

Oct 28, 2015

So not a great entry, but not a terrible one either. It had it's moments. Certainly the kitchen surprise with all the Robins was very entertaining, but the rest of the issue even including what should have been a shocking cliffhanger, just didn't pack the emotional punch I think it meant to. (Now that cliffhanger bomb, from issue #1, there's a different story!)I know plots on a big epic like this take time to build but c'mon creative team, try a little harder please. The savior of the week though was penciller Scot Eaton. His art was energetic and the man knows his way about drawing a kitchen. All in all each week the artists are really holding their own in trying to make each chapter as exciting as possible. I just hope the writers get the memo, and start doing the same. If you need me I will be cautiously optimistic waiting on the rooftop, using the Batsignal to make menacing shadow puppets. Till next time, Gotham"

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Batman Beyond (2016) #1

Oct 26, 2016

The mystery with the whereabouts of Old man Bruce Wayne and the cliffhanger with Terry at the end have me a little intrigued. I'm not sure it will be enough to keep me coming back to see the bright neon Gotham lights.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #19

Apr 25, 2018

All in all not a bad way to open a new chapter in the bat sidekick mythos, but it left me wanting much much more. Here's hoping there is a lot more Matt Bat action to come.

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Batman: Curse of the White Knight: Von Freeze #1

Nov 20, 2019

I will be honest Batman: White Knight Presents Von Freeze was not the type of content I thought DC would relegate to their Black Label imprint, but I'm glad they have. Not every Batman story need be about crazy maniacal villains or insane death plots. Sometimes they just have to be about reminded us of the very human choices we all have to make and how to overcome whatever may find us.

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Batman: Europa #1

Nov 20, 2015

Despite being highly anticipated, the creative team here offers up a fun out of continuity tale that shows a lot of early promise. The art is gorgeous here with the great (and DC Head Honcho) Jim Lee doing the pencils. What I really enjoyed though is the watercolor style (thanks to Alex Sinclair) used instead of crisp digital colors. It gave the book a more gritty and serious tone and I would like to see this technique explored more often. As for the plot, while it isn't the deepest I've seen it moved very well and has me very interested in seeing who is the mastermind behind this evil scheme.

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Batman: Europa #2

Dec 18, 2015

The issue moved very fast and pushed the story along nicely. It was a lot of fighting (we got the see the Joker's ninja knife skills)with a barrage of snappy banter and dialogue. It almost felt like a buddy cop drama, but with way more underlying hate. Some of the Joker's lines made me laugh out loud. The painted art by was beautiful and much more fluid than last issue. Perhaps that's why the issue moved faster since the art wasn't so distracting as last time. We still don't know the mystery man behind this and that intrigues me. I hope it's either a Bat-Foe we haven't seen in a long time who is being elevated (please don't be Hush), or a brand new villain altogether. I'm hoping for the latter myself. The next to last line from Joker to Batman was great and you'll appreciate it if you like classic movies, as they set off to their next destination. So till next time Bat-Fans, if this story isn't your cup of tea, well like the Joker says, you'll always have"

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Batman: Europa #3

Jan 12, 2016

The issue read way too fast and not a lot of substance behind it. The quality has certainly dipped from the first two issues, as did the art. Giuseppe Camuncoli is one of my favorite artists currently (he's killing it monthly on Amazing Spider-Man) but here he just did not bring it.

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Batman: Europa #4

Feb 13, 2016

A very exciting premise with a lot of promise and it just missed the mark with every arrow it had in its quiver. If you want to see a story where Batman and the Joker are uneasy allies, play Arkham Knight for your favorite video game console. It is done far better and Mark Hamill even voices the Joker. Always a win in that case. So while I think it's great we get out of continuity Batman tales from time to time, this is one that should have never made if off the cave floor. Guano for me.

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Captain America: White #1

Sep 17, 2015

While it may have not exactly been worth the seven-year wait we had to endure, nothing rarely is. If you separate it and take it for what is, a comic tale that encapsulates a historic moment in time while throwing some artistic sizzle and pizzazz, I think it succeeds. Is it the best thing I've read this year? No, but it doesn't have to be. It was however damn good and lots of fun.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #6

Oct 19, 2016

With a few chapters left, I'm not quite sure this book can do the turnaround it needs. On the plus side Andy Kubert is putting out some tremendous eye porn and has the feel down perfect, just doesn't get to shine like it should due to the hack writing. Of course, as a Batman completist, I will see this one to the end. However, I'm sure this will be my last stop in Millerville for quite some time.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #1

Aug 15, 2015

The majority of this issue served as an introduction to this brave new world (Where women handle every corner of society: business, marketing, even all sports) being adapted here. I loved every second. It all clicked wonderfully. The characters were colorful. The dialogue was snappy and the twists on classic icons were well welcomed. Both Marguerite Bennett and Marguerite Sauvage blew me away. Everything about the comic felt right.

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Detective Comics (2011) #50

Mar 10, 2016

It's not what I expected from one of Jim Gordon's last outings as Batman but thankfully that's only this title. (The big conclusion in this months Batman #50 promises to be totally epic)Peter J. Tomasi is usually so good at character developments but this one missed the bulls-eye with a dull Batarang. Now we all know that Bruce is coming back imminently and the company wide "Rebirth" is set to rock some of our favorite titles, but I wouldn't be opposed to a more down to Earth title with Jim Gordon and Bullock investigating street level crimes. Here's to hoping the next team puts the "detective" back in Detective Comics. On the plus side that cover is fantastic. Till next time, happy sleuthing everyone!

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Dragon Age: Magekiller #2

Jan 24, 2016

I am certainly still enjoying the story too, but being written by scribe extraordinaire: Greg Rucka, I shouldn't be the least bit surprised. I'm very curious to see where this all leads and wondering if there is a big twist waiting in the wings, such as Marius or Tessa are mages themselves. Guess I will have to wait another month and see. So great issue and "If you're looking for a comic to tickle your fantasy bone, this is it." I'm unplugging for now and keep those consoles warm till next time folks!

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Dragon Age: Magekiller #3

Feb 26, 2016

Three issues in, and it's only getting better. I like the fact that you do not need to be previously familiar with Dragon Age or it's universe to find enjoyment out of these characters. It is crafted in a very accessible way. The books tend to be very quick reads but that does not diminish their potency. I am also liking the evolution of Carmen Carnero's art here. She seems to really be hitting her stride. She has a very interesting style that seems to subtly evolve with each and every issue and for the better. Scribe extraordinaire Greg Rucka makes this a fantasy romp with a lot of balance. I am thoroughly enjoying this book as a casual viewer and hope it progresses to a more permanent format. I don't need to see a cleric to break this spell that's been cast on me as a reader. Fantastic job and + 5 dexterity for this one.

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Grayson #9

Jun 26, 2015

This one had it all. There was a murder mystery,well placed Bat-References, romance,hilarious moments, espionage and intrigue. What more could you ask for? While reading this I felt like I was watching agreat TV show that I caughtinit's Second Season opener. The pacing and art, writing and dialogue was just great. Imay have come to the party late, but now Icertainly don't want to leave. NowTHIS is how you do " Punch in the face fun!" I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this could very well be the best incarnation of Dick Grayson yet. Move over James Bond. The name's Grayson. Dick Grayson.

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Grayson #10

Jul 26, 2015

So while I prefer my beverages neither shaken nor stirred, I prefer my spy stories Grayson style straight up with a twist. Till next month folks, stay safe anddon't blow your cover.

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Grayson #11

Aug 31, 2015

I've said it before, this title presents Dick Grayson at his very best. The spy shtick suits him nicely and his humor is a breath of fresh air. The mystery keeps compounding which I am enjoying and can't wait until Dick finally gets the chance to reunite with some more familiar characters very soon. I in no way want this title to come to an end and just force Dick back to his Nightwing role. This is like a hit tv show that just keeps getting better and is about to hit it's stride.

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Grayson #12

Sep 26, 2015

Like I said before the bar keeps being surpassed each and every single month and it is a true joy as a reader to pick up a book that you don't want to put down. Those who were looking for fast paced espionage might have been a little disappointed this month but not me. I couldn't have been more pleased. This was just a good story about a uniquely estranged family which was raw and had a lot of heart. I've enjoyed this book a little more every single issue and with Dick back amongst the Bat-Family, it's only going to get better. Ladies and gentleman the band is back together and this might just be their best performance yet. Keep the lights on in the cave and see you all here in 30 days.

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Green Lantern (2011) #42

Jul 5, 2015

This was a fun read that took sci-fi and gave Hal a touch of Chuck Norris (Hell I bet even Hal wishes he was Chuck) as he took on the entire fleet himself. After last months issue which started slow it turned it around for me, and I absolutely dug it. I liked the story and the art and they meshed great for some entertaining moments. Seeing Hal cut loose with the Gauntlet had me cheering. This is how you do a GL book, adventure, witty banter, and action..action..action! With the return of a classic lantern villain at the end, I am excited to see where this one goes next. We may be in for some strange alliances. It's true he may not have the ring anymore, but if this momentum can continue there are sure to be plenty of "Brightest Days" ahead.

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Green Lantern (2011) #43

Aug 5, 2015

I thought this months adventure was far better than the previous and the best installment of the "Renegade" storyline so far. The pacing was great, there were no slow spots and of course wonderful art from Mr. Van Sciver. (They definitely need him back on this title, pronto) I really enjoyed the switch of desperation in Black Hand's character and Virgo's attempt to be a hero. We all know the Corps are out there and it's only a matter of time before they make their presence felt. However if we keep getting issues like this, I'm more than fine with the delay. 30 days seems like sufficient time to recharge the Gauntlet, and I have a feeling Hal and Co. are going to need it.

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Green Lantern (2011) #49

Feb 8, 2016

So this was a good little read. It had angst, danger and some limited action.

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Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad: April Fool's Special #1

Apr 7, 2016

Sure the jokes might have been about as subtle as being hit with a wooden mallet over the the head and a little on the nose, but hey that's not always a bad thing. We're all a little bit damaged in some way and sometimes its just nice to sit back and be part of this imperfect world. After all it takes all kinds" first step is to admit it.

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Hellboy in Hell #7

Aug 3, 2015

Wow. I expected so much more from a creator that I truly like. I enjoy the character of Hellboy a lot but this wasn't the outing. I hope they restore him to the land of the living with the rest of the BPRD soon because reading this book was torturous. Strike a match, clear the air and onto the next one please. Maybe Red, will get his Samaritan back or a surprise visit from Abe Sapien but I don't know if I'll be back. My apologies to you Mr. Mignola but this was just missing for me. At least I have your classics.

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Klaus #1

Nov 3, 2015

Not terrible, but not the fantastic paradigm altering epic I was hoping for. Sure it's only the first issue, so there is lots of room to ramp this up, but it better hit the pedal fast. On the plus side the art by Dan Mora was great. As I read this all too quick read, I couldn't help but think how great this could be if done in animation or a grander format. I think it suffers from being constrained to the normal 32 pages as it is not enough time for the master writer to stretch his pen. The cliffhanger was good, so I'm cautiously optimistic. Perhaps it's the lack of yuletide spirit in me at this moment (it isn't even Thanksgiving yet) but I can't help feeling a bit like Jonas here, not yet satisfied and just wanting more.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Dec 6, 2019

Without going too much further, all I will say is " get Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1. It is a fantastic and great reward to long-time fans of both franchises. IDW and BOOM! are on a crossover roll and they aren't about to stop now. Shredder, Monsters, Foot Clan, what more could you want? Oh, how about Casey Jones and Lord Zedd?? That would be absolutely epic. So who knows what is left in store for us on the rest of this story, all you need to know is the little kid, and the big kids that you are, you don't want to miss it.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #0

Jan 18, 2016

This moved very quickly but at 14 pages, I wasn't expecting too much in substance. It's like the trailer for a big movie. The creative team gives you just enough to want to see more in the future. It worked.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #25

Mar 29, 2018

This was the opening part to the anticipated "Shattered Grid" event and it did not disappoint. Especially the end! Do not allow yourself to be spoiled. If you like MMPR go get this book.

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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #300

Feb 28, 2018

There was much to like about this book but it gets weighed down by the meh. Art wise it was great where the story was just kind of wrapped to get you to the next one. There is a decent and cute Spidey and Black Cat short story as a backup but nothing of large note. As with many milestone issues, this book comes with array of variant and special covers that rate from okay to stunning and those are always cool even if they are gimmicky. I dipped my toe in for this one but hard to say if I will be back next month. Guess we will just have to wait and see. Till next time True Readers!

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Power Rangers (2020) #1

Nov 11, 2020

I know people think that a reboot with a brand new #1 is a bit unnecessary, but I don't. Power Rangers #1 gets you up to speed pretty quickly and takes a new direction. At the same time, it's exciting enough that makes me want to track down all the stuff I haven't read from the former series just to see how we got here. The art was great too and I was floored by the Omega Rangers designs. Hasbro needs to get us figures for these quick. Nothing much more to say other than the rest of the issue after the Omegas make their decision is pretty slick. I definitely dug this comic and last but not least, once again “It's Morphin Time!”

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Red Sonja (2013) #1973

Jul 15, 2015

I'm surprised it took me so long to come back to these pages, but now that I've crashed the party so to speak I will most definitely be a regular. Great story, good dialogue, fantastic art, what's not to love? I only have one question. Who does Sonja's dry cleaning? All the blood spilled she should look into that. Dynamite Entertainmentblew me away here with their homage to in my opinion the best action/fantasyheroine of all time. Raise a tall glass to this one! Here! Here!

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #1

Jun 19, 2015

I wanted to like this book, I truly did. It had one of my favorite characters ever, Damien Wayne and his Giant Pet Man-Bat, this was destined to be awesome! However it felt slapped together too quickly, and it just didn't grab me the way it should have.

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Superman (2011) #43

Aug 26, 2015

I wanted answers, and this issue (and writer Gene Luen Yang) gave them to me. What it also did is remind me that Lois and Clark should be together.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #19

Jul 17, 2015

Overall: I wanted to like this issue much more. I really like the creative team, and I'm usually a big fan of Mahnke's art. His Clark looks great in action and the dialogue scenes, but his Diana is very angular this issue and it just didn't work. Hoping it's a one time thing and this improves next issue. As a whole I'm enjoying the "Truth" crossover in the Superman titles, this was just a bad bump in the road. Still I'm optimistic going forward. It just wasn't a good showing this month. Let the bullet wounds heal and back at it next time.

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Superman: Lois and Clark #4

Jan 29, 2016

I have to say, I love this book. It feels more Superman than the current Superman titles right now. Seeing Lois and Clark still married having and sharing adventures is an absolute delight.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #47

Jun 30, 2015

Overall: To borrow a phrase from my 80's reference lockbox, this issue was "totally rad!" It had good story pacing, great art, an awesome coverand like a favorite song it transported me to a moment in time again. I like the set up of the war to come, Donatello's new role and transformation as well as the return of one of my all time favorite villains. Truth be told, I wish it was Kevin Eastman doing the art but Santolouco left me pleasantly surprised. Ten year old me would approve of this.If anyone needs me I will be scarfing a piece of pizza reading this one again thinking to myself "Turtle Power". Now hopefully the theme song doesn't get stuck in my head. Next time dudes!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #48

Jul 31, 2015

While I didn't enjoy this issue quite as much aslast month's, it was still pretty good overall. Iloved the banter between Mikey and Donnie as his "Robo Bro". Also seeing the Shredder of old back in rare form was a great sight. I know things are building and it's so palpable you can taste it, I just wish we got a bigger piece this time around. Plus that retro style cover below is just freaking rad!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #49

Aug 18, 2015

This issue had a lot of build up and a surprising amount of action too. It was well-balanced. There were noticeable changes in the art though and thought the Turtles didn't look so great when they were posing, but was fine and fluid when in battle. The Shredder still looked amazing though. The creative team has been building to this for a long time now and the payoff promises to be big. Rumor is that one or even more of the Turtles could die. It has a big final showdown feel for sure. In the words of good Ol' J.R. "This one is going to be a slobberknocker!" One month is too long to wait, but lots digital pizza on me guys! See you in 30"

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #59

Jun 17, 2016

So a return to the world of the Turtles for me (Aside from actually going and paying to see the new movie Out of the Shadows)and though there wasn't a whole lot of Turtle action here, there was more than enough intriguing plot changes to keep me interested. I am definitely a fan of Splinter running the Foot Clan, it's a different twist for sure. There were a few new characters that threw me, but it does make me want to go back and read the rest of this IDW series run. On a side note, the art was pretty rad for the battle scene between Splinter and the Clan. This installment was not quite enough to elicit a cowabunga from me but I definitely will be peeking down the manhole to see what's brewing next time.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 3 #7

Jul 12, 2015

This title was my first taste of comic rebellion in the 1980's and amen was it ever sweet. It was my alternative to the big "Two" Marvel and DC Comics and it was a sight to behold. From the moment I first laid my eyes on the intense imagery of the black and white original comics of Mirage Studios I have been hooked. The Turtles were so different, such a kidish concept but yet not handled with kid gloves whatsoever. Years later now seeing these adventures in color is quite a sight.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 3 #8

Aug 9, 2015

This was a fun issue and I always love revisiting the past and my childhood. Plus I haven't had the opportunity to write poop in a review before which is fun too. My disappointment that there was no Shredder really didn't drag it down either. I enjoyed the rooftop battle immensely and the banter between the Brothers in Shells was cool as always. Other than the depiction of April's ridiculous mammary glands, I found no fault this month. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't spectacular either. It was kind of there. So like a season ticket holder I will be there next time, with hopes of a higher performance. Till next month, should be a shell of a time!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #1

Sep 8, 2016

Between the main story and the Foot Clan short, I was definitely satisfied. This issue wasn't quite the Meat Lovers Pizza I was looking for but had a little bit of everything to make it a house special.

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The Walking Dead #147

Oct 17, 2015

So this book was like reading a Brian Michael Bendis comic that contained a forward written by Woody Allen, so I wasn't overly enthralled this month. The good point is the art by Charlie Adlard was near perfect. I hope he never leaves this book. His style is absolutely perfect for it. The black and white format is also one of my favorite parts of the book as it allows the reader to pay attention more to it's contents. On the plus side, this does make me appreciate any episode of Fear the Walking Dead TV show more. Hopefully next month we will back to our regularly scheduled masochism, but we have Halloween and nightmares for that. See you on the hill next month deadheads"

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The Walking Dead #148

Nov 13, 2015

Overall: This was the shot in the arm that was needed after last months filler issue. It moved so fast and was over before I could notice it. It left me wanted more, which is exactly what a comic should do. What else can be said? The art by Charlie Adlard was great as always. I think he's the most consistent artist this side of Mark Bagley.The pacing was great as well. Finally that cliffhanger at the end left me speechless. I absolutely didn't see it coming. Bravo Mr. Kirkman, bravo. I might just pay a visit to the survival store before the release of the next issue because a war is coming in these pages and I cannot wait. Till next month deadheads, remember it takes three for a mexican standoff and don't go wandering into the woods"

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Thors #1

Jun 19, 2015

What does a murder, flying police gods, skeleton ghost riders, forensic frogs, and Groot Thor have in common? The best single comic of the week! That's what! Great art, great story. Honestly, I shall be counting down the days till next Thorsday, impatiently waiting to read the next chapter. On a scale of One to Fing Fang Foom, this was definitely the Foomiest! Get this book and ride the Lightning! Or get it just to see The Frog!

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Trinity (2016) #2

Oct 21, 2016

While it wasn't the spectacular outing that the inaugural issue was, this wasn't bad either.The art by Francis Manapul is just wonderful to look at and I think he handles the Big Three up there with some of the best writers ever. The more calm story beats were the most enjoyable, but I'm not sold on this storyline yet. Also, the cliffhanger reveal at the end left me very underwhelmed. There were some issues following the pace of the story particularly when it comes to distinguishing between Young Clark and Jon. I have faith he can turn it around but I just wish there was a better end of the issue reveal. Here's to hoping that Manapul injects more Lois and Jon in the mix because they are a delight on the page. Every installment can't be super but it was still much better than Justice League.

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Will Eisner's The Spirit #1

Jun 29, 2015

This was a fun little read, but it read quite too quickly. I wanted a little bit more from this team's opening salvo as I have always been a fan of The Spirit character and pulp comic heroes in general. I thought it was cool to reintroduce the audience by fleshing out the supporting cast without the title hero around (reminded me of the episode of Arrow where the team has to endure in Ollie's absence) but it's something that can only be done for an issue or two before it becomes tiresome. The writing is good enough and faithful to the source material, but I expect a little more oomph from Matt Wagner and I hope his turns it up a notch in subsequent issues. The art however I had a major disconnect with.

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Reviews for the Week of...


