The Stockman Swarm engulfs NYC searching high and low for the Turtles. The Turtles are on the run and desperate. Will they be able to find sanctuary before it's too late?
Overall: To borrow a phrase from my 80's reference lockbox, this issue was "totally rad!" It had good story pacing, great art, an awesome coverand like a favorite song it transported me to a moment in time again. I like the set up of the war to come, Donatello's new role and transformation as well as the return of one of my all time favorite villains. Truth be told, I wish it was Kevin Eastman doing the art but Santolouco left me pleasantly surprised. Ten year old me would approve of this.If anyone needs me I will be scarfing a piece of pizza reading this one again thinking to myself "Turtle Power". Now hopefully the theme song doesn't get stuck in my head. Next time dudes! Read Full Review
Excellent art and stellar writing continue to make this series first on my pull list. Read Full Review
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues to be brilliant comic. With action, heart and wit, this comic stands up against the best. Fans, please continue supporting this title and the mini-series associated with the main title because everything is interconnected and ultimately serves a purpose in the overall story of the heroes in a half-shell. Read Full Review
Overall, Im not sure why I ever doubted that this series would recover from the minor speedbump of issue #46. This creative team have proved themselves time and time again, and IDWs stellar run with this series remains one of the most consistently impressive licensed titles on the shelves today. Essential reading for TMNT fans or simply for fans of dynamic, action-packed storytelling in general. Read Full Review
This is a solid issue for action and drama that lays out many interesting plot threads for the future of the saga. Read Full Review
Mateus Santolouco is one of those unsung heroes of the comic book art world. His credits are extensive, and nearly every title he works on looks fantastic. Read Full Review
All in all, this was by far one of the weaker issues of TMNT that I've read"which is still better than most stuff on the shelves, but not up to part with how great the book can be. Let's hope this is just a small hiccup in the title's otherwise stellar run. Read Full Review
The first half of the issue is especially inspiring, that could have been a single issue in and of itself but wait, there's more! Shredder is back already and Stockman is letting loose the droids of war. With Santlolouco on the art, the action is big and the emotions are genuine. Another great issue.
This is one of the best artist I have seen in a long time. He's good every damn time.