BARE-KNUCKLE BRAWL FOR THE POWER OF THE DCU! As the last remaining resistance fighters fight tooth and nail on the bloody island of Gamorra, Batman and Superman find themselves at bitter odds! Amanda Waller has come too far to give up now--it's time to call in the reinforcements...from beyond the multiversal veil?! The fate of our heroes--and the f...
Cram all that shit in there
THE LAST STAND OF PARADISE ISLAND! Our heroes are on the run following the Trinity of Evil's devastating attack on the fortress of Solitude! With Superman's headquarters in ruin and the super-powers on planet earth in the clutches of Amanda Waller, Failsafe and the Brainiac this the end of the line? No way--the resistance lives on! Using...
Deadpool is dead, long live Deadpool! Wade has fallen, and his daughter Ellie has taken up the mantle. Taskmaster continues her mercenary training, but what she really wants is vengeance. And to get that, she'll need Princess' help.
Rated T+
Wade Wilson triumphed against Death Grip! This is the first issue of a new arc and killing Deadpool NOW would be an INSANE thing to do. Which is exactly why we're doing it. RATED PARENTAL ADVISORY.
Rated T+
Great event. Short simple but a lot of fun. Some issues were solved to quickly but overall loved the title
Doctor Strange is presented with a dread bargain to gain a chance to save the world. The Avengers ride into a battle they cannot win. The dead battle the undead across the globe. Will it be enough? Will the world be saved, and how will it be changed if it is? Featuring a dramatic shift for the future of the Marvel Universe!
Rated T+
Doctor Strange and Clea court a dread ally - but at what cost comes this aid? Hunter's Moon and Tigra do the same- but can this shadowy figure be trusted? And meanwhile, the Avengers are given the battle they so sorely crave in order to avenge their fallen friends. But in the darkness...a light?
Rated T+
What has been going on in New York while the Turtles have been scattered across the globe? A dangerous district attorney has come into power, and he's got a grudge against mutantkind. Backed by some powerful benefactors who have designs of their own for the city, he's doing everything he can to stoke hatred against the mutants. With the TMNT absent...
Art and story were everything a turtle fan could hope for.
Chris Burnham returns to art duties this issue as we finally learn the fate of Donatello! Trapped in a mutant zoo and forced to fight rich men looking for a thrill, his mind is still broken since last we saw him. As mysterious forces gather against him, can Donnie gather himself to defeat these enemies and set himself free?Superstar writer Jason Aa...
Great issue! Leos turn helped bring it all in
Leonardo is traveling the world in search of peace. All the adventures-good and bad-he's had with his brothers have taken their toll, and he is seeking a new way to exist, leaving the life of New York far behind. On the banks of the Ganges, he has found a turtle colony that shows him a simpler way to be, but even these turtles have their foes. Leo ...
"FLESH AND BLOOD" PART 3! BACK TO THE FUTURE! In the greatest depths of space and at the end of existence, within the flowering fauna of the symbiotic GARDEN OF TIME, some carnivorous new species has blossomed. Something bloodred, with thorns...and an appetite!
Rated T+
"FLESH AND BLOOD" begins here! CARNAGE IS BACK! Born anew in symbiote goo and blood, Cletus Kasady is more dangerous and violent than ever before - and he has his sights dead set on the unsuspecting VENOM! Untested against the might of his symbiotic sibling without his father by his side, will Dylan Brock be able to hold the sadistic serial killer ...
Eddie Brock has spread himself too thin - literally! Fractured, exhausted and losing focus, Eddie risks slipping into a familiar sort of look, along with some old (and lethal) habits! Face-to-face against manifestations of his own anger, hate and wrath, will Eddie have the strength to face his greatest foes yet and emerge vict...
While chaos has reigned for Dylan Brock and the Venom symbiote, EDDIE BROCK continues to kick ass and take no prisoners, fighting like hell to get back to them! Eddie started as a King in Black and has gone on a transformative journey that has put Meridius' very existence into a state of uncertainty! But ...
Freshly united and teamed up, VENOM and TOXIN fight like hell to save one of the Marvel Universe's greatest heroes from the darkness within her, unleashed by an all-new, all-horrifying symbiote! Remember how VENOM used to eat brains but then got over that as it tried to become a hero? Well, THIS symbiote doesn't share...
After the birth of an all-new symbiote, what familiar face will cross its path and become its first host?! And will that host be able to resist the symbiote's corrupting and violent influence? Perhaps the bigger question: Will the symbiote be able to survive THEIRS?!
Rated T+
Doctor Doom is the most notorious and ambitious super villain in the Marvel Universe - but he's got something Eddie Brock needs. WHAT COULD IT BE?! And what calamitous circumstance will befall both Doom and Eddie? The ambitious and explosive symbiote saga from Al Ewing welcomes guest artist SERGIO DAVILA! Together, t...
A NEW VISION OF TOXIN! Toxin is the offspring of the most dangerous symbiote in the history of the Marvel Universe: CARNAGE. But while Carnage and Cletus Kasady are separated and both devising machinations and plans of cosmic bloodshed and conquest, what has its progeny been doing? And will Dylan Brock or the Venom symbiote survive when they come f...
BLAST IN THE PAST! For months, Eddie Brock's consciousness has been displaced in time! You've seen what happens when he's flung himself to the far future of the Marvel Universe - now see what happens when he tries to traverse its past! Face to face with the mysterious FLEXO in the past, the part symbiotes have played in the Marvel U will take a sur...
As Eddie Brock finds his footing in the Marvel Universe, he's going to need to come face to face with the very worst parts of himself in the form the time-displaced monster called BEDLAM! Eddie's always been his own most brutal critic, though, and this titanic beatdown will be no exception - and something NEW will be ...
Eddie Brock has fought and fought and fought some more to get back to the Marvel Universe and fight by his son's side.
IN THIS ISSUE - HE SUCCEEDS! And the charred skeletal remains of Eddie's physical body are REANIMATED by the King in Black incarnate! Wielding the very marrow in his broken bones, Eddie makes his pr...
Battered, beaten and brutalized across nearly all of space and time, Eddie Brock's grit, determination and faith have wavered at times, but never broken. Here he reaches TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT, and you Venomaniacs will meet his most powerful form yet...
Rated T+
As Dylan Brock builds an army, his father and the original Venom, EDDIE BROCK, finds himself more alone than ever before, working through a change unlike any he's been through ever before! But the real question is: what will Eddie become once he's on the other side?
Rated T+
Eddie Brock has faced down many monsters in his time, but few have been as terrifying as the one born of his own rage called BEDLAM! In this issue, witness Bedlam's return to the Garden of Time, and see what's become of Eddie Brock after DARK WEB!
With the truth about Eddie Brock, Bedlam and the Garden of Time revealed at last, Eddie has no choice but to move heaven, earth, space and time to get back to his son. But it may all be for naught - Eddie's greatest fears are at the precipice of being realized, as Dylan may still succumb to the darkness within him!
Rated T+
As Dylan Brock finds himself renewed and reinvigorated by his descent into the symbiote hive, BEDLAM has come calling again - looking to finish what it started by killing Dylan and Venom once and for all. Luckily, an old friend is around to lend a crimson-clad hand? (And it isn't Spider-Man!)
Madeylne Pryor has plans for Eddie Brock and the symbiotes he can control - in this issue, she and her new ally CHASM bring them all to bear! SECRETS REVEALED! Unwittingly turned into a slathering and terrifying monster you might recognize, Eddie Brock's fears from the last year and Al, Ram and Bryan's entire saga stand fully realized in this turni...
It was a cool idea but its getting way too dragged out
Forced to watch his son die from across the timestream, Eddie Brock finds himself surrounded by enemies. Alone, and with no one to trust, an unexpected ally lends a hand, and she's setting the stage for the MOST EPIC CROSSOVER OF THE YEAR!
I get what their trying to do. I want to like it but i just dont. Maybe its too much happening at once or maybe its just executed poorly.
"VENOMWORLD" Continues! After the shocking events of VENOM #11, not only is Dylan Brock's physical body in such grave condition that it may never recover, but his codex is as well. After a Hail Mary decision made by the Venom symbiote last issue, Dylan is about to see sides of symbiosis, the Klyntar and perhaps even his father that he has never eve...
After the explosive (and GUT-WRENCHING) revelations of VENOM #10, the third terrifying arc of VENOM begins in explosive fashion, with DYLAN BROCK at the mercy of BEDLAM! But where is Dylan's father, the original Venom? WHERE IS EDDIE BROCK?!
Torn across space and time through the symbiote hive, Eddie Brock's soul is pushed to its absolute limit! Manipulated and maligned by forces stronger than himself, Eddie has no choice but to watch in horror as his son, Dylan, and the Venom symbiote are stabbed in the heart b...