THE BATTLE OF WONDER BEGINS! After revealing the Sovereign and his plans to the entire nation, Wonder Woman sends in her girls to wage war against his army. Will these sidekicks have what it takes to go toe-to-toe with their mentors' most fearsome foes?
The overall feel of Kings run continues to be quite impressive as everything falls into place on a remarkably well planned-out series that goes back a year and a half now. The way the script has played-out in the course of the past 1.5 really feels like King has been breathtakingly patient in allowing his villain to slowly emerge and gradually be defeated in a very satisfying way by Wonder Woman and her allies. Others have planned this sort of slow roll-out in various ways, but few have managed Kings level of modulation with The Sovereign. Its quite an accomplishment.. Read Full Review
Overall, it's a great issue that offers a deep dive into the downfall of a criminal oligarchy. Read Full Review
If this is the last act of this run, it's definitely going out with a bang. Read Full Review
Gorgeous artwork and excellent character work come together for another truly entertaining and wonderful comic. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman Issue 17 continues the cathartic conflict. Instead of a massive final battle against the Sovereign, the King has shown how to dismantle an empire piece by piece. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #17 balances emotional depth and thrilling action but is hampered by a slow B-story and sometimes redundant narration. Despite these drawbacks, Daniel Sampere's breathtaking art and the engaging Wonder Girls sequences make this issue a worthwhile read for fans. Read Full Review
With Wonder Woman #17 Tom King is slowly steering us towards the conclusion of his first arc. There's so much courage and enthusiasm wrapped up in seeing the Wonder Girls fighting back against the Sovereign. Whilst I need to see Diana getting back in to the fight, the unpredictability of King's story and the glorious artwork by Daniel Sampere are keeping Wonder Woman high on the pull list. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #17 delivers another Wonder Girl-centric issue as Diana exacts her revenge against the Sovereign for the death of Steve Trevor. Tom King's script structure, although a direct copy/paste from issue #15, does well to give the Wonder Girls a moment to shine. However, the pre-determined destination and the Sovereign's grating narration make this issue a slog. Read Full Review
Tom King's Wonder Woman series would work a lot better in trade. He likes to over-explain every single minute detail, and it comes off as clunky and boring. I think it is really jarring and abrupt how all the Wonder Girls (aside from Artemis of Nana Mighadall) can work together well, yet we aren't shown that in this series. This is another example of a decompressed story-telling.
I swear, Daniel Sampere must be developing scoliosis because he is carrying HARD in this series.