Hislight's Profile

Joined: Jan 03, 2020 About Me: First comic I picked up was Civil war #1.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #1

Feb 20, 2020

I have been waiting a long time for this event and to get around to reading it. Let me tell you your boy was not disappointed. Every page is gold. I love everything above this issue. Art is incredible and a horror vibe is consistent through this issue both in pacing and imagery. If your a Venom Head this is what you have been waiting for.

Absolute Carnage (2019) #2

Feb 20, 2020

Another great issue. Not sure Miles added as much of an impact as Cates intended. Also come on this is a horror and a damn fine one kill fuckin Scorpion I can't believe how there hasn't been a legitimate kill by this point and I worry that despite how scary this all seems to be we won't get the bloodshed required to make a horror with some weight behind it. Spiderman's writing is annoying for sure but other than that Cates gives another good bit of writing. Great issue but will it continue to with the same detail and care for quality? That's the real cliffhanger

Absolute Carnage (2019) #3

Aug 28, 2020

Absolute Carnage (2019) #4

Feb 20, 2020

Seeing Eddie fight with that Captain America shield and Space glove was extremely satisfying. I freaked out because its a mash up in heaven for me and one I thought I would never see. Surprisingly the Venom Hulk wasnt as big of a "smash" as you would hope it would be. Stegman gives him nearly no panel time and the shots he does have arent really that great. Very confusing how Eddie got the Symbiote back after making such a big deal about it being absorbed by Carnage. This story is satisfying but its a damn shame that it wasn't fleshed out a little more carefully. I suppose thats what Tie ins are for but I felt the core book should have a bit more meat on its bones. Regardless of my complaining this was a great issue visually and pretty much overall even with the story getting watery.

Absolute Carnage (2019) #5

Feb 20, 2020

This Events strengths are its weaknesses. It has moments that are so good you cant wait for more but it wont give you more... like Venom Hulk. Its ideas are fantastic but the hard questions this title throws at our heroes are answered too easily. That last page was great dont get me wrong, Venom sword was badass and I loved the way Carnage died and Knull was awoken. But Damn if Carnage didnt seem like an easy final boss. For all that threat and powering up Eddie took him out too easily. Just felt like the scariest toughest moments were in issue one and there is something wrong with that. Negatives aside, this is where its at for Venom Heads. Visually stunning. All the Main Players in the Venom world are here and they are presented fantastically. This is hands down one of the best things to happen to the character since Remender made him Agent Venom. Excited for the future and Overall very pleased by this Venom Event.

Absolute Carnage (2019): Separation Anxiety #1

Feb 20, 2020

Gory and down right freaky. I love how the dog interprets what our character wants in this classic careful what you wish for take. Art is downright badass both in style and layouts. For this story arc I must say this is a nice little one shot that fits in perfectly.

Absolute Carnage (2019): Immortal Hulk #1

Feb 20, 2020

Not just the best tie in issue Carnage has to offer but an incredible experience of a comic. Psychology breaks down Banner in a very intelligent tale crafted by Ewing who is a master at comics themed like this. The art is superb cleansing us of all that cookie cutter comic book style that gives us something artistically pleasing. Horrific and smart. If all comics were made like this Comic Books would be headed in a much better direction.

Absolute Power (2024) #1

Aug 7, 2024

This book sets the event up right. Im excited to see how this unfolds. Next 2 issues will be really telling but the Artwork and Story were top notch. My only complaint was how everyone fell all at once and all in the same way. But again its setting up something interesting

Absolute Power (2024) #2

Aug 30, 2024

Absolute Power (2024) #3

Mar 6, 2025

Cram all that shit in there

Absolute Power (2024) #4

Mar 6, 2025


Action Comics (2016) #1064

May 18, 2024

First Superman read for me in a while. Jumped right in and freakin loved it!

All-New All-Different Avengers #1

Aug 31, 2020

It was ok...I liked the Racial Issues...I found Tony to feel off for some reason. I love the cover, interior art was fun, not as good as Asrar did on Supergirl but still good. Just felt a little kiddish to me.

All-New All-Different Avengers #2

Aug 31, 2020

Villain feels corny and not as big and bad as there making him out to be. The way he one shots the entire team was so goofy. Feels like we are leaning more towards a teen titans issue rather than the avengers. This is not my favorite Avengers so far...with such a great team and cover art its a real bummer...

All-New All-Different Avengers #3

Aug 31, 2020

Poor Alex Ross he does this beautiful cover and the story inside is garbage. So childish....I know thats a personal complaint but I just felt to old for this silly story.

Avengers (1998) #500

Apr 22, 2024

Bendis and Finch begin what will be the best Marvel Avenger stories of all time. Finch is iconic with his art style and Bendis understands banter like no one today can.

Avengers (1998) #501

Apr 22, 2024

This is the Tony and Cap I grew to love. Classic avengers here.

Avengers (1998) #502

Apr 22, 2024

Avenger Disassembled is a must read and the beginning of greatness. Bendis makes his characters more grumpy and human and I love that.

Avengers (1998) #503

Apr 22, 2024

Critics were idiots. This is a staple in Marvel Avengers

Avengers (2023) #1

Apr 18, 2024

We have seen this type of intro 100 times. Art is clean and very fitting. I like what we started here.

Avengers (2023) #2

Apr 18, 2024

Hoping the baddies get fleshed out in a way that doesnt make them throw away. Otherwise a fun issue. Avengers helping everyday people. Its been a while since Avengers have had a fun run like this.

Avengers (2023) #3

Apr 18, 2024

Villians are badass. Art continues to be incredible with every page. And the writing is strong. Every panel was fun. Only gripe is that its a setup issue

Avengers (2023) #4

Apr 18, 2024

This feels a bit like the justice league not sure why. A fun avengers story so far but its nothing special

Avengers (2023) #5

May 9, 2024

Kind of a cheesy ending but I really enjoy this. The main baddie is not that cool to me but it is still been a fun comic worth reading.

Avengers (2023) #6

May 9, 2024

Talking cities are not my thing. Ending again pretty cheesy. Giant city is now an Avenger. Pretty redonk. Concluded randomly quick, tides turned and heroes outsmarted and beat everyone in one issue.

Avengers (2023) #7

May 9, 2024

It was a fun read, well written and visually great. I just feel stakes are always so incredibly high and very cosmic. This feels again like Justice league. I like this series so far not loving it though

Avengers (2023) #8

May 9, 2024

You’re kidding me…a robot King Arther. Kinda noticeably rushed art in some moments. But really its a silly clusterfuck at this point.

Avengers (2023) #9

May 9, 2024

Not my cup of tea.

Avengers (2023) #10

May 9, 2024

Meh. Ending was OK

Avengers (2023) #11

May 9, 2024

Not a fan of this series. Sad cause first arc was promising

Avengers of the Wastelands #1

Jan 29, 2020

I was seeing a lot of negativity on this issue and Im not sure why. While its not innovative and the desert settings presentation does lack a little imagination I still found this issue to be a fun read and solid start. The art was great it had that gritty tone you come to expect with these titles while maintaining something youthful. Characters looked fun, I loved Danis Thor Design and the characters expressions towards each other made them come off the page. There was a certain panel with Hulk and Dani looking across to another that really comes alive. Doom was cool I hate him already. Im interested to see who Cap is. All in all good stuff. I do sense a decline from here but lets hope I am wrong.

Avengers of the Wastelands #2

Mar 5, 2020

Hulks size kept throwing me, his ratios seemed strange like does he get smaller when angry? I thought the blood hungry Cap was great and an interesting Character. The failed F4 was cool too. Not sure I care for the upcoming undead villain thing but seeing how well this story and artist has captured the actions sequences it should be stupid fun at very least.

Avengers of the Wastelands #3

Mar 13, 2020

This issue didn't do much but the final set up is fantastic. I feel that this stories villains are really in line with the universe created but the main Heroes maybe other than Cap dont belong here. Its not hopeless enough or something I dont know but somethings off for sure... Looking forward to the next issue tho.

Batgirl (2016) Annual #1

Aug 28, 2020

MUCH BETTER. We have a female led team up that is a ton of fun. Seeing Batgirl and Supergirl banter back and forth gave this comic some life. I really enjoyed the way Supergirl as portrayed here. Shes youthful but tactical in her decisions, this was a great representation of Supergirl and I hope to see more simple fun adventures like this one. Art was great! Pacing was great! There were some really fun close up moments and panels that made this issue a fun ride.

Blood Hunt (2024) #1

Jun 20, 2024

Very fun Marvel event which is saying a lot. I hate vampires and thought this would suck but i was dead wrong. Badass issue to start things off.

Blood Hunt (2024) #2

Jul 14, 2024

Feels like the bad guys need to be fleshed out a bit more so we can care when they die. While that moment was badass it came off as a little easy considering last issues duel. Badass issue. Dr strange and the whole Miles moment at the end was really fun.

Blood Hunt (2024) #3

Jul 14, 2024

Why switch Miles back so quick? That was lame

Blood Hunt (2024) #4

Jan 20, 2025

Blood Hunt (2024) #5

Jan 21, 2025

Great event. Short simple but a lot of fun. Some issues were solved to quickly but overall loved the title

Cable (2020) #1

Mar 18, 2020

Of course the Art is good but Duggan does some serious damage to this title with his bad jokes, some that didnt even make sense and a forced teenage dialogue that makes this book feel corny when it doesnt need to. Cable is one of my favorite characters so its a damn shame Duggan is on writing duties. Ending left me with a little hope..Art was really the only saving grace and a sword is always badass even if it comes out of the foot of a stupid generic monster.

Cable (2020) #2

Nov 5, 2020

Kinda funny... seriously good art. I guess I have a soft spot for Cable because I do enjoy this title although it just barely gets by being OK.

Cable (2020) #3

Nov 6, 2020

Hmmm..I was not expecting to like this issue at all, boy was I wrong. Young Cable taking his dead old corpses arm right off the body like that was awesome. And I cant believe I am saying this but Duggan actually made me laugh with a somehow tolerable Deadpool. I really loved the pool table casket..again im just a little shocked by how much this issue didn't suck.

Cable (2020) #4

Nov 6, 2020

God.....Some works here but most doesn't. The art was noticeably rushed and didn't feel like Noto half the time. The Ancient Knights were a snooze to kill and pretty stupid. I cant imagine writing that as the finale and being happy with it. Duggans standards are low...I think the family moments of Cable And Cyclops was somehow the highlight of this issue for me.

Cable (2020) #5

Nov 7, 2020

Its a good setup and all but when your done reading you kind of just ask yourself...so what happened? This series is starting to feel like a lot of filler. Cables cool design and great family moments wont be enough to justify buying this series much longer.

Captain America (2004) #1

May 1, 2024

Critics are Morons. This series finally embraces change and gives us a Captain America of 2004 or whatever it was. Hes modern and this story is something Cap writers will try to recapture

Captain America (2004) #2

May 1, 2024

If you dont like this Cap then you never will. Cream of the crop. Love Eptings art!

Captain America (2004) #3

May 6, 2024

This matured grizzly grumpy Cap is my favorite iteration

Captain America (2004) #4

May 6, 2024

Love the Mystery and the twisted memories great story

Captain America (2004) #5

May 6, 2024

Very cool! Why cant we have a Cap war movie like this

Captain America (2004) #6

May 6, 2024

Captain America (2004) #7

May 6, 2024

Captain America (2004) #8

May 6, 2024

Captain America (2004) #9

May 6, 2024

Jason Ballsacks is an idiot this is an amazing Comic Book. Questions what critics considered good if not the most iconic and well thought Cap stories ever.

Captain America (2004) #11

May 6, 2024

Bucky is ruthless and badass this Nior style Brubaker used this run is beautiful

Captain America (2004) #12

May 6, 2024

Epting is incredible. Winter soldier is cold hearted. Badass story

Captain America (2004) #13

May 6, 2024

Loved Falcon in these days he seemed harder and way more of a badass

Captain America (2004) #14

May 6, 2024

Great stuff! Fantastic Arc. I liked the cosmic cube restoring Bucky. Wish he had been a tad deeper with his dialogue but this was one of Caps most memorable and well executed stories ever.

Captain America (2004) #15

May 18, 2024

Love what they did with Sin! Crossbones is actually badass for once

Captain America (2004) #16

May 18, 2024

Crossbones and Sin are great villians

Captain America (2004) #17

May 18, 2024

Great issue in a strong Cap Run

Captain America (2004) #18

May 18, 2024

It all gets a little repetitive and lets get on with it but still great

Captain America (2004) #19

May 18, 2024

I like that the UK had its own Heros pretty cool but somehow bot as fun as when the arc started

Captain America (2004) #20

May 18, 2024

Red Skull robot not my favorite. Great Cap Arc overall

Captain America (2004) #21

May 18, 2024

Robot demise was lame but Bucky running off and Skull reuniting with his crew in the new body was great. The looming civil war talk was a great addition too!

Captain America (2012) #1

Dec 26, 2024

First Arc was bizarre but so refreshing for Cap fans and the art is fantastic. Sci fi Cap worked well.

Captain America (2012) #2

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #3

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #4

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #5

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #6

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #7

Dec 26, 2024

Caps son goes Chucky on him. Great story Arc!

Captain America (2012) #8

Dec 26, 2024

Awesome twist

Captain America (2012) #9

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #10

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #11

Dec 26, 2024

Another great start to the next Arc. Jets a badass.

Captain America (2012) #12

Dec 26, 2024

New artist kicks ass

Captain America (2012) #13

Dec 26, 2024

Captain America (2012) #14

Dec 28, 2024

Could have ended better. Kinda basic story arc here, but the art and just general strong momentum this book has doesnt allow this title to falter too much.

Captain America (2012) #15

Jan 1, 2025

Dope Cover Art

Captain America (2012) #16.NOW

Jan 1, 2025

Loved the art and change of pace here

Captain America (2012) #17

Jan 1, 2025

Dr Mind Bubble is a great idea. Remender nailed it

Captain America (2012) #18

Jan 1, 2025

Captain America (2012) #19

Jan 1, 2025

Captain America (2012) #20

Jan 1, 2025

Captain America (2012) #21

Jan 1, 2025

Nice conclusion to a really fun story arc

Captain America (2012) #22

Jan 1, 2025

Damn Jet…get some

Captain America (2012) #23

Jan 1, 2025

Hell yes! The prodigal son returns

Captain America (2012) #24

Jan 1, 2025

Total chaos of an ending…kinda misses the mark by rushing things so hard.

Captain America (2012) #25

Jan 1, 2025

Jet ending felt so weird. Just didn’t sit right with me especially considering the whole story we know she wouldnt turn on Cap. And just pouts and leaves? Whack. Sam becoming Cap is the best part here.

Captain America (2018) #1

Mar 1, 2020

This wouldn't be have the issue it was it YU didn't draw it. I felt it was a tad boring and hasn't really asked anything new. I feel Captain America should at its best reflect our times and I do sense Coates is doing that. But is it in an effective way? No, more dull than anything.

Captain America (2018) #2

Mar 2, 2020

For me this issue was more interesting than the first. I like that Cap has secrets he's unwilling to let us in on. Yu feels kind of generic here which is sad considering he's one of my favorites. It just feels a bit uninspired. I can't really tell where this is all going but it's an interesting enough ride so far.

Captain America (2018) #3

Mar 3, 2020

Don't care for the trillion Nukes making fewer that were more capable and unique would have made this arc a lot more interesting. That being said I like this run so far Caps potential is not being wasted. I liked the Hydra vs Cap economic battle. Good stuff.

Captain America (2018) #4

Mar 10, 2020

These Covers are fantastic. Thank you Alex Ross for this stellar artwork. Yu's interiors are also a delight and a real selling point for this comic in my eyes. The story is dragging. Captain America sad about his evil counterparts actions is not enough to drive this story and what happening with Carter and The Villains I find downright confusing and that's mostly because tis just not that interesting. Political dialogue is good but not great. This isn't as bold as Captain America Sam Wilson, for me this is the equivalent of getting by.

Captain America (2018) #5

Mar 10, 2020

I love a good slow cooker but Damn Coates is taking his damn time with this one. The payoffs are weird and the story feels confusing rather than mysterious. I get what hes trying to do but it feels like hes writing it as he goes here and not in a good way. Thank Yu for keeping us entertained with his great art and I will say this issue was much better than the prior, with a real cliffhanger that gives Coates theme hope.

Captain America (2018) #6

Mar 11, 2020

Im going to have to agree with another user and say that this story arc and Im suspecting this entire run was written as a single read. Read as a whole issues 1-6 set up an interesting arc for The Captain. As an individual issue this was boring but it did in fact add some much needed light to the vagueness of our villains so far that reason it was a better issue than the last. Also the Cover once again is as badass as it gets.

Captain America (2018) #7

Mar 11, 2020

This issue did not land at all for me. The evidence and reasoning behind Cap turning himself in is thin at best. I dont get what people are loving about this issue. It reminds me of that shit Shield show on ABC and I guess Coates is getting as many chances as that crap show got. The final page is not at all as good as people are claiming it to be. And the art is some of Kuberts most uninspired. Meh...Great cover tho..again..

Captain America (2018) #8

Mar 11, 2020

OK This was a lot better...Kubert kills it, the whole psychological torture scene was great, panel layout was fun and interesting throughout this issue. The writing is fantastic here I finally understand Coates. This has revitalized my interest.

Captain America (2018) #9

Mar 13, 2020

It was good but Caps cougar girlfriend going clubbing was weird. I love the feminist stuff but Coates is pretty damn cheesy about it. The Cap prison stuffs still good thanks to Kubert and the writing with Caps internal dialogue is great.

Captain America (2018) #10

Mar 13, 2020

Kubert looked really good here. I love that hes doing a whole arc thats one thing about this series I have loved is the consistent quality in art. And again damn good covers.

Captain America (2018) #11

Mar 13, 2020

Good shit here. The Female stuff was corny because of Coates. I dont get his approach its too cheesy but the Cap stuff once again is fantastic.

Captain America (2018) #12

Mar 13, 2020

Great Cover by Alex Ross.. thats about it.. Kubert looks terrible for some reason in this issue and for the 1000th time we are reminded of secret empire. Coates is not doing much with Captain America...and the ending is fucking stupid like whats the difference between that costume and OG Captain America its the same shit...a light up shield versus his original one isnt that far off.

Captain America (2018) #13

Mar 15, 2020

I actually like what Coates did here. And while the art is a step down from the last two super stars it has its own appeal. This was good but still slow.

Captain America (2018) #14

Mar 15, 2020

Story finally picked up and the art was looking OK for the first two pages but then it takes a giant shit on the story. Niko Walter couldnt draw a single convincing action scene it was pretty terrible.

Captain America (2018) #15

Mar 16, 2020

This felt pointless...where are all the plot lines from earlier arcs? This is a bit of a mess...

Captain America (2018) #16

Mar 16, 2020

US Agent scene went from cheesy to the best part of this issue. Still not great...Im a huge Cap fan so the way Coates doesnt give a shit is pissing me off.

Captain America (2018) #17

Mar 16, 2020

Coates is the master of back and forth, I bet he has a hard time with break ups, cant say I blame him tho Im back and forth with this title as well. This issue was better...still its boring and dragged out and his mysterious style is crap.

Captain America (2018) #18

Mar 16, 2020

More like Jason Apprentice...Art is bad...Story is so lame..I guess US Agent is looking to be scourge? I dont know...its not great. Its still worth reading I hate to do this to myself but I consider later down the line reading this series as a whole with no gaps in issues...I bet story wise it would be a lot better. The art in this current arc sadly can never be helped.

Captain America (2018) #19

Mar 16, 2020

Daughters of Liberty was actually kinda badass with that Harriot Tubman cameo. I really like the Red Skull concept Coates has going but other than that I could care less for his way of storytelling and find this series seriously lacking in reasons why we should care. The real blow to this arc has been how random Masters is as an artist, his art is wildly inconsistent and never worth a second look. One of the better issues in this slow, dragging arc but still meh...

Captain America (2018) #20

Mar 19, 2020

Captain America isnt really too thought provoking and the action sucks. I dont think Coates run will be remembered due to the large loads of dullness. Once we march to issue 25 ill be jumping off this ship. At least the covers make me feel better about spending money on this series..

Captain America (2018) #22

Oct 1, 2020

I was excited by the fight scene but mostly because this book has been such a snooze that it was exciting to see anything happen. To be fair Quinn does a decent job and I do like Agent Carter and the gals. Does she deserve to be the next Iron Patriot? Of course not...it felt about as gimmicky as the line she delivered from the film...

Captain America (2018) #23

Nov 16, 2020

What is up with Coates? This man is wildly inconsistant...at least the way he's decided to break these issues up has made him seem this way. Captain Americas Angels again take the show, which thanks to Coates is a snooze fest. This issue was as good as the fight scenes I guess, Bob Quinn brings his best draws yet. Coates is trying way too hard with this story and its just a mess for me at this point, especially when an issue like this is considered good for the series.

Captain America (2018) #24

Nov 16, 2020

Its almost like Coates has been reading this message board and took all of our advice. This issue was incredible! If only the whole series had been this good. The Villains are evil the sexy shit was incredibly well written unlike everything else so far. I cant believe how much a fan I became of "Agent 13" this issue really made her and Cap feel like real people. This was hands down the best issue in the series. Ending felt rushed as fuck but when you have an issue this good, that was minor.

Captain America (2018) #25

Jan 9, 2021

And we're back to another skip worthy issue. Super corny second half

Captain America (2018) #26

Apr 17, 2021

This is crap...The art is so corny and I no longer care...thats Coates biggest weakness is there is no compelling reason to care for anything these characters are going through..Its only my opinion but this is the biggest snooze of a Captain America Title I have ever read.

Captain America (2018) #27

Apr 20, 2021

What a waste of such a great cover...I mean at this point anything that remotely resembles a decent read is causing people to review this with favor..lets be clear. This Run and this issue Sucks...Coates run will forever be known as: CRAPTAIN America

Captain America (2018) #28

Apr 20, 2021

Craptain America Continues...If you hated the last 27 issues your really gonna hate this mess of nonesense. Why do we care? This is everything thats already been done redone at a shitty level. Coates I cant wait till you're done here man, this run sucks ass.

Captain America (2018) #29

May 27, 2021

This is a comic you will find in the 10 Cent Bin.... Trash. Art and Story fight for who can be worse.

Captain America (2023) #1

Apr 22, 2024

Steve Rogers has a Rocky vibe with multiple storylines that meld in a way that’s refreshing for Cap. Especially after that horrendous last run.

Captain America (2023) #2

Apr 22, 2024

This runs starting slow but you can tell we have a good payoff in store. Great art, good writing. Only downside is I would say this is a Cap fans comic.

Captain America (2023) #3

Jun 13, 2024

I really liked this issue the back and forth timeline finally becomes more cohesive for me anyway and I am really starting to enjoy that part of this series. Cool villain too!

Captain America (2023) #4

Jun 13, 2024

The fight was cool but this issue just feels like its going backwards in a way compared to last months.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #1

Jan 20, 2020

This is a Comic Book for people who also enjoy reading books. What I mean by that is its dialogue and pacing is slower but engaging, intelligent and thought provoking. If your looking for action or things other worldly this is the wrong title. This story aims at our current world and comments on current American Society and isnt that would Captain America of all titles should be. This is one of the best places I have ever seen the Character taken and I love that its Sam Wilson. Maybe I just see eye to eye with Spencer here but this is nothing short of perfection. And then you get Acuna... I mean come the fuck on this is a match made in Heaven. If you arent a fan of the Orange Skull and you enjoy comics that are commenting on current problems in our society this is a book for you. Honest, and exactly what every writer should be doing with Captain America. Putting him through our Current America and seeing how he deals.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #2

Jan 20, 2020

Sam Wilson is the 21st Century Captain America. While not as in your face as the first issue this issue is another home run for the creators.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #3

Jan 20, 2020

I thought this was going to be a lame issue but it ended up being funny and really entertaining. The episode of the Mad Scientist featuring Cap Wolf is gorgeous to look at and a smooth read.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #4

Jan 20, 2020

Diamondbacks story was a great addition to what Spencers doing. New artist is great and despite the amazing Acuna leaving Renaud handles these characters well. Jokes are constantly on point and while cheesy they fit with the entire vibe this cast has going. This is a great series!

Captain America: Sam Wilson #5

Jan 20, 2020

Picks up right where the last left off. Love whats going on with everyone in this series Spencer is perfect for this cast. But I cant stand the new Falcon. Hes stupid. Half Bird Half Man its weird and unnecessary. So many sidekicks already why add this cornball?

Captain America: Sam Wilson #6

Jan 20, 2020

Lots of reading to be had in this one as the Dialogue goes on and on I felt. Meanwhile... the new Falcon is still incredibly lame.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #7

Jan 20, 2020

Once you get past the first corny story you are in for a real treat. Incredible art from Acuna and the stories by Spencer are of course fantastic. This story handles the old and new cap so well balancing each perfectly. If you are a fan of Cap you'll want this comic.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #9

Jan 21, 2020

Cover makes this issue look lame it couldnt be more wrong...Sams insecurities as Captain America continue to be a key driver for this Series and while that may sound boring this title is one of the most interesting Captain America titles I have read. Political, of course. Thats what Captain America should be, Spencer puts him in today's America and it works. Spencer has stories that feel like something you would want to go back and read again, great dialogue and his pacing is constantly engaging to boot hes writing TWO books at once interweaving them better than you could ask for so far anyways. The Art on this issue is great in brings you the textures of a painting at time I love the way Steve Rogers looks you can feel the hydra. Figures were dynamic..sexy, action was badass, The artist really used each page..every page was worth staring at in admiration in my opinion.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #10

Jan 21, 2020

For the first time the political jive felt a little heavy handed. Still a solid issue and I love where this title is and where its going.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #11

Jan 22, 2020

This run continues to pick up momentum. Don't let the cover fool you this isn't a simple tie in issue as we get down with Caps morality and I love how complex and thoughtful he is with every decision. Sam is really fleshed out to feel like a real person. This issue feels very cinematic, Especially the parts with US AGENT. Its totally badass and you can already see some of the scenes being used in a film or tv show as they were laid out masterfully. Great Issue and US AGENT parts was so exciting I had to say it was my favorite part of this issue. Cant wait to see how hes used.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #12

Jan 26, 2020

Loved everything in this issue other than that LOL moment when a group of birds gather twigs and create a makeshift barrier for Sam Wilson. Love the US Agents outlook on things, This issue really displays different political sides well.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #13

Jan 26, 2020

Not a Tie in issue at all. Yes this fight happens and yes its good. Acuna drew it. Solid issue, heavy dialogue I felt a bit agitated at times by the redundancy but again a great issue that adds to the Captain America History Line.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #14

Jan 26, 2020

I liked Flag Smasher I thought he was fun and the fact that he wasnt pulling punches made this issue. The Hydra Cap part while good shouldnt have taken so many pages. Like the fact that Sam has been having a hard time, we get it we dont need to always spend a page or three updating readers on the story thus far. Art was not my favorite very bright and poppy.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #15

Jan 26, 2020

Makes sense D Man would be gay, should have guessed by his choice in name a long time ago. While that part was cool the rest of the issue was boring and corny.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #16

Jan 26, 2020

Misty Knight gets a little one shot here and its fantastic. The art is great, the story moves along nicely and the way Spencer has portrayed Misty as such a badass really pays off here. Misty Knight is a total babe and if you dont know much about her check her out in this title.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #17

Jan 26, 2020

Not for me. Felt like a filler other than the Rage stuff. I just cant with the montages bringing us up to speed all the time and this new Falcon is a terrible both to read and look at.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #18

Jan 26, 2020

Heavy commentary on Police brutality. I love this fuckin run its doing great things.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #19

Jan 26, 2020

Pacing and art kind off threw this issue off its tracks from last time, despite that it was an awesome read. The end with the verdict and the young man taking his RAGE out was the best part, really hit home. Solid issue.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #20

Jan 26, 2020

Story and art maintain what makes this series one of the best.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #21

Jan 26, 2020

Another great issue.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

Jan 15, 2020

Fantastic stuff especially for a Captain America Comic. Interesting to the point that you will re read a page to make sure you get it all. Yes its very political but thats why I loved this issue. Art is very refined and makes the book that much better. I found myself captivated the entire time and I love how fearless some decisions in this issue were. Comic Book Readers who only love this character for Moral Guidance will hate this kind of stuff. I feel life is grey like a lot of this issue and stories that dabble with real life evils will always speak louder to me than books that take me away into a complete fantasy world. Its nice to read a comic and see so much of our real world in it. In a way it should inspire us. Read this series if you like things a bit more adult oriented and Modern. Ending hits hard. Check this one out!

Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

Jan 15, 2020

This issue will fill you in on Hydras Master Plan. Its a great easy read and again the art is nothing short of fantastic.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #3

Jan 15, 2020

Originality,Mystery and Humor. A continuously smooth Story for Hydra Cap.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #4

Jan 15, 2020

Caps plan to be king of hydra unfolds as he goes for the red skull. The artist was great if only he could have been used for an issue with a little more going on. A lot of chit chatting in this issue although I will admit it was intriguing and you can tell it will all pay off but still a more bland issue here.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #5

Jan 15, 2020

This is top Quality Shit. Rogers master plan being played out is highly entertaining. Spencer is an amazing writer and the story so easily comes to life as you read it. Moments between Cap and Selvig are fantastic. This Series is incredibly well written and should be highly regarded for its contribution to Steve Rogers as a character and also for whats its done for the Marvel History as a whole. Like it or not all events and stories are part of the Marvel Lore in a way and this one deserves to be remembered and looked at.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #6

Jan 15, 2020

Wordy but still moves forward. Another solid issue to the Hydra Cap story.

Civil War #1

Aug 5, 2024

Writing and Art is Marvel at a high point. Love how this story feels like it takes place in the real world. Incredible start to a Marvel Epic

Civil War #2

Aug 7, 2024

Love the scene with the young avengers escaping. The whole bit felt very cinematic and is a perfect scene. Spiderman reveal at the end is iconic as well. Really great issue.

Civil War #3

Aug 7, 2024

Marvel for adults. Depressing and realistic take on views i feel like these characters would really have. Incredible fight scene. Great dialogue just an incredible series. The robo thor is badass

Civil War #4

Aug 7, 2024

I will admit you get more bang for your buck reading the other series tie ins but this issue was great on its own. Robo Thor goes nuts and that creepy smile during repairs was another scene that just shows how amazing this writer aritst duo did.

Civil War #5

Aug 7, 2024

Art was great. Very immersive comic but this one could have done more for the storyline.

Civil War #6

Aug 7, 2024

Good buildup to the Finale! But I will say it gets a tad repetitive

Civil War #7

Aug 7, 2024

Great Event! One of their best. But without the Confession and other titles that bookend this story. It is a very rushed end.

Civil War II #1

Jan 9, 2020

Strong Art. Minority Report Concept. Tony Stark is written terribly in my opinion. At the time it came out I remember hating this title, but re reading it with some fresh eyes and some expertise years later I have to say I feel differently. This issue stands strong as the beginning of a comic book event.

Civil War II #2

Jan 9, 2020

Civil War II is a fine story and Bendis writes these characters well He knows these characters like the back of his hand and each has a clear voice. I still find this version of Stark a tad obnoxious and the jokes are not funny at all but thats mostly preference. I think the problem with this series is you can tell whats going to happen next. You can tell its going to have that insignificance so many Marvel events before this have had. Other than the fantastic art you wouldnt have much to tell your friends about on this one.

Civil War II #3

Jan 9, 2020

Boring. Other than Banner getting shot in the head this issue was filler. Should have been told in 8 Pages tops. Carol while drawn really well feels so lifeless as does much of the cast. It feels like everyone is kind of saying the same lines over and over at this point.

Civil War II #4

Jan 9, 2020

Slow and Uneventful. That last page was eye rolling. Feels like this issue and the last had enough content to do some stitch and cuts and make one decent issue rather than going for two comics back to back that test the readers patience.

Civil War II #5

Jan 9, 2020

Action for the sake of story. Seeing as the art is the only redemption here action over story mite not be such a bad thing after all. Half the characters in the series have no point being here and again there is no hook to make you want more.

Civil War II #6

Jan 9, 2020

Arts still good. This issue does not progress the story at all. Instead it does the same thing its been doing this time with the most ridiculous what if of all. Tony and Carol were poorly written it doesnt even feel like Bendis is trying anymore.

Civil War II #7

Jan 9, 2020

Unnecessary just like this event.

Civil War II #8

Jan 9, 2020

What a waste of such a talented artist. Civil War II made no sense . Marvel sadly tends to put everything back as if it never happened and thats what we unsurprisingly get here. So whats the point in this? All repercussions are short lived and forgettable. This series as a whole is forgettable and does not further the Marvel history or any of its characters in any way.

Daredevil (2019) #1

Aug 11, 2021

This issue has drive and while slow at times overall this comic has more good in it than it does bad. I felt myself engrossed by the characters and excited for more which is always a good thing but also found Matt to be the least interesting part of this particular issue and I would have to say thats mostly because of the script he's got. Damn if the art didn't make up for all of that.

Daredevil (2019) #2

Aug 11, 2021

Great issue. Ending was fantastic but honestly so was the whole read. Very engaged at this point.

Daredevil (2019) #3

Aug 11, 2021

We are only three issues in and so much has happened the pacing from Chip is incredible the dude really does break down his stories well. I agree with others this issue played out like a film and I loved that. Im also a huge Punisher fan so this issue had it all for me.

Daredevil (2019) #4

Aug 11, 2021

Really well written characters. The way Punisher was drawn especially when fully covered in shadow was really cool. I loved what he had to say and found myself rooting for him. Loved this ending about as much as the last this is a great comic book though a bit dialogue heavy at times for my personal tastes. I think it would be nice to have maybe the cop characters moments be a bit more silent...also hate the fact that I can't remember his name....

Daredevil (2019) #5

Aug 14, 2021

What a wrap up to one of the better Comics out there. Marvel has had some real homeruns with Immortal Hulk,Venom,Thor and now this beauty.

Daredevil (2019) #6

Aug 14, 2021

The art isn't bad but what the hell kind of choice was that for this story? Totally took me away for a second but luckily the story remains golden. Kind of felt Matt picked himself up pretty quick but I guess he's used to this kind of life.

Daredevil (2019) #7

Aug 15, 2021

Damn..You know you are a good writer when art like this is no distraction. Some great moments here and overall this whole comic has a very cinematic feel. Top grade stuff

Daredevil (2019) #8

Sep 27, 2021

How can a comic with art this bad be so good!? The writing was incredible here and the incorporation of legal marijuana I just loved everything this issue had to say and how they said it

DCeased #1

Apr 20, 2020

Not a DC guy and not really a guy who runs to zombies either. That being said this was very entertaining. Batman was portrayed really well and I also enjoyed the more cut throat Superman. Mainly a setup issue but it's interesting and does it's job well.

DCeased #2

Apr 20, 2020

Cool way for Batman to go out. Seeing him in the freeze suit was the highlight..he's a smart dude...not a fan of how Damian and Superboy are drawn...weirdly ugly. Other than that good issue green lantern switch up was fun!

DCeased #3

Apr 20, 2020

For me this issue was filler. Let's go already Superman's been trying to accomplish one task for 3 issues. Him sealing his dad and Alfred mourning his boys was a strong couple of scenes despite the lackluster issue.

DCeased #4

Apr 20, 2020

Art has really appealed to me and this issue was my favorite so far artistically. It's hard to care for me because there's nothing new here and that's not to say this is bad in any way it's just the there's something missing and I have to blame it on the zombie well being dry. Honestly this has some great moments both with the artwork and the emotional moments from good writing. It's just something feels lack luster for me...stil...Loved the Cyborg moment...badass.

DCeased #5

Apr 21, 2020

Strongest issue yet as everything seems to finally come together. Lex Luther had a great moment here but the best part of the issue was Superman. The clash with flash was cool as hell and that scene with the fingers was a good shock. Heartfelt and in line with the feels Kings been trying to deliver

DCeased #6

Apr 21, 2020

Great ending. The story dragged in the middle as it kept over explaining the first two issues but the last issue and the one before it were strong and this ending was great. An obvious set up for a sequel but it felt very cinematic with a dash of terror knowing Superman and Wonder woman are still in the mix as hell reincarnated. If you can except this is just part one of something the ending is not so bad. I thought the way Superman was handled was kinda sloppy like why did the survivors drop the ball so much with him? But still loved how he absorbed the sun pretty badass to see him do that with one arm all mangled. Great issue great series despite it's puttering.

Deadpool (2019) #1

Jan 7, 2020

What the hell is going on with all the christmas shit. Snowmen and christmas hats mixed with killing monsters this book was all over the place. First few pages of Art were great then it got boring to look at. The writing for me never took off and I felt happy when the last page was at hand.The premise of the next issue does intrigue me however and thank god they killed of that annoying big bird ostrich, I feared he was here to stay.

Deadpool (2019) #2

Jan 8, 2020

There is just so much missing here. The art is some of Bachalos worst in my opinion. I think he is an incredible artist, but with both issues created so far it feels like he pumped them out on his way to the airport on his Ipad. There are some panels where we are so close to Deadpools face that the book feels claustrophobic; especially with so many monsters crammed into every panel. The monsters look lame too. On a more positive note I did enjoy the scene with Steve Rogers and I felt I understood what Thompson as a writer was doing with her Deadpool at that moment. This style of humor mended best in that moment and I like the whole A-Hole attitude is sort of refreshing. It would be nice to see Deadpool more Aggressive and Formidable rather then a rehashed joke. For me that is somewhere I hope this series takes the Merc with a Mouth.

Deadpool (2024) #1

Sep 5, 2024

Some really cool moments. Didnt think i would like deadpool having a symbiote pet but it works well. Fun stuff but the end made it better than just OK

Deadpool (2024) #2

Sep 5, 2024

Deadpools daughter is well written, really love the artist. Not very funny but a good story

Deadpool (2024) #3

Sep 6, 2024

Deadpool (2024) #4

Sep 6, 2024

Deadpool (2024) #6

Jan 21, 2025

Deadpool (2024) #7

Jan 21, 2025

Empyre #1

Dec 2, 2020

It was a good read with great art. I didnt love this but didnt hate it either. Good Dialogue and enough Moments to catch your attention and leave you wanting to pick up the next issue. For me the best part was Hulkling..He was written very well and felt like he truly had a voice of his own.

Empyre #2

Dec 2, 2020

The Thing situation was handled way to easily along Carols little fake death stab. I dont know this event feels like nothing is really happening. The Characters arent really losing anything except moments of pride and trust...you could argue Carol had a big moment but it feels like something we have seen her do 100 times. Art was good...Shocked that Al Ewing is behind this snooze.

Empyre #3

Dec 2, 2020

Better than issue 2. Now we are going somewhere and the ending made me interested in the next event. I like Teddy here again he is the best part of this issue aside from his Grandmother, someone with actual goals and aspirations in this muddy story. Art again was great, The Empress Skrull scene was good stuff.

Empyre #4

Dec 2, 2020

The Game of Throne King Non Sense is what works best for this series. I like the battle of the young kings decisions and wit but its just all so sloppy with big blotches of ugly color on good art and just goofy plant people slugging it out with the avengers. Nothing really feels at stake despite how dangerous they keep trying to make this all feel. I love Super Skrull so it hurts to see him wasted in his moment. Speaking of plants and wasted people Tony has a giant stick up his ass for no reason this whole story. The event could end well but the journey to the end has been dog shit.

Empyre #5

Dec 2, 2020

The Good News is Teddy and his man had a pretty great scene and one of the better moments in the series. Black Panther Vs the Shaman plant people was the worst part of this for me. The cheap villains here are what ruin this story as none of them ever seem more than a panel away from being defeated. The Things moment was corny and way too easy...

Empyre #6

Dec 2, 2020

Thank god this is over. Throw this Trash into the green bin.

Faithless #1

Jul 16, 2020

I liked it because of the ending. I found the dialogue to be distracting because it felt like alot of the replies didn't make sense. I think this was an attempt at being current in lingo but it felt super off a couple of times for me. Drawing and colors are wonderful. I love this art style and felt such an ease in direction and story while going through these pages. Again most of the wtf stuff was realized by the ending. I'm interested in this story for sure

Faithless #2

Jul 16, 2020

All the sudden your pulled down some closes/gaimen worm hole. I loved this issue. This artist is a new favorite of mine...this is a erotica comic for sure and a first for me and I got to say it nails it perfectly. Great read.

Faithless #3

Jul 20, 2020

If you like the last two your gonna like this one... I love the horror black magic sex shit. It's done well. Shocking and beautiful.

Faithless #4

Jul 20, 2020

Again I like how effortless this comic is and that semen death was great even if the sex is getting a little over the top the whole idea is so it worked

Faithless #5

Jul 20, 2020

Hard to say why this issue felt flat...I guess it feels a little predictable or familiar?

Faithless #6

Jul 20, 2020

This issue feels like it lost what it started with and has decided to take things a totally new direction. Definitely a series that ran out of gas.

Fallen Angels (2019) #1

Jan 7, 2020

Story was good but not great, same for the art. I felt Hill had a real grasp of where he was taking us and how it is going to play out and I found myself really wanting to know whats going to happen next. Unfortunately I found this story equally forgettable by the end of it and I felt a large part of that was the artwork and how it misinterpreted the story. At times the art was beautiful and pausing but those moments were matched equally by cheap looking panels with ugly borders. Considering the price tag this book just felt a little cheap in quality. Overall just "Meh" ya know?

Fallen Angels (2019) #2

Jan 7, 2020

Hill is taking his sweet time on this one and Im not sure that it is to his advantage. This story is interesting and I found the flashbacks and psylocks inner turmoil to be a real page turner. The art however is painful to even look at. It is so weird to have these annoying Windows 8 graphics on random borders for panels, while the colors pop and work the over all design choice chosen by the artist feels again Cheap to me, childish and cheap.. Im Not sure Hill has enough with this story to bring this title any attention. I found this issue equally as forgettable as the first but the art has somehow gotten worse and is maybe the most memorable part of this whole experiment thus far.

Fallen Angels (2019) #3

Jan 7, 2020

Weak issue for a struggling series, I can imagine a lot of people on the fence with this series would drop the title after giving this a read. There is no sense of a payoff from this slow cooked story and there is nothing immediately satisfying in any of these issues either. No feels when I read this title despite the fact that children are dying left and right. Nothing ever seems clever or earned and with this being the third issue you would expect to have something to define this series by now. Oh wait we do! How could I forget the terrible cut and paste art of Kudranski, that is what will forever remind me of this series. Despite being drenched in black ink Kudranski has some seriously awful panels with characters who are always feeling as dynamic as possible. These guys cant even pop a squat without looking like there gonna jump into action at any second. Kudranskis art makes everyone including the reader feel uncomfortable. Bizarre choice in subject matter for his panels as well. Its a shame cause Psylock, Cable and X23 are cool peeps but you'd never know that if you looked here.

Fallen Angels (2019) #4

Jan 7, 2020

These series screams dollar bin!! Much like the mental state of our heros of the title this issue is filled with nothing but confusion and lost causes. I now have no idea if X23 or Psylock is talking half the time. Characters are shadowed so darkly its often hard to point out who is who or what is even happening, and then to toss in dialogue that is beginning to sound indistinguishable. Its just bad and takes the reader out of the story far too often...Story had so much potential at first but all is lost now. Apoth killing children is the only thing with weight at this point and its a cheap trick. The invisible antagonist of this series is probably its strongest talking point other than the unpalatable artwork. The artist is destroying Hills already fragile idea of a story and is tampering with whatever hopes it has of making sense.

Fallen Angels (2019) #5

Jan 8, 2020

Oddly I missed this title and was excited to read it this week. I feel like you will either love or hate this series, much like a cult classic. This issue was better than most the title has had so far and that goes double for the art, for me it impression was somehow different in this issue, that or this artwork is growing on me. Fallen Angels 5 had solid moments with more good to its merit than bad. Magneto and Sinister are great and I love how this title feels so connected to the new Xmen universe. Magnetos speech about reminding the world the Xmen are still watching was a home run. This issue had more scenes that worked than did not and I look forward to the showdown coming next issue.

Fallen Angels (2019) #6

Jan 30, 2020

This series is so bizarre. It is in many ways out of line with the current X-Men reboot but that's kind of why I loved it. Feels like the indie film version of X-Men. There is something dark and beautiful about this title that you can't ignore. This series feels like it had something truly unique and something worth saying but the execution was so fumbled with terrible art and confusing layouts that all you're left with is the spirit of something that could have been wonderful.

Fear Itself #1

Sep 7, 2024

Amazing setup to a fun meaningful story. Bendis had great storytelling as these events all linked up and made Marvel feel whole.

Fear Itself #2

Sep 7, 2024

Loved seeing the hammers transform the hosts. Wish we would have seen them all though.

Fear Itself #3

Oct 18, 2024

Fear Itself #4

Oct 18, 2024

Fear Itself #5

Oct 18, 2024

Fear Itself #6

Oct 18, 2024

Fear Itself #7

Oct 18, 2024

Kind of a weak ending i will agree with that. So much build up all for everything to wrap up in a few fighting panels. Good story, could have been great.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1

Jan 26, 2020

I liked this more than I thought I would. Characters are all written well and unique. Dialogue between characters felt spot on. No cheese here other than the pretty Generic looking Gods. Something about these antagonist didnt pull me in. I think it was the artist direction with them and how they were presented because the scenes involving them were my favorite of the comic its when I felt most engaged by the story. Thats not to ding the Artists skill however, as he has some seriously beautiful panels in this issue and I hope he stays on the series. Marvel Boy was hilarious I love humor with him, his intro was pretty damn funny. Good start. Im not a Guardians reader and I fell right in, give it a shot if your on the fence.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #2

Feb 19, 2020

A Lot is going on here but somehow its not confusing and pretty enjoyable. I dont care for a Rocket but still felt like the last page was deserved. Art is great this issue exciting to look at with notable precision. Hercules is a little corny for me and the antagonists still dont feel deep. Noh has the most potential in my eyes and I am really excited to see Ewing write him. Still not fully grabbed in by this series but this issue would keep anyone reading.

Hellions (2020) #1

Apr 17, 2021

Had a few moments but I just cant invest my time into something that I dont love after reading. Feels way too familiar for me. Im out

Immortal Hulk #0

Jan 7, 2021

Damn that was sad...If Immortal Hulk is your first submersion into the Hulk world this is an essential read and one that will keep you interested each and every page.

Immortal Hulk #1

Mar 23, 2020

This issue is what a ten is.. refreshing art that feels like something new to a timeless art form. A story that respects the past but isn't afraid to do something new either. The Philosophy intros are great too it reminds me of Hickman just far less wordy. Hulk is a favorite of mine now

Immortal Hulk #2

Mar 23, 2020

At first I didn't like this issue as much as the first but it brought a sense of world building and made the Hulk's new comic universe feel more colorful. Great stand alone issue with a great ending. Hulk actually punishing bad people is refreshing

Immortal Hulk #3

Mar 23, 2020

Normally I hate crap like this. Three different artist all telling a different iteration of the same story. It sounds unique at first but it's overplayed. Not here. This issue was interesting and gripping throughout and although I found the grandma's perspective confusing it was a great look into different personalities and mindsets which is what Hulk is all about

Immortal Hulk #4

Mar 24, 2020

This issue had some stellar character writing with both dialogue and development from w character named Sasquatch who you would normally never care about. I love the way horror is thrown into this series. I will say you can't really miss a beat with this tale or you'll get lost but that's what's also so great about it. The art was great as usual. Bennett is now a favorite of mine! There was really nothing wrong here considering the amount of pages used to tell this multi issue story. I love this series

Immortal Hulk #5

Mar 24, 2020

Everything I liked about the last issue I have double appreciation for in this issue. Great storytelling is what defines this story. I didn't expect it to get so demonic, I love this series very psycho horror with some of the best visuals I have seen in comics

Immortal Hulk #6

Mar 24, 2020

I liked The Monitors very cool characters and the brutal boss was great. Not a huge fan of this artist he felt off and then on again it was alright just not a great following act from those last two kick ass issues. I didn't care for Carol Danvers at all...her reasons for bringing in Bruce felt cold and uncalculated. Felt very forced to me and sadly this is the first time for me this series was a bit short of great.

Immortal Hulk #7

Mar 25, 2020

Holy shit this was good. Cover is badass and so is every single page inside. What an amazing showdown. To me Ewing perfectly captures The Avengers and made them feel like they were in today's America. Art is brilliant.. Fight scene was one of the best I've read in comics. Perfect issue

Immortal Hulk #8

Apr 7, 2020

What's not good about this issue? Art as usual was fantastic. I love the way Hulk absorbed that well written villain. Felt short but that's just because it was a great read. This Hulk serious is so good not seeing any signs of it giving up.

Immortal Hulk #9

Apr 7, 2020

Creel was interesting and this story packed a lot of good moments in a standard sized comic. Both artist worked well together with a killer ending drawn with true terror by Bennet. Again nothing I didn't like...this hulk run is some of the best stuff to happen to this art form

Immortal Hulk #10

Apr 8, 2020

Damn good. Violence like I haven't seen marvel do in a while. Horror at its finest. Another 10. I love how they had Hulk use Creels spin as a wrecking ball...badass

Immortal Hulk #11

Apr 8, 2020

Hulk is in hell! What a great looking issue ... I found the black and white pages to be visually off putting but the content was great just like every page in this issue. Hulk is slipping into madness and as the reader we feel the same confusion Hulk does with this new status quo. We're all figuring it out as we go and that's what I love about this series. Seeing hulk rip a red hulk in half was hands down my favorite part of this issue.

Immortal Hulk #12

Apr 8, 2020

Colors for this series have been so good and this issue was no exception color gave this issue such a dark feel. Bruce's dad's an asshole such good writing you just hate him so muxh. I love the studies of Satan. Perfect issue again for me.

Immortal Hulk #13

Apr 10, 2020

Man this issue covered a lot. The art again is just incredible. Every panel every page. Truly one of my favorite artists today I'll grab anything Bennet draws. Creel was my least favorite part of this and honestly how the fuck is he alive...that part was really confusing... I guess cause they were in hell? However the part where Hulk reminds Banner he's always had his back and that he loves him that was so good. That alone made this issue for me just such good writing.

Immortal Hulk #14

Apr 12, 2020

This guest artist felt so right for this issue. You get a real sense of pain from the art and I loved the way Betty was drawn. The story itself was so well balanced...it's the beggining of something big but it still felt contained and satisfying. The way Betty was characterized at the funeral and her skepticism of Tony Stark was my favorite part of this issue. Haven't seen her in a while and Ewing brings her back so smoothly without being overly wordy or explaining too much. Solid issue...my only minor quip is the repetitive dialogue with the assassin...still what a great comic and a decent starting point for new readers.

Immortal Hulk #15

Apr 14, 2020

It would be fair for every review on this series to start with..Wow,! Every time I read an immortal hulk something makes me love it. This time it was the characterization of The Devil Hulk...the great deceiver? Misunderstood? Guess we'll find out...either way he wants to destroy the world. This issue really reminds you the Hulk comics has a great cast with deep rooted history. This is the what comics should be in 2020.(19)...

Immortal Hulk #16

Apr 14, 2020

What's not to like...Ending was really interesting! I love how Ewing is honoring all the different Hulks and side characters in such a fresh original way. Bennett is truly something special.

Immortal Hulk #17

Apr 15, 2020

The reviews are all correct! We are 17 issues in and not a single one has slowed down the incredible momentum of this series. Bennett I love you! You are hands down top 5 artists I love. Hulks transformations have been eye candy in this series and this particular issue did it best. That double page spread was everything. I wanted to hang it up on my wall. So badass...10 10 10

Immortal Hulk #18

Apr 17, 2020

Can't decide which was more insane. Betty or Abomination. One of the best issues in the series with the reintroduction of some truly horrific characters

Immortal Hulk #19

Apr 18, 2020

Most horror this series has had yet. The damage Hulk takes at the hands of Abomination was just nasty. Seeing what Betty has become was badass. Her killing spree for me was the highlight of this issue. Seeing hulk cry for help was a close second but it's the way Bennet portrayed Betty and those talons ripping off heads it took me by surprise, so hellish this comic truly is horror.

Immortal Hulk #20

Apr 18, 2020

The Hell aspect of this comic has a lot of intrigue and promise but it is confusing at times. That's ok tho that's how it's supposed to be as this series shows it will be boiling for a long while. Best part of this issue for me was that intro. You really feel for Banner and the confusion and his forgetting transfer over to the reader beautifully.

Immortal Hulk #21

Apr 21, 2020

If you didn't know the big bad guy before you do now...classic get to know this character issue but done very well with some beautiful art. Ties things together nicely if you ask me. I loved that last page artistically so badass and really made the villain come to life seeing him rocking that husk!

Immortal Hulk #22

Apr 22, 2020

Another great issue and display of horror stroked art. This comic book series is why I love the art form of comics. This was perhaps the first time the series has felt comic bookie with that ending but still dopeness at its finest

Immortal Hulk #23

Apr 22, 2020

Great fight scene and the slower moments progress the story in a way that makes them just as show stopping as Hulk ripping off his face. A scene I will long remember!

Immortal Hulk #24

Apr 22, 2020

Damn...Hulk throwing his own seared flesh as a weapon was insane....wow what an issue..Hulk becoming a villain..or something more is so badass. I just hope the pussy side characters don't stop him! Love where Ewing has taken us so far! What a ride!!

Immortal Hulk #25

Apr 24, 2020

Visually beautiful..I like this issue but damn was it wordy. For sure my least favorite episode of this incredible journey.favorite part? Literally every page was gorgeous even if it wasn't interesting

Immortal Hulk #26

Apr 26, 2020

Everything I feel about today Ewing said it better. What a fantastic issue. Insightful... intelligent.. inspiring.

Immortal Hulk #27

Apr 26, 2020

Noticeably weaker issue pacing wise but despite it's slowness it's still better than most anything you'll read that came out the week this did. Montour sure is chatty but his design and roxxon is pretty cool. I was glad at the end to see Hulk no longer has that sunlight handicap

Immortal Hulk #28

Apr 27, 2020

A very smart issue written from the perspective of a man we all know and dislike in modern times but found a way to make you think about things and slow down a minute. Well done! I did find alot of the villain to be boring..trying to defeat the hulk financially and all these online server's. It's a great idea it's just executed in a muddy way.

Immortal Hulk #29

Apr 27, 2020

Is it just me that finds the Bulls intentions confusing? Other than that what a great issue. I can't stand Doc Samson I find him obnoxious but Betty has been so much fun and her always turning when Banner shows up was perfect! Monsters looked badass!

Immortal Hulk #30

Apr 28, 2020

Monsters tearing up a town is always fun and this was done well. I liked Hulks anger at always being in pain and only being used to absorb pain it was really interesting. Again Doc Samson is annoying as hell but thats his character so Ewing does a good job there. Our villain is fun and a formidable foe. My only complaint is this arc felt a little empty compared to all that's happened it needed more Hulk..

Immortal Hulk #31

Apr 28, 2020

I personally wasn't getting a bit lost in all the goodness but it's all making sense to me now! Idk if it's Xemnus mind control but this is one of the best issues in a long time

Immortal Hulk #32

Apr 28, 2020

Trying to think why I wouldn't give this a ten....solid villain with some horrifying moments. When Xemnu eats the horror element of this series comes rushing back. Then that epic finale when all of these weird mental games begins to bloom.

Immortal Hulk #33

Jul 3, 2020

This will be the Hulk Comic I show my kids, but I will have to wait a little bit since its incredibly violent and gory in the best ways. Truly horrific. GORGEOUS Art and one of the few comics you hang on every word in each panel. This is what comics should be.

Immortal Hulk #34

Dec 29, 2020

Love the art! Good little setup issue. Its crazy how good this comic is...even slower moments like this are welcomed reads for me.

Immortal Hulk #35

Jan 7, 2021

I liked the Domestic argument but found the issue unusually stale for the series.

Immortal Hulk #36

Jan 7, 2021

Rick is freaking creepy man!

Immortal Hulk #37

Jan 7, 2021

Bad Fucking Ass!! Leader is a real threat and his methods are spiritual and genius. What a Villain, he had some scenes that were just freaky. Perfect issue.

Immortal Hulk #38

Jan 7, 2021

I love me some Devil Hulk.

Immortal Hulk #39

Jan 13, 2021

Holy hell! This issue was terrific. Some truly horrifying panels that remind you this is a horror comic. Leader is a damn fine villain and written incredibly well.

Immortal Hulk #40

Jan 13, 2021

How can this get any better honestly...this is the definitive Hulk series for me.

Immortal Hulk #41

Jan 19, 2021

Great issue all the way through! Slowed down to reward faithful readers of the series. This has to be one of my favorite comic covers in the last 5 years.

Immortal Hulk #42

Jan 19, 2021

What's happening to Leader... this issue shows how great a write Ewing is and as part of the whole it's a solid issue. Guest artists are always good with this series

Immortal Hulk #43

Mar 6, 2021

Love the Hulk standing up to police brutality. The fact the I can't wait for the next issue is always a good sign. Found Joe Fixit to be a bit slow but loved the rest. Another Banger

Immortal Hulk #44

Apr 20, 2021

Love this...U foes are even good somehow when Ewing gets his hand on em

Immortal Hulk #45

Apr 17, 2021

If only one comic existed in 2021 I would want it to be this one! Another great issue leaving you upset that youll have to wait a month to get your hands on the next.

Immortal Hulk #46

Jun 19, 2021

When even a setup issue is good.....

Immortal Hulk #47

Jun 19, 2021

Pure Gold. The low user reviews coming from children who are made their character didnt win. I found this to be totally balanced and a iteration of Thor I find much more compelling. This was one of the best comic fights I have read in a long time and I cant help but feel so much of that is the wonderful pacing and story telling of Al Ewing!

Immortal Hulk #48

Sep 20, 2021

For me this was one of the weaker issues just because it didn’t pack the same punch most issues do but that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the issue.

Immortal Hulk #49

Sep 20, 2021

I hope the finale isn’t told in this manner. Personally hated it and found it to be disengaging. This is completely personal taste but I couldn’t get into this one at all!

Immortal Hulk: Great Power #1

Feb 5, 2020

Money grab. Essentially pointless. Taylor has some charm and laughs here and there and the art is exceptional for such a silly surface level story, but the little giggles tossed in fade after spending 5 dollars on this basic comic book. No depth or twists here and no weight to carry into the Immortal Hulk legacy.

Immortal She-Hulk #1

Jan 24, 2021

Serves it's point with some great art...at times... I agree with other reviewers don't read Empyre this here has all you need to know. Great addition to the Immortal Fam

Incredible Hulk (2023) #1

Aug 9, 2024

Great start. Arts top notch, the hulk transformation scene was dope. The horror elements are very welcome reminds me of Animal Man for some reason.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #2

Aug 9, 2024

Really really great art. Im a sucker for good zombies and this has all of that.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #3

Aug 10, 2024

Love this series so far. Big Ugly demons for Hulk to rip up. Love how hes so OP. The side character adds a great element as well for once.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #4

Aug 10, 2024

Foreman is one of my favorites! He kills it here especially that last page. Badass comic book

Infinity Wars (2018) #1

Jun 15, 2020

Not bad. Doesn't bring that heavy punch you want from an event but it's not a terrible start like so many marvel events. The cast was great and they worked well together. Some of the minor characters got a bit more interesting thanks to Duggans witty banter. Good start.

Infinity Wars (2018) #2

Jun 16, 2020

Surprised to see the writer cover what would normally take 4 issues in two. The pacing of this series certainly helps. It's not a bad story either so far . Deodato is on point as always. I'm not sure what it is about this series I guess it's just that jaded feeling from knowing nothing is permanent that takes away from this series. Still it's on the right track to being one of Marvel's better events

Infinity Wars (2018) #3

Jun 16, 2020

The main thing I would say about this story is it needs to decide what it is. It's to many parts and not enough whole. The ideas are there but their executed poorly. Gamora and that sword is dope visually and I like the Thanos ghost. The warps look cool even if little to no care is put into them in the main event

Infinity Wars (2018) #4

Jun 17, 2020

Cool looking characters sadly that's it. It's just a little all over the place and doesn't do a good job keeping you in the loop.

Infinity Wars (2018) #5

Jun 17, 2020

When you see what the story is it's actually pretty cool. But Duggan does a terrible job not only keeping you engaged but panning out his own story. It's unnecessarily confusing and all over the place. Despite that I like Gamora and the teams going up against her. Too bad this misses the mark so badly cause it could have been really cool. Still one of the better issues with some great action sequences. Art was on another level in this issue!

Infinity Wars (2018) #6

Jun 17, 2020

I hate to say this but I liked this event..the Gamora ending for me was so confusing... I never saw two Gamoras I didn't get it.. The other split world was kinda goofy. Art through this event was a 10/10. I really liked that even tho you kinda knew what was gonna happen there was some little twists and turns that made for a fun issue.

Iron Man (2020) #1

Oct 29, 2020

I really liked this one minus that awful break up with the Wasp..that was so heartfelt wasn't it? The art is good and I'm getting Immortal Hulk Vibes and it's not just the quotes in the intro.

Iron Man (2020) #2

May 1, 2021

Strong Follow Up Issue. I like this version of Iron Man. The fact that hes not even human is a lot of fun and brings moments of depth I didnt expect from the series...Really big fan of the what makes a man concepts this issue brings.

Iron Man (2020) #3

May 1, 2021

Damn Patsy is becoming the Girlfriend from Hell....So bitchy about everything. I like How Tony is questioning being a Hero and This issue brings up some good points...why do we cheer for the Villian? I know I usually do..unless there a bunch of pushovers like this issue offered.

Iron Man (2020) #4

May 4, 2021

Getting a little better. Villains coming off as a bad version of Ultron to me but Hellcat was portrayed in a much better light this issue. Adding a layer to her character made her not so one note and surprisingly she was my favorite part of this issue

Iron Man (2020) #5

May 4, 2021

Its not the best comic out right now but its not the worst. This is my first Iron Man title I have read regularly...so far I like it enough to keep reading but this is for from an excellent comic and has some really stale moments.

Iron Man (2020) #6

May 4, 2021

This is walking the fine line between who cares and somewhat interesting. I do like Tony here although I thought the Man or Machine interior dialogue was much more interesting than this I don't care what you think about me thing has got going. Still has enough in it for me to read the next issue.

Iron Man (2020) #7

May 6, 2021

Art on this book is incredible and I will admit this issues writing was a lot of what I like a out this title. Sadly I find myself yearning for these characters to enter a new story arc. I find this one to be worn down and only getting more off course for me.

Iron Man (2020) #8

May 6, 2021

Average comic.. not great...this arc is more complex then it really needs to be too many subplots and characters going on for me. The thing I really enjoyed about this title are starting to slip away.

Iron Man (2020) #9

Jun 12, 2021

This is such a great issue. I get where we are at now as the pacing has been fantastic this issue. I really like how hopeless things feel and this Villain is fantastic. One of the better issues of this solid run!

Iron Man (2020) #10

Aug 4, 2021

Great issue. As a comic book this was very fulfilling. I loved the pacing and I felt like I got so much out of this issue. Characters developed wonderfully. Reality was questioned....I really love this Iron Man and where we are going with this story.

Iron Man (2020) #12

Sep 27, 2021

Good but nothing great. This story is starting to feel very basic and while I enjoyed the art I found the writing to be kind of corny. Something seems off about Tony and while I'm hoping its part of the story I can't help but wonder if its bad writing especially when you have those corny music lyrics in the story, it was just so heavy handed and corny.

Jupiter's Legacy #1

Jan 5, 2022

This is tough because its a re read for me and the second playthrough didnt have that OMG the first read did years ago. The art is Incredible and you cant beat the way mind control was portrayed here. Still a solid issue in a beautiful universe

Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #1

Jan 12, 2022

Jupiter's Legacy #2

Jan 5, 2022

I liked this better than the first issue..again with that incredible art and cinematic moments in the panels. Great stuff especially considering there was zero action really other than a scream

Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #2

Jan 13, 2022

Great follow up to the first volume

Jupiter's Legacy #3

Jan 6, 2022

What more could you really ask for? Jaw dropping moments matched by incredible art. This is the issue that makes the series thus far for me!

Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #3

Jan 13, 2022

Jupiter's Legacy #4

Jan 12, 2022

This comic is one of the only indie super hero tales ive enjoyed

Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #4

Jan 13, 2022

Jupiter's Legacy #5

Jan 12, 2022

Incredible how such a cool antagonist was made in only one issue. Loved every bit of this and found the art to be some of the best ive seen in comics

Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #5

Jan 13, 2022

Wasnt as satisfied as id liked by the ending. Confused by some of the art chaos as well but overall an epic comic series.

King In Black #1

Mar 24, 2021

Can you remember the last time an event was so simple yet so good? No goofy crap here just straight Marvel Heroes vs a Big bad. Venom heads rejoice this is what we've been waiting for.

King In Black #2

Apr 13, 2021

Avengers becoming Knulls hosts and Iron man taking on a symbiotic dragon pretty sick. Dylans character is great and the art and writing here is some of Marvels best. Love seeing my personal Favorites Sentry and Venom all in one place. Even if this the end of Bob as we know it.

King In Black #3

Apr 13, 2021

The God of Thunder 2.0 Vs Knull. Violent, Emotional, this series is pure comic book fun

King In Black #4

Apr 13, 2021

Strong issue! Finally see what's making this a good story and not just a slug fest.. Dylan finds himself to be more of a character worth investing in...that last page was a good hook I gotta say.

King In Black #5

Apr 13, 2021

Yeah I loved it...good ending, great series, if youre a venom head this is one of his finest stories EVER. Eddies journey and that finale was incredible I love Venom becoming the King In Black so badass.

Marauders (2019) #1

Jan 7, 2020

The Cover is horrendously stupid and I was really worried this was going to be some super cheesy ass pirate Xmen comic book. But what we got was better thank god but well... It was ok...I did like the concept of finding mutants around the globe and bringing them home, but the story gets a little dry half way through and I couldnt help but get the feeling I was reading a bunch of Filler Content at times during this premiere issue. I did love the action scenes, it felt like a different comic during those parts and they were illustrated really well. The art style is the definition of comic book art, and I dont mean that as a compliment. Its sort of bland with nothing to praise nor complain about. Overall this is a pretty basic comic and Im not looking forward to the next issue.

Marauders (2019) #2

Jan 7, 2020

So this is Kate Pryde? This issue really showcases who this character is and why we should care about her and I have to admit, it was kind of badass. Still had some weird moments that Im not sure add strength to the story. I was really confused by the tattoo scene honestly and that kiss was both confusing and stupid. Despite the out of touch attempts at youth I felt the last page landed very well. Art was still kind of generic but it served its purpose. Duggan is a little all over the place when it comes to quality but his better moments shine bright with this issue.

Marauders (2019) #3

Jan 7, 2020

Duggan gives us a little one on one time here, this time with the Black Bishop and it worked really well. Story was interesting throughout its entirety and I really enjoyed the art. I felt the sons dialogue was pure cheese with those daddy issue jokes but other than that it was a solid comic book. Not groundbreaking stuff here or anything but enough to make you want a little more.

Marauders (2019) #4

Jan 7, 2020

Still cant get over how cheesy so much of this really is but some part of me really wants to see whats going to happen next for Kate and I think Duggan succeeds in that way with his characters. Characters are great on this title even with constantly bland art dressing them. Fight scenes were engaging, exciting to read and breath life into this series. I love the way human cults have popped up adding a significant contribution to the current Xmen franchise.

Marauders (2019) #5

Jan 7, 2020

Intro landed well and it was cool seeing Kate be worried about her mortality. I love the fuck you attitude this title has about it. This issue was the one to make this series kind of grow on me. The touches of pirate nostalgia are weird to me though, like really weird. ]. I liked the touches of screen tone and I thought the characters were drawn very well especially the design and facial expressions of Emma Frost, really felt like he portrayed her the way Duggan intended.

Marauders (2019) #6

Jan 23, 2020

I have come to the conclusion I dont like pirates enough for this book. The art didnt help here at all and when the book gets all shiver me timbers I just kind of cant. I dont like the XMen with a pirate backdrop and I get thats personal I just also felt this story is getting dull. I know Im a minority here but I think this is all just too goofy.

Marauders (2019) #7

Feb 5, 2020

I honestly hate the Pirate crap mixed with X men it looks stupid and the dialogue trying to throw little pirate jokes in here and there makes it that much worse. I just cant get over how forced the whole pirate thing is. That being said this issue was not as terrible as some of the others. Art was nice and I found this issue to make less mistakes with the stories progression. Still, the series as a whole feels all over the place and is still almost unreadable for me but this issue did slightly help increase the chances of reading issue 8.

Marauders (2019) #8

Feb 19, 2020

Big Improvement from the last issue. Still dont get what all the hooting and hollering is about tho. This series is decent when its at its best. Bobby was cool here. Really the best part of the issue other then the lil dragon ending.

Marauders (2019) #9

Mar 4, 2020

Whoo Doggy! Now this is what Im talking about, you get away from all the silly pirate shit and you really have something here. Everyone who says this title is consistent is full of it but this issue is truly good. Twist intro, badass thrill ride of a middle and a great finish. Damn Duggan you did me good this Wednesday. Art was great and I loved the design on the cuckoo sisters. That being said it does have moments that feel weaker than others but still one of the better artists on this run, this title would do well to let him have residence for a time.

New Avengers #1

May 8, 2024

What an incredible start i like how disjointed everyone is and how time has passed and criminals caught its all very badass

New Avengers #2

May 8, 2024

Hard to believe this was 20 years ago. To me this is Marvels best avengers to date

New Avengers #3

May 8, 2024

Avengers assemble

New Mutants (2019) #1

Jan 7, 2020

The tone and feel of this book is acknowledged the second you turn the first page. Both writers and artist executed their vision wonderfully with this issue. The problems however begin quickly with mostly dull characters and again some strange love for pirates. What the hell is going on with all the hat tipping to pirate culture in these Xmen titles. Art was fantastic, I wanted to compare the artist to Noto at first but Reis has his own mark. This is the kind of artist that these characters look best with. Magik a favorite of mine, was written wonderfully.

New Mutants (2019) #2

Jan 7, 2020

Good issue with Hickman again connecting well with these characters. He has a voice for every single character in this comic and it is very clear. I still am not convinced this was the best team for a space adventure but maybe I just am not a fan of the genre. I wish this title got a little darker at time but overall its entertaining. Nothing unforgettable here but worthy of a read.

New Mutants (2019) #3

Jan 8, 2020

New artist and completely new team and we are only on issue three. I guess this title is literally showcasing different groups of New Mutants every few issues and if that is the case I think its an interesting concept and could work. In this issue though it does not work...Not worth reading or looking at. I wanted to skip half the pages. Shoulder shrug at best.

New Mutants (2019) #4

Jan 8, 2020

Reading Issue 3 and 4 of this series is like watching entire episodes of Anime filler. Frustrating couple of issues to read.

New Mutants (2019) #5

Jan 8, 2020

Epic. Hickman feels like a Master of the craft effortlessly creating gold. Thank god for art like this it worked so beautifully with this chapter. People will be talking a lot about this issue for Hickmans iteration of Magik and for good reason. This is what Comic Books should be. From the first page to the last this issue was constructed like a piece of art.

New Mutants (2019) #6

Feb 5, 2020

When this issue started I found myself wanting to shoot myself in the head a few pages before one of the characters actually did. While there are some decent crunchy pieces in this soggy mess, I hope we leave these characters behind in this series and get back to Magik and the gang. I like the concept of what this series is trying to do, bouncing between different groups of Mutants is fun but the vast difference in quality both visually and in story telling between Hickman and Brissons characters is what holds this title back from greatness.

New Mutants (2019) #7

Feb 19, 2020

This book is easily the most fun you will have while reading the New Line of X Men Titles. But that rule is ONLY true when Hickman is writing the title, without him I fear deeply for these characters. Not sure how I felt about the fourth wall breaking it was in line with the pacing but I just thought it was border line too much like some of the humor. All good things in measure while I enjoy the funny tone of this comic I worry it mite just become too much and too kiddish like a bad Deadpool. This issue wasn't the strongest and I genuinely dont understand who Gladiator is as he is written entirely different by every writer who casts him but it was still a great fit with some funny moments mostly with Sunspot. Gotta say tho, I love the Art!! And the Romance scenes with Deathbird were hilarious.

Power Girl (2023) #1

Apr 18, 2024

Loved the Alternate Covers for this issue. Story has potential and art was fantastic especially with facial expressions. Not a great #1 as far as showcasing Power Girl to readers.

Power Girl (2023) #2

Jul 19, 2024

I dont get why this is review bombed for not being a replica of the past telling of Power Girl. I like re invented characters. That being said this issue is good but not great. I like where this is going !

Power Girl (2023) #3

Jul 19, 2024

I liked this one. Superman is colder than I thought he should be but it makes an interesting story and the whole lion bit was pretty good

Power Girl (2023) #4

Jul 19, 2024

I think Power Girl is drawn too blandly. Cool issue I guess. The action was OK. I like Omen, but i get why people dont.

Power Girl (2023) #5

Jul 19, 2024

Its a Cat comic and I cant lie it was a lot of fun.

Power Girl (2023) #6

Jul 19, 2024

Its interesting enough to keep reading but the writer never really has a stance on anything. This comic plays it safe too much.

Power Girl (2023) #7

Jul 21, 2024

Not for me…and I stood up for the Cat issue. I liked the Art style but also not something I would be interested in either.

Power Girl (2023) #8

Jul 21, 2024


Power Girl (2023) #9

Jul 21, 2024

Dumb Tie in. It was sad i liked this title for a second but its doing too much without establishing itset

Power Girl (2023) #10

Jul 21, 2024

The cover is more fun than the actual issue. Kinda lame. Ill be dropping this if the next Arc is bad

Protector #1

Jan 30, 2020

I saw the cover of this Comic and was like shit I gotta give this a read. Im not mad I did but I will not be picking up the next issue. The art in this story was so refreshing its loose and real. I loved it. The story felt like something you kind of expect from an Indie Title. I just felt like I had read this story 100 times. Characters did not speak to me or feel unique other than the way they were decorated by the artist. Overall slightly below average story with good artwork that still just isn't enough to keep me coming back.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #1

Jun 4, 2020

Strong first issue that ties in very nicely to civil war. I thought Fraction tried way too hard to be witty..it made some of the dialogue transactions very confusing. I love the art and found Frank to look great in this style. Damn he's harsh and such an extreme contrast from most Marvel titles. Maybe that's why I found this to be so damn good.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #2

Jun 4, 2020

I loved seeing the civil war from Frank's side. What a true tie in as it really informs you of this characters perspective. All around a great issue with my two favorite characters. I love how Fraction wrote Cap and loved the last scene...except one thing. Again Fractions dialogue can be so randomly bad. Like the last line where Frank tells Cap... c'mon I been a bad boy punish me haha like wtf?? Felt so corny.weird and forcing the word punish. Super odd he read that and kept it in his final draft.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #3

Jun 4, 2020

Do not believe these reviews this is Marvel the way it should be. This is dark and real with some incredible art and great writing (despite some dialogue) This is the way the marvel universe should be. I guess it's just right up my alley. Frank feels like such an outsider I love it, and the extreme contrast. I love Bridges and the new Microchip. Damn I don't get the bad reviews this is good shit. Maybe it took 13 years of shit to make us now appreciate how good this was.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #4

Jun 5, 2020

Damn good. Getting to know these villains and making them so likeable in such a short time only to have Frank kill them all off! What a read!

Punisher War Journal (2006) #5

Jun 7, 2020

This was ok...I've read comics before with this kind of scenerio that were done much better. Villain was way to forgiving gave way too many chances. Ending was a nice touch tho

Punisher War Journal (2006) #6

Jun 7, 2020

Last page was really fucking confusing. Car chase was great. Art was A+. Not to say I'm not looking forward but this issue did lack a sort of punch you would hope for

Punisher War Journal (2006) #7

Jun 8, 2020

I liked the heavy political stuff it was done really well. Letting the side characters be more in the spotlight was another good move. I really liked Frank undercover although I felt the bull was cheese and not a fan of the scripts way of pacing out this story. It just doesn't feel right for this villain

Punisher War Journal (2006) #8

Jun 8, 2020

It's a good story and character it's just told with some really odd pacing.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #9

Jun 8, 2020

Terrible pacing nearly ruined this entire arc. You can't believe how bad this now you're here now you're back there crap is. Cactus head removal was dope

Punisher War Journal (2006) #10

Jun 8, 2020

What a stupid antagonist for Frank. The dude let's him go cause his house is On fire like shoot him and then go fix your house...it was just so goofy...Frank really killing that Tali chick and hiding it was really interesting. I liked the future this issue set up but the actual conclusion to this arc was garbage.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #11

Jun 8, 2020

When was Punisher wearing the suit?? That was such a gimmick I don't get why Fraction put so much heavyness on Frank giving up a suit he hardly ever wore. That whole Punisher becoming Cap arc was total crap. Hopefully things get back on track this is bad. Upcoming Villain stuff was promising.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #12

Jun 11, 2020

That mock Venom suit was really cool as Is the portrayal of Frank and his side kick. Fraction tries to do alot in one comic book but Im not gonna lie it was still a fun read and pretty great as a one shot story.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #13

Jun 11, 2020

This was ok...it felt more like your average comic book. What a drastic change in art style and not including any of Frank's gang made it feel like a different writer too. Not the strongest issue.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #18

Jun 25, 2020

The art looks like leftovers..part of it was appealing but some of it was downright sloppy. The story itself was good not great. This set up a new arc but I felt like it wasn't as heavy as it could have been. We got a fun villain coming up and this issue did a decent job setting that up. Good not great .

Punisher War Journal (2006) #19

Jun 25, 2020

I like the idea of this story better than how it was executed. The art is does not help keep things from getting muddy. It's just about getting by for Matt Fraction. I guess I liked Jigsaw beating up his pupil Jigsaw and his family is interesting enough for me to keep reading.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #20

Jun 25, 2020

Art is getting better as each issue goes on as if the artist skills are increasing from the work load. I don't care for Frank too much in this arc but the Hand and Jigsaw were pretty badass.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #21

Jun 26, 2020

I'd like to apologize to the artist here for what I said in prior reviews because damn he is good. He has found his style and communicated it so beautifully in this issue. Big fan of this artist style and you could learn alot from every panel in this issue. Story was great too this issue finally nailed the pacing and drama of a good tale. The Frank copy cat is very confusing visually but cool non the less. Good issue for sure.

Punisher War Journal (2006) #22

Jun 26, 2020

Good pacing. Some quick looking sketches..the story is just so whatever at this point it's over for me. This run started so good..but this has been a drag of an arc. I think Frank just feels so odd and there's an unexplainable emptiness in this story.

Savage Avengers (2019) #1

Jun 29, 2020

Fun lil team comic with some amazing art. The villain and intro to some of the team was done well. Visually superb and one of the more who cares let's just have a cool comic kinda titles.

Savage Avengers (2019) #2

Jun 29, 2020

Again if this books job is to be a badass good time then it's a success. While it is a little light on the why the how is fantastic. Art is so good . Deodato was made for this cast.

Savage Avengers (2019) #3

Jun 29, 2020

This title is really feeling itself. It's got it's niche and it does what it does well. Really cool group..not sure who this symbiote but I love what he did here.

Savage Avengers (2019) #4

Jul 14, 2020

This book feels chunky and rushed but it has a certain charm long missed by Marvel. Although it was confusing I liked seeing Venom join the fray and that Venom Sword was dope. Violent good times.

Savage Avengers (2019) #5

Jul 14, 2020

Strong art and a good time. What more do you need? I thought this issue was a nice ending to the arc. People may have said its rushed but sometimes its nice to have something one and done not such a dragged out story. I feel like this books weaknesses were not as apparent as its strengths. Duggan and Deodato did us good here.

Savage Avengers (2019) #6

Apr 15, 2021

Gorgeous art. Beginning was pretty fun as soon as they skinned those dinos and put on medival suits i was out.

Savage Avengers (2019) #7

Apr 17, 2021

It all happened so fast..but it was decent. I like this series, its fun and doesnt take things too seriously. Art is always good and the mix of characters is engaging

Scream: Curse of Carnage #1

Feb 25, 2020

Wow,this was surprisingly good. I loved Andi through the Agent Venom era but absolutely hated all that Juju Magic crap they turned her into. Now she makes sense again and with her lack of parents and no real direction it made sense what factors motivated this character and symbiote to belong together. It also was a good mix with the emo sadness and creepy inner voices. I liked the last page it was actually touching and intriguing. Although, I re read the mosh pit scene over and over. It made no sense at all and was so strange. It seemed like the writer villainized punk culture, despite that being the aesthetic for the main character, it was bizarre. I think the writer does more good than bad in this issue however and seems to have an interesting story to tell. Artwork is incredible and everything you want for this title but oddly it does feel like theres just something missing here...or maybe something just too rehashed? Im not sure but it offered enough for me to want to read the next issue.

Secret Empire #0

Jan 15, 2020

A 0 issue with some weight to it. Artwork could not be any better, this is a Master at work here. Acuna is a perfect match for Dark Cap. Caps plan actually makes sense and is a fun read. This issue helps peek interest in whats about to unfold as well as catch readers up who may not be sure whats entirely going on here. Wonderfully crafted and a great way to pitch this tale.

Secret Empire #1

May 14, 2020

Blows my mind how personal so many people take this story. with that being said I thought the writing and what's being done here is fun and well written. Pacing was a bit of a halt from Zero issue but still this is in no way a boring issue. I thought Cap struggling with the fire squad was convincing and shows this isn't just a mindless evil cap. He's calculated and drawn beautifully throughout this issue. Good stuff excited for the next issue

Secret Empire #2

May 16, 2020

A very sudden turn to a bleak dark world. I like what was done I love the hopeless vibe the artwork and pacing compliment the vibe well. What I didn't care for was the ending. I like the re written Cap...feels like nothing can be permanent. And the black widow welcome to the red room felt cheesy only because the younglings are already unwilling to kill and she then cuts herself. There was no one moment that stuck out for me but still interested all the way through. Guess we'll see where this goes before I complain too much.

Secret Empire #3

May 16, 2020

Again there were parts like the ending that made you excited for the series but a lot of this feels like it could be better edited ...this needs more actual contact between heros and villains. This could be the next dark avengers epic but it's like it refuses to be good despite the incredible art and decent concepts

Secret Empire #4

May 16, 2020

Much better issue for this event. Hank Pym was great and seeing Cap lose only to get Namors shard was a nice moment. This issue handled it's large cast much better and Tony made more sense. Strong issue that reinvigorated me on this event.

Secret Empire #5

May 16, 2020

For everything I like about this Event there's something I don't. There's nothing wrong with jumping around but it's confusing here. Partially the artist but mostly the Tony scenes are just too confusing. And those stupid campfires of love with Bucky Sam and Cap seem almost gay in both drawing style and the little smiles to each other. It's almost like the Hydra cap is holding in his gay self with the cosmic cubes rather than the Steve we know. I like Thor here the most.. good character moments that made sense of his actions. Good ending again as well.

Secret Empire #6

May 19, 2020

This was a good issue with some great moments. Thor's dilemma was great. My favorite part had to be how heartless Cap was to the artificial Tony. I felt the hulk flashbacks were confusing but Banner was on point I loved the scene between him and Cap. Good event so far all things considered.

Secret Empire #7

May 21, 2020

Strong issue. That Punisher Vs Widow scene was fantastic both visually and how it was told. Punisher never felt so alive and Black Widow despite her lack of interesting lines has been great this series. ending was great. Love the art. Still wish Evil Cap would go full evil..like intentionally kill her not all accidentally with a side of guilt. Personal feelings aside this is hands down one of the best issues in this series so far.

Secret Empire #8

May 21, 2020

This issue had it all. Heavy hitting moments.. humor.. fantastic art. And it really solidifies all Spencer has been trying to do with his telling of Captain America. Great issue. Seeing Captain America in that air fight had to be my favorite moment. Acuna is a gem even if he does draw Groot like an anime character.

Secret Empire #9

May 21, 2020

Damn this is becoming very predictable... Hard to believe with such a good story Spencer had this ending planned out all along...just a weak idea that's been done 100 times. The fighting was just pictures of heroes in poses nothing of real substance. Didn't really have a stand out scene...maybe the taskmaster part but damn I was kinda rooting for the villains for once and this just made fools of them for no reason...when Osborns rise fell, you got it ...it made sense. This feels like a cop out

Secret Empire #10

May 21, 2020

What a stupid end to such a cool story. So there's two Steve Rogers now? A memory of a man manifested into flesh and bone? The silly Inhumans ending. The big reset button so none of it matters...confused on black widows outcome? Just plain bad. Great art can't save this basic ass ending.

Secret Invasion (2008) #1

Aug 11, 2024

Great start to the next bug event after Civil War. Fast paced well drawn, great first issue

Secret Invasion (2008) #2

Aug 14, 2024

It was a good issue. It had everything, twists a cool splash page ending. I really loved Bendis avengers. Miss these days to be honest.

Secret Invasion (2008) #3

Aug 14, 2024

Cool to see the Heros actually fall. Iron man believing hes a Skrull was gold.

Secret Invasion (2008) #4

Aug 24, 2024

Series is really great but this title does much better with avengers titles being read alongside. Epic ending with the big three being teased.

Secret Invasion (2008) #5

Aug 24, 2024

Clint has an epic moment and the art and panel decisions are badass.

Secret Invasion (2008) #6

Aug 24, 2024

Thor and Osborn are my favorite parts here. There are great moments but something feels offbeat here. I cant get into Mr Fantastic here, he just feels so off.

Secret Invasion (2008) #7

Aug 24, 2024

Love those watcher moments, it’s unfortunate marvel didnt bring that back it was kind of iconic. For all this event has it’s missing any emotion and the fighting doesnt feel great considering how well its drawn

Secret Invasion (2008) #8

Aug 24, 2024

I like it overall and a huge fan of Seige so its a good lead up to that. Amazing idea but something this epic needed to be fleshed out more

Sentry (2000) #1

Apr 23, 2024

This writing this art is everything i love about comic books. The sentry is such an amazing character I love the psychedelic elements of who he is. This comic is what really got me hooked for life on comics. In hopes I can find something that made me feel like this book did. Amazing first issue

Sentry (2000) #2

Apr 23, 2024

One of Marvels most original ideas.

Sentry (2000) #3

Apr 24, 2024

A true classic. The way Bob becomes the Sentry more with every panel as we remember him is subtle but genius. This is Marvels finest

Sentry (2000) #4

Apr 24, 2024

Sentrys sidekick was a great touch and the darkness and confusion this world has created is a 10/10

Sentry (2000) #5

Apr 24, 2024

If you read this title prior to Siege this wouldnt be a bad ending. Fortunately there is a one shot that wraps this up. Knowing who Sentry is and re reading this I will say what a badass ending. This series was pure gold. Jae lee was just incredible and the whole gimmick Marvel pulled on making this a real life conspiracy as well was pretty crazy. Pure Gold.

Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Jan 4, 2020

Familiar start to the series, and honestly most anti hero comics. Suicide Squad has always appealed to me because unlike most titles the danger feels real. Taylor brings about this sense of danger by killing off a few no names. My immediate fear is that this issue and its formula is a foreshadowing of all future issues. Harley and whatever A listers being held back while new lesser known squad members you never heard of die faster than we can properly care for them. I did like the political tones introduced alongside the pretty cheesy revolutionaries; I even felt something for a second when Javier the Living Weapon got his head blown off. For minor feels like that and for the STELLAR ARTWORK provided by Redondo (those vertical panels!) I want to rate this higher but overall its super average. I cant imagine what appeal this will have to new readers, die hard Harley fans and suicide squad fans will probably like this because of the formula or well...Harley but for most people this would be a pass.

Suicide Squad (2019) #2

Jan 30, 2020

It was probably just me but I found the end of this issue to be super confusing. I get what happened I get it but it still kinda threw me off until the panel where she winks. With that said this was a well drawn issue with some moments that were funny as well as just good writing like all the bits between The Shark and Fish Duo. I still hate how Harley is barely in this thing. If this series came out weekly I mite not have felt so disappointed but I felt barely anything happened here. The stuff that did happen was pretty good and Ill be back next time to see the repercussions of this issue. Suicide Squad has a good team working on it and so far as a whole its a good start but this issue 2 is not a memorable suicide squad comic.

Suicide Squad (2019) #3

Feb 26, 2020

Is it funny and well written? YES! Hows the Art? Its Amazing. So whats the problem? C list knock off No names.... Instead of Harley or really any DC character we get Chaos Kitten and Big Muscle Woman. A speedster named Jog who has that almost required bad boy attitude speedsters seem to need. I dont know I guess it would have been better had one of them died in a cool way or something since I assumed thats why we would have these characters in the first place. Instead they become the main attraction in a mental chit chat episode and we kill off King Shark... it was bizarre because it had some great moments just not with anyone great.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1

Aug 10, 2021

God is it good to see Maleevs art again. Its been a minute since he has illustrated a title I read and I had forgotten how wonderfully he draws his characters with such darkness, giving whatever title he works on an instant vibe of despair. This book had a lot of cool moments and was easy to dive into whether you know a lot about DC or not. Azzarello however had some bizarre moments in his dialogue that had me scratching my head...Certain reactions characters had to each other when talking just made no sense to me and I cant help but feel this was intentional to give a real world feel. For me it was just real confusing and took me away from an otherwise enjoyable read.

Supergirl (2011) #1

May 6, 2024

New start for supergirl. Not super interesting but the art is great and its going somewhere

Supergirl (2011) #2

May 6, 2024

Feels dense. I get the issues point but it doesn’t progress the story much or really have any strong moments

Supergirl (2011) #3

May 8, 2024

Crazy positive change in quality, both in story telling and the art.

Supergirl (2011) #4

May 8, 2024

Kara is drawn beautifully. She is written fierce and a bit ruthless. I wish they fed more into this for her. I like a more violent super hero but this was a great issue. Wicked Corporate Villain is done nicely here.

Supergirl (2011) #5

May 8, 2024

World killer had a cool design and the setup all made sense. Fun issue.

Supergirl (2011) #6

Jun 20, 2024

Art was meh. Story also just feels unimportant i know it should be.

Supergirl (2011) #7

Jun 20, 2024

This all resolves much to quickly. Action was fun though well drawn, Kara was drawn great in this issue and even though she heals way too quickly i liked the last page

Supergirl (2011) #8

Jun 20, 2024

Love the art. Made a character I thought i would hate kind of fun.

Supergirl (2016) #1

Jun 2, 2020

This felt a little all over the place. Like slowing down and taking one thing at a time would help. I felt like a was reading a series that was half way through. I do like the new additions and the art had some good moments. Kinda just a meh issue.

Supergirl (2016) #2

Jun 2, 2020

The cheap trick of pretending to be dad is not great, neither is the decision to make Kara so young. Strong art and a promising ending..

Supergirl (2016) #3

Jun 2, 2020

Not getting any better. No real highlights in this issue other than good art.

Supergirl (2016) #4

Jun 3, 2020

This series so far feels like re heated leftovers. And sadly it's not one of your mom's favorite dishes being rehashed. Dull and basic

Supergirl (2016) #5

Aug 28, 2020

Not a fan of this arc...

Supergirl (2016) #6

Aug 28, 2020

For me this beginning Arc as a mess. Karas father being so heartless made him a decent villain and I did enjoy his eventual demise as well as the choices Kara had to make. What I didnt care for was the scattered side characters that made this so messy. Still I think shes got a 50/50 chance at a decent title as this did end better than it started.

Supergirl (2016) #7

Aug 28, 2020

Meh...Kinda Corny. I like Supergirls character and personality traits but the journey shes on is a confusing snooze.

Supergirl (2016) #8

Aug 28, 2020

I liked the art but the villain and story was pretty throw away. I like the look of Clark but thats about it. Again Supergirl looks cool and is a well written character but the story itself is such a snore. It feels like a non stop to be continued of filler.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

Jun 19, 2021

Haters on here are out of their minds....what Supergirl comic in the last five years has been NEAR this level of fun? Please let me know....This was a great issue with a more adult F--- you Kara and it worked. Maybe people were upset about the Dog...understandable.

Superman: Year One #1

Jan 5, 2020

Another Origin story for a character who has a comic book life span that goes back over 50 years. Not to say that this isn't a great comic but you would have expected some more divisiveness or outrage over an Origin story retold by Frank Miller. Instead we get something that tastes a bit like its been re heated for the second time. Despite its redundancy Millers ability to make the dialogue and characters so fresh was really what turned pages, God knows it was not for the art. The art on this title is something you will not remember once you put this issue down nor is it a reason you would tell your friends to pick up this issue. Luckily before things got stale Miller had some revitalizing moments like the script on Kents inner dialogue and his punk rock attitude towards life. Most writers have made Clark Kent kind of a simple bitch, just not someone you would ever want to hang out with. This is where Millers young superman looks in a different direction, He has personal desires and is more intellectual than most writers would have made him. Clarks love for Lane and his desire to join the navy was refreshing and Ill be looking forward to reading the next issue.

Superman: Year One #2

Mar 22, 2020

While the Navy Seals chapter was not my cup of tea it was a well written bit with some fantastic art. Then all of a sudden we are under water and we go full Superman. For me the mermaid non sense was weird but to see it turn into the origin stories pivotal moment with a big goofy monster fight was silly. Black Label should be more adult and this felt super childish at many times. I cant completely slam this issue it had some good moments but Miller chose to further explore its crappiest ones. Great art cant save this flat story.

Superman: Year One #3

Mar 22, 2020

Intro totally disregarded the last issue which was confusing. The crime spree pages are drawn fantastic and was a really fun take on this new smart ass Kent. I like the way Miller writes him I just feel like Miller made a really boring story here. It was pointless and it ended without anything to really ever make you want to go back and read. Still some amazing artwork tho.

Taskmaster (2020) #1

Nov 13, 2020

The Humor works well. The characters however are just more dumb villains and I just hate how Marvel rarely makes its villains any kind of real threat. These luke warm villains just don't do it for me. I miss the days of Bendis when Osborn and the Thunderbolts showed what real villains looked like. This is just another silly book with art that matches the goof.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #1

Jan 11, 2020

A fresh start for the Turtles. This series changes the origin of many characters in a way that feels very modern. April is much younger here but feels more empowered, while characters like Casey give us a glimpse of abuse and issues young men deal with. It was very adult in nature with jokes that also matched that theme without going overboard. It felt very much like the Ninja Turtles, nothing about this issue felt off in tone or had you cringing. The new concepts offered are interesting and make you want to read the next issue. The art is loose in a way that is dynamic and gripping with that energy loose drawings can offer. Its a perfect fit with great iteration of the Turtles and a color pallet that offers this new comic world a nice polish.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #2

Jan 11, 2020

While its a total blast for any Turtle fan this issue has some inconsistencies or maybe just things that dont add up. It felt kind of cheap how easily Casey accepted a walking Turtle in his home. With the Comic at times feeling a bit more mature, moments that are brushed over like that with such a child like smile are hard to accept and feel like they could have been handled with more adult humor rather than falling back on the fact that its a kids comic. Casey taking such beating on a regular basis from his drunk dad hit the point it was going for but maybe a little too much, without a sign of reprise for Casey he feels broken or loose in a way the character shouldn't. Art was still fantastic, this artist really knows his Turtles. Raphael's separation was a great concept executed in a way that was simple and direct. Turtle heads will love this series.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #3

Jan 11, 2020

This issue is a bit of a decline from the last two issues. There is so much dialogue in this issue that its hard to not be tired after Casey and Raphaels scene which is by far the wordiest origin I have read in a while..No montage which is nice but a lot of words. Casey is not as interesting as I would hope he would be. His issues of abuse and then taking it out on criminals is psychological,intersting and could be really original in a way especially for this franchise. It is a great take on the character however he reverts to a self admitted jock at times and it feels so off for him as a character as well as for the entire tone of the series. Writing starts to lose its vision here and the rules of this universe seem a tad confusing. Are mutants the norm? It seems as though they are not with Raphael shocked by Caseys acceptance only to have Old Hob walking the streets not worried that hes a giant cat. Maybe it is better explained but it feels a little confusing here.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #4

Jan 12, 2020

What a great first arc and touching origin for the Turtles. The brothers uniting hit well and the whole scene was fun. Duncans art has been consistently suitable and his action scenes have been enjoyable this entire ride. I love the way each Turtle has a slight tint of green differentiating them and nodding to the 90s toy line. This arc was fueled perfectly, I think even one more issue would have strained the reader, especially with this title being wordy at times. While the first arc is not something that is mind blowing it is a fresh and defining origin that is worth a read.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #5

Jan 12, 2020

Gripping back story. Very spiritual and satisfying. It really makes you hate Shredder and we havent even really met him yet. I thought the two artist complimented each other perfectly. This is nothing short of greatness for the Turtles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #6

Jan 12, 2020

Some scenes are too wordy a usual theme but overall this issue drives the story forward with quality visuals.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #7

Jan 14, 2020

This Team keeps the hits coming with another solid issue. Breaking the Turtles up worked well for the pacing of this issue and the artist feels like he really found his stride with the Turtles by now.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #8

Jan 14, 2020

The Mousers ended up being a very interesting foe and I loved the way Duncan covered the action in this issue. The two page close up action montage of the Turtles looked great. Pacing was perfect in this issue I found myself interested in every page. Bit disappointing how easily the Turtles lost sight of Splinter but hey their teenagers. The writing has done a great job individualizing the gang and I feel like the roster of villains is no exception. All the villains seem to be invested in their own vendettas. Krang, like most characters in this series has been recreated in a way that better suits him. We are at the beginning of something great here.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #9

Jan 14, 2020

Its fun watching the Turtles on their first Mission as a team. April catches up any new readers which is nice and honestly this wouldn't be a bad jumping on point. Felt like key scenes were cut from the script leaving the end to be a tad like wait whats happening, but maybe that was just me. Sick seeing Shredder at the end, he looks great and we now have a Villain roster as large and interesting as our heroes.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #10

Jan 14, 2020

Feels like this series has covered so much ground in only ten issues. This is a really great comic book series and this issue seems to take things in a much needed direction. This issue has focus and character development. I love the brothers getting to know each other and figuring out a plan. Splinter Vs the Foot was super dope as was Shredders whole bit. I love the reincarnation bit to this series, it is handled so gracefully just this entire issue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #11

Jan 14, 2020

Not the follow up issue you expected. Felt a bit like filler and Duncans art is noticeably bad in this issue. Action did not feel dynamic. Hoping next issue replaces these feelings of disappointment in the Splinter Vs Shredder battle.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #12

Jan 14, 2020

Shredder and the Foot could have had more weight to them. Issue was full of heart if nothing else. Why Splinter is so easily defeated by his enemies but the Turtles can never touch him ill never understand. For a father with so much to fight for it felt kind of lackluster to have him lose to Shredder only to have the Turtles team up only to have them get away without defeating Shredder. MEH finale

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #13

Jan 14, 2020

Damn this was good! Art is fantastic. I am a big fan of the Ninja Turtles and I found the more gruesome bigger frame art style for the Turtles to work really well especially with this story. Shredders granddaughter is interesting and a surprisingly intrinsic character. Shredder is ruthless as he should be. The issues of abuse come back full force in this issue and I felt the artist handled Raphaels rage much better than Duncan ever had with the same scene. Felt a little strange April was chastising Casey for not telling her that his dad beats him, especially since he was in a really bad place at that moment but you know...girls will be girls I guess. Thats a joke and so was that part of the issue otherwise a very solid comic!!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #14

Jan 14, 2020

People that complain about this art are the people that Rave about cookie cutter #Comicart. Kuhn is fantastic and this issue is no exception. The story is very good but is constantly dragged down by how wordy it can be. I thought Kuhns paneling felt a bit off in this issue as it didn't flow as smooth or drive the story forward but again I blame a lot of that on the wordiness of each panel.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #15

Jan 14, 2020

This series really needs to learn to balance the dialogue to action ratio or just remember less is more for gods sake. Other than that Kuhn hits a home run with this issue. Slash is perfect. He looks badass, hes displayed as a big dumb monster but you can already tell something more is there, and that he is going to be yet another interesting character added to this already bulky cast. I love the design for Slash and the fight in the dark was drawn wonderfully.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #16

Jan 15, 2020

Again I cant praise the artist enough for what hes brought to the series. He captures characters perfectly and all the action scenes are fantastic. Timing between panels and the layouts make for a smooth read. I loved the heavy use of black in this issue it set the tone really well. This is a fantastic series that only gets better and it is something I look forward to reading more than most comics. Everyone got a little piece in this issue, how the writers handle all these characters in one issue is an accomplishment in itself. Great work and a great issue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #17

Jan 15, 2020

I new arc with a new artist. Bates is crisp with consistently good quality on every page. I love the way he makes the Turtles look. You can already tell he is going to handle this arc like it was made for him. The new victims of Krang look like something out of the Trolls franchise and it fits the Turtle universe perfectly. Entertaining the whole way through this is a great start to Krangs Arc.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #18

Jan 15, 2020

Great set up for Krang. A little wordy at times but not too bad. I really love this artist and the scene of Mikey saving the anime princess peach was drawn so nicely, crisp lines and action scenes worth staring at. I love the artists this series has used Bates is easily one of the best on hand at drawing the turtles themselves.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #19

Apr 10, 2020

Good issue. Alot of reading for little action but still fun you can't complain. Love the way Krang looked in this issue even if there wasn't any jaw dropping moments it all looked nice.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #20

Apr 10, 2020

Bates end this arc beautifully. Loved the Krang vs Leo scene as well as Krangs escape. Nice lil Krang story wrapped up with alot of well drawn action. Good stuff...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #21

Apr 11, 2020

Paper thin story line does get repetitive but what's on those pages really makes up for the lack of variety. Eastmans art is so fun to look at and seeing a master at work is definitely the best part of this issue. Eastman reminds everyone whats up... a real treat to see him draw an issue

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #22

May 7, 2020

The art is iconic for this series..This artist is a master and the turtles never looked better. Story is So good and the turtles finally feel the perfect level of pg13. No complaints this is the turtles at its best

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #23

May 8, 2020

Love the way the title of the comic is displayed in this arc it's a noticeable nice touch. The collaboration of incredible artists is a real treat here and seeing Leo fall to the black magic brainwashing through a series of Hugh caliber art was alot of fun. Not a ton happens here but it's beautiful non the less

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #24

May 8, 2020

Leo being brainwashed going straight for the kill works for me. I don't need this to be a moral debate it's just badass to see him dressed in all black. Great issue. Job genuinely had me guessing on his authenticity..what can I say bad..arts incredible..pacing is fun. This is a good main event.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #25

May 9, 2020

Emotional issue with one hell of an ending. That ending came out of nowhere and really lands. Still tho the brothers talking with Raphael was heavy and shows how great these characters are .

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #26

May 9, 2020

I think I was most surprised by Splinter here. This iteration has a flawed splinter who is not so perfect and I love it. Again with the strong dialogue that breathes life and individuality as well as a comforting familiarity Into these turtles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #28

May 10, 2020

The damage has been done and the turtles walking away kicking their wounds and heading to the cabin brings back good vibes from the first film. Bebop and Rocksteady do not disappoint. I felt Leo should have gone through a bit more like actually killing someone. I found his journey to be a bit shallow in comparison to how shook he is. Still good stuff. Somehow thru it all I think Shredder bonding with his granddaughter was my favorite part.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #29

May 23, 2020

Other than April having that ideal farm layout this was a great issue. Art was beautiful. Turtles never looked better. I loved the color choices too on each turtle. Leo is feeling the harsh come down from some black magic and he was so memorable this issue . Apex never made sense to me and still seems hollow but that last panel showed promise. I really like this issue on regrouping and healing it does a great job .

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #30

May 24, 2020

Another solid issue about picking up the pieces. Art was solid. Character development was great. April and her parents history is distractingly stupid but other than that weak moment and Mikey's extraordinarily long letter scene this is some good stuff.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #31

May 25, 2020

Ok this same emotional string being pull over and over is getting boring. Repetitive issue with a few good moments between characters but nothing crazy. April I hate the new haircut girl...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #34

May 26, 2020

That Metalhead action scene was nothing short of perfect. Pages never felt so alive and he looked so cool such a great rendition of w classic. I can't say enough how great these characters are ... Splinter has his own plans and I love how forceful he is written. This is one of those great comic series .

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #35

May 26, 2020

Another great issue moving the story forward. This series always has the feeling of a greater evil looming over the characters and the last panel revealed another danger to the squad. I liked Slash better as a brute..that's said this issue is another solid one.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #36

May 27, 2020

Rat King is properly introduced and steals the spot light. Another well written character his new origin was great, these characters have been re ignited in the best way. Again Splinter is so badass this run...looking forward to his rematch with Shredder. Last panel was great something this comic does very well is keeping us on edge for whats next!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #37

May 28, 2020

Shredder Vs Krang. Every page is artistically sound and progresses well to the next. Literally non stop fun till the end. This series is gold.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #38

May 30, 2020

Kinda deals with the same topics as the last few issues but seeing the new mutants was cool. They do feel a tad like a joke but I think Raphael making fun of then answered those worries. Despite not really having new content still a good issue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #39

May 30, 2020

It was wordy but good. This one felt a little stretched out but I did love Donnie here and his temper. These turtles feel so alive in comparison to other tellings. Bebop and Rocksteady are always fun to see in action.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #40

Jun 3, 2020

A really fuckin good issue. Artistically stellar. The battle scene was so good a full issue of Bebop and Rocksteady Vs the Turtles and Co...Minor gripe is that Bebop and Rocksteadys voice seems a little mixed up still. At times they come off as immature but it feels like the writers lack of ability to create humor. At times he does well tho so it's a minor thing. The ending like most issues was so good you just can't wait for that next issue. Best part for me was when Angela got hit by Rocksteady and still lands on her feet. It was drawn so well and had so much life and movement like every page in this great issue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2020

Everyone's setting up for war. Robo Donnie was the best part...his meeting with Shredder was a great moment. Turtles training scene was alot of fun too! Seeing Hob and Splinter train their youth was another solid character moment in this franchise

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #42

Jun 5, 2020

The table is set! Looks like we're in for a treat! You know how you can tell this comic is good? Because even though this is another set up issue it's still a great read compared to most Comics. The only gripe is the colors for me made this comic feel a lil bland or something.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #43

Jun 5, 2020

There's a ton of good characters in this comic and the fact that they can all be balanced out so well within these pages is a huge strength this writer has. This is comic books at its finest (for what it is...just pure fun). The art is so damn good ! Ever page flows and is worthy of a long pause. Perfection for the Turtles!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #44

Jun 5, 2020

What matters most is the Donnie scene hits hard. I thought the battle with Krang could have been stronger but that was no longer the focus. What a powerful last page.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #45

Jun 5, 2020

I liked the weirdness but perhaps it all came a little too easy?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #46

Jun 6, 2020

Consistently driving the story forward..well balanced cast. Great rendition of Casey..and those fly boys are dope

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #47

Jun 6, 2020

This is one of the best artist I have seen in a long time. He's good every damn time.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #48

Jun 6, 2020

Love the robo Donnie scene! Fun issue that once again uses every moment to give you the best rendition of the turtles we have ever seen.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #49

Jun 6, 2020

Holy crap what an issue! This has been so great as a long time turtles fan. It's hard to believe a world without this comic series in it! What a great climb to 50

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #50

Jun 6, 2020

For what this is..it's a 10...it's a pivotal issue were at 50 here and you will not leave disappointed. The art is worth the read alone. Some seriously badass moments and some emotional ones as well. This arc couldn't have had a better conclusion.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #51

Aug 3, 2020

Man I wish Garing could have drawn the next 50 issues. It mite be personal tastes but He is one of my favorite artists this series has seen. I love the Clowes like way he draws the Turtles. Mikey gets fleshed out in a way that was familiar but felt appropriate. Splinter is again taking a darker direction in this series and I love it. Overall a great issue even if it was a bit of a setup.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #52

Aug 12, 2020

I like whatever happened to Casey, hes not so young anymore and getting to more of the badass we all know. I liked him in the early issues and felt he was slipping until he was used as a punching bag by shredder a while back. Its good to see him being used more like Raphael. The artist again is outstanding. I love the way Splinter is drawn. A bit of a lackluster cliff hanger but still a great read.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #53

Aug 12, 2020

Even tho we all know you cant trust hob we keep giving him a chance to redeem himself and so seeing Mikey sort of join up and enter the ranks Mutinanimals not only made sense but pulled me in as a reader. Good issue even with that Pigeon Pete annoyance.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #54

Aug 12, 2020

The elements of surprise worked well in this issue. Hun never gets old!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #55

Aug 12, 2020

I agree with fellow reviewers that this was wayyyy to wordy for what happened. I liked all of it dont get me wrong but i found myself less interested in reading the pages as it went on. I knew what was being said and I didnt need 200 word bubbles to get the point. The story plot is great just needs to cut out the fat a little better...Mikey Scenes were great and touching especially if you have been reading since issue 1.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #56

Nov 13, 2020

So damn wordy. But LeatherHead looks good and his little moment of tricking the good guys was a nice twist. I liked his story and art as usual is just bar none. But damn was I tired from reading 100 words a panel on this issue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #57

Nov 13, 2020

Part two was much better. Less jibber jabber and more progression of the story. Ill admit tho the turtles do move at a slow pace during certain arcs and this is one of the slower ones. Art again could justify all this issues faults.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #58

Nov 16, 2020

Leatherhead felt a little forced. The best part of this Arc was him and all his back story. The abuse part was actually pretty sad and hes a very interesting Villain. I just wish he was more in the spotlight and that this arc was a little less wordy. Still good stuff and a big win for any Turtles fan.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #59

Jan 30, 2021

First half of this issue was a little slow but it gets good and ends with a bang. Splinter spotlight on this one.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #60

Jan 30, 2021

Yes I agree the "professional" critics are wrong. This isn't fantastic and it was annoying for me the lack of serious consequences this issue left our characters with but that final panel with splinter holding that skull was a great moment. Art was great. April's lil moment was kinda goofy and short lived but splinter again took the spotlight and I loved his moments here.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #61

Feb 4, 2021

This comic series suffers from banter there is no doubt but this wasn't the worst I have seen and I really enjoyed Donatello's opening moment. It was a great start to this new arc.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #62

Feb 4, 2021

I've said it 10 times but Splinter is written in such a fun unpredictable manner in this universe and I love it. Casey's beatdown scene was dope.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #63

Feb 10, 2021

While this comic can usually have too much dialogue this was a rare moment where it was all done well and really brought some excitement to this arc.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #64

Feb 10, 2021

Stepping it up in a big way. Great conclusion to this story arc. Jenika what a badass moment...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #65

Feb 18, 2021

Yeah despite starting off kinda corny this issue hit some good family notes and was a lil heart warmer for the holidays.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #66

Feb 18, 2021

This series has a bad habit of being heavy on dialogue...like the moments of Raphael expressing why he loves Alopex would have been ok if they didn't drag on with so much wording. Love the art here tho even if it felt inconsistent at times. I good issue that stands alone well. Alopexs mind battle was a trip!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #67

Feb 18, 2021

Good start to this new Arc. Feels weirdly familiar for some reason...maybe nothing new was brought to this type of situation the turtles are in but still a good comic.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #68

Feb 18, 2021

Good...it's interesting enough to want the next issue but this is still kind of lacking any real twist or turn...still lacks something new...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #69

Feb 25, 2021

Action is good. Old Hob is a great addition and with him being the star of this arc his best traits shine through.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #70

Feb 25, 2021

Damn. Short arc packs a punch. Action was top notch and the surprisingly wicked villian is legit. Killing his old dad with such heartlessness..now that's a villian.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #71

Feb 25, 2021

Boring to read. Great to look at with a cool arsenal of new characters

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #72

Feb 25, 2021

This series is plagued with too much dialogue but this issue had some fine moments and great art.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #73

Feb 27, 2021

Someone Shut these characters up...this has wayyyy to much chatter.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #74

Mar 1, 2021


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #75

Mar 1, 2021


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #76

Mar 1, 2021

Great stuff! Finally we get back into the ideas that were started a few issues back. This is a great introduction to the Triceratons and a great start for this arc.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #77

Mar 1, 2021

Splinter you sneaky rat what are you planning?? Fun issue..More setup but it didnt feel like thats all it was. I love this artist! Good stuff

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #78

Mar 1, 2021

hmm....this comic after Shredders death continues to fill the story with dumb non sense characters....like Aprils Parents?? Gimme a break...who cares about them. Filler like its an anime or something.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #79

Mar 1, 2021

I LOVE THIS ART! Why did it take so long to get here? This issue is saving this story arc. Great bits of action and all the Splinter tension is coming to a boil.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #80

Mar 1, 2021

Nice issue. Good Wrap to the story arc..Loved the Splinter moments and the beatdown he gave his sons. LOVE the art

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #81

Mar 6, 2021

I love the way the turtles Are drawn and this issue as a whole had some beautiful moments artistically. Ending was whatever but the rest of the issue was a good enjoyable read.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #82

Mar 6, 2021

Sheez guys cool it on the build ups. Move your damn story forward. Tom Waltz doesn't get when to end the foreplay with this series... That said the ideas here are great even if they move at a snail's pace

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #84

Mar 7, 2021

Sneaky Rat King's get away....again. while I love the character I feel he is a bit redundant. Leo in the Astral Plane was dope as well as the Mousers eating away at the rats. Cool ending to a lackluster arc.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #85

Mar 7, 2021

Slow...more setup...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #86

Mar 7, 2021

Again with the setups...but this one has momentum..Art is the saves this issue from being dull

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #87

Mar 8, 2021

The art is so good! Stories got a little drive now and it was well a surprisingly well paced issue. Turtles always have fun adventures it's just this story reminds you over and over I'd what the characters are doing and it's frustrating..this arc is doing a better job so far at not being so informative.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #88

Mar 8, 2021

Wraps up suddenly but damn what a punch. The Baby MODOK surprise...Slash being awoken with those memories...great stuff.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #89

Mar 8, 2021

I normally hate these Holiday one shots but this one not only adds to the ongoing story but it does it with a lot of heart and the Splinter Shredder was badass even if he was dead.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #90

Mar 8, 2021

All over the place. Poor TMNT could be one of the best comics out there but it has a hard time focusing...Art was fun and I loved the updated metal head but this was another another another Setup issue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #91

Mar 8, 2021

Hmm....always thought more was going in with splinter...Im not sure I like how easy this transition of power is going.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #92

Mar 8, 2021

I found the motives for the upcoming epic to be a bit shallow...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #93

Mar 14, 2021

Momentum picks up even if it had to be forced to some extent. What happened to Jennika lacked the punch I thought it would she just doesn't feel like a character I care for that much yet.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #94

Mar 14, 2021

Splinter is a beast. His character seems inconsistent tho since he seemed to regret these types of actions then plunges right back into it. The only thing holding this series back right now it's it's cast is too large

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #95

Mar 17, 2021

Great stuff! This is the series at its best.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #96

Mar 17, 2021

Great issue! Action was on point...this title is at its best right now. I find Jennika to be an interesting storyline that makes sense considering the series is going to continue past this event...the null stuff has no place in this storyline...why do we need such a bloated cast.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #97

Mar 17, 2021

Damn it's getting real for the turtles. This arc is everything that's good with the series. To bad we didn't get more of this street level action throughout the run

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #98

Mar 17, 2021

Damn it to hell...Filler in a half shell man just talking and talking all while barely moving the story..Hun jumping sides didn't even make sense neither did why Jennika Chosen those weapons its so whatever....rough issue that embodies all that's wrong with the title

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #100

Mar 21, 2021

Not as Grand as the Big issue 50 wrap up...I liked splinters ending but found too many of the plot lines to conclude too easily

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #125

Apr 22, 2024

Hate the mutant town dramatics prior to this issue so im happy to see a bigger story here. Art was refreshing i like this artists style. Fun issue hoping this arcs decent.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #126

Apr 22, 2024

Story is finally decent again! Triceratons story is great and the Punk Frogs have been fun. Casey is even cool again.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #127

Apr 23, 2024

The OG female turtle Venus has her creepy debut in a great setup thats started in issue 125.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #150

Jul 14, 2024

I started this series at issue one. I loved the first 100 issues. Once Sophie took the book over i felt a shift that my personal tastes just didn’t care for. Mutant town was goofy and while i did like the death shark stuff and i will agree Sophies emotional moments were awesome i just felt her whole run was too disconnected from what made the turtles a great comic prior to her takeover. I hope Jason Aaron can take this thing back to a more serious note with some more maturity.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #1

Aug 26, 2024

Art is great. Raph is my favorite so this was a fun issue. Love the tone, good for both new and old readers.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #2

Oct 18, 2024

Loved where Mickey is at. His headspace mixed with the actor lifestyle was well written. Love where this is going, liked this issue even more than the first.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #3

Jan 17, 2025

Great issue! Leos turn helped bring it all in

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #4

Jan 17, 2025

Art and story were everything a turtle fan could hope for.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #5

Jan 20, 2025

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #1

Mar 4, 2021

As far as turtle's go this is a 10! The intensity and seriousness of the whole issue was exactly what a mature TMNT reader is looking for...Turtle heads aren't gonna want to miss this gem 💎

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #2

Mar 17, 2021

Holy shit. I'm modern times this is one of the best titles I have read. I'm a huge turtle head so this is very satisfying but even if somehow you liked comics but not the turtles your still gonna love this title. Another bias is Raph is my dude, it's been a long time since I've had so much reaction to a comic. Current Venom and Hulk lines comes to mind as far as greatness but this was so much more personal.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #3

Aug 10, 2021

One of the best TMNT stories ever written in my opinion. This particular issue was a bit less engaging for me, I didnt care for how Casey and Leo met there demise. It just lacked that Oh my god feel the other issues had. Still this is a minor minor complaint for a perfect comic series.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Untold Destiny of the Foot Clan (2024) #1

Apr 18, 2024

Was hoping for something deeper like Untold History Foot Clan was…still not terrible. Well see where it goes. The every spell has a cost scene was pretty cool.

The End (2020): Miles Morales #1

Jan 15, 2020

This Sucked Ass. This would be a Terrible End to a great character. An evil Captain America ripoff that looks like he came out of a Liefeld run. Interesting choice of a villain and the whole story was cheesy and anticlimactic. I cant stress how bad this was. Skip this one.

The End (2020): Venom #1

Jan 17, 2020

One shots are either hit or miss, with this one being a home run. Warren brings us right in to the madness. The dialogue is quirky and at times feels like a high octane video game introduction or something of that Nature. Warrens take is playful and fun despite the story being so dark and dire. This contrast works well especially when it is aided by such fantastic art with gimmicks on every page that makes each page in a way feel like a story in itself. I loved the use of graphics, like the star rating for the symbiote and its host, although I found the story to get a little muddy with all of its hosts. This comic had some moments of pause with humor that added merit to the way Warren told this story making for a fun read and in a lot of ways one of the more unique comic I have read in some time. This entire story is narrated and again this worked well! The relationship between Eddie and the Symbiote pulls at your heartstrings, seeing the lengths that were taken to keep Eddie alive and what becomes of his mind was interesting content especially for big Venom Heads like myself.

The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #1

Aug 7, 2021

Art could not have been more perfect! That POV scene where she was rushing through the hospital was a prime example of why this style worked. The concept wasnt anything extremely original but its representation and genre bending characters worked really well and gave this comic its own identity.

The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #2

Aug 7, 2021

Damn this had some heavy moments. Hits like a wonderful short story. You close the book with a moment of pause and reflection you rarely get from comics.

The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #3

Aug 7, 2021

This is story telling at its absolute finest.

The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #4

Aug 7, 2021

Just when you think it cant get any better....

Thor (2020) #1

Jan 17, 2020

While Im not sure its as groundbreaking as some have made it out to be Donny Cates take on Thor is off to an excellent start. Fantastic art coupled with a lively story that keeps you feeling energized and interested the entire time. Its fun seeing Cates bring all his toys together. Kleins art is great throughout the entire issue and I especially liked the way Galactus was drawn as well as that epic transformation for Thor on that last page, Hell even that Avengers Moment was great... Writing has a good balance between entertaining and poetic, something thats difficult for most writers to do with Thor comics. Its a great start and easy to follow, I just hope that this story goes places deeper than simply Thor In Space.

Thor (2020) #2

Feb 25, 2020

Love the Super Saiyan 3 Look and I Love the buddy film this is turning into with Galactus. What a bizarre Team up, it works so well and brings something truly unique and fun to this story. Kleins battles are graphic and bloody and I love it, reminds me of the best parts of Ryan Ottleys Invicibles fights. The use of the background characters like Sif comes in small well executed doses that dont feel forced or like filler. Thors new powers are intriguing and its incredible to me that Cates can bring so much newness to this Character that actually works and ideas and development that feel so right for a Thor story. This iteration is being received with open arms despite the drastic change in direction made to bring this story to its current status quo and I am a full supporter. To be honest this makes the Aaron run feel....forgetful. With Cates Thor really is a king. This issue was damn good it just lacks a little satisfaction as it felt very short and more of a buildup. Still tho what a buildup it is.

Thor (2020) #3

Feb 25, 2020

Does anyone else feel these covers are truly Unworthy of the title? Last two covers have been really lame looking... Luckily whats inside is much better. Classic brawl but it will not disappoint visually. Dialogue however is not consistent and to me it felt like Cates is still getting to know Thor when it comes to his voice. I really hope Thor puts Sif in her place as King he cant have the ones he trusts interfering and undermining his authority. I hope Cates really makes Thor a bit more evil. I get a more ruthless vibe from Cates Thor and I love it, I just hope its not a gimmick.

Thor (2020) #4

Mar 19, 2020

Good Stuff! Black Winter is a great threat, it makes for a threat that feels real and moments like this issue that hit home. The Galactus and Thor road trip is fantastic...So far this is easily one of the funnest and most shareable Thor stories to date. Sif felt like a yeah yeah kinda moment for me. And the story didnt progress a whole lot....Still a gorgeous looking issue.

Thor (2020) #5

Aug 6, 2021

Just when I thought this baby was gonna overstay its welcome....Cates has done a great job taking what could have been a drawn out story and making it consolidated while still fulfilling the reader.

Thor (2020) #6

Aug 6, 2021

Really a great wrap up to an excellent little story. I wasnt sure how far this Black Winter was going to be taken but found it to be a great intro to something bigger that didn't over stay its welcome. Thor Nuking Galactus like that was one of the most badass things I have seen in comics in some time. These covers need the Alex Ross treatment but other than that this to me was a perfect Thor Issue.

Thor (2020) #7

Sep 28, 2021

Fun punchy little issue. Nothing crazy good nothing bad. I do like where we are headed with Thor. Cates is always good.

Thor (2020) #8

Sep 28, 2021

Love me a two issue arc. This one worked well.

Thor (2020) #9

Sep 28, 2021

Incredible start to a new arc. Did not expect to get so pulled in with just one issue but damn this is gonna be a fun arc!

Thor (2020) #10

Oct 20, 2021

Amazing art and a story worthy of Thor

Thor (2020) #11

Oct 20, 2021

Incredible!! What an ending! Kind of cliff hanger good comics deliver

Thor (2020) #12

Nov 19, 2021

Epic fights. A refreshingly evil villian. A little wordy.

Thor (2020) #13

Nov 19, 2021

Visually the best Thor in Years. The not so nordic version of Thor is refreshing as hell

Thor (2020) #14

Nov 19, 2021

I loved this Arc. As someone who didnt know much about Dr. Blake I loved this Arc and really like this style of storytelling for Thor. For so long hes had a single voice this version of him feels new in the good way.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #1

Aug 17, 2020

As someone who was too late to get into fantastic fours origin I found myself enjoying this retelling. Art was good. Good first issue.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #2

Sep 23, 2020

This issue had some good moments but the characters dont really flesh out that well yet and the dialogue seemed silly and out of place at times. I do like that Reed seems to have defined voice and I like this version of him as well. Much more interesting than the M16 Richards.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #3

Sep 29, 2020

Great Artwork...Kubert is god like here. Sticks close to the 616 Marvel but it works.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #4

Sep 29, 2020

Mole man gets a pretty cool remake here both in how he looks and by making him no pun intended...deeper. Great art again and I can't say enough how much I hate johnny storm.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #5

Sep 29, 2020

For me it's getting a little dull.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #6

Sep 29, 2020

Decent coming together for the four...ending felt abrupt.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #7

Sep 29, 2020

Meh...for me I don't love the characters enough to care. There aren't anyone moments that pop for me. I hated how Doom looked on his big reveal with that big chin mask...

Ultimate Fantastic Four #8

Sep 29, 2020

Too much gabbing I couldn't even tell you what happened. Doom and Reed are looking for each other basically

Ultimate Fantastic Four #9

Sep 29, 2020

Lil robot bugs are lame...Doom looks silly. Johnny going all out was the best part..

Ultimate Fantastic Four #10

Sep 29, 2020

Kinda boring and corny....I don't like the art but typically love the artist.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #11

Sep 29, 2020

Arts better especially that last panel. Fight was whatever for me. Doom is way cooler in the Marvel 616 universe.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #12

Sep 29, 2020

Reed Richards is the best part of this...writing feels boring and leaves weird holes. Rough arc..

Ultimate Fantastic Four #13

Sep 29, 2020

If I were a bigger FF fan I would have loved this. Still a solid set up issue for the next arc with good character moments for Reed and Sue

Ultimate Fantastic Four #14

Sep 29, 2020

I liked those silent panels a lot Mr Kubert

Ultimate Fantastic Four #15

Sep 29, 2020

A lot of red in this one..boring issue

Ultimate Fantastic Four #16

Sep 29, 2020

Not a very interesting Annihilus....

Ultimate Fantastic Four #17

Sep 29, 2020

I like the part where Ben ripped Annihilus and his wing apart other than that...bored

Ultimate Fantastic Four #18

Sep 29, 2020

Weak Arc

Ultimate Iron Man #1

Aug 26, 2020

I loved this issue. Covered a lot of ground and was very different than the regular marvel origin but in a way that felt interesting rather than forced. Kubert Drawing another Ultimates line is the only downside..not that he's bad he's just doing everything I've read.

Ultimate Iron Man #2

Aug 26, 2020

I loved Tony's birth and how his father loves him. Powerful scene with the baby born in pain. Great story, great art.

Ultimate Iron Man #3

Aug 28, 2020

I really enjoy this Version of Tony Stark. As a kid he is great and Im still enjoying the differences between this version and the original when it comes to Tonys dad. The art is great and the story is a constant page turner. No complaints from me except for maybe some of the cliches when it comes to the smart ass jokes.

Ultimate Iron Man #4

Aug 28, 2020

This book has a good flow and constantly has something happening to keep things interesting. Tony getting burned to death was great although I find some of the weird Racy jokes towards Rhodey to be a bit of a head scratcher. Hard to tell what the writer was going for there. Other than that I find this Origin to do its job wonderfully

Ultimate Iron Man #5

Aug 30, 2020

Strange to have this series end so in the middle of things. Not at all a complete story but it was a fun ride and a great iteration of Tony

Ultimate Origins #1

Aug 15, 2020

Take this for what it is and you'll be happy. Seeing Wolverines Ultimate intro and that bizarre Nick Fury super soldier was what we camw for and this issue did a damn good job at it. Divisive or not this is quality story telling.

Ultimate Origins #2

Aug 15, 2020

Caps Ultimate origin was dope. Funny how similar it felt to the Disney film origin. Good issue!

Ultimate Origins #3

Aug 15, 2020

Magnetos Great. A lot of talking but it's still such a great read for marvel fans looking for something new or a Little more real in tone

Ultimate Origins #4

Aug 16, 2020

I liked it. The Parker and Banner connection was dark and sad. I like the Ultimate version of the Watchers, creepy...

Ultimate Origins #5

Aug 16, 2020

Concluded strangely but overall a good look into the Ultimate Universe.

Ultimate X-Men #1

Aug 16, 2020

For me this nails what the X-Men are..I like that they were created by humans and I love the origin of all our favorites. This retelling doesn't stray too much for the original marvel origins it just turns up the volume

Ultimate X-Men #2

Aug 16, 2020

Kuberts art is looking more like Bagley here..again this is sticks pretty close to the original source material. Seeing Wolverine tortured made your blood boil. Great seeing Cyclops still be Cyclops ..good issue.

Ultimate X-Men #3

Aug 17, 2020

Its not completely retelling the Xmen the way a lot of other ULTIMATE titles would rehash the story but who cares. I find this series to so far be very intriguing. Magneto VS Xavier has always been complex and this adds to that classic whos really good whos really bad situation.For me the art is whatever...I like KUBERT a lot more in 2020.

Ultimate X-Men #4

Aug 17, 2020

I found the Cyclops/Jean/Wolverine Triangle to be too familiar and not at all interesting. If this whole Cyclops turning to the dark side is permanent or explored deeply this mite be interesting but so far I feel like this issue was a loss in momentum for the story arc.

Ultimate X-Men #5

Aug 17, 2020

I liked the bitterness between Magneto and his kids. I found myself rooting for Magneto and a bit annoyed by Xavier.

Ultimate X-Men #6

Aug 17, 2020

Felt like Magneto shouldn't have screamed like a bitch like that.. I definitely was rooting for him through this issue. I felt that this buttoned up too nicely but still a good arc overall with a lackluster ending

Ultimate X-Men #7

Aug 20, 2020

Millar sure knows how to make you hate a Villian. Wraith is despicable and his hunting and torturing of mutants really gets you peeved. I like Wolverine here my only complaint is Professor X just feels a little to relaxed for me, like he doesnt care about anything its odd. I loved the art and found this issue to contain a lot of story for a standard issue.

Ultimate X-Men #8

Aug 20, 2020

Things get all messed up for Xavier and his students. Seeing Rogue be a bad guy and the cool looking Sabretooth made this issue. Good stuff. Great arc so far.

Ultimate X-Men #9

Aug 20, 2020

Beast becomes big bad and blue. More torture. Still a great issue that really makes you hate SHIELD.

Ultimate X-Men #10

Aug 23, 2020

Love the art. Love the action. Love the Nick Fury

Ultimate X-Men #11

Aug 23, 2020

Sabretooth is dope. Wolverine is even better. I love this iteration of Wolverine if anything.

Ultimate X-Men #12

Aug 23, 2020

Still just don't get Professor X I guess. He's horribly predictable. Maybe that's the point I don't know... Ending was good. Solid Arc.

Ultimate X-Men #13

Oct 2, 2020

Basic origin for Gambit with a small amount of heart.

Ultimate X-Men #14

Oct 2, 2020

Xavier's entrance was stupid he just pops in during Gambits super intense rescue mission. Look Gambit rescues a confused orphan and it's heartfelt with great action...this lil story gets right to the point and hits all the right marks...not too shabby Cheri

Ultimate X-Men #15

Oct 2, 2020

Cool idea that looks very ugly on page...the whole email comic strip idea was kind of the most interesting thing going on here other than magneto still be alive and forgetful.

Ultimate X-Men #16

Oct 2, 2020

Poor Kubert the art was so good for a story with so much filler

Ultimate X-Men #17

Oct 2, 2020

Good stuff. Xavier's sons power set makes for a great villain.

Ultimate X-Men #18

Oct 2, 2020

What the hell.....just jumped into a new plot with such a drastic art change like that...boring all talking issue that barely moves the plot forward

Ultimate X-Men #19

Oct 2, 2020

Weak Arc...art is just a cluster of poses. I did not care for Bachelo at all here and I normally like him. While the arc had some cool looking action panels and ideas it was executed in a way that left me totally bored

Ultimates #1

Sep 3, 2020

I mean yes this was more of a Cap origin than anything but damn this is my speed of comics. Great Art. Great writing. Good pacing. What's not to like?

Ultimates #2

Sep 7, 2020

Again I don't get what more you could want. Gorgeous art that is the definition of cinematic art. I love how every panel flows into the next and the dialogue matches the pacing feeling like a film. Banner being a broken nerd and Pym being such a D Bag was a ton of fun and a fresh take on these timeless characters

Ultimates #3

Sep 12, 2020

Caps back and hes about as grumpy and self centered as the rest of the group. Im not gonna lie though I do enjoy this version of Marvel, its in the same vein as The Boys in many ways. Millar makes sure to show off flaws in his characters and I feel that this is something youll either love or hate. Story is getting interesting despite Caps revival feeling a bit rushed missing some of the emotions its trying to create. Still, great stuff.

Ultimates #4

Sep 12, 2020

The ultimates debut of the Hulk is full of action and pity for Banner. This version of Betty is a jerk of course and for me it was enough to root for Hulk a bit. Thor is really well written as well with the whole hippie thing and his demands that George Bush double international aide. Great comic.

Ultimates #5

Sep 12, 2020

It's a brawler issue and it's done well. The art coming from Hitch has never looked better. He is a true master, throwing in great moments like Cap in a tank. The visuals feel cinematic, and with such great writing you can't help but feel taken away like any good movie.

Ultimates #6

Sep 12, 2020

Throwing pieces of the real world into this Universe is what I find most interesting. There's so many ideas and new things happening it's hard not to keep finding this title exciting. This First Arc was a great read with a great cliffhanger to end on.

Ultimates #7

Sep 19, 2020

I find every character to be so engaging. I'm interested in everyone and the matrix like fight scene with hawkeye and widow was amazing.

Ultimates #8

Sep 19, 2020

Now I really hate Hank Pym.

Ultimates #9

Sep 19, 2020

Gangs all here and the stage is set to fight some aliens. The road to getting here was paced perfectly. This has been a fantastic arc!

Ultimates #10

Sep 21, 2020

I like what we are doing with this Alien threat. It feels very current and a great re introduction to all things Marvel. This is a great comic for anyone that is interested in Marvel and honestly the title I would recommend to anyone who finds Marvel to be too cheesy..Villians are great..Heros are like modern celebrity A-Holes. I love it.

Ultimates #11

Sep 21, 2020

Lots of Jibber Jabber, but that evil Nazi villain and how Aliens have been ruining America for years was so such a cool touch. I love the writing here more than any other Marvel comic. I love how rooted in reality this is and how cinematic this all feels. The art is incredible. The best work Hitch has ever done. My only complaint with this specific issue is how much talking is going on to the point where your ready for things to go already. Still this arc has been incredible!

Ultimates #12

Sep 21, 2020

Cap kicking some Alien ASS! That low blow to France for always throwing the white flag and Tony Stark becoming a real hero made this issue one of the best in the arc.

Ultimates #13

Sep 21, 2020

Whipping out the Secret Weapon. THE HULK...seemed like things were going OK without him but whatever. I cant believe he screams HULK STRAIGHT. The sex crazed Homophobic Hulk is my least favorite iteration of these new heroes. I love Banner and all Millar has done with him but the Hulk Alter Ego seems off and its for sure the dialogue he's given. Hitch again shows off all his strengths and is hands down one of the best comic artists of all time for his work here. The Battle was amazing. Thor is becoming something more legitimate and Cap having his moments of weakness really round out the character. Great stuff. Great Arc. Great Comic.

Ultimates (2024) #1

Jun 20, 2024

Great start to a cool reimagined Avengers. I always loved how the ultimates gave us different versions of familiar characters this did not disappoint.

Ultimates 2 #1

Feb 21, 2021

The Quality of this book is top tier. Hands down Marvel at its best

Ultimates 2 #2

Mar 8, 2021

The ultimates is one of the only comics that can have this much talking and still be interesting

Ultimates 2 #3

Mar 8, 2021

Good twist ending! Strong moments for these well written characters

Ultimates 2 #4

Mar 8, 2021

Ultimates 2 #5

Mar 8, 2021

First Hulk Now Thor... Great take on these characters!

Ultimates 2 #6

Mar 8, 2021

Another new take that works beautifully!!

Ultimates 2 #7

Mar 12, 2021

Another Banger..Great Setup...Realistic...this is exactly how Modern America would look if such things existed.

Ultimates 2 #8

Mar 12, 2021


Ultimates 2 #9

Mar 12, 2021

Bryan Hitch is getting a little messy but other than that truly fantastic

Ultimates 2 #10

Mar 12, 2021

Axis of Evil has a nice ring to it. Good issue.

Ultimates 2 #11

Mar 12, 2021


Ultimates 2 #12

Mar 12, 2021

Fight scenes are near perfect.

Ultimates 2 #13

Mar 12, 2021

This version of Loki is Fire!

Ultimates 2 #14

Mar 12, 2021

Very weird ending with Cap but a good issue. Great event. I love the ultimates its the best thing marvel ever did for itself

Venom (2018) #1

Jan 28, 2020

Everything Venom should be. Best thing to happen to the Character since Flash Thompson. Dark, with Stegman being an instant favorite for any Venom Head. Brock is reimagined in a way that draws from all the best the character had to offer. Cates brings a relationship and face to the symbiote and I think thats my favorite part of all this besides the badass action Stegman makes Venom cool again..No more Dinosaur showdowns. The beginning of a memorable run.

Venom (2018) #2

Jan 28, 2020

Another perfect Comic. Venom is being expanded with Cates rich story ideas for this Character. This is some defining stuff and one of the best things to ever happen to Venom since he was the Lethal Protector back in the 90s. Cant help but feel like your holding gold when reading this comic. Art is the best in the business right now and there is a Symbiote God and Dragon flying around so yeah...

Venom (2018) #3

Jan 28, 2020

The Best Venom Run of All Time Continues...Beautiful smooth intro brings us right in to the fray. Crafted wonderfully from beginning to end Venoms new devil form is so intoxicating to look at with all the detail and care put into every panel, its insane the talent Stegman has. Loved Miles in this issue although his dialogue at times felt just a lil goofy. But its ok because KNULL is the coolest thing Venom has ever known. Get ready for a truly incredible Villain that I believe will have a huge impact on all of Marvel. Another Incredible Chapter in this Series.

Venom (2018) #4

Jan 28, 2020

Fixes a good deal of the mess made by writers of the past. We all owe you Mr Cates. This is what comic books are all about.

Venom (2018) #5

Jan 28, 2020

Powerhouse Team Hits Another One Out of The Park. Rex was not my favorite character, with that said he gets a nice send of so to speak. This Team again helps define Venom.

Venom (2018) #6

Jan 28, 2020

Stegmans Art is Insane, Everyone agrees. Page 4 will make any Venom Head drool. Ends with you wanting more like any good comic should. Cant Imagine a better first arc. This is the best Venom we have had in a very long time.

Venom (2018) #7

Feb 5, 2020

Same DAMN Good writing on display here. Maker sets up a very promising story arc. Art is perfect in every way for this issue and these characters. Ibans rendition of Venom was so hellish and fantastic; the fight scene between the Makers men and Venom had incredible flow and style. I cant help but feel grateful that this Character is finally being given the treatment he deserves. Venom Heads Rejoice!

Venom (2018) #8

Feb 5, 2020

Wow. Honors both the History of Venom and the Legacy of Flash Thompson while still adding something new for the future of the character. The new ideas Donny Cates brings to the table arent just OK they are game changing and incredibly intelligent with great detail to compliment his ideas. Amazing to look at, every panel is worth your time.

Venom (2018) #9

Feb 11, 2020

What more could you want? Art is done by Stegman who is no doubt a Titan in the industry right now but what really matters is that he was born to draw Venom it's so crazy how well he and this character and style mend. I love the pacing and horror theme of it all. Green colors splashed throughout the issue was my favorite part of this issue. Key issue if your reading this series.

Venom (2018) #10

Feb 11, 2020

Love that damn cover. Nice lil recap of the story thus far gets you seated right away. Another brilliant re telling of Eddie's past. Finally Venom is realized in a way that's deep. Heart breaking stuff that takes this character to the next level. I hope this series never ends.

Venom (2018) #11

Feb 11, 2020

Fantastic issue with a killer final page and art that just makes you slow down and admire it. There was the scene between Eddie and the Symbiote done with all red backgrounds that just captures all the intensity of this issue. The colors in this issue were for me really stood out! What can I say another good one 👌

Venom (2018) #12

Feb 13, 2020

Eddie Brocks Baby Mama problems enter the fray. The concepts behinds his sons conception are interesting and set up new areas to explore. Art here is great, this series really has its style down even when it switches artists it always feels whole. Loved everything about this issue, only wished Eddie would have roughed his Dad up a bit more. Next up is a slew of tie in issues and I think Cates did this mandated transition in a way that totally fits in to what he has in mind.

Venom (2018) #13

Feb 16, 2020

Bunn takes the reins on this one and does a hell of a lot better than he ever has with Venom. The witches have a great design and the art in this issue doesn't feel like a second stringer coming up to bat. Coello handles the task of arist wonderfully and I am glad he will be taking on this arc in its entirety. Transitions smoothly for a Tie-In Issue. Dialogue on the Main Witch and her decision making felt haste but other than that this was a promising start.

Venom (2018) #14

Feb 16, 2020

New Suit works a bit like The Hulk. Rage is the theme here in this non stop action ride. While ill never get tired of seeing Venom split things in half I hated that tank scene it felt so basic both in thought and execution. I like how Venom looks all Asgardian but I think Jack O Lantern could have came out a lot cooler than he did. Gotta say Giant Venom biting into a Frost Giant and everything in the last half of this issue was damn good. I could not stop laughing at the way this issue ended tho. Eddies son whos been sitting his ass in a bunker this whole time is starting to get a little warm and thats the big cliff hanger this issue ends on? So weird.

Venom (2018) #15

Feb 16, 2020

What started off as something promising ended up being pretty basic. I liked the character designs a lot in this arc but I thought it all ended so lame. Felt very unmemorable and half way through I found myself skimming through panels waiting to get back to Cates.

Venom (2018) #16

Feb 19, 2020

Colors really Pop in this very internal episode of Venom. I love the way this story is written and the pacing this whole series has taken. Overall nearly every issue of Venom can stand on its own and this issue is a great depiction of that. Stegman mite have some competition when it comes to the way Venom is emulated. Gedeon gives us one the of the coolest looking Venoms I have seen in the comics for some time. I love the color palate chosen reminds me of Marvel Vs Capcom. Everything about this issue was just incredible a real treat! One thing tho. The Cover is incredibly misleading. Doesnt matter luckily as we get an incredible stand alone issue that leads us into what is hopefully an even that is Heaven for Venom Heads.

Venom (2018) #17

Feb 20, 2020

Great tie in issue that feels like it adds enough to what Cates is doing. I feel a new appreciation for The Maker and I'm surprised to find him growing so much as a character here in Venom. Loved the art in the beggining with that badass fight scene but I didn't care for Dylans big anime look.

Venom (2018) #18

Feb 20, 2020

Sleeper isn't stupid?? Im shocked this series tries to add ANOTHER new Symbiote but this one actually works. Dylan is actually a fun time another good surprise

Venom (2018) #19

Feb 20, 2020

Eddie's son just got more interesting. Sleeper proves he's more than a one hit wonder and Hawkeye delivers a eye rolling line in another great issue of Venom. For tie in issues these carried weight and were worth the read unlike most in it's class.

Venom (2018) #20

Feb 22, 2020

Wow I'm ready for a Maker Comic based off what we saw here. That whole bit almost stole the show but damn if that Father Son moment wasn't heartfelt as hell. Emotionally heavy moments here considering how quick this read felt. Guess that's how it goes when your reading a great comic. Felt like the recap intro could have felt less like a recap intro but otherwise nothing but good here.

Venom (2018) #21

Mar 1, 2020

Bagley comes back to Venom the way he should have last time. He fits this arc fantasticly and it's fun seeing a master of Venom have so much fun. Great story Cates just can't go wrong .

Venom (2018) #22

Mar 1, 2020

Love this shit! Eddie's son is so interesting I'm so surprised how fantastic this is issue after issue . Venom head's rejoice this is the real deal and it only gets better.

Venom (2018) #23

Mar 1, 2020

Hell yes! Eddie's island hell continues. Drawn beautifully! And Dylan what a twist! He really does take after his father so many well written characters and moments, Eddie finally feels part of the whole Marvel Universe. And Caps always been my boy but....Fuck you Cap! That end was tragic.

Venom (2018) #24

Mar 11, 2020

Now thats how you make fucking Dinosaurs cool in a comic book! Again Cates...Killer Character development, Eddies mental attack was so gripping I couldnt wait to see what was going to happen next and then to find he was still on the island! Shutter Island kinda shit it worked really well. Bagley is a classic and I love what hes done with this arc this issue being my favorite. This was great, Venom cant get any better.

Venom (2018) #25

Jun 3, 2020

Both stories were incredible! Man I'm worried venom is gonna go soft. That second story was so fun, Venom works best when he serves justice his way. But I guess it's time for the character to grow . Incredible what Cates has done with 25 issues. Hope we get 25 more! Dinging this one only cause to me the price didn't match up. And while it was a nice wrap up it felt like it was missing some substance. Venom island ended rather abruptly. That splash tho...

Venom (2018) #26

Aug 30, 2020

I like where this is going! Alternate Universes are always fun but for me the fact that the Ultimates is so tied into this was just awesome. Virus seems cool, his intro felt stale for me though. Still great issue with great art.

Venom (2018) #27

Aug 30, 2020

The art was fantastic! Wtf are people talking about?? Great arc so far I really loved venom tapping into new powers.

Venom (2018) #28

Dec 9, 2020

Venom moves at a pace any comic book fan can appreciate. Venom heads will love this issue. The big reveal of Virus was great.

Venom (2018) #29

Dec 10, 2020

Really cool alternate reality for Eddie to go through. Some great looking pages really made this issue...if only Venom would have killed scorpion...

Venom (2018) #30

Dec 10, 2020

Loved this shit! Great arc.

Venom (2018) #31

Apr 25, 2024

Companion piece to King in Black. These tie ins are actually really good and bring more to the event as a whole. This series is a must for anyone who likes Venom

Venom (2018) #32

Mar 24, 2021

Majin Buu arc vibes in this issue! Great series. Good Tie In to King in Black

Venom (2018) #33

Apr 15, 2021

I really liked this Venom Run and this issue is bitter sweet seeing Eddies journey coming to an end. These tie ins work great when read side by side with the main issues.

Venom (2018) #34

Apr 15, 2021

KING IN BLACK comes out a little bland without these last 2 Venom issues. I found this to make the whole story much more whole!

Venom (2018) #35

Jun 17, 2021

I'm a huge venom head so I'm sure this is a bit biased in that sense but man what a satisfying ending and change of hands for what's next. Beautiful story that made a long ass comic a pleasure to read. I loved this Venom run. Definitely a defining chapter in Venoms History.

Venom (2021) #1

Nov 18, 2021

Im excited for whats to come. I like the creepy elements of this as well as how balanced Eddie and Dylan are. Story is interesting al the way through and a great first issue. Bryan Hitch on Venom is a dream for me.

Venom (2021) #2

Apr 27, 2024

Father son stuff is great and we’re starting something new here so its a building issue. Bryan Hitch is great but the splash page moments every time Venom fights the soldiers isnt my thing.

Venom (2021) #3

Apr 30, 2024

This story feels like progress for Venom and his timeline. Dylan is great and hes here to stay. Only wish he was fleshed out a bit more so we knew more of who he is outside of being Eddies kids but we’re getting there

Venom (2021) #4

Apr 30, 2024

New villain is weird and i like it. Hitch drawing Venom has been a lot of fun!

Venom (2021) #5

Apr 30, 2024

New Villain is a lot of fun and things start making more sense. Multiple Kings in Black is awesome. But wheres Knull? Hmmm…

Venom (2021) #6

Apr 30, 2024

I loved Hitchs art in this issue and ill admit hes not been my favorite atleast at first for Venom but its growing on me and it really creates a mood. Thats especially true in this cool lil biker story we begin here. Excited for this Arc. Classic shot at the end of Bedlam, loved it.

Venom (2021) #7

May 31, 2024

OK issue in a strong run

Venom (2021) #8

May 31, 2024

Its getting messy but im still in

Venom (2021) #9

May 31, 2024

Now its all coming together! Bedlam reveal is pretty unexpected

Venom (2021) #10

Jan 11, 2025

Venom (2021) #11

Jan 13, 2025

Venom (2021) #12

Jan 13, 2025

I get what their trying to do. I want to like it but i just dont. Maybe its too much happening at once or maybe its just executed poorly.

Venom (2021) #13

Jan 16, 2025

It was a cool idea but its getting way too dragged out

Venom (2021) #14

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #15

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #16

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #17

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #18

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #19

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #20

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #21

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #22

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #23

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #24

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #27

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #28

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #29

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #30

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #31

Jan 16, 2025

Venom (2021) #32

Jan 16, 2025

War of the Realms #1

Oct 7, 2020

Thor heads will rejoice at this long awaited and beautifuly orchestrated setup. Art is gorgeous, fights are beautiful. Voices and writing is good (except spiderman). I disliked how wordy it all was but loved Thor killing frost giant after frost giant and that.dope last page. A promising looking event so far.

War of the Realms #2

Oct 7, 2020

This issue was a big old battle. This is Dauterman at his finest. Gorgeous art work. Beautiful fighting scenes. Seeing Valkery fight to the death like that was badass. This event is balancing it's heavy cast quite well with both villains and heroes.

War of the Realms #3

Oct 19, 2020

Thor going completely battle berserk at the end was the icing on the cake of this badass series issue.

War of the Realms #4

Oct 22, 2020

A bit lost but I think if I had all the tie ins it would help make sense of this Venom bit...seeing Thors parents come together like that was a great moment considering I could normally care less for these characters. A bit chaotic but still a great event

War of the Realms #5

Oct 25, 2020

It's been said over and over but it is true fantastic art but an incomplete story if read on its own which I find unfair. I found myself confused by Thor's timeline as well. Went from a journey to a separated mess.

War of the Realms #6

Oct 29, 2020

I really liked this finale. The Thor trinity from all over time uniting to fight was dope. The Venom Power up for the main Villain was awesome. His G.O.T. demise was appropriate and really this ended nicely. As a whole this was a great story even if it had holes due to so many tie ins. Felt like this book wanted to include so many elements but left it to just leaving characters like spiderman and she hulk standing in a panel with no real purpose other than eye candy I guess. That was the only decline in a pretty great event.

Web Of Venom: Carnage Born #1

Feb 19, 2020

What more could you want? This comic accomplishes all it is trying to be and then some. A great intro for new readers. Carnage is re introduced to new in old fans in a great manner. Fantastic art with some really great pacing and panels that leave you pausing. Loved the dark twists you just get the feeling that this is the beginning of something incredible.

Web Of Venom: Cult of Carnage #1

Feb 19, 2020

I love when one shots accomplish a memorable stand alone issue. I cant say what made this one fall short of greatness to me. Dont get me wrong its a really good issue and a great read for Venom fans following the series I just felt this story could have gone a littler darker perhaps. Great ending tho. Carnage is cool again.

Web Of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1

Feb 19, 2020

Great art but I have a hard time justifying the price tag on this one. Nothing really incredible and I felt like the writer and artist both tried to make Mania as cool as they could but to no avail. Manias power set is just plain stupid with the JUJU monsters that should have been dropped a long time ago. Carnage and Venom have been re visited in a great new way why not do the same for this character? Art is the saving grace of this issue as well as Manias attempts at control some pretty dark gritty images that felt in line with this arc.

Wolverine (2020) #1

May 28, 2020

This issue could have been your standard size and would have worked out fine. Second story was too lengthy and predictable. I was hoping for Wolverine this feels like an old X-Men tale...Art was ok. I was expecting a lot on this one so I'm kind of let down.

Wolverine (2020) #2

May 28, 2020

Art was great through and through on this one. Great ending that leaves you wanting more. I love what Percy wrote on those last few pages it was really deep and shows what Wolverine can be in the hands of a good writer. Everything that worried me in the first issue has washed away I'm very much looking forward to this title. I do wonder how they plan on handling two stories since this one only handled the better of the two but I'm sure it'll be badass and work out fine. Great issue no complaints.

Wolverine (2020) #3

May 11, 2021

Good Moments with a solid cast and just enough connection to the Xmen Books to tie things together. I think this version of Wolverine hangs on to what makes his personality work, hes kind of an ass at times and thats why we love him. Loved this conclusion of this Arc and seeing him with Magnetos helmet was super fun.

Wolverine (2020) #4

May 11, 2021

Another fun read from Wolverine. Like Hulk and Thor I believe this quality of book as long as it continues with this sort of story telling will be a great addition to Wolverines history.

Wolverine (2020) #5

May 11, 2021

I liked this a lot for some reason it reminded me of the Androids in DBZ. I liked the punk rock Vampire kids and all the blood spilled among these pages. Good little issue though I must admit the "a little here a little there" story telling Ben Percy does is getting old.

Wolverine (2020) #6

May 18, 2021

X of swords was a disappointment but this made its seem really cool and was everything that event should have been about.

Wolverine (2020) #7

May 18, 2021

I gotta disagree with a lot of you on this one. I really enjoyed this issue and if you are comparing it to most of the X of Swords storyline it actually made some sense and was a lot of fun. The scoring and drunk Wolverine made this issue for me. One thing we can all agree on is art was fantastic!

Wolverine (2020) #8

Jun 5, 2021

Confused by the way the storytelling is being handled. This was a great cover but far from my favorite Wolverine Comic

Wolverine (2020) #9

Jun 5, 2021

Fun even if it was corny. I really like the whole auction house pretty cool setup.

Wolverine (2020) #10

Jun 5, 2021

Some really great art and well written moments. The story is choppy as hell though. Like for me the swift moment where Wolverine and Maverick were burning down the auction house being followed up by being in Krokoa was weird and required re adjustments and pauses in the read. I feel like this with most issues and its a bit of a setback on the title.

Wolverine (2020) #11

Jun 9, 2021

I guess I disagree with most. I was the Chairman of the BORED reading this.

Wolverine (2020) #12

Jun 9, 2021

I liked where I thought this was going...To me this is a mess and Im probably out on this title after issue 15 unless something wild happens to bring me back in. I find the title to be a snooze personally..I just cant connect to anything with this pacing and style of story telling.

Wolverine (2024) #1

Oct 18, 2024


Wonder Woman (2023) #1

Apr 30, 2024

First time reading Wonder Woman and I loved this issue. I like Tom King he can be very wordy but this had a lot of setup so it felt justified. Great Art. Story reminds me of Marvels Civil War in ways. Great start Im in!

Wonder Woman (2023) #2

May 23, 2024

Lots of reading but i really like it! Great series arts incredible and its badass seeing WW go up against the US army

Wonder Woman (2023) #4

Jul 14, 2024

What a great comic! Art and writing is top notch!

Wonder Woman (2023) #5

Jul 16, 2024

Fantastic issue once again. This is a great comic. Badass intro to the villains as well as Dianas allies.

Wonder Woman (2023) #6

Jul 18, 2024

Great art! Wonder Woman takes on the villains here! Love this issue although the series can be very wordy

Wonder Woman (2023) #7

Jul 23, 2024

Stupid. Shocked this side story was so bad. Really corny shit.

Wonder Woman (2023) #8

Jul 26, 2024

I really liked the 50s mind trap as well as the scriptures being used. Very cool issue

Wonder Woman (2023) #9

Jul 26, 2024

While i wasnt a huge fan of the pacing here the art was incredible and i do love the ideas used here. Wonder Woman finding comfort through illusions in her mind. Very well done

Wonder Woman (2023) #10

Jul 26, 2024

Art was really something in this one! Great writing as well! Strong series continues

Wonder Woman (2023) #11

Mar 27, 2025

Not a fan of the crossover

Wonder Woman (2023) #12

Mar 27, 2025

Wonder Woman (2023) #13

Mar 27, 2025

Wonder Woman (2023) #14

Mar 27, 2025

Loved this issue. Ending was beautiful

Wonder Woman (2023) #15

Mar 27, 2025

Good not great. The art though has been chefs kiss

Wonder Woman (2023) #16

Mar 27, 2025

Loved this! So creative and creepy

Wonder Woman (2023) #17

Mar 27, 2025

I agree Tom King talks too much. But this has been an awesome series despite that.

Wonder Woman (2023) #18

Mar 27, 2025


X-Force (2019) #1

Jan 10, 2020

Violent and gritty. The visuals like the story is darker than other Xmen titles going on right now. The art was fantastic and I found myself staring at pages after reading them just to take it all in before turning the page. Colors work fantastically and this title does an excellent job establishing who it is right away. Excited for more, Percy leaves us with one hell of a cliff hanger at the end of this little gem of a comic.

X-Force (2019) #2

Jan 10, 2020

I find these covers to be a great disservice to the content inside. This was an amazing comic book and a great follow up to the first issue. This issue has its own payoffs while adding to incident that will connect each issue. Pacing like this is gold when done right and Percy is totally in control of this series, you can tell by only the second issue that this is going to be more than just an average title. This artistically mite be one of the best X titles out right now.

X-Force (2019) #3

Jan 10, 2020

I may be in the dog house for saying this but this Issue was dull. Emphasizing how pointless death is for the Xmen makes me wonder what they really have to lose going forward? I know this is the theme we are discovering but this issue does little more than evoke that question. Art as usual was great I just found this issue played out plainly.

X-Force (2019) #4

Jan 11, 2020

Holy Mother this is good. Every page grabs your attention with its fantastic art and dialogue. From start to finish this was nothing short of perfection. I cant imagine not reading this title especially if you are reading any other Xmen Comics. This issue had so much to say and adds a great deal to the entire Xmen franchise right now. Percy and Cassara are a match made in heaven, these two compliment each other so well and give one of the smoothest reads Ive had in a while.

X-Force (2019) #5

Jan 11, 2020

X Force is a comic anyone can enjoy. Action is fantastic that takes you in unexpected directions. Im new to Forge and I find I like him more and more thanks to the fantastic writing on this series. Even if my boy Percy sprinkles a little cheese on the dialogue here and there the overall read is intoxicating. This series keeps your attention from start to finish and this issue is no exception to that rule.

X-Force (2019) #6

Feb 5, 2020

Beast takes center stage in this dark tale. Ben Percy delivers a well paced story centered around Beasts almost Darwinistic views of the world and a look into the way he operates. Fantastic art compliments this wonderfully mature rendition of the X Force. What Hank does to the traitor son was both shocking and one of my favorite things to come out of comics all week.

X-Force (2019) #7

Feb 13, 2020

When I was done reading this I felt I didn't care whats worse is I thought this issue was corny. The art was not for me. It felt too Saturday Morning with the silly smiles drawn on characters to compliment cheesy lines..."Guess Im your Snake Eyes", Or the eye rolling finale when Old Granny wins her last dollar .The whole thing felt like a big misstep. I mean we had that bad ass Beast episode with Issue 6 and then the same Writer gives us this shit? Guess Percy just ran outta luck with issue 7.

X-Force (2019) #8

Feb 27, 2020

Wasn't a Fan of the Domino arc as much as the other characters but this finale was quite thought provoking. I do wonder if Domino would have died so easily if these infinite revives weren't on hand but then I guess we wouldn't have these new stories and ideas. Still there has to be a way to make things seem a little more meaningful when it comes to death in the X men universe. Art was not my fave. Characters looked too basic and I hated that train scene, it was a good idea but executed in a way that was confusing and looked dumb.

X-Force (2019) #9

Mar 18, 2020

This book along the main X book is all I need. This is fantastic with consistently great artwork and a nearly guaranteed good time every issue thanks to Percys consistency. Nothing really not to like here, I felt the big bad coming up could be a bit more interesting and less generic but still a great time. Cover is ugly. Inside is some of the best art out right now.

X-Men (2019) #1

Jan 5, 2020

Hickmans world building always makes me feel like a kid with all his favorite toys out. I love the little touches of detail he is always putting into his comics, like showing the Summers household blueprints and filling new readers like myself in on the world we have just entered through pages of information with a touch of technological flair. Yu, a masterful choice for this titles artist is on fire. His art has always been a favorite of mine and here is no exception. Yu feels awake on this one enhancing Hickmans Scifi re imagining of the Xmen greatly. Slow start? Maybe...but if you know Hickman you know hes not meant to be judged off a single issue.

X-Men (2019) #2

Jan 6, 2020

Not an X-Head and I am loving this series so far. Second issue is a nice smooth follow up to the first. Yu has such quality art and again brings his best. Hickman again delivers some originality and gorgeous scifi flair with The Summoners. This telling of the Xmen has such a family vibe with a charm that really works. I just hope with so many X titles being released so frequently that this series can maintain its quality and accessibility.

X-Men (2019) #3

Jan 6, 2020

Hordeculture comes to town and kick the A-word. Art was again just wonderful I am convinced that Leinel Yu is making sure to give his best work on this title. The ladies of Hordeculture left an impression on me. Another great use of the status quo by Hickman who manages to tell a story perfect in size with original concepts and dark humor to boot.

X-Men (2019) #4

Jan 6, 2020

Hickman trades in family dinosaur rides for some politics and it works! The threat is clear and you can feel by the pacing of these issues how excellent this is all going to taste once it boils over. Again Yu perfectly compliments the story, Xaviers facial expressions made that scene. Suits, Philosophy, Literature and Economics all wrapped up in a classy Xmen attire. Check this title out, especially if you are new to Xmen.

X-Men (2019) #5

Jan 30, 2020

Now THIS is Xmen Gold. These stories are crafted so well that you cant help but feel satisfied by the end of every issue. Seeing X23 claim her title as The Wolverine was a lot of fun and Silva draws the hell out of this one Wolverines included. Very interested in this vault, reminded me of a sci fi hyperbolic time chamber I loved the way it was presented too within the body of a Sentinel. Cant really say I loved Logans kinda corny entrance in the issue but for me and I am sure for you everything else in this comic was incredible.

X-Men (2019) #6

Feb 13, 2020

I love this new Xavier. He feels more formidable, as Hickman writes him as a super genius that hides his new evil side about as well as his new costume does. Mystique shines here as Hickman fleshes out here intentions, and thats all this issue really is but damn does Hickman do it beautifully with the great talent of this new arist.

X-Men (2019) #7

Feb 26, 2020

Wow...Philosophy, Religion, Ethics, Badass Art. This is an expensive grade of X Men that will not be forgotten.

X-Men (2019) #8

Mar 11, 2020

It was good, it was alright. Wasnt bad at all but its obvious a story arc like this would be much better in its entirety. Asrar kills it with the art, there were some moments better than others but overall good stuff. There was something about this issue that just wasnt all there..It could just be the fact that every fucking issue of this series has set such a high bar that will be hard to maintain.

X-Men (2019) #9

Nov 23, 2020

hmmmm....Not so wowed by this one. Great art and a much better issue than the last but whats up with that Hickmans sense of humor? I think the end worked and was the kind of funny where you give a mind chuckle but Hickman needs to stick to blowing minds with slow cooked plots rather than trying to be a funny man. I noticed these series throwing in some bad humor and just hope it doesnt become a regular thing.

X-Men (2019) #10

Dec 24, 2020

Loose Tie ins always work best especially for a lack luster like EMPYRE. This issue was all Hickman with that great dialogue! Yu again on his A game as well. Great issue

X-Men (2019) #11

Dec 24, 2020

I like this issue and what is was trying to do...My only complaint is the a lot of the action scenes looked the same.

X-Men (2019) #12

Dec 24, 2020

INFO DUMP ISSUE...Beautiful way of doing it but still a bit of a snoozer.

X-Men (2019) #13

Apr 15, 2021

Not the best issue

X-Men (2019) #14

Dec 24, 2020

This issue was a skimmer...

X-Men (2019) #15

Apr 15, 2021

I dont like X of Swords. I found it to be lame. So this issue validated those feelings

X-Men (2019) #16

Apr 15, 2021

Now that we are away from that sword nonesense I find this book getting back into a nice little rhythm with this issue.

X-Men (2019) #17

Apr 15, 2021

What the F....I hated this as about as much as Empyre. Art was not the only thing that felt stale and outdated here. Completely skippable issue

X-Men (2019) #18

Apr 16, 2021

This is gonna be fun! God I love how heartless the Xmen came in and tended to this mission. X-23 truly is the real Wolverine! Fast paced fun issue that brings us back to what makes this version of the XMen so fun and unique

X-Men (2019) #19

Apr 16, 2021

Now that's more like it! This embodies everything I have liked about Hickman's X-men!

X-Men (2019) #20

Jun 14, 2021

More of what you love. What a great issue. Gotta love how ruthless Hickman has written these characters.

X-Men (2019) #21

Jun 16, 2021

Was this a hint that the Xmen Marvel Movie universe is coming? I hope so otherwise that Kevin Feige Cameo was so corny I couldn't help but laugh out loud. A pretty solid issue that is more of a see you later than a goodbye from Hickman. There could have been so much more to be honest but I am satisfied with what we got.

X-Men (2024) #1

Aug 30, 2024

Really enjoyed this issue and all the Xmen involved worked really well. I agree i am unsure how memorable this series will be but good start!

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #1

Mar 5, 2020

Some great writing that is hindered by a bit of hastiness. I normally am not a fan of Dodson but this was some visually great stuff. Great character writing and a worthy mini series to the Xmen line up.

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #2

Mar 5, 2020

When you write Doom you got to have a thoughtful twist and Chip nails it. Doom is evil to the core and his manipulation of Kitty and Franklin is great. Doom Sentinels, might seem like a bit much but it works well with all the history this story has tied in. Dodson again doesnt bother me! Good read a little predictable thus far but fun.

Reviews for the Week of...




