Fear Itself #3

Event\Storyline: Fear Itself Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 1, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 10
6.6Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

The blockbuster Marvel event of the year continues! Sin leads the most audacious attack on American soil the world has ever seen as global panic sets in and we fall sway to the power of fear itself. On Asgard, Loki hatches the scheme to end all schemes. And everywhere, the Serpent's presence is felt...never moreso than when a major Marvel hero falls at his hands. The shock ending to end all shock endings...as the cycle of evil stretching millennia is at last completed.

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 3, 2011

    If we must have these events (and apparently we must), it's great to have two that are (for the most part) delivering the goods. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Jun 3, 2011

    For the first time in a very long time, a Marvel event is leaving me with more excitement for each subsequent issue. We've gotheroes and villainsboth working for the Serpent. We've got mass destruction everywhere. We've got a potential HUGE casualty on the slab. I've got goosebumps. Oh yeah, and Thor is coming back. I can't wait to see him facing down with the avatars! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - The Comics Bulletin Firing Squad Jun 5, 2011

    I should say, however, that I have one regret regarding Fear Itself #3: it was only 22 story pages. And, after seeing what this team is capable of concocting, I would love to get more from them. Now, sadly, Ill have to wait one whole month to see Thor and Steve Rogers join the fight. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Walt Kneeland Jun 2, 2011

    Still, as a middle issue in a huge event, and my lack of tie-ins for context...not a bad issue, really. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 1, 2011

    Fear Itself is developing into a disappointingly lackluster event after a strong first issue. The question is this - are we still trapped in an overly long setup phase, implying that the story will pick up once Odin and the Serpent make their movies? Or is this all there is to the Fear Itself equation? Hopefully the former is true, and the second half of Fear Itself will address the many missteps of the first. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 1, 2011

    The one thing that does happen in this issue is this: a hero falls. This is, after all, an event book. It wouldn't really have any meaning if someone didn't die, would it? At least that much was reserved for this issue, instead of being farmed out to other titles. I'd like to see a little more of this story contained within the covers of the "Fear Itself" title. Or maybe I'd rather see a little less happening elsewhere and simply being teased here. Whichever the case, I sincerely hope next issue brings a little more of what the first two issues provided. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 6, 2011

    After returning the character to the comics for the first time in decades and actually finding a way to make me care about Captain America's former sidekick, Ed Brubaker isn't even on hand when Marvel Comics and writer Matt Fraction decide to kill him at the hands of the Red Skull's daughter. Sigh. It may be worth a look, but don't expect it to be a pleasant one. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 2, 2011

    This is not a bad issue at all, but it serves as a very high-level overview of a massive situation, checking in with various characters at several key points of the story, and ending with a key of where to check out the continuations of which plot-threads in other Marvel titles. The lack of a greater context really dogs the whole issue, reminding me that the whole story will only be told to those who read all the comics that come out this week with the big green banner on top. Even though I'm the kind of reader who only pays attention to characters he likes (and, say, where did Shang-Chi go during the big battle?) it's a bit galling to wonder what's really going on. Also kind of frustrating: We see The Avengers (Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel and Protector) all clustered up together, leaving Washington to be defended by four hand-to-hand fighters and a bird of prey. Yes, it's been a very short time since all hell broke loose, but are all the heroes tied up elsewhere? We get glimpses and hint Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jul 6, 2011

    So, is Fear Itself #3 worth the cover price of $4.00? No. Not by any stretch of the imagination. The story is unintelligent and lacks any substance. Most readers would feel unsatisfied and disappointed with spending $4.00 for this issue. Do not get caught up in the big event hype. I would recommend avoiding the colossal waste of time and money known as Fear Itself. There are plenty of other titles on the market that are far more worthy of your hard earned money. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Fanboy Buzz - Jason_Faris Jun 5, 2011

    This Summer EVERYTHING is supposed to be at stake but Fraction just isnt giving us any real sense of an epic scale, and merely blowing up the White House is a poor substitute. Though I am convinced even while writing this that the series will read much better as a completed work, never have I been so sure that getting there simply isnt worth the price of admission. Read Full Review

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