Ultimate X-Men #19

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Chris Bachalo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 19, 2002 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
4.0Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

World Tour Part 7 (of 8) The final showdown between Proteus and the X-Men! Proteus, now in possession of Betsy Braddock's body, has the upper hand. Can the X-Men withstand his reality-warping abilities long enough to take him down?

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 2, 2002

    This book is slipping a bit in my eyes, as while it's still capable of delivering some highly exciting action, his work over on the "Ultimates" has shown me that Mark Millar is fully capable of developing an engaging cast, and as such it has me wondering why he hasn't done so in this series. I mean this entire team is made up of surface characteristics, as we have Colossus the resident hothead, Iceman the resident coward, Storm the resident rogue, Jean the resident sex pot, Cyclops the resident cynic, and the Beast the resident punching bag. None of these characters has been allowed to grow beyond their initial portrays, and Mark Millar seems to hope that one action scenario after another will keep the reader from noticing this. This issue also suffers from a rather truncated climax to the Proteus saga, and the mustache twirling evil-doing that Proteus engages in. Still, the final page does offer up a fairly interesting situation. Read Full Review

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