Ultimate X-Men #20

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 7
6.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

World Tour Part 8 (of 8) In the aftermath of the Proteus battle, Professor X must decide whether to disband the X-Men or not. Also, has Professor Xavier been manipulating their minds since their enrollment at his school?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 29, 2002

    A pretty slow issue for this series, as aside from a brief bit of action in the opening pages, this issue is largely a talking heads affair, with the main focus centered upon Xavier trying to figure out whether the X-Men should be disbanded or not. While X-fans are likely to get a nice surprise when they see who offers up the advice that allows Xavier to answer this question, I don't really expect too many readers were tricked into believing that Xavier was really going to follow through on his decision to discontinue the X-Men. The conversation was nicely handled though, as Xavier's doubts are well presented, though one does get the sense that Xavier wasn't fully committed to this course of action as Magneto doesn't really offer too much to counter Xavier's concerns. Still, this issue is a pretty enjoyable read for the reader looking for a little more character development, and it also raises some interesting questions about the team, and why the team may still fall apart even though Read Full Review

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