Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #67

Writer: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Mateus Santolouco Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: February 15, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 5
7.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"Desperate Measures" Part 1! The government's hunt for mutants begins in earnest and their unconventional tactics will see the TMNT hounded like never before! No mutant is safe!

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Art Boorman Feb 13, 2017

    Eastman and Waltz have established themselves as a great writing team. They place the characters in moments of repose in order to give the readers a different way to look inside them. Too often, comics are concerned with making sure that there is enough action. Eastman and Waltz are making sure that there is enough character development. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Feb 14, 2017

    A mixed bag of an issue then, but one where the good far outweighs the bad.  A new immediate threat has been introduced, with a far more menacing one lurking on the periphery, and providing the writers can avoid re-treading old ground too much with our bickering brothers, this could end up being yet another truly enjoyable story arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    IGN - Jeff Lake Feb 16, 2017

    Tom Waltz's latest is a juggling act of sorts, the writer moving into the series' next arc with a flurry of different moves. Aside from a harrowing opener, the initial roll-out is on the slow side, Waltz content to focus on the Turtle's mental state now that they're out on their own. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Feb 13, 2017

    All that being said, however, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #67 looks like the start of a very promising story arc. It's worth picking up just for the final fight scene alone"just like the next one will be worth picking up to see who survived it. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Feb 15, 2017

    TMNT Ongoing #67 sets up a new story arc for the series as the Turtles are officially on their own without Master Splinter to help or guide them. Leonardo is learning what it truly means to be a leader and that teenagers are truly hard to deal with. The Earth Protection Force is back and action and wants to rid New York of its mutant problem. With a new way to remotely control mutants their first target is Slash and with him under their control, they are coming for the Mutanimals and the Turtles next! This is a good set up issue for the rest of the arc. There is a lot of dialogue and explaining of certain details that do bog down the flow of the story. The art continues to be spectacular, with a great cast of artist rotating in and out of this series. This looks to be another exciting arc in this series and now that the set-up is out of the way, it will be fun to see where it goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Flickering Myth - Chris Cooper Feb 16, 2017

    We're past the standalone issues that saw us out of 2016 and into 2017. They were of such high quality that I was reticent to get back into story arcs. TMNT #67 puts me at ease. Let's do it! Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Multiversity Comics - Rowan Grover Feb 20, 2017

    A generally good, quieter issue with fun artwork, which is unfortunately a little uneventful and some odd slips in tone. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Gizmo Mar 1, 2017

    Hell yeah, Santolouco is back! Not only is his art detailed, but he excels at both quiet character moments and action scenes. The page with the building collapsing is illustrated so well by the panels that appear to tumble down the page. The story is like a gut punch, it's difficult to see friends forced into confrontation, but a quiet moment between Splinter and Leo gives the reader a chance to take a breath and reflect. It's a decent jump-on point if you aren't already reading the series, just read it!

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 8.0
    Mister Bungle Feb 15, 2017

    Very good.

  • 7.5
    Hislight Feb 18, 2021

    Good start to this new Arc. Feels weirdly familiar for some reason...maybe nothing new was brought to this type of situation the turtles are in but still a good comic.

  • 7.5
    myconius Feb 15, 2017

    the intro to this issue with Slash was incredibly touching. the monstrous mutant is enjoying himself reading a book. he stops to answer a rooftop pigeon as to what he's doing doing, then asks the pigeon if he'd like him to read the story to him. such an endearing moment.

    the peace and tranquility can only last so long before Agent Bishop and the 'Earth-Protection-Force' show up.

    the moment of horror from the E.P.F.'s attack was so beautifully illustrated by Mateus Santolouco. even though it was a terrible moment Mateus really captured the emotion.

    after Slash is captured he is put under study, and they are able screen from tests that he had previously been tortured.

    Bishop wants to turn Slash into a more

  • 8.0
    mseccatore Feb 16, 2017

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