Civil War #7
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Civil War #7

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 21, 2007 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 31
5.2Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

It all ends here! The startling battle that will determine the future of the Marvel Universe!

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Feb 22, 2007

    I really enjoyed Civil War #7. I'm actually quite surprised that I did. However, Millar constructed an ending that made both Iron Man and Captain America look all right. Iron Man was rehabilitated and heralded by the American people as their champion. Captain America stops fighting when he realizes that he is no longer serving the will of the people. This enables Captain America to surrender without having to admit that he was wrong. Carefully notice that at no point this Captain America say he was wrong. Just that his side was losing the argument. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Feb 25, 2007

    Anyone whos familiar with Mark Millars work on Ultimates or The Authority will know what to expect from his finale on this book, and the writer has become so adept at co-ordinating climactic battles which tie all the elements of the preceding story together that he makes it look easy (Captain Marvel even crops up in a hastily-included cameo which presumably exists only to justify his tie-in appearance in Civil War: The Return). Still, its a shame to see that a book with such obvious potential to explore the same kind of political issues which have underpinned Millars two volumes of Ultimates has avoided any attempt to add depth to its examination of the ideas behind the Superhuman Registration Act. Civil War has probably accomplished everything that Marvel could have wished for, with high sales, considerable coverage in the mainstream media, and widespread approval from fans. However, theres a nagging feeling that it could have been more than the status-quo-altering device with Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Mike Williams Feb 25, 2007

    Ill leave it to others to rail against specific plot points of the last issue: Caps cop-out, the question whether Thor is a clone or a cyborg, She-Hulks whining. Looking at the issue overall though, I have to conclude that the war delivers largely on Marvels promise for a knock-down, drag-out superhero fight, and DOES change the status quo among heroes in the Marvel Universe. How this plays out in the years to come is something to look forward to, if youre a Marvel fan. But Im going to try to keep my expectations down. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Feb 25, 2007

    If you liked the previous issues of Civil War, youll enjoy this. Youd also be quite deranged, as this has been the most weakly-plotted, content-free excuse for a major storytelling event, let alone one with alleged intellectual depth, that Ive read in a long time. Civil War seems like its been the same fight scene repeated for ten months and eighty issues, climaxing (if thats the right word) in a limp non-comittal excuse of an ending in which even this emaciated plot remains largely unresolved. Surely Marvel can do better. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Feb 25, 2007

    Marvel has indeed set up a new status quo that holds the potential for some interesting stories in the future. Unfortunately, theyve apparently forgotten that the story that gets things to this point should also have been interesting in its own right. After a promising start, Civil War ends as a real disappointment. Though it isnt all bad, even McNivens great art cant save this issue. Hopefully, this will be quickly put behind us and we can move on to better things. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven G. Saunders Feb 25, 2007

    Im certain that Ive missed something. Rest assured, one of the other Slugfesters touched upon it. Theyre much better at this kind of thing than I am. I will say in closing that I hope that Civil War #7 is amongst the last of the landmines we have to step on in the path to Marvels New Universe Order. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton Feb 25, 2007

    All in all, Civil War was a limited series full of potential, poor executions, and plot threads that go nowhere. Hey, what happened to the Watcher showing up in issue one? Was that ever touched upon? The Punisher took up two full issues, but only to serve as a launch pad for a new series. The motivations were weak, character decisions worse (seriously, whatever happened to actually trying to support a cause?; the Secret Avengers did nothing to help themselves, instead getting into fights), and the finale utterly disappointing. I really wanted this to be a good story, I expected it to be, considering Millar was the writer. In the end, it was nothing but an overhyped, far too crossed-over disappointment. At least the art was pretty. Read Full Review

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