Steven G. Saunders's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 40
8.2Avg. Review Rating

2000AD #1506

Oct 24, 2006

I must say that this is the best time to read 2000AD since the late 80s. It's a great time to pick it back up, jump into it for the first time or just keep reading it like I have.

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2000AD #1507

Oct 24, 2006

Until next time, this is your humble review droid reporting.

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2000AD #1508

Nov 7, 2006

As always, this is your humble reviews droid wishing you well and good reading. Signing off.

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2000AD #1509

Nov 7, 2006

This is your humble reviews droid, as ever, signing off.

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2000AD #1510

Nov 13, 2006

So, until then this is, as ever, your humble reviews droid signing off.

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2000AD #1511

Nov 28, 2006

Until next time, this is your faithfully reporting and humble reviews automaton signing off.

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2000AD #1512

Dec 7, 2006

This is your humble and faithful reviews droid reporting, as ever, signing off. Until next time, my friends.

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Captain America (2004) #25

Mar 11, 2007

All in all, a solid issue only marred by the fact that its a marketing gimmick. Not that I hold this against Marvel or anything. Gotta pay the bills and all that. At least they provided us a supremely talented team to bring it to us. Bravo to everyone who worked on this issue for pulling this off so well. Even my cynical little self enjoyed this moving comic.

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Civil War #5

Nov 19, 2006

In the end, I feel the writing is much stronger with this issue, and now I would actually like to see what happens with Civil War. Congratulations, Mr. Millar, you have brought me back into the cross-over madness fold (I might even read Front Line, New Avengers and Amazing Spider-Man again). Not any easy task, I must say. I fully admit that it was the Punisher and how he was brought into this that did it for me. In fact, bonus points were added for that. I will probably like this whole thing in trade format as the decompressed story-telling thing with this series in particular is getting on my nerves. Ah, well, cant win them all. If there was any way I could give this issue 3.75 bullets I would; but I felt it be nice to err on the positive side today. Heres to hoping Civil War #6 is even better., and if it isnt, I wont feel too let down.

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Civil War #6

Jan 7, 2007

[Post Script: Ahhh... Reading Punisher War Journal #2 allows for the Punisher/Cap tiff to make some sense. Still, the events differ in a few ways; and even with the PWJ #2 story to add to the mix, which is done brilliantly by Fraction, I feel that Punisher was handled poorly in CW #6. Even Captain America seems a bit out of place during the sudden and intense scene. Its a good scene; its just not how these characters would act, especially Frank Castle. If you want a better version of the rowdy rift between Cap and Punisher, read Punisher War Journal #2.]

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Civil War #7

Feb 25, 2007

Im certain that Ive missed something. Rest assured, one of the other Slugfesters touched upon it. Theyre much better at this kind of thing than I am. I will say in closing that I hope that Civil War #7 is amongst the last of the landmines we have to step on in the path to Marvels New Universe Order.

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Dead@17 #1

Oct 31, 2006

In the end, it's not altogether my cup of tea, but there are enough things in the book that interest me to warrant possible future reading, and I think that past/current fans of Dead@17 may enjoy this issue.

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Dead@17 #2

Dec 8, 2006

All in all, a solid title so far, if lacking in characterisation a tad. It certainly is a nice change of pace from the usual ultra violent and grim zombie/horror/slasher comics Ive read as of late.

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Deadworld Vol. 3 #5

Nov 10, 2006

The final scene of Deadworld #5 (and this is a bit of a spoiler) is dozens of zombies swarming one of those large paddle driven riverboats. All I can say is, "Man, the undead sure make one heck of a mood killer". I can't wait for issue six!

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Deadworld Vol. 3 #6

Nov 24, 2006

Okay, if I keep this up Im going to start sounding like a stalker; Reed & Talajic dont need that, you know? Hurry up with #7, guys!

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Dracula vs. Capone #1

Oct 12, 2006

It goes without saying that there is plenty of room for mockery. I mean, come on Silent Devil, how far are you guys gonna take the Dracula thing? Dracula vs. Bruce Lee? Dracula vs. Hitler? Dracula vs. Mr. T? The jokes are all ready to go, like preset anti-ninja bear-traps. However, don't be so quick to jump all over Silent Devil yet. I feel that the Dracula Vs. comics still have a lot of life in them. Er, un-life. Well, you know what I mean. The thing is, I'm actually curious and interested to not only see where Dracula vs. Capone is going, but what will come next. Who will they pit our fave Carpathian bloodsucker against in future titles? Only time will tell. It is nice to see all of this great stuff coming from this small publisher.

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Dragonlance Chronicles: Dragons of Winter Night #2

Nov 21, 2006

Dragonlance has never looked so good. A big thank you goes out to Devils Due and the creative team for making this old school gamer geek one happy dice-slinger!

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Eagle Flies Again #14

Nov 12, 2006

I should note that the spirit of Eagle Flies Again lives (at least thats how I interpreted it) on over at the Down the Tubes website. I checked it out, and I have to recommend Down the Tubes as a great site to find more information on UK comics.

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Hellblazer #226

Nov 20, 2006

So, if you are looking for a decent story thats intriguing enough to keep your mind off of the art, and youre a fan of Hellblazer, I suggest taking a look at #226, but only after youve read issues #224 and #225 first. If youre unfamiliar with the world of John Constantine, I highly recommend starting somewhere else, like with a trade paperback of earlier issues to get your bearings (Id suggest Original Sins and then Dangerous Habits, my personal favourite).

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Hellgate: London #1

Nov 23, 2006

I couldnt help but think they werent taking any chances when they decided to put out a Hellgate comic. Its definitely not terrible; its rather good, in fact. But there is little to make the story stand out too much from everything else out there. Keep in mind that the team on this book have to follow whatever story and details established by the upcoming Hellgate: London videogame (I assume), so they shouldnt be held accountable for anything that seems too overdone in past works, in various mediums. I mean, the plot is simple: Demons come to Earth; Demons wreck awful destruction; Mankinds valiant and faith/magic-driven chosen few go on expedition to save the world; Violence and ass-handing ensues; I hope you like first-person shooters. Thats it in a nutshell. Now, dont get me wrong, I fully intend to play this game, and I think Edginton and Co. did a great job of adapting said game into a decent comic. Hellgate: London #1 is a fast-paced and fun set-up of an issue; lets

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Impaler #2

Dec 7, 2006

Overall, an excellent issue and addition to the horror comics genre. Ill be reading more, thats for sure. Lets just hope Harms and the rest of this talented bunch can keep up the momentum theyre creating for themselves. I have faith that they can.

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Impaler #3

Feb 20, 2007

This series keeps getting better and better. Theres great story here with engaging dialogue, interesting characters, fantastically grim illustrations, balls-out action, and enough mystery to keep you wanting more. And the layout. Did I mention the layout?

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Moon Knight (2006) #6

Nov 16, 2006

All in all, this is a must have title for those of you into dark superheroes. Moon Knight doesnt even try to aim for kids anymore, and I feel this is a good thing, as hes never really been a kiddie-hero anyway. If you are looking for something that is going to make you think and root for a guy who is kinda screwed up in the head whilst in service to a vengeance obsessed god, then this is most certainly your cup of black tea.

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newuniversal #1

Nov 26, 2006

All in all, a truly wonderful kick-off for a new series, one of which I think is some of Ellis best work. But this is just one issue. The next issue will hopefully be as good, if not better. Theres not too much excitement going on here in issue #1, but much is promised as everything is set-up, so well see. Based on its own merits, though, new universal #1 is very much a delight, I feel. Looks like I have another title for the pull list!

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Perfect Dark #1

Oct 24, 2006

Usually, these kind of licensing things turn out to suck ass in some way. If my only complaints deal with lame background imagery, or in many cases the complete lack of any background, and failing to properly show off the high-tech of the near-future then this title is on the right track.

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Punisher War Journal (2006) #1

Nov 26, 2006

In the end, this is a great book, errors aside. This is solid Punisher, with Matt Fraction treating the character of Frank Castle with the love and respect he deserves. This isnt Garth Ennis Punisher (which I adore), mind you, but Fraction does an excellent job nonetheless. He has made this Punisher his own. Coupled with the great art, I see great things for this title in the future.

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PVP #29

Nov 16, 2006

Not much more can be said. The story arcs, if there's any to be had, last only a few strips at most and you don't have to be overly familiar with the cast of characters or past strips to know what's going on or "get it." So, if nerd humour (or just humour in general) is your thing, pick this up. Though you might want to read it online first.

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Sea of Red #12

Nov 17, 2006

Don't let the rating scare you away. If you're into these kinds of "horror-adventure" comics, then it would be in your best interests to climb about of the crow's nest and check out Sea of Red up close and personal-like.

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Sea of Red #13

Dec 14, 2006

I understand that a hardcover edition collecting all thirteen issues will be out in the future, so keep your eyes peeled! It certainly has my recommendation already.

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Tabula Rasa #1

Nov 9, 2006

It's just too bad it got off to such a lacklustre start if this is indeed "the beginning".

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Talent #4

Dec 5, 2006

To sum up my ramblings, Talent #4 is a good closer to a mini-series that has a marvellous story and fine characters hindered a bit by some over-compression, needing to be a couple more issues, and lacklustre (but not bad, mind you) art. Its worth a read, if you ask me.

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Tales of the Unexpected #1

Oct 15, 2006

If you pick it up, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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The Boys #3

Oct 9, 2006

Ennis hasn't lost his touch, that much is apparent, and Robertson does art in such a way to make this comic seem truly cinematic. This is some compelling stuff, people, and I can barely contain myself to wait and see what happens next.

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The Boys #4

Oct 26, 2006

I don't recommend new readers to start with The Boys #4 as they would feel lost and left scratching their heads as to what exactly the hell is going on. It is clear that this issue will look much better in the trade paperback that better be released. There was no big fight in this issue, like I'd hoped, but I can see it coming soon. This is build up. This is motivation to root on the Boys. This should culminate in satisfaction, and I bet that's what Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson are going for.

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The Boys #5

Nov 24, 2006

Lets give them a f&*#@ spankin, indeed, Butcher. Bring it, I say.

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The Dark Tower (2007): The Gunslinger Born #1

Feb 4, 2007

Editor Ralph Macchio discusses in the back how this was all a team effort, and to that I say bravo! Too often do teams end up screwing things up once assembled. Its a relief to see that this first issue delivered so well. From the way the story is told to the dark, brooding art (with some terrific backgrounds), I expect this series to pick up then hit very, very hard. It already looks like issue #2 is going to pack a wallop! Was this worth the wait? Hell, yes, it was. Someone at Marvel told me awhile back that this title would be the biggest thing since the 90s. Well see how that pans out as the series progresses, but I can say for certain that this is one heck of a good start in that direction.

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The Walking Dead #32

Dec 5, 2006

What are you looking at? I dont care if you are a pervert. Shamble forth to your favourite local shop and obtain The Walking Dead, dammit.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #110

Jan 18, 2007

Thunderbolts #110 rockets by so fast, youll be done with the issue before you know it, slavering for more. Look at me! I have saliva all over me. Its simply disgusting. Im afraid the frothing will begin soon. If issue #110 is an indication of what Thunderbolts is going to be like, then count me in as a brand spanking new Thunderbolts fan. First (recently speaking, of course) Mr. Ellis gives us newuniversal, and now he hands us this, a superior story of the genre in every way. Mr. Deodatos art then helps bring it home. Dont worry about not having read Thunderbolts before or even Civil War; no homework is necessary. You can jump right in with this issue and have a great time. If you dig superheros and superhero stories like I do, you owe it to yourself to read this fine piece of elegant storytelling.

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Warhammer 40,000: Damnation Crusade #1

Dec 24, 2006

Overall, this is the Warhammer 40,000 comic I was hoping to read for the last few months Ive been not-so-patiently waiting. It should please both veteran fans and neophyte readers alike. I can see this series picking up momentum like a wild grox and opening up the doors for some more Warhammer-based titles (please? PLEASE?!). Its a great start. The only thing I can see turning people off a bit is the disjointed nature of this first issue; which doesnt bother me all that much, but it may bother others. Its ambitious and fast-paced, just like a Warhammer story should be. Id like to thank Boom! (and the creative team, naturally) for making this title happen. Heres to many more issues!

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Worry Doll #1

Feb 18, 2007

The tale concerns three toys who discover the family they co-habitate with have been horribly murdered in the living room. We are then treated to a murder mystery involving this surreal premise, which is quite enjoyable... even if its extremely dark and, as some might say, disturbing (I didnt find it that disturbing; but then again, this is ME were talking about). The layout may throw some for a loop since it is pretty unconventional as far as standard funny books go. The story is told by both white on black text to the left, engaging the reader with grimly entertaining prose and on the right is the outstanding illustration work, complimenting the text nicely. Wait, this is a Slugfest, isnt it? Im sure other the reviewers have gone on to describe Worry Doll and theres no sense in providing an exercise in redundancy. Anyway, the bottom line is: This is worth getting, especially if you are looking for something different and interesting involving photo-realistic (photo-surre

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