Punisher War Journal #1
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Punisher War Journal #1

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Ariel Olivetti Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 22, 2006 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
6.9Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

With CIVIL WAR raging, Frank is feeling the heat. He's square in the crosshairs of a Marvel Universe big gun who always gets his man. Until now, this wasn't Frank's war. But now it's time to lock and load?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven G. Saunders Nov 26, 2006

    In the end, this is a great book, errors aside. This is solid Punisher, with Matt Fraction treating the character of Frank Castle with the love and respect he deserves. This isnt Garth Ennis Punisher (which I adore), mind you, but Fraction does an excellent job nonetheless. He has made this Punisher his own. Coupled with the great art, I see great things for this title in the future. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Dec 4, 2006

    Punisher War Journal #1 was the most enjoyable Civil War tie-in issue that I have read so far. I was impressed with Matt Fraction's writing on this issue. Fraction is clearly a talented writer and he delivered a well crafted issue. Olivetti's art is distinctive and may not appeal to some people. However, I like his style and thought it worked well on this title. I think that this title has enough action to appeal to readers who like plenty of brawling in their comics, but I also think that this title has enough depth to appeal to readers who like more substance to their comics. I certainly recommend giving Punisher; War Journal a try. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Nov 26, 2006

    Its odd, the last three comics Ive reviewed Ive given them each . Not that Im being lazy and not trying to seriously evaluate them, but theyve all fallen into the same category really: good solid comics, definitely worth reading if youre into the main characters, and maybe even if youre not, but due to various reasons (different each time) just not quite that good to really recommend to anyone and everyone. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Nov 26, 2006

    Im not completely sold on the book yet: the painted-style artwork has a bit too much of a shiny texture and isnt quite energetic enough to really carry the action scenes, and some may feel that Castles character has been neutered in order to accommodate him in a Civil War tie-in book (I was surprised how many villains remained alive after their encounters with him). However, Fraction writes with enough wit to keep the reader entertained and provides a more complex and involving plot than I imagined for such a traditionally simplistic character. This is very much the Punisher returning to his all-ages anti-hero roots to take a role in the Marvel crossover event of the year, and from that description you should probably know whether youll want to pick this up or not. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Nov 26, 2006

    So Frank Castle is fighting super-villains again. It looks good and we get some nice bits of dialogue. I think Castle can bring the normal-guy I cant believe this ridiculous crap is being taken seriously attitude that a superhero universe needs. Ill give Matt Fraction a few more issues to find his particular voice. But its a tough premise to make work. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Adam Volk Nov 26, 2006

    Heres hoping Fraction is able to spin the series in another direction and put Frank Castle back where he should bebehind the barrel of a big-ass gun. Read Full Review

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