Captain America's depleted forces have determined the secret of File 42, setting them on a last-ditch collision course with Iron Man and the Pro-Registration heroes! It's the beginning f the battle of the century...a conflict in which virtually every superhuman on Earth will be forced to choose a side to fight on!
I found Civil War #6 to be massively anti-climactic. I was expecting a lot more than what we got. This issue was nothing more than a teaser for the final issue. Civil War really needs to end with an incredibly strong finish in order to live up to the massive hype preceding this mini-series. Read Full Review
This is a good read; its a well structured and decently paced issue thats an improvement on the last one. But Im starting to get bored of Civil War. The whole thing has dragged on too long, and right now I just want some kind of resolution. Read Full Review
[Post Script: Ahhh... Reading Punisher War Journal #2 allows for the Punisher/Cap tiff to make some sense. Still, the events differ in a few ways; and even with the PWJ #2 story to add to the mix, which is done brilliantly by Fraction, I feel that Punisher was handled poorly in CW #6. Even Captain America seems a bit out of place during the sudden and intense scene. Its a good scene; its just not how these characters would act, especially Frank Castle. If you want a better version of the rowdy rift between Cap and Punisher, read Punisher War Journal #2.] Read Full Review
Overall, a bit on the thin side plotwise, but still a satisfying enough read which makes you want to pick up the final installment. Read Full Review
For a 22 page comic, very little actually happens. I think Steve McNiven could have drawn smaller panels to fit in more story. Too many times I thought I was looking at a pin-up book instead of reading a comic book. Each issue of this series has been more disappointing than the last, (with the exception of issue #4). Civil War is turning into the new Secret Wars II, a good idea handled incompetently, where nearly every tie-in issue does the story better than the core series. Read Full Review
To which my reaction would be, Wheres the popcorn? Read Full Review
While this issue isnt all that incredible, I have to take a moment to acknowledge Steve McNiven. His artwork is outstanding. He captures realism while at the same time keeping the look and the feel of comic books. The level of detail and effort is clearly visible, especially in the last few pages. Even if youre not a fan of Civil War as a whole, the artwork is worth the price. Read Full Review
At this point, I just want this event to be over. I have no idea how its going to end in the next issue, though, frankly, I think its going to be a huge cheat some deus ex machina that keeps the sides that have formed at the end of this issue from fighting (because, honestly, the pro-registration side would clean the others clocks; its not even close). Just let it end, and lets get on to stories that dont treat their heroes, or their readers, as dummies. Read Full Review
Namor e Sue fizeram sexo nessa edição, change my mind
Good buildup to the Finale! But I will say it gets a tad repetitive