Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #24

Writer: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Mateus Santolouco Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: July 31, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 1
8.7Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

“CITY FALL” part 3
With the hunt on for Leonardo, the remaining Turtles take whatever help they can get... but can they trust a truce with Old Hob?! A startling climax will change the Turtles forever!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jul 24, 2013

    It's no secret I've been digging this series, but this issue really is something special. Call me crazy, but it doesn't feel like reading a comic -- it feels like watching a really fun movie. The combination of cinematic art, solid pacing, strong reveals and a tight script turns TMNT #24 into one of the most engaging and best issues from the series. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read it again and when you're able to, I strongly recommend you read it as well. And by "strongly recommend" I mean you really, really, really should if you're even kind of a fan of the Turtles. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geekality - Worm Von Chaos Jul 25, 2013

    Here we continue the story called City Fall. A gang war is erupting in the city and Hob lead the turtles into a trap set by Shredder, revealing that Leo has changed sides. As the turtles become surrounded by ninjas, Hob and Slash save the day, at least for tonight. This has been a solid book since issue one and it only gets better as the series goes further. Even with so many characters involved the story stays on track and keeps the reader engaged. Eastman and crew are some of the best storytellers in comic history and the art team follows up with dark gritty images with deep colors making us all want more. This isnt a kids Turtles story! Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 31, 2013

    My only real complaint with the execution of "City Fall" thus far is the lack of focus on the gang war element. Hob alludes to it, and we even see images of ninja battling gang members on one page, but the whole thing feels very divorced from the rest of the conflict. This is still very much a battle between the Turtles and the Foot Clan right now, and I'd like to see the scope open up and the gang war show more of a tangible impact on the rest of the book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Aug 1, 2013

    The intricate plotting of Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, and Bobby Curnow shows here, as they bring back ideas seeded long ago, including doubting the truth of Splinter's claim to the paternity of the Turtles. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Patrick Ross Jul 31, 2013

    It's not bad by any stretch—quite the opposite; the art is straight-up jaw-dropping at times—but like I said, it's just a little jarring, to the point where when comparing the two styles I was almost convinced there would be some sort of a storyline reason for the change. Kevin Eastman actually handled the art on the earlier issues of the arc, which makes sense why it has more of a vintage feel to it. Santolouco's art is still definitely marvelous to look at, and Dark Leo, when he's finally revealed, is just a straight up badass. The action scenes are perfectly drawn and keep your eyes glued to the page. 9.0 Pacing is back on trackDark Leo is a straight up badassAwesome action scenesJarring character design direction Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Jul 24, 2013

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #24 is a remarkable comic that earns the right to be called a key issue for this franchise. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Jul 24, 2013

    City Fall has quickly become a can't miss event. It pulls off big and exciting things while still be accessible to new readers. You can hop in at the beginning of City Fall and keep up with the story. That's no small feat on the team's part considering how expansive of an event this is. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 6, 2013

    As always, it's TMNT as they're meant to be read and seen. Although the storyline is quite familiar in several places, our writers execute it well and Santolouco's art puts it right on the edge of excellence. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 4, 2013

    With Leonardo on his side, the Shredder and the Foot (whose gang war attacks for total control of the city have increased as well) look almost unbeatable. The issue puts my favorite Turtle at the forefront and gives his brothers the unique problem of trying to stop the brainwashed Leonardo who is now out to destroy them all. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Aug 5, 2013

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues to get better, and continues to redefine the franchise. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Jul 23, 2013

    After reading something written by Matt Fraction, Jonathan Hickman, or even Brian Michael Bendis, its hard to accept a book with such second-rate writing. The plot is decent and the action can be great, we just need somebody that can make this title feel like its not written by a 10-year-old. That being said, its still an enjoyable story with plenty to offer once you accept it for what it is. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Hislight May 8, 2020

    Leo being brainwashed going straight for the kill works for me. I don't need this to be a moral debate it's just badass to see him dressed in all black. Great issue. Job genuinely had me guessing on his authenticity..what can I say bad..arts incredible..pacing is fun. This is a good main event.

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