Worm Von Chaos's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geekality Reviews: 5
8.8Avg. Review Rating

G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #1

Apr 9, 2013

The story picks up from the Cobra series cancelled a couple months ago. Fuso's art is very pulpy and feels like a classic crime noir. Lecce's colors are dark and gritty holding strong with the pulp style. Here we will see the underside of the counter intelligence community.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #84

Apr 15, 2013

If you're a fan of classic fairy tales with a dark sexy twist, these are the books for you.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #24

Jul 25, 2013

Here we continue the story called City Fall. A gang war is erupting in the city and Hob lead the turtles into a trap set by Shredder, revealing that Leo has changed sides. As the turtles become surrounded by ninjas, Hob and Slash save the day, at least for tonight. This has been a solid book since issue one and it only gets better as the series goes further. Even with so many characters involved the story stays on track and keeps the reader engaged. Eastman and crew are some of the best storytellers in comic history and the art team follows up with dark gritty images with deep colors making us all want more. This isnt a kids Turtles story!

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Think Tank #8

Jun 26, 2013

I have never read this title before, but what I gathered is that Dr. David Loren is a scientist who works for the government. Here we see him witness a murder that he cant get over the sight. Also a project he worked on was used without his knowing causing a whole mess in Thailand. This is a very wordy book and with the art being black and white it was very easy to lose interest. The story seems like its going somewhere and is pretty solid but Im very green here. The Art style itself is smooth and clean with perfect shading and shadows. This isnt a book I would normally read, but not because it is bad storytelling but it just doesnt interest me. The main character seems like a total liberal turd but still works for the government, maybe Im missing the joke? This is just one of those books that isnt for me.

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Transformers: Regeneration One #90

Apr 9, 2013

Wildman bring the story to life with gritty images and a retro feel. The bright colors by Bove and Stayte make this title the total package for Transformers fans young and old. I have to say this book has become my favorite of the IDW Transformers titles. All fans of this franchise need to be reading this series!

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