Ultimate Fantastic Four #2

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Millar Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 21, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
7.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

THE FANTASTIC PART 2 (OF 6). Reed Richards has created a technology that will revolutionize human society and he's asked his three friends to join him in its inaugural testing. The world is about to change, but not in the way Reed expects!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 5, 2004

    A very enjoyable issue that continues to follow the established pattern of the Ultimate books as it's taken two issues to arrive at the point of the story in the original first issue where the accident occurs. However, this is the pace that has been established for the early issues in the Ultimate line, and for the most part I'd have to say it works, as the characters are better established when they are brought together to form the team, and this in turn results in a stronger final product. This issue does a nice job establishing Reed's friendship with the man who will become Dr. Doom, and while I found Ben's presence on the scene of the accident to be a bit contrived, I do have to say the accident stands up better, than the original story that had Reed rocketing off into space with his girlfriend, and her kid brother. The issue also does a pretty good job of setting up the villain that I'm guessing will act as one of the first threats that our newly formed team faces, as the Mole Man Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Feb 4, 2004

    Even if this issue seems to slow the pace of the story even further, it provides a solid build-up to the creation of the Fantastic Four. The art and writing are both more than up to scratch and the title has thus far been impressive and intriguing - if just short of entertaining. This series won't survive on faith and expectations for much longer, and the readership is bound to demand bigger and more significant things soon. Read Full Review

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