Clark Kent's journey of self-discovery continues in the second installment of Frank Miller and John Romita Jr.'s remarkable reimagining of Superman's origin story. This chapter takes young Clark to the Pacific coast and beyond, as he discovers a place as sensational as he is...Atlantis! There he meets new people, finds love, clashes with gargantuan beasts and discovers the man he's meant to be.
John Romita Jr. delivers some stunning art in this issue. It's impressive to see how the art reflects the physical and emotional growth of the character. Read Full Review
Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. continue to create noteworthy stories that constantly remind you why Superman is such a noble and iconic character. Read Full Review
This issue is a fascinatingly bizarre take on a very different Superman before he heads to Metropolis. Read Full Review
Superman: Year One #2 is a flawed take on the idea of Clark Kent: Military Man, but at least it's a unique one. Read Full Review
The first issue worked for me - this issue, not so much. Read Full Review
Going off on a strong yet confusing tangent from the tried-and-true Superman origin, Superman: Year One is becoming highly divisive for fans and longtime readers. Read Full Review
While it isn't as great as the first issue, there is still some cool stuff in this one. Along with some kick-ass action, we get Clark building up to become a hero through training and a chance encounter with Atlantis. The art sadly doesn't hold up, but hopefully can get itself back on track as we approach the final issue. Overall, a decent read for a neat retelling of the Superman origin. Read Full Review
Overall, Superman Year One got off to a nice low key start and I looked forward to jump into issue two to see where that took us from here. However our main character goes from spending his last nights before military life discovering his purpose, and sneaking in and out of Lana's house, to having dinner at the bottom of the sea with Sebastian and Flounder, while dating Mermaids. I'm just here wanting to read a Superman story not written by Bendis and I'm not sure that what this is anymore either. While I can see the craziness enticing to some it's turning out to not be my bag of chips. Read Full Review
A hilarious, entertaining, and ridiculous second issueSuperman: Year One #2 is a wild ride from Miller, Romita Jr., Miki, Sinclair, and Workman. Read Full Review
Superman Year One: Book Two is a completely left turn. What was a grounded, slow-burn tale ___ into a bonkers Read Full Review
Though still handled by the slightly cranky yet large-scale tones of its iconic creative team, the overall story of this second issue is a very odd affair. Read Full Review
Superman: Year One #2 is half of a good comic but latter parts had me wanting to vomit and become too distracting. There was a right way to tell this story and this is not it. Read Full Review
I had high hopes going into Superman: Year One #2. This issue's storytelling, however, is nothing short of a complete letdown. Slow pacing and a last-minute dive into an ugly villain trope soured this book. While it isn't without any virtue, I can't say it's worth slogging through. Read Full Review
John Romita, Jr. fares a bit better than Miller this time around, because there are some big action sequences, particularly during the Atlantis sequences. But Superman: Year One feels rudderless and bland, lacking the creativity that its creators are known for. Read Full Review
While Superman: Year One #2 isn't quite as disappointing as the series debut, it fails to deliver on high expectations, opting instead to muddle through a depiction of Superman that lacks charm or interest. Read Full Review
For the first issue, Miller didn't really try anything too wild. It's clear he saved all of the craziness for this issue and this origin tale of Superman falters tremendously as a result leading to an original, if not poorly executed take on a character that's Superman in name and costume only. Read Full Review
I'll be the first to admit that this review might come off as someone who is shaking their first while yelling, "This is not my Superman." The thing is, I'm not sure who's Superman this is supposed to be. I'm not even sure if Frank Miller knows. Clark is just, there. Letting the journey of this penultimate chapter offer little substance for a "definitive origin story" that is anything but. Read Full Review
Overall, Superman Year One #2 is slightly less offensive than the first issue (implied mermaid incest aside). Instead, it commits the even greater sin of being simply boring. For a comic that is approximately sixty pages long, surprisingly little happens, and much of Millers labored and hackneyed narration is repetitive. Thankfully, DC will only be inflicting one more issue of this series upon its readers. Then it can be consigned next to its spiritual sibling All-Star Batman and Robin in the annals of history. Read Full Review
Loved Clark's relationship with Kurtzberg. It really felt authentic. I also enjoyed the Navy section of the book, but the focus on Atlantis should have been more mysterious and hinted on. It would have made it way more interesting.
I guess I will be in the minority on this...
I think the writing is very outdated, socially. Many people may have a problem with that. Clark Kent's relationship with Lori is also about as deep as a Disney relationship, but while reading it I started to notice how much it read like myth and I really dig that. If you do end up liking this story too, you sure get a bang for your buck... it clocks in at 65 pages but feels longer than many 80 page books. It is a beefy book.
This read exactly like a legend from times of old.
A romantic adventure, a quest for greatness that comes from the purity of the character and his motives. Like the adventures of Odysseus or king Arthur.
Miller's narration sometimes is so strong and gripping. Unlike anyone else currently in comics.
JRJR is also at his best.
I don't know what to say, the plot is experimental and risky for a Superman comics. The art is great, the story is not bad and not well made either. A lot of things are missing/badly proposed in this issue. The incest, just terrible! Is this what has become of mature content in DC Black Label? Frank Miller's Superman shines in a few moments but that's not going to speak for the whole book.
While the Navy Seals chapter was not my cup of tea it was a well written bit with some fantastic art. Then all of a sudden we are under water and we go full Superman. For me the mermaid non sense was weird but to see it turn into the origin stories pivotal moment with a big goofy monster fight was silly. Black Label should be more adult and this felt super childish at many times. I cant completely slam this issue it had some good moments but Miller chose to further explore its crappiest ones. Great art cant save this flat story.
After an uneven yet promising first issue, Superman: Year One 2 fails to live up to its hype and is a weird and boring tale of Clark swimming with mermaids and getting an honorable discharge from the Navy SEALS. I didn’t know why Miller would write Clark as a Navy SEAL in the first place and the whole mermaid thing was just plain unnecessary. The narration was also hard to understand
There just hasn't been much to enjoy about this series. Okay art, poor writing, forced story lines. I don't see any way another issue of this will pay off, so I'm done.
Maybe giving total liberty for the Black Labels book wasn't that good of an idea. Hoping Seijic or Lemire will prove us wrong in the coming months
Forrest Gump plus Captain Philips.
What's with the three issue maxi series DC's been releasing lately in Black Label? Batman Damned was pure garbage, and this version of Superman isn't much better. It feels like something straight out of the 90s, with gigantic monsters, obnoxious, faux medieval heavy armor, and sheer edgelord-like stupidity of the plot. Otherwords, it feels like a Frank Miller comic. And it should have stayed in the 90s.
I feel sorry for dedicated fans of Superman who hoped this series may redeem the character after all the horrible things Brian Michael Bendis did to him and especially his son.
Now this was bad. Miller has been off his game for quite some time, but this is reaching a whole other level. Superman feels so off base here, it'll be a hard stretch for his eventual redemption in the third issue. The art is also not that good, Romita Jr has also been off his game for a while (in my opinion, since his days on spider-man). Add on top of that, that this is just another Superman origin story, not like we're at an abundance of those in the past 10 years... Overall, this just feels like an unnecessary and ridiculous telling of Superman
After reading what I thought was a fairly decent first issue, I decided to give this one a try and I'm so disappointed that I did. Crazy Frank is back with this issue with some classic Islamophobia, disjointed narratives and an ugly portrayal of Superman. I hate the way he writes Clark as a sort of player, leaving Lana cut and dry while moving onto Lori who I bet he will do the same thing too. It seems like this version of Clark's goal in life is just to be with and protect women, not protecting the planet. JRJr's art was at least pretty good, some neat creature designs.
Holy shit this comic would just not ever fucking end. I hated this.
Where to begin!
The whole retconning of Poseidon, the birth of Superman’s outfit and Superman after leaving home is just horrible. Telling a new story and taking risks is not a bad thing but changing the story radically for no reason and with no respect to the ground story is unforgivable.
Then everything with the Navy. I wonder if they consulted anyone who has been in the armed forces but if you break the shaver when getting your hair cut and perform superhuman level in training, people don’t just say that he’s good and moves on. Also when it’s time for sleep, unless you’re going to the bathroom, watching the sea is not permitted. Clark Kent spent all of this life hiding the fact that he is not of the worlds by being a more
Frank Miller should never write comics ever again.