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Joined: Jul 03, 2019

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allenquanobi reviewed X-Men #6 Feb 12, 2020

Feels like the first major connection to HoX and PoX, focusing mainly on Mystique and why she is even a part of this, which I questioned from the beginning. Turns out the reasoning is obvious, but this again is just a set up issue. I just hope that Hickman gets enough time on this book or whatever the main series is to finish up and wrap all his teased storylines. The children of the vault, the more

X-Men #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Matteo Buffagni
Released: Feb 12, 2020

Mystique goes to extraordinary lengths to get what she wants...
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
Anotherfan - Feb 12, 2020

Seeing all the new series coming and how everybody is liking the run, its probably safe to say that Hickman will have time to do everything he want. It would be pretty stupid to replace him...

Psycamorean - Feb 16, 2020

This title, X-Men, sells very well. And Hickman is a AAA writer. He's going to get to pay everything off. Fallen Angels was the lowest selling X-book (issue 5 sold around mid-30k) and, by far, the worst received. On top of that, the writer no longer had time to write the book, according to his Twitter. Its cancelation is not indicative of this X-Men era's sustainability.

Anotherfan reviewed Justice League Dark #18 Jan 1, 2020

One of the best ongoing in the DC catalogue. Everything's great from the story to the art. I really dig this series and i give me hope for Tynion's run on Batman

Justice League Dark #18

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno
Released: Jan 1, 2020

With Eclipso by her side, the new goddess of magic, Circe, is unstoppable! As she rewrites the rules of magic, the Justice League Dark must work to free themselves from Eclipso's grasp. Can they escape in time to save magic from the clutches of the Injustice League Dark once and for all? Or are they doomed to spend eternity trapped in the shadows?

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allenquanobi reviewed Daredevil #14 Dec 4, 2019

You know what I realized... Daredevil is the luckiest Marvel character. He's been graced with some of the most amazing creative teams in history: Miller, Bendis/Maleev, Brubaker/Lark, Waid/Samnee, Soule, and now Zdarsky. All of these runs are unique, tell a unique story, and are all entertaining well written amazingly drawn runs. I need an omnibus of this run as soon as it ends (which hopefully more

Daredevil #14

By: Chip Zdarsky, Francesco Mobili
Released: Dec 4, 2019

•  COLE NORTH goes for a drink with the one person he never expected to...
•  Meanwhile, WILSON FISK learns that in New York, some people are more powerful than even the mayor.
•  This, while Hell's Kitchen and IZZY LIBRIS are targeted by the Owl, with no...

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Linkush reviewed Batman #84 Dec 4, 2019

Oh man, what an unfortunate time to release this issue. This could have been so much better if it was released instead of issue #81.

As it stands, this issue does a good job establishing Thomas's motivations. It gives us a much-needed explanation of what Thomas was doing all along and why he did it.

However, I can't say that the fact this issue came so late in the arc didn't more

Batman #84

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 4, 2019

"City of Bane" chapter eleven! The end is near as one victory leads to another defeat. As Batman reclaims his city from Bane, can he regain his sense of family? More specifically, when a man who is your father from another dimension has torn everything down around you, what will it take to build it back up? Especially when that man is currently sta...

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Detective Chimp - Dec 6, 2019

@Linkush I liked this issue just as you. But the run as a whole is terrible and I don't expect a good end in #85.

Anotherfan reviewed Batman #84 Dec 4, 2019

So questions were answered. Plotholes were loved. Origins ans background were added. But hey that only means that King doesn't know what he is doing. That was the tale of a broken man and it was profound and touching. It give more depht to the overall run and it really prepare for the last showdown. Not particullary fan of the reverse narration but it was done correctly.

Batman #84

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 4, 2019

"City of Bane" chapter eleven! The end is near as one victory leads to another defeat. As Batman reclaims his city from Bane, can he regain his sense of family? More specifically, when a man who is your father from another dimension has torn everything down around you, what will it take to build it back up? Especially when that man is currently sta...

+ LikeComments (3)
Anotherfan - Dec 5, 2019

Yeah. Two sides of the same coin

Detective Chimp - Dec 6, 2019

I loved this issue for the same reason even when I know is weird because I think overall King's Run is crap but this issue I think was good stuff.

Anotherfan reviewed Superman: Up In the Sky #6 Dec 4, 2019

Up in the sky is one of my favourite mini about Superman. And the final sticks the landing. Contrats.

Superman: Up In the Sky #6

By: Tom King, Andy Kubert
Released: Dec 4, 2019

Available to comics shops for the first time! It's the finale of Tom King and Andy Kubert's Man of Steel epic and Superman is captured off-planet, with Earth's remaining heroes left to fend off an alien robot invasion! If Superman can break his bonds and rise up against the diabolical mastermind who unleased the attack, he can save his adopted home...

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I really don't like Morrison's writing but damn i don't care about anything that's happening.

Green Lantern: Blackstars #2

By: Grant Morrison, Xermanico
Released: Dec 4, 2019

Target: Earth! Hal Jordan and the Blackstars will stop at nothing to bend the planet to its leader's whims, and Earth's greatest heroes pull out all the stops to fight these fascists. Betrayals of cosmic consequence abound! And why is Earth's sun turning orange? We can only hope Superman figures that one out before it's too late...

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Anotherfan reviewed Justice League #37 Dec 4, 2019

Noice. I'm a little worried that Snyder will do shenanigans to stand the landing but for the moment it is a very good blockbuster-like event

Justice League #37

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Dec 4, 2019

"Justice/Doom War" part eight! The Justice League is making their final push against Perpetua, but some players they previously counted as allies may have been working for the other side the whole time! Who among Perpetua's children will betray them and join Lex Luthor's war on justice?

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Talon1load reviewed Venom #20 Nov 27, 2019

Venom is probably the best book Marvel is putting out right now IMO. This issue was no different. It dealt with the aftermath of Absolute Carnage but more importantly, it addressed Dylan finding out that Eddie is his father. I can't wait until the next issue.

Venom #20

By: Donny Cates, Iban Coello
Released: Nov 27, 2019

• It's the final tie-in to ABSOLUTE CARNAGE, but that doesn't mean superstars Donny Cates and Iban Coello are easing up off the gas!
•  You want to know what happens in this one, True Believers? You're going to have to read it!
Rated T+

Anotherfan reviewed Batman #83 Nov 20, 2019

Beautiful and touching issue

Batman #83

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 20, 2019

It's chapter nine of "City of Bane," and it's time for a reckoning in Gotham City! Thomas Wayne has joined forces with Bane, and that alliance threatens to throw a monkey wrench into Batman's plans. And as Bane's evil army begins to crumble, the Caped Crusader must face the real force behind it all. As the end of this epic tale grows near, Batman a...

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Anotherfan commented on this:
Psycamorean reviewed Batman #83 Nov 20, 2019

I don't care about any of this. I'm glad now we have confirmation that Bruce was suicidal at his young age and he did make the vow to be Batman at that same young age. That was an argument between friends that has now been resolved... I mean, I get what King is going for here, but we as readers have known Alfred was dead and have processed that for months now. The wound, if it existed at all, is n more

Batman #83

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 20, 2019

It's chapter nine of "City of Bane," and it's time for a reckoning in Gotham City! Thomas Wayne has joined forces with Bane, and that alliance threatens to throw a monkey wrench into Batman's plans. And as Bane's evil army begins to crumble, the Caped Crusader must face the real force behind it all. As the end of this epic tale grows near, Batman a...

+ LikeComments (25)
Nihilist - Nov 22, 2019

True, true.

Darkseid24 - Nov 25, 2019

I wouldnt have a problem with a darker& more depressed version of Gotham, but I have a problem with the countless plotholes& with the awful dialogue in Kings run. It’s just so stupid to read. King also cant deal with criticism, he only wants praises & doesnt even care what fans don’t like about his run.

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pizzamain reviewed Event Leviathan #6 Nov 13, 2019

idk, i kind of liked it

Event Leviathan #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Nov 13, 2019

From the Eisner Award-winning team of superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis and groundbreaking artist Alex Maleev, the shocking conclusion to the biggest DC mystery of the year! Who is Leviathan? What do they want? How have they dismantled the most powerful secret agencies in the world? And what's their next deadly move? The greatest detectives of ...

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egonnn244 reviewed Justice League #35 Nov 9, 2019

"All will be well..."

I don't know if it's because this whole arc has been pretty fun or because this issue made a good job of showing it, but I just now realized how big are the stakes in this story. I mean, everything, literally everything is on the line.

That's crazy.

One small thing though. Isn't the Crime Syndicate dead? Last time I checked, they were. So how more

Justice League #35

By: Scott Snyder, Francis Manapul
Released: Nov 6, 2019

This issue: Lex Luthor wins! Everything Lex has been working for over the past year and a half comes to fruition as he finally possesses the fully powered Totality and plans to bend Hypertime to his will. The Legion of Doom's leader will defeat the Justice League once and for all and make his final pitch to serve at Perpetua's side-and the Multiver...

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SloboSOY reviewed Legion of Super-Heroes #1 Nov 7, 2019

I find you harsh. I was expecting something aweful béa que of the user notation.
But in truth this wasn’t bad.
I really love the Gotham world. I really love mordru been a strong foes as in JSA (I never licked the fool version).
Ok the jon/Saturn girl part is long as for the metropolis part. And rose is a joke. But once in the space with the view of the world I really like it. I w more

Legion of Super-Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Nov 6, 2019

Welcome to the 31st century! Inspired by the acts of and lessons learned from the greatest heroes of all time, the Legion of Super-Heroes have gathered together to stop a galaxy from repeating its past mistakes. The greatest lineup of heroes in comic book history returns with new, fresh, and reader-friendly stories!
Eisner Award-winning writer...

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Anotherfan reviewed X-Force #1 Nov 6, 2019

Noice. Once again a nice addition to the Dawn of X era

X-Force #1

By: Ben Percy, Joshua Cassara
Released: Nov 6, 2019

X-Force is the CIA of the mutant world-one half intelligence branch, one half special ops. Beast, Jean Grey and Sage on one side, Wolverine, Kid Omega and Domino on the other. In a perfect world, there would be no need for an X-Force. We're not there...yet.
Rated T+

+ LikeComment

I think Morrison is too Smart for me

Green Lantern: Blackstars #1

By: Grant Morrison, Xermanico
Released: Nov 6, 2019

What has Hal Jordan done? Following the catastrophic events of The Green Lantern #12, no Green Lanterns can be found patrolling their space sectors...and not a single power ring lights the darkness. Across the universe, once-familiar faces now wear a different uniform and enforce a new type of galactic law. The Green Lantern Corps is dead-long live...

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JBL Reviews - Nov 6, 2019

I don't get the trend of "I didn't understand it, but it was so good". I want my comics to be enjoyable, not work that I have to deduce what could possibly be happening.

Anotherfan reviewed Batman #82 Nov 6, 2019

Loved it

Batman #82

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 6, 2019

"City of Bane" part eight! Batman and his allies wage war on the City of Bane, but an unexpected turn of events will send everyone reeling. Will there be another death in the family, or can the Dark Knight break Bane's iron grip over Gotham City?

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Anotherfan rated Batman Annual #4 Oct 31, 2019

Batman Annual #4

By: Tom King, Mike Norton
Released: Oct 30, 2019

Now features art by Jorge Fornes and Mike Norton and a new story:  What's it like to be Batman from day to day? What are the challenges that the Dark Knight Detective faces? From thieves to marauding monsters, writer Tom King takes us across the gamut of experience to show the vast scope of what it takes to fill the Batman's boots...and t...

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Freden reviewed Immortal Hulk #25 Oct 24, 2019

This is a very difficult comic to review.
The writing was amazing and so was the art, but I don't know if I enjoyed reading the comic.

Immortal Hulk #25

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Oct 23, 2019

•  You've never read a Hulk comic like this before. You've never read a Marvel comic like this before.
•  The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...
•   ...before the B...

Anotherfan reviewed Immortal Hulk #25 Oct 23, 2019

Damn, that was... odd. I understand what happened but something felt off. Don't know what.

Immortal Hulk #25

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Oct 23, 2019

•  You've never read a Hulk comic like this before. You've never read a Marvel comic like this before.
•  The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...
•   ...before the B...


Best Batman related book on shelves. Murphy is killing it.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #4

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Oct 23, 2019

After a shocking tragedy strikes the Bat-Family and Montoya takes the reins, Babs defies the GTO and goes rogue in the hunt for Azrael. When her new methods prove almost too effective, Batman intervenes-leaving Harley to her own devices in the wake of her own emergency.

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Nihilist reviewed Detective Comics #1014 Oct 23, 2019

Aside from the fact I generally love to write, and take pleasure from doing it, I regularly review comics because it's a great way to interact with other fans of the medium, exchange opinions, and learn from them. We recently had a great discussion with myconius and Darkseid24 regarding bi-weekly comic releases, and how this tight schedule hurts DC's flagship series. We all know (or should) how di more

Detective Comics #1014

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Oct 23, 2019

Nora Fries has been the apple of Mr. Freeze's eye for a long time. For years he has toiled and suffered to try and cure her of her ailments, and bring back the life they had together. He has finally done it, but will Nora Fries be the same person she was when she was frozen? Or is there something broken that can't be fixed?

+ LikeComments (3)
Darkseid24 - Oct 23, 2019

Nah Freeze had some good stories Pre52.

myconius - Oct 30, 2019

thank you for the nod, Nihilist. ...hopefully someone at DC decides to do the right thing, and stop milking us fans for extra money each month and go back to putting the necessary time and effort into telling great stories again. ...this nickle and diming of the customers has no real longevity.

Anotherfan reviewed Marauders #1 Oct 23, 2019

Been a while since Duggan got me engaged un one of his series. I love Kate and the new status quo is well exploited. All hail the Red Queen

Marauders #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli
Released: Oct 23, 2019

Even in this glorious new dawn, Mutantkind faces hardships and oppression from their human counterparts. Led by Captain Kate Pryde and funded by Emma Frost and the Hellfire Trading Company, Marauders Storm, Pyro, Bishop and Iceman sail the seas of the world to protect those hated and feared!
Rated T+

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Anotherfan reviewed Batman / Superman #3 Oct 23, 2019

Solid issue. If you tired of BWL you'll probably won't like it but if not Marquez and Williamsom are doing a wonderful job and the relation between Bruce and Clark is a blast to read

Batman / Superman #3

By: Joshua Williamson, David Marquez
Released: Oct 23, 2019

"Who are the Secret Six?" part three! Is Superman the newest member of the Batman Who Laughs' Secret Six? It certainly looks that way, and Batman may be powerless to stop the Man of Steel and his own demented doppelgänger. The Dark Multiverse's most dangerous Bruce Wayne is loose in our world, and he has our world's greatest superhero at his s...

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Anotherfan commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed Batman / Superman #3 Oct 23, 2019

I love the series so far, it's constructed with a plan, and proper cliffhangers making you crave more, ASAP. It uses new pages to surprise the readers, shock and shake us. This month is no different - we get a genuinely good, unpredictable story, and few things to look forward to in the next issue. Then again, DC blew the surprise with leaks and announcements earlier this year, which completely ru more

Batman / Superman #3

By: Joshua Williamson, David Marquez
Released: Oct 23, 2019

"Who are the Secret Six?" part three! Is Superman the newest member of the Batman Who Laughs' Secret Six? It certainly looks that way, and Batman may be powerless to stop the Man of Steel and his own demented doppelgänger. The Dark Multiverse's most dangerous Bruce Wayne is loose in our world, and he has our world's greatest superhero at his s...

+ LikeComments (1)
Anotherfan - Oct 23, 2019

Totally true. Sollicitations can kill the hype but it is up to us to read them.

Anotherfan reviewed Flash Forward #2 Oct 16, 2019

Noice. I really thought that Lobdell was a really bad choose for this series but I was wrong. 2020's DC might get intersting

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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Anotherfan reviewed Justice League #34 Oct 16, 2019

Pretty cool stuff. Maybe a little over the top but i love it. And I really like how the event is paying off in the other ongoing

Justice League #34

By: James Tynion IV, Jim Cheung
Released: Oct 16, 2019

"The Justice Doom War" part five! All Hypertime is breaking! If it blows, all of reality will follow after-which would be just fine for Lex Luthor, who is ready to prove to the evil goddess Perpetua that he's the bad man for her. The Justice League is attempting to do what they can, chasing the Legion of Doom across the time-sphere. If the Totality...

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Anotherfan rated Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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Beyond_Batman reviewed Powers of X #6 Oct 9, 2019

I willnsay this is a great storyline but it's still over rated im ny opinion. It's slightly confusing the way they jump from the past to the present to the future. The alternate timelines made some of the impactful things a little less interesting knowing that they will simply get as many do overs as they need. That is lame. I also don't like these backup bodies they have stored for every mutant. more

Powers of X #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, R. B. Silva
Released: Oct 9, 2019

The revelatory tale of Mutantkind's fall comes to a conclusion that will lay the groundwork of the X-Men's stories for years to come! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (NEW AVENGERS, FF, INFINITY) and rising star artist RB Silva (UNCANNY X-MEN) wrap the series that reveals everything!
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
Anotherfan - Oct 9, 2019

I think you didn't understand that there is no time travel because each timeline is from an Alternate reality and the one on our time is supposed to be the last one so they will not simply get as many over as they need

Anotherfan reviewed Powers of X #6 Oct 9, 2019

What's left to say ? Still incredibly good on every aspects. Couldn't be more hyped for Dawn of X than now

Powers of X #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, R. B. Silva
Released: Oct 9, 2019

The revelatory tale of Mutantkind's fall comes to a conclusion that will lay the groundwork of the X-Men's stories for years to come! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (NEW AVENGERS, FF, INFINITY) and rising star artist RB Silva (UNCANNY X-MEN) wrap the series that reveals everything!
Rated T+

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