Shaffer2323's Profile

Joined: Nov 06, 2019

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Iron Man 2020 #2 Feb 25, 2020

Sentient AI is an interesting subject for discussion and should therefore make for an interesting premise in an Iron Man story. But something (that I can't quite put may finger on) is keeping me from taking ANY of this seriously.

Iron Man 2020 #2

By: Dan Slott, Pete Woods
Released: Feb 12, 2020

"The Rebel Compliance"
All is well. The Robot Rebellion has been dealt with. Humanity is perfectly safe. You may all thank Arno Stark, the Iron Man of 2020. Don't you feel better now? Machine Man is NOT coming to kill you and everyone you love. 1010101111001100110000. Pay no attention to those numbers. Those were a typo. We apologize for any er...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Marauders #8 Feb 25, 2020

Who knew Iceman could be so scary?

Marauders #8

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Feb 19, 2020

As Verendi's plans against Krakoa grow, the Marauders find themselves missing something vital... something that brings Storm and the White Queen to blows. Artist Stefano Caselli (AVENGERS, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) joins the crew of the craziest X-series of them al!
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed 2020 Machine Man #1 Feb 25, 2020

I checked this out to see how it tie into the main story. I wasn't expecting much, and that's exactly what I got. I never really cared much about machine man and I certainly don't care about fifty machine men. I guess they did their best with what they were given, which was machine man. It's as good as a machine man issue can be, I guess (which is "meh")

2020 Machine Man #1

By: Christos N. Gage, Andy MacDonald
Released: Feb 19, 2020

The A.I. uprising has begun, and Machine Man finds himself torn about his place in the revolution! As the battle rages around him, will Machine Man aid mankind's fight for survival or join his robot brethren in ushering a new age? Plus, when faced with a figure from his past, Machine Man must decide-is it time to follow his programming or his heart...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Wolverine #1 Feb 25, 2020

First Story: Wolvie and his Uncanny Friends vs. Cannibal Cult, is fine except that certain character "deaths" have very little impact (If any at all) due to the background knowledge that everyone can simply resurrect via the Goldballs-and-Company process. Otherwise, pretty neat overall. Second Story: Wolvie vs. Vampires (feat. Omega Red), is another kick ass story. However, I kinda wish there was more

Wolverine #1

By: Ben Percy, Adam Kubert
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Wolverine been through a lot. He's been a loner. He's been a killer. He's been a hero. He's been an Avenger. He's been to hell and back. Now, as the nation of Krakoa brings together all Mutantkind, he can finally be... happy? With his family all together and safe, Wolverine has everything he ever wanted... and everything to lo...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Thor #3 Feb 13, 2020

Yet another example of D-Cates killing it. The only reason it doesn't get a 10 from me is the fear in the back of my head that they [SPOILERS] only broke Stormbreaker so that they could make a new one that looks more like the one from the movies. I hate when they change comic stuff because of movies.Like what they did with the Guardians of the Galaxy and when they gave Spider-Man organic webs, or more

Thor #3

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Feb 12, 2020

It's Mjolnir versus Stormbreaker as Thor's old ally Beta Ray Bill makes a thunderous entrance! But what has put the two friends at odds - and can the King of Asgard convince the Korbinite to let him continue his bloody mission to save all that is?
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Venom #23 Feb 13, 2020

Great, as per usual. My biggest complaint is that these issues aren't coming out soon enough. That isn't just me being cute. I genuinely feel that getting full enjoyment of this arc because I have to wait a month for the next few pages. I know that's how monthly titles work and normally I can deal with it. The problem is that this arc feels very cinematic; I feel like I'm watching a very well done more

Venom #23

By: Donny Cates, Mark Bagley
Released: Feb 12, 2020

•  They say there's no rest for the wicked, and few creatures in the Marvel Universe are as wicked as CARNAGE.
•  Face front, readers -- the seeds of next year's VENOM event are already beginning to grow...
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Thor #2 Feb 11, 2020

Lol DC is dead. I'm amused.

Thor #2

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 29, 2020

Before him lies the Black Winter; behind, a trail of death wrought by his own hand. The God of Thunder hurtles through the cosmos, searching for the power to save Asgard and all existence. But no power in the heavens can save a god - a king - from his bloody duty.
Rated T+

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I don't have much to say. I like symbiotes. I like this. I am kind of concerned over potential contradictions between this and what Donny Cates is doing regarding Knull , but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Scream: Curse of Carnage #3

By: Clay Mcleod Chapman, Chris Mooneyham
Released: Jan 29, 2020

•  After the events of ABSOLUTE CARNAGE, New York is in more danger than ever - and SCREAM is the only one who knows it!
•  To make matters worse, she's the city's singular symbiotic super hero, as Eddie Brock finds himself ensnared on VENO...

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This was a pleasant breather from the Immortal Hulk we've been keeping up with (which in my opinion has been a little preachy, lately, with it's messages). In fact, this feels more like an Incredible story than it does an Immortal one. It isn't anything status-quo-changing (though I guess the SM/Hulk conversation at the end is of note),It just feels like a classic superhero team up. I thought it w more

Immortal Hulk: Great Power #1

By: Tom Taylor, Jorge Molina
Released: Feb 5, 2020

When Bruce Banner wakes up in the middle of the night without the Hulk, he thinks he's finally free. But the Hulk is immortal - and the night's not over yet. If you thought he was dangerous in the body of mild-mannered Bruce Banner, wait till you see him now. Peter Parker is a man with the prop...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed X-Men / Fantastic Four #1 Feb 11, 2020

Mister Fantastic is a dick and Professor X is a dick. That's how hero vs hero fights are supposed to be, with neither side 100% in the right. I thought a story revolving around Hickman's two greatest triumphs, X-men and FF, wouldn't work without Hickman writing but Zdarsky makes it work.

X-Men / Fantastic Four #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Terry Dodson
Released: Feb 5, 2020

KRAKOA. Every mutant on Earth lives there ... except for one. But now it's time for FRANKLIN RICHARDS to come home.
It's the X-MEN VS. the FANTASTIC FOUR and nothing will ever be the same.
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Star Wars: Darth Vader #1 Feb 11, 2020

Wow. This was good. Minimal dialog, but the art takes over to convey the plot. I've read the 2015 run and 2017 run for Dee Vades and they contain some of the best moments for this character. From what I can tell, there will be more to come in this run. And don't get me started on that cliffhanger that could potentially change everything we know about Vader. SO THERE BETTER BE A DAMN GOOD EXPLANATI more

Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

By: Greg Pak, Raffaele Ienco
Released: Feb 5, 2020

In the shattering climax of The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader infamously reveals his true relationship to Luke Skywalker and invites his son to rule the galaxy at his side. But Luke refuses -- plunging into the abyss beneath Cloud Cit...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Thor #1 Jan 23, 2020

Black bolt, Silver Surfer, Venom, and now Thor. Goth boy Donny can't write a character unless they're clad in black. And of coarse, We'll soon be seeing Thor battle against a powerful foe also sporting black but with a bit of Red thrown in the mix as we've seen with Vox, Knull, and Carnage. Jokes aside, Cates had big shoes to fill following Jason Aaron's magnum opus on Thor, and this issue shows t more

Thor #1

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 1, 2020

The prince is now a king. All Asgard lies before Thor, the God of Thunder. And after many months of war, the Ten Realms are finally at peace. But the skies above the Realm Eternal are never clear for long. The Black Winter is coming. And the God of the Storm w...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Gwenpool Strikes Back #5 Jan 23, 2020

I despised this series with every fiber of my being and am glad to see it's over. If you wanted gwenpool without any of her charm fans have come to love, this book is for you. A derivative concept that became it's own unique entity driven back to her derivative roots at whiplash speeds, this book is for you. A series with humor that is 100% reliant on what ever was trending at the time, immortaliz more

Gwenpool Strikes Back #5

By: Leah Williams, David Baldeon
Released: Dec 18, 2019

As Gwen's mad rampage comes to a close we learn the real truth about her origins! Is this Gwen's greatest retcon yet? Will she go big or will she go home? Find out... once and for all!
Rated T+

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Malitia reviewed Gwenpool Strikes Back #5 Dec 18, 2019

I dub this: "How to destroy a character in a single issue."

EDIT: What I mean, this book is textbook franchise washing. Ie. Let's make her more like the popular character she derives off of and her previous book worked very hard to distance her from (Deadpool), the readers who liked her FOR being different be damned, also let's slot her under the biggest franchise umbrella we can find ( more

Gwenpool Strikes Back #5

By: Leah Williams, David Baldeon
Released: Dec 18, 2019

As Gwen's mad rampage comes to a close we learn the real truth about her origins! Is this Gwen's greatest retcon yet? Will she go big or will she go home? Find out... once and for all!
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed The End: Venom #1 Jan 23, 2020

The while some of the more Hickmanesque story elements went over my head, the alone is truly something to behold. Honestly I'd often get distracted from the narrative by just how damn pretty everything is. I'd recommend this for the art alone, but the story is cool too. It introduces a boatload of new concepts for Venom that we haven't seen before (though the Venom-nerd in me found some of these c more

The End: Venom #1

By: Adam Warren, Chamba
Released: Jan 15, 2020

The alien symbiote who bonded with Eddie Brock has been through a lot... but not nearly as much as he has coming. In a tale that literally spans over a trillion years, Venom travels the length of space and time as the last defender of life in the universe!
Rated T+

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After reading this and enjoying it as much as the other 2 issues I find it unnecessary that each Ruins of Arkha- *ahem* I mean Ravencroft issues are one-offs, when they are clearly just individual issues that tell a cohesive chronological story while each title character (Dracula in this case) is nothing more than a glorified cameo in that particular issue. Anyway otherwise the art is great and th more

Ruins Of Ravencroft: Dracula #1

By: Frank Tieri, Stefano Landini
Released: Jan 22, 2020

To the men and women of the Marvel Universe, Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane appeared to be a hospital devoted to the rehabilitation of society's most violent offenders. But appearances can be deceptive, and -- as Captain America learned the hard way - some secrets have teeth.
Rated T+

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It's really interesting to see how the children of Spider-Man's most prominent frenemies, Eddie Brock and Harry Osborn (Venom and Green Goblin), develop their relationship with their similar backgrounds. This issue feels pretty important regarding what's going on in Donny Cate's Venom run. My biggest problem is how the dialog doesn't always match what is shown in the art. For example, characters f more

Web Of Venom: The Good Son #1

By: Zac Thompson, Diogenes Neves
Released: Jan 22, 2020

Dylan Brock and Normie Osborn have survived the trials of ABSOLUTE CARNAGE, but what's next for the Goblin Childe and the Son of Venom?
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Marvel 2099: Punisher #1 Dec 3, 2019

They were so focused on making a 2099 detective story that they nearly forgot to include the punisher at all. And you can tell because he just kind of appears in his Castle-Cosplay at the end with no explanation. Also there was hardly any punishing! In a Punisher book! That's how you know you're doing something wrong

Marvel 2099: Punisher #1

By: Lonnie Nadler, Matt Horak
Released: Nov 27, 2019

The future has arrived, but world peace certainly hasn't! In fact, with the streets of Nueva York more crime-ridden than ever, who will rise up to defend the vulnerable population from the corruption? Looks like it's up to Punisher 2099 to clean up the block - the only question is, who's behind the mask?
Don't miss out on your glimpse into the ...

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CaptnAmerca - Dec 5, 2019

This sums it up pretty well. Halfway through I forgot it was even a Punisher title. Then the Punisher appears, and I was still like, "huh?"

Shaffer2323 reviewed Fallen Angels #2 Dec 3, 2019

Damn this the first Krakoan X-book I'm going to be dropping. I'm just not following what's going on here and I don't think it really relates to other titles from the X-Relaunch, so I won't be shedding any tears over it. This just wasn't for me.

Fallen Angels #2

By: Bryan Edward Hill, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Nov 27, 2019

Psylocke finds herself in this new world of Mutantkind unsure of her place in it... but when a face from her past returns only to be killed, she seeks help from others who feel similar to get vengeance. Cable and X-23 join Kwannon for a personal mission that could jeopardize all Mutantkind!
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed X-Force #2 Dec 2, 2019

Yep. This issue confirmed it. This is my favorite ongoing series to come from the Krakoa shenanigans, after Hickman's X-Men, of coarse.

X-Force #2

By: Ben Percy, Joshua Cassara
Released: Nov 27, 2019

X-Force is the CIA of the mutant world-one half intelligence branch, one half special ops. Beast, Jean Grey and Sage on one side, Wolverine, Kid Omega and Domino on the other. In a perfect world, there would be no need for an X-Force. We're not there...yet.
Rated T+

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Talon1load reviewed Venom #20 Nov 27, 2019

Venom is probably the best book Marvel is putting out right now IMO. This issue was no different. It dealt with the aftermath of Absolute Carnage but more importantly, it addressed Dylan finding out that Eddie is his father. I can't wait until the next issue.

Venom #20

By: Donny Cates, Iban Coello
Released: Nov 27, 2019

• It's the final tie-in to ABSOLUTE CARNAGE, but that doesn't mean superstars Donny Cates and Iban Coello are easing up off the gas!
•  You want to know what happens in this one, True Believers? You're going to have to read it!
Rated T+

Shaffer2323 reviewed Marvel 2099: Conan #1 Nov 27, 2019

Honestly wasn’t really expecting this to be this great

Marvel 2099: Conan #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Roge Antonia
Released: Nov 27, 2019

In the far flung future of 2099, will barbarism finally triumph over an endangered civilization?  When CONAN THE BARBARIAN entered the Marvel Universe with the SAVAGE AVENGERS, he stayed to conquer and claim his kingship in modern times.  Now cursed by a mystic ...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Venom #20 Nov 27, 2019

Yeah another fantastic issue. Venom is clearly one of, if not THE best title Marvel's putting out right now. Side note, wtf ending here?! I mean I'm excited beyond measure but this seems like a pretty big deal to the MU as a whole, so I'm just surprised they're doing it in a Venom book and not Avengers, Fantastic 4, or even in ASM. Still looking forward to more.

Venom #20

By: Donny Cates, Iban Coello
Released: Nov 27, 2019

• It's the final tie-in to ABSOLUTE CARNAGE, but that doesn't mean superstars Donny Cates and Iban Coello are easing up off the gas!
•  You want to know what happens in this one, True Believers? You're going to have to read it!
Rated T+

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I really liked this. It’s nice that Scream is getting some character development so as she isn’t just a symbiote with tits

Scream: Curse of Carnage #1

By: Clay Mcleod Chapman, Chris Mooneyham
Released: Nov 27, 2019

Patricia Robertson, Andi Benton, Donna Diego... it's all been leading to this as one of the original - and possibly strongest - offspring of the Venom symbiote at last stars in her own, self-titled ongoing series set in the Marvel Universe! But after the events of ABSOLUTE CARNAG...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Marvel 2099: Alpha #1 Nov 21, 2019

This was just an ad for 2099 tie-ins. It serves its purpose, I guess.

Marvel 2099: Alpha #1

By: Nick Spencer, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Nov 20, 2019

80 years ago, the Marvel Universe was born. 80 years from now, will it die?! THE FUTURE IS IN PERIL! Events of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN have been leading to this for months. Something is happening in 2099 that spans Nueva York and beyond and will shake up the official Marvel Future forever. This is not a drill!
Rated T

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Absolute Carnage #5 Nov 21, 2019

Well that ended suddenly but fantastically. Kind of feels like the end of a story arc, rather than an event, which makes sense as Donny Cates has said that originally Absolute Carnage was just another arc in Venom, until editorial told him to make it an event. And what a fun event it was!

Absolute Carnage #5

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Nov 20, 2019

Rated T

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Gwenpool Strikes Back #4 Nov 20, 2019

A piece of me dies each issue. Not only does the art suck with an incomprehensible plot, but Leah Hastings seems to have not read ANY of Gwenpool’s past incarnations (which is ironic as they’re all in this issue, each being more likable than this series’ main gwenpool). The only reason I’m not scoring this issue lower is because of a single page, written by Unbelievable Gwenpool writer Ch more

Gwenpool Strikes Back #4

By: Leah Williams, David Baldeon
Released: Nov 20, 2019

Whosoever holds this hammer, if she be awesome, shall possess the power of GWENPOOL! That's right-Gwen's got her mitts on Mjolnir and she's got a list of heads that need hammering! Her mission to make herself known in the Marvel Universe at all costs gallops past all reason!
Rated T+

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Spider-Verse #2 Nov 20, 2019

This issue completely ignored the previous issue to provide actual character development and a comprehensive chain of events. That's great and all but due to the tremendous shift in tone, art, and plot from the previous issue, I don't think anyone at Marvel knows what their supposed to be doing with this series.

Spider-Verse #2

By: Ryan North, Pere Perez
Released: Nov 20, 2019

•  The entire SPIDER-VERSE is in trouble including a world where Aunt May got the Spider-Powers (like you saw in SPIDER-GEDDON).
•  But don't think that this is just a cute and charming story as it introduces some of the scariest villains in Marvel History!!!
•  All this, AND several lucky Spider...

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Shaffer2323 reviewed Spider-Verse #1 Nov 20, 2019

This issue felt like an excuse cash in on Into the Spider-Verse's success and to show off more fan-made derivative characters than a Sonic fanfic. I mean, I still enjoyed it, but it was really nonsensical. Definitely not something to be taken seriously.

Spider-Verse #1

By: Jed MacKay, Juan Frigeri
Released: Oct 2, 2019

•  Miles Morales finally feels like he GETS this Spider-Man stuff... and then falls through a portal!
•   But isn't the WEB OF LIFE & DESTINY destroyed? Maybe not, True Believer. But who spun this new web?
•   Regardless, Miles finds himself at the center of a multiversal adventure that will feat...

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This issue is great but make no mistake: this was a filler action issue. It was a pretty cool battle but at the end of the day nothing significant happened. Starlord is still captured and The Church still heads to earth. Same as the last two issues. Don't get me wrong this issue is great, but I tore through it in about 2 minutes,probably because of its fast pacing. By the end, I found myself wanti more

Guardians of the Galaxy #11

By: Donny Cates, Cory Smith
Released: Nov 13, 2019

• The Universal Church of Truth is ready to raise their new messiah and beckon the cosmos into a new era!
•  As his body begins to shut down, will Rocket be able to stop them and save the Guardians in his final moments?
•  Or is this the end of the galaxy as we know it?
Rated T+

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