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Joined: Mar 28, 2019

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RKS rated Captain America #28 Apr 9, 2021

Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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Bill Blaze rated Captain America #28 Apr 9, 2021

Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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KnM rated Captain America #28 Apr 7, 2021

Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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sweetdreamzzz1991 reviewed Captain America #28 Apr 8, 2021

Absolutely ideologically-driven propaganda. Completely ruins the fun of reading a comic. I would give it a 0, but the drawings are genuinely very good, appreciate the artist, massively disappointed in the writing. Do better Marvel. Comics used to be fun.

Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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DoorMan reviewed Captain America #28 Apr 6, 2021

Ta-Nehisi Coates: becomes wealthy off of the idea that America is inherently racist and evil.
Marvel: Cool, want to write Captain America?

Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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daspidaboy reviewed Captain America #28 Apr 7, 2021

The fact that the writer made Red Skull be based on Jordan Peterson simply because the writer had a different political view is honestly hilariously bad. This is why I prefer DC Comics over Marvel Comics, because they at least prioritize good writing.

Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

CaptnAmerca rated Captain America #28 Apr 11, 2021

Captain America #28

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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the_comic_book_club reviewed Iron Man #5 Jan 9, 2021

Iron Man
Volume: 6, Issue: 5 LGY: 630
“Bravest of the Argives”

Publisher: @marvel
Writer: @ifyoucantwell
Artist: @cafucomic
Colorist: @fgdcolor
Cover: @thealexrossart
Letterer: @joecaramagna

Korvac has returned in android form and is extremely powerful. After luring Iron Man and Hellcat into a trap and nearly ending their lives, more

Iron Man #5

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Jan 6, 2021

It's put up or shut up time with KORVAC as the android mastermind begins the next phase of his ascent toward absolute power, and IRON MAN begrudgingly decides to finally ask for help. But...from who? As he takes charge of new allies and tries to use HELLCAT's weakened state...

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Kalaoui reviewed Iron Man #5 Jan 11, 2021

I just feel nothing for this book. I hope I get to see Cafu in another book down the road.

Iron Man #5

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Jan 6, 2021

It's put up or shut up time with KORVAC as the android mastermind begins the next phase of his ascent toward absolute power, and IRON MAN begrudgingly decides to finally ask for help. But...from who? As he takes charge of new allies and tries to use HELLCAT's weakened state...

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GammaBurst reviewed Iron Man #4 Dec 16, 2020

This book has been, at best, enjoyable, but not much more than that.

Iron Man #4

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Dec 16, 2020

KORVAC is on the loose and Tony Stark is on the hook for it. Iron Man and Hellcat were lucky to survive their first encounter with Korvac and his new disciples, but finding him and stopping him is proving an even greater challenge. Tony is reticent to let other hero allies in on the fact that he opened up a giant can of worms all on his own, but it...

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Since issue 100, I feel this series has lost its way. Boring at times, hope it improves soon.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #112

By: Sophie Campbell, Jodie Nishijima
Released: Dec 9, 2020

Michelangelo takes to the airwaves as tensions in Mutant Town grow! New mutants have grievances with both the Turtles and the Mutanimals as both groups plan for the future. Plus Casey Jones returns!

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DoorMan reviewed Iron Man #2 Nov 22, 2020

I enjoyed the first issue but the second made me cringe a few times. The whole" have you ever had to look past your own privilege" and what followed after was a real turn off. It really felt like Cantwell was peddling his own political agenda. I really hope this does not continue as I was initially stoked over the series and really do not want to drop it because of this SJW crap, as if we don't al more

Iron Man #2

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Oct 21, 2020

Tony Stark continues to roughly dismantle the fancy, shiny and sophisticated ways of his past... but the world doesn't seem quite convinced that he's changed his rich guy tune. As Iron Man, he takes the fight to the streets, looking to sacrifice himself on the altar of super heroism again and again-fi...

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CaptnAmerca reviewed Doctor Doom #9 Jan 15, 2021

Reed Richards: Dick

Doctor Doom #9

By: Christopher Cantwell, Salvador Larroca
Released: Nov 25, 2020

After growing the Latverian empire through bloodshed, Doom turns his attention to the potential apocalypse that is the black hole in Earth's orbit, as he's the only brilliant scientific mind left that has any chance of preventing catastrophe. But in the wake of all he's been through, Victor grapples with a profound change of heart... one he dare no...

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Hislight reviewed Captain America #25 Jan 9, 2021

And we're back to another skip worthy issue. Super corny second half

Captain America #25

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Nov 18, 2020

To rescue the Daughters of Liberty trapped in Madripoor, Captain America and his closest allies marshal their forces - but waiting in the wings for them is the reborn Red Skull! Plus, the debut of the all-new Agent 13!
PLUS: A second celebratory story by Michael Cho!
40 PGS./Rated T+

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Captain America
Volume: 9 Issue: 25 LGY: 729
“All Die Young: Part VI”

Publisher: @marvel
Writer: @tanehisipcoates & Anthony Falcone
Artist: Leonard Kirk & Matt Milla
Cover: @thealexrossart
Letterer: @joecaramagna

In this special 25th issue of Captain America, or should I say “The Daughters of Liberty”, we are gifted two stories. The more

Captain America #25

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Nov 18, 2020

To rescue the Daughters of Liberty trapped in Madripoor, Captain America and his closest allies marshal their forces - but waiting in the wings for them is the reborn Red Skull! Plus, the debut of the all-new Agent 13!
PLUS: A second celebratory story by Michael Cho!
40 PGS./Rated T+

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1in14000605 - Dec 3, 2020

You are absolutely correct (though you are much kinder to this run than I would be). There is absolutely nothing wrong with developing female characters - in fact I believe the most compelling characters within the pages of Marvel comics right now are Carol Danvers, Jessica Drew, Felicia Hardy and Jane Foster - but Ta-Nehisi Coates has not developed Sharon Carter as interesting or compelling (or any of the other Daughters of Liberty) and, and this should not a Daughters of Liberty series!

the_comic_book_club - Dec 3, 2020

Definitely agree. Personally I’m over the whole thing! Thanks for your comment. If you have Instagram, please follow us for more reviews!

CaptnAmerca liked this:
Watchtower022 reviewed Superman #27 Nov 14, 2020

Everything Bendis does is vastly overwritten. It’s his biggest issue for me.

Superman #27

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ivan Reis
Released: Nov 11, 2020

A cosmic-level threat has come to Metropolis! Synmar has traveled across the galaxy to unleash hell on Superman-and our hero must learn that this creature is so alien that he will have to reinvent how he’s going to fight! To that end, Superman goes to the source to learn where this new nemesis came from, only to find himself in a corner of the ga...

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Spacey Medicine reviewed Superman #27 Nov 15, 2020

How is it that Superman was facing a dude who could/would not communicate him, and still this issue had so much text?

Superman #27

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ivan Reis
Released: Nov 11, 2020

A cosmic-level threat has come to Metropolis! Synmar has traveled across the galaxy to unleash hell on Superman-and our hero must learn that this creature is so alien that he will have to reinvent how he’s going to fight! To that end, Superman goes to the source to learn where this new nemesis came from, only to find himself in a corner of the ga...

CaptnAmerca reviewed Taskmaster #1 Jan 12, 2021

A pleasant surprise.

Taskmaster #1

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Or at least that's what the whole world thinks. Now the greatest spies in the business are hunting him down and won't stop until Taskmaster is dead or clears his own name! Follow JED MACKAY (BLACK CAT) and ALESSANDRO VITTI (SECRET WARRIORS) on a globe-spanning adventure that will send ripples through every co...

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Spacey Medicine reviewed Taskmaster #1 Nov 15, 2020

This was pretty fun, actually!

Taskmaster #1

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Or at least that's what the whole world thinks. Now the greatest spies in the business are hunting him down and won't stop until Taskmaster is dead or clears his own name! Follow JED MACKAY (BLACK CAT) and ALESSANDRO VITTI (SECRET WARRIORS) on a globe-spanning adventure that will send ripples through every co...

CaptnAmerca rated Action Comics #1027 Jan 12, 2021

Action Comics #1027

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 25, 2020

Is Superman on the ropes? An epic battle rages across the skies of Metropolis! The House of Kent, Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, the Legion of Super-Heroes’ Brainiac 5, and Young Justice’s Conner Kent all unite to face an enemy from another dimension unleashed by the Invisible Mafia! This kind of power can lay waste to an entire family of super...

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Briton reviewed Action Comics #1027 Nov 28, 2020

Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.

Action Comics #1027

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 25, 2020

Is Superman on the ropes? An epic battle rages across the skies of Metropolis! The House of Kent, Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, the Legion of Super-Heroes’ Brainiac 5, and Young Justice’s Conner Kent all unite to face an enemy from another dimension unleashed by the Invisible Mafia! This kind of power can lay waste to an entire family of super...

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KErtneY reviewed Action Comics #1027 Nov 24, 2020

Almost there... Just one more

Action Comics #1027

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 25, 2020

Is Superman on the ropes? An epic battle rages across the skies of Metropolis! The House of Kent, Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, the Legion of Super-Heroes’ Brainiac 5, and Young Justice’s Conner Kent all unite to face an enemy from another dimension unleashed by the Invisible Mafia! This kind of power can lay waste to an entire family of super...

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Prodigalson16 reviewed Batman #100 Oct 6, 2020

I'm done with Batman until Tynion is gone, one of the most underwhelming and lethargic stories I've seem come out of DC lately. Good art though...

Batman #100

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 7, 2020

“The Joker War” comes to a city-shattering conclusion as Batman battles The Joker in a brutal, no-holds-barred duel! This is a fight 80 years in the making, and its outcome won’t just change Batman’s life-it will change Gotham City for years to come! Plus, catch the first glimpse of the new villain known as Ghost-Maker! And after the senses...

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GammaBurst rated Action Comics #1026 Oct 27, 2020

Action Comics #1026

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 28, 2020

This issue, it’s the Superman family versus everybody! In this blistering conclusion to the epic “House of Kent” saga, huge choices are made to defend the great city of Metropolis. Plus, amid all the chaos, the new owner of the Daily Planet is revealed-and it’s...Jimmy Olsen?! Guest-starring Jonathan Kent, Conner Kent, Supergirl, and the Le...

CaptnAmerca liked this:

Just when you thought Bendis' storytelling couldn't get duller, you get this issue. This Parasite from another reality could've been more interesting, but nah. Then it's more of the same crap at the planet that's been going on the last few issues and even less resolved than before. I don't think Bendis knows what he's going to write in these issues till he writes it. I hope, but highly doubt DC ha more

Action Comics #1026

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 28, 2020

This issue, it’s the Superman family versus everybody! In this blistering conclusion to the epic “House of Kent” saga, huge choices are made to defend the great city of Metropolis. Plus, amid all the chaos, the new owner of the Daily Planet is revealed-and it’s...Jimmy Olsen?! Guest-starring Jonathan Kent, Conner Kent, Supergirl, and the Le...

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Halodystroyer44 reviewed Action Comics #1026 Oct 29, 2020

That opening splash words (unlike Bendis).

Action Comics #1026

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 28, 2020

This issue, it’s the Superman family versus everybody! In this blistering conclusion to the epic “House of Kent” saga, huge choices are made to defend the great city of Metropolis. Plus, amid all the chaos, the new owner of the Daily Planet is revealed-and it’s...Jimmy Olsen?! Guest-starring Jonathan Kent, Conner Kent, Supergirl, and the Le...

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KErtneY reviewed Action Comics #1026 Oct 27, 2020

In each and every single issue of this run there is always a summary of what happened, I don't know if Bendis thinks that people don't have enough memory to remember what happened in the previous issues or if he just wants to fill a page. He always emphasizes that he is writing LOSH, the fight is anticlimactic and the invisible mafia is not as interesting as he thinks it is

Action Comics #1026

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 28, 2020

This issue, it’s the Superman family versus everybody! In this blistering conclusion to the epic “House of Kent” saga, huge choices are made to defend the great city of Metropolis. Plus, amid all the chaos, the new owner of the Daily Planet is revealed-and it’s...Jimmy Olsen?! Guest-starring Jonathan Kent, Conner Kent, Supergirl, and the Le...

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Spacey Medicine reviewed Action Comics #1026 Nov 14, 2020


Action Comics #1026

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 28, 2020

This issue, it’s the Superman family versus everybody! In this blistering conclusion to the epic “House of Kent” saga, huge choices are made to defend the great city of Metropolis. Plus, amid all the chaos, the new owner of the Daily Planet is revealed-and it’s...Jimmy Olsen?! Guest-starring Jonathan Kent, Conner Kent, Supergirl, and the Le...

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Watchtower022 reviewed Action Comics #1026 Oct 30, 2020

I’m not sure this could have been worse.

Action Comics #1026

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 28, 2020

This issue, it’s the Superman family versus everybody! In this blistering conclusion to the epic “House of Kent” saga, huge choices are made to defend the great city of Metropolis. Plus, amid all the chaos, the new owner of the Daily Planet is revealed-and it’s...Jimmy Olsen?! Guest-starring Jonathan Kent, Conner Kent, Supergirl, and the Le...

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