Batman #100

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Jorge Jimenez, Guillem March, Carlo Pagulayan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 7, 2020 Cover Price: $6.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 77
7.9Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

+ Pull List

“The Joker War” comes to a city-shattering conclusion as Batman battles The Joker in a brutal, no-holds-barred duel! This is a fight 80 years in the making, and its outcome won’t just change Batman’s life-it will change Gotham City for years to come! Plus, catch the first glimpse of the new villain known as Ghost-Maker! And after the senses-shattering conclusion of “The Joker War” come a pair of short stories that will chart what’s to come in Gotham City and Batman. Don’t miss the first showdown between Batman and Clownhunter!

  • 10
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Oct 7, 2020

    Long story short. I loved this ending. It's rare that all of my complaints of an arc are dealt with by its climax, but it is a sublime feeling to witness it happen. It's about time. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Oct 8, 2020

    For all the recent DC larger issues over recent months, I think that Batman #100 has been my favourite, even if for some reason Huntress is on the cover regardless of her lack of family connection. Tynion and Jimenez have brought back the energy to a character that had felt weighed down by his own quest and maudlin meanderings. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Oct 6, 2020

    It's immensely challenging to create the next great Joker story, but with Their Dark Designs and The Joker War, Tynion (with March and Jimenez) made good on building to and paying off a modern classic that should join the ranks of some of the best Batman/Joker stories. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Oct 6, 2020

    Batman #100 was the perfect conclusion to the “Joker War” storyline. It not only sets up challenging obstacles for Batman to overcome in the future, but gives us some hope that Batman can overcome them with renewed resolve and a bit brighter outlook. I look forward to seeing Bruce and the Bat-Family meeting these challenges in the months ahead. Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    Comic Watch - Cody White Oct 6, 2020

    Maybe this book won't be for everybody. I know some of my colleagues are far colder on the book that I am and they all make valid points. But for me? As a lifelong Batman fan" this was the story arc I needed at a time when I was starting to lose faith. A round of applause all around. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Oct 11, 2020

    All in all, this issue is one I'm going to go buy a physical copy of and keep just to remember the moment. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Oct 6, 2020

    This story directly leads into the upcoming Punchline one-shot, and it's set up a fascinating new status quo for Batman and everyone around him. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 10, 2020

    Joker War ends with its best issue yet, a gorgeously drawn issue that features real stakes and real strong character moments. This is some great Batman vs. Joker action. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Christopher Franey Oct 6, 2020

    This was a great story arc as a whole that really pressed Batman and his family against the wall with some impossible odds, but in the end it healed the family. The conclusion was reasonable, but I am excited for future issues and what will happen next for Gotham, Joker, Punchline, and Clownhunter. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Oct 6, 2020

    Batman #100 delivers an exciting finale to its storyline, even if it stumbles at the end. It wraps up the Joker War storyline nicely and sets the stage for Gothams recovery to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 6, 2020

    Batman #100 is what I've wanted from "Joker War" since the beginning. Yes, it does feel a bit like a transition to what's next, it's also a statement as to Batman's failures. This issue lays out the Joker's motivations and viewpoints and forces us to question Batman's effectiveness in multiple ways. We see how Batman's inaction has impacted a citizen of Gotham and perpetuated the violence. We also see that failure of definitive action being explored again perpetuating the cycle. This is the highlight of an uneven event and finally delivers meat on the bones. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Jose "Jody" Cardona Oct 6, 2020

    Batman #100 gives a fantastic ending to the Joker War with great art and a bold surprise. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Oct 8, 2020

    Batman #100 was the explosive ending that the entire "Joker War" has been building up to. James Tynion did a fantastic job using the entire Batman Family to make this ending bigger. The way the final fight between Batman and Joker turned out effectively set the stage for a future filled with possibilities for the entire franchise. The artwork by Jorge Jimenez, Carlo Pagulayan, and Guillem March made this ending even more impactful as all their excellent work elevated Tynion's writing. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    The Comicbook Dispatch - acnbat Oct 8, 2020

    James Tynion brings the Bat-Family back in a big way! He also sets up several storylines while finishing out the Joker War with a character that doesn't feel like the Joker all that much to this reviewer. The art is absolutely stunning! So while the main villain seemed a bit off, the issue/arc end with the series trending upwards. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    COMICON - Tony Thornley Oct 8, 2020

    "The Joker War" comes to a city-shattering conclusion as Batman battles The Joker in a brutal, no-holds-barred duel! This is a fight 80 years in the making, and its outcome won't just change Batman's life-it will change Gotham City for years to come! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Oct 6, 2020

    Supported by the unique position allowed as an arc's end and noteworthy issue number, James Tynion IV and company deliver a rousing, well-constructed tribute to the power and timeless nature of solid Batman comics. All while shaking things up for the issues to come and commenting on the ever-evolving 'theory of Batman'. Not too shabby for 100 issues if you ask me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Oct 6, 2020

    The Joker War delivers on a grand finale that sees the return of the Bat-Family, Oracle, Nightwing (in costume), and an intense battle between Batman and the Joker. Its the finale we were promised, and it sets up so much more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Oct 7, 2020

    We shall see how if all turns out. I am not confident Tynion will make this any better sadly. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer Oct 7, 2020

    Batman #100 is in stores now and is also available via digital download from your preferred digital marketplace. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Oct 6, 2020

    Batman #100 has a lot of ups and downs. It succeeds in delivering a smash-bang conclusion, but the logistics of why things occurred is thin. While it's fun, it also feels very shallow, because of unfocused writing and poor set-ups. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Sequential Planet - Matt Herman Oct 7, 2020

    Batman #100 is a good Batman story. But this is issue #100, I'd rather a great Batman story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Bleeding Cool - Hannibal Tabu Oct 9, 2020

    Are you ready to read yet another absolutely final, no holds barred, everything will change (not really) battle between Batman and the Joker? Whatever. #Batman #100 #DC #DCComics Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Oct 7, 2020

    I can already see the comments now. "This isn't a review!" Yeah? Well, "Joker War" isn't a story. How's that for you. But seriously, "Joker War" is a journey to nowhere and fans deserve better. At some point, DC Comics will realized that they need to actually invest in their books if they expect readers to invest in them as well. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Oct 5, 2020

    Unfortunately, there are so many parts of this story that are never capitalized on and require you to go to different titles in order to see the end of a story that started in this book. Very poorly done and I hope we don't do something like this ever again. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Nicole Drum Oct 7, 2020

    This isn't about frightening the dark elements of Gotham nor is it about saving a doomed city. Batman #100 is about nothing more than Batman's (and, perhaps, the author's) ego. That's both a waste of this story's premise and a crying shame. Read Full Review

  • 10
    daspidaboy Jul 3, 2021

    I personally enjoy this run. It has great art, great action, and great plot. Sure it is just like City of Bane but at least its better. Plus i like how Batman lets Joker get exploded which makes him break his no killing rule yet its satisfactory. I also think this has a lot of consequences like Gotham hating him which sets up Fear State, Punchline, Clownhunter, Nightwing getting his memory back and Barbara Gordon becoming Oracle. Overall this story is an 8 out of 10.

  • 10
    cincyfan Nov 6, 2020

    This was fantastic! An almost perfect ending to great story that sets up multiple future stories. I can’t think of a single thing I didn’t love. The artwork was mind blowing. Story 10/10 dialog 10/10 art 10/10

  • 10
    Mikeland Oct 6, 2020

    A fantastic conclusion to a great arc. Like having Batman of old back again... a real joy for a life long batfan! Just when I thought there was nothing left to say about the eternal Batman joker ‘dance’ Tynion has managed to give us a fresh twist full of nuisance, pathos and a few explosive moments. I’m once again excited for bat family comics.

  • 9.0
    EDiakota Oct 15, 2020

    " You punched my dead mom and my dad and set them on fire and let the devil live. And you know all those people. All those clowns who put on the masks the second he gave them permission to cause all this trouble. They hid their masks and they're just hiding and walking down the streets like nothing's wrong. "
    - BAO

  • 8.5
    Asger Oct 6, 2020

    Really great. Honestly this issue pulled of the entire arc. I am very happy with the conclusion, it's a bit hacky and corny sometimes but it still keeps the serious tone.

  • 8.0
    DDJamesB Oct 21, 2020

    I enjoyed the ending to the war. It felt a tad off but overall I liked it. The art was fantastic. I thought the clownhunter story showed a lot of promise.

  • 8.0

    The best part about this issue is Batman's numbering is in 3 digits again. Shouldn't it be reaching Legacy number 900 soon? Howbout restoring the numbering?
    As for the story, it gave a poor ending to what started out as a promising story. It was just another challenge to see if Batman could be driven to finally kill the Joker. I am so tired of that being the issue. Joker outdoes himself, someone challenges Batman's no killing rule, Joker gets caught, Batman is tempted to kill him, he rants on trying to drive him to, he doesn't. It's getting older and older. Joker stories always go the same.
    It seems writers want to outdo each other by taking Batman into directios he's never went before. God, I miss the days of 1-4 part stories w more

  • 7.5
    Spacey Medicine Nov 1, 2020

    This ended up just kind of going as expected. That bit with Clownhunter hit me wrong for reasons I’m not sure I can articulate.

  • 7.5
    Psycamorean Oct 6, 2020

    This was pretty good, if not very predictable. I don't think anyone is shocked by how this all played out, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing? It just means I wasn't as enthralled or excited by this issue as I could have been. But it was a good time, so I can't be too harsh. Also, this is the first issue where Clownhunter actually worked for me. But alas, I still don't like Punchline.

  • 7.0
    nekizt May 21, 2021

    I didn't like the way it ended. Story was forced to continue without a satisfying Batman-Joker confrontation. But still, it's hard to not enjoy this series because art is too good.

  • 7.0
    Hellblazer Oct 6, 2020

    Not the greatest of finale but better than some of the previous issues. Still it was a boring and rather lame story arc which does end on a mysterious note. Hopefully other arc would be better than what was served. (on a side note: i really thought Bao was going to become a Robin though there seems to be a possibility)

  • 7.0
    TheHyruleElf Oct 6, 2020

    Blah, I'd been enjoying parts of Joker War, but this ending kind blew it. Felt rushed and weird, and the Joker monologue was just bizarre (I guess Joker is an anti-capitalist now?) I dunno, it just felt wrong. And wtf was the point of that Bruce Wayne investigation if it was literally brushed away in a line at the end? They never showed it affecting Bruce, he's been Batman for this entire arc! That was literally pointless and I have no idea why it was in here. Unless Tynion does something amazing in #101 I'm dropping this book after 100. I have no interest left to give.

  • 6.5
    Batman Jones Oct 9, 2020

    I liked it. I didn't love it, apart from the art.

    But this is now the last three Batman runs, back-to-back-to-back, featuring what amounts to:

    City of Riddler
    City of Bane
    City of Joker

    Have a new idea, y'all.

    + LikeComments (8)
  • 6.5
    Criminology. Oct 6, 2020

    Well, I can say that I enjoyed some parts of the issue and it's probably my favorite issue of that whole arch, but that's not much to be honest . Overall I would say that it was not worth it in any way : not worth the hype, not worth the build-up and probably not worth the art.

    It's amazing how something intended to be so big, feels so small and shallow in the end, at least to me. And even if we put that aside, plus the fact how unoriginal even for Batman, that whole thing was, I think we still have a pretty weak story with great art to look at.

    Regarding the issue, finally something happened . Actually a lot happened and that's not even counting the bonus stuff and i kind of liked that, just for the change of pa more

  • 6.0
    Federico Liguori Jul 17, 2023

    I loved the story, but this ending is just... Meh. Batman leaving Joker to die? Joker escaping at the last second? Joker always coming back in weird ways? It's just safe and... Bland. Also, a lot of thins were left hanging. What about the theatres? How is Bruce back at Wayne Enterprises in a couple of days? I'm kinda disappointed.

  • 6.0
    DarePool53 Aug 30, 2021

    The early promise of Tynion's run has culminated in a damp squib. Art from Jimenez is brilliant as always, though.

  • 6.0
    Gizmo Oct 22, 2020

    All of our time spent fighting dead bodies, including zombie Alfred, didn't lead up to anything. I guess Bruce is supposed to be concerned about that happens to zombie Alfred, but who cares? He's already dead. Because of this, the climax has no impact. Even worse, it happens off-page.

    Even as I give this criticism, I'll acknowledge that this is one of the better installments of this arc, but that isn't a particularly high bar for this issue to clear.

    Also, I learned in this issue that Batman is immune to being stabbed in the back and gut. Amazing.

  • 6.0
    LunaMoody Oct 8, 2020

    Things about this issue I didn't like......

    What about the Bruce Wayne investigation ? Is that all there is to it? It would be nice to have this continue on for a bit. It could be interesting to have Bruce have to fight to reclaim not just his money but his standing in Gotham.

    Why is Catwoman just watching?????

    How did the Joker reanimate the dead????

    What about all the movie theaters? What had Joker planned with those? Punchline left us with the hint that the Joker had more planned before he was stopped. Did that involve the theaters? That line where the Joker said he only it to irritate Batman would have worked just as well with him having only done it at the one Bruce had gone to. Doing it all more

  • 6.0
    BlueAndEvil Oct 6, 2020

    Eh... after a lot of build-up, the threat was resolved very quickly. In fact, it wasn't really resolved, it was just "last issue of the arc, threat is done now."

    It was very pretty though.

  • 6.0
    Halodystroyer44 Oct 6, 2020


  • 6.0
    Batphantom Oct 6, 2020

    Well, the art is fantastic.

  • 6.0
    Afre Oct 6, 2020

    It was an okay conclusion to the forgettable Joker War, a big event that didn't feel like an event at all. Fortunately good art makes this better than it's supposed to be and Tynion writes Bruce better than King. I just didn't like how Tynion handled Joker, especially since this was released at the same time as Johns' "Three Jokers", which is much better.

    I'm rather waiting now what happens next when now Joker is finally out of Tynion's range. I always liked how he wrote batfamily.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 5.0
    Crimson Knight Oct 6, 2020

    It's fine. Nothing about this book and the whole arc to me is something we've seen before in a slightly different way without anything revolutionary to separate it. Jorge Jimnez's art is as always amazing, elevating the story to make somewhat memorable. Sadly for me at least it doesn't fix the stories problem. There's definitely people who don't agree with my opinion and i respect that, but if you ask me there are way way better Batman books. It's fine.

  • 4.5
    Liem Duong Oct 6, 2020

    Idk if it was the fact King was off the title or my expectations for an event titled " Joker War ", but this does not hold up to the amount of hype going in. All of Joker's planning and set-up all culminated in this extra size issue, and while playing with a really cool idea of the evolution of the relationship between Joker and Batman, is just muddled by all the fillers that happened prior and made extra-sized to catch everything and wrap it up.

    All the stakes that were presented just felt like cardboard in this issue. It got wrapped up in like 2 seconds. This is the problem. You drag the conflict out to make it look so detrimental and intense, just for it to be a much more water-downed version of what it really is. I'll give i more

  • 4.0
    spharing Oct 6, 2020

    I think that Tynion would be hard pressed to come up with an ending that’s more anti-climactic than the one he came up with for the Joker War. The arc started with a ton of promise but it just felt like Tynion bit off more than he could chew. So many aspects of this story went unexplored and the aspects that we did get to read about seemed underdeveloped. Tynion had 15 issues to write this arc and some how’s still only managed to give it an ending that felt rushed. Not to mention that this arc felt like a complete waste of the Joker and his only real role throughout the arc is to explain to Batman what is going on because this iteration of Batman is basically an idiot. The ending also leaves us in what feels like a weird déjà vu where more

  • 4.0
    FinanceGuy15 Oct 6, 2020

    Absolutely nothing of substance happened this entire arc other than introducing a bunch of Clown OC's and another "original" villain who knows Batman's identity.
    Worst part is they devoted the previous arc to setting up Joker War.

    Tynion may be a good horror writer but I've seen nothing from him that suggests he should be writing DC's premium title.

  • 3.5
    pizzamain Oct 9, 2020

    harley didn't want joker going back to arkham bc it wasn't safe yet she let him live by making batman LEAVE HIM to save harley???? so fucking dumb

  • 3.0
    Silver Rocket Oct 9, 2020

    Tynion has fundamentally misunderstood the characters of Batman and Joker.

  • 3.0
    Prodigalson16 Oct 6, 2020

    I'm done with Batman until Tynion is gone, one of the most underwhelming and lethargic stories I've seem come out of DC lately. Good art though...

  • 3.0
    Quinn Oct 6, 2020

    Is it just me? I see the "professional" reviews and for the most part, they loved the Joker War.

    But all I saw was a bunch of nothing. It's another all-out Gotham war. But Tynion's plot makes no sense. He restores the status quo (we don't know how much money Bruce has, but we all know in the end, he'll be or become a billionaire again. We know Alfred is returning).

    Punchline knows who Batman is. Instead of getting the last word and telling the world that, she plays "victim" to the Joker. Harley ties Joker up with a bomb and Bats walks away, but we're told the Joker escaped, not shown how he did it.

    The Joker sits around a diner with his hoodie up and no notices him? He jokerizes a sap and tells him that his more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.0
    Movie Jack Oct 6, 2020

    I had high hopes for this run. In the end all I got was great art with a story that had no real substance.

  • 2.5
    KErtneY Oct 7, 2020

    A very disappointing ending but the art is fantastic

  • 2.0
    雨人点雪 Oct 6, 2020

    I don’t know how to describe this whole arc. I don’t even know what happened in this story. There is NOTHING in this f**king Joker War.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    Svarietyy Oct 7, 2020

    A disappointing end. Will be dropping this book

  • 1.0
    Bat-ears99 Oct 6, 2020

    - First of all, I hate the implications that Batman can no longer be a good Batman without his wealth. In Red Son he's still able to become Batman despite having little to no money, so I think it's more likely he'd just stop being Bruce Wayne! Not to mention he literally bought the Justice League their satellite base, so they owe him that, and given that they value Batman highly they would give him the equipment and funds to do what he does. Plus he's still very intelligent, which would get him funds later in life. Even without his fortune, he still possess: genius-level intellect, physical prowess, martial arts abilities, detective skills, and is a brilliant scientist.

    - Second: "Batman just wants to retire and be a loving husb more

  • 1.0
    Batfan Oct 6, 2020

    How can you write a big event starring the joker so badly? How can you copy so many other stories and still write so badly? So much potential wasted. Should’ve been done by someone else.

    The whole run aside from the art has been garbage. Not worth ANY suspense or hype. Tynion can NOT write the joker at all, his joker is unlikeable, no humour, no charisma, just political. Not the joker I know. Hopefully the eye hole isn’t permanent. You don’t need to copy the dark knight returns too,Tynion.

    Punchline’s still annoying, the more I see her the more Harley like she is to me, done worse, as is all things with Tynion’s batman. Delusional and in love with the joker, just like Harley. Not surprising since Tynion hasn more

  • 1.0
    SenpaifenixJäger Oct 6, 2020

    This was a set of plagiarism that Tynion does from other writers, other numbers, only changing characters and modifying scenarios in a messy way.
    In short, all I need is for Harley to tell Batman "it's him or me" and throw a gun at him.
    That and all is giving Dick almost the center of all the action excluding the others.
    Too bad that such a mediocre and apathetic story ruins all art, which is the only decent thing in this issue.
    Wouldn't it be so hard on the rating if DC didn't revolve everything around Batman, give her the best stories, the best writers etc, for this? I think they kept the wrong people to stay, they are doing a very bad job.
    Oh and in the end when you think something different will really be done a more

  • 10
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