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VrStone reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4 Sep 20, 2022

Fitzmartin doesn't understand the characters at all and didn't made the basics of researches to write this. Just garbage. I literally just created this account just so I could say this.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Young Justice against the world! The fake reality that Superboy, Impulse, and Robin are trapped in has completely turned against them, sending the full force of the JLA and the Titans they grew up with against them. It will take all of their combined might to fight through this onslaught and find out who is responsible for their imprisonment. Meanw...

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Ebonyc reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4 Sep 20, 2022

One word: garbage.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Young Justice against the world! The fake reality that Superboy, Impulse, and Robin are trapped in has completely turned against them, sending the full force of the JLA and the Titans they grew up with against them. It will take all of their combined might to fight through this onslaught and find out who is responsible for their imprisonment. Meanw...

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Lal rated Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4 Sep 20, 2022

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Young Justice against the world! The fake reality that Superboy, Impulse, and Robin are trapped in has completely turned against them, sending the full force of the JLA and the Titans they grew up with against them. It will take all of their combined might to fight through this onslaught and find out who is responsible for their imprisonment. Meanw...

KErtneY liked this:

This book continues to not understand these characters.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Young Justice against the world! The fake reality that Superboy, Impulse, and Robin are trapped in has completely turned against them, sending the full force of the JLA and the Titans they grew up with against them. It will take all of their combined might to fight through this onslaught and find out who is responsible for their imprisonment. Meanw...

KErtneY rated Robin #17 Aug 30, 2022

Robin #17

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Aug 24, 2022

HEARTBREAK! Lord Death Man reveals the truth about Flatline! Can Robin forgive her?! Since leaving Gotham, Damian has grown and trained to be a hero, but now that story comes to an end as he's pulled into a shocking new story line that will test his role as Robin and his place in the DCU!

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KErtneY rated Robin #16 Jul 26, 2022

Robin #16

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jul 27, 2022

Robin's investigation into Lazarus Island is put on hold as Lord Death Man strikes. Damian and Hawke are called to Tokyo by Flatline to help her deal with her crazed mentor. Which means...killer-bros road trip!

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KErtneY reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 Jul 19, 2022

terrible writing, inaccurate, taken from tumblr, cheap excuse to shit on nostalgia.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

KErtneY rated Robin #15 Jul 5, 2022

Robin #15

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Damian Wayne is back from the Shadow War and licking his wounds the best way a Wayne knows how...brooding (duh). But in light of the shocking death in the al Ghul family, Robin resolves to dig deeper into the world of the Demon...and a return to Lazarus Island-with Flatline at his side-leaves him with yet another shocking revelation!  

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KErtneY rated Robin #14 May 24, 2022

Robin #14

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: May 25, 2022

FIGHT! Batman Inc. versus the League of Shadows versus the Secret Society! Deathstroke versus Talia...and only one will walk away from the fight alive! Robin knows the truth behind Ra's al Ghul's death and races to stop the Shadow War!

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KErtneY rated Robin #13 Apr 26, 2022

Robin #13

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Robin and Ravager have caught up with Deathstroke and Respawn! Can they convince Deathstroke to turn himself in...or fight to the death? And what startling revelation does Robin learn that shocks this story to its core? Plus, Batman goes deep into the conspiracy behind Ra's al Ghul's death and discovers it's bigger than he thought. He must call in ...

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KErtneY rated Shadow War: Alpha #1 Mar 29, 2022

Shadow War: Alpha #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Mar 30, 2022

"When Deathstroke assassinates Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul demands revenge and sends her League of Shadows to kill Deathstroke and Deathstroke Inc.! Batman and Robin must team up to track down Deathstroke and bring him to justice...but do they? Expect over-the-top fights, action, mystery, and betrayal as this crossover event creates a major impact ...

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KErtneY rated Robin #12 Mar 28, 2022

Robin #12

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Mar 23, 2022

Demon versus detective! The Lazarus Tournament is over, and Damian returns to Gotham a changed hero! But there is one last opponent he might fight to the death...himself. This lead-in issue to the epic Shadow War event is one you dare not miss!

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KErtneY rated Robin Annual: 2021 Feb 26, 2022

Robin Annual: 2021

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Dec 1, 2021

TALE OF THE TAPE! The League of Lazarus has introduced Robin to a wide range of some of the youngest, deadliest fighters on the planet-from XXL and his hype squad to Respawn and his Deathstroke fandom-and these killers mean business. But no fighter has made an impact on Damian Wayne like Flatline, the former sidekick of Lord Death Man and one of th...

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KErtneY reviewed Robin #11 Feb 22, 2022

Damian's first kiss!! I love this book

Robin #11

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Feb 23, 2022

They survived the League of Lazarus tournament! Damian, Flatline, Ravager, and Connor Hawke celebrate with the rest of the fighters, but their party quickly turns into another deadly fight! Secret crushes are revealed, hearts are broken, and Hawke has one last confrontation with an old enemy before he can return to his former life!

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Super Sons: Superman & Robin Special #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Jan 26, 2022

As the Super Sons, Jon Kent and Damian Wayne put evil to bed…past its bedtime. But a new day has dawned, and Jon Kent is now the Superman of Metropolis-all grown up and fighting for truth, justice, and the kinds of grown-up things that Superboy was only beginning to understand as a child. Now a ghost from Jon’s past has reared its head, and to ...

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KErtneY rated Robin #10 Jan 25, 2022

Robin #10

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jan 26, 2022

The Lazarus Tournament has ended, but Mother Soul is not going down without a fight! As Damian Wayne battles for the fate of his family line, a last-ditch effort by an unlikely ally will lead to a major power shift in the DCU! It’s Robin versus his hyper-powerful great-grandmother in a battle so gripping you’ll need an extra butterscotch candy ...

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Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jan 12, 2022

One thousand years in the future, a Legion of Super-Heroes comes together to dedicate their lives to recapturing the great age of heroes of the 21st century. When the heroes discover that reality is falling to a great darkness in both times simultaneously, the Justice League and the Legion of Super-Heroes must team up to stop it all. But what is th...

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KErtneY rated Robin #9 Dec 28, 2021

Robin #9

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Dec 29, 2021

The Lazarus demon rises! The deadly end of the League of Lazarus is at hand! Countless fighters have fallen! And now, to save everyone on Lazarus Island, Damian must go one-on-one with a literal giant demon. Can Damian utilize everything he’s learned in the tournament, or will he die for the last time?

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KErtneY rated DC vs. Vampires #2 Nov 23, 2021

DC vs. Vampires #2

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt
Released: Nov 24, 2021

The war for the very survival of the human race has begun! A mysterious new vampire lord has already put a plan in motion to conquer the Earth, and the first step is-destroy the Justice League! But the World’s Greatest Detective might be Earth’s last hope, and it’s time for the Bat-Family to hunt!

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KErtneY rated Robin #8 Nov 23, 2021

Robin #8

By: Joshua Williamson, Max Dunbar
Released: Nov 24, 2021

It’s time for a rematch! Robin and Connor Hawke face off for round two in their winner-take-all battle for League of Lazarus supremacy, but with the tournament nearing its end, what surprises does Mother Soul have up her sleeve? I hope it doesn’t involve that massive, hellish pit and the immortal monster lying within it-aw beans, it’s about t...

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KErtneY rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 Nov 17, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

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KErtneY rated Robin #7 Oct 27, 2021

Robin #7

By: Joshua Williamson, Max Dunbar
Released: Oct 27, 2021

It was the smooch heard ‘round the world…and it’s the one thing Damian Wayne DIDN’T see coming his way in the Lazarus Tournament! As Robin battles for the secrets of eternal life against the deadliest killers on the planet, can he-will he-DARE HE-survive…a girlfriend?

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KErtneY rated Robin #6 Sep 29, 2021

Robin #6

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Ding ding ding! Let the tournament begin! The most ruthless fighters in the DCU compete for the ultimate prize: eternal life. To win his first round, Damian Wayne faces two times the danger and two times the trouble: it’s Ravager and Flatline versus Robin!

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KErtneY rated Robin #5 Aug 24, 2021

Robin #5

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Robin reunion! Nightwing, Red Hood, Tim Drake, and Spoiler guest-star as they track Damian down with a plan to bring the young hero back to Gotham. Back to his family. But the son of Batman plans to win the Lazarus Tournament and refuses to return. What starts as a happy reunion quickly turns into a Robin rumble!

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KErtneY rated Justice League #66 Aug 3, 2021

Justice League #66

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Phil Hester
Released: Aug 4, 2021

The Hall of Justice has been invaded by the cosmic threat of the Synmar Utopica, and it will take the full force of the United Planets, led by Superman, to defeat it without destroying Earth in the process. Meanwhile, the secrets of Checkmate are being whispered among the Justice League, and that spells trouble for Green Arrow and Black Canary. All...

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KErtneY rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #1 Jul 28, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El #1

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Jonathan Kent has experienced a lot in his young life. He’s traveled the galaxies with his Kryptonian grandfather and lived in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes, who were intent on training him for the day his father, Clark Kent, could no longer be Superman. There is a hole in the Legion’s history that prevents Jon from knowing exactly...

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KErtneY rated Robin #4 Jul 27, 2021

Robin #4

By: Joshua Williamson, Jorge Corona
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Damian Wayne versus his grandfather, the immortal Ra’s al Ghul! For years, Batman’s son avoided learning the ways of the Demon from Ra’s, but now that training may be exactly what Robin needs to win the League of Lazarus tournament.
Plus, Ravager follows the mysterious Respawn into the secrets of Lazarus Island!

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SamComics reviewed Robin #3 Jun 22, 2021

At long last, Robin fans must be screaming with the solo series. I like how it goes, I think this series is the best of the robins so far, and the most enjoyable that DC has put out this year.

Robin #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Jun 23, 2021

It’s a beach party from hell! Robin’s mission to get to the heart of the League of Lazarus's inner workings has left him once again locked in combat with his fellow fighters, but never did Damian Wayne think it would lead to a beach-blanket cookout. What’s more dangerous than a life-or-death struggle for the all-or-nothing prize of immortalit...

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daspidaboy reviewed Robin #3 Jun 22, 2021

Solid issue, it makes sense for Robin to hallucinate Alfred and read manga since he's a KID. People may not like the ending of this fight, but this is really engaging and interesting.

Robin #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Jun 23, 2021

It’s a beach party from hell! Robin’s mission to get to the heart of the League of Lazarus's inner workings has left him once again locked in combat with his fellow fighters, but never did Damian Wayne think it would lead to a beach-blanket cookout. What’s more dangerous than a life-or-death struggle for the all-or-nothing prize of immortalit...

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BlackQueen - Jun 22, 2021

Excuse? what? What the hell are you talking about?, what manga, what hallucinations? Dude, please if you can't control it don't consume it, I think you're talking about another comic.

KErtneY reviewed Checkmate #1 Jun 22, 2021

Boring and pointless, this was long waited by no one, save your money, don't waste your time

Checkmate #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jun 23, 2021

From the award-winning creative team behind last year’s Event Leviathan comes the next surprising chapter in DC Comics’ deadliest saga. Leviathan has agents and acolytes all over the world, but what is the secret behind its power? The planet’s last, best hope to infiltrate Leviathan may be this motley collection of spymasters, now teamed up t...

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