Batman #83

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 20, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 73
7.7Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

+ Pull List

It's chapter nine of "City of Bane," and it's time for a reckoning in Gotham City! Thomas Wayne has joined forces with Bane, and that alliance threatens to throw a monkey wrench into Batman's plans. And as Bane's evil army begins to crumble, the Caped Crusader must face the real force behind it all. As the end of this epic tale grows near, Batman and his allies have a choice: let Bane stay in power and guarantee the city's survival, or risk everything to break free!

  • 10
    AIPT - Vishal Gullapalli Nov 20, 2019

    King and Janin bring the feeling of grief into this comic in a way that makes it one of the most impactful books they've ever created. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Nov 26, 2019

    In an interview, Tom King claimed that he was going to do “something no one's ever seen for the character. It's something that's going to change the character for a generation, or maybe more. Maybe forever.” And with Batman #83, he has delivered on this promise. The question now is where does the Batman go from here? Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Nov 20, 2019

    Janin's art is dark, haunting and filled with emotion. You can see the rage, anguish, pain and determination on Bruce's face and Janin is able to make the masked man expressive in ways I haven't seen from other artists. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Nicole Drum Nov 20, 2019

    Comic books, at their best, tell stories by showing and not telling. Batman #83 does that in a way that is rarely seen anymore and it may well make this heartbreaking issue the crown jewel of the entire run. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Batman Universe - Paul Shanly Nov 20, 2019

    This issue is poignant, bittersweet, and frankly, is a beautiful goodbye to a long-standing member of Batmans world in an issue that ties together the themes that the writer has been playing with for over eighty issues, and if you are going to kill a major character, this is how you let them say goodbye. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 20, 2019

    King has two more issues to wrap this arc and his run on Batman. Considering the work here and the tease for next issue it seems like he will stick the landing. The big question is how many readers will be around when it concludes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    On Comics Ground - Timothy Quail Nov 20, 2019

    Tom King's Batman has only 2 more issues (not including this one). Somehow he finds new twists and turns, where most writers would be handling the resolution. His story is barreling to the finish line and it will be impossible for it to stop without some drastic changes in the end. These last few issues need to be read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Nov 21, 2019

    The art is pretty great here. Janin does an amazing job of making this whole thing work. Even though it is short, it does pack an emotional wallop. And that is a really great thing indeed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer Nov 20, 2019

    This issue really is just an amazing follow up to the last issue and it made me so happy to see King give s a differentstyle of story telling, but still keep us entertained and hooked just like we were in all the action of the last one. I know there have been ups and downs with Kings run, but he is truly one of the greatest to write the character and these last few issues are a great reminder of that. This issue is also a great Segway into the end of the series and will get you pumped to see what coming. King just did such an awesome job on the last page and reminds us why Batman is one of our favorite heroes. Batman issue issue 83 is available today so please do yourself a favor and pick this one up at your local comic shop the digital copy from your favorite on,Jen retailer. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Sequential Planet - Alex Marks Nov 21, 2019

    Batman #83 is heartbreaking and poetic. Bruce's reaction to the death of his butler, best friend and father figure is polarizing. Tom King's writing in this issue is fantastic and is perfectly matched with art from Mikel Janin and Jordie Bellaire.Bat-fans, this is an issue you should read. If you felt the way Alfred died was unfair, this issue makes up for it in tenfold. Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 20, 2019

    Batman #83 delivers a touching tribute to an iconic DC hero, even as it justifies the need to kill them off. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David DeCorte Nov 21, 2019

    BATMAN #83 is a meditative chapter, offering a touching sendoff for one of the most iconic members of the Bat Family. Well-paced storytelling, all backed by excellent artwork. This one is definitely worth adding to the collection. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Charlie Ashby Nov 20, 2019

    Bellaire returns on color duty and makes excellent use of them in this issue. As Bruce is stuck in one specific location for most of the book, we see that depicted with various darker colors and blue tones. When both Bruce and the reader are aware of all the answers in the arc, the colors begin to brighten up and illuminate from out of the dark. Cowels adds some fantastic lettering, which combined with Janin's art helps depict motion throughout the story. Overall, King utilizes his strengths by focusing on the theme of fatherhood in this moving issue of Batman. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Nov 21, 2019

    It's looking like it may already be too late for thisBatman run to avoid suffering that fate. But issues like this still give us moments to appreciate. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 22, 2019

    With the end of King's run in sight, Batman #83 should tug at your heartstrings, as we gear up for the Dark Knight's final confrontation with Thomas Wayne. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Nov 20, 2019

    Batman #83 offers readers an intimate look into the Dark Knight's psyche, seating them beside Batman, allowing them to experience and work through the same pain that he is experiencing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Nov 23, 2019

    Batman #83 was a fine send-off for Alfred that also moved the plot along. Perhaps King was a little to liberal with the teary-narration, but the strength of the plot and the art make the issue work. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 23, 2019

    It's all solidly written and the art is amazing, but the content and the plot leave a sour taste in my mouth. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Nov 20, 2019

    Tom King may have the strangest sense of pacing in the DC stable, and it alternates between fascinating and frustrating, especially in reading Batman #83. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Nov 21, 2019

    He gave readers more than enough time to process Alfred's death that Batman #83 misses being the home run it should be. In making that choice King placed an even bigger spotlight as to how slow these last several issues have progressed the actual "City of Bane" storyline and how the villain this event was named after has become a complete afterthought. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Nov 20, 2019

    While the scenes in this issue are powerful, they come at a bad time in that this run is about to comes to an end and at the end of the day, nothing really happened in this issue. Batman listened to a message. It was a powerful message but at the end of the day, that's all it was. I'm giving credit to this issue for how good the dialogue was. However, I also have to discredit the issue for once again giving us a classic Tom King issue, where nothing seems to happen. 5.5/10 Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Impulse Gamer - Matt Fischer Dec 4, 2019

    Tom King had me for 81 issues, but now I'm just ready for this to be over. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Nov 21, 2019

    As much as I want to recognize and praise Janin's art in my score, I can't. The theme and message of this book is too vile and I refuse to stand behind it in any way. Read Full Review

  • 10

    Heavy issue. I can't lie Alfred's message hit me in the feels. When he says he made a vow like Batman did, only to see Bruce smile again... and how he saw that for a brief moment before it was taken away. By the end I really wanted Batman to kick his father's ass so hard. I got some Solid vs Liquid Snake vibes from this upcoming showdown and I am all in.

  • 10
    Linkush Nov 20, 2019

    This is probably the most emotional issue in the entire arc so far. Bruce learns about the death of Alfred which brings him to tears. The dialogue in this issue is mostly Alfred's last words to Bruce. Alfred recounts important events from Bruce's life, from the death of his parents to the wedding that never happened and concludes that Bruce will be happy again, smile again because he was already happy before and that he always finds a way to turn tragic events into something Hopeful. It's a powerful message.

  • 9.0
    Anotherfan Nov 20, 2019

    Beautiful and touching issue

  • 8.0
    Grifter Nov 21, 2019

    I dunno, I keep reading and putting high ratings to this comic book, because it feels interesting and emotional during the reading, but I feel so frustrated afterwards and opening new issues feels like doing a regular chore. Despite my overall positive rate for this run, it feels so catastrophically for the character, that I’m excited that it ends soon. Not excited for the Tynion run tho.

  • 8.0
    LunaMoody Nov 20, 2019

    I liked parts of this issue. Before I get to that though let me start with what I hated about this issue......
    1. Alfred's lack of faith in Bruce. After all the things Alfred has witnessed Bruce/Batman over come and defeat how could Alfred so easily give up believing in his being able to beat Bane and Thomas.? Alfred above anyone should have faith in Bruce. So to have him lie and bring about his own death and say that he did it to keep Batman from being defeated is bullshit.

    2. I swear I would love to shove Kings poem books up his hoohaw. Enough with the damn poems already. We get it you don't know how to write yourself out of the hole you wrote yourself into. Talk it out with someone and then write some actual story.

  • 7.5
    mrDovydas Dec 1, 2019

    Decent emotional issue. Not sure if this was needed at this exact point (it does make sense to have this issue here, but it would probably be fine as an epilogue), but I definitely did not mind reading this one.

  • 7.5
    allenquanobi Nov 20, 2019

    Not bad, but decompressed as hell. This is still the decompression we've come toe xpect from this run, but this issue did hit the emotional resonance that it promised. I'm a sucker for Alfred-Bruce stories, and this did touch me a little, albeit until the end, when it goes to what we expect, another confrontation with Flashpoint Batman. Hopefully the next issue will answer how he got here or what he wants, as it promises.

  • 7.0
    RBL Nov 20, 2019

    This issue is solid, it’s actually touching despite Tom King.

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 5.5
    egonnn244 Nov 21, 2019

    "There are no good deaths"

    I was expecting another disappointment. Another empty issue masquerading as something profound. I was ready to trash this issue. But now that I've read it, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

    Alfred's dead. I was still hoping, believing the solicitations for future comics are just misdirections. They are not. And Batman still throws a little tantrum and there is poetry filling in as dialogue (that I just skipped), but there are some redeeming qualities about this issue.

    First of all, the art. Mikel Janin did great here. You can see an actual pain and sorrow on Batman's face. Even though he is wearing his cowl.

    Second, more important. King didn't do it with his deat more

  • 5.0
    KittyNone Nov 21, 2019

    This could have been a really poignant issue if City of Bane weren't so interminably long that I don't care even when it's good anymore. Lovely art though.

  • 4.5
    M1sf1r3 Dec 5, 2019

    King's Batman has really fluctuated in quality throughout his entire run but especially in City of Bane. Now that we are on the ninth chapter, let's see how it goes.

    The Good:
    Bruce's emotional reaction this issue is great.

    Mikel Janin's art is also wonderfully done.

    Alfred's lines were greatly done.

    The Bad:
    Using a poem doesn't make you look smart. I would know, that's how I would write my English assignments and it didn't go so well.

    Bruce planning on committing suicide when he was younger doesn't add much to his story in my opinion. Though it will probably differ from those who have gone through that process.

    Not much happens within this issue. more

  • 4.5
    superstan52 Nov 20, 2019

    I've read more poetry reading King's run on Batman than I ever did in college, or since. Not what I read comics for. I agree with all the other criticisms about miraculous healing/discontinuity between issues, etc. My main complaint is the entire story line makes no sense, including FB (not "father" - why does Bruce call him that?) thinking killing Alfred will make Bruce give up being Batman? I could go on, but it's not worth it.

  • 4.0
    JBL Reviews Nov 22, 2019

    I paid money for what? 2 pages of anything happening?

  • 3.5
    DarePool53 Dec 27, 2020

    What should be a profoundly emotional event is cheapened by King's self-indulgence. Hysteric tantrums and hoaky poetry do not a poignant issue make.

    Moreover, when you have an artist of Mikel Janin's undeniable skill at your disposal, why is so much text required? Oh, I know, it's because Batman is not about Batman, it's about King showing off what a literary virtuouso he thinks he is.

    Batman and Robin #18 of the New 52 is the apotheosis of a poignant, modern Bat-Family book (and contains not a single word of text).

  • 3.5
    Spacey Medicine Nov 26, 2019

    Haha dang I guess all the people who die after being shot in the stomach are just a bunch of chumps, lol. Also I want to be sad about Alfred but this all just feels so distant and sterile and I don’t care. I don’t care about Thomas either. I don’t care about any of this.

  • 3.0
    OracleJack Nov 27, 2019

    Art is gorgeous. Batman continues to be one of the best drawn books. Which is a shame because while the art carries the story forward, there isn't a lot of story here. We are seconds before the book ends and the (SPOILER) has completely lost it's impact. A lot of continuity errors too. How is Batman ok hours after being shot? Or Catwoman after getting snapped? There is no finesse anymore. Neither the solicit nor the cover have anything to do with the story.
    Despite not progressing the story and being decompressed, this issue feels rushed. It's definitely better than the previous issues which is good but the book desperately needs a new editor.

  • 3.0
    Psycamorean Nov 20, 2019

    I don't care about any of this. I'm glad now we have confirmation that Bruce was suicidal at his young age and he did make the vow to be Batman at that same young age. That was an argument between friends that has now been resolved... I mean, I get what King is going for here, but we as readers have known Alfred was dead and have processed that for months now. The wound, if it existed at all, is no longer fresh, it's clotted and scabbed over. This was too little, too late. I don't have any anticipation for the final, final, super final confrontation between Bruce and Thomas. Why doesn't Thomas just brainwash Bruce? He pulled out all the stops to manipulate and psychologically damage his son, but he won't just brainwash him. I guess that'd b more

    + LikeComments (25)
  • 2.0
    KFuqua Nov 21, 2019

    Tom King continues to prove that he should not be writing for DC. The art is nice, though.

  • 2.0
    Afre Nov 20, 2019


    I really don't have anything other to say here. City of Bane that has no Bane in it.

    Broken Bruce who wasn't really broken.

    Alfred who is dead, but nobody cares and buys it.

    Summary so bad and full of lies, but is still better and has more story than this issue.

    Art so good it almost makes you miss the wanna-be-deep-done-bad-writing.

    This doesn't make feel anything. Alfred's death means nothing to me right now. Huh. I guess that is an accomplishment.

    What will happen next? Who even cares at this point.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 2.0
    Talon1load Nov 20, 2019

    Wow. Just wow. This is the more humanized Batman? Last issue this guy got shot in the gut and this issue he's completely fine. In this run he's been shot, had his throat slit, and broken his back multiple times to just pretty much walk each off as if nothing happened. This isn't a humanized Batman, this is a terminator Batman who is emotionally stunted. Don't worry though because Tim magically recovered from being impaled 2 issues ago as well. The only one who's injuries seem to stick is Alfred, who has been dead for months our time but who knows how long in comic time. I'm assuming he's been dead long enough to be getting pretty ripe though. King steals some more poems to fill up space because he's unable to come up with anything more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 2.0
    Quinn Nov 20, 2019

    More of the same from King. Lots of words in text boxes amounting to nothing happening. Again we are told, not shown. First we see Bats discover Alfred's body while a poem is recited (I don't know which one, sorry).

    Then we "hear" Alfred tell Bruce how much he loves him by talking about things like Bruce's first steps, etc. Again, we're not shown Alfred participating in Bruce's life via flashback. We only see Bruce bust up Wayne Manor to the sound of Alfred's narration.

    The issue ends with Bruce entering the Batcave and his "Dad" saying are you through being Batman, I hold all the cards. Bruce says no, end of issue.

    So to recap. Bruce finds Alfred's body, gets mad and prepares to fight. That's a whole issue more

  • 2.0
    Nihilist Nov 20, 2019

    I've seen porn movies with more plot than this disaster of a comic. Once more, King tries (and fails) to mask lack of an actual plot with a second narrative, pretending its poetic themes match whatever's happening on the issue's pages. And also, once more, he ends a meaningless, shallow comic on a cliffhanger teasing what may come... and eventually, I can bet, it won't. I've been burne too many times in the last 2 years, so I bet the next issue will be as bad and pointless as this one.

    And you know what's the tragedy of this run? I don't care about it. 83 comics, out of planned 85, and I feel nothing. I observe what happens, but I'm not even angry, I have zero interest in what King has planned for the big conclusion. Just finish more

    + LikeComments (13)
  • 1.0
    Sup3rsa1yan1990 Nov 25, 2019

    Tom king is the worst writer of all time

  • 1.0
    CaptnAmerca Nov 22, 2019

    King and Bendis in a two way race for Worst DC Writer.

  • 1.0
    Detective Chimp Nov 21, 2019

    This book goes to nowhere. King and DC are just wasting our time. "City of Bane" is ending and all we got is our beloved Alfred dead and so is Bane. DEADS FOR NOTHING but vacations in the beach with Bat and Cat... I was on King's side, even when I really disliked those ridiculous Gotham superbrothers. I still think "War of Jokes and Riddles" is an Instant Classic. I even loved the non-wedding... Then, all started to crumble till this very day when every new issue is a Real "Knightmare": getting worse and worse, more slow, boring, and ridiculous. People reviews says 1 when critics say 10, but we know critics (and some people) make good money for his tender reviews. That's why I really respect Joshua McDonald from Batman News.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 1.0
    Death's Head Nov 21, 2019

    Oh this was just terrible. Like, peak terrible. Even the art was bad. The story was worse. 20 pages for something that could have been done in 2. Just get this shit over with...

  • 1.0
    Rascal4Hire Nov 20, 2019

    Mikel Janin's art gets drowned by bad plotting. Alfred's death has zero emotional impact because it happened two months ago and even before it happens we know it won't stick because of Doomsday Clock and the upcoming Crisis. Alfred deserves better. Murdering characters is Tom Kings "thing". But as with every storytelling tool it must be used sparingly or else it ends up being a joke. How many characters has Tom killed in the past 12 months? See the problem here? I'm a fan of Kings earliest work. This is just rushed garbage. He knows it. He's smart enough to understand how ridiculous it is to make Batman try to break a brick wall when there are windows he can escape. Yes. It is symbolic. But it's also bad, very bad.
    This is the equivale more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 1.0
    myconius Nov 20, 2019

    Tom King has Batman crying YET again!
    maybe Alfred wouldn't have died if Bruce didn't leave him in danger in the first place. this really makes Bruce look like a complete failure. how is it that Alfred was even a prisoner of Bane's in the first place?

    Tom King is just NOT a good writer.
    he has no idea how to create, innovate or inspire.
    all he knows how to do is destroy.
    King is leaving a nasty smelly mess that other writers will have to clean up after him.

    this issue is decompressed filler, with further insight to how or why Flashpoint Batman is even there. Tim Drake shows no sign of damage from being stabbed in his chest. absolute TRASH!

    + LikeComments (59)
  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 9.5

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