Rascal4Hire's Profile

Joined: Jan 30, 2019

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Rascal4Hire rated Nailbiter Returns #1 Jun 9, 2020

Nailbiter Returns #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Mike Henderson
Released: Jun 3, 2020

    SERIES PREMIERE! JOSHUA WILLIAMSON & MIKE HENDERSON'S CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED HIT HORROR SERIES RETURNS! Sixteen of the world's worst serial killers were all born in the same small town...but Agent Finch and Sheriff Crane solved and buried that mystery.
Didn't they?
Violent copycat murders imitating the infamous Bucka...

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Joker #1

By: Brian Azzarello, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jun 10, 2020

The Clown Prince of Crime celebrates 80 years of chaos! The Joker has been the greatest villain in comics since his debut and to celebrate we have a who's who of comics' finest talent giving the Harlequin of Hate the birthday roast he deserves. The stories feature a range of terror and anarchy, showing how the Joker has impacted Gotham City from th...

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Rascal4Hire rated Batman #92 Jun 9, 2020

Batman #92

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Jun 10, 2020

The greatest heist in history is underway in Gotham City, courtesy of the mysterious crimemaster known as the Designer! Batman knows what he needs to do, but in order to stop the plot, he must first escape the most ingenious death trap the Riddler has ever devised!

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Batman: Secret Files: Secret Files #3

By: James Tynion IV, Sumit Kumar
Released: Jun 10, 2020

Spinning out of the pages of Batman! Discover the origins and motivations behind the cabal of assassins who have come to Gotham to stop Batman from enacting his plans to save the city-including Deathstroke, Cheshire, Merlyn, and the new threats of Mr. Teeth and Gunsmith. What brought this team together, and who is frightening enough to boss Deathst...

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Rascal4Hire rated Harley Quinn #73 Jun 9, 2020

Harley Quinn #73

By: Sam Humphries, Sami Basri
Released: Jun 10, 2020

Los Angeles turns on everyone eventually, and now it's turned on Harley Quinn! As she discovers more about the death of her friend, she decides it's time to leave town-but the wrestling league she almost considered a family won't let her go! She's hit on a big conspiracy-and it just might kill her!

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Swamp Thing: New Roots #2

By: Mark Russell, Marco Santucci
Released: Apr 29, 2020

Swamp Thing scours the bayou when an old friend goes missing, but all the while, an unexpected enemy is coming for Swamp Thing himself...

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Green Lantern: Season Two #3

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Apr 29, 2020

Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp continue their master class in comic book entertainment as Hal Jordan remains grounded on Earth by the Young Guardians. But when U.S. Air Force general “Herc” Stone reenlists “Highball” Jordan for a mission to locate his missing pilots, including Hal’s ex Cowgirl, Jordan discovers an alien presence more dange...

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Rascal4Hire rated Aquaman: Deep Dives #3 May 12, 2020

Aquaman: Deep Dives #3

By: Steve Orlando, Ken V Marion
Released: May 6, 2020

Aquaman and Tempest race to stop an enraged monster that has escaped its magical tomb under the city of New York.

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Rascal4Hire rated Metal Men #6 May 12, 2020

Metal Men #6

By: Dan DiDio, Shane Davis
Released: May 13, 2020

After Platinum finds out that she is based on a real woman Magnus used to know in college, she sneaks away to search for her human counterpart...and learns the twisted reason for why she "loves" Magnus so much. Meanwhile, back at Magnus Mountain, Nth Metal Man seems to have some bigger plans of his own with someone else from the Dark Multiverse...

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Rascal4Hire rated Lois Lane #10 May 12, 2020

Lois Lane #10

By: Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins
Released: May 13, 2020

Armed with new information about the assassin stalking her, Lois goes on the offensive, while Renee struggles with wielding what may be the most powerful weapon of them all: the truth.

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Rascal4Hire rated Harley Quinn #72 May 12, 2020

Harley Quinn #72

By: Sam Humphries, Sami Basri
Released: May 13, 2020

Some mysteries just don't want to be solved! As Harley digs deeper into the death of her friend, it becomes clear that there are forces in Los Angeles that don't  want her this close to the truth. Will Harley be broken by the City of Angels, or will she be able to avenge her friend's death? And will she be able to convince Booster Gold that he is...

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Batman and the Outsiders #12

By: Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy
Released: May 6, 2020

Batman goes over the edge! With everything that's happened in Gotham City and Ra's al Ghul's personal attacks on the Dark Knight and his team of Outsiders, Batman lashes out and uses his all his anger and skills to take down Ra's and his new League of Assassins on his own. Will the Outsiders be able to pull him back from his rage-or will they find ...

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Batman: The Adventures Continue #3

By: Alan Burnett, Ty Templeton
Released: May 6, 2020

Slade Wilson has come to Gotham and that has the Dark Knight suspicious. Robin, however, thinks the swash-buckling mercenary is just here to help. Is Deathstroke a friend or foe and what are his plans for Batman?

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Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace #3

By: Amanda Conner, Daniel Sampere
Released: May 6, 2020

Wonder Woman thinks she’s saved the day when she stops an asteroid from crashing into the Earth-but a fragment of it lands near the shores of Gorilla City, unleashing an alien horror upon the unsuspecting simians. Now the Amazing Amazon must stop the creature before the entire gorilla race is destroyed!

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Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace #2

By: Amanda Conner, Daniel Sampere
Released: Apr 29, 2020

Wonder Woman must rescue Lois Lane on an expedition to the treacherous mountain K2! Lois is hot on the trail of a missing group of female climbers who are hoping to conquer the peak. But what dangers lurk in k2’s snow-covered caverns – and can Princess Diana keep the Daily Planet’s intrepid reporter safe?

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Rascal4Hire rated Flash #753 May 8, 2020

Flash #753

By: Joshua Williamson, Brandon Peterson
Released: Apr 29, 2020

In this “Flash Age” interlude, the Fastest Man Alive must find the Reverse-Flash to stop Paradox’s annihilation of the Flash legacy. But catching a time-traveler is extremely difficult, and the Flash’s quest to find Eobard Thawne takes him to tragic moments in time he never thought he’d have to revisit.

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Batman: Gotham Nights #3

By: Michael Grey, Ryan Benjamin
Released: Apr 29, 2020

Batman is hot on the trail of a series of murders in Brazil, where government officials and various captains of industry have been mysteriously murdered by their own bodyguards. None of the assailants knew each other, but the Bodyguard Murders story went viral. As the Dark Knight starts assembling the pieces of the puzzle, he notices the things all...

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Rascal4Hire reviewed Action Comics #1020 Feb 26, 2020

Just a mess with a bunch of forced characters and plots. John Romita's art is usually hit or miss. We got a miss here.

Action Comics #1020

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Apex Lex Luthor's first run-in with the Infected didn't go as planned, and the Batman Who Laughs' influence is continuing to spread. Now Lex must find out who in the world can think like the Batman Who Laughs-and there are only two folks who come to mind. The first is Batman, who probably has his own ideas for Lex; the other is The Joker, who also ...

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Rascal4Hire reviewed Leviathan Dawn #1 Feb 26, 2020

Excellent art wasted on a boring story. A thriller that offers no thrills or excitement. Also the book is nothing more than an ad for things to come. As I said in other reviews, Bendis stopped caring because none of these stories will matter with the reboot.

Leviathan Dawn #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Exploding out of the pages of the Event Leviathan miniseries, this all-new special blasts the DC Universe into a dangerous and brave new future! With Leviathan arrived, its leader's identity revealed, and its plans known, what happens next? Now the heroes fight back! Leviathan changed the rules of the game, so now's the time for the biggest players...


I went in this book mostly because I like Tynions writing. But the whole thing feels so forced, the dialogue is stiff and robotic, the plot seems thrown in just as a filler for the art. There's been a considerable decline in the quality of DC's output. I think it's because everyone prepares for 5G and none of these stories will matter in a few months so writers and editors stopped caring.
I more

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3

By: James Tynion IV, Steve Epting
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Apex Lex Luthor's first run-in with the Infected didn't go as planned, and the Batman Who Laughs' influence is continuing to spread. Now Lex must find out who in the world can think like the Batman Who Laughs-and there are only two folks who come to mind. The first is Batman, who probably has his own ideas for Lex; the other is The Joker, who also ...

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Rascal4Hire reviewed Justice League #41 Feb 19, 2020

Early to mid 90's DC stuff. I get it that this is a fill in till the reboot but the team could at least try. Sad cause Venditti is a good writer.

Justice League #41

By: Robert Venditti, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Invasion of the Supermen! Eradicator and his strike team sweep across Earth with devastating consequences. The Justice League finds itself battered and overwhelmed by an enemy more powerful than even Superman. Batman and Green Lantern plan a counter assault, but it can't work without the Flash, whose connection to the Speed Force has become unpredi...

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What started as an exciting series ends in a train wreck. I call bull on the ending, it's so obvious that an editor or intern ghostwrote this. The kissing page was cringy. Yet another DC book that delivers a, unsatisfying non ending.

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #6

By: Jody Houser, Adriana Melo
Released: Feb 12, 2020

It's the end of the road for our Gotham City sirens...and the revelation of Poison Ivy's shocking secret will rock you to your core! Will Harley Quinn be able to make the ultimate sacrifice to become the hero she so desperately wants to be? Or will old habits die hard and end Harley and Ivy's friendship forever?

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Rascal4Hire reviewed Batman #89 Feb 19, 2020

5G is coming and apparently there's not a lot of interest in good stories. Apart from one last page detail it's pretty standard bread and butter DC stuff. Nothing exciting. I originally thought about giving it a 5 but this comes right after an entire run of slow pacing. Tynion needs to ramp it up very fast. Everything feels slow and unexciting.

Batman #89

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Batman must stop Deathstroke from killing the mayor of Gotham City! But to do so he has to figure out who ordered the hit in the first place. If his four main suspects aren't 'fessing up to the crime, then is there someone even more sinister lurking in the shadows waiting to deliver the coup de grâce? Whoever it is, one victim will fall under thei...


A very slow start for a book with limited number of issues. It's OK I guess if you like DCEASED but it lacks the plot density of the original book. Art feels plasticky.

DCeased: The Unkillables #1

By: Tom Taylor, Karl Mostert
Released: Feb 19, 2020

The blockbuster DC series returns to answer this question: What did the villains do when the heroes failed and the world ended? Spinning out of the dramatic events of 2019's smash hit, writer Tom Taylor returns to this dark world with a street-level tale of death, heroism and redemption. Led by Red Hood and Deathstroke, DC's hardest villains and an...

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Rascal4Hire reviewed Action Comics #1019 Jan 31, 2020

- This. This is a trainwreck.
- Which thing is a trainwreck?
- THIS is a trainwreck!
- A trainwreck?
- Yes! A trainwreck..
- I see it now, it's a trainwreck.
- This is what I told you from the start, a trainwreck.
- A trainwreck.

Action Comics #1019

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 29, 2020

One of the biggest battles in Superman history tears through Metropolis as the super-villain team-up of Lex Luthor, the Legion of Doom, and Leviathan come to change Superman's city forever! The blockbuster creative team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson create a Superman epic for the ages-as the Man of Stee...

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Rascal4Hire reviewed Justice League #39 Jan 31, 2020

Being a long time fan of JL and Snyder I can say that this is not only disappointing but offensive. It's exactly the same thing DC did with Batman or Event Leviathan. A build up with no ending or resolution that it's only purpose is to sell a different book. It's unfair and "scammy".

The elephant in the room: Editors not doing their job and instead forcing their own opinions.
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Justice League #39

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jan 29, 2020

In the wake of the Justice/Doom War, the Justice League finds themselves stranded at the far end of the universe and facing a challenge they've never faced before. But what will they find on their journey? Has their battle with Perpetua had consequences reaching farther across the cosmos than they ever imagined? Superstar scribe Scott Snyder says f...

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Rascal4Hire reviewed Batman #86 Jan 8, 2020

I was expecting this issues for a long time. Unfortunately Batman still fails to deliver. This is a bread and butter issue, nothing really exciting. No strong points. It's definitely better than King's emptiness but for it's price it's not good value for money. I'll give it three more issues but if things don't drastically change to the better, I think this will be my goodbye to the book till the more

Batman #86

By: James Tynion IV, Tony Daniel
Released: Jan 8, 2020

It's a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he's not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.

Rascal4Hire reviewed Suicide Squad #1 Dec 19, 2019

Almost good. Not quite there. Hope it gets better.

Suicide Squad #1

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...

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Rascal4Hire rated Justice League #38 Dec 19, 2019

Justice League #38

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Dec 18, 2019

"Justice/Doom War" finale! Lex Luthor is triumphant. Perpetua is back to full power and ready to take on the Multiverse, to bend and twist the whole of existence to suit Doom. Has the Justice League finally come up against a foe they can't defeat? Perpetua is the mother of their universe after all, the original creator. In war, there can only be on...

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Gotham City has been remade. Omega reigns supreme. Can Batman finally accomplish what no other hero has and free the world from his dark reflection's shadow? Or is it too late for the recreated Caped Crusader?

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