Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 18, 2019 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 68
9.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Gotham City has been remade. Omega reigns supreme. Can Batman finally accomplish what no other hero has and free the world from his dark reflection's shadow? Or is it too late for the recreated Caped Crusader?

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 18, 2019

    Wrapping this chapter of their solo Batman run is artist Greg Capullo, who delivers more of the signature style on Batmans universe that has become his hallmark since the mid-portion of this decade. From multi-paneled pages to stunning full page pieces, Capullo delivers some amazing work bolstered by the inking of longtime collaborator Jonathan Glapion and the gorgeous coloring by FCO Plascencia. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Sequential Planet - Geoffrey Luu Dec 29, 2019

    Batman: Last Knight on Earth ranks as one of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's greatest stories; this concluding issue absolutely sticks the landing. Last Knight #3 sees the New52 Batman creative team at their peaks as they close the book on the character, delivering an incredible story, fantastic art, and a ton of cameos and callbacks to both the New52 Batman run and the greater DCU. Last Knight on Earth is a must-read for Batman fans; while it's sad to see this version of the character reach the end of his journey, it could not have ended on a higher note. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer Dec 18, 2019

    If you haven’t had a chance to get into Last Knight, you must live under a rock first of all, and second you really need to pick up the first two issues as well as this one. I promise you, you will send me an email thanking me for telling you to do so. It is very sad for me to have to wrap this last review up and if any of you want to have a cry as well I am here for you! It is not all that sad though because the team made sure to give this last story their all and make sure they left off with a bang. Last Knight in Earth #3 is available today so please, run, walk, ride you bike, drive, have your mom take you, I don’t care how but pick it up now! Its been a hell of a ride Scott and Greg and from the bottom of my heart, Read Full Review

  • 10
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Dec 18, 2019

    This was a fantastic story with what I see to be a very deep meta-commentary on Bruce, Gotham and its place and impact in DC. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Dec 22, 2019

    In Batman: The Last Knight On Earth #3, Snyder demonstrates the common thread of DC's Rebirth initiative. Snyder presents us with a horrendously bleak dystopian future for the DCU, yet Batman redeems that future, reviving the hope that lies at the heart of the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 18, 2019

    A run like this deserves an equally epic mic drop, and while Snyder and Capullo aren't going anywhere " they're likely the creative team on the next great DC event come summer " this is the perfect ending for their Bat-run. Much like Doomsday Clock, this is destined to be a timeless DC classic. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 18, 2019

    Greg Capullo's art is amazing. He fills the characters with brilliant details and the action is composed like a brutal, beautiful dance. Every panel is gorgeous to look at and they complement the tone of the story perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Dec 24, 2019

    Capullo's art is especially amazing here. These two have had an amazing time on Batman. You honestly couldn't ask for a better ending. It really is the perfect end that Snyder and Capullo have created. Kudos, gentlemen. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Dec 28, 2019

    Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3 is an issue that echoes with legacy, serving as the perfect send off to one of the most acclaimed Batman creative teams in recent history. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 18, 2019

    This is a fitting and satisfying end to Snyder and Capullo's final three-issue arc. It capitalizes on the concept of a Batman who would clone himself, pays off on new reveals of the future, and most importantly makes strong statements about Joker and Batman himself. If this is their final word on the character, they've done an admirable job capturing a unique purpose for him as he serves as a shining beacon to hold the line even when there's only a glimmer of hope. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    GWW - Nick Friar Dec 18, 2019

    Snyder always makes the mistakes believable. Honestly, Snyder's execution of those mistakes in Batman: Last Knight on Earth and Dark Knights Metal is the linchpin in each of those stories. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Morgan Hampton Dec 18, 2019

    It's like you've gotta go through so much hell before you can achieve true happiness, but it's the hell that puts the happiness in perspective and allows you to appreciate it. If this is truly Snyder and Capullo's last teamed take on the Caped Crusader, what a better way to send him off? They have tortured him senselessly over the years, all the way up until the final pages of this book. And finally he's repaid with a younger, less injury-ridden body and a world that he gets to help jumpstart instead of one he's trying to save. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Dec 24, 2019

    Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo do an excellent job ending their Batman run with Batman: Last Knight On Earth #3. They present a story that could very well be the final Batman story told and are successful in crafting a world that captures your imagination. While Batman is the star of the show there are plenty of characters, like Wonder Woman, Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon, that get time to shine. Having all these characters play a key role in the story made Batman: Last Knight On Earth an even more fitting end to the epic run on Batman that Snyder and Capullo crafted together. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Dec 18, 2019

    The writing, even with its hiccups and flaws, is on point and the art is top notch, and all in all it's just such an epic adventure featuring Batman and several members of the Bat family. If you don't mind wordy comics and if you have an open mind with regards to the way some characters are being written, you're likely to have a good time. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    You Don't Read Comics - Jason A. Fleece Dec 21, 2019

    Snyder and Capullos collaboration on Batman has been an achievement, any way you look at it, and the first two issues of this series were an exciting part of that monumental task. Its unfortunate, then, that Batman: Last Knight on Earth leaves so much unexplained. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Christian Hoffer Dec 18, 2019

    Last Knight on Earth, in my opinion, was the best Batman comic of the year, with amazing artwork, a weird and psychedelic story, and a firm understanding of Batman's role in the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Dec 20, 2019

    I've loved this series, and have a feeling that I'm not alone. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 18, 2019

    This is a story of wild creativity rather than something refined and harnessed as a narrative - and as such, will not be for everyone. But for those who have already been won over by Snyder and Capullo's voices as comic book creators, they will probably find enough to enjoy with this over-the-top swan song. Read Full Review

  • 10

    Very odd for a Batman story, but also incredible. I loved everything about this book.

  • 10
    huz Dec 18, 2019

    Weird and surprisingly optimistic. A great final issue from Snyder and Capullo.

  • 10
    M1sf1r3 Dec 18, 2019

    Man, it has been forever since the previous issue of Batman: Last Knight on Earth. Let's see how Snyder and Capullo go with landing this final issue of their Batman.

    The Good:
    Something that this issue highlights so well is Batman's relationships with his family, enemies, allies and himself.

    I love the post-apocalyptic world that Snyder has crafted in this series.

    This series pays issue to every arc in Snyder's run and it is great.

    Omega is an interesting twist. He was interesting enough and stood as a good parallel for the Last Knight Batman.

    Capullo's art is fantastic in this issue.

    A great conclusion to Snyder's tenure on Batman and Capullo's time on the more

  • 10
    allenquanobi Dec 18, 2019

    If this is really the end of snyder and capullo on Batman, I must say bravo. I loved it, Snyder may have fallen off the wagon since metal with batman, but this series cemented at least for me, his love and great knowledge of the character. It's about Batman being human and not an automaton, cough cough Tom king. Batman is not a depressed maniac who fights an endless war on crime, he is happy, his choices in life may not be the greatest nor end in the a happy ending, but he makes the most of his situation and continues the good fight, while opening his life up to others. This book made me really emotional about that and now that Snyder is apparently ending his story on Batman with this, it makes me even more emotional. Great stuff. And more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 10
    Danny Dec 17, 2019

    To give you a scope regarding the deeply intense intimacy found in this issue: Re-read issue 51 of Scott Snyder's run (if you can) and then read this monster. It's a fully-fledged swan song celebrating Snyder's run, Batman + Joker, DC, and superheroes in general. And that's the tip of the iceberg because I don't know where to even begin concerning Greg's insane pencil-work. Then you have the colors, the ink-work, the letterer...

    This is a pure superhero comic (with an edge, of course (Black Label)) through and through. What a way to end the decade. Seriously. Now to wait for the absolute edition...

  • 9.5
    Azrael Dec 31, 2019

    A great end to a great series! Snyder and Capullo really outdone themselves here. I would like to see the Darkseid head hold a bit more power in death and maybe Batman should have left Omega broken instead of killing him but these are small gripes that don’t take away from a good short series.

  • 9.0
    EDiakota Dec 21, 2019

    " No, Not Joker... Robin. "
    - Robin (Joker)

  • 9.0
    Nihilist Dec 18, 2019

    Hot damn, Snyder, what have you created? A world that one maxi series can't do justice. There's just too much to tell here, so much to explore, to leave it as it is. And I wish DC does exactly that - while the main continuity is pretty divisive these days, and the percentage of underwhelming, stagnant or boring series seems to be on the growing trend, elseworld comics offer much needed refreshment, unpredictability and freedom for both writers and readers. Last Knight on Earth passes in all three categories. From the beginning, it was a quality series, with its own indisputable identity. I wish there was more comics like this - ones not afraid to take risks and be their own things, but at the same time not change things for the sheer shock more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 9.0
    Linkush Dec 18, 2019

    Oh man, I'm going to miss Snyder and Capullo's Batman.

  • 8.0
    Liem Duong Jun 20, 2020

    ***Reviews the entire series***

    What can I say. It Snyder, its Capullo, and they are back with their " final story " of Batman. 10 years in the making and it all culminated into Batman: The Last Knight on Earth. A Mad Max version of Batman's life. To start, this comic series is fun. And is well worth it for its pricing. It follows a journey of a recently awakened Bruce discovering what happened to a bare-ridden Earth, and what happened that him when before who woke up.

    Art by Capullo is amazing, as always. Capullo always had a way with Batman that really shined his technique and linework of both characters and landscapes. And the colors are so vibrant and eye-catching. The covers are fire as well.

    Writing more

  • 8.0
    Psycamorean Dec 18, 2019

    This was good. That's it. I had a good time reading it, but I don't think I fell in love with it like everyone else seems to. Maybe it's because I don't hold the same reverence for Snyder's Batman as most people. This was a fun Elseworlds, and that's it for me.

  • 7.5
    Gizmo Apr 4, 2020

    There's a lot that I like here, particularly the Joker playing the role of RoboRobin, that was hilarious. Some of this actually went over my head, I must have waiting too long since reading the first two issues, I'll have to reread the whole series at some point.

    Question: what is blind Jim Gordon supposed to be monitoring in that van?

  • 7.0
    Spacey Medicine Jan 30, 2020

    This was fine, but not really my thing, sadly.

  • 6.5
    ohhaimark Dec 21, 2019


    -This was good. It tried a bit too hard at times, but overall I had a fun time.

    -Well, I mean, yeah. The art’s amazing. I think that’s why I liked the last issue so much; it was basically a showcase for Capullo’s art. This issue was more plot-focused, and it took down my enjoyment just a bit.

    -This is a great depiction of Joker. His connection to the story felt forced in that Scott-Snyder-everything’s-connected sense, but as far as his personality goes, he’s the most likable person in the comic for me. His humor’s solid and there was a bit more here in regards to the exploration of his relationship with Batman.

    -I liked the middle of this issue the best. It had a fun, heis more

  • 6.0
    Darkseid24 Dec 19, 2019

    It wasnt bad, but not great either.
    However I am quite annoyed by these evil versions of Bruce& him gaining the Anti life equation& enslaving/ abusing everyone is quite over the top. If Bruce gets corrupted, whenever he has some sorts of power then this doesn’t make him look like a hero, because he breaks & betrays his morals way too easily. I honestly also expected more, when it comes to Omega‘s identity. So this is another Batman fanboy story, where he is too overpowered. The other characters, be it villains or heroes arent used well in this issue. They are just there, but don’t really have a purpose in this story.

    As for Joker he is fun in some scenes, but I don’t know, why Batman 2.0. suddenly decides he is a f more

  • 5.0
    Tempra16v2.0Turbo Apr 1, 2022

    Old Lady Harley is more fun

  • 5.0
    drwasheewashee Feb 20, 2020

    Waste of capullo art. Snyder shoehorning and spelling out the themes with a mess of a story.

  • 1.0
    Pallaki Jan 9, 2020

    Really the best that Snyder can do is that turn for a villain? This is absolutely terrible story.

  • 1.0
    Maud Benjamin Dec 18, 2019

    I can't agree with Snyder's view on Batman. This is a book full of edgy stuff but lack of true sentiment. Also Snyder's obsession with Batman and the Joker being friends is so weird.

  • 10
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